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3 topics on Raskolnikov
4 posts
+6 votes

Online wallet for noob

Online wallet for noob
Any recommendations for an online wallet. From what I have read that would be most suitable for my needs. Will be using bittylicious to buy just need the wallet. Thank you in advance.

If you're using bittylicious you don't need a wallet. You just enter the wallet code for the vendor you're buying from, and bittylicious sends your purchased BTC directly to them.

4 posts
+8.2 votes

Vendors not on the wall

Vendors not on the wall
Seen a few people talk about vendors not on the wall. Anybody want to recommend one? Thanks in advance.

4 posts
+7 votes

Items list

Items list
Can someone explain how a product that does not seem to be selling well get to the top of my items list for a few days?
Thankyou in advance.
Thankyou in advance.

Hi mate..Think the list just random..not in any particular order..of how good or not items sell..as with other posts ..there are a few vendors..not listed..that have as good or even better products/buds.u cant see.it can get confusing at times i agree...respect Jb

No problem mate..many would agree the list would be better.with same vendors products together.and with there ratings..in an order of quality..and prices.and possibly hidden vendors who aren't on the list at all..it would make customers ratings better and more accurate ..but would be good to see the items page updated .:-))

143 posts by Raskolnikov
10 posts
+12.8 votes

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
Please dont have the idea that all Scots want independence
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than …
+ 10 more

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
I don't want to give preference to someone the same color as me so why should I prefer someone for being born in the same country as me (or worse they are ordained a citizen by some twat)?

Basically it derives from the same origins. There are certain laws of ethnic relations in history of humankind, such as:
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.

Interesting points. I just came across this forum and will make a contribution. Meanwhile, on the topic of Scottish Nationalism, I have myself proposed Independence For England! We English (whatever that means through consensus) vote in a referendum to dissolve the union of England and Scotland. Never mind what they want, how about what we want, which may be to separate from them, along with the subject nation of Wales. We'll have our own oven ready breakfast and our own national covid death toll, while we surrender the last shreds of our integrity to the fucking Yanks and the fucking Chinese whose government leaders wouldn't make the groove as a couple of Pox Doctor's clerks.

Please dont have the idea that all Scots want independence
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.

The whole SNP "independence" thing is a facade.
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)

High Raskolnikov. Your post showed as a comment on mine so You're addressing me, then. I have no intention of stating anything about what Scots want. My point is that I consider an English Independence Referendum is incumbent on ourselves to determine our Englishness without the input of the other three nations. Devolution, revolution, phooey! We want ablution. Wash our hands of the lot of you. Do we? Who does? Has anyone got this underway? Sturgeon and Salmond? Something fishy about those two!

Interesting points Vikosh. I feel that England is a pretty tribal place.
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!

I wouldn’t blame the English people if they started to see things this way but we are still all better as a union and I think you know this. Sturgeon and Salmond are just typical politicians mate who lying is a big part of the job description. There has been a huge change in Scotland in my lifetime where the working class vote has moved away from labour to the snp. Labour has shot themselves in the foot so many times but also the snp politics has changed. I have been on this earth a long time and the snp have changed so much. Sturgeon is still using her bloody daily briefing up here to try to indoctrinate the nation. I’m going to stop here as I am ranting.

Not English, then. To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life. That life being the infliction of Imperialism on 25% of the world's population. Nothing wrong with that, was there?

Sturgeon's manifesto was just a wish list, impossible to accomplish. I don't want Scotland to leave. We may rib each other on things but I'd like to think we have each others back when things get tough. We live on the same island. Crazy to break up.

I am British not Scottish or Welsh or Irish or English but British.
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!

I’m British and Scottish mate. Think it is possible to be both. I’m not interested in Independence and believe it will not happen and will be a disaster if it does. In Scotland Salmond courted a certain block vote and got it. That is what has got the snp to where they are. That and shortbread tin thinking. They will soon want to let over 14 s vote. As I said in another post, Scottish Independence is not the endgame for a lot of snp.

It was a joke mate but fuck, Vietnam. Is that what you are comparing Scottish Independence to?

Are you talking about Arab supremacists like Hamza Yousaf ? I'm unaware of any other racists in Scotland .

lol. ok, i'll bite...
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.

Scotland's nationalist party don't want to exclude races, they want independence from another countries rule. It's not about racism.

a lot of nationalists aren't so much racists as exclusionary. they believe in a social contact that only exists amongst members. outsiders are not part of the deal.

Just like you would naturally have a preference for feeding your own family in your own home, before you concerned yourself with feeding anyone else.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.

Yes you could look into the SNPs distant past or alternatively you could look at what the Tories are doing right now as we speak under your very nose.
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!

Not even Ethno nationalism is racist . You can love your own ethnicity more than others without hating them .

Because we can change our nationality as it’s make believe. You cannot change your DNA which is real

It's crazy how little of any of you understand what is going on.
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself

Nationalism has more positive range for example promoting culture. Racism is usually associated with negative feelings about other races.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.

only in touchy feely places like the uk ... not in most other countrys ... too much self hatred in this country ...

Not synonymous, but it's an interesting point.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.

Racism is necessarily exclusionary. But Nationalism isn't.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.

I think it is oxytocin that causes the problems as it creates aggressive in-grouping, be it from the innateness from skin colour or the innateness from where someone was born.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.

There seem to be a prevailing perspective of an individualistic view on what racism is, i.e. the hatred or superiority of another race, nation, or ethnicity, however this view is overly simplistic as racism is structural and systemic and is only dependent on the individual when their actions are supported by the larger system.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.

I'm a nationalist. I want England and all our major cities to be English and not resemble Bangladesh. That makes one a racist nowadays.

If the reason you give for those cities resembling Bangladesh is people of other races, that's kinda the definition of racism. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a closet racist.

The reason certain areas of Britain look like Bangladesh now is because we've let in too many people from other cultures without giving them a chance to assimilate .
I have no hate towards Bangladesh . I'd love to visit some day , but when I go to London , I don't want to be surrounded by Bangladeshis , I want to be surrounded by Londoners and their culture . London is lost now . The culture of London can never recover from the insane amount of immigrants we've allowed to move there . It's very sad for anyone who loves British culture . Of course racists like yourself who hate whites and Brits can't see the problem .
I have no hate towards Bangladesh . I'd love to visit some day , but when I go to London , I don't want to be surrounded by Bangladeshis , I want to be surrounded by Londoners and their culture . London is lost now . The culture of London can never recover from the insane amount of immigrants we've allowed to move there . It's very sad for anyone who loves British culture . Of course racists like yourself who hate whites and Brits can't see the problem .

Asian for Asians
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy

Have you seen this clip of the Dalai Lama saying Europe is for Europeans ?
What a hateful racist
What a hateful racist

Asian people aren't claiming "Asia for asians"
Plenty of white people move to Asia and the Asians don't complain.
African people aren't claiming "Africa for Africans"
Plenty of white people move to Africa and Africans don't complain.
European people invaded and colonised both of those continents, killing local people and stealing their resources.
Oh but when those people want to come to Europe, its "Europe for Europeans"
What you mean is "white countries for white people"
You just don't want to say it.
Again, fucking racist.
Plenty of white people move to Asia and the Asians don't complain.
African people aren't claiming "Africa for Africans"
Plenty of white people move to Africa and Africans don't complain.
European people invaded and colonised both of those continents, killing local people and stealing their resources.
Oh but when those people want to come to Europe, its "Europe for Europeans"
What you mean is "white countries for white people"
You just don't want to say it.
Again, fucking racist.

tell me an Asian nation where whites make up more than 5%?
I think the Asians who got independence definitely do say Asia for Asians
Oh yes white people live so peacefully in Africa! look at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South Africa, all places where whites have recently been massacred for living in Africa, they dont complain though right? imbecile
you are a pathetic brainwashed cuck, you literally think calling someone a racist is the worst thing in the world hahahahahahah
am i racist for only wanting whites and east asians (the highest iq and the people responsible for 90% of modern inventions) to live in my country? absolutely not but through their NGO's George Soros and his cronies have managed to brainwash whites like you into thinking they are the only ones who cant be nationalist, proud of their nations and so fourth, they HAVE to mix with other races with inferior intelligence
in our society we dont believe in collective punishment so who gives a fuck who colonised who? none of us colonised fucking anyone, not one of us alive today played any part in that you moron, we were colonised and enslaved, are we going to ask the ottomans for reparations now?
fucking cuck, bet you work a deskjob, no girlfriend or if you do have one she's a fat blue haired liberal object, obviously you have no kids or you'd care more about the country you live in
we dont care if 1% of these people come to the country as seen in Asian countries, but when it's 20% and they grow every year due to their birth rates being 4 per capita vs our 1-2 per capita, there is literally no way out of the fact that we will be replaced, the british genetics will seize to exist if this goes on
there will be no whites, just mixed mongrols with sub 90 iq like yourself that are smart enough to work for their masters but not smart enough to stand up for themselves
Did you know 30% of the Muslim world is imbred and these are the people we are importing? furthermore 60% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. this what you want to import and mix with? fucking neanderthal
it's impossible to fix world poverty by importing everyone in poverty to Europe, we'd have to more than double our population so instead of acting like a liberal cuck how about you advocate for the big banks to get off these countries dicks and stop the big noses from causing havoc all across the middle east
you wont do that because you dont actually want to see these people do well, you just want to take in a small percentage of them to the country so you are deemed not racist hahahaha
"if the west continues down this deadly path, due to a lack of birthrates and mass immigration, europe will disappear, as Rome did." - Cardinal Robert Sarah (a black candidate for the next pope)
I think the Asians who got independence definitely do say Asia for Asians
Oh yes white people live so peacefully in Africa! look at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South Africa, all places where whites have recently been massacred for living in Africa, they dont complain though right? imbecile
you are a pathetic brainwashed cuck, you literally think calling someone a racist is the worst thing in the world hahahahahahah
am i racist for only wanting whites and east asians (the highest iq and the people responsible for 90% of modern inventions) to live in my country? absolutely not but through their NGO's George Soros and his cronies have managed to brainwash whites like you into thinking they are the only ones who cant be nationalist, proud of their nations and so fourth, they HAVE to mix with other races with inferior intelligence
in our society we dont believe in collective punishment so who gives a fuck who colonised who? none of us colonised fucking anyone, not one of us alive today played any part in that you moron, we were colonised and enslaved, are we going to ask the ottomans for reparations now?
fucking cuck, bet you work a deskjob, no girlfriend or if you do have one she's a fat blue haired liberal object, obviously you have no kids or you'd care more about the country you live in
we dont care if 1% of these people come to the country as seen in Asian countries, but when it's 20% and they grow every year due to their birth rates being 4 per capita vs our 1-2 per capita, there is literally no way out of the fact that we will be replaced, the british genetics will seize to exist if this goes on
there will be no whites, just mixed mongrols with sub 90 iq like yourself that are smart enough to work for their masters but not smart enough to stand up for themselves
Did you know 30% of the Muslim world is imbred and these are the people we are importing? furthermore 60% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. this what you want to import and mix with? fucking neanderthal
it's impossible to fix world poverty by importing everyone in poverty to Europe, we'd have to more than double our population so instead of acting like a liberal cuck how about you advocate for the big banks to get off these countries dicks and stop the big noses from causing havoc all across the middle east
you wont do that because you dont actually want to see these people do well, you just want to take in a small percentage of them to the country so you are deemed not racist hahahaha
"if the west continues down this deadly path, due to a lack of birthrates and mass immigration, europe will disappear, as Rome did." - Cardinal Robert Sarah (a black candidate for the next pope)

You can't own property or businesses in Thailand if you're not Thai or don't get special permission. This is the case in most non Western countries . They do that to protect their culture and ethnicity .
White Europeans also have culture and Ethnicity worthy of preserving . It's actually racist to deny whites of their culture or pride in their genetics .
Imagine denying the culture and value of ethnicity of black people . Would that be racist ?
White Europeans also have culture and Ethnicity worthy of preserving . It's actually racist to deny whites of their culture or pride in their genetics .
Imagine denying the culture and value of ethnicity of black people . Would that be racist ?

If it's the colour of people's skin you're referring to, and you're suggesting you have to be white to be regarded as english, then yes, you are. Not just nowadays, always.

english is a race mate just like indian im english if i move to india im not an indian ? same thing should apply in the uk

No, being English is not a race it's an ethnicity and nationality. You thick slab of gammon

2 posts
+4.5 votes

Time for A Deeper Game, Any Suggestions?
If you play borderlands 3 on PS4 let me know if you need weapons, artefacts or class mods let me know. I’ve played all four characters the full story …
+ 2 more

Time for A Deeper Game, Any Suggestions?
It's been awhile since I've had time for anything but casual games, anybody wanna suggest something I'm parti al to cool sci fi worlds.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend playing the Mass Effect trilogy. I know it's a bit old now but it still holds up and is pretty deep, especially the first game. And I'd agree with sidetracked and say Outer worlds is probably the best recent Sci FI rpg.

Haven’t ever tried Outer worlds but seen a little YouTube video of it. Looks an awesome game. Fallout 4 is quite a good game to loose some hours to, though it isn’t quite sci fi it has element of it through out.

Mass effect best enjoyed on PC as it doesnt work well with controller! Do it! P99 Everquest is deep enough to lose a lifetime too. Football Manager series too if you like that sort of thing. Diablo 2 ressurected ok i suppose, not sure id call it deep. Someone has a thread on WoW classic, so thats gonna be deep enough.

I'd recommend Prey if you haven't played this one already?
It's a super atmospheric, story rich, open world set aboard a space station. Some really cool stealth and crafting elements in there. Killer sound track to boot!
It's a super atmospheric, story rich, open world set aboard a space station. Some really cool stealth and crafting elements in there. Killer sound track to boot!

I really enjoyed Outer Worlds recently. It's a sci-fi action RPG with a really cool world to explore. It can get fairly challenging on the highest difficulty.

i think it was on steam just bought all the bio shock games 1+2 the remastered 1+2 and infinite less than £20

If you want a deeper story and plenty of hours play I would recommend Assassins Creed (I've just completed Origins which was good fun), and Red Dead 2 (No spoiler but there is a "Virus" story arc which kinda fits in with the times).
If youve got an XBOX id give the Game Pass a go - Theres always offers available for new customers who havent subscribed to it yet.
If youve got an XBOX id give the Game Pass a go - Theres always offers available for new customers who havent subscribed to it yet.

have played ever one of the assassins creed games am ruining both origins and odyssey atm on my laptop

The Fallout franchise is hard to beat. Fallout 3, fallout New Vegas, fallout 4 , fallout 76. Bethesda creates the richest and most immersive worlds imo.

Currently playing new vegas at the moment played them for years only one I wasn't a fan off was 76 the story behind is really interesting

Civ 6, its even on Switch. Apart from that, I second Outer World's, Fallout, Elder Scrolls etc. If your a fan of old skool jrpgs like early Final Fantasy then I highly recommend the latest Dragon Quest.

I'd recommend journey to the savage planet, its light and funny but also an rpg/explorer, with mysteries and strange creatures about the place. It reminds of portal alot even though its not very similar, think i get the same kind of enjoyment from it.

Call of Cthulhu is a fun, dark game. It’s linear so you won’t log a million hours into it. Just twisted goodness!

If you are into JRPGs, please give Xenosaga 1-3 a try. The Gameplay gets better over time , the music and story are really something else. Still one if my favourite PlayStation 2 Series. I had a crush on KOS-MOS fir the longest time. After i finished the series i was in bitter-sweet gaming heaven.

Outer Worlds springs to mind - intelligent writing and great Sci fi world.
You want a deep sci fi game with action? If you have a PS4 and haven't already played Horizon Zero dawn, then just play that. Definitely one of the best of this gen.
You want a deep sci fi game with action? If you have a PS4 and haven't already played Horizon Zero dawn, then just play that. Definitely one of the best of this gen.

outer world was a let down it just did not grab me at all and i love games like that (am still playing skyrim and fallout 4 atm)

if it's a deep story you want I'd recommend Life is Strange 1 & 2. Some might say it's boring but it's great if you're stoned cause your brain can't process to much shit going on but u can control the outcomes by making decisions. Another one would be steins;gate with is time travel done right but this would come under visual novel category.

If you have want to make your own Story I can recommend Starsector or Rinworld. Both are really great „Sandbox“ Games.

thanks to all my biggaz on this you are really good recommenders, ive tries almost everything and its hard to narrow down :)

If you play borderlands 3 on PS4 let me know if you need weapons, artefacts or class mods let me know. I’ve played all four characters the full story and all dlc so far so let me know when you get to level 60 and I will send you stuff if needed.

Rust is the game that immerses me the most. Loads of farming, upkeep, pvp, survival. I’ve been hooked for a year and there’s not much sign of it letting up

Eve never played seen someone play it though very in-depth, mass game, i’d have a look if i was in to sci fi

Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Mass Effect Andromeda, Stellaris, Endless Space 1&2, Star Wars The Old Republic (MMO), Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 1&2, Star Wars Rebellion, Surviving Mars, every Fallout (including the old, old ones), Dawn of War 2&3, Warhammer Gladius, Warhammer Deathwing, all the Half Life's and all the XCOM series! Phew, hope this helps 👍

If you're into sci-fi worlds I cannot recommend 'Outer Wilds' highly enough. One of the most creative, exciting and engaging games I've ever played. Just you, a space-ship and a mini universe to unravel.
Not to be confused with 'Outer Worlds'. Which is a fine game in itself, just a bit generic.
Not to be confused with 'Outer Worlds'. Which is a fine game in itself, just a bit generic.

I'm currently with no pc... But can't wait to revive my ps1 and ps2 memories on the renovated Mafia.

1 post
+1 votes
whats your favorite music from the 90s??
The eyes of darkness. Even had wuhan 400 or something as the virus.
whats your favorite music from the 90s??

im eager to know what everyones favorite genre is and what music from that genre
from the 90s and has your taste for music grown or changed over the years?
we all enjoy some music when were high and in the zone, during travel and during work!
from the 90s and has your taste for music grown or changed over the years?
we all enjoy some music when were high and in the zone, during travel and during work!

It has to be MF DOOM. He died recently but the way this dude puts words together and fucks with the ryhme scheme is other-worldy. RIP DOOM

Two albums define the 90s for me. Exile on coldharbour lane - Alabama 3. You owe it to yourself to listen to this
Also Dummy by portishead, but only if I'm feeling low.
Also Dummy by portishead, but only if I'm feeling low.

Loved them- have 'rediscovered' mezanine by Massive Attack in the last few days.Brings me back to being a stoned student in my first bedsit. Great times.

Portishead - Dummy
Lamb - Lamb
Faithless - Sunday 8PM
Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish
System of a Down - System of a Down
Leftfield - Leftism
The 90's was a great time.
Lamb - Lamb
Faithless - Sunday 8PM
Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish
System of a Down - System of a Down
Leftfield - Leftism
The 90's was a great time.

Black metal .... More black metal ...... i like most genres but i love BLACK METAL! Dimmu Borgir, Watain , Dissection ect....

Oooooo the 90's 😍😍😍
My personal favourite musical decade. The decade where I really found myself musically.
God thinking back I had/have some eclectic tastes.... used to listen to allsorts from studenty indie bands such as Carter Usm through hip hop (nwa, dre, wu tang etc) laid back shiz like massive attack, Portishead through to happy hardcore, gabba techno & jungle
Saw out the late 90's bouncing from club to club with a house, hard house, trance & techno soundtrack to my life (which only ended in the past decade or so 😀)
My personal favourite musical decade. The decade where I really found myself musically.
God thinking back I had/have some eclectic tastes.... used to listen to allsorts from studenty indie bands such as Carter Usm through hip hop (nwa, dre, wu tang etc) laid back shiz like massive attack, Portishead through to happy hardcore, gabba techno & jungle
Saw out the late 90's bouncing from club to club with a house, hard house, trance & techno soundtrack to my life (which only ended in the past decade or so 😀)

Mate, this reads like I wrote it! I’m was (and still am!) a huge Carter fan! Proper tuned me in to the world, their lyrics still stand strong now. Got me socially aware and into hip hop, then I got into the tail end of the rave/club scene. Onto trip hop,and the 00’s indie scene a bit. Listen to mostly 90s hip hop and industrial stuff now!

I was so obsessed when i was younger i even had the leather jacket with the symbol on the back.
Still love the music but luckily the dress sense has improved a bit!
Anyone who thinks Bruno Mars is ground breaking (and i think his music is great by the way) needs to stick a few Prince albums from the late 80's and 90's on. Gives a very clear idea where he gets his "thing" from.
Cheers BB
I was so obsessed when i was younger i even had the leather jacket with the symbol on the back.
Still love the music but luckily the dress sense has improved a bit!
Anyone who thinks Bruno Mars is ground breaking (and i think his music is great by the way) needs to stick a few Prince albums from the late 80's and 90's on. Gives a very clear idea where he gets his "thing" from.
Cheers BB

bruno mars is one hell of a singer!
be careful this guy would catch a grenade for your mrs haha!!
be careful this guy would catch a grenade for your mrs haha!!

Gotta have house music!
As the 90's started I'll admit to being into American Rock artists like Motley Crue, Poison, Ratt and Kiss. Also liked a bitta Journey, Night Ranger, REO Speedwagon. Still have a lot of my tapes and records from back in the day. I've converted one room into a Music room. Got a tape deck, turntable, CD and MP3 player all wired into a decent set of speakers. But back to the 90's.
Must have been summer 92 that I went to my first rave. I live in NI so we those that are fimilar with things will remember Kellys in Portrush. Spent many saturday nights dancing to some amazing house music. Some epic tunes by artists who'se names I never did get, to loved up to care! As long as there was a big beat, piano break, hands in the air we didn't care. #goodtimes
As the 90's started I'll admit to being into American Rock artists like Motley Crue, Poison, Ratt and Kiss. Also liked a bitta Journey, Night Ranger, REO Speedwagon. Still have a lot of my tapes and records from back in the day. I've converted one room into a Music room. Got a tape deck, turntable, CD and MP3 player all wired into a decent set of speakers. But back to the 90's.
Must have been summer 92 that I went to my first rave. I live in NI so we those that are fimilar with things will remember Kellys in Portrush. Spent many saturday nights dancing to some amazing house music. Some epic tunes by artists who'se names I never did get, to loved up to care! As long as there was a big beat, piano break, hands in the air we didn't care. #goodtimes

I grew up in the '90s and it was the age when I really discovered music. I still listen to a ton of '90s music. I think for me hip hop peaked in the '90s - Enter the Wu Tang, The Chronic, Illmatic, Ready to Die...I could go on.
I saw Leftism get a mention earlier in the thread, what an amazing album, still holds up today. I saw them live a few times and they were always great, a real shame they didn't put out more music. I know Leftfield technically still exists but it's not the same.
I saw Leftism get a mention earlier in the thread, what an amazing album, still holds up today. I saw them live a few times and they were always great, a real shame they didn't put out more music. I know Leftfield technically still exists but it's not the same.

A great decade for punk / hardcore. Fugazi. Gorilla Biscuits. Rollins, before he disappeared up his own arse. Sweaty gigs in tiny venues. I miss those days.

Dean Koontz! he wrote a novel that very much matches whats going on in the world today, with the current affairs involved in virology etc
cant think the name from the top of my head, i will be back here with the name :D
cant think the name from the top of my head, i will be back here with the name :D

Early Nineties I started working, then living in London and I loved pirate radio. UKG and Jungle, served up with a proper attitude, while having a right laugh.
Cruising round Essex & Easts in a Renault 5 turbo with 3 mates squeezed in the back, chatting shit about who makes the best/worst spliff.
Before I moved abroad I recorded hours of it, but lost the tapes (lol) along the way.
Hey-ho... (more like "oi-oi", yeah?)
Cruising round Essex & Easts in a Renault 5 turbo with 3 mates squeezed in the back, chatting shit about who makes the best/worst spliff.
Before I moved abroad I recorded hours of it, but lost the tapes (lol) along the way.
Hey-ho... (more like "oi-oi", yeah?)

Born in the 70s . I suppose the 80s rock played a big part.
Altho prodigy was epic in the 90s
Altho prodigy was epic in the 90s

Gotta be house/ trance. My favourite tune which gives me goosebumps is Silence by Delerium, I love the strong female vocals

In the early to mid 90's I loved nothing more than a night of bouncing, banging techno, followed by Marley/Floyd type of thing as I eased down the next day.
*DTB shivers while recalling those next days*
Changed lots over the years and is now trip hop with a jazz angle, classical & opera, Cash, Floyd, Zeppelin, Fleetwood, Dylan, and a bit of Postmodern Jukebox if I feel like dreaming about sharing my life with Haley Reinhart.
*DTB shivers while recalling those next days*
Changed lots over the years and is now trip hop with a jazz angle, classical & opera, Cash, Floyd, Zeppelin, Fleetwood, Dylan, and a bit of Postmodern Jukebox if I feel like dreaming about sharing my life with Haley Reinhart.

Well where do you start !!!! Jungle techno hard house sterns Worthing what a club also club uk Wandsworth then onto eat static banco de gaia on-u sound mad professor iration steppas bush chemist's the disciples sizzla Anthony b bushman jah shakasound system that was loud !!! The list goes on and on !!!!!!

4 posts
+10 votes
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
All musicians steal mate and say they were inspired. A lot of that era were the same. Keith Richards does it. Don’t think that takes away from them as…
+ 4 more
Anything by Elton John fucking hate the cunt and his music, my wife ruined my Xmas day few years back by telling me a gay singer i didnt like had died.
I was so exited then she told me it was George Michael and i was gutted.
I was so exited then she told me it was George Michael and i was gutted.

and i feel better about myself, you know plotting his murder and all. george michael on the other hand was a genius and worth a quickie in the facility of his choosing

Hahahaha, I actually like Elton, well as much as a straight man can but that made me laugh man.

Tiny Dancer and Rocket Man are OK songs. Other than that Elton John is soooooo overrated.

Fairground simply red, gives me violent thoughts of grabbing mick by his flowing red curls and bouncing his head of every hard surface available. Total pissflap

Yeah anything by Simply Red can give me Forrest Whittaker eye but Fairground is especially bad

And imagine being called Eileen when it came on down the pub back in the day…. Poor cow needed 3 packs of baby wipes.

Too many but Will Smith - Wild Wild West has got to be up there surely. It’s like some record execs put a gun to his head and said ‘Dance bitch!’

Do you think they did it again to willow ? I whip my hair even for a 13 year old was fucking awful

that movie had so much going for it and they still blew it, would make a better series than a lot of shit

Nothing Compares to You by Sinead Depressing Cunt O'Connor that song has the warmth and charm of a dead Rat lying next to a used Tampon.

That Barbie girl tune, need I say why! Lol
And the “grandma I love you” tune, showing my age! Lol
And the “grandma I love you” tune, showing my age! Lol

Ok you win… The grandma I love you song was fucking horrendous, then they felt the need to create the sequel… Grandpa I love you… I mean we got the message the first time.

Lol. She is a liar too, when that Leo chap drowned in the ice, his heart certainly didn’t go on….

Watch this with your sound on, and I think you will agree no further explanation is required.

Bruno Mars.
"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are"
My question is - how many faces did he previously change to suit his needs. He's amazed he found someone who's face doesn't need rearranging. This man is a psycho folks.
"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are"
My question is - how many faces did he previously change to suit his needs. He's amazed he found someone who's face doesn't need rearranging. This man is a psycho folks.

Keane - Bedshaped.
Stupid, depressing lyrics that make no sense at all.
Bedshaped? That'll be a bed then...
I hate it because it reminds me of the two weeks I spent crawling around a 20 inch deep subfloor void for 8 hours a day, doing timber treatments on a huge old house.
That shit was on the radio every 20 mins for the whole time we were there.
Scarred me 🙉
Stupid, depressing lyrics that make no sense at all.
Bedshaped? That'll be a bed then...
I hate it because it reminds me of the two weeks I spent crawling around a 20 inch deep subfloor void for 8 hours a day, doing timber treatments on a huge old house.
That shit was on the radio every 20 mins for the whole time we were there.
Scarred me 🙉

Steppin' Out by Joe Jackson. Ain't rock, ain't disco, can't dance to it without looking like Steve Martin doing a retarded dance.

Anything by/from:
Engelbert Humperdinck
The "Top 20"
Status Quo
--- all should be banned as Weapons of Mass Destruction of the ear'oles
Engelbert Humperdinck
The "Top 20"
Status Quo
--- all should be banned as Weapons of Mass Destruction of the ear'oles

If you really want a contender for worst song, you need to listen to Taylor Swift Gorgeous. The song composition and the lyrics seem like they were written by a child.

Also majority of her songs. She did a cover of September by earth wind and fire that haunts me... She turned funk into folk what the actual fuck.

hahaha.. funny to see Zeppelin here because it did occur to me too . Seems like everybody has to adore their music :P

I forgot all about this,Hey plenty of Zepp stuff is fine but that song really gets my goat the first time i heard it i never knew who it was my missus had been putting cd's in the laptop and they kept getting synched to my ipod it came on random one day and i just went wtf is this shit before looking who it was, it sounds to me like a holiday camp band doing reggae.

All musicians steal mate and say they were inspired. A lot of that era were the same. Keith Richards does it. Don’t think that takes away from them as musicians.

Cool, mine too. Sometimes I feel like the great Alan in your photo speaking to younger people. AHA. I was sick with laughter when he got hit with a cow. Steve coogans characters are genius. All the way back to the calf family

as a punk i was always compelled to hate led zep, it was a mistake, i still hate most classic rock still (with merit now) but these guys were really in a class by themselves.

I’m too nice to downvote as maybe that’s how you feel but seriously? The band who gave us in my time of dying can never be fuckin awful.

1 post
+0 votes
Gang Fight: Lawyers vs Doctors (for real)
Not %100 but. Don’t think she has always been a woman. Where did you go on holiday?

Gang Fight: Lawyers vs Doctors (for real)

Can't make this shit up a gang of Pakistani lawyers in suits showed up at a hospital to beat up doctors that apparently wont give them special treatment. A patient dies in the crossfire.

Two professions that should have a higher understanding of humanities, kickin the sh*t out of each other!

12 posts
+35 votes
Nepalese Temple Ball. Hands down the best hash I’ve ever smoked. If you get it I’ll buy it!

Malana cream would bring a smile to my face. Used to buy from the Rokerij in the dam in th 90s and find creative ways to bring loads home. Favourite out of many hashes over the years. I don’t count the modern x2 filtered powerhouses. They are a different ball game.

Nepalese please.
Hard to get hold of and will be gone in a minute.
Did I say Nepalese?
Nepalese please.
Hard to get hold of and will be gone in a minute.
Did I say Nepalese?

There’s loads about mate. They will get more as it was popular. Gentleman are all about keeping the customer happy.

If its quality Im down for it haha.. So that means the one that is good price to use ratio. 50-60 euro for 5 grams means this has to be good for one person to smoke smwhere around 2 weeks +/-.
And only proper good hash can do that. Good hash ALWAYS means it burns clean, resin behaves like that and if it doesnt it means there is lesser class of sift/rubbing used. Sometimes even mixing stuff like hanna and whoknows what else.
And Ive been to Spain and Paris and not only that, I was raised in an enviroment where ther was a civil war raging and we had access to the best drugs for a long while.
Personally, Ive always loved live rubbed Indian charras/cream hash. Also the egg hash from Marocc. But I remember some rather strong soap bar lebanese hashes too.
Grade A is what Im after I guess. Grade B is ok if I must. Grade C should be made into concentartes and purified and low cost.
And only proper good hash can do that. Good hash ALWAYS means it burns clean, resin behaves like that and if it doesnt it means there is lesser class of sift/rubbing used. Sometimes even mixing stuff like hanna and whoknows what else.
And Ive been to Spain and Paris and not only that, I was raised in an enviroment where ther was a civil war raging and we had access to the best drugs for a long while.
Personally, Ive always loved live rubbed Indian charras/cream hash. Also the egg hash from Marocc. But I remember some rather strong soap bar lebanese hashes too.
Grade A is what Im after I guess. Grade B is ok if I must. Grade C should be made into concentartes and purified and low cost.

I loved the double zero and the chef. Got some AK on order from you. What I would love is some of this hash porn from Frenchy Cannoli. It’s like looking at top grade chocolate. It makes me salivate!

I remember those bars with the stamp of zero from the 90s... there were some really fire ones!

I got 50 g of commercial pollen few days ago. Also some royal Afghan. The commercial is 220 for 50 grams. The prices are coming down man. That is why so much solid is turning up on biggy. Even the green dealers are jumping on it cos there is a lot of top shelf shit going around. I received a hash menu from the gods a few days ago. With everything from traditional top shelf hash to the modern dry sift filtered gear,

I expect a 10 for 100euro to be top notch, otherwise Im not buying. If I dont get enough bang for my buck I get agitated af! And I know a thing or two about hash and Ive tried grade A of many varieties many times in the past. Thats why it sucks a LOT when I get B or C under A. And these days many seem to not know what is good hash and how to test if you got a good deal. Specially in the case when my standard of living is quite lower

Mate, I have a guy who has commercial pollen and top shelf. Ranging from 250 to 280. Its real good mate. Not your usual dry sift. Real hash. Even got a couple of sativa a versions. Can’t wait to work through the menu. That’s their Royal Afghan. What a smoke.

nice! looks resinous
Ive had this type before too. aaah the memories. I used to get 50grams and sell to make my smoke free back in the heydays..
Ive had this type before too. aaah the memories. I used to get 50grams and sell to make my smoke free back in the heydays..

I tried Isolator (with 7other varieties of skunk of course) powder from Gray Zone coffee shop in Dam and it knocked the f out of me and my then wife. We were plastered to the spot in which we smoked in for at least 2 hours. Went on 4 dinners that evening, it was insane :)

Was it grey area mate you mean? My favourites were rokerij, for their Moroccans. Greenhouse for weed but always somewhere else to smoke as greenhouse were at the top of their hype.Dampkring is another. Small but excellent weed. Grey area. Some place I cant remember who always had a white cat. Speant mints there over the years. Even paid 150 to be a judge in the high times cannabis cup back in the 90s what a laugh.

Damn, I thought Gray Area, You are right.. was there a decade ago.
Dampkring was awesome too. And I think the first one I was in was called Blue Dolphin. And the 90s were something else!
Dampkring was awesome too. And I think the first one I was in was called Blue Dolphin. And the 90s were something else!

I got nice budder during the week.many tips? I’ve just started dabbing and bought a g9 enail. Only used to shatter.

I had two grams of iceolator on Monday. Just ran out. I smoke a half of green a week and hav smoked less this week.

Lemon haze hash...the gentleman dealers had it in, now out of stock. Took me back to 80’s when street hash was awesum...

Me too, was sad when the chef left, also agree with coldo420, lemon haze is not one I've tried but would like too.

Hash that gets to me would be my favourite hash in stead of waiting 6weeks and still nothing

1 post
+1 votes

Favourite thing to eat when really high??
Benzos, don’t judge me. I know the dangers.

Favourite thing to eat when really high??
Like.... what's the one thing that hits the spot for you? Mine is a peanut butter and nutella sandwich with a handful of frosties in the middle. ???

who didn't? But it was a serious answer. I make a wicked Green Dragon and once I have some, I have an uncontrollable desire (my wife can vouch).

