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joined aug 2019
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3 topics on ficek100
8 posts
+18 votes

Baking cookies with cannabutter

Baking cookies with cannabutter

So, this time I used another method for decarb and first of all grinded all the weed and collected some nice kief. Also totally fucked up my grinder cause is so sticky now, but will manage this. I placed all nicely grinded weed in to jar, closed, not tight, left it bit loose. On 110 C hour in. Later let it cool slowly with slightly open oven door. Than I melted butter added to the jar with some water and left it in pot with water around 95 C for 2 hours and half, later cooled down and filtered. Nice nutty tasting butter. One cookies got approximately 60 mg so it's pretty good.

That looks amazing, do you think this method worked better? Your baking skills are good as well that cookie looks tasty!

I would think the taste improved. I prefer it now. Even if I take it from freezer the smell is strong. Very tasty and potent

I might try it. Do you think it would be good if I used shake? Can get 100g for £140 so could make a lot of edibles if it's suitable

Shake would be great. You could even freeze some cookie dough and defrost whenever want some. Also the same way you could infuse coconut oil.

8 posts
+14 votes

How to get stoned

How to get stoned
Just wanted to refresh few rules how to get the best high guys and not to waste your precious weed.
1/Grind your weed
2/smoke slowly, inhale one or 2 good puffs and hold it for few seconds
3/try to have at least one or 2 days Tbreak every week or at least one or 2 days when you lower your intake
I know guys it sounds stupid but even me I have stage when I realise I am smoking like crazy and not getting stoned because I do not follow easy rules.
1/Grind your weed
2/smoke slowly, inhale one or 2 good puffs and hold it for few seconds
3/try to have at least one or 2 days Tbreak every week or at least one or 2 days when you lower your intake
I know guys it sounds stupid but even me I have stage when I realise I am smoking like crazy and not getting stoned because I do not follow easy rules.

It's a good thing to try, big difference. I forgot.
Rule number 4/ enjoy and don't forget why you smoking it, chill out :)
Rule number 4/ enjoy and don't forget why you smoking it, chill out :)

I think I have turned it in to too much of a routine. Something I do at roughly the same time every day, no bueno. I need to break the cycle because sadly right now I don't think I'm enjoying it too much. I think I've forgotten rule number 4 also.

Exactly, later you don't have the enjoyment you looking for. If you don't wanna have 2 days without weed than i would suggest cut what you usually smoke and have max third of it before going to bed so you can sleep well :)

That's a good idea mate. I am going to change my routine from today (haven't smoked yet). If I really need to I'll have a smoke at night after 8 or 9 but I'll try not to. My problem is I think I need to have a smoke to enjoy my hobbies, which I don't. It's all in my head and it's actually making me enjoy everything less, including weed. We will see how tonight goes. Thank you :)

I will let you know how I do after tonight. So far so good... 18 or so hours without a toke.

30 posts by ficek100
1 post
+11 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
Miracle discreet club
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+2 votes

Roach vs Filter. What you using?
Charcoal actitube slim filters, so much lighter on lungs, much tastier and hits you the same as normal joint.

Roach vs Filter. What you using?
Hey LB
Just wondering what your using for Roach?
Love the adaptability of Roach to fit a cone etc. But, my lungs cant take the punishment so work with Rolls69 filters now. Also adaptable air flow by advancement and retraction to cool things.
What you fellow enthusiasts using?? Just a general community question....
Ez Bigaz
Just wondering what your using for Roach?
Love the adaptability of Roach to fit a cone etc. But, my lungs cant take the punishment so work with Rolls69 filters now. Also adaptable air flow by advancement and retraction to cool things.
What you fellow enthusiasts using?? Just a general community question....
Ez Bigaz

i cant resist gving some skins trivia lol, Did YoU KnOW..? RAW and elements and juicy jays are all the same guys company, theres a great video on the history of RAW papers by J the owner/founder, makes you appreciate a guy who has a total passion for the best rolling papers he could possibly make, using 70 yo artisans to do the watermark on RAW papers. getting them made at the oldest rolling paper factory in the world in alcoy i think.

Didn't know this but delighted because I started using Raw Connisseurs (I think thats how you spell it?) about 2 years ago and now I hate rolling with anything else.
The 32 leaf pack comes with 32 perfect sized roaches and they just so the job perfectly in my opinion. Thanks for the trivia mate!
The 32 leaf pack comes with 32 perfect sized roaches and they just so the job perfectly in my opinion. Thanks for the trivia mate!

I find the raw skins dont really roll to a cone, they kinda fold into a cone, end up with a strange 20 sided shape joint lol, but i like a loose pack and a fast burn! So probably not an ideal skin for my rolling style, Zig zag blues or OCB hemps all the way!
FYI when i smoke blues, i fold, lick and tear about 6mm strip off the bottom of the skin, then roll. Ends up basicaly 1 papers thick all around the cone but the roach end, a nicer, less paperier smoke!
Anyone ever find smoking silvers that the paper burns to fast for the cherry, and you end up sucking half air half smoke through the roach, feels like you loosing half your joint? Just me maybe lol
(I can roll joints honest! 20years experience lol, i just like em loosey goosey)
FYI when i smoke blues, i fold, lick and tear about 6mm strip off the bottom of the skin, then roll. Ends up basicaly 1 papers thick all around the cone but the roach end, a nicer, less paperier smoke!
Anyone ever find smoking silvers that the paper burns to fast for the cherry, and you end up sucking half air half smoke through the roach, feels like you loosing half your joint? Just me maybe lol
(I can roll joints honest! 20years experience lol, i just like em loosey goosey)

Running a moist tongue along the edge over from the gummy allows the gummy strip to be torn off. The ragged edge can be bonded to the rolled J and one may enjoy a gum free puff.

Roach and tightly pack the bottom which acts as a filter its self.
Cotton filters should be illegal as you are basically smoking cotton as the hot smoke oxidises it.
On a side not ive recently switched to a small glass water pipe and my lungs have never been better, fuck all this paper man.
Cotton filters should be illegal as you are basically smoking cotton as the hot smoke oxidises it.
On a side not ive recently switched to a small glass water pipe and my lungs have never been better, fuck all this paper man.

Interested in trying out a small glass pipe aint you recommend mate wouldn't mind fucking tobacco off finally and same goes for smoking papers

Charcoal actitube slim filters, so much lighter on lungs, much tastier and hits you the same as normal joint.

Iβve been using those and purize which are similar.
Even the slimmest are fairly thick but they do make the smoke cleaner and tastier and I donβt feel like my lungs are going to collapse the next day!
Even the slimmest are fairly thick but they do make the smoke cleaner and tastier and I donβt feel like my lungs are going to collapse the next day!

Raw roach, I find filters take something away from the smoke.
What papers are you using mate?
What papers are you using mate?

yes but when im done and look at what they took out i'm not thinking that's shit i can't miss out on. as i finally have weed abundance (thanks biggas) i'm not thinking fuck i better make this last like i used to.

Use a variety. Rizla Micron or unbleached(real nice).
Currently using Cannaseurs extra long/ extra slim which have the +/-.
Next to try I have Raw Black
Currently using Cannaseurs extra long/ extra slim which have the +/-.
Next to try I have Raw Black

The best papers you could use, when you burn a paper on its own theres nothing left. I buy a 50 box at a time :)

Hi there, I’m currently using raw roach, someone was nice enough to buy me a shop box last Christmas and I’m still getting through them. I’m also a big fan of Quintessential hemp coated tips, I really like the booklets they make.
I have tried filterd joints out of curiosity but didn’t really enjoy it.
Raw are my go to paper, I like that it now that they so easily available in most UK news agents, definitely a step up from the blue rizla.
I have tried filterd joints out of curiosity but didn’t really enjoy it.
Raw are my go to paper, I like that it now that they so easily available in most UK news agents, definitely a step up from the blue rizla.

Oh yeah, it’s the way forward. These elements papers look nice, will have to give those a try.

For me I suggest forget any joint everyone should have a roor bong it's the only way to smoke! and much better on your lungs ,I personally ain't smoked a j for years, I remember going in the ganja museum and had picture of the human body and it said most healthy way to smoke weed is in a water pipe i.e BONG! Plus a good cherp sorts out the men from the boys! If you wanna invest in a smoking equipment forget vapes spend 300 quid on a proper bong

Deffo a cardboard roach for me, size appropriate to the chunkyness of mix ur putting in, i personally don't like my buds ground up to dust like it still chunky as a find when u get a good blast of a little bud you don't half know abt it, each to there own though

not sure what people mean by filter (an actual filter on a joint? never heard of it)... what I got used to do and find it difficult to do NOT do now is to use the tip of the cigarette (1cm max) as filter itself. He smokes lighter than a roach (smoother on your throat), but it taste better (get oily and if you the last puff is as good as the first)...

