You lot having been hitting the ganja too hard! It’s simple biology that caused this outbreak. When living things breed their dna is copied but this isn’t a perfect process and sometimes errors in this process causes mutations. Where viral generations can be a matter of minutes rather than years microbial life is much more susceptible to mutations such as becoming more virulent and resistant to existing medicine. Or as is suspected in this outbreak a type of virus may live happily in a certain species of animal without causing harm but a mutation allows it to cross the species barrier and infect humans, but where humans aren’t it’s usual host it can cause harm. Unfortunately this is more common in areas where bush meat is traded because your going to get a range of different animal diseases that may cross the species barrier and there’s no biohazard control like you would get in an abattoir. Seriously, linking Coronavirus with 5g and the royals!? Why not throw in reptilians for good measure? Posts like this make me weep for humanity.
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16 posts by breakingtheconditioning
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is the coronavirus bio warfare?
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence...

is the coronavirus bio warfare?
if there is a simple effective way to win the economy back from china this it. the technology is there, the motive and so is the will in the american government.

Is it a coincidence that the only level 4 biological research in China is in Wuhan, was studying Coronaviruses and the Harvard professor paid by the Chinese govt to set the lab up has been arrested by the USA recently?
Just like Jimmy Savile, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Charles and Jeffery Epstein, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Andrew. All a coincidence, nothing to see.
No reptiles required.
Just like Jimmy Savile, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Charles and Jeffery Epstein, procurer of children for the elite was best friends with Prince Andrew. All a coincidence, nothing to see.
No reptiles required.

i checked your lab comment and it is verifiable. way way too strange that the only lab in china is in wuhan.
"The facility, known as the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is housed within the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists "prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks,"
It was created after SARS, you gotta wonder just how they were "preparing" at this lab. You don't need anything sinister for this theory, you just need incompetence at the lab.
"The facility, known as the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is housed within the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists "prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks,"
It was created after SARS, you gotta wonder just how they were "preparing" at this lab. You don't need anything sinister for this theory, you just need incompetence at the lab.

The conditions of this lab were investigated a few years ago by the American government, during the time that the lab was advertising jobs for coronavirus researchers. The conditions were extremely poor.

What makes me weep for humanity is those with room-temperature IQs who took obvious lies at face value, rolled up their sleeves, and now try pretending they have no idea why 1500 athletes have died in two years etc etc.

Myocarditis and sudden heart attacks or even deaths are at an all time high atm and might even continue to surge. Yesterday we had a "new unknown" sickness in the media Tell-A-Vision outlets called "ME/CFS" basically all the symptoms of vaccination damage. Its devastatingly shocking to see that many athletes die while active a game of whatever they professionay play.
Heads up to Novak Djokoviç btw for speaking out against the vaccines.
Heads up to Novak Djokoviç btw for speaking out against the vaccines.

I was an anti vaxer so didnβt willingly roll up my sleeve till I caught Covid and spent the next 3 weeks hooked up to machines in ICU. Itβs kinda fucked me up in the long run too. During my recovery I spoke to a dr who was an expert on biology and had done a thesis on viruses in university. He explained to me how it works and how it has mutated and most likely jumped from species to species. As humanity continues to expand across the globe at a rapid rate pandemics will happen. We will most likely get another in the next 30 years. Why the vaccine was created so quickly was it had been worked on for years. Since the SARS outbreak in Asia in the early 2000s. As coronavirus is a type of SARS or is very closely related (on this Iβm not sure) it wasnβt really created quickly. Doctors and scientists just had to adapt their work slightly. It wasnβt an easy process by any means but so many people will involved in its creation. I respect everyoneβs rights and opinions on vaccines but really they are a GREAT thing. Much peace and love.

Corona virus and SARS are completely differentβ¦also the vaccine was being worked on for yearsβ¦a number of years ago. It failed trials as a cancer treatment drug because of respitpry problems. All this information was easily searchable on Google the day the vaccine was announced, since it has been buried by propaganda.
In regards to the doctor (of medicine, not viruses) he is contradicting the professionals who have been studying the coronavirus in bats for years. As it was the virus was nowhere near βjumping speciesβ in its evolution. The wet market theory was debunked a little while ago also..
The mad thing is all the information Elon Musk released in his Twitter Files where he found collusion between govornment and all social media platforms to only promote their plan and to silence (or deplatform) anyone (including professionals in virus and pandemics) that strayed from the governmentβs stance. They even silenced the pandemic professionals who advised against vaccinating during an active plandemic as it would induce mutations and variants of the virusβ¦odd what happened next.
Back to the original question? No, it wasnβt biological warfare, it was a psychological experiment in societal controlβ¦all over the world and 99% of people rolled overβ¦this is all my own opinion which was gleamed with massive research.
In regards to the doctor (of medicine, not viruses) he is contradicting the professionals who have been studying the coronavirus in bats for years. As it was the virus was nowhere near βjumping speciesβ in its evolution. The wet market theory was debunked a little while ago also..
The mad thing is all the information Elon Musk released in his Twitter Files where he found collusion between govornment and all social media platforms to only promote their plan and to silence (or deplatform) anyone (including professionals in virus and pandemics) that strayed from the governmentβs stance. They even silenced the pandemic professionals who advised against vaccinating during an active plandemic as it would induce mutations and variants of the virusβ¦odd what happened next.
Back to the original question? No, it wasnβt biological warfare, it was a psychological experiment in societal controlβ¦all over the world and 99% of people rolled overβ¦this is all my own opinion which was gleamed with massive research.

Don't you feel dumb for believing all the lies though?
And even dumber for trying to gaslight others as "hitting the ganja too hard"?
Or are you still hidden under a rock with your fingers in your ears screaming "lalalalala I CANT HEAR YOU".
And even dumber for trying to gaslight others as "hitting the ganja too hard"?
Or are you still hidden under a rock with your fingers in your ears screaming "lalalalala I CANT HEAR YOU".

Coronavirus doesn’t have DNA, it’s not even really alive. It’s just a code of RNA
Like a computer virus it can only “live” and replicate inside a host
Like a computer virus it can only “live” and replicate inside a host

You should get out of that confi barrel of yours and start researching things for yourself than listening to the mainstream media. There was a paper published by a Uni don't remember which one as I read this 2 years ago but they researched the COVID virus and guess what parts of the virus does not occur in nature thus man made. Furthermore a virologist came out and said the same thing. As he did that they tried to cancel him. It's a good time to wake up buddy

You seen the Twitter Files yet?
They deplatformed some pandemic professional who was saying vaccinating during a pandemic would invoke variants and mutations of the virusβ¦he was so rightβ¦but you know, we smoke too much ganja and itβs all a coincidence π€·ββοΈ
They deplatformed some pandemic professional who was saying vaccinating during a pandemic would invoke variants and mutations of the virusβ¦he was so rightβ¦but you know, we smoke too much ganja and itβs all a coincidence π€·ββοΈ

I respect your opinion dude but you need to be able to back your source up. Not just say it was a paper you read from a university you canβt remember the name of.

Oh the source bashing lameness... this isn't
All sources are fallible, and nowadays the more "verified" the less true....
All sources are fallible, and nowadays the more "verified" the less true....

All what I wanted to say is once you start doing some digging it becomes clear that all this COVID plandemic was one very fishy business. I don't think that's a secret anymore. Sorry but I don't have time to search all these papers up again you will have to do it yourself.

Itβs a good time to get a proper scientific education and learn how to weigh up multiple peer reviewed studies rather than relying on that one thing you read somewhere once.

Some comments have not aged well.
Hope you have called your conspiracy theory friends and apologised?
Hope you have called your conspiracy theory friends and apologised?

But speaking scientifically, here is an article form TheScientist in 2015 discussing how the sars coronavirus cross, created in a lab, by Ralph Baric, is a bad thing. Ralph argues otherwise.
conspiracy my arse, its a coup. the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
conspiracy my arse, its a coup. the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

You know it was man made in a lab tho donβt you? And probably released on purpose? The amount of civil unrest in the world, the obscene amounts of money that lots of people have made from it, the control back in the hands of the governments of the world?
The mRNA vaccine has been around for about a decade. Theyβd been trying to get funding to test it uni a human population but no one wanted to fund it. They were just about to have to give up on years of hard work and money, then coincidentally, everyone got Covid and special laws were passed that meant they could administer it without the proper research done on it. And now theyβve made a shit tonne of money.
Itβs not all coincidental and it wasnβt an accident.
The mRNA vaccine has been around for about a decade. Theyβd been trying to get funding to test it uni a human population but no one wanted to fund it. They were just about to have to give up on years of hard work and money, then coincidentally, everyone got Covid and special laws were passed that meant they could administer it without the proper research done on it. And now theyβve made a shit tonne of money.
Itβs not all coincidental and it wasnβt an accident.

I thought the same at the time. But there are genetic markers in coronavirus that couldn't have got in there naturally.
The current most plausible theory is that there was an accidental leak from the lab, caused by lax bio-security that had been highlighted in the past.
Check out John Sudworth's BBC podcast "Fever: The Hunt for Covid's Origin"
The current most plausible theory is that there was an accidental leak from the lab, caused by lax bio-security that had been highlighted in the past.
Check out John Sudworth's BBC podcast "Fever: The Hunt for Covid's Origin"

this describes everyone here (without regard to planetary origin) the trick dear biggaz is to see all sides and remain open until a conclusion is actually required.

If you actually look at 5g you will see that over 130 thousand 5g towers were put in china in 2019 in the bid to win this stupid 5g race.
November to be exact is when it all started with the mass 5g installations and yet thats also when the first case of coronavirus was confirmed.
With over 10 thousand being installed in wuhan alone.
You look at side effects from emf frequencies and a lot of it could well be linked. It does have the potential to mutate things.
America has approximately 10 thousand 5g antennas throughout the whole country to put it into perspective.
Look at the amount of emf related complaints in america alone.
Recently near me they turned on 5g and 200 birds fell out of the sky. The news tried to say oh must of been a bird of prey ? things arent always black and white. Coronavirus is just another virus they are using to fear monger. Then there will be a vaccine for it.
Every year its the same. Sars. Bird flu. Swine flu. Ebola. The normal flu. Same shit every year . People just got to open their eyes.
November to be exact is when it all started with the mass 5g installations and yet thats also when the first case of coronavirus was confirmed.
With over 10 thousand being installed in wuhan alone.
You look at side effects from emf frequencies and a lot of it could well be linked. It does have the potential to mutate things.
America has approximately 10 thousand 5g antennas throughout the whole country to put it into perspective.
Look at the amount of emf related complaints in america alone.
Recently near me they turned on 5g and 200 birds fell out of the sky. The news tried to say oh must of been a bird of prey ? things arent always black and white. Coronavirus is just another virus they are using to fear monger. Then there will be a vaccine for it.
Every year its the same. Sars. Bird flu. Swine flu. Ebola. The normal flu. Same shit every year . People just got to open their eyes.

I personally feel mass 5g installations are causing a lot of side effects . Pneumonia is even a side effect of emf frequencies so really does make you wonder.

bio warfare/public health research fuck up
malicious shit dropped w cover of lab?
when you cant trust government to not kill people anyway does it matter?
malicious shit dropped w cover of lab?
when you cant trust government to not kill people anyway does it matter?

