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joined apr 2020
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0 topics on ojp83
6 posts by ojp83
1 post
+3 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
Risk Versus Reward
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+6.2 votes

Time for A Deeper Game, Any Suggestions?
Alien Isolation XD

Time for A Deeper Game, Any Suggestions?
It's been awhile since I've had time for anything but casual games, anybody wanna suggest something I'm parti al to cool sci fi worlds.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend playing the Mass Effect trilogy. I know it's a bit old now but it still holds up and is pretty deep, especially the first game. And I'd agree with sidetracked and say Outer worlds is probably the best recent Sci FI rpg.

Haven’t ever tried Outer worlds but seen a little YouTube video of it. Looks an awesome game. Fallout 4 is quite a good game to loose some hours to, though it isn’t quite sci fi it has element of it through out.

Mass effect best enjoyed on PC as it doesnt work well with controller! Do it! P99 Everquest is deep enough to lose a lifetime too. Football Manager series too if you like that sort of thing. Diablo 2 ressurected ok i suppose, not sure id call it deep. Someone has a thread on WoW classic, so thats gonna be deep enough.

I'd recommend Prey if you haven't played this one already?
It's a super atmospheric, story rich, open world set aboard a space station. Some really cool stealth and crafting elements in there. Killer sound track to boot!
It's a super atmospheric, story rich, open world set aboard a space station. Some really cool stealth and crafting elements in there. Killer sound track to boot!

I really enjoyed Outer Worlds recently. It's a sci-fi action RPG with a really cool world to explore. It can get fairly challenging on the highest difficulty.

i think it was on steam just bought all the bio shock games 1+2 the remastered 1+2 and infinite less than £20

If you want a deeper story and plenty of hours play I would recommend Assassins Creed (I've just completed Origins which was good fun), and Red Dead 2 (No spoiler but there is a "Virus" story arc which kinda fits in with the times).
If youve got an XBOX id give the Game Pass a go - Theres always offers available for new customers who havent subscribed to it yet.
If youve got an XBOX id give the Game Pass a go - Theres always offers available for new customers who havent subscribed to it yet.

have played ever one of the assassins creed games am ruining both origins and odyssey atm on my laptop

The Fallout franchise is hard to beat. Fallout 3, fallout New Vegas, fallout 4 , fallout 76. Bethesda creates the richest and most immersive worlds imo.

Currently playing new vegas at the moment played them for years only one I wasn't a fan off was 76 the story behind is really interesting

Civ 6, its even on Switch. Apart from that, I second Outer World's, Fallout, Elder Scrolls etc. If your a fan of old skool jrpgs like early Final Fantasy then I highly recommend the latest Dragon Quest.

I'd recommend journey to the savage planet, its light and funny but also an rpg/explorer, with mysteries and strange creatures about the place. It reminds of portal alot even though its not very similar, think i get the same kind of enjoyment from it.

Call of Cthulhu is a fun, dark game. It’s linear so you won’t log a million hours into it. Just twisted goodness!

If you are into JRPGs, please give Xenosaga 1-3 a try. The Gameplay gets better over time , the music and story are really something else. Still one if my favourite PlayStation 2 Series. I had a crush on KOS-MOS fir the longest time. After i finished the series i was in bitter-sweet gaming heaven.

Outer Worlds springs to mind - intelligent writing and great Sci fi world.
You want a deep sci fi game with action? If you have a PS4 and haven't already played Horizon Zero dawn, then just play that. Definitely one of the best of this gen.
You want a deep sci fi game with action? If you have a PS4 and haven't already played Horizon Zero dawn, then just play that. Definitely one of the best of this gen.

outer world was a let down it just did not grab me at all and i love games like that (am still playing skyrim and fallout 4 atm)

if it's a deep story you want I'd recommend Life is Strange 1 & 2. Some might say it's boring but it's great if you're stoned cause your brain can't process to much shit going on but u can control the outcomes by making decisions. Another one would be steins;gate with is time travel done right but this would come under visual novel category.