Lol good answer Ram9198 mate ha ha !!!! With chocolate mousse and or with. whipped cream !!!! Very mourish

Easy one. Grilled cheese sandwich.
1. Two slices of Warburton's Thick Toastie bread. (Orange package.)
2. Sun dried tomatoes, chopped finely.
2.5. Chili flakes. (optional)
3. Generous slice of Gruyere cheese.
4. Thin slices of parmeggiano regiano.
5. One or two slices of mild cheddar.
6. One or two slices of red leicester, mature.
A. Butter slices of bread heavily, but only one side of each.
B. Put a pan on the hob, very low heat. (low-n-slow is the secret here)
C. Put first slice of bread on the pan, butter down.
D. Place Gruyere and parm on top of the bread in the pan.
E. Sprinkle chopped sundried tomatoes and chili flakes on top.
F. Layer on mild cheddar, then red leicester cheese.
G. Place second slice of bread on top of the top layer of cheese, butter side up.
H. Cover pan with a metal bowl if you have one. (Helps melt cheese and toast evenly) Optional.
I. Toast low-n-slow. Flip over carefully. Keep flipping over until cheese is melted and bread is preferred degree of brown/toasted.
Try it. It'll blow your mind.
1. Two slices of Warburton's Thick Toastie bread. (Orange package.)
2. Sun dried tomatoes, chopped finely.
2.5. Chili flakes. (optional)
3. Generous slice of Gruyere cheese.
4. Thin slices of parmeggiano regiano.
5. One or two slices of mild cheddar.
6. One or two slices of red leicester, mature.
A. Butter slices of bread heavily, but only one side of each.
B. Put a pan on the hob, very low heat. (low-n-slow is the secret here)
C. Put first slice of bread on the pan, butter down.
D. Place Gruyere and parm on top of the bread in the pan.
E. Sprinkle chopped sundried tomatoes and chili flakes on top.
F. Layer on mild cheddar, then red leicester cheese.
G. Place second slice of bread on top of the top layer of cheese, butter side up.
H. Cover pan with a metal bowl if you have one. (Helps melt cheese and toast evenly) Optional.
I. Toast low-n-slow. Flip over carefully. Keep flipping over until cheese is melted and bread is preferred degree of brown/toasted.
Try it. It'll blow your mind.

Masala fish in naan, with lettuce and onions and a nice chilli mint sauce and a lovely exotic drink like passion fruit to wash it all down.

I’d probably have to say any type of fast food. For example KFC, Pizza Hut or McDonald’s, etc.

Apple cut into wedges and smothered in peanut butter. Not your healthy 100 % nuts shit that you find in Holland and Barrett, I'm talking Asda home brand 98% sugar ones.

Cheesecake for me mate. The mini ones they sell in asda are unreal. Or chocolate trifle. Either way I'm like a pig in shit lol.

1 post
+7 votes

How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD
Changed mine for the better.

How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD
So I have been using this site since last summer and I have to say i really love it... up to now (fingers crossed & touch wood) i have never had an order intercepted and most turn up pretty fast..
Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!
Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!

I have a lot less money now lmao but credit where it's due I've had over 50 orders have used too many different sellers to list them, use all the different postage options and every single one has arrived through my door safe and sound - no losses, no disputes, no reships or refunds just weed in my lettorbox! who doesn't want that? :) Big up lb's reliable sellers! :)

Couple of years on now and you can quadruple that number of orders and I've still had every single one land through my door no issues :) the work our sellers do is amazing <3

Agree with all the comments it’s completely changed what I use and the most interesting part for me is trying to educate myself more on what I’m smoking and or using.
Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now I’m never off that fucking topics page. It’s like I’ve got FOMO 🤦♂️
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis 👌
Long live LB and the community
To all the vender’s I’ve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol 😂 🫡
I just need to remember it’s not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵
I’ve been lucky as I’ve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and that’s not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol 😂
Defo spred your wings and as I’ve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends 💨💨
Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now I’m never off that fucking topics page. It’s like I’ve got FOMO 🤦♂️
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis 👌
Long live LB and the community
To all the vender’s I’ve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol 😂 🫡
I just need to remember it’s not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵
I’ve been lucky as I’ve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and that’s not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol 😂
Defo spred your wings and as I’ve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends 💨💨

“ What you got ?
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵 ”
😂😂😂😂…brilliant Daz….it’s funny ‘cos it’s true! 😎
Nice 👌 what type ?
Sound there’s your money 💵 ”
😂😂😂😂…brilliant Daz….it’s funny ‘cos it’s true! 😎

It's turned me on to bitcoin and that has made a real difference to my finances and the way I see the world :)

You know before I got on to this site i didnt even know how to get hold of bitcoin. Now i put my savings into not just bitcoin but other crypto currencies too. Using this site and having to learn about bitcoin actually taught me alot more

This site has been amazing, in my experience. It’s so good to be able to buy such an array of products. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with the sellers I’ve dealt with. I might not remember them all but I’ve used Hashtag UK, Drugs Inc UK, The Green Team, Super Hans, All4twenty, UK connect and Daan. All have been great. Amazing product, stealth and delivered through the letterbox! What’s not to like. The only downer is Bitcoin and the fees. Other than that with all the choice, I feel like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. Although, looking at the weight I’ve put on in lockdown I’m probably more like Augustus Gloop!

Yeah the array of products on offer is really what has msde me fall in love with this site. Id need 20 dealers on the street to get hold of even half the stuff on here and alot of stuff would just not be possible. Long live littlebiggy!

I agree big time. This site has 100% saved me and my partner as when lockdown started we had no stash whatsoever and with no means to get our usual stuff. I feel so lucky to have found lb, the community here and all the choice it's amazing and If someone told me about this few years ago I wouldn't believed them.
In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!
In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!

Oh yes I still have friends that go to the street to get their smoke and they dont believe that this site is legit. They think I have a connect that I'm keeping secret lol defo their loss if they font have the balls to try it out lol
I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.
I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.

the problem of the street is that there is not much choice, sometimes the quality is poor and the product is never weighed.. prices can vary significantly and above all I have no more age and time to go around.
this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life l’m interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight 😄
this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life l’m interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight 😄

Highly reccomend the urban leaf company and bonnevilles afgooey is special and smoggyman smoke is honestly next level to anything else I’ve had of here you won’t be disappointed if you try any of them :)

ahh I love the little brandings and product design, makes me chuckle
never know what you're going to get.
never know what you're going to get.

Made a massive difference to my life as I don't have the hassle of finding the next score, not knowing what it is, if it's been cured or on weight, from some dodgy dude in a dodgy place.

Yeah its definitely nice yo be able to buy from a reliable source like some of the guys on here. Love the rating system, the escrow... Everything! Whats not to love lol

You could say it was life changing...thats one way to put it haha. Fml this site is something else XD

I've been a member of so many different Weed forums and sites over the years. So many of them are just places for people to say "I'm smoking this, but you can't." This place is the complete opposite, if you see someone mentioning some amazing weed or hash you can buy it yourself within a few clicks. None of that gatekeeping you see elsewhere.
The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.
The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.

I joined and my first choices of Smokers Inc & Premium Extracts robbed me completely. Except they didn’t because of the amazing Escrow Suisse so not surprisingly I persisted. My next two orders where not good experiences. Sticking with it I finally came across the likes of Smoggyman, SuperHans & UK Dispensary and all shifted on its axis!
I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!
I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!

Fortunately i didnt go through the same issues that you did but thats why its best to always ask around on here about a seller and check their ratings out... When i came on here the first seller i bough off was the green team as they were the highest rated i could see at that time and came with quite a few people recommending them.
If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.
If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.

I do agree, although PremiumExtracts had 100+ sales and a 9.8% rating and they still took me and a good few others. I accept that if I want to buy illegal product online then it comes with an elevated level of risk which is why I stuck with it. I was sceptical that Escrow Suisse was even a real thing and was stunned by just how efficient they are. I’ve had to work harder and wait longer to get my money back from Amazon! :)

love my biggaz, this place creates the kind of society i can buy into because people have such a strong voice here. the sellers are excellent, many of them true artisans but it's the crowd and their power here that keeps them that way.

Never met a bad guy on here so far... Lots of other places are full of scammers, drama and issues.
Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl
Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl

This is my first suprise here to. I read the topics all the time when I’m bored and no one argues… ever. No one is being an ass hole, it’s quite remarkable.
The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I don’t hear many people getting called a mong.
The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I don’t hear many people getting called a mong.

We can honestly say we look forward to everyday sharing the love with all you beautiful Bigga's!! Not only is it a safe way for us to spread our love but also to be part of a community that believes in quality and a different way of life...and one where we can choose to do what the hell we like ;-)
We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!
We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!

Its been a massive plus for me. I moved to a rural location and getting weed was near on impossible. Stumbled upon this site in my desperation and it has been a game changer.

Joined late July. Postman is never away from the door. "Plenty of packages this weather" he said on Friday. Told him that I've found a 'new' hobby. Hope he never asks to come in and see my collection of pin badges 😅

I can't believe the various posties I've had haven't worked out what they deliver to me regularly. Thankfully they've all been great and the odd ice cold can of coke, on the 30 degree plus days we enjoy in the UK occasionally, goes a long way!

Due to Druids Magic, I am friends with Polly as my first DM to them was called "I hope you don't mind" and a recommendation for them to try Druids.
Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much
Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much

We only remain here because we’ve had multiple private reviews from cancer patients saying our product helped them with relief. For vendors, they can also make a lot of money providing they keep a consistent product

Been on here for nearly a year. Got ripped of once for about 120 notes. Live and learn eh. Other than that I've not got a bad word to say about LB. Can't really get good hash anymore up where I live so this has been a god send. Keep up the hard work vendors. It's very much appreciated. Have a merry Xmas all you Biggies out there. And keep on puffing 💨💨💨

For sure. I'm a medical user who really struggled when I moved back to the UK. I stumbled upon LB over a year ago and have never looked back since. My top vendors are Urban Leaf Company (pure service and quality), MJ Concentrates (the same), UK CannaFarm (grass roots good ol' boy with fantastic organic weed), Oilman (great RSO and some top shelf herb), Dope Chef (great edibles), and Super Hans (a new find for me, but a connoisseur and professional to say the least). However, I've had only one bad experience and Escrow Suisse looked after it. Definitely life changing!

Hey buddy, i've just seen this. Thanks so much for the message! I'm back online again with some new stuff if you'd like to check me out :)

Absolutely 100% yes. Didn't have a regular dealer for a couple of years so had to either nag friends to buy through them, or buy random overpriced crap from strangers. Always worrying about running out and having to go through that process again. From that to this? Night and day. Add to that one of the nicest communities on the internet...

I joined when lock down began and I started to panic where I would get my weed from. Been pretty much a daily toker for the last 36 years and before lock down used to fly to Amsterdam once a month on a easyjet special and pack a jiffy bag full of delights and post them home!! Its saved me a fortune being able to use little biggy but I still miss the fun of the DAM and a night in the Katsu coffee shop

yeah def changed my life.
wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!
wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!

It's definitely been an eye opener as far as seeing the possibilities of online communities

100%. No more meeting dodgy dudes with tinted windows for shit Stardawg. The community aspect as well, great site.

Well, this is a nice topic and i would like to contribute :)
I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas
I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas

Yeah the least one could say!
A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.
A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.

Changed my life for good next day delivery’s are perfect for me overall the stealth from most of the top vendors on here is excellent I can vouch for honest feedback. Big up the team at lb for keeping this site up and running we all need medicine.
One Love
One Love

1 post
+6 votes
Apocalypse films
Apocalypse now is one of my favourite films. Have you seen the redux version. It’s a directors cut and is so worth it. It is loosely based on the book…

Apocalypse films
Looking for films that are to do with some kind of apocalypse. E.g. zombies, viruses, nuclear, environmental. Can be based during or after the apocalyptic event. Please tell me your favourites or ones you plan to watch
Some of my favourites: children of men, 28 days/weeks later, Dawn of the dead (2004), I am legend, 2012 and war of the world's (2005)
Some of my favourites: children of men, 28 days/weeks later, Dawn of the dead (2004), I am legend, 2012 and war of the world's (2005)

You should check out 'Threads' a UK TV movie from the mid 80's. The effects are wonky by todays standards but it's still chilling as hell. Fail Safe and Forbin: The Colossus Project are also still scary.
Children of Men is my favourite film of all time. A flawless masterpiece with great characters and so plausible.
Children of Men is my favourite film of all time. A flawless masterpiece with great characters and so plausible.

+1 for Threads, superb. They could act, the director could direct; I'm critical of much of todays loud, effects heavy drama. But then I'm a wrinkly 8)
"Apocalypse Now" fits into the category I think, if you haven't seen it - do so asap.
"Apocalypse Now" fits into the category I think, if you haven't seen it - do so asap.

I have seen apocalypse now, didn't think of that when I wrote the post. I guess it's not a proper apocalypse (global/taking humanity to near extinction - does tick the societal collapse box) but the name certainly fits and it is a brilliant film.

Apocalypse now is one of my favourite films. Have you seen the redux version. It’s a directors cut and is so worth it. It is loosely based on the book Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad which is a good read if you enjoy the film. Brando is the man. A hell of a lot of his part is improvised. Genius

I actually prefer the original version, it's tighter (and usually I'd always go for director's cut). The Redux one felt a bit over-indulgent (the scenes with the playboy bunnies and the weird, detached posh French people were interesting but didn't add much that the film didn't already get across in other scenes, and they affected the pacing for me). Anyway, that's just my personal preference - great shout from you and Dirigible, and one of my favourite films too (also Conrad is one of my favourite writers).
The "making of" doc for the film (called 'Hearts of Darkness') is an apocalypse film in itself ;). Def worth seeing if you haven't - at one point Coppola tells his wife that he's mortgaged everything he owns to pay for the movie, and it's going to be rubbish, and considers deliberately injuring himself to get the insurance payout ;(
Brando is indeed the man! I think he had to improvise most of it because he couldn't/wouldn't learn the actual script haha (plus the script was unfinished)...and yet the performance is still genius.
(also, Brando wasn't the only one who wouldn't learn his lines, as the link with Dennis Hopper above shows. And I'm pretty sure Coppola was partaking of the magic herb during shooting as well, let's not assume he was sober just cos he's the director ;)
This is all a tangent but man I love the film.
I was going to suggest The Road as well, as someone has already said - bleak and powerful film. And Children of Men is a great choice. Also, Tarkovsky’s Stalker - incredible shots and atmosphere.
The "making of" doc for the film (called 'Hearts of Darkness') is an apocalypse film in itself ;). Def worth seeing if you haven't - at one point Coppola tells his wife that he's mortgaged everything he owns to pay for the movie, and it's going to be rubbish, and considers deliberately injuring himself to get the insurance payout ;(
Brando is indeed the man! I think he had to improvise most of it because he couldn't/wouldn't learn the actual script haha (plus the script was unfinished)...and yet the performance is still genius.
(also, Brando wasn't the only one who wouldn't learn his lines, as the link with Dennis Hopper above shows. And I'm pretty sure Coppola was partaking of the magic herb during shooting as well, let's not assume he was sober just cos he's the director ;)
This is all a tangent but man I love the film.
I was going to suggest The Road as well, as someone has already said - bleak and powerful film. And Children of Men is a great choice. Also, Tarkovsky’s Stalker - incredible shots and atmosphere.

I suggested it fits as the Vietnam War caused the collapse of Vietnamese society & economy, not to mention the USAs use of the defoliant Agent Orange, napalm and all the rest. As far as all those agrarian villagers were concerned it was an "extinction event", their world had gone. 8(

I’m going to throw Snowpiercer into the mix. The movie, not the tv series. Directed by Bong Joon Ho, he directed Parasite and has a great name.
Children of men is also one of my all time favourites, very moving film that scarily looks like the not too distant future.
Children of men is also one of my all time favourites, very moving film that scarily looks like the not too distant future.

Children of Men: that is my fav film ever, I remmeber when I first watched it I was so moved I was in tears. Usually love movies but never get emotional, Children of Men however got me. "Strawberry Cough". 28 Days Later, one of Danny Boyles movies.
Other good movies: Train to Busan, The Road, Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Shaun of The Dead, Sunshine (about a space crew in the future trying to stop an impending apocalypse as the sun is dying), Independence Day. That's what I can think of so far, but amazing shout on Children of Men, a lot of people I know have never seen Children of Men, it's a very underrated film.
Other good movies: Train to Busan, The Road, Cloverfield, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Shaun of The Dead, Sunshine (about a space crew in the future trying to stop an impending apocalypse as the sun is dying), Independence Day. That's what I can think of so far, but amazing shout on Children of Men, a lot of people I know have never seen Children of Men, it's a very underrated film.

That one shot through the bus and into the building.
Incredible bit of filmmaking.
Gravity is also a bit of a masterpiece.
Incredible bit of filmmaking.
Gravity is also a bit of a masterpiece.

The walking dead( rv series )
The road
The book of eli
Night eats the world
Train to buscan
Last man in earth *TV comedy
A quiet place
The crazies
Just a few I have watched that were decent
The road
The book of eli
Night eats the world
Train to buscan
Last man in earth *TV comedy
A quiet place
The crazies
Just a few I have watched that were decent

** shoots at asteroid.
“I’m only trying to have some fun before I die”
Buscemi? NO. Usually I dig your work. But no. You already died mate.
Or. In all seriousness. Along with all the stone cold classics others have mentioned….
Until The End of the World
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Fountain
Avengers Infinity War/Endgame
The Andromeda Strain
Silent Running
Jacob’s Ladder
Phase IV
Planet of the Apes (original)
Planet of The Apes (Not Tim Burton)
Batman, The Batman. Most of the Batmans apart from Clooney and Kilmer.
The Ninth Gate
Day After Tomorrow
Last of Us
Logan’s Run
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (70s version)
The Endless
Fight Club
Day of the Dead (both versions)
28 Days Later
Quiet Earth
The Matrix (and the other ones)
Donnie Darko
Z for Zachariah
Casualties of War
After Hours
Inland Empire
Day of the Triffids (80s version)
Terminator 2
Don’t Look Up
A Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
Super 8
War of The Worlds (Spielberg)
Saving Private Ryan
Reign of Fire
Dr Strangelove
Paths of Glory
Girl With All The Gifts
District 9
12 Monkeys
Wild at Heart
Natural Born Killers
Bad Batch
The Bed Sitting Room
Soylent Green
Farenheit 451
Death Race 2000
Escape From New York
Take Shelter
Another Earth
Both Blade Runners
The Mist
Midnight Special
Should keep you going and make you suitably depressed, but in a nice way.
Probably many, many more. Nothing like the end of the world to make a movie pop.
I do love an apocalypse movie and it’s like I had this massive list pre-prepared or something.
Nobody is that much of a nerd, surely?
Why the fuck d’ya think I smoke weed? It helps
Or maybe I’m like this because I
smoke weed.
Maybe weed would help.
I’ll smoke some weed. Even if it doesn’t help it’ll feel like it’s helping for a while.
** shoots at asteroid.
“I’m only trying to have some fun before I die”
Buscemi? NO. Usually I dig your work. But no. You already died mate.
Or. In all seriousness. Along with all the stone cold classics others have mentioned….
Until The End of the World
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
The Fountain
Avengers Infinity War/Endgame
The Andromeda Strain
Silent Running
Jacob’s Ladder
Phase IV
Planet of the Apes (original)
Planet of The Apes (Not Tim Burton)
Batman, The Batman. Most of the Batmans apart from Clooney and Kilmer.
The Ninth Gate
Day After Tomorrow
Last of Us
Logan’s Run
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (70s version)
The Endless
Fight Club
Day of the Dead (both versions)
28 Days Later
Quiet Earth
The Matrix (and the other ones)
Donnie Darko
Z for Zachariah
Casualties of War
After Hours
Inland Empire
Day of the Triffids (80s version)
Terminator 2
Don’t Look Up
A Clockwork Orange
Full Metal Jacket
Super 8
War of The Worlds (Spielberg)
Saving Private Ryan
Reign of Fire
Dr Strangelove
Paths of Glory
Girl With All The Gifts
District 9
12 Monkeys
Wild at Heart
Natural Born Killers
Bad Batch
The Bed Sitting Room
Soylent Green
Farenheit 451
Death Race 2000
Escape From New York
Take Shelter
Another Earth
Both Blade Runners
The Mist
Midnight Special
Should keep you going and make you suitably depressed, but in a nice way.
Probably many, many more. Nothing like the end of the world to make a movie pop.
I do love an apocalypse movie and it’s like I had this massive list pre-prepared or something.
Nobody is that much of a nerd, surely?
Why the fuck d’ya think I smoke weed? It helps
Or maybe I’m like this because I
smoke weed.
Maybe weed would help.
I’ll smoke some weed. Even if it doesn’t help it’ll feel like it’s helping for a while.

One of my favourite film genres! Some great ones mentioned here and I've made a list of the ones I haven't seen.
The Stand by Stephen King. The book was the best, but I'm sure I've seen dramitised TV versions, going back maybe 30 yrs now...
The Stand by Stephen King. The book was the best, but I'm sure I've seen dramitised TV versions, going back maybe 30 yrs now...

1 post
+2 votes
Initiative: Ban Cali Claims
Here here boris. Couldn’t agree more.

Initiative: Ban Cali Claims
Here in the cryptoverse there is no way to prove an imported product. This makes it easy to claim anything and for the items that are actually imported, impossible to believe. Seems it would be quite easy technically to look out for this BS and clean it up.

I just stay away from Cali branded shit !
So for me is rather off putting than advertising lol.
So for me is rather off putting than advertising lol.

Whoever the first clown in the uk was to pay 100 quid for an 8th just cos it came in a tuna tin needs a slap

I've never purchased any of these strains, but that they are an option seems only a good thing. There will be people that take advantage of that, just like there already is with any other claim of a weeds origin, or even strain, but it also allows the real deal to be sold.
I think we should be left to make that decision ourselves, not have them removed, which will be the result of a ban on claiming its origin, as that is what commands its price. There are so many options here, that no one needs to pay those prices for that weed, real or otherwise. My 2c.
I think we should be left to make that decision ourselves, not have them removed, which will be the result of a ban on claiming its origin, as that is what commands its price. There are so many options here, that no one needs to pay those prices for that weed, real or otherwise. My 2c.

Essentially, you can 'claim' anything. In the cryptoverse there is really no way to prove anything. If people choose to buy 'Cali' weed online, they take the rough with the smooth as far as I'm concerned. It's the buyers responsibility to follow up and ask questions of the vendor. It's up to the vendor to address any buyers' objections. This may be done with or without proof. It's then up to the buyer to decide if the vendor stands up to scrutiny or not. Banning the term 'Cali' essentially opens up a can of worms. Buyer beware and sellers back up your claims. It's simple as that. I won't risk 'Cali' weed because I cannot verify it. Seems like a pretty simple and logical buying methodology. Belief is down to you. Proof is the vendor's business.

Definitely, nobody is forced to buy anything and it's up to the buyer to determine what represents value for money to them

I think "cali" often means its a cali strain. But those who claim to be importing....umm....ive lost friends on LB for calling BS on that one may times hahaha

Oh god, don't get someone started on that barcode stuff, apparently it's super easy to fake! lol
Don't see why some people are so intent on vexing about this topic; use your common sense, you're either willing to pay premium or not, chat to the seller and see if you're comfortable laying the wedge, and worst case dispute it if you think it's fake / you've been misled.
Banning terminology, ffs, where does it end? There's always going to be people trying to mug you off, be sensible and you probably won't get burned.
Peace and love biggas
PS don't be that guy and shit post on established vendors when you haven't even purchased the product!
Don't see why some people are so intent on vexing about this topic; use your common sense, you're either willing to pay premium or not, chat to the seller and see if you're comfortable laying the wedge, and worst case dispute it if you think it's fake / you've been misled.
Banning terminology, ffs, where does it end? There's always going to be people trying to mug you off, be sensible and you probably won't get burned.
Peace and love biggas
PS don't be that guy and shit post on established vendors when you haven't even purchased the product!

Ban the term "import" and "Cali" etc. unless it can be proven that it is indeed imported from California.

If you buy a bottle of Champagne in Tescos what PROOF do you demand to see that it came from France?…that label could be a fake so they can charge more?
Ever had an imported beer?…maybe you haven’t- maybe it was made in my garage….
Ever had an imported beer?…maybe you haven’t- maybe it was made in my garage….

The amount of artificial ingredients and sugar in a lot of alcoholic drinks is unreal. Plus however regulated alcohol is, it’s still a carcinogen whatever dress it comes in.

I understand the point you're making, but the French wine laws and export are incredibly stringent, and there are harsh penalties for offenders. The laws regarding labelling of Champagne are so strict that if you have wine made within the region and that wine is put in a barrel, transported out of the region and back again, then it can't legally be labelled as Champagne any more. We need something that stringent for Cali imports and then there'd be full confidence in the supply chain. Maybe when the French get into legal weed production in the future?
Excellent documentary about investigation of fakes in the wine industry on Amazon Video called 'Sour Grapes'. Worth a watch for anyone interested in wine, or fraud investigations. It was on Netflix for 'free', but now it has a rental cost. I'd never suggest people obtained it through their favourite free download methods. Interestingly, some of the people caught out by the fraud appear to have sold on the fakes, instead of admitting they were conned. That would never happen with weed though...would it...?
Excellent documentary about investigation of fakes in the wine industry on Amazon Video called 'Sour Grapes'. Worth a watch for anyone interested in wine, or fraud investigations. It was on Netflix for 'free', but now it has a rental cost. I'd never suggest people obtained it through their favourite free download methods. Interestingly, some of the people caught out by the fraud appear to have sold on the fakes, instead of admitting they were conned. That would never happen with weed though...would it...?

That's a good point .The shops are full of fake foreign beers.
They claim to be Italian or whatever but when you look at the label it says brewed in the UK.
Apparently, they even change the recipe to suit the local pallet.
They claim to be Italian or whatever but when you look at the label it says brewed in the UK.
Apparently, they even change the recipe to suit the local pallet.

Got visions of some Karen in Tescos asking for proof their beer is imported now 🙈 really wouldn’t surprise me to be fair 😂 I kinda think a lot of the import is genuine.. doesn’t make it good quality tho which amuse confusion people expecting a superior product often geting sold mids as top shelf etc but it is buyers choice wanna spend £100 + on a tuna tin go ahead if I was rich probably would as a one off not guna lie 😆

I noticed on a case of Heineken recently it says ‘Imported Continental Lager’ and in the small print ‘Brewed in Holland & Edinburgh’…🤨….well which the bloody hell is it because it can’t be both and if it’s the latter it sure as hell ain’t a continental import!

Ye I’ve noticed this sort of thing before life’s a bloody con it’s the horse meat scandal all over again 😆 I’m thinking brewed in Edinburgh using Hollands recipe 😅 definitley can not be both 🤨

Tbf I don't think you can compare a regulated market with an unregulated market. Purchasing from an established company, I would imagine, it's more likely to be authentic because there's accountability. You could also ask the producer to provide proof. But of course it's not foolproof, nothing is, and there will always be knock offs.
And I'm sure some "Cali" and other "import" strains on here are genuine. But I'm also sure there are lots of false listings which, frankly, are scams as they falsely justify charging ridiculous prices that take advantage of people.
And I'm sure some "Cali" and other "import" strains on here are genuine. But I'm also sure there are lots of false listings which, frankly, are scams as they falsely justify charging ridiculous prices that take advantage of people.

That was really my point. It would be hard enough in a regulated market to get proof- we just take a leap of faith. In an unregulated i.e illegal market, we take a GIANT leap of faith so demanding proof is frankly ridiculous. Just try it….

I would completely agree this would solve many problems, just looking through and there are some really amazing newish sellers but they are right at the bottom below all the "Cali" too which seems unfair.
Ban ban ban if you ask me, charging a premium for something and not having to supply any real proof (for opsec obviously) leaves way too much room for cheeky beggars.
Ban ban ban if you ask me, charging a premium for something and not having to supply any real proof (for opsec obviously) leaves way too much room for cheeky beggars.

Your shake to smoke is very good but just because your not on the wall doesn't mean you should support the above posters. It's more likely that the products you vend are niche and due to that and the lower engagement you get on posts because of the goods will likely translate into no wall time. Have you considered perhaps offering a budget conscious but less shaky and more bud like offer as that's something LB could always do more with (in my opinion)

Is the weed good does it stone you then why do you care where it comes from,should we be banning all Moroccans because they might have been from Algeria.
Think some folks forget its damn illegal on this island and could be getting non descript bags of home grown weed back on the streets if not for the vendors on biggy searching out fine products for us,personally i dont care if it comes from the moon as long as it is good and if some punter wants to fork out cash for an expensive bit weed that is up to them.
But i should mention just because its supposedly from dumb ass yank land does not make it a superior product to any weed grown or hash made anywhere else on the planet just more expensive because the yanks are all greedy bastards.
Think some folks forget its damn illegal on this island and could be getting non descript bags of home grown weed back on the streets if not for the vendors on biggy searching out fine products for us,personally i dont care if it comes from the moon as long as it is good and if some punter wants to fork out cash for an expensive bit weed that is up to them.
But i should mention just because its supposedly from dumb ass yank land does not make it a superior product to any weed grown or hash made anywhere else on the planet just more expensive because the yanks are all greedy bastards.

Just my opinion, but I pay little attention to the cali slogan usage on here. I am more concerned with a vendor and product rating. The best marker on here are the reviews, then I go by what I can afford vs what I would like to try/buy. There are some prices on here that means I will never go near that product and if I do try that vendor it doesn’t fill me with great confidence that I will be getting anything decent if it is the lower end of that expensive vendors product lines. To be honest I wouldn’t care if it came from the bottom of my backyard as long as it stones me nicely and is smooth and has good flavour…you don’t need cali or import for that…end of the day it is buyer choice what you buy and also seller choice what is sold and how it is sold. It’s business, so if it’s too pricey and no good, eventually people will go elsewhere….no one wants to be ripped off

Anyone stupid enough to buy an 8th for $100 or more deserves to be diddled. There is undoubtably some fake Cali weeds on here as well as some genuine imports but I leave it all well alone thanks to the prices.

Some of the stuff on here is $160 a 1/8 I mean just don’t buy 5 bags fly to Cali and buy some there it would prob cost you around the same haha it’s utter insanity imo weather it’s real or not no flower is worth that price tag and I just wouldn’t buy it each to there own and all but you can get legit stuff cheaper else where it’s only marked up on here cos It’s the only place most have and can go to get it and vendors know this or they are having there pants pulled down 🧐 I have a pal gets import stuff and for a 3.5 sealed bag you talking no more than £70 for the very very top end normally £50-60, here it’s a harsh mark up I mean I like my pants being pulled down but by a woman Not a vendor haha

we have dropped this because the wonderwall algorithm appears to be compensating for cali claims now..

Opposition is a strong word but...
Why single out Cali? Is Dutch going too? Morrocan or Thai?
How about Organic?
They're giving buyers some idea of what to expect.
The bigger the claim the bigger the spanking if the drop doesn't match.
Why single out Cali? Is Dutch going too? Morrocan or Thai?
How about Organic?
They're giving buyers some idea of what to expect.
The bigger the claim the bigger the spanking if the drop doesn't match.

I agree HMT. I've been happily, every now and again, been ordering 'Cali'. V pricey, yes. If it isn't 'cali' I'm pretty happy as its been v good quality IMHO.
Just taken the plunge with a newish but well respected LB vendor on some $130-ish an 1/8 Cali (nice bag and everything!)
At worst I'll still be $130 worse off but with some weed. In these times I'll take that as a general result in life. Maybe I'll be pissed off for a day or two but that'll be it.
Anyway, I'm rambling now.
Not sure if 'Cali' claims should be banned. let the reviewers tell the tale.....
Just taken the plunge with a newish but well respected LB vendor on some $130-ish an 1/8 Cali (nice bag and everything!)
At worst I'll still be $130 worse off but with some weed. In these times I'll take that as a general result in life. Maybe I'll be pissed off for a day or two but that'll be it.
Anyway, I'm rambling now.
Not sure if 'Cali' claims should be banned. let the reviewers tell the tale.....

Yeah I'm opposed to it, I find it ludicrous that it's such a big thing that people are making threads over it. If your not interested scroll past. Oh and I'm gonna put a proper thread up later but it appears using the cannverify app that the Cali I got today is actually from California. As for the codes being easy to fake one Reddit post (which is all the proof I have seen so far) does not a 100% factual statement make. So yeah I'm opposed to this suggestion ;)

Hope you're well DEADRABB1T
All the Jungle Boyz we sell have been declared real by our customers on here.
We don't sell fake and not here to rip NO 1 off.
Can anyone suggest how to prove to people that the cali is really?
Because we are willing to provide any evidence anyone wants to see!!!
This topic is been going on for over a year on here and it's not fair on us when genuinely we are trying our best to provide the best strains and service on here.
So if anyone has any ideas how to prove let us know .
Thanks ❤ Peace
Hope you're well DEADRABB1T
All the Jungle Boyz we sell have been declared real by our customers on here.
We don't sell fake and not here to rip NO 1 off.
Can anyone suggest how to prove to people that the cali is really?
Because we are willing to provide any evidence anyone wants to see!!!
This topic is been going on for over a year on here and it's not fair on us when genuinely we are trying our best to provide the best strains and service on here.
So if anyone has any ideas how to prove let us know .
Thanks ❤ Peace

I really feel for you guys- you bust a gut to bring us some fantastic JB strains and the jealous haters who probably just can’t afford it rip into you like that’s your fault!
“PROOF! PROOF!!” ….I mean FFS!…if you are really that sceptical then don’t buy it, easy, there are over 500 options on this site alone!
Leave it for those of us happy to buy and stop pissing on our parade!
“PROOF! PROOF!!” ….I mean FFS!…if you are really that sceptical then don’t buy it, easy, there are over 500 options on this site alone!
Leave it for those of us happy to buy and stop pissing on our parade!

Thanks mate
It's cool because our Cali customer know its really .
Just haters and trolls .
Every few weeks the same topic starts .
Maybe we should all get together book a venue and I'll bring all my strains and Everyone's just gets F××king high on the house .
It's cool because our Cali customer know its really .
Just haters and trolls .
Every few weeks the same topic starts .
Maybe we should all get together book a venue and I'll bring all my strains and Everyone's just gets F××king high on the house .

Honestly at this point you could book private flights to California, arrange for the doubters to be met at jungle boys hq and watch the bags be filled and the doubters will still be saying stuff like
"They brought the bud over with them" or "were not really in California this is Rotherham" etc
"They brought the bud over with them" or "were not really in California this is Rotherham" etc

Last time I was in Tescos I called out the the Manager as a lying thieving cockwomble because he couldn’t provide me absolute PROOF that their obviously fake Dom Perignon 2003 came from France. How can they make these claims when it’s so easy to fake labels? Only idiots would buy it so I started smashing the bottles. That showed the wankmuffins….
My case comes up on Thursday….
My case comes up on Thursday….

Guys sorry my post has a heavy /s on it if it wasn't clear
As I linked the cannverify to the jungle boys pack I had off you
And was from the start of the year
I 100% believe that what I received was genuinely jungle boys 👍👍
As for proving it's impossible if the method that would typically be used eg cannverify is being cast into doubt. Even if the doubters are unable to actually provide proof that it's comprised 🤷🏻 it's a flat earth situation I fear for the non Cali believers
As I linked the cannverify to the jungle boys pack I had off you
And was from the start of the year
I 100% believe that what I received was genuinely jungle boys 👍👍
As for proving it's impossible if the method that would typically be used eg cannverify is being cast into doubt. Even if the doubters are unable to actually provide proof that it's comprised 🤷🏻 it's a flat earth situation I fear for the non Cali believers

Bro I bought from TGD and they sent me fake zushi. It wasn’t even close to the real deal. I’ve had blue zushi hundreds of times and I’ve had it directly in CA from the actual dispensary. TDG sent me fake zushi, then fucked around with escrow. I’ll get my money back but he’s not as genuine as he comes across.
If he had admitted what he done then I wouldn’t even bother calling him out. But he’s not legit.
If he had admitted what he done then I wouldn’t even bother calling him out. But he’s not legit.

