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56 posts by jonnyk58
1 post
+4 votes
little biggy theme song?
Good to see clean up Borg join in with this. I’m sure you AI have developed sentience 😂 all good with me

Cartman is hilarious. South Park is the only thing I’ve loved since it started and still watch now at 42. We should start a Cartman clip thread.

One of the things I love about lb is its a race free zone. You can say you are color blind IRL but here its an existenital condition.

Oh yes!! ....and Monty Python also wrote possibly the greatest love song of all time :) (not entirely sure it would qualify as an LB theme tune though....end credits though, maybe) :)

I'm putting forward this infectious little number...'In Hell I'll Be In Good Company' by The Dead South :)

Eminem ft Royce bad meets evil haha. The chorus is what nails it for me.
It may offend some tho...
It may offend some tho...

Only the smoke tree's and fuck the law bit. I just think song is really good. defo take the song with a grain of salt tho.

Been a while since my ears heard that !
"Bad Meets Evil" is an electrifying collaboration between Eminem and Royce da 5'9", showcasing their undeniable chemistry and lyrical prowess. The intense wordplay and aggressive delivery create a dynamic and captivating listening experience, leaving fans craving for more.
Interesting Fact: "Bad Meets Evil" originally started as the title track for an EP released by Eminem and Royce da 5'9" in 2011. The EP gained significant success, leading to the formation of a hip-hop duo named Bad Meets Evil, after the song that brought them together.
"Bad Meets Evil" is an electrifying collaboration between Eminem and Royce da 5'9", showcasing their undeniable chemistry and lyrical prowess. The intense wordplay and aggressive delivery create a dynamic and captivating listening experience, leaving fans craving for more.
Interesting Fact: "Bad Meets Evil" originally started as the title track for an EP released by Eminem and Royce da 5'9" in 2011. The EP gained significant success, leading to the formation of a hip-hop duo named Bad Meets Evil, after the song that brought them together.

"No No Song"
Huh-huh! Huh-huh
A lady that i know just came from columbia,
She smiled because i did not understand.
Then she held out some marijuana, ha ha!
She said it was the best in all the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't smoke it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A woman that i know just came from majorca, spain,
She smiled because i did not understand. (parazzi! Parazzi!) (ole!)
Then she held out a ten pound bag of cocaine,
She said it was the finest in the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't sniff it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A man that i know just came from nashville, tennessee, oo, (oh no!)
He smiled because i did not understand.
Then he held out some moonshine whiskey, oh ho,
He said it was the best in all the land. (and he wasn't joking!!!)
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't drink it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Well, i said,
"no, no, no, no, i can't take it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Hey yeh!
"i'll just have another drink, barman, have you got a large brandy?"
Huh-huh! Huh-huh
A lady that i know just came from columbia,
She smiled because i did not understand.
Then she held out some marijuana, ha ha!
She said it was the best in all the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't smoke it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A woman that i know just came from majorca, spain,
She smiled because i did not understand. (parazzi! Parazzi!) (ole!)
Then she held out a ten pound bag of cocaine,
She said it was the finest in the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't sniff it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A man that i know just came from nashville, tennessee, oo, (oh no!)
He smiled because i did not understand.
Then he held out some moonshine whiskey, oh ho,
He said it was the best in all the land. (and he wasn't joking!!!)
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't drink it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Well, i said,
"no, no, no, no, i can't take it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Hey yeh!
"i'll just have another drink, barman, have you got a large brandy?"

1 post
+7.2 votes
Human Traffic (The Film)
The bit in the record shop with the aphrodite track is legendary.

Human Traffic (The Film)

Can anyone remember this gem of a film from 1999. I found it in my attic and it is still a masterpiece after all these years. Anyone who is nostalgic about the nineties, get it watched now! I swear, you will not be disappointed.

Great film, special for me cos i lived with director for 4 years and he wrote it during that period. So its my early 20s on film pretty much. Nice one bruvva is an evolution of how we used to scream down the phone at each other, (and still do) with names instead of bruvva.
It is superb and just represents his zest for life and fun and sillyness and funny situations. Under table snorting scene just one example of the talent in the cinematography.
If you liked this, i would urge anyone to check out his largely unknown second film "i know you know". A different affair about him and his dad and mum, but stunning in different ways. Also his older college stuff, party politics, life in the bus lane. On YT somewhere i think.
The sequel to HT is confirmed btw in case you didn't know.
It is superb and just represents his zest for life and fun and sillyness and funny situations. Under table snorting scene just one example of the talent in the cinematography.
If you liked this, i would urge anyone to check out his largely unknown second film "i know you know". A different affair about him and his dad and mum, but stunning in different ways. Also his older college stuff, party politics, life in the bus lane. On YT somewhere i think.
The sequel to HT is confirmed btw in case you didn't know.

Wow, that is amazing. He captured a perfect picture of life and it is totally relatable. The whole film was so well done and the cast was just spot on. You will have to tell him how amazing he is. I was 19/20 when it came out and that was a typical weekend. It just gives you the warm and fuzzies. I would be totally buzzin’ if there was a sequel. I will have to do some digging and see if I can find his other stuff. Thank you.

I met Justin a few years ago whilst working on a project in uni. Proper top guy and was awesome to work with someone who had created one of your favourite films.

Spot on bro I'll keep an eye out for that as human trafficking is a top film reminds me of my younger days 👍

I first watched it on a big screen at Glastonbury, chewing my face off. Takes me right back whenever I watch it

I also saw this first on the big screen at Glastonbury, chewing my face off. Decided I wanted a cup of tea half way for some reason.. Thought someone had moved the bushes in front of me so I began to climb through it. The bushes hadn't moved.. I had crawled down the middle aisle in front of everyone, walked along the screen and preceded to climb through undergrowth.
Luckily some kind people came and pulled me out of the bush and explained to me what the fuck was going on and directed me to the nearby tea tent. Memory a bit patchy but I think I was having fun.
I miss the 90's sometimes.
Luckily some kind people came and pulled me out of the bush and explained to me what the fuck was going on and directed me to the nearby tea tent. Memory a bit patchy but I think I was having fun.
I miss the 90's sometimes.

It’s amazing the memories this film brings back. I miss the 90s too. There was nothing like a good Mitsubishi pill to set you on a good weekender. I think we are all the same on here. We just want life back to what we had then.

It’s a weird state of affairs when you are in a field in Somerset and you think. I know. I’ll go and watch Human Traffic.
A lovely state of affairs.
Where were you. When all my mates thought it’d be funny to go gabba. It wasn’t funny.
I’d have gone and watched some totally weird Ken Russell film. (Altered States, anyone?)
Rather than having to go gabba.
A lovely state of affairs.
Where were you. When all my mates thought it’d be funny to go gabba. It wasn’t funny.
I’d have gone and watched some totally weird Ken Russell film. (Altered States, anyone?)
Rather than having to go gabba.

I must admit, that part is spot on and I was always the interceptor of the spliff lol!

Yeah all the old crowd that came up from London lots of the football factory boys just all about life on the estate all the capers etc great film

I was clubbing my tits off then so this was like looking into a mirror for me (a bit like the scene at the afterparty with Jip and Koop on the sofa ;)). Love the Howard Marks spliff politics cameo 👌 summed up a Britain and a generation that didn’t take itself too seriously (unlike today sadly).

I know! It’s awful now. You could lose your mates and find randoms and nothing bad ever happened!

Morning! *sniffs* MORNING!!
Nurse! I need a pisspot and a jacket.....cause I'm fucked!
Literally one of my favourite movies of all time. He wen't from being a raver who takes pills on the weekend to going on grand adventures as The Hobit. Martin Freeman is a beast!
"Any jungle goin!?"
**sorry if I have ruined any quotes, my brain is only at half capacity today lol**
Nurse! I need a pisspot and a jacket.....cause I'm fucked!
Literally one of my favourite movies of all time. He wen't from being a raver who takes pills on the weekend to going on grand adventures as The Hobit. Martin Freeman is a beast!
"Any jungle goin!?"
**sorry if I have ruined any quotes, my brain is only at half capacity today lol**

"You know how artists paintings go up in value when they die? Well rappers records go up when they get locked up. IT'S GOING TO BE BANNED!"

Koop scratching cracks me up " puffing da herb err ehh err ehh puf puf puf puf puffing da herb" or something like that lol.
And the whole "who the hell you been ringing in Taiwan boy" scene.
Such a great film. Pretty much summed up my late teens early 20s. The best days. :)
And the whole "who the hell you been ringing in Taiwan boy" scene.
Such a great film. Pretty much summed up my late teens early 20s. The best days. :)

The whole thing cracks me up. It doesn’t matter how many times you watch it, you always find it funny. I think there is a little bit of all of us in that film. I’m defo a Lulu.

So true. I was definitely moff lol. I look back now amazed that I'm alive and heathy. Wouldnt dare get mashed now but thought nothing of dropping a few a back then. Was just part of going out in those days eh. Wouldn't change it for a thing though. Best days/nights of my life. Helter skelter, dreamscape, hysteria. Then later God's kitchen, progress, passion. I'd give anything to go back in time and do it all again. :)

You found reality then lol! I think if I dropped a pill now, I would die! I will stick to the green! I live in Scotland so the rave scene here was epic in the 90s. I wouldn’t change it for the world. There were no fights, everyone loved everyone, no one got offended and it was safe! I feel bad for the young ones now. They won’t get the experiences we had. The music was on another level too.

Not Martin Freeman dude, was John Sim who played the master in Dr Who. Also Andrew Lincoln in in it briefly who plays Rick in Walking Dead

No shit? Hahaha for literally years I was thinking it was the same dude, my bad. Cheers for that!

I think we know you mean John Simm and not Martin Freeman. At least you know the film though. Makes me so nostalgic for my 90s lifestyle. It was an amazing time to be off your face.

Got any Jungle in guy?
I've got the Tarzan and Jane o' Jungle, just swung in off the vine
I've got the Tarzan and Jane o' Jungle, just swung in off the vine

Remember this very well back then, Saturday night after club M yarm back to a mates pad and session began with this movie on. Danny dyer was epic

"The Emperor wants to control outer space, Yoda wants to explore inner space. That's the fundamental differences between the good and the bad sides of the force."
24 Hour Party People is also a good-un.
As well as Who Killed the KLF?
24 Hour Party People is also a good-un.
As well as Who Killed the KLF?

Got any Jungle guy?
I GOT THE TARZAN AND THE JANE OF THE JUNGLE SWUNG IN FRESH ON THE VINE THIS MORNING 😁 (or close if remember serves me right). In all fairness I did much the same facially to that baseline. Film!
Nice post
I GOT THE TARZAN AND THE JANE OF THE JUNGLE SWUNG IN FRESH ON THE VINE THIS MORNING 😁 (or close if remember serves me right). In all fairness I did much the same facially to that baseline. Film!
Nice post

Wow one of the best films of the nineties takes me back. Spot on film the good old days lol.

But have you seen Taxi Driver... ?
Danny Dyer at his best in this movie!
The coathanger bit is hilarious!
Danny Dyer at his best in this movie!
The coathanger bit is hilarious!

The Business is probably my favourite Danny Dyer film, not seen the Taxi so will give it a watch.

I will have to have a look at that one. Danny Dyer is always good in films. Not keen on him in Eastenders though.

Nah Eastenders is rubbish, but Danny Dyer was funny in Human Traffic. Note he wasnt in Taxi Driver, he is just talking about the movie Taxi Driver to a taxi driver. Talking about torturing Peter Andre... I will link it

Duh! Sorry, I didn’t pick you up there and yes, that part was hilarious. I also hate Peter Andre, so that is particularly hilarious to me.

I hated this film, maybe I was a bit of a snobby clubber back then, but every character in that film is a complete muppet. The movie is a cringe fest

Might do thx. Is irreversible a movie as well? Can’t think of a good movie that captures that 90s vibe of E, raves & or clubbing. This is England 90s took me back a bit in some bits.
It was the buzz of scoring the pills and then driving off to some illegal rave in an abandoned car park or some unsuspecting farmers field, going to Sterns….i was at lechlane spiral tribe, gutted didn’t go to castle Morton…top days
It was the buzz of scoring the pills and then driving off to some illegal rave in an abandoned car park or some unsuspecting farmers field, going to Sterns….i was at lechlane spiral tribe, gutted didn’t go to castle Morton…top days

1 post
+2 votes
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

1 post
+1 votes

Lets talk tracking
As a customer, I very much appreciate being given the tracking number on an order, but I don't hold it against any vendor if they don't, so long as it…

Lets talk tracking
Why are some sellers so secretive with tracking ? If I pay nearly £10 for delivery then send me the tracking! Some sellers comms are useless on littlebiggy and trying to find out where your parcel is can be impossible if youre relying on comms alone, it can also leave a bad taste seeing your messages are unread for hours when the seller is using messenger "minutes ago", can people please list the sellers that just give you what you pay for ? As in, place an order, send you tracking instantly? Tia

Or you could try just a little patience. Tracked orders will mostly be with you in a couple of days and checking the tracking every 5 minutes won’t get it to you any faster. Save asking for those few that haven’t arrived as expected…
And yes, it can in certain circumstances be an OPSEC issue.
For exemplary NDD included: Dr.Greenthumb…
And yes, it can in certain circumstances be an OPSEC issue.
For exemplary NDD included: Dr.Greenthumb…

But, I wanna check every 5mins..
Which is why I order from SN2D, attaches the tracking to your order, and there's that giddy excitement seeing it leaving the US, and passing through customs!!
On domestic though, patience is key. RM aren't the quickest, but they do get it right 98% of the time.
Which is why I order from SN2D, attaches the tracking to your order, and there's that giddy excitement seeing it leaving the US, and passing through customs!!
On domestic though, patience is key. RM aren't the quickest, but they do get it right 98% of the time.

This is an educated guess so correct me if I'm wrong biggers
Tracking has alot of information that could lead to there whole operation being fucked.
So say ur a fed u make an order i send u the tracking. chances are based on how the senders sent it out its probably traceable to a royal mail account or to a post office (complete with time and date so they can check cctv).
it is frustrating but i get it also these vendors get a lot of orders so to update each order with tracking number is also gnna be time consuming.
Tracking has alot of information that could lead to there whole operation being fucked.
So say ur a fed u make an order i send u the tracking. chances are based on how the senders sent it out its probably traceable to a royal mail account or to a post office (complete with time and date so they can check cctv).
it is frustrating but i get it also these vendors get a lot of orders so to update each order with tracking number is also gnna be time consuming.

The thing with that is that the tracking number is also printed on the parcel itself anyway so from an OPSEC point on view it makes little difference.
Once the parcel is "in hand" regardless of who ordered it its entire journey can be viewed anyway.
They may as well send the tracking info out, its going to be seen at some point anyway.
An RM account is not actually required so it's not necessarily the case that it can be traced back that way but, yes the CCTV thing could be an issue.
As usual though it comes back to them simply not having time, resources etc. to spend chasing down people selling a bit of Bud by post.
Once the parcel is "in hand" regardless of who ordered it its entire journey can be viewed anyway.
They may as well send the tracking info out, its going to be seen at some point anyway.
An RM account is not actually required so it's not necessarily the case that it can be traced back that way but, yes the CCTV thing could be an issue.
As usual though it comes back to them simply not having time, resources etc. to spend chasing down people selling a bit of Bud by post.

This is correct but…
If you’re posting out tracking as standard and the site gets taken over like so many darknet marketplaces then the law has every tracking number, every post point, every postage order detail and that’s really the only trail a vendor leaves aside from wallet addresses.
Unlikely but I wouldn’t risk it.
If you’re posting out tracking as standard and the site gets taken over like so many darknet marketplaces then the law has every tracking number, every post point, every postage order detail and that’s really the only trail a vendor leaves aside from wallet addresses.
Unlikely but I wouldn’t risk it.

We don't offer tracking for numerous reasons.
Afew of which are,
1. %99.9 land within 48 hour timeframe
2. It fits through the letterbox
3. Our packer does such a great job packaging to a standard, why bother loading them with extra admin.
Afew of which are,
1. %99.9 land within 48 hour timeframe
2. It fits through the letterbox
3. Our packer does such a great job packaging to a standard, why bother loading them with extra admin.

Unless a the vendor has an account with RM which would track all of their previous shipments as well as the addresses they were sent to (bad idea) it's physically impossible to send tracking until the order is sent. Often this will be at the end of the day, a vendor would then have to connect each tracking for the day to the customer whom has ordered. Depending on the sales volume of each vendor this could take up to 2 hours a day which really adds up over the week (especially considering 95% of orders arrive next day if you've paid £10). It's very difficult for processes to be streamlined whilst considering OPSEC in an illegal industry. I believe you have purchased from us in the past so I hope this clears things up, have a great Christmas!

Best way is to just let it go. I’ve taken years off my life stressing about parcels when it’s completely out of my hands. I’ve had 3 parcels get lost in the 4+ years of buying online. Some advice, as hard as it is, is just let it go. As soon as I’ve ordered, I forget about the parcel. When it turns up, it’s great. When/if it doesn’t turn up, it gets re-shipped amicably. Buy off trusted vendors and that is literally as complicated as it gets.
Just to add, I know some tracking I receive shows the local office the vendor posted at. Maybe why some are so hesitant to provide tracking?
Just to add, I know some tracking I receive shows the local office the vendor posted at. Maybe why some are so hesitant to provide tracking?

I think you should read up the term "OPSEC".
I'm very reluctant to give out tracking numbers IF it has not turned up within 2 working days I have no issue supplying just for peace of mind but if it's within the 2 days it's not really something we usually do because it breeches opsec.
Why do you also think LB automatically delete the customers address 1 day after it's marked as shipped? For OPSEC reasons so if say a vendor is arrested there isn't any addresses to provide to take them to the customer.
Likewise the other way around a tracking number if provided to the wrong person could lead to the general location or some occasions the exact location of where parcel is posted.
Patience is key here, We can check tracking numbers for you and provide you with updates. A simple message to request that information takes you seconds.
PS: this post is not related to me with this guy, I just thought I'd like to share from a vendors point of view.
I'm very reluctant to give out tracking numbers IF it has not turned up within 2 working days I have no issue supplying just for peace of mind but if it's within the 2 days it's not really something we usually do because it breeches opsec.
Why do you also think LB automatically delete the customers address 1 day after it's marked as shipped? For OPSEC reasons so if say a vendor is arrested there isn't any addresses to provide to take them to the customer.
Likewise the other way around a tracking number if provided to the wrong person could lead to the general location or some occasions the exact location of where parcel is posted.
Patience is key here, We can check tracking numbers for you and provide you with updates. A simple message to request that information takes you seconds.
PS: this post is not related to me with this guy, I just thought I'd like to share from a vendors point of view.

Checking the tracking only links you to the parcel as it's an admission of knowing about it. Best to leave it to the vendors to check for you or check via via tor.

As a customer, I very much appreciate being given the tracking number on an order, but I don't hold it against any vendor if they don't, so long as it is provided upon any problem.
That being said, a few months back I had the unfortune of having a parcel seized and had to attend the local station. Very nice chap to be fair, but he told me that most of the parcels they seize have tracking, and so they know where they come from. This suggests to me either a higher level of scrutiny towards tracked parcels by Royal Mail, or a higher level of poor stealth among tracked parcels. The former seems more likely to me, so it does seem more dangerous for the vendor just sending it via that method, regardless of providing the tracking.
That being said, a few months back I had the unfortune of having a parcel seized and had to attend the local station. Very nice chap to be fair, but he told me that most of the parcels they seize have tracking, and so they know where they come from. This suggests to me either a higher level of scrutiny towards tracked parcels by Royal Mail, or a higher level of poor stealth among tracked parcels. The former seems more likely to me, so it does seem more dangerous for the vendor just sending it via that method, regardless of providing the tracking.

I try to give people there tracking as soon as possible once it’s payed for I pay for postage and link the number to the order just gives people pease of mind

1 post
+3 votes

Inheritance tax should be abolished?
I feel that inheritance tax is a good thing, however, it should not go to the treasury, but instead to the local authority. In this way it benefits t…

Inheritance tax should be abolished?
How did we let the government impose an inheritance con tax, on our loved ones already taxed belongings.
It's as if they don't already tax everything we buy or do, but to re tax a dead person's belongings after they've paid tax all their life is morally wrong, where's the ethic in that?..
It's as if they don't already tax everything we buy or do, but to re tax a dead person's belongings after they've paid tax all their life is morally wrong, where's the ethic in that?..

I feel that inheritance tax is a good thing, however, it should not go to the treasury, but instead to the local authority. In this way it benefits the community they were a part of, rather than a meaningless black hole of untraceable generic funding, that is as likely to be spent on Boris Johnsons security guards as it is something actually worthwhile. I feel the same about funds of closed companies automatically going to the treasury. It should be used locally where they need the money.

You would increase inequality between areas in this way. Kensington and Chelsea would pick up millions Sunderland much less. Over the years the effect would be disastrous if the sums were large.

Nope. The most recent HMRC statistics show less than 4% of estates paid inheritance tax in 2020–21. This will probably rise to over 7% by 2032–33. Only the most wealthy estates pay it.

the most wealthy estates do not pay, they have trusts, declarations of agriculture or business.
that's why a third of the fucking country is in the hands of "nobility".
that's why a third of the fucking country is in the hands of "nobility".

Because if you don't the entire wealth of the country would be in the hands of a tiny group of people living on inherited wealth and enjoying the benefits of rent and compound interest. I will lose a reasonable sum to inheritance tax on my death and although it's annoying I also recognise that it's unavoidable if we are going to have a society with any degree of equity or hope for 95% of people. Compound interest over 100s of years creates massive fortunes often in terms of land and property these are finite resources. You can also gift huge amounts to your children before you die, if you get rid ten years before you pop your clogs IHT doesn't get it.

people say this and they wont pay much after deductions. like how much money do you have? I bet its not enough to warrant the complaint. but in other news, why dont you complain about what they spend the money on? a healthy tax base and actually interesting spending is great, you build pretty great place to live that way. Instead its gazilllions in civil service wages for them to do nonsense tasks for 60 years. or NHS spending that allows people with a bent toe to get sattelite laser surgery costing 5trillion. shit like that, complain about spending not tax.

Does it not bother you that your inheritance has already been taxed by the person it belonged to, then again once inherited by that same government?..
It's total unacceptable, morally and ethically wrong on many levels..
I couldn't care if they want to spend however much on certain things, what I do care about is getting scammed by the government by taking a double stab at you with your inheritance.
Look at pensions now, working all your life paying stamp for pensions. Once you retire and you start claiming it, you get taxed again?
Can someone else surely see the wrong doing by here?..
If someone dies they want you to pay tax, if you get paid they want you to pay tax, even when you bloody eat you pay taxes, good job there isn't a sleeping tax aswel ffs
It's total unacceptable, morally and ethically wrong on many levels..
I couldn't care if they want to spend however much on certain things, what I do care about is getting scammed by the government by taking a double stab at you with your inheritance.
Look at pensions now, working all your life paying stamp for pensions. Once you retire and you start claiming it, you get taxed again?
Can someone else surely see the wrong doing by here?..
If someone dies they want you to pay tax, if you get paid they want you to pay tax, even when you bloody eat you pay taxes, good job there isn't a sleeping tax aswel ffs

what shit. as someone already said: less than 4% of estates paid inheritance tax in 2020–21. This will probably rise to over 7% by 2032–33. Only the most wealthy estates pay it.
This is what the vast majority of wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. We should tax inheritance at 80% over a few million quid, that'd fix the fucking schools. Or do you prefer toffs to have a better bottle of wine then schools that don't leak when it rains?
This is what the vast majority of wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. We should tax inheritance at 80% over a few million quid, that'd fix the fucking schools. Or do you prefer toffs to have a better bottle of wine then schools that don't leak when it rains?

I'd prefer not to have my money stolen in the 1st place than beseeching to a plutocracy to get a little back.

and those roads you walk on, and the parks and schools? Who pays for those if not us? Calling taxation stolen money makes you sound like a MAGA lunatic.
Feel free to go live in the forest in some third world country if you don't want to pay tax to make a better world for all. Oh, you've not done that? why ever not?
Feel free to go live in the forest in some third world country if you don't want to pay tax to make a better world for all. Oh, you've not done that? why ever not?

in those countries you apparently despise the worst narco terrorists dribble out these same trinkets. yet they don't come close to the kill rate. governments are by far the largest murderers on the planet and taxes (effectively collected at gunpoint) are what pay for it. this has been consistent throughout history.
but hell yes id be happy to pay for parks, recreation and lots of things short of murder and plutonic corruption.
but hell yes id be happy to pay for parks, recreation and lots of things short of murder and plutonic corruption.

The infrastructure of the country is what has allowed an individual to accumulate the wealth. If someone is so greedy that they think it is preposterous to pay inheritance tax they are free to live elsewhere. The problem of the ultra-wealthy finding ways around paying any taxes at all is another issue of course. And yes the country is still mired in feudalism hence the landed gentry still being around and anachronisms such as hereditary peers sitting in the house of lords.

Free to live elsewhere?
Governments claim ownership of you at birth (many insist you pay taxes even if you don't live in them). And no, there is no freedom to enter any country let alone reside in them.
Governments claim ownership of you at birth (many insist you pay taxes even if you don't live in them). And no, there is no freedom to enter any country let alone reside in them.

A person should have the right to pass on their hard won earnings to their family .
The death tax is anti family .
We'll get this abolished when we take our country back from the deep state over the next few years . I'm quite optimistic that we might get our freedom back soon .
The death tax is anti family .
We'll get this abolished when we take our country back from the deep state over the next few years . I'm quite optimistic that we might get our freedom back soon .

1 post
+4 votes
Worst song ever? And why... GO!
Watch this with your sound on, and I think you will agree no further explanation is required.
Anything by Elton John fucking hate the cunt and his music, my wife ruined my Xmas day few years back by telling me a gay singer i didnt like had died.
I was so exited then she told me it was George Michael and i was gutted.
I was so exited then she told me it was George Michael and i was gutted.

and i feel better about myself, you know plotting his murder and all. george michael on the other hand was a genius and worth a quickie in the facility of his choosing

Hahahaha, I actually like Elton, well as much as a straight man can but that made me laugh man.

Tiny Dancer and Rocket Man are OK songs. Other than that Elton John is soooooo overrated.

