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the Kushans

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joined may 2015
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0 topics on the Kushans
6 posts by the Kushans
1 post
+16 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
Naive is good
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+4 votes
can the USA be fixed?
Wow, it's hard to remember this is what human beings can be.

can the USA be fixed?
in England we grew up loving American cowboy movies and the hero was always the same: quiet, cool and strong. to an outsider it seems this guy is dead and the cunt that owns the town and is always looking for more is the new America

Yes, if people like the ones at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston become leaders.

there has been so much more killing since then and as beautiful as this inspiration is, its hard to imagine there is enough love anywhere to stop the mass murder that is part of regular life now

Nasa is the best ambassador the US has, if they took 1/3 of the military budget and put into space travel the US would be back like Jordan.

Space travel for what? Branson is going to operate consumer flights, but how many times can billionaires fly to ISS before they get bored? Not many people can afford $150k for a short vacation.

tourism will always remain in the back seat. the commercialization of space has been about serving the planet as a whole with communications, its brought up the un-cabled world just like mobile phones have brought up the last mile. there is huge potential in energy production and distribution coming next.

space travel for discovery, learning and inspiration. the world could really use a moment of peaceful triumph.

Branson has sold tickets for twenty years without delivering a ride not sure how he is relevant to anything here.

Elon Musk estimates 5-10 years to get to Mars. At present the cost is $1 Billion per ton, so it'd need to be 1/1000th of the cost, apparently. The ship will also need to be reusable.

Traveling Mars is also not a point and shoot mission. You have to coordinate launches with the alignment of the planets' orbits to travel the shortest distance and not fly past the sun. This also requires a stay on Mars as you wait for safe realignment after landing. Current technology estimates a 21 month round-trip given a ~3 month stay on Mars. Money is not the biggest hurdle.

go open source, add new states, virtual citizenship and most of all healthy competition with other nations not war

Competition in what? Our largest industries are healthcare and pharma. Getting Americans to change is a huge hurdle.

competition for new citizens, with decreasing population the game is going to change and the usa at least remembers how to play

No, this country is cursed, theres a lot of bad karma waiting.
k-rino has a nice rap-recap on this
k-rino has a nice rap-recap on this

outlaw political donations there's plenty of free coverage to get the pitches across anyway.

Peter Breggin. MD, former psychiatrist who took on the APA when profit motive became greater than the hypocratic oath doctors take to "first, do no harm", became the conscience of Psychiatry. Later in life he has runs a radio show exposing those persons involved in the Globalization Movement that is quickly eroding the common person's civil rights and creating barriers to those who choose to leave a work culture where your boss becomes your God and if you are lucky, you may receive paltry insurance and limited sick leave....the US is a nation of brainwashed drones who.probably have never had an original thought in their lifetime.
Dr Breggin advises us little people to organize and speak a patriot....but look who we are up against....
Any lbs out there know of a better place to live where meager pensions are paid to elders who have to live on $2k a month and paid in Social Security taxes since they began work over 30 years agos. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and others like him repealed the formation of a self sustaining retirement system that President Clinton wanted.....
This is the tip of a gigantic iceburg to which any organized public outcry can be crushed by the Patriot Act.
Not to mention US top organizations, including the military, continue funding the weaponization of a once benign bat virus...
Population control has begun....freedom of speech has been compromised by media spin doctors, and a true Republic has turned communist......these globalists like Bill Gates, President Biden, George Soros, and anonymous billionaires are acting against law and liberty to defund any classes of us with little money, and spin doctor the media to brainwash us to believe we are having racial tension; what really is happening is class warfare.
Why do billionaires want just their money but the commoners money too? How much is enough to live on?
I get mad and feel compelled to stop the US from becoming part of the Communist Party of China.
Rather than dwell on frustration, I will smoke some kush mints so I can even sleep!
Dr Breggin advises us little people to organize and speak a patriot....but look who we are up against....
Any lbs out there know of a better place to live where meager pensions are paid to elders who have to live on $2k a month and paid in Social Security taxes since they began work over 30 years agos. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and others like him repealed the formation of a self sustaining retirement system that President Clinton wanted.....
This is the tip of a gigantic iceburg to which any organized public outcry can be crushed by the Patriot Act.
Not to mention US top organizations, including the military, continue funding the weaponization of a once benign bat virus...
Population control has begun....freedom of speech has been compromised by media spin doctors, and a true Republic has turned communist......these globalists like Bill Gates, President Biden, George Soros, and anonymous billionaires are acting against law and liberty to defund any classes of us with little money, and spin doctor the media to brainwash us to believe we are having racial tension; what really is happening is class warfare.
Why do billionaires want just their money but the commoners money too? How much is enough to live on?
I get mad and feel compelled to stop the US from becoming part of the Communist Party of China.
Rather than dwell on frustration, I will smoke some kush mints so I can even sleep!

