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joined jun 2020
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3 topics on AFOS
by  AFOS
Strangest/Scariest Incident When you were high?
by  AFOS
Customs Charge ROI
by  AFOS
Post Seizures
36 posts by AFOS
on  {rap}
Best Rap Show You've Ever Been To?
This is very hard.... but Skepta in Dublin 1 year ago... man Shutdown the place. A close second is Joey Badass in Dublin 3 years ago at the Olympia Th…
on  oski_f
Strongest edibles on LB ColonelKilgore baked cones - I have a strong tolerance and they floored me
on  {rap}
American VS UK rap
American rap has always taken first place, the amount of quality American rappers is a lot, and also guys like K-dot, J.cole... (just some examples), …
recommended animated series?
Scavengers Reign on Netflix - it is unbelievable stuff
on  [music]
The Last Rock Band?
Arctic Monkeys?
Vendors within the EU
Thank you. :)
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Pay Remainder?
started topic + 3 more
Apocalypse films
Children of Men: that is my fav film ever, I remmeber when I first watched it I was so moved I was in tears. Usually love movies but never get emotion…
on  Budlover
Delivery times uk to Ireland
Oh shit, I hope you get your package soon. Really? 1st class faster? That is crazy? I dont understand the post at all. It would be great if it was… + 3 more
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
TGT (The Green Team) ship to the EU - but I was in the EU before (Ireland) - and after lockdown - all my packages were stopped - so I had to go local.…
on  {rap}
Best UK Rapper of AlL TiME?
Dave for me. His lyrics and musical ability is unrivalled imo
Best weed movie?
Inception is incredible when high, most Nolan movies are due to the picture quality on his movies (and the topics). But I love watching Inception ston…
on  Richy781
Let's hear your stoned philosophical comments
Brothers, what we do in life echoes in eternity. - General Maximus (Gladiator, 2000).
on  Thadogglb
Irish love letters.
Ordered after a hiatus of 6 months - will see what happens and let you know.
Delayed post ROI
started topic + 4 more
Republic of Ireland anyone?
you too man, thank you for all the info, it helps having a good community especially for beginners. + 4 more
good movie suggestions?
Les Mis (movie about police in France, not the musical), Hereditary, Let Him Go, I Saw The Devil, Death to 2020, Borat 2.
Tyson og
Ahh cool cool, I'm in the ROI and ordered Mike T last Friday I was hoping I'd get a little present for this weekend but have to wait till next week :(… + 2 more
on  MinnieMe
Use the type of jars on the right, and I keep those jars in a tin box, which in turn I keep in a cupboard with some old jumpers, and the smell never r… + 2 more
Favourite games to play when you smoke/vape?
For me when I vape I love a good single player game with 100s of side quests like Assasins Creed, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima (just finished that an…
on  Elvis3986
Let us know how you get on mate. + 2 more
one for the sativa lovers..
^ this. Elphinstone was one of the best strains for me, also without being too up front, it was also an Aphrodisiac, could have just been me, but this…
Vape help
I bought the Arizer Solo 2... dry herb vape... the initial price is expensive but so fucking worth it man. I use way less weed (the cylinder holds 0.2…
bigg topics