If you haven't already, I highly recommend playing the Mass Effect trilogy. I know it's a bit old now but it still holds up and is pretty deep, especially the first game. And I'd agree with sidetracked and say Outer worlds is probably the best recent Sci FI rpg.
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joined feb 2023
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0 topics on shadowdog1
7 posts by shadowdog1
1 post
+1 votes

Time for A Deeper Game, Any Suggestions?
i think it was on steam just bought all the bio shock games 1+2 the remastered 1+2 and infinite less than £20

Time for A Deeper Game, Any Suggestions?
It's been awhile since I've had time for anything but casual games, anybody wanna suggest something I'm parti al to cool sci fi worlds.

Haven’t ever tried Outer worlds but seen a little YouTube video of it. Looks an awesome game. Fallout 4 is quite a good game to loose some hours to, though it isn’t quite sci fi it has element of it through out.

Mass effect best enjoyed on PC as it doesnt work well with controller! Do it! P99 Everquest is deep enough to lose a lifetime too. Football Manager series too if you like that sort of thing. Diablo 2 ressurected ok i suppose, not sure id call it deep. Someone has a thread on WoW classic, so thats gonna be deep enough.

I'd recommend Prey if you haven't played this one already?
It's a super atmospheric, story rich, open world set aboard a space station. Some really cool stealth and crafting elements in there. Killer sound track to boot!
It's a super atmospheric, story rich, open world set aboard a space station. Some really cool stealth and crafting elements in there. Killer sound track to boot!

I really enjoyed Outer Worlds recently. It's a sci-fi action RPG with a really cool world to explore. It can get fairly challenging on the highest difficulty.

i think it was on steam just bought all the bio shock games 1+2 the remastered 1+2 and infinite less than £20

If you want a deeper story and plenty of hours play I would recommend Assassins Creed (I've just completed Origins which was good fun), and Red Dead 2 (No spoiler but there is a "Virus" story arc which kinda fits in with the times).
If youve got an XBOX id give the Game Pass a go - Theres always offers available for new customers who havent subscribed to it yet.
If youve got an XBOX id give the Game Pass a go - Theres always offers available for new customers who havent subscribed to it yet.

have played ever one of the assassins creed games am ruining both origins and odyssey atm on my laptop

The Fallout franchise is hard to beat. Fallout 3, fallout New Vegas, fallout 4 , fallout 76. Bethesda creates the richest and most immersive worlds imo.

Currently playing new vegas at the moment played them for years only one I wasn't a fan off was 76 the story behind is really interesting

Civ 6, its even on Switch. Apart from that, I second Outer World's, Fallout, Elder Scrolls etc. If your a fan of old skool jrpgs like early Final Fantasy then I highly recommend the latest Dragon Quest.

I'd recommend journey to the savage planet, its light and funny but also an rpg/explorer, with mysteries and strange creatures about the place. It reminds of portal alot even though its not very similar, think i get the same kind of enjoyment from it.

Call of Cthulhu is a fun, dark game. It’s linear so you won’t log a million hours into it. Just twisted goodness!

If you are into JRPGs, please give Xenosaga 1-3 a try. The Gameplay gets better over time , the music and story are really something else. Still one if my favourite PlayStation 2 Series. I had a crush on KOS-MOS fir the longest time. After i finished the series i was in bitter-sweet gaming heaven.

Outer Worlds springs to mind - intelligent writing and great Sci fi world.
You want a deep sci fi game with action? If you have a PS4 and haven't already played Horizon Zero dawn, then just play that. Definitely one of the best of this gen.
You want a deep sci fi game with action? If you have a PS4 and haven't already played Horizon Zero dawn, then just play that. Definitely one of the best of this gen.

outer world was a let down it just did not grab me at all and i love games like that (am still playing skyrim and fallout 4 atm)

if it's a deep story you want I'd recommend Life is Strange 1 & 2. Some might say it's boring but it's great if you're stoned cause your brain can't process to much shit going on but u can control the outcomes by making decisions. Another one would be steins;gate with is time travel done right but this would come under visual novel category.

