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joined jul 2019
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25 topics on Milfhunter
1 post
+1 votes

While the masses are distracted!

While the masses are distracted!
Does anyone remember the government saying the jab was safe and effective?
Here is the official article from the daily express, and also a link to the pfizer trials.
Here is the official article from the daily express, and also a link to the pfizer trials.

1 post
+1 votes

500% rise in deaths – FIFA players in 2021

500% rise in deaths – FIFA players in 2021
Since December 2020, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed! 108 of them died ,the phenomenon of collapsing athletes for reasons unrelated to injury is rare.

12 posts
+14 votes

Doctor says.....

Doctor says.....
Yes it`s very worrying indeed, also Robert Malone the inventor of the mRNA tech used in some coronavirus vaccines had this to say......

Look closely..........It`s a a computer image!
Those that are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses. - Plato
Those that are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses. - Plato

Mmmmm….nah…still not getting it. Shouldn’t your avatar just be something a bit more…no offence but….boring?🤔

1 post
+2 votes

Funeral Director:
3 posts
+2 votes

Back to the street dealer!

Back to the street dealer!
Just checked the price to send bitcoin from record £45.83
WTF!.......Can we please have more crypto currencies added to make this place useable again?
WTF!.......Can we please have more crypto currencies added to make this place useable again?

1 post
-1 votes

Ethylene oxide
1 post
-2 votes

Injected with a poison!
3 posts
+4 votes



Sheep spend their lives fearing the wolf, only to be slaughtered by the Shepherd.

20 posts
+25 votes

Vaccine Ingredients.........

Vaccine Ingredients.........
These are the Ingredients that go into pre-existing vaccines

Regarding the first link just bringing some balance:
Mentioning ingredients but not purpose or quantities or assessment of risk is not balanced reporting.
Mentioning ingredients but not purpose or quantities or assessment of risk is not balanced reporting.

Well I’ve been vaccinated against polio, TB, tetanus, measles, mumps and rubella, rabies, hep B, Typhoid and probably some others I’ve forgotten.
I have had no lasting side effects (a sore arm is the worst I’ve experienced) and I’m djsisbsosb.... did hahah do... dishsusib....
Fuck, what I’m trying to say is.... sdskkkksoo.... sosjjjjjsi.... bahaiiijj
My brain works just fine. No side effects, nothing to see here!
I have had no lasting side effects (a sore arm is the worst I’ve experienced) and I’m djsisbsosb.... did hahah do... dishsusib....
Fuck, what I’m trying to say is.... sdskkkksoo.... sosjjjjjsi.... bahaiiijj
My brain works just fine. No side effects, nothing to see here!

Arse site ! Read that fucking disclaimer first.
Covid vaccines are not even listed there that paper is from 2000fucking12 !!!
Covid vaccines are not even listed there that paper is from 2000fucking12 !!!

Milfy, the only thing for it is to move to Asia and bang hot feminine Asians, two or three at a time. Anything else would be stupid.

Dreading to think about what if the government says we all must have the vaccine in order to fly out.

The problem with the anti Vax movement is lack of a suggested alternative. How am I supposed to clean my carpets?

I'm not in any anti vax movement m8 , and I haven't got the answer I'm not a doctor, what I am saying is I don't want to put on my body something that its most likely coming with side effects that we don't know yet.

It wasn't personal it was supposed to be a pun to highlight a point in a light hearted way. Just brush it off and have a smoke. :-)

Lol m8 ok , my English ain't that good lol. But I hope you understand my meaning, this vaccination is not such a good idea.

5 posts
+7 votes

Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects World Map

Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects World Map

This is a site that facilitates the purchase of often home made and highly manipulated illegal drugs from around the world that we can’t wait to smoke, vape, eat, dab etc without a second thought as to the conditions in which they have been handled, the actual ingredients or perhaps whose bumhole they have been up whilst at the same time some use it to argue that we mustn’t put anything foreign in to our bodies if it’s in the form of a vaccine as we simply don’t know enough about it.
Anybody else see the irony here??...(insert report on cannabis induced paranoia?)...
Anybody else see the irony here??...(insert report on cannabis induced paranoia?)...

i haven't seen a rating system or any kind of direct user feedback on the vaccine. if there is a problem the liability would lie with the authority that controls the system itself, preventing any dispute resolution.

1 post
+1 votes

Budbotanist - Ched Cbd/Thc Strain

Budbotanist - Ched Cbd/Thc Strain
Thought I`d show some love for budbotanist and the cheese strain, been smoking cbd bud for a couple of years or so, but tbh not really found a strain what even comes close to the taste of Thc strains, This combo strain from budbotanist seems to hit the nail on the head, now don`t get me wrong i have been smoking cbd bud for the past week so my thc tolerance levels are on the lower side, but could feel the thc in this strain pretty much instant after a pipe, the taste was there too and that fresh smell of cheese brings back memories...the buds are a bit airy but flavour smell and effects are all there, so anyone looking for a combo strain this could be right up your street.
Peace out
Peace out

12 posts
+5.5 votes

24 Dead And 137 Infected In Nursing Home After COVID-19 Vaccination – Previously, They Had ZERO Deaths From Covid

24 Dead And 137 Infected In Nursing Home After COVID-19 Vaccination – Previously, They Had ZERO Deaths From Covid

Information regarding safety of covid-19 vaccine
Read this and then see if you still believe what they are reporting
Read this and then see if you still believe what they are reporting
an update 2 days later from original link.
an update 2 days later from original link.

That doesn't state the deaths were due to the vaccine as humansarefree infers....which is the crucial point no? The numbers dead (if true) is one thing....the reason for their demise is another. Humansarefree suggest the deaths were due to the vaccine. Can you share a reputable source which confirms this? If not it's just more conspiracy stories....

Those that are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses. - Plato

Nice quotation but I don't think that's winning any debates is it? I'll trade with you though;
"The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.”
― Alan Moore
"The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.”
― Alan Moore

The real conspiracy theorists believe that the government cares about them, The media would never
mislead or lie to them and the pharmaceutical industry that make billions off sickness wants to cure them.
mislead or lie to them and the pharmaceutical industry that make billions off sickness wants to cure them.

Interesting slant there but a really lazy over simplification (which I'd expect from a TRUE conspiracy theorist). Of course pharmaceutical firms want to make money off their products - that's how capitalism works. Off course sometimes the media misrepresents things, but at least they are regulated (unlike and the Govt, well they just want your taxes but in return you get free education, health care, law enforcement, stability etc. it's not perfect but the better alternative is yet to arrive. What's your theory then? That every single epidemiologist, virologist and public health expert are all in cahoots to pull the wool over the eyes of us regular folks just so big pharma can make some money. Seriously, if the science actually supported these half baked Coivd conspiracies no one in the world could keep that story secret. Next you'll be telling me you believe in 'the great reset'!

12 posts
+22 votes

Outdoor Growing?

Outdoor Growing?
Hi fellow biggers, was hoping someone could help me out, looking for some information on growing outside in the uk, any feedback on the subject would be great.

Start seedlings indoors for first couple of weeks. Then put outside in may would be ideal no chance of frost. You will have to protect your seedlings from predators rabbits ect wrap chicken wire around your plants works for me. Use autoflowering strains. Northern lights ideal for UK . make sure they get at least 6hrs a day of sun GOOD Luck.

I would have to second this. I used to start them out in paper cups from like McDonalds so I could tape another cup on top when transporting them to their location. Look up guerrilla growing to find out more about stealth

biobizz light mix is good for autos. Biobizz grow for nutes. And dont forget too flush :) :)

Good soil will take you miles
Dont feed seedlings
Think about adding something to boost nutrients in your planting place
Dont feed seedlings
Think about adding something to boost nutrients in your planting place

Our summers are getting longer and hotter. Which is ideal.
Had a lot of success the past 4 years by only feeding with an organic seaweed and a quality compost.
Had a lot of success the past 4 years by only feeding with an organic seaweed and a quality compost.

I have just planted in the greenhouse for the first time. Using large pots that drain well - filled with compost and watered well for 2 weeks prior to planting. Plenty of info online but yeh I feel like I could still do with some advice should anyone have any :)

Make up some decent soil and add Nematodes into the mix . Keep plants indoors until a healthy size . Plant outdoors when times right and build a root ball protective mesh out of Chicken wire as shown in picture below, this prevents rats n mice from gnawing away at the plants Xylem, which in layman's terms are like drinking straws for the plants. Also attach a paper cup with beneficial predators like Ladybirds etc about a foot or 2 from base of plant .

2 posts
+1 votes

The virus they’re using to simulate COVID-19, is from: Chimpanzees.

The virus they’re using to simulate COVID-19, is from: Chimpanzees.
Looking up AZD1222 we find that
(ChAdOx1nCoV-19) is a Weakened And Non-Replicating Version Of The
Common Cold Virus (adenovirus) taken from chimpanzees, which has been
Engineered To Contain Instructions For Creating The Spike Protein Of
Sars-Cov-2– the virus that causes COVID-19.
(ChAdOx1nCoV-19) is a Weakened And Non-Replicating Version Of The
Common Cold Virus (adenovirus) taken from chimpanzees, which has been
Engineered To Contain Instructions For Creating The Spike Protein Of
Sars-Cov-2– the virus that causes COVID-19.

A quick look at human MRC-5 reveals......
They are using a cell line developed from
the ABORTED Lung and Liver FETUS of a 14 week old caucasian male.
They are using a cell line developed from
the ABORTED Lung and Liver FETUS of a 14 week old caucasian male.

4 posts
+4 votes

All political institutions are manifestations and materializations of power; they petrify and decay as soon as the livin…

All political institutions are manifestations and materializations of power; they petrify and decay as soon as the living power of the people ceases to uphold them.

Hannah Arendt (1972). “Crises of the Republic: Lying in Politics; Civil Disobedience; On Violence; Thoughts on Politics and Revolution”, p.150, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
That is where the quote comes from. It is an opinion, not a fact; and in context it does not mean what you seem to be getting at. Read more Critical Theory.
That is where the quote comes from. It is an opinion, not a fact; and in context it does not mean what you seem to be getting at. Read more Critical Theory.

if just 100,000 people started a never ending riot police in the uk wouldn’t stand a chance neither would the army

1 post
+1 votes

Van The Man!
3 posts
+3 votes

One man's liberty does not end where another man's fear begins....
1 post
+1 votes

Do you want some of my experimental health drink?

Do you want some of my experimental health drink?
I made it in a hurry, I wont tell you the ingredients and you cant`t sue me if anything goes wrong. If you have a problem with any of that you are an ANTI-DRINKER.

4 posts
+4 votes

These guys look exactly like StickyFingersCo lol i could be wrong but their weed looks the same and the prices!!! Just like stickys prices lol..

2 posts
+2 votes

Do we choose freedom or globalist tyranny? This is the moment of truth.

Do we choose freedom or globalist tyranny? This is the moment of truth.
Dig and you shall find........

Can everyone in the UK please take a look at what happened in America yesterday. Stop listening to ANYTHING that comes out of America all of it is bullshit and this isn't over by a long shot. Fuck all the Trump/Fox/Mercer/Qanon bullshit, stop importing it into Britain.
Please Brits, don't follow the US. They're fucking done.
Please Brits, don't follow the US. They're fucking done.

4 posts
+6 votes

What happened to pablo?

What happened to pablo?
Does anyone remember pablo? He was on here a while back, he often smashed the henrys out at around $30-35..............Tell ya what if he did make a comeback he would would kill it!!!

Think Pablo got lifted. Just over a year ago now I’d say. A lot of his packages were showing up as stuck in post office.. loads of people in the same boat.. theory was he got caught at the post office as he was posting. Not heard from again.. he was great tho.. good weed at good prices

2 posts
+3 votes

Are we all awake yet?
7 posts
+22 votes

Seeds from radars birthday cake ?

Seeds from radars birthday cake ?
Hi Biggers, anyone shed some light on the matter? do you remember radar breeder`s
birthday cake which was a nice smoke but had seeds init? Did this happen because a male pollinated the female flowers and the seeds will be 50/50 male female? or can another female from a different strain pollinated the birthday cake and this making all the seeds female?...... or am I barking up the wrong plant?....any clarification would be great.
Cheers Biggers
birthday cake which was a nice smoke but had seeds init? Did this happen because a male pollinated the female flowers and the seeds will be 50/50 male female? or can another female from a different strain pollinated the birthday cake and this making all the seeds female?...... or am I barking up the wrong plant?....any clarification would be great.
Cheers Biggers

as per my understanding, if you leave the mahr fukr in bloom too long - cos you're trying to eek out some extra girth on those buds - it 'maphs' out. Which basically means your beautiful female plant turns into the horticultural version of a Chinese Olympic swimmer. The disastrous result is it then gets seedier than a Prince Andrew n Jimmy Saville get together

Could easily be either
Could be females reseversal pollen or male pollen
Could also be self pollinating hermie from stress
Either way good to collect bag seed and give me a go 4 hidden gems
Could be females reseversal pollen or male pollen
Could also be self pollinating hermie from stress
Either way good to collect bag seed and give me a go 4 hidden gems

16 posts
+21 votes


Can anyone point me in the right direction for best places to buy cryptocurrency? currently paying 5% in fees.