If you have want to make your own Story I can recommend Starsector or Rinworld. Both are really great „Sandbox“ Games.

thanks to all my biggaz on this you are really good recommenders, ive tries almost everything and its hard to narrow down :)

If you play borderlands 3 on PS4 let me know if you need weapons, artefacts or class mods let me know. I’ve played all four characters the full story and all dlc so far so let me know when you get to level 60 and I will send you stuff if needed.

Rust is the game that immerses me the most. Loads of farming, upkeep, pvp, survival. I’ve been hooked for a year and there’s not much sign of it letting up

Eve never played seen someone play it though very in-depth, mass game, i’d have a look if i was in to sci fi

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Stellaris, Endless Space 1&2, Star Wars The Old Republic (MMO), Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 1&2, Star Wars Rebellion, Surviving Mars, every Fallout (including the old, old ones), Dawn of War 2&3, Warhammer Gladius, Warhammer Deathwing, all the Half Life's and all the XCOM series! Phew, hope this helps 👍

If you're into sci-fi worlds I cannot recommend 'Outer Wilds' highly enough. One of the most creative, exciting and engaging games I've ever played. Just you, a space-ship and a mini universe to unravel.
Not to be confused with 'Outer Worlds'. Which is a fine game in itself, just a bit generic.
Not to be confused with 'Outer Worlds'. Which is a fine game in itself, just a bit generic.

I'm currently with no pc... But can't wait to revive my ps1 and ps2 memories on the renovated Mafia.

1 post
+2 votes
Any good shake/ budget bud?
is this shake still available? $80 sounds very reasonable

Any good shake/ budget bud?
Hey hey! Has anyone seen any good shake sold on here at the moment? The stuff radar breeder had was awesome value but looks like he's out at the moment...

Over the weekend I'll have some proper Shake up on my page again mate.
I sold 12 packs in like 6 hours so keep an eye out
I sold 12 packs in like 6 hours so keep an eye out

I’ve bought a lot of shake on and around littlebiggy and JustWeed’s 2z for $110 is the best price/value there is - myself and my friend smoke it as a cheaper alternative to bud, and frankly one bong of the stuff and you are baked, gold mine this batch atm


Awesome, thanks for the heads up mate! Have had good stuff from jj before too so that's perfect!

Very welcome, it’s pretty hard to find stuff sometimes, so I always read through the “wanted items” before I browse - we’re all here as a community :)

Hey man, drugs inc have shake like 130 dollars per z and it's definitely the best I've had from here, no fan leaves or anything and a shit ton of kief to boot!
Has a few cheaper strains too like amnesia but I haven't tried that myself, I am in love with the uncle Benz strains he has at the moment it's pure fire!
Has a few cheaper strains too like amnesia but I haven't tried that myself, I am in love with the uncle Benz strains he has at the moment it's pure fire!

Hey we've got cheese trim with plenty of shake and small buds intermixed- $100 for 14grams. But if you're on a budget, we could do 7g for $50 i suppose. Link below:

We've got some left over if your interested. Its $80 for 14g mate. Let me know :)

Just bought an oz of shake for $60.00 from Justweed on here. Not sure of the quality yet, first time ordering but if you want bulk its the best price.
Popeyez on here has a popcorn special mix that is also p decent for shake.
Popeyez on here has a popcorn special mix that is also p decent for shake.

Someone here said they have the cheapest shake 😂 they're lying and it’s by far. We have the cheapest shake on LB and wouldn’t be surprised if it was the best quality too

1 post
+3 votes

What's everyone playing during the quarentine?
War zone, Far cry New Dawn, Rocket League, Monopoly Plus. PS4 :)

What's everyone playing during the quarentine?
Our eyeballs are sore from playing the new battle royal cod mode. We are also playing insurgency 2 and unwinding with some stardew valley in the evening...
What are you playing?
What are you playing?