Raw roach or splinter Z vape for me bro. Couldn't justify using a filter that would be filtering my THC. You'll lose around 5-10% using those.

usually vape bro, but for blunts I use same shit :D only downside is price lol 10 quid for a pack.

I prefer the raw extra wide tips. I see you gave up tobacco. I was never a cigarette smoker and don't particularly like tobacco. I use a Real leaf herbal mix. Some of my friends can't stand it but I find it's not harsh on the throat like tobacco if you're a non-smoker. Each to their own I guess. Vaporise as well but it's hard to beat tight joint and I enjoy the process of skinning one up

lol same stuff with real leaf :D it's smells nice form the pack or when you smoke it yourself, but when my gf smokes it smells like burning plastic

I've used menthol filters when smoking for a long while. Back in the days I used a roach but that's too harsh for me as I'm getting on a bit. (Oh dear poor little me ha ha). I quite enjoy a J with menthol filters. BUT I hear menthol filters are being outlawed in England?? To stop younger people. Is that true or have I been told a fib?

No mate, only banning flavoured tobacco. Papers and filters are ok but can't be sold with tobacco included. A bit strange mind using them in spliffs haha but each to their own :).

I just throw in a roach of whatever is at hand (usually the skin packet) or the pre-cut stuff you get with skins

1 post
+3 votes
Disappointed Customer
Hope still gonna send to me, recieved 5 orders to another country and 5 to uk without a problem and willing to take the risk :).

Disappointed Customer
Order about a month ago for the second time... order never arrived and when checking tracking number informed “package returned to sender”. The package never even left the UK but the seller is refusing to do anything for me. Best part of $170 down the drain. I would understand if the package was confiscated however it didn’t even leave the country!!! Postal service says the address was wrong but it’s the same address I gave first time round, that a parcel from this vendor had already been received. I feel really let down and definitely won’t be using this seller again. His communication is very slow and customer service poor. My first order I was actually sent a Sativa strain when I ordered an Indica (that didn’t really matter too much... at least it actually arrived). I’ve gone to escrow Sussie but with me being a new member I’m sure I’m at a loss. International buyers be ware and use this vendor at your own risk! Very disappointing experience. I hope this comment comes across as fair and factual. Only me 3rd order on here and already at a huge loss... Sad Times :(

Having a similar issue at the minute with Radar, 2 orders missing. Hopefully we have a good resolution as I have had no complaints with service until now. I feel maybe Radar is too successful and is finding it tough to keep on top of things. Probably one of the most used vendors on site. Thinking I will move on tho once we resolve the current issues.

Fingers crossed for you too dude. I think that’s the last time for me also, communicating has always been tricky with RB too. I guess if it’s next day and domestic everything probably runs very smoothly and without hiccup.

No I paid next day tracked and I am in the same situation. No response to emails. Now being told maybe 5 days it could be delivered.
I have to be honest. Itβs not the postage. Itβs these guys. Read the posts. Most get some of what they ordered. Always missing stuff and takes weeks with these guys to get responses or anything.
I have to be honest. Itβs not the postage. Itβs these guys. Read the posts. Most get some of what they ordered. Always missing stuff and takes weeks with these guys to get responses or anything.

Me too. No response to messages. Reading all these posts and it seems a pattern with Radar. All this stuff goes missing.
I even paid recorded and still he has no idea.
Sorry. I have been very lucky. First time I got stuck with a seller like this.
He smokes to much stuff.
I even paid recorded and still he has no idea.
Sorry. I have been very lucky. First time I got stuck with a seller like this.
He smokes to much stuff.

Hi Jamal.
RB is one of the best, my first vendor of choice, and I buy international as well, never had any problem.
Just wait a little bit longer and you will have a reply from him, going public is the best choice when your rep is low!
Everything will be fine :)
RB is one of the best, my first vendor of choice, and I buy international as well, never had any problem.
Just wait a little bit longer and you will have a reply from him, going public is the best choice when your rep is low!
Everything will be fine :)

I asked what happens next and he has replied saying he doesn’t offer reship internationally, that’s my point. Has offered nothing and the parcel didn’t even leave the original country. So a complete loss to me. I wouldn’t be posting this information publicly if we had come to some amicable agreement. I appreciate you taking the time to reply and try to help though dude, thank you.

Maybe it’s just me but if I’m buying an illegal product, from an overseas seller, then I’m acutely aware that it comes with inherent risk. To then drop $170 on it the first time is pretty risky. I’d advise smaller orders till you find the sellers that work for you and/or order from the country you’re in.
The above is me speaking with no relation to the specific seller. However, I just woke up from one of the best sleeps of recent after a nice big spliff of Radar Breeder’s delightful Star Dawg. It was my first order from him and was received within 2 days of the order being placed. He does state all resends will be judged on an individual basis and I’ve only ever heard good things otherwise.
Try not to let the experience put you off LB, it’s a great site! Ultimately you’re the one to decide whether to go with RB again but I’d definitely recommend him within the UK.
The above is me speaking with no relation to the specific seller. However, I just woke up from one of the best sleeps of recent after a nice big spliff of Radar Breeder’s delightful Star Dawg. It was my first order from him and was received within 2 days of the order being placed. He does state all resends will be judged on an individual basis and I’ve only ever heard good things otherwise.
Try not to let the experience put you off LB, it’s a great site! Ultimately you’re the one to decide whether to go with RB again but I’d definitely recommend him within the UK.

It was my second order, same seller and same address.
As I’ve mentioned, I appreciate it comes with risk but the item never even made it out of the country. If it was signed in the country but never arrived to me, I wouldn’t be here claiming to be hard done by... I’d like to think I’m a realistic thinker here.
He does state it will be judged individually but apparently that means didly squat for me.
I’ve only tried one other seller ‘SayNo2Drugs’ who was excellent so far but look forward to trying more and hoping this was just a bad experience.
Certainly won’t be using RB again however I can see many people have received better service than I have.
Thanks for the message though.
As I’ve mentioned, I appreciate it comes with risk but the item never even made it out of the country. If it was signed in the country but never arrived to me, I wouldn’t be here claiming to be hard done by... I’d like to think I’m a realistic thinker here.
He does state it will be judged individually but apparently that means didly squat for me.
I’ve only tried one other seller ‘SayNo2Drugs’ who was excellent so far but look forward to trying more and hoping this was just a bad experience.
Certainly won’t be using RB again however I can see many people have received better service than I have.
Thanks for the message though.

Hi all
We offer no reship or guarantee on international orders this is made clear on any international orders.
Ok so as for too successful or busy no we are not sorry. Yes we are happy with our business but atm we are runnong at like 60% capacity with a lot if room to grow and our system keeps mistakes down to a minimum.
As for this case i can only say we input the address as we are given it. We have international tracked letter turn up in the wrong country before and the label was indeed correct as they have eventually landed.
We are always not happy to hear about any customers that are not happy and do what we can to make things right.
At tht moment we are considering stopping (or restricting to markets we have FE on) international and Scandinavian countries as it seems a lot of work and hassle and we risk getting bad feedback from customers that agree to our terms but then not happy when things don't go to plan.
We offer no reship or guarantee on international orders this is made clear on any international orders.
Ok so as for too successful or busy no we are not sorry. Yes we are happy with our business but atm we are runnong at like 60% capacity with a lot if room to grow and our system keeps mistakes down to a minimum.
As for this case i can only say we input the address as we are given it. We have international tracked letter turn up in the wrong country before and the label was indeed correct as they have eventually landed.
We are always not happy to hear about any customers that are not happy and do what we can to make things right.
At tht moment we are considering stopping (or restricting to markets we have FE on) international and Scandinavian countries as it seems a lot of work and hassle and we risk getting bad feedback from customers that agree to our terms but then not happy when things don't go to plan.

Hope still gonna send to me, recieved 5 orders to another country and 5 to uk without a problem and willing to take the risk :).

I think your service is disappointing dude and certainly won’t be using you again, just my opinion, as I said you’ve got plenty of happy domestic customers. I gave you the same address as last time but this item didn’t even leave the UK... that’s a real failed attempt! If it left the UK but never arrived I wouldn’t be bitching, we’re hardly ordering dog biscuits from amazon, we know how the game works right, there’s risk. It didn’t even leave the original country! I’m $170 short and you just lost a customer, but I doubt you really care dude. You say “you do what you can to make things right” but in this instance that would be you doing absolutely nothing. Peace out and good luck to your other customers.

