UK is the biggest grower and distributer already so why would they legalise it just so nobody's like us can enjoy it as well ,they are already making money legally why would they give a fuck?
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joined oct 2020
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1 topic on Kabouter
8 posts
+10 votes

Perception Is Everything !

Perception Is Everything !
I think part of the reason for the resistance to the legalisation of Bud is the perception the general population of the U.K has about pot users. For example when you have Ya boy Shane who is built like a worm and sports that JD tuxedo (tracksuit) with the colour matching airforce ones who also hasnt had a real income since 2009, giving it big licks about every conspiracy theory that Youtube throws at him you can see why the general public looks down upon herbal connoisseurs. Im not saying I want my weed from Dan the accountant but fuck sake cut the shit. Americans are getting it done because the type of people advocating are often successful and ambitious which helps combat the lazy and stupid stereotype that many in the UK still believe. Personally I think using more reasoning and fact when it comes to marajuana is the way forward.

You haven't thought through what you are saying I don't think mate, should we accept prejudice and keep skinny poor people hidden away so the rich decision makers don't have to look at something they don't like?
The legaliztion push in the UK is not being done by people in tracksuits and hoodies, it's being done by activists, lawyers, medics, business owners and financial investors and the biggest grow ops are owned by upper class toffs tied to the gov.
Also do we really want to copy the US way? big doubt for me.
The legaliztion push in the UK is not being done by people in tracksuits and hoodies, it's being done by activists, lawyers, medics, business owners and financial investors and the biggest grow ops are owned by upper class toffs tied to the gov.
Also do we really want to copy the US way? big doubt for me.

I have thought about and thought about it some more good sir. I made no say of hiding skinny people and also made no mention of the person financial situation. From my experience a large percentage of street vendors I have encountered have not been short of a few Queen tokens.
You are right about the push is being done by suits in offices and I am aware of the activisim but again I feel that the general public are unaware and uneducated on the cause and as a result there preconception of what a cannabis user are the Tracksuited gentleman I mentioned above.
You are right about the push is being done by suits in offices and I am aware of the activisim but again I feel that the general public are unaware and uneducated on the cause and as a result there preconception of what a cannabis user are the Tracksuited gentleman I mentioned above.

I’ve been thinking about this myself lately and have decided to simply just be honest to everyone i meet about my usage. I would like to think people on here are largely responsible snd good, and as such make great advocates.
I’m not saying vendors should get themselves into trouble- far from it - but as a medical user, and i’m no longer embarassed to say, a spiritual one- i feel like i have a responsibility to promote something that has made living with a chronic illness, entirely manageable. I also started to make edibles for terminally ill family members and it made them survive way longer than expected, and helped them enjoy the last years and months where it would have definitely been a struggle.
I encourage medical users to try and be courageous and be open with as many people as they can about their usage.
They can’t arrest thousands of disabled people....(actually this lot have killed around 150,000 thru benefit cuts, but that’s another story) any case it’s not a good look for the government.
I reckon a bigger push for medical access to the plant, and normalisation that way would soon open the door for recreational users.
I really hope so
I’m not saying vendors should get themselves into trouble- far from it - but as a medical user, and i’m no longer embarassed to say, a spiritual one- i feel like i have a responsibility to promote something that has made living with a chronic illness, entirely manageable. I also started to make edibles for terminally ill family members and it made them survive way longer than expected, and helped them enjoy the last years and months where it would have definitely been a struggle.
I encourage medical users to try and be courageous and be open with as many people as they can about their usage.
They can’t arrest thousands of disabled people....(actually this lot have killed around 150,000 thru benefit cuts, but that’s another story) any case it’s not a good look for the government.
I reckon a bigger push for medical access to the plant, and normalisation that way would soon open the door for recreational users.
I really hope so

I totally agree a bigger push toward medicinal use is needed. It shouldnt be so difficult for those with medical issues to access something that will help make life more tolerable for them.
I think that LB has a great community of different minds and should legalisation occur I would support the LB vendors should they decided to expand their buisinesses.
This is website personifies the Cannabis comunity and its a shame that the products sold on here are seen as criminal when in reality theyre helping a large amount of people.
I think that LB has a great community of different minds and should legalisation occur I would support the LB vendors should they decided to expand their buisinesses.
This is website personifies the Cannabis comunity and its a shame that the products sold on here are seen as criminal when in reality theyre helping a large amount of people.

10 posts by Kabouter
2 posts
+6 votes

Bitcoin surging
Its not crazy to say that it could definitley hit 20k again or even surpass it. Either toward the end of the year or next. Ive been involved with Cry…
+ 2 more

Bitcoin surging
The price of Bitcoin is shooting up. This is not a complaint about the effect on prices here, but I’m wondering how high Bitcoin’s going to go. Anyone here know much about the stock market?

You need to look at why it's surging. Paypal have just announced the will be rolling it out in weeks opening it up to their 2.8 mil users. full roll out by jan 2021. Thats extremely fast meaning the tech is in place. The graphs haven't looked this good since 2017 when it last popped. I would strongly advise to anyone to buy bitcoin and hold. 2021 is going to be full of good news as adoption is getting rolled out behind the scenes globally.

Can't teach the poor pal. Been in crypto for about 8 years these idiots will look back on this and regret it in 18months. The biggest wealth transfer in history is happening in front of there eyes and they cant see it deaf, dumb and blind comea to mind

I can't comment with any level of authority or understanding. However, I was advised against it as an investment, by a close friend of mine who works as a professional trader in Taiwan. No flexing, she's a ninja. But, I can't speak from any personal experience of wealth building. People like yourself have tangible, if not purely anecdotal evidence to bring to the table. In terms of investment, crypto is still speculation with no firm backing. We can all earn money from speculation, but it's not where I would put my hard-earned pennies. If you're winning, all power to you. I would suggest attacking people's ideas instead of attacking them personally. Not gambling doesn't necessarily make someone an idiot. Neither does having money make someone intelligent. Horses for courses. Smart phones don't make people smart. It's a funny old world.

lol exactly it mate. I didnt want to sound like a dick. But jesus guys buy BTC. We are still technically early adopters here. trust me when I say I'm holding every bit. I tried to tell a group of friends to buy it as soon paypal made the announcement and they wanted me to convince them why xD The general answer was well I dont understand it so im not going to bother. Lol thats the answer in itself, the general population have no idea how to use it meaning you will cash in on their stupidity and ignorance as big companies handle regulation. You will have no choice but to understand it in a couple of years.
You can lead a horse to a well full of money and physically stuff cash in its mouth and it will still spit it out and complain it wants more of the same.
You can lead a horse to a well full of money and physically stuff cash in its mouth and it will still spit it out and complain it wants more of the same.

bitcoin is pure bullshit and greed the same as every other investment market so it's impossible to know for sure why/when/how but it'll keep going up and then crash "unpredictably". (people like to claim bitcoin is "different" from traditional markets/commodities, it's not. It was supposed to be but it's not).
It makes now a bad time to buy your bud too, buying fees will be higher as people don't want to sell at value while it's climbing by the minute... tx fees likely to fluctuate too so keep a very close eye on those sending fees biggas or you will lose out!
I'm glad we have btc so we can use all these great online sellers but I fucking hate bitcoin itself so I don't have anything useful to add to my rant sorry lmao
It makes now a bad time to buy your bud too, buying fees will be higher as people don't want to sell at value while it's climbing by the minute... tx fees likely to fluctuate too so keep a very close eye on those sending fees biggas or you will lose out!
I'm glad we have btc so we can use all these great online sellers but I fucking hate bitcoin itself so I don't have anything useful to add to my rant sorry lmao

This is why I can't buy atm. I used my last bitcoin went to buy more to get a 3.5 and its gona cost me nearly 55 quid for a 3.5 I'm sorry I just cant pay thos prices. It's sad as I was enjoying my purchases on here but now it's just way to expensive

Rant away, it’s fine by me! Yeah, bud’s more expensive for now at least, but this place is so reliable that I’ll be sticking around. I don’t want to get too involved in checking the stock market, lol, but thanks for the tip about fees, I’ll make sure to keep an eye on them.

It's just too unstable to risk punting serious money on . There will be a much safer(and less lucrative) investment window along.

Agreed. I buy very small amounts at a time, however crazy it looks right now it could just drop at any time.