Fairground simply red, gives me violent thoughts of grabbing mick by his flowing red curls and bouncing his head of every hard surface available. Total pissflap

Yeah anything by Simply Red can give me Forrest Whittaker eye but Fairground is especially bad

And imagine being called Eileen when it came on down the pub back in the day…. Poor cow needed 3 packs of baby wipes.

Too many but Will Smith - Wild Wild West has got to be up there surely. It’s like some record execs put a gun to his head and said ‘Dance bitch!’

Do you think they did it again to willow ? I whip my hair even for a 13 year old was fucking awful

that movie had so much going for it and they still blew it, would make a better series than a lot of shit

Nothing Compares to You by Sinead Depressing Cunt O'Connor that song has the warmth and charm of a dead Rat lying next to a used Tampon.

That Barbie girl tune, need I say why! Lol
And the “grandma I love you” tune, showing my age! Lol
And the “grandma I love you” tune, showing my age! Lol

Ok you win… The grandma I love you song was fucking horrendous, then they felt the need to create the sequel… Grandpa I love you… I mean we got the message the first time.

Lol. She is a liar too, when that Leo chap drowned in the ice, his heart certainly didn’t go on….

Watch this with your sound on, and I think you will agree no further explanation is required.

Bruno Mars.
"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are"
My question is - how many faces did he previously change to suit his needs. He's amazed he found someone who's face doesn't need rearranging. This man is a psycho folks.
"When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are"
My question is - how many faces did he previously change to suit his needs. He's amazed he found someone who's face doesn't need rearranging. This man is a psycho folks.

Keane - Bedshaped.
Stupid, depressing lyrics that make no sense at all.
Bedshaped? That'll be a bed then...
I hate it because it reminds me of the two weeks I spent crawling around a 20 inch deep subfloor void for 8 hours a day, doing timber treatments on a huge old house.
That shit was on the radio every 20 mins for the whole time we were there.
Scarred me 🙉
Stupid, depressing lyrics that make no sense at all.
Bedshaped? That'll be a bed then...
I hate it because it reminds me of the two weeks I spent crawling around a 20 inch deep subfloor void for 8 hours a day, doing timber treatments on a huge old house.
That shit was on the radio every 20 mins for the whole time we were there.
Scarred me 🙉

Steppin' Out by Joe Jackson. Ain't rock, ain't disco, can't dance to it without looking like Steve Martin doing a retarded dance.

Anything by/from:
Engelbert Humperdinck
The "Top 20"
Status Quo
--- all should be banned as Weapons of Mass Destruction of the ear'oles
Engelbert Humperdinck
The "Top 20"
Status Quo
--- all should be banned as Weapons of Mass Destruction of the ear'oles

If you really want a contender for worst song, you need to listen to Taylor Swift Gorgeous. The song composition and the lyrics seem like they were written by a child.

Also majority of her songs. She did a cover of September by earth wind and fire that haunts me... She turned funk into folk what the actual fuck.

hahaha.. funny to see Zeppelin here because it did occur to me too . Seems like everybody has to adore their music :P

I forgot all about this,Hey plenty of Zepp stuff is fine but that song really gets my goat the first time i heard it i never knew who it was my missus had been putting cd's in the laptop and they kept getting synched to my ipod it came on random one day and i just went wtf is this shit before looking who it was, it sounds to me like a holiday camp band doing reggae.

All musicians steal mate and say they were inspired. A lot of that era were the same. Keith Richards does it. Don’t think that takes away from them as musicians.

Cool, mine too. Sometimes I feel like the great Alan in your photo speaking to younger people. AHA. I was sick with laughter when he got hit with a cow. Steve coogans characters are genius. All the way back to the calf family

as a punk i was always compelled to hate led zep, it was a mistake, i still hate most classic rock still (with merit now) but these guys were really in a class by themselves.

I’m too nice to downvote as maybe that’s how you feel but seriously? The band who gave us in my time of dying can never be fuckin awful.

1 post
+1 votes

Vendors cut off time?
For those that don't state otherwise, I assume it means same day, as this is how the vendors I use the most operate. It's rare in my own experience th…

Vendors cut off time?
I just had a quick question, on a vendors page when it says cut off time for example 2PM or 3PM does that mean the cut off time for your item to be dispatched on the same day or the next working day? Some vendors clarify this and others don't so am just wondering. I am trying to line up some trim from LV i believe he's doing 14grams for $16 which i think is a steal, I'm, hoping to order early tommorrow morning before the cut off time and hopefully it arrives Friday morning as i will be selecting tracked 24. At least that's what i hope anyway.

For those that don't state otherwise, I assume it means same day, as this is how the vendors I use the most operate. It's rare in my own experience that this cutoff means to send next day, but I have seen it among two popular vendors in the past. I assume this is simply because they need most of a day to prep the orders they have. If in doubt though and it's important, reach out to the vendor.

2 posts
+8 votes

Best vendor for NDD?
I use NDD wherever I can with vendors, and the only vendor that has never failed to deliver by the following day, is The Gentleman Dealers. All other …
+ 2 more

Best vendor for NDD?
Hi guys and gals. Since my go to for guaranteed NDD has temporarily gone from LB I'm now in limbo about who to get a half Oz from, who also has guaranteed NDD.
As you know, some of the big boys on here have dropped significantly in quality of customer service unfortunately so I'm quite concerned about who to use.
My question is, does anyone here use a vendor that offers guaranteed NDD and is reliable and communicative?
PS - I've gone through almost every seller on here and bookmarked the ones I'm curious on using. Just looking for a general consensus. Thanks everyone.
As you know, some of the big boys on here have dropped significantly in quality of customer service unfortunately so I'm quite concerned about who to use.
My question is, does anyone here use a vendor that offers guaranteed NDD and is reliable and communicative?
PS - I've gone through almost every seller on here and bookmarked the ones I'm curious on using. Just looking for a general consensus. Thanks everyone.

I use NDD wherever I can with vendors, and the only vendor that has never failed to deliver by the following day, is The Gentleman Dealers. All other vendors - though not always their fault - have taken 2 days or more on at least one occasion. Sometimes this is because of vendors who delay a day after ordering, sometimes it is royal mail, sometimes it is because they are further afield.
I think the latter is important, as relatively speaking, TGD are fairly close to me, so it may not be true of everyone. Still, shout out to all the vendors that do offer it and try to meet the deadlines. It is appreciated.
I think the latter is important, as relatively speaking, TGD are fairly close to me, so it may not be true of everyone. Still, shout out to all the vendors that do offer it and try to meet the deadlines. It is appreciated.

Thanks for the reply. TGD are one of the ones I'm thinking of using. Problem is they only do 3.5g and nothing bigger. Though I could just order three 3.5g's.
Definitely thinking about using them. Thanks again.
Definitely thinking about using them. Thanks again.

You can order multiples in the order page for one postage cost, I think there is a thread on it with their listings.
Radar Breeder has been pretty good with NDD too, but has an earlier cutoff time the preceding day.
Radar Breeder has been pretty good with NDD too, but has an earlier cutoff time the preceding day.

TGD most consistent with NDD, others mentioned can and usually do in a day but in my exp, many 2days + :(

Don't know how I missed you guys when searching.
Think I've found the one boys, love the look of your products.
Pm incoming.
Think I've found the one boys, love the look of your products.
Pm incoming.

Have ordered a fair bit and they have never failed on next day that I recall :)
Also although not much choice it is very nice Amnesia Haze in my opinion anyhow :)
Have ordered a fair bit and they have never failed on next day that I recall :)
Also although not much choice it is very nice Amnesia Haze in my opinion anyhow :)

Decided to go with the spacemen. Came in less than 24 hours, absolutely beautiful dense buds. First time using them and couldn't be happier.

Just had an order arrive from The NugNinjaz, less than 24 hours delivery time despite me getting in way later than their specified cut off time.
Amazing bit of Cali-O. Only ordered 1G to give it a go but I will be back and I will be leaving a topic for them - they and the bud deserves it! Well worth a look in and very reassuring to come across such an attentive new vendor.
Amazing bit of Cali-O. Only ordered 1G to give it a go but I will be back and I will be leaving a topic for them - they and the bud deserves it! Well worth a look in and very reassuring to come across such an attentive new vendor.

Just to share some love.
I have been using Mkk2020. They always turn up next day (unless the postie is having a day off)
I have used them at least 20 times with the tiniest issue on 1 order which they sorted fantastically. (So small issue was barely worth mentioning) The weed is always top notch.
Hopefully this helps you and anyone else unsure of vendors.
Just to share some love.
I have been using Mkk2020. They always turn up next day (unless the postie is having a day off)
I have used them at least 20 times with the tiniest issue on 1 order which they sorted fantastically. (So small issue was barely worth mentioning) The weed is always top notch.
Hopefully this helps you and anyone else unsure of vendors.

I only ever order from Daan when I want to be assured it will ne sent out NDD. Always hits my doorstep the following day. His bud is really nice too.

2 posts
+2 votes
post my links around eu (100usd+)
Haha, my bad dude. I thought it was random ad links or something.
+ 2 more

post my links around eu (100usd+)
i got the links
you make the posts
let's make lots of bitcoin
wanna see these links on every stoney site in europe
english ok but local language is premium pay
links need to be non-spammy and need to stay up there. otherwise i leave it to your creative control.
hit me up down below or im up for a chat if you're down.
you make the posts
let's make lots of bitcoin
wanna see these links on every stoney site in europe
english ok but local language is premium pay
links need to be non-spammy and need to stay up there. otherwise i leave it to your creative control.
hit me up down below or im up for a chat if you're down.

I'm deep into marketing and advertising. I have first hand experience with promoting links and are you using bitly also to make extra income for the clicks? Hit my inbox up and I can get these done for you and do business.

If you make a post saying whoah look at this place in your native language or a link to any post even it dont matter.
Just make sure you press share button to generate the link
this way its tracked to build bitcoin. This has worked pretty good for me.
Just make sure you press share button to generate the link
this way its tracked to build bitcoin. This has worked pretty good for me.

they're biggy reference links jonny, what you get every time you press share

1 post
+19.2 votes
Initiative: Ban Cali Claims
I've never purchased any of these strains, but that they are an option seems only a good thing. There will be people that take advantage of that, just…

Initiative: Ban Cali Claims
Here in the cryptoverse there is no way to prove an imported product. This makes it easy to claim anything and for the items that are actually imported, impossible to believe. Seems it would be quite easy technically to look out for this BS and clean it up.

I just stay away from Cali branded shit !
So for me is rather off putting than advertising lol.
So for me is rather off putting than advertising lol.

Whoever the first clown in the uk was to pay 100 quid for an 8th just cos it came in a tuna tin needs a slap

I've never purchased any of these strains, but that they are an option seems only a good thing. There will be people that take advantage of that, just like there already is with any other claim of a weeds origin, or even strain, but it also allows the real deal to be sold.
I think we should be left to make that decision ourselves, not have them removed, which will be the result of a ban on claiming its origin, as that is what commands its price. There are so many options here, that no one needs to pay those prices for that weed, real or otherwise. My 2c.
I think we should be left to make that decision ourselves, not have them removed, which will be the result of a ban on claiming its origin, as that is what commands its price. There are so many options here, that no one needs to pay those prices for that weed, real or otherwise. My 2c.

Essentially, you can 'claim' anything. In the cryptoverse there is really no way to prove anything. If people choose to buy 'Cali' weed online, they take the rough with the smooth as far as I'm concerned. It's the buyers responsibility to follow up and ask questions of the vendor. It's up to the vendor to address any buyers' objections. This may be done with or without proof. It's then up to the buyer to decide if the vendor stands up to scrutiny or not. Banning the term 'Cali' essentially opens up a can of worms. Buyer beware and sellers back up your claims. It's simple as that. I won't risk 'Cali' weed because I cannot verify it. Seems like a pretty simple and logical buying methodology. Belief is down to you. Proof is the vendor's business.

Definitely, nobody is forced to buy anything and it's up to the buyer to determine what represents value for money to them

I think "cali" often means its a cali strain. But those who claim to be importing....umm....ive lost friends on LB for calling BS on that one may times hahaha

Oh god, don't get someone started on that barcode stuff, apparently it's super easy to fake! lol
Don't see why some people are so intent on vexing about this topic; use your common sense, you're either willing to pay premium or not, chat to the seller and see if you're comfortable laying the wedge, and worst case dispute it if you think it's fake / you've been misled.
Banning terminology, ffs, where does it end? There's always going to be people trying to mug you off, be sensible and you probably won't get burned.
Peace and love biggas
PS don't be that guy and shit post on established vendors when you haven't even purchased the product!
Don't see why some people are so intent on vexing about this topic; use your common sense, you're either willing to pay premium or not, chat to the seller and see if you're comfortable laying the wedge, and worst case dispute it if you think it's fake / you've been misled.
Banning terminology, ffs, where does it end? There's always going to be people trying to mug you off, be sensible and you probably won't get burned.
Peace and love biggas
PS don't be that guy and shit post on established vendors when you haven't even purchased the product!

Ban the term "import" and "Cali" etc. unless it can be proven that it is indeed imported from California.

If you buy a bottle of Champagne in Tescos what PROOF do you demand to see that it came from France?…that label could be a fake so they can charge more?
Ever had an imported beer?…maybe you haven’t- maybe it was made in my garage….
Ever had an imported beer?…maybe you haven’t- maybe it was made in my garage….

The amount of artificial ingredients and sugar in a lot of alcoholic drinks is unreal. Plus however regulated alcohol is, it’s still a carcinogen whatever dress it comes in.

I understand the point you're making, but the French wine laws and export are incredibly stringent, and there are harsh penalties for offenders. The laws regarding labelling of Champagne are so strict that if you have wine made within the region and that wine is put in a barrel, transported out of the region and back again, then it can't legally be labelled as Champagne any more. We need something that stringent for Cali imports and then there'd be full confidence in the supply chain. Maybe when the French get into legal weed production in the future?
Excellent documentary about investigation of fakes in the wine industry on Amazon Video called 'Sour Grapes'. Worth a watch for anyone interested in wine, or fraud investigations. It was on Netflix for 'free', but now it has a rental cost. I'd never suggest people obtained it through their favourite free download methods. Interestingly, some of the people caught out by the fraud appear to have sold on the fakes, instead of admitting they were conned. That would never happen with weed though...would it...?
Excellent documentary about investigation of fakes in the wine industry on Amazon Video called 'Sour Grapes'. Worth a watch for anyone interested in wine, or fraud investigations. It was on Netflix for 'free', but now it has a rental cost. I'd never suggest people obtained it through their favourite free download methods. Interestingly, some of the people caught out by the fraud appear to have sold on the fakes, instead of admitting they were conned. That would never happen with weed though...would it...?

That's a good point .The shops are full of fake foreign beers.
They claim to be Italian or whatever but when you look at the label it says brewed in the UK.
Apparently, they even change the recipe to suit the local pallet.
They claim to be Italian or whatever but when you look at the label it says brewed in the UK.
Apparently, they even change the recipe to suit the local pallet.

Got visions of some Karen in Tescos asking for proof their beer is imported now 🙈 really wouldn’t surprise me to be fair 😂 I kinda think a lot of the import is genuine.. doesn’t make it good quality tho which amuse confusion people expecting a superior product often geting sold mids as top shelf etc but it is buyers choice wanna spend £100 + on a tuna tin go ahead if I was rich probably would as a one off not guna lie 😆

I noticed on a case of Heineken recently it says ‘Imported Continental Lager’ and in the small print ‘Brewed in Holland & Edinburgh’…🤨….well which the bloody hell is it because it can’t be both and if it’s the latter it sure as hell ain’t a continental import!

Ye I’ve noticed this sort of thing before life’s a bloody con it’s the horse meat scandal all over again 😆 I’m thinking brewed in Edinburgh using Hollands recipe 😅 definitley can not be both 🤨

Tbf I don't think you can compare a regulated market with an unregulated market. Purchasing from an established company, I would imagine, it's more likely to be authentic because there's accountability. You could also ask the producer to provide proof. But of course it's not foolproof, nothing is, and there will always be knock offs.
And I'm sure some "Cali" and other "import" strains on here are genuine. But I'm also sure there are lots of false listings which, frankly, are scams as they falsely justify charging ridiculous prices that take advantage of people.
And I'm sure some "Cali" and other "import" strains on here are genuine. But I'm also sure there are lots of false listings which, frankly, are scams as they falsely justify charging ridiculous prices that take advantage of people.

That was really my point. It would be hard enough in a regulated market to get proof- we just take a leap of faith. In an unregulated i.e illegal market, we take a GIANT leap of faith so demanding proof is frankly ridiculous. Just try it….

I would completely agree this would solve many problems, just looking through and there are some really amazing newish sellers but they are right at the bottom below all the "Cali" too which seems unfair.
Ban ban ban if you ask me, charging a premium for something and not having to supply any real proof (for opsec obviously) leaves way too much room for cheeky beggars.
Ban ban ban if you ask me, charging a premium for something and not having to supply any real proof (for opsec obviously) leaves way too much room for cheeky beggars.

Your shake to smoke is very good but just because your not on the wall doesn't mean you should support the above posters. It's more likely that the products you vend are niche and due to that and the lower engagement you get on posts because of the goods will likely translate into no wall time. Have you considered perhaps offering a budget conscious but less shaky and more bud like offer as that's something LB could always do more with (in my opinion)

Is the weed good does it stone you then why do you care where it comes from,should we be banning all Moroccans because they might have been from Algeria.
Think some folks forget its damn illegal on this island and could be getting non descript bags of home grown weed back on the streets if not for the vendors on biggy searching out fine products for us,personally i dont care if it comes from the moon as long as it is good and if some punter wants to fork out cash for an expensive bit weed that is up to them.
But i should mention just because its supposedly from dumb ass yank land does not make it a superior product to any weed grown or hash made anywhere else on the planet just more expensive because the yanks are all greedy bastards.
Think some folks forget its damn illegal on this island and could be getting non descript bags of home grown weed back on the streets if not for the vendors on biggy searching out fine products for us,personally i dont care if it comes from the moon as long as it is good and if some punter wants to fork out cash for an expensive bit weed that is up to them.
But i should mention just because its supposedly from dumb ass yank land does not make it a superior product to any weed grown or hash made anywhere else on the planet just more expensive because the yanks are all greedy bastards.

Just my opinion, but I pay little attention to the cali slogan usage on here. I am more concerned with a vendor and product rating. The best marker on here are the reviews, then I go by what I can afford vs what I would like to try/buy. There are some prices on here that means I will never go near that product and if I do try that vendor it doesn’t fill me with great confidence that I will be getting anything decent if it is the lower end of that expensive vendors product lines. To be honest I wouldn’t care if it came from the bottom of my backyard as long as it stones me nicely and is smooth and has good flavour…you don’t need cali or import for that…end of the day it is buyer choice what you buy and also seller choice what is sold and how it is sold. It’s business, so if it’s too pricey and no good, eventually people will go elsewhere….no one wants to be ripped off

Anyone stupid enough to buy an 8th for $100 or more deserves to be diddled. There is undoubtably some fake Cali weeds on here as well as some genuine imports but I leave it all well alone thanks to the prices.

Some of the stuff on here is $160 a 1/8 I mean just don’t buy 5 bags fly to Cali and buy some there it would prob cost you around the same haha it’s utter insanity imo weather it’s real or not no flower is worth that price tag and I just wouldn’t buy it each to there own and all but you can get legit stuff cheaper else where it’s only marked up on here cos It’s the only place most have and can go to get it and vendors know this or they are having there pants pulled down 🧐 I have a pal gets import stuff and for a 3.5 sealed bag you talking no more than £70 for the very very top end normally £50-60, here it’s a harsh mark up I mean I like my pants being pulled down but by a woman Not a vendor haha

we have dropped this because the wonderwall algorithm appears to be compensating for cali claims now..

Opposition is a strong word but...
Why single out Cali? Is Dutch going too? Morrocan or Thai?
How about Organic?
They're giving buyers some idea of what to expect.
The bigger the claim the bigger the spanking if the drop doesn't match.
Why single out Cali? Is Dutch going too? Morrocan or Thai?
How about Organic?
They're giving buyers some idea of what to expect.
The bigger the claim the bigger the spanking if the drop doesn't match.

I agree HMT. I've been happily, every now and again, been ordering 'Cali'. V pricey, yes. If it isn't 'cali' I'm pretty happy as its been v good quality IMHO.
Just taken the plunge with a newish but well respected LB vendor on some $130-ish an 1/8 Cali (nice bag and everything!)
At worst I'll still be $130 worse off but with some weed. In these times I'll take that as a general result in life. Maybe I'll be pissed off for a day or two but that'll be it.
Anyway, I'm rambling now.
Not sure if 'Cali' claims should be banned. let the reviewers tell the tale.....
Just taken the plunge with a newish but well respected LB vendor on some $130-ish an 1/8 Cali (nice bag and everything!)
At worst I'll still be $130 worse off but with some weed. In these times I'll take that as a general result in life. Maybe I'll be pissed off for a day or two but that'll be it.
Anyway, I'm rambling now.
Not sure if 'Cali' claims should be banned. let the reviewers tell the tale.....

Yeah I'm opposed to it, I find it ludicrous that it's such a big thing that people are making threads over it. If your not interested scroll past. Oh and I'm gonna put a proper thread up later but it appears using the cannverify app that the Cali I got today is actually from California. As for the codes being easy to fake one Reddit post (which is all the proof I have seen so far) does not a 100% factual statement make. So yeah I'm opposed to this suggestion ;)

Hope you're well DEADRABB1T
All the Jungle Boyz we sell have been declared real by our customers on here.
We don't sell fake and not here to rip NO 1 off.
Can anyone suggest how to prove to people that the cali is really?
Because we are willing to provide any evidence anyone wants to see!!!
This topic is been going on for over a year on here and it's not fair on us when genuinely we are trying our best to provide the best strains and service on here.
So if anyone has any ideas how to prove let us know .
Thanks ❤ Peace
Hope you're well DEADRABB1T
All the Jungle Boyz we sell have been declared real by our customers on here.
We don't sell fake and not here to rip NO 1 off.
Can anyone suggest how to prove to people that the cali is really?
Because we are willing to provide any evidence anyone wants to see!!!
This topic is been going on for over a year on here and it's not fair on us when genuinely we are trying our best to provide the best strains and service on here.
So if anyone has any ideas how to prove let us know .
Thanks ❤ Peace

I really feel for you guys- you bust a gut to bring us some fantastic JB strains and the jealous haters who probably just can’t afford it rip into you like that’s your fault!
“PROOF! PROOF!!” ….I mean FFS!…if you are really that sceptical then don’t buy it, easy, there are over 500 options on this site alone!
Leave it for those of us happy to buy and stop pissing on our parade!
“PROOF! PROOF!!” ….I mean FFS!…if you are really that sceptical then don’t buy it, easy, there are over 500 options on this site alone!
Leave it for those of us happy to buy and stop pissing on our parade!

Thanks mate
It's cool because our Cali customer know its really .
Just haters and trolls .
Every few weeks the same topic starts .
Maybe we should all get together book a venue and I'll bring all my strains and Everyone's just gets F××king high on the house .
It's cool because our Cali customer know its really .
Just haters and trolls .
Every few weeks the same topic starts .
Maybe we should all get together book a venue and I'll bring all my strains and Everyone's just gets F××king high on the house .

Honestly at this point you could book private flights to California, arrange for the doubters to be met at jungle boys hq and watch the bags be filled and the doubters will still be saying stuff like
"They brought the bud over with them" or "were not really in California this is Rotherham" etc
"They brought the bud over with them" or "were not really in California this is Rotherham" etc

Last time I was in Tescos I called out the the Manager as a lying thieving cockwomble because he couldn’t provide me absolute PROOF that their obviously fake Dom Perignon 2003 came from France. How can they make these claims when it’s so easy to fake labels? Only idiots would buy it so I started smashing the bottles. That showed the wankmuffins….
My case comes up on Thursday….
My case comes up on Thursday….

Guys sorry my post has a heavy /s on it if it wasn't clear
As I linked the cannverify to the jungle boys pack I had off you
And was from the start of the year
I 100% believe that what I received was genuinely jungle boys 👍👍
As for proving it's impossible if the method that would typically be used eg cannverify is being cast into doubt. Even if the doubters are unable to actually provide proof that it's comprised 🤷🏻 it's a flat earth situation I fear for the non Cali believers
As I linked the cannverify to the jungle boys pack I had off you
And was from the start of the year
I 100% believe that what I received was genuinely jungle boys 👍👍
As for proving it's impossible if the method that would typically be used eg cannverify is being cast into doubt. Even if the doubters are unable to actually provide proof that it's comprised 🤷🏻 it's a flat earth situation I fear for the non Cali believers

Bro I bought from TGD and they sent me fake zushi. It wasn’t even close to the real deal. I’ve had blue zushi hundreds of times and I’ve had it directly in CA from the actual dispensary. TDG sent me fake zushi, then fucked around with escrow. I’ll get my money back but he’s not as genuine as he comes across.
If he had admitted what he done then I wouldn’t even bother calling him out. But he’s not legit.
If he had admitted what he done then I wouldn’t even bother calling him out. But he’s not legit.

No problem it's cool.
If anyone has any ideas let us know and we will provide what ever it is .
Hope all is well wrap up and stay warm the snow is coming .
Love ❤ TGD
If anyone has any ideas let us know and we will provide what ever it is .
Hope all is well wrap up and stay warm the snow is coming .
Love ❤ TGD

Sender from US could always put an airtag in the box, just show the tracking from airport to airport, gives nothing away other than simply showing, its been shipped from the US. Honestly, I don't really care, I'm never gonna be paying that crazy price, but I don't judge those that would now and again. Just like I'm happy with a Maccies over Gordon Ramsay, as long as it tastes good, and works well, who cares :)

bro you don’t even know what Cali is, you were selling fake blue zushi.
Jungle Boys come pre sealed so it’s not possible for you to fake it unless you’re paying for the bags, which is too much hassle.
But the rest of your shit is fake, I actually ordered from you and now you wanna ask people how to prove if it’s Cali? By selling the real thing and not ripping people off
Jungle Boys come pre sealed so it’s not possible for you to fake it unless you’re paying for the bags, which is too much hassle.
But the rest of your shit is fake, I actually ordered from you and now you wanna ask people how to prove if it’s Cali? By selling the real thing and not ripping people off

Yes! It’s nonsense…Cali is some great weed and I want the opportunity to buy it!….all the Cali I have bought on here has been great!

as someone who lists almost exclusively cali i feel bummed out. I don't think in over 5.5k reviews a single person has disputed the claim, the quality is pretty obvious.
maybe thats why i'm so far down the wall now :(
maybe thats why i'm so far down the wall now :(

Explains why your buds are brilliant. They mostly come from Cali quality is definitely there
Definitely some off the best buds on here
Definitely some off the best buds on here

Yea the algorithm has changed again hasn't it, cause I only LB to buy chocolate and 510 vapes 🤔
No idea what's going on at the moment but it's a bit silly imo
No idea what's going on at the moment but it's a bit silly imo

I agree with HMP. Basically everything is a claim and to single out Cali claims is discrimination;) thanks all

Since most Cali is grown indoors , what's the point of importing it ? Surely we could just grow the same cultivars locally .