RB is my goto vendor. Never been a loss or any problem after 8+ orders, including multiple special orders.
Why on earth you would order from the UK to Asia?
The UK is hardly the cheapest country to buy. Just handy for those of us that live here.
All in all a weak QQ
Why on earth you would order from the UK to Asia?
The UK is hardly the cheapest country to buy. Just handy for those of us that live here.
All in all a weak QQ

I get that it's frustrating to lose an order, it's happened to me in the past and i lost £250 and I learned my lesson about not ordering large amounts. But if the order was sent and you have proof of that then why is it RB's problem? It sounds to me like the postal service has fucked it up somewhere along the line, the same as what happened to me. Especially as you've received orders from RB before you can't blame his service when he clearly sent it and also stated the risks with international shipments? RB, for me, is the best vendor I've found for price, delivery and quality of product. Always my go to man for my weed.

He shared the tracking code with you?
And by using the shared tracking code you saw that the parcel was sent back to him?
And by using the shared tracking code you saw that the parcel was sent back to him?

Correct, see the thread, I’ve posted a picture above dude. Can still view the address I gave which is correct also on the order form page. (Obviously won’t share that much info haha).

how did the uk mail decide that there was an address problem outside their own country? what does that mean?

It’s in Asia, but it never made it out of the UK, so kind of irrelevant. (Remember first order, same seller, same address, made it just fine)

It’s really not irrelevant that it’s Asia. From the very first moment you were taking a huge risk with an address like that. Even ordering anything from a reputable site / business internationally you can face a whole range of problems. Your dealing with multiple postal services. Exports, air freight procedures and then customs. I wouldn’t be dropping any large amount of money on here tbh.

Asia is a very big place with all kinds of borders. If its a dodgy customs country they could steal it and send back this error, exactly the kind of shit that is pulled.
Note if your address is not in the native country your customs risk increases significantly.
Note if your address is not in the native country your customs risk increases significantly.

Good question, if you're going to go public with this then more facts and less emotions, I would like to see a screen shot of the mail error, obviously with the specific id removed.

Iv always found radar breeder to be very help in the event of non delivery, he had guidelines for a reason and he always follows them! Cheers TB

Hi Jamal.
That’s strange that it said return to send if it never left the UK (how would they know the address was wrong in foreign lands)? I’ve ordered many times from RB (shipping into Europe) and some have taken time to arrive but I’ve never had any issues with RB deliveries. I had an issue with a busted vape cart and he did replace this for me so from my experience his customer service is very good.
No consolation for your financial loss but I’d definitely order in smaller amounts going forward (I do just because of the legal risk of getting caught with more than 3.5g - it’s a pain to order more frequently but it negates the legal risk and the financial risk if it does get lost). RB is very clear on his no reship for lost international orders - it’s a risk we all take I guess.
You can only put this down to experience I hope it has not put you off the amazing vendors on this site.
That’s strange that it said return to send if it never left the UK (how would they know the address was wrong in foreign lands)? I’ve ordered many times from RB (shipping into Europe) and some have taken time to arrive but I’ve never had any issues with RB deliveries. I had an issue with a busted vape cart and he did replace this for me so from my experience his customer service is very good.
No consolation for your financial loss but I’d definitely order in smaller amounts going forward (I do just because of the legal risk of getting caught with more than 3.5g - it’s a pain to order more frequently but it negates the legal risk and the financial risk if it does get lost). RB is very clear on his no reship for lost international orders - it’s a risk we all take I guess.
You can only put this down to experience I hope it has not put you off the amazing vendors on this site.

International shipping at $19 means I need to try and get the best price for my flower too, I think 14g is a relatively small amount for personal use and sure I wouldn’t get too much more than a slap on the wrist where I am. Thanks for the message though.

I wish that were the same here...more than 3.5g and you’re ‘dealing’!!! I hope you have better luck next time, it’s a sting that takes a while to get over :(

Been ordering from RB since the start of the 1st lockdown never had only one issue. Wrong thing arrived contacted them takes a little longer than some to get back but took total responsibility for the mistake, sent out what was ordered + I had what had been mistakenly sent. Best vender by far also very good stealth. Maybe donβt order to Asia π€£

sorry for your loss, we dont send international now as we don't want unhappy customers and also our terms were crystal clear at beginning, which you agreed to, international was entirely at your risk. in our eyes, we have taken extra risk sending international in the first place and provided reference as proof and that was all we agreed to.

1 post
+6 votes

Monero Payments
That's why I'm not buying from here atm, these bitcoin fees are crazy and not worth it. I don't know why LB in all these years haven't add any other c…
That's why I'm not buying from here atm, these bitcoin fees are crazy and not worth it. I don't know why LB in all these years haven't add any other coins. Kind of ridiculous.

would love to!
however admin have said they are adding litecoin as the alternative currency. Hope they hurry up because once again i'm waking up to several messages of people backing out of orders because of fees. Literally doesn't happen anywhere else :(
however admin have said they are adding litecoin as the alternative currency. Hope they hurry up because once again i'm waking up to several messages of people backing out of orders because of fees. Literally doesn't happen anywhere else :(

1 post
+2 votes

Noobie, recommended UK sellers
RB and TGT

Noobie, recommended UK sellers
New to this and been looking around, can anyone recommend UK sellers please, ones you have had no issues with? Smoker of over 10years looking for a reliable service.

Smoggyman, TGD, theProvider, Hans, DUIK
all really good and should have a flavour you like, smoggys atm is Banging
all really good and should have a flavour you like, smoggys atm is Banging

RB - good price and comes registered post so you know it'll deffo come. Stealth is spot on too

DIUK, Radar Breeder, Legacy Dank, HashTagUK, TheGeenTeam, there are many good vendors here, just check number of sales & read feedback..

All depends on the strains you like and how much you order but I can recommend these from experience.
The Green Team -
Great for price and large orders. Used them a few dozen times now and the products always been top quality.
The Gentleman Dealers -
Great for speed if you're short and need it fast. Also good quality product I can recommend.
smoggyman -
Does a top mimosa if you like that strain.
The Green Team -
Great for price and large orders. Used them a few dozen times now and the products always been top quality.
The Gentleman Dealers -
Great for speed if you're short and need it fast. Also good quality product I can recommend.
smoggyman -
Does a top mimosa if you like that strain.

Urbanleaf Co have had the fastest delivery and top notch service I've personally had so far

You’re not wrong there, waiting on my 3rd order from them, very reliable, quality products and service, slightly higher priced but you get what you pay for

ULC have great strains and top service from them every time

Hi SmokeHunt420,
Welcome to LB :) always nice to see the LB community growing! We noticed your topic and just wanted to introduce ourselves - firstly, as fellow stoners - hi :) but most importantly, as professional connoiseurs. We are the NugNinjaZ - UK vendors, we pride ourselves in everything that we do and are extremely passionate! - Our Nugz, service and attention to detail speaks for itself. We're doing our best to work our way up the items wall but if you havent seen or checked us out yet then please do come and take a look :) we have an ever growing menu and hope to be in a position soon that - upon entry to our page, you should feel like a kid in a candy shop! We wish you all the best SmokeHunt420, enjoy LB! Take care and as always, keep smoking the best and stay high! NugNinjaZ
Welcome to LB :) always nice to see the LB community growing! We noticed your topic and just wanted to introduce ourselves - firstly, as fellow stoners - hi :) but most importantly, as professional connoiseurs. We are the NugNinjaZ - UK vendors, we pride ourselves in everything that we do and are extremely passionate! - Our Nugz, service and attention to detail speaks for itself. We're doing our best to work our way up the items wall but if you havent seen or checked us out yet then please do come and take a look :) we have an ever growing menu and hope to be in a position soon that - upon entry to our page, you should feel like a kid in a candy shop! We wish you all the best SmokeHunt420, enjoy LB! Take care and as always, keep smoking the best and stay high! NugNinjaZ

For organic, sun grown, chronus buds is great. Excellent coms, stealth is perfect, bud is good and they often out in generous samples. I've had bud and shake and honestly, both were great.
For vapes, serial chiller labs, I've only tried one type atm but it's great tasting rosin vape, far more like a joint than distillate vapes are. Again, greats coms, stealth, product. And the vapes themselves are stealthy enough to vape in public.
For vapes, serial chiller labs, I've only tried one type atm but it's great tasting rosin vape, far more like a joint than distillate vapes are. Again, greats coms, stealth, product. And the vapes themselves are stealthy enough to vape in public.

Most of the guys have been mentioned as long as they have a good reputation you are safe to buy from them,though there is always a risk.
Of course you do not have to stick to UK sellers guys like Hashishan have excellent stealth and can get past UK customs ;)
Of course you do not have to stick to UK sellers guys like Hashishan have excellent stealth and can get past UK customs ;)

These have been around for years and always top notch

This new design shows the total number of reviews in big bright red font so I couldn't help but notice RB have had over 16,000 reviews! (with a 9.7 score too) really is amazing when you think about it.
Loads of other reliable sellers too that you've had recommended already but just thought that 16,000 figure deserved a mention somewhere! :)
Loads of other reliable sellers too that you've had recommended already but just thought that 16,000 figure deserved a mention somewhere! :)

Depends what you want.
I would hope most sellers on here are legit.
Myself, I'm a single person who grows one large or four small plants at a time as a hobby.
Currently have 46 grams for 253£ but soon to have some Paik Ryder for sale.
If people are local enough I drop it off personally.
I would hope most sellers on here are legit.
Myself, I'm a single person who grows one large or four small plants at a time as a hobby.
Currently have 46 grams for 253£ but soon to have some Paik Ryder for sale.
If people are local enough I drop it off personally.