Hi exactly what your saying about bitcoin prices..fucking crazy !!! I use Bittylicious for coins atm..but noticed today the prices went up at least 10%..extra from last week..just as FreddieLaker says this is a realiable Source to get your bud!!!
Some expensive prices that do go Upwards occasionally!!!! And as for the bitcoin!!If there was another way to pay without using bitcoin .id be as happy as you would be lol..I know a few people that have problems with using bitcoin !!just the way it is atm..and prices we have pay or not having any bud!!! Whats most people's Choices ?...
Some expensive prices that do go Upwards occasionally!!!! And as for the bitcoin!!If there was another way to pay without using bitcoin .id be as happy as you would be lol..I know a few people that have problems with using bitcoin !!just the way it is atm..and prices we have pay or not having any bud!!! Whats most people's Choices ?...

Guys i'm telling you. when you get one of their cards you are paying almost zero fees on all transactions. You will get stung moving the coin from your own wallet to LB market. But at least is less of a hit.

Yeah the only reason we have to use bitcoin is because weed is stupidly still illegal thats not littlebiggys fault! hopefully one day in the future we can change the laws and have this site but without the BTC middleman! that'd be cool as fuck haha :D

Well, I’ve just ordered some more bud, so I’ve made my choice, lol, less dosh for boring stuff like clothes etc but it’s ok by me :)

It's a high risk investment, volatile, and definitely not long term. Win fast, lose fast. Steer clear. The big money was made a long time ago with bitcoin. Join the hype train, take your chances.

I have to disagree bud! it's bottom has been reached. it's been stable for months. its forbes 2020 top investment over gold. It's peak its hit before means it can surpass this. when the last bitcoin is mind it will sky rocket. all banks are moving towards adoption. all companies are moving towards blockchain. no matter what crypto is used this will be good for bitcoin as it is the leader and holds most value. any market exposure regardless of the coin is good for bitcoin. paypal will be introducing it to the world. facebook opened up the discussion. We are nearly there. There will be a set group of digital currencies. make no mistake bitcoin is here to stay and has been. its only just the beginning.

You made an investor angry with this comment and they left some lies/propaganda/insults below so I'm just putting this reply here so people can see it before reading the lies.
They claim BTC is the "Biggest wealth transfer in history" ask why do they lie? Bitcoin is worth what ~200billion in total value, that's not even a drop in the ocean and the majority is already owned by investment groups and billionaires so the money is going nowhere except to where it always goes lmao
The sad thing is they WILL make money from BTC so why do they lie? why do they get aggressive? why the hard sell? why are they so insecure that they resort to insults?
Sounds an awful lot like desperate greed because that's exactly what it is, which is the way of the world so I don't judge anyone for wanting to make some easy money but get real please.
"Can't teach the poor" anyone who says that can go back to reddit and hang out with the Americans...
They claim BTC is the "Biggest wealth transfer in history" ask why do they lie? Bitcoin is worth what ~200billion in total value, that's not even a drop in the ocean and the majority is already owned by investment groups and billionaires so the money is going nowhere except to where it always goes lmao
The sad thing is they WILL make money from BTC so why do they lie? why do they get aggressive? why the hard sell? why are they so insecure that they resort to insults?
Sounds an awful lot like desperate greed because that's exactly what it is, which is the way of the world so I don't judge anyone for wanting to make some easy money but get real please.
"Can't teach the poor" anyone who says that can go back to reddit and hang out with the Americans...

Be poor then I don't give a fuck for once in your life you have a chance to opt out of this shit show of a financial system but your still a slave to the system.

I only use it to buy bud from here so I won’t be investing much at all. Just hope it loses value soon!

Its not crazy to say that it could definitley hit 20k again or even surpass it. Either toward the end of the year or next. Ive been involved with Crypto since 2017 just as BTC was hitting ATH. I was told about all these different coins that were going to do the same and I got superfly fucked when the market crashed back down. Long story short if you are curious about putting money into crypto be careful as the market is unforgiving and full of wankers. Its taken me a while and a lot of time ot educate myself on the crypto market best advice would be to do the same and dont hold anything for long it'll rape your emotions.

I spose my interest is based on how the price of bud has gone up purely due to the rate of Bitcoin. I wouldn’t invest heavily but I don’t want the price to increase so much that I can’t buy from here.

Fair enough. The transaction fee may eventually cost more than the product. My guess is eventually vendors will accept a different crypto possibly Monero (XMR) just because BTC is slow and authorities are getting better at tracing the block. Monero dosent have the same iprivacy issues as BtC.

It is going to do the same it always does at this time of year.
Once again the US fat cats are trying to use it as an investment to make a quick buck at the expense of every other user in the world and once again blockchain are fighting back by raising fees so they cant,unfortunatly it is the person who buys and uses btc to spend who gets the raw deal on fees.
Once we get back into mid January it will drop back to $20k.
So go ahead invest in something that should never be used as an investment because it screws it up for everybody else smh
Once again the US fat cats are trying to use it as an investment to make a quick buck at the expense of every other user in the world and once again blockchain are fighting back by raising fees so they cant,unfortunatly it is the person who buys and uses btc to spend who gets the raw deal on fees.
Once we get back into mid January it will drop back to $20k.
So go ahead invest in something that should never be used as an investment because it screws it up for everybody else smh

I think its bottom is the same as march/april if something destabilises the "regular stock markets". However it is definitely a long term investment and i stress long term only... many vendors here prob didn't know where to turn when it hit bottom few months ago but the ballsy 1's in the know held onto it and look at the price now it will continue to rise and surpass 100k in next few years... you could wait for a "catastrophic event" elsewhere to push the price down to get in or you could get in now knowing you have to sit on the coin for a long time. Also you would need to invest a couple thousand at least to see big returns coz u would hope to receive back about 10 or 20 times your investment in the long run... thats how great investments work. Youd be kicking yourself if your turned 50 quid into a thousand instead of a thousand into 20k. You should store your crypto away from the exchange in case they exit scam

Do you guys know about the bitcoin halving which is due in march/April?
Highly reccomend understanding that and how the bitcoin cycles work , we've just come out of the 3 year crypto winter . Previous high becomes the next low , check trading view going back as far as you can , its like clockwork . I've explained in depth to many friends and family to try and help them but they just didn't get it and ive run out of sympathy for them years ago. I've spent the last 6 years learning and preparing for this next cycle with indepth analysis and leveraged every resource I could get my hands on. Trust me when I say , this is still early in another 4 years 60-69k will be the bottom. Like nigel farrage said "you all laughed at me , well your not laughing now" 😆
According to my resources retail buyers are still not in yet which means we are early , the moment they enter we will see a violent move up and this is where we want to unload every cent . Harsh but it's the nature of the markets, in order for you to win someone has to lose take your profits before someone else takes them for you.
Highly reccomend understanding that and how the bitcoin cycles work , we've just come out of the 3 year crypto winter . Previous high becomes the next low , check trading view going back as far as you can , its like clockwork . I've explained in depth to many friends and family to try and help them but they just didn't get it and ive run out of sympathy for them years ago. I've spent the last 6 years learning and preparing for this next cycle with indepth analysis and leveraged every resource I could get my hands on. Trust me when I say , this is still early in another 4 years 60-69k will be the bottom. Like nigel farrage said "you all laughed at me , well your not laughing now" 😆
According to my resources retail buyers are still not in yet which means we are early , the moment they enter we will see a violent move up and this is where we want to unload every cent . Harsh but it's the nature of the markets, in order for you to win someone has to lose take your profits before someone else takes them for you.

The bitcoin halving essentialy drives supply and demand. Everyone can understand that becuase it exists in every type of market that exists
just look what happend to the price of isopropyl during covid. something becomes scarce and it drives the price up . The bitcoin halving does exactly that by increasing the time taken to mine 1 bitcoin (by half) this means it takes longer to mine making it more valuable thus driving supply and demand. Naturally the price of bitcoin will only go higher becuase of this hence the cycle that can be observed every 4 years.
There are only and ever will be 21 million btc in existence therefore it is deflationary by nature unlike our crappy usd/gbp etc where the banks print them like monopoly money causing serious economic consequences
Due to all of this I just can't see a scenario where I don't make money investing in bitcoin .
There is a bit more to it than that but wanted to give the semi short version to you guys to try and help my fellow biggas understand this magic intertnet money we all use here. I encourage you to do your own research of course.
just look what happend to the price of isopropyl during covid. something becomes scarce and it drives the price up . The bitcoin halving does exactly that by increasing the time taken to mine 1 bitcoin (by half) this means it takes longer to mine making it more valuable thus driving supply and demand. Naturally the price of bitcoin will only go higher becuase of this hence the cycle that can be observed every 4 years.
There are only and ever will be 21 million btc in existence therefore it is deflationary by nature unlike our crappy usd/gbp etc where the banks print them like monopoly money causing serious economic consequences
Due to all of this I just can't see a scenario where I don't make money investing in bitcoin .
There is a bit more to it than that but wanted to give the semi short version to you guys to try and help my fellow biggas understand this magic intertnet money we all use here. I encourage you to do your own research of course.