Try Masscoinex. The best I've used albeit 5% also but super quick & relia

Currently using Bitpnda. Instant using card but 1.5pc fee, free to sepa. This is a link to bitpanda, if you use this link and top up by $25, you will receive $10 promo:

Yea, they have a couple wallets for different cryptos, and you can send to another address using them. I usually have bitcoin sitting in the wallet

where are you buying from at the moment? that fee seems way to high!!!
Little B
Little B

20 posts
+37 votes


Hi Biggers
Was hoping someone could help me out, I`m looking at converting to vaping and was wondering what the difference is between the DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporiser 2018 and the Version 2019 DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer
Was hoping someone could help me out, I`m looking at converting to vaping and was wondering what the difference is between the DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporiser 2018 and the Version 2019 DynaVap Vapcap M Portable Dry Herb Vaporizer

, the 2019 has slightly better air flow as the tips slightly different, and it has a revised stem with some patterning difference's (purely aesthetic) and implemented a rocker cut out for better use of the air port which is handy, I'd get the 19 just to stay current but you won't notice a great difference if you went for the 18 (if you can find anywhere that still sells the 18)

If you get one it takes a little bit of practice and trying different drawing techniques but once you get you own style of smoking it's great, really economical

Stealth it's brilliant, I use about 0.1 gram per session making the glorious weed even better!

Been a very long time since I've combusted mate but imo it's much better, taste is great, hits like a train, and doesn't use as much product.

Nice,will definitely get one ,no batteries or charging either ! just a heads up if anyone else is thinking of getting one just had a look at website the new 2020 version is coming out in April

It's the closest thing to smoking a spliff. When I first got mine I used a single flame lighter. This would usually give you big hits, and felt more bong like. I've since bought a triple flame and find it much better. I light it in the middle and get 2 nice pulls per heat up. It took me a while to get used to this compared to spliffs but stick with it

I'd usually get about 10 to 12 short pulls (4 seconds) if I use the triple lighter as close to center as possible. Or fewer more intense ones if you light as close to the body as you can

I heat near the tip of the cap too start with for flavour hits maybe 3 pulls in the click, there after I hear at the bottom near the body and get 2 heavy hitting pulls from it. You can still extract more in the later sets but it begins to taste a little bit shitty, but if your trying to conserve product or youve only got a little bit left you can honk that bitch till it's black lol.
There is a learning curve with it but once you master it's great!
There is a learning curve with it but once you master it's great!

Worth starting with a triple or double when you first get one and then once your comfortable move onto a single torch for super accurate heating :)

58 posts by Milfhunter
1 post
+6.2 votes

putin assassination strategies
If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
That ain't filler. The man appears to be on a fairly big dose of steroids. I'd imagine he's quite unwell and probably not long for this world.

If he hasn’t got long, this makes him very dangerous. Coupled with the fact a lot of the drugs elderly take effect the mind without them knowing.

I fear ill health is wishful thinking. Looks like he's spent a bundle on plastic surgery to me. That said, it's probably better for a lot of people if he's not at death's door.

If only we could “fast forward to the bit where he shoots himself in the bunker”…..followed by eternal damnation in the flames of Hell fire with a red hot pitchfork up his bum hole.
Seems fair 👍
Seems fair 👍

Biden laughing all the way to the bank. While UK, Europe suffers...
Ukraine is too kind to fight Russia for the USA/West.
USA don't want Nord stream 1 or 2 to exist! And voile it's happening now!
Ukraine is too kind to fight Russia for the USA/West.
USA don't want Nord stream 1 or 2 to exist! And voile it's happening now!

America want this war. Remember it was Biden and Bojo that pulled Zelensky away from peace talks back in 2022

The people are waking up, this is a sick thread, nato wants war not putin.
they forced putins hand to invade ukraine.
9/11 was an inside job and the vaccine wasnt a vaccine.
i could go on but whatever, chemtrails suck too.
they forced putins hand to invade ukraine.
9/11 was an inside job and the vaccine wasnt a vaccine.
i could go on but whatever, chemtrails suck too.

I find it fascinating that governments happily admit to chemtrails be used aswell as geoengineering yet it's still called a conspiracy. The war in Ukraine can go back to 2008 when they first stated their intention to join Nato. Putin reiterated then how that would unfold so we pushed the button again in 2014. Remember what's good for goose is good for the gander. If the US didn't like missiles in Cuba, why would we expect Russia wouldn't feel hard done by expanding east constantly

What security guarantees did Russia offer Ukraine though? You must know that Ukraine was rightfully concerned in 2008, Russia had occupied Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, who was to be next?
Ultimately, nobody but the arms manufacturers want war, but Ukraine cant surrender without losing their identity and half their lands. Their future is fucked. Not that anyone that supports Russia even gives a flying fuck about that.
Ultimately, nobody but the arms manufacturers want war, but Ukraine cant surrender without losing their identity and half their lands. Their future is fucked. Not that anyone that supports Russia even gives a flying fuck about that.

The Minsk agreements seemed fair to me . Crimea has always been Russian and the Donbas wanted independence but would rather ally with Russia than the West . A lot of Ukrainians already considered themselves Russian , so they wouldn't lose their culture .

It's going to be a mess and your entirely right in what you say about arms dealers being the only profiteers of war.
I only see it ending with either Ukraine giving up the 4 Oblasts and agreeing to never join Nato or.. Russia surrender due to it escalating and somehow we avoid nuclear catastrophe. Both choices are so wide apart im not sure what could make up the middle ground.
I only see it ending with either Ukraine giving up the 4 Oblasts and agreeing to never join Nato or.. Russia surrender due to it escalating and somehow we avoid nuclear catastrophe. Both choices are so wide apart im not sure what could make up the middle ground.

Who owns these arms companies pretty sure in most cases there run by the governments a war in Europe will be massively profitable for the USA as now instead of donating weapons there gona start selling them to Europe

If Ukraine was to surrender their lands, then I'd say only if they were entered into NATO, which enables their future security, and the lands would need to be demilitarised.

See, I hear that, but people only question what they don't agree with, or in the case of some people, what they're told not to agree with.

Tell ye what, if time was reversed and we were being invaded or attacked by a foreign power, I damn well hope there will be nations that would support us.
There is fuck all to defend with Russia in invading Ukraine, but 'Merica bad, lets not question things and support Russia.
There is fuck all to defend with Russia in invading Ukraine, but 'Merica bad, lets not question things and support Russia.

I love America . They're our cultural and genetic relatives after all , but the globalists have steered America in the wrong direction .
The Ukraine was bombing the Donbas for eight years before Putin came to their aid and invaded . Many of them were happy for the help . Just like you would be if someone was bombing you for eight years .
I'm very much on the side of the Anglo-sphere but right is right and we never should have attacked the Donbas . We started this war and used Ukraine as the proxy . They should never have fought Russia .
The Ukraine was bombing the Donbas for eight years before Putin came to their aid and invaded . Many of them were happy for the help . Just like you would be if someone was bombing you for eight years .
I'm very much on the side of the Anglo-sphere but right is right and we never should have attacked the Donbas . We started this war and used Ukraine as the proxy . They should never have fought Russia .

Total and utter horseshit.
NATO is a defensive alliance. Anyone can join it, and it’s not up to Russia what other countries choose to do.
Russia invaded Ukraine and anyone saying they were forced to is a Russian shill or reads too much propaganda without knowing.
Russia has the largest country already in earth. They don’t need any more land and they don’t get to just take people’s territory because “USA made us do it”. Total horseshit.
NATO is a defensive alliance. Anyone can join it, and it’s not up to Russia what other countries choose to do.
Russia invaded Ukraine and anyone saying they were forced to is a Russian shill or reads too much propaganda without knowing.
Russia has the largest country already in earth. They don’t need any more land and they don’t get to just take people’s territory because “USA made us do it”. Total horseshit.

I understand that is your belief as this is the narrative our Globalist leaders have been pushing .
However , they omitted several key facts which completely change that narrative. The invasion was far from unprovoked .
Ukraine was my red pill . I did a very deep dive on it .
Here are some of the basic facts you might have missed .
This war started as a civil war 8 years before the invasion when the Ukrainian Junta overthrew the elected government and attacked the separatists in the Donbas .
The Minsk agreements were between the separatists and the Western Ukrainians . It was Western Ukraine who broke those agreements as proven by the location of the fighting .
The Donbas would have remained Ukrainian territory had the Western Ukrainians upheld their end of the agreement .
The US, UK , and Canada trained , armed and funded Nazi football hooligans to become military units . They then used these Nazis to attack the Donbas . This is the same route the Nazis used in WW2 . So it seemed very much like a deliberate provocation against the Russians . Still , Putin took 8 years of this insult before invading , which is rather restrained for a conquest .
As for Ukraine being a democracy . Firstly , there was a coup in 2014 , after which Nazis and police forces battled it out in the streets for control . People who supported the legitimately elected Russian friendly government were rounded up and tortured to death and opposition parties and media were outlawed . So Ukraine is even more corrupt than Russia , which is saying something .
A US citizen living in Ukraine who I followed on You Tube was one of the victims of Zelinskyy's regime . He was murdered for making YT videos . He will be missed .
If you have any questions , please ask
However , they omitted several key facts which completely change that narrative. The invasion was far from unprovoked .
Ukraine was my red pill . I did a very deep dive on it .
Here are some of the basic facts you might have missed .
This war started as a civil war 8 years before the invasion when the Ukrainian Junta overthrew the elected government and attacked the separatists in the Donbas .
The Minsk agreements were between the separatists and the Western Ukrainians . It was Western Ukraine who broke those agreements as proven by the location of the fighting .
The Donbas would have remained Ukrainian territory had the Western Ukrainians upheld their end of the agreement .
The US, UK , and Canada trained , armed and funded Nazi football hooligans to become military units . They then used these Nazis to attack the Donbas . This is the same route the Nazis used in WW2 . So it seemed very much like a deliberate provocation against the Russians . Still , Putin took 8 years of this insult before invading , which is rather restrained for a conquest .
As for Ukraine being a democracy . Firstly , there was a coup in 2014 , after which Nazis and police forces battled it out in the streets for control . People who supported the legitimately elected Russian friendly government were rounded up and tortured to death and opposition parties and media were outlawed . So Ukraine is even more corrupt than Russia , which is saying something .
A US citizen living in Ukraine who I followed on You Tube was one of the victims of Zelinskyy's regime . He was murdered for making YT videos . He will be missed .
If you have any questions , please ask

Can’t believe someone hasn’t shot/ poisoned the evil cunt tbh. (They like a bit of poison do the Russians)
Trouble is he would just be replaced by another one,cut from the same cloth I fear. Still can’t believe after all we went thru with covid, his first response afterwards was fucking war! He is the very definition of little man syndrome. 😡
Trouble is he would just be replaced by another one,cut from the same cloth I fear. Still can’t believe after all we went thru with covid, his first response afterwards was fucking war! He is the very definition of little man syndrome. 😡

Putin is considered a moderate in Russia . There are far worse people waiting to take his place .
The war had actually been going on for eight years before Russia invaded .
We sent our proxies to bomb the Donbas . Putin tried diplomacy for eight year . There were two peace deals which the West broke . We goaded Russia until they had no choice .
The war had actually been going on for eight years before Russia invaded .
We sent our proxies to bomb the Donbas . Putin tried diplomacy for eight year . There were two peace deals which the West broke . We goaded Russia until they had no choice .

That's a fed up topic honestly.
No one should wish anyone death. All I can say is that I dont trust any governments at all, let it be Russia,China or USA/Nato member countries. All of these govs are doing shady things, acting in their own aswell as corporate interests. Not trying to hate, but if you wanna see putin dead you should also wanna see many other international leaders/presidents dead. All I can say that I condone wishing anyone a tragic or painful death.
No one should wish anyone death. All I can say is that I dont trust any governments at all, let it be Russia,China or USA/Nato member countries. All of these govs are doing shady things, acting in their own aswell as corporate interests. Not trying to hate, but if you wanna see putin dead you should also wanna see many other international leaders/presidents dead. All I can say that I condone wishing anyone a tragic or painful death.

Putin is nothing like Hitler . That is propaganda from Western media . Russia actually killed more Nazis than any other country in WW2 and Ukraine is full of Nazis . They have Nazi military units who were armed , trained and funded by the US , UK , and Canada . Last year a surviving Nazi from WW2 received a standing ovation in Canadian parliament . It is the West and Ukraine who are in bed with Nazis . The Nazis played a large and critical role in this conflict . I even watched some of the war crimes they filmed themselves doing . Really evil people . You can actually speak to Azov battalion yourself if you want to confirm this . They are not shy about who they are .

The propaganda makes them hate specific leaders . It's the two minutes of hate from 1984. I fell for it myself at first but then I looked into it and found I had been manipulated

this guy will pay a million for the effort

he needs to show his comrades that he isn't bunkered this means he is looking at regular strategy meetings in person with people easier to follow. his makeup and camera crew are all regulars and dont have a lot of security around them normally.

he just needs to smoke some pot and chill the fuck out, and suck some dick, poor guy has a lot of tension.

Putin is the only adult in the room right now . While our Western leaders are all desperate to start ww3 , he is showing restraint .
If Putin was assassinated , someone far worse would take his place . In Russia he's considered a moderate .
Thank God for Putin . May him and Donald find an agreeable solution . And lets hope the Western globalists don't kill us all before then .
If Putin was assassinated , someone far worse would take his place . In Russia he's considered a moderate .
Thank God for Putin . May him and Donald find an agreeable solution . And lets hope the Western globalists don't kill us all before then .