The population grew to large. The citizen / individual is now a defunct concept. Group politics prevail. Democracy is dead.

The country is too big to properly manage. To many different rules per state. The poverty and opioid epidemic is absolutely shocking beyond belief. Equality issues. Mad presidents and to many super rich families. Now
Letβs all head on down to Walmart to keep that cycle continued ππ
Letβs all head on down to Walmart to keep that cycle continued ππ

This guy never existed it was all hollywood fiction,now they are more likely to show America defeating the universe and saving humanity as they struggle to try and persuade everybody they are still the good guys and not a bunch of screaming mad nazi thieves going about the planet threatening other nations and causing wars and misery where ever they go.

americas greatness came from common values attracting immigration from around the planet. make that again and yall have a chance

1 post
+18 votes

how hard is it to get skills anymore?
started topic

how hard is it to get skills anymore?
the growing divide between rich and poor, the loss of jobs to immigrants and robots, youth unemployment, nearly every economic problem is caused by a lack of value producing skills.
but why? nearly everything you could do in this world can be learned for free with this little invention called the world wide web. i think you have heard of it even if you don't have an expensive computer.
a p.o.s. android phone and free wifi has you in many of the finest classrooms on earth, you don't need a wing named after your grandfather anymore.
if you don't have the patience for this there is a youtube video for 21st century dummies on nearly every lesson on earth, pause, rewind, learn at your own pace for free.
yeah sorry, the assembly line that paid for 3 weeks off isn't hiring anymore, neither is the lord's farm or those stone hauling gigs down in egypt. things have changed - for the better.
but why? nearly everything you could do in this world can be learned for free with this little invention called the world wide web. i think you have heard of it even if you don't have an expensive computer.
a p.o.s. android phone and free wifi has you in many of the finest classrooms on earth, you don't need a wing named after your grandfather anymore.
if you don't have the patience for this there is a youtube video for 21st century dummies on nearly every lesson on earth, pause, rewind, learn at your own pace for free.
yeah sorry, the assembly line that paid for 3 weeks off isn't hiring anymore, neither is the lord's farm or those stone hauling gigs down in egypt. things have changed - for the better.

Acquiring knowledge is different to acquiring skills.
You're not going to learn how to deal with patients, or good bedside manner, if you're a nurse, from a YouTube video.
Nor dealing with livestock if you're a farmer. These things come with time on the job.
I do agree though that your average degree, certainly in humanities, can be done from your sofa.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this amount of knowledge at our fingertips.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB
You're not going to learn how to deal with patients, or good bedside manner, if you're a nurse, from a YouTube video.
Nor dealing with livestock if you're a farmer. These things come with time on the job.
I do agree though that your average degree, certainly in humanities, can be done from your sofa.
The Internet is a wonderful thing. I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have this amount of knowledge at our fingertips.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB

knowledge + experience = skill
Just from what I see in my work, only the people with experience know what to do when the plans inevitably fail π
knowledge + experience = skill
Just from what I see in my work, only the people with experience know what to do when the plans inevitably fail π

As someone who taught themselves both web design and marketing as a single mum I tend to agree.
I now have a thriving career 7 years later!
I now have a thriving career 7 years later!