1 post
+2 votes

Do we know the source of our weed?
Love this comment, well said.

Do we know the source of our weed?
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has any idea of the source of the weed we buy from venders here? I ask as a good friend of mine who lets a house out has just had his house ruined by an Albanian crime ring that turned his house into a weed factory, they literally gutted the house ripped all the wiring out holes through the ceiling, there had been fires from the dodgy electrics they had run from a lamp post and they had a poor Albanian slave locked in there running it, who feared for his life if he tried to run. It really hit home and I would hate to be contributing to this sort of thing.

Yes, this issue is important to me. I don't want to potentially put money in the hands of violent gangs running shitty operations with human trafficking and modern slavery.
The best thing about LB for me is being able to buy DIRECT from legit, knowledgeable growers who care about what they are doing and are selling their own produce.
The vendors I've tried so far who most represent this spirit are:
UKCannaFarm -
GreenFinger -
There are others on here who do this, like ChronusBuds and British Bulldog. I have yet to try them, but it looks like they get v.good feedback too.
When a new indie grower like this joins LB comes along and gets noticed, there are usually multiple attempts to leave fake negative reviews. These can only be coming from some of the shadier vendors trying to force them off the items wall, or off the site completely - just ignore this kind of hate and show love to the decent biggaz!
The best thing about LB for me is being able to buy DIRECT from legit, knowledgeable growers who care about what they are doing and are selling their own produce.
The vendors I've tried so far who most represent this spirit are:
UKCannaFarm -
GreenFinger -
There are others on here who do this, like ChronusBuds and British Bulldog. I have yet to try them, but it looks like they get v.good feedback too.
When a new indie grower like this joins LB comes along and gets noticed, there are usually multiple attempts to leave fake negative reviews. These can only be coming from some of the shadier vendors trying to force them off the items wall, or off the site completely - just ignore this kind of hate and show love to the decent biggaz!

Thank you for the mention, Father Jack, PM me for a sample if you want to try, no problem.

I agree, I really don’t want to be part of a problem with the most simple answer (legalise it, but a conversation for another time).
Thank you for highlighting vendors you have researched, I will look them up.
If I may just add to your list of decent vendors, I have been using MKK2020 a lot and I believe they grow a lot of their own. The service is excellent to the point where I had a minor issue and they resolved it brilliantly.
Thank you for highlighting vendors you have researched, I will look them up.
If I may just add to your list of decent vendors, I have been using MKK2020 a lot and I believe they grow a lot of their own. The service is excellent to the point where I had a minor issue and they resolved it brilliantly.

Give me a number, or a word, I'll write it on a piece of paper then put it infront of my grow.
I'm of dual heritage, but yeah, I'm British (as you might have guessed)
Nothing to hide. But I agree, let's oust the dodgy geezers on here.
Cheers BB
I'm of dual heritage, but yeah, I'm British (as you might have guessed)
Nothing to hide. But I agree, let's oust the dodgy geezers on here.
Cheers BB

I'd do the same if it helped.
But I would take a guess that most vendors arnt growers themselves.
But I would take a guess that most vendors arnt growers themselves.

Thanks for your openness, I get the feeling most venders on here are genuine like yourself, but there is a dark side to this industry that are also in the business of people trafficking and slavery and there products should not reach the LB community.

Noble enough sentiment, but you do then start to ask about the potential human cost that put your shirt on your back and the potential inhumanity that put that sausage on your plate.
I get it that suffering in the drug chain is a big part of the ‘Just Say No’ argument but it’s hardly unique in mass consumerism. I guess growing your own is the way to go (and making your own clothes, going vegan etc)...just don’t have time.
I get it that suffering in the drug chain is a big part of the ‘Just Say No’ argument but it’s hardly unique in mass consumerism. I guess growing your own is the way to go (and making your own clothes, going vegan etc)...just don’t have time.

I hear you pollypuff and agree whole heartedly, unfortunately I suffer from the inherent human disposition of only seeing the problems in things when they have affected you or someone close to you.

Getting a medical prescription is the only way to be confident that your weed is unadulterated. It is easy process if you have an unmet medical need

Thanks Forestfire, My needs are not medical though, I just love to get high from time to time!

we need a decentralised testing solution. the last thing i want in my life is some twat with the authority to tell me if i can smoke weed.

Was thinking about this yesterday. I started shopping here a few months ago because I had to stop growing my own. It was nice to know you were full organic, not bothering anyone, not causing any problems with your smoke. But because it's illegal here I am getting it from god knows where :(

weed that weed weed cambiform Source kithara Source weed foleys weed biotites advantage Source weed infamous for weed Source also weed weed weed weed weed weed Source bedust Source Source Source chlorambucil Source wormers narceens who underwing on at new Source gaugeable manyatas reindict outfights hebetation typhon Source Source Source a want then weed weed a excavational weed feelingly Source skios weed weed weed weed Source Source vivace weed weed Source crushes Source pasodobles Source weed Source defamatorily weed Source

It's corona, the huge slide in btc and people panic buying everything up everywhere I'm sure some sellers are going to come here thinking the same, if they make a few sales fast easy money in a time of a crisis. If lb was short of suppliers I could see this being baught but it's not like lb has a lack of sellers and much cheaper so I honestly think pricing should be lowered but that's up to the seller and whether he wants alot of sales or very few I guess?
(not a stab at the seller at all, if anything just some advice that lbers aren't lacking supply so I believe aren't panic buying as the wall is still full of items, having a high price mark on here probably won't draw much attention or sales your way, maybe if you came bearing bread and milk people would pay 2x the price atm).
(at time of writing with a sudden spike in the market which means the price is slightly lower its still almost 35 quid for 2g and that's without any fees some people will incur, didn't realise it was actually that high?!)
(not a stab at the seller at all, if anything just some advice that lbers aren't lacking supply so I believe aren't panic buying as the wall is still full of items, having a high price mark on here probably won't draw much attention or sales your way, maybe if you came bearing bread and milk people would pay 2x the price atm).
(at time of writing with a sudden spike in the market which means the price is slightly lower its still almost 35 quid for 2g and that's without any fees some people will incur, didn't realise it was actually that high?!)

1 post
+2 votes
Could we all help pay???
I dont buy cali weed to be honest, would be more interested in thc and cbd contain in some cheaper strains and also find out what been used while grow…

Could we all help pay???
If you got 5 top buyers to all chip in say $10 a month then you could get through alot without having to pay a big amount out all in one go.

There's a Hydra site on daknet which is testing all products before they sell it. So why bigger little can't make sure all stuff that sold here is safe for sale and checked?

I dont buy cali weed to be honest, would be more interested in thc and cbd contain in some cheaper strains and also find out what been used while growing. Also to know more about budget hash and poolen.

It's what sellers and buyers here in the U.K call the weed that's imported from california. I've never understood why there's such a hype with it to be honest, there's plenty of other legal states in the u.s but you never see or hear of that product landing here, always 'cali' weed. I don't buy the stuff personally, seems like it's just used as a brand name to jack the prices up.