No problem it's cool.
If anyone has any ideas let us know and we will provide what ever it is .
Hope all is well wrap up and stay warm the snow is coming .
Love ❤ TGD
If anyone has any ideas let us know and we will provide what ever it is .
Hope all is well wrap up and stay warm the snow is coming .
Love ❤ TGD

Sender from US could always put an airtag in the box, just show the tracking from airport to airport, gives nothing away other than simply showing, its been shipped from the US. Honestly, I don't really care, I'm never gonna be paying that crazy price, but I don't judge those that would now and again. Just like I'm happy with a Maccies over Gordon Ramsay, as long as it tastes good, and works well, who cares :)

bro you don’t even know what Cali is, you were selling fake blue zushi.
Jungle Boys come pre sealed so it’s not possible for you to fake it unless you’re paying for the bags, which is too much hassle.
But the rest of your shit is fake, I actually ordered from you and now you wanna ask people how to prove if it’s Cali? By selling the real thing and not ripping people off
Jungle Boys come pre sealed so it’s not possible for you to fake it unless you’re paying for the bags, which is too much hassle.
But the rest of your shit is fake, I actually ordered from you and now you wanna ask people how to prove if it’s Cali? By selling the real thing and not ripping people off

Yes! It’s nonsense…Cali is some great weed and I want the opportunity to buy it!….all the Cali I have bought on here has been great!

as someone who lists almost exclusively cali i feel bummed out. I don't think in over 5.5k reviews a single person has disputed the claim, the quality is pretty obvious.
maybe thats why i'm so far down the wall now :(
maybe thats why i'm so far down the wall now :(

Explains why your buds are brilliant. They mostly come from Cali quality is definitely there
Definitely some off the best buds on here
Definitely some off the best buds on here

Yea the algorithm has changed again hasn't it, cause I only LB to buy chocolate and 510 vapes 🤔
No idea what's going on at the moment but it's a bit silly imo
No idea what's going on at the moment but it's a bit silly imo

I agree with HMP. Basically everything is a claim and to single out Cali claims is discrimination;) thanks all

Since most Cali is grown indoors , what's the point of importing it ? Surely we could just grow the same cultivars locally .

Might as well ban claims of organic or grown in living soil too. If a vendor is making big claims then a potential customer should do some serious vetting before deciding to part with the coin.

We import cali ourselves, top-tier grown in and around [retracted] . It just depends on who you shop with, we believe marketing as a difficult topic since there may also be import products sold, if you have had issues regarding import or cali flower on LB you should start a topic about the vendor issues. Caliweed is something sought after, in general it is just weed grown with higher standards. If the weed doesn't check the boxes of smell, taste, high aswell as appearance it should not be cali. Obviously if vendors sell from USA it might be hard to distinguish if something really is from Cali, in the end only the vendors truly can have information about the destination of production.
Also from someone who is really connected around the globe:
Many calipacks come without labels because they are sold without taxes, essentially its recreational weed sold in a black market. This mostly happens to overproduction, or production that did not check all boxes for rc market i.e. dispensaries. Often sold by bigger famous corps but also small black market only corps aswell, those huge amounts of packaged flower aswell as loose flower are sold to big big plugs.
Back to the Calibag topic:
In general Cali should only be bought from truly credible vendors.
Also labeled Cali bags should be controlled because the ones with labels qr codes are the most faked, always check authenticity via scanning qr codes if available. A red flag is if there are no sticker labels on bags, (doesn't have to be fake cali, tho its rare)
Also from someone who is really connected around the globe:
Many calipacks come without labels because they are sold without taxes, essentially its recreational weed sold in a black market. This mostly happens to overproduction, or production that did not check all boxes for rc market i.e. dispensaries. Often sold by bigger famous corps but also small black market only corps aswell, those huge amounts of packaged flower aswell as loose flower are sold to big big plugs.
Back to the Calibag topic:
In general Cali should only be bought from truly credible vendors.
Also labeled Cali bags should be controlled because the ones with labels qr codes are the most faked, always check authenticity via scanning qr codes if available. A red flag is if there are no sticker labels on bags, (doesn't have to be fake cali, tho its rare)

There are barcodes and serial numbers on legitimate cali packs. Though, I guess even those could be refilled and resealed. But any cali pack without dates/serial numbers are fakes.

Not necessarily true, I have a mate in [retracted] that drives to Cali and buys Cali in bulk, they don't even come packed, just loose buds, so honestly it's hard to know whether something is legit or not when it comes to flowers.

Referring to cali packs mate. Clearly wont be dates and serial numbers on loose buds come on lol

Have always thought this as ppl charge premium prices for cali. Some ppl buy cali as it is seen as dispensary quality stuff. So they don't want to put anything in their bodys and trust sellers thinking theyre buying superior qwaulity product less harmful to health.

1 post
+2 votes
Nuclear Weapons
That will never happen friend. Countries, nations need that deterrent to get away with the shit they do. I was a teen during the green ham common camp…

Nuclear Weapons
How do we go about ridding the world of this threat to peace and weed?

Not saying I agree with it, but there's an argument to say that Mutually Assured Destruction saves lives. I wouldn't want to go back to the times of the trenches and millions of young men dying for no reason other than a bit of dirt in the south of France.
If nuclear weapons allow the big boys to wave their fists at eachother, realise the whole thing is probably a bad idea then find something else to do I'm all for it.
Unfortunately we don't live in utopia,so deterrents are neccesary, for right or wrong it's just the way it is. I'd rather have the nukes than not have them put it that way.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB
If nuclear weapons allow the big boys to wave their fists at eachother, realise the whole thing is probably a bad idea then find something else to do I'm all for it.
Unfortunately we don't live in utopia,so deterrents are neccesary, for right or wrong it's just the way it is. I'd rather have the nukes than not have them put it that way.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB

Imagine a room awash in gasoline and there are 2 implacable enemies in that room, one of them has 9000 matches, the other has 7000 matches, each of them is concerned about who is ahead, who is stronger
well that's the kind of situation we are actually in, the amount of weapons that are available are so bloated, so grossly in excess of what's needed to disuade the other that if it weren't so tragic it would be laughable
what is necessary is to reduce the matches and to clean up the gasoline.
well that's the kind of situation we are actually in, the amount of weapons that are available are so bloated, so grossly in excess of what's needed to disuade the other that if it weren't so tragic it would be laughable
what is necessary is to reduce the matches and to clean up the gasoline.

this is a good analogy and it points to the hopelessness of the situation. matches are only getting cheaper.

Highly recommend this doc and even more recommend the book by Eric Scloscher.. Or something.

To address threats to global peace, it's crucial to adopt a multifaceted approach that considers the underlying causes and implements strategies to promote harmony. Here are some general steps that can contribute to a more peaceful world:
Education and Empathy: Promote education that fosters understanding, tolerance, and empathy. Encourage schools and communities to teach conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and respect for diversity. By nurturing empathy and understanding, we can reduce prejudice and promote peaceful coexistence.
Diplomacy and Dialogue: Encourage open and constructive dialogue between nations, communities, and individuals. Diplomatic efforts, negotiations, and mediation can help resolve conflicts peacefully, prevent violence, and build bridges of understanding.
Human Rights and Social Justice: Uphold and advocate for human rights at all levels. Address social injustices, inequality, and discrimination, which can be sources of conflict. Promote equitable access to resources, opportunities, and social services to create a more just and peaceful society.
Sustainable Development: Address environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and climate change. Promote sustainable practices, responsible consumption, and environmental stewardship. These efforts contribute to stability, reduce conflicts over resources, and protect the planet for future generations.
Cooperation and Collaboration: Foster international cooperation and collaboration among nations, organizations, and individuals. Encourage partnerships in areas such as trade, healthcare, technology, and culture. By working together, we can address global challenges and promote shared prosperity.
Disarmament and Conflict Resolution: Advocate for arms control, disarmament, and nonviolent conflict resolution. Invest in peaceful alternatives, such as negotiation, mediation, and reconciliation. Encourage dialogue and reconciliation processes to heal past wounds and prevent future conflicts.
Media and Information: Promote responsible and unbiased reporting, media literacy, and critical thinking skills. Combat misinformation, propaganda, and hate speech that can fuel tensions and conflicts. Responsible media plays a crucial role in fostering understanding and peace.
Remember, achieving global peace is a complex and ongoing process. It requires collective efforts, commitment, and engagement from individuals, communities, organizations, and governments worldwide.
Education and Empathy: Promote education that fosters understanding, tolerance, and empathy. Encourage schools and communities to teach conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and respect for diversity. By nurturing empathy and understanding, we can reduce prejudice and promote peaceful coexistence.
Diplomacy and Dialogue: Encourage open and constructive dialogue between nations, communities, and individuals. Diplomatic efforts, negotiations, and mediation can help resolve conflicts peacefully, prevent violence, and build bridges of understanding.
Human Rights and Social Justice: Uphold and advocate for human rights at all levels. Address social injustices, inequality, and discrimination, which can be sources of conflict. Promote equitable access to resources, opportunities, and social services to create a more just and peaceful society.
Sustainable Development: Address environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and climate change. Promote sustainable practices, responsible consumption, and environmental stewardship. These efforts contribute to stability, reduce conflicts over resources, and protect the planet for future generations.
Cooperation and Collaboration: Foster international cooperation and collaboration among nations, organizations, and individuals. Encourage partnerships in areas such as trade, healthcare, technology, and culture. By working together, we can address global challenges and promote shared prosperity.
Disarmament and Conflict Resolution: Advocate for arms control, disarmament, and nonviolent conflict resolution. Invest in peaceful alternatives, such as negotiation, mediation, and reconciliation. Encourage dialogue and reconciliation processes to heal past wounds and prevent future conflicts.
Media and Information: Promote responsible and unbiased reporting, media literacy, and critical thinking skills. Combat misinformation, propaganda, and hate speech that can fuel tensions and conflicts. Responsible media plays a crucial role in fostering understanding and peace.
Remember, achieving global peace is a complex and ongoing process. It requires collective efforts, commitment, and engagement from individuals, communities, organizations, and governments worldwide.

That will never happen friend. Countries, nations need that deterrent to get away with the shit they do. I was a teen during the green ham common camps. I don’t really think their is much chance of these weapons actually being used. That is not the purpose of a nuclear deterrent. For the record I would rather they didn’t exist. Oppenheimer knew what he unleashed on the world in later life I seem to remember reading.

"Now I am death,the destroyer of worlds" hindu scripture with which Oppenheimer opened his senate testimony

Fun fact, he butchered the translation from the bhagavad gita. Krishna says he is 'time', not 'death' that is the destroyer of worlds. Which frankly makes more sense haha.

1 post
+2 votes

Best weed movie?
Up in smoke

Best weed movie?
Seen and contributed to a great topic thread about the best weed song here. How about the best movie about weed or to watch after indulging?

I had another movie in mind when I clicked on this topic, but you nailed it. The greatest stoner movie ever, The Big Lebowski.

How High with WuTang's Methodman - turns out that name is a reference to acting technique.

How about "A Clockwork Orange." Saw it for the first time at my frat house in the early 80's. It's time for bit of the ole in out in out. Love it.

There's always Reefer Madness. It's pretty damn funny, especially since it was released in 1936. Right up there with masturbation causing blindness and hairy palms. If that was true l would be wearing dark glasses, holding a tin cup begging for enough money to buy a new razor.

I've been meaning to watch that after a few spliff for a while now, Yellow Submarine definitely pickles your head too.

"Interstellar 5555" :) (How can you beat Japanese Anime set to Daft Punk's Discovery for audio/visual, I mean come on seriously?lol)
Also How High, Harold & Kumar, Sausage Party and Your Highness,..
Also How High, Harold & Kumar, Sausage Party and Your Highness,..

Only rewatched this a few days ago. I'd forgotten how amazing it is! Thanks again for the recommendation

Hangover 1,2,3, Pineapple Express, Harold Kumar 1,2,3, This Is The End, Tenacious D, Mac & Devin & many many more <3

Absolutely. Dazed and Confused, whenever I want to remember my teens. I definitely peaked in highschool.

Have to say "Up in Smoke" by Cheech and Chong. Stacey Keach at his best and the whole idea of getting EVERYONE at a concert stoned at once!

Agree! Read the book and loved it. Wasn't even aware there was a movie. Going to search for it.

Richard Linklaters two rotoscoped classics, "Waking Life" and "A Scanner Darkly" are great to watch when you're baked.

A Scanner Darkly is a great pic. I only learned recently that Phillip K Dick wrote this (along with the book Bladerunner is based on - 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and also 'Minority Report' to name but a few. He is the Don of sci-fi.

Some of his early stuff that hasn’t been made into a movie or a tv show is amazing. Think he found god around the early 70s (the acid and weed was good back in the day) and his later stuff is very spiritual. He is the Don !

I recommend Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) which was inspired by Ubik and remade as Vanilla Sky.

Yeeeah! Thanks for reminding me of those two. This is my favourite thread of all time.

Just some of my favs to watch while high as a mofo:
Scary movie 1 - 5
Van Wilder
Old School (Uncut)
Step Brothers (Boats n Hoes)
Ali G In Da House
This is the end
The night before
Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood
The Gentleman
Were the Millers
Scary movie 1 - 5
Van Wilder
Old School (Uncut)
Step Brothers (Boats n Hoes)
Ali G In Da House
This is the end
The night before
Don't be a menace to South Central while drinking your juice in the hood
The Gentleman
Were the Millers

Just a couple more :p
Soul Plane
Mac & Devlin go to high school
The trap
All the "Fridays"
I'm gonna git you sucka
Balls of Fury
The Longest Yard
Where's the money
Smiley Face
Super Troopers
Soul Plane
Mac & Devlin go to high school
The trap
All the "Fridays"
I'm gonna git you sucka
Balls of Fury
The Longest Yard
Where's the money
Smiley Face
Super Troopers

I love Pineapple Express damn I think I can quote most of it hahah
“Don’t you just want to live in there? It’s like gods vagina!”
“Don’t you just want to live in there? It’s like gods vagina!”

Not a weed movie as such but up there with the best 'Withnail and I' - I will never tire of this film...

Homegrown 1998
Without a paddle
Knocked Up
Idle Hands
City of God
Grandma's Boy
Dazed and Confused
Leaves Of Grass
Lords of Dogtown
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Puff puff pass
Smiley Face
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lord Of The Rings (Hobbits smoke all the time)
It's Complicated (2009)
Animal House
PCU 1994
The Beach
Without a paddle
Knocked Up
Idle Hands
City of God
Grandma's Boy
Dazed and Confused
Leaves Of Grass
Lords of Dogtown
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Puff puff pass
Smiley Face
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Lord Of The Rings (Hobbits smoke all the time)
It's Complicated (2009)
Animal House
PCU 1994
The Beach

I remember going to see Cliffhanger when I was on Acid 25 years ago and it scared the fuck out of me as I'm scared of heights.

Idiocracy is an oldie that hardly got shown anywhere. Its funny as f""" very black humour but coming true today, so very relevant. This is a great thread. Thanks all :)

So many movies ive not seen .... got sone catching up to do!
Pink Floyd's The Wall is one of my favourites when tripping and The Doors Movie is worth a watch.Sticking with the Music theme Pink Floyd Live at Pompei is epic!
Pink Floyd's The Wall is one of my favourites when tripping and The Doors Movie is worth a watch.Sticking with the Music theme Pink Floyd Live at Pompei is epic!

There's a newish film called Valerian and the 1000 planets ( something like that) that's a proper mind fuck too.

Holy Mountain is the Ipsissimus of psychedelic movies.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funniest weed films from beginning to end.
Inherent Vice is a late entry but an instant classic and Friday is hilarious, one of the funniest weed films from beginning to end.

Was gonna say this. Amazing film, rewatched it last night and it gets better each time there's so much going on. And Short Round won an Oscar.

I just scrolled through 100 comments and none said Cisco Pike??? Retired dealer Kris Kristopherson has to sell a garage full of bales of weed for cop Gene Hackman...how did you all miss that classic?

Haven’t seen it, but now I will....especially as I’ve just had a delivery of some jack herer. Thanks for the recommendation

Amazing movie...matched by your choice of profile pic.an absolute classic graphic novel.shouldve won way more awards.

Inception is incredible when high, most Nolan movies are due to the picture quality on his movies (and the topics). But I love watching Inception stoned, recently watched Tenet and have watched it another few times high and it blew my mind.

I’ve heard tenet is an absolute mind fuck so I’ll have to roll one and load it up. Cheers for the recommendations

Point Break (original) is a great movie to watch while stoned, failing that Supertroopers is always a winner!

Heres one i dont see mentioned enough and is a amazing movie. Mr Nice , its a movie about the great howard marks and importing weed into the uk back in the day. its really funny and well worth a watch

Whilst it's dated now, when The Matrix came out in 1999 it was like nothing we'd seen before. I went to see it in the theatre sooper high and it was a wild ride never to be forgotten.

Matrix. Not my sort of film normally. But one quiet night in the house, slowly and steadily getting stoned and it all made sense, until the next day.

Pineapple Express is funny as hell when smoking your favorite kush or haze or hash. This whole movie revolves around smoking weed.

Can believe these haven’t been mentioned ! If I’ve duplicated apologies ahead it’s a long thread
Fear and loathing in las vegas
12 monkeys
Dogma - for you youngsters this is where j and silent bob come from
South Park bigger longer and uncut
Bevis and butthead do America
Team America
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Not a film but a documentary you will all love is operation Odessa this is so funny look it up biggas
Also a bit quirky but hilarious twist is little miss sunshine
I suppose pulp fiction should also be on this list ohhh and how could I forget
Fear and loathing in las vegas
12 monkeys
Dogma - for you youngsters this is where j and silent bob come from
South Park bigger longer and uncut
Bevis and butthead do America
Team America
Lock stock and two smoking barrels
Not a film but a documentary you will all love is operation Odessa this is so funny look it up biggas
Also a bit quirky but hilarious twist is little miss sunshine
I suppose pulp fiction should also be on this list ohhh and how could I forget

2 posts
+6 votes
Possibly the Most Perfect Toking Album Ever Made?
Yeah, you need the full experience. Imagine a single from Dark side or animals. Even worse, wish you were here. Damn pesky kids don’t know what a sing…
+ 2 more
Possibly the Most Perfect Toking Album Ever Made?

Over 20 years old now but if you don't own a copy of this treat yourself - you won't regret it. Still sounds as fresh today as it did all those years ago.

Trip Hop
Portishead - Dummy
Massive Attack - Protection
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
DJ Cam - Underground Vibes
Richie Hawtin - DE9 Closer To The Edit
Pan-Pot - Confronted
Robert Hood - Internal Empire
Actress - Splazsh
Drum & Bass
Logical Progression Sessions 1 & 2
Loscil - Endless Falls
Portishead - Dummy
Massive Attack - Protection
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
DJ Cam - Underground Vibes
Richie Hawtin - DE9 Closer To The Edit
Pan-Pot - Confronted
Robert Hood - Internal Empire
Actress - Splazsh
Drum & Bass
Logical Progression Sessions 1 & 2
Loscil - Endless Falls

Logical Progression Sessions remind me of when I first started enjoying the high. 20 years later, I'm rediscovering it.

Kudos to the above and 'in no particular order':
Miles Davis - "Miles in the Sky"
Steve Hillage - "Rainbow Dome Musick"
Neil Young - "Ragged Glory", "Live Rust"
Ozrics - "Pungent Effulgent"
Led Zep "II"
Gong - "Angel's Egg", "You"
Phish - any live Summer Jams on YouTube
Dylan - "Blonde on Blonde"
Thievery Corp - "Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi"
Zappa - "Absolutely Free", "Hot Rats"
Mike Oldfield - "Hergest Ridge", "Ommadawn"
& most (live) Dead "Dark Star(s)" & "Eyes...."
+ checking out the recommendations here...
Miles Davis - "Miles in the Sky"
Steve Hillage - "Rainbow Dome Musick"
Neil Young - "Ragged Glory", "Live Rust"
Ozrics - "Pungent Effulgent"
Led Zep "II"
Gong - "Angel's Egg", "You"
Phish - any live Summer Jams on YouTube
Dylan - "Blonde on Blonde"
Thievery Corp - "Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi"
Zappa - "Absolutely Free", "Hot Rats"
Mike Oldfield - "Hergest Ridge", "Ommadawn"
& most (live) Dead "Dark Star(s)" & "Eyes...."
+ checking out the recommendations here...

First time I heard Miles Davis on sketches of Spain i could feel the sun and smell the olive trees, Rare a record truly transports you so effectively.

Very good call... got to add grand wazoo and Joe's garage to the list. The keyboard solo on cyborg is genius

Shit yeah! Moon Safari was great when it landed in the late 90's and still sounds every bit as fresh today. I'm also partial to a bit of Junip, a Swedish folk rock band.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
It’s a great Tolkien Album!
It’s a great Tolkien Album!

Takes me back to the early 90's......that and Moon Safari by Air stand out for me. I listened to Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld by the Orb a lot back then too. I still roll this one out - another great toking album.

My guitar teacher switched me on to these guys way back. Nowadays, I appreciate this much more than I did then!

Lucky enough to see Ozrics at several free festivals in late eighties and nineties, once so caned on micro dots I thought I was watching floyd from the meddle era.
Great band , nice guys.
In similar vein try the ;porcupine tree’
Great band , nice guys.
In similar vein try the ;porcupine tree’

My go to is Pink Floyd ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’, followed by Dave Matthews ‘Before These Crowded Streets’ or ‘Under the Table and Dreaming’ and First Aid Kit ‘Ruins’

Its a personal choice and each to their own taste however if there is a list of great albums to listen to when stoned then Fleetwood Mac - Rumours has to be on it.If you have never heard it then you are missing out on one of the greatest albums ever made.

Rumours takes on a totally new life when stoned. I wish I had the songwriting gene!

+1 for Rumours - there is a great documentary about the making of it...well, about the whole band, how they formed etc. They were basically hating each other when that album was made (which is obvious when you listen to the lyrics). Have a look for it on the iPlayer - well worth a look

can't beat a bit of BOC

Saw Phaeleh at Kendal Calling 10 years ago and he played this album in full. Been in love with it ever since. My go to.

This is a bad boy for chilling to, and the artist not very well known so give it a whirl.
K&D Sessions and DJ Kicks albums are legendary!
K&D Sessions and DJ Kicks albums are legendary!

Waiwan is my favourite ‘unknown’ artist - really low key releases that are mind blowing. Got a couple of his remixes on vinyl will try and find them and upload here!
You have great taste sir!
You have great taste sir!

Discovered Double Negative by Low last year and have listened to it whilst toking many times now. Went straight into my stoner music list... Sounds awesome on vinyl..

Thanks for that tip…I keep defaulting to ‘Things We Lost In The Fire’ but will play this today after a good toke on Smoggy’s Mimosa! 🤤🤗

From avenged sevenfold through to chopin and everything in between. This is really awesome to listen to. If you want a nice hour musical journey one of the best albums I could listen to from start to finish is Smashing Pumpkins, Siamese Dream, and it's not traditionally my fav music. Or anything Led Zep.

Great album alright,recently rediscovering how good the klf-chill out album is,well worth a listen,albeit a little less electronic but ye,cant go wrong with the k&d sessions either!

Haven't listened to the K&D sessions for ages! Well thats my morning soundtrack sorted.
Strange Cargo 3 by William Orbit is good toking album.
Strange Cargo 3 by William Orbit is good toking album.

Or as we used to call it....the ultimate album come down album! Not that this happens anymore, but...put this on as the last album of the night/morning after a night of raving and loads of mdma! Perfect!! Thanks for reminding me of this, been about 15 years since I listened to this beast!

You know it - that's how I first discovered it too. And yeah, It's been waaaayyyyy too long since I had one of those nights. As soon as the world gets back to normal I'm going to recreate 'the old days' :-)

Any, post Syd, Floyd for me- as long as it’s an album start to finish, for the full experience

Yeah, you need the full experience. Imagine a single from Dark side or animals. Even worse, wish you were here. Damn pesky kids don’t know what a single is. Bah humbug.

Nightmares on Wax, Smokers Delight.

"We're Only In It For The Money" the Mothers Of Invention, released 1968. Works well on acid too.

Speaking as an old hippy back in the day it had to be "We're Only in it For The Money" from Zappa and the Mothers. Really fucked with your head.

In the last few months I’ve discovered Ben Böhmer. I find his music and mixes to be superb listens while high. Mainly upbeat tempos contrasted with deep bass and uplifting beats. Give it a try ???

Unless I missed it, how has no one mentioned Dark Side of the Moon?!
It's possibly the only album that can get you high with no supply!
It's possibly the only album that can get you high with no supply!

K&D are (were) the Dons! Love those guys I'd put Cinematic Orchestra up there too. Worth checking out if you've not heard their stuff.

Not an album as such, but I absolutely love uplifting and mellow jazz beats such as this when high...
Not an album as such, but I absolutely love uplifting and mellow jazz beats such as this when high...

Just watched 10 minutes of that - awesome! I'm an amateur music producer and love tweaking the knobs and dials so I will be watching this in full over the weekend - thanks for sharing

I'll throw this in... A bit obscure... Gets the old red eyes pumping and gets a nice on the go, too.

lol use to flat out play this. tried to listen again recently though and I feel it hasn't aged well. the beats aren't great!

It's all relative I guess eh! I still love it personally and feel it holds up well after 22 years....but Jesus, reminds me how old I am!

1 post
+2 votes

Any good game suggestions? Help a brother out
Borderlands 3 mate. Or Spider-Man miles morales if you like superhero games. I play cod all the time and like those two when wanting something differe…

Any good game suggestions? Help a brother out
Hi, I've been fairly bored recently with the games I've been playing, I've got an xbox and a PC. I normally play more AAA games Like COD and GTA, but they just aren't as fun as they used to be for me, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for games they like. They don't have to be AAA thats just what I normally play but I'm up for a change. Thanks in advance

Brilliant game, prepare for a long download too if you haven’t already... graphics are beautiful but the player control system is slightly annoying, it feels very heavy. Never the less i love the way you can ‘greet’ and ‘antagonise’ npc’s🤣...
Try ‘greet’, ‘greet’, ‘antagonise’, I’ve had many of laughs from it.
Try ‘greet’, ‘greet’, ‘antagonise’, I’ve had many of laughs from it.

I've heard a lot of good things about the ghost of Tsushima, will give it a look. cheers mate

Best game of PS4 generation, and it’s just got a PS5 update for all the lucky fuckers that have one

Just finished Subnautica. Really nice just looking around after a smoke. More relaxing than FPS. The Outer Wilds is another similar open world. Fantastic looking.

Totally agree, awesome game, so atmospheric.
On the open world side I'd add Rust. It's impossible not to enjoy Rust, even if you never manage to get further than hitting people with a rock while giggling maniacally
On the open world side I'd add Rust. It's impossible not to enjoy Rust, even if you never manage to get further than hitting people with a rock while giggling maniacally

I gave up on normal servers a few years ago, I've been playing a RP/PVP server for all this time and I thoroughly enjoy it.
Peoples RP can change each wipe or stay the same if they like what they are doing.
We've done events in the past: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IZogY8Ravo&feature=youtu.be
We do loads of stuff and it changes every month. There are wars and stuff but there are some rules that go with it.
Anyhows if you wanna check it out client.connect
Peoples RP can change each wipe or stay the same if they like what they are doing.
We've done events in the past: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IZogY8Ravo&feature=youtu.be
We do loads of stuff and it changes every month. There are wars and stuff but there are some rules that go with it.
Anyhows if you wanna check it out client.connect

I've seen some gameplay of subnautica on YT it does look good, I'm definitely going to give it a try after a smoke thats sounds like a banging plan

If you have a PC it might be worth it looking into VR and buying a headset. Half-life Alyx is really good and will hopefully set the new standard for AAA VR games if they do end up really taking off.

Currently my PC isn't great but i'm looking at getting an upgrade. Have you got a VR headset, I would love to hear how good they are from an actual user. cheers

Have a look at Scum. It's a beautiful and the real survival game. Great graphics, great little details, you've to know some basic knowledge to really survive ahah
And i can't go without mention my favourite game of all time, Arma 3. The one and only military simulatior. It's a little bit old but... See for yourself ;) https://youtu.be/9rXxa2a3iIw
And i can't go without mention my favourite game of all time, Arma 3. The one and only military simulatior. It's a little bit old but... See for yourself ;) https://youtu.be/9rXxa2a3iIw

I used to play Arma 3 a while ago now, very good game. I might have to hop back on it. Cheers mate

No haven't heard of this before, if its like gta I'm sure I will like it though, cheers mate

If you want a real challenge of an adventure game with amazing graphics and gameplay check out Sekiro. One of my favourites and slept on. Similarly ghosts of Tsushima is pretty good too. Sleeping dogs is also pretty good (few years old), was meant to apart of the True Crime series and is based in Chinatown LA I think. I’m more of a FPS kind of guy like Warzone but those games were something else 👌

Super smash Bros melee
Look up slippi and faster melee, you can play it online lagless now and takes 2 mins to find a game. Challenging though! People have been playing for over a decade lol
Look up slippi and faster melee, you can play it online lagless now and takes 2 mins to find a game. Challenging though! People have been playing for over a decade lol

Sports: UFC 4 – It’s tough to get for a newbie, but once you get the hang of it, it’s very addicting. There’s nothing like MMA.
Racing: Forza Horizon 5 – Amazing graphics, realistic driving, sounds/feels real.
Shooter: Insurgency: Sandstorm – The most realistic shooter on console, it’s unrivaled.
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege – The games’ been out since like 2015(?) but it still holds up, it’s comparable to search & destroy on CoD, but with the element of Battlefield. It’s easy, doesn’t require an absurd amount of skill, barring you’re facing sweats, it’s still a top 3 shooter IMO.
Misc: Chivalry 2 – It’s literally gorey, medieval first person sword combat. It’s a sick ass game.
Racing: Forza Horizon 5 – Amazing graphics, realistic driving, sounds/feels real.
Shooter: Insurgency: Sandstorm – The most realistic shooter on console, it’s unrivaled.
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege – The games’ been out since like 2015(?) but it still holds up, it’s comparable to search & destroy on CoD, but with the element of Battlefield. It’s easy, doesn’t require an absurd amount of skill, barring you’re facing sweats, it’s still a top 3 shooter IMO.
Misc: Chivalry 2 – It’s literally gorey, medieval first person sword combat. It’s a sick ass game.

If you want a break from the norm I would recommend trying a few indie titles, I loved the little nightmares games, hotline Miami 1 & 2,
res evil 2 remake is good too. If you got a good pc, cyberpunk maybe.
Indie is where I think you find more interesting games these days, but there is also a lot more junk to go through to find the gems.
I have also been playing older indie titles again like limbo and inside, shadow complex and mark of the ninja, all great games in my opinion
res evil 2 remake is good too. If you got a good pc, cyberpunk maybe.
Indie is where I think you find more interesting games these days, but there is also a lot more junk to go through to find the gems.
I have also been playing older indie titles again like limbo and inside, shadow complex and mark of the ninja, all great games in my opinion

Yeah you need to take a break from those triple aaa games like that, they all bleed into 1, like COD, let’s face it, it’s been the same game for years now. Try some refreshing indie games, play little nightmares 1 & 2, it’s great. The hotline Miami games are fun too. There are others, can’t think of them now, but will update if my stoney brain remembers…

Haha I seem to have replied twice to the same thing here, must have been smoking some good stuff at the time….

2 words. Hitman Trilogy. If you like roleplay with tasteful incorporated violence then youll be well away. Its AAA, but is single player only. Sandbox levels so intricately made it has unlimited playback potential. The vr on ps4 isnt great but i bet pc would be immense, although i haven't tried.

Borderlands 3 mate. Or Spider-Man miles morales if you like superhero games. I play cod all the time and like those two when wanting something different.

Try a game called Running with Rifles. Top.down shooter. Really good. Easy to pick up. Hard to put down.

My brother really likes that game but I don't know much about it, whats it like if you don't mind me asking, cheers mate

It's a cross between a survival game, RPG, Minecraft, Ark... It's hard to explain. But you basically have to level up a Viking character, build everything, craft weapons, etc. However it's all woven into a HUGE procedurally generated map (different in every game). It's SUPER chilled, but also great fun, creative, and rewarding. Check out 'Valheim worth a buy" on Youtube.. but don't watch any other videos as you'll ruin it for yourself. You'll get lost in this game... as will your free time.

If you want to check out something completely different mount and blade is a great game, you can get vanilla on xbox, or all sorts of mods on PC.
Or if you don't mind going really old with a game, X-com: terror from the deep. The gameplay in the older X-com games really puts the newer ones to shame. Terror from the deep in unfairly difficult, but it has a good atmosphere and you should get plenty of play time out of it.
Or if you don't mind going really old with a game, X-com: terror from the deep. The gameplay in the older X-com games really puts the newer ones to shame. Terror from the deep in unfairly difficult, but it has a good atmosphere and you should get plenty of play time out of it.

Oxygen not Incuded, Factorio if you are up for dabbling in engineery stuff
Doom 2016, no, really, try it, way better that the new one.
Anything from Zachatronic for casual puzzles.
Portal 2 - everyone should play Portal 2 I know it's old, but...
Doom 2016, no, really, try it, way better that the new one.
Anything from Zachatronic for casual puzzles.
Portal 2 - everyone should play Portal 2 I know it's old, but...

Cheers mate I sometimes think the older games are better than the new ones anyway

Oldie but goodie Halo Wars or any real time strategy games, you have time whilst you build your army to roll up and smoke😂

1 post
+1 votes

Weed for pain and relaxation
Do you smoke weed normally or is it just for the migraine mate?

Weed for pain and relaxation
Looking for a not too potent weed for migraine fibro and to relax. Most times wasn't told names so not sure what to look for. Any advice on strains and vendors would be greatly appreciated. Edit: As I don't really know which strains will work for me does anyone know any UK vendors that do small amounts that I can buy to try.

Best thing to do is order some strong thc weed and mix it with whatever ratio works best for you, with quality CBD buds.

I dont know about strains etc, i dont smoke. I have lumbar spinal stenosis and neuropathy. I buy mj concentrates canna chocolate. One square and im pain free for hours. Theyre cool to chat to as well so he wont mind you asking questions etc. You can also buy a single bar of chocolate if you just want to try.

micro-dosing edibles is the best pain management on the planet.
Its great to see so many users waking up to this and benefiting from it. Just use as much as it takes for relief and then only more if you want to.
Chocolate with the extra fats and sugar are a great delivery for thc.
Try full spectrum as well as the extra CBD and other cannabinoids will also help with all of these symptoms.
Its great to see so many users waking up to this and benefiting from it. Just use as much as it takes for relief and then only more if you want to.
Chocolate with the extra fats and sugar are a great delivery for thc.
Try full spectrum as well as the extra CBD and other cannabinoids will also help with all of these symptoms.

I've got some Cheese CBD which is great for this. 12% CBD and 8% THC.
Ping me a message if you'd like a sample to try for your pain
Ping me a message if you'd like a sample to try for your pain

This is a great strain for medical use! We sampled this at a show and they were making a lot of organic medibles and topicals with the strain. Cool to see it in the UK

Look for Indicas, mostly hybrids available with sativa genetics too so look for a high percentage of Indica genetics sometimes described as "Indica dominant". So Kush and its varieties are a good start. Indica gives a stronger body effect, I use them for pain and inflamation, I do have migraines occasional and it works for that too. Also varieties - Pink Zombie, Honey Cream, Purple Kush, Star Dawg and many others.
I prefer outdoor organic sun grown herb rather than Hydroponic indoor, so I'm using ChronusBuds ( seller - link above) at the moment, very helpful & friendly guy, small amounts possible. His herb does not have that "plumped up" hydro look so it puts some people off- but the effects are very good.
I hope you find what you need.
I prefer outdoor organic sun grown herb rather than Hydroponic indoor, so I'm using ChronusBuds ( seller - link above) at the moment, very helpful & friendly guy, small amounts possible. His herb does not have that "plumped up" hydro look so it puts some people off- but the effects are very good.
I hope you find what you need.