If you have want to make your own Story I can recommend Starsector or Rinworld. Both are really great „Sandbox“ Games.

thanks to all my biggaz on this you are really good recommenders, ive tries almost everything and its hard to narrow down :)

If you play borderlands 3 on PS4 let me know if you need weapons, artefacts or class mods let me know. I’ve played all four characters the full story and all dlc so far so let me know when you get to level 60 and I will send you stuff if needed.

Rust is the game that immerses me the most. Loads of farming, upkeep, pvp, survival. I’ve been hooked for a year and there’s not much sign of it letting up

Eve never played seen someone play it though very in-depth, mass game, i’d have a look if i was in to sci fi

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Stellaris, Endless Space 1&2, Star Wars The Old Republic (MMO), Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 1&2, Star Wars Rebellion, Surviving Mars, every Fallout (including the old, old ones), Dawn of War 2&3, Warhammer Gladius, Warhammer Deathwing, all the Half Life's and all the XCOM series! Phew, hope this helps 👍

If you're into sci-fi worlds I cannot recommend 'Outer Wilds' highly enough. One of the most creative, exciting and engaging games I've ever played. Just you, a space-ship and a mini universe to unravel.
Not to be confused with 'Outer Worlds'. Which is a fine game in itself, just a bit generic.
Not to be confused with 'Outer Worlds'. Which is a fine game in itself, just a bit generic.

I'm currently with no pc... But can't wait to revive my ps1 and ps2 memories on the renovated Mafia.

1 post
+2 votes

same thing using blockchain

Trying to pay a vendor and Coinbase are asking me where I am sending BTC to. This happen to anyone else and if so what did you put?

Fake name didn't work for me said name invalid on coinbase but chose wallet option and sent to myself seemed to have worked 👍

It happened to me last night. I just went for the wallet option and put in a fake name and it went through as normal

get the Exodus wallet, send your BTC to that, then pay people from the wallet. your life will be so much easier.

Yo everyone
you can put any name down ect Smith and ticket
or select sending to yourself
try using different wallet that doesnt have KYC
Coinomi Exodus will be much easier
Hope this helps
you can put any name down ect Smith and ticket
or select sending to yourself
try using different wallet that doesnt have KYC
Coinomi Exodus will be much easier
Hope this helps

Hi there,
I think someone else mentioned it here. Sending to another such as Trust Wallet or Exodus prior yo making payment to LB should do the trick.
Hope this helps,
I think someone else mentioned it here. Sending to another such as Trust Wallet or Exodus prior yo making payment to LB should do the trick.
Hope this helps,

1 post
+1 votes

Seller refund after item marked sent
at least you got a reply hasn't responded to my message even though he's been online today

Seller refund after item marked sent
Hi I tried a new seller on here. They marked my order as sent but did not send it. He confirmed on chat that he had not sent it as he had not received the funds from LB. Not sure he understood escrow. Is there a way the seller can cancel the order and issue a refund. Would any of the biggas know if this can be done. I've raised a dispute but would rather not go this way as it effects my rep The seller seems decent enough.

I don't know whether the vendor can retract the 'sent' status and then cancel the order but I'm pretty sure they can issue a refund regardless. The only problem is that it sounds like they set up shop on here with not enough understanding of how the site works so they maybe won't actually know how to process a refund from their side, even if they're willing to do it.
Easiest solution would be for them just to dispatch the order that you paid for but if you're not happy with that route then you could try messaging Refund Borg for advice. If the vendor is genuinely willing to help then they could ask for advice from the borgs and other vendors via the Seller's Arms pages.
If all else fails then just let the dispute run and see what happens. Good luck anyway. 👍
Easiest solution would be for them just to dispatch the order that you paid for but if you're not happy with that route then you could try messaging Refund Borg for advice. If the vendor is genuinely willing to help then they could ask for advice from the borgs and other vendors via the Seller's Arms pages.
If all else fails then just let the dispute run and see what happens. Good luck anyway. 👍

Thanks, I would prefer the herb but I don't think he's comfortable sending whilst he's not got the funds from lb. I will share this with him.