Its legal in cali mate, uk stuff is what should be tested because its illegal so more chance some of the uk stuff will be brimmed with chemicals

you are correct, its likely used over in them legal states much more then anywhere else.
PGR is widely used in CALI, its also commonly manufactured in America also imported... Shut down, Rebranded and released... one big cycle of plant steroid abuse.... very similar to human steroids, you can read these articles online about the situation
we don't smoke cali due to the price and clear PGR use.
Got to wonder do all the legal cafe in Amsterdam test there products? with stuff flying in and out on a daily basis in bulk?
That all being said I agree with the smaller random donations from multiple vendors over one big 50 per strain.... that would just kill my wallet since I grow multiple strains, And when we don't have stock we out source... So borg. Add a ten usd share item on this and we will put in for random testing donation for sure
PGR is widely used in CALI, its also commonly manufactured in America also imported... Shut down, Rebranded and released... one big cycle of plant steroid abuse.... very similar to human steroids, you can read these articles online about the situation
we don't smoke cali due to the price and clear PGR use.
Got to wonder do all the legal cafe in Amsterdam test there products? with stuff flying in and out on a daily basis in bulk?
That all being said I agree with the smaller random donations from multiple vendors over one big 50 per strain.... that would just kill my wallet since I grow multiple strains, And when we don't have stock we out source... So borg. Add a ten usd share item on this and we will put in for random testing donation for sure

The point i was making is that cannabis in a legal state is going to be a lot cleaner than somewhere its illegal but there will always be dodgy stuff in legal states just not as much as the uk where there is no quality control

Also I think that it should be the uk vendors that should be paying for this and only uk420 is doing it so it shows how he cares about customers because if i was a vendor i would do it out of curiosity also i would want to show my product was clean this is why they should be made to test their products I read a review where someone said they received smoke that smelt of hay and made them puke and to top it of the replacement they got wasnt even flushed this is shocking

Yes, It would be very useful if vendors could proof that their products are genuinely what you order and clean. I must admit that I feel uncomfortable about placing orders without such assurance. I am already ill and I do not want to make myself worse by ingesting something bad or tampered with. However, I have placed a few orders and wait for the arrival. We shall see what happens :-)

We are both right its just from my opinion i think we should test uk stuff first because people buy more uk stuff than cali because its affordable but i could imagine some cali stuff being poison because if its not from a dispensary chances are it has not passed the regulations

No trying to spam and send you all my in direction, but if your interested, look at my posts, I've put a thread up about cali weed, and in the post I've copied and pasted an article about cali weed, the only stuff that will be getting in this country from the US and how its produced.

2 posts
+4 votes
How is it only showing up now and some reviews from 100+ days ago and another thing unrelated why is there some vendors selling tablets from India all sorts of crap a thought this was just for the love of weed?

Years ago you could buy a lot of things on here not just thc , make sure you have your settings down for the uk βοΈ

Hi, would order the sample but no point in the end cause wouldn't order again to pay 22 for post, gonna stay with UK vendors I think. Good sample offer.

Have to agree, it’s good and generous sample offer but with so many uk vendors it makes sense to stay domestic.

Thank you for your comment, I can understand it. but note that where I come from we have some really good hashish and is really worth trying. I'm offering the sample so I can get some reviews on hash quality and shipping stealth. feel free to order the hash for review even if you're not planing on buying more in the future. i'll upload some more great hash kinds in the future also.

And thanks for your reply and understanding.
We really do have a good thing going on in the UK but at the same time, now that I've seen those pictures with your name I'm very intrigued as I do love Hash.
I have placed an order for the sample pack and will happily leave honest feedback/review/photos for the community once received. Thanks
We really do have a good thing going on in the UK but at the same time, now that I've seen those pictures with your name I'm very intrigued as I do love Hash.
I have placed an order for the sample pack and will happily leave honest feedback/review/photos for the community once received. Thanks

I must say, your hash looks incredible. Takes me back to being a young lad. If it is reviewed well I will definately give you a go.

If its from the Middle East i can this being some top quality hash. I would personally pay the postage cost if its a premium hash, which from the look it is :)

Ah, you should state that somewhere on your page mate. People need to know where they are ordering from. Cheers.

Your written English is incredible. Considering you live in a country with a low English proficiency rating, and have never lived abroad, it seems odd to me that you would be so fluent. You rival even native English speakers? May I ask where you received such a impressive education?
I'm sorry to call you out but it seems odd, just looking out for my biggas.
I'm sorry to call you out but it seems odd, just looking out for my biggas.

Wow man, Thanks! that's a huge compliment to me. I do use some grammar check from time to time though, I live in a place where american culture is very popular, english is taught in a young age + lots of my roll models were american/ english speakers. above all the internet is my working space (I'm also a content writer for some sites) so good english is a must.

Yeah I hear you, but can you explain your use of the Oxford comma? Something taught almost exclusively in UK schools. I can point you to two examples where you used it if you wish. You have also made proper use of the word "role" in another post, and "at a" instead of "in a" also. Assuming these are not typos, it looks like an intentional attempt to use incorrect grammar.
Something just doesn't seem right. To reach the fluency of which you are speaking English, without living in an English speaking environment is nothing short of astonishing. Unless of course you studied written English for a very, very long time? :/
I'm sure your product is authentic, not sure why you would lie about where it is shipped from though? Although I'm fully open to the fact I'm just too paranoid and am completely wrong. If I am hey, I'm impressed.
Something just doesn't seem right. To reach the fluency of which you are speaking English, without living in an English speaking environment is nothing short of astonishing. Unless of course you studied written English for a very, very long time? :/
I'm sure your product is authentic, not sure why you would lie about where it is shipped from though? Although I'm fully open to the fact I'm just too paranoid and am completely wrong. If I am hey, I'm impressed.

No lies here buddy, I take all your good words as compliments. never heard of "Oxford comma", so thanks for the knowledge. all of my typos are genuine ;-).
If you're so interested from which country I'm from you're more than welcome to ask me in a private massage, and so is everyone else. I have no interest to hide my origin I just don't want to publish it for every watching eye to see.
If you're so interested from which country I'm from you're more than welcome to ask me in a private massage, and so is everyone else. I have no interest to hide my origin I just don't want to publish it for every watching eye to see.

1 post
+1 votes
That sucks man. :(

Gonna have too take a bit of a break from ordering for a bit guys, ordered something from JJ on here, never turned up tracking said it was at depot, I go in and am pulled to one side, the parcel was seized by them as it stunk of cannabis and has been forwarded to the police, I am told they will be coming to see me, pretty gutted to be honest so won't be ordering for a bit now.
Any advice welcome
Any advice welcome

While what's happened has been fucking shit for me today I don't want this too turn into a witch hunt, JJ what's happened has happened we can't change that, you can only learn a lesson from it that every parcel needs to be the very best in stealth it can be with absolutely no faults, unfortunately for me I am the scapegoat for the rest of the community and I can no longer order on here for now. I accept the risk I took when buying on here, after all, we are dealing in an illegal substance albeit sometimes we forget that.
I just wanna say I wish you no harm and I'm not one to hold lasting grudges
I just wanna say I wish you no harm and I'm not one to hold lasting grudges

Guys I have just had the police visit me, 2 officers, I just came clean with them as they have me trying to collect the parcel without a something for you card on cctv (as one was never put through) I was bang too rights.
The 2 officers were very good with me, they said forefront that on this occasion I will not be in trouble. They showed me the parcel and it was absolutely stinking, they said they haven't even opened the tin and it's stunk out the station, stealth was next to non existent.
They have taken my information and left me with a verbal caution.
They asked where I had ordered from and I have said that I could not tell them.
Guys I have just had the police visit me, 2 officers, I just came clean with them as they have me trying to collect the parcel without a something for you card on cctv (as one was never put through) I was bang too rights.
The 2 officers were very good with me, they said forefront that on this occasion I will not be in trouble. They showed me the parcel and it was absolutely stinking, they said they haven't even opened the tin and it's stunk out the station, stealth was next to non existent.
They have taken my information and left me with a verbal caution.
They asked where I had ordered from and I have said that I could not tell them.

Fucking hell this sucks . Cant believe they actually called. You were lucky you only ordered a small bit.

Was fucking shit mate, few months off ordering for me now though man :( back to street level garbage for a while

This whole situation is fucked panda, hope all is well for you man. Vendors staff definitely needs to take a lot more care. Damn bobbies paying you a visit over a 3.5 is laughable, hope you and the wife are good.

Panda buddy I am truly sorry to hear whats happened here. The perceived risk of LB, of losing the money to a scammer, or the weekend smoke not arriving on time is paled by the situation that has presented itself. I sincerely hope this comes to nothing. JJ appears to have been very forthcoming with explanations which in itself, while commendable does not change the reality of it all. I never thought of it as putting my liberty in the vendors hands. You are and have been valued member of our community, whether you choose to order again anytime soon or not, as I have found, theres more to LB than just the products! All the best dude, Peace. JJJ

And if you do decide to go for it again, some of these vendors stealth levels are as insane as the stuff inside!

I'm going to see if the vendors can go through a different way of posting for me as I'll be blacklisted with royal mail now, I don't want to be a pain but I thought it might be worth asking if the can help me out. TGT have been one of my favourites and their products are really good. Might be a long shot but thought it'd be worth asking

From what I am aware, you can request specifics with some vendors, speak to DrugsInc or RadarBreeder. TGT are also exceptional vendors, i'm sure they would be as accommodating as possible. You certain on the RM blacklisting, or just a base case scenario?

Not certain but just a feeling mate, like I had just before going to the depot that I should have listened too, I knew something was up but curiosity got me. It's been stressful today man, I'm just a normal guy that's never had any interaction with the feds really, always stayed under the radar until today so really not wanting to go through royal mail again at the moment

Thats fair then mate. Could always order a load of legit stuff to arrive in the post at the same time so its not a solo package, but I hear what you are saying. So sorry man, its truly shit. That curiosity you speak of though, tells me I'll see those stellar reviews again ;) never say never eh!