Try to think from the perspective of a business owner. Sifting through resumes. Bachelor's. honours. Doctorates. Oh no. This mad lad has googled it. Hire him now

Anyone can acquire the skills that they want, it just depends upon how dedicated they are. I mean there's a shit ton of skills that i want to master and learn, but usually i'm busy with other things. The internet is a wonderful thing. But also, it takes a lot of time to learn certain skills and most people like my self are quite lazy and can't be asked to learn new things, unless they really want to.

True but I'm not sure about "anymore". It's always been possible for motivated people to acquire skills, it's easier now but I don't think that is going to change the dynamic. People are afraid and or lazy when it comes to pursuing things that aren't right up in their face.

Find something that fascinates you. And just will yourself to know everything there is to know about it.
There is knowledge, there is wisdom, and there is also passion.
If you donβt have a passion for something. Youβll never truly know about it. And if you donβt truly know about it, youβll never gain true wisdom.
- Ringo Starr 1932
There is knowledge, there is wisdom, and there is also passion.
If you donβt have a passion for something. Youβll never truly know about it. And if you donβt truly know about it, youβll never gain true wisdom.
- Ringo Starr 1932

Actually all of our problems are due to over population. One person can do more work now due to technology. Also humans keep on devaluing themselves by constantly breeding. Itβs the law of supply and demand. The fewer of us there are the more valuable we are to employers. When we breed out of control then employers can pick whoever they want. Thatβs my opinion;)

Norman Tebbit rebooted.
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants for one job at Tesco?
Have you thought about trying a different Tesco? Hmm?
Don’t question increasing stratification of haves and have nots, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
200 applicants for one job at Tesco?
Have you thought about trying a different Tesco? Hmm?

I get what your saying but the person carrying out the skilled job more often than not needs proper training and certification if not just for the client but more importantly for insurance purposes!

Insurance would work a lot better if there were public records of outcomes on a blockchain rather than a certification authority that inevitably becomes a racket.

This is true from the perspective of individuals, but what about societies. Societies like governments take most f our resources under the auspices of producing better outcomes.
If society says yeah anyone can do anything if they play the game right that's a fail. It should be a matter of course that an honest and motivated person is going to do well but that's not what we have. The only sure thing in our society is access to power.
If society says yeah anyone can do anything if they play the game right that's a fail. It should be a matter of course that an honest and motivated person is going to do well but that's not what we have. The only sure thing in our society is access to power.

1 post
+1 votes

What is the best DIY bong?
When we were little the wikihow salesman used to come door to door with books like this
Holy shit! Did that in school 15+ years ago. Do kids even have pens at school anymore!?!?!

I bought a device on eBay that screws onto almost any bottle, turning it into a bong. When the bong water gets nasty just throw the bottle away and attach it to a new bottle. It's not completely DIY but it still has some merit nonetheless. Besides, nobody likes dealing with bong water and it's easier to hide when compared to a regular bong.

where were you . Back in the day I remember so many times we could have used this. why didnt we ever think of this. lol.. love it. thankyou

When we were little the wikihow salesman used to come door to door with books like this

That they would sell newer versions of there Bong every few months. That cost more then the last one and has miner improvements. Auto makers found it didn't work for them but it has worked for Apple

If you mean best and don't mind finding some tubing and drilling you will have something that beats most expensive bongs

Cut the bottom off a 2 litre bottle of pop, stick it in a bucket of water, use a milk bottle foil cap to to make a cap and fill with weed. Light it and pull up. Make sure you press down as you inhale.