Thank god for Putin lol, have you seen what his army does to kids and women in Ukraine? The bucha massacre? Raped and tortured kids? Bombing innocent people weekly in Ukrainian cities far away from the front lines.
Nuclear war will never happen. A man who keeps villas in Italy and has amassed billions in wealth stolen from his own people does not want a nuclear war. He just wants gullible people to think that.
Nuclear war will never happen. A man who keeps villas in Italy and has amassed billions in wealth stolen from his own people does not want a nuclear war. He just wants gullible people to think that.

Bucha was a false flag committed by the Ukrainian Nazis . They did many false flags using these evil Nazis . The US , Uk , and Canada trained , armed and funded these evil Nazis for this purpose . Azov have themselves claimed that this war would never have started if it wasn't for them .
I didn't see any war crimes committed by Russia , whereas the Ukrainian Nazis filmed themselves torturing people .
The claims of rape were made by a Ukrainian official who had to resign as she could not provide a shred of evidence .
I followed this war very closely . Don't be fooled by the propaganda .
I didn't see any war crimes committed by Russia , whereas the Ukrainian Nazis filmed themselves torturing people .
The claims of rape were made by a Ukrainian official who had to resign as she could not provide a shred of evidence .
I followed this war very closely . Don't be fooled by the propaganda .

1 post
+2 votes

Fees to send
Welcome to the new world!

Fees to send
Wow not sure what has happened to fees it seems very high at moment had to cancel many orders due to high fees to send 40 gbp for instance 20 gbp

I only discovered this site recently and just got my head around how to buy and send BTC.. Been hoping to order for about a week now but with it being a first order I wanted to start fairly small but the fees are insane..£20-£25!
Can people recommend any sellers who accept other cryptocurrencies with lower fees?
I haven't got my head around this site yet.. Most confusing to me is why there are no date/times on comments O_o
Can people recommend any sellers who accept other cryptocurrencies with lower fees?
I haven't got my head around this site yet.. Most confusing to me is why there are no date/times on comments O_o

I keep saying this in all these topics so I don't know if Im missing something or if everyone else is but are you using 'replace by fee'? - you can set your own sending fee, as low as you want, I paid pennies to send the coin for my last 40quid order.
Buying bitcoin without huge markup on the other hand, now that's the issue I have!
Buying bitcoin without huge markup on the other hand, now that's the issue I have!

Thing is i have been paying around 1pound to send a lot more say sunday when markets ok but in the green up, is still high send fee, madness, will be ok soon, but still its a bit frustrating, all good tho in the big picture.

Have a look at this: interesting.

Save you cancelling orders if you use any btc address and fill out the send form in your wallet it should show you how much the fees are,just dont send it.

It is related to the amount of bitcoin being traded at that time, I find Sunday afternoon is the best time to try.

Nah the problem is that all these so called "investment consultants" have been pushing their rich clients into investing large sums of money into btc in a double your money grift,the problem is blockchain have said screw you lot think you can ruin us hmmm take 50% fees mf`s lets see you try to remove your btc now and turn it into fiat.
Yes it screws up normal users of btc and is just another attack on bitcoin by the greedy rich who hate it because they cant control it.
Yes it screws up normal users of btc and is just another attack on bitcoin by the greedy rich who hate it because they cant control it.

From my ignorant and amateur understanding. Miners have been incentived to process transactions faster because of an nft protocol has been attached to bitcoin blockchain. Its commission based and obviously miners domt care for some pot head wanting to buy some good weed.
Not linked just the way of the world.
Not linked just the way of the world.

1 post
+2 votes

Prepping for the coming months
Everything we need is foundationally built into the roots that you have access to any time you choose.

Prepping for the coming months
First off I’m not a dramatic person in fact I’m very logical. I’m certainly not a “prepper” though I like to be organised and have a family to think of.
So with the news we’re waking up to today (Russia/Ukraine) what’s the LB community going to do to prepare for the worst? Think both day to day and herbal requirements.
Here’s my thinking (in no particular order)…
Gas- will there be shortages? Do I need to consider alternative heating and cooking tool?
Markets- cryptos are down the stock market will follow. What are people buying?
China- they don’t openly support Russia but don’t condemn them like the west. Will this change and will China hit the west with limits on everything we rely on them for?
I’m genuinely thinking of stocking up on tinned food and the like. I’ve never felt like this before and I’m worried.
I’ve got about an Oz of weed. I’ll probably buy more
So with the news we’re waking up to today (Russia/Ukraine) what’s the LB community going to do to prepare for the worst? Think both day to day and herbal requirements.
Here’s my thinking (in no particular order)…
Gas- will there be shortages? Do I need to consider alternative heating and cooking tool?
Markets- cryptos are down the stock market will follow. What are people buying?
China- they don’t openly support Russia but don’t condemn them like the west. Will this change and will China hit the west with limits on everything we rely on them for?
I’m genuinely thinking of stocking up on tinned food and the like. I’ve never felt like this before and I’m worried.
I’ve got about an Oz of weed. I’ll probably buy more

Oh I got all in a flap last winter and I've a cupboard with all sorts in. Head torch, hot water bottles, extra tins (I've noticed the BB dates are way shorter these days) plenty of pet food, a power station thingy which charges off a solar panel. Bottled water.
Start collecting firewood when you can.
I bought myself a van in the spring, and I could survive off grid for quite a while I reckon. I try to keep my fuel tanks ful even though its not the most economical thing to do.
More important is to connect with the right people. You know when the frequencies are correct. My intention is that I'll have moved within 3 years and will hopefully be part of something positive.
In real life use cash as much as possible.
Do not lose hope and do not waste time trying to wake people up to the big picture. If they aren't on it now, they never will be and they honestly won't care either.
Whether I'm going about it the right way or not, I don't know - I do know I'd rather do something than nothing
I wish I didn't keep thinking about the Hunger Games 😩
Good luck!
Start collecting firewood when you can.
I bought myself a van in the spring, and I could survive off grid for quite a while I reckon. I try to keep my fuel tanks ful even though its not the most economical thing to do.
More important is to connect with the right people. You know when the frequencies are correct. My intention is that I'll have moved within 3 years and will hopefully be part of something positive.
In real life use cash as much as possible.
Do not lose hope and do not waste time trying to wake people up to the big picture. If they aren't on it now, they never will be and they honestly won't care either.
Whether I'm going about it the right way or not, I don't know - I do know I'd rather do something than nothing
I wish I didn't keep thinking about the Hunger Games 😩
Good luck!

I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of Putin but who knows which buttons he may press during his downfall.
I think overvalued crypto will bounce off the floor, i would be reluctant to place larger orders while btc is falling to at least give vendors a chance or i would try and buy on a bounce.
Stocking up on tinned food is always a good idea what with the world being such a crazy place to live, i have been doing this gradually but i am in a precarious location in terms of military targets.
As Putin becomes more aggressive the world will be ashamed of him and his ridiculous power crazed ways.
China are still very much a world player i think we could well see China turn it's back on Putin with a secret deal with the west.
Keep calm and carry on !
I think overvalued crypto will bounce off the floor, i would be reluctant to place larger orders while btc is falling to at least give vendors a chance or i would try and buy on a bounce.
Stocking up on tinned food is always a good idea what with the world being such a crazy place to live, i have been doing this gradually but i am in a precarious location in terms of military targets.
As Putin becomes more aggressive the world will be ashamed of him and his ridiculous power crazed ways.
China are still very much a world player i think we could well see China turn it's back on Putin with a secret deal with the west.
Keep calm and carry on !

One thing I didn’t include was the potential for cyber warfare. This level of potential conflict hasn’t come about in the internet era so Russian tactics in this respect will be interesting to see as long as LB isn’t the target obviously. Now that would get me panicked

I think they are too busy moving their money around, i can literally see the Russian money moving around the markets looking for somewhere to hide.
He may launch a cyber attack but it will be nothing compared to the cyber onslaught that Russia will be experiencing from the west.
He may launch a cyber attack but it will be nothing compared to the cyber onslaught that Russia will be experiencing from the west.

Everything we need is foundationally built into the roots that you have access to any time you choose.

1 post
+2 votes

new seller free 0.5 sample here
Shout going out....FireUK
1 post
+1.2 votes

what are the effects of masks on a society?
More than 70% of communication is non verbal. Our brains translate thousands of pieces of visual facial info in a second. Block this and our minds display stress signals that can deeply disturb us over time...

im opposite, im autistic, the visual facial cues have to be processed and that takes time, wearing a mask means i can relax and not worry about having a huge grin(really a nervous grimace) when someone tells me their mum has died.

That’s an interesting perspective. I’m guessing masks are here to stay, I just want them to be voluntary...

They have been wearing masks in heavy populated countries (China/Japan/Thailand) since MARS Virus a few years ago. And in the bigger picture they got a handle on it rather well. Same with Covid they didn't take a bigger hit as we have. I can't see how wearing masks isn't a wise choice in close proximity to other people

I think it's all about the effectiveness of the masks.
Proper NHS PPE worn by nurses and doctors yes, but a cotton mask pulled out of a pocket every now and again, after touching numerous things in the meantime, then readjusting it with hands every 30 seconds is probably about as much use as an inflatable dart board.
Just my 2p
Cheers BB
Proper NHS PPE worn by nurses and doctors yes, but a cotton mask pulled out of a pocket every now and again, after touching numerous things in the meantime, then readjusting it with hands every 30 seconds is probably about as much use as an inflatable dart board.
Just my 2p
Cheers BB

They are dehumanising, antisocial and have become a comfort blanket for the insecure and the effects on society will be long lasting.

Less concern of pathogenic transmissions, of viruses brought back from breaking the earths gravity and a go ahead punching portals in the stratosphere. Also a great opportunity for big global heath services.

"A new study on face masks highlights their inefficacy, lack of safety and ability to cause physiological, psychological and long-term health problems, which may culminate in immune suppression, worsened chronic disease, accelerated aging and premature death"

The main reason for wearing masks is to stop the spread of transmission. They primarily stop infected people spreading the virus and their preventative use is limited at best. I think it's missing the point saying you can wear a mask but still catch a virus. That's not the main purpose even if it does have some positive effect in reducing your chances of catching a virus.

I’ll throw my hat in and say the primary effect has been mass mental illness:
“I just stare at that little box with my face in it and pick apart my appearance,” she said, noting that her distress is affecting her job performance. “My double chin seems six times larger, my eye bags are too deep of a purple, etc … Even when there’s a heatwave and my apartment is close to 90 degrees, I’ll wear a turtleneck that I can pull up. I pack on thick makeup that makes my skin peel.”
Going out in public with a black surgical mask that covers her chin and sunglasses that cover her eye bags provides Miller with an escape from that sense of scrutiny.
“I 10,000% plan on wearing it for the foreseeable future,” she said. “After a full work day of worrying and not being able to focus on my actual job, it just feels nice to blend in. Simply put, I’m sick of being perceived.”
Personally it’s not for me... I just wear the magic exempt badge ;)
“I just stare at that little box with my face in it and pick apart my appearance,” she said, noting that her distress is affecting her job performance. “My double chin seems six times larger, my eye bags are too deep of a purple, etc … Even when there’s a heatwave and my apartment is close to 90 degrees, I’ll wear a turtleneck that I can pull up. I pack on thick makeup that makes my skin peel.”
Going out in public with a black surgical mask that covers her chin and sunglasses that cover her eye bags provides Miller with an escape from that sense of scrutiny.
“I 10,000% plan on wearing it for the foreseeable future,” she said. “After a full work day of worrying and not being able to focus on my actual job, it just feels nice to blend in. Simply put, I’m sick of being perceived.”
Personally it’s not for me... I just wear the magic exempt badge ;)

3 posts
+7 votes

Tin foil hat club
It`s going to get a lot crazier my friend!
+ 3 more

Tin foil hat club
Anyone else really thinking something very dodgy is going on with all this COVID stuff. Respected virologists saying this protein spike doesn’t all absorb into to arm that only 25% does sending millions of little blood clots all over your body.. that the vaccines will create more variants and transmission which if you look and think for yourself can see is already happening. Why ruin their reputations what for? Time to wake up before it’s to late. I had both my vaccines for work didn’t have a lot of choice I will be happily sacked next year if they ask me to get any boosters and I fucking love my job. Anyone with any complaints please feel free to voice them but I got these vaccines out of respect for other people fearing they were going to be filled with problems.. little did I no.. I think all us nut jobs deserve the same respect back now just take a look 👀

A very touchy subject for some folk, but for good reason.
Real lives have been affected by covid, it’s easy to get lost in the news and figures.
My personal view on others vaccination status is to not pay attention.
If somebody wants to protect themselves from a virus by vaccination, let them.
If somebody wants to risk it by not getting the vaccination, let them.
Trying to control people can only ever lead to conflict, inform and advise then let people make their own decisions… we are all adults after all.
Real lives have been affected by covid, it’s easy to get lost in the news and figures.
My personal view on others vaccination status is to not pay attention.
If somebody wants to protect themselves from a virus by vaccination, let them.
If somebody wants to risk it by not getting the vaccination, let them.
Trying to control people can only ever lead to conflict, inform and advise then let people make their own decisions… we are all adults after all.

Yes exactly cause history tells us that governments have our best interests at heart. I have been shocked by how blind people are being to all of this

It’s crazy times! My friend had both her jabs and got full blown COVID and she was out of the period where the vac would be ineffective. I had close contact and never contracted it. I secretly think the green is a COVID repellent!!