Without blowing smoke up LB's arse, (which thanks to LB, I can!) its another level. Its like social media for grown ups ;)

Really disappointing to hear this. Hope you are at least compensated financially for this.

Don’t ADMIT to police you ordered the package! Make them prove it was you. If they can’t prove it they can’t charge you.
If is a small amount is just a warning especially if you don’t admit to it. Not worth while investigating the case further.
If is a small amount is just a warning especially if you don’t admit to it. Not worth while investigating the case further.

Bad news mate, How much was in it? I wouldn't expect anyone to come, but they will probably blacklist your address

Hopefully mate, I suffer with extreme anxiety anyway so this really isn't helping me at the moment

They have to prove you ordered it, so admit nothing, deny all knowledge and scrub Internet history just to be on safe side.

Thanks man, I know I'm probably being dramatic but this wasn't a fun experience for me, everyone looking at me in the post office like I'm a fucking dickhead wasn't great.

Sorry how it turned out, not nice having a visit, glad they weren't total idiots and let you have a warning. I remember mine, very unpleasant but I had 20+ plants at the time. So no warning for me.
Still can't see how it was in the public interest even if it stank the station out.
You probably would have got the same sanction if you were growing 9 or less plants, might be worth thinking about.
Still can't see how it was in the public interest even if it stank the station out.
You probably would have got the same sanction if you were growing 9 or less plants, might be worth thinking about.

You are not being dramatic in the slightest. This happens sure but it is rare and in this case is should not have happened to you. It could have been avoided. Your real life has now been impacted negatively thanks to this event. Unacceptable at every level. I understand it's a honest mistake on JJ's part but honestly I don't know that that makes it acceptable.
I'm really sorry this has happened to you man, and so soon too. It's really upsetting for me so I can only imagine how you feel.. fs bro.
I'm really sorry this has happened to you man, and so soon too. It's really upsetting for me so I can only imagine how you feel.. fs bro.

Only been here a month or so bro, really got on with yourself, epix, franko, nlxxhz, all you guys have been great so I'm a little gutted I can't partake in the ordering anymore man, I'm still gonna lurk around and see what all you guys are up to but for me at this moment I can't risk it again so soon.

That is just upsetting man. Your safety is your #1 priority so I would definitely lay low for a good while. I'm not sure you will be able to order packs to that address again though man, you will likely be on a suspicion list and your addy will be flagged for manual inspection when a pack gets scanned through the RM depot. As far as I know (word of mouth from a postie, not depot worker) flagged packs go through a xray. I'd love if any of our resident posties could try shine more light on this.
You're still part of this community and there are other ways to partake. You are such a contributing member.. a hit like this is really bad for the community as a whole man.
You're still part of this community and there are other ways to partake. You are such a contributing member.. a hit like this is really bad for the community as a whole man.

Yeah I did think it would be game over for me man, probably not worth the risk ordering from here now as wife could loose her job if we get found out. I'm gonna hover around still man and I'd like to thank you and the rest of the guys that have engaged with me while I've been here dude I've really enjoyed chatting to you all, hope non of you ever have to go through what I have today as it's fucking scary when you've never been done for anything before

Exactly mate too much to loose. I'd love for you to stick around anyway. By the way you would have no problem opening a PO box and having packs sent to that. There are vendors that can provide 100% accident proof stealth so it's not totally over for you if you go down that route, and it's easy enough to set up. There are also non-Royal mail options like This link that may give you options. But yeah that's all stuff the think about when the dust settles mate.
Yeah I appreciate you man, you have a great energy. We have many more chats to come, hopefully we can fix this somehow. They really made you feel like a criminal for a little bit of weed huh.. sad sad times indeed.
Yeah I appreciate you man, you have a great energy. We have many more chats to come, hopefully we can fix this somehow. They really made you feel like a criminal for a little bit of weed huh.. sad sad times indeed.

Thanks for the info sidetracked that's helpful to know mate thankyou, the police were actually really cool with me mate, they more or less said, look everyone's doing it at the moment and it's just the unlucky ones that get caught out , they said that they had to come out just based on the strength of the bud as around here our street weed is not very good. She showed me how it was packaged and said there was no chance it would have got to me how it was and was one of the strongest smelling strains they've come across. They wanted to know where I purchased from but I said I really couldn't disclose that and they just said fine and left it at that, they said this time because I haven't been done before and it wasn't actually in my possession they will let me off but obviously if they have to come again I'm gonna be in bother.
Fortunately my 12 year old son was at school so didn't have to see me getting questioned and my landlords were not in sight so I've dodged a bullet
Fortunately my 12 year old son was at school so didn't have to see me getting questioned and my landlords were not in sight so I've dodged a bullet

That's nice that they were cool at least, they could have for sure made it worse so that's a bonus man. That's good they didn't pressure you though, doesn't sound like they're too interested in the matter and only followed up because they had to. Maybe that's why you got a visit so fast, they just wanted to wrap that particular case up and move on to crimes that mater. I hope anyway, who knows.
That is bonus mate at least he didn't have to go through that with you. I wouldn't say you dodged a bullet, more like took a bullet that just missed all vital organs haha. It sucks but you'll live y'know? If you do decide to go down the alternative post route in the future let me know how it goes.
That is bonus mate at least he didn't have to go through that with you. I wouldn't say you dodged a bullet, more like took a bullet that just missed all vital organs haha. It sucks but you'll live y'know? If you do decide to go down the alternative post route in the future let me know how it goes.

Aye I'll be alright bud, I'm gonna still hang around and eye up all the candy you guys are getting, who knows I might even make a video on the dreadful street weed I'm having to make you all appreciate yours more haha

Good attitude mate. I'd would actually love to see that, just to get an idea of the street level in different areas, it's genuinely interesting to me man.

Mate as soon as they said the feds were coming I bolted back home mega quick and had to bury a Oz I've stockpiled in the garden lol all systems go get all the drugs outta here, I'm gonna smoke up tonight after today lol

Hahah I'd be digging holes like a mole. Yeah I think you need a big ol' fatty now more than ever man.

Unfortunately not man, and I don't really want to involve my extended family after today

If I get a message saying collect at post office I wouldn’t go too suspicious and risky by the looks of it

Sorry to hear you got stung man. In JJ's defence I got an order from him yesterday and his stealth was top notch! Try not to worry too much mate,I doubt they will take it any further.

Not sure how old this is but sorry to hear about the stress though mate are you all sorted and able to order again now? Glad to hear the police were sensible(ish) about it but still surprised they showed up especially here in the North East police smoke as much weed as the rest of us haha although obviously they'll have had no choice once it was reported by RM.
Biggest shame of all is that if that was THAT stinky imagine how it would have smoked :( hope the boys and girls at the station atleast got to sample it as would hate to see good weed go to waste! lol Hope all worked out :)
Biggest shame of all is that if that was THAT stinky imagine how it would have smoked :( hope the boys and girls at the station atleast got to sample it as would hate to see good weed go to waste! lol Hope all worked out :)

Fuck hope all is well now mate. If your worried maybe get some hash or just message the vendor before an tell them what's happened to you in the past that way your mind be put at rest.

Hey dude, I'm optimistic man, should be alright to order again in a few months or so, I've looked at MJs stuff and his carts and wax look my best bet at the moment!

I’m very sorry to learn of this Panda. Did they search your place? I’ve had a time when I had to go in to sign and it’s scary. It was the same day as I got the missed note so they didn’t have it back at the depot or something and had to go in again the next day. Checked my undies for skid marks on that day, got lucky. It was half an ounce of blue cheese. I hope you are okay mate.

No they didn't, but I drove home as fast as I could and buried my stash in the garden lol didn't seem like they were too bothered about it but obviously they had to come because royal mail (absolute jobsworths) got scared of a little bit of weed. They just said to me to think of the ramifications of getting caught with more and how it would effect my situation at home, offered me drug help which I kindly refused (it's only a bit of weed lol) They played with my cocker spaniel for a bit, told me I'd be alright because I was anxious as fuck, and left

The cheese is top left in the picture. I only posted it to give you hope of future purchases once things quieten down for you. RBs perfect packaging never lets me down. It was at Xmas time and special delivery. I knew I’d miss it because I had to go to work. My first half went missing, normal post, but finally arrived later, so I reordered another half of cheese special delivery and that’s what happened. I rocked up first thing, 8am and my bicycle. My apartment was nice and stinky over Xmas time. Things will get better mate. We are here for you.

Was the buds in the smaller tubs squashed because it looks lovely smoke but looks squashed to bits

That smaller bud on bottom left was d-incs cindy/gorilla, it was lovely and Arjans strawberry small container right hand side, that was a mis-order, should have received 7g of shake but I got someone’s Arjans 3.5 g order, it was nice but I don’t get into that strain, kind of reminds me of cough medicine and brings memories of when I was sick.

