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joined may 2019
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1 topic on InsaneHumanity
Top Vendor!
31 posts by InsaneHumanity
on  Budlover
Delivery times uk to Ireland
Got mine sent to Central Europe and took over two weeks (usually 6-7 days) guess covid and more online shopping - fingers crossed for you
Disappointed Customer
Hi Jamal. That’s strange that it said return to send if it never left the UK (how would they know the address was wrong in foreign lands)? I’ve order… + 2 more
on  {bitcoin}
Has anyone tried the Trust Wallet App?
Definitely +1 for Luno. Their app is very good and the sign up was simple.
I had ordered some carts from a legal shop in Canada (though obviously not legal to send them to the U.K. !) and they had to declare what they were se… + 3 more
Mixing with E-Juice for a Vape and E-Cig
+1 that comment - I’ve tried and it’s extremely messy unless you have the right kit and despite buying good quality liquidiser it tasted horrible…
hash after brexit
I guess anything that comes through mainland Europe into the U.K. is now going to be harder to β€˜hide’ as everything will likely to have declarations o…
I feel for you! At the moment it’s taking ages to get stuff into Central Europe (used to be 5-7 days) but now it seems to be two weeks minimum and I’v…
on  {gaming}
What's everyone playing during the quarentine?
Longest game ever haha!
Royal Mail these days
Yeah MJC is sound on deliveries and mine usually take a 5-7 days to get into Europe but the last delivery took 2 weeks to arrive and my current order …
Postage options
Hi - just click on MJC name to bring up the page then click CHAT - MJC is very good at getting back to you if you’ve any questions
on  Smee
Royal Mail update
Day 22 here (21.05) ironically the other order I placed, same vendor, but over a week later arrived last week...hopefully it’s just sitting in a backl…
on  lambsauce
Royal Mail Reassurance Thread (delays etc)
Ha I still have a no show from November 2019 but I don’t imagine that will ever appear :D + 2 more
Vaping weed
Pax 2 or magic flight box are my Vape’s of choice - I’ve tried the Plenty but I like something smaller and more portable...Pax hits like a train but y…
Vaping weed
Do you mix the weed with tobacco or just smoke it neat? When I stopped smoking cigarettes and joints it took time to adjust not getting the tobacco bu…
MJC does it again with the Distillate Carts!
started topic
Delivery EU etc.
Usually takes anywhere between 6 days and 2 weeks! That’s from the same vendor...U.K. Mail is not so great at the moment internally so this will affec…
Best Edibles on here uk?
His Vape carts are excellent thoroughly recommended
Dry herb vape, help!!
Hey - have you tried taking in apart and cleaning it with isopropyl? I have a Pax2 and it needs regular cleaning or it gunks up and then it doesn’t se…
Really feel for you...I get nervous every time my parcel is due for delivery (the law here is much stricter than the U.K.) and intend to only really o…
on  EddyE20
How do people find the thc vape cartridges is it as good as smoking a nice j ?
MJConcentrates - just shatter and terps... he makes them himself so you know what you’re getting...there seems to be less around now because of the is…
on  carverr
Flower Vapes portable or desktop.
Pax 2 and MFLB - love the MFLB it’s so discreet and virtually no smell you could literally vape next to someone and they wouldn’t know! The Cloudious9…
on  Anaz786
Try MJConcentrates for Vape carts they’re super stealth and give a great hit. Have you thought about getting a vaporiser? I have the Magic Flight Laun…
on  eddie73
Royal Mail Delays
Yeah it’s a strange one! I got my last order within a week (to mainland Europe) but my last one is yet to turn up, its been nearly two weeks but somet…
Best cartridges UK?
Definitely MJ carts - there are too many fake carts out there (even the US ones you cannot guarantee are genuine) and with MJ carts you know what you’…
Now delivering to Europe and Ireland!
Hey UK 420! What happened that made you guys change your mind about shipping to Europe? Shame you have some nice products on your menu :)
Truly Devine!
started topic
Smart Carts will be back within the next two weeks!
Hi GC! I don’t seem to be able to see your menu (really want to try these smart carts!) would you be able to DM me when they are in? Happy holidays …
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