This is a fundamental misunderstanding of how LB works. It's an escrow system: he gets his money when you have your goods and are satisfied.

There should be a way for them to initiate a refund then, even if it's been marked as sent. I'm guessing that happens sometimes with cross-border deliveries that get seized by customs so there are probably some vendors and/or Biggas here with experience of that.
That said, if this is a new vendor who is accepting orders and marking them as sent but not dispatching the items due to not understanding escrow then they'll start amassing disputes and it's only a matter of time before they're shut down by admin. From what I've read on here, this would result in you getting a full refund and the dispute wouldn't count against you.
If the vendor is genuine then they'll hopefully find the reassurance they need to start shipping or at least find out how to refund you.
That said, if this is a new vendor who is accepting orders and marking them as sent but not dispatching the items due to not understanding escrow then they'll start amassing disputes and it's only a matter of time before they're shut down by admin. From what I've read on here, this would result in you getting a full refund and the dispute wouldn't count against you.
If the vendor is genuine then they'll hopefully find the reassurance they need to start shipping or at least find out how to refund you.

at least you got a reply hasn't responded to my message even though he's been online today

1 post
+2 votes

Cola Cubes
hi 8280 25/10/24 @13.49

Cola Cubes
Just landed will add pictures shortly, from the same grower as London G and Z Cube this is known for being quite gassy and this one is no exception.
Rules to win 7 grams of Cola Cubes is to pick the FTSE 100 closing price at 4.30 pm today 25/102024.
Whoever guesses correctly or closest wins.
You must have at least 15 buys to enter.
Competition ends at 4pm today and winner will be sent prize tomorrow by
Saturday 10am ✂️
Rules to win 7 grams of Cola Cubes is to pick the FTSE 100 closing price at 4.30 pm today 25/102024.
Whoever guesses correctly or closest wins.
You must have at least 15 buys to enter.
Competition ends at 4pm today and winner will be sent prize tomorrow by
Saturday 10am ✂️

Anymore info on the strain? Is this the fast buds auto variant?
Anymore info on the strain? Is this the fast buds auto variant?

Hay there not sure who won the comp think I might be close lol my guess was 8.250.25 if not then thanks for the chance 👊

Winer winer big thanks to dopey for the competition I just won the cola cubes competition never tried this strain before so very happy 😃 today all write a little post when stuff lands as well

Ain't no weed tastes quite so sweet as free weed! I do terribly at these comps. The only prize I've had was a sympathy prize once from a vendor who felt sorry for me relentlessly losing every comp I entered. Well done mate.

I was late to this one - not that it'd have made a huge difference. Will keep an eye out man. Thanks for running the comp. Tis one of the things that makes lb great - a stoner out there gets a sudden bonus but of weed to get them through to payday. Lovely stuff.

1 post
+2 votes

Memory Lane: Old school weed strain recommendations please
white widow is my favourite ,haven't seen any for years either