Currently playing the latest, updated version of Girlfriend mind games. Managed to reach level 69, although my sanity meter is running low.

I need to download a Good PC based game hope it don't kill my laptop. XBOX is out of service so I am killing PUBG on mobile - it´s the future! An anonymous and decentralized virtual world. Pay it a visit - go to Toke Social district. Or hang out in the The Club at Vegas City and listen to the live DJ spinning tunes

IL2 and a few other war games to while away the hours, although I still play hunt the postman and my missing parcels every morning too. :/

Just in case anyone has missed it thought I would mention that the Uncharted Collection and Journey are both completely free to download on PS4 and you should grab both while you can!
If anyone hasn't played Journey it's 100% the perfect game to play high with a joint, who knows maybe we will end up travelling through the desert together :) It's super chill.
If anyone hasn't played Journey it's 100% the perfect game to play high with a joint, who knows maybe we will end up travelling through the desert together :) It's super chill.


Personally im playing BF1, Wargame Red Dragon and the Witcher 3 at the minute on PC but just hacked my daughters Wii U and tell ya sommat anyone into retro consoles, once you break the security on it the possibilities are endless. She can now play any Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, DS, N64, Snes or megadrive game for sweet FA. Shes in her element anyway!

For all you PC gamers out there... Shogun Total War 2 is free on steam until May 1st.

(Xbox One S) currently playing fallout 4. Would normally be MW or Fallout 76 but moved just as lock down stared so currently have no net, which is fecking nightmare with 2 kids

Got a Switch at Christmas time and currently addicted to Mario Odyssey (such a fun game for 420ers :)!) and still addicted to Football Manager

Currently playing the FF7 remake and it's amazing. Completely living up to the hype, in my opinion. The only thing that I don't like is that they're breaking it up into 3 parts but feel like a kid again playing it!

So many games not enough time
Eve online
Destiny 2
Red or dead 2
Boarderlands 3
Fallout 4
Eve online
Destiny 2
Red or dead 2
Boarderlands 3
Fallout 4

rinsing the fuck out of borderlands 3 at the moment, shoot things, get items, rinse, repeat - it makes me feel dirty, but i love it so much :D

Sorry if this thread is really old (Please add dates LB). I've been playing the hell out of hades by supergiant games. One of the best indie games I've ever played, I would highly recommend it to people that enjoy rogue likes.

Sorry to bump an old topic but Rocket League went free this week. I wasn't expecting to like it and didn't at first but then I went online (I never normally play anything online) and ended up enjoying it. Not sure how much I'll get out of it but it's free biggas and fun to just pick up and play for a bit here and there. Go get it!

2 posts
+4 votes
Package not received yet and getting stressed about bad reviews r.e. Stealth!
I'd be a lot more chilled with some weed ;)
I'll cool my jets but it doesn't help seeing reviews of orders that took 1 day to arrive :/
+ 2 more

Package not received yet and getting stressed about bad reviews r.e. Stealth!
To the people who’ve scored 10/10, what was the stealth like? I’m really stressing as my parcel is late and I’m sat here reading the terrible reviews about stealth! I cannot risk it. I shouldn’t have made the dumb mistake of trusting a new vendor, even though they assured me that stealth was top notch.

Dude, I'm unsure when this was as nobody on lb writes dates on their communications, but, did you ever receive your order? I made a small order (2×3.5) on 7/11/20 and still haven't received anything. I've messaged the seller but no reply yet. This was written on 11/11/20

You need to chill bro, the post is slow as he'll at the min.
You only messaged me like an hour ago!!
Check your inbox dude.
And this post was at the start of this adventure.
You only messaged me like an hour ago!!
Check your inbox dude.
And this post was at the start of this adventure.