I’ll play the tinfoil hat card in that case:
The level 4 bio lab in wuhan was funded by the Americans and traces back to non other than Jeffery Epstein/Harvard university (see YouTube: Shaun Attwood’s Jeffery Epstein playlist vids).
The idea is in the short term to undermine the Asian economy (working well) and in the long term to assist in the Committee of 300/Black Monarchy plan to reduce the global population by 50% by 2050. Big Pharmaceutical companies will make huge profits also which all go back to the 300.
See ‘The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman’ in YouTube. This will show the truth to those with eyes to see.
It is just 1 small thread.
5g will make many of us infertile in the short term and cause cancer in the longer term. The weaponised aspect with full coverage will make protest or revolt near on impossible.
The goal is 1 world government with the masses easily managed.
Lots of us are waking up. We can stop this. I am not the masses, I am an individual.
The elite nonces want total power. Let’s stand up and say no. Join your local ‘no 5g’ group and get up and protest. For your kids sake. As the lyrics say if you tolerate this then your children will be next. Take 5 mins and look at the vids. Look at Prince Andrew’s victim Virginia Giuffre’s twitter page. She provides documents from California courts claiming Donald Trump raped a 13 year old child. Why was the case dropped? Why don’t we hear about it? Why do the elites (Clinton, trump, Heath, the royals, etc etc) all nonce? The truth is in plain sight.
Jimmy Savile was prince Charles best mate and gave marriage counciling to Diana. She wrote about it in her autobiography.
Charles best mate: Savile. Andrews best mates: Epstein and maxwell. If you read this far then peace and love.
We are waking up.
The level 4 bio lab in wuhan was funded by the Americans and traces back to non other than Jeffery Epstein/Harvard university (see YouTube: Shaun Attwood’s Jeffery Epstein playlist vids).
The idea is in the short term to undermine the Asian economy (working well) and in the long term to assist in the Committee of 300/Black Monarchy plan to reduce the global population by 50% by 2050. Big Pharmaceutical companies will make huge profits also which all go back to the 300.
See ‘The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman’ in YouTube. This will show the truth to those with eyes to see.
It is just 1 small thread.
5g will make many of us infertile in the short term and cause cancer in the longer term. The weaponised aspect with full coverage will make protest or revolt near on impossible.
The goal is 1 world government with the masses easily managed.
Lots of us are waking up. We can stop this. I am not the masses, I am an individual.
The elite nonces want total power. Let’s stand up and say no. Join your local ‘no 5g’ group and get up and protest. For your kids sake. As the lyrics say if you tolerate this then your children will be next. Take 5 mins and look at the vids. Look at Prince Andrew’s victim Virginia Giuffre’s twitter page. She provides documents from California courts claiming Donald Trump raped a 13 year old child. Why was the case dropped? Why don’t we hear about it? Why do the elites (Clinton, trump, Heath, the royals, etc etc) all nonce? The truth is in plain sight.
Jimmy Savile was prince Charles best mate and gave marriage counciling to Diana. She wrote about it in her autobiography.
Charles best mate: Savile. Andrews best mates: Epstein and maxwell. If you read this far then peace and love.
We are waking up.

ridiculous, if the us engineered something like this wouldn't they first go after their #1 enemy, the iranian governement?
wait a sec...
wait a sec...

Not my opinion but Il play the other card, for the purpose of debate.
China did this to themselves, intentionally. What better way to elevate your economy than to release pathogen which will breeze over the healthy, yet kill sick and old people. Minimising/removing welfare and health costs and leaving behind an entire working populous. What a way to beat the tariffs...wanna bet the cure comes from china too?
FWIW I despise conspiracy theories, they are based in fear and ignorance, all are entitled to their own thoughts though!
As I said this is not my opinion, but we live in a world where all things must be considered, even the things which at times seem impossible are more often than not, just improbable.
Peace x
China did this to themselves, intentionally. What better way to elevate your economy than to release pathogen which will breeze over the healthy, yet kill sick and old people. Minimising/removing welfare and health costs and leaving behind an entire working populous. What a way to beat the tariffs...wanna bet the cure comes from china too?
FWIW I despise conspiracy theories, they are based in fear and ignorance, all are entitled to their own thoughts though!
As I said this is not my opinion, but we live in a world where all things must be considered, even the things which at times seem impossible are more often than not, just improbable.
Peace x

population control lol
If them riots had spread to mainland China how much would that affect the economy
Just throwing some stuff out there
If them riots had spread to mainland China how much would that affect the economy
Just throwing some stuff out there

you wanna corona virus conspiracy eh? well, just ask yourself who profits here

New world order.
Goal - population under 500,00,000
Time frame - 100 yrs
How to achieve?
Release a virus that scares the world into hiding.
Wait until it spreads globally, killing the elderly and sick in wave one.
Produce a vaccine within a year, that offers people hope of a return to normality, without fear!
Vaccine designed to sterilize 80% of population.
In the mean time, allow virus to reach up to 8 waves before population has been completely vaccinated.
I mean....if i was to theorize.... ;)
Goal - population under 500,00,000
Time frame - 100 yrs
How to achieve?
Release a virus that scares the world into hiding.
Wait until it spreads globally, killing the elderly and sick in wave one.
Produce a vaccine within a year, that offers people hope of a return to normality, without fear!
Vaccine designed to sterilize 80% of population.
In the mean time, allow virus to reach up to 8 waves before population has been completely vaccinated.
I mean....if i was to theorize.... ;)

I certainly wont have any vaccination for sure. I wager though the governments will make it passive aggressive mandatory. What i mean by that is they probably wont make the jab law, but ibet eventually those that decline the jab will be forbidden from foreign travel or something similar. I guess covid is their way of stopping global warming.

I got the vaccine because it’s specifically for COVID-19, I don’t get the flu jab because that really is some one picking 5 strains at random for the pharms Xmas bonus

Funny how you say two contrary things within one statement. You got the vaccine for Covid-19, but not the flu shot because there are so many new flu mutated strains every year. Actually that is the contrary thing in your statement, why you might ask?
A breef overview of many (not all) Covid-19 mutations/strains:
So you are telling me that this would not be close to the case of the flu shots which are just moneymaking for Pharma as you mentioned earlier. Of course not all covid strains still roam around but it certainly is not only one single mutation that is infecting in waves, there are always multiple strains of Covid-19 circulating in populations. Today they stilm vaccinate people with the first vaccine for that very firsr Covid-19 strain. Now we have hundreds of covid strains and many subtypes. Lmao
A breef overview of many (not all) Covid-19 mutations/strains:
So you are telling me that this would not be close to the case of the flu shots which are just moneymaking for Pharma as you mentioned earlier. Of course not all covid strains still roam around but it certainly is not only one single mutation that is infecting in waves, there are always multiple strains of Covid-19 circulating in populations. Today they stilm vaccinate people with the first vaccine for that very firsr Covid-19 strain. Now we have hundreds of covid strains and many subtypes. Lmao

Well as a frontline worker I was vaccinated first before most of these variants happened. I donβt get vaccinated now due to what you have stated.

I commented before, but this time i'll just add some links.
They've been doing hella lot of research on corona viruses and enhancing potency of the viruses. Their research was US funded.
All the information is there is you look.
They've been isolating bat corona and seeing the infectiousness since 2000!
They also mention that the ageing population would be most affected.
And all of these studies are from 5 years ago.
It is a financial plan and a way to change civil liberty.
They've been doing hella lot of research on corona viruses and enhancing potency of the viruses. Their research was US funded.
All the information is there is you look.
They've been isolating bat corona and seeing the infectiousness since 2000!
They also mention that the ageing population would be most affected.
And all of these studies are from 5 years ago.
It is a financial plan and a way to change civil liberty.

Will add my long, angry 2 cents.
If you really honestly think all this was a natural incidence and don't see that there is provably a new agenda to restrict and control individuals freedoms with multiple prongs since this farce, then you are a stupid, stupid, gullible cunt that deserves to be a digital slave imprisoned in your own home..
It is unfathomable right now that you don't get it.
The gullibility and endless trust in convicted fellons with criminal records and legal indemnity is the only thing anybody should be weeping for humanity for.
Unless you are burying your gullible head in the sand, because you were shamefully cruel to others not as gullible as you, pick up your phone and apologise to your friends that you called insane fringe lunatics because of a medical procedure they didn't want.
How did the whole free world turn into conformity bullies? Some of the comments have aged like a 1 year old salmon. Do any of you feel dumb for buying this and shaming others who were skeptical?
Noam chomsky, Neil Young. All of em sold out, along with the average person..
What you are seeing on this thread by the people who refuse to see anything untoward is simply the old "easier to fool somebody than convince them they were fooled".
If you really honestly think all this was a natural incidence and don't see that there is provably a new agenda to restrict and control individuals freedoms with multiple prongs since this farce, then you are a stupid, stupid, gullible cunt that deserves to be a digital slave imprisoned in your own home..
It is unfathomable right now that you don't get it.
The gullibility and endless trust in convicted fellons with criminal records and legal indemnity is the only thing anybody should be weeping for humanity for.
Unless you are burying your gullible head in the sand, because you were shamefully cruel to others not as gullible as you, pick up your phone and apologise to your friends that you called insane fringe lunatics because of a medical procedure they didn't want.
How did the whole free world turn into conformity bullies? Some of the comments have aged like a 1 year old salmon. Do any of you feel dumb for buying this and shaming others who were skeptical?
Noam chomsky, Neil Young. All of em sold out, along with the average person..
What you are seeing on this thread by the people who refuse to see anything untoward is simply the old "easier to fool somebody than convince them they were fooled".

Such a fantastic comment this, i agree with everything you've said and i very much feel your anger
not a day goes by in my entire adult life where i haven't seen blatant reprehensible corruption at all levels of politics, science, medicine and academics all over the world, and of course nothing ever changes, nobody ever gets held accountable and even if the story gets aired in the mainstream it's quickly forgotten because come the next day you're already being bombarded with utter distracting nonsense
i've always noticed how incapable of critical thinking the average person is, unfortunately most of my friends and family are this way and since the pandemic, it's really taught me that most people are actually incapable of thinking, they're basically just organic robots with programmed social affinity executing genetic code, even their ability to talk is just a matter of repetition, they have absolutely no original thoughts and their alleged values and morality are born out of mimicking the words and behaviors of either actual people or media consensus
i've spent so many years working alongside these actual NPC's, engage these people in conversation and you will see that all of the things the average human βthinksβ are either what the media or the tribe has told them to believe or what they repeat from real people, not things they've actually thought and considered (because they don't have that ability)
Stupid, stupid gullible cunts.
not a day goes by in my entire adult life where i haven't seen blatant reprehensible corruption at all levels of politics, science, medicine and academics all over the world, and of course nothing ever changes, nobody ever gets held accountable and even if the story gets aired in the mainstream it's quickly forgotten because come the next day you're already being bombarded with utter distracting nonsense
i've always noticed how incapable of critical thinking the average person is, unfortunately most of my friends and family are this way and since the pandemic, it's really taught me that most people are actually incapable of thinking, they're basically just organic robots with programmed social affinity executing genetic code, even their ability to talk is just a matter of repetition, they have absolutely no original thoughts and their alleged values and morality are born out of mimicking the words and behaviors of either actual people or media consensus
i've spent so many years working alongside these actual NPC's, engage these people in conversation and you will see that all of the things the average human βthinksβ are either what the media or the tribe has told them to believe or what they repeat from real people, not things they've actually thought and considered (because they don't have that ability)
Stupid, stupid gullible cunts.