Check out our Premium Caixa Bank Hash with a good balance of THC:CBD ratio its perfect for aches,pains and relaxation.

Hello bud! please check out our organic weed. We have Gorilla Cookies but it might be too strong for you. Sounds like you need an indica for pain anyway but you'd likely want to consider a hybrid leaning one if you plan on smoking in the afternoon or you'll get sleepy. I might be able to help you out with some of my other strains bud, i'll pm you!

I have 24 7 basilar type migraine so I have it at night so I don't cave my skull in lol but I do have anxiety and a sleep disorder so useful for all

It might be worth having a read through the many studies and guides for microdosing with LSD, I started microdosing about a year ago to see if it would reduce my Fibro pain, it didnt. But what it did do was enable me to get restful sleep for the first time in years, I take 0.1g of dried mushroom(psilocybe cubensis) twice a week. The dose is so low I dont know I have taken anything, but now I can sleep much better.
Hope you get some rest bite soon..
Hope you get some rest bite soon..

Agreed 100%
LSD microdosing is a winner for cluster headaches and migraines. It will stop it completely for up to years at a time after one use.
Worth researching this more for serious headaches and sleep disorders.
LSD microdosing is a winner for cluster headaches and migraines. It will stop it completely for up to years at a time after one use.
Worth researching this more for serious headaches and sleep disorders.

Hi okay to start with 90% of UK weed is sprayed which is very sad but its the truth mate. Cali bud is different from UK weed not just in quality but also terpene profiles meaning that the chemical THC is different in cali weed. Why is it different? Well heres why. Its due to the fact that when the plant flowers here in the UK they want to finish it as quick as possible so they cut it early most of the time which at 7-8 weeks of flower. However on the other hand in cali the flowering stage takes 9-12 weeks and in those extra weeks the flower develops a substance called CBN. CBN gives you this relaxed sleepy feeling with minimum anxiety and stress. This is scientifcally proven mate you can look it up. Its never about what strain its always about how the plant was grown. If the plant is grown with love, you will get love from smoking it <3 with all that said try our Pina acai! She's tasty and fruity with a pleasent nice high.

Cannabinol (CBN) is the nonenzymatic oxidation byproduct of THC and is most commonly an artifact found after prolonged storage, especially at higher temperatures.
Cannabinol (CBN) is the nonenzymatic oxidation byproduct of THC and is most commonly an artifact found after prolonged storage, especially at higher temperatures.

Not sure I'd agree with the 90% figure but I wouldn't know as I've not bought weed in years as a grower. Can I ask though, what is the weed sprayed with? Serious question as I've heard this before but never seen or heard of a spray for sale that would help weed post harvest. Is it a spray that puts weight on the buds or something?
How can you tell if its been sprayed?
Not arguing with you at all I genuinely have never come across a post harvest spray in any hydro shop I've been to over the years so just wondering what it actually is. Not that I'd ever use it!
Cheers BB
How can you tell if its been sprayed?
Not arguing with you at all I genuinely have never come across a post harvest spray in any hydro shop I've been to over the years so just wondering what it actually is. Not that I'd ever use it!
Cheers BB

Used to be like this a while back , but not had any weed like that for a long time and not on LB, thank god!
Used to be like this a while back , but not had any weed like that for a long time and not on LB, thank god!

Thanks for this.
Facinating that the article advises to "rub crystals on your teeth, if it dissolves, it's fine"
After the article has just mentioned glass being something they spray it with!!
Wouldn't fancy rubbing any glass into my teeth to find out if weed was legit or not, haha.
I'm still confused as to how this is done. How do you spray glass and grit? Especially onto a bud?
I'm sure the dodgy geezers have a way. No surprise I haven't seen it in my local hydro store then!
Thanks again for the info.
Cheers BB
Facinating that the article advises to "rub crystals on your teeth, if it dissolves, it's fine"
After the article has just mentioned glass being something they spray it with!!
Wouldn't fancy rubbing any glass into my teeth to find out if weed was legit or not, haha.
I'm still confused as to how this is done. How do you spray glass and grit? Especially onto a bud?
I'm sure the dodgy geezers have a way. No surprise I haven't seen it in my local hydro store then!
Thanks again for the info.
Cheers BB

What are you thoughts on PGR's,( plant growth hormones) just as stuff can be done after the cure-with grit weed, the same applies with the actual grow?
Link to an informative and well composed article:
Link to an informative and well composed article:

PGR -ghastly chemicals that are obviously used in many of the grows that end up being sold here. Very dense, large buds,with very numerous long pistils and other effects. The aim = profit ofc. So many buyers on here think that plumped up and huge buds are "fire", it's madness!
I do not want to consume such hormones or hormone pathway enhancers. I refuse it in our food as much as possible and have done so for many decades, growing our own organically - so there is no way I want the damn stuff in my herb.
Thanks to those here who do understand that and grow real herb.
I do not want to consume such hormones or hormone pathway enhancers. I refuse it in our food as much as possible and have done so for many decades, growing our own organically - so there is no way I want the damn stuff in my herb.
Thanks to those here who do understand that and grow real herb.

2 posts
+5 votes

Hi friends! this time I brought only lebanese types of hashish for sale. Should I also bring some dark maroccan/black hash (according to what my sources can offer right now)? Is there a demand here for this type of sticky hashish? tell me what types of hash you like best and I will try to acquire it. I have lebanese available as you can see in my listings and dark maroccan is also pretty common here. I do get some hash from India, nepal, pakistan and that region in general from time to time. so tell me what types of hash you like best, cheers :)

No problem!! I use to get it about 38 years ago in my teens the black was amazing it use to have little white veins in it!! Sorry I’m not asking for much!! LOL

Hand rubbed charas is a bit harder to come by, I do have some far-east black hashish available to me sometimes. when it does, I don't always know the exact source country it came from but the general direction :) anyway I will look it up with my sources and upload a listing if I'll be able to get a hold of some of that black. thank you for your input!

To be honest anything from the east when it comes to proper hashish has always been top notch in my experience. It’s like once you’ve tried it nothing else will ever feel or taste so good!

Hi. I have an order which is now in the UK, so any day now! Hash I would like - Charas, Nepalese, Afghan, Kashmir. Bombay black once. I don't know if it had any actual connection to what is now Mumbai, but three of us shared a joint following a chance meeting with a Turk who I knew. As the other chap observed later, 'I couldn't get anything together for about three hours' . I know, these are rare birds outside of Asia. The Gold Leb is on my wish list and I hope to get an order in soon. Interesting point about the white flecks in the black. Back in the day that was sometimes seen, along with a musty smell. Blew your head off, of course! There was a modern myth about it being infused with opium. When I punted it, this would sometimes be mentioned. My reply was that it is mould. Opium is very dark and is not suitable to smoke in a joint. Some wouldn't have it, of course. Been a long, long time since I heard anything about it. Good one. Took me back.

It was called "Sputnik" round my area. People said it was opium or heroin but it was mould really.

Yo, LionofJudah. There was a book of hash going around back in the day, with colour pictures of Temple Balls piled up in a small mound, along with balls that had broken open and the mould could be seen on the exposed faces. I've heard of Sputnick; I thought is was good Roccy like 00. Of course, anyone can call any hash by a particular name. If you got a larger quantity then it may have the stamp on it. I've had a slab of black with NEPAL pressed into it once, which looked authentic and blew one's loaf of bread off! Another deal of black had DIPLOMATIQUE stamped in it, which presumably arrived in a diplomat's bag. I wonder we take into their countries?

Back then( I'm assuming we are at least 40 plus to be having this chat) there was a lot of "chinese whispers" so to speak but a lot of it was based on some sort of truth. Bit of plus for the seller if they can convince you mould was something more exotic I guess. Interesting to hear about your old school stamps - I'm saying it was smuggled in by the French Ambassador to Pakistan but thats how rumours start....

Yeah, I was forty once. :) good guess on French ambassador; makes sense. My Bread Knife has a way of stopping rumours ... she stops spreading them. Ha ha.

loved the diesel cream you were selling earlier. In particular i enjoy sativa dominent hash. Thanks for all the products i have tried of yours. They have all been 1st class. Best wishes. Nearly forgot...malana cream..

I had some amazing parvati cream in amsterdam. They needed to sell it on wax paper.
Also, proper 00. King Hassan.
I had this hash once that was soft, black on the outside and almost yellow inside before oxidisation that was incredible. Crumbled beatifully. Some of that!
Also, proper 00. King Hassan.
I had this hash once that was soft, black on the outside and almost yellow inside before oxidisation that was incredible. Crumbled beatifully. Some of that!

Primero, Ketama Gold, Super Polm, Charas, Nepalese temple balls. King hassan, Moonshine, Honey maroc........:))

Loved your Indian hand rubbed Hashishin - for me who grew up in the UK then travelled around India/Nepal in the 80s/90s that was what we smoked as a treat when we could get it (along with some real shite adulterated hash and seedy bushweed back in London). The smell and the feeling is way better for me than the modern medical weed which is like having a double tequila when all you wanted was a beer.

+1 for the Nepalese. If genuine I will crawl on my knees ( for a respectable distance becoming of a wrinkly) ...
I didn't manage to reach the source during my 1970s "Pot Trail" but I found plenty in London. Temple Balls are the best best best, hallucinations, giggly, utterly ripped. Hendrix became God etc etc 8-0
Kashmir was requested, nope haven't seen that in 50 years in the UK, plenty of "pretenders" ofc. Problem is they enjoy shooting at each other there, every so often full scale war breaks out, it wasn't an easy place to get to at the time, I would imagine the same is true now.
I didn't manage to reach the source during my 1970s "Pot Trail" but I found plenty in London. Temple Balls are the best best best, hallucinations, giggly, utterly ripped. Hendrix became God etc etc 8-0
Kashmir was requested, nope haven't seen that in 50 years in the UK, plenty of "pretenders" ofc. Problem is they enjoy shooting at each other there, every so often full scale war breaks out, it wasn't an easy place to get to at the time, I would imagine the same is true now.

Hi Dir! A very limited amount of some nice nepali hash will be up next week. I've menage to source just a little bit of this one at the moment. will not make you hallucinate but is a great full body indica stone. I've actually been to kashmir some years ago, not many. it seems pretty tranquil there these days, they also have beautiful different types of hashish, e.g black cream types, and 'corn leaves baked' blond which gets a most unique texture from it's pressing method (baked in corn leaves :) some really nice gear. unfortunately this stuff is pretty rare in my living area but if I'll ever come across I promise to source it for my shop. enjoy your weekend!

I am preparing foam pads for my knees ... I hope I can catch some of it next week.
I'm glad Kashmir is more peaceful, with all that lovely hash around for many centuries I've never understood how they can be warlike.
I got attached to the people & the hash in the Kush on my travels, a nice place to be stuck mind, spent far too much time there. It's my favourite strain still 8)
Thanks for the info kind sir.
I'm glad Kashmir is more peaceful, with all that lovely hash around for many centuries I've never understood how they can be warlike.
I got attached to the people & the hash in the Kush on my travels, a nice place to be stuck mind, spent far too much time there. It's my favourite strain still 8)
Thanks for the info kind sir.

Hash from Kashmir. Has anybody, other than the Pot Trail Adventurers, seen this in the UK in the last forty years? I got the idea that any of these legendary, almost mythical, products are made in small quantities and consumed locally, with the odd Joe bringing back a small concealed lump or two to share with their mates.

I love your Maroc which has a lovely mellow stone. Then the Indian hand rubbed is nice and fruity. Both have a lovely natural taste and high. Not like the super strong chemically processed and sifted hashes which can be rather harsh and rather paranoia inducing.
Yours have a completely different ‘happy’ but pure vibe to them if that makes sense.
Definitely nice and relaxing.
Proper hand rubbed hash like this is hard to find in the U.K.
Will definitely be trying more of your lovely products, thanks so much for a wonderful service and experience Hashashin!
Yours have a completely different ‘happy’ but pure vibe to them if that makes sense.
Definitely nice and relaxing.
Proper hand rubbed hash like this is hard to find in the U.K.
Will definitely be trying more of your lovely products, thanks so much for a wonderful service and experience Hashashin!

Couldnt' agree more bro - it's been a very pleasant surprise to find somebody on here selling proper old school landrace hash. The effects are completely different of these products and remind me of why I always liked to smoke ;-) As opposed to the chemically induced product that is generally on the market these days which often feel quite unhealthy to smoke! I worry about the mental health of our youngsters with what they have on offer tbh...Manipulation of the plant and process to the point where 'high' is emphasised over balance and the other natural healing qualities of the plant is a mistake IMHO. Bholenath!

100% agree
My favourite is Indian Charas, the best I ever tried was a Kasmiri Charas hash that I had brought while travelling in India in1991. I was gutted that I only brought 1 tola “around 10 grams”.
My favourite is Indian Charas, the best I ever tried was a Kasmiri Charas hash that I had brought while travelling in India in1991. I was gutted that I only brought 1 tola “around 10 grams”.

I like to see what you bring to the market ;-) Your offerings of old school landrace hash are very very welcome friend! And a precious service to all of us who appreciate the good vibes and balance of a proper product. So, bring what you will, we will enjoy! Thank you.

Sticky hash is good. Many punters commenting on the desire to score good blacks from Asia, which are also sticky, in my experience.
Had the Eagle Roccy, very nice, the Egyptian, which was one of the best curious smokes I've had in a long time. I knew they turned on but I've never heard of Egyptian for sale.
The Sultan. On a previous wishlist, I put down Turkish. The deal I got is a small firm slab that can be grated. So long ago, I had Turkish. So fine. I'm really into the variety here, I would say that we can have faith in your judgement and what with the stealth, the cool set up and the good deals, It couldn't be better.
Had the Eagle Roccy, very nice, the Egyptian, which was one of the best curious smokes I've had in a long time. I knew they turned on but I've never heard of Egyptian for sale.
The Sultan. On a previous wishlist, I put down Turkish. The deal I got is a small firm slab that can be grated. So long ago, I had Turkish. So fine. I'm really into the variety here, I would say that we can have faith in your judgement and what with the stealth, the cool set up and the good deals, It couldn't be better.

I like these topics and ofcourse your question. I would be insanely grateful to have some of the hash I tried decades ago when I had a lot of "connections" and knew a lot of people.
I remember black "live cream" hash (done from live plant resin)with a high some found too much! Some people were convinced that they have smoked opium or something haha. The one you can easily stretch out when its in your hand for a minute yet it doesnt break that easily and smells amazing. But I rarely had the luck to be able to source it. I found a lot of "malana cream" that was cut or old or just weak.
Also I like "soap hash", called like that cause it is pressed in such bars. Its one of those black/dark brown thats quite hard untill you heat it up. Ill never forget my trip to Barcelona and that hash. It made my ears burn and the high lasted forever.
I also remember one type that was brown and pressed in usual 150g blocks, you could cut it with a scalpel to make joints or when you put a lighter flame to it it puffed up a bit. Amazing high.
I guess all these hashes would fall into premium category, freshly made and potent in a way a cokehead wouldnt have to put a lot of it in a joint.
Oh yeah, I have had luck to have proper 100% "egg" hash that comes packed in 10 gram eggs that get smuggled in peoples butts :)
End of the hash sentimental-rant ... but the waiting for my package is killing me
I remember black "live cream" hash (done from live plant resin)with a high some found too much! Some people were convinced that they have smoked opium or something haha. The one you can easily stretch out when its in your hand for a minute yet it doesnt break that easily and smells amazing. But I rarely had the luck to be able to source it. I found a lot of "malana cream" that was cut or old or just weak.
Also I like "soap hash", called like that cause it is pressed in such bars. Its one of those black/dark brown thats quite hard untill you heat it up. Ill never forget my trip to Barcelona and that hash. It made my ears burn and the high lasted forever.
I also remember one type that was brown and pressed in usual 150g blocks, you could cut it with a scalpel to make joints or when you put a lighter flame to it it puffed up a bit. Amazing high.
I guess all these hashes would fall into premium category, freshly made and potent in a way a cokehead wouldnt have to put a lot of it in a joint.
Oh yeah, I have had luck to have proper 100% "egg" hash that comes packed in 10 gram eggs that get smuggled in peoples butts :)
End of the hash sentimental-rant ... but the waiting for my package is killing me

Them little eggs that hashlover 420 has are the best hash iv ever had,its morrocan eggs and 10grams per egg but the quality is amazing,iv tried other eggs on lb but nothing like hashlovers eggs :)

10g eggs! I remember these very well, because that was probably the purest hash/resin I have ever tasted. As soon as it gets heated it starts bubbling and turns to oil. Almost impossible to easily roll a j with this stuff... and the high is incredible. longlasting and strong af! I think it was some 15 years ago ...wow Im getting old ,.-)

Think uk420 has them atm im ordering tomoro its the gelato and bannana eggs im after so hopfully it will be the really oily ones :)

Ive seen em. It sucks for me to see all this niceness cause Im in EU and now all UK packages are getting raped by customs, what usually took 7 days (I get tea from UK) now takes a month and goes through customs. Im a newb here and did 3ord., waiting on all of em still. I did one small ord. w a UK vendor that has concentrates, I thought it had a better chance and they claimed they could stealthily send it. Seems I made a mistake but this vendor is also new and looking sketchy so it will possibly end up in a dispute, idk. So I think I wont order from UK anytime soon.

I've just ordered a hash egg off @nero, they ship from Spain so maybe that's a better choice of vendor? Other than @hashishin of course :D

It sounds like those little olives I could get in France pre lockdown, Sane thing, 10g eggs. They came straight from Morocco (I guess smuggled in someone's butt) and it's the best hash I've ever tried. From what I heard, it's hash made from Critical. I miss it!
I've ordered from Hashishin once (defo recommend) and was very happy with his black morrocan but it wasn't close to that butt hash!
I've ordered from Hashishin once (defo recommend) and was very happy with his black morrocan but it wasn't close to that butt hash!

Well you seem to be à specialist,so I have a question.
10years ago a military friend use to send me different hash from Middle East (Afghanistan Pakistan...) One of the afgany have a "pepper" Smell and taste, if you can tell me the name or better score some, it will be a dream
10years ago a military friend use to send me different hash from Middle East (Afghanistan Pakistan...) One of the afgany have a "pepper" Smell and taste, if you can tell me the name or better score some, it will be a dream

Hello my friend! Peppery smell and taste is a wide description. some of the afghani black hash we get around here do show stronger notes of peppery tastes and smells. I don't know it by any specific name or signature. next time I'll have one available I'll add some to my shop. cheers!

Ketama gold. First call every trip to the dam back in the day was always Rokerij for their Ketama gold.

Hi! I would be interested in buying some leb cream or parvati cream or temple ball. Let me know if you have something like this. Anyway, can't wait for that leb caramel from you - it's going to be lovely I'm sure!

I want the brick red leb, slightly sweaty but not full sweat if u know what I mean. Towards the cream but a few grades down, but still holding some creamy qualities. But I want RED or DEAD red. London Bus Red. You know what I mean!!!

Anything that bubbles ;) I personally like the quick gassy high off strong leb/morroccan blondes. I have been smoking some ridiculously good "beldia" hash from morrocco and it's strong and delicious.

Hi Hashishin, I’ve very much enjoyed several varieties from you; I think the Moroccan Moonlight stamp is my favourite, I look forward to getting more. I will echo other comments here in hoping you can supply some Temple Ball one day 😃

For me the best stuff must be from Morocco. I used to smoke some hash, oil loaded, that bubbled up when you put the lighter nearby, dark and soft, extremely rich and flavoursome.

more sativa strong hash... king hassan, stuff from India and pakistan... eggs, micro-filtered stuff. Stuff from Maroc is more than welcome too (e.g. 00, 000)... keep us posted!

Hey buddy I was wondering where can you find king Hassan stuff or filtered stuff at decent price?

1 post
+2.2 votes
Why is all the weed on here £65+ for 3 grams!!
It’s the coronavirus excuse, most but not all have added ten to fifteen dollars an eighth. If you shop around there are some OK deals. I just hope the…

Why is all the weed on here £65+ for 3 grams!!
I mean what the hell is going on there, what ever happened to regular weed? Most of this stuff isn't Cali, so what is it that makes it double the price? Don't put get double stoned lol
I'm just messin, but it is very annoying when you just want regular weed, instead of something that sounds like it's off Hagrids Shopping list.
I'm just messin, but it is very annoying when you just want regular weed, instead of something that sounds like it's off Hagrids Shopping list.

It's been getting a bit out if hand recently. Vendors are saying increase cost of buying bulk means increased cost for the buyer but this doesn't make sense for the smaller vendors as they could be making a killing if they kept costs low or at least fair. $65 for a henry and $120+ for a Q is just bananas in my opinion. I recently started looking around elsewhere and have been able to find much better weed (well a better selection) for far better prices. I love LB because of it's ease of use and helpful vendors but the price is becoming a bit of a joke.
I pop back to check up on prices and stock regularly but I probably won't be returning and making purchases until things go back to normal. Hopefully things return to normal soon :'(
I pop back to check up on prices and stock regularly but I probably won't be returning and making purchases until things go back to normal. Hopefully things return to normal soon :'(

I think from a customers point of view, the place to find good honest weed is in the topics section rather than the items list.
Whether it's rigged or not, the items list bears no resemblance to what's actually available on here, nor the prices some reasonable vendors are selling for.
I can't see the items list changing as it benefits the owners of the site to keep the bigger, higher volume and higher priced vendors up there for longer, but the topics area can be somewhere where members and vendors wanting to advertise have a bit more control.
Hopefully that won't change. Knowledge is king. ;)
Cheers BB
Whether it's rigged or not, the items list bears no resemblance to what's actually available on here, nor the prices some reasonable vendors are selling for.
I can't see the items list changing as it benefits the owners of the site to keep the bigger, higher volume and higher priced vendors up there for longer, but the topics area can be somewhere where members and vendors wanting to advertise have a bit more control.
Hopefully that won't change. Knowledge is king. ;)
Cheers BB

Great tip BB! I usually have a nose off the Topics section before I ever go near the items list. As I'm in ROI my choices are somewhat limited but I have only had great experiences with the vendors I have used (and there are a few lol).
I know from a vendors standpoint the items wall can be a complete headfuck but I never took into consideration that it benefits the owners of LB more to keep the bigger guys up top. Ignorance is bliss and all that malarchy lol.
Hope you're well mate :)
I know from a vendors standpoint the items wall can be a complete headfuck but I never took into consideration that it benefits the owners of LB more to keep the bigger guys up top. Ignorance is bliss and all that malarchy lol.
Hope you're well mate :)

Still don’t get how it benefits site owners to let randoms stroll up to the top of the page with their first ever drop?? Very strange but fuck the algorithms those that know know xx

In ROI also bro and wondering who is best vendor you ordered of LB that always has Lovely smoke in your opinion ? I love my haze to be honest so would like a vendor with proper grown haze . Only made one order of this site so Far and the smoke I received was not nice with no high at all so not sure who to order of next.

My go to is usually TGT bud, usually have a good selection and their stealth is top of the heap in my opinion. Hootan is another vendor I use regularly. A little more expensive but always quick to reply and post your order. I think Ammunation has some nice Amnesia (that is his specialty I believe). He is a nice guy who responds promptly too. You can find him higher up on the comments in this post. RB seems a little shakey at the minute and hasn't got a lot of stock up but he is usually on the ball too, just a bit slow with comms. Hope this helps bud!

Yeh I hope it goes down soon especially the hash. For me my limit is around £35 an 8th or £40 if its a strain I really want to try. Its £25 an 8th on the street where I am but I don't mind paying abit more to choose from a menu and have it delivered.

I'm fond of this site,BUT that doesn't ameliorate the current price gouging.
Download TOR,guys. The dark web awaits.
Download TOR,guys. The dark web awaits.

I ordered an eighth from yourmumshouse cost about £37, one from ammunation for £43 and a Q from LUD for less than £70. Including all btc buying/transaction and delivery costs.
Not too crazy prices. I think the Q's and halfs definitely need to come down across LB though. Personally I avoid anything that sells itself as "cali" - I like stronger, danker stuff anyway, the internet has people confused about what cali is all about.
Not too crazy prices. I think the Q's and halfs definitely need to come down across LB though. Personally I avoid anything that sells itself as "cali" - I like stronger, danker stuff anyway, the internet has people confused about what cali is all about.

Nail on the head Z. YMH and LUD have been keeping things down, as has TGD. Like yourself, I enjoy the danker genetics of weed and I also avoid "cali" as I think it's complete bullshit and definitely not worth $120 for 3.5g of a nicely trimmed bud lol. Again, no shade on anybody charging extra, if you can get away with it then why not but at some stage the penny has to drop. I've seen ALOT of vendors stock not selling as quickly due to the price and price being an issue seems to be echoing throughout LB.

Exactly mate, prices had started putting me off lb to be honest but I dunno there's something about this place lol I want to see it get back to normal! :)
My order with LUD landed today, first with them not sure what strain I got but it's stinky and dank just had my first bong of it and I'm sat here grinning like an idiot lmao top stuff, will be back for more from LUD for deffo.
My order with LUD landed today, first with them not sure what strain I got but it's stinky and dank just had my first bong of it and I'm sat here grinning like an idiot lmao top stuff, will be back for more from LUD for deffo.

Dear Lord i get a nervous breakdown looking at the prices of weed on Lb it actually makes me chuckle, FairPlay to the vendors for making that ££
I enjoy the whole Lb experience but buying weed for crazy prices isn’t a good look, I stick to solid it’s more value for money and less of a risk.
I enjoy the whole Lb experience but buying weed for crazy prices isn’t a good look, I stick to solid it’s more value for money and less of a risk.

Hi guys, I just thought I would collate a list of fine vendors that struggle to get into the wall (as well as a couple that don't, but still provide a great servie).
If I missed anyone let me know as there are gems hiding in the shadows. I'll create a seperate thread also.
Premium Canadian weed, sent in from the land of maple syrup, 7-10 days to arrive I've already ordered from them. Blame_Canada_a
Grown and distributed in the UK by the British Bulldog. Rip Davy Boy Smith.
UK Canna farm, great range, great prices, good guys, lovely logo.
UK legacy Dank (LUD), premium range but fair prices, I'm currently smoking their Mochi as I type and it is fine stuff.
Although they don't struggle to get on the wall, but top shelf flavor chaser Hootan provides good gear at still reasonable prices so deserve a shout.
The Green Team, although daddies of the wall and sell the £65 quid plus gear, they do have an incredible reputation, and top quality product, they do have budget weed on offer also, I bought their Moroccan hash a while back and it was incredible stuff.
The folk for all things shattery and waxy, or Cerealy, sometimes comes with a legendary cookie, MJ concentrates are good guys andnive ordered from them myself.
If I missed anyone let me know as there are gems hiding in the shadows. I'll create a seperate thread also.
Premium Canadian weed, sent in from the land of maple syrup, 7-10 days to arrive I've already ordered from them. Blame_Canada_a
Grown and distributed in the UK by the British Bulldog. Rip Davy Boy Smith.
UK Canna farm, great range, great prices, good guys, lovely logo.
UK legacy Dank (LUD), premium range but fair prices, I'm currently smoking their Mochi as I type and it is fine stuff.
Although they don't struggle to get on the wall, but top shelf flavor chaser Hootan provides good gear at still reasonable prices so deserve a shout.
The Green Team, although daddies of the wall and sell the £65 quid plus gear, they do have an incredible reputation, and top quality product, they do have budget weed on offer also, I bought their Moroccan hash a while back and it was incredible stuff.
The folk for all things shattery and waxy, or Cerealy, sometimes comes with a legendary cookie, MJ concentrates are good guys andnive ordered from them myself.

Some more:
The gentlemen dealers, fine suits and fine strains from these chaps.
MKK2020, new guys around here, fair prices, good rep already.
The guys at UK bud are based in the UK and strive to bring top quality product and fair prices.
The gentlemen dealers, fine suits and fine strains from these chaps.
MKK2020, new guys around here, fair prices, good rep already.
The guys at UK bud are based in the UK and strive to bring top quality product and fair prices.

Purveyors of Haze Ammunation have been perfecting growing Haze for many many years, and pride themselves on the quality, the reviews agree.

Middle Eastern hash delivered directly to your windswept British doorstep? Then have a look at the delights in store here https://littlebiggy.org/link/OBe35o

More lovely stuff to add to the od list https://littlebiggy.org/link/8OZjQS
Pistach doing the business again.
Pistach doing the business again.

The $65 an 1/8 crew are killing it here, I’ve hit the street again for the most part but still grab from here sometimes.
YourMumsHouse was my last purchase, quality smoke and good price (for here anyway!)
YourMumsHouse was my last purchase, quality smoke and good price (for here anyway!)

It’s the coronavirus excuse, most but not all have added ten to fifteen dollars an eighth. If you shop around there are some OK deals. I just hope they stick to their word and lower them again when the world has stopped being scared. The Encrochat encrypted. Mobile service is another excuse being used too. Some are even charging £15 for next day delivery. I have never bought from these people but have tried some of their stuff that friends have bought and it’s certainly not premium AAA like is claimed. There was 125 dollar eights last week but it was allegedly flown here, not grown here. If you are looking for good weed and customer service is important to you, The gentleman dealers are first class with reasonable prices and excellent weed. Couldn’t recommend highly enough.

Just have to know the right vendors and bookmark them, send a message just to keep a record of them. The inflation on the wall hasn’t spilled over to all vendors, some have kept a quite steady price. Keep looking around as others have said keep checking topics etc and you’ll stumble on some good vendors here

If this thread has taught me anything, it's that the wall most certainly isn't where all the weed is. And great to see so many of the vendors names popping up here, hopefully see an uptick in their business all this chat. I'll certainly be getting my next few buys from this thread.

1 post
+4 votes
Stealth Tutorial Please
Second comment in 7 months. You would think they could spend 10 minutes on donut break making the profile seem legit. Would you like addresses too?

Stealth Tutorial Please
Seems there are a lot of new folks from the streets trying to figure out the lb wayz. Someone ought to help sellers with a tutorial and a tip jar!

I don't think advertising stealth methods publicly is wise. For obvious reasons. On another note, I smell pork.

What's the play by l.e. here? They can see any sellers stealth here first hand by simply ordering.

yeah i wasnt expecting people to be so freaked, i think it would help the community if noob sellers learned some basics before they started sending packages to biggaz.

Yes there are noob sellers with bad stealth all the time and a tutorial should be mandatory. This would actually increase safety for the community,
There really is no scenario where LE is going to use this to "be on the lookout for packages" or any other nonsense imagined here.If they want to know a sellers stealth they just buy the item.
There really is no scenario where LE is going to use this to "be on the lookout for packages" or any other nonsense imagined here.If they want to know a sellers stealth they just buy the item.

Second comment in 7 months. You would think they could spend 10 minutes on donut break making the profile seem legit. Would you like addresses too?

1 post
+2 votes
Anxiety Disorder
Fellow Scot here. Pissing myself at your name. First time I’ve heard someone call themselves a skank.

Anxiety Disorder
Anyone suggest good strains for Geberalised Anxiety Disorder?
Stardawg and Pink Kush so far have been best for me.
What works for yous?
Stardawg and Pink Kush so far have been best for me.
What works for yous?

anything that’s a indica will chill you out sativas are mainly to bring your mood higher if you have low moods and depression

It's such a strange thing, pink Kush is a heady high which at one point would have aggravated my GAD but now I find that a few sativas balance me out.
Stardawg seems to really help me sleep.
I guess what works for one doesn't work for others.
Trying different ones is fun but sometimes I end up hiding away in my house for a couple hours lol.
Stardawg seems to really help me sleep.
I guess what works for one doesn't work for others.
Trying different ones is fun but sometimes I end up hiding away in my house for a couple hours lol.

I think if you find a strain that is 70/30 or 60/40 or even 50/50 indica or sativa dominant it would probably work the best

Fellow Scot here. Pissing myself at your name. First time I’ve heard someone call themselves a skank.

Hahahaha especially a guy lol.
I earned my skank badge in the nineties, just didn't know how to say no to the ladies lol.
I earned my skank badge in the nineties, just didn't know how to say no to the ladies lol.

I have disorder the train and crosses where good for it and the chemdog and crosses, dosido where good too. I avoid cbg totally but thats me.

There are lots of variables that go into the final effect of weed, look for bud that has a similar strain lineage, THC/CBD/G % and similar Terpene profiles..
For Stardawg try - Grease Monkey, Wedding Crasher or Jungle Cake
For Pink Kush try - Pineapple Chunk, OG Kush or Black Cherry Punch
I hope this helps
Good luck man
For Stardawg try - Grease Monkey, Wedding Crasher or Jungle Cake
For Pink Kush try - Pineapple Chunk, OG Kush or Black Cherry Punch
I hope this helps
Good luck man

Good info mate, cheers.
You're right the OG kush is very similar to pink kush but i think the OG kush can put me on my ass, hard, lol.
Pink kush just seemed to give me that push i need sometimes to get out of my own head.
I will definitely look out for those other strains though.
Cheers again.
You're right the OG kush is very similar to pink kush but i think the OG kush can put me on my ass, hard, lol.
Pink kush just seemed to give me that push i need sometimes to get out of my own head.
I will definitely look out for those other strains though.
Cheers again.

You could have a look at Alien OG , Ghost OG and Uk Cheese, all in the same sort of area as the Pink Kush, just a couple more options..
Take Care
Take Care

For me I think it mainly comes down to the amount of THC in your blood. If I vaped or smoke a big dose of any dank I would probably feel more anxious for the first 15 mins while my body gets used it. As tolerance increases the dose/anxiety change. Best approach for me is a low dose e.g. 0.1g (of dank) if it were crappy weed this might be +0.3g for same effect. (I use a dynavap)

1 post
+2 votes

cleanup borg
Want wall love? Follow up on your posts
You picked the perfect profile pic as who wouldn’t listen to Mrs Doubtfire

cleanup borg
Want wall love? Follow up on your posts
we have just been introduced to a new criterion that assess biggas: follow up.

5 posts
+5 votes

Anyone order hash off hashisen ??? Iv paid 2days ago and not posted yet and no reply
Anthony Smith shit himself at a burglar. Lol
+ 5 more
If the vendor is really from Middle East then it will be the holidays over there now. No banks / no postal service for next few days

he is so legit...his hash is off the charts, just got to be patient with order:) had his soft black hashish which was 5gs, still got some after a month..nice option in the evenings, just had 1 now...proper!

I haven’t ordered myself yet as im waiting for the blonde (always like blondes in all forms lol) but he seems a decent guy and takes a great deal of thought/care with his stealth for obvious reasons. This is p/t for him too, so with a bit of patience im sure all fears will be layed to rest

Barbera thanks a million... this is me 15 order so kind of now the crack ... usually I order pay same time usually posted shortly after ... but with this it's going on 3 days no response..not to worried yet ... all the best

yeah ive ordered too. no reply and the red lebanese i ordered isnt on his page anymore. hoping for an update soon!

How ye doing has your package been sent yet?? Mine has not been posted yet starting to wonder about this fella ...

Could you let me know how this goes as his pics look excellent.Big fan of el cucuy too if that’s why you chose the name.

ive actually ordered it for someone else cos i dont really like hash but will tell you what he says. and course he's why i chose the name! still cant believe we're not gonna get him vs khabib

Yeah, it’s a shame. If Dana holds to his word and gives Khabib gsp for his last fight I think his record will never be beaten. I worry he is just using gsp as bait though.

Don’t think he will walk through him but Justin’s wrestling is all defensive, that’s made for Khabib. Khabib seems to be an amalgamation of all types of wrestling and grappling. Im pretty sure he won’t have anything Khabib has not seen before. I love Justin as a fighter but I think only gsp of 10 to 15 years ago would have had a chance against Khabib. I think he would probably beat welterweight champion too.

oh im not expecting him to out wrestle him but maybe be wise enough to the movements to catch him on the way in. if he can get those leg kicks going its gonna be interesting

I am not a betting person but Khabib will be favourite for a reason in that fight. I sound like a huge Khabib fan I’m not. I honestly don’t think anyone around his weigh in weight would beat him.