I'd be a lot more chilled with some weed ;)
I'll cool my jets but it doesn't help seeing reviews of orders that took 1 day to arrive :/
I'll cool my jets but it doesn't help seeing reviews of orders that took 1 day to arrive :/

I get that bro!!
Wish I could hurry it along for you.
Hope it's with you tomorrow, message me when he's been
Wish I could hurry it along for you.
Hope it's with you tomorrow, message me when he's been

I'm in the same boat. Been on LB since 2017 and never felt stressed so much with an order. They reassured me on the stealth but like you say the reviews speak for them self's. just hope everything will be fine and not get the post office flagging my future parcels up. Fingers crossed

Exactly where my heads gone mate. I can catastrophise at the best of times but this is something else. Honestly, it’s made me reflect on my entire little biggy use. I dunno if it’s worth the risk anymore. To top it all off I got it delivered to my fucking parents house cos I’m staying with them temporarily. God damn it. Hopefully it has been confiscated cos I can’t have some stinky ass parcel being delivered here while I’m at work.

Honestly mate I feel for you and anyone else effected. There is simply no excuse to send out weed in that Manor it certainly not biscuits for god sake. I mine was sent Monday as well so not looking good. I rather get ripped off than send goods out unprotected and to top it all off I'm out smoke hopefully nothing comes off it mate.

Yeah man, I don’t understand what kind of idiot would think it ok to send it out unsealed. Man, I’m so so worried. I’m gonna have to have a break from smoking. This could put my whole life in jeaopardy.

Stressing isn't going to help. Go for a walk or a run and try and clear your head, dwelling on it is going to do no good at all. I'm a worrier and exercise really helps.
There's just as good a chance that you'll receive it with no problems at all so try to calm down and think positive.
Cheers BB
There's just as good a chance that you'll receive it with no problems at all so try to calm down and think positive.
Cheers BB

Thanks BB, I’ve just been for a fast walk in the woods. Really cleared my head. Much calmer. Appreciate it.

If you need to talk just let me know :).
Your shake is on the way from me let me know if you need anything else :).
Your shake is on the way from me let me know if you need anything else :).

Not yet. I’ll let ya know if and when I do.I received the re-send from fast buds today, though.

Feel for you guys, I’d be amazed if a fair few aren’t confiscated. In fact, I’m completely amazed that any package made it out of the post office they were sent from. In 30 odd orders on here I’ve never seen/smelt anything like it.

Yeh sounds like you’re now in a pretty shit situation now where you’re actually hoping the bud you’ve ordered and paid for gets confiscated. FFS.

Exactly, what the fuck? But then I’m also super worried about the consequences of having something seized. Also, so fucking anxious that I don’t wanna smoke. Christ, I might go for a run for the first time in years lol. Dunno what to do with myself.

You're absolutely fine mate. I had 12 ozs from cali seized a few months back, i got a letter through the door from customs and that was it. Had multiple orders land from different countries every week since then so they havent flagged my address or anything. And that was for 12 ounces!

Not missing bro, seized. I was shitting myself for weeks after i got the letter from customs but after 3 or 4 weeks went by i realised they weren't coming to my door. I thought my address would have been flagged after that but ive had multiple orders land since then. By the way this was UK customs Border Force. Im in Dublin so if it had of been irish customs i probably would have gotten a visit to my door.

It can take them a while sometimes. For example I had them round my house in March when the package was seized in December. They must of had a lot of people on their list to visit and work through the list at their own leisure. IMO

Yeah its quite possible they pay me a visit, but it was a different second name on the package that was seized so they have very little to go on IMO. Anyone can send something to your house if they have your address, they would have to prove that i ordered and paid for the package. Also i assume they would mark your address if that was the case but I've had multiple orders land since then, about 15 altogether. Nothing been stopped since. Also worth noting that i sent back the customs letter and the two fed ex tax-owed letters that were sent to my house regarding the seized package and said there was nobody at this address by that name, because there isn't.

You probably are ok then. My situation was different because it was for kratom and had an invoice;(

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