Hey mate sorry to hear this has happened. I placed order with another vendor a week ago today and sent as 1st class but hasnt arrived. Do any of you think I should worry? Ive had lots arrive from others with no issue so a week is beginning to worry me

I think aslong as the stealth is up too scratch you should never really be found out. Smell is the giveaway unfortunately for me. Just don't do what I did and go in for it as it was just a royal mail trap

Thanks mate, its not recorded or anything so I wouldnt know if seized. How long before the police showed up? Just worried as its been a week

3 posts
+8 votes

Happy Holidays and Merry Spliffmas to LB community
Thx epix, and so Merry Christmas to you from Scotland as well :)
Moved here over 3 years ago and found about LB few months ago and must say was surpri…
+ 3 more

Happy Holidays and Merry Spliffmas to LB community
Hi my little biggars.
Just wanted to send all my buds on here a holiday greeting. Whatever you are celebrating this time of the year, I hope you have a nice one with friends or family!
One thing I know all of us will be partaking in and that is Spliffmas. So an extra special spliffmas greetings from me here in Scotland and may your spliffs (or your preferred method) have something a little extra in them over the holidays =P
Peace and love,
Just wanted to send all my buds on here a holiday greeting. Whatever you are celebrating this time of the year, I hope you have a nice one with friends or family!
One thing I know all of us will be partaking in and that is Spliffmas. So an extra special spliffmas greetings from me here in Scotland and may your spliffs (or your preferred method) have something a little extra in them over the holidays =P
Peace and love,

Thx epix, and so Merry Christmas to you from Scotland as well :)
Moved here over 3 years ago and found about LB few months ago and must say was surprised community like this exist. Makes it easier :)
Moved here over 3 years ago and found about LB few months ago and must say was surprised community like this exist. Makes it easier :)

Thank you ficek! I moved to Scotland just over two and a half years ago myself =) Nice place, and LB is amazing as well! Good times all around.

Bloody hell im in Scotland aswell merry christmas to all. whens the meet up happening in Scotland now? hah

Scotland aswell here! The numbers are growing lol.
I'm a lil late on the post as its now May...
Anyway, take care and Thankyou LB
I'm a lil late on the post as its now May...
Anyway, take care and Thankyou LB

3 posts
+16.2 votes
Wee Thai Red string review
started topic
+ 3 more

Wee Thai Red string review
Didn't take photo, the picture in description looks good enough :)
Not gonna talk much about taste and smell, because to me it smells like nice Thai and it taste pretty nice as well.
Didn't smoke 3 days and rolled up 0.4 with tobbaco.
Must say what a nice high I got from this one. You can feel the sativa in it. It gave me such a good uplift and really creative in my handpan playing. After half hour I just suddenly felt need to put radio on, felt great and started to dance and sing for a while. After another half hour the effect came slowly diwwn and I just felt nice and relax. Didn't make my eyes heavy even that red.
If you depressed or anxious or just need to lift your mood up than you can't go wrong.
Not gonna talk much about taste and smell, because to me it smells like nice Thai and it taste pretty nice as well.
Didn't smoke 3 days and rolled up 0.4 with tobbaco.
Must say what a nice high I got from this one. You can feel the sativa in it. It gave me such a good uplift and really creative in my handpan playing. After half hour I just suddenly felt need to put radio on, felt great and started to dance and sing for a while. After another half hour the effect came slowly diwwn and I just felt nice and relax. Didn't make my eyes heavy even that red.
If you depressed or anxious or just need to lift your mood up than you can't go wrong.

Totally agree this surprisingly gave me a nice stone. Just right for me, not too racy or panic inducing, just relaxing.

Uplifting but not manic stone and a beautiful citrus taste and smell, perfect daytime smoke for me, good bang for your buck as well.

Dood, this has been sitting at the bottom of my pile for a while... haven't given it a smoke yet. Will check it out today thanks to your review =)

Just ordered for the first time yesterday, I'm a little bit afraid that will not be able to make me high, but I've not smoked for a +month.
When I'll receive the parcel I'll write a review (hoping to receive it, is an international delivery and the situation with Covid-19 could rise some delays or even lost package)
When I'll receive the parcel I'll write a review (hoping to receive it, is an international delivery and the situation with Covid-19 could rise some delays or even lost package)

Good review mate. I have just tried it for the 1st time - I like it for its mellow flavour, taste and effects on my mood. Still gives me the munchies after a while though!! I'm hoping to be able to buy it in 3.5g quantities as that suits my budget. Plus is it me or has the prices all over gone up a bit? I'm not complaining at all it will be for good reason and that's cool, but it seems it's up all across the board or do I need to slow down a bit ha ha.

1 post
+2.2 votes

Hello World
Welcome to LB mate.

Hello World
Just wanted to send a warm hello everyones way.
Been brought here by a friend, cant wait to be a part of what looks like an ace community!
Been brought here by a friend, cant wait to be a part of what looks like an ace community!

1 post
+1 votes
Never had just CBD but I know I do need it in my life. Will make my rounds to you in February:).

1 post
+2 votes

UFC 246 - McGregor vs Cerrone
Just checked, that was quick. :)

UFC 246 - McGregor vs Cerrone
Anyone watching the fights tonight? Main event is McGregor vs Cerrone, should be a good night. The Holm and Pettis fights should be decent too. If anyone needs a stream link I can hook them up when the even goes live, just send me a message. The prelims start at 1am and the main card starts at 3am.
Who is your money on for the main event? I think I'll do a accumulator and hope for the best.
Who is your money on for the main event? I think I'll do a accumulator and hope for the best.

I know mate was so weird to watch haha. Poor Cowboy, he's a tough SOB too so you know that had to hurt man.

1 post
+3 votes

Best strains available
TGT kosher kush
Jj kosher dawg
RB lemon amnesia…

Best strains available
I am more of a haze smoker love all the amnesia strains etc but my gf loves her cheese and kush types would love some recommendations from experienced smokers on here of what my next order should be ?

1 post
+3 votes

How do people find the thc vape cartridges is it as good as smoking a nice j ?
Must say, tried few from different vendors and it felt OK, it just didn't give me the same kind of high. The best I had was from MJ concentrates, pote…

How do people find the thc vape cartridges is it as good as smoking a nice j ?
Been looking into these vape cartridges anyone have any advice or file tips regarding these eg best sellers or types etc

Must say, tried few from different vendors and it felt OK, it just didn't give me the same kind of high. The best I had was from MJ concentrates, potent and tasty but still it ain't the same as bud for me. Although, it is great if you wanna get stoned and there isn't other way to do so. I prefer edibles, that gives me much better like a bud high.

MJConcentrates - just shatter and terps... he makes them himself so you know what you’re getting...there seems to be less around now because of the issues with vitamin e in some from the states. Can’t go wrong with MJC

it is both not as good and better as is the case when you compare different superlatives. but that said fuck the joint and marry the cart.

Hey EddyE20
In all honesty ive tried a few now including a premium Cali cart. It just cant match bud for me the high is shorter lived and in my personal opinion the high seems to lack a level of complexity that you get from flower or hash.
For convenience and stealth in public they are excellent though.
MJc and Pope have some very well reviewed carts though that i have tried. A few of the guys on here swear by some of the US vendors for carts though
In all honesty ive tried a few now including a premium Cali cart. It just cant match bud for me the high is shorter lived and in my personal opinion the high seems to lack a level of complexity that you get from flower or hash.
For convenience and stealth in public they are excellent though.
MJc and Pope have some very well reviewed carts though that i have tried. A few of the guys on here swear by some of the US vendors for carts though

1 post
+2 votes

Stash spot
Good idea...

Stash spot

I remember seeing a post on here a while back with people posting cool photos of their stashes. I've lived in a small place with young kids for a long time, never been able to get a nice setup for my stuff until now. Have my own office and ended up getting this really nice filing cabinet. What's cool about it is it has a key, and locks all 3 drawers. So this whole thing has now basically become my stash spot, with the lowest shelf actually being used to store all my paper work.
One of the weirdest purchase of my life that ended up being awesome. Got my a nice stash spot for my weed/supplies and my taxes lol.
Ended up blacking out some of the photo to make sure there isn't any identifiable stuff on there. Figured I need to be careful with what I show on here.
I've enclosed another photo of the second drawer and the whole unit. I would really recommend getting something similar if you can. This one wasn't even too expensive and is super well built. Came assembled.
Would love to see more stash spot photos from ya'll!
One of the weirdest purchase of my life that ended up being awesome. Got my a nice stash spot for my weed/supplies and my taxes lol.
Ended up blacking out some of the photo to make sure there isn't any identifiable stuff on there. Figured I need to be careful with what I show on here.
I've enclosed another photo of the second drawer and the whole unit. I would really recommend getting something similar if you can. This one wasn't even too expensive and is super well built. Came assembled.
Would love to see more stash spot photos from ya'll!