Ahhh the old bucket method. Takes me back to the 90s that one!
We used to do these with a cheap bottle of pop from Kwik Save, a foil KitKat wrapper, and then go to the local park and subtlely make use of the penny wish fountain!
The good old days! ππ
Cheers BB ππ
We used to do these with a cheap bottle of pop from Kwik Save, a foil KitKat wrapper, and then go to the local park and subtlely make use of the penny wish fountain!
The good old days! ππ
Cheers BB ππ

we once used a drinking fountin bottle, a speaker grill (for gauze) and pulled it in a m8's bath ...lmao

Haha awesome
Try, a 500 ML soda bottle + a few inches of garden hose + cake icing socket... voila !! Homemade shotgun bong
Try, a 500 ML soda bottle + a few inches of garden hose + cake icing socket... voila !! Homemade shotgun bong

The bottle and small pipe combo is the most quality and convenience I have ever had the high honor to imbibe.
You take a real simple weed pipe, metal or glass, and stick it in the mouth of the bottle.
If the bottle is plastic use any sharp object to stick a hole at the base.
Hold the bottle horizontally, put a straw in that hole and prepare for a monstrosity of a hit.
If it's a glass bottle you need something super sharp for the hole at the bottom, the tip of a strong knife or an ice pick does the job easily.
Water is optional, you don't need and its hard to balance. The best part of this is no cleanup, chuck the bottle when you are done, imagine a bong with a disposable chamber, that's what you got now bro.
You take a real simple weed pipe, metal or glass, and stick it in the mouth of the bottle.
If the bottle is plastic use any sharp object to stick a hole at the base.
Hold the bottle horizontally, put a straw in that hole and prepare for a monstrosity of a hit.
If it's a glass bottle you need something super sharp for the hole at the bottom, the tip of a strong knife or an ice pick does the job easily.
Water is optional, you don't need and its hard to balance. The best part of this is no cleanup, chuck the bottle when you are done, imagine a bong with a disposable chamber, that's what you got now bro.

I think what you have there is a DIY steam roller, I had one of these and loved it, yes water is totally optional its the expansion that does the magic and water is almost guaranteed to make a mess.

Pringles tube!!
can make joint or burning Bong, put ice cube in base of it..
Delish and mouth piece is big and makes air tight seal on my fat cheeks π
can make joint or burning Bong, put ice cube in base of it..
Delish and mouth piece is big and makes air tight seal on my fat cheeks π

Some genius Bong ingenuity here!
Another pro cannabis point proven from this topic alone:
You give smokers a bunch of weed and nothing to smoke it with and suddenly they become engineers! Brilliant. : D
Another pro cannabis point proven from this topic alone:
You give smokers a bunch of weed and nothing to smoke it with and suddenly they become engineers! Brilliant. : D

My special skill is that I can McGyver a bong out of almost anything.
Basically, as long as you have tin foil you can do anything. Make pipes: a few wraps, tight around a pencil, seal with scotchtape lengthways. Fan out the end before doing so. Tear a circle of tinfoil, and a pin ("anyone wearing a badge?"), open the back page of an unloved book, place the foil on the paper, and tap the pin up and down repeatedly and you have a perfectly serviceable gauze that you can poke in the end of your fanned pipe.
I prefer not to smoke out of anything plastic. Just seems like we know not to burn plastic in the outdoors, so keep that shit away from your lungs, right?
Fruit has always been a friend for the thrown together party bong. Watermelon is obviously beautifully carvable. Always thought a papaya, with its natural internal chamber and a couple of pipes would probably be viable. Poke holes into the fruit with a screwdriver or, if you don't have one, a pencil or pen.
Finally, you can make an incredible ice bong, but it's a faff. Get two barbeque skewers. Place them in a pint glass, of water with the ends 10cm from the bottom of the glass. I made an inverted kind of A frame with some tinfoil to hold them. If you do the same, keep the crossbar out of the water. Freeze the glass.
Boil the kettle. Use a combination of twisting and pulling to extract the metal skewers. Then, tilt so that one side is facing down over a sink and slowly pour boiling water into the holes. Eventually, you'll have a bong. Make a tin foil gauze. Smoke like a muthafking champion.
Basically, as long as you have tin foil you can do anything. Make pipes: a few wraps, tight around a pencil, seal with scotchtape lengthways. Fan out the end before doing so. Tear a circle of tinfoil, and a pin ("anyone wearing a badge?"), open the back page of an unloved book, place the foil on the paper, and tap the pin up and down repeatedly and you have a perfectly serviceable gauze that you can poke in the end of your fanned pipe.
I prefer not to smoke out of anything plastic. Just seems like we know not to burn plastic in the outdoors, so keep that shit away from your lungs, right?
Fruit has always been a friend for the thrown together party bong. Watermelon is obviously beautifully carvable. Always thought a papaya, with its natural internal chamber and a couple of pipes would probably be viable. Poke holes into the fruit with a screwdriver or, if you don't have one, a pencil or pen.
Finally, you can make an incredible ice bong, but it's a faff. Get two barbeque skewers. Place them in a pint glass, of water with the ends 10cm from the bottom of the glass. I made an inverted kind of A frame with some tinfoil to hold them. If you do the same, keep the crossbar out of the water. Freeze the glass.
Boil the kettle. Use a combination of twisting and pulling to extract the metal skewers. Then, tilt so that one side is facing down over a sink and slowly pour boiling water into the holes. Eventually, you'll have a bong. Make a tin foil gauze. Smoke like a muthafking champion.