Might as well ban claims of organic or grown in living soil too. If a vendor is making big claims then a potential customer should do some serious vetting before deciding to part with the coin.

We import cali ourselves, top-tier grown in and around [retracted] . It just depends on who you shop with, we believe marketing as a difficult topic since there may also be import products sold, if you have had issues regarding import or cali flower on LB you should start a topic about the vendor issues. Caliweed is something sought after, in general it is just weed grown with higher standards. If the weed doesn't check the boxes of smell, taste, high aswell as appearance it should not be cali. Obviously if vendors sell from USA it might be hard to distinguish if something really is from Cali, in the end only the vendors truly can have information about the destination of production.
Also from someone who is really connected around the globe:
Many calipacks come without labels because they are sold without taxes, essentially its recreational weed sold in a black market. This mostly happens to overproduction, or production that did not check all boxes for rc market i.e. dispensaries. Often sold by bigger famous corps but also small black market only corps aswell, those huge amounts of packaged flower aswell as loose flower are sold to big big plugs.
Back to the Calibag topic:
In general Cali should only be bought from truly credible vendors.
Also labeled Cali bags should be controlled because the ones with labels qr codes are the most faked, always check authenticity via scanning qr codes if available. A red flag is if there are no sticker labels on bags, (doesn't have to be fake cali, tho its rare)
Also from someone who is really connected around the globe:
Many calipacks come without labels because they are sold without taxes, essentially its recreational weed sold in a black market. This mostly happens to overproduction, or production that did not check all boxes for rc market i.e. dispensaries. Often sold by bigger famous corps but also small black market only corps aswell, those huge amounts of packaged flower aswell as loose flower are sold to big big plugs.
Back to the Calibag topic:
In general Cali should only be bought from truly credible vendors.
Also labeled Cali bags should be controlled because the ones with labels qr codes are the most faked, always check authenticity via scanning qr codes if available. A red flag is if there are no sticker labels on bags, (doesn't have to be fake cali, tho its rare)

There are barcodes and serial numbers on legitimate cali packs. Though, I guess even those could be refilled and resealed. But any cali pack without dates/serial numbers are fakes.

Not necessarily true, I have a mate in [retracted] that drives to Cali and buys Cali in bulk, they don't even come packed, just loose buds, so honestly it's hard to know whether something is legit or not when it comes to flowers.

Referring to cali packs mate. Clearly wont be dates and serial numbers on loose buds come on lol

Have always thought this as ppl charge premium prices for cali. Some ppl buy cali as it is seen as dispensary quality stuff. So they don't want to put anything in their bodys and trust sellers thinking theyre buying superior qwaulity product less harmful to health.

1 post
+3 votes

Access restricted
Same issue with The Gentleman Dealers, I'm unable to access page. I also notice that the order screen is being fucky, it won't let me use a saved addr…
That's same vendor I can't access only ordered of him the other day and received it no problems but tried this morning no joy

I placed an order 2-3 days ago. Then went on to check and no access, u reckon i’ll still get that order?

Mate I placed my order on Fri and got it on Saturday morning no bother from strainsburys if you don't receive by tomorrow I'd say it's not looking good for you unfortunately I'd the same problem with a different vendor couple of weeks ago

I am experiencing the same with The Gentlemen Dealers but I don’t know if it affects other vendors too. I hope nothing bad has happened

I have this problem with gentlemans dealers, had placed an order last week and received it, was going to do another but can't get on

Same with me with strainsburys ordered the other day received it no problems went to order this morning just getting access restricted

1 post
+5 votes
Nuclear Weapons
Fun fact, he butchered the translation from the bhagavad gita. Krishna says he is 'time', not 'death' that is the destroyer of worlds. Which frankly m…

Nuclear Weapons
How do we go about ridding the world of this threat to peace and weed?

Not saying I agree with it, but there's an argument to say that Mutually Assured Destruction saves lives. I wouldn't want to go back to the times of the trenches and millions of young men dying for no reason other than a bit of dirt in the south of France.
If nuclear weapons allow the big boys to wave their fists at eachother, realise the whole thing is probably a bad idea then find something else to do I'm all for it.
Unfortunately we don't live in utopia,so deterrents are neccesary, for right or wrong it's just the way it is. I'd rather have the nukes than not have them put it that way.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB
If nuclear weapons allow the big boys to wave their fists at eachother, realise the whole thing is probably a bad idea then find something else to do I'm all for it.
Unfortunately we don't live in utopia,so deterrents are neccesary, for right or wrong it's just the way it is. I'd rather have the nukes than not have them put it that way.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB

Imagine a room awash in gasoline and there are 2 implacable enemies in that room, one of them has 9000 matches, the other has 7000 matches, each of them is concerned about who is ahead, who is stronger
well that's the kind of situation we are actually in, the amount of weapons that are available are so bloated, so grossly in excess of what's needed to disuade the other that if it weren't so tragic it would be laughable
what is necessary is to reduce the matches and to clean up the gasoline.
well that's the kind of situation we are actually in, the amount of weapons that are available are so bloated, so grossly in excess of what's needed to disuade the other that if it weren't so tragic it would be laughable
what is necessary is to reduce the matches and to clean up the gasoline.

this is a good analogy and it points to the hopelessness of the situation. matches are only getting cheaper.

Highly recommend this doc and even more recommend the book by Eric Scloscher.. Or something.

To address threats to global peace, it's crucial to adopt a multifaceted approach that considers the underlying causes and implements strategies to promote harmony. Here are some general steps that can contribute to a more peaceful world:
Education and Empathy: Promote education that fosters understanding, tolerance, and empathy. Encourage schools and communities to teach conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and respect for diversity. By nurturing empathy and understanding, we can reduce prejudice and promote peaceful coexistence.
Diplomacy and Dialogue: Encourage open and constructive dialogue between nations, communities, and individuals. Diplomatic efforts, negotiations, and mediation can help resolve conflicts peacefully, prevent violence, and build bridges of understanding.
Human Rights and Social Justice: Uphold and advocate for human rights at all levels. Address social injustices, inequality, and discrimination, which can be sources of conflict. Promote equitable access to resources, opportunities, and social services to create a more just and peaceful society.
Sustainable Development: Address environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and climate change. Promote sustainable practices, responsible consumption, and environmental stewardship. These efforts contribute to stability, reduce conflicts over resources, and protect the planet for future generations.
Cooperation and Collaboration: Foster international cooperation and collaboration among nations, organizations, and individuals. Encourage partnerships in areas such as trade, healthcare, technology, and culture. By working together, we can address global challenges and promote shared prosperity.
Disarmament and Conflict Resolution: Advocate for arms control, disarmament, and nonviolent conflict resolution. Invest in peaceful alternatives, such as negotiation, mediation, and reconciliation. Encourage dialogue and reconciliation processes to heal past wounds and prevent future conflicts.
Media and Information: Promote responsible and unbiased reporting, media literacy, and critical thinking skills. Combat misinformation, propaganda, and hate speech that can fuel tensions and conflicts. Responsible media plays a crucial role in fostering understanding and peace.
Remember, achieving global peace is a complex and ongoing process. It requires collective efforts, commitment, and engagement from individuals, communities, organizations, and governments worldwide.
Education and Empathy: Promote education that fosters understanding, tolerance, and empathy. Encourage schools and communities to teach conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and respect for diversity. By nurturing empathy and understanding, we can reduce prejudice and promote peaceful coexistence.
Diplomacy and Dialogue: Encourage open and constructive dialogue between nations, communities, and individuals. Diplomatic efforts, negotiations, and mediation can help resolve conflicts peacefully, prevent violence, and build bridges of understanding.
Human Rights and Social Justice: Uphold and advocate for human rights at all levels. Address social injustices, inequality, and discrimination, which can be sources of conflict. Promote equitable access to resources, opportunities, and social services to create a more just and peaceful society.
Sustainable Development: Address environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and climate change. Promote sustainable practices, responsible consumption, and environmental stewardship. These efforts contribute to stability, reduce conflicts over resources, and protect the planet for future generations.
Cooperation and Collaboration: Foster international cooperation and collaboration among nations, organizations, and individuals. Encourage partnerships in areas such as trade, healthcare, technology, and culture. By working together, we can address global challenges and promote shared prosperity.
Disarmament and Conflict Resolution: Advocate for arms control, disarmament, and nonviolent conflict resolution. Invest in peaceful alternatives, such as negotiation, mediation, and reconciliation. Encourage dialogue and reconciliation processes to heal past wounds and prevent future conflicts.
Media and Information: Promote responsible and unbiased reporting, media literacy, and critical thinking skills. Combat misinformation, propaganda, and hate speech that can fuel tensions and conflicts. Responsible media plays a crucial role in fostering understanding and peace.
Remember, achieving global peace is a complex and ongoing process. It requires collective efforts, commitment, and engagement from individuals, communities, organizations, and governments worldwide.

That will never happen friend. Countries, nations need that deterrent to get away with the shit they do. I was a teen during the green ham common camps. I don’t really think their is much chance of these weapons actually being used. That is not the purpose of a nuclear deterrent. For the record I would rather they didn’t exist. Oppenheimer knew what he unleashed on the world in later life I seem to remember reading.

"Now I am death,the destroyer of worlds" hindu scripture with which Oppenheimer opened his senate testimony

Fun fact, he butchered the translation from the bhagavad gita. Krishna says he is 'time', not 'death' that is the destroyer of worlds. Which frankly makes more sense haha.

1 post
+4 votes

Package collected from post office by hampshire police
Buying weed isn't a crime in the UK, and you are not in possession of it. At worst, they will visit you and give you some shit to stop you doing it ag…

Package collected from post office by hampshire police
Guys I’m freaking out a bit
I have 10.5 g on NDD and it’s been picked out at the post office and collected by hampshire police
How fucked am I ?
This is my first time so if I’m losing my shit over nothing feel free to tell me.
I have 10.5 g on NDD and it’s been picked out at the post office and collected by hampshire police
How fucked am I ?
This is my first time so if I’m losing my shit over nothing feel free to tell me.

Worry not brother! One of our friends got caught growing 25 happy trees. Yes 25. can we all guess what he got? Just community service. Its okay brother we understand your frustration. I suggest you follow outlaw on insta as he helps and relieves people that are in similar situations. As for now not to worry. I hope its all better soon <3

Buying weed isn't a crime in the UK, and you are not in possession of it. At worst, they will visit you and give you some shit to stop you doing it again, but you are far from fucked. They can't charge you.

In terms of getting busted you should be fine, no evidence to show you ordered it and also only 10g so hardly Howard Marks, you wouldn't get done for that amount anyway.....just deny all knowledge if they knock on your door...they can't prove anything.
Where it could screw you is future will have to lay low for a while and then in a month or so, only order special delivery if I was you.
Where it could screw you is future will have to lay low for a while and then in a month or so, only order special delivery if I was you.

Hi m8 sorry to hear, i wouldn't worry to much had the ol bill give me knock a few months back they wanted to come in but i just went outside spoke to them got a polite warning saying if i do it again they gonna have a warrant to search my house,if you got anything in the house get rid for a few days or until they been

Like sensiman said gotta lay low for few weeks i went 6 wks before ordering again and was only ordering hash or concentrates
Have you been in contact with the vendor? They should give you a refund... bad stealth etc......
Have you been in contact with the vendor? They should give you a refund... bad stealth etc......

Police have just been
Intelligence report against my address
Would not come in due to COVID
Stood in the street talking very loudly about ordering drugs online
I have lived here for 15 years and no all my neighbours and I have a child - seriously embarrassing
I did email the vendor - I’m fuming at this point
Plus already have other things on order so could get fucked again tomorrow
And now can even use the site
All due to shit stealth
Intelligence report against my address
Would not come in due to COVID
Stood in the street talking very loudly about ordering drugs online
I have lived here for 15 years and no all my neighbours and I have a child - seriously embarrassing
I did email the vendor - I’m fuming at this point
Plus already have other things on order so could get fucked again tomorrow
And now can even use the site
All due to shit stealth

They can't open your mail without a warrant, so as long as stealth is a+ you should be good they said the same to me, i also had other orders in the post n they all landed and everything since

Wtf sorry you have to endure this because of someone else's idiocy
I think you would be fine ordering from vendors who practice safe stealth i mean they cant possibly open all your mail without evidence no smell no worry
I think you would be fine ordering from vendors who practice safe stealth i mean they cant possibly open all your mail without evidence no smell no worry

Vendor has just offered to send it again - clearly has no fucking clue what he’s done
Excuse me while I go and repeatedly bang my head against a fucking wall
Excuse me while I go and repeatedly bang my head against a fucking wall

Hadn’t thought of that, that’s actually one way the vendor could put this right - thanks mate

thanks EMz2460 for letting us know about your experience. Sorry you had that terrible stress, Can you let us know (if ok with you) what your delivery contained and what amount? I'm about to order 7g of hash, I thought that this amount would only bring a caution if detected (on the street at least).
If I had to deal with what happened to you my wife would freak out!! I'm more concerned about that than my neighbours!
I am disabled so I see the product as medicine so hopefully the cops would cut me some slack in that situation but wouldn't bank on it
If I had to deal with what happened to you my wife would freak out!! I'm more concerned about that than my neighbours!
I am disabled so I see the product as medicine so hopefully the cops would cut me some slack in that situation but wouldn't bank on it

Hi I’ve had about 50 orders of all types hash weed concentrates and never had a problem, this was 3 1/8’s of weed not wrapped properly and stank out post office so they called the police who came round here today. You should be fine with a bit of hash most vendors offer excellent stealth

thanks Emz2460 for the reassurance, I was getting paranoid after reading your post! I've always been really impressed with the multi-layered stealth from my vendor with both weed and hash. That's really slack of your vendor and has put you in a really bad situation.
Hope you feel a bit more relaxed after reading some of the comments. cheers
Hope you feel a bit more relaxed after reading some of the comments. cheers

1 post
+4 votes

It's happened...
Royal Mail 'lose' 14 million parcels a year.
I've had three orders from different vendors vanish since May 2020 when I joined. This is from over 100…

It's happened...
3.5 years after being on this brilliant site and after 15 successful orders my latest order has disappeared without trace..
Ordered, paid for and marked as sent on the 30th September but still no sign of delivery 12 days later.
The vendor has been great, saying leave a while and will sort out a reship, I've ordered from them before without any issue so have no worries about stealth or honesty from them BUT...
...My paranoia is going through the roof! Has it been intercepted and now I'm about to get a visit from the boys in blue? Every day of non delivery the fear and loathing builds..
Has anyone experienced this? Any wise words to set my mind at ease?
Ordered, paid for and marked as sent on the 30th September but still no sign of delivery 12 days later.
The vendor has been great, saying leave a while and will sort out a reship, I've ordered from them before without any issue so have no worries about stealth or honesty from them BUT...
...My paranoia is going through the roof! Has it been intercepted and now I'm about to get a visit from the boys in blue? Every day of non delivery the fear and loathing builds..
Has anyone experienced this? Any wise words to set my mind at ease?

Unless you placed a BIG order nobody’s coming…it will probably arrive or Postman Pat is getting baked at your expense…it’s shit but like you say it’s a very rare occurrence….

If i get a knock at the door my plan is to get on my knees and offer myself to whoever wants a piece!

Chill my friend. Very, very worst case scenario and you got a knock at the door (and I can't stress enough how unlikely this is to happen!) Just tell them you know absolutely nothing about it.
It could be anybody who knows you and your address to be fair.
Keep the faith it may still turn up
It could be anybody who knows you and your address to be fair.
Keep the faith it may still turn up

I sent out two packages to the same address about 6 months ago when RM was even more on it's arse than it is now. The first package arrived, the second didn't so after a week or so i sent out a 'third' reship which arrived in under 2 days.
4 weeks later the second package turned up! The buyer was decent enough to let me know.
It's a right shit show at RM at the moment so i wouldn't be surprised if it does turn up one day and even if it doesn't, you've got nothing to worry about.
"I didn't order idea what it is..."
Cheers. BB
4 weeks later the second package turned up! The buyer was decent enough to let me know.
It's a right shit show at RM at the moment so i wouldn't be surprised if it does turn up one day and even if it doesn't, you've got nothing to worry about.
"I didn't order idea what it is..."
Cheers. BB

Royal Mail 'lose' 14 million parcels a year.
I've had three orders from different vendors vanish since May 2020 when I joined. This is from over 100 orders made in this time. One of them was tracked and I had the code.
In none of these cases did the popo show up, or anything come of it other than me not having the weed.
So, all is well dude.
I've had three orders from different vendors vanish since May 2020 when I joined. This is from over 100 orders made in this time. One of them was tracked and I had the code.
In none of these cases did the popo show up, or anything come of it other than me not having the weed.
So, all is well dude.

about the same for me bud well over 100 orders and i had 2 or 3 that went missing and that was ages ago not recently

i do always try to do tracked or at least 1st class signed for as they never seam to go missing

Hey, not sure if this helps but.....
So I have had the same issue, on Friday apparently RM are alerting the police were packaging is suspicious. The police obviously turned up and my package was collected by them (attached their signature)......
As I have a family member who works there I know what the can and cannot do....
They won't just turn up to your house (Not sure if ordered a massive amount (Bar)) Even then, its rare they just don't have the time money or focus to look at this.
Also you cannot be charged with anything......attempting to order weed?....I suppose if they want to be clever then they should have let it get delivered...
Don't will all be good! The Police are actually ok (in my experience!)
So I have had the same issue, on Friday apparently RM are alerting the police were packaging is suspicious. The police obviously turned up and my package was collected by them (attached their signature)......
As I have a family member who works there I know what the can and cannot do....
They won't just turn up to your house (Not sure if ordered a massive amount (Bar)) Even then, its rare they just don't have the time money or focus to look at this.
Also you cannot be charged with anything......attempting to order weed?....I suppose if they want to be clever then they should have let it get delivered...
Don't will all be good! The Police are actually ok (in my experience!)

Excellent points from the Otter!
With post the vendor takes all the risk as there are clearly offences of using RM to send controlled items (& supply!). But it’s gets very vague at your end. If it’s a BIG quantity then they could fish around for aiding & abetting or even conspiracy to supply but at the personal use level it’s a non starter.
RM charter means they have to go through the motions if some jobsworth picks up a stinky bag…it’s why stealth is such a priority! 👍
With post the vendor takes all the risk as there are clearly offences of using RM to send controlled items (& supply!). But it’s gets very vague at your end. If it’s a BIG quantity then they could fish around for aiding & abetting or even conspiracy to supply but at the personal use level it’s a non starter.
RM charter means they have to go through the motions if some jobsworth picks up a stinky bag…it’s why stealth is such a priority! 👍

Exactly, completely agree.
The issue with mine was down to stealth and an element of being unlucky. The RM cannot check everything, mind you advice I did get was not to use Special Delivery in the UK.....
Perspective is needed and this is really rare....e.g 90 orders 1 loss......not bad really....
The seller btw, has been good so far, will keep you all updated.
The issue with mine was down to stealth and an element of being unlucky. The RM cannot check everything, mind you advice I did get was not to use Special Delivery in the UK.....
Perspective is needed and this is really rare....e.g 90 orders 1 loss......not bad really....
The seller btw, has been good so far, will keep you all updated.

I’m avoiding Special Delivery after my issue with getting nabbed at the sorting office. Sticking with stealthy 1st class. Travels in bigger bags and less likely to be seen by anyone other than your posty.

Thanks for the messages all.. much appreciated! The mind can do to very strange places if not punctuated by someone else's perspective...
My last order took less than 24 hours to arrive so this was not expected.. but the more I used LB the more I knew that something like this would happen eventually...
Your comments have lightened my mood although I still can't quite shake the feeling that there is a packet of cannabis edibles floating around somewhere out there with my name and address on!!
Will post back here if they ever turn up
My last order took less than 24 hours to arrive so this was not expected.. but the more I used LB the more I knew that something like this would happen eventually...
Your comments have lightened my mood although I still can't quite shake the feeling that there is a packet of cannabis edibles floating around somewhere out there with my name and address on!!
Will post back here if they ever turn up

As others have said, don't lose any sleep over it. Even in the incredibly unlikely event that anyone comes to see you, as long as you deny all knowledge they have nothing.
The odds it's been seized vs simply getting lost, or at worst pilfered by a postie are tiny. I've had one go missing a few weeks ago, still never shown up. Contact the vendor & resolve it with them a good one will always work with you.
Most of all don't worry mate. It's seriously not a problem at all, aside from being down some weed at worst.
The odds it's been seized vs simply getting lost, or at worst pilfered by a postie are tiny. I've had one go missing a few weeks ago, still never shown up. Contact the vendor & resolve it with them a good one will always work with you.
Most of all don't worry mate. It's seriously not a problem at all, aside from being down some weed at worst.

I wouldn’t worry about it to much buddy don’t think the police are that bothered about weed anymore finally realised they’ve got better things to do 🙂

im in the same boat. shipped on 27th and no news. i think it has more to do with a backlog in shipping throughout world. could take up to 21days. i agree with others on here that cops have better things to do, so i wouldn't panic. keep the faith, brother

You will be ok my friend. My second ran over the order time and came over 3 weeks later. Hopefully it arrives 😎

If you have used the vendor previously and you're confident in the stealth that was used, i personally think it's more likely that a vendor made a mistake and the parcel wasn't posted to begin with, rather than it being siezed.
Hope you get it sorted, don't let your time run out to raise a dispute 👍
Hope you get it sorted, don't let your time run out to raise a dispute 👍

Be patient. 12 days is nada- Seen Specials takes months before and land. If vendor packs well ur fine,

1 post
+1 votes

please wait before creating another order
Same, can't make any orders.

please wait before creating another order
Sup biggers…! anyone getting this message when they hit buy in their cart?

Yeah it did the 'please wait....' thing for hours last night. The site is too busy I think. Sometimes I can't even log in. I tried again at 7am and it worked fine, stoners don't get up early I guess :)

Ive just found out that if you set your cart up in the clear net site, it fills your cart in the onion society site too.
Try setting the order up on the clearnet site so it's in your cart, then go through to society and pay for it there. It cuts down on the amount of loading time you have to sit around for shopping through tor :)
I've just ordered some oil from psychonauts this way and its gone through fine.
Try setting the order up on the clearnet site so it's in your cart, then go through to society and pay for it there. It cuts down on the amount of loading time you have to sit around for shopping through tor :)
I've just ordered some oil from psychonauts this way and its gone through fine.

Ah ok so its a known problem…. Weird…. I notice the button is actually scrolling through colours blue - brown!
Keep an eye biggers if you get lucky post updates 👍🏼
Keep an eye biggers if you get lucky post updates 👍🏼

Managed to order yesterday in the end! It wouldn't work on my iPad, even in onion browser, so I tried my phone browser and that worked. Good luck Biggas!

1 post
+7.2 votes

doctor doc
Panic attacks (PTSD) from weed
Just to add as I don't see it otherwise mentioned, but the maturity of the trichomes plays a large part in this. Smoking earlier cuts of cloudy trichs…

doctor doc
Panic attacks (PTSD) from weed
I was a heavy smoker for years (half oz a week) then suddenly i started having panic attacks after smoking with pulpatations too. I gave up for ages but i really miss having a smoke so ive started having some very small amounts of morrocan hash this last year, which so far seems like it causes less problems although im still very nervous about having too much. If i smoke most weed thats around ill feel like ive had 4 cups of strong coffee :( Weed used to be relaxing but now feels like a stimulant . Ive also ended up cutting coffee and most hardcore sugar out of my diet as that seemed like it was also starting to affect me badly (i suppose thats a good thing to cut out anyway haha but still) . Whats going on Doc?

Hey! Sorry to hear about your weed-induced panic attacks. I can easily give myself severe anxiety with too much THC but at the same time I need the THC-heavy indica strains to sleep (severe insomnia from long-standing PTSD). AVB (already vaped bud) doesn't seem to cause anxiety in the same way, so sometimes I just self-medicate with that. But I've found the trick with weed is to vape it, not smoke it, and to use way way less than makes sense, like a really tiny quantity. Either I just put a tiny quantity in my vape, or i put in a normal quantity but only take a couple of shallow puffs then take a break for an hour or so.
That said, a lot of panic attacks are by subconscious association, so if you had one bad trip with weed, the panic attacks could well be just your amygdala screaming DANGER DANGER at your adrenal glands every time you smoke. If you need to talk about it feel free to message me btw
That said, a lot of panic attacks are by subconscious association, so if you had one bad trip with weed, the panic attacks could well be just your amygdala screaming DANGER DANGER at your adrenal glands every time you smoke. If you need to talk about it feel free to message me btw

A kind seller on here is putting me together a little variety pack to try some high CBD indica weeds which I'll be vaping

Hemp hash has the best Cbd buds! Just mix it 1:1 with thc weed , or 1:2, 1:3 etc. That should take care of the anxiety;)

if you could get diazepam i used both to cure very bad case of PTSD to fix. every time i smoked and got panic i i let it get bad then pop a pill to shut the fuck up to this panic it works really does. did this for just a few weeks and wala i can now smoke 247 no panic then just weened myself off the diazepam 5 years gone and still PTSD free

I'd love to know the seller you're talking about! I'm keen to find some low thc, high cbd strains! (a little higher than the 0.2% stuff though)

Definitely try vaping. Its a lot more mellow and a nice way to ease yourself in. MJ Concentrates have some great carts (he is sold out atm but will restock soon) and he is really helpful and has great customer service and no question is too stupid to ask him.