Yes, it seems like believing that individual rights (like bodily autonomy) are not negotiable makes you crazy, fringe and anything else negative nowadays.
The subtle conditioning makes progressives point at any libertarian (whether left or right leaning) and make a flurry of outrageous accusations just by the virtue they believe in strong individual and property rights instead of focusing on group rights.
The same people used the same bodily autonomy argument they rejected during covid to show their disgust at the repeal of Roe v Wade (which was a backwards step for America in my opinion).
Individual rights bad, group rights good... that was widespread. I lost count how many times somebody tried to say it was different because you can't transmit pregnancy. Most insane thing I ever heard.
It's ridiculous that anybody has to be persuaded to care about their freedom. To the point I have given up trying.
I don't believe in unrealistic or far fetched stories about satanism, flag earth or shape-shifting reptilian from the lower fourth dimension.
But this was clear - a small cabal of rich people and scientists in prominent positions hijacked science for their own purpose and that is an irrefutable fact after recent leaks.
What good does clinging onto the ghost of the wuhan fish market bat shit do anybody?
Anyway, nice to hear from somebody like minded and angry π€£
The subtle conditioning makes progressives point at any libertarian (whether left or right leaning) and make a flurry of outrageous accusations just by the virtue they believe in strong individual and property rights instead of focusing on group rights.
The same people used the same bodily autonomy argument they rejected during covid to show their disgust at the repeal of Roe v Wade (which was a backwards step for America in my opinion).
Individual rights bad, group rights good... that was widespread. I lost count how many times somebody tried to say it was different because you can't transmit pregnancy. Most insane thing I ever heard.
It's ridiculous that anybody has to be persuaded to care about their freedom. To the point I have given up trying.
I don't believe in unrealistic or far fetched stories about satanism, flag earth or shape-shifting reptilian from the lower fourth dimension.
But this was clear - a small cabal of rich people and scientists in prominent positions hijacked science for their own purpose and that is an irrefutable fact after recent leaks.
What good does clinging onto the ghost of the wuhan fish market bat shit do anybody?
Anyway, nice to hear from somebody like minded and angry π€£

i think youre having fun with this but if not how would such a secret ever be kept? it goes strongly against the most instinctive of human instincts to do this and keep quite about it.

The ways we receive our information are controlled.
A handful of major companies own the media.
Information is compartmentalised.
Silence is gained through money, threats/blackmail or killing/suiciding.
Check out the ‘Clinton body count’ and see how many of his close personal friends and bodyguards have died in light aircraft accidents or committed suicide. It’s not hidden, but a well constructed narrative that makes this sound silly protects it very well. An open mind is all that one needs. Much love.
A handful of major companies own the media.
Information is compartmentalised.
Silence is gained through money, threats/blackmail or killing/suiciding.
Check out the ‘Clinton body count’ and see how many of his close personal friends and bodyguards have died in light aircraft accidents or committed suicide. It’s not hidden, but a well constructed narrative that makes this sound silly protects it very well. An open mind is all that one needs. Much love.

if it were true this story could never break with corporate media. they all run their government's take on anything remotely like this.

Yes I think the hunter Biden laptop story has put pay to this "secrets can't be kept by humans" rubbish. Just a repeated fallacy that has no truth.
If the entire media industry can keep Philip Schofield's homosexuality secret for 30 odd years whilst he was appearing to live a straight, married life, they can hide something much more important to the public for at least as long.
It's a crude comparison, but one cannot deny the media is brutal. Remember them going after Keith Vaz so brutally whilst he was still married and an MP? How unfair was that on his family?
They can protect whoever and whatever they want to...
If the entire media industry can keep Philip Schofield's homosexuality secret for 30 odd years whilst he was appearing to live a straight, married life, they can hide something much more important to the public for at least as long.
It's a crude comparison, but one cannot deny the media is brutal. Remember them going after Keith Vaz so brutally whilst he was still married and an MP? How unfair was that on his family?
They can protect whoever and whatever they want to...

Spooks have protocols for this shit it usually means killing the researchers or holding something over them.

Well Fauci did admit after a 2 year stretch that now the likelihood of the virus is from a Lab
The wuhan lab was funded by the USA. It was carrying out gain of function research
The Vaccines have been the most profitable venture in human history
What is the reason of carrying out gain of function research?
The wuhan lab was funded by the USA. It was carrying out gain of function research
The Vaccines have been the most profitable venture in human history
What is the reason of carrying out gain of function research?

This explains a lot!

It would make sense for the Americans to start it off in china and overplay the number of deaths added to the fear and isolation and every person in the west is ready to boycott china or even war. Makes you think when all the countries suffering most deaths are usa, uk, italy, spain and france. They have never fought together before ?.. someone dies of a heart attack in the uk, do you think they will waste their very rare tests. Just write it as corona, Helps in multiple ways. Politicians are nuts. You never know! All I know is I only barely scraped through secondary school and I was saying shut down all flights from china to any country weeks before they even started reporting about what was happening in China on tv. It was all over twitter for months before. Just like trump said china cant hit the hong kong protesters and it was all over our tvs but macrons goons were beating the feck out of decent french people and our tvs showed nothing. Thank fuck we have weed in this crazy world
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence...
I’m sure it’s just a coincidence...

This spring would have had more protests than the 1960s. The Chinese government had a lot to lose with Hong Kong protests starting to spread to Guangdong province.
Is there anything they could keep them home as effectively as this?
Is there anything they could keep them home as effectively as this?

Undoubtedly the powers that be have concocted this virus to thin the herd of the weak and terrify the populace into obedience.

Of course. Why wouldn't US do this to Russia. Because they know that next day Russians will wave a tiny vial on TV saying they've cured it. And retaliate beyond repair.
Why not Iran? They have nothing to gain. But an economic 'war' with China. One has to make them look ugly and not appealing to deal with.
Same story is with so many African nations.
As a matter of fact, the italian man who was diagnosted with coronavirus walked out of a swiss hospital already. Cured. LOL.
Why not Iran? They have nothing to gain. But an economic 'war' with China. One has to make them look ugly and not appealing to deal with.
Same story is with so many African nations.
As a matter of fact, the italian man who was diagnosted with coronavirus walked out of a swiss hospital already. Cured. LOL.

You wouldn't put a virus like that out there to destroy another economy especially one where it effectives old people.

Sure, on Vulcan. But humans don't need able bodies people to die they only need to be scared. And that's what happened.
A virus with a bark bigger than it's bite is optimal for economic destruction and rather Trumpian if you ask me.
That said yeah of course this is just nature at work :)
A virus with a bark bigger than it's bite is optimal for economic destruction and rather Trumpian if you ask me.
That said yeah of course this is just nature at work :)

There’s a very interesting book written by Dean Koontz in 1981 The Eyes Of Darkness, that mentions a virus created in a lab just outside wuhan in labs called Wuhan-400, and he’s prediction is that it will affect humanity around 2020! Wether it’s genuine everyone can make up their own mind, interesting he mentions it though!

But yeah I can believe it was at least being developed or researched in a lab, and it got out. Maybe Russia were in on it too. After all they caused problems in Salisbury and they clearly don't adhere to international agreements. Germ / bacterial/ viral warfare on a global scale is the next best thing to nukes. At least the earth wouldn't be scorched -- but then the virus would kill the perpetrators too, so fuck knows.
Its a very clever and organically advanced virus too, affecting human lungs. I know "Mother Nature" is clever but ....this virus is quite advanced. Scary shit man.
But I never thought I would be so bored having to stay at home.
Its a very clever and organically advanced virus too, affecting human lungs. I know "Mother Nature" is clever but ....this virus is quite advanced. Scary shit man.
But I never thought I would be so bored having to stay at home.

the lamestream mediocres and corrupt WHO have been warning about a second wave. Now there are new cases springing up in Beijing.
Globally, the first wave is petering out, but the election is not until November.
Makes me wonder if we're being groomed for a second nonsensical lockdown. That history has already shown the first to be bullshit will I assume have no bearing if this is indeed what's coming down the pipe.
If there were some politically motivated opportunist mass gatherings orchestrated, then presumably the spread (of the second wave) could be pinned on these
Globally, the first wave is petering out, but the election is not until November.
Makes me wonder if we're being groomed for a second nonsensical lockdown. That history has already shown the first to be bullshit will I assume have no bearing if this is indeed what's coming down the pipe.
If there were some politically motivated opportunist mass gatherings orchestrated, then presumably the spread (of the second wave) could be pinned on these

Sooooo many NPC's on this thread. I hope you read through your old comments and cringe you gullible fucks.

It's 56min long but found it interesting as it was uploaded 12 years ago and he talks about a flu like virus released on China.

My opinion on matters like this are not worth 5p, but the timing of covid being in similar time frame to the UK leaving the EU does seem convenient. Seems like the East trying to destabilize the west. Im sure it would be in Chinas interest for the whole EU to collapse. Also UK and London being the financial capital and the UK suffering worse economical damage than any other EU country shortly after agreeing to leave the EU just seems incredible timing. Couldve randomly occured 6.4 years ago, but randomly occured shortly after the beginning of the EU starting to dissolve. And again nobody is disputing this virus came from china and its timing is so outrageously perfect as to is its target. Dont know anything, just smells a bit fishy.

Please stay safe people. This is really scary!! Would recommend for some
Good advice.
Good advice.

I would like to think, that if I made a bio weapon it would a bit more potent than a sore throat and a cough

If you were to release it on the world, what other way would you make sure
a. It doesn't kill YOUR family
b. It doesn't kill off the whole workforce of the economy that actually make the priveleged class possible?
a. It doesn't kill YOUR family
b. It doesn't kill off the whole workforce of the economy that actually make the priveleged class possible?

The virus came from China, nobody is disputing that, China wouldn't hurt their own economy like that intentionally. Plenty of lies and shady dealings around covid but this ain't it chief.

some of the comments here are so cliche stoner, it makes me embarrassed to consider myself one.
we'll never know the truth and i'm not getting pointless angry until the facts are laid out and undeniable. these kind of coronaviruses exist in nature, and we know that governments also fuck around with experiments. that's all we know for a fact.
some of you sound like you believe 5G turns people into gay frogs. wait for the undeniable facts and in the meanwhile, smoke lots of weed but not so much that you believe anything you read on Facebook.
we'll never know the truth and i'm not getting pointless angry until the facts are laid out and undeniable. these kind of coronaviruses exist in nature, and we know that governments also fuck around with experiments. that's all we know for a fact.
some of you sound like you believe 5G turns people into gay frogs. wait for the undeniable facts and in the meanwhile, smoke lots of weed but not so much that you believe anything you read on Facebook.

depends... if djt is re-elected then yes. if Biden/democratx then no. democrats love chinas money. sell-out central.
china has been open about wanting to be the supreme world superpower. they pay-off everyone, in every facet.
national self-sufficiency is the base line. trade is the gravy. those are the foundations of stability. it's common sense.
bio-warfare is available as we've experienced. c19 is lab-derived corona rna with hiv sequences inserted and affinity enabled. if this was originally an accident then it was certainly weaponised. the good and the bad of biowar is that it is essentially nuclear-level as at today.
china has been open about wanting to be the supreme world superpower. they pay-off everyone, in every facet.
national self-sufficiency is the base line. trade is the gravy. those are the foundations of stability. it's common sense.
bio-warfare is available as we've experienced. c19 is lab-derived corona rna with hiv sequences inserted and affinity enabled. if this was originally an accident then it was certainly weaponised. the good and the bad of biowar is that it is essentially nuclear-level as at today.

1 post
+0.2 votes

what are the effects of masks on a society?
Iβll throw my hat in and say the primary effect has been mass mental illness:
βI just stare at that little box with my face in it and pick apart my a…
More than 70% of communication is non verbal. Our brains translate thousands of pieces of visual facial info in a second. Block this and our minds display stress signals that can deeply disturb us over time...

im opposite, im autistic, the visual facial cues have to be processed and that takes time, wearing a mask means i can relax and not worry about having a huge grin(really a nervous grimace) when someone tells me their mum has died.

Thatβs an interesting perspective. Iβm guessing masks are here to stay, I just want them to be voluntary...