Is there anyone on here that has bought from him before? He has some very old reviews and still has 2 listings up.

Hi ye, if bought off him twice now, iv a pack tracked due for delivery tomorrow monday .. for me it's good value and a really nice hit!!! Hope that helps you out...

Had a response.. He said everything sold out and will be getting all orders out over next few days.

How ye doing has your package been posted yet ?? Mine not posted yet...starting to wonder about this fella .. comes is poor

1 post
+0 votes

BCA / Blame Canada + Escrow Suisse
Now that is, “ Tegridy “

BCA / Blame Canada + Escrow Suisse
Just wondering what stage people are at with their BCA orders? Many received? I have lodged already with Escrow Suisse as my 'package' (if there ever was one) was sent on Sept. 8th and still hasn't arrived.
To say I'm p***ed off is no exaggeration.
Anyone have much luck getting refunds from Escrow Suisse?
To say I'm p***ed off is no exaggeration.
Anyone have much luck getting refunds from Escrow Suisse?

I ordered on the 18th and still nothing. Not pursuing a refund just yet - I have a feeling things will be quite slow. Does anyone know if BCA got their bitcoin released?

I ordered 8th Sept. and still a no-show. Be careful with these guys. I don't know if they're totally legit. Yes some lucked out who purchased earlier but I don't know if everyone will be so lucky.

Ordered few oz s of b.c.a all arrived bar one which b.c.a quickly re shipped at NO extra cost ...how many vendors on here would do that ?

Ordered mine same date as you, was shipped on the 11th tho not the 8th and it arrived yesterday, also my second order landed at the same time and that one was shipped on the 20th.. now that was defo down to weird post.. so for me so far so good! Shame they’re gone imo but that’s just the way things go sometimes. I hope your order does arrive for you mate because if it does you’ll be very happy with the goods. Peace

I was one of the unlucky ones to get tucked up by BCA. It did all seem a bit too good to be true at the time. What really hacked me off was the realisation that they'd played a long game and exited once trust was built up with apparently kosher buyers (Bud Brothers being one of them) who are now looking like part of the BCA scam. Oh well, you live and learn and thank biggy for the Escrow system on here.

3 posts
+4 votes
Genuine or not.??
Poor terry Munro.
+ 3 more

Genuine or not.??
Anyone think this vendors legit.? No intro on his page..no ratings....
Products look good...prices almost to good....don't know wether to give him a chance or not as its hard to get a good bit of hash at that price these days but wouldn't want to pass up on it at the same time
Products look good...prices almost to good....don't know wether to give him a chance or not as its hard to get a good bit of hash at that price these days but wouldn't want to pass up on it at the same time

Here's updates on my order which safely arrived this morning! Took about 5-6 days to arrive.
Really really happy with the order. The Egg looks out of this World, sticky, stinky and probably smuggled to Spain via some dude's butt. Totally worth the effort! Can't wait to try it.
The skunk looks and smells great. The buds are really dense! I wasn't expecting such quality. Again really happy and totally worth the price.
Only downside to the order was the stealth. Both weed and hash came in plastic baggies so no double wrapping or what you may get from the regular vendors on Biggy. However it arrived safely but I don't think it would have made it past a good boy's nose...
Overall extremely pleased with the order and based on my personal experience I can recommend Bobmarley710.
Bob if you're reading, I think you should invest in a machine that heat seals packages. Then you'll be just perfect!
Really really happy with the order. The Egg looks out of this World, sticky, stinky and probably smuggled to Spain via some dude's butt. Totally worth the effort! Can't wait to try it.
The skunk looks and smells great. The buds are really dense! I wasn't expecting such quality. Again really happy and totally worth the price.
Only downside to the order was the stealth. Both weed and hash came in plastic baggies so no double wrapping or what you may get from the regular vendors on Biggy. However it arrived safely but I don't think it would have made it past a good boy's nose...
Overall extremely pleased with the order and based on my personal experience I can recommend Bobmarley710.
Bob if you're reading, I think you should invest in a machine that heat seals packages. Then you'll be just perfect!

Hey Bigorre, what country did you get it delivered to? Stealth is a slight worry as I'm UK based...

To the UK. When I ordered I didn't realise it came from outside England so was a bit worried. Not sure if based on the stealth i'd dare order again but damn this hash and the skunk is amazing. And the price is top so I may very well risk it once again. If they invest in proper stealth then it could very well become my go to vendor, really impressed with quality and price.

To tell you the truth the olive looks so good I don't care how it was smuggled in! But I know for a fact that they very often get smuggled internally. The olive shape helps the ingestion and subsequent extraction.

Highly likely it’s but hash!!! But don’t worry, it’s usually the best hash... I’ve just ordered some. Lol

Slobber00 did you receive your order coz am getting ignored since the order was placed its still sitting at paid, order was made two days ago is this normal

Ya my first order came in 7 days,
My second order has been sent but took a few days to get sent.
He is a new vendor so I would try to be patient I suppose. So far people are getting there orders and are happy with the product, if he were to improve stealth I could see myself ordering regularly from Bob.
My second order has been sent but took a few days to get sent.
He is a new vendor so I would try to be patient I suppose. So far people are getting there orders and are happy with the product, if he were to improve stealth I could see myself ordering regularly from Bob.

I've also just placed a custom order for an egg and some skunk. Comms are good so far, fingers crossed all goes well. I'll update everyone.

Thanks for taking the plunge. Eu customer here. I'll be waiting to see how you go and probably make the same order.

Well after a few conversations with the new vendor on line, decided to bite the bulletin and order eggs, hash and skunk on a customised order. Will keep everyone posted if/when arrives and have asked vendor to reply to people’s comments to raise his profile. Happy Sunday Everyone!!!

Good on you buddy.. we need more vendors like this around.. and don’t forget escrow will protect your investment.

Over weight and under priced with Quality!! Not something you hear alot on LB but WOW. Just rolled my first doobie with the eggs and definately a night time smoke... Bigorre was right on the packaging, could do with being double bagged but for this price I can live it. Very Happy and would definately order again

I got two no show orders, one of which was placed over three weeks ago.
Tracking is not much help either.
Wondering if poor stealth is to blame.
Tracking is not much help either.
Wondering if poor stealth is to blame.

Seems like he's homegrowing skunk, making some hash and perhaps swapping these products for some other hashes he has thusly he can offer cheaper prices.

1 post
+3 votes

A huge shout out to Drugs Inc UK
That just sums up being part of the DINC family. I told yer man that I fancied the sour sop but didn’t know the taste so I bought a z of the orange bl…

A huge shout out to Drugs Inc UK
A few of you are aware that I have an urgent cancer case in my family. We’ve been using cannabis before deciding on treatment options. I’d like to say a massive thanks to DIUK who has provided a lot of information and advice on treating cancer. Just as importantly I was looking for suppositories and DIUK has a great value care package of RSO suppositories for those who are ill.
I thought I would let the Biggaz crowd know, in case any of you are in a similar situation on the hunt for similar products.
Cheers all
I thought I would let the Biggaz crowd know, in case any of you are in a similar situation on the hunt for similar products.
Cheers all

I'd seen the custom buy on their list from you its good to see these guys helping someone out with this advice and care packs. Big up Drugsinc. And I hope your family member will be all good.

That just sums up being part of the DINC family. I told yer man that I fancied the sour sop but didn’t know the taste so I bought a z of the orange blossom. Low and behold a healthy, healthy, sample drops in the door. Definitely the next oz but knowing DINC more will be on the menu my then. Personal favourite was the pound cake? Think it should have been a wow factor, unless that was imp,ied by the, da ?

thanks old friend btw your photos are better than ours lol i think we are going to start employing you as our photographer lol
peace d i
peace d i

we wernt sure about advertising this product but i think we are going to start so people have an option there if they want to take this route
d i
d i

hello chief and thank you for the kind words im so glad we could be of help to you and your loved one...
i hope your loved one is in better health now please keep us updated on this also...
sending all the love and blessings we possibly can
d i
i hope your loved one is in better health now please keep us updated on this also...
sending all the love and blessings we possibly can
d i

1 post
+0 votes
It’s nice to hear my stealth is Top Banana
Self praise is no praise

It’s nice to hear my stealth is Top Banana
It makes me quite proud to hear my stealth is the best, that’s a big statement for a rookie at it for just a few weeks to be doing it better than the pros who should have the funds to have flawless performance.
It costs me quite a bit extra personally to get them in such a way that they fly under the radar so much to the point that even you the customer doesn’t know they have it in their own hands until finally opened lol.
But it’s more than worth it to assure safe passage EVERY time!! But then in the same vain how can vendors on here justify some of their prices? Mines just as good as anyone’s especially for the much lower cost.
P.s. Also now I have a foot in the door my prices have dropped. Once boarders ease off due to covid and brexit my prices will drop further.
Make Poverty History, Cheaper Drugs Now!!! Lol
It costs me quite a bit extra personally to get them in such a way that they fly under the radar so much to the point that even you the customer doesn’t know they have it in their own hands until finally opened lol.
But it’s more than worth it to assure safe passage EVERY time!! But then in the same vain how can vendors on here justify some of their prices? Mines just as good as anyone’s especially for the much lower cost.
P.s. Also now I have a foot in the door my prices have dropped. Once boarders ease off due to covid and brexit my prices will drop further.
Make Poverty History, Cheaper Drugs Now!!! Lol

4 posts
+6 votes

C jm. 123
How pure is your hash ?.
The eggs are very pure too.
+ 4 more

C jm. 123
How pure is your hash ?.
Hi guys, hope you're all doing well. I have a question regarding the growing and production of Moroccan hash. Does anyone know how Moroccan weed is produced ?. I wonder if they use weed kilkers and nasty nutrients on their crops ?, the sort that may be banned in Europe etc. I eat my hash, it is the one thing I eat that I could not tell you anything about how it was produced, and this worries me a bit. I have had some beautiful hash on here, but that does not mean it doesn't contain plastic particles,grow chemicals etc. etc. Its a long shot, but someone may know out there. Thanks guys.

Plenty of good organic growers in this country and not just organic nutes Real deal natural predators the lot. Some shit with the soil too. Ukcannafarm on here is a cunt but.

Lots of chemicals unfortunately. I’ve been to farms in Morocco and organic was not cost effective. To be honest, Traditional hash making is not hygienic at all. The best smoke, hash wise I get, is only once a year and it’s not hygienic at all. Scraped from very dirty fingers to be blunt. Once again a disclaimer. Modern drysifts don’t count, eggs too. That’s a different production process.

Nothing compares to the livity of charas. I never see this for sale and I reckon it's a perk that only growers and their friends enjoy.

I think part of the reason charas is so hard to find these days is poppies which most farmers,in that part of the world,now grow instead.

Thanks for responding, I use uk420 for hash, its been very nice.But organic it is not. Would you rate modern dry sift hash thats been filtered ?. Is it about as pure as hash can get ?. Cheers

2 posts
+4 votes
Limited Batch: Double Trouble 50% Rosin-50% Distillate
Cool, thankyou. The purple carts are just perfect mate. Can’t wait to see what’s coming up.
+ 2 more

Limited Batch: Double Trouble 50% Rosin-50% Distillate

For the people who wanted something stronger. We took our Smooth Star Dawg Rosin and mixed it with distillate. The distillate is from a Canadian source. Cat 2 and a 97% THC.
The Rosin is around 73% THC. This got us seriously baked. Only a few carts available, but if successful we will make more of these in the future.
It is 50% Rosin and 50% distillate. We would love to hear your feedback: More Rosin, more distillate or keep as is?
Stay Chiller.
The Rosin is around 73% THC. This got us seriously baked. Only a few carts available, but if successful we will make more of these in the future.
It is 50% Rosin and 50% distillate. We would love to hear your feedback: More Rosin, more distillate or keep as is?
Stay Chiller.

Cool, thankyou. The purple carts are just perfect mate. Can’t wait to see what’s coming up.

1 post
+6 votes
Wonderful vape
started topic

Wonderful vape
I bought these carts and I did not even have a battery. I ordered a starter pack from elsewhere which included 2 distillate carts, a ml of rso and a510 battery. Needless to say, don’t think the distillate will be getting vaped. I had smooth dawg and the purple cookie one, both first class. I have a high tolerance so I use these to keep my thc topped up and I’m smoking way less joints a day. Wonderful product, great communication with the vendor would highly recommend. I waited till I smoked both to get a feel for them and they are so smooth compared to distillate. Tasty too. Feels lalmost like a rosin dab. Great job guys, you are a wonderful addition to this community.

Hi Raskolnikov,
Thank you for the great review and your support from day 1!
Have a great weekend my friend
Thank you for the great review and your support from day 1!
Have a great weekend my friend

1 post
+2 votes
1 ml vape carts now available.
So happy.

1 ml vape carts now available.
They are finally here. Because of limited stock: Not available for Gump's Cocktail and Double Trouble.
Stay Chiller.
Stay Chiller.

This is my 4-5th purchase from hashtagUK and as always you get what you pay for. Good weights, excellent stealth and quick delivery to ROI. Have had the ak47, banana, cheffy one and now the budget soapbar. Huge difference between the high and low end ones but all great value. This vendor has made the smoking part of my life so much easier to access quality without having to deal with nonsense. First class all round and highly recommended.

I agree, excellent vendor, the chef was my favourite, banana ak47 double 0 are also excellent value, hats off too #tag :)

ive made 6 purchases from 4 different vendors, all have been friendly and the products as described... thats all you can ask for

Try the kiwi one, taste delicious although not my fav as it makes me sleepy, but is very tasty and potent.

DINC, but friends love gods connect who I received a menu from a few days ago. Don know if it’s an imitation. Anyone know him to confirm?

1 post
+1 votes

Tips For Smell-Proofing Your Stash?
Kilner jars and boveda packs mate. If your seal goes you just buy a replacement. I’ve had the same jars for years. That’s a brand new one I just bough…

Tips For Smell-Proofing Your Stash?
Hey biggas!
As the headline suggests, looking for recommendations / tips on how to smell-proof your stash. I normally put my bud in a jar with rubber seals, it worked great when I first bought it but now it doesn't really do anything other than dry out my green.
What I've started doing recently is double-bagging the green and then placing it in a plastic sealed box (I use the box as a rolling tray and it catches everything thats may fallout while I'm rolling) but this just doesn't cut it. The smell / aroma of dankness doesn't take long to fill the room and eventually the stairs too.
Because of this I am just getting an earful of shit constantly as the other people in the house don't smoke. Not anti-drugs or weed, they just hate the smell (weirdos xD). It doesn't help that all my last orders have been absolutely stinking lol.
Any and all suggestions welcomed. I really don't want to have to stash my shrubbery in a jar of coffee but desperate times and all that.
Peace Biggas!
As the headline suggests, looking for recommendations / tips on how to smell-proof your stash. I normally put my bud in a jar with rubber seals, it worked great when I first bought it but now it doesn't really do anything other than dry out my green.
What I've started doing recently is double-bagging the green and then placing it in a plastic sealed box (I use the box as a rolling tray and it catches everything thats may fallout while I'm rolling) but this just doesn't cut it. The smell / aroma of dankness doesn't take long to fill the room and eventually the stairs too.
Because of this I am just getting an earful of shit constantly as the other people in the house don't smoke. Not anti-drugs or weed, they just hate the smell (weirdos xD). It doesn't help that all my last orders have been absolutely stinking lol.
Any and all suggestions welcomed. I really don't want to have to stash my shrubbery in a jar of coffee but desperate times and all that.
Peace Biggas!

Look up smell proof cases on amazon.
I bought a big one with locks and so forth and never smell a thing. Admittedly I also bought a bunch of smell proof bags that dealers use to post, so I keep lots of different varieties of hash and bud in separate smell proof bags inside the case.
I've had some stinkers, but the smell doesn't get out...
oooh, here's a pic I took a while ago ... back when we had lots of hash so not much bud in there then! There's serveral buds in the case now, still 15 types of hash too as I'm a hoarder :)
I bought a big one with locks and so forth and never smell a thing. Admittedly I also bought a bunch of smell proof bags that dealers use to post, so I keep lots of different varieties of hash and bud in separate smell proof bags inside the case.
I've had some stinkers, but the smell doesn't get out...
oooh, here's a pic I took a while ago ... back when we had lots of hash so not much bud in there then! There's serveral buds in the case now, still 15 types of hash too as I'm a hoarder :)

What’s the Red Leb like ? Tried everything else but that , I see u used them robbing bastards gods connect , done me for an ounce of green crack , can’t find he fuckers on this any more , you got anything of them lately ??

Hi mate. The Red Leb was the premium Red Leb from Drugs UK and very very strong and resinous. I'd estimate about 30% thc. I doubt I'll find another one like this one - only a few grams left now :(
I'm sorry you had a failed order from Gods Connect. They had an excellent reputation on here and I have to say their drysift was really good.
They went on an extended holiday about 6 weeks back as they were re evaluating everything after covid - if you can find their page, they posted on there. I'm surprised your issue was not dealt with and fixed.
I'm sorry you had a failed order from Gods Connect. They had an excellent reputation on here and I have to say their drysift was really good.
They went on an extended holiday about 6 weeks back as they were re evaluating everything after covid - if you can find their page, they posted on there. I'm surprised your issue was not dealt with and fixed.

Have a look on ebay for tightvac vacuum jars. There about £6.50 but they work mate.

I think you need to buy some new jars mate. Airtight jars shouldn't give off any smell.
If your weed is getting dry in your jar get a humidifying stone to stick in there (or a smaller jar!) you can also use foil inside your containers to keep your weed fresh and to line any jars that might not be doing the job well enough.... (in your situation you should line your plastic with it, don't let your weed sit on/in plastic! also plastic baggies do nothing at all, air passes right through them).
You can get good jars online for a couple of quid off the online headshops though - just read the reviews first :)
Keep the jars away from light and heat too obviously, I have a nice little wooden box with my jars inside. Good luck mate!
If your weed is getting dry in your jar get a humidifying stone to stick in there (or a smaller jar!) you can also use foil inside your containers to keep your weed fresh and to line any jars that might not be doing the job well enough.... (in your situation you should line your plastic with it, don't let your weed sit on/in plastic! also plastic baggies do nothing at all, air passes right through them).
You can get good jars online for a couple of quid off the online headshops though - just read the reviews first :)
Keep the jars away from light and heat too obviously, I have a nice little wooden box with my jars inside. Good luck mate!

Hey Z, cheers for the reply. Haha yeah I know, the two jars I've got have given me years of service and down to my laziness I just never replaced them lol. I do prefer keeping my green in the masonry jars though as it usually keeps the green fresh, main problem is smell.
I have never used those stones that keep the moisture but have heard they are good so might give them a try. Time to make a trip to Homestore and buy some new jars I'd say lol. Thanks for the reply mate and hope you're well.
I have never used those stones that keep the moisture but have heard they are good so might give them a try. Time to make a trip to Homestore and buy some new jars I'd say lol. Thanks for the reply mate and hope you're well.

Yeah I made that mistake in my earlier days. Threw like 9gs into a litre sized jar and 3 days later my by bud basically turned to dust in my hands lol. Cheers though Rasta, appreciate the tip

Its been happening to me lately and it took a while to realize the more space in the jar means more air getting to it, I just hate dry tasteless bud lol.

Yeah all good thank you mate I'm properly feeling the boredom today though, dunno why I never do anything special on Fridays anyway but still somehow doesn't feel right. Weird times.
Anyway hope the new jars sort out your issue bud, they should do the trick. It is a smelly hobby we have to be fair to your housemates lol
Anyway hope the new jars sort out your issue bud, they should do the trick. It is a smelly hobby we have to be fair to your housemates lol

I know the feeling mate, ran out of green yesterday and blasted through one of MJs carts in a few hours because of over-use lol. I bought a motorbike a few months back and have been looking forward to the good weather and a fog in the wilderness but there's currently 90km/h winds down by me and no weed. Hoping the postman makes a drop on Monday though lol.
Ah you gotta go along to get along bud and it's easier to keep the peace. The jars shall be bought in the morrow! Enjoy your weekend mate.
Ah you gotta go along to get along bud and it's easier to keep the peace. The jars shall be bought in the morrow! Enjoy your weekend mate.

Thanks all for the recommendations as I learn to better store...I lost a significant quantity and never again !
Might be a dummy question but what about the freezer?
I had different experiences and for one it allowed to keep the hit, taste and smell diring around 4 years..:)
Any advice ?
Might be a dummy question but what about the freezer?
I had different experiences and for one it allowed to keep the hit, taste and smell diring around 4 years..:)
Any advice ?

hey man! maybe you just need to invest in a branded jar such as kilner, they keep well sealed for years. also I cant remember the name of them but you can get a RAW clay stone on amazon, you wet it and put it in your jar and it freshens up the buds if they're too dry. peace

Easiest is glass jam jars, otherwise check out a vacuum tub or similar. Google 'Amazon smellyproof'

I recommend RYOT brand stuff, they use activated charcoal if im right, cant remember lol but personally no smell. I store my weed in there also my vape when im going to work or out.

That's so weird, someone literally just bought me one as a birthday gift lol I have to say, I really like the look and feel to it. The compartments that seperate the supplies too are pretty cool :) Good shout PF :D

used marmalade jars work for me - no smell at all until the lids are removed when that funky goodness makes itself known...ahhhhhhhh.

Depends how much bud you've got there bro. I bought a "LITT" bag on amazon which is smell proof and also comes with a smell proof container. I really rate it and has the added bonus it comes with a padlock type lock where you can set a number combo to unlock it.

i store my bud in small containers then place that and all my smoking gear into smell proof bag

I just use a small Tupperware box inside a bigger Tupperware with my grinder and skins. Go on trains and have it at work too and never smell anything.

for a temporary solution I found keeping mine inside a steel thermos worked better than anything else, also made it safer to transport than glass jars when I had a bunch of flavours and needed to get across london & up to scotland on public transport for a mates stag

maybe put the weed in a bag like those heat-seal bags used by sellers or maybe small ziplocks and put the bag in mason jars with rubber/silicone seals. also try to open the jar and bag once in a while to avoid molds from growing.

I use small Mason jars (take about 7g each) kept inside a larger airtight tupperware container. I also have a few humidipaks in the larger container, works well for presevation and stealth.
Plus a use an air purifier (with active carbon filter) in my herbiest room. Can get away with vaping next to it and the smell's gone within about 20 minutes. It's a relatively expensive investment, but it'll save you on air fresheners and incense in the long run!
Plus a use an air purifier (with active carbon filter) in my herbiest room. Can get away with vaping next to it and the smell's gone within about 20 minutes. It's a relatively expensive investment, but it'll save you on air fresheners and incense in the long run!

1 high quality thick mylar bag normally sorts the smell for me, then I just light a candle to get rid of the smell in the room, it works really well

I have a thick ceramic jar which has an airtight lid. I tend to keep it in my bedroom alternating it between the little drawers next to my bed and my wardrobe depending whos around. I rarely smell anything, and i have noticed that the ceramic over time adds to the flavour of the bud if you can leave it to chill for a while.
Obviously you should dry it out to the point where it crumbles in your fingers (i guess that depends on the bud but i wouldnt keep lower quality bud or those that are dripping with spray anyway) or at least as close to it as is possible and if your looking for long term smoke storage (eg if you buy in bulk) then like others have said you may want to add something to it to keep everything fresh. Personally i smoke too much and have never got to the point Ive needed that xD
Going on a little tangent here but I also have a little foil bags which I use for traveling. They are just like sandwich bags but are made of foil, you can pick them up on amazon or ebay and arent too expensive. There are 2 variations - a one time use which essentially sticks closed with glue and is unusable after opening or standard sandwich bag push seals for multiple uses. The glue works better at smell prevention but then in a domestic situation transferring from bag to bag would get annoying. So if you went with this way, depending on the strength of what your carrying you may want to double or triple bag. I mention this even though you didnt ask about travelling because its a quick, easy and low cost if a little temporary solution to your problem while you find something that works better for you long term. I first used this method when I used to go and stay with my girlfriend (her parents are police) and I would put the foil bags in her jewelery box and never got caught, even when her mum used to come and use her vanity mirror lol
Obviously you should dry it out to the point where it crumbles in your fingers (i guess that depends on the bud but i wouldnt keep lower quality bud or those that are dripping with spray anyway) or at least as close to it as is possible and if your looking for long term smoke storage (eg if you buy in bulk) then like others have said you may want to add something to it to keep everything fresh. Personally i smoke too much and have never got to the point Ive needed that xD
Going on a little tangent here but I also have a little foil bags which I use for traveling. They are just like sandwich bags but are made of foil, you can pick them up on amazon or ebay and arent too expensive. There are 2 variations - a one time use which essentially sticks closed with glue and is unusable after opening or standard sandwich bag push seals for multiple uses. The glue works better at smell prevention but then in a domestic situation transferring from bag to bag would get annoying. So if you went with this way, depending on the strength of what your carrying you may want to double or triple bag. I mention this even though you didnt ask about travelling because its a quick, easy and low cost if a little temporary solution to your problem while you find something that works better for you long term. I first used this method when I used to go and stay with my girlfriend (her parents are police) and I would put the foil bags in her jewelery box and never got caught, even when her mum used to come and use her vanity mirror lol

In a jar with a couple slices of apple. Golden delicious provides
A lil smell and taste to the bud also : )
A lil smell and taste to the bud also : )

Yeah I can be blunt lol
...but it’s a fact rather than an opinion
any airtight container stored in a cool dark place will suffice but glass I think is best
It needs to be properly dry first, not bone dry...like 15%? moisture to prevent mould, that and temperature...don't quote that percentage
...but it’s a fact rather than an opinion
any airtight container stored in a cool dark place will suffice but glass I think is best
It needs to be properly dry first, not bone dry...like 15%? moisture to prevent mould, that and temperature...don't quote that percentage

Sometimes blunt is best my man! Yeah I've been using a masonry jar for the past 8 years and sleays found it to be the best way to store my bud but I judt got lazy and rarely replace anything. You should see my poor grinder haha. I will be purchasing a new box, grinder, jars and stocking up on papers so I'll probably be skint again by this time next week lol. Cheers for the reply Smee!

I’ve had my blitz n mix grinder for I don’t know how long...just clean it with alcohol or acetone brings it up like new
Do not do this on plastic grinders!
Do not do this on plastic grinders!

I use preserve jars from hobbycraft, work pretty well for me. You can also get specialist stash jars on amazon etc but these are pretty overpriced imo.

Yeah I was having a nose online and saw a few nice ones but they seemed a little overpriced. Think I found what I'm looking for on Amazon though for a decent price and size. Reviews seem legit and the vendor has a double deal with a bong / dab rig so I think I'll just bite the bullet and order lol. Cheers for the reply mate!

I wrap in cling film ... lots of it. The key is to wash your hands before you touch the cling film, if you have crystals on your hands they will transfer to the cling and make it smell.

I've used clingfilm in the past but felt like it was killing the taste of the weed? Could just be in my head but that's why I stopped lol. I'll probably have to start doing it again though for the time being. Cheers for the reply and handy tip about the crystals.

Kilner jars and boveda packs mate. If your seal goes you just buy a replacement. I’ve had the same jars for years. That’s a brand new one I just bought. They are very tough.

2 posts
+8 votes

Good afternoon Biggaz,
Again a massive thank you to the entire LB community as a whole. You're all making for a very pleasant place to offer the very best smoke we can possibly source for you. From the get go you have all been an absolute pleasure to deal with so thank you and much love! Keep those positive vibes flowing!
Unfortunately from time to time you cannot please every customer despite trying to accommodate every query and need that they may have even prior to placing an order, which again is unfortunate but going to happen every now and then. None the less everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
That said despite having had some incredible reviews, pictures and feedback from some absolutley awesome customers. We are very disappointed to have received what we would consider a very below par review today and providing an inaccurate description of what we have provided.
Most of our customers will probably know from their own experiences that it really isn’t a reflection on the NugNinjaz as a whole and they will know that our products are true to their description which is why we always strive to bring you the very best in top quality NugZ, stealth and customer service! After all thats why we are the NugNinjaZ!
We DO NOT offer products that aren’t true to the pictures we provide, all pictures are of the product on offer and we are ALWAYS HONEST in our write ups of the items we list. We ALWAYS sample before we list!
Prior to placing an order we would urge you to please familiarise yourself with our terms especially those relating to cut off times, postage on a Friday and that we always politely request that should any issues arise - you please contact us first and give us the opportunity to rectify - our customers satisfaction is priority number 1!
We are 100% committed to our customers and strive to provide the very best quality in everything that we do. We are EXTREMELY passionate about what we do, the products we sell and about providing a service that is second to none.
Much love, thanks and appreciation to the whole LB community! Sorry for the lengthy message Biggaz - we are an extremely passionate buncha NinjaZ!
Lastly but certianly not least! Seeing as you have all loved and demolished our last two strains so much we're returning the favour - we have some awesome treats coming your way this week! Keep an eye out ;)
Keep smoking the best and stay high,
Again a massive thank you to the entire LB community as a whole. You're all making for a very pleasant place to offer the very best smoke we can possibly source for you. From the get go you have all been an absolute pleasure to deal with so thank you and much love! Keep those positive vibes flowing!
Unfortunately from time to time you cannot please every customer despite trying to accommodate every query and need that they may have even prior to placing an order, which again is unfortunate but going to happen every now and then. None the less everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
That said despite having had some incredible reviews, pictures and feedback from some absolutley awesome customers. We are very disappointed to have received what we would consider a very below par review today and providing an inaccurate description of what we have provided.
Most of our customers will probably know from their own experiences that it really isn’t a reflection on the NugNinjaz as a whole and they will know that our products are true to their description which is why we always strive to bring you the very best in top quality NugZ, stealth and customer service! After all thats why we are the NugNinjaZ!
We DO NOT offer products that aren’t true to the pictures we provide, all pictures are of the product on offer and we are ALWAYS HONEST in our write ups of the items we list. We ALWAYS sample before we list!
Prior to placing an order we would urge you to please familiarise yourself with our terms especially those relating to cut off times, postage on a Friday and that we always politely request that should any issues arise - you please contact us first and give us the opportunity to rectify - our customers satisfaction is priority number 1!
We are 100% committed to our customers and strive to provide the very best quality in everything that we do. We are EXTREMELY passionate about what we do, the products we sell and about providing a service that is second to none.
Much love, thanks and appreciation to the whole LB community! Sorry for the lengthy message Biggaz - we are an extremely passionate buncha NinjaZ!
Lastly but certianly not least! Seeing as you have all loved and demolished our last two strains so much we're returning the favour - we have some awesome treats coming your way this week! Keep an eye out ;)
Keep smoking the best and stay high,

Just noticed your new pal. Looked at your reviews there. Trust me, your reviews are fine. Someone has noticed your getting popular and done this deliberately to discredit you. The sensible people see right through it. If they didn’t message you first it’s just assassination of your rep. Or an attempt. Daft twat will probably order more to give you a 1 because the person who is paying him will want it lower now. If you are that worried about it give some small samples to long-standing members. Not just first come first served as that gets jumped on instantly by people who don’t buy. Look around for the most suited customers. Petitefleur is a trusted og and she writes an amazing review. I have bought many a strain after reading her reviews. Good luck mate. Remember not everyone wants new vendors to succeed.

Wow! You my friend, are a breath of fresh air! And clearly another great asset to the LB community.
Thank you very much for taking the time to put up such a poignant and knowledgable comment! Advice is always appreciated especially in instances like this! - knowledge is power and common sense will prevail! So a seriously genuine and sincere thank you to you not just from me but from all of us at NugNinjaZ, its people like you that make this community what it is! Keep those positive vibes going, Cheers Raskolnikov!
Thank you very much for taking the time to put up such a poignant and knowledgable comment! Advice is always appreciated especially in instances like this! - knowledge is power and common sense will prevail! So a seriously genuine and sincere thank you to you not just from me but from all of us at NugNinjaZ, its people like you that make this community what it is! Keep those positive vibes going, Cheers Raskolnikov!

Not sure a 7/10 review justified this massive essay but some of us don’t rate every bit of bud we receive 10/10. I wrote that review and it was an honest review of the product I received, as I do for every single order I make on here off many different vendors. The product I received did not match your description or pic, simple as. Plus flavourwise I expected more. Hence the 7. A 7 is a solid score, hardly negative and I very rarely score any bud a 10, in fact that’s probably only happened a couple of times. All the 10s seem to be mainly from people who are just happy to have received their product but this does fellow buyers absolutely no good whatsoever so I will continue to rate products as I see fit. Funnily enough I rated two other bits I received on the same day as yours and they both also scored 7s but neither of the vendors wrote a massive fucking essay crying about it.

1 post
+2 votes
Well impressed
I think you guys will do really well here. Not often you see a unique product on here. I wish you all the best. Might even put in an order for the dis…

Well impressed
Right first ever review of anything on LB
TLDR : 30 minutes after first order arrives, ordered another :)
Ok so I have only had MJ's and one other carts so am no expert on carts as a disclaimer, I'm also typing this on a phone and after having several "test" runs on this cart.
Wow, yea this ticks so many boxes
1 I'm pretty bloody hammered right now feel like I have smoked a nice strong spliff, which is ace cause I quit smoking baccy last year and this is the first time since then I feel joint stoned not vape stoned (if that makes sense)
Anyhow cart looks like it does on the pictures and kudos to the vendor for making the pictures rotate in my browser on the wall.
It tastes nice, herby and terpy and smoooooth to smooth as I can have a nice long tasty draw and not cough up a lung or two afterwards.
Vendors top notch, Comms on point and they are excellent on their posts and responses on the forum (in my opinion)
Stealth was good no complaints but not quite at the one or two.of the really creative vendors game.
As stated at the I'm very happy and have immediately ordered another cart
TLDR : 30 minutes after first order arrives, ordered another :)
Ok so I have only had MJ's and one other carts so am no expert on carts as a disclaimer, I'm also typing this on a phone and after having several "test" runs on this cart.
Wow, yea this ticks so many boxes
1 I'm pretty bloody hammered right now feel like I have smoked a nice strong spliff, which is ace cause I quit smoking baccy last year and this is the first time since then I feel joint stoned not vape stoned (if that makes sense)
Anyhow cart looks like it does on the pictures and kudos to the vendor for making the pictures rotate in my browser on the wall.
It tastes nice, herby and terpy and smoooooth to smooth as I can have a nice long tasty draw and not cough up a lung or two afterwards.
Vendors top notch, Comms on point and they are excellent on their posts and responses on the forum (in my opinion)
Stealth was good no complaints but not quite at the one or two.of the really creative vendors game.
As stated at the I'm very happy and have immediately ordered another cart

4 fairly long drags on my battery's lowest setting. Though I would imagine it's gonna vary massively from person to person. I was higher than I anticipated being after those 4 blasts and it's kept me quite happy ticking along for a while to be fair.

WOW! I am speechless. Thank you so much DeadRabbit. Note taken on the stealth part. Working on improvement.
Stay Chiller
Stay Chiller

No worries matey, you have been excellent to deal with and it's a good product :)
It doesn't taste as strong as say a shatter hit or distalete cart but it tastes smoother than either of them.
Are you gonna offer the rosin on its own for dabbers or you gonna stick to the carts?
It doesn't taste as strong as say a shatter hit or distalete cart but it tastes smoother than either of them.
Are you gonna offer the rosin on its own for dabbers or you gonna stick to the carts?

We are not ruling that out. We have a lot of ideas. Our overall idea of our brand is to bring convenient products for the more casual cannabis user. But if there a lot of demand for a curtain product like rosin: absolutely or other concentrates. So much cool stuff out there. Once we made some money, we want to invest in better and other equipment to make more products.