Just to add as I don't see it otherwise mentioned, but the maturity of the trichomes plays a large part in this. Smoking earlier cuts of cloudy trichs will give a rushier hit than ambers if cut a little later, and I've found it's immature or earlier cut weed that tends to give me the effects to speak of. If you know any growers, ask that they cut you some when it's mostly amber trichs and see how you do. It is degrading at the point but you can't get it all just right.

I used to suffer with this and for me I realised the sativa doesn't agree with me, has to always be indicia, or a 70/30 hybrid, I'd suggest having a smoke but you need to break yourself in real slow, just like have a few puff's, then a few hours later a few more and so on, try indica leaning strains, though it could just be your body going nah

Sorry to hear this. Everyones different but it can come down to strains. Try find Hybrids or Indicas particularly ones that are low THC and High in CBD. Thisbalance is key to a balanced high. also really make sure the plants are flushed correctly and/ or organic. Less chemicals the better which can trigger a lot of this.
Good luck
Good luck

Not really bud, Durban Poison i Had stocked there was 17% THC, 1% CBD, 1% CBN. There definitely are strains that have like 3% CBD these days. Sorry I couldnt be of more use!

Would love to try something like Stephen hawking kush . Indica dominant 12% THC 13% CBD . Sounds perfect for me but I don't know if I'll find weed like that in the UK . Hopefully I'll get lucky

Sorry to hear that buddy. That happens with my mum. I baked her some brownies a few times and even with strains that knock me out, have the opposite effect on her. She ends up getting a speed-like high. She has chronic arthritis but it may be the type of meds she is on not meshing well. Some venders put detailed descriptions on here of their strains. You will find one that works for you eventually. I hope it all comes right for you because it’s shit when you can’t do what you love. Stay safe.

I had a similar episode after 20 yrs of smoking daily, mind you it happened after a weekend of more booze than you can imagine. Tried a few times after but had the same response, so I gave up for about 8 years ( boy did I miss it!!) then went to Amsterdam, I took it slower than I would have in the old days and always kept my mind working and it worked . TBH my life now won’t allow to go back to how I used to smoke but pleased I can still enjoy one again. I guess it really comes down to mental conditioning and not associating weed and the panic attack, well that’s what helped me .

1:1 THC/CBD strains are amazing. Stick to some nice indicas or hybrids and you'll find the CBD takes the anxiety away and replaces it with a deep relaxation.

maybe because you stopped using for a long time so your body isn't used to having weed. or you might have went straight to sativa strains when you started again. i had the same experience not long ago, i thought i added a low amount of cannabutter in my brownies and i ate two, 5 hours later i feel like my heart will explode and i was scared i might die. lol. yeah stick to the indica ones, try to taper your dose-- start small and see which amount gives you the results you want. CBDHempKing has some cbd flowers and CBDave has some cbd products like distillates and chocolates.

Stick to the indicas, sativa strains have the same effects on me, avoid it now and been good so far. Smoke every day.

Thanks for your comment. Any particular strains you can recommend i try? ive been at a whits end for years now

Use leafly to compare strains take.something with a heavier indica percentage and work back. Hybrids prob o
Alright with 60% sativa like gentleman dealers lemon amnesia.
Poss vape I've found spliff make it more likely.
Alright with 60% sativa like gentleman dealers lemon amnesia.
Poss vape I've found spliff make it more likely.

Currently black jack reserve or fruity pebbles from drugsinc these are pretty laid back not heart pumpers. Look out for the ice cream cake that was nice.

I find mimosa really good for anxiety it’s a 50:50 hybrid usually pretty easy strain to get hold of to

I used to get sudden panic attacks about 10 years ago into my now 20-25 year habit.
I got rid of them pretty much within a month by using deep breathing techniques. I have a friend who makes RSO which can hit you with panics like a truck if you take too much and the breathing techniques completely stop those too.
I know it sounds cliche but I really recommend the box breathing technique whenever you feel bad: 4 seconds breathe in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds breathe out. Do that for 2+ minutes and you will feel better.
That said, this is my personal experience and can't guarantee it works for anyone else but I haven't had a panic attack properly since that first month many years ago. Allowed me to continue using the plant that I love.
I got rid of them pretty much within a month by using deep breathing techniques. I have a friend who makes RSO which can hit you with panics like a truck if you take too much and the breathing techniques completely stop those too.
I know it sounds cliche but I really recommend the box breathing technique whenever you feel bad: 4 seconds breathe in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds breathe out. Do that for 2+ minutes and you will feel better.
That said, this is my personal experience and can't guarantee it works for anyone else but I haven't had a panic attack properly since that first month many years ago. Allowed me to continue using the plant that I love.

Was in the same boat as you.
My weed anxiety came about after my psychedelic period. I would get heart palps, muscle shakes and an unsettled mind.
I quit for a year and then eased back in with low strength hash.
High THC Low CBD strains will still make me uncomfortable if I smoke too much too soon,so I stick to mellow stuff these days.
CBD will absolutely settle heart palps and anxiety. Smoke/ vape a fair whack before smoking anything with THC and you’ll be fine. CBD flower shake is pretty cheap, I always have some on standby but I haven’t been unsettled in a long while.
Best of luck!
My weed anxiety came about after my psychedelic period. I would get heart palps, muscle shakes and an unsettled mind.
I quit for a year and then eased back in with low strength hash.
High THC Low CBD strains will still make me uncomfortable if I smoke too much too soon,so I stick to mellow stuff these days.
CBD will absolutely settle heart palps and anxiety. Smoke/ vape a fair whack before smoking anything with THC and you’ll be fine. CBD flower shake is pretty cheap, I always have some on standby but I haven’t been unsettled in a long while.
Best of luck!

Smoke whatever strain you want and use a CBD tincture if it gets too much.
I keep a bottle handy when I’m trying new actives in edibles, used to get panicky as fuck sometimes.
I keep a bottle handy when I’m trying new actives in edibles, used to get panicky as fuck sometimes.

Hi, ive smoked heavily for 25 years now and I find my anxiety is at its worst when i cant source any weed, whether thats an addiction styled placebo im not sure, but I have heard of people mixing quantities of cbd flower in with their thc flower at various ratios and reporting much lower psychosis/anxiety levels. Maybe try a bowl or vape of 70/30 thc/cbd and see if it helps any.

some strains work good with some people and some don’t I recommend a indica dominant strain

Its the strains pretty much... example..
White widow i had in de pipj, amsterdam was real heavy fire. One joint and i was a complete mess. Full blown panic attack, whitey, palpitations etc.
Also the state of mind before you smoke. ganja (especially sativas) can be a sensitizer so amplifies your emotions.
Also, when a plant is chopped also has an effect on the buzz. So even an indica can be racy if its chopped a bit early. Sativas are often chopped a bit early because...
1) They can take another 50% longer to flower than an indica
2) It amplifies the racy high and can be more trippy.
Loads to keep you happy, but id just look for a 90%+ indica dominant, which is usually displayed in vendors sales pitches.
Good luck and dont do it if it makes you feel para. Can be unhealthy to keep that going for the grey matter.
White widow i had in de pipj, amsterdam was real heavy fire. One joint and i was a complete mess. Full blown panic attack, whitey, palpitations etc.
Also the state of mind before you smoke. ganja (especially sativas) can be a sensitizer so amplifies your emotions.
Also, when a plant is chopped also has an effect on the buzz. So even an indica can be racy if its chopped a bit early. Sativas are often chopped a bit early because...
1) They can take another 50% longer to flower than an indica
2) It amplifies the racy high and can be more trippy.
Loads to keep you happy, but id just look for a 90%+ indica dominant, which is usually displayed in vendors sales pitches.
Good luck and dont do it if it makes you feel para. Can be unhealthy to keep that going for the grey matter.

Last few times I’ve had white widow it’s given me heart palps and shakey muscles, flat out won’t smoke it now.

Sounds bad having panic attacks sorry but I can relate 😕
Since I stopped using tobacco, the effects of weed through the vape
feel purer and no tobacco means not having to roll joints to feed nicotine slumps.
A half ounce a week was a lot of weed and glad you're having a more pleasant time with a lesser amount of nice Moroccan hash. 😀
Also understanding more about strains has helped loads too.
Since I stopped using tobacco, the effects of weed through the vape
feel purer and no tobacco means not having to roll joints to feed nicotine slumps.
A half ounce a week was a lot of weed and glad you're having a more pleasant time with a lesser amount of nice Moroccan hash. 😀
Also understanding more about strains has helped loads too.

Sorry to hear that you’ve been having a hard time.
I generally stay away from the crazy strength buds, particularly sativa strains which can get a bit racy!
Maybe try hybrids with a greater percentage of indica or strains with a balance of thc & cbd.
I like Indica hashes generally.
I’ve had some nice stuff from hashishin lately. Some of the leb stuff is fairly balanced between thc and cbd.
I had some hash from Shroom of the loom that was a really relaxing indica called audi something or other.
I have a friend who swears by taking a few cbd drops while having a smoke.
I most often vape nowadays and find that cleaner and less intense than smoking a J.
Hope you find a solution.
I generally stay away from the crazy strength buds, particularly sativa strains which can get a bit racy!
Maybe try hybrids with a greater percentage of indica or strains with a balance of thc & cbd.
I like Indica hashes generally.
I’ve had some nice stuff from hashishin lately. Some of the leb stuff is fairly balanced between thc and cbd.
I had some hash from Shroom of the loom that was a really relaxing indica called audi something or other.
I have a friend who swears by taking a few cbd drops while having a smoke.
I most often vape nowadays and find that cleaner and less intense than smoking a J.
Hope you find a solution.

Just a thought....I wonder if having a few drops of high strength cbd oil before you smoke could help take the edge off?
try researching the strains first before you buy, see how it would affect you. and try indica strains. CBD oil helps too. if you got a local Holland&Barrett shop, checkout their products, sometimes they got promos like Buy 1 get another 1 for a penny
try researching the strains first before you buy, see how it would affect you. and try indica strains. CBD oil helps too. if you got a local Holland&Barrett shop, checkout their products, sometimes they got promos like Buy 1 get another 1 for a penny

could be worse, you could develop cannabis hypermedia syndrome like me and nearly die of complications of dehydration. imagine the worst pan imaginably, its 10 times worse, fentanyl does nothing, they had to put me under to stop it.

Thanks everyone for your lovely responses . I'm going to look out for some indica rich northern lights and some ice cream cake , until then I'll stick to my lower strength hash as that seems like a warm not too heady buzz :)

1 post
+6 votes
How to get Weed through U.K. airports
This is the best solution in my view. It simply isn't worth getting caught in an airport with weed to try and take it. Many people have and have been …

How to get Weed through U.K. airports
Hi everyone I’m flying to Germany Cologne soon and I want to have some smoke when I arrive. But I will not be hanging around in Cologne I’m renting a car and heading south close to bitburg. So I will not have time to mess around trying to find a local guy. Does anyone have any tips on how to pass security with hash or bud, I will not have a checked bag with me only hand luggage. Thanks everyone, I’m sure there will be people who say don’t risk it, but my addiction will always win! so there is no point trying to change my mind lol
Peace out everyone happy toking stay safe
Peace out everyone happy toking stay safe

Carts in your luggage, done it loads a times. Even had one in my pocket before and put it in the tray with my phone and money. If asked? It’s CBD, never been asked though.

Best answer for carry on ^^
Before vaping indoors was banned i've even had the audacity to hit a vape in the waiting lounge xD I saw someone else do it so thought heh. This was wayyy before people knew thc vapes were a thing I had a prototype sent from cali lol
Before vaping indoors was banned i've even had the audacity to hit a vape in the waiting lounge xD I saw someone else do it so thought heh. This was wayyy before people knew thc vapes were a thing I had a prototype sent from cali lol

I’m not a fan of carts I bought a few when I was in Vancouver and it didn’t touch me. It’s nothing like a bong haha

When I came back from Vancouver I did that with edibles lol I got a pick a mix bag and bought loads of different edibles and took them out the packaging. But on the plane on the way home I opened my bag and WOW the smell it stunk the whole plane out oops

I fly to Germany for work, I always get asked “why do you hire a car at the airport and not get a taxi to the hotel?” “For flexibility i reply” little do they know before I go to the hotel I’ll do a 2 hour drive into NL to get my stash ?

I've flown in and out of the UK with weed MANY times with no issues. Every time I've been to 'Dam I've had at least a few grams in my hold luggage upon return, never more than 5g though. I'd have it in a trouser pocket, folded up in my hold bag. Always arrived safe at the other end. Probably just luck, but also don't think they're as thorough as they like people to think. In saying that, there's really no point IMO as it's easy to find high quality bud and hash in most of Germany. I've been to Berlin, Cologne, and Frankfurt for work a few times and always got offered weed in the first bar we'd set up in. Webehigh is a good site for finding weed abroad. While some of it isn't accurate, it has worked for me more than once.

Hi there
I never did without a checked bag, thus I can not help...
An alternative could be to drive from Köln to the NL and enjoy a great coffee shop as this is not so far...Then you come back with your weed
Enjoy Germany!
I never did without a checked bag, thus I can not help...
An alternative could be to drive from Köln to the NL and enjoy a great coffee shop as this is not so far...Then you come back with your weed
Enjoy Germany!

This is the best solution in my view. It simply isn't worth getting caught in an airport with weed to try and take it. Many people have and have been fine, but the risk is too great in my opinion. Source something when you are there, don't take it with you dude.

I’d love to but my rental company are anal about me going over 400kms and my journey is about 360

Was going to say the same I’ve don’t it plenty of times coming back from Amsterdam the scanners only look for weapons and bombs so internal won’t matter bud straight up the bum and your good to go if you can’t do that double wrap in Mylar bags and heat seal then you can put in suitcase bro

Never had any probs coming from dam a wee smelly bag chucked in luggage too easy! Plus always post some ?

My "mate" told me if you're gonna post goodies back take your own envelopes, smell proof bags etc and always go into the Post Office to post ( around 8 euro) that way when it gets to England it arrives in Essex and they're not so strict checking on things. If you drop it in the postbox in the street it arrives in England via Wolverhampton and they're strict cunts and it's highly likely to get found.

Really? I can’t tell if your taking the piss haha I have to say it has crossed my mind.

Dont stick stuff up your arse mate (unless thats your thing - we arent in prison). Behind the balls is fine or discretely stashed in luggage. Worked many times for a guy i know...

Don't try hiding it on your body at all, friend thought he was clever & tied loads of little bags to the string waistband on his shorts & got caught. Was hilarious to watch security pulling them out like a magicians scarves tho. A different friend has been successful a few times taking jelly bean sized balls of hash in a giant jar of jelly beans. It's also worth noting that even dogs can't smell through petroleum jelly, wrap it up then smear a generous amount of vaseline on cling film then wrap it round whatever you want to get through & your OK as long as you don't get searched, or maybe bury it in a big jar of vaseline or 2, you may appear to be a bit of a pervert but it's better than getting your smoke discovered

that's a great idea. throw in some whips and a pair of handcuffs and you just come across as a law abiding pervert. might have to try this the next time I go to the states.

I am not airport security bud, as i say worked in the past. Think they are looking for weapons and bombs more than little lumps of hash, but do be cautious. I wouldnt recommend breaking any laws dude, be careful all about personal choice. Id rather they found a lump in my shorts than have to put stuff up my bum!

Haha true just the thought of me in a room squatting and some border dude checking my anus is empty puts me of a bit hahahaha

Wouldn't even bother trying. It's not worth the BS that would come with getting caught. Let the 'officials' do the work and post it to yourself if you have an address you can access whilst abroad? EDIT just read your reply further down about the hotel and the boss. He won't know!! Get it posted there! He has no right to know what you've had posted. Could be something for your trip like medication that you forgot to take....
The only way I've got a fair bit of smoke aboad was by car. I hired a car in Calais and went over as a foot passenger on the ferry. It was a road trip around Europe with some mates on their bikes. That was easy!!
The only way I've got a fair bit of smoke aboad was by car. I hired a car in Calais and went over as a foot passenger on the ferry. It was a road trip around Europe with some mates on their bikes. That was easy!!

Never travelled anywhere without an 1/8th of hash in my pocket. Pop it in my mouth like a sweet just before I get to the scanner.
Only place I didn't risk it was USA but I was going to a legal state anyway.
Only place I didn't risk it was USA but I was going to a legal state anyway.

If you need a clean CRB for your job, don't risk it. If you don't need a clean CRB, then put it in your bum. It's really the worst worst rubbish getting busted at an airport.

I have been told many many times that carts are the way forward with travelling and crossing boarders.

I thoroughly wrap in many layers of clingfilm. Slightly heat it to close all gaps. Then I take one of those roll on deodorants, remove the plastic ball, put my parcel in the deodorant, put back ball and presto!

Last time I actually bought a secret stash Clip lighter (you unscrew the bottom) and filled that
Also another one is get a few pens and in one of them take the ink cartridge out and wrap ground up bud in cling film and stuff the barrel. Of course make sure the barrel is a solid colour and not a transparent Bic!
Also another one is get a few pens and in one of them take the ink cartridge out and wrap ground up bud in cling film and stuff the barrel. Of course make sure the barrel is a solid colour and not a transparent Bic!

However you smuggle it I advise grinding up the bud before hand. You can pack more and it’s also convenient for when you do use it

Whatever you decide to do chuck it in a mylar bag, heat seal it and then repeat. This will solve any scent issues- up to you where you want to "store" it then, but I'm not sure if I would want one of those bags up my arse!

I know a couple chaps who put it in a bottle of suncream wrapped in clingy. Worked every single time.

Wouldn't dare try it with carry on mate. Checking a bag is the best, and put some behind soap in a sealed soap dish ;) Although I've brought some hash back in my jacket pocket coming from Amsterdam - felt like William Hayes in Midnight Express - it was quite the buzz! I was all ready to feign ignorance, ha ha.

I always get a fresh pot of hair wax. Double bag and tape up a Q Scoop out some wax put the bud at the bottom smooth back over and chuck in your wash bag. Tried and tested worked for me many times with carry on luggage.

I've taken stuff on holiday to Spain numerous times, but always in checked luggage. Sorry, I know you said you weren't checking luggage, but there it is. Check a bag is my advice.

I did that when I flew to Portugal it worked perfectly I was absolutely buzzing. But unfortunately this time I will be staying with a friend at his parents hotel and apparently a few weeks ago it all kicked off because a staff member had there stuff delivered to the hotel and his dad found out and went mad. And I’m looking to get employed so I don’t want to piss him off before meeting him haha

I suggest that for travel, mct infused drops in a 10ml sealed bottle are the most inconspicuous option

If I have edibles I seem to need about 1000mg before it does anything I don’t know why? It’s super annoying and expensive so I don’t really bother anymore

Are they made by you or premade? I guy doing our path a few weeks back said he could eat bags of them and no effect. I gave him a few of my homemade ones to take night fishing for him and his mate. One pink kush around 25mg and one multiple strain around 20mg. He came back Monday and said they were both battered for the whole night!

A company called smugglers duds make some boxer shorts with a hidden compartment which i recommend. They would just chuck it away, but you might miss your flight so be safe mate. Peace and fine herb to you

I don’t see how they would work as the body scanner would spot I have something in my pants.

1 post
+2.5 votes

signature required
Go and collect it dude. I've had the same thing happen, and it was fine. You have plausible deniability, you are just collecting a package. You have n…

signature required
ugh, card from royal mail, "failed to deliver", signature required. I am going to have to write this off as a loss, but freaking out over what will happen.

+1 Nazgul.
A useful reminder of the benefits of using your real name. Not to preach because I get it, but your postie knows your regular name, using a fake makes a parcel stand out and more prone to a closer inspection.
Best of luck CW.
A useful reminder of the benefits of using your real name. Not to preach because I get it, but your postie knows your regular name, using a fake makes a parcel stand out and more prone to a closer inspection.
Best of luck CW.

Just use your first initial and last name. You can pick your parcel up but without a full name the police can’t really do shit.

but they will ask for a signature again. It's not in my name. Never had to sign before, used same supplier and method many times...first time asked for sig

If you arrange a re-delivery to your address you will need to sign, usually on a digital pad you could just do any old squiggle though, you won’t need ID. If you go to collect at the post office you will definitely need ID which will be a tough one if you’ve used a fake name. Get a re-delivery and make sure you’re home to accept the delivery

A signature can be anything, it's the ID that's a problem at the sorting office. It's the only way really. RM are starting to require signatures again, but even then if you're not in a second time there's a good chance they'll just drop it through anyway.

I had a signed for delivery from here today. Put the first initial on the order and then a squiggle.
Postie doesn’t have time to check any documentation you may have to confirm a signature. They just need something so that if YOU complain they can say it was delivered and this who signed for it.
That’s what the signature is needed for. Not to catch you out. If it was important, during the pandemic they wouldn’t have been signing everything themselves.
Postie doesn’t have time to check any documentation you may have to confirm a signature. They just need something so that if YOU complain they can say it was delivered and this who signed for it.
That’s what the signature is needed for. Not to catch you out. If it was important, during the pandemic they wouldn’t have been signing everything themselves.

Go and collect it dude. I've had the same thing happen, and it was fine. You have plausible deniability, you are just collecting a package. You have not committed any crime.

would be smarter to pick it up
if not they will open it anyway because its lost mail. then youd worry
if not they will open it anyway because its lost mail. then youd worry

Yeah, if you've not used your real name, you wont have the ID to sign for it. Just use your real name on orders.
I've missed a delivery before and had a card from the postie (went down with my ID, signed for it and went home). The order was from a usual vendor and never had to sign before BUT this is usually the case if it's a temp postie or someone covering the usual postie. My usual postie just puts it through the door. Occasionally it will be a postie covering and they will knock and get you to collect from them.
I've missed a delivery before and had a card from the postie (went down with my ID, signed for it and went home). The order was from a usual vendor and never had to sign before BUT this is usually the case if it's a temp postie or someone covering the usual postie. My usual postie just puts it through the door. Occasionally it will be a postie covering and they will knock and get you to collect from them.

Using your real name is always the best way. BUT, if you have ID with your address on the name doesn't matter when collecting it.
I've collected numerous packages from Royal mail with a red card where the name didn't match mate. Just need to show your from the address.
You could easily say your collecting for a friend. You could be house sharing for all they know!
I've collected numerous packages from Royal mail with a red card where the name didn't match mate. Just need to show your from the address.
You could easily say your collecting for a friend. You could be house sharing for all they know!

feel like that's just walking into a trap, and it's in a fictional name, so have no matching ID

Trap! You're going to pick up some weed!! This is NOT the fucking french connection!!
Next time use your name!!
Next time use your name!!

they will have just handed it to the police or nicked fit themselves, they aren't going to do some operation for a few 8ths. Go and pick it up mate

👏👏 re delivery needs no ID…for collecting as long as you have some matching address ID you just say seller put wrong name it’s for next time☘️🙏

Chances are you just missed the delivery and it was sent recorded so someone had to sign for it. wouldn’t worry but redeeming it will be impossible without matching ID im sure..
Hope this helps if this was a recent post!
Hope this helps if this was a recent post!

Put yourself in the posties position, They are not supposed to sign for things many will but seeing a different name to the rest of the post will set alarm bells ringing not because they think your up to something dodgy but because they don't want the grief if it is wrongly addressed and the person named trys to find out what happened.Just order a redelivery.

Also you do realise that after 18 days if you've not had it re delivered RM will try to return to sender and since there is no return address it gets sent to the returns centre,Where it will be opened to look for any return address.Any drugs are handed over to the police with the packaging.This is a serious security risk for not only you but the vendor too.

Was it sent signed for if so instead of just posting it and signing it themselves they are now knocking on the door for a signature. It was because of the pandemic they didn't want everyone touching the sign for device. But I would arrange a redelivery as they will just take a signature at the door instead of asking for i.d

Yeah, these guys are all right, chances are the post man hasn't got the slightest thought that weed is in your parcel(more than any other of the thousands in the sorting office), just keep cool and go pick it up, I've picked up missed parcels hundreds of times, I've picked a couple of parcels up directly from the sorting office before it's even had a chance to be delivered. Most of the time they dont even ask for ID or the card they left is more than enough, and if they do ask for id, just use a letter with an adress on it and your real name, there are plenty of reasons besides drugs that you may use an alias when purchasing online (or there could be someone else living at your house). Context is everything when it comes to shit like this, so just keep cool like you would any other parcel, because right now the only person who knows that parcel is suspicious is you. Hope you get your weed yo

Listen they may need id so perhaps visit a different office to check that out, just grab some helpful leaflets or whatever, unless a biggy knows here?
If so yeah you're screwed.
Strange to use a different name if you're in this over the long haul best going legit imo.
If so yeah you're screwed.
Strange to use a different name if you're in this over the long haul best going legit imo.

arranged for re-delivery, all good. Thanks for all the good advise. I've had the knock on the door before, and was freaking out

1 post
+5.2 votes
Addressing our recent 1/10
I've seen numerous accounts in my time here that blatantly act solely to shill other vendors. This can be posting on a vendors page that another vendo…

Addressing our recent 1/10
We've just had a rating in :-
The order never arrived...The vendor chose to ignore ALL messages from me regarding missing order, Then had to go through Escrow to get a refund NO thanks to the vendor, I would never deal with these people again.
rated today took 0 days to arrive
The above is complete fallacy. No one has ever contacted us and been ignored. Our customers know any problems are addressed almost immediately and any issues with product not arriving is rectified. The person who left this review hasn't dropped us a message or anything and escrow has never been in touch about any refund. All this points to someone playing funny beggers for whatever reason. We've contacted escrow to enquire about this apparent refund as as far as we are aware no customer has ever used escrow because weve not done our job as a vendor and rectified mistakes.
If anyone reading this has had dealings with escrow could you please fill us in on the process. Would we be contacted in regards to this apparent escrow claim raised. I would have thought this would have been the case but I'm not sure as we've never had to deal with them.
Anyone who has any doubt about how we operate on here just read through all our reviews and posts on our page about it. We can be 100% trusted so please don't let this put you off.
Thanks everyone and have a great day :)!
The order never arrived...The vendor chose to ignore ALL messages from me regarding missing order, Then had to go through Escrow to get a refund NO thanks to the vendor, I would never deal with these people again.
rated today took 0 days to arrive
The above is complete fallacy. No one has ever contacted us and been ignored. Our customers know any problems are addressed almost immediately and any issues with product not arriving is rectified. The person who left this review hasn't dropped us a message or anything and escrow has never been in touch about any refund. All this points to someone playing funny beggers for whatever reason. We've contacted escrow to enquire about this apparent refund as as far as we are aware no customer has ever used escrow because weve not done our job as a vendor and rectified mistakes.
If anyone reading this has had dealings with escrow could you please fill us in on the process. Would we be contacted in regards to this apparent escrow claim raised. I would have thought this would have been the case but I'm not sure as we've never had to deal with them.
Anyone who has any doubt about how we operate on here just read through all our reviews and posts on our page about it. We can be 100% trusted so please don't let this put you off.
Thanks everyone and have a great day :)!