They have been wearing masks in heavy populated countries (China/Japan/Thailand) since MARS Virus a few years ago. And in the bigger picture they got a handle on it rather well. Same with Covid they didn't take a bigger hit as we have. I can't see how wearing masks isn't a wise choice in close proximity to other people

I think it's all about the effectiveness of the masks.
Proper NHS PPE worn by nurses and doctors yes, but a cotton mask pulled out of a pocket every now and again, after touching numerous things in the meantime, then readjusting it with hands every 30 seconds is probably about as much use as an inflatable dart board.
Just my 2p
Cheers BB
Proper NHS PPE worn by nurses and doctors yes, but a cotton mask pulled out of a pocket every now and again, after touching numerous things in the meantime, then readjusting it with hands every 30 seconds is probably about as much use as an inflatable dart board.
Just my 2p
Cheers BB

They are dehumanising, antisocial and have become a comfort blanket for the insecure and the effects on society will be long lasting.

Less concern of pathogenic transmissions, of viruses brought back from breaking the earths gravity and a go ahead punching portals in the stratosphere. Also a great opportunity for big global heath services.

"A new study on face masks highlights their inefficacy, lack of safety and ability to cause physiological, psychological and long-term health problems, which may culminate in immune suppression, worsened chronic disease, accelerated aging and premature death"

The main reason for wearing masks is to stop the spread of transmission. They primarily stop infected people spreading the virus and their preventative use is limited at best. I think it's missing the point saying you can wear a mask but still catch a virus. That's not the main purpose even if it does have some positive effect in reducing your chances of catching a virus.

Iβll throw my hat in and say the primary effect has been mass mental illness:
βI just stare at that little box with my face in it and pick apart my appearance,β she said, noting that her distress is affecting her job performance. βMy double chin seems six times larger, my eye bags are too deep of a purple, etc β¦ Even when thereβs a heatwave and my apartment is close to 90 degrees, Iβll wear a turtleneck that I can pull up. I pack on thick makeup that makes my skin peel.β
Going out in public with a black surgical mask that covers her chin and sunglasses that cover her eye bags provides Miller with an escape from that sense of scrutiny.
βI 10,000% plan on wearing it for the foreseeable future,β she said. βAfter a full work day of worrying and not being able to focus on my actual job, it just feels nice to blend in. Simply put, Iβm sick of being perceived.β
Personally itβs not for me... I just wear the magic exempt badge ;)
βI just stare at that little box with my face in it and pick apart my appearance,β she said, noting that her distress is affecting her job performance. βMy double chin seems six times larger, my eye bags are too deep of a purple, etc β¦ Even when thereβs a heatwave and my apartment is close to 90 degrees, Iβll wear a turtleneck that I can pull up. I pack on thick makeup that makes my skin peel.β
Going out in public with a black surgical mask that covers her chin and sunglasses that cover her eye bags provides Miller with an escape from that sense of scrutiny.
βI 10,000% plan on wearing it for the foreseeable future,β she said. βAfter a full work day of worrying and not being able to focus on my actual job, it just feels nice to blend in. Simply put, Iβm sick of being perceived.β
Personally itβs not for me... I just wear the magic exempt badge ;)

1 post
+2 votes

Royal mail delays
I guess we shouldn’t be too hard on them then... thanks for the great info!

Royal mail delays
Hello fellow biggies, are you experiencing delays from Royal mail in receiving items this december? I usually get them in 2 days , been waiting for a week now from 2 diff vendors and nothing .

Just spoke to the Postie, he said they have 1.5 million parcels in circulation in Mail and contractor vans because they have no more trolley storage, and they only have half as many people working as they can’t share vans. He also said they are delivering on Sundays now until Christmas, and that just because he doesn’t have it doesn’t mean it won’t come in a van later.

Yes im waiting on 3 orders,1 just arrived so hopfully more tomoro or monday,defo slow atm

Yes waiting on orders from two vendors, both a day overdue (so far) compared to their usual timeframe.

1st class is taking about 4 days here. 2nd class weeks. royal mail updates frequently say not all mail could be processed or even fit it all onto transit.

Hi kickass420. And to all..Special NDD delivery all the December..or people will be disappointed come xmas brother a postman for 20 years.and even first class items.already up to a weeks delay..wouldnt even use 2nd class ...just a bit of friendly advice biggers .if the vendor you order off doesnt do special Delivery option..find one that does .or ask them to consider it!!!.
DONT be waiting for your orders until.after xmas .If you order late.and expect 1st class items to arrive friendly advice is order this weekend.if you plan to use 1st avoid any disapointments :-))
DONT be waiting for your orders until.after xmas .If you order late.and expect 1st class items to arrive friendly advice is order this weekend.if you plan to use 1st avoid any disapointments :-))

agreed. though had a couple special deliverys miss the delivery day. that's checking the stamped date to when I received it. usually shows on the tracking to. most miss or barely make the 4pm guarantee either. the amount I've spent on postage alone just to guarantee an ok delivery time this year. yet probably up there with yodel on how shit they are. I don't blame the postie though. shitty times we're in and doesn't help the RM have to keep one eye on their stock price now.

Hi kickass mate.yer no exactly what your saying. it can get costly using special Delivery each time.especially when its not always on time.but can safely say they do turn this time of the year its a safer bet than normal post or first class..and yer cant put all blame on posties..they do there best I suppose..they do get rammed with deliverys and loads packages.I was a postman for 9years myself while ago.know how it can be at this time of the year..!!!.id be still happy even if a special Delivery was a day late.than wait a week or more for 1st class items.nowt worse than your weed turning up beginning of the new year..and it does happen!!.think cut off for 1st class is normally around the 20th December?.ill have ordered my xmas stash well before then lol!!!.have a good 1 kickass..

I have hardly received any mail for over 2 weeks, pretty frustrating.
Still waiting on an order I made on the 24th, and I moved out yesterday...
Still waiting on an order I made on the 24th, and I moved out yesterday...

Hi Raw thanks for the vote respect:-))
R u still waiting on your order Raw??..hope you get it soon!!.and if you say you moved out??.best to put a redirection in at royal mail mate.. Good advice is just use special Delivery ND Raw to avoid waiting and being disappointed .take it easy mate..jb
R u still waiting on your order Raw??..hope you get it soon!!.and if you say you moved out??.best to put a redirection in at royal mail mate.. Good advice is just use special Delivery ND Raw to avoid waiting and being disappointed .take it easy mate..jb

Yeah, I'm in the same situation. Ordered from two vendors, one last Thursday and one on Sunday. Still no sign of either order as of Friday evening, although worryingly I've been receiving other mail as normal.

Mine tend to take 4 days max so I think it’s defo different areas with the higher levels of lockdown effecting the pace of the post.
Bloody nightmare. X( Even re supplying for me atleast has been a problem.. took my plug an extra week to come up with my reload.
Bloody nightmare. X( Even re supplying for me atleast has been a problem.. took my plug an extra week to come up with my reload.

Xmas delays started at the start of November. In my experience they only really apply to normal delivery options[1st/2nd class], where NDD was delayed one day once or twice. The problem with Christmas 'delays' are that there are Xmas Temp workers (who like to help themselves) and they show as lost in the system or still on the way and never show delivered, making it hard to figure if it's been seized or stolen.

I was i formed off postman that they are running 2 day delay, true to his word mine came today n normally would of been thursday so seems pretty accurate, hope this helps

1 post
+1 votes

bitcoin fee's
I can understand why its BTC only - pretty much all the βrealβ cash money (NOT USDT) still flows in and out of bitcoin almost exclusively. That being …

bitcoin fee's
Hi, I've bought off here 7 times now, the 1st 6 times were between last september and early january I'm pretty certain the charges I incurred for sending bitcoins from my Paxful wallet were around £5 or $5 Last week I made a purchase and was somewhat "surprised" to find that the fee was now .0004 Btc (£16) Has anybody else noticed this? Is there anyway around it? is it just Paxful ?
Personally an extra £16 would make it just too expensive fo me
Personally an extra £16 would make it just too expensive fo me

yeah admin needs to add LITECOIN OR MONERO. Much cheaper fees and easily accesible for most

I thought I just come up with a genius idea called cannacoin but after a swift googling it appears someone beat me to it! We should use that on here.

Bitcoin has become over priced to send, I tried to send the £19 I had left in my wallet set it to send all and it would only send £7.62 the balance £11.38 is fees. Tried the same transaction values with litecoin and the charge would have been 12p !!! COME ON LB INTRODUCE LITECOIN NOW!

the BTC in my wallet has lost close to £20 in value over the last 24 hours and no matter what time i try to send the fees are just so high! unless i want to set the limit to about 12 bytes and wait 6 hours

If you buy bnb then send ot to your atomic wallet you can change it to btc in the wallet and then set your own miner fee . I set my own miner fee to like a fiver it takes longer but the initial transaction still goes through. To swap from bnb to btc its not even even pound . Xlm would be the perfect currency or bnb . 0.01 xlm transaction costs which is less than a penny

The fluctuation and rise of btc price has driven fees up, personally I would use a wallet like electrum where you can select lower mining fees... One example might be buying a months worth of coins from a vendor like coinbase and transferring that to an electrum wallet, where you can then send payments at a lower tailored fee.
It may mean moving away from Paxful, but then be aware of minimum withdrawals as it may be possible to buy $30 worth btc, but the minimum you can take out is $70. Ultimately it's something you will have to research to find the best method/price for you, best of luck.
It may mean moving away from Paxful, but then be aware of minimum withdrawals as it may be possible to buy $30 worth btc, but the minimum you can take out is $70. Ultimately it's something you will have to research to find the best method/price for you, best of luck.

...or alternatively vote with our feet as the vendors have and just not use LB until it’s sorted properly and made fair for sellers and buyers.
It’s not rocket science to offer alternatives to BTC and it makes me slightly suspicious as to why LB are dragging their feet over this.
Come on LB! Don’t let us all down....
It’s not rocket science to offer alternatives to BTC and it makes me slightly suspicious as to why LB are dragging their feet over this.
Come on LB! Don’t let us all down....

Too many exchanges now are charging expensive fees to buy and send btc off their exchange. I have a account...I recently bought $1500 of btc and was charged about $100! Is this about the going rate? I chose because it has one of the finest security ratings, unlike Coinbase where accounts are subject to hackers and random shutouts of user accounts. Be careful and choose an exchange wisely.