Well why dont you ask all those idiots who invested last year when it went from 20k to over 60k,all the bitcoin guru`s were saying it would hit 100k but did it,no it did not it crashed back to 20k wiping out millions of US dollars that had been invested by idiots who still have not reached the btc value they bought at.
Sorry but i have no sympathy for anyone who invest in btc.
edit if you really want to invest in something then get your money into gold as soon the Chinese will use it to back the new international trading currency in Brics and then it will rise consistently in value.
Sorry but i have no sympathy for anyone who invest in btc.
edit if you really want to invest in something then get your money into gold as soon the Chinese will use it to back the new international trading currency in Brics and then it will rise consistently in value.

BTC is looking good and moving through resistance levels the next one will be above $60k and I think it will happen between now and 31st by looking at signs and indicators which will move the whole of the crypto market up look at Solana it is moving up fast and once Eth wakes up it will be game over.
Who said it was bad to be paid in BTC?
Who said it was bad to be paid in BTC?

1 post
+5 votes

Best UK Rapper of AlL TiME?
taskmaster burst the bionic zit spitter, break neck speeds we drown 10 pints of bitter.
I’m old so I’d argue Kalashnekoff, Fallacy or pretty much half of the old mud fam (skinny, Chester), got to give a mention for doc brown though, new album is nice, still going
Fucking love a bit of k-lash tho... it’s murda, black rose etc yeah... gonna bang that parrowdice album like NOW lol
Fucking love a bit of k-lash tho... it’s murda, black rose etc yeah... gonna bang that parrowdice album like NOW lol

Yeh that K-lash album was a banger, actually gave it another listen not long ago and it’s still a fucking banger. I’d say any from K-lash, Kano, Taskforce and Jehst.

shed you know the deal lol! but there is no way we can put this down to ONE best uk rapper, Klash & terra firma... MUD fam, That arab uk guy from deal real days cant remember his name but TOP lyricist, Too many to mention TBH,
Shit even used to bump pound sterling and RSG. So much styles in the UK rap scene over the last 15 years its hard to say whos the number 1!
Shit even used to bump pound sterling and RSG. So much styles in the UK rap scene over the last 15 years its hard to say whos the number 1!

I love doc Brown's music, but the guy's an arsehole
K-lash though, man he can rap!! Even the young'uns love his stuff too
K-lash though, man he can rap!! Even the young'uns love his stuff too

That parrowdice album is absolutely timeless never get bored of listening to it, pound sterling use to like some of his stuff from back in the day? Can you remember channel u, that was on sky, had all the upcoming young english talent, use to watch religiously, use to have some mad guys on there!!!!

Great shout there - were you also a Yungun fan? He’s back with new stuff under ‘Essa’ - still awesome! Also used to bang Universal Soldiers every single day - going to put it on now in fact, happy Friday all!

Yungun! Yeah man, he had a phat album with Mr Thing called GMB (grown man business) and he got a song on there called 'peter pan syndrome' which actually makes my heart bleed.... that dude is an entertainment lawyer now!

Top album!! Yeah man that’s crazy isn’t it!! Wiccaman theory by Chester P used to get me like that! The ten pound bag mixtapes were brilliant too. Loving this thread, now reminded me of how much I love Dabbla and LDZ, having a great day :D

Ten pound baaaaagggg...oh my days... the problem with smoking so much weed is I forget too much music lol...damn, louis slipperz on the mix...some of the beats of those were mind-wreckingly, I got to dig those out...yeah, loving this thread too man, nice to know I'm not the only one still rocking out Taskforce and Skinnyman and shit...oh shit...Sway...remember that cat? He did the tune over the car racing tune..ah shit...memory lol...I know the one, think it was called 'up your speed', so many bangers lost to the pit of my weeded memory lol...

Hahaha mate 100% the same!! Weeded memory sucks!! Yeah I’d completely forgotten about Sway! Flo’ Fashion was an absolute banger as well!!

Anything off that album was fantastic.
Download still cracks me up when he's talking about going to an Internet cafe to find a man named kazaa haha.
Download still cracks me up when he's talking about going to an Internet cafe to find a man named kazaa haha.

Agree with pretty much all of the below suggestions.
Recently found this banger by Kano, D double E and Ghetts.... Such a tune, such great energy... Real uk OG's. Kano's got the longevity
... enjoy ...
Recently found this banger by Kano, D double E and Ghetts.... Such a tune, such great energy... Real uk OG's. Kano's got the longevity
... enjoy ...

Kano is tremendous live too. And so is d double e....ghetts is passable but compared to the other 2 he falls short in my eyes. I've seen all 3 of them perform multiple times

Didn’t even need to play this via link got this one backed up on the old I tunes... Badabapbap!!! Big tune

Akala for the win. Definitely NOT Skinnyman... Although I did like Council Estate of Mind.

OLDsKoOl... Return of the drifter was an epic album.. still gets alot of play in my dojo lol! How could we forget Jehst!
You like braintax too?
You like braintax too?

Still listen to “sagas of kalashnekoff”. If anyone is wondering, the film used for the skits is “Babylon”. A great film, its like a reggae “commitments”

Every Thursday at 7pm we should all go outside and start shouting "can't take no more of that"

That black cunt outta stokie, banana mango munching monkey, ill kick off ya door like jumanji!!! Hahahaha that guy!!!

I'm younger than some on this thread so don't know too many old school UK rappers. Mainly like old American rappers/mcs from the 90s, but would also give a vote to skinny man. Council Estate of mind is one my favourite albums of all time and its criminal he's not better known (In the mainstream).
If we're talking about modern day.. casisdead is currently the best in the scene/UK in my opinion, bar none. Can't wait for his new album to drop.
If we're talking about modern day.. casisdead is currently the best in the scene/UK in my opinion, bar none. Can't wait for his new album to drop.

Def a personal favourite. Don’t think he’s made an average album and seen him live a couple times and never disappointed.

Fliptrix, Chester P, Akala, Lowkey and skinny man... Can't really claim one is better than the other, they have all reached maxed skill in their unique styles

Glad to see someone get fliptrix in there. Saw him and skinny man live at subterranea just before lockdiwn and its unreal how much stage presence fliptrix has...and he's a fucking giant lol

As much as I properly love late 90s/early 200s UKHH, I have to say that Dabbla is right up there for me.
LDZ, Dead Players, his stuff on HF, and his solo albums on Potent Funk, he's kept it fresh, pushed hard and spits like nobody else. His wordplay is incredible.
LDZ, Dead Players, his stuff on HF, and his solo albums on Potent Funk, he's kept it fresh, pushed hard and spits like nobody else. His wordplay is incredible.

Hmmmm, Good question man, Jehst is up there for me.. But, with the new school vibes of like Ocean Wisdom, Verb-T. I’m not sure anymore :)

Top reply that! Early Jehst is hard to beat in my book! Chester P also up there - more recently loving Lee Scott (by no means would class him as UKs greatest but he’s a personal fav of mine :)

Chester P is also a bloody lovely bloke to boot. A carer these days and have his head properly screwed on

Chester P for mayor!!
Ches is a fucking dude...he dropped one of the hottest 'fire in the street' freestyles ever...dude is deep as fuck, massive respect for him.
Ches is a fucking dude...he dropped one of the hottest 'fire in the street' freestyles ever...dude is deep as fuck, massive respect for him.

ches don't like MF doom he says hes a traitor to the uk scene but MF's perants moved to the US he had no choice and i just think ches is bitter and jelouse he never got what MF doom did ..

Ocean wisdom I think has one of the best flows in the UK scene Verb-T perfect for a heavy zoot and a relax

Silver Bullet, hands down is the best UK rapper (really showing my age). 20 Seconds was good but 'Bring forth the Guillotine' is a classic.