I’ve had close contact with someone who had Covid a few times now and not caught it once don’t think any of my stoner friends have actually maybe it is.. here’s hoping 😆💪

‘Viruses’ and ‘diseases’ do NOT exist.
They were both created by the Rockefeller-controlled medical industry in league with ‘Big Pharma’ who use the so-called ‘germ theory’ in order to sell medication and vaccines to the people for monetary gain and population control.
If ‘germ theory’ was correct there would not be a single human alive anywhere in the world today. Germs, bacteria, fungi, pathogens, and even ‘viruses,’ which are in reality protein-based exosomes within everyone’s RNA, are everywhere. The bodies of all living creatures are made up of them.
So-called ‘diseases’ are just symptoms of underlying toxicity within the cells and so-called ‘viruses’ are manufactured within our own bodies as a protection method against external toxins of all kinds. When we are suffering from a dangerous level of toxicity of any kind, our bodies create a defense mechanism which we refer to as ‘flu’ or ‘cold’ or ‘pneumonia’ or any number of other named ‘viruses’ in order to expel these often deadly toxins.
Therefore viruses are not contagious. We do not ‘acquire’ them externally and nor do they get ‘passed on’ from person to person.
The only way you can ‘catch’ a virus is to be injected with one via a vaccine.
They were both created by the Rockefeller-controlled medical industry in league with ‘Big Pharma’ who use the so-called ‘germ theory’ in order to sell medication and vaccines to the people for monetary gain and population control.
If ‘germ theory’ was correct there would not be a single human alive anywhere in the world today. Germs, bacteria, fungi, pathogens, and even ‘viruses,’ which are in reality protein-based exosomes within everyone’s RNA, are everywhere. The bodies of all living creatures are made up of them.
So-called ‘diseases’ are just symptoms of underlying toxicity within the cells and so-called ‘viruses’ are manufactured within our own bodies as a protection method against external toxins of all kinds. When we are suffering from a dangerous level of toxicity of any kind, our bodies create a defense mechanism which we refer to as ‘flu’ or ‘cold’ or ‘pneumonia’ or any number of other named ‘viruses’ in order to expel these often deadly toxins.
Therefore viruses are not contagious. We do not ‘acquire’ them externally and nor do they get ‘passed on’ from person to person.
The only way you can ‘catch’ a virus is to be injected with one via a vaccine.

Just for the record.
Please tell me to stop banging on about this if it does your nut in, I'm not trying to preach
only advocate
You may, or may not, heard of Wim Hof aka The Iceman?
Google him if not as I'm not here to explain all of his amazing story.
If you research him you may come across some of the studies that have been conducted upon him in regard to " the Wim Hof method'
Simply put cold exposure, breathing exercises and commitment.
Wim has been studied after being injected with e‐coli endotoxin while using his "method" which allows him some control over the parasympathetic nervous system. This was previously thought to be impossible.
This was in a group study where Wim did not show any, or, reduced effects from the endotoxin, unlike the rest of the group.
It was first assumed that Wim was a "special" case. Wim claimed that his ability can be trained and suggested that he will take a random group for a week, train them and return to perform the test again with the whole group.
None of Wim's group showed any significant reaction to the endotoxin compared to the other non-trained test group
There is plenty of material related to Wim online.
I have been practising for just over a year.
No coughs, colds, hay-fever gone, no more migraine, no covid, mental gains and more
There are many benefits and it is free. Tutorials on YT
You can get pretty high on your own supply and it feels goooood!
Please tell me to stop banging on about this if it does your nut in, I'm not trying to preach
only advocate
You may, or may not, heard of Wim Hof aka The Iceman?
Google him if not as I'm not here to explain all of his amazing story.
If you research him you may come across some of the studies that have been conducted upon him in regard to " the Wim Hof method'
Simply put cold exposure, breathing exercises and commitment.
Wim has been studied after being injected with e‐coli endotoxin while using his "method" which allows him some control over the parasympathetic nervous system. This was previously thought to be impossible.
This was in a group study where Wim did not show any, or, reduced effects from the endotoxin, unlike the rest of the group.
It was first assumed that Wim was a "special" case. Wim claimed that his ability can be trained and suggested that he will take a random group for a week, train them and return to perform the test again with the whole group.
None of Wim's group showed any significant reaction to the endotoxin compared to the other non-trained test group
There is plenty of material related to Wim online.
I have been practising for just over a year.
No coughs, colds, hay-fever gone, no more migraine, no covid, mental gains and more
There are many benefits and it is free. Tutorials on YT
You can get pretty high on your own supply and it feels goooood!

Thanks so much for this will definitley check this out. I have a friend who’s a psychologist who swares by it. DMT also 😉 but im to chicken 😂.
Funny reading over this old post sadly looks like the virologists who said this at the start of the pandemic were unfortunately very correct. I did refuse the 3rd vaccine and had to leave a job that I loved. Fuck you goverments of the world! 😂
Funny reading over this old post sadly looks like the virologists who said this at the start of the pandemic were unfortunately very correct. I did refuse the 3rd vaccine and had to leave a job that I loved. Fuck you goverments of the world! 😂

All very interesting. I fear things are just going to get crazier, where do you get your information from?

Hi bevbevan1, I do a lot of research on the web, and also read books, and spent many years in a microbiology lab. "Viruses": Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer-Dots. (Really?)

1 post
+3.2 votes

We’re broke
The fact that the Great Reset is a conspiracy is not just a theory.

We’re broke
Seems to marry up with the WEF plan of the "great reset". Seems like everybody is going to default and we will have to start again with a new economic model.

1 post
+1 votes
I got the Genolade, was the best vape I ever had. Strong and so much flavour. Bought again today. Strongly recommended. Dr. TERPY is my 2 go seller for vape now. Communication was awesome and very good stealth. Buy with no fear. Peace

I’m sure all the slots are taken but would be more than happy to try and review, being new to carts it’d be cool to see what all the fuss is about.

1 post
+1 votes
Looks a nice sample of Kushberry!


TH3 R3515T4NC3
TH3 R3515T4NC3

Interesting looking menu menu and prices, would be up for a sample if still available)
Also it would be nice to see a few pics of the hash out of the wrapper.....edit...Duh just clicked on the listing and nice looking pics right there nvm
Also it would be nice to see a few pics of the hash out of the wrapper.....edit...Duh just clicked on the listing and nice looking pics right there nvm

Yes nice hash incredible at this price
i will have some semi dry hashes in stock within a week!
send me ur address over on PM pal i got u
number 3
i will have some semi dry hashes in stock within a week!
send me ur address over on PM pal i got u
number 3

Hello mate love the look of that nice price too I can’t smoke a lot of weed but that looks good

Tbh i think a lot of the weed I get always looks and smells good but doesn’t burn properly or something like that idk but that looks good

Hi, I was going to order your northern lights but i didn't as it stated ships from U.K. not Spain like your Hash. Its weird how no one tried your products yet considering you have been on LB for like a month! You probably need to work on your description a bit more and have like an aggressive intro promo like by one get the same for free for your first 10 buys to get reviews so people trust ordering from you. This is what green honey did and the new vendors in the UK do the same. Just your first 10 buys. Good luck!

Ciao 👋 sono 1 dei 7....., wow ❤️ ottimo prodotto, buonissimo prezzo e velocità (5 giorni in meno di altri venditori Spagna) 9 giorni in 🇮🇹🔝applausi 👏

1 post
+1 votes

Just coming by to share with you guys all the lovely new bits we got in this month ;
Click on any of the links above and it will take you straight to the item listing for you to add to your cart.
Also our RIFF is back in the week so keep your eyes peeled, all hash we have in BULK so drop us a message with any enquiries...
All you have to do is like this post and comment with an inspiring quote, say something positive or spread some love :-)
The 4 LUCKY WINNNERS will be picked on the 1ST of FEB.
Click on any of the links above and it will take you straight to the item listing for you to add to your cart.
Also our RIFF is back in the week so keep your eyes peeled, all hash we have in BULK so drop us a message with any enquiries...
All you have to do is like this post and comment with an inspiring quote, say something positive or spread some love :-)
The 4 LUCKY WINNNERS will be picked on the 1ST of FEB.

Arrr nice one BB!! And thanks Sam for letting me know otherwise I would have probably missed this lol

No worries dude! When I saw our names I was well stoked so had to give you a shout straight away! 🥳

Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 Thank you Boyz!!!! This could not of come at a better time! It’s been a tough ol month financially so this is a complete lifesaver!!! ✌️🙏❤️

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”
Quote by Willie Nelson ✌️
Quote by Willie Nelson ✌️

When I first started smoking weed, I told myself that I would only smoke on special days..little did I know, everyday is a special day!

Pick it, pack it
Fire it up, come along
And take a hit from the bong….
Got to be some of the best lyrics, even if there not my own! Would love to try some hash!
Fire it up, come along
And take a hit from the bong….
Got to be some of the best lyrics, even if there not my own! Would love to try some hash!

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner." Neil McCauley

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.

2 posts
+0 votes

Could cannabis be the answer to coronavirus?
To this date 03-02-22 SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated in a human!
+ 2 more

Could cannabis be the answer to coronavirus?
It would be interesting to see a statistic about the survival rate of weed smokers.
This may just be a coincidence but I don't have covid and I use cannabis everyday ;)
This may just be a coincidence but I don't have covid and I use cannabis everyday ;)

Not medical evidence, paramedic and smoker (not at same time!) not had a day off sick since covid started. Been exposed multiple times. Not proof of anything, just my 2pence

I was working close with a guy that tested positive the day after we worked together, he had his test the day before. I didn't catch it

I genuinely don’t know anymore. My opinion is the virus is real but nowhere as bad as we are being led to believe. but the whole situation is being manipulated by governments for their own agendas. “Biggest transference of wealth in history” ? Anyway enough crazy talk. Stay safe everyone.

I used cannabis daily for years & got critically ill with Covid back in Jan 21. 3 months on life support, 4 months total in hospital. Have been discharged 9 months now & only been taken off my daily blood thinners last week. (I had blood clots in both lungs) - now I can explore the world of edibles as my lungs are f****d from my brush with Covid.....any suggestions welcome. Thank you.

I’ve done zero research on this topic, but just on the slightest off chance it does I upped my dose since lockdown, you can never be too careful lol.

Speaking from personal experience, maybe??? I had covid in March/ April, it sucked, and I've had "long covid" ever since, though much better than I was. On the other hand, I didn't get a cough let alone ARDS, so I wasn't hospitalised. On the other other hand, "long covid" reset my tolerance levels to newborn infant, so I was only taking a tiny bit of AVB every night to help me sleep. If you get covid maybe experiment with microdosing edibles as opposed to lighting up a fat blunt?

I take cannabis oil whenever I start feeling a cold or flu and I swear it works over 90% of the time.

I had it in feb before it was thought to be here, only thing that let me breathe was a combo of weed and the blue athsma inhaler. I distinctly remember saying that the only reason I wasn't in hospital with whatever flu I had was I was smoking heavily.

Well no one I know who smokes it or in my family had had covid at all that’s all I’m saying ;) defo the cure / prevention of CANCER!!! Facts

1 post
+5 votes

will the chinese gov say sorry?
World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and …

will the chinese gov say sorry?
no conspiracy theory here looking at this as an accident what kind of a person wouldn't show some remorse?

World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings. ~ Denis Healey, United Kingdom Secretary of State for Defence (1964-1970) and Chancellor of the Exchequer (1974-1979).

But, couldn’t the rest of the world have seen this coming from miles and miles away? Why should only the Chinese government be responsible? I feel like we all could learn from other people’s mistakes. Once the Chinese government failed, the rest lacked in response as well.. and now people are so stubborn, wanting to continue normal life when things are still not in control. Which is absolutely understandable. But blame is not going to stop this, especially if we don’t take responsibility ourselves. so why not ask for an apology closer to home?

It quite clearly wasn’t an accident, even if it was how can they admit it? Every government in the world suing for 600 Billion, everyone that lost someone getting multi million dollar payouts… It was a giant scam from start to finish imo.

It’s USA and China.
Thank me later (copy this b4 it’s taken down)
Smoking gun…. 🤷🏻♂️
Thank me later (copy this b4 it’s taken down)
Smoking gun…. 🤷🏻♂️

Finally got round to making some juice and it tastes so good!
Im unsure on the thc content so i will list all the ingredients and amounts used :)
7 Grams of decarbed Star Dawg buds
'Crushed Candy Vampire Vape flavour concentrate'
50ml total pg/vg mix
Im sure someone is able to do the math on the thc content but after vaping around 10 puffs i can feel it hitting up top, the next batches will be a lot bigger this was just a test run before jumping in head first!
Upload a picture of your vape below if you are interested in a free bottle!
Im unsure on the thc content so i will list all the ingredients and amounts used :)
7 Grams of decarbed Star Dawg buds
'Crushed Candy Vampire Vape flavour concentrate'
50ml total pg/vg mix
Im sure someone is able to do the math on the thc content but after vaping around 10 puffs i can feel it hitting up top, the next batches will be a lot bigger this was just a test run before jumping in head first!
Upload a picture of your vape below if you are interested in a free bottle!