Memory Lane: Old school weed strain recommendations please
I was sent a sample of Afghan Kush by Cannabis Cannibals this week and it got me thinking about doing a week on the old school flavours.
This weekend I've mostly been rolling some super strong bangers. I did a gram of tangerine dream in my first of the day yesterday with mixtures of a couple of types of live resin sugar, jungle boys hash, and blue nerds weed to follow. It's all quite lovely stuff. I've been pretty blasted as planned. Mission accomplished. Well done me. It's rare I get a weekend devoid of responsibilities so it was nice to nullify my ability to take any new ones on.
Anyway, this morning, as I was sat chugging away at the Afghan Kush as my starter for the day, it brought back some flavour memories of the past and I started to think it might be fun to do a week smoking a few old school flavours.
Back in the day (yes I'm an old fella) in the UK you mostly got hash of mixed quality depending upon exactly which era you point at. Weed was usually the Thai stick kind. I'm not planning to go back to then. I remember the first person in my town to bring Skunk in from Amsterdam. Man, he was popular. I can still remember those first few puffs blowing my mind and me heading out to Amsterdam not long afterwards.
Over the years that followed the quality in the UK remained so-so and every trip to Dam showcased new excitement in the form of a new prize winning strain at the top of the menu. I was super excited as I discovered skunk, skuff hash, super skunk, white widow, icolater hash and many more with each trip out there heralding a new treasure. The California orange bud I've heavily covered off in other topics so probably better not dive down that rabbit hole again but it's my favoured flavour profile and was a banker on a Dam trip.
The UK seemed completely backwards in comparison to the scene in Holland although of course it's now been many years since UK weed caught up with the rest of world in terms of a general standard. That being said the obsession with serving up Stardawg perplexes me to this day. How that became and remained a go-to strain will always be beyond me.
There's many strains of yesteryear still widely available on LB that I generally look past as I flavour chase the new tastes - much like the blue nerds. But bits like silver bubble, diesel or blue cheese might be interesting blasts of the past. The silver has a very unique tang to it that I've not had for a while and diesel also has a significant and unique sourness that I've not tasted for a long time. Blue cheese was at one point the only weed I could get. Everyone had it. I wonder what I'd think of it now or if I'd just sigh, "blue cheese again..."
I'm pretty haze averse so I'm unlikely to be going down the lemon, ammy, g13 route but some hazes I do like such as silver haze so I wouldn't fully rule them out. Although I prefer silver bubble to the silver haze. That's the right mix of flavours for me.
It might be nice to have a plain old cheese or a white widow like I mentioned earlier. I've not had the Gringo for years but I'd be into that if it was available.
I'd be interested to see some old school recommendations and have a trip down memory lane. What old school strains do you still actively buy or wish you could buy?
Thanks for reading what turned into a longer piece than I intended. I hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane or that it was informative at least.
Please let me know your old school strains & stories.
This weekend I've mostly been rolling some super strong bangers. I did a gram of tangerine dream in my first of the day yesterday with mixtures of a couple of types of live resin sugar, jungle boys hash, and blue nerds weed to follow. It's all quite lovely stuff. I've been pretty blasted as planned. Mission accomplished. Well done me. It's rare I get a weekend devoid of responsibilities so it was nice to nullify my ability to take any new ones on.
Anyway, this morning, as I was sat chugging away at the Afghan Kush as my starter for the day, it brought back some flavour memories of the past and I started to think it might be fun to do a week smoking a few old school flavours.
Back in the day (yes I'm an old fella) in the UK you mostly got hash of mixed quality depending upon exactly which era you point at. Weed was usually the Thai stick kind. I'm not planning to go back to then. I remember the first person in my town to bring Skunk in from Amsterdam. Man, he was popular. I can still remember those first few puffs blowing my mind and me heading out to Amsterdam not long afterwards.
Over the years that followed the quality in the UK remained so-so and every trip to Dam showcased new excitement in the form of a new prize winning strain at the top of the menu. I was super excited as I discovered skunk, skuff hash, super skunk, white widow, icolater hash and many more with each trip out there heralding a new treasure. The California orange bud I've heavily covered off in other topics so probably better not dive down that rabbit hole again but it's my favoured flavour profile and was a banker on a Dam trip.
The UK seemed completely backwards in comparison to the scene in Holland although of course it's now been many years since UK weed caught up with the rest of world in terms of a general standard. That being said the obsession with serving up Stardawg perplexes me to this day. How that became and remained a go-to strain will always be beyond me.
There's many strains of yesteryear still widely available on LB that I generally look past as I flavour chase the new tastes - much like the blue nerds. But bits like silver bubble, diesel or blue cheese might be interesting blasts of the past. The silver has a very unique tang to it that I've not had for a while and diesel also has a significant and unique sourness that I've not tasted for a long time. Blue cheese was at one point the only weed I could get. Everyone had it. I wonder what I'd think of it now or if I'd just sigh, "blue cheese again..."
I'm pretty haze averse so I'm unlikely to be going down the lemon, ammy, g13 route but some hazes I do like such as silver haze so I wouldn't fully rule them out. Although I prefer silver bubble to the silver haze. That's the right mix of flavours for me.
It might be nice to have a plain old cheese or a white widow like I mentioned earlier. I've not had the Gringo for years but I'd be into that if it was available.
I'd be interested to see some old school recommendations and have a trip down memory lane. What old school strains do you still actively buy or wish you could buy?
Thanks for reading what turned into a longer piece than I intended. I hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane or that it was informative at least.
Please let me know your old school strains & stories.