Some greats already mentioned! but Dizzie rascal has to be in there for me! . Stefflon don , Jaykae and Bugzy Malone have some tunes too. Could be cheating but 21 savage as well I’m sure I saw he was from Newham originally?

I think he is you know!!! Who was the the other mc how was orginally in the newham generals, cant remember his name to stoned!!! Haha, ive even seen him live aswell at show at london dungeons, my mate won vip ticketsto see them and dizzee and jammer!!! Only 200 people whata fucking night that was!!! Still cant remeber his name!!! Haha

Bullet from a guuuuuuunnnnn!!! Derek B was the fucking man, he must have been one of my first UK hip hop heroes! Ahhh, this brings back memories..who remembers Normski?! Cannot for the life of me remember the show he had on tv for a while but I fucking loved it...

Ooooh, that rings a bell...really can't pull it out of my brain, Normski was the presenter and it was literally the only thing on tv that had any flavour at all, was late on a Friday night iirc

Showing my age ( and probably giving away that I’m more of a guitar guy ) but The Streets first album is awesome

I think for me it’s Potter Payper if you want that real rap but grime wise I’m going to say Ghetts.

All completely subjective but
Kano is my all-time favourite.
Boy in da corner was a groundbreaking album, and has stood the test of time (still sounds amazing to this day) so Dizzee has to have a place on the UK rap Mount Rushmore.
Also high ratings and much love for Klashnekoff, JME, Sway, Devlin, and Roots Manuva.
Kano is my all-time favourite.
Boy in da corner was a groundbreaking album, and has stood the test of time (still sounds amazing to this day) so Dizzee has to have a place on the UK rap Mount Rushmore.
Also high ratings and much love for Klashnekoff, JME, Sway, Devlin, and Roots Manuva.

It’s gotta be Skepta or Dizzee man!
Nothing touches Konichiwa, Boy in da corner or Showtime.. nothing!
Nothing touches Konichiwa, Boy in da corner or Showtime.. nothing!

For skill, Harry shotta. Me personally. Then Kalashnekov dizzee and the streets. A grand don’t come for free was a masterpiece


JME all day. Showing my age now.
Rating Ocean Wisdom atm tho
Far too many good ones to list on here tho.
Rating Ocean Wisdom atm tho
Far too many good ones to list on here tho.

So many to choose from such as Ghetto but I'm gonna have to go for his old mate Kano. Special place in my heart for that donny.

I get what you mean I'm mainly on about his first shit after that he got annoying as fuck when he switched his style tbh lol

It’s all a bit mid 2000s Roll Deep etc. Good proving grounds for the future, some good MCs came out of it, but in itself it’s pretty shit. I mean compare that to some Wu Tang shit, which I guess would be the New York streets equivalent 15 years earlier... doesn’t even compare.

Not the most original post, but if what I read on the internet it true, then I would say MF DOOM, (apparently born in London).

To be honest, there isn't one, it's so hard to choose just one when there's so much talent out there.

I know he doesn’t rap anymore, but Plan B in his prime was exceptional. The Paint it Blacker Mixtape is one of my all time favourites

Not a fan of him as a person but Slowthai has been doing some really good stuff for a while now deserves a mention. Loyle Carner also I think Lyrically is very nice

There are plenty contenders, but considering quality of his music, duration of career, significance/legacy etc, I think you need to go a long way to better Kano as one of the greats in the UK.

Lowkey, songs banned in USA raided by mi5 no one can match his word play only guy to do chip in a beef. Too real too intelligent.

Dutty goodz is the king for me, chester p, lowkey,akala are also faves, and ocean wisdom for technicality, not so keen on his content but he's got very diverse flows and spot-on delivery.

Not saying he's the best but he defo up there can't believe no one shouted out MR Traumatik, he's a fucking savage 😄

elder; crazy t, wiley, killa p, flowdan, riko dan, trim, dizzee, tempz
younger; kyeza, rocks foe, faultsz, K9, mez, saint p
stress on kyeza and rocks foe
younger; kyeza, rocks foe, faultsz, K9, mez, saint p
stress on kyeza and rocks foe

Devs aint even a rapper.. grime spitter. Never even done rap or hip hop. No wonder. Jimmy.

1 post
+1 votes

where is the most optimistic place on earth right now?
Most Optimistic place ? the Jungle where them Jaguars be teleporting on a regular. Ayahuasca enthusiastic Jaguars know whats up.

where is the most optimistic place on earth right now?
I probably can't go but just knowing it exists would give me hope

How does Tashkent Uzbekistan grab ya?

Colonial? Your shit's just parochial.
Just keep it in the parish bigga, maybe tell it to your vicar
You know he's always up to hear from his favorite dick licker.
Just keep it in the parish bigga, maybe tell it to your vicar
You know he's always up to hear from his favorite dick licker.

When it comes to playing favourites
your Mum always comes to mind
In fact her favouritism for this man's gizzum
is what first inspired this rhyme.
your Mum always comes to mind
In fact her favouritism for this man's gizzum
is what first inspired this rhyme.

My friend you need not go anywhere to feel more optimistic. As a wise old goat I would suggest that you will feel more optimistic about the world if you stop watching the news. The news media has one main objective. To put the fear of God/Mohammed/Haile Selassie (delete as necessary) into ALL of us. That way they hope that we will keep on watching in fear of our lives whilst at the same time putting their chosen political spin on the news to suit their agenda and worry the shit out of us.
My friends please give it a chance and you will see that the world isn’t speeding at 1,000mph towards hell.
The news just wants you to think that. And keep you watching in fear.
Happy smokes.
My friends please give it a chance and you will see that the world isn’t speeding at 1,000mph towards hell.
The news just wants you to think that. And keep you watching in fear.
Happy smokes.

Czech Republic, China, Taiwan;)
Buy a fake degree online and use it to get a working visa for teaching English in China. Unless you already have a degree, then it’s easy and they look after you;)
Buy a fake degree online and use it to get a working visa for teaching English in China. Unless you already have a degree, then it’s easy and they look after you;)

Most Optimistic place ? the Jungle where them Jaguars be teleporting on a regular. Ayahuasca enthusiastic Jaguars know whats up.

The youtube channels of QAnon followers who think Trump is the saviour, warriors of light are leaving flaming bags of turd on the doorstep of the Illuminati and we're not just all trying to create in a landscape of true chaos...

Yeah, I'm desperate to head back to Amsterdam/Utrecht, and then on to Berlin again :) Where do you want to go?

1 post
+2 votes

Cutting out tobacco?
Get yourself a nice pipe and replace the joints with pipe hits. I used to be a smoker and quit before I started smoking weed. But I used a vape and e…

Cutting out tobacco?
I want to cut out tobacco from my life. I smoke several joints per day and so I wondered what others do to replace or remove tobacco from the process lol.

Hi, I smoked joints with tobacco for over 20 years , it wasn`t till a couple of years ago i stopped, I`ve tried a few alternatives eg, Damiana, Real Leaf, Greengo, but tbh they all taste like shit, and leave a nasty lingering smell. I found that when the nicotine was completely out of my system that i did not crave for the joint....just the thc ha, if i want a joint i just make a small pure 1, but that`s very rarely these days as i`ve invested in a Dynavap the beauty of this device is that you can toke it like pipe or a of both worlds, and also it is more of an uplifting cleaner high with vaping....hope this helps, best of luck with your journey.
Peace out
Peace out

I just want to echo some of what MH said as I have a similar history. The thought of moving to pure weed joints made me think of a huge increase in cost but the reason for all those spliffs in a day was the nicotine craving. Plus was I really getting high or just feeling the nicotine fix? Personally I vaped nicotine until I reduced the % to 0 over 6 months or so. Then one day just stopped vaping as I thought what’s the point? Now I pipe or joint some weed WHEN I WANT TO and actually GET HIGH!! However you manage to quit you will smoke less but get more high! Winner :)

When I quit smoking, I booked a week off work, bought a big bag of weed and a pipe, did a big shop to make sure I didn’t need to leave the house for anything, shut myself at home in my PJs and smoked myself silly. Every time I had a craving for a cigarette I blazed another big pipe of pure weed. Got absolutely caned for days and days... and came out the other end not wanted to smoke tobacco ever again!

buy a decent dry herb vape (I recommend one with a convection oven).
- you'll get your money back eventually from not buying tobacco
- it's a more efficient way to smoke since there's no combustion
- you can use the already vaporized bud AVB for making weed butter etc
Personally I taste the weed better when vaping and it never burns your throat so you don't spend the next day coughing like you have covid or something.
That said I still prefer a joint from time to time especially with mates :)
- you'll get your money back eventually from not buying tobacco
- it's a more efficient way to smoke since there's no combustion
- you can use the already vaporized bud AVB for making weed butter etc
Personally I taste the weed better when vaping and it never burns your throat so you don't spend the next day coughing like you have covid or something.
That said I still prefer a joint from time to time especially with mates :)

Get yourself a nice pipe and replace the joints with pipe hits. I used to be a smoker and quit before I started smoking weed. But I used a vape and eventually lowered the nicotine dose and just eventually fucked off the vape shit. I never wanted to pick the habit back up so have always just smoked weed clean.