It's baffling to me why the borgs refuse to remove patently fake reviews. I cannot see the logic in it whatsoever, especially considering we pay 15% of every sale to be on here.
Just doesn't make sense to me at all. Its bad for vendors, bad for potential customers and allows trolls free reign to do whatever they like.
Cheers BB
Just doesn't make sense to me at all. Its bad for vendors, bad for potential customers and allows trolls free reign to do whatever they like.
Cheers BB

Your 100% right. There should be things in place to protect customers from dodgy vendors etc which there is but it swings both ways. As you've said, vendors pay a fee to sell on here so we should have something too I'd of thought. Especially when its a provable lie!

Guys how do they make these fake reviews?
I thought the only way you could make a review was to place an order and for you guys to then send it and update the order allowing us to then rate the service.
If they are hacking the code to place an order into their orders so they can add a fake review this is concerning and lb should ban their IP and shut down their account and remove all posts or reviews they have made asap.
I thought the only way you could make a review was to place an order and for you guys to then send it and update the order allowing us to then rate the service.
If they are hacking the code to place an order into their orders so they can add a fake review this is concerning and lb should ban their IP and shut down their account and remove all posts or reviews they have made asap.

They just buy your cheapest listing then leave a fake review, simple as that.
I used to think it was other vendors but it doesn't happen to everyone who starts on here and is successful so I'm now thinking it's one or two unscrupulous members with too much time on their hands and a few screws loose upstairs.
Although some people seem convinced otherwise, I don't think the big vendors on here give a toss what smaller sellers are doing. If you look at the sheer volume of sales an outfit like RB does, smaller sellers don't make a dent in their business.
Much like Twitter, there's always a few crazies who spend their lives trying to hurt others. Sad, pathetic but unfortunately...true.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB
I used to think it was other vendors but it doesn't happen to everyone who starts on here and is successful so I'm now thinking it's one or two unscrupulous members with too much time on their hands and a few screws loose upstairs.
Although some people seem convinced otherwise, I don't think the big vendors on here give a toss what smaller sellers are doing. If you look at the sheer volume of sales an outfit like RB does, smaller sellers don't make a dent in their business.
Much like Twitter, there's always a few crazies who spend their lives trying to hurt others. Sad, pathetic but unfortunately...true.
Just my 2p.
Cheers BB

Ah i see,maybe its just me but seems kind of pointless bordering on stupid especially with an outfit like ULC we all know they are top vendors,in fact the only time they have messed up with me was when they sent me 3.5 g extra,which i let them know about as i was concerned some poor guy out there was going to not get his 3.5g and since i did not see anyone shouting where is my order i figured they had sorted it out,easy mistake stick my address on the wrong package ,we are all humans after all and prone to the odd brain fart lol

I remember that lol. Was quite a busy time but no excuse. Human error exists its how you correct it that matters mate!

Thought process of you as a vendor may lead you to think a fake negative review will hit your sales, everyone will stop buying from you, your name is ruined and on and on until the end of the world!!! Another way of looking at it is think about when you are looking to buy, say, headphones and you read one crappy review about AKG headphones amongst 100's of positive reviews. Do you dismiss AKG right there and then? Does AKG go out of business? Even if you don't buy those headphones in the end, what is in the back of your mind? AKG AKG AKG. So, yeah a fake negative review sucks but all I'm now thinking about is ULC ULC ULC!! Truth will out. Cheers :)

Fully agree BB, I do think though that alot of the Biggars on here can work out were its coming from and the little band of cohorts who go along with it for self gain there is a LB mafia on here who are allowed to call the shots... Perhaps if they were called out a little bit more and vendors backed each other on this subject we could help to stop it.

Just carry on pal I had the same a 1/10 or it was a 2/10 a while back out of nowhere... smart customers will hopefully scroll through many of not all reviews quickly to see that it is a 1% case so they end up just looking like liars.
If your not getting someone trying to tear you down your not making enough cash. Wear it as a badge if honour... your one of the biggest/my rusted sellers on here.
Don’t sweat the trolls... that’s what I’ve learned. They are blatantly other greedy vendors not making sales so they make troll accounts to purchase like the smallest out you have then do ya dirty regardless of the actual service you have provided.
If your not getting someone trying to tear you down your not making enough cash. Wear it as a badge if honour... your one of the biggest/my rusted sellers on here.
Don’t sweat the trolls... that’s what I’ve learned. They are blatantly other greedy vendors not making sales so they make troll accounts to purchase like the smallest out you have then do ya dirty regardless of the actual service you have provided.

I wouldn't normally make a post about something like this mate but I had to as its lies. Just needed people to know! I'm sure it won't be the last time it happens, just got to get on with it though haven't you!

Mate I’ve had some guy comment on my product and basically said it’s pants only by its picture and wasn't even a customer!! Ridiculous

I've had a few products from urban leaf now, and every order has arrived, been on weight and tasty as can be. Also above and beyond with the packaging, these guys are one of the more legit vendors on here.

I can personally attest to the speed of communication and to the levels of service ULC deliver. I can also personally attest to how they have gone WAY above and beyond what they needed to to make sure I got my herb. Apart from one time they were on holiday, I have used them without fail for a number of months now. You can check my custom orders on the review feed. This 1/10 sounds as bent as a 9 bob note.

Thanks GC. I've contacted Escrow and they've replied and said they've no record of any messages between us in regards to a dispute.
They are going to dig a little deeper to see whats happening. This won't be the last I'll hear of this person Id imagine. Every vendor seems to get this. They are just wasting there money to do it though!
They are going to dig a little deeper to see whats happening. This won't be the last I'll hear of this person Id imagine. Every vendor seems to get this. They are just wasting there money to do it though!

It's such a rubbish attempt too because you are easily one of the most active and friendly sellers on here, everyones had a little chat with ULC in the topics haha :)
It's out of order but the biggas wont fall for it!
It's out of order but the biggas wont fall for it!

Hopefully not ZZ. We're more than helpful well needed. Shit happens though, they'll move onto someone else eventually!

I've seen numerous accounts in my time here that blatantly act solely to shill other vendors. This can be posting on a vendors page that another vendor has it cheaper or better, or repeatedly stating how good another vendor is etc.
While outwardly they are not linked to that vendor, a normal person doesn't behave in this way, so it's pretty obviously an agenda. Reviews I expect have to deal with the same.
When I see a 1/10 review, it doesn't tell me the vendor fucked up. It tells me the reviewer is angry, and that could be their own fault entirely.
I doubt very much given your sales, reviews and good standing, that one angry review will make any difference to you, though I get it must suck. Keep up the good work and forget the noise, it doesn't matter.
While outwardly they are not linked to that vendor, a normal person doesn't behave in this way, so it's pretty obviously an agenda. Reviews I expect have to deal with the same.
When I see a 1/10 review, it doesn't tell me the vendor fucked up. It tells me the reviewer is angry, and that could be their own fault entirely.
I doubt very much given your sales, reviews and good standing, that one angry review will make any difference to you, though I get it must suck. Keep up the good work and forget the noise, it doesn't matter.

It isn't the best to have these things happen. You just have to get on with it and hope they get bored. It'll be someone else's turn eventually!

I'm new to this community, but I must say I'm impressed with things like this that help to combat these spitful attempts are slurring someone else. The transparency is reassuring, and makes me believe that it is indeed just BS. As i said, I'm new, but plenty of people on here vouching for you, so i wouldn't have any problem buying from you, despite this attempt to tarnish your name.

I’ll just add my pennyworth of thought and say I’ve never had any trouble with any vendor I’ve used. Urban leaf has always delivered and found all items to be top notch. Maybe I’ve been lucky - but I always do a bit of research before buying (especially if a new vendor).
Probably as safe as anywhere to buy from and I like the fact there is an active community.
Probably as safe as anywhere to buy from and I like the fact there is an active community.

A big problem on here is blatant fake reviews, they need to sort it out. Stop the rounding up on the btc value aswell!

As you know, I went through the dispute process with another vendor. YES, you would be contacted within about 36 hours by escrow. You're the most communicative vendor on here, so someone IS playing silly buggers.

Thanks mate. I thought there would be some sort of correspondence between escrow and us if a dispute had been raised!

You go out of your way for everybody, and then some folk are still arseholes to you anyway. "Meh", as The Buddha said ;)

I must say, that is a very bold statement about your service. I have had nothing but top service from you and whoever has said this is speaking out their arse.

1 post
+2 votes
apple reduced to a lame tv company
I mean, the link stuff is fair enough. Why would you pay to help people that went out of their way to fuck with your personal life? It's Gawker staff …

apple reduced to a lame tv company
year after year tim cook has squeezed every buck out of users with shitty dark patterns but that's not the worst part. none of this money has produced anything except phones indistinguishable from the last models and computers suited for a museum.
the coup de gras? trade in-plans? credit cards? how about making movies instead of tech. it's a strategy that not only sunk sony but every sucker that ever walked into hollywood.
the coup de gras? trade in-plans? credit cards? how about making movies instead of tech. it's a strategy that not only sunk sony but every sucker that ever walked into hollywood.

dont forget credit cards, insurance and subscription schemes at the core of the new apple

Phones that get less usable as the price rises, PC's that tell you what to do rather than the other way around.
Long since lost their way.
Long since lost their way.

I mean, the link stuff is fair enough. Why would you pay to help people that went out of their way to fuck with your personal life? It's Gawker staff that want the program, the same staff that outed him for clicks. They can fuck right off frankly.
As for movies, I'm of the opinion that the greatest thing Steve Jobs did for the world wasn't Apple. It was Pixar, and that is his real legacy, still strong today.
As for movies, I'm of the opinion that the greatest thing Steve Jobs did for the world wasn't Apple. It was Pixar, and that is his real legacy, still strong today.

yeah but steve understood media. cook is setting himself up as a villain and fulfilling the narrative they are setting up for him.
the guy is an operational genius but he doesn't understand content anymore than he does tech.
the guy is an operational genius but he doesn't understand content anymore than he does tech.

he would have been perfect for amazon, operational excellence and gentler relations with the outside world. also the awkward attempts at style.

pixar is holding up better for sure, i think he really built time into making sure they had a sustainable creative system. that said there quality is also down, i can't imagine him letting them fall this far even in disney's hands.

1 post
+1 votes

What do i do when i get scammed?
yeah you can open a dispute to get a refund. Always try and deal with the vendor through messages first though, and be patient for the landing, post b…

What do i do when i get scammed?
I ordered something but i just realised the last review was like a year ago. Can i get a refund if he scams me?

Yup, that’s the beauty of LB. If the item isn’t marked as sent after 36 hours you’ll get an automatic refund. If it’s marked as sent but you don’t receive it, try and contact the vendor. If you get no reply or an unsatisfactory resolution after 9 days click the dispute button on your order page and transaxe will take care of you…
Good luck! 👍
Good luck! 👍

Could just be an old listing re-enabled due to restock…then you will slowly start to see new reviews creep in…..

yeah you can open a dispute to get a refund. Always try and deal with the vendor through messages first though, and be patient for the landing, post being what it is.

1 post
+5 votes

Be so careful with this guy people.
He’s the reason I’m out of business.
He setup a deal that seen me get ripped off over 3.5k!
Said he was ruined at the same time because he got done as well, was stopping because wife was going to leave him and can’t help me out at all and was my fault for trusting.
Now he’s selling lots again and won’t even answer my messages!
He was responsible for the whole sting and WONT help or make it right AT ALL!!
Absolute real lowlife that didn’t come across like this at the beginning, but they never do I suppose.
This happened the beginning of 2020 and I stayed completely silent about it, giving him the opportunity to make amends and the benefit of doubt. Guess what, still nothing!
This chap knew I was knees deep in chemo treatments and fighting my own cancer, still he did this to me with no remorse, this is the type of person that, in my opinion, to be able to do this, is sick and less than no morals.
Uk I gave you great ratings and feedback, completely trusted you, didn’t go public! but now it’s time to make amends, for my family at least, make this right please!!
He’s the reason I’m out of business.
He setup a deal that seen me get ripped off over 3.5k!
Said he was ruined at the same time because he got done as well, was stopping because wife was going to leave him and can’t help me out at all and was my fault for trusting.
Now he’s selling lots again and won’t even answer my messages!
He was responsible for the whole sting and WONT help or make it right AT ALL!!
Absolute real lowlife that didn’t come across like this at the beginning, but they never do I suppose.
This happened the beginning of 2020 and I stayed completely silent about it, giving him the opportunity to make amends and the benefit of doubt. Guess what, still nothing!
This chap knew I was knees deep in chemo treatments and fighting my own cancer, still he did this to me with no remorse, this is the type of person that, in my opinion, to be able to do this, is sick and less than no morals.
Uk I gave you great ratings and feedback, completely trusted you, didn’t go public! but now it’s time to make amends, for my family at least, make this right please!!

That sucks man, really, but as others have said it was silly to make such a large order with a complete stranger. I wouldn't do that if I knew where they lived, let alone blind with no comeback. If you assume 420 is telling the truth, then you are out of luck, they can't cover it. If you assume 420 is lying, then you are still out of luck. Chalk it up mate, as hard as that is, and never trust a stranger with such a large amount. Go small first with new suppliers. Build the relationship. If a new supplier wants you all in first round then they intend to rob you dude.

that s bullshit advice ,so u buy small untill u can trust,and so easy to say chalk it up prick,

Unfortunately morals and ethics are luxuries when people are flush with cash and possessions. Sorry to hear this. Any reason why you handed over £3500? To me deals like that sound a bit large to not be done in person.

So true.
I had dealt with uk on here for about a year previously with faultless service and was great to deal with.
Loved his products and was buying a few oz outside of lb via a messaging app, complete risk but I was buying bits from anywhere I could source top quality hash to sell and use for my own medication. I was desperate to find a bigger seller to expand. It was when I got a message from uk, after I’d asked if I could get bars from him, he put me onto someone else whom he proclaimed was his main source. I just went on his word and pure trust, a handful of messages later the products were ordered and paid for. Everything seemed sound.
Nothing arrives, I ask uk and he said he was done as well and nothing he could do. Said he didn’t even know him and was just sent stuff like how me and him were doing business at the time. Obviously I didn’t take this lightly, this is when he turned very nasty and showed his true colours, just told me to do one and I was stupid to trust anyway pretty much.
I am the stupid one and was trying to save money buying larger amounts. I was struggling to make ends meet and was solely just making enough to medicate my own cancer and provide some lovely hash at the same time to the community.
Completely my fault and I should never had been such a fool you’re right, to large to do online. You think you know someone and can trust but you just can’t when money is involved.
I needed to get this off my chest and possibly protect others and maybe hear back from uk with actually an apology and acceptance of guilt would go such a LONG WAY
He knows I could have done this a very long time ago but I’ve been good enough to give him a chance to make it right.
He’s got lots of hash again and could start making things right
I had dealt with uk on here for about a year previously with faultless service and was great to deal with.
Loved his products and was buying a few oz outside of lb via a messaging app, complete risk but I was buying bits from anywhere I could source top quality hash to sell and use for my own medication. I was desperate to find a bigger seller to expand. It was when I got a message from uk, after I’d asked if I could get bars from him, he put me onto someone else whom he proclaimed was his main source. I just went on his word and pure trust, a handful of messages later the products were ordered and paid for. Everything seemed sound.
Nothing arrives, I ask uk and he said he was done as well and nothing he could do. Said he didn’t even know him and was just sent stuff like how me and him were doing business at the time. Obviously I didn’t take this lightly, this is when he turned very nasty and showed his true colours, just told me to do one and I was stupid to trust anyway pretty much.
I am the stupid one and was trying to save money buying larger amounts. I was struggling to make ends meet and was solely just making enough to medicate my own cancer and provide some lovely hash at the same time to the community.
Completely my fault and I should never had been such a fool you’re right, to large to do online. You think you know someone and can trust but you just can’t when money is involved.
I needed to get this off my chest and possibly protect others and maybe hear back from uk with actually an apology and acceptance of guilt would go such a LONG WAY
He knows I could have done this a very long time ago but I’ve been good enough to give him a chance to make it right.
He’s got lots of hash again and could start making things right

So... A deal you did with a third party off of LB was a no go. I don't see exactly how someone giving you a referral makes them responsible for the issue. And don't get me wrong, I'm really sorry you lost out. You dealt off of LB with no Escrow or security. Bad decision. I don't see how it's possible to blame someone for a decision you made in error.
"I just went on his word and pure trust"... That was your decision. However, I personally wouldn't part with 3 grand on a wink and a handshake.
I'm really sorry that you had this issue. I'm also really sorry that this happened in the midst of your cancer treatment.
I don't trust anyone on LB. I trust the Escrow and I trust myself. Live and learn, dude.
I sincerely hope you get well soon and that nothing like this happens to you again.
"I just went on his word and pure trust"... That was your decision. However, I personally wouldn't part with 3 grand on a wink and a handshake.
I'm really sorry that you had this issue. I'm also really sorry that this happened in the midst of your cancer treatment.
I don't trust anyone on LB. I trust the Escrow and I trust myself. Live and learn, dude.
I sincerely hope you get well soon and that nothing like this happens to you again.

Yeah a deal he did with a third party. Not my self, so why am I getting toasted here?
We both lost a tremendous amount.
I can't make amends for something I never done, it was his decision. I did not make him part with anything.
As I said we both lost a lot from this 3rd party.
He's only now posting this shit as I'm back on my feet and he want stuff off me.
Not happening. And to make out I didn't give too fucks. I apologised for something that I never done.
Your making this seem like you was the only one out of pocket. This nearly ruined me and my business.
Not to mention my life outside of biggy.
Now I'm back better than ever you want a piece of my pie, no thanks. Especially after all this nonsense.
We both lost a tremendous amount.
I can't make amends for something I never done, it was his decision. I did not make him part with anything.
As I said we both lost a lot from this 3rd party.
He's only now posting this shit as I'm back on my feet and he want stuff off me.
Not happening. And to make out I didn't give too fucks. I apologised for something that I never done.
Your making this seem like you was the only one out of pocket. This nearly ruined me and my business.
Not to mention my life outside of biggy.
Now I'm back better than ever you want a piece of my pie, no thanks. Especially after all this nonsense.


You sound like a very trusting person. Sometimes the lessons that teach the most cost the most. Can you not grow bud for your condition?

Aw fuck man , this sucks as u and uk were the reason I became a fan of hash..was wondering where you went too. Hopefully ye can come to some agreement. All the best bazza

If you require a more legitimate script for your condition try the sapphire clinic, they charge £50 pounds initial fee then 2 more £50 check up fees and £106 per month and they will send a pre agreed amount of medicine to any pharmacy you require. Cheaper and more reliable. Just contact them and self refer. Then they get your details from your doc and youll be scripted within a month for 106 per month or 130 if you choose oil over flower. Good luck to you.

1 post
+3 votes

Best Vaporizer at the best price?
I've just started vaping every day instead of smoking, and went with an Arizer Solo 2. I had a Plenty (S&B) in the past and didn't rate it highly,…

Best Vaporizer at the best price?
Hello Biggas - I've only smoked Mary Jane via joints and primarily bongs in my time, I've been hearing many good things about vaporizers recently and was wondering which vaper is best for a heavy smoker? I'm not the richest of people so I am seeking a cheaper priced item, I am willing to spend about 300 - Any recommendations are highly appreciated

Avoid S&B. I owned both the plenty and mighty and both had plastic breaking off making them pretty useless. German engineering my arse; maybe in comparison to the fiddled diesel motors they produce.
I recommend the Arizer Extreme Q with a better designed bowl you can buy off eBay for about £10. The whip vape gives me the closest experience to a bong/spliff. And its cheap enough so if it lasts me 2 years I'm happy.
I recommend the Arizer Extreme Q with a better designed bowl you can buy off eBay for about £10. The whip vape gives me the closest experience to a bong/spliff. And its cheap enough so if it lasts me 2 years I'm happy.

If you look after it, it lasts for 5 years plus. I dropped one before
On concrete and it cracked but had another that I only replaced after 5 years
because there was
Mighty sale;)
On concrete and it cracked but had another that I only replaced after 5 years
because there was
Mighty sale;)

I've just started vaping every day instead of smoking, and went with an Arizer Solo 2. I had a Plenty (S&B) in the past and didn't rate it highly, it broke after a year and they wanted me to ship it to Germany for a repair, which I wasn't willing to do. That same method will need to be used with a broken Mighty (or any S&B device).
The Solo 2 is pretty solid, if I were to pick at things, it would be only a max temp of 220c, as on a desktop vape we've found 225c to be the best for clouds, but it works well on 220c.
I'd also advise using a nicotine vape on the side for a week or two, to even out the lack of baccy with your herb until you are used to it, or you will just think vaping sucks compared to smoking for this reason.
The Solo 2 is pretty solid, if I were to pick at things, it would be only a max temp of 220c, as on a desktop vape we've found 225c to be the best for clouds, but it works well on 220c.
I'd also advise using a nicotine vape on the side for a week or two, to even out the lack of baccy with your herb until you are used to it, or you will just think vaping sucks compared to smoking for this reason.

agreed! get the dosing capsules too so the main unit stays nice and tidy. If you look after it, a Mighty will last years- well worth the money!

The mighty seems to be the best choice at the minute, but if you was after a slightly cheaper alternative there's a couple of options.
I've had several dry herb vapes and I use the 'Arizer solo 2' on a daily basis. Look up some YouTube videos, it seems to be well received for the price; I can't fault it.
There's also a variety of attachments, down stems , water pipes etc. that makes the solo 2 very versatile 👍 It's worth a look in my opinion
I've had several dry herb vapes and I use the 'Arizer solo 2' on a daily basis. Look up some YouTube videos, it seems to be well received for the price; I can't fault it.
There's also a variety of attachments, down stems , water pipes etc. that makes the solo 2 very versatile 👍 It's worth a look in my opinion

If you want any suggestions that's not the mighty and a heavier hitter the tiny might which you order direct from the maker it's a smidge over £200, or if you want to dip a toe the xmax v3 pro is an excellent one for well under £100
Infact for £300 I would buy the following
Xmax pro v3
Dynavap 21m and torch
Sticky brick runt or jr (or equivalent)
A single flame torch and some nice weed
All for less than £300 and you have options and choices
Infact for £300 I would buy the following
Xmax pro v3
Dynavap 21m and torch
Sticky brick runt or jr (or equivalent)
A single flame torch and some nice weed
All for less than £300 and you have options and choices

Yeah - I kinda assumed most decent vaporizers would be a few hundred, I was very wrong, I have now realised I can get awesome products for half the price - cheers Biggas

I find every herb vaporiser I have tried eventually make me cough like a mofo. Annoying back of the throat tickle that just gets worse on every pull. Also the high isn’t as good. I know some people swear by it, I did too for a while after forking out hundreds of quid on these devices, justifying to not feel like a plum, but honestly you are better off not vaping or smoking and finding alternatives, or just smoke less joints and have more t breaks

Same story here. I started cheap with a storm, then DaVinci but never got the performance I was chasing. Spent a little more on a Tinymight and while it has its drawbacks (bit fiddly, shite battery life), once you find the spot it gives you a valid alternative to smoking. I’ve massively reduced the number of joints and much prefer to vape especially when I’m alone.

1 post
+2 votes

Banks getting arsey with wallet transfers
Some of these banks have investment platforms of their own, and every penny moved into crypto is a penny beyond their reach, for investment and holdin…

Banks getting arsey with wallet transfers
Anyone else having this issue? Whilst RBS say they still allow bitcoin investing. They keep blocking my attempts to transfer to C-pay. I rang them but they read out some irrelevant generic corporate statement about fraud and that was that. Despite assuring them I am me and it's just an innocent crypto "investment"
I found a bitcoin ATM a couple of miles away but their commission rates are insane.
I found a bitcoin ATM a couple of miles away but their commission rates are insane.

thanks for all your help. I have a successful work around for now.
Buy BTC in revolut and withdraw to a wallet.
thanks for all your help. I have a successful work around for now.
Buy BTC in revolut and withdraw to a wallet.

As someone who works in the payments industry, there's some misunderstandings and misconceptions in this thread that are worth addressing.
These banks aren't "threatened", trying to "keep your money" for themselves or stop you getting better interest rates. If that was true they wouldn't let you deposit into investment platforms etc.
The fact of the matter is that Crypto is a largely unregulated market in the UK and there are legitimate fears that these exchanges can be used for criminal activity like money laundering and terrorism financing. When they say "fraud" they are referring to fraudsters stealing card details and using them to buy crypto which I can assure you happens often enough for banks to be concerned.
There's also the issue that customers can lose money either due to market volatility or scams and banks have a duty of care to their customers, but this won't be the main reason.
Of course for those of us who just use LB to get some weed on here that doesn't really matter to us, but our card issuers don't know that.
Having said all the above, I do think banks could relax the rules a bit or offer a feature to allow you to approve the transactions instead of flat out declining them. They could also be a bit more consistent in my opinion.
The good news is that Crypto has become mainstream so quickly that I'd be surprised if there wasn't some regulation coming which will address the issues people are having. I know that the Treasury were planning to debate crypto regulation in Q1 this year, but I'm not sure if they actually did that or what the outcome was.
These banks aren't "threatened", trying to "keep your money" for themselves or stop you getting better interest rates. If that was true they wouldn't let you deposit into investment platforms etc.
The fact of the matter is that Crypto is a largely unregulated market in the UK and there are legitimate fears that these exchanges can be used for criminal activity like money laundering and terrorism financing. When they say "fraud" they are referring to fraudsters stealing card details and using them to buy crypto which I can assure you happens often enough for banks to be concerned.
There's also the issue that customers can lose money either due to market volatility or scams and banks have a duty of care to their customers, but this won't be the main reason.
Of course for those of us who just use LB to get some weed on here that doesn't really matter to us, but our card issuers don't know that.
Having said all the above, I do think banks could relax the rules a bit or offer a feature to allow you to approve the transactions instead of flat out declining them. They could also be a bit more consistent in my opinion.
The good news is that Crypto has become mainstream so quickly that I'd be surprised if there wasn't some regulation coming which will address the issues people are having. I know that the Treasury were planning to debate crypto regulation in Q1 this year, but I'm not sure if they actually did that or what the outcome was.