Great read mate, took me back to my first dam trip. A menu for weed 🤯 12 guilders(£4) a gram and the best weed I had smoked.
Allowed to smoke and not made to feel like a criminal and the relaxed atmosphere.
Then walking around stoned AF and having to dodge cyclists who are coming from all directions, ringing their little bells.
I think the white widow was about the strongest I had, but I preferred the orange bud and Hindu kush flavours.👌
Allowed to smoke and not made to feel like a criminal and the relaxed atmosphere.
Then walking around stoned AF and having to dodge cyclists who are coming from all directions, ringing their little bells.
I think the white widow was about the strongest I had, but I preferred the orange bud and Hindu kush flavours.👌

you comment is so similar to mine it is uncanny.
first trip the the dam me and a couple of mates headed to what we thought was a coffee shop shyly asked for a menu and she proceeded to tell us they only sold drinks here and we should try across the road at double reggae,
red faced walked across and grabbed my first taste of proper white widow and some super pollen and it was wonderful. then proceeded to participate in traffic which was a sight to see, those 6 foot dutch women riding cycles at 20 mph with thighs like ronnie colemans biceps :P i headed straight into one saw her did the left and right jiggle then ended up with the front wheel between my legs ahah.
follow that up by getting to the hotel stepping in the elevator and not actually pushing the button. 1 min later the doors opened and the receptionist was still there looking at us and then burst into laughter at 3 red eyed tourists.
first trip the the dam me and a couple of mates headed to what we thought was a coffee shop shyly asked for a menu and she proceeded to tell us they only sold drinks here and we should try across the road at double reggae,
red faced walked across and grabbed my first taste of proper white widow and some super pollen and it was wonderful. then proceeded to participate in traffic which was a sight to see, those 6 foot dutch women riding cycles at 20 mph with thighs like ronnie colemans biceps :P i headed straight into one saw her did the left and right jiggle then ended up with the front wheel between my legs ahah.
follow that up by getting to the hotel stepping in the elevator and not actually pushing the button. 1 min later the doors opened and the receptionist was still there looking at us and then burst into laughter at 3 red eyed tourists.

There was a magic in first being, and then on subsequent trips, seeing, an English tourist on their first trip to Dam just commented similar. Brings back memories. Good times man although I'm bloody glad I don't have to travel hundreds of miles to smoke something decent now.

Aye, I remember the gilders. The exchange rate was favourable so not only were you in the mind-blowing and often eye opening (sometimes eye popping) situation you describe, it was at a bargain rate. I haven't been out there in fifteen years now. The euros made it comparable to bowling around London in terms of prices. I guess it'd be less of a culture shock now and.the weed would be similar to what I smoke anyway. I still wish the UK would catch up with much of the rest of the world and adopt a tolerant cannabis culture of some kind. As you say it was enlightening to be able to blaze a spliff and not be a criminal in the process but a tourist.
Aside from my first trip, when I fitted.the profile myself, we used to look for the typical English tourist on their first trip who'd roar into the coffee shop, buy every bit from the top of the menu, start smoking, get halfway through, and start to realise they'd bitten off a wee bit more than they could chew.
I think the nicest bit I had last trip was a bubblegum (don't quote me) and also had an ice hash that was ridiculously strong. My mate who I was with happily tried all the weeds but three puffs of that and it, he said, "ruined my whole night"!
Aside from my first trip, when I fitted.the profile myself, we used to look for the typical English tourist on their first trip who'd roar into the coffee shop, buy every bit from the top of the menu, start smoking, get halfway through, and start to realise they'd bitten off a wee bit more than they could chew.
I think the nicest bit I had last trip was a bubblegum (don't quote me) and also had an ice hash that was ridiculously strong. My mate who I was with happily tried all the weeds but three puffs of that and it, he said, "ruined my whole night"!