A little insight on the method used, i bought food grade, pure vegetable glycerine and propylene glycol and mixed them both to a 60/40 ratio (PG/VG) I then decarboxylated the weed flower and mixed it with the PG/VG solution and added it to a jar which was placed in a gentle boil water bath for 3 hours to speed up the infusion, the flavour concentrate is optional, i only add it after i have filled the tank with the THC E-juice :)

In my experience this is a long and complicated way to get an average end result. Best off avoiding the vg/pg and using organic terpenes to thin the oil instead. VG tends to seperate from the mixture over time and PG is just a pointless nasty chemical. If you want to use flower rather than a ready made concentrate (live resin/shatter etc) then I suggest pressing it rosin style and then heating it up with some terpenes to keep the waxes in solution. Just my opinion, but I have spent a number of years experimenting with all this

fair enough. Rosin press does use a lot of flower and the method you describe does work. I just found that the mixture struggles to stay consistent and you end up with separation. and also because it's a bit more dilute due to the additives, you have to vape quite a lot of it to achieve the desired result (depending on tolerance)
My advice would be to buy good quality concentrate (live resin/shatter/rosin/wax/distillate) to avoid dealing with flower and then dilute that down however you prefer (vg/pg/terps/MCT oil)
My advice would be to buy good quality concentrate (live resin/shatter/rosin/wax/distillate) to avoid dealing with flower and then dilute that down however you prefer (vg/pg/terps/MCT oil)

Without knowing the THC content of the Stardawg and how much of that THC was extracted in the PG/VG mix when you prepared it the Math is impossible. Only way would be to get it tested for THC content.
You clearly don't know what you are making and then trying to pass onto people. Even if you are offering it for free
You clearly don't know what you are making and then trying to pass onto people. Even if you are offering it for free

Didn't LB say they were clamping down on juices and carts on here? I'm sure they said something about vendors needing test results?

It was before your time on here. About 3-6 months ago. I will try and find it.
There is a lot of sh*t going around in juices and carts. That's why I make make own so I know what goes into it or I will buy from a source which I have had tested. Link attached for anyone who wants to get their vape juice/carts or anything else tested
There is a lot of sh*t going around in juices and carts. That's why I make make own so I know what goes into it or I will buy from a source which I have had tested. Link attached for anyone who wants to get their vape juice/carts or anything else tested

2 posts
+2 votes

Lemon Tart
Little giveaway! X 3
If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.
+ 2 more

Lemon Tart
Little giveaway! X 3
Lets spread the love through the LB community, positive vibes and relaxed highs
Up for grabs 1 Gram of Lemon Tart for 3 random members!
Vote/comment whatever floats your boat and I will pick 3 winners who will be contacted through messages for delivery info :)
Hope everyone’s had a good Friday, take care :)
Up for grabs 1 Gram of Lemon Tart for 3 random members!
Vote/comment whatever floats your boat and I will pick 3 winners who will be contacted through messages for delivery info :)
Hope everyone’s had a good Friday, take care :)

Happy Saturday J ☺️
Meant to say love the fact I can tell your products by the picture, you have a style and it works ace 😊
Meant to say love the fact I can tell your products by the picture, you have a style and it works ace 😊

Cheers J 😍 my details are with you and feel free to send all the drugs to me 😏💕🐰
Wow just looked you have updated the menu
Yeah all the drugs J
Look into my rabb1t eyes, stare closely, listen to the dulcet tones of my rabb1t voice and now post me all your drugs 😍😏💕🐰
Wow just looked you have updated the menu
Yeah all the drugs J
Look into my rabb1t eyes, stare closely, listen to the dulcet tones of my rabb1t voice and now post me all your drugs 😍😏💕🐰

true gent... 👍 not bad thanks bro, nothing too exciting, just some time off from the grind with the fam!

Hi jayspadez would love to try the Lemon Tart out..if the flavours are anything like your recent Girl Scout Cookies 10/10 . Will be full of Terps. :-)) Happy days ¡!!

Conspiracy topics are over by the water cooler MilfH it's left after the neighborhood watch offices, your in the giveaway section at the moment easy mistake 👍🐰

If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.

Did anyone get theirs?
Mine was supposed to be sent with my order of Strawb Kush. Kush came (underweight) and no lemon tart.
Disappointing first experience with this vendor. Not impressed.
Mine was supposed to be sent with my order of Strawb Kush. Kush came (underweight) and no lemon tart.
Disappointing first experience with this vendor. Not impressed.

1 post
+2 votes
Lets put things into perspective.......If Teddy Sheringham can play in the premier league and still score goals at the age of 40 years 272 days old, Then this guy could play into his forties no problem, Only looking at Ronaldo`s fitness regime would make a lot of people sweat!.......Ronaldo`s strict regime puts the legendary forward in the shape of a person 10 years younger!

I think Ronaldo will get the goals for Man U his fitness is phenomenal but I think Chelsea will come 1st followed by United or Liverpool.

2 posts
+6 votes
Budbotanist - Ched Cbd/Thc Strain
started topic
+ 2 more

Budbotanist - Ched Cbd/Thc Strain
Thought I`d show some love for budbotanist and the cheese strain, been smoking cbd bud for a couple of years or so, but tbh not really found a strain what even comes close to the taste of Thc strains, This combo strain from budbotanist seems to hit the nail on the head, now don`t get me wrong i have been smoking cbd bud for the past week so my thc tolerance levels are on the lower side, but could feel the thc in this strain pretty much instant after a pipe, the taste was there too and that fresh smell of cheese brings back memories...the buds are a bit airy but flavour smell and effects are all there, so anyone looking for a combo strain this could be right up your street.
Peace out
Peace out

Thanks for taking the time Milfhunter. It's much appreciated.
I'm very happy you're appreciating and enjoying the Cheese CBD for what it is :)
Enjoy the rest of your evening my friend
I'm very happy you're appreciating and enjoying the Cheese CBD for what it is :)
Enjoy the rest of your evening my friend

2 posts
+1 votes

EU digital covid certificate
Lets hope so....because the New World Order is in full effect! It`s time for the true warriors to make a real stand against these tyrants!............…
+ 2 more

EU digital covid certificate
Is there a way to get an EU digital covid certificate on darkweb?

Lets hope so....because the New World Order is in full effect! It`s time for the true warriors to make a real stand against these tyrants!..............When freedom has been outlawed, the free will be outlaws.

It's fucking sad, my dad's being pushed at his workplace to get vaccinated or must be getting tested every week. My whole family is against tyranny.

Its very sad, I`m not bowing down to this Dystopian Draconian Technocratic new normal. I will fight till the death! Strap yourself in.....and hold on tight because the shit is about to get real!!! The World bank has this shit planned until March 2025!

1 post
+2 votes

I`m not a seller.....but i can send you a bag of nettles if you want?......let me know!

Hi everyone. It's my birthday on Thursday, so if there are any sellers that have bits of this or bits of that you just want to get rid off/can't sell, you can send them my way. I'll get rid of it for you :)

Not a seller but have a metric fuckton of green waste in the back garden, not the fun green unfortunately.
Good luck and I hope a vendor sorts ya out 😎😃
Good luck and I hope a vendor sorts ya out 😎😃

Got plenty of that myself to be fair. Need to get that sorted. Thanks for reminding me!

Nettles are pretty useful. They make pretty healthy teas. I do, however, have some round the back of the garage, so I'll kindly pass on the offer. Thanks though!

1 post
+2 votes
class discrimination kills society
The game is rigged.....just like them twin towers almost 20 years ago!

class discrimination kills society
and every fucking class plays it. it won brexit. even if its a valid way to sort people initially it is a societal cancer once people are born into it. do the fucking math england.

Go on then, how did class win Brexit?
The lower classes manipulated to vote for it?
Or the upper classes seeking to benefit from it by manipulating lower classes to vote for it?
The lower classes manipulated to vote for it?
Or the upper classes seeking to benefit from it by manipulating lower classes to vote for it?

1 post
+9 votes
Who knows about bald eagle?
Bald eagle
The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. A sea eagle, it has two known subspecies and forms a species pair with the white-…

Bald eagle
The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. A sea eagle, it has two known subspecies and forms a species pair with the white-tailed eagle. Its range includes most of Canada and Alaska, all of the contiguous United States, and northern Mexico.
The bald eagle is a bird of prey found in North America. A sea eagle, it has two known subspecies and forms a species pair with the white-tailed eagle. Its range includes most of Canada and Alaska, all of the contiguous United States, and northern Mexico.

I’ve heard of the Bald Eagle Bakery cherry dribble drop that is supposed to be fantastic, but never got my hands on any. Your pick and mix is tempting me though....any pictures?

I’ve just uploaded a few although we are getting proper ones taken.

1 post
+2 votes

What to do (card from rm)
Twitchy bum time!

What to do (card from rm)
Received this card through the post. I presume it's a sample I was promised. I noticed I can pay online and get it delivered - but should i? Should I just consider it lost?

It’ll be an issue with the envelopes. Packs get held back from time to time and they require further postage fees. Normally £1.50 or the sorts. Pay it online. You’ll be fine and get your pack.

Could be wrong postage paid. Usually RM will send this if so. Not really much to worry about here imo.

Heya, I have had 2 x not enough postage cards from RM paid both and both have been from vendors. oddly enough one only a few days ago if you want to check its not that one please DM me as having spoken to them its a genuine error, if you have already sorted hope it went well :)

What would you do if you weren't expecting weed? It's a gamble,but you could just pay and if it goes pear shaped tell 'em you got a card asking you to pay extra postage.So,you did-still doesn't mean you knew the packages content.

Loving the drama of a potential massive operation to send you down for 6 - 10 MINIMUM all for 2gs. Please send update ASAP. 😂

1 post
+2 votes

Run for the hills..................


Had a grey Royal Mail ticket, saying my item has a £2 “customs charge” for a UK to UK order.
Trap or no?
Trap or no?

I rang delivery office to enquire why I should pay £8 for customs charge, when it’s UK to UK. He said it had no stamp on it, so I collected it in person. If he had said anything else, I would have left it there.

1 post
+10.2 votes

little buggy
Improve the usability, please.
An App?..............Have u been smoking crack?

little buggy
Improve the usability, please.
I find navigation to be awkward, especially via my mobile 'phone. The text used is minute for example. So do you have a mobile-friendly site please, or even an app? Thanks.

I like the way it is coz being hard to navigate makes LB stay the size it's become. If you had apps and making it like Amazon then this place would be shut down in days an never to return so what would you all want, LB the way it is or make it so easy a 10 year old could navigate it?
I'm with you that it can be a pain to find things but it's not alot to go through for what we get.
I'm with you that it can be a pain to find things but it's not alot to go through for what we get.

I think is perfect like it is now.
Too much friendly and more dumb people will show up, an app? That's a no no from the start, security issues.
If I was an admin of LB? I would leave everything like is now, not worth improving what is working perfectly.
Too much friendly and more dumb people will show up, an app? That's a no no from the start, security issues.
If I was an admin of LB? I would leave everything like is now, not worth improving what is working perfectly.

This! V new here but have experience from a while ago, too user friendly brings noisy crowds...

there is no search function but
google "item or seller name"+ little biggy
and it works quite well
google "item or seller name"+ little biggy
and it works quite well

I've put this in other places but;
items page
Make sure you have your country selected at the top "deliver to"
ctrl+f and it allows you to search that page
Depends what computer you're using, if you are using tor it has a search page option top right, and you can also find the same function on the phone tor browser.
This has been know and 'a thing' for the last 20 years, where have you been?
items page
Make sure you have your country selected at the top "deliver to"
ctrl+f and it allows you to search that page
Depends what computer you're using, if you are using tor it has a search page option top right, and you can also find the same function on the phone tor browser.
This has been know and 'a thing' for the last 20 years, where have you been?

i agree, i would like to see a dapp for this place, an app that runs on a blockchain that cant be taken down.

An app can't run on the blockchain, an app still needs a database and a platform, an app based on blockchain can use the blockchain to "store" some data.
An exemple? The wallet you are using to store your BTC. The wallet itself is not running on the blockchain, just saving and retrieving information from the blockchain.
An exemple? The wallet you are using to store your BTC. The wallet itself is not running on the blockchain, just saving and retrieving information from the blockchain.

I repeat myself: the app itself is not running on the blockchain, will just save and retrieve some data on the blockchain.

Just thinking if the data is stored outside of the blockchain then could it be easier to access
Wether that be encrypted gobbledygook i havent a clue, in fact i have no clue about any of it but it’s interesting to gain some useless information from time to time lol
Wether that be encrypted gobbledygook i havent a clue, in fact i have no clue about any of it but it’s interesting to gain some useless information from time to time lol

As a developer you must encrypt (by using standard encryption protocols) any sensitive data.
Is irrelevant if the data is inside or outside the blockchain, you can store non encrypted data on the blockchain as well, so it's up to you as sw developer to guarantee the safety of the data
Is irrelevant if the data is inside or outside the blockchain, you can store non encrypted data on the blockchain as well, so it's up to you as sw developer to guarantee the safety of the data

Maybe I'm not explaining this clear enough.
You still need a "package" (for Android named APK, for Windows named .exe and so on), you are NOT running that app on a blockchain, programmatically speaking is not possible right now, that app just uses the blockchain to store small chunks of data exactly like the transaction that are stored on the blockchain, please do not confuse what blockchain technology is.
Another example:
Even if LB would use any blockchain to store/retrieve data (which I highly do not recommend for security purposes!) the site still needs a platform to run, and if any gov agency wants to shut off the site, the data saved on the blockchain will be still there, but inaccessible without a platform. (ofc this could be used as a backup, but again, is a mess, you must deal with a lot of small chuncks of data and trace every block to retrieve the data)
You still need a "package" (for Android named APK, for Windows named .exe and so on), you are NOT running that app on a blockchain, programmatically speaking is not possible right now, that app just uses the blockchain to store small chunks of data exactly like the transaction that are stored on the blockchain, please do not confuse what blockchain technology is.
Another example:
Even if LB would use any blockchain to store/retrieve data (which I highly do not recommend for security purposes!) the site still needs a platform to run, and if any gov agency wants to shut off the site, the data saved on the blockchain will be still there, but inaccessible without a platform. (ofc this could be used as a backup, but again, is a mess, you must deal with a lot of small chuncks of data and trace every block to retrieve the data)

ts not your output its your input, try reading wikipedia on this
"DApps may run on top of distributed computing systems such as Ethereum or Bitcoin. Decentralized applications are stored on and executed by a blockchain system."
Obviously any program needs a stack of components, you are missing the point.
A dapp is indeed server less and can not be taken down.
"DApps may run on top of distributed computing systems such as Ethereum or Bitcoin. Decentralized applications are stored on and executed by a blockchain system."
Obviously any program needs a stack of components, you are missing the point.
A dapp is indeed server less and can not be taken down.