My lungs are shot from years of joints, bongs and general smoking so I switched to edibles, now I can’t imagine going back. I get my nicotine fix from an ecig.

Like many other comments I cut out tobacco years ago, I smoke hash with a nice little pipe. Works beautifully. Now I can still go for a run while high and I’m fine.
No way I could have done that while smoking baccy joints.
Processed tobacco is a killer, full of nasty chemical shit, cut it out and you’ll be much better off. :)
No way I could have done that while smoking baccy joints.
Processed tobacco is a killer, full of nasty chemical shit, cut it out and you’ll be much better off. :)

Yes mate, just pure and crumble a small bit. You need one of them small pipes with a very small bowl and the requisite gauze In the bowl. I have a nice solid brass one where you can take the main pipe arm out and scrape it clean. Perfect. I can do my work etc have nice little hits through the day.
Adding more or less hash according to what I’m doing.
Adding more or less hash according to what I’m doing.

train yourself to smoke them pure! roll them small, take 1 or 2 draws. if nicotine withdrawels are really bad use cbd oil or vape cbd in the meantime. you'll be off it in no time bud!

Best tobacco substitute for joints is shake. Fills out a joint nicely. Better if it's the little popcorn bud shake, pretty much makes your smoke into a 100%cannabis blunt. I smoked and used tobacco in joints for ten years maybe. Managed to quit using progressively weaker nicotine vape juice and switching out tobacco with shake in joints. Found sometimes just smoking something helped fight the urge. Something about rolling a joint and lighting it up.

You can go cold turkey or gradually reduce the amount of tobacco you consume daily. Either from a whole ciggie or tobacco mixed with your joints. The problem here is not the tobacco its the nicotine in the tobacco. If you mixed it with a joint you are still consuming nicotine so you gotta take note of it. If you go cold turkey, get ready for nicotine withdrawal symptoms like mood swings etc. You can also keep yourself motivated with stuff like this while you're smoking pure flowers and zero nicotine.
Some fun facts . The urge to smoke lasts only MINUTES . If you can distract yourself from it, you will forget you wanted to smoke.
Think of it like a short grind . Once you're over the crux its pretty much smooth sailing.
Again, take note of the withdrawal symptoms. You can do it mate! And reward yourself with some grams of greens from LB when you hit your weekly/monthly milestones!
Some fun facts . The urge to smoke lasts only MINUTES . If you can distract yourself from it, you will forget you wanted to smoke.
Think of it like a short grind . Once you're over the crux its pretty much smooth sailing.
Again, take note of the withdrawal symptoms. You can do it mate! And reward yourself with some grams of greens from LB when you hit your weekly/monthly milestones!

Smoked weed for 30 years in joints with tobacco +cigarettes.
Swapped fags for a nicotine vape for 5 years but couldn't find a fix for joints. Tried every pipe and tobacco substitute I could find.
Decided late 2019 that enough was enough and ditched joints for THC vape carts to vape alongside my nicotine vape.
THC carts worked, but I didn't love them and came across Dynavap Jan 2020 and thought it had to be worth a try. That was me sorted. I kept dropping the nicotine in my e-cig until it was nicotine free and I've now ditched it altogether.
Dynavap most evenings, desktop vape back when we used to be allowed friends over, abv edibles for 100% couch lock.
Swapped fags for a nicotine vape for 5 years but couldn't find a fix for joints. Tried every pipe and tobacco substitute I could find.
Decided late 2019 that enough was enough and ditched joints for THC vape carts to vape alongside my nicotine vape.
THC carts worked, but I didn't love them and came across Dynavap Jan 2020 and thought it had to be worth a try. That was me sorted. I kept dropping the nicotine in my e-cig until it was nicotine free and I've now ditched it altogether.
Dynavap most evenings, desktop vape back when we used to be allowed friends over, abv edibles for 100% couch lock.

Yeah, agree with a lot of people on here. Stopped smoking about 4 months ago.. started moving from joints to pipes slowly during the day and using the bong at nights. Felt great for it for a while but noticed I was smoking a LOT of plant matter. So moved to concentrates instead for a while but still coughing a lot. I've finally come to the distillate vape cartridges and I feel fantastic. Clean stone, and I'm only toking a few times a day because it's so strong. About the same cost too.. .5ml for 35 quid lasts about 3 days.. same as a half q

I’m using hemp flower as a tobacco replacement, you can buy it legally online and it’s bud but without THC (try I mix it with hash or proper weed when wanting to roll a spliff. The only downside is the legal bud can drown out any taste from the good stuff but it work the same :) I mix it with hash or proper weed when wanting to roll a spliff. The only downside is the legal bud can drown out any taste from the good stuff but it work the same :)

Just shifted to Vape juice (I dilute it with my normal low nicotine vape juice, its a bit more complex than smoking joints, need to consider vape wattage and PG/VG blending).....
Do this alongside some edibles and you get
- No Cravings for fags
- Slightly delayed and weaker hit from Vape Juice, but enough for day to day
- Top up with some edibles. BY FAR THE BEST I have seen so far are the Chuckles Range. Best Tasting, and good range that hit the spot and last a while.
NOTE: Weed is cheap, Edibles are good value, vape juice is expensive, but you aren't buying cigarettes and your lungs are much much clearer.
Do this alongside some edibles and you get
- No Cravings for fags
- Slightly delayed and weaker hit from Vape Juice, but enough for day to day
- Top up with some edibles. BY FAR THE BEST I have seen so far are the Chuckles Range. Best Tasting, and good range that hit the spot and last a while.
NOTE: Weed is cheap, Edibles are good value, vape juice is expensive, but you aren't buying cigarettes and your lungs are much much clearer.

vaping dry herb is decent. i stopped smoking that way- these days if i still fancy burning weed i’ll just roll a joint with no tobacco and take a few hits at a time. Alternatively, i’ve found the dryness and subtle odour of thai red string means it makes perfect roll ups without the need for tobacco- not too strong, i smoke them often and they just look and smell a little like tobacco to any passer by...

1 post
+3 votes

Why are Bitcoin fees so high?
Its because of the data limit allowed per per bitcoin block (1mb) the more demand for btc the higher the fees. The higher fees are more likley to be…

Why are Bitcoin fees so high?
I want to buy more on here but purchasing bitcoin is becoming really expensive with processing fee and network fees making it harder to purchase

Its because of the data limit allowed per per bitcoin block (1mb) the more demand for btc the higher the fees. The higher fees are more likley to be chosen to be completed by miners while the lowere fees are going to the back of the queue making the transactions slower. Thats an over simplification but the general idea is there.

Tried bittylicious? you have to time it right but at the moment they're charging about 2% which isn't bad given that btc is still potentially rising.

I am quite new to bitcoin so I dont really get it but I use the bitcoin wallet app and just buy through that how will it work if I started buying from bittylicious will it be the same wallet?

Yeah mate if you buy it from bittylicious you can send it your own wallet and then from there send it to the seller - you could also send it directly from bittylicious straight to the seller and cut out the extra sending fees but it's not recommended to do that often or for big orders as obviously it's tied to your ID.
It takes a bit of getting used to, I'm still kinda new to it myself mate and learning as I go along some months I feel like I've done well others I get caught out by fees or price drops but I think it's just one of them where eventually you get the hang of it lol I hope so anyway! :)
It takes a bit of getting used to, I'm still kinda new to it myself mate and learning as I go along some months I feel like I've done well others I get caught out by fees or price drops but I think it's just one of them where eventually you get the hang of it lol I hope so anyway! :)

To be honest mate it's way to expensive fees are so high a 3.5 can cost over 50 quid an u have the worry of it not arriving its ashame cos I was enjoying little biggy

I agree mate, I am happy to pay a bit more for top quality bud but the prices are a joke now paired with the rising bitcoin price.