I can understand why its BTC only - pretty much all the ‘real’ cash money (NOT USDT) still flows in and out of bitcoin almost exclusively. That being said the fees are definitely a problem making it impractical to buy smaller amounts from a variety of sellers which was always one of the things I really liked about this site
I think the fees will gradually come back down to earth but unfortunately so will the spot price ;)
I think the fees will gradually come back down to earth but unfortunately so will the spot price ;)

1 post
+2 votes

Why don't vendors used tracked services?
The tracking reveals which post office items come from and when to all and sundry. Youβre also establishing a comprehensive digital paper trail. The h…

Why don't vendors used tracked services?
Hey all! I'm new here to LB and stumbled upon it during lock down here in the UK. So firstly would like to wish everyone here a healthy and safe upcoming weeks or months until this mess is over. Finding a community like this is truly a godsend as I would never have thought a community like this exists.
Onto the main topic, why don't some vendors use tracked services? I have read several vendors saying it's to protect both the vendors and buyers, but I am yet to still see the reasons behind for a valid argument (I apologise for the naivety if it's a simple answer). Surely the appeal of having a NDD service where buyers can keep an eye out or know when to wait for the posty and get to the mail first, preventing other household members living in shared accommodation must attract a huge portion of buyers? Personally I live with 5 others and sometimes have nosey parents asking what's been purchased and then the fear of discretion of smell etc on top of that.
I think as a buyer I am fairly well protected. I never use a real name and if others in the house ask who's that, I just say a friend had to order a birthday gift to mine. If the boys in blue come around asking questions, I would say "who?". So as a buyer I'd say we're protected, so whats the reason for vendors?
Only reason I ask is as a new user of LB, I of course was extremely sceptical of such a service and didn't believe it. I ended up purchasing something from RB, who by the way actually amazed me. I was in disbelief when the product landed as it was so quick and was updated throughout!
Unfortunately for my second purchase, the vendor (I will not name in public until I know they definitely have stopped trying to help) hasn't been great in terms of service. Due to that reason, I will only purchase products from sellers that use a tracked service. This eliminates a massive selection of vendors who all had amazing products that I could not wait to try, however my choices are limited. I am not for a second saying people shouldn't use vendors without tracked services, I'm trying to simply encourage some vendors to seek other options in order to generate business and appeal to those who only want a tracked service.
My problem was the vendor (who has had plenty of feedback saying they are generally slow at sending stuff out) just isn't great at convincing me they care enough and has left me with more anxiety than ever. I paid on the 20th of May, wasn't posted until the 23rd of May, sent a message asking for tracking details (still never replied what service they used or wasn't clear), they typically reply every 2-3 days even though it shows they've been online for the day, and I just get messages saying basically wait.
The fear of it taking 2 weeks, thinking is this seller genuine, have they event sent it, are they taking advantage of new users etc makes your brain work overtime and makes it even worse when they don't reply or give assurances.
This morning (3rd of June), finally a packet arrived and I was over the moon - until only to find out it only contained half the amount of what I paid for. If the vendor now needs to send me another half as they sent me the wrong amount, I don't want to wait another 2 weeks wondering what's going on. Then of course there will be the possibility that the vendor will claim it's impossible they sent the wrong amount, I have no idea where I stand! Just would be down around £50 and will forever have a sour taste in my mouth. This then comes back to me arguing that more vendors should use tracked services which MUST attract more buyers who have been in similar situations. This one vendor unfortunately has ruined it for me and surely I can't be the only one to have experienced something like this.
Looking at trying to get a refund doesn't seem simple enough. It looks like it's all about how many positive orders you've made etc but doesn't seem to protect us newbies. I understand this isn't your average business, but there must be things in place to protect us from vendors who unfortunately to either con buyers or think they can get away with it.
Sorry for the long rant but if anyone could enlighten me, that would be great. Also any vendors out there who are undecided about using tracked services, PLEASE DO! You will have at least me who would consider buying from you instead of automatically eliminating you!
Onto the main topic, why don't some vendors use tracked services? I have read several vendors saying it's to protect both the vendors and buyers, but I am yet to still see the reasons behind for a valid argument (I apologise for the naivety if it's a simple answer). Surely the appeal of having a NDD service where buyers can keep an eye out or know when to wait for the posty and get to the mail first, preventing other household members living in shared accommodation must attract a huge portion of buyers? Personally I live with 5 others and sometimes have nosey parents asking what's been purchased and then the fear of discretion of smell etc on top of that.
I think as a buyer I am fairly well protected. I never use a real name and if others in the house ask who's that, I just say a friend had to order a birthday gift to mine. If the boys in blue come around asking questions, I would say "who?". So as a buyer I'd say we're protected, so whats the reason for vendors?
Only reason I ask is as a new user of LB, I of course was extremely sceptical of such a service and didn't believe it. I ended up purchasing something from RB, who by the way actually amazed me. I was in disbelief when the product landed as it was so quick and was updated throughout!
Unfortunately for my second purchase, the vendor (I will not name in public until I know they definitely have stopped trying to help) hasn't been great in terms of service. Due to that reason, I will only purchase products from sellers that use a tracked service. This eliminates a massive selection of vendors who all had amazing products that I could not wait to try, however my choices are limited. I am not for a second saying people shouldn't use vendors without tracked services, I'm trying to simply encourage some vendors to seek other options in order to generate business and appeal to those who only want a tracked service.
My problem was the vendor (who has had plenty of feedback saying they are generally slow at sending stuff out) just isn't great at convincing me they care enough and has left me with more anxiety than ever. I paid on the 20th of May, wasn't posted until the 23rd of May, sent a message asking for tracking details (still never replied what service they used or wasn't clear), they typically reply every 2-3 days even though it shows they've been online for the day, and I just get messages saying basically wait.
The fear of it taking 2 weeks, thinking is this seller genuine, have they event sent it, are they taking advantage of new users etc makes your brain work overtime and makes it even worse when they don't reply or give assurances.
This morning (3rd of June), finally a packet arrived and I was over the moon - until only to find out it only contained half the amount of what I paid for. If the vendor now needs to send me another half as they sent me the wrong amount, I don't want to wait another 2 weeks wondering what's going on. Then of course there will be the possibility that the vendor will claim it's impossible they sent the wrong amount, I have no idea where I stand! Just would be down around £50 and will forever have a sour taste in my mouth. This then comes back to me arguing that more vendors should use tracked services which MUST attract more buyers who have been in similar situations. This one vendor unfortunately has ruined it for me and surely I can't be the only one to have experienced something like this.
Looking at trying to get a refund doesn't seem simple enough. It looks like it's all about how many positive orders you've made etc but doesn't seem to protect us newbies. I understand this isn't your average business, but there must be things in place to protect us from vendors who unfortunately to either con buyers or think they can get away with it.
Sorry for the long rant but if anyone could enlighten me, that would be great. Also any vendors out there who are undecided about using tracked services, PLEASE DO! You will have at least me who would consider buying from you instead of automatically eliminating you!

Go into your local Post Office if you live in a small town/village, and give a fake return address for the tracked service.
What happens if the person behind the counter knows the person that lives in that address because they're a post person and it's a small town/village?
You're fucked. Whilst being under CCTV.
Or just post your stuff in a postbox in the middle of nowhere and have zero stress.
Those who live in big cities may have a different opinion but for us country folk, tracked isn't an option. Far too much hassle.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB ππ
What happens if the person behind the counter knows the person that lives in that address because they're a post person and it's a small town/village?
You're fucked. Whilst being under CCTV.
Or just post your stuff in a postbox in the middle of nowhere and have zero stress.
Those who live in big cities may have a different opinion but for us country folk, tracked isn't an option. Far too much hassle.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB ππ

big city, quite back water. it's all the same mate. creating a paper trail is madness imo. good luck to anyone that chooses to offer tracking. each to their own but i will never gamble with my liberty in this way

NDD is a deal maker for me personally - the only vendor I am tempted to use that doesn't offer it is Gods Connect and that is only down to the range of Cali imports they have

I have seen Gods Connect and I couldn't wait to try their cali stuff! Unfortunately after this experience with this other vendor, I will have to give them a miss. I'm sure they have some good reviews and packets do arrive, however again I need something to show me when to expect a knock on the door from the posty. Just had a read of your review of gentlemens, nice review. Let me know if you do use GC if you remember to :)

The tracking reveals which post office items come from and when to all and sundry. You’re also establishing a comprehensive digital paper trail. The herb is still contraband in the UK let’s not forget ;)
God’s Connect are pros!
God’s Connect are pros!

Take your point and sorry to hear you've had an issue. I do agree it would be a perfect scenario - more trust between both parties and peace of mind for the vendor. All I can think is that the NDD or Tracked services I believe all have to be done over the counter. I can completely understand that vendors would feel exposed. It's all about traceability which is why I'd assume lots of what moves through the post is stamped as can be dropped anywhere by anyone. More flexibility as well re: bank holiday postage, opening hours etc.

That makes a lot of sense. But would it be such a problem if packets are well sealed and stealthy? I mean I managed to receive a packet from RB, no smell, nothing suspicious. And of course the half I received from the second vendor, again very stealthy and no suspicions. As far as I'm aware, Royal Mail do not scan packages sent to UK addresses from within the UK (correct me if i'm wrong). If vendors are worried about being identified by using counters, wouldn't it be great if vendors can share tips with each other to grow the community? I mean every vendor has different products and I understand it's a business end of the day, but come on? Just a suggestion :(

Anything sent signed or tracked delivery requires the vendor to go into the post office... if a package or multiple packages have been seized by the police, it would be easy enough for them to obtain the post office and a time that the packages were sent, then obtain CCTV footage as every post office has multiple cams. Thanks to Covid 19 you can walk into a post office with a mask and gloves on... but that not always the case. That would be my worry if I was doing it on a large scale

Hey UKgrower2, you're actually one of the 10 vendors left on my list for future purchases as I currently believe you offer tracked services so it's great hearing from you.
You've actually brought up a very interesting point - masks during covid. Would it not be a possibility for vendors to consider using this to their advantage (obviously covid and these trying times are horrendous for many so it's not a light subject) until such measures are removed? I mean I personally believe the use of masks will be mandatory in public places for some time (recently announced mandatory for persons using public transport in the coming weeks) and I strongly believe it will be our freedom or choice to continue using face masks in years to come.
You've actually brought up a very interesting point - masks during covid. Would it not be a possibility for vendors to consider using this to their advantage (obviously covid and these trying times are horrendous for many so it's not a light subject) until such measures are removed? I mean I personally believe the use of masks will be mandatory in public places for some time (recently announced mandatory for persons using public transport in the coming weeks) and I strongly believe it will be our freedom or choice to continue using face masks in years to come.

I never really used tracked services until the lockdown started making the first class post slow

Both Daan and Pistach offer NDD. I go to Daan for weed and Pistach for hash and the odd nice looking bud. Never had an issue with either. There has been a couple occasions when NDD took 2 days but delay was due to Royal Mail (I was sent the tracking number).

If vendors don't wanna send NDD that's there choice for there own, there are plenty of reliable vendors on here that only send first class which ive never had a problem with and have never not received a package. If you received a package and it was wrong then its probably a mistake, you've got to be patient with this site, it is an illegal site after all.

1 post
+3 votes
We need to get back to the landraces
started topic

We need to get back to the landraces
Ok there are little bits of sticks and red string here and there, but a surprising lack of seeds and it just completely agrees with me :)

1 post
+3 votes

started topic
ugh bought btc on localcryptos yesterday via paypal. Paypal put a freeze on my funds for 24 hours after I sent it. In 24 hours the btc I bought basically plummeted in value and now I have to buy a quarter instead of a half :(

Me too man. Lost about £160 in 2 weeks where I have been trying to decide what to buy!! Been going to bed thinking ‘I’ll sleep on it and do a buy tomorrow’, wake up and boom, fucking buy money half gone... been a proper shit couple of weeks... fucking stock market has got near on a oz of my weed money... ha fuckers...

Keep that bitcoin for the future when it rises and buy bitcoin now for purchase. That way what you pay now won’t be over the odds and when the market bounces back after coronavirus dies you should be sweet, maybe better off

I decided to sell a 50g block of 24k gold, made an awesome profit from when I bought in 2012, (bought a few in mind of another global meltdown or apocalypse haha) then reinvested a little back in bitcoin about £800 worth and that’s died now. It will come back around though, if only I held off for a week.

Just new funds in when you make a purchase, that what you have sitting there will go back up after the covid-19 pandemic

2 posts
+6.2 votes

Dry herb vape?
started topic
+ 2 more

Dry herb vape?
FULL CONFESSION: I normally smoke spliffs full of tobacco, not very medicinal but certainly wherever i’ve been in europe, everyone does it!
I have a MFLB (magic flight launch box) which is a small portable dry herb vape that’s been gathering dust. Been using it again lately, the efficiency and lack of stink is amazing but you can only get small tokes off it so it doesn’t really ‘hit the spot’ like a nice filthy spliff. And i don’t really trust carts/liquids since synthetic cannabinoids are such a big problem here in UK.
Anyone recommend a preferably portable dry herb vape with a bit more power? I got the MFLB like 5 years ago so I imagine the tech’s way better these days.
I have a MFLB (magic flight launch box) which is a small portable dry herb vape that’s been gathering dust. Been using it again lately, the efficiency and lack of stink is amazing but you can only get small tokes off it so it doesn’t really ‘hit the spot’ like a nice filthy spliff. And i don’t really trust carts/liquids since synthetic cannabinoids are such a big problem here in UK.
Anyone recommend a preferably portable dry herb vape with a bit more power? I got the MFLB like 5 years ago so I imagine the tech’s way better these days.