Okay, I'll stop here because you are also trying to make funny of me, but is clear that you have a leak of knowledge about this topic.
If you quoted Wikipedia, read this part:
"DApps have their backend code running on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, as opposed to typical applications where the backend code is running on centralized servers. A DApp can have frontend code and user interfaces written in any language that can make calls to its backend. Furthermore, its frontend can be hosted on decentralized storage such as Swarm or IPFS."
Aha, please go to tell this to the people who have worked on P2P networks, maybe they missed something...
If you quoted Wikipedia, read this part:
"DApps have their backend code running on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, as opposed to typical applications where the backend code is running on centralized servers. A DApp can have frontend code and user interfaces written in any language that can make calls to its backend. Furthermore, its frontend can be hosted on decentralized storage such as Swarm or IPFS."
Aha, please go to tell this to the people who have worked on P2P networks, maybe they missed something...

not at all and i appreciate you conversing with me.
dapps are new and not well understood and i really think you will enjoy taking a closer look at them. this site lists tons of dapps
dapps are new and not well understood and i really think you will enjoy taking a closer look at them. this site lists tons of dapps

I really think that we are trying to explain two different things.
I'm saying that you can't have an executable program running (so being compiled and interpreted) directly on the blockchain.
Thus that's why I'm saying that what you asked is worthless.
I know you can use an application to communicate with the blockchain (an wallet is the best example) but this does not mean that your app will be impossible to be taken down.
I'm saying that you can't have an executable program running (so being compiled and interpreted) directly on the blockchain.
Thus that's why I'm saying that what you asked is worthless.
I know you can use an application to communicate with the blockchain (an wallet is the best example) but this does not mean that your app will be impossible to be taken down.

3 posts
+4 votes

Worth waiting for fee Bitpanda fee drop?
From a fellow Bigga
+ 3 more

Worth waiting for fee Bitpanda fee drop?
Hi Folks,
I am at this moment poised to send BTC from Bitpanda account to buy here. Fees atm fee is £17.39 (11.30am 15th march).
Is there any point in waiting until fees drop (if at all) maybe later today or should I just take the pain of such a high fee?
I read on here that before the USA starts trading for the day is better? Are there any suggestions for a general time frame (pref today) or is it just pot luck? (no pun intended!!)
I am at this moment poised to send BTC from Bitpanda account to buy here. Fees atm fee is £17.39 (11.30am 15th march).
Is there any point in waiting until fees drop (if at all) maybe later today or should I just take the pain of such a high fee?
I read on here that before the USA starts trading for the day is better? Are there any suggestions for a general time frame (pref today) or is it just pot luck? (no pun intended!!)

thanks for the link.
I have my Bitpanda send page open without completing order and am seeing fees going up every few minutes! when I looked at 11.30 this morning fee to send BTC was £17.39, now 2 hours later fee is £17.62!. Just can't justify buying with those fees, just gonna keep checking and see if I get better fee later
I have my Bitpanda send page open without completing order and am seeing fees going up every few minutes! when I looked at 11.30 this morning fee to send BTC was £17.39, now 2 hours later fee is £17.62!. Just can't justify buying with those fees, just gonna keep checking and see if I get better fee later

If you can wait till the weekend it goes down, yesterday (14-03-21) it was £ 2.57 to send.
Good Luck
Good Luck

Thanks for your reply Milfhunter ,
It's definitely worth waiting until the weekend then, I did read here that sunday afternoons are good for lower fees. My challenge is to make my emergency stash last until then (allowing for delivery time), will be rationing myself!, last time I checked fee today was just under £18, just can't pay that!
planning a 7g buy to compensate for the fees, usually go for a 3.5g buy
It's definitely worth waiting until the weekend then, I did read here that sunday afternoons are good for lower fees. My challenge is to make my emergency stash last until then (allowing for delivery time), will be rationing myself!, last time I checked fee today was just under £18, just can't pay that!
planning a 7g buy to compensate for the fees, usually go for a 3.5g buy

1 post
+7 votes

Cutting out tobacco?
Hi, I smoked joints with tobacco for over 20 years , it wasn`t till a couple of years ago i stopped, I`ve tried a few alternatives eg, Damiana, Real L…

Cutting out tobacco?
I want to cut out tobacco from my life. I smoke several joints per day and so I wondered what others do to replace or remove tobacco from the process lol.

Hi, I smoked joints with tobacco for over 20 years , it wasn`t till a couple of years ago i stopped, I`ve tried a few alternatives eg, Damiana, Real Leaf, Greengo, but tbh they all taste like shit, and leave a nasty lingering smell. I found that when the nicotine was completely out of my system that i did not crave for the joint....just the thc ha, if i want a joint i just make a small pure 1, but that`s very rarely these days as i`ve invested in a Dynavap the beauty of this device is that you can toke it like pipe or a of both worlds, and also it is more of an uplifting cleaner high with vaping....hope this helps, best of luck with your journey.
Peace out
Peace out

I just want to echo some of what MH said as I have a similar history. The thought of moving to pure weed joints made me think of a huge increase in cost but the reason for all those spliffs in a day was the nicotine craving. Plus was I really getting high or just feeling the nicotine fix? Personally I vaped nicotine until I reduced the % to 0 over 6 months or so. Then one day just stopped vaping as I thought what’s the point? Now I pipe or joint some weed WHEN I WANT TO and actually GET HIGH!! However you manage to quit you will smoke less but get more high! Winner :)

When I quit smoking, I booked a week off work, bought a big bag of weed and a pipe, did a big shop to make sure I didn’t need to leave the house for anything, shut myself at home in my PJs and smoked myself silly. Every time I had a craving for a cigarette I blazed another big pipe of pure weed. Got absolutely caned for days and days... and came out the other end not wanted to smoke tobacco ever again!

buy a decent dry herb vape (I recommend one with a convection oven).
- you'll get your money back eventually from not buying tobacco
- it's a more efficient way to smoke since there's no combustion
- you can use the already vaporized bud AVB for making weed butter etc
Personally I taste the weed better when vaping and it never burns your throat so you don't spend the next day coughing like you have covid or something.
That said I still prefer a joint from time to time especially with mates :)
- you'll get your money back eventually from not buying tobacco
- it's a more efficient way to smoke since there's no combustion
- you can use the already vaporized bud AVB for making weed butter etc
Personally I taste the weed better when vaping and it never burns your throat so you don't spend the next day coughing like you have covid or something.
That said I still prefer a joint from time to time especially with mates :)

Get yourself a nice pipe and replace the joints with pipe hits. I used to be a smoker and quit before I started smoking weed. But I used a vape and eventually lowered the nicotine dose and just eventually fucked off the vape shit. I never wanted to pick the habit back up so have always just smoked weed clean.

My lungs are shot from years of joints, bongs and general smoking so I switched to edibles, now I can’t imagine going back. I get my nicotine fix from an ecig.

Like many other comments I cut out tobacco years ago, I smoke hash with a nice little pipe. Works beautifully. Now I can still go for a run while high and I’m fine.
No way I could have done that while smoking baccy joints.
Processed tobacco is a killer, full of nasty chemical shit, cut it out and you’ll be much better off. :)
No way I could have done that while smoking baccy joints.
Processed tobacco is a killer, full of nasty chemical shit, cut it out and you’ll be much better off. :)

Yes mate, just pure and crumble a small bit. You need one of them small pipes with a very small bowl and the requisite gauze In the bowl. I have a nice solid brass one where you can take the main pipe arm out and scrape it clean. Perfect. I can do my work etc have nice little hits through the day.
Adding more or less hash according to what I’m doing.
Adding more or less hash according to what I’m doing.

train yourself to smoke them pure! roll them small, take 1 or 2 draws. if nicotine withdrawels are really bad use cbd oil or vape cbd in the meantime. you'll be off it in no time bud!

Best tobacco substitute for joints is shake. Fills out a joint nicely. Better if it's the little popcorn bud shake, pretty much makes your smoke into a 100%cannabis blunt. I smoked and used tobacco in joints for ten years maybe. Managed to quit using progressively weaker nicotine vape juice and switching out tobacco with shake in joints. Found sometimes just smoking something helped fight the urge. Something about rolling a joint and lighting it up.

You can go cold turkey or gradually reduce the amount of tobacco you consume daily. Either from a whole ciggie or tobacco mixed with your joints. The problem here is not the tobacco its the nicotine in the tobacco. If you mixed it with a joint you are still consuming nicotine so you gotta take note of it. If you go cold turkey, get ready for nicotine withdrawal symptoms like mood swings etc. You can also keep yourself motivated with stuff like this while you're smoking pure flowers and zero nicotine.
Some fun facts . The urge to smoke lasts only MINUTES . If you can distract yourself from it, you will forget you wanted to smoke.
Think of it like a short grind . Once you're over the crux its pretty much smooth sailing.
Again, take note of the withdrawal symptoms. You can do it mate! And reward yourself with some grams of greens from LB when you hit your weekly/monthly milestones!
Some fun facts . The urge to smoke lasts only MINUTES . If you can distract yourself from it, you will forget you wanted to smoke.
Think of it like a short grind . Once you're over the crux its pretty much smooth sailing.
Again, take note of the withdrawal symptoms. You can do it mate! And reward yourself with some grams of greens from LB when you hit your weekly/monthly milestones!

Smoked weed for 30 years in joints with tobacco +cigarettes.
Swapped fags for a nicotine vape for 5 years but couldn't find a fix for joints. Tried every pipe and tobacco substitute I could find.
Decided late 2019 that enough was enough and ditched joints for THC vape carts to vape alongside my nicotine vape.
THC carts worked, but I didn't love them and came across Dynavap Jan 2020 and thought it had to be worth a try. That was me sorted. I kept dropping the nicotine in my e-cig until it was nicotine free and I've now ditched it altogether.
Dynavap most evenings, desktop vape back when we used to be allowed friends over, abv edibles for 100% couch lock.
Swapped fags for a nicotine vape for 5 years but couldn't find a fix for joints. Tried every pipe and tobacco substitute I could find.
Decided late 2019 that enough was enough and ditched joints for THC vape carts to vape alongside my nicotine vape.
THC carts worked, but I didn't love them and came across Dynavap Jan 2020 and thought it had to be worth a try. That was me sorted. I kept dropping the nicotine in my e-cig until it was nicotine free and I've now ditched it altogether.
Dynavap most evenings, desktop vape back when we used to be allowed friends over, abv edibles for 100% couch lock.

Yeah, agree with a lot of people on here. Stopped smoking about 4 months ago.. started moving from joints to pipes slowly during the day and using the bong at nights. Felt great for it for a while but noticed I was smoking a LOT of plant matter. So moved to concentrates instead for a while but still coughing a lot. I've finally come to the distillate vape cartridges and I feel fantastic. Clean stone, and I'm only toking a few times a day because it's so strong. About the same cost too.. .5ml for 35 quid lasts about 3 days.. same as a half q

I’m using hemp flower as a tobacco replacement, you can buy it legally online and it’s bud but without THC (try I mix it with hash or proper weed when wanting to roll a spliff. The only downside is the legal bud can drown out any taste from the good stuff but it work the same :) I mix it with hash or proper weed when wanting to roll a spliff. The only downside is the legal bud can drown out any taste from the good stuff but it work the same :)

Just shifted to Vape juice (I dilute it with my normal low nicotine vape juice, its a bit more complex than smoking joints, need to consider vape wattage and PG/VG blending).....
Do this alongside some edibles and you get
- No Cravings for fags
- Slightly delayed and weaker hit from Vape Juice, but enough for day to day
- Top up with some edibles. BY FAR THE BEST I have seen so far are the Chuckles Range. Best Tasting, and good range that hit the spot and last a while.
NOTE: Weed is cheap, Edibles are good value, vape juice is expensive, but you aren't buying cigarettes and your lungs are much much clearer.
Do this alongside some edibles and you get
- No Cravings for fags
- Slightly delayed and weaker hit from Vape Juice, but enough for day to day
- Top up with some edibles. BY FAR THE BEST I have seen so far are the Chuckles Range. Best Tasting, and good range that hit the spot and last a while.
NOTE: Weed is cheap, Edibles are good value, vape juice is expensive, but you aren't buying cigarettes and your lungs are much much clearer.

vaping dry herb is decent. i stopped smoking that way- these days if i still fancy burning weed i’ll just roll a joint with no tobacco and take a few hits at a time. Alternatively, i’ve found the dryness and subtle odour of thai red string means it makes perfect roll ups without the need for tobacco- not too strong, i smoke them often and they just look and smell a little like tobacco to any passer by...