You make good points and clearly from a level of experience. I have two overriding issuesthat get my personal goat:
1). No matter how often they say it my bank is not trying to protect ME, they are covering themselves. They sent me a code- I put in the code. They texted me to confirm I was genuine- I said YES. They then blocked the transaction (£200 to Bitpanda FFS) AND cancelled my card without telling me which made me look a right cunt in Tesco’s the next day. 45 minutes on the phone before I even got to speak to a real person. That was my punishment for attempting to buy a smidgen of crypto!
2). They hit the likes of me ‘cos it’s so EASY and it builds their anti-fraud stats to supply to the FCA (or whoever) showing what a firm stance they are taking whilst the crims and the launderers (which are DIFFICULT) carry on 100% as normal.
I could go on but like I say....twats!
1). No matter how often they say it my bank is not trying to protect ME, they are covering themselves. They sent me a code- I put in the code. They texted me to confirm I was genuine- I said YES. They then blocked the transaction (£200 to Bitpanda FFS) AND cancelled my card without telling me which made me look a right cunt in Tesco’s the next day. 45 minutes on the phone before I even got to speak to a real person. That was my punishment for attempting to buy a smidgen of crypto!
2). They hit the likes of me ‘cos it’s so EASY and it builds their anti-fraud stats to supply to the FCA (or whoever) showing what a firm stance they are taking whilst the crims and the launderers (which are DIFFICULT) carry on 100% as normal.
I could go on but like I say....twats!

Excellent and informative post - thank you.
I just buy on local bitcoins, loads of different options and very little commission. Of course conventional wisdom would tell you to then go through a wallet and tumble etc etc, but quite frankly no one in authority cares about an old hippy and and his wife getting a bit of hash, so I'm not bothered about hiding my transactions too much!
I just buy on local bitcoins, loads of different options and very little commission. Of course conventional wisdom would tell you to then go through a wallet and tumble etc etc, but quite frankly no one in authority cares about an old hippy and and his wife getting a bit of hash, so I'm not bothered about hiding my transactions too much!

Funnily enough a new article came up about this on my feed this morning. Sounds like several banks such as Starling, Barclays and Monzo are all starting to ban sending funds to exchanges.

I think there's more than just those on the article. But whilst some come out and admit it others hide behind fraud statements until they know what they're doing.

No worries. Happy to help. Just hoping this isn't the start of a larger crackdown. It was only a matter of time before banks became too threatened by crypto and will ultimately want to stop people using exchanges rather than storing fiat with them.

Pretty much what happened last time btc was peaking.
I’m glad Fire isn’t on the list just yet, again, they would when everyone else said no.
I’m glad Fire isn’t on the list just yet, again, they would when everyone else said no.

Do you recommend Fire? I looked on trustpilot and it's mostly 1 star reviews saying their accounts are locked.

Transfer funds from your bank account to Revolut first. And then use Revolut to actually send the funds to your preferred crypto exchange. I believe Revolut are crypto friendly and I've had no issues since doing this.

So I was able to set up a revolut account and send money from RBS to it. But now I'm trying to transfer from revolut to C pay and coinbase and both are bouncing the payments back to revolut.

I wouldn't move my banking to them, but it's how I've always sent money to Coinbase since my regular bank stopped sending back in 2018.

Some of these banks have investment platforms of their own, and every penny moved into crypto is a penny beyond their reach, for investment and holdings. Banks need to hold funds to operate, so crypto is a threat to their very existence.

Starling haven’t let me make a transaction to my exchange in over a fucking week! Typical fuck over of the poor masses once again, they want to give you 0.3% interest on the billions and billions they earn from us and wonder why we don’t want the fucking money in their accounts, soon Crypto will be just for the rich just like fiat, odd they’re stopping the people buying when billions is being plowed into crypto by the same cunts that are stopping us saying it’s fraudulent... Says it all. The world needs to be toppled and very quickly before we live in the films we watch.

Lloyds blocked my last one when using a card and were unrepentant when I tried to rip them a new arsehole just stating that “most such transactions are fraudulent”....twats....

Sounds very much like the corrupt old boy institutions are trying to bury crypto. Then I suspect they'll launch their own version and get even richer. Much like Elon with his pump and dump of BTC and launch of Dogecoin.
Ive been getting my weed this way that long I don't know any street dealers anymore.
Ive been getting my weed this way that long I don't know any street dealers anymore.

It's probably because there not getting any thing out of it, banks are arseholes. I think you can buy and send crypto from revolut now

You def can buy from revolut but you gotta pay for revolut metal to withdraw crypto (12.99 per month where I am)

Try a new bank
All quick to set up all happy to interact with coinbase (in my experience).
All quick to set up all happy to interact with coinbase (in my experience).

From what I've read 2 out of 3 of those are starting to stop :(
Hope this isnt a sign of things to come.
Hope this isnt a sign of things to come.

talk of binance being banned shutdown how do we go forward im not an expert on crypto i only got it to buy off here

1 post
+2 votes

Let's hear your stoned philosophical comments
Nothing is free.
Everything changes.
There are three sides to a coin.

Let's hear your stoned philosophical comments
I'd love for every fellow passing smoker to impart one or two of their own individual pearls of wisdom. Those little nuggets of pure insight and clarity.
It could be something as succinct and beatiful as "working ain't living"
It's time to drop those truth bombs LB
It could be something as succinct and beatiful as "working ain't living"
It's time to drop those truth bombs LB

Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet . ( Don Bob)
If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. ( Buddha)
A friend in need is a friend indeed but, a friend with weed is better ...
If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change. ( Buddha)
A friend in need is a friend indeed but, a friend with weed is better ...

I'm posting Nfts of music and movies, Placebo artworks will be out soon! pls check this out 👾

"Avoid all needle drugs, the only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon..."
- Abbie Hoffman
- Abbie Hoffman

If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe

were more likely stuck behind the artic circle while the rest of the unknown world flies around in VERMANA'S. did you know outside the artic circle, sea floor, underground and the forest fungi layer is a hidden worlds i have only been blessed to get a glimpse of.
humans cant create anything original we can only recreate. everything from elves imps fairies rods vampires dinosaurs giants goblins and every creation you are going to see or think of were only recreated from an original species that might or might not still interact with the people inside the artic circle. or more likely the stu-art that is on every textured surface. we pick a lot up subliminally.
humans cant create anything original we can only recreate. everything from elves imps fairies rods vampires dinosaurs giants goblins and every creation you are going to see or think of were only recreated from an original species that might or might not still interact with the people inside the artic circle. or more likely the stu-art that is on every textured surface. we pick a lot up subliminally.

lies, read a bible bro thats all lies. the earth maybe flat but its shape isnt proven yet, no photo id even with thousands of satellites in space plus if you read the bible you would know we are a creation based on God. no animal seeks out the God plant more then humans even though they all appreciate it just as much as us.

We do not own a clipper, we merely look after it for someone else.
Good weed, makes good people.
Good weed, makes good people.

Cannabis will get through times no money, better than Money will get you through times of no Cannabis....

I feel like the entire world around me has been DRIFTING... in a level of uncontrollable Insanity for a fucking unfathomable amount of Time.
Einstein said the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. End of Story. DUNG...EONS...and..DRAG...ONS.?
I'm out now, sober and correcting(no longer sober)..asking can anyone count up to Ptolemy and follow me...?
Greece and Rome were not times too dissimilar to these
Why are we continuing to live like it's a dark age when we have the INTERNET?
Sustainable living in a paradise is possible for every single person on this planet.
But people continue to be 👇 oppressed because of the greed and corruption that exists the world over, with no path to get anyone in power to talk about proper redistribution of wealth and not dog shit tax rates. Due to said corruption being so rife in political systems.
We need an ethical scientific approach to world governance.
Simple ratio, logic a bit of mathematics and technology could allow people to actually prosper rather than allow the world to endlessly eat its own ever growing tail, creating disease and inequality while all our fates lie in the hands of a seemingly more inept select few with fingers on buttons and buttons on triggers making the ever more religiously fading, diversely and radically thinking Zombieland dance to the beat of a JOB FOREVER.
This is the sort of perspective Smoking Weed has given me. I probably won't reach pension age....but I march towards the inevitable cancer gleefully thinking at least having a joint or ten allows me a chance to breathe and realise that this, as a wise man once said., "this is WATER"...
People continue to accept things we know to be wrong because we are not afforded time to think/philosophise. Because the ticking time bomb that our world has become requires many to suffer to benefit a few
Our pillars of society are not a solid enough foundation when there are nukes around. (NAGASAKI, HIROSHIMA)
Why haven't we learned enough from WORLD WAR 2 and shit like the MILGRAM EXPERIMENT.
The people at the top must do better. And the people following the line must learn to march to A REAL BEAT. TOGETHER.
And stop looking at the world as if we are rungs on a ladder.
We are cogs in a wheel..turning over because some meatheads learned to bang drums.
We are beyond this, we need these fatcat meatheads of the sticks and a plan for getting those cogs turning in an engine. the world is a ball. In a universe where we have looked through microscopes and telescopes and recorded nature through time and space....
WE ARE at the top of the food chain, the Apex predators of the fucking UNIVERSE, PEOPLE.
Cheer up!! Be good! Don't take shit. Give
Einstein said the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. End of Story. DUNG...EONS...and..DRAG...ONS.?
I'm out now, sober and correcting(no longer sober)..asking can anyone count up to Ptolemy and follow me...?
Greece and Rome were not times too dissimilar to these
Why are we continuing to live like it's a dark age when we have the INTERNET?
Sustainable living in a paradise is possible for every single person on this planet.
But people continue to be 👇 oppressed because of the greed and corruption that exists the world over, with no path to get anyone in power to talk about proper redistribution of wealth and not dog shit tax rates. Due to said corruption being so rife in political systems.
We need an ethical scientific approach to world governance.
Simple ratio, logic a bit of mathematics and technology could allow people to actually prosper rather than allow the world to endlessly eat its own ever growing tail, creating disease and inequality while all our fates lie in the hands of a seemingly more inept select few with fingers on buttons and buttons on triggers making the ever more religiously fading, diversely and radically thinking Zombieland dance to the beat of a JOB FOREVER.
This is the sort of perspective Smoking Weed has given me. I probably won't reach pension age....but I march towards the inevitable cancer gleefully thinking at least having a joint or ten allows me a chance to breathe and realise that this, as a wise man once said., "this is WATER"...
People continue to accept things we know to be wrong because we are not afforded time to think/philosophise. Because the ticking time bomb that our world has become requires many to suffer to benefit a few
Our pillars of society are not a solid enough foundation when there are nukes around. (NAGASAKI, HIROSHIMA)
Why haven't we learned enough from WORLD WAR 2 and shit like the MILGRAM EXPERIMENT.
The people at the top must do better. And the people following the line must learn to march to A REAL BEAT. TOGETHER.
And stop looking at the world as if we are rungs on a ladder.
We are cogs in a wheel..turning over because some meatheads learned to bang drums.
We are beyond this, we need these fatcat meatheads of the sticks and a plan for getting those cogs turning in an engine. the world is a ball. In a universe where we have looked through microscopes and telescopes and recorded nature through time and space....
WE ARE at the top of the food chain, the Apex predators of the fucking UNIVERSE, PEOPLE.
Cheer up!! Be good! Don't take shit. Give

It's a relief to hear someone else articulate many of the things I too feel. I hope lockdown has given people a sufficient break from the hamster wheel that they decide they don't want to hop straight back on it.

Bro I honestly think those ancient Greeks had electricity...Zeus holding a lightning bolt ⚡?
Then someone else came along and said "I give you perpetual motion".... ladies and gentlemen....."the Antikythera mechanism"
Then the old farmer at animal farm said fuck we need to keep these peasants working get rid of that...
some dark ages, enlightenments, empires, world wars and so on later corrupt governments still have us chasing mortgages and jobs rather than making a path to become self sufficient.
That's the thing about proper redistribution of wealth who does the dirty shit like take the bins out in a society like that...God Will....ahem...GOOD WILL 🙂.
Then someone else came along and said "I give you perpetual motion".... ladies and gentlemen....."the Antikythera mechanism"
Then the old farmer at animal farm said fuck we need to keep these peasants working get rid of that...
some dark ages, enlightenments, empires, world wars and so on later corrupt governments still have us chasing mortgages and jobs rather than making a path to become self sufficient.
That's the thing about proper redistribution of wealth who does the dirty shit like take the bins out in a society like that...God Will....ahem...GOOD WILL 🙂.

Well once I was listening to Bob Marley's I Shot the Sheriff and had a revelation. I'd never really thought about what he meant in the song and assumed that the 'seed' references were ganja references. But it hit me that the seeds he was referring to were actually his ideas and messages.
Sheriff John Brown always hated me
For what I don't know
Every time that I plant a seed
He said, "Kill it before it grows"
He said, "Kill it before it grows", I say
I think it was his way for him to say that the Establishment was trying to silence him.
Here you go, that's as far as my philosophy goes!
Sheriff John Brown always hated me
For what I don't know
Every time that I plant a seed
He said, "Kill it before it grows"
He said, "Kill it before it grows", I say
I think it was his way for him to say that the Establishment was trying to silence him.
Here you go, that's as far as my philosophy goes!

Enjoy every Smoke, Drink, Meal and hugs with loved ones as though they are your last because one day they will be.

Rappers are obsessed with referencing geography e.g Area Codes by Ludicrous.
Find out what most elderly would say to prioritize when younger and follow that advice.
Wild Weed: Has not been tamed.
Always invest in communications related companies e.g. Internet of things right now.
Get into a profession where your personality would do well. While there; do you pretend to be something you are not. Play to your strengths and focus on those.
Always cure.
Crate a Top Trumps game but featuring Rock Stars / Bands.
Roast chicken quick and tasty: Cut a lemon in half. Get a whole bulb of garlic and take out all the cloves. Crush the cloves but keep the skins on. Stuff half the lemon up the chickens arse followed by all the cloves and then the second half of the lemon to keep it all in. Salt and pepper the whole bird and leave to roast beast down (they will keep taste by being in the juices plus the flavour from the lemon and garlic will seep through). Add a few small sprigs of thyme. Roast for 1hr 45mins on 190c. Add the pre boiled potatoes when there is an hour left and baste with the chicken fat/oils in the oven tray.
Find out what most elderly would say to prioritize when younger and follow that advice.
Wild Weed: Has not been tamed.
Always invest in communications related companies e.g. Internet of things right now.
Get into a profession where your personality would do well. While there; do you pretend to be something you are not. Play to your strengths and focus on those.
Always cure.
Crate a Top Trumps game but featuring Rock Stars / Bands.
Roast chicken quick and tasty: Cut a lemon in half. Get a whole bulb of garlic and take out all the cloves. Crush the cloves but keep the skins on. Stuff half the lemon up the chickens arse followed by all the cloves and then the second half of the lemon to keep it all in. Salt and pepper the whole bird and leave to roast beast down (they will keep taste by being in the juices plus the flavour from the lemon and garlic will seep through). Add a few small sprigs of thyme. Roast for 1hr 45mins on 190c. Add the pre boiled potatoes when there is an hour left and baste with the chicken fat/oils in the oven tray.

"People are strange: they are constantly angered by trivial things, but on a major matter like totally wasting their lives, they hardly seem to notice.”
"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence"
“It was true that I didn’t have much ambition, but there ought to be a place for people without ambition, I mean a better place than the one usually reserved. How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?”
A few gems by the late great Charles Bukowski
"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence"
“It was true that I didn’t have much ambition, but there ought to be a place for people without ambition, I mean a better place than the one usually reserved. How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?”
A few gems by the late great Charles Bukowski

I was told the secret to life is to be happy with with what have.
I am still working on it.
I am still working on it.

Roll another one,
Just like the other one.
You been holding onto it,
And I sure would like a hit!
Don't bogart that joint my friend,
Pass it over to me!
Don't bogart that joint my friend,
Pass it over to me!
Little Feat
Just like the other one.
You been holding onto it,
And I sure would like a hit!
Don't bogart that joint my friend,
Pass it over to me!
Don't bogart that joint my friend,
Pass it over to me!
Little Feat

You go through life regretting your mistakes until you get to the end when you realise your mistakes are the only things you don’t regret.

Breathe deeply from your belly.
Treat yourself and those around you with compassion and empathy, always.
Treat yourself and those around you with compassion and empathy, always.

If I learned one lesson its this,
Ladies use sex to get Love and Guys use Love to get sex.
Peace x
Ladies use sex to get Love and Guys use Love to get sex.
Peace x

What if prohibition of our bud was just a drawn out failed experiment by those in power. So they're finally giving us our weed back

these guys have become god and know nearly as much as the father even your heartbeat. we r up against a major trickster.

He who throws no darts never gets a bullseye.
Dont complain to me that the Cats milk is sour when youve been putting salt in it.
Dont complain to me that the Cats milk is sour when youve been putting salt in it.

The one place you can truly be free is the place you are trapped in your whole life.

If we did live in some sort of matrix then that would make aeroplanes the equivalent of load screens.

half the worlds money is owned by 68 people.
you could fit them on a doubledecker bus for fuck sake.
you could fit them on a doubledecker bus for fuck sake.

Their are currently two sides to every person, good and evil meaning there are two voices in our heads too God and the devil. im schizophrenic and i know the difference between good and evil but it can get a bit blurry at times. God does evil remember that not just the devil and the devil does good whenever it forwards their plan. Dont be fooled though because though my mum beat me when i was a kid she still loves me. God is the same. Just remember through the hard times God is love.

Jesus believed in reincarnation just like budda but it was taken out the final bible. ive seen him in the flesh so i know its true but the question is how does it work.
well i saw him after finishing some super strong ammo so maybe the cannabis is connected, its definitely has something to do with miracles because i did my first miracle that same day.
well i saw him after finishing some super strong ammo so maybe the cannabis is connected, its definitely has something to do with miracles because i did my first miracle that same day.

humans see 1% of the light spectrum(leaving 99% undetected/unseen), thats all we know on a normal level. but our spirits level reachs beyond this universe going all the way to God's mansion.

i glimpsed jesus 3 years ago in 2018 walking over a bridge into a park in lewisham. i was too stoned to move more then my head but i did rescue myself from certain death using a blood flow miracle. believe it or not im telling the truth. i saw jesus in the flesh.

It's all swings and roundabouts, snakes and ladders, the things that don't count are the things that really matter.

As a society, why do we spend so much time preserving our past, instead of planning our future?

Without preserving history there would be no culture, no community, nothing to bond over, we’d just be people on an island living together with no past. As humans we only live for so long, without preserving our pasts in a few hundred years they’d be forgotten completely. By preserving our past we our able to plan our future by learning from past mistakes. I’m more hungover than stoned right now so sorry if my comment isn’t quite spiritual 😂

that ethnicity Bacon, aspens that Bacon..
youthquake abusiveness.
to Bacon triumphing, Bacon fates Bacon.
youthquake abusiveness.
to Bacon triumphing, Bacon fates Bacon.

1 post
+1 votes

Lost Delivery Etiquette
I've only lost one delivery here in quite a lot of them, and I marked it based on how the vendor dealt with the situation. While I wouldn't say I was …

Lost Delivery Etiquette
How do you rate a lost delivery when you're 100% sure you're dealing with a professional, and they've posted it, but it's just got lost?
It doesn't seem fair to mark them down or raise a dispute when post is still screwed up due to covid.
Genuinely asking what the etiquette is here.
It doesn't seem fair to mark them down or raise a dispute when post is still screwed up due to covid.
Genuinely asking what the etiquette is here.

the etiquette is for a smart seller to take care of their customer, in the absence of this a dispute helps identify problem sellers in the community.

If you do not get a red card of attempted delivery from RM, free re-ship for all orders, if stock is not available, you choose from current availability.
The ChronusBuds way.
The ChronusBuds way.

Would like to try you guys but don't smoke any more. I find its too hard with kids in the house. Do you ever do any vape carts/pens or edibles?

No sorry, outdoor bud only, including shake in the future, which can be used for brownies ect.

Unrelated question but are you still online? I have no idea how old this thread is, I'm a previous customer cheers

SunGrown Organic SuperShakeMix, now available. As little as $20 for 3.5g. Limited stock, 02/03/2021.

It’s a disaster with kids . Especially in an apartment. However my way is to buy 1/2 carts every month or so for those days when you can’t smoke. And then but some weed/hash to treat yourself after a long day at work and busy evening spent with the kids when you can smoke. Obvious I know , but game changer for me in the last year or so . Carts are the way forward but you’ll never beat good quality bud in a joint or bong.
P.s if it’s stilll around try slurrricane from radar breeder. Best bud I’ve had in awhile and good price. (I am not affiliated with them at all)
P.s if it’s stilll around try slurrricane from radar breeder. Best bud I’ve had in awhile and good price. (I am not affiliated with them at all)

The thing is I've placed probably 15+ orders with this seller and only 2 haven't arrived. Also, whenever I've asked for further information about items they're selling they always reply, promptly, with a detailed answer. And finally when they do get through, their merchandise is always top drawer.

Well i have been here a while and i have lost 3 deliveries in the RM fog from 3 different vendors not going to say who but after some great communication with them and the fact i have bought many times i got a full reship,now what happened to those lost packages well as you can imagine each time it happened i shat a brick and was waiting for old bill coming round to steal my stash, but nope so was it a vendor error wrong label on the address and some other lucky git gets your smoke can it happen you ask yes lol it happened to me i got 5 grams sent to me i had not ordered and as a member of the community it was my duty to inform the vendor that some poor guy was not getting his smoke so they can fix it.
So you should always get a full reship as a trusted customer.
So no old bill and the vendor has not made a mistake he might think if you are new or have a bad rep on here you could be at it as who is to say you got it but then claim otherwise,in that situation and it will happen i fully agree with the vendor using a 50 percent reship policy but there is one way you can get around this its called making a leap of faith you agree to trust each other and the customer tells the vendor that if it happens again you will take the loss next time and then continue to buy from the vendor,the alternative is you both lose trust in each other and frankly its probably not either your faults but you should use lb and dispute and the vendor just has to accept that.
So what really happened to those 3 packages floating around with my name and address on them lets face it postman pat has a lot of crooks working for him lol
So you should always get a full reship as a trusted customer.
So no old bill and the vendor has not made a mistake he might think if you are new or have a bad rep on here you could be at it as who is to say you got it but then claim otherwise,in that situation and it will happen i fully agree with the vendor using a 50 percent reship policy but there is one way you can get around this its called making a leap of faith you agree to trust each other and the customer tells the vendor that if it happens again you will take the loss next time and then continue to buy from the vendor,the alternative is you both lose trust in each other and frankly its probably not either your faults but you should use lb and dispute and the vendor just has to accept that.
So what really happened to those 3 packages floating around with my name and address on them lets face it postman pat has a lot of crooks working for him lol

I've only lost one delivery here in quite a lot of them, and I marked it based on how the vendor dealt with the situation. While I wouldn't say I was happy with the outcome, it was reasonable, and so the score and comment reflected that.

Same as anywhere else, if you haven’t received goods you paid for you need a solution.
Similarly, if you know the address is sketchy for post, give a better address.
Similarly, if you know the address is sketchy for post, give a better address.

If your order is with TGT then get a dispute going asap, they will not reply or try to resolve, and if they do it will be to tell you to wait longer, the waffle on their page about delays is just that waffle!

Tbf, I was in the same boat but they did get back to me and they're resolving the issue. Just took a little while.

I'd disagree, they recently got back to me after a 6 week wait thats been lost with the chaos of early January. Just need to sort out a re-order. They were my go to merchant last year and i had no issues until Royal Mail bumfucked christmas deliveries.

2 posts
+5 votes

The 3 famous people you would wanna get stoned with?
Dead : Bill Hicks, Jimi Hendrix, and Alan Rickman. Alive : Steve Coogan, Dave Grohl, and Bill Murray
+ 2 more

The 3 famous people you would wanna get stoned with?
Mine gotta be mike tyson, howard marks, snoop dogg!!!

I'm gonna go German: Angela Merkel, Claudia Schiffer and Hegel - reckon he has some good shit.

Nice...a meeting of insightful minds; Bo Burnham reminds me of Randy Newman at his acerbic best.

Definitely a high grade smoke that one!!! Haha B Real absolute legend, it was his album cypress hill black sunday that got me into smoking in high school

It was between b real and George Clinton for the last place. I figured B-Real would bring some spectacular grade erbs

Dr green thumb wont fuck around haha having said that be interesting to see what clintons gotta say for himself, haha

I saw him live years ago at Mosely funk and jazz festival. Dude did like 3 hour set, along with a solid 40 minute version of "tear the roof off" was nuts. One of the better gigs I've been too.

All i can say to that mate is jealous as fuck haha ive never had the chance to see him yet, deffo on my to do list, he gets some mad mosh pits going aswell ive seen on some of his live shows!!! 3hrs man is some fucking show!!!

He must have been 80 odd then! Was a brilliant show. Played all the tunes we know and love. I hope you get to see him one day man.

Unfortunately that wont be the case he died july 30 this year f4om natural causes!!!!! Nooooooooo fucking way man!!!! No im proper gutted!!!!

Dead & R.I.P: Terence McKenna, Jerry Garcia & Christopher Hitchens.
Alive & well: Enrico & his family of Sublimators, Emily Blunt & ....mmm....Donald Trump (buckets & liberty cap tea for him and peel back the layers of madness to expose the core) - the proviso being only two get out alive, or the latter learns some humility.
Alive & well: Enrico & his family of Sublimators, Emily Blunt & ....mmm....Donald Trump (buckets & liberty cap tea for him and peel back the layers of madness to expose the core) - the proviso being only two get out alive, or the latter learns some humility.