I used to work for the company that brewed Heineken in the UK which was a great excuse to frequently visit the Dam "On The Billy's" (Billy Liar=Business Expense Claim Form). Amazing times...

More than half of our team at work definitely wouldn't be trusted on expenses in Dam. That half includes me.

I remember sitting outside a bar at least 6 feet away from the canal (probably more). All 5 of us were holding onto the sides of our chairs convinced at any minute we were for some inexplicable reason going to tip into the water. We thought the ground was tilting that way and the gradient was slowly increasing. For some reason we couldn't stand up. We just sat there like a group of total fucking idiots anxiously laughing!

19 years ago on my 14th birthday I was given 1g of white widow and 1g of ak47 by my older brother. Never had an example of those strains that has come close to how good they were. The ak 47 had crazy terps that left a sour taste on the side of your tongue for hours after. The widow was coated in sticky milky white trichs, pretty sure it’s where the rumour of weed being laced with coke came from lol. Never seen ak or widow like them since.

I've not had AK for years now. That might be an interesting one to find again. White widow I remember well from Dam.

I could do with a mate like that! I vaguely remember the SAGE. I'm definitely going to have an old school session at some point.

Lovely piece mate, nice. Old very familiar, to a 90s boy like me. Not just that, but having a couple of days to really have a go at your stash. Love it. Good haze is always one for me, but I have a sweet tooth. I do remember one called white tiger, that I've not seen since. Skuff royal...🤤.
Druids Magic have shiva skunk on its way. Not a strain I've tried, but was a favourite picture in the 90s sensi seed catalogue. Basically bud porn for teenage boys. Couldn't just Google it back then 😂
Druids Magic have shiva skunk on its way. Not a strain I've tried, but was a favourite picture in the 90s sensi seed catalogue. Basically bud porn for teenage boys. Couldn't just Google it back then 😂

Its available now mate- just drop DM a line for a custom. Its very old school indeed- I woke up covered in pizza crusts lol...

I think the original skunk has been all but lost sadly. The one from Cali in the 80s anyway. It was used as such a building block for other strains it kind of got bred away.
I used to love the Greenhouse/Nevilles Hazes, AK47, White Widow, Big/Orange Bud, Hash Plant, Jack Herer and Northern Lights. Also Durban Poison has an uplifting hit like no other strain. Also love a bit of real NYC Sour Diesel. Also sadly quite hard to come by the real deal OG version of that too. I’ve had a few recently. None has compared to the stuff back in the day which was almost over the top petrolly.
Nothing quite compared to that OG Skunk #1 back in the day for me though. Just wiped the floor with anything else around at the time. Quite hard to keep to yourself as as soon as you sparked that spliff stoners would be attracted to the smell from miles around 😂
“2s on that mate”
“Oh FFS this 1/8th just cost me the best part of £40”
I used to love the Greenhouse/Nevilles Hazes, AK47, White Widow, Big/Orange Bud, Hash Plant, Jack Herer and Northern Lights. Also Durban Poison has an uplifting hit like no other strain. Also love a bit of real NYC Sour Diesel. Also sadly quite hard to come by the real deal OG version of that too. I’ve had a few recently. None has compared to the stuff back in the day which was almost over the top petrolly.
Nothing quite compared to that OG Skunk #1 back in the day for me though. Just wiped the floor with anything else around at the time. Quite hard to keep to yourself as as soon as you sparked that spliff stoners would be attracted to the smell from miles around 😂
“2s on that mate”
“Oh FFS this 1/8th just cost me the best part of £40”

Tempted to get some skunk#1 seeds for old times sake. Jack herer was another personal favourite of the time.
Eddy just listed a fresh batch of ny sour diesel not sure if you clocked it
Eddy just listed a fresh batch of ny sour diesel not sure if you clocked it