2 posts
+2 votes

Anyone recommend a good water bong for weed that doesn't break the bank?
+ 2 more

Anyone recommend a good water bong for weed that doesn't break the bank?
Make/ brand/ links. Looking for a smooth smoke. Let me know. Cheers

Follow your username and go for one of those "chongz" ones, they're usually cheap I've got one that has 7mm thick glass as an emergency back up (I have a few bongs, couldn't live without one lmao) - think you can get them for like 30quid.
Don't be put off by Acrylic if you just want something extra cheap to test the waters with, I have one for on the road haha, they're not much different than glass and can be a good way to get started I'm actually a fan of a carb hole too and they're hard to find on glass bongs.
Start fairly basic imo - most basic bongs have diffuser stems to make it extra bubbly, then you can move into multi-tree arm percs and shit over time :)
Have fun! ;)
Don't be put off by Acrylic if you just want something extra cheap to test the waters with, I have one for on the road haha, they're not much different than glass and can be a good way to get started I'm actually a fan of a carb hole too and they're hard to find on glass bongs.
Start fairly basic imo - most basic bongs have diffuser stems to make it extra bubbly, then you can move into multi-tree arm percs and shit over time :)
Have fun! ;)

Thanks mate. Will take a look. I was looking at bongs that had ice chambers as well. Basically was looking at ways to limit the amount of joints i smoke but still looking for a smooth smoke that doesnt make me cough too much. Tried a dry herb vape but it just makes me cough like a mofo. I have played around with heat settings as well. I have a nebula fuzion. Doesnt give me as nice a high as a J either. Others on here have said I need to invest in a better vape, which I get, but things like crafty/ mighty and volcano are between £200-300 which is a bit of a gamble. This brought me back to the bong. I may still use some baccy with it but surely less than a spliff. Having said that I am not a cigarette/ regular smoker and only smoke a couple of J's a night (2 small ones, well a 2 skinner if you know what i mean). But still would be nice to find a way that uses less to no tobacco, would save me more money......

Yeah I'm the same mate I can't afford a good dry herb vape even though I'd love to cut out the baccy so I just smoke spliffs and bongs - you def be able to cut out a few of those spliffs and bongs hit harder too imo so might save you some more money mate.
Bong might be a bit harsh at first but will soon go down smooth, I've never bothered using the ice notches but they should work and remember as well you don't have to clear the chamber in one go if it's too harsh at first but you'll be taking big 'ol rips in no time haha it's WAY less harsh than carts which is the only real bit of vaping I've managed to do!
good luck mate hope you cut down on that baccy!
Bong might be a bit harsh at first but will soon go down smooth, I've never bothered using the ice notches but they should work and remember as well you don't have to clear the chamber in one go if it's too harsh at first but you'll be taking big 'ol rips in no time haha it's WAY less harsh than carts which is the only real bit of vaping I've managed to do!
good luck mate hope you cut down on that baccy!

Got a small bubbler bong, which really does the job! I may be saying good bye to the old spliff. If I want to get wrecked now, just 2 or 3 bowls on the bong which will save some green and mean I don't have to buy fags anymore!...
On the vaping front, I took the plunge and bought an Arizer Solo 2/ high end portable dry herb vaporizer. Arrived today!. Did a bit of research, alot are singing about the crafty + but i still read alot of negative reviews for battery and charger etc. Arizer was always in alot of top 10's. I decided to do the paypal spread it over 3 months interest free option. Also bought a bong adapter for the vaporizer.
I read alot about that awful tickle you get in the throat with vapes, it seems to be down to how your throat takes the vape hit if you are still smoking tobacco/ spliffs. Allegedly if you stay off the tobacco, eventually that tickle and cough should subside, well thats the theory anyway, lets see..
On the vaping front, I took the plunge and bought an Arizer Solo 2/ high end portable dry herb vaporizer. Arrived today!. Did a bit of research, alot are singing about the crafty + but i still read alot of negative reviews for battery and charger etc. Arizer was always in alot of top 10's. I decided to do the paypal spread it over 3 months interest free option. Also bought a bong adapter for the vaporizer.
I read alot about that awful tickle you get in the throat with vapes, it seems to be down to how your throat takes the vape hit if you are still smoking tobacco/ spliffs. Allegedly if you stay off the tobacco, eventually that tickle and cough should subside, well thats the theory anyway, lets see..

Nice one mate :D glad it's working out for you, good idea spreading out the cost of the vape too! Be interested to see how the vape/bong combo works out, definitely going to have to take that plunge myself at some point.
Good luck bud hope you manage to stay off the baccy and save a few p's n the long run! :)
Good luck bud hope you manage to stay off the baccy and save a few p's n the long run! :)

fyi - Used the new vape (Arizer) and wow what a difference compared to the other cheaper handheld vape (Nebula). Much smoother, still a little tickle that leads to a cough the higher the temp setting, but still alot smoother than the other one and a good amount of flavoursome vape, has to be said the flavour is amazing....decent high too. Found a temp that works for me with minimal coughing. Not got the water adapter yet so not tried it with the bong just yet for higher temps.
Update: my new bong and adapter finally arrived that will fit with the Arizer...should be an interesting evening....going to see if the bong can eliminate that tickle cough when the temp goes up more.
Update: my new bong and adapter finally arrived that will fit with the Arizer...should be an interesting evening....going to see if the bong can eliminate that tickle cough when the temp goes up more.

you can even choose your color.......

haha really. what colour did you go for.
Im not into putting a dick in my mouth but thanks. I am heterosexual and have a partner to prove it. Do you? Or are you too busy hunting those milfs little boy lol. Do girls your own age not like you...
so this is the level you got to is it milfhunter. someone doesnt agree with your anti vaccine gov conspiracy theories and voices that in a normal non abusive way and you now follow me around and submit stupid answers and links (is that a joke veiled as a homophobic insult) in posts i create or vote on. Sounds like something a troll would do and we all know what people think of trolls
As i already know. you have too much spare time on your hands and perhaps that is why your mind is slipping. anyway to be honest i dont really care, just rest assured from now on I am ignoring every single action you take on here. If you want to spend your invaluable time trying to harrass me just know it is now falling on deaf ears :)
Im not into putting a dick in my mouth but thanks. I am heterosexual and have a partner to prove it. Do you? Or are you too busy hunting those milfs little boy lol. Do girls your own age not like you...
so this is the level you got to is it milfhunter. someone doesnt agree with your anti vaccine gov conspiracy theories and voices that in a normal non abusive way and you now follow me around and submit stupid answers and links (is that a joke veiled as a homophobic insult) in posts i create or vote on. Sounds like something a troll would do and we all know what people think of trolls
As i already know. you have too much spare time on your hands and perhaps that is why your mind is slipping. anyway to be honest i dont really care, just rest assured from now on I am ignoring every single action you take on here. If you want to spend your invaluable time trying to harrass me just know it is now falling on deaf ears :)

1 post
+1 votes

Sent bitcoin cash
School boy error!
1 post
+2 votes
Would killing Trump save lives?
Trump is a puppet!

Would killing Trump save lives?
People always say this shit about Hitler who was also elected despite being a joke to anybody who thought about it. I'm not suggesting this guy has genocide in him but he is pretty sociopathic and he will have a much, much greater arsenal than Hitler's wet dreams. Just sayin

No it wouldn’t. He would be replaced, neoliberal capitalism and American fascism continue to grow, nothing changed. It might feel good at the time, but wouldn’t do a thing.

Killing is a tool of the weak, it may seem like that's the American people these days but it's not true. They are strong enough to prevent him from killing anyone or even wasting any more of their time.

True this. Trump, although particularly vulgar, isn’t the problem, he is a symptom. The real problem is the people and money that actually run the world and the masses that are too preoccupied to challenge them. Trump has no real power, just ego, and what little power he has is only there while he is useful. Same as every president, prime minister and any other politician.

Well the virus has got the fat fucker now, you do voodoo?
Although as others have said even if you get rid of Trump you're still left with the biggest problem of all, America.
Although as others have said even if you get rid of Trump you're still left with the biggest problem of all, America.

Trump need to indicted for insighting violence and given the same sentence as the common man...if that doesn't happen, I'm storming congress

he’s a puppet if he dies another puppet will take his place no point in killing him he’s gonna die in a decade or two anyway

I believe Trumps presidency was a reaction against the years of political status quo in America and the democrats almost nonchalant approach to the last election.
It would be easy to talk about his failed enterprises, russian connections and such and people would argue either way but I just think he lacks character and any class as a human.
We shall see come November but I suspect the result wont be finalised till 2021.
I think killing him would cause more deaths of those people believe are some how connected to the killer...just remember how many asian people were killed after 9/11 with no link to those terrorists.
It would be easy to talk about his failed enterprises, russian connections and such and people would argue either way but I just think he lacks character and any class as a human.
We shall see come November but I suspect the result wont be finalised till 2021.
I think killing him would cause more deaths of those people believe are some how connected to the killer...just remember how many asian people were killed after 9/11 with no link to those terrorists.

What’s wrong with trump you sausage rather have trump remain in power than nonce Biden
Lol dont understand how wrongens like you always acting like trumps some sort of murdering sociopath wake up bro
Lol dont understand how wrongens like you always acting like trumps some sort of murdering sociopath wake up bro

Maybe something to do with Trump being a draft dodger, (alleged) serial sexual predator, tax cheat, traitor, racist, compulsive liar and conman.
If that’s what you look for in a leader then more fool you.
If that’s what you look for in a leader then more fool you.

Haha the best leader we’ve had so far bro only reason he’s hated and receives so much hate from the press/ fake news is because he can’t be bought and he’s exposing the rest of the pedo politicians/ celebrity’s for example Epstein was being protected and getting away with everything for years flights logs filled with politicians and celebrity’s but soon as trumps in office it all gets exposed
End of the day he’s done more than any recent president we’ve had You just get sheep who Believe all the bullshit fake news they get fed daily
End of the day he’s done more than any recent president we’ve had You just get sheep who Believe all the bullshit fake news they get fed daily

And if you know anything bout business and real life you’ll understand every billionaire pretty much pays zero tax that’s the benefit of providing jobs or homes just the way it is kid
Ahhaha and sexual predator it’s funny how’s all the fake claims came about only once he’s in office but he’s had money and been in public eye for most of his life don’t listen it all the shit buddy think for your self don’t be a sheep ;)
Ahhaha and sexual predator it’s funny how’s all the fake claims came about only once he’s in office but he’s had money and been in public eye for most of his life don’t listen it all the shit buddy think for your self don’t be a sheep ;)

1 post
+1 votes

help with quiz
Watch out......the feds might be knocking at your door! twitchy bum time.

help with quiz
anybody got a free time? try completing this if you got Coinbase app. will be an easy way earning a few coins by just answering quizzes. easy money! I have earned £16 just by answering quizzes in the last 10 minutes! legit i swear!

coinbase has a KYC law in place which means they know exactly who you are and keep records on it for the government, and they could work out who you are from the referral code.

1 post
+2 votes
Movies, Shows and Docs Suggestions
It`s just a shame he`s a kiddie fiddler

Movies, Shows and Docs Suggestions
A post to share suggestions. Share with LB what you've been watching and where is it.

Incredible show! I love how it portrays Daniel Larusso as the villain in the story, or at least shows Johnny's side of things. Although I thought season 2 was a little weaker than season 1, almost like a teen drama at times. Can't wait for season 3!

I have to see Sacha acting on The Spy. Will try it after House of Cards. Btw BORAT2 will be released end of next month! NICE!

anyone watching Raised By Wolves on HBOMAX? by Ridley Scott proper Alien/Prometheus vibes to it. Highly recommended

Rised by wolves was great. Even if you’r not a fan of the sf genre, the acting of mother and father was brilliant.
I also liked Dark on Netflix and Devs on Hbo.
I also liked Dark on Netflix and Devs on Hbo.

I'm not currently subscribed to hbo... But they have (probably) the best series and I might unsubscribe from Amazon Prime to go to hbo

I use Kodi and have real debrid set up through seren add-on for kodi, every show u could ever want every network it's great

look into getting a Plex box. Bought it off ebay and for 50 quid a year i can watch HBO, amazon, netflix, etc. Its a pirated box

if you get a vpn service and dont mind downloading, then you should go to watchsomuch, they have shed loads of stuff there, series and movies.
all for free....
all for free....

Cheapest way to watch every movie and tv show imo is popcorntime. I use it for the kids to watch Mandalorean. Go to and dowload the app for the device you’r using. It has an option for streaming to tv set. Its like Netflix but for torrents. Cheers!

Think you can watch it on one of the Sky Channels now. Would like to check it out, missus doesnt like sci-fi, so will have to watch in my own time..

Watch 'Wayne', was on YouTube but moving to Amazon I think. Is very good.
The Queens Gambit on Netflix is also very good. Yes its about Chess, but alot more as well.
The Queens Gambit on Netflix is also very good. Yes its about Chess, but alot more as well.

Search for 'Stobe the Hobo' on Youtube. A really beautiful set of amateur travel documentaries. I won't say more... See what you think.