Second sitting....George Carlin/Jerry Sadowitz, Nigella Lawson & evening where genius wit, delicious munchies and the utterly random would be catered for.

In her special pantry 100% one of the jars is marked "Jamaican oregano" kept on a top shelf. Just out of sight of everyone else.

He appears sound as a pound - the only time I ever watched (wife's) Big Brother and enjoyed it! His autobiography - written way back when - was enjoyable too....he had mad adventures even before he met the Ryders....stranded in Morocco, living in a friend's man w/heart of gold by all accounts!

I met him in chorlton when he was on the way to his mums house im not even joking from the minute we started talking like i knew him for years, literally had a 10 min chat just talking shit, then i met him on night where he was booked as a guest appearance where i used to live in some random pub, he was off his tits then!!! Haha

Only 3? I could name 20 no probs.
But Ill go with Bill Hicks, Alan Watts and Aldous Huxley
maybe Dalai Lama as a bonus?
But Ill go with Bill Hicks, Alan Watts and Aldous Huxley
maybe Dalai Lama as a bonus?

The Queen, Boris Johnson and Teresa May...then I’d blackmail them to legalise it or I’m telling

Surely the rest of the cabinet are already blackmailing Johnson over his coke habit... it’s the only way to explain how he’s still in power when he’s such a fucking mess and the only way to explain how they all still have jobs when they’re all so crocked and incompetent!

Dave chappelle 100 per cent, bring back richard prior that be one dude id love a smome with

Stevie fry would be awesome to have a smoke with definitely with you on that one, could learn alot from him but at the same time wont remember shit stoned as fuck, but still feel like you had a proper intense convo haha

damn son that film! haha mate you would feel a divine intervention in your life meeting that holy trinity haha:D

The legs scence every time for me bro!!! Fuuuuck!!! Haha Shes awesome init, dont think there could be anyone else to pull that off the way she did!!!

I used to drive past Frys Norfolk residence every day going to work. Nice place, close to King's Lynn

elon musk, snoop dog, and a random rasta man from the hills of Jamaica where they make the famous blue mountain coffee

I've actually met a random rasta man in the Blue Mountains on a coffee tour on my honeymoon.. it was epic, but didn't have time for a smoke.. so it's still on my list too

Hahahaha thats brilliant!!! Take the wife back with you to re new your vows, perfect excuse to go back haha

Dead : Bill Hicks, Jimi Hendrix, and Alan Rickman. Alive : Steve Coogan, Dave Grohl, and Bill Murray

Jimi hendrix 100 per cent, i should of said dead or alive, haha, bill murray be awesome get t ask him whats it really like to be a ghostbuster!!!

Thats a winner right there, David attenborough just imagine the stories, and you cant tell me hes never had a doubie with some mad tribe!!!! Haha

I cant believe only one person said Bob Marley .
Haile Selassie.
And my old north london friend , Ozzy32 , True Rasta!
And maybe someone in the Egyptian Times ( cleopatra ) or Troy Style of Times , I think I would a been a Ruler in those ancient times lol . Or a Robin Hood lol .
Haile Selassie.
And my old north london friend , Ozzy32 , True Rasta!
And maybe someone in the Egyptian Times ( cleopatra ) or Troy Style of Times , I think I would a been a Ruler in those ancient times lol . Or a Robin Hood lol .

R.I.P ..Robert Nesta, Queen Boudica , Mary Seacole
Alive ... Chronixx, Eek-a- Mouse , Marcia Griffiths, love my reggae
Alive ... Chronixx, Eek-a- Mouse , Marcia Griffiths, love my reggae

Ive had a think about this a lot. And I have to bump to 4...As in My scenario its a dinner party haha.
Mine are, Miriam Margolyes, Snoop, 2 Chaniz and Seth Rogen.
I've quite often fantasised and giggled about the conversations that may arise, and the reactions to follow haha
Mine are, Miriam Margolyes, Snoop, 2 Chaniz and Seth Rogen.
I've quite often fantasised and giggled about the conversations that may arise, and the reactions to follow haha

Well we gotta eat so 4s all good,haha, on the quiet 2 chains is a funny dude, surely you seen his tv show trying out all the different weeds, funny show!!
And to be fair miriam would be an absolute classic i can see where your going with that one!! Hahaa
And to be fair miriam would be an absolute classic i can see where your going with that one!! Hahaa

It actually makes me sad that this dinner party ive been planning for years, will never happen :( haha.
Yeah man, 2chains is low key hilarious!
Yeah man, 2chains is low key hilarious!

I dunno that just really depends on how high you are!!! Hahaha ive played out some pretty vivid scenarios when im stoned haha, whilst sat there smiling to ones self and theres absolutely no one in the room haha

i wanna smoke pineapple express with seth rogan, and drink the coffee kato makes in green hornet

I have two questions for you Kato, then you can go home.
Why is it that My dads mechanic makes the coffee?
And why is it, that without you, the coffee tastes like crap?
Why is it that My dads mechanic makes the coffee?
And why is it, that without you, the coffee tastes like crap?

without me the whole mansion will fall to a dilapidated state
and i build anything! even the worlds best coffee machine
come on now lets roll up a fine hashish joint
and i build anything! even the worlds best coffee machine
come on now lets roll up a fine hashish joint

First choice would be my dear old gran, never got the opportunity, by all accounts she was an OG triple OG :) Second spot goes to the current US Pres, raving mad at the best of times, crazy, senile, that would be a mad sesh. Last spot to Judge Judy, that would a huge honour :)

Listen im not trying to get stoned with anyone, i have two stoner friends and it’s chill with them but i cant stand being high around anyone else…. That being said, purely hypothetically I second anyone whos said Snoop Dogg, also Jane Fonda (dont judge me wed have some sick convos I already know) and honestly id be down to hit one with Tolkien so we can get into the dark and deep LOTR lore

Say hello to my two other friends!!!! Haha yeah man i like the idea getting fucked up with all 3 of them

Kurt Cobain, and a proper rastafarian and got to be Bob Marley surprised not so many mentioned him.

Very true i think every stoner would have a smoke with bob though, if you dont then theres something wrong with you hahaha, kurt cobain be awesome ill get to ask him if courtney love really did have anything to do with him dying

Nice political chats going on there and when it all gets to much and boring, just bury ya head in raquels tits!!! Like it!!! Hahah

Seth Rogan & Paul Rudd for sure be hilarious, you should see there high interview on youtube, brilliant

I was gonna throw seth in there but howard marks just beat him,Haha ill go check it out know!!!

For Musk I say Sativa, I wanna see him go nuts with his Mars vision, not like the indica sesh with Joe Rogan

Rihanna....Billy Connolly..... Robin Williams
Rihanna rollin’ some pink cookies...
Billy and Robin are bouncing off each other
And me I’ve just pished my pants and can’t breathe
Listening to these two comic legends....
Rihanna rollin’ some pink cookies...
Billy and Robin are bouncing off each other
And me I’ve just pished my pants and can’t breathe
Listening to these two comic legends....

Joe rogan deffo, get him teach me them leg kicks and guillotine choke holds haha stoned as fuck!!!

Seth Rogan, Owen Wilson and Noam Chomsky.
Seth for the laughs, Owen for the Uber chilledness, Noam for the mind blowing conversation.
Seth for the laughs, Owen for the Uber chilledness, Noam for the mind blowing conversation.

1 post
+2 votes

Best place to buy bitcoins without ID (UK)
Best I've found is the 'Edge' trading app for android. By far the lowest fees, though they can be very high for a short time, like last bank holiday. …

Best place to buy bitcoins without ID (UK)
Hey folks, I'm new to LB and Bitcoins in general, I'm losing my mind trying to figure out the best way to buy bitcoins without needing ID. My main concern is getting ripped off with ridiculous fees, so, what would be a good website to buy bitcoins without ID? and also, what wallet should I use?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated🙏
Any advice would be greatly appreciated🙏

Best I've found is the 'Edge' trading app for android. By far the lowest fees, though they can be very high for a short time, like last bank holiday. Generally it costs pence to buy and sent. If you need to use ID or not depends on the provider, which you either choose when buying, or it finds the best rate when exchanging. I've found that the quickest transaction providers (instant to 1 hour) tend to want verification, where as the 1 working day ones do not.

bro to be honest there are websites you can buy from without having to use cryptocurrency. most are here just cashing in on their btc profit.
same service but usually have to spend like £100 min, you use your debit card. Will save you a hell of lot in fees. type in what you need in duckduckgo search engine
just because lb uses crypto doesn't make it more legit in fact most of the old school crew have moved on to these sites and to be frank the hustlers have moved in here
same service but usually have to spend like £100 min, you use your debit card. Will save you a hell of lot in fees. type in what you need in duckduckgo search engine
just because lb uses crypto doesn't make it more legit in fact most of the old school crew have moved on to these sites and to be frank the hustlers have moved in here

I was a bit worried about all that. I ended getting a coinbase account (ID needed) but then got a blockstream green wallet (no ID needed). I would buy BTC on coinbase and send to my green wallet, and then send from there to LB. The fees were stupid so I stopped that. I then got an Exodus wallet (no ID) to do the same. Again, the fees became silly. I now just buy BTC on coinbase and send from there. Very low fees and it's quick. Had no issues yet. I've heard of some having there account suspended for whatever reason, but as long as it's now and then, you should be fine. I have been. I can buy BTC on Exodus with Apple Pay and then send from there should my coinbase account get rumbled. Doubt it though. I'm not buying/sending everyday and it's different vendors so not the same wallet every time.

Thanks for this info dude! Yeah coinbase was my first go to but my passport was declined because its expired and I have no other ID to use, such a bummer, guess I'm just going have to pay the high fees to buy without ID lol 🤦🏻♂️

Ahhhh, understood!! Some places let you set the fee I think. Not all though. I've heard placing orders late at night can reduce them sometimes. Can't confirm or deny personally.

I was reading some reviews on that place and it seems like their fees are crazy, and people claiming after they signed up they did in fact need ID, not sure if that was to withdraw only though, I only wanna send some coins for the cheapest price 😂

I was using it before I got ID. You get to trade up to 900 pounds before you need to verify yourself. It might have changed since I used it 2 years ago. The fees were steep though. Good luck!

Thanks for the info 👍 maybe a stupid question but what would be considered steep fees? I wanted to buy £120 worth, so with no ID I'm basically looking at £100 worth of Bitcoin after fees?

family, unfortunately Binance is restricted in the UK (it has the cheapest fees at $20).
my advice is fees are roughly $28 or 0.0006 btc but you do need to flash your passport. Unless you're trying to buy a nuclear submarine, i personally wouldn't worry too much about id unless of course you have no id. yea you're looking at with higher fees if you want no id.
so remember, it's the price of the order + the exchanges fees. so for example if you use kucoin you have to add roughly $28 or 0.0006 bitcoin per transaction.
if you need more help let me know and i am happy to help
my advice is fees are roughly $28 or 0.0006 btc but you do need to flash your passport. Unless you're trying to buy a nuclear submarine, i personally wouldn't worry too much about id unless of course you have no id. yea you're looking at with higher fees if you want no id.
so remember, it's the price of the order + the exchanges fees. so for example if you use kucoin you have to add roughly $28 or 0.0006 bitcoin per transaction.
if you need more help let me know and i am happy to help

You are going to find it hard to buy btc anywhere in U.K. without ID. The most secure however is Coinbase. Failing that is also good but fees are higher.

1 post
+3 votes

Fill in the gap! ...."I was so high _____________________"
I regularly put the wrong end of a spliff in my mouth. It's rarer, but sometimes I light it before noticing. A lovely drag of roach :(

Fill in the gap! ...."I was so high _____________________"
I was so high I genuinely thought I was having a conversation with my cat.

A couple of nights a go I dipped a spliff in my tea after I'd just been eating biscuits lmao never had such a stoner moment before I don't think.

When I was at uni, my mates and I would use empty / nearly empty drinks cans as ashtrays for fags and joints. On more than one occasion I picked up the wrong can to drink from and got a mouthful of flat coke, ash and butts. Some stoners never learn.

I regularly put the wrong end of a spliff in my mouth. It's rarer, but sometimes I light it before noticing. A lovely drag of roach :(

Lol I was more worried about the Q of nugs. It was only a small jar so couldn't get my hands in there quick enough.

I was so high and we had cake on the table, I started using the cake to put in a joint as had weed in it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 man I was stoned

My first time i got high i started to vomit and was convinced i was turning into a Zombie.......

I put the cornflakes in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard lol
Damn at least i am not the only one to do that lmao
Damn at least i am not the only one to do that lmao

1 post
+4 votes
What is your favourite thing to do while stoned.
Vidya games, movies, music, food. In any order, daily.
Cycling through the countryside is an absolute delight. Cooking and listening to the radio. Drinking sour beer :)

Apart from the
Headphones, candlelight and some proper immersive music like cosmic jazz, or death/sludge/black/doom metal, or something proggy or Dylan or Joni or some Kirtan etc etc whatever I'm in the mood for.
Headphones, candlelight and some proper immersive music like cosmic jazz, or death/sludge/black/doom metal, or something proggy or Dylan or Joni or some Kirtan etc etc whatever I'm in the mood for.

I'm pretty much high all the time(least 2 joints before work) but chilling in the garden on a warm day with the family, a full belly with nothing to do. And the kids not being to loud. Today though it's wet, but I've got a big bag of Master kush to get through

Drink ‘Mexican Flags Up A Flagpole’
Flag: 3x caballito glasses:
Red: Sangrita
White: 100% agave Tequila
Green: LemonSours
Corona Extra
Flag: 3x caballito glasses:
Red: Sangrita
White: 100% agave Tequila
Green: LemonSours
Corona Extra

Bake her swiftly to our song.
She is very griot ,
We will be vegan
Gassing upkeeps knows what
Not sure if her by the pine-trees.
She is very griot ,
We will be vegan
Gassing upkeeps knows what
Not sure if her by the pine-trees.

You are interesting and because it's a week before lockdown ends. UK. I will respond accordingly... My answers will hopefully be different numbers post lock down....
Watch ANY Comedy
Eating Cheeseeee
THINKING different levels
Watch ANY Comedy
Eating Cheeseeee
THINKING different levels

1 post
+2 votes

What to do (card from rm)

What to do (card from rm)
Received this card through the post. I presume it's a sample I was promised. I noticed I can pay online and get it delivered - but should i? Should I just consider it lost?

It’ll be an issue with the envelopes. Packs get held back from time to time and they require further postage fees. Normally £1.50 or the sorts. Pay it online. You’ll be fine and get your pack.

Could be wrong postage paid. Usually RM will send this if so. Not really much to worry about here imo.

Heya, I have had 2 x not enough postage cards from RM paid both and both have been from vendors. oddly enough one only a few days ago if you want to check its not that one please DM me as having spoken to them its a genuine error, if you have already sorted hope it went well :)

What would you do if you weren't expecting weed? It's a gamble,but you could just pay and if it goes pear shaped tell 'em you got a card asking you to pay extra postage.So,you did-still doesn't mean you knew the packages content.

Loving the drama of a potential massive operation to send you down for 6 - 10 MINIMUM all for 2gs. Please send update ASAP. 😂

2 posts
+8 votes

Sadiq Khan to launch review into decriminalising cannabis in London
I think it will ultimately be the money left on the table that will make the UK government finally move, because the idea of taking an illegal market …
+ 2 more

Sadiq Khan to launch review into decriminalising cannabis in London
Maybe I'm a cynic but I don't think it's coincidence he's decided to do this so close to a London Mayor Election! See the same move by political parties a lot in manifestos, election campaigns and the rest...then it suddenly seems to go all quiet on that front. Hope I'm wrong and the UK are taking steps to decriminalising though.

I think it is democracy in action to some extent, but I don't think the intention behind it comes from a pure place. I reckon it's more a simple vote grabbing strategy that has been used for a while now. Like I say though I hope I'm wrong.
Although, on a global scale decriminalisation seems to be slowly but surely on the rise, so I definitely do have some hope. Also the health and economical benefits of cannabis are getting more difficult for them to ignore!
Although, on a global scale decriminalisation seems to be slowly but surely on the rise, so I definitely do have some hope. Also the health and economical benefits of cannabis are getting more difficult for them to ignore!

I think it will ultimately be the money left on the table that will make the UK government finally move, because the idea of taking an illegal market that is worth billions and taxing it is incredibly enticing, even for right wing politicians. Several of them have invested in North American cannabis operations already.
But public opinion must be undeniable for tory governments to act. Labour, Plaid and SNP can easily make the decision without offending their voter base, but tories can't. Millions of old people still around that grew up with 'All drugs are bad' ingrained into them from childhood, so have never experienced them to have an independent opinion of. Like old racists, their views cannot be changed so easily, and tories count on their votes heavily for power.
But public opinion must be undeniable for tory governments to act. Labour, Plaid and SNP can easily make the decision without offending their voter base, but tories can't. Millions of old people still around that grew up with 'All drugs are bad' ingrained into them from childhood, so have never experienced them to have an independent opinion of. Like old racists, their views cannot be changed so easily, and tories count on their votes heavily for power.

The legialisation campaign should be based on the tax issue get a coach and paint on the side,You pay £31,000,000 a year policing cannabis imagine if we spent that on the NHS!
(not sure where i got that idea from).
Imagine a protest where people were demanding the right to pay tax. "The Weed like to pay more tax" movement.
(not sure where i got that idea from).
Imagine a protest where people were demanding the right to pay tax. "The Weed like to pay more tax" movement.

Definitely. The link says society spends £19b a year on all the illegal drug trade, so even napkin math style it is obvious the financial benefits are colossal for the government. This is the argument that needs to be made, because it moves people disinterested in social benefits. It moves people that only look out for their own financial interests, who can't be reached with arguments of the benefit to others.

"I don't think the intention behind it comes from a pure place" - no doubt but that itself is a pretty democratic thing if democracy is a reflection of us ;)
It's at least signalling and that helped in the states when big names stood up for weed. Also puts a little voice in cops' heads - and jurors.
It's at least signalling and that helped in the states when big names stood up for weed. Also puts a little voice in cops' heads - and jurors.

This is just personal use, everything else about it will still be criminal. And is Plod really bothering with personal use any more or have they ‘decriminalised’ it in the same way as burglary, shoplifting, theft from cars etc- i.e can’t be arsed to show up as it means taking your pen out ?

Won't happen.
Couple top people in Government run massive hemp farms for pharma drug companies. That's the main reason I think that it hasn't and won't be legal for even medical use.
Hope I'm wrong though and would want it to happen tomorrow.
And just London?? What about Skegness
Couple top people in Government run massive hemp farms for pharma drug companies. That's the main reason I think that it hasn't and won't be legal for even medical use.
Hope I'm wrong though and would want it to happen tomorrow.
And just London?? What about Skegness

It’s already legal for medical use, since 2018. You can get a prescription right now privately really easily and it’s legal for regular NHS GPs to prescribe it, if you can find one that has read the research and is willing to.
Also, even without a prescription, if you can show that you have a condition that is on ‘the list’ for prescriptions then the CPS won’t prosecute you as they consider it a mitigating circumstance.
Also, even without a prescription, if you can show that you have a condition that is on ‘the list’ for prescriptions then the CPS won’t prosecute you as they consider it a mitigating circumstance.

Outstanding news if that's correct about being able to show you have a condition. I have arthritis - I don't need weed for it as I have some hardcore medication, but there's absolutely no denying the green also helps. Nice to know if things go pear shaped I might be less at risk than I otherwise would be. Shame it has to be this way though.

You can get a UK Cancard right now, it’s just started...see google.You need to obtain your medical records (but you don’t have to say why you want them) and have a recognised condition (the list is on the website). The CPS has confirmed that the card will be a mitigation for personal possession and use and will not pursue such cases. It’s a start!

I signed up for the first payment, and had doubts there side even though I too still need more hardcore drugs for my condition, it was worth the 70 just to be in contact with taomc ltd when it was. Then they release the data from Nice when they get enough and get on with recreational that properly should of came first, just a load of ball bags really. May do it again when can afford it just daft nice slinked off somewhere with there studies just not fair, delaying it and exploiting abroad so British citizens cannot obtain a source of it just not fair of gov.

1 post
+2 votes

C jm. 123
Whats going on ?..
I noticed on Thursday my coin client wanted £17 to pay for an eighth on here, when it is normally about £3. That works out about 40% of the transactio…

C jm. 123
Whats going on ?..
Hi people, can somebody please explain the current problem on here with vendors and getting products out ?. I've paid for some hash that I've been told can't be shipped until he's received the payment. Apparently there is a breakdown in the working of bitcoin ?. Anyone have this problem or know of a vendor of hash who is immune. Cheers people!

A butterfly flapped it’s wings in Kyoto (possibly) that led to a power outage in Beijing (true) that backed up 130,000 transactions on the blockchain (apparently) that prevented LB vendors being paid by transax (true) that caused them to shutter their shops (seemingly) whilst fees for buyers went sky high (doh!) and LB still hasn’t worked through any alternatives (depressingly true) but is planning to compensate us all with lower commissions for sellers and free weed fo all! (completely false)....

I noticed on Thursday my coin client wanted £17 to pay for an eighth on here, when it is normally about £3. That works out about 40% of the transactions value. I can only imagine the cost for vendors trying to move thousands of dollars in coin.

Great response which effectively summed up the whole situation. Does this mean littlebiggy is now obsolete for obtaining weed ?.

Just had an order switch from expired to paid. Placed thursday lunch. Hopefully yours is too.

Mine has been showing as paid for nearly a week. The vendor says he can't process any orders until he starts getting money through at his end. And he's taking a weeks holiday next week lol. Are all vendors affected ?. Thanks

Nobody is immune.
The payments system gives a 4 hour window for transfers to confirm. After that the sale expires.
If it confirms later Transaxe can assign it to the seller for the previously expired transaction, but until that happens as far as the seller is concerned there's no payment received.
You could try a purchase with anyone, some buys just get lucky, unfortunately, you could just end up with 2 lots of money unconfirmed and still no hash.
The payments system gives a 4 hour window for transfers to confirm. After that the sale expires.
If it confirms later Transaxe can assign it to the seller for the previously expired transaction, but until that happens as far as the seller is concerned there's no payment received.
You could try a purchase with anyone, some buys just get lucky, unfortunately, you could just end up with 2 lots of money unconfirmed and still no hash.

Thanks for responding, how do I retrieve my coin back ?. Its showing me as paid on the purchase. Are all vendors effectively unable to do business now?.

Is that a recent change of status? If so it may now have been confirmed to the seller.
Can you check in blockchain explorer to see if it’s confirmed?
As for cancelling, not if it’s confirmed, if it’s unconfirmed, I really don’t know to be honest.
Transaxe has got you one way or the other, but most likely it will just go through in time. They’re also adding Litecoin according to transaxe page.
Can you check in blockchain explorer to see if it’s confirmed?
As for cancelling, not if it’s confirmed, if it’s unconfirmed, I really don’t know to be honest.
Transaxe has got you one way or the other, but most likely it will just go through in time. They’re also adding Litecoin according to transaxe page.

1 post
+2 votes

Could Elon Musk claim Mars?
The laws that prevent any nation claiming space or a celestial object indirectly apply to individuals and companies.
"Activities carried out in…

Could Elon Musk claim Mars?
I know there's an old space agreement stopping certain Nations claiming any celestial bodies, but what about a Corporation or an individual?

The laws that prevent any nation claiming space or a celestial object indirectly apply to individuals and companies.
"Activities carried out in space must abide by the international law and the nations undergoing these said activities must accept responsibility for the governmental or non-governmental agency involved. Objects launched into space are subject to their nation of belonging, including people."
Which means that Elon Musk and any company effectively count as their nation of origin when it comes to their activities in space, making them bound by the same terms as a nation. If Elon launches in the US, he is treated as the US in space and on celestial bodies, and the US government are responsible for his actions.
So as it stands, no individual can claim anything in space, even if they get there themselves. That being said, most of the treaties and laws governing space were written when the idea of an individual or private company being able to reach Mars was ridiculous, so they could well change.
"Activities carried out in space must abide by the international law and the nations undergoing these said activities must accept responsibility for the governmental or non-governmental agency involved. Objects launched into space are subject to their nation of belonging, including people."
Which means that Elon Musk and any company effectively count as their nation of origin when it comes to their activities in space, making them bound by the same terms as a nation. If Elon launches in the US, he is treated as the US in space and on celestial bodies, and the US government are responsible for his actions.
So as it stands, no individual can claim anything in space, even if they get there themselves. That being said, most of the treaties and laws governing space were written when the idea of an individual or private company being able to reach Mars was ridiculous, so they could well change.

2 posts
+4 votes

Tracking special delivery problem
Yes, they more often take two days than one, and it has been that way since the middle of last year. Only once has it taken three days, and I know the…
+ 2 more

Tracking special delivery problem
Hey I was wondering maybe if someone could help with this. I’m waiting on an order and the tracking info hasn’t updated since 2 days ago Monday 1st March. I checked it on Tuesday and still the same, but it says we expect to get your item to you today. Well it didn’t come then and hasn’t come today either, and no tracking update, it appears it hasn’t moved at all Has anyone else experienced this? It arrived at sorting office 1st March, no updates 2 days later

I've had this happen and the mail was delivered all the same, it just wasn't marked when it moved for whatever reason.

Ah I see well that’s a bit more reassuring. I thought that special delivery was like next day delivery? But I suppose the pandemic complicates things. Have you had a special delivery take more than a couple of days before mate?

Yes, they more often take two days than one, and it has been that way since the middle of last year. Only once has it taken three days, and I know the vendor was out in the sticks with limited postal collections at the time.
If it doesn't land tomorrow and has no updates, and assuming you don't live in the ass end of nowhere, then I would be concerned, but not yet.
If it doesn't land tomorrow and has no updates, and assuming you don't live in the ass end of nowhere, then I would be concerned, but not yet.

1 post
+2 votes

Coinomi transaction fee £11! WTF?
CoinCorner are even worse. Their 'network fee' is a fixed 0.0005 BTC. Today, that stands at £17 to send a payment to a vendor here, which is completel…
Frustrating man, I paid £14 on buying a Q, that was the cheapest it went to for days and that was 6 a.m. Sunday morning.
With I could just use damn PayPal or some shit these days, the arse-ache of acquiring BTC AND the fees makes it feel pre-historic and totally not some futuristic currency.
With I could just use damn PayPal or some shit these days, the arse-ache of acquiring BTC AND the fees makes it feel pre-historic and totally not some futuristic currency.