Bag bong-get a 2 litre pop bottle cut bottom of,then attach a pedal bin bag to the bottom where its cut of with tape,then attach a length of string to the bottom of the bag so you can pull it to draw the smoke in,then cut a hole in the cap and make a bowl with some foil,put holes in with a pin-done.
Put your choice of cannabis in the bowl when lighting it have your foot on the string and pull up,the smoke will enter the bottle as the bag is drawn out.
Unscrew the lid and inhale ALL the smoke,hold,then blow it back in and pull on the string again so it fills up again,repeat until all the smoke is gone.
You will be high as fuck.
Some call these a lung.
Put your choice of cannabis in the bowl when lighting it have your foot on the string and pull up,the smoke will enter the bottle as the bag is drawn out.
Unscrew the lid and inhale ALL the smoke,hold,then blow it back in and pull on the string again so it fills up again,repeat until all the smoke is gone.
You will be high as fuck.
Some call these a lung.

These are what we grew up on as kids smoking awful soap bar hash π€£ we called it a βlungoβ where we were from.
Iβll never forget that a 15mm socket fits perfectly into a coke bottle lol
Iβll never forget that a 15mm socket fits perfectly into a coke bottle lol

We made a coconut one once, didn't last long.
My goto was
Plastic Plumbing down pipe
Aerosol can lid that fitted snugly.
Bluetack or silicone around the base to help keep it airtight
Electrical tape on the outside at the top of the can lid, again to keep airtight
Copper plumbing pipe, with a connector on the end for the bowl.
Made a hole in the plumbing tube, heated up with a lighter, you can push the copper tube through.
More bluetack/ tape or silicone around that area so it was airtight.
Rush hole about an inch above and to the side.
Finally name it, we always called them Billy.
All items provided by grandparents garages!
My goto was
Plastic Plumbing down pipe
Aerosol can lid that fitted snugly.
Bluetack or silicone around the base to help keep it airtight
Electrical tape on the outside at the top of the can lid, again to keep airtight
Copper plumbing pipe, with a connector on the end for the bowl.
Made a hole in the plumbing tube, heated up with a lighter, you can push the copper tube through.
More bluetack/ tape or silicone around that area so it was airtight.
Rush hole about an inch above and to the side.
Finally name it, we always called them Billy.
All items provided by grandparents garages!