I was just about to make a post like this lol anyway ive been watching f*ck, that's delicious ..highly recommend it

I gained 10kg in the last few months just from smoking... It might not be a good idea to smoke and watch a food show xD

He actually starts eating healthy towards the end and starts exercising ,drinking smoothies eating veggie dishes

I've been watching House of Cards, it's on netflix. Kinda like the idea how it's done and good story so far. Ended 2nd season atm, love Kevin Spacey acting

13 posts
+16.2 votes

LISTEN.....“This is the most dangerous time in the history of man. The seriousness of this plot cannot be underestimated. It is not due to any threat …
+ 13 more

The last lockdown introduced littlebiggy to me. How do you think it will affect vendors this time round or if it gets worst? I'm really hoping that we'll always have littlebiggy available!
What do buyers and vendors think about this? I can't even imagine what i'd do if the country was dry and LB vendors too... Any ideas on what will happen to vendors if this continues?
What do buyers and vendors think about this? I can't even imagine what i'd do if the country was dry and LB vendors too... Any ideas on what will happen to vendors if this continues?

Very interesting questions. I wouldn't worry. You've found this place.
Buyers and vendors opinions will differ as we both have different objectives. The UK wouldn't become dry, that's some crazy, paranoid cannabis conspiracy, don't belive them.
Vendors, like buyers come and go. What I'm guessing would incentivize them to stay would be fewer charges, as buyers we don't see the hurdles and costs when trying to withdraw and utilise the capital generated through product sales.
...... And a little more kindness and politeness on here. At the end of the day we just want to buy good weed at a reasonable price and have a pleasant experience.
Buyers and vendors opinions will differ as we both have different objectives. The UK wouldn't become dry, that's some crazy, paranoid cannabis conspiracy, don't belive them.
Vendors, like buyers come and go. What I'm guessing would incentivize them to stay would be fewer charges, as buyers we don't see the hurdles and costs when trying to withdraw and utilise the capital generated through product sales.
...... And a little more kindness and politeness on here. At the end of the day we just want to buy good weed at a reasonable price and have a pleasant experience.

I am sure they will weather the storm.... Canna has been around for millenia and vendors will be too. it's the post that becomes the problem, hopefully early next year a vaccine will be rolled out and we can all get back to normal. in the meantime. i suggest a bit of gardening or indoor cultivation ;)

I will be one of them bleating woolly sheeple in the queue. because i am an old bugger. wants to see his grandkids grow up. and hopefully pass on some knowledge. about life. and show them some love and kindness. i am too old to believe in conspiracy theories now. when your young you think you will live forever. but i thought getting old would take longer. and you realise one thing. and that's what you have to work out. be lucky Milfhunter. live long and prosper.

Just to let you know......conspiracy theory is a contradiction in terms.
Conspiracy Theory was created by the CIA in 1967 as a way to discredit anyone who dared to challenge the main narrative.
Conspiracy Theory was created by the CIA in 1967 as a way to discredit anyone who dared to challenge the main narrative.

For everyone who is asleep

hahahah i used to think like you. i even believed ZEITGEIST. then one day .... i woke up. some people even think the matrix is real.

LISTEN !!! the ravages of time will kill us all... and then it will not matter. not to anyone. Society needs to be controlled to maintain the status quo. it doesn't matter what you believe, you need structure and law to maintain an orderly society, we are creatures of habit, and yes most follow the rules blindly. if we didn't then anarchy reigns. and you wouldn't be sleeping nice and sound in your bed each night, with the remnants of a toke in the ashtray. or as in my case a vape. ;)

LISTEN.....“This is the most dangerous time in the history of man. The seriousness of this plot cannot be underestimated. It is not due to any threat of conventional war, and it is not due to any threat of nuclear decimation, it is based on the fact that this is a psychological war waged by psychopaths against all mankind, and it is being advanced by a small group of monsters that have taken control of the minds of the masses through long-term indoctrination and policies meant to breed dependency. Fear is the new weapon of mass destruction, not because it is legitimate, but because the people have lost all will to be free, have lost all ability to think, and seek shelter and comfort as a collective herd only capable of existence in a society that is based on totalitarian rule.”

totalitarianism....a form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its people. It is characterised by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression. It does not permit individual freedom. why did i vote to leave the EU ? to fight against exactly that. life will always be a struggle against tyranny. trouble is. there are not enough people prepared to stand against it. they're lives are too comfy. ever since the introduction of central heating. lmao

i love these little discussions. and NOT a profanity was used in the attempt to gain world peace. ;)

lockdown number 2 is a lot more lax than the first one, that and half the country was already in category 3 anyway. I don't see it making a huge difference.

Wake up KickAss420 before it`s to late!!!
Anyone who still thinks this is about virus is very deluded.....say goodbye to world as we knew it.
Anyone who still thinks this is about virus is very deluded.....say goodbye to world as we knew it.

My mate had exactly the same opinion as you man, he then contracted COVID-19, he was fine but passed it on to his Dad who is now fighting for his life intubated. Sad times.

As I said....Wake the fuck up!!!
The real conspiracy theorists believe that the government cares about them, The media would never
mislead or lie to them and the pharmaceutical industry that make billions off sickness wants to cure them.
The real conspiracy theorists believe that the government cares about them, The media would never
mislead or lie to them and the pharmaceutical industry that make billions off sickness wants to cure them.

Mate nobody trusts any of those things but covid is still real, you can view the evidence for yourself you don't need to be told.
Anyway the future is absolutely fucked so to answer the original question of this topic.... do the same as always! stock up, get high and be ready to ride out whatever comes next.
Anyway the future is absolutely fucked so to answer the original question of this topic.... do the same as always! stock up, get high and be ready to ride out whatever comes next.

Hey zz87................can you please point out to me on my posts when i`ve said it`s fake??

You haven't I know but all the comments of "wake the fuck up" and "the lockdown isn't about the virus" are, antagonistic?, at the least...
If you know covid is real then you know why people need to be sensible and you know something needs to be done to slow the spread as the hospitals simply cannot cope with another massive spike.
I agree with you 100% that the rich twats in charge are taking advantage of the situation but if we let that influence how we treat the covid situation then that just makes us as bad as them with people dying for our selfishness and it wont solve anything - we've already lost the class war, the fight back isn't going to happen during this covid outbreak.
Not here to lecture anyone or get into heavy debates, just wanted to give my take on what you said. Nothing but peace mate, stay high! :)
If you know covid is real then you know why people need to be sensible and you know something needs to be done to slow the spread as the hospitals simply cannot cope with another massive spike.
I agree with you 100% that the rich twats in charge are taking advantage of the situation but if we let that influence how we treat the covid situation then that just makes us as bad as them with people dying for our selfishness and it wont solve anything - we've already lost the class war, the fight back isn't going to happen during this covid outbreak.
Not here to lecture anyone or get into heavy debates, just wanted to give my take on what you said. Nothing but peace mate, stay high! :)

Agree with everything zz87’s laid down.
It’s the ‘sheep’ ‘sheeple’‘wake the fuck up’ comments that get on my tits, the politics and media are a separate discussion and the derogatory comments aren’t needed. You fucking tinfoil hat wearing prick, that kinda thing.
It’s the ‘sheep’ ‘sheeple’‘wake the fuck up’ comments that get on my tits, the politics and media are a separate discussion and the derogatory comments aren’t needed. You fucking tinfoil hat wearing prick, that kinda thing.

I find people using the term "sheeple" or even just "sheep" tend to be absolute sheep themselves without realizing it.

I think you need to take a look at this zz
and then come back and have an adult conversation.
Peace love and flowers x x x
and then come back and have an adult conversation.
Peace love and flowers x x x

as i said you wake up as well. You are likely to get it at some stage and it will make you whinge like a stabbed seal and just lol at you going around trying to gather some self worth by assuming you are the only one that may have negative thoughts about the government.. Pfft. Everyone knows the govt dont give a fek. jesus. You must be very young if you are thinking this is some sort of revelation that you can preach to the masses to, just fakin lol.
Anyway back to topic. (possible postage delays due to covid)
Anyway back to topic. (possible postage delays due to covid)

You wake up before its too late. LISTEN. You are deluded . This is a thread about postage of goods, not aggressive posts to people telling them how to think, how do you know. Wrong thread mate.

The main issue will be how long it takes to get your post especially this time of year and everyone is doing most of their shopping online now.

I'm the same found little biggy thank god during first lockdown to find it's been around for years.
It's very convenient but prices are stupid high, I've since started growing my own, I've wanted to for years but never had the inclination.
I've heard reports of post going missing alot ATM, not so much from lb but in general.
Lockdowns will surly continue if the virus is spreading to help the NHS,
I only ever pay next day delivery for the best post results, some places are getting it a day late or later in the evening I think they are saying next days are by 6pm ATM, what with black Friday, Christmas, and a lockdown, everyone is buying online so it will put a strain on the postal system, I've found it to be very good from personal experience. If you're gonna pay £100 on a quarter of weed you may aswell pay for next day.
Anyway, ain't no way it's going dry more and more people are growing now, the vendors know there's a demand, I believe old smokers are picking up old habits and resorting to the bliss of a joint, and who's to blame them, I for one can't remember why I stopped, the current pandemic will have a great impact on the population mentally, we all need to switch off for me that's the weed man, I plan to smoke my way through it, gotta be the best way to fly
It's very convenient but prices are stupid high, I've since started growing my own, I've wanted to for years but never had the inclination.
I've heard reports of post going missing alot ATM, not so much from lb but in general.
Lockdowns will surly continue if the virus is spreading to help the NHS,
I only ever pay next day delivery for the best post results, some places are getting it a day late or later in the evening I think they are saying next days are by 6pm ATM, what with black Friday, Christmas, and a lockdown, everyone is buying online so it will put a strain on the postal system, I've found it to be very good from personal experience. If you're gonna pay £100 on a quarter of weed you may aswell pay for next day.
Anyway, ain't no way it's going dry more and more people are growing now, the vendors know there's a demand, I believe old smokers are picking up old habits and resorting to the bliss of a joint, and who's to blame them, I for one can't remember why I stopped, the current pandemic will have a great impact on the population mentally, we all need to switch off for me that's the weed man, I plan to smoke my way through it, gotta be the best way to fly

1 post
+3 votes

Weed parcels intercepted by police??!!
Fuck the police!

Weed parcels intercepted by police??!!

I've had one LB order of 10g intercepted this year. I denied any knowledge about the parcel and the police gave me a warning. Heard nothing else about it since.
I order in smaller quantities now and stick to hash instead since it doesnt smell as pungent.
I order in smaller quantities now and stick to hash instead since it doesnt smell as pungent.

Stoners are just like any other druggie lock them all up and throw away the key haha. If the police ever intercept mine i'd either say i dont no who would send cannabis to my house? I'm not in possession of that cannbis! You are officer. Or id say yeah its mine what the fuckin problem? I suffer from anxiety and depression and the cannabis helps me, just as it is proving to help many over in the states. Are they really going to lock you up for ordering cannabis everyweek? Worse thing I'd say what would happen is charged with attempt to buy a drug, they will never send you to prison, i'd say if your cocky with the police you'd have all your mail intercepted for a few wks.

no point worrying about it.. obviously don't be complacent. pay for special delivery and choose a a vendor with top stealth. bobbys patting themselves on the back for taking a few parcels which probably made it to obvious to what was inside (smell & feel). meanwhile 99.999% got through fine.

1 post
+2 votes
Spend lots of money on an air conditioning unit, not an industrial one but a mobile one where you stick the heat exhaust pipe out the window.
OR if you feel rich buy a dyson air cooler and purifier. Very expensive though.
But how much is a good night's sleep worth.? It will be a one off purchase too so will help you over several years hopefully.
OR if you feel rich buy a dyson air cooler and purifier. Very expensive though.
But how much is a good night's sleep worth.? It will be a one off purchase too so will help you over several years hopefully.

1 post
+3 votes

Yo Jimbo, i ordered from them yesterday, status has been changed to sent, so hopefully next few days should land.

Hey has anyone ordered from Bud brothers sent a couple messages but no reply?

Yep! I was meaning to write a review but been too busy. Got the cart and the e liquid! Cart is fantastic! The distillate in the cart is on par with carts that I have had from Cali. It is fantastic and rivals MJCs carts! The e liquid, not my thing but it works well. Coms were great, stealth and speed could not be faulted! They were really good! Will go back in the future!
BudBrothers has a new fan!
Cheers guys!
BudBrothers has a new fan!
Cheers guys!

Thanks for the reply is the cart stronger than e liquid then? Would it suit me with a very low tolerance

It’s my first time using e liquid so didn’t know what to expect and to be fair I have only had a few drags. Nice buzz and I have no doubt that it is as advertised I just prefer the cart. And to answer the question from my brother from another mother (the queen for the sky) Jumbo47 For the amount of e liquid that you get I think it is a good deal!
Please enjoy safe operations
Please enjoy safe operations

Yo Jimbo, i ordered from them yesterday, status has been changed to sent, so hopefully next few days should land.

Orderd Sunday still haven’t heard back from these guys about how long there dispatch is also they havent been online in two days hope this one pulls through

1 post
+1 votes

Indica terpines?
Try this
Have a look round on ebay, more …

Indica terpines?
On the hunt for some indica terpines please as I’m in the process of making homemade THC vape for personal use only. At the moment I’m using vg/pg and shatter batter for flavour. But it lacks potency and I’ve been told terpines are best. Mango kush terpines would be amazing. Safe biggers

Try this
Have a look round on ebay, more available
Have a look round on ebay, more available

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