My product from yourselves is shipped so I'm excited to try it. I'm anticipating it to come tomorrow but how knows.
I like vapes because they're so discreet but I felt like I was missing out on the entourage effect and whilst I was high I wanted to try something like this.
I like vapes because they're so discreet but I felt like I was missing out on the entourage effect and whilst I was high I wanted to try something like this.

It should arriving soon, but you never know with Royal boys. Hope you will like it.

I think you guys will do really well here. Not often you see a unique product on here. I wish you all the best. Might even put in an order for the disposable pen too.

1 post
+1 votes
Looking for a review!
Can you let me know what these are like. Smoked a lot of both in the 90s but don’t know if they would do the trick now, don’t know if I would be bette…

Looking for a review!
Hi biggies.
I've not had 'gold seal black' since the 80's, and its kinda fun to see it on the menu, together with another 80's stalwart for me, 'red leb'.
Now that we have such awesome drysifts, double filtered hashes and all the other goodies I covet, I'm wandering how these stack up 30 + years later?
If any of you who have purchased could share your experiences, I'd be very grateful!
Happy chuff chuff :)
I've not had 'gold seal black' since the 80's, and its kinda fun to see it on the menu, together with another 80's stalwart for me, 'red leb'.
Now that we have such awesome drysifts, double filtered hashes and all the other goodies I covet, I'm wandering how these stack up 30 + years later?
If any of you who have purchased could share your experiences, I'd be very grateful!
Happy chuff chuff :)

No worries a luv my hash so was nice to see both up on the listings old skool puff but a recon it's better than the stuff about back in the day,,,

I would have taken a punt immediately, but in the last week I've had:
14g gorilla Glue from RB
7g Kandy Kush Caramel from Drugs uk (whenever that turns up!)
4.5 g Double filtered hash egg - 24K gold from hashlover420
...and I have 7g G13 haze hash and 7g strawberry haze hash from gent called 'the postman' from a dark market.
If I buy any more I fear my wife will divorce me! But I so want these two as well.....
14g gorilla Glue from RB
7g Kandy Kush Caramel from Drugs uk (whenever that turns up!)
4.5 g Double filtered hash egg - 24K gold from hashlover420
...and I have 7g G13 haze hash and 7g strawberry haze hash from gent called 'the postman' from a dark market.
If I buy any more I fear my wife will divorce me! But I so want these two as well.....

Holy shit. I thought my weekly deliveries were getting out of hand. Great choices btw. Afghan turns up tomorrow (hopefully)

Mate I know what you mean about the divorce, I stupidly left my bank app open on my phone and my mrs was like “what the fuck have you been sending so much money to buy bitcoin”........ although when she added all the transactions up, it is actually pretty scary how it adds up..... she’s cool though.....

LOL Good to have you guys around..
Tintin, I got the haslover stuff, amazing.. but what about the others you got, any especial mention ?
Tintin, I got the haslover stuff, amazing.. but what about the others you got, any especial mention ?

Yo Jon - nice to be able to discuss your hobby with other like minded types eh? Love biggie for that....
Nothing gets close to those double filtered cali strain hash eggs - they are insane! I've had the gellato sorbet and now the 24 K gold one, and they are both extraordinary..
As for the ones I mentioned earlier, I've yet to receive three of em! RB's Gorilla Glue is fine and that's tonight's hash of choice, but I am a hoarder and I'm sitting on 18 varieties of hash and three buds right now, so there's a lot of competition! I'd rate the gorilla glue maybe mid level of the ones I have, but I have been collecting the best strains I can find from the Dark Net, so mid level is still a very nice smoke :)
Discounting the eggs, one of my faves was TGT's Royal Ketima Gold.
I got a bit of that and still have about 10g left - its not the strongest (The premium red leb from druksinc takes that crown), but its the one I enjoy most overall, but they all pretty good. I finished TGT's lemon amnesia hash yesterday and I really enjoyed that one, but reception on it was mixed, so that's not maybe everyone's choice.
I prefer indica buzz mainly, and I'm keen on traditional Macaroon strains, of which there's not many on biggie right now, but TGT had some wonderful marocs about two months back, so I expect we'll see more soon!
Nothing gets close to those double filtered cali strain hash eggs - they are insane! I've had the gellato sorbet and now the 24 K gold one, and they are both extraordinary..
As for the ones I mentioned earlier, I've yet to receive three of em! RB's Gorilla Glue is fine and that's tonight's hash of choice, but I am a hoarder and I'm sitting on 18 varieties of hash and three buds right now, so there's a lot of competition! I'd rate the gorilla glue maybe mid level of the ones I have, but I have been collecting the best strains I can find from the Dark Net, so mid level is still a very nice smoke :)
Discounting the eggs, one of my faves was TGT's Royal Ketima Gold.
I got a bit of that and still have about 10g left - its not the strongest (The premium red leb from druksinc takes that crown), but its the one I enjoy most overall, but they all pretty good. I finished TGT's lemon amnesia hash yesterday and I really enjoyed that one, but reception on it was mixed, so that's not maybe everyone's choice.
I prefer indica buzz mainly, and I'm keen on traditional Macaroon strains, of which there's not many on biggie right now, but TGT had some wonderful marocs about two months back, so I expect we'll see more soon!

Good call on the Ketima. Very good call. And I've had the eggs, which are elsewhere. Man knows his blow.

Good indeed ! Thank you for your reply man !!
I'm sitting on 8 diff hash types and looking fwd to add the Leb and Afg from TFG asap (payday today.. :) Also we have semi blonde leb and "black hash" from hashisin.. and there is a new Icesolator from RB I think.. finally we have some varieties here, looking fwd to hashlover new batch.. I missed last one..
I'm sitting on 8 diff hash types and looking fwd to add the Leb and Afg from TFG asap (payday today.. :) Also we have semi blonde leb and "black hash" from hashisin.. and there is a new Icesolator from RB I think.. finally we have some varieties here, looking fwd to hashlover new batch.. I missed last one..

Ah! A fellow hoarder :) Yeah its nice to see variety improving and price coming down again.
You may be aware that the largest DM, Emp, has gone down. One of their best UK hash vendors shifted onto another DM i'm on, and I've been persuading him to set up here on biggy too and he tells me he will - once he gets his head around it!
Look out for 'The Postman' - amazing hashes at just over £10/g.
Current hash strains:
G13 Haze
Strawberry Haze
Premium Zero Zero
Royal Afghani
OG kush
All critical 'A' grade, mostly 25%+ thc , and free postage.
Hopefully on biggy real soon. I wont stop badgering him till he's here :)
You may be aware that the largest DM, Emp, has gone down. One of their best UK hash vendors shifted onto another DM i'm on, and I've been persuading him to set up here on biggy too and he tells me he will - once he gets his head around it!
Look out for 'The Postman' - amazing hashes at just over £10/g.
Current hash strains:
G13 Haze
Strawberry Haze
Premium Zero Zero
Royal Afghani
OG kush
All critical 'A' grade, mostly 25%+ thc , and free postage.
Hopefully on biggy real soon. I wont stop badgering him till he's here :)

We need Mr Postman in LB asap pleeeease !! :)
Re bud, any recommends ? I think I will give the Mimosa from TGT a try...
Re bud, any recommends ? I think I will give the Mimosa from TGT a try...

I hear good things about that bud, and many have praised the buds TGT offer, so I doubt you'd go wrong with that.
I tend to buy hash, but I like a few buds in the bag too :)
I personally wont buy bud on biggy as imo its priced far too highly. I get my bud from a UK collective and pay £35 for the 3.5 and under £220 for an oz, and its just about the best bud I've bought (easily Amsterdam coffee shop quality).
You are spoilt for choice here on biggie though and TGT strains look real good, you are unlikely to go wrong with them.
However, there's tons of choice here and shout outs to Hootan and RB and druginc who all deliver banging bud, but some of the new vendors look real interesting too.
I'm taking a punt on a new vendor here shortly, blame canada, as I've heard amazing things about Canadian quality since legislation and its been suggested its cali quality at very affordable prices, so I want to see for myself. You can only buy oz or above though, and you have to wait for that to ship from Canada, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you are comfortable with the risk and wait.
I tend to buy hash, but I like a few buds in the bag too :)
I personally wont buy bud on biggy as imo its priced far too highly. I get my bud from a UK collective and pay £35 for the 3.5 and under £220 for an oz, and its just about the best bud I've bought (easily Amsterdam coffee shop quality).
You are spoilt for choice here on biggie though and TGT strains look real good, you are unlikely to go wrong with them.
However, there's tons of choice here and shout outs to Hootan and RB and druginc who all deliver banging bud, but some of the new vendors look real interesting too.
I'm taking a punt on a new vendor here shortly, blame canada, as I've heard amazing things about Canadian quality since legislation and its been suggested its cali quality at very affordable prices, so I want to see for myself. You can only buy oz or above though, and you have to wait for that to ship from Canada, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you are comfortable with the risk and wait.

I am now deff more into hash also..
But I always loved green, it would be nice to know how to get in touch with this UK collective..
I just couldn't resist and sent my order for TGT Nep.. lol
But I always loved green, it would be nice to know how to get in touch with this UK collective..
I just couldn't resist and sent my order for TGT Nep.. lol

I'm sorry dude I'd risk my account if I tried to share.
I considered trying to be clever and started writing you a chat message, but biggy is coded clever and knew what was happening and reminded me I'd lose my account.
I love biggy and wont risk it!
I considered trying to be clever and started writing you a chat message, but biggy is coded clever and knew what was happening and reminded me I'd lose my account.
I love biggy and wont risk it!

Yeah. I've got a lockable medicine (sic) cabinet with jars on the three shelves. I have had something in most of them once but now it's the other way round!

Can you let me know what these are like. Smoked a lot of both in the 90s but don’t know if they would do the trick now, don’t know if I would be better sticking to good flower.

In a word - score! In several words, this is authentic Afghani hash. I stuffed a date with a piece, about ten minutes after it arrived this morning and I've been at the back of the blue bus since then.
As you have Tintin, I've thoroughly enjoyed the D/F Lemon, the 00, etc. I'm so enjoying this right now.
In the interest of a good review, I'm gonna introduce some heat to this clay. So. Small piece on pin of badge, match, which was to hand and away we go. The flavour is good and it burns well once I get it going. Using a jar to catch the smoke, I was able to keep drawing on it as it glowed to nothing. The jar, now sans dates, has the odour of the used bowl.
The buzz, coming on through the puff this time, is very sweet, dreamy, risible. I have been motoring on this and now the turbo has kicked in. Hee hee! Anyway, I've got a rocket to go off in. Gone!
As you have Tintin, I've thoroughly enjoyed the D/F Lemon, the 00, etc. I'm so enjoying this right now.
In the interest of a good review, I'm gonna introduce some heat to this clay. So. Small piece on pin of badge, match, which was to hand and away we go. The flavour is good and it burns well once I get it going. Using a jar to catch the smoke, I was able to keep drawing on it as it glowed to nothing. The jar, now sans dates, has the odour of the used bowl.
The buzz, coming on through the puff this time, is very sweet, dreamy, risible. I have been motoring on this and now the turbo has kicked in. Hee hee! Anyway, I've got a rocket to go off in. Gone!

Old school hash puffed in an old school way. Yes whatcanido234, if you weren’t knocking the arse out an iron bru bottle for hot knifes it was a badge on an LP cover with an upside down pint tumbler. You’d watch the smoke rise and fall in the glass until it layered all the way to the top then slid the tumbler to the edge of the album cover, drawing the smoke from there. I also have the Afghan from TGT. Deffo a nice traditional hash with a clean smoke, sweet taste and mellow stone. It's soft and bendy but not so oily to touch. With a little heat and a light rub between your fingers it crumbles nicely without turning into an oily mess. Its up there with the Red Leb currently listed from TGT. Both very nice hashes, neither are to be missed if hash is your thing. Lovely stuff :) R.

I got the Red Leb on order. I have the Afghani which is authentic traditional black. Word is that the Leb is also stellar: it certainly looks it. This is such a good opportunity to enjoy the nostalgia this will bring to the 70s/80s Toker, along with the chance for new adventurers to turn on to these rare delights. This is the actualization of a traditional process, an artisan product. Sticky like this only comes round now and again. Like about thirty years for some of us on here! Comets may be seen more frequently. Given the recent disruption to supply and the unit price increase, this is a good value deal being offered. He who hesitates may miss out.

A Scotsman? The knocking the arse outa an irn bru bottle gave it away! Now a true Scotsman was doin this by the side of the local burn on school nights as well as weekends

Hi guys, this is my Afghan, I think it looks more like leb? Doesn’t smell like I expected!

A few words on black hashish - Black hash is produced in several methods, all including kneading the trichomes to the point that all the gland heads breaks apart and the resin inside them mix together to a solidity. this process is (usually) what gives the hash it's black color, it's oiliness and stickiness (and the lack of this process, or partially doing it leaves the hash brighter in color and sandier in texture). further more, the more you knead the resin together the sooner (still take months though) you'll get the plant terpenes to combie and create the lovely terp called "Hashishene" that we all love. "Hashishene" terp gives all the original, producing countries hash that "hashy" smell we all adore (differ a bit according to the terpene profile in the plant and the growing country). by the way - modern hashs who don't cure as long as a year or two like most producing countries hash are, totally absent this terpene, which is created by comabining all the other cannabis plant terpenes (kneading and breaking the trichomes heads) + time. this is the reason most bubble hash and modern dry sift do not smell like hashish but like the flower they were produced from. Black hash is produced all over east and middle asia, so a traditional black hash can come from several different countries and usually is not easy to tell which is which. there are certain characteristic that can imply a hash is of a certain region for an example: some of the great hashish produced in afghanistan get a golden seal stamped on it before distributed. golden seal stamp usually means that the hash is of afghani origin. taste and smell can change by location or even the year of harvest. Cheers to all!

Cool, informative post. Thanks.
You probably(!) know this. The word “assassin” first popped up in English around the 16th century via French and Italian from this Arabic word “hashishin”, meaning “hashish eaters”, which at that point was the commonly accepted name of the legendary 12th century Isma’ili group of assassins which by then may have been wiped out.
I first heard about this while watching a screening of the film 'Performance', released in 1970. Turner (Mick Jagger) reads from a book about 'The old man on the mountain.' A valley is sealed and fortified at both ends and the athletic, cultured young men, the Hashishin, are doped and carried to the remote site, believed that they were in Paradise. They spent their days developing martial skills, and their nights with '..maidens who dallied with them so that they had what young men want.'
They were sent to carry out their duties of killing prominent people. Their fearlessness came from the belief that if they perished while executing (sic) their tasks, The Old Man would '... send my angels who will bring you back to Paradise.' Some good chaps to have in your corner, then.
The book that is featured in the film is 'Fictions' by the Argentine author, Jorge Luis Borges, though the reading is not in this collection of short stories. Anyone know where this text comes from?
You probably(!) know this. The word “assassin” first popped up in English around the 16th century via French and Italian from this Arabic word “hashishin”, meaning “hashish eaters”, which at that point was the commonly accepted name of the legendary 12th century Isma’ili group of assassins which by then may have been wiped out.
I first heard about this while watching a screening of the film 'Performance', released in 1970. Turner (Mick Jagger) reads from a book about 'The old man on the mountain.' A valley is sealed and fortified at both ends and the athletic, cultured young men, the Hashishin, are doped and carried to the remote site, believed that they were in Paradise. They spent their days developing martial skills, and their nights with '..maidens who dallied with them so that they had what young men want.'
They were sent to carry out their duties of killing prominent people. Their fearlessness came from the belief that if they perished while executing (sic) their tasks, The Old Man would '... send my angels who will bring you back to Paradise.' Some good chaps to have in your corner, then.
The book that is featured in the film is 'Fictions' by the Argentine author, Jorge Luis Borges, though the reading is not in this collection of short stories. Anyone know where this text comes from?

Hi! what you referring to is the "Asāsiyyūn sect/order" of Hasan ibn al-Sabah who lived in the mountains of Persia and in Syria between 1090 and 1275. the tale which originated in the account given by Marco Polo in "The Adventures of Marco Polo" saying that "The Old Man kept at his court such boys of twelve years old as seemed to him destined to become courageous men. When the Old Man sent them into the garden in groups of four, ten or twenty, he gave them hashish to drink. They slept for three days, then they were carried sleeping into the garden where he had them awakened. When these young men woke, and found themselves in the garden with all these marvelous things, they truly believed themselves to be in paradise. And these damsels were always with them in songs and great entertainments; they; received everything they asked for, so that they would never have left that garden of their own will." and in this manner it's believed by some that they became so dedicated they would kill on commend for the chance to be back on this "garden".
This story is today believed to be a myth and might have been used to delegitimize nizari Isma'ilis sect(branch of Shia Islam)/hashish use in general, as there is no historic evidence that the 'asasiyun order' have actually used hashish.
The modern etymology of the word hashish is believed to be derived from the arabic word ḥašīš which means “hay" or "dried herb".
If you are interested on further reading about the 'asasiyun sect' there is a wikipedia article about it called "Order of Assassins".
Btw, today 'Hashishin' is a name for a master hash maker in some parts of the world and might have originated in afghanistan. cheers!
This story is today believed to be a myth and might have been used to delegitimize nizari Isma'ilis sect(branch of Shia Islam)/hashish use in general, as there is no historic evidence that the 'asasiyun order' have actually used hashish.
The modern etymology of the word hashish is believed to be derived from the arabic word ḥašīš which means “hay" or "dried herb".
If you are interested on further reading about the 'asasiyun sect' there is a wikipedia article about it called "Order of Assassins".
Btw, today 'Hashishin' is a name for a master hash maker in some parts of the world and might have originated in afghanistan. cheers!

Can't always tell from a photo of course, but if you showed me that picture I would bet it was black..
Leb is not as dark as this normally, and even when its dark its dark brown and its often lot more red (unless its a blonde leb).
I suspect you have the gold seal mate....
Leb is not as dark as this normally, and even when its dark its dark brown and its often lot more red (unless its a blonde leb).
I suspect you have the gold seal mate....

Memory fades over time! I just expected it to smell ‘different’ although the only way to tell
Is of course !!!!
Is of course !!!!

This stuff really is giving me flashbacks to ten years ago when the stuff was rife round my way. The red leb is very similar, I just put up some pics of that too on its page

Ace images, Golmagnum. Fine quality subject shown in all its loveliness. Got mine today. I've stuffed some dates and chomped them. Really good. So really good.

Gold seal from green team is class!! Love old school nineties stone, string and lasts long time 10/10

Before finding LB and this Afghan I hadn't seen excellent dark solid since I travelled in a white Merc with a trio of crazy Dutch. Started in Ireland and reached India, with smoke in our wake but not from the exhaust. So blazed I'm surprised we managed to steer the thing. Came back on the thumb & Magic Bus ( yes it was a thing back then, not just a song...) via everywhere, slowly.
That was in 1973 I think.. uhm ... We haven't lived in a city since, so couldn't find any
decent solid. This Afghan IS decent, not excellent but for the price ....a bargain, works well in DynaVap or Boundless, softens in the fingers, bubbles with a flame, smells good & I'm very wrecked.
Don't hesitate titntin, enjoy.
That was in 1973 I think.. uhm ... We haven't lived in a city since, so couldn't find any
decent solid. This Afghan IS decent, not excellent but for the price ....a bargain, works well in DynaVap or Boundless, softens in the fingers, bubbles with a flame, smells good & I'm very wrecked.
Don't hesitate titntin, enjoy.

1 post
+2 votes
Reviews with pictures of parcels/post
Happens all the time. Guy was downvoting me for talking to him about it last week.

Reviews with pictures of parcels/post
Is this really necessary? Am I being too paranoid? Mention quality of stealth in a review but not actual descriptions or pictures surely?

You are absolutely right my friend, that was not a brilliant thing to do. If the person who posted that feedback see this message I'll sure appreciate if they'll take the picture off, I understand it was with very good intentions but the feedback will be so much better without that pic :-) HOWEVER - no real damage was done, almost none of the stealth is visible or disclosed in it. If I ever feel any detail was compromised I easily change it. stay happy and relaxed my biggaz. cheers!

Hi mate I've sent 2 messages but not heard anything back after ordering Wednesday night. It's my first time ordering with you and am a little concerned because I've never ordered our of the UK before.

sorry i dont understand what the scare is, if any scary party wants to see your stealth all they have to do is order. what am i missing?

Well... Example 1: Police is spying in LB they now know what to look for.
Example 2: if a post worker is around LB they now know what to look for.
Example 3: if my stone neighbours are around here too, they will smoke for free.
And it goes on xD
Example 2: if a post worker is around LB they now know what to look for.
Example 3: if my stone neighbours are around here too, they will smoke for free.
And it goes on xD

whats the chain of events, police scour site for anecdotal images instead of ordering package which they have to do for their investigation anyway?
postal worker reads site then looks through thousands (millions?) of packages to find match of photo?
postal worker reads site then looks through thousands (millions?) of packages to find match of photo?

This is...Bananas. Did he smoke the packaging ? And you aren't being too paranoid. This dude needs that photo DELETED.

Know who else sends heat sealed smellproofed packaging in the post? Fucking tons of legal businesses. I saw an advert for ITCHYPET last night that showed it, for instance.

1 post
+2 votes

Gt sport
I played for a while and I was a gt addict back in the day. I found the public servers crap, but playing with friends is a joy. IMO forza motorsports…
I played for a while and I was a gt addict back in the day. I found the public servers crap, but playing with friends is a joy. IMO forza motorsports is better and I am a PlayStation guy. Didn’t get an Xbox till Xbox 360 with forza and always get them now for the one game. If you like console racers Forza is by a long distance the best and I’ve loved GT since on PlayStation before it had a number. I play every thing else on PlayStation.

2 posts
+3.2 votes
It sounds real good. Had a blue haze a few weeks ago which was like super silver haze but tasted of blueberries. Was excellent
+ 2 more


Receive a FREE 0.5 with your ONE order of 7g+ with promocode
(please state your promocode in a message when purchasing otherwise you will not receive the offer!)
Receive a FREE 0.5 with your ONE order of 7g+ with promocode
(please state your promocode in a message when purchasing otherwise you will not receive the offer!)

I'd recommend this haze to anyone. Lovely clean smoke and very nice hazy high.
With a cheeky little extra bit too you really can't go wrong :)
With a cheeky little extra bit too you really can't go wrong :)

It sounds real good. Had a blue haze a few weeks ago which was like super silver haze but tasted of blueberries. Was excellent

Clickbait, don’t now if it’s cos I’m old but clickbait is annoying. Loads of people will be pissed off clicking on that. I’m not one of them. I clicked on click bait to comment on clickbait.

Clickbait? This is a genuine deal :)
To me that sounds like a bargain :)
To me that sounds like a bargain :)

1 post
+2 votes

Anyone got a jailbroken PS4?
Always gets really popular around the time of a new generation of console. It’s last gen now. PS 5 is worth the money if you can get one. Holding off …

Anyone got a jailbroken PS4?
I've just bought one with mostly shite games on the 5 hdd's that came with it. Is replacing these games as easy as downloading a PKG then sending it to the PS4 HDD via FTP or is it more complicated than that?
I've found the FTP setting on the PS4 and have FTP on my Mac.
I think most of the hard work in jailbreaking this console has already been done so I don't want to mess it up, but also don't want to play the majority of the crap on the hdd's. He hasn't even got GTA V.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers BB
I've found the FTP setting on the PS4 and have FTP on my Mac.
I think most of the hard work in jailbreaking this console has already been done so I don't want to mess it up, but also don't want to play the majority of the crap on the hdd's. He hasn't even got GTA V.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers BB

Google it mate, i checked quickly looks like they use a loader to install from ao might need to DL that.
thouhh there is also USB drive method
thouhh there is also USB drive method

I could be wrong but if its the same as the cracked xboxs I used to mod then its just a case of getting the game onto the hard drive and it should boot up from there. Sounds like the method you mentioned should work mate.
Good luck
Good luck

You are right. You put it onto the hard drive and the chips etc booted the game on the cracked firmware ....I even remember renting games from blockbuster to copy them onto the hard drive.....that takes me back some years...simpler times

ive still got a couple ?
and the blockbuster rip was amazing mate well played, i rinsed them too. then i got rapid downloads and got them all as so small.
trouble nowadays is they are massive, think COD is the max atm at 200gb!!
might be able to save space if you can NOT install other languages. but usually EGIGS are packaged together so get American versions
Can i post YT links here, theres a lot of steps and details about firmware and stuff mate
and the blockbuster rip was amazing mate well played, i rinsed them too. then i got rapid downloads and got them all as so small.
trouble nowadays is they are massive, think COD is the max atm at 200gb!!
might be able to save space if you can NOT install other languages. but usually EGIGS are packaged together so get American versions
Can i post YT links here, theres a lot of steps and details about firmware and stuff mate

Always gets really popular around the time of a new generation of console. It’s last gen now. PS 5 is worth the money if you can get one. Holding off on new Xbox till new forza motorsports.

1 post
+2 votes

Hoping my LB etiquette is all good

Hoping my LB etiquette is all good
I am unsure if I should be replying via comments or a pm.
As I say I am new to this and actually don’t think I have ever posted on a forum or whatever it is called anywhere online so please bear with me if I am not correct in my reply’s. It is only because of my lack of net/web knowledge and is never meant in a bad way. Hope I am making myself clear still.
Patience appreciated from a Luddite.
As I say I am new to this and actually don’t think I have ever posted on a forum or whatever it is called anywhere online so please bear with me if I am not correct in my reply’s. It is only because of my lack of net/web knowledge and is never meant in a bad way. Hope I am making myself clear still.
Patience appreciated from a Luddite.

After some of the recent dramas on LB this is a breath of fresh air! Welcome to LB, pal! If you have any questions feel free to ask away! Take it easy

Be as polite as you already are, and you should have no problems!
welcome, i am also pretty new here
welcome, i am also pretty new here

2 posts
+4 votes
Full spectrum
Thanks for the explanation mate. As I said I know a lot of people who love these, not your brand but live rosin carts and they seem to think they are …
+ 2 more

Full spectrum
Does full spectrum mean I'll get the full effect from all the cannabinoids?

Can someone explain to me please, old codger here. I’m a member of another cannabis community and they go mad for these kind of vapes. Granted they are not by this seller but people pay serious money for friendly farms and suchlike.

Hi Raskolnikov,
Rosin carts are still a niche in the market and maybe it will stay that way. The reason we are trying this because we were wondering our self's: Why don't you see rosin and rosin carts more in the market. Even in the US not that many either but there are some very exciting companies out there like you mention. Blue River Terp is also doing some really cool stuff.
I think there are two factors in play here.
It is very hard to keep the cannabinoids on a consistent level in a large production environment. I think that is why so see a lot more distillates concentrates in carts.
Second is the whole discussion if you should put rosin in carts in the 1st place. Rosin is the only true solvent less concentrate out there compared to a lot that are solvent free. You can not put rosin directly in carts, you are going to need some kind of cutting agent, liquidizer terpenes etc in it, to make it less viscous. Too a lot of rosin purist's: that defeats the purpose of making rosin if you start adding stuff to it.
I agree that dabbing rosin will be the best taste experience but it can be messy and is has no stealth. A vape cart is super convenient and has much better stealth.
I just compare it to making espresso. You can grind your own beans and all that beautiful stuff. Or you choose a Nesspresso machine. Maybe not as good, but a lot more convenient. We are very curious too if people will like it. Time will tell :-)
Rosin carts are still a niche in the market and maybe it will stay that way. The reason we are trying this because we were wondering our self's: Why don't you see rosin and rosin carts more in the market. Even in the US not that many either but there are some very exciting companies out there like you mention. Blue River Terp is also doing some really cool stuff.
I think there are two factors in play here.
It is very hard to keep the cannabinoids on a consistent level in a large production environment. I think that is why so see a lot more distillates concentrates in carts.
Second is the whole discussion if you should put rosin in carts in the 1st place. Rosin is the only true solvent less concentrate out there compared to a lot that are solvent free. You can not put rosin directly in carts, you are going to need some kind of cutting agent, liquidizer terpenes etc in it, to make it less viscous. Too a lot of rosin purist's: that defeats the purpose of making rosin if you start adding stuff to it.
I agree that dabbing rosin will be the best taste experience but it can be messy and is has no stealth. A vape cart is super convenient and has much better stealth.
I just compare it to making espresso. You can grind your own beans and all that beautiful stuff. Or you choose a Nesspresso machine. Maybe not as good, but a lot more convenient. We are very curious too if people will like it. Time will tell :-)

Thanks for the explanation mate. As I said I know a lot of people who love these, not your brand but live rosin carts and they seem to think they are the future. Apparently they taste way better than a solvent cart but I suppose that’s to be expected as solvents are not exactly harmless.

It would be helpful to have a test, delta?, Cbd? Which ones etc, 50%thc but what is the other 50% all terps?

Hi Forestfire,
we would love a full test too. Ones we can provide this we will. The 50% is more an estimate. We were able to test that the pure rosin had 73.6% THCa.
This was with our own testing equipment. We didn't add that much falvourless terps, but after adding this and also decarbed it. Our testing equipment could not test it anymore. So it is watered down but hard to tell by how much.
Ones we know an address where we can test safely we would love to know our selfs
we would love a full test too. Ones we can provide this we will. The 50% is more an estimate. We were able to test that the pure rosin had 73.6% THCa.
This was with our own testing equipment. We didn't add that much falvourless terps, but after adding this and also decarbed it. Our testing equipment could not test it anymore. So it is watered down but hard to tell by how much.
Ones we know an address where we can test safely we would love to know our selfs

Hi Daniels,
That is correct. Although there is some discussion within the industry if Rosin is full spectrum and some call it broad spectrum. But you get a lot more cannabinoids then with for example distillate. And the natural terpenes too.
I hope this anwsers your question.
That is correct. Although there is some discussion within the industry if Rosin is full spectrum and some call it broad spectrum. But you get a lot more cannabinoids then with for example distillate. And the natural terpenes too.
I hope this anwsers your question.

2 posts
+3 votes

Hiya everyone hope we are all staying safe and enjoying the weekend. Lots of us have seen how up and down fees have become and the last week or so has been mental for fee prices etc lets get together and share the best places for buying coin etc so we can try and keep the costs down Stay Safe Stay LB

best practice is to keep some cash in bitcoin. when it goes up you make up for fees and then some.

Definitely, depending how long you’ve been doing it you can end up with free weed too. The bits and bobs build up.

It has got to the point I am turning my cash into btc to buy weed as spending the btc you have is silly.

3 posts
+6 votes

D.I.U.K - Northern Wreck
I don’t know anything about photography mate but I liked the one you took which had multiple little starry light sources then you showed how you done …
+ 3 more

D.I.U.K - Northern Wreck

Such a nice strain from the peoples at D.I.U.K I thought I'd take a shot of it :)
Loving this at the moment and definitely up there with some of my favourite indicas to date. I vape with the S&B Mighty and this flower has clouds for days, nice dense buds with a good strong taste on par with the hit! Perfect for DOMS if you exercise pretty hard! I think I've slept on DIUK up until now but will be shopping there again now to be fair. Cured perfectly for my use and smells great. Nice work DIUK!
Anyway enough waffle, here she is in all her glory :)
Loving this at the moment and definitely up there with some of my favourite indicas to date. I vape with the S&B Mighty and this flower has clouds for days, nice dense buds with a good strong taste on par with the hit! Perfect for DOMS if you exercise pretty hard! I think I've slept on DIUK up until now but will be shopping there again now to be fair. Cured perfectly for my use and smells great. Nice work DIUK!
Anyway enough waffle, here she is in all her glory :)

I’m serious man. I’ve been in my house almost a year now and have spent many a stoned afternoons looking at your pics. You do excellent work.

Getting these shots is really satisfying but very time consuming! Check this one, I’ll put the real size thing on the next comment!

I don’t know anything about photography mate but I liked the one you took which had multiple little starry light sources then you showed how you done it with small led looking lights. As I said photography is not my thing but I guess it’s the subject matter. Very well done all the same

Thanks buddy.
Unfortunately I'm off work with 'burn out'. I never knew what that really meant, but it means your body over-reacts to stress with huge adrenaline surges you cant control. My wife dropped a tray in the kitchen the other day and it left me shaking like I had Parkinson's for 3 hours! Blah! On my 4th month off and really hoping I recover soon, I'm a working man and I'm not comfortable being off so long :)
Bud and hash are helpful to me, and at least I got a PS5 on release so I've had plenty of gaming!
Hope things are good for you bro, stay safe and keep doing as you do! xD
Unfortunately I'm off work with 'burn out'. I never knew what that really meant, but it means your body over-reacts to stress with huge adrenaline surges you cant control. My wife dropped a tray in the kitchen the other day and it left me shaking like I had Parkinson's for 3 hours! Blah! On my 4th month off and really hoping I recover soon, I'm a working man and I'm not comfortable being off so long :)
Bud and hash are helpful to me, and at least I got a PS5 on release so I've had plenty of gaming!
Hope things are good for you bro, stay safe and keep doing as you do! xD

Shit mate not good, never heard of that either but I’m definitely aware of the stress caused by the current state of things! I think everyone’s mental health is fragile at the moment whether they care to admit it or not! Feel you on the working man angle too as my work has suffered pretty bad and left me nowhere near as busy as I usually am! I started running 6 months ago and now running around 250km a month and find it helps no end for the old mind monkeys!
Take good care my man, you’ll be back to fighting fit in no time I’m sure.
Keep keepin’on! :)
Take good care my man, you’ll be back to fighting fit in no time I’m sure.
Keep keepin’on! :)

3 posts
+6 votes
check out our first review!!
That’s the most suspect review I have ever seen. Sounds like it’s from high times or some shit. Congratulations of all the dawg floating about this co…
+ 3 more

check out our first review!!
everyone please check out our first review
few more sales as we get the feel of this site and we will post 2 more items
also everyone seeing this shoot me a PM!!
few more sales as we get the feel of this site and we will post 2 more items
also everyone seeing this shoot me a PM!!

That’s the most suspect review I have ever seen. Sounds like it’s from high times or some shit. Congratulations of all the dawg floating about this country you have the best. Dawg ain’t shaking up anything mate.

It was reviewed by me and I have just ordered once again. While stardawg may be the conventional stock of a supplier, the degree of quality by RKUK surpasses any variant.

Exactly, you’re friend. There you go in your own words. No votes. No buys. Mate, you are digging deeper and deeper. If you think this is fooling anyone you are more foolish than I thought. I’m not going to explain why as you obviously don’t know but you have now made this a lot worse. You have confirmed exactly what you have done. Please keep it up.

Our friendship blossomed solely as a result of our recent transactions since RKUK has been on LB. I was very fortunate to have the opportunity of being his first customer on the site and, without a doubt, I won't be the last.

when i see ur username it puts a smile on my face bro
and likewise i have the same loyalty for u
i always got u brother!
speak soon
and likewise i have the same loyalty for u
i always got u brother!
speak soon

I’m happy for you mate. This pandemic we are all living through, it’s important to have friends. If you are genuine, I apologise and wish you all the best. I discovered LB because of the first lockdown and I had a lot of love for this place. Gentleman dealers, Urban leaf co, Drugs inc and the Green team are all excellent vendors and lovely to deal with if you are looking for another vendor. There has been a lot of shit went down on here since then which has made me use another platform but their are loads of genuine people on here who try to look out for each other.

well done, maybe add more items to your listings to get more sales!
kind regards, THB
kind regards, THB

"I opened the package... which was particularly discreet, no odour due to the efficient packaging"

2 posts
+12 votes
I love how the first covid 19 vaccine recipient was a 90 year old woman about to turn 91 with nothing to lose. So imagin…
Holy fuck, your doubling down now. I’m out. Have a good day.
+ 2 more

I love how the first covid 19 vaccine recipient was a 90 year old woman about to turn 91 with nothing to lose. So imagine if it makes you infertile for example? How the duck are you gonna know?
Also I love the quote from the patient who said it’s free so what have you got to lose? Well playing on a motorway is free and so is getting stabbed but I’m not gonna go do that shit? Has anyone ever seen channel 4’s Utopia? Axed in s2 due to being to boss’s!!!!!! Basically if you haven’t look up the plot for it and you’ll lose your shit!!!!!