I use a pax at the minute, before that I used the Flower Aura which was only about 50 quid and worth every penny!

I tried about 3 cheap ones. In the end I invested in a mighty. Worth every penny. Only downside is it's pretty big. I mean it just about fits in my pocket but it's kind of a home use only thing for me. For out and about I use my best cheap one which is a nectar v2. Cost about 60 quid and is small enough to just slip in your pocket next to your phone or wallet but still hits the spot.

You’ll be hard pushed to beat the Storz & Bickel Mighty, I tried not to pay that much but inevitably the road to getting the right thing lead me to it! Buy cheap twice (or three times for me!)
If I need portability the Mighty isn’t too bad but I prefer carts attached to a small 510 battery!
I attach glass to my Mighty with adapters and an Arizer whip which works great, but I have my eye on this beast now! (On the link)
If I need portability the Mighty isn’t too bad but I prefer carts attached to a small 510 battery!
I attach glass to my Mighty with adapters and an Arizer whip which works great, but I have my eye on this beast now! (On the link)

I use an arizer solo2 -expensive but amazing . My last one before was a flowermate V5 nano also really good to-great for outdoors as uses discrete pods

I'm using a Boundless CF, which was a lot cheaper than the Crafty, Mighty or Pax3. It works great, I really like how discreet vaping is compared to smoking, but I seem to need to consume double the herb to get the same effect. Is it the same with the Pax or S&B vaporizers?

I found with the MFLB that no matter how much i vaped and reshuffled my herb, I could still smoke it afterwards!
Seems like consensus is leaning towards the mighty (:
Seems like consensus is leaning towards the mighty (:

I have a Pax 3 and Arizer extreme Q with Ddave mods. Both are great. For Pax3 make sure you buy an original one, a lot of fakes out there. The arizer; get the Ddave mod. Vaping is great, but there is a learning curve. A bit like pulling a good espresso. Ones you get it down, it is great and I think a nicer high.

I use a Pax 3. Superb range of temperature controls via bluetooth to your phone. Nice size bowl with different portion size adapters if you prefer a half sized bowl of herb. Good battery life as well. It has a stealth mode which eliminates any vapor smell

I have a pax3 and note it doesn’t work with iPhones anymore as Apple took the app of Istore!!
Don’t even use the thing anymore don’t find it gives me the stoned I am looking for. Excellent for smoking on the go, always fun when someone in the next isle says they can smell weed!
Don’t even use the thing anymore don’t find it gives me the stoned I am looking for. Excellent for smoking on the go, always fun when someone in the next isle says they can smell weed!

The Mighty is epic imo but very big, bigger in person actually, the Crafty plus is where I’d be going if I were you.

If you're coming from smoke and trying to quit, electronic vapes wont touch it for you IMHO.
If you're not planning to ditch tobacco you'll struggle. If you are, get a Dynavap or more likely a StickyBrick. Same concept as MFLB but neater and easier (dyna) bigger hitter (stickybrick).
Once the tobacco is long gone, electronic vapes become more useful.
My 2c.
If you're not planning to ditch tobacco you'll struggle. If you are, get a Dynavap or more likely a StickyBrick. Same concept as MFLB but neater and easier (dyna) bigger hitter (stickybrick).
Once the tobacco is long gone, electronic vapes become more useful.
My 2c.

I mainly use my Arizer Solo 2, its an absolute workhorse. When with friends who vape, i use the Dynavaps. I still have the odd spliff but 90% of the time im vaping and its the Arizer. .great bit of kit and there might be a few deals soon due to Black Friday events.


I got a Pax 2 a couple of months ago. Pretty much all I use now. Was on pipes, bongs & the odd spliff mixed with mallow leaf or cbd flower before. Love the way you can treat it like a spliff & go back to it for puffs. Also my lungs don’t feel so fucked when I go for a run.
No reason for me to use anything else at the moment. Does the trick well. May have a bucket session just to plumb the depths again soon though ;-)
No reason for me to use anything else at the moment. Does the trick well. May have a bucket session just to plumb the depths again soon though ;-)

Have a look for a Flower Aura Vaporiser. They are class. It has a chamber for hash and one for wax too. I'm the same as you. I need a kick in my throat to make up for it not being joint. This definitely does the trick. I have a Pax 2 also. Equally as good but the Flower Aura is about 55 quid :)

2 posts
+13 votes

Why BTC when you have STABLECOINS
started topic
+ 2 more

Why BTC when you have STABLECOINS

I have placed a fair few orders here but never posted before. I love it. However it's just a fact that BTC is expensive to move around and the USD value fluctuates wildly. So why not implement a similar system but with stablecoins? A stablecoin on Ethereum is very cheap to transact with and the USD value is... 1 USD.
These are the main ones:
-Tether (USDT): created by the Bitfinex exchange, there are like 4 billion of these in circulation, but it is backed by dollars held in some dodgy bank in the bahamas (or not!!!). May be one to avoid IMO.
-USD Coin (USDC): similar concept but backed by Coinbase. About 400mil in circulation but way more reputable and cleared with US regulators.
-DAI: backed by ETH held as collateral without a dollar in sight, algorithmically pegged to USD. A remarkably clever system that's the closest thing to a 'true' decentralised stablecoin. If you are a clever clogs you will enjoy reading about this one. About 80 mil in circulation.
It gets better... if you build a system that works with one ERC20 token, it works with all tokens! Merchants can get paid in whichever stablecoin they please.
Thoughts? I appreciate BTC has been around the longest and reliable software is hard to come by...
These are the main ones:
-Tether (USDT): created by the Bitfinex exchange, there are like 4 billion of these in circulation, but it is backed by dollars held in some dodgy bank in the bahamas (or not!!!). May be one to avoid IMO.
-USD Coin (USDC): similar concept but backed by Coinbase. About 400mil in circulation but way more reputable and cleared with US regulators.
-DAI: backed by ETH held as collateral without a dollar in sight, algorithmically pegged to USD. A remarkably clever system that's the closest thing to a 'true' decentralised stablecoin. If you are a clever clogs you will enjoy reading about this one. About 80 mil in circulation.
It gets better... if you build a system that works with one ERC20 token, it works with all tokens! Merchants can get paid in whichever stablecoin they please.
Thoughts? I appreciate BTC has been around the longest and reliable software is hard to come by...

Coinbase is pretty great in the UK these days. Same day Faster Payments up to 20k, free crypto to crypto trades including DAI and USDC
Unlike our American friends we can use pretty much any exchange we like
Unlike our American friends we can use pretty much any exchange we like

1 post
+1 votes

Vaping Hash.
People have been “vaping” hash using HOT KNIVES for decades ;)

Vaping Hash.
Apologies if this was covered not so long ago but is anyone vaping hash? I’m thinking of dropping it in a Mighty dosing capsule sandwiched with Canna Cotton? Is that safe? I did it with MJs Purple Batter and it worked a treat but not sure about the health implications of vaping through cotton/hemp (80/20) for starters and also how hash behaves through a high temp vape!
Hopefully it’s possible as it’ll open a whole new world of vaping to me!
Hopefully it’s possible as it’ll open a whole new world of vaping to me!

I'm vaping hash through a Volcano, find it very effective with good technique. I bought some cotton bacon as reccomend by someone on here, no idea why it's called cotton bacon, just very pure cotton! Extra filtered and stuff!
I'm sure it's healthy, I've felt zero ill effects after a good year of using it. Sometimes I vape with already vaped buds as an alternative to the cotton but think you can taste the hash better with cotton.
I find there is a technique though, not too much cotton, break the hash up, but then you still need to blast it though once, then take cotton hash out and work the hash a bit more into the cotton, much stronger cloud second time around.
I'm sure it's healthy, I've felt zero ill effects after a good year of using it. Sometimes I vape with already vaped buds as an alternative to the cotton but think you can taste the hash better with cotton.
I find there is a technique though, not too much cotton, break the hash up, but then you still need to blast it though once, then take cotton hash out and work the hash a bit more into the cotton, much stronger cloud second time around.

I've got a crafty plus and I use the concentrate pads that come with it. Pop one in the chamber and sprinkle a bit of hash on top. Works a treat at higher temps.

I tried that with the mighty but the metal pad takes up most the oven ? And, at 200c the hash didn't melt at all. I stopped smoking 8 years ago so dislike the taste of burnt bud or hash. Cannot find a dedicated hash vaporizer

with you on the taste difference with vaping. isn't even close. as for the liquid pads, you really gotta stretch em out and cut em up a bit to work well for a decent size bowl. Put an extra screen at the bottom if you're concerned about damage.

I'm vaping hash but not through cotton, though I do see it recommended.
Never needed it myself, on butane I find tiny pucks flattened out drop straight in the dynavap. If you're keen you'll finish up with fine dried out dust.
On the temp controlled set up I can use the same pucks or for more compressed powders I grind it to keif consistency and just pop it on a fine screen. There is a busy ash catcher under the Elev8r though, so depending how the pathway runs in a Mighty (never tried one) you may need the cotton to prevent that.
Never needed it myself, on butane I find tiny pucks flattened out drop straight in the dynavap. If you're keen you'll finish up with fine dried out dust.
On the temp controlled set up I can use the same pucks or for more compressed powders I grind it to keif consistency and just pop it on a fine screen. There is a busy ash catcher under the Elev8r though, so depending how the pathway runs in a Mighty (never tried one) you may need the cotton to prevent that.

Cheers man, seems it’s def worth a try then in the Mighty, I just get para shit is going to drop into the heater and cost me a couple hundred bucks! Capsule and canna cotton should do though I reckon!
Good clouds, taste and hit compared with flower?
Good clouds, taste and hit compared with flower?

Same clouds, double the number of hits, longer lasting bodily effects (in my experience). More bang for buck than flower.
Taste... not as easy to love instantly, feels a bit dry. Give it a few outings and you'll get the taste for sure, something like a lemon dry sift will really pop.
Always some experimentation with new batches, grind or ball up or flattened discs until you figure what works best in your device, but it's all part of the fun right?
Taste... not as easy to love instantly, feels a bit dry. Give it a few outings and you'll get the taste for sure, something like a lemon dry sift will really pop.
Always some experimentation with new batches, grind or ball up or flattened discs until you figure what works best in your device, but it's all part of the fun right?

I've successfully vaped decent solids with a variety of vapes....embedded in weed or organic cotton wool in Arizers, the Crafty (before the battery f**ked up, time and again), the Cloud Evo, and by itself in Vapman & the underrated Vaponic (v. efficient using the smaller volume Vapbong inner tube).

I have read extensively on the subject of vaping hash and it can be a bit problematic. I don't like the Sandwich method , had better results with Hemp Wool. However, Hash Vaping is a bit faffy, as against droping ground bud into The Mighty. Is there a good Hash Vaping mod ? It tastes so much better vaped than smoked its like using two different products, really tasty Hash against Burnt dog-end junk. But, i have the Mighty, The Arizer 2, Mycap, or Joint. Joint is easiest but bad taste, Mighty needs protecting with hemp wool but fantastic Taste. The High from Vape is better, longer lasting. Maybe someone know a dedicated Hash vaper.... I am also looking at High THC e-juice, Shatter/Wax as well as Hash. I should have mentioned but I prefer Quality Hash. I don't smoke obviously :) Thanks for any info or advice. NOTDJP. I have lots of vaping gear for e-juice and Buds But Hash needs a bit of TLC. There does not seem to be a dedicated HASH vaporizer,,, Convection,,,, just drop the crumble in like bud ground and hash away. Maybe someone knows of a mod that handles hash the best. It's just the faff of messing with hemp, i'm a lazy sod. For convection, I imagined there would be an internal bowl oven to drop the crumble into but there isn't. Anyway. thanks for your thoughts.