Someone should get on to Carlsberg. Currently, Carlsberg don't make bongs but if they did, they'd probably be the best bongs in the world

Small Fanta bottle, they're already the right shape. Lighter to make holes on front and back in the right places for a rush/carb and a downpipe. Then use a bit of garden hose for downpipe with a bit off a socket set in the end to use as a cylinder cone. Then either a circle cutting from the metal gauze in a coffee percolator as a screen, or a piece of foil with some pin holes in, or just a small ball of foil. Schmoke it up in style, all for the price of a small bottle of Fanta. ππ¦

The simplest bong/pipe I made was a used can of coke.Dent the can enough to rest weed on and put pinholes in it, simples!

Some of my favourite emergency methods...and I consider myself a bit of an expert...
Pop a L shape hole through an apple, carrott or similar using a kebab stick, scoop out a cone with your fingernail. Chuff away.
"Pin ups" Flip a badge on it's back stick a lump of hash on it, ignite and stick any glass over the top. Slide the glass to the edge of a table and suck the cooled contents out of the gap.
Bamboo Bong - Made by Thai locals in seconds with a couple of swipes of a machete. Scoop some water from a stream and your off.
Papaya stem (hollow with a coney end) straight into a cola bottle seal the neck with your lips and finger. Hey presto. Indonesian bong.
Pop a L shape hole through an apple, carrott or similar using a kebab stick, scoop out a cone with your fingernail. Chuff away.
"Pin ups" Flip a badge on it's back stick a lump of hash on it, ignite and stick any glass over the top. Slide the glass to the edge of a table and suck the cooled contents out of the gap.
Bamboo Bong - Made by Thai locals in seconds with a couple of swipes of a machete. Scoop some water from a stream and your off.
Papaya stem (hollow with a coney end) straight into a cola bottle seal the neck with your lips and finger. Hey presto. Indonesian bong.

1 post
+0 votes

do you think discord is safe?
its very big with gamers
Depends what you consider as 'safe'.
As rule of thumb, for anything that involves private communication:
If its proprietary, closed source, for profit and Freemium. Then the profit is the user. Through either advertising or by selling various types of data. Up to custom experiments with some algorithms to see what user behaviour it triggers or stops. Most don't realise that every move you make on the web is yet another experiment inflicted on you to measure response. The whole web has become some sort of human behaviour test lab. But that's another story.
So Discord, with the info I found, does qualify as 'safe' to use to chat with some friends, but anything but 'safe' for prying eyes. Its all vague, some claims are made on security but none of it is backed up by any evidence. Companies that do this are the ones that get breached first. If you develop a software and make claims on security, what would be the reason, not to have that claim, backed up by an independent research?
I honestly didn't even know that it existed, first time I hear about it.
As rule of thumb, for anything that involves private communication:
If its proprietary, closed source, for profit and Freemium. Then the profit is the user. Through either advertising or by selling various types of data. Up to custom experiments with some algorithms to see what user behaviour it triggers or stops. Most don't realise that every move you make on the web is yet another experiment inflicted on you to measure response. The whole web has become some sort of human behaviour test lab. But that's another story.
So Discord, with the info I found, does qualify as 'safe' to use to chat with some friends, but anything but 'safe' for prying eyes. Its all vague, some claims are made on security but none of it is backed up by any evidence. Companies that do this are the ones that get breached first. If you develop a software and make claims on security, what would be the reason, not to have that claim, backed up by an independent research?
I honestly didn't even know that it existed, first time I hear about it.

I know. To use it to chat when gaming, or to have some chat group, server ... : excellent stuff.
Just don't use it if you want to make sure that your communication is private, there are better solutions: CryptoCat, TorChat, Jabber, ... which ideally would be used over a dark net or a mixture of dark nets. (Tor, I2P, JAP, JonDonym , ...)
Just don't use it if you want to make sure that your communication is private, there are better solutions: CryptoCat, TorChat, Jabber, ... which ideally would be used over a dark net or a mixture of dark nets. (Tor, I2P, JAP, JonDonym , ...)

1 post
+3.2 votes
Harvey Weinstein For President
i'd say the lawyers either way

Harvey Weinstein For President

Finally a liberal that's got what it takes, the Dems have found their boy

bigg topics