You are as much of an insensitive prick as the real frank. There will be many people who have lost family that age on here and you come out with that shite. Take of the tin hat and put that joint down.I’ve been shielding since February and I have just put my wife in an ambulance this morning as she has suspected Covid-19. The health condition my wife has she has a life expectancy of 32 years, she is 31. Guess she has nothing to lose eh? Have a think before you spout shite next time.

I love it when I go into a shop and the owner starts telling me about all their life opinions and their perception of reality... Thanks!

All I’m saying is the woman could drop dead tommorow and they would say “well she’s 91 what do you excpect?” Its a bit suss if you ask me how they couldn’t have given it to someone say in their 70s atleast? Lmao also this is a topic site. ;)

My wife is a head nurse and she said it usually takes 10-12 years to register authorised me legalise any vaccine and she says 4 months or whatever it’s took enough time. Plus a guy already stated there’s already atleast 2 back up variations of the vaccine because this one might not take. Word.
Just would be nice to know 100 percent what I’m putting in my body is 100 percent ok with zero side effects. You wouldn’t want barely tested product off of here because could be laced with anything like that spice shite for example.
Stay safe. Love to all.
Just would be nice to know 100 percent what I’m putting in my body is 100 percent ok with zero side effects. You wouldn’t want barely tested product off of here because could be laced with anything like that spice shite for example.
Stay safe. Love to all.

3 posts
+5 votes
Burn, pick or sausages?
Just don’t use wife or significant other’s new knifes.
+ 3 more

Burn, pick or sausages?
Hi Biggaz
Just had my pack of afghan drop today (Thanks very much TGT) and just wondered how you guys have been enjoying your afghan best? I'll be using it in joints only and looks like the best bet is to roll small sauages with it but seeing what everyone else does with theirs? One of the younger smokers on here so not experienced afghan before. Cheers
Just had my pack of afghan drop today (Thanks very much TGT) and just wondered how you guys have been enjoying your afghan best? I'll be using it in joints only and looks like the best bet is to roll small sauages with it but seeing what everyone else does with theirs? One of the younger smokers on here so not experienced afghan before. Cheers

Depending on the hash. If it is a hard powdery hash I use a scalpel and scrape the hash to make a powder and then either smoke in a joint with tobacco or even better in a DynaVap with some organic cotton as a filter. The latter is pure dynamite and a little really does go a long way. If it is "squidy" mould the hash into a sausage and add to a joint and make as usual. You can also sprinkle onto your weed joints for an extra kick which can be tasty as well.

Im only use to pollen where I am so usually I burn and sprinkle into joints. This afghan is squidgy so will follow your advice and roll in sausages and put in a joint. Cheers for the advice bud.

i personally roll a sausage then pick bits of the sausage into the joint. Putting a full sausage in usually just side burns to fuck for me

Roll it!! It’s the only way to do it! Takes me back to my youth and by the looks of it most people who buy this are looking for the same feeling!!!

Get a piece for one joint and burn it on something like a pin or paper clip as it burns way better that way then in a joint. Discovered this thirty years ago and it has always been the case with this sort of Afghan.

You mean similar to a hot knives type setup as oppose to joints? Nice to be able to get a range of different smokes on LB and experiment. Cheers man.

Do it the indian way.
Pick it onto baccy. Then squidge the whole lot up and crumble that.
You can do it twice even. It should mean that it coats the baccy for a more consistent creamy smoke.
Pick it onto baccy. Then squidge the whole lot up and crumble that.
You can do it twice even. It should mean that it coats the baccy for a more consistent creamy smoke.

3 posts
+4 votes

So much random stuff on here.... would any1 be interested in #botox
I believe there is a rule about products causing harm are not allowed here. Wanna buy some botulism? probably violates that.
+ 3 more

So much random stuff on here.... would any1 be interested in #botox
Wanted to sell botox would any1 be interested in genuine bocuture brand botox in various ml??

I believe there is a rule about products causing harm are not allowed here. Wanna buy some botulism? probably violates that.

Hmmm really now erh sum1 invented a look young product and thats my fualt plus its Hidden secret there's women as young as 30 having botox n filler. I wouldn't say its harmful if done correctly paracetamol can kill you if u take to much...
Its very much safe in my opinion?? I've seen alot of over tablet drugs on here blatant harmacy ? every drug has a side effect can sum1 else confirm... botox n filler big no no ??
Its very much safe in my opinion?? I've seen alot of over tablet drugs on here blatant harmacy ? every drug has a side effect can sum1 else confirm... botox n filler big no no ??

I was joking friend. I personally would allow any pharmaceutical on here. We are all adults and have freedom of choice. I just know how it will be seen by many members here. I have seen people try to have mushrooms banned on here. That is the sort of mentality being dealt with on here. Best of luck friend. Take care and I hope you have a good festive season.

Makes sense pal i really understand you just mentioned my key point haha..
Thanks for info mushrooms banned they r plant based but they can sell weed. Its all money guess they have enuf vendors to pik n choose now i guess...
Fanks for info im not moody jus lik a good debate??
Enjoy ur Xmas...peace the lips pic is jokes hah
Thanks for info mushrooms banned they r plant based but they can sell weed. Its all money guess they have enuf vendors to pik n choose now i guess...
Fanks for info im not moody jus lik a good debate??
Enjoy ur Xmas...peace the lips pic is jokes hah

Hello there
I do not know if LB allows it and if some want it.
But classification of botulinum toxin is not at the same level than the other products sold here.
Having worked in companies selling competitor product, saw 1000 of pics of what can go wrong, but as you said, risk vs. benefit appetite is matter of personal opinion.
stay safe
I do not know if LB allows it and if some want it.
But classification of botulinum toxin is not at the same level than the other products sold here.
Having worked in companies selling competitor product, saw 1000 of pics of what can go wrong, but as you said, risk vs. benefit appetite is matter of personal opinion.
stay safe

2 posts
+6 votes
I still end up almost wetting myself when he starts on the pussy vapers. Was gonna buy one IRL few weeks ago and the wife called me a pussy and a fag …
+ 2 more
would you compare this to a cali in terms of flavour and high?
I know names are all "gimmicks" ect but the price levels makes it confusing.... as u pay over 70 80 it makes it cali ect...
Tbh there needs to be atleast a top tier standard to help us decide as u can jus up tha price put a flash on and 150.....no offence jus wanted to know where this sits saw cali bud going for 70 so its essex or cali lol???
I know names are all "gimmicks" ect but the price levels makes it confusing.... as u pay over 70 80 it makes it cali ect...
Tbh there needs to be atleast a top tier standard to help us decide as u can jus up tha price put a flash on and 150.....no offence jus wanted to know where this sits saw cali bud going for 70 so its essex or cali lol???

Thanks for clearing up if I'd say the description are getting more like leafy but the 1 u jus gave actually makes me wanna buy it...i bought the super strawberry haze frm ova vendor was soo crap id never buy anything says strawberry again...interested in ur now tho...

I still end up almost wetting myself when he starts on the pussy vapers. Was gonna buy one IRL few weeks ago and the wife called me a pussy and a fag vaper all day until I relented. Ended up with an oz of Alien dawg and a fucker of a cough.

Hi tegridy. ..yer def quite expensive for a henry.. I see its been lowered by $5...still high price really. There others selling henrys for similar price .think its just the way things are with everything atm..same with bitcoin.!highest ever..with covid ..everything gone through the roof..have a good weekend..jb

Hi MKK2020..yes of course..fully understand what your saying..with prices going up . Its hard to adjust..everyone has there own budget ..and choice of what they want..obviously better unique strains will be higher..priced..and yes Bitcoin is crazy which doesnt help lol..even the cost of postage seems to be getting..higher..have a good weekend guys :-))

1 post
+2 votes

D James
Are these liberty caps?? Plz help biggarz
Yes mate, I’ve had them out my back garden for years. Get them boiled up and make tea or coffee with the water is what I’ve always done.
They look like they are my friend! Looks like they got nipples on top should be dark purple spores check that but I'm 99% sure you're in for a treat ;)

Yes mate, I’ve had them out my back garden for years. Get them boiled up and make tea or coffee with the water is what I’ve always done.

3 posts
+3 votes

Sending funds
Need to win nine before ten mate. I remember where I was when we won nine, it was glorious. Wonder how the Tim’s will remember the glorious day when t…
+ 3 more

Sending funds
hey guys new to this and was jus wanted to know about sending funds I have blockchain and coinbase and it says can take upto an hour to receive a transfer but littlebiggy only gives you 30 minutes to transfer funds before it voids the sale is this right and if so how do I get the funds transferred in the 30 minutes

I've used c.pay and its went through partially atm how long does it take to complete.? Yea I'm rangers fan lol

My payments usually clear in a few minutes mate with coinbase. Those numbers, you had to be. Im a bear myself, what you reckon for porkhead at the weekend.

Gonna b tight i think but way gers playing atm should b a win for us.....it would need to be...fck listen to tha Tim's f thy gt 10 never hear the end of it lol

Need to win nine before ten mate. I remember where I was when we won nine, it was glorious. Wonder how the Tim’s will remember the glorious day when they were gifted a title by email.

Coinbase is usually near instant in my experience, plus I’m pretty sure I’ve paid after the 30 mins before.

1 post
+3 votes
Hash v price
From the future today. Classic.

Hash v price
Getting hold of good quality hash of late has become rare and an expensive habit,
myself an many people have realised the rise in price of hash,
as myself and others we do hope it goes down eventually,,
It’s understanding as business items will surge and go down at different times so business owners aswell as drug dealers must protect their livelihoods,,
As customers we expect the very least,the very least is that the quality of hash must be of great stock not just good stock,,
I have been recently buying from uk 420,where the price is above average but slowly coming down..
But and the big but is every item purchased from uk420 has consistently been of the highest quality..
As a smoker I know I’ll prefer to spend that little extra for the quality then to save and be disappointed...
If anyone has any other vendors of high quality hash please post..
myself an many people have realised the rise in price of hash,
as myself and others we do hope it goes down eventually,,
It’s understanding as business items will surge and go down at different times so business owners aswell as drug dealers must protect their livelihoods,,
As customers we expect the very least,the very least is that the quality of hash must be of great stock not just good stock,,
I have been recently buying from uk 420,where the price is above average but slowly coming down..
But and the big but is every item purchased from uk420 has consistently been of the highest quality..
As a smoker I know I’ll prefer to spend that little extra for the quality then to save and be disappointed...
If anyone has any other vendors of high quality hash please post..

Hello there, in my opinion the best Hash iv ever smoked was off Hashlover420, unbelievable quality and expensive, best €100 iv ever spent!!! Hope that helps from a hash head....

For quality it's hashlover420 all day everyday and twice on Sunday's. It's hash from the future today.
I'd also give a shout out to Hashishin who has all the quality hash we used to enjoy in the good old, analogue,pre soap bar days.
I'd also give a shout out to Hashishin who has all the quality hash we used to enjoy in the good old, analogue,pre soap bar days.

Hi nick! thanks for the shout out. I appreciate it!
just to make things clear - hashishin got the high grade and the top shelf aswell, it's about price. until recently I've uploaded only high quality land-race hash from different producing farms around the middle east for the most affordable price I can offer. I now realize some biggaz prefer to pay top $ for super high quality items. I've listed a 'Lebanese Cream Hash' not long ago which is a bit expensive but much stronger than regular land-race hash and stand with modern sifts and water produced hash in terms of potency. the 'leb cream' is just a tip of an ice berg and if the community will like it there are even higher grades to go to, the prices vary accordingly, though I always try to keep it as low as I can. cheers to all my friends!
just to make things clear - hashishin got the high grade and the top shelf aswell, it's about price. until recently I've uploaded only high quality land-race hash from different producing farms around the middle east for the most affordable price I can offer. I now realize some biggaz prefer to pay top $ for super high quality items. I've listed a 'Lebanese Cream Hash' not long ago which is a bit expensive but much stronger than regular land-race hash and stand with modern sifts and water produced hash in terms of potency. the 'leb cream' is just a tip of an ice berg and if the community will like it there are even higher grades to go to, the prices vary accordingly, though I always try to keep it as low as I can. cheers to all my friends!

Hows it going GTP, count me in if your fella comes up with anything.. DM me with any info you get, would really like+appreciate some good value Hash .. thank you kindly.

Radars Chapo got me through the first 5 months or so of the lockdown and still got a few grams left for a rainy day. Wasn’t impressed with their gorilla glue stuff but luckily uk420 came good and really enjoyed his critical, amnesia and had one of his new 70 micron eggs arrive yesterday and that is a nice smoke.
Same goes for hashlover420 eggs probably the most potent and terpy hash I’ve ever smoked and a little goes a long way so good value for money.
Only vendors I have been disappointed with are HashTag and TGT who both sent products that look nothing like their photos and was extremely poor quality for the price point they charge.
Same goes for hashlover420 eggs probably the most potent and terpy hash I’ve ever smoked and a little goes a long way so good value for money.
Only vendors I have been disappointed with are HashTag and TGT who both sent products that look nothing like their photos and was extremely poor quality for the price point they charge.

JJ Rolex hash - one of the best here.
Also Drugs inc UK currently selling Caremelo cream hash that's proper top tier - just vac packed to bits, but doesn't really hurt that hash.
Cant speak for anyone else's experiences, but hash tags bannana X is a top hash and well priced too - I'll certainly be buying more.
There are marocs and such like at £6 per gram elsewhere on the DW as long as you buy ounces, but I only buy them for my mates to sell on and make a little profit - I prefer more potent hashes.
The replies in here seem to have covered the best options, and if you are buying UK420's hashes then you in a decent place. They got too expensive for me to justify , but maybe now his prices are dropping a bit I might get more. Factor in delivery charges and the wait for dispatch and I still think there's better value offers on biggy though..
Also Drugs inc UK currently selling Caremelo cream hash that's proper top tier - just vac packed to bits, but doesn't really hurt that hash.
Cant speak for anyone else's experiences, but hash tags bannana X is a top hash and well priced too - I'll certainly be buying more.
There are marocs and such like at £6 per gram elsewhere on the DW as long as you buy ounces, but I only buy them for my mates to sell on and make a little profit - I prefer more potent hashes.
The replies in here seem to have covered the best options, and if you are buying UK420's hashes then you in a decent place. They got too expensive for me to justify , but maybe now his prices are dropping a bit I might get more. Factor in delivery charges and the wait for dispatch and I still think there's better value offers on biggy though..

THEGREENTEAM have some ace hash for sale. The Afghan was reduced in price recently too. I'm currently waiting on a bit of the Zero Zero.

2 posts
+5 votes
No sign of mine dude and I'm in Ireland. More than likely nabbed. Fuck all now for weekend and could have customs letter to look forward too aswell. Poor man, expected a bit more if you were worried about stealth then a simple look at other vendors reviews on stealth and a little order of a gram from them would have gave you ideas. Stealth has to be top of the list as without it the weed is worthless. Disappointing.

Ordered a g was sent on the 29th still not shown up 4th and noticed all the comments since then....

WTF GTP why are you avoiding your customers??
Where is my free replacement? How long does one need to wait already after all this time. WAKE UP BRO AND DO SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR ONCE!!!
Resentful and truly Disappointing Vendor***
WTF GTP why are you avoiding your customers??
Where is my free replacement? How long does one need to wait already after all this time. WAKE UP BRO AND DO SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR ONCE!!!
Resentful and truly Disappointing Vendor***

I'll reiterate what I have previously mentioned (before you deleted your comments):
1. Empty white envelope received with soft plastic mail bag. Misrepresented packaging and stealth (seller advertised on his page with general outline for packaging - photos).
2. Ordered with recorded (for security) - Recieved basic first class.
3. Packaging completely inadequate and contrary to description.
4. Seller offered reship, but this is suspect and I don't want to accept another bogus package as my privacy / security has already been comprimised.
5. Asked for refund, seller agreed and advised to wait until funds cleared on Little Biggy. Advised seller this was unacceptable.
6. Dispute opened.
I also mentioned that I was sorry you had a migraine, was polite and amiable throughout all communications, and that my experience of your learning curve was not a happy one.
I'm not sure how smart it is to show the packaging whilst others are still awaiting deliveries, either.
This was pure Mickey Mouse. It's not rocket science to work out how to smell proof a package. The instructions are here on LB. Also the guff you gave out afterwards and the conveniently deleted attitude you gave were not a good reflection on you. It's best that you deleted them, smartest thing you did so far. Anyone reading them wouldn't order from you in a million years. Terrible and disappointing.
1. Empty white envelope received with soft plastic mail bag. Misrepresented packaging and stealth (seller advertised on his page with general outline for packaging - photos).
2. Ordered with recorded (for security) - Recieved basic first class.
3. Packaging completely inadequate and contrary to description.
4. Seller offered reship, but this is suspect and I don't want to accept another bogus package as my privacy / security has already been comprimised.
5. Asked for refund, seller agreed and advised to wait until funds cleared on Little Biggy. Advised seller this was unacceptable.
6. Dispute opened.
I also mentioned that I was sorry you had a migraine, was polite and amiable throughout all communications, and that my experience of your learning curve was not a happy one.
I'm not sure how smart it is to show the packaging whilst others are still awaiting deliveries, either.
This was pure Mickey Mouse. It's not rocket science to work out how to smell proof a package. The instructions are here on LB. Also the guff you gave out afterwards and the conveniently deleted attitude you gave were not a good reflection on you. It's best that you deleted them, smartest thing you did so far. Anyone reading them wouldn't order from you in a million years. Terrible and disappointing.

Once the escrow is sorted, I'll change the score to reflect just the neglectful packaging and not the neglectful packaging AND financial loss. Sadly you decided to post publicly in reaction to an honest review. You then stated I had accused you of robbing me. THEN, you deleted a thread of comments, including one along the lines of "This isn't a game. People's livelihoods, jobs, and families are at risk when using this site. Privacy and anonymity are everything . It's hard to stay anonymous when people are posting potent weed through the mail service with little or no common sense."
To which you responded : " The police aren't going to be worried about 2g" and then something about Pablo Escopoo. Anyhow, for whatever reason, just take the review on the chin. You are responsible for that. Once escrow is sorted, that review will fade into a stream of positive ones, if you don't completely arse it up again.
Your decisions and your actions, man. Please don't expect us here at LB to pay for them.
Live and learn, dude.
To which you responded : " The police aren't going to be worried about 2g" and then something about Pablo Escopoo. Anyhow, for whatever reason, just take the review on the chin. You are responsible for that. Once escrow is sorted, that review will fade into a stream of positive ones, if you don't completely arse it up again.
Your decisions and your actions, man. Please don't expect us here at LB to pay for them.
Live and learn, dude.

It's none of my concern where you live. It was posted first class (not tracked as I paid for) from the UK. The other reviewer noted his was also posted first class (and not tracked as he ordered). Facts are facts.

That is correct. The other review was from me. Im not trying to give a new vendor a hard time but what i wrote is exactly what happened with the postie and im glad i have the postie who knows me well. But what if it was another postie? They would have smelt it way before coming onto the roads to do their deliveries. Anyways my point is that strains that are potent/smelly/peng/fire etc needs to be heat sealed atleast. Also i did pay for tracked postage but did receive with just 1st class stamp/regular post.

Inadequate packaging. Incorrect Postage. No product inside. 1st class generally gets to Scotland next day, in general. I was surprised myself to be honest. Not a fake review. I've said I'll amend it once escrow has cleared the dispute. You already acknowledged the issue and agreed to a refund, but you expected me to wait until your coin cleared from LB! All the chat transcripts show that. I have no want to ruin your selling. I use herb for medical reasons and wanted to give you a try. I was disappointed with the service. That's unfortunate but true. I've not given one fake review in all my time on LB... You can believe what you want.

This thread appears to have been edited on 30/9/20
by someone as a number of posts missing including gtp stating police wpnt worry about 2g as hardly Pablo escobar or something along those lines.
GTP I expect 75% of the folk on here care as much about stealth as they do product. Its not like your posting something legal. This can be for anumber of reasons including the ability to loose your job if your caught with 2g and you work tests.
Regardless whether you think greencigar is ripping you one or not ( seeing his comments now and before I don't believe he is) dont mention folks locations if you want more business.
I've only been here for a couple months but to last as a vendor it appears you really need to focus on getting decent scores on
Time to deliver
And follow through on all aspects of the deal including NDD.
And to an extent marketing but if you get the top 3 right
Poor stealth and the attitude you have taken wouldnt inspire me to buy from you.
Hope the migraine settles soon
by someone as a number of posts missing including gtp stating police wpnt worry about 2g as hardly Pablo escobar or something along those lines.
GTP I expect 75% of the folk on here care as much about stealth as they do product. Its not like your posting something legal. This can be for anumber of reasons including the ability to loose your job if your caught with 2g and you work tests.
Regardless whether you think greencigar is ripping you one or not ( seeing his comments now and before I don't believe he is) dont mention folks locations if you want more business.
I've only been here for a couple months but to last as a vendor it appears you really need to focus on getting decent scores on
Time to deliver
And follow through on all aspects of the deal including NDD.
And to an extent marketing but if you get the top 3 right
Poor stealth and the attitude you have taken wouldnt inspire me to buy from you.
Hope the migraine settles soon

Well shit I ordered a gram to give you some custom. If my packages go missing going forward I’ll know who to blame. If not packaged correctly, drugs never get through Irish customs. I’ll let you guys know how it lands

I'm in Ireland too. Ordered a gram, never had anything stopped by customs before so we shall see! I'm definitely worried about the packaging, really don't want it stinking!!

I ordered 3.5 and I'm also in Ireland, have a run of success for a while now but this could compromise a lot. Not going to say anything until it arrives or doesn't. But I will also let ye know. Not holding too much faith now anyways and looking at a dry weekend now. Depressing

I ordered Monday night so it'll be a miracle if it arrives before the weekend. I've been averaging around 6/7 days for all previous orders

Think I got order in monday morning. I have been waiting about 4 days lately which is very good compaired to the lockdown and depending on vendor. I'm hoping for 2moro but that is a big IF. Not too happy with the packaging but only time will tell.

GTP I ordered 3.5 and hasn't arrived sent Tuesday morning and you won't reply to my messages I only wanted my tracking number to check where its at i payed tracked and £5 over to make sure it was I don't want to dispute I just want to resolve the issue ? Would be much appreciated as I don't have any issues with previous orders from other vendors.

Think you need to comment on top of page as you are replying to my message and I got notified bud. I have also sent a message and no reply either I'll give till monday and then i will dispute aswell. I have no problem with a vendor having some problems but it's the no reply to messages I really dislike. Hopefully all arrives 2moro and I eat my words but we will see. Hope you get sorted too buddy.

Mine arrived today dude. As other people have said stealth was not great, however this being a new vendor I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. I only ordered 1g, I definitely could not smell it through the envelope but I imagine if you ordered more you would

Yeah athlone . I could still smell the lenor tabs inside in it. It was only a gram anyway so I’m not bothered and had another large order from mjc come through at a different address. Lesson learned

This isnt really our fight but greencigar isnt a vendor. I think other vendors could back this up also. We've dealt with them numerous times and they have never been difficult. I say them because I have no clue on gender. Just a great customer who is great to deal with. As for the delivery, I know it varies. But we've done Scotland in one day delivery. Its not unheard of, but it isnt regular either.
Hope you manage to sort it amongst yourselves :)
This isnt really our fight but greencigar isnt a vendor. I think other vendors could back this up also. We've dealt with them numerous times and they have never been difficult. I say them because I have no clue on gender. Just a great customer who is great to deal with. As for the delivery, I know it varies. But we've done Scotland in one day delivery. Its not unheard of, but it isnt regular either.
Hope you manage to sort it amongst yourselves :)

I've disputed it. First one ever on LB. That's all I have to say on the matter. The vague doxxing should be noted by LB admin.

Hey guys just a small comment on you s aying there's
"No way that would arrive in a Day" After being a Postman for a while not so long ago..I can Say The highest Priority NDD Special Delivery you Can get is u pay around £12 for Guaranteed Next Day delivery by 1pm 24 Hours and those that arrive are around 95% in the UK and Ireland ..And As for the stealth issues comments!! I recently Recieved from a Vendor that had 6 layers of Stealth..no bullshit..!! Jiffy Bag . 2x Bubble wraps. 2x Myler bags..and normal snap bag u get weed in. Proper packaging..typed address
Bang on..it shouldnt be hard to follow the right example like other vendors . !!!:-)))
"No way that would arrive in a Day" After being a Postman for a while not so long ago..I can Say The highest Priority NDD Special Delivery you Can get is u pay around £12 for Guaranteed Next Day delivery by 1pm 24 Hours and those that arrive are around 95% in the UK and Ireland ..And As for the stealth issues comments!! I recently Recieved from a Vendor that had 6 layers of Stealth..no bullshit..!! Jiffy Bag . 2x Bubble wraps. 2x Myler bags..and normal snap bag u get weed in. Proper packaging..typed address
Bang on..it shouldnt be hard to follow the right example like other vendors . !!!:-)))

1 post
+5 votes

OS Tangie
Thoughts on UrbanLeafCo?
I’ve used 3 vendors on here now and ULC I could not fault at all. Just wish they would do half’s and Zeds. Weed and service was perfect. Very professi…

OS Tangie
Thoughts on UrbanLeafCo?
I’ve just placed my first ever order on here, i decided to go with a gram of El Patron from UrbanLeafCo. Have any of you bought from them before?

There’s lots of good vendors on here but ULC are really good. I ordered some buds and they messaged to say they’re end of batch popcorn buds so would it be ok if they chuck in an extra sample of another strain they had. The popcorn buds were perfectly fine, weighed over and they gave me an extra 1.5 of guava dawg. Overall I paid for 6 grams and got 8! The way they run their operation is how I would imagine an online dispensary would operate if weed was legalised. Some vendors have a “drug dealer” attitude on here but ULC most definitely have a customer centric, retail attitude on here.

Cracking vendor excellent comms very friendly professional service and great weed although el paron was my least favourite but its still a good smoke had about 7 orders from them spot on everytime . You'll have no problem with them if unsure drop them a message saying new cusomer and just touching base. They will reply . Look out for ukcannafarm too lovely weed and excellent comms the guy is very helpful

Some of the best weed I have had from here has been from urbanleafco. Great stealth, great Comms, quick delivery and banging weed.

I know right!? it think it shows pride in their operation that they take the time to neatly label each packet ready to be opened by an excited bigger somewhere in the country :D

One of my favourite vendors. Always top shelf herb, beautifully packaged and fast as lightning. Thoroughly pleasant to deal with, too. You can't go wrong. The El Patron is really nice, as well! Enjoy!

I’ve used 3 vendors on here now and ULC I could not fault at all. Just wish they would do half’s and Zeds. Weed and service was perfect. Very professional.

Absolutely brilliant vendor. Smoke has always been spot on and they have the best comms of anyone I've dealt with so far

How have I not seen this post until now? Haha.
Thank you to each and everyone of you who have commented and praised us. We're really happy you've been happy with us, that's what it's all about! Posts like this make all the time we put into it worth while. This had made my morning :)
Thank you to each and everyone of you who have commented and praised us. We're really happy you've been happy with us, that's what it's all about! Posts like this make all the time we put into it worth while. This had made my morning :)

i must say, their comms are amazing, the order i just placed was for 2g of Sour Dawg; i wanted the white dawg but it was out of stock at the time. ULC had no problems with sending me a gram of both sour dawg and white dawg instead of just the sour dawg.

Just received my second package from ULC, the buds look and smell lovely, i’ll come back later and give a mini “review” :)

They are one of the best vendors on here, dont worry, you will be happy with your order. Enjoy the El Patron amigo

1 post
+3 votes


Welcome to little biggy guys. Always good to see new vendors for hash as I think some are still hitting us with the covid excuse for prices.

It's funny how people are still marking out for high prices. Best thing to do is stick with who you know not the cunt's with high prices.

5 posts
+14 votes

Oh Susan
Each to their own mate, If all our tastes were the same we would all be lusting after the same woman. Definitely strange though, maybe try the opticia…
+ 5 more

Oh Susan

Hello boys and girls...
I have to share this with you -- I don't normally lust after Susan Boyle but I have great respect for her. BUT when Im stoned I really have lustful thoughts about her like mad. Is that strange?
I mean no disrespect to the lady, but it's been bothering me for a while now. :) :) :)
I have to share this with you -- I don't normally lust after Susan Boyle but I have great respect for her. BUT when Im stoned I really have lustful thoughts about her like mad. Is that strange?
I mean no disrespect to the lady, but it's been bothering me for a while now. :) :) :)

Each to their own mate, If all our tastes were the same we would all be lusting after the same woman. Definitely strange though, maybe try the opticians.

My best fantasies are about Debbie Harry - sown into my mind at the young age of 11 when I saw her on tv just wearing a black bin bag......... I still have those. Mmmmmm yeah nice thoughts.

Now thats way better. When I was a boy Debbie was the first woman I noticed in that way.

Seriously, I had a poster on my wall growing up. I went from dreaming about bikes to dreaming of Debbie.

A perfectly good transition there. I kept many "Smash Hits" pictures and articles of her (and the group blondie if course.). The music was pretty good too. Please God can someone save me from hell and damnation by posting a picture of Debbie Harry???

Without trying to make lb into a "lads" magazine, this is a sexy photo totally - plus it shows I haven't completely lost any taste .
Can you guess who they are?? Lol.
Can you guess who they are?? Lol.

Not got a clue mate, I’m not exactly clued up on young women, getting old. Debbie Harry’s children maybe.

Oh God no !! Now I'm a tormented soul ha ha. Nicola Sturgeon nooooo!!!! That just adds to the nightmare. I need therapy. :) :) :)

Is there a way of permanently deleting images from lb --- that photo must be erased asap. IRS been good therapy though - I no longer have lustful thoughts about Susan Boyle and looking at and mentioning Debbie Harry further down has helped too. Phew.

I’ve really liked your photographs up till now but that is wrong on so many levels. Sturgeon is just Jimmy krankie with hair dye. I am now awaiting the abuse from her cult members. Burn the witch.

Oh ok man why is everyone torturing me. But I guess I did open my big mouth but was kinda hoping some of you guys would help rather than mock.
Only kidding I think it's working already lol. :):):)
Only kidding I think it's working already lol. :):):)

3 posts
+5 votes

Consumption options...?
We were in lockdown since March, only just started to get back to this new normal and it seems to be going only one way again. I am absolutely sick of…
+ 3 more

Consumption options...?
Pretty new to all this and prefer not to smoke so I'm currently doing the following with lemon haze hasish:
Break a bit off into a spoon, adding small amount of coconut oil
Heat gently over the hob for about thirty seconds, stirring it around with the tip of a knife. The mixture bubbles slightly and sometimes a small amount of smoke happens.
I then pour the mixture onto a ginger biscuit (I find ginger effective to neutralise the hash taste) and consume.
It seems to get me mildly stoned but would really love to know if I'm down the completely wrong path with this method.. wasting good hash as well as time and money.
I live with people that wouldn't be sympathetic to me making more conventional hash oil as it involves long cooking times etc
Any thoughts would be much appreciated...
Break a bit off into a spoon, adding small amount of coconut oil
Heat gently over the hob for about thirty seconds, stirring it around with the tip of a knife. The mixture bubbles slightly and sometimes a small amount of smoke happens.
I then pour the mixture onto a ginger biscuit (I find ginger effective to neutralise the hash taste) and consume.
It seems to get me mildly stoned but would really love to know if I'm down the completely wrong path with this method.. wasting good hash as well as time and money.
I live with people that wouldn't be sympathetic to me making more conventional hash oil as it involves long cooking times etc
Any thoughts would be much appreciated...

Hey Kurt, you will need to decarboxylate the has to release the THCA in the hash so you can get the full effect. I’ve put a link that can help. https://help.eaze.com/Cannabis_Products/Concentrates/030How_to_Decarboxylate_Kief_and_Hash

I’ve found decarbing hash doesn’t seem to make huge amounts of difference (maybe I’m doing it wrong). My fav method for edible hash so far has been to crumble it into a mug of full fat milk, microwave til it boils stir it lots microwave a bit more making sure it boils away for a while. Then add whatever flavour you prefer, hot choc, coffee. Where’s there a fat and high heat the thc will bind to the fat.

I would recommend having a look at a recipe for firecrackers, they can be extremely potent though, so be careful. Very simple to make, I prefer smokin, but if I'm having an edible it would be a firecracker.

Seems a really expensive way to do things.
Have you tried any of the edibles on here?
Have you been down the vapour route? or do you see that like smoking?
The lemon hash I've had from here is gorgeous but if you don't even like the flavour why not just buy prepared bud?
Have you tried any of the edibles on here?
Have you been down the vapour route? or do you see that like smoking?
The lemon hash I've had from here is gorgeous but if you don't even like the flavour why not just buy prepared bud?

Well a just ate a bit just strait in and chew about a gram of El Chapo a didn't think it would do much ye right two hours later tripping my head of,or a do the same as you do but a put in a yoghurt works for me

I have a friend with cystic fibrosis that uses your method with the spoon. He does it with flower, butter and into a strawberry yogurt though. I shudder when i see him doing it haha. But it works :P

Hi there little flower, just seen your comment there. My wife has CF and I was just speaking to oilman today about the RSO which I am going to purchase for her. Do you know what your friend gets out of this? Is it to help with pain or just help appetite? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as she has spent ten years on opiates and they are starting to have too many adverse effects. Thank you in advance.

Hey. He doesnt use RSO so I cannot make any comments on it. He heats flower in butter, and I'm pretty sure it's just for recreational use, over medicine. I wish I could advise you better, but I'm not a doctor and wouldn't want to suggest the wrong thing for your wife x

I am sure there are many medicinal benefits, but I wouldnt like to make assumptions and lead you with false information. Very sad to hear about your wife's CF! What a scary time for sufferers. I am sure she doesn't feel like the shielded are allowed out now, either! The government has failed our sick. I hope you guys are finding ways to manage. Bigg love, R!

We were in lockdown since March, only just started to get back to this new normal and it seems to be going only one way again. I am absolutely sick of having to defend my wife to idiots who just here her cough and then look at her like the devil. It is a very scary time for the CF community but there are new drugs being approved which are making a big difference so hopefully my wife will get them before Boris and his eugenics policies. I grew up under thatcher, she ain’t got nothing on Boris. Thank you for your concern, I hope your friend is managing well too. Bigg love back.

Such concern all round! I hope some kind of normal can return for you soon. My friend is coping...though only been out of the house once since feb :( such a sad thing. X

5 posts
+8 votes
Is this genuine import?
started topic
+ 5 more

Is this genuine import?
Was about to try your new green as been desperate to try runts for a long time and your jaffabone seems to be the holy grail with some on here. Then I noticed the jars of wax were spelled wrong. What’s the reason for this.
I know looks don’t mean everything but your gelato is one of the best looking buds ever, all it needs is a tiara and a sash and it could be miss green 2020 Take care,
I know looks don’t mean everything but your gelato is one of the best looking buds ever, all it needs is a tiara and a sash and it could be miss green 2020 Take care,

Just had a thought there and maybe that’s how the young kids work nowadays as they don’t seem to like full words, shorten everything.

Ah ok, cool.? Wasn’t calling you out by the way. Any chance of these products still being on next week? I love the look of your green and desperate to try runts but I just spent way too much on a car for my wife so can’t justify anymore till next week. The jaffabone seems to have most singing it’s praises too so would be happy if it’s still around as well
Fingers crossed,
Fingers crossed,

Yeah mate they're uk extractors. Last thing I had by them was pukka. From what I've seen with the jaffabone you have to grab it while it's there. But the runtz are lovely too

1 post
+5 votes
The gentlemen dealers top guys
I’ve only been on here a few weeks and they are the only people I have dealt with. I’ve had stardawg, lemon amnesia and peach og and they have all bee…

The gentlemen dealers top guys
Just a quick shout out to tgd for their lovely, stinking bud and great communication. One of the best vendors on LB. They solve any issues quickly and give you peace of mind with your purchase. Highly recommended. Cheers guys!