1 post
+4 votes

Royal mail 1st class 14/12/20
For me most of the orders come within 3 days but an order I placed last week from a highly seems to be taking longer than usual. Seems everyone is ha…

Royal mail 1st class 14/12/20
Sorry for the daft question, but I'm still quite new here.
I was just wondering how long you wait for 1st class package before you start to get worried?
How long do you wait for a order, before contacting the vender?
I am waiting on 2 orders to arrive one ordered on the 1st and one on the 7th
Anyone else having trouble with royal mail/waiting for orders?
Thanks for reading.
I was just wondering how long you wait for 1st class package before you start to get worried?
How long do you wait for a order, before contacting the vender?
I am waiting on 2 orders to arrive one ordered on the 1st and one on the 7th
Anyone else having trouble with royal mail/waiting for orders?
Thanks for reading.

For me most of the orders come within 3 days but an order I placed last week from a highly seems to be taking longer than usual. Seems everyone is having a similar issue. Seems a bit weird and coincidental. Maybe Im being paranoid. I dont know ill wait a few days.

Yeah I'm getting paranoid too, waiting on 2 orders 1 10g 1 7g. I got bored waiting and made a order with 2 other vendors and both arrived in about 3 days.
So I have smoke now, just worried as its a lot of money at this time of year.
Hopefully they will land soon.
So I have smoke now, just worried as its a lot of money at this time of year.
Hopefully they will land soon.

This topic isn't sounding too good hope everyone is well stocked up! I made two orders on Friday and one last night... knew I should have went for a special delivery on one of them! Thankfully my stash isn't running out any time soon!
p.s my first ever order on this site took 16days and then rocked up out the blue so never give up hope! :)
p.s my first ever order on this site took 16days and then rocked up out the blue so never give up hope! :)

I'm relieved to see others waiting as long as I am. Currently 7 days for a Signed For. Part of the reason that there is a lack in consistency (second class arriving before first for example) is because parts of the mail network are doing better than others. some sorting facilities have had to close their doors completely for a while due to Covid. if you're unlucky and your mail goes through one of the affected places it might be delayed while it goes around or even worse it could be trapped in there until it reopens.

Last ordered on 9th, arrived this morning. that was HashTagUK. good quality too and reliable

in my area mr postie only does full deliverys every other day,so the backlog is just getting bigger. also they are taking on half the number of seasonal staff,so it aint goint to get any better any time soon. stay safe and happy xmas you all

There is always hope,I was pretty sure it would turn up as i know the vendor is sound and the packaging is top notch although i must admit i was surprised how long it took but it was a nice surprise when it did.

usually up to 3 days for me I have had 2nd class take a week before probably the Christmas delays and stuff nothing to worry about contact the seller

I think depending on the region (both ends), the places it needs to travel through (to get from one end to the other), Christmas, COVID, the EU, Kay Burley, and Postman Pat's Black and White Cat (Jess)... It's quite varied.
To give you an idea... I usually get next day on first class from my usual vendor. However, as we get closer to Christmas I could say it's on average taking 1 day longer each day. That is, I ordered last Monday, 3 days, then last Tuesday, 4 days.
I saw a queue of old ladies outside the post office today. Most of them were trying to send themselves south. However there were a larger volume of people with parcels. They take up all of our cage space, so things are just overloaded.
Anything is possible at this time of year... and stranger things happen at sea... it might turn up! Good luck all and much love. Fingers crossed.
To give you an idea... I usually get next day on first class from my usual vendor. However, as we get closer to Christmas I could say it's on average taking 1 day longer each day. That is, I ordered last Monday, 3 days, then last Tuesday, 4 days.
I saw a queue of old ladies outside the post office today. Most of them were trying to send themselves south. However there were a larger volume of people with parcels. They take up all of our cage space, so things are just overloaded.
Anything is possible at this time of year... and stranger things happen at sea... it might turn up! Good luck all and much love. Fingers crossed.

Who did you order from?....if it’s PremiumExtracts you might be screwed- they’ve gone AWOL...

I had to wait 9 days for a package that arrived the day after a package that took only 24 hours. Both RM first class.

I'm six days waiting on a second class order. Really strange as I'm getting second class mail arriving before a first class order.
I've had to go for a cheaper option as I just didn't have the money to buy a more premium option. I genuinely don't believe I'll be getting anything to smoke before Christmas. I'm convinced it's not arriving.
Really gutted, have to wait another 4 days before I can even ask for a refund or reship.
Again, I'm gutted. Hope yours arrives mate.
I've had to go for a cheaper option as I just didn't have the money to buy a more premium option. I genuinely don't believe I'll be getting anything to smoke before Christmas. I'm convinced it's not arriving.
Really gutted, have to wait another 4 days before I can even ask for a refund or reship.
Again, I'm gutted. Hope yours arrives mate.

I meant first class order, not second class!
Yeah I hope it turns up too, this Christmas has left me skint. Having to buy presents for 12 people, plus all the food/alcohol.
Yeah I hope it turns up too, this Christmas has left me skint. Having to buy presents for 12 people, plus all the food/alcohol.

So just a quick update, 7/01/21 I have still not received the 10g package, ordered on 1/12/20
I told the vender about this a few days ago, and got a response. Just saying OK thanks. Not sure what too make of that lol
So my question is what do I do now? Really don't want to escalate and ask for a refund, as I trust the vendor, but I also don't want to be out of pocket
Any advice welcomed tia.
I told the vender about this a few days ago, and got a response. Just saying OK thanks. Not sure what too make of that lol
So my question is what do I do now? Really don't want to escalate and ask for a refund, as I trust the vendor, but I also don't want to be out of pocket
Any advice welcomed tia.

Hi everyone, thanks for all the responses, just a little update. So I got home from adulting ? and checked my mail box. The 7g has arrived. Yay, looking forward to trying it.
Which just leaves the 10g order I made on the 1st of December, I'm hopeful it will arrive soon. Both orders with same vendor.
But if it doesn't, should I inform the vendor? Or give it another week?
Or just take the hit and hope some postie somewhere is enjoying my Xmas stash lol
Sorry for all the questions but this is the first time I have had a package go AWOL.
Thanks everyone
Which just leaves the 10g order I made on the 1st of December, I'm hopeful it will arrive soon. Both orders with same vendor.
But if it doesn't, should I inform the vendor? Or give it another week?
Or just take the hit and hope some postie somewhere is enjoying my Xmas stash lol
Sorry for all the questions but this is the first time I have had a package go AWOL.
Thanks everyone

1 post
+1 votes
War for sure - Anyone want to bet against me?

War for sure - Anyone want to bet against me?
I bet the US will create a military confrontation before the next election.

If you havent, watch the movie 'Wag The Dog'
Using conflict and war as a distraction for the the political 'elites' complete lack of self control, responsibility and ability to lead.
I mean thats all there is to know about politics lol
Using conflict and war as a distraction for the the political 'elites' complete lack of self control, responsibility and ability to lead.
I mean thats all there is to know about politics lol

Define "the US"? What if it is federal gov vs. state gov? Hasn't that already happened?

He will, a war on his own people. If he doesn't go full dictator, call marshal law and force himself into another term I'd be shocked.
Just keep the fingers crossed that the greater good will go full Libya on him.
Just keep the fingers crossed that the greater good will go full Libya on him.

World war III the silent war, declared and has been happening the day after the end of World War II

Yes that will happen. And he will have help from an unknown source, who will quickly take over the world. He is the man known as Ali Khamel Mohsen, who was allegedly killed by an Israeli Air strike, which was probably not Israeli responsibility.
This world leader will die with Trump, for good, after a period of exactly seven years from the signing of the new agreement on the Whitehouse Lawn. This agreement will involve the Jewish Temple, protections for Jewish people etc., but the world leader will break the covenant, take over the new Temple, sit on a big throne he will have set up there, and call himself God, demanding complete obedience from people everywhere. War will happen in a constant chain which will shake all the powers that be, but at the same time there will be alot of good things happening, but they will be hidden at first.
This world leader will die with Trump, for good, after a period of exactly seven years from the signing of the new agreement on the Whitehouse Lawn. This agreement will involve the Jewish Temple, protections for Jewish people etc., but the world leader will break the covenant, take over the new Temple, sit on a big throne he will have set up there, and call himself God, demanding complete obedience from people everywhere. War will happen in a constant chain which will shake all the powers that be, but at the same time there will be alot of good things happening, but they will be hidden at first.