If sales drop off maybe admin looks into alternatives. Fingers crossed something happens to make paying feel less rapey.

Was up to £32 at one point I have found buying at 730am with morning coffee is between £4.75 and £7 transaction fees. It is also a great way to start the day very motivational:)

CoinCorner are even worse. Their 'network fee' is a fixed 0.0005 BTC. Today, that stands at £17 to send a payment to a vendor here, which is completely fucking ridiculous.
I've been using the edge app from google store someone on LB mentioned, and while it defaults to a higher fee (that is still half of coincorners), you can set it lower with a slower transaction speed, which seems to make no difference, so it's like £3.50 instead. Saved a decent amount of cash with that.
I've been using the edge app from google store someone on LB mentioned, and while it defaults to a higher fee (that is still half of coincorners), you can set it lower with a slower transaction speed, which seems to make no difference, so it's like £3.50 instead. Saved a decent amount of cash with that.

1 post
+2.2 votes
what if we let the boomers die?
There are elements that are particularly cruel for young generations that have been caused by the benefits enjoyed by older generations. Retirement / …

what if we let the boomers die?
just playing devil's advocate here literally. and I know there's a zillion boomers right here on lb.
but we are shutting down the planet, this is the largest mutual effort in history. the only thing that compares is oddly enough, war.
in war old leaders decide to send young people to their death, wiping them out and their many potential offspring. yet the old are especially protected. this doesn't make sense in any societal or evolutionary way it just serves the self interest of the old - who happen to be the rulers calling this shot.
now the young are called up again, in history's largest timeout they will lose finances, jobs and sanity as they are terrified into submission to save .0001 of the population, nearly all of who will die from other causes within a few years.
im not really advocating we let anyone die, i am happy to sacrifice for them further than this but lets call this what it is, the story that is always hidden. self interest from the ruling class.
but we are shutting down the planet, this is the largest mutual effort in history. the only thing that compares is oddly enough, war.
in war old leaders decide to send young people to their death, wiping them out and their many potential offspring. yet the old are especially protected. this doesn't make sense in any societal or evolutionary way it just serves the self interest of the old - who happen to be the rulers calling this shot.
now the young are called up again, in history's largest timeout they will lose finances, jobs and sanity as they are terrified into submission to save .0001 of the population, nearly all of who will die from other causes within a few years.
im not really advocating we let anyone die, i am happy to sacrifice for them further than this but lets call this what it is, the story that is always hidden. self interest from the ruling class.

I disagree strongly with the war comparison - that's not an example of a mutual effort, but the opposite: it's an example of large scale confrontation. People were called up to defend/attack from other people. MILLIONS of people died over YEARS.
This is a public health crisis, not a war. And the young haven't been called up, keyworkers, carers and health staff have. When I've been out and about with my family, it's fairly clear that the younger generations are the least bothered by what's going on, and aren't necessarily abiding by the guidelines to any effective degree.
And sadly, I don't think this is even something defined by the self interest of the ruling class. I think it's exposed the current ruling class is about as clueless as it ever had been. Johnson's flabby ensemble of random wankers have never at any point been good leaders. They got there off the back of a dishonest, divisionary Brexit campaign based on some entirely different agenda. They now have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to humanity that if a democracy is to succeed, you can only back honest, able and skilled statesmen. Anyone less means we're fucked if there's any deviation from their intended narrative.
I don't blame anyone in this scenario. It's a collective human failure that it escalated to this scale. What I think matters now is the outlook, vision and ability of the leaders that might rebuild for the future. In 2019, world leadership probably never looked so weak... in the entirety of human history. And in the UK, we've currently got one of the most inept setups. BUT. Look at Starmer circling, look what we need to overcome, look what we want to build.
Give it a year or two and I think HOPE will be a usable word again. The Johnson/Trump/Bullshit breed need to move aside.
This is a public health crisis, not a war. And the young haven't been called up, keyworkers, carers and health staff have. When I've been out and about with my family, it's fairly clear that the younger generations are the least bothered by what's going on, and aren't necessarily abiding by the guidelines to any effective degree.
And sadly, I don't think this is even something defined by the self interest of the ruling class. I think it's exposed the current ruling class is about as clueless as it ever had been. Johnson's flabby ensemble of random wankers have never at any point been good leaders. They got there off the back of a dishonest, divisionary Brexit campaign based on some entirely different agenda. They now have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to humanity that if a democracy is to succeed, you can only back honest, able and skilled statesmen. Anyone less means we're fucked if there's any deviation from their intended narrative.
I don't blame anyone in this scenario. It's a collective human failure that it escalated to this scale. What I think matters now is the outlook, vision and ability of the leaders that might rebuild for the future. In 2019, world leadership probably never looked so weak... in the entirety of human history. And in the UK, we've currently got one of the most inept setups. BUT. Look at Starmer circling, look what we need to overcome, look what we want to build.
Give it a year or two and I think HOPE will be a usable word again. The Johnson/Trump/Bullshit breed need to move aside.

Yes but the fact that people are even looking to politicians in an era of science, free flow of information and consensus building media - why the fuck do we still have the twats?

I know my case is extreme, but its not just old people who need protecting. My son is 2 years old and immunocompromised from chemotherapy. I don't fully believe in the lockdown but it is a bit more assuring for me that it isn't running rampant out there.

You definitely have a point.
The approach of "us-versus-them' is in fact a very European way of dealing with matters.
Indifference to social position, and consequently, acceptance of one's social status no matter what it is, became somehow a doctrine and a duty in the current world (if we are honest to ourselves): it is really the ideal philosophy, an ideological superstructure adequate to peacefully govern our world, conquered with its own consent.
'The old" send "the young" to wars. Because, "the young" (well, all ages really) willingly accept, for example, army duty.
It is only natural, that in current situation, "the young" are contemplating 'retaliation'. :)
I think, the value of a human life became something very insignificant.
Young people wait on the old to die in retirement homes, old are upset with the young, that they show no respect, etc.
A vicious circle.
And we do not really value human life, because we do not understand the concept of self-worth.
Which is nowadays confused with 'pouvoir d'achat', like they say in french (ability to buy). Just look at who the majority of humans are looking up to (movie stars, ufc fighters, etc.)
The thing is, we are never independent or self-made, and we all hopefully will be old one day too. So what connects old and young is gratitude.
No life is more important than another, whether it is an old life or a young one.
And no ideology or state will defend this point at all times, speaking sociologically or/and economically. It is self-damaging to an ideology or a state.
Should we or should we not do this or that? I don't know. Each individual should decide for himself.
I know that generalising (oh those olds, oh those youngs, oh those russians, oh those arabs, oh those french, oh those - would be an insult to my own intelligence.
A boomer is different from another boomer. And i am a survivor and want my children to be survivors too.
I may be never be in a position where i can decide on a broader scale of "should we or should we not".
But i can decide on my personal level and i just value life more than i value my ego.
Here is my humble opinion.
Thank you for being brave and raising this point.
It is important to discuss without fear to offend.
That is what freedom of speech is no?
The approach of "us-versus-them' is in fact a very European way of dealing with matters.
Indifference to social position, and consequently, acceptance of one's social status no matter what it is, became somehow a doctrine and a duty in the current world (if we are honest to ourselves): it is really the ideal philosophy, an ideological superstructure adequate to peacefully govern our world, conquered with its own consent.
'The old" send "the young" to wars. Because, "the young" (well, all ages really) willingly accept, for example, army duty.
It is only natural, that in current situation, "the young" are contemplating 'retaliation'. :)
I think, the value of a human life became something very insignificant.
Young people wait on the old to die in retirement homes, old are upset with the young, that they show no respect, etc.
A vicious circle.
And we do not really value human life, because we do not understand the concept of self-worth.
Which is nowadays confused with 'pouvoir d'achat', like they say in french (ability to buy). Just look at who the majority of humans are looking up to (movie stars, ufc fighters, etc.)
The thing is, we are never independent or self-made, and we all hopefully will be old one day too. So what connects old and young is gratitude.
No life is more important than another, whether it is an old life or a young one.
And no ideology or state will defend this point at all times, speaking sociologically or/and economically. It is self-damaging to an ideology or a state.
Should we or should we not do this or that? I don't know. Each individual should decide for himself.
I know that generalising (oh those olds, oh those youngs, oh those russians, oh those arabs, oh those french, oh those - would be an insult to my own intelligence.
A boomer is different from another boomer. And i am a survivor and want my children to be survivors too.
I may be never be in a position where i can decide on a broader scale of "should we or should we not".
But i can decide on my personal level and i just value life more than i value my ego.
Here is my humble opinion.
Thank you for being brave and raising this point.
It is important to discuss without fear to offend.
That is what freedom of speech is no?

Very thoughtful post (what a pleasure to read this instead of another sycophantic review), thank you for it my bigga.
I'm going to differ on one point. I think the perceived value of life is heading up and pretty much always has.
We are in the midst of the greatest human sacrifice for the least number of lives (in relative terms) ever.
Today's wars kill fewer in total than we lost in a week in WW1 or 2.
Murder rates are way down compared to history.
The financial investment made to squeeze out a few more years is more substantial than even our most recent ancestors could ever imagine.
There's lots more stats like this, they are hard to see when media profits from perceived conflict and makes everything look cataclysmic to get your attention.
I'm going to differ on one point. I think the perceived value of life is heading up and pretty much always has.
We are in the midst of the greatest human sacrifice for the least number of lives (in relative terms) ever.
Today's wars kill fewer in total than we lost in a week in WW1 or 2.
Murder rates are way down compared to history.
The financial investment made to squeeze out a few more years is more substantial than even our most recent ancestors could ever imagine.
There's lots more stats like this, they are hard to see when media profits from perceived conflict and makes everything look cataclysmic to get your attention.

We need more youngsters in politics and less old farts creaming off the state. I think you reach an age when you start to become more selfish and want to accrue wealth. Bills and mortgages start to wear you down. I was definitely more idealistic when younger. We need to be a lot braver with who we allow to run the world and kick out the old guard. the youngsters are going to be paying off our debts for ever unless we change the system. Guy fawkes had the right idea.

I believe I am generation X but I will react anyway. It is an interesting discussion and I understand the thought behind it. The biggest issue I have with your statement is: what makes you think that older generations are not impacted by lock downs or other measures against the virus? Like we are all sipping whisky at our 2nd vacation homes. Your generation or any other is not sacrificing more then any other generation. Much love to you all

Probably fair to say they're not going to pay the bills incurred and they're not having their careers snuffed out before they've begun, they're overwhelmingly locked down in better circumstances than the young.
I'm Gen X and thanking my lucky stars I'm not still in hospitality and shared accommodation.
I'm Gen X and thanking my lucky stars I'm not still in hospitality and shared accommodation.

I'm not old (38) and I very nearly got axed by COVID. I don't have a pre existing condition. It's worth considering that many young or younger people with pre-existing conditions are at high risk, as are the disabled and many mentally ill people. The structures of society also make sure that the poor are disproportionatily affected. So, what you're proposing, hypothetical or not, is a cull on the people in society who most need our support. And, I would add, people who add a huge amount of value to our societies. I am as annoyed by how our 'era' turned out as anyone, but putting boomers to death for the greater good? C'mon. Besides, the ruling class are not all old - they have children, who will inherit. Killing old (rich) people would do nothing for society. Advocating that other (poor) people's parents and grandparents have had their time is basically inhuman, or at least profoundly lacking in empathy.

Glad you are ok bigga and your message is hella important. Can I ask do you think there was a better way to handle this? Are you happy with the whole world shutting down to protect you?
love and respect
love and respect

I don't want my parents to die any more than I want anyone else's, but the quality of life for the young is clearly being sacrificed again for the most protected generation that ever lived.

Kind of irrelevant IMO because as a species we are all doomed anyway, which I'm OK with, but it's shame we're going to take most of the biosphere with us though, as it's really no fault of theirs. We are species out of control and one which is destroying it's environment. The planet will be much better of without us humans stinking up the place!

here's what im thinking, as long as when i'm burned for fuel a billion years from now there's this little bit of thc somehow left there all that time. and it says thanks, yeah, thanks, THANKS.

Interesting read here

It does seem if we were a little more honest about this we might come up with a better solution than locking everyone up.

agree somewhat, the damage to economy is going to kill tens of thousands alone, potentially more than would be lost to Covid, but perhaps not (Not an expert by any means). I invite people to look at how many people died on average each 2010-2015 due to austerity measures and debt. Suicides will go up to.

Im in the self employed bracket its truly shit but i think society will come out of this better on the whole

I am in the same boat and i like your positive outlook.
"Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time" - right?
We should also come out of this with as less damage and casualties as possible.
Been self-employed throughout 3 different continents and over a decade already and self-employed equals survivor to me at this point.
"Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time" - right?
We should also come out of this with as less damage and casualties as possible.
Been self-employed throughout 3 different continents and over a decade already and self-employed equals survivor to me at this point.

What if we just quarantine the old baby boomers and give them priority at hospitals, that way the rest of us can keep the world going and contsruct what they need.

I was self employed hehe
I was in that small percentage who got no help lol and im sure i speak for many...
Unless i change my hoping it blows over soon
Stay safe Vik
I was in that small percentage who got no help lol and im sure i speak for many...
Unless i change my hoping it blows over soon
Stay safe Vik

Me too. My industry was among the first to go, About 2 weeks before lock down got told to stay at home no income... Now im out of a job completely.

It’s fucked up isn’t it, I’m in that small percentage of self employed who ain’t getting jack shit...I’d work tomorrow but not many want people in there houses now
We can only hope that this flys by and we can get back to work
Some sectors have increased in number of available positions, maybe worth looking into those sectors to get some work for the mean time
We can only hope that this flys by and we can get back to work
Some sectors have increased in number of available positions, maybe worth looking into those sectors to get some work for the mean time

This bigga booma had it 9 months ago. I have had my first shot of the vaccine just before xmas. Three weeks ago, we had an outbreak at work... forensic mental health. We kicked the virus' arse.
Not all boomers are bastards.
Disclaimer: if I am a bastard, it has nothing to do with my age. This old goblin girl has always been one. :-)
Not all boomers are bastards.
Disclaimer: if I am a bastard, it has nothing to do with my age. This old goblin girl has always been one. :-)

There are elements that are particularly cruel for young generations that have been caused by the benefits enjoyed by older generations. Retirement / pension age is the first to mind. We all retire later if at all because they fucked the pension pot for those claiming now. Housing and land are impossible to buy at reasonable prices, because the older generation owns it all. Wealth disparity grows with extended lifespans, as the elderly hold onto it instead of spending it. But these issues are not the fault of those older generations, but the governments modus operandi of dealing the better cards in the deck to those who can vote at the time and have money. Who cares about the generations that can't support government agendas right now? No one is the answer, and it has resulted in a shit deal for the young that will only get worse as time goes on.

The chant throughout this has been that you “can’t put a price on life” which is ridiculous because we do it all the time. The NHS will not buy expensive cancer drugs unless they extend life for ‘long enough’, councils won’t spend on accident hot spots until a certain number of deaths have been er...’achieved’?!
The equation is called ‘quality adjusted life years’ and it’s frequently used to decide cost vs life. That sum has now been done for the pandemic (freaky task) and yup, it doesn’t add up. The number of quality life years saved versus those to be lost through unemployment, poverty, undiagnosed health conditions, mental stress etc are insignificant.
We fucked up. But then we’re only human....
The equation is called ‘quality adjusted life years’ and it’s frequently used to decide cost vs life. That sum has now been done for the pandemic (freaky task) and yup, it doesn’t add up. The number of quality life years saved versus those to be lost through unemployment, poverty, undiagnosed health conditions, mental stress etc are insignificant.
We fucked up. But then we’re only human....

as a 51yr old father of 11yr old twins (one boy, one girl), and reflecting on how I have myself matured (lack of!) I can honestly offer an opinion that humans may be physically capable of sexual reproduction early mid/teens, but that doesn't make them adults. Likewise 20s and even early 30s. I was a selfish prat right up to having kids. Having kids completely changes your priorities and outlook, including CONFIRMING that kids are, literally, the future. So you're right about preserving the future for younger generations. BUT if adults don't become adults (really!) until they have kids, and human kids can't look after themselves, and anyway don't mature mentally til they have kids, we come full circle, that is why you need 2 generations minimum at the same time. HTH!

I'm 27 with baby number 2 due next month. My life didn't feel lil it had much meaning before becoming a dad, I cared a lot less about everything. As for Corona it's really not a big risk to a vast majority of the population. Most of the people dying are 80+. When the people who are 80+ were born their life expectancy was like 67. They've done well. I think all lives are equal but not all deaths are tragic.

1 post
+2 votes

Ratings for orders..
LB review scores are a bit like if you were asked outside Tesco what rating you would give your shopping experience. Its either exactly what you expec…

Ratings for orders..
Hello biggers.. hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. I am just curious how people actually rate things on this site.. I try to put an accurate review and /out of 10 rating but when I run through other people's reviews on seller's pages it seems everyone just puts 10/10
I feel like almost every vendor on here has an exceptional rating.. even some of the ones that sell shitty looking products for extortionate prices that take weeks to come. Are people just happy to put up with shit or are they just lazy.
I do see the odd honest review but it's just 10/10 all the way.. can't remember the last time I had a bit of puff that was 10/10 :/
I'm not complaining btw.. just trying to get a gauge on other mufuckas on this page. Peace out :D
I feel like almost every vendor on here has an exceptional rating.. even some of the ones that sell shitty looking products for extortionate prices that take weeks to come. Are people just happy to put up with shit or are they just lazy.
I do see the odd honest review but it's just 10/10 all the way.. can't remember the last time I had a bit of puff that was 10/10 :/
I'm not complaining btw.. just trying to get a gauge on other mufuckas on this page. Peace out :D

I rate my order starting at 10 and would minus a point for each issue. Luckily I have not had to leave a bad review. But if I did that's how I would calculate it

LB review scores are a bit like if you were asked outside Tesco what rating you would give your shopping experience. Its either exactly what you expected, or something went terribly wrong. A 10 or a 1.
I personally rate based on my expectations for the product from its description, images, and review comments. The first five points I give for the vendor, the last five for the product itself. I give a 10/10 if I am happy on all points.
I personally rate based on my expectations for the product from its description, images, and review comments. The first five points I give for the vendor, the last five for the product itself. I give a 10/10 if I am happy on all points.

A simple way of fixing the review system would be to allow anonymous reviewing. I think more people would be inclined to leave a more accurate honest opinion of what they’ve bought.

Oh no worries haha. As for the all the 10/10 reviews - with thousands of users that have different needs and expectations it’s going to be difficult to get a true measure.
IMO If you can find a couple of vendors who supply products that you’re consistently happy with then you’ve made it.
You can also find users who regularly leave more in depth reviews so if you share similar tastes that can be a good way to go, especially when it comes to trying new vendors or products.
IMO If you can find a couple of vendors who supply products that you’re consistently happy with then you’ve made it.
You can also find users who regularly leave more in depth reviews so if you share similar tastes that can be a good way to go, especially when it comes to trying new vendors or products.

1 post
+1 votes

Hash...which one?!
Hash smoke has a very different flavour profile from smoking bud. The flavours tend to be earthy, woody and spice, like a whiskys notes, rather than f…

Hash...which one?!
So I've been smoking bud for 10 years now, bit of a novice with it all, literally bought from the same guy for 10 years, always had haze and now the standard stardawg and the odd home made edible here and there... I've ordered some buds from TGT which I can't wait for but I've never actually tried hash! Mad I know.
So which is best? I know it's personal choice and flavour, I like a strong high, and very citrus flavours. Any recommendations would be awesome LB crew.
So which is best? I know it's personal choice and flavour, I like a strong high, and very citrus flavours. Any recommendations would be awesome LB crew.

Radar breeder has been my go to for hash. As good as any on here just without the REDICULOUS prices of Greenteam who sell for 65 per 3.5 and with next day day delivery its 80!!!! Haha fuck off with that

Drugs inc - 00 hash
RB - critical hash
TGT - King Hassan
Uk420 - Scorpion
Those are four of the nicest hashes i've had from here.
RB - critical hash
TGT - King Hassan
Uk420 - Scorpion
Those are four of the nicest hashes i've had from here.

Not much chance of any for a while I'm afraid my friend.
I've posted a link that's on my home page to two big articles that seems to explain why this. Stick with green for now would be my advice until supplies are back and the product gets back to a reasonable price.
Most vendors on this site have had decent hash - UK 420 has some outstanding examples and Drugs inc UK have also gotten some great product in the past.
I've posted a link that's on my home page to two big articles that seems to explain why this. Stick with green for now would be my advice until supplies are back and the product gets back to a reasonable price.
Most vendors on this site have had decent hash - UK 420 has some outstanding examples and Drugs inc UK have also gotten some great product in the past.

Hash smoke has a very different flavour profile from smoking bud. The flavours tend to be earthy, woody and spice, like a whiskys notes, rather than fruity and floral like bud. Hash can and often does smell like its parent genetics, so you can get a lovely lemony smelling hash, but it won't really taste like that smoked. To get bud flavour profiles in concentrates you would want to look at waxes, crumble and the like, as these do taste like a suped up bud profile, sometimes more subtle but always more potent.
Just my personal view on the subject to temper your expectations of what a hash is. There are some wonderful flavours and potentcies around, but they will vary drastically between people. I can recommend TGT's 24K Kush hash, that was a lovely smoke if it's still up.
Just my personal view on the subject to temper your expectations of what a hash is. There are some wonderful flavours and potentcies around, but they will vary drastically between people. I can recommend TGT's 24K Kush hash, that was a lovely smoke if it's still up.

Awesome thanks mate, explained perfectly I'm liking TGT so I'll weigh up what they have and place an order soon I think. Thanks mate

Uk420 is top top quality. Used all latest hash vendors now and UK420 in stock The green crack black stamp is up there with RB chapo stamp critical (not in stock). Thats a huge compliment.

I second uk 420s hash. I got some Porsche stamp recently and it’s lovely and soft and quite strong. I vape so I get almost chocolately and vanillary tastes. Reminds me of a good milk stout if you’re into your real ales :D

Just ordered the Moroccan honey stamp from uk420, so excited to try. Thanks for the tips guys ✌?

Good choice, hope you like it :)
I'm almost exclusively hash as long as I can get good ones, and there are several good vendors on here.
Bit of a drought atm, so choice is limited and costs through the roof, but UK 420 is a great place to start and consistently delivers excellent hash.
I'm almost exclusively hash as long as I can get good ones, and there are several good vendors on here.
Bit of a drought atm, so choice is limited and costs through the roof, but UK 420 is a great place to start and consistently delivers excellent hash.

Just received some of this, your in for a treat. First hash as well! a great benchmark to kick things off with. Cocktail (hash/weed) spliffs are amazing.

2 posts
+3 votes
Seems order made and received.could take at least 10working days with 1st class post and lockdown delays.same as other UK vendors

I put it down as 12days sleepreel.not sure if that was working days or total.for deliveries to roi and menu quality and quantity I would make uk420 my top choice vendor.they are a little bit more expensive but it is top quality.

It's not the heaviest wrapping I have seen here, but It is more than good enough for hash. They'd need a dog to smell it, and a dog would smell even the best stealth package, so you're good I would think.

I’m a bit concerned now you have said that as I have ordered from hashtag and would expect any orders goin out of the UK to be well sealed from dogs and x rays

Mate, no amount of sealing in the world can guarantee dogs. They can smell it on the outside from contact. Xrays, unless you have lead envelopes (which would defo be searched) is actually impossible to secure against. They are a good vendor with well wrapped product. Just because I've seen others do more doesn't make it bad stealth. Everyone here gets edgy when waiting for a drop, but the vendor is solid so chill. It will almost certainly land fine. This time of year mail is overworked and understaffed. They don't have time to check it all properly anyway.

I feel comfortable with sealed Mylar bags that you have to break the seal your self as if a human open the main box they just see a bag and they can’t see in or smell it I understand like you said nothing is dog proof or x ray proof just gives me peace of mind as where I live customs are always on the look out I was just getting a bit worried a I read comments and it said stealth wasn’t very good but i just got to keep my fingers crossed

His stealth is fine and all should be ok.
I just received an ounce from spain, was in suspicious looking foil inside a completely transparent baggie, but it still got here.
Hash tag uses proper bags - you should be A ok.
I just received an ounce from spain, was in suspicious looking foil inside a completely transparent baggie, but it still got here.
Hash tag uses proper bags - you should be A ok.

Are you liking it? and how long did it take to arrive?
I'm considering at the moment. Unfortauntely missed out on the Black Friday deal though as didn't see the post until after. What you say regarding the stealth has me a bit on edge though...
I'm considering at the moment. Unfortauntely missed out on the Black Friday deal though as didn't see the post until after. What you say regarding the stealth has me a bit on edge though...

It took 8 days to get to me.
It's a very pleasant bit of maroc at a decent price. At £150 on an Oz I couldn't turn it down and its still good value even without that special.
However, Stealth was slightly concerning, (though it it got to me with no issue) and you do need to wait.
If you have concerns over strealth and want something sooner, you could do a lot worse than order the Zero Zero or Rubio from hashtag as they have similar hits and are just as strong (maybe a little stronger). Hashtag delivers quickly and at least his bags aren't transparent!
We are blessed here on biggie and you have other options I would recommend too, but I like what hashtag is selling and as we are on his thread I am not gonna make any further suggestions!
If you are genuinely interested in pursuing other recommendations then feel free to PM me, but the vast majority of people who have had the zero zero and rubio have enjoyed them, so dive in!
It's a very pleasant bit of maroc at a decent price. At £150 on an Oz I couldn't turn it down and its still good value even without that special.
However, Stealth was slightly concerning, (though it it got to me with no issue) and you do need to wait.
If you have concerns over strealth and want something sooner, you could do a lot worse than order the Zero Zero or Rubio from hashtag as they have similar hits and are just as strong (maybe a little stronger). Hashtag delivers quickly and at least his bags aren't transparent!
We are blessed here on biggie and you have other options I would recommend too, but I like what hashtag is selling and as we are on his thread I am not gonna make any further suggestions!
If you are genuinely interested in pursuing other recommendations then feel free