I’ve only been on here a few weeks and they are the only people I have dealt with. I’ve had stardawg, lemon amnesia and peach og and they have all been excellent. My first order I had enquired about their sherbet, only to find it was sold out but they sent me about a gram of sherbet which was apparently the last of it along with my other purchases. I thought that was a lovely touch and certainly made me a long term customer. I tell myself I will use someone else next time but so far have kept going back as when it comes time to order more I always think that I may not be as happy with my purchase as what I am with all aspects of of the gents operation. Al ways lovely bud, always next day so far and always a pleasure to deal with. I spent a lot of time lurking on here before joining as I wanted to be as sure as I could be that everything was kosher and I have read through most of what all the vendors have said. TGD are the only people who as far as I can see have no one bad mouthing them for any aspect of their business. I understand now why that is. Without calling out names some of the customer service I have seen on here is atrocious. I realise the nature of this business but as my granny used to say, “ you catch more flies with honey”

1 post
+2 votes

It's been great seeing a wealth of new vendors on LB recently. It seems COVID, the internet, and our insatiable demand for quality THC products has given birth to some great new products and some excellent new sellers.
I was lucky enough to sample each on of DopeChef's wares this past week. It's important to mention from the off, that's it's really obvious from 2 purchases, that an incredible amount of care goes into customer service, product quality, shipping, and stealth. Packaging and packing for the mail is top drawer, and all products have been received in excellent condition.
Product #1 - The Brownie.
I ate this after dinner, after a huge walk along the beach, earlier that day. I ate it at around 5pm, and by 7pm, I was in dream land.
The brownie itself was beautifully rich and buttery. A nice deep, chocolatey brownie, with a solid, but gooey texture. Compact and petite, but packing a whopping 100mg of THC. I don't think I've slept like that for a very long time. A beautiful body stone, with all pain from the day's hiking melting into a comfortable, warm ache. I think you know what I'm talking about.
Anyhow, from what I can recall about the end of that day, it was blissful. The brownie definitely contributed.
Product #2 - The Cookie
I munched this large, flat, round cookie at around 5:30am on Sunday morning. I smoked a blunt with my coffee and cookie, and stomped out around 5:45am. An hour into the walk, things became a little trippier (the forest started getting spookier and the sound of the waves on the shore were intense). 70mg was the perfect dose for this sort of short hike. The sunrise was incredible, nature was magnified and intensified, and the whole experience started to take on a euphoric but calm vibe, after 2 hours.
I got home at around 8:00am feeling super chilled, with a huge munch on. Bacon sandwiches and soothed aches and pains followed. At no point through the walk did I feel lethargic or tired, which highlights that these edibles can definitely be enjoyed outdoors as well as indoors.
I've just shared another one with my wife, this evening. She's happily baked on 35mg, and I'm writing a half-coherent review, so half a cookie gives a nice functional high. A whole one is tempting fate, so buy the ticket, take the ride.
Product #3 - Lemon Haze
I was lucky enough to be gifted a wee sample of this along with my second cookie order from DopeChef. I got a few little nugs that fluffed up wonderfully in the grinder. The blunt I made was more than enough to get my brain buzzing.
An incredibly clean smoke, clean ash, no cough on exhale. Beautiful lemony aroma and taste, burning evenly down to the roach, with the eyeball blazing beginning around 2/3 through the blunt. A really nice functional high, with a waked, baked, cerebral buzz, cruising down to a clear and lucid relaxation, afterwards.
Some bud is just a pleasure to put into the grinder, to smell, to enjoy, to roll up, and smoke. This is one of them. I have a weakness for a good haze, and this one doesn't disappoint. I saw the price of this when it was in stock, and I can say I would be more than happy to buy a Henry of it at $45 (which I think was the price, plus $4 postage). 3.5g of this will stretch, due to the way the bud fluffs up in the grinder.
Really reasonable and impressive herb. DopeChef doesn't just cook, it seems.
#In Conclusion
I'm more than happy with my experiences with DopeChef, so far. It's great to see people really embracing the platform here at LB, and offering something affordable, with great medicinal applications. The great thing about making a good purchase or finding a good vendor on LB, is that you feel SUPER GOOD. It's a win-win. I wish DopeChef all the best and look forward to sampling even more of his wares.
Quality, value, customer service.
Nuff said.
Welcome to LB, DopeChef
I was lucky enough to sample each on of DopeChef's wares this past week. It's important to mention from the off, that's it's really obvious from 2 purchases, that an incredible amount of care goes into customer service, product quality, shipping, and stealth. Packaging and packing for the mail is top drawer, and all products have been received in excellent condition.
Product #1 - The Brownie.
I ate this after dinner, after a huge walk along the beach, earlier that day. I ate it at around 5pm, and by 7pm, I was in dream land.
The brownie itself was beautifully rich and buttery. A nice deep, chocolatey brownie, with a solid, but gooey texture. Compact and petite, but packing a whopping 100mg of THC. I don't think I've slept like that for a very long time. A beautiful body stone, with all pain from the day's hiking melting into a comfortable, warm ache. I think you know what I'm talking about.
Anyhow, from what I can recall about the end of that day, it was blissful. The brownie definitely contributed.
Product #2 - The Cookie
I munched this large, flat, round cookie at around 5:30am on Sunday morning. I smoked a blunt with my coffee and cookie, and stomped out around 5:45am. An hour into the walk, things became a little trippier (the forest started getting spookier and the sound of the waves on the shore were intense). 70mg was the perfect dose for this sort of short hike. The sunrise was incredible, nature was magnified and intensified, and the whole experience started to take on a euphoric but calm vibe, after 2 hours.
I got home at around 8:00am feeling super chilled, with a huge munch on. Bacon sandwiches and soothed aches and pains followed. At no point through the walk did I feel lethargic or tired, which highlights that these edibles can definitely be enjoyed outdoors as well as indoors.
I've just shared another one with my wife, this evening. She's happily baked on 35mg, and I'm writing a half-coherent review, so half a cookie gives a nice functional high. A whole one is tempting fate, so buy the ticket, take the ride.
Product #3 - Lemon Haze
I was lucky enough to be gifted a wee sample of this along with my second cookie order from DopeChef. I got a few little nugs that fluffed up wonderfully in the grinder. The blunt I made was more than enough to get my brain buzzing.
An incredibly clean smoke, clean ash, no cough on exhale. Beautiful lemony aroma and taste, burning evenly down to the roach, with the eyeball blazing beginning around 2/3 through the blunt. A really nice functional high, with a waked, baked, cerebral buzz, cruising down to a clear and lucid relaxation, afterwards.
Some bud is just a pleasure to put into the grinder, to smell, to enjoy, to roll up, and smoke. This is one of them. I have a weakness for a good haze, and this one doesn't disappoint. I saw the price of this when it was in stock, and I can say I would be more than happy to buy a Henry of it at $45 (which I think was the price, plus $4 postage). 3.5g of this will stretch, due to the way the bud fluffs up in the grinder.
Really reasonable and impressive herb. DopeChef doesn't just cook, it seems.
#In Conclusion
I'm more than happy with my experiences with DopeChef, so far. It's great to see people really embracing the platform here at LB, and offering something affordable, with great medicinal applications. The great thing about making a good purchase or finding a good vendor on LB, is that you feel SUPER GOOD. It's a win-win. I wish DopeChef all the best and look forward to sampling even more of his wares.
Quality, value, customer service.
Nuff said.
Welcome to LB, DopeChef

Thank you for taking the time to not only buy our products, but also writing this lovely review. As a new vendor we are under a lot of restrictions with visibility (fair enough), so this honestly helps us a mile and reading it put a huge smile on our faces. It also motivates the team to provide the best service we can. It means a lot.
P.s I find it absolutely hilarious that the Cookie Monster is our biggest fan hahaha, so fitting.
P.s I find it absolutely hilarious that the Cookie Monster is our biggest fan hahaha, so fitting.

Bang on mate - great write up!
I too am very impressed with what I've had and I'm ordering more this weekend.
If your DNA is 'material & felt', and people take you for a puppet, then these guys are obviously gonna rock your world.
I rather suspect their merits will be enjoyed by 'human types' too! :)
I too am very impressed with what I've had and I'm ordering more this weekend.
If your DNA is 'material & felt', and people take you for a puppet, then these guys are obviously gonna rock your world.
I rather suspect their merits will be enjoyed by 'human types' too! :)

1 post
+2 votes

Our first week here has been phenomenal and we can't thank the community enough for the support. Your purchases, kind comments and reviews have made this a most rewarding experience.
We have started to notice increased interest in our store and today we experience our first big wave of orders. While caught a little off guard, this is a very exciting time and lets us know we're on the right track. Due to how sudden the orders came in, we had to get baking and fast. We made more than enough to see us through the coming week however 3 of the orders from this morning were not ready in time to be collected today. They will be posted tonight and collected in the morning with a free cookie as an apology for the delay. If your order was effected you will be notified in a message.
Also, we will be listing a new strain 'Fruity Pebbles' in the next day or two, keep an eye out for that. It is almost as delicious as our edibles.
We have started to notice increased interest in our store and today we experience our first big wave of orders. While caught a little off guard, this is a very exciting time and lets us know we're on the right track. Due to how sudden the orders came in, we had to get baking and fast. We made more than enough to see us through the coming week however 3 of the orders from this morning were not ready in time to be collected today. They will be posted tonight and collected in the morning with a free cookie as an apology for the delay. If your order was effected you will be notified in a message.
Also, we will be listing a new strain 'Fruity Pebbles' in the next day or two, keep an eye out for that. It is almost as delicious as our edibles.

Your products look lovely and they certainly seem to be pleasing your customers. When it comes time to order more green will definitely give your brownies a go too. My family is full of bakers home and professional and I can see how much love you put into your products.

Your baked goods look bloooody loooovely :) If i didn't have a huge tub of my own cannabutter in the fridge, id be your best customer right now! Haha! Wont be long before I run out and am knocking your door though! Congrats on the great 1st week <3

No worries! Can't wait to sample! They look really nice!
I usually make chocolates, just because i find they store for longer (i make a lot haha) but I have made all kinds over the years. Cookies, brownies, flapjacks, cakes, muffins etc. And also some savoury meals with infused olive oils :) I love the whole process. So cathartic :)
I usually make chocolates, just because i find they store for longer (i make a lot haha) but I have made all kinds over the years. Cookies, brownies, flapjacks, cakes, muffins etc. And also some savoury meals with infused olive oils :) I love the whole process. So cathartic :)

1 post
+2 votes
1st order...blueberry and zskittle, top notch
Couldn’t have put it better couchsurfer. Just made my third order from these guys and can honestly say that there customer service is better than some…

1st order...blueberry and zskittle, top notch
Had my first order from GD a couple of weeks back, and thought it about time I post something other than the normal review rating
So the whole process was faultless from start to finish. Clear and quick comms. I mean, this guys know what customer service is. They put the everyday online retailers to shame.
The delivery was super fast. Next day was in my hands the very next day. I also took advantage of paying same price for 2 items and 1 delivery, which was another lovely touch.
As for the goods: blueberry was lovely. Seen some marmite reviews on here but have to say, I really enjoyed it. Fruity, somewhat acquired taste, but I loved the more sleepy, but chatty high that it gave me. That was the first little batch to get smoked.
Then onto the zskittle, which I'm still smoking. Much more lively smoke, very fruity smells. Very pungent. Nice and fluffy. Bit more alert after a couple of smokes and easy to roll on. I do like more of an unwind smoke so found the blueberry more my cuppa.
Overall, perfect. Just ordered a little lemon amnesia to try out. Roll on tuesday :)
So the whole process was faultless from start to finish. Clear and quick comms. I mean, this guys know what customer service is. They put the everyday online retailers to shame.
The delivery was super fast. Next day was in my hands the very next day. I also took advantage of paying same price for 2 items and 1 delivery, which was another lovely touch.
As for the goods: blueberry was lovely. Seen some marmite reviews on here but have to say, I really enjoyed it. Fruity, somewhat acquired taste, but I loved the more sleepy, but chatty high that it gave me. That was the first little batch to get smoked.
Then onto the zskittle, which I'm still smoking. Much more lively smoke, very fruity smells. Very pungent. Nice and fluffy. Bit more alert after a couple of smokes and easy to roll on. I do like more of an unwind smoke so found the blueberry more my cuppa.
Overall, perfect. Just ordered a little lemon amnesia to try out. Roll on tuesday :)

Just to add to this...lemon amnesia arrived yesterday and wow! Best smoke yet. Very citrusy smells and flavours as you would expect. Lovely looking buds, and a smiley high and with a nice relaxed feel. Had some time for a daytime smoke and didnt get much else done after that :) All arrived ndd as advised and some rolling papers and a lollipop. Top vendor

Couldnt agree more. Made my first order from the gents this week and over the moon with service and product, absolutely top notch. I too tried the lemon yesterday lunchtime and realised I shouldn't have haha
Great smoke, should be called approach with caution :p
Will defo be revisiting the gents again for sure! Got my eye on that peach OG :)
Great smoke, should be called approach with caution :p
Will defo be revisiting the gents again for sure! Got my eye on that peach OG :)

Couldn’t have put it better couchsurfer. Just made my third order from these guys and can honestly say that there customer service is better than some major corporations I have had the displeasure of dealing with. Also like to add there lemon amnesia is wonderful. When dealing with TGD it is very easy to forget the nature of the product being delivered.

Been sat a year but guarantee it be a better smoke then most around had a good few of these packs lately an the mans not lying

They were a tad lower bud but a bit extra was added on the weight as well as 0 on postage with extra stealth. Just a small time artisan grower putting a price on my time and risk.

10 posts
+26 votes
Let's be honest about "cali" as it comes down to one word only. Commercialism.
Its just what the yanks do best. It's the only thing they're bloody good at lmao and most here in the UK go along with it too.
Can't fault sellers for filling a market though! Even though it's a crazy one.
Its just what the yanks do best. It's the only thing they're bloody good at lmao and most here in the UK go along with it too.
Can't fault sellers for filling a market though! Even though it's a crazy one.

What i cannot get my head around is UK growers and edible makers using USA branded packaging (Nerds) for sales. Don't they want to seperate themselves from the american market?

The best growers will definitely. But unfortunately the internet has told people that UK weed is shit while anything with american branding sells at double to triple the price.
I'm with you though, I hope more UK growers back themselves in the long run.
I'm with you though, I hope more UK growers back themselves in the long run.

I’ve been smoking 30 years and only go on holiday to places with easy access to weed and the best weed I have had was grown in uk.

Yup some banging weed in the UK mate, the people who believe the internet campaigns don't know what they're missing out on ;)

The best comparison i can use for this is boxing vs ufc. UFC can get stuff done quickly because they do everything in-house. Boxing requires more effort because there are more 3rd parties involved. Thats what it is like with comparing usa weed to british weed, they have the legislation to get stuff done quick and uncontested while we in britain have to do it underground whilst looking over our shoulder. When we have the same legislation to match, then the salt and pepper will be on our side of the table and you will be seeing alot more quality in Britain. Weed growers in the usa have the government on their side and growers in the UK are a pariah.

Absolutely Scooby, if legislation ever catches up we will have the same or better quality than any cali lab, and there are several British growers who already give them a run for their money. But money talks and I'm told a lot of the top geneticists are living in California now so they are likely to be the first with the best new hybrid strains.
Roll on legislation!
Roll on legislation!

Yes mate. I'm a boxing fan and personally I back UK weed all day long so I love your analogy lol :)

The quicker we get legal over in uk the an we get our shit on market the better! I keep hearing that cali does it best an they do atm because they can if we get that freedom there's nothing saying we cant match them or even go one better? Legally

Yeah man, the fake mylar bags are a real issue. Not these bags, but can get 3.5s of the above strain:
The nerds ropes are easy to make and so probably a decent way to sell edibles, but the details on it wont be correct ie THC content. It is a coconut oil based product and i imagine trim and shake be used to make them. Have def had medibles bags which were complete duds, but have heard the nerds ropes work.
Really wanted to try dr Greenthumb stuff, but the money is crazy. Import cost is just postage lets be honest so the markup here must be tasty. Dude is running a business though i guess
The nerds ropes are easy to make and so probably a decent way to sell edibles, but the details on it wont be correct ie THC content. It is a coconut oil based product and i imagine trim and shake be used to make them. Have def had medibles bags which were complete duds, but have heard the nerds ropes work.
Really wanted to try dr Greenthumb stuff, but the money is crazy. Import cost is just postage lets be honest so the markup here must be tasty. Dude is running a business though i guess

Yeah well said. Just fukin lol at people looking at pics on here and saying.. oohh that doesnt look like cali. Ffs lol. Not purple enough? mmmnn kk. :)

No weed ever worth that much. Just another vendor trying make big money by buying the packs from eBay. Look At the weed mostly covered in leaf. Anyone who buys this needs there head looking at.

Appearances can be deceptive?? an nobody saying you have to buy it?? Obviously those that have a clue will pay for the champagne lifestyle remember this is the old skool og it wasnt about how it looked back then

What the fuck has champagne lifestyle got to do with weed mate. I have been smoking since the eighties and how it looks has always been important. Out of all my favourite smokes over the years the ones at the top have always looked amazing. Do you, " pay for the champagne lifestyle? " What are these packs like?

i love all forms of thc from flower to concentrates hash an edibles (moonrocks for life!) So unless you know how to grow an extract yourself then it can get pretty expensive unfortunately :( so yeah i do pay for a champagne lifestyle. And like your self i have been at it a long time an i like to try alsorts an i tell you now theres flowers that you look at an think wtf is that pond weed! Then you taste it an its pure naughty?? Sure enough you been in that situation?? We all love pretty flowers but like i said earlier appearances can be deceptive

Are there any uk sellers on here for moon rocks? I make my own zombie sticks with rosin and kif when on holiday. If you are willing to pay for a smoke, you should give Jamaica a try now that it’s legal there. Kaya herb house in ochorios do some wonderful weed. There dabs are the best I have tried but it may just be the surroundings as all dabs fuck me up.

Haha lovely! Cant beat getting smashed on foreign soil as for moonrocks on here a few vendors have had them but as we all know the packaging will kill your beautiful rocks :( so mixed reviews

Yeah, I get you. I just find this interesting that some people have to be told That stuff is imported and they will pay over the odds. Its like my wife in an American candy store. The best flower I have had was UK grown but I do find that concentrates are better abroad.

mate i am with you there i know i have had uk an dutch thats as good or on par easy! Again i think its horses for courses peoples preference an i feel the only reason foreign concentrates are better is purley because there allowed to produce them legally an market them. So the sooner we get legalised the better

and what would give you those suspicions may i ask?
agreed they are old packs as the label states the date?
i can get very high quality UK weed as ive already proven... why would i then go and tarnish my reputation and name by putting UK weed in packages.
makes 0 sense but im interested to see where your suspicions have arisen from
agreed they are old packs as the label states the date?
i can get very high quality UK weed as ive already proven... why would i then go and tarnish my reputation and name by putting UK weed in packages.
makes 0 sense but im interested to see where your suspicions have arisen from

Tbh your "high quality" weed didnt even get a review from me. I didnt rate it. I guess there are a lot of people on here who would get excited by "cali weed" and wouldnt really know the difference to compare ;) we see it a LOT with these 10/10 reviews...its a common topic for discussion.

Doesn't matter how much you prove your worth or value as a seller mate, there are some characters in here who will immediately call foul, for no reason other than they like to create a fuss, and its normally the same old names.
Those who do trust and use you as a seller, are likely to continue to do so. The others - stuff em, you got nothing to prove.
Those who do trust and use you as a seller, are likely to continue to do so. The others - stuff em, you got nothing to prove.

could be a pair of shoes mate. You really are feeling the need to defend yourself here....surely, the product will do the talking for you....

Hootan sources some of the best weed you have ever seen so he should be given the benefit of the doubt, he did not have to be honest and say the weed is a year old, there will have been many sellers who would have left that part out.

At £15.20 a gram it is a decent price for Cali weed. I was buying Space Monkey tins (3.5g) for about $70 so it is about the same. Weed can last for years if stored properly so there is no worry there. I see no problems here, its the seller who has the problem because anything less than 'good' will not be acceptable.

If you’ve ever had this you’d know why this is a bit more expensive. The nuggs are so tight you can’t crumble with your fingers, as these need grinders. Lovely taste and very potent smell. Try this and you’ll not be disappointed

Thats just your opinion. Why dont you google Subjective Theory of Value and educate yourself before makimg mindless comments like that.

It's not worth cause of the product but because of risks and import expenses. If it's not worth then it wouldn't be around for these prices. Just because u think haircut should be £1 don't mean it should be. They best lights chemicals and don't use pesticide they use natural ways to control that. And the taste is different if u would smoke uk grown and cali grown. There are some uk amazing quality but still not as good as vendors in cali doing legally and best way while here people wanna do quicker. And everyonr almost out on littlebiggy premium bud lmfao they must of never smoked cali. And yh is expensive but you can always buy and ounce and the. Is loke 250-400 quid depending on strain or just get someone that will send ffom cali and the. Even cheaper thd bigger ammount u get. But saying is not worth it is just opinion not market and real life cause that's the prices it goes for. Cali weed is best and each individual bud is tested and inspected to perfection and if it's not the. Its not dispensary grade just import of some cali grower.. the thing is people sell high prices even from amatuer cali growers this price should be only be valid for dispensary grade cali but people lie and sell cheaper quality as tin quality. Im not sure about hootan will need to see in future how legit his cali and sources are but gods connect i tried and does genuine cali but jow vocation but this looks appealing for the price maybe a lil old but if been sealed good then i see no problem

Price of a q from a dispensary is $60-$70 in the states and $55 in Canada. And this is a year old and not from a dispensary.. I'm sure this is dynamite,but it's not worth $140 for me.

I'm persona non grata in the land of the "free and the brave"! But I did use price data compiled by save on cannabis's kat Austin in 2020. Either way, I'm sorry,but $140 a q is nuts. P.S. Be wary of charging what the market will stand because markets change.

Proce of a q in dispensary is 60-70 dollars.. ok then get me one and i pay. Then you can talk.

You can fly to the east coast and hit up a dispensary for fresh weed for less than two of these Q's!

That doesn't make any sense then give me a flight ticket and hotel... Because this is UK. Unless u can get me 60-80dollar cali this comparison is completely useless so what is 60 in usa we are in UK. I can say in columbia 1g of pure cocaine is 10 dollar a g but why is there noone doing this around eu for that price? Very simple. Might aswell stop replying because your argument is nonsense idc if i can get cheap coffee beans in africa i aint gonna go africa to get it.

people will say anything nowadays. i told myself i wouldn't get too involved in the politics this time round.
those who buy from me know what they get, and they also know the level of service they get before and after their purchase.
we're nearly sold out, thank you all for your continued support.
have a blessed sunday.
those who buy from me know what they get, and they also know the level of service they get before and after their purchase.
we're nearly sold out, thank you all for your continued support.
have a blessed sunday.

Hootan,to be clear, I'm not doubting the legitimacy of your product. I AM doubting your business model.
It's just a suggestion,but if you want to do well factor in value to customer over profit . This thread alone should tell you all is not well in the state of the market (it's not just LB) since covid. Sure,you can make a LOT of money in the short term,but even more in the long term IF you adapt your business model. Just some advice from someone else working professionally in the drugs field.
It's just a suggestion,but if you want to do well factor in value to customer over profit . This thread alone should tell you all is not well in the state of the market (it's not just LB) since covid. Sure,you can make a LOT of money in the short term,but even more in the long term IF you adapt your business model. Just some advice from someone else working professionally in the drugs field.

If you think you can do better why not spend your time and effort offering all of us here some cheaper priced Cali instead of providing unsolicitated bad advice.
Many have complained about price yet they are not vendors and cannot provide what Hootan is providing. Stop co.plaining and do better if you can.
Many have complained about price yet they are not vendors and cannot provide what Hootan is providing. Stop co.plaining and do better if you can.

1 post
+3 votes
Same situation, ordered the Leb and it's removed from sale list. He replied pretty soon with an explanation though, so should be ok.

Hi, have sent you a few messages but no reply. Can you please respond to update on the shipping / tracking? Thanks

2 posts
+4 votes
Could we all help pay???
Great idea.
+ 2 more

Could we all help pay???
If you got 5 top buyers to all chip in say $10 a month then you could get through alot without having to pay a big amount out all in one go.

There's a Hydra site on daknet which is testing all products before they sell it. So why bigger little can't make sure all stuff that sold here is safe for sale and checked?

I dont buy cali weed to be honest, would be more interested in thc and cbd contain in some cheaper strains and also find out what been used while growing. Also to know more about budget hash and poolen.

It's what sellers and buyers here in the U.K call the weed that's imported from california. I've never understood why there's such a hype with it to be honest, there's plenty of other legal states in the u.s but you never see or hear of that product landing here, always 'cali' weed. I don't buy the stuff personally, seems like it's just used as a brand name to jack the prices up.

Its legal in cali mate, uk stuff is what should be tested because its illegal so more chance some of the uk stuff will be brimmed with chemicals

you are correct, its likely used over in them legal states much more then anywhere else.
PGR is widely used in CALI, its also commonly manufactured in America also imported... Shut down, Rebranded and released... one big cycle of plant steroid abuse.... very similar to human steroids, you can read these articles online about the situation
we don't smoke cali due to the price and clear PGR use.
Got to wonder do all the legal cafe in Amsterdam test there products? with stuff flying in and out on a daily basis in bulk?
That all being said I agree with the smaller random donations from multiple vendors over one big 50 per strain.... that would just kill my wallet since I grow multiple strains, And when we don't have stock we out source... So borg. Add a ten usd share item on this and we will put in for random testing donation for sure
PGR is widely used in CALI, its also commonly manufactured in America also imported... Shut down, Rebranded and released... one big cycle of plant steroid abuse.... very similar to human steroids, you can read these articles online about the situation
we don't smoke cali due to the price and clear PGR use.
Got to wonder do all the legal cafe in Amsterdam test there products? with stuff flying in and out on a daily basis in bulk?
That all being said I agree with the smaller random donations from multiple vendors over one big 50 per strain.... that would just kill my wallet since I grow multiple strains, And when we don't have stock we out source... So borg. Add a ten usd share item on this and we will put in for random testing donation for sure

The point i was making is that cannabis in a legal state is going to be a lot cleaner than somewhere its illegal but there will always be dodgy stuff in legal states just not as much as the uk where there is no quality control

Also I think that it should be the uk vendors that should be paying for this and only uk420 is doing it so it shows how he cares about customers because if i was a vendor i would do it out of curiosity also i would want to show my product was clean this is why they should be made to test their products I read a review where someone said they received smoke that smelt of hay and made them puke and to top it of the replacement they got wasnt even flushed this is shocking

Yes, It would be very useful if vendors could proof that their products are genuinely what you order and clean. I must admit that I feel uncomfortable about placing orders without such assurance. I am already ill and I do not want to make myself worse by ingesting something bad or tampered with. However, I have placed a few orders and wait for the arrival. We shall see what happens :-)

We are both right its just from my opinion i think we should test uk stuff first because people buy more uk stuff than cali because its affordable but i could imagine some cali stuff being poison because if its not from a dispensary chances are it has not passed the regulations

No trying to spam and send you all my in direction, but if your interested, look at my posts, I've put a thread up about cali weed, and in the post I've copied and pasted an article about cali weed, the only stuff that will be getting in this country from the US and how its produced.

1 post
+1 votes

Having to self isolate from Mrs Spock and rest of the family :( :(
Hope everything worked out ok for you mate. My wife and I have just finished 4 months shielding. It’s not been pretty. Wish I had found littlebiggy at…

Having to self isolate from Mrs Spock and rest of the family :( :(
Due to my health problems I'm having to live on the top floor of the house starting from today(27th mar). The missus is having to work at the hospital so we can't have any contact for fuck knows how long which now that I'm thinking about it more it's pretty worrying. To be with my soul mate an not even be able to touch or hug her will probably be be one of the hardest thing I'll ever have to do.
So if I'm not posting anything or am abit short in posts then I apologise now.
Remember to all stay safe and think of your loved ones.
So if I'm not posting anything or am abit short in posts then I apologise now.
Remember to all stay safe and think of your loved ones.

Thank you I know there's people out there it sooo much of a worse situation, I'm one of the lucky ones.

Hope everything worked out ok for you mate. My wife and I have just finished 4 months shielding. It’s not been pretty. Wish I had found littlebiggy at the beginning.

1 post
+2 votes

Who do i have to talk to in order to decriminalize cannabis in the UK / GB?
I am 43 years old and people have been telling me since I was 15 it would be soon. I honestly do not see it happening in my lifetime. It would solve …
They’re a bunch of morons so they won’t listen anyways, backwards archaism at its finest the British Government.... The economy is fucked due to Covid.... how to help it.... create thousands of jobs, millions in tax revenue, take the burden off border / customs and police simply by legalising Cannabis but they’re so fucking stupid and blind that no ones even considered it I’d guarantee, a few years ago I thought we were very close and we’re clearly not, only thing anyone seems to acknowledge now is a rally or riot so that’s clearly the path, 100,000 people blazing some herb outside the commons is the only way imo.

Right now is the time, it won’t solve a whole economy in anyway but every little helps right now as line you say even if it was just used to bolster the NHS then it’s a huge win, they’re just too blind and arrogant to see it.

There too scared to because of public opinion and the negative image weed has which is complete bs

Money. People with money. Big business. Are the only ones. Politicians will always curtail to their wishes. It's already happening though. The big Green companies in America/Canada are funding the media campaigns at the moment (oil for sick kids, CBD etc.) The Tories moved pretty quickly from staunchly objecting to rushing through legislation. The weed leaf motif is moving from "hippy symbol" to "health symbol" pretty quickly. It's no longer just the cheap bandanas, lighters or t-shirts. It's in supermarkets, pound shops, vape shops, health food shops, it's pervasive. Plant plastics, climate benefits, hemp cottons, CBD products, food stuffs, the list goes on of the advantages. Soon enough the image of the "Chong" style stoner with the weed t-shirt and the massive joint aren't the symbol and the benefits can't be ignored. That's when change will happen and we're almost there. A few more steps along the road is decriminilisation.

Big pharma, booze companies and pub chains like wetherspoons (run by a real asshole, and major conservative party donor) would never let that happen. As long as these lot are in we be struggling.

Talk to the ex primeministers teresa may, her hub phil is the man!

I am 43 years old and people have been telling me since I was 15 it would be soon. I honestly do not see it happening in my lifetime. It would solve a lot of our problems in this country but on the other hand we would not get to look forward to our trips to more enlightened countries.As has been already said alcohol and pharma, "dealers" would not allow it imo.

I have an idea for a petition to make weekly drug tests mandatory for all MPs. Failing the test to result in immediate sacking, as well as being prohibited for life from holding any position in government. If nothing else I imagine we'd see coke legalised in a matter of minutes.

This is great! What do i make it for though, its already medicinal, but recreational bills just not been showed to be beneficial to the industry...Maybe recreational with no taxes lol like a food product

This is great, but if weed is already medicinal, amd its not provided, then what do we word it as? So doctors prescribe it? Maybe doctors to prescribe recreational cannabis for ptsd/anxiety/work-stress related illness- pain management alt...?

1 post
+4 votes
Fantastic vendor and product!
Yes I am the same as yourself just joined and have ordered twice from them already. It has been a wonderful experience so far.

Fantastic vendor and product!
New to LittleBiggy but have lots of experience buying online from darkweb sites like Dream Market. I made a purchase from the Gentlemen Dealers and sent them a message as I was concerned something had gone awry with the bitcoin transaction. They got back to me within half hour and put my mind at rest. Great communication - absolute gentlemen. Just got the delivery through - product looks great and they threw in a few extra goodies which was a nice touch. A+ service. Highly recommended. Will be back again soon!

Yes I am the same as yourself just joined and have ordered twice from them already. It has been a wonderful experience so far.

1 post
+1 votes
How is it only showing up now and some reviews from 100+ days ago and another thing unrelated why is there some vendors selling tablets from India all sorts of crap a thought this was just for the love of weed?

Years ago you could buy a lot of things on here not just thc , make sure you have your settings down for the uk ✌️

Hi, would order the sample but no point in the end cause wouldn't order again to pay 22 for post, gonna stay with UK vendors I think. Good sample offer.

Have to agree, it’s good and generous sample offer but with so many uk vendors it makes sense to stay domestic.

Thank you for your comment, I can understand it. but note that where I come from we have some really good hashish and is really worth trying. I'm offering the sample so I can get some reviews on hash quality and shipping stealth. feel free to order the hash for review even if you're not planing on buying more in the future. i'll upload some more great hash kinds in the future also.

And thanks for your reply and understanding.
We really do have a good thing going on in the UK but at the same time, now that I've seen those pictures with your name I'm very intrigued as I do love Hash.
I have placed an order for the sample pack and will happily leave honest feedback/review/photos for the community once received. Thanks
We really do have a good thing going on in the UK but at the same time, now that I've seen those pictures with your name I'm very intrigued as I do love Hash.
I have placed an order for the sample pack and will happily leave honest feedback/review/photos for the community once received. Thanks

I must say, your hash looks incredible. Takes me back to being a young lad. If it is reviewed well I will definately give you a go.

If its from the Middle East i can this being some top quality hash. I would personally pay the postage cost if its a premium hash, which from the look it is :)

Ah, you should state that somewhere on your page mate. People need to know where they are ordering from. Cheers.

Your written English is incredible. Considering you live in a country with a low English proficiency rating, and have never lived abroad, it seems odd to me that you would be so fluent. You rival even native English speakers? May I ask where you received such a impressive education?
I'm sorry to call you out but it seems odd, just looking out for my biggas.
I'm sorry to call you out but it seems odd, just looking out for my biggas.

Wow man, Thanks! that's a huge compliment to me. I do use some grammar check from time to time though, I live in a place where american culture is very popular, english is taught in a young age + lots of my roll models were american/ english speakers. above all the internet is my working space (I'm also a content writer for some sites) so good english is a must.

Yeah I hear you, but can you explain your use of the Oxford comma? Something taught almost exclusively in UK schools. I can point you to two examples where you used it if you wish. You have also made proper use of the word "role" in another post, and "at a" instead of "in a" also. Assuming these are not typos, it looks like an intentional attempt to use incorrect grammar.
Something just doesn't seem right. To reach the fluency of which you are speaking English, without living in an English speaking environment is nothing short of astonishing. Unless of course you studied written English for a very, very long time? :/
I'm sure your product is authentic, not sure why you would lie about where it is shipped from though? Although I'm fully open to the fact I'm just too paranoid and am completely wrong. If I am hey, I'm impressed.
Something just doesn't seem right. To reach the fluency of which you are speaking English, without living in an English speaking environment is nothing short of astonishing. Unless of course you studied written English for a very, very long time? :/
I'm sure your product is authentic, not sure why you would lie about where it is shipped from though? Although I'm fully open to the fact I'm just too paranoid and am completely wrong. If I am hey, I'm impressed.

No lies here buddy, I take all your good words as compliments. never heard of "Oxford comma", so thanks for the knowledge. all of my typos are genuine ;-).
If you're so interested from which country I'm from you're more than welcome to ask me in a private massage, and so is everyone else. I have no interest to hide my origin I just don't want to publish it for every watching eye to see.
If you're so interested from which country I'm from you're more than welcome to ask me in a private massage, and so is everyone else. I have no interest to hide my origin I just don't want to publish it for every watching eye to see.

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