I think I might remember the catalogue or one like it. I ordered some bits from a magazine to look at growing back then which I never went forward with. I remember the two booklets I had though. One explained how to grow and one was a seed catalogue. This would be 1992 ish. I can remember Northern Lights, Purple Haze, Blueberry and various others were in there although the list was short, maybe 20 options at most. Like you say I used it like bud porn and read it over and over.
I'm pretty haze averse these days. The lemon haze locally was abundant and just seemed to get worse each generation. I'm curious actually to try a lemon haze from LB but with a thousand other products available here, probably not -that- curious.
I'm pretty haze averse these days. The lemon haze locally was abundant and just seemed to get worse each generation. I'm curious actually to try a lemon haze from LB but with a thousand other products available here, probably not -that- curious.

I think the big problem with Hazes for me was that as it got more commercial it tended to be harvested too soon, so you ended up with that racy, anxiety inducing high. Good haze shouldn’t do that.

It's exactly this I don't like. I think every bit of lemon haze I've had in recent years has been a head-spangler.

Now I remember being sold Orange Bud by some guy back when I went to the weed man and we were happy he sold weed. Actually he was probably the hash guy who occasionally got decent Red Seal, back in the mid '90s. Was this Orange Bud, or was the man a bullshitter? Thinking back through the annals of time I'm thinking it was about £30/Q? When the Red Seal was probably similarly priced due to rarity and alright hash without plastic in was about £80/oz.

I only ever got it in UK in early 2000s it was around £120/oz but it actually had a nice orange flavour which stood out against the general shit of the day. I am sure my memories are enhanced by nostalgia and my tolerance at the time.
I think it would need a crazier name to get noticed in today's market though.
I think it would need a crazier name to get noticed in today's market though.

Yeah, it would have been around then. I'm calling bullshit then as I've suspected for a long time, and the weed man called it that as it was particularly hairy and orange due to that. That's a huge reason I'm glad of this place: you can pretty much guarantee you're getting what it says on the tin.

remember purple haze from the late 90s early 2000 bro ?? man smooth as silk and the high was sooo chill bro.

thats still like that round hear mate i found a local plug first couple of deals were ok then the dick bag sold me Myrrh buds like i couldn't tell the difference , because Hindus smoke it to get rid of body odor. needless to say i've done with street dealers...

its not funny bro it makes you stink and bleed from the ass if you smoke too much i didn't know ... i do now rub the bud in your fingers the resin off em feels grainy like sand or sprayed weed .. it's nasty stuff mate your body can't process it and did i mention it makes you stink?? :D

The only purples I ever got were like smoking perfume, put me off purples scarred for life.

The original orange bud was a creeper of significant proportion. You'd blaze through a spliff, taste was completely unique with a dank sour note, then, after you stubbed it out the secondary hit would begin to kick in.

I loved it when it first arrived as a tasty cheese upgrade. Then for what seemed like years it was all everyone had. I'm curious if I'll remember it fondly or not. It's a roll of the dice man.

I've not had that nor can remember ever seeing it. Sounds blooming marvellous as a strain though.

Sour Kush. Had a m8 grow it years ago, the best clout I have had from a strain and the taste was one of a kind. I've never been lucky enough to have it again but always looking for it on here 😁

1 post
+2 votes
number 13 please


Hello Earthlings 👽
To celebrate passing 50 sales, we are now offering a Free 1g sample of our latest MoonRock batch 🌚🪨
Please choose a number between 1-30
to enter ✨️
If you're new to MoonRocks please have a look at the item description for advice on 'How to smoke MoonRocks'
To celebrate passing 50 sales, we are now offering a Free 1g sample of our latest MoonRock batch 🌚🪨
Please choose a number between 1-30
to enter ✨️
If you're new to MoonRocks please have a look at the item description for advice on 'How to smoke MoonRocks'

No worries didn’t realise it’s happened been checking this post for a while aswell aha but I have put a number in the new giveaway. Cheers MM 👍👍