You guys that think Trump is starting a war; are borderline mentally challenged. The left are the ones who will be committing violence when they lose the election fair and square.
If you’re voting for the Democratic Party then you deserve the terrible dystopia they will create. Just one thing. When your Democratic states start going to shit and all hell breaks loose, don’t flee to other states and bring your stupidity with you.
If you’re voting for the Democratic Party then you deserve the terrible dystopia they will create. Just one thing. When your Democratic states start going to shit and all hell breaks loose, don’t flee to other states and bring your stupidity with you.

War can be deemed as a military confrontation, but I don’t think a military confrontation is always deemed to be war.

1 post
+3 votes
My first purchase on Lb was with yourself and the 'Grade' A service convinced me Lb was a decent place to aquire herbal happiness. Take some time to …

Hi buds,
I'm not quite sure what's happened but I think my software wallet got phished. I have lost damn almost everything i've ever made on here and i'm devastated. Literally gutted typing this.
I'm seriously considering packing all of this in as i'm struggling to get over how much time i've lost on grows and packing, the risk never mind the money but im up to my eyes in debt so its fucked and wondering if online is worth it for me.
The next few days are going to be pretty difficult for me processing whats happened. I genuinely think i'm going to have to go to a forest and eat mushrooms or something.
I genuinely am so happy I still have all my reviews on here and knowing I helped good people with weed they enjoyed that I grew. I'm just lucky i've still got that cause everything feels fucked right now. Big love guys
I'm not quite sure what's happened but I think my software wallet got phished. I have lost damn almost everything i've ever made on here and i'm devastated. Literally gutted typing this.
I'm seriously considering packing all of this in as i'm struggling to get over how much time i've lost on grows and packing, the risk never mind the money but im up to my eyes in debt so its fucked and wondering if online is worth it for me.
The next few days are going to be pretty difficult for me processing whats happened. I genuinely think i'm going to have to go to a forest and eat mushrooms or something.
I genuinely am so happy I still have all my reviews on here and knowing I helped good people with weed they enjoyed that I grew. I'm just lucky i've still got that cause everything feels fucked right now. Big love guys

Aw guys. Overwhelmed reading this. I should have look at this earlier, it definitely would have helped. Jesus the first few days were tough, I couldn't eat or sleep or even smoke weed. I've been microdosing mushrooms that I was luckily able to pick from my own garden, they really really helped. And i'm back, i'm over it. It was just part of the process and I know when bad things happen to me it's because something better is always on the horizon. so thank you universe, you sick sick bastard.
I love you all. No joke, thank you. The past year or so had been really really tough on my mental health (besides rona) and running this shop gave me purpose again.
I just wish I could do it legally.
With regards to what happened, I really don't want to get into it to be honest i'm still not entirely sure but im over it. but my messages/passwords were not compromised, everything gets deleted or stored in my brain. I'm now looking at a hardware wallet now and i'll be setting up a new address on here.
Right I'm for a reason, money does grow on trees, my people need their organic medicine and i'm not gonna recoup my loss by sitting around feeling sorry for myself so here we go.
The long awaited DURBAN POISON will be live tomorrow. I flowered all my mothers and they have been taking there sweet sweet time to finish (literally about a month longer than expected, shakes fist lol). I'm trimming it as we speak and will have photos tomorrow. This smoke is definitely for the oldschool heads. Pure Sativa, not too crazy on the THC a real breakfast smoke, I say this because i've been hitting bongs of it with breakfast xD I love life again peoples, I can't let money control me, i'm fucking blessed to be alive and thats some real shit, my lifes beautiful and everyday I show gratitude for it.
I was hoping a favour. I'd love to get this listed now but it's gotta cure in the jar for a week at least. I let it dry out in the soil for a week, then dry hung it for a week before the chop so it's gorgeous already, but, it still does need that kilner cure.
Once i'm aware of weight, which should be at least 3/4 ounces she was a huge girl.
I'm going to list it as a **PRE ORDER** to be shipped out in a week or so when the cure is ready, i'll give live updates on here. Due to coin being held for 16 days on here it will give me a leg up getting back in the game before christmas. After that should be Green Crack, Purple Punch, Zkittlez & Blue Dream in that order. All 1 larger plant batches.
If this is something people would like to see me do with other strains due to demand and me usually running out, well, i'd love that but understand if you want to get high rightaway, because, don't we all!
I'd also strongly consider, as mentioning by someone below, taking initial investments on grows, or deposits coming up to the end of grows. Hell, i'll even grow strains or a set number of plants for you and drip feed you your own stock from your initial deposit. Anything to make this work, I love growing, I love my customers. thank you!
I love you all. No joke, thank you. The past year or so had been really really tough on my mental health (besides rona) and running this shop gave me purpose again.
I just wish I could do it legally.
With regards to what happened, I really don't want to get into it to be honest i'm still not entirely sure but im over it. but my messages/passwords were not compromised, everything gets deleted or stored in my brain. I'm now looking at a hardware wallet now and i'll be setting up a new address on here.
Right I'm for a reason, money does grow on trees, my people need their organic medicine and i'm not gonna recoup my loss by sitting around feeling sorry for myself so here we go.
The long awaited DURBAN POISON will be live tomorrow. I flowered all my mothers and they have been taking there sweet sweet time to finish (literally about a month longer than expected, shakes fist lol). I'm trimming it as we speak and will have photos tomorrow. This smoke is definitely for the oldschool heads. Pure Sativa, not too crazy on the THC a real breakfast smoke, I say this because i've been hitting bongs of it with breakfast xD I love life again peoples, I can't let money control me, i'm fucking blessed to be alive and thats some real shit, my lifes beautiful and everyday I show gratitude for it.
I was hoping a favour. I'd love to get this listed now but it's gotta cure in the jar for a week at least. I let it dry out in the soil for a week, then dry hung it for a week before the chop so it's gorgeous already, but, it still does need that kilner cure.
Once i'm aware of weight, which should be at least 3/4 ounces she was a huge girl.
I'm going to list it as a **PRE ORDER** to be shipped out in a week or so when the cure is ready, i'll give live updates on here. Due to coin being held for 16 days on here it will give me a leg up getting back in the game before christmas. After that should be Green Crack, Purple Punch, Zkittlez & Blue Dream in that order. All 1 larger plant batches.
If this is something people would like to see me do with other strains due to demand and me usually running out, well, i'd love that but understand if you want to get high rightaway, because, don't we all!
I'd also strongly consider, as mentioning by someone below, taking initial investments on grows, or deposits coming up to the end of grows. Hell, i'll even grow strains or a set number of plants for you and drip feed you your own stock from your initial deposit. Anything to make this work, I love growing, I love my customers. thank you!

Hey there:) I've just read this after putting my first lb order in. Glad i ended up choosing you after seeing this. Looking forward to receiving first of many deliveries I hope! Cheers x

Welcome back mate, not sure this will be my cup of tea but I’m gunna put in a order for a gram to try it out. The Zkittlez you had was excellent.


Hey mate - I am so sorry to hear this, that’s absolutely shit, really terrible. You’ve been such a positive force on LB it doesn’t sit right with me at all. You’ve been a great edition to LB and I think you’d be sadly missed if you left, but I would understand if you did. Gonna top up your tip jar now mate. Again I’m really sorry bro, but you’re a top guy and I know you’ve got that good energy to come out the other side bigger and badder!

Money, they can take away..or steal..The important Only you have your system of UKCannaFarm....and only you know which steps to keep, and lockdown..! The LB community is rallying.....
See you at the Top......
See you at the Top......

We don't know each other but private message me if there is anything I could help you out with.
Really sad to hear this bad news.
Hardware wallet I think, as you have me thinking about my own security.
You will bounce back
Really sad to hear this bad news.
Hardware wallet I think, as you have me thinking about my own security.
You will bounce back

My first purchase on Lb was with yourself and the 'Grade' A service convinced me Lb was a decent place to aquire herbal happiness. Take some time to assess whats happened and learn from whats gone wrong so that you can protect yourself in the future. Good luck Bud hopefully this bullshit dosent keep you down.