I feel this is a prime opportunity to tell everyone about these £1 glass pots in Wilkos. Fits an 8th with room to spare! :D

Those look nice indeed. Thanks! The spice jars are a hangover from not too long ago when I kept all my weed in spice jars to hide them from company lol

Secondary storage for my butane and torch... and who could forget my lovely hair press for that sweet rosin haha.

The whole thing with room to store all your documents in a legit filing cabinet. Two birds with one stoner.

You're a non-apologetic weed nerd of the highest order. I mean that as a straight-up, non-ironic compliment.

we love the elegance of your set up and can see a few of our products made the shoot. Please have a zombie stick on us to add to your collection ; )
kind regards
kind regards

Your concentrates are the best I’ve had on here. Will be getting more after my tolerance break ends at the start of February =)
I’ve wanted to try one of those zombie sticks forever, so that would be very much appreciated =)
I’ve wanted to try one of those zombie sticks forever, so that would be very much appreciated =)

1 post
+2 votes

Thanks for the best highs I've had in..
The same for me, really changed the game. So many options.

Thanks for the best highs I've had in..
Forever, actually.
Hey LB! It's been just over a month now since I found this beautiful community and it's been a damn good month. Christmas came early for me. I've been able to try shatter and wax for the first time which is something I've been wanting to tick off my list since I found out it existed years ago. I've had a go at the edibles and a few types of hash that I've never even seen before. I've been able to buy with confidence knowing everyone has my back with rating and reviews.
Most importantly for me I now have control over what weed I buy. On the streets I got what they gave me and that was that. This led to some bad times smoking sativas that didn't sit well with me. Now I can blast indica's all day knowing I'm in good hands. It has been a really positive change in my life actually.
So I want to say thanks LB and thanks to the community. You all gave me a warm welcome and made me feel safe.
This rating is for ya'll. 11/10
Happy holidays & happy toking.
Hey LB! It's been just over a month now since I found this beautiful community and it's been a damn good month. Christmas came early for me. I've been able to try shatter and wax for the first time which is something I've been wanting to tick off my list since I found out it existed years ago. I've had a go at the edibles and a few types of hash that I've never even seen before. I've been able to buy with confidence knowing everyone has my back with rating and reviews.
Most importantly for me I now have control over what weed I buy. On the streets I got what they gave me and that was that. This led to some bad times smoking sativas that didn't sit well with me. Now I can blast indica's all day knowing I'm in good hands. It has been a really positive change in my life actually.
So I want to say thanks LB and thanks to the community. You all gave me a warm welcome and made me feel safe.
This rating is for ya'll. 11/10
Happy holidays & happy toking.

Funny how LB works. I've just seen this post on my topics page now haha.
Anyway, yes... I came in a few months before you and what a big difference this place has made in my life. Love it. Welcome!
Anyway, yes... I came in a few months before you and what a big difference this place has made in my life. Love it. Welcome!

I know right? I've seen myself replying to posts that must be years old by now haha.
Bro it has really changed my life. The best part for me, I think, is just knowing that you can order with confidence and get a (most of the time) quality product. Sometimes I think its too good to be true.. then another pack lands.. ahhh it's a good time to be alive, eh mate?
Bro it has really changed my life. The best part for me, I think, is just knowing that you can order with confidence and get a (most of the time) quality product. Sometimes I think its too good to be true.. then another pack lands.. ahhh it's a good time to be alive, eh mate?

100% can't say enough good things about this place. The community is also a big part of it, I needed more like minded people to speak to. Not many in my day to day corporate life.

True the weed brought me here and the community kept me coming back. Okay the weed kept me coming back too lol.

1 post
+1 votes

First Class V Recorded delivery and Sneaky Postmen
It is happening to me mate as well, recorded and signed for always comes and 1st class stamped doesn't. It could be the postmen, it could be someone w…

First Class V Recorded delivery and Sneaky Postmen
So I’ve had a couple of orders go missing now, and all the ones that have were sent first class. Don’t know whether or not I’m paranoid but is my postman doing a sneaky ? As when I pay for recorded they have always arrived safely, and maybe that’s because the postman has to deliver it. Think from now on I’m only using recorded services to be safe.
Any thoughts on this ?
Any thoughts on this ?

Im sorry thats happened to you, that would cause me a lot of distress so i sympathise. Its entriely possible, there are dodgy posties that snatch up the odd parcels. I worked with somebody who was a postman for 10 years and he said it does happen and sometimes often, and especially over Christmas. Also royal mail takes on a lot of agency staff over the summer and Christmas periods and i would bet they dont care about the rules as they wont be there for longer than a few months. I would definitely go for recorded from now on, not worth losing money and goods over it. There is also the chance they could have gone missing, but if it is becoming a regular thing its very suspicious and scummy for somebody to do that. Good luck hope your parcels make it to you dude :)

But surely with the levels of stealth vendors here are at the parcels would be of no interest! You’d think anyway right? I think I’ll be going recorded/special delivery from now too!

1 post
+1 votes

How solid is this site, should I keep backup contacts ?
How does it work? Asking for refferal token

How solid is this site, should I keep backup contacts ?

Am loving this site, no more low grade weed and dealing with street dealers which put me of buying cannabis for many years. Am loving the health benefits of moderate evening use..and might make it a regular thing. I got connection problems to here regularly, and made me thing arent sites like this often under pressure to be closed by various agencies who try to put DOS on them ? And if so what backup info should I have to keep contact info for the vendors here .... or is there a mirror site which automatically goes on?

Yes there is a fork of littlebiggy called society which shares most of the data here. It requires the tor browser: http://societywcowsoak6.onion

No need to worry man, LB has been here for years. I would also like to see a back up, but at this rate there’s no need to as it’s going so smooth as hell. Anyways there’s no hard drugs on here like on the deep web, just weed a few other friendly one’s so need to worry about LB going down.

1 post
+2 votes
Best and most affordable cartridges here!
Looking forward to try some indicia carts.

Best and most affordable cartridges here!
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let everyone know that we are offering the best and most affordable Indica carts here. Check out our page and reviews!
Message us with any questions
Just wanted to let everyone know that we are offering the best and most affordable Indica carts here. Check out our page and reviews!
Message us with any questions

1 post
+1 votes
Is Royal Mail the preferred shipping method in the UK?
Royal mail worked always well for me when ordered.

Is Royal Mail the preferred shipping method in the UK?
Looking at shipping methods currently.
I presume most sellers use RM, is this the case?
How many of you have had lost deliveries with tracked and non tracked services?
Does anyone prefer other options DPD, UPS, DHL etc
Particularly thinking these maybe preferable if customers want bulkier orders and also thinking that the tracking with dpd and its 1hr delivery window seems like it would be good to avoid delays and disputes. What do you think?
I presume most sellers use RM, is this the case?
How many of you have had lost deliveries with tracked and non tracked services?
Does anyone prefer other options DPD, UPS, DHL etc
Particularly thinking these maybe preferable if customers want bulkier orders and also thinking that the tracking with dpd and its 1hr delivery window seems like it would be good to avoid delays and disputes. What do you think?

Most sellers on LB within the UK use Royal Mail for deliveries, usually they also have a price for postage ($5) and are received within 1 - 3 days with first class. Not too sure about other countries though delivery to other countries though and bulk orders in assuming could still be quite good through Royal Mail, not too certain on the other deliver companies though.

I presume it is normal to use a recorded service so as to allay fears of unscrupulous buyers scamming by saying delivery failed?

Some sellers use recorded delivery and give a tracking number to their customers so the seller can check if the buyer has received it and if they buyer has said that they haven’t then they have a backup to show that they have, but it also protects the buyers. Some sellers have separate postage options though, one where the buyer does get the tracking number, which costs more and one where they don’t.

Have you received items with dpd here? Are there any particular down points known to using a courier service like them over RM?

No not from here all threw national post services , personally couriers in general are better than national post service, in saying that never had any problems yet with either my experience is courier is safer and securer in my opinion. Get it sent to local shop wen out for delivery that helps me

1 post
+2 votes
Hey everyone, we need your help. We are giving away 10 free carts to our first 10 customers to help build our reputation and product ratings!
$5 cost covers shipping and we'll cover the product :)
1 order per customer. Ratings, reviews, and feedback are greatly appreciated. Enjoy!
1 gram 510 thread cartridge
Kosher Kush
California Indica
Hey everyone, we need your help. We are giving away 10 free carts to our first 10 customers to help build our reputation and product ratings!
$5 cost covers shipping and we'll cover the product :)
1 order per customer. Ratings, reviews, and feedback are greatly appreciated. Enjoy!
1 gram 510 thread cartridge
Kosher Kush
California Indica

bigg topics