1 post
+1 votes

{lb help}
Dopey’s Royal Mail scam
all my orders with Dopey that i have used NDD have ALL! arrived next day with no problem

{lb help}
Dopey’s Royal Mail scam
Here is the proof of the 24 hour tracked Royal Mail scam.
You get a tracking ID when you purchase the postage online. You then have to take the packages to the post office or they collect from you.
Dopey tried this scam with me and I am exposing it to you guys.
You can clearly see below that it says we’re expecting it yet I have a tracking number.
This is normal as some business people take the packages at the end of the day to post office or depot or they get it collected.
But Dopey didn’t send it sent the tracking then sits back and counts the cash.
Don’t trust Dopey or this 24 hour tracked delivery scam!
You get a tracking ID when you purchase the postage online. You then have to take the packages to the post office or they collect from you.
Dopey tried this scam with me and I am exposing it to you guys.
You can clearly see below that it says we’re expecting it yet I have a tracking number.
This is normal as some business people take the packages at the end of the day to post office or depot or they get it collected.
But Dopey didn’t send it sent the tracking then sits back and counts the cash.
Don’t trust Dopey or this 24 hour tracked delivery scam!

remove cleanup borg
I run a very tight ship as I prefer to work alone so when unexpected situations like mother nature it has a knock on effect. I am going to reship once have got my shake collected later today/tomorrow morning.
Sorry this is not a perfect world and there has been an issue which I am sorting now and will add extra for delay.
remove cleanup borg
I run a very tight ship as I prefer to work alone so when unexpected situations like mother nature it has a knock on effect. I am going to reship once have got my shake collected later today/tomorrow morning.
Sorry this is not a perfect world and there has been an issue which I am sorting now and will add extra for delay.

Dopey has to wait for the cash to be withdrawn from escrow - you make it sound like he is making bank - how?
You have plenty of time to raise a dispute - if the tracking shows non deliver you will get ur cash back through the dispute.
As a suggestion how about have some patience and stop accusing people of stuff?? Not a good look.
You have plenty of time to raise a dispute - if the tracking shows non deliver you will get ur cash back through the dispute.
As a suggestion how about have some patience and stop accusing people of stuff?? Not a good look.

This doesn't look like a scam to me.. as my brother is a postman I know this is the information you get from anything tracked from royal mail.once royal mail receives the item.and scans it.Then More information with be shown with tracking history.this isnt a scam whatsoever. Sorry Gemman
Seems like you've jumped the gun somewhat 🥴🤔😉
And yes you should have blocked the tracking number out 🤔🥴
Seems like you've jumped the gun somewhat 🥴🤔😉
And yes you should have blocked the tracking number out 🤔🥴

Had a similar issue but it is not a scam Just need to message seller and be patient and respectful things happen beyond our control and he will respond and resolve it if you are patient. It is frustrating I get it but calling a seller a scammer ain't on as he may have had other issues in his life that you are not aware of and you need to remember this is not Amazon is it this is often a 1 man band or a couple of people they don't have customer service department

Dopey can't actually convert it into cash yet. Biggy holds the funds in escrow for this very reason. Dispute the order and you'll get a refund. It is annoying when you don't get what you order, but I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here. The 'scam' you've uncovered isn't as sophisticated as you think it is. It doesn't even work. And as for 'running an online business'.... Yeah mate, we've all got eBay too.

Hello everyone
Iam a vendor and we do alot of bussiness on here you can pay for shipping online and you get label to print out and drop it to box and they will collect it so that sometimes messes the delivery day different drop boxes have different times
What we do is all our parcels gets shipped next day with shipping option you choose that way everything lands on a day you expecting
hope this helps to understand
Iam a vendor and we do alot of bussiness on here you can pay for shipping online and you get label to print out and drop it to box and they will collect it so that sometimes messes the delivery day different drop boxes have different times
What we do is all our parcels gets shipped next day with shipping option you choose that way everything lands on a day you expecting
hope this helps to understand

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