Oh man, that is absolutely brutal :( I'm so sorry to hear that. You seem like a nice dude too, that sucks.
Have you regained security over your wallet or is it still compromised? How do you think this has happened, did you become complacent and click on a phishing website or use a public network or even have a virus in your device? I am sure other users would be keen in knowing so they can avoid the same happening to them.
I know it is not much consolation but look at it this way, it's not like you lost your stash and cash because you got caught with it in the street which I'm sure feels a whole lot worse. You will live to fight another day.!
Hope you make it back to your feet mate!
Have you regained security over your wallet or is it still compromised? How do you think this has happened, did you become complacent and click on a phishing website or use a public network or even have a virus in your device? I am sure other users would be keen in knowing so they can avoid the same happening to them.
I know it is not much consolation but look at it this way, it's not like you lost your stash and cash because you got caught with it in the street which I'm sure feels a whole lot worse. You will live to fight another day.!
Hope you make it back to your feet mate!

Sorry to hear that pal, hope it all works out for you. Any security tips for securing your wallets ?

That’s shit at anytime Bro, keep up the good work and believe that things can only get better. Take care ????

Really sorry to hear that. When people make so much effort to supply weed to there customers with such Passion and make a few pound this is shocking. The sooner weed is legalised the better where people who are making a living don't get ripped off.

Really sorry to hear this has happened to you dude. As my first buy on LB, I was really glad to be a customer of yours and I hope you can find a way to bounce back from this! You're clearly one of the good guys on here and care about doing things right.

Wow really sorry to hear this bro. My first order on here was for your first bit of Zkittlez and the way you dealt with everything really put my mind at ease ordering on here. Really hope you can get back up on your feet.

I'm afraid all I can offer is sympathy and suggest you check out coinfirm ( google coinfirm,reclaim lost crypto) a friend told me they helped him out in similar circumstances. No idea if they can help you,but If it were me,I'd be e mailing them right about now. Much luck with it,man.

Really sorry to hear that man.
Was impressed with your Zkittles and have been waiting to see what was up next.
Looks like you have plenty of love and support here on LB which wont bring the cash back but shows youre a stand up guy and are doing it right.
Hoping to order again soon mate!
Was impressed with your Zkittles and have been waiting to see what was up next.
Looks like you have plenty of love and support here on LB which wont bring the cash back but shows youre a stand up guy and are doing it right.
Hoping to order again soon mate!

Change all your passwords, malware scan, use different hardware wallet/bitcoin wallet.
If your in debt then selling weed is best/quickest way to get back on your feet, its almost christmas so could be busiest time of the year for you
Really sorry for your loss, devastating as it seems you can bounce back from this
Keep the faith
If your in debt then selling weed is best/quickest way to get back on your feet, its almost christmas so could be busiest time of the year for you
Really sorry for your loss, devastating as it seems you can bounce back from this
Keep the faith

I've only just read this...I'm so, so sorry to hear what's happened.
You're clearly an amazing person, I hope this is just a step you can overcome and carry on all the better for it.
Thank you for giving me your guidance and assurance, I really hope you continue with your work.
Loadsa love. (◕ᴗ◕✿) xxx
You're clearly an amazing person, I hope this is just a step you can overcome and carry on all the better for it.
Thank you for giving me your guidance and assurance, I really hope you continue with your work.
Loadsa love. (◕ᴗ◕✿) xxx

Damn man, sorry to hear that. I'd definitely like to buy off you but I need to get some bitcoins and work all this shit out. Noob. Hopefully be able to do business at some point.

Check the output transactions, if there are no output transactions and you still have access to your private keys, use an another wallet (like coinomi or invest in an hardware wallet) and send all your BTC to a new wallet asap.
If there are output transactions, then sorry, but you can't do nothing, as BTC transactions are irreversible (only if more than 51% of the nodes would agree to reverse to a previous block height, for you, you would have your BTC back)
I'm sorry for your lost, but you can move forward, just invest in a good hardware wallet and keep selling, don't look back, what's lost is lost, pointless and dangerous for the mind to think about the loss.
If there are output transactions, then sorry, but you can't do nothing, as BTC transactions are irreversible (only if more than 51% of the nodes would agree to reverse to a previous block height, for you, you would have your BTC back)
I'm sorry for your lost, but you can move forward, just invest in a good hardware wallet and keep selling, don't look back, what's lost is lost, pointless and dangerous for the mind to think about the loss.

this is a right of passage don't let it get the best of you. ive lost passwords been hacked and had disks fail. but ive also ridden the wave of a lifetime. hang in there.

This is awful! Im very sorry to hear it.
Does anyone know how something like this could happen and any extra measures to take to prevent it?
Not that i have anything to nick, wouldnt be worth their hourly rate.
I wish you luck and hope you can resolve somehow
Does anyone know how something like this could happen and any extra measures to take to prevent it?
Not that i have anything to nick, wouldnt be worth their hourly rate.
I wish you luck and hope you can resolve somehow

Gutted to hear that mate. Keep your chin up there is a way out of any dark place I've been in a few financially and otherwise. In the cold light of day maybe having a solid reputation on here could be a god send if you think this is still viable. I'd say grow as a hobby as we all do/did..don't chase what you lost just see what surplus you end up with and I've seen myself the quality is there. You'll be missed on here if you pack it in but on a wider level look after yourself mate and think over what's next.

really sorry to hear that mate, you do great work and I'm always on the lookout for a post/item update from you
whatever you decide to do moving forward, take care of yourself
whatever you decide to do moving forward, take care of yourself

That’s what I would be scared of happening to me also as crypto is even more in the imagination of people than traceable money. Sorry to hear this though. All the best for the future, the only way is up;)

1 post
+2 votes
Transaction fees bitpanda
funny enough I was wondering why Monero isnt asked for. BTC is was ground breaking at the time but its like running windows xp in 2020.

Transaction fees bitpanda
Does anyone know why it's €10+ transaction fees right now, or when the fees will go down to a sensible amount again! Every day this week it's been €8 or €10, all I'm trying to do is order some of MamaKush's chocolates for my Halloween indoors!

Can we put in a request with admin to integrate Monero payments? It would be a safer place for everyone!

My wallet allows me to choose the fee (or at least the satoshi/vbyte)... Later in the week I lower it. As the funds are held in escrow prior to the seller receiving them, there is no real reason to choose a high speed transaction. I would suggest getting a wallet that allows you to select your transaction fee / speed.

Markets are a bit crazy at moment, btc been pumping, network will be very busy. Should calm down over the next few weeks, But not in time for Halloween. Sorry

It’s gone absolutely crazy. I added $40 to my btc wallet to purchase something for $28 and it won’t allow it because of the fees, unless you are carrying out a large transaction, it’s just not worth it at the moment. I feel for you guys selling on here, it must be hard to catch sales while these fees are through the roof. There must be another way? BCH? ETH? Are these any cheaper when it comes to fees? I’m quite new to all this so really have no idea

It’s been commented before about btc being a bad method of payment for on here. It was never designed as currency rather a store of value. Something like Xrp would be much better, almost free transaction costs and less than a minute to transfer.

This 100%. Something like Monero would be good for security, but basically anything other than BTC right now

funny enough I was wondering why Monero isnt asked for. BTC is was ground breaking at the time but its like running windows xp in 2020.

You can even pay only 0.4 USD as transaction fee even if you made a 1k USD worth of BTC transaction, ofc most probably you'll wait some days for the first blockchain confirmation, but who cares, LB accepts the payment as soon as it shows in the mempool.
You all should read more about how BTC (blockchain protocol) works in order to not pay crazy amount of money in transaction fees...
You all should read more about how BTC (blockchain protocol) works in order to not pay crazy amount of money in transaction fees...

XRP is poo poo compared to DigiByte, LB needs a crypto coin as DGB, everything will be faster, more secure and cheaper

I just had teh same thing (sorry if this is an old post. Have a look to see if you can change the fees automatically. You should be able to do this. It will just take longer the lower the fee, so maybe don't go for the lowest fee possible.

hash rates for bitcoin have dropped by 50% this basically means bitcoins now 50% slower and now twice the price on miner fees

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