I just want to drop the crumble into the Mighty and vape. I have to use Hemp wool, which you will find, keeps its shape after use so you don't have to make another hash protector. Is there a dedicated Hash vaporizer, convection ?
My experience is hemp is better than anything else. The metal pad takes up most of the Mighty oven space. Cotton sounds dodgy x
My experience is hemp is better than anything else. The metal pad takes up most of the Mighty oven space. Cotton sounds dodgy x

I wouldn't use cotton. I have a Plenty so a similar device but what I do is put .2g weed to cover the entire surface area then sprinkle with .1g of hash, then hold it down with a liquid pad. You can skip the weed part and just use the liquid pad. I have several and cut them up so they're suitible for different bowl sizes. Leave them in 99% alcohol when they get to gunked up. Cheaper than replacing or using alternatives.

1 post
+2 votes

CBD got me stoned. Confused
I got some CBD flower off here recently. It gives me insatiable munchies but doesnβt really get me βhighβ. Possibly you just picked up a load of resid…

CBD got me stoned. Confused
Bough some CBD skunk for a change (17.5%) and didnt expect to get strong, if any effects. Had a J and got wasted but it was slightly different to a THC high. Whats going on?

I've had a few different CBD flowers & for me I find that I get a "body stone" but no "head high". I get the heavy legs & even couch lock, but my head stays very clear, probably the result of no psychoactive THC? : )

THC and CBD. though are the most famous active compounds in the cannabis plant, are far from being the only ones. dozens of more active compound exist in the ganja. the two most famous groups are cannabinoids and terpenes, each group contain many different active compounds. your high could have resulted from a combination of different cannabinoids including cbd, or it could resulted from different terpenes in the plant that induce an active reaction. it was most probably caused by both.

It's most likely the chemicals released from the combustion of the paper and tobacco (if you mix it with) as well as the very little effect from cbd and other cannabinoids that are usually in very low concentration in flowers. I'd recommend you to try vape or digest just pure CBD isolate on it's own to get a proper "clean" feel to its effect.

I got some CBD flower off here recently. It gives me insatiable munchies but doesn’t really get me ‘high’. Possibly you just picked up a load of residual THC in your grinder?
What I really like is mixing CBD flower with some high THC weed!
What I really like is mixing CBD flower with some high THC weed!

Me too! Shame about the cost tho. If only I knew someone in Switzerland......

They have to be below 0.2% to be legal in the uk but it funny because you can have as much thca in the bud and it’s legal. You can have pure thca and it’s legal;)

I smoked CBD cigarettes and bud in Switzerland and definitely felt some effects. Very mild high ( but high none the less ). It even crossed my mind that if I could buy them in the uk, I’d consider giving up joints. Bought some CBD bud from a “legit” vendor (not on here) in the uk. Tasted awful and did nothing.

I bought some CBD flower on a legitimate website out of curiosity and i’d say it definitely has a recreational effect. I don’t know if it was the 0.2% thc or an entourage effect of the terpenes and other cannabinoids present in it but for something that supposedly isn’t psychoactive it definitely had an effect.

CBD brings on a very sleepy feeling and is very good for pain, various terpenes can help produce an "entourage effect" as well. A lot of people are skeptical about it, but maybe they are unaware how much the CBD industry has improved in recent times.

1 post
+1 votes

Pentagon Documents Reveal The U.S. Has Planned For A Bitcoin Rebellion (Forbes)

Pentagon Documents Reveal The U.S. Has Planned For A Bitcoin Rebellion (Forbes)
Recent war games feature "Zrebellion" who see themselves "as agents for social change" and believe the "system is rigged" against them, begin a "global cyber campaign to expose injustice and corruption and to support causes it deem[s] beneficial."

1 post
+5 votes
I read your posts with great interest... just wanted to say thanks for sharing so we can all better understand the risks!
Iβve always preferred regul…

Guys, I'm super humbled with the responses from you all with what happened to me yesterday with the police, (check page if haven't seen) I've received so many messages from people I've not talked to before that have either read one of my reviews or watched one of my videos, just checking I'm alright.
The community here is fantastic, and I just wanted to thank you all for having my back and being a distraction for me yesterday.
Unfortunately I did a quick data wipe on my phone before the feds arrived (just incase) so the links in my previous posts to videos will no longer work. Apologies for this.
I have 2 more strains currently that I have not reviewed properly so I will make another video again of these.
The wider community should check out reviews from the likes of EPIX, SIDETRACKED, NLXXHZ, FRANKO, just some of my favourites.
And again thankyou LB community!
The community here is fantastic, and I just wanted to thank you all for having my back and being a distraction for me yesterday.
Unfortunately I did a quick data wipe on my phone before the feds arrived (just incase) so the links in my previous posts to videos will no longer work. Apologies for this.
I have 2 more strains currently that I have not reviewed properly so I will make another video again of these.
The wider community should check out reviews from the likes of EPIX, SIDETRACKED, NLXXHZ, FRANKO, just some of my favourites.
And again thankyou LB community!

It shows what a valued part of the community you have become in a short period of time. This place wouldn't be what it is without the community.
Take some time to lay low, but I think you should be okay to join back up eventually. Just make sure you get it from vendors with proven track records. Might not be worth chancing it on new vendors for you going forward... let the rest of us do that testing ;-)
Looking forward to your upcoming reviews!
Take some time to lay low, but I think you should be okay to join back up eventually. Just make sure you get it from vendors with proven track records. Might not be worth chancing it on new vendors for you going forward... let the rest of us do that testing ;-)
Looking forward to your upcoming reviews!

Thanks epix, fortunately I bought quite a bit off here to last me a while, it goes a long way in the dynavap as you know!
Yeah I'm just gonna take a break ordering for a bit, I've had a word with TGT about alternative posting methods (non RM) and they said they are sure they could help me out once I get the bottle to order again lol tgt have been my favourite vendors so far along with drugs inc, very professional teams with those guys.
Yeah I'm just gonna take a break ordering for a bit, I've had a word with TGT about alternative posting methods (non RM) and they said they are sure they could help me out once I get the bottle to order again lol tgt have been my favourite vendors so far along with drugs inc, very professional teams with those guys.

agree, I have nothing but high praise for TGT. Good that you have some nice stocks to get you through =)

I read your posts with great interest... just wanted to say thanks for sharing so we can all better understand the risks!
I’ve always preferred regular 1st class post over signed/tracked, don’t know if it makes any difference in practice but in my mind you really don’t want a unique identifier for your controlled substance
Anyway, cheers!
I’ve always preferred regular 1st class post over signed/tracked, don’t know if it makes any difference in practice but in my mind you really don’t want a unique identifier for your controlled substance
Anyway, cheers!

No problem, man I didn't want to just say nothing and atleast it's a bit of an eye opener of what not to do and what can happen!

Feel bad this happened to you. I’ve really enjoyed your input on here but where there’s weed there’s a way and I believe you’ll find it sooner rather than later :)

My immediate plan is to use MJ for his concentrate carts and wax/shatters as no smell and doesn't look like anything to the untrained eyes, atleast then I can still enjoy trying new things and posting on here man, the carts could be anything really so fairly safe and I've never tried them before. Lay off the flower for a few months until things settle down and then get back to full swing.
Or, that's the plan anyway :')
Or, that's the plan anyway :')

Try MJs Fire OG crumble Panda! Its tastes good and is nice and strong without being overpowering. I recommend!

I have just been looking at that matey, that looks incredible, I'm not very experienced with concentrates, so looking forward to trying a new avenue!

Hash is a good bet, i think everything on here should be vac sealed and then sealed in Mylar...who’s with me?

Cool, nice one. That does sound like a plan.
There’s always a way haha. Haven’t done much in the way of concentrates myself so looking forward to seeing those videos! The carts are crazy discreet too, like air port safe, should be absolutely fine.
There’s always a way haha. Haven’t done much in the way of concentrates myself so looking forward to seeing those videos! The carts are crazy discreet too, like air port safe, should be absolutely fine.

ahhhh panda mate..... just sat and read everything. fuck sake that is tragic. thankfully the fuzz was sound about it. in this day and age a bit of weed should be left as it is but as you rightfully said you easily forget it's illegal. chin up my guy it's only a temp measure and I'm sure you'll get a few more through the door later in time. I'd say your next order will be super tense waiting on the arrival haha! I agree with break.... normal 1st class is where it's at. fair play to JJ for sorting the situation though. I hope your doing good man all that said.... can be nerve racking!! its fridays so bill up a fat one and try enjoy the weekend :D

Yo bubba good to hear from you, man.
Yeah my next order will be a bum twitcher for sure mate, I'm just gonna wait for a while and order just from TGT, drugs Inc, and pope in the future, aswel as my man shrekage he's a good guy. Can't see it happening again with these guys and the way they pack, I just got too curious to keep trying different vendors.
And yeah it's crazy that in 2020 weed is STILL a class B drug, and alcohol and tobacco can still be sold it just doesn't make sense to me but hey ho that's unfortunately the UK we live in currently. Super jealous of the legalised States of America and Canada, I bet it's amazing just been able to walk in a shop and pick and choose what you want
Yeah my next order will be a bum twitcher for sure mate, I'm just gonna wait for a while and order just from TGT, drugs Inc, and pope in the future, aswel as my man shrekage he's a good guy. Can't see it happening again with these guys and the way they pack, I just got too curious to keep trying different vendors.
And yeah it's crazy that in 2020 weed is STILL a class B drug, and alcohol and tobacco can still be sold it just doesn't make sense to me but hey ho that's unfortunately the UK we live in currently. Super jealous of the legalised States of America and Canada, I bet it's amazing just been able to walk in a shop and pick and choose what you want

Question: would it be possible to use a fake name
On the delivery? Therefore police couldn’t prove who it was meant for?
On the delivery? Therefore police couldn’t prove who it was meant for?

yeah you could I guess just dont get tracked or signed delivery. I just use 1st class post and it up until now has always arrived :)

Really feel for you...I get nervous every time my parcel is due for delivery (the law here is much stricter than the U.K.) and intend to only really order Vape carts from MJC and shatter as there is no smell and doesn’t look/feel like anything suspicious. I hope things calm down for you and wish you all the best!

I agree with Epix 100% man you are just the kind of person we need around here and we're lucky you're still sticking around after all that. I'm gonna have a toke now and check out the Grape review mate, cheers for the shout out btw. :)

1 post
+3 votes

Sobriety report
Cool topic... I find Itβs a LOT harder to do math or any kind of linear logic with THC sloshing around the system. A smart person would probably drop …

Sobriety report
I'd like to talk about my result after 2+ weeks of abstaining from any THC containing products. Disclaimer: this is not meant to be a judgement against cannabis use, nor is it meant to shame frequent users. I'm strongly in favor of the flower. And in the future, I will continue to use it. Promising myself to give it up forever (the absolute shall) is impractical and not even really necessary. However, I have been starting to feel that there's a time and place for cannabis. Inreasingly, such times and places are becoming seldom for me. :( There's a threshold that once crossed, renders usage counterproductive. For me, anyway.
So, here it is. After 2+ weeks of sobriety, this is what I have found.
- Clarity of thought has increased.
- Focus has increased.
- Problem solving speed has increased.
- Ability to comprehend complex thoughts and ideas that are being explained to me has always been pretty good, but it feels lightning quick now.
- More articluate speech without delays and pauses.
- Dreams have more intensity.
- Better goal setting. Also far better at setting schedules to achieve those goals. I stick to them.
- More engaged with and available to friends and loved ones. They have noticed the difference, although they are not sure what the cause is.
- Hitting the gym far more consistently.
- Weight loss.
- Difficult to relax at the end of the night.
- Movies are 75% less interesting.
- Food is 39.5% less delicious.
- Music is 75.52% less interesting.
- Outdoor activities (bike riding, hiking) are about 58.7% less interesting.
- Difficult to combat boredom at times.
I'd like to talk about my result after 2+ weeks of abstaining from any THC containing products. Disclaimer: this is not meant to be a judgement against cannabis use, nor is it meant to shame frequent users. I'm strongly in favor of the flower. And in the future, I will continue to use it. Promising myself to give it up forever (the absolute shall) is impractical and not even really necessary. However, I have been starting to feel that there's a time and place for cannabis. Inreasingly, such times and places are becoming seldom for me. :( There's a threshold that once crossed, renders usage counterproductive. For me, anyway.
So, here it is. After 2+ weeks of sobriety, this is what I have found.
- Clarity of thought has increased.
- Focus has increased.
- Problem solving speed has increased.
- Ability to comprehend complex thoughts and ideas that are being explained to me has always been pretty good, but it feels lightning quick now.
- More articluate speech without delays and pauses.
- Dreams have more intensity.
- Better goal setting. Also far better at setting schedules to achieve those goals. I stick to them.
- More engaged with and available to friends and loved ones. They have noticed the difference, although they are not sure what the cause is.
- Hitting the gym far more consistently.
- Weight loss.
- Difficult to relax at the end of the night.
- Movies are 75% less interesting.
- Food is 39.5% less delicious.
- Music is 75.52% less interesting.
- Outdoor activities (bike riding, hiking) are about 58.7% less interesting.
- Difficult to combat boredom at times.

This is an interesting read, I love toking I have done ever since being a teenager, but like yourselves I started smoking hash because that’s all that was about, I have had times where I’ve abstained from toking, years in fact, but always find myself drawn back into smoking it, because I love it, but I do get carried away with it at times and end up smoking way to much, so I’m in the midst of making sure I don’t smoke until past a certain time or making sure I have a few days to a couple of weeks off. I doubt I will ever give up completely as it’s become a life long love affair, that I just don’t want to let go of, it’s about I guess finding a happy, healthy medium.

Am interested in how this goes as well.
I regularly work away so take a lot of 1-2 week breaks and most of the time its a good thing for me. I do find i have more motivation for gym, meeting friends etc and better focus at work.
Problem is when ive got smoke available in the house i cant leave it alone and if smoking everyday for a long period im almost glad to go away so i can stop again.
Dont get me wrong, giving up is easy apart from maybe a rubbish sleep the first night or 2 and im normally only having 1 j a night so not a heavy smoker.
Like most others i started with hash as a teenager 20+ years ago and it was always good - giggly, socialable, fun ..... i remember slate, rocky, gold and red seal blacks
I know the thc level was probably much lower but i guess there was also a higher cbd content as well?
Interested in trying some strains, particularly solids that have a higher cbd and lower thc. Maybe some of thd cheaper pollens, morrocans would be worth trying? Maybe tbd thai stick? Any recommendations welcome.
I regularly work away so take a lot of 1-2 week breaks and most of the time its a good thing for me. I do find i have more motivation for gym, meeting friends etc and better focus at work.
Problem is when ive got smoke available in the house i cant leave it alone and if smoking everyday for a long period im almost glad to go away so i can stop again.
Dont get me wrong, giving up is easy apart from maybe a rubbish sleep the first night or 2 and im normally only having 1 j a night so not a heavy smoker.
Like most others i started with hash as a teenager 20+ years ago and it was always good - giggly, socialable, fun ..... i remember slate, rocky, gold and red seal blacks
I know the thc level was probably much lower but i guess there was also a higher cbd content as well?
Interested in trying some strains, particularly solids that have a higher cbd and lower thc. Maybe some of thd cheaper pollens, morrocans would be worth trying? Maybe tbd thai stick? Any recommendations welcome.

Cool topic... I find It’s a LOT harder to do math or any kind of linear logic with THC sloshing around the system. A smart person would probably drop 10-15 points on an IQ test lol.
I just try to avoid midweek use (and the super potent stuff) so I can prevent the sleeplessness and stinky sweat when abstaining... I’ve found that the longer you’ve been without a break the more your pits will stink ;)
I just try to avoid midweek use (and the super potent stuff) so I can prevent the sleeplessness and stinky sweat when abstaining... I’ve found that the longer you’ve been without a break the more your pits will stink ;)

love the parameters :) another pro is when you do come back its a better and healthier experience, abstinence is a tool for every real bigga me thinks.

Definitely. Not sure about the "real biggas" comment but the longer you let yourself wait, the better the experience. This goes for most things, not just weed. :p

Thats a really interesting write up. Just out of curiosity, is there a particular reason why you decided to abstain from THC?
I am in the exact same boat in terms of the pros and cons. I stopped for 2 years at one point as all of the pros you listed above became too apparent and started to have a negative impact on my life, its still great when i do it, but im not sure if long term usage has made the effects more dramatic as when i used to smoke when i was younger i never had any negative effects from it whatsoever. I appreciate this post :) Sorry for the ramble. How long do you plan on keeping this up for? :)
I am in the exact same boat in terms of the pros and cons. I stopped for 2 years at one point as all of the pros you listed above became too apparent and started to have a negative impact on my life, its still great when i do it, but im not sure if long term usage has made the effects more dramatic as when i used to smoke when i was younger i never had any negative effects from it whatsoever. I appreciate this post :) Sorry for the ramble. How long do you plan on keeping this up for? :)

Thanks for your comment. Why am I quitting for awhile? I'm an engineer who has recaptured his passion. Working on something special that has me very excited. Wrapping up a systems requirements spec, trying to make sure I don't make any design decisions that I'll regret later. Hope to keep up my "abstinence" until January of next year.

I can relate to this a lot. I have a love/hate relationship with weed. Mostly because I had an issue with substance abuse. Unfortunately in my past I've turned to harder drugs and while I'm very much clean now, it makes me look at any drug in a different light.
To me drugs were a means to an end. I didn't want to think about things so I inebriated myself as much as possible with any drug that was within hands reach. I've been clean for a time now and I'm over the worst of it, but I still have this negative relationship with drugs.
I smoke weed daily and it is indeed a problem for me. I shouldn't as it inhibits my production and allows me to procrastinate so much more than I ordinarily would. It is however still that little escape I need to avoid turning to harder drugs, at least that's what I tell myself. It's better than what I was doing, that's for sure.
So I wish I could stop but probably for much different reasons than yourself. I certainly wish I could stop for a few weeks just to see how I feel.
Your percentages are hilarious btw. I agree fully, music is indeed exactly 75.52% less interesting while sober.
To me drugs were a means to an end. I didn't want to think about things so I inebriated myself as much as possible with any drug that was within hands reach. I've been clean for a time now and I'm over the worst of it, but I still have this negative relationship with drugs.
I smoke weed daily and it is indeed a problem for me. I shouldn't as it inhibits my production and allows me to procrastinate so much more than I ordinarily would. It is however still that little escape I need to avoid turning to harder drugs, at least that's what I tell myself. It's better than what I was doing, that's for sure.
So I wish I could stop but probably for much different reasons than yourself. I certainly wish I could stop for a few weeks just to see how I feel.
Your percentages are hilarious btw. I agree fully, music is indeed exactly 75.52% less interesting while sober.

I'm the same... struggled with bad drug abuse when I was younger... been clean for a while, started dabbling in bud again about 4 years ago, struggle to not smoke it daily, but still functional in every way of my life. But I'm planning a tolerance break for January. Feel like I need it after all the shatter and such.
After that I'm going to try a new cycle... start with just flower, when the tolerance is bad, go to concentrates, once I hit bad tolerance there as well, I take 2-4 weeks off depending on how long my smoke cycle has been and start over.
Hoping it brings more balance to my smoking habit. At least try to find a better way to not lose control of it.
After that I'm going to try a new cycle... start with just flower, when the tolerance is bad, go to concentrates, once I hit bad tolerance there as well, I take 2-4 weeks off depending on how long my smoke cycle has been and start over.
Hoping it brings more balance to my smoking habit. At least try to find a better way to not lose control of it.

Hey man, glad to hear you got yourself right, that's the most important thing. How long did you abstain from bud for? Yeah I can imagine how it must be, I don't smoke many concentrates so I'm not quite there yet, but it is a pain.
Interesting, do you find eventually flower just doesn't get you high enough anymore, even if you smoke large amounts? It's like.. yeah I know I'm stoned and stuff but I also know that if I quit for a couple weeks it would be 10x more intense. I just can't seem to go more than half a day with no weed before it badly effects my mood. Maybe that's just my personality though.
Ya that's the plan right now man. Just gotta find a way to make it something I do to enjoy and not something I need? We need balance and control for sure.
Interesting, do you find eventually flower just doesn't get you high enough anymore, even if you smoke large amounts? It's like.. yeah I know I'm stoned and stuff but I also know that if I quit for a couple weeks it would be 10x more intense. I just can't seem to go more than half a day with no weed before it badly effects my mood. Maybe that's just my personality though.
Ya that's the plan right now man. Just gotta find a way to make it something I do to enjoy and not something I need? We need balance and control for sure.

Yeah, wasn't easy, but it's doable. I don't see weed in the same way as I can still function fine with it in my life, and I actually think it brings so many benefits to my relationship with my wife and my kids that it's hard to argue that's badly affecting my life. Just got a killer new job while smoking daily etc.
But yeah, smoking doesn't get me the same kind of high that it used to. I can get there from smoking concentrates or rosin... and if I smoke enough flower, but I would like to smoke a bit less to get to where I need to.
I think 4 weeks might be a bit long for a tolerance break for me as well... I might be able to manage 2 weeks. I agree, that it is tough for me too, but I want to try and prove to myself that I can do it. At this point, that's my main test right now.
After that, I'll do t-breaks of 2 weeks going forward... and probably only every 6 months or so. We'll see how it all goes.
But yeah, smoking doesn't get me the same kind of high that it used to. I can get there from smoking concentrates or rosin... and if I smoke enough flower, but I would like to smoke a bit less to get to where I need to.
I think 4 weeks might be a bit long for a tolerance break for me as well... I might be able to manage 2 weeks. I agree, that it is tough for me too, but I want to try and prove to myself that I can do it. At this point, that's my main test right now.
After that, I'll do t-breaks of 2 weeks going forward... and probably only every 6 months or so. We'll see how it all goes.

No for sure weed isn't anything close to harder stuff. I've never done anyone dirty for some weed, put it that way. That's awesome. I think it overall has a positive effect on my life, I just wish I could take it or leave it. Right now I definitely couldn't leave it.
Ya I feel ya, I'm worried about getting too into concentrates for that reason. They are also a bit pricey for me to be smoking all the time so that limits me fairly well.
I think 2 weeks is good for anyone. I know the longer you go the better than first joint back will be but 2 weeks I think is more than enough for most of us. Yeah true, if you look at it like a challenge it may be easier to do. You don't want to fail after all so it's good motivation to stay sober.
Sounds like a plan man, it's a good idea. I need to get myself in to a healthy routine and keep it going. Let me know how you get on.
Ya I feel ya, I'm worried about getting too into concentrates for that reason. They are also a bit pricey for me to be smoking all the time so that limits me fairly well.
I think 2 weeks is good for anyone. I know the longer you go the better than first joint back will be but 2 weeks I think is more than enough for most of us. Yeah true, if you look at it like a challenge it may be easier to do. You don't want to fail after all so it's good motivation to stay sober.
Sounds like a plan man, it's a good idea. I need to get myself in to a healthy routine and keep it going. Let me know how you get on.

So, last week, I was talking a big game about "sobriety", but it's rough going. Think I'll break my "fast" next week. Not the big tough guy I made myself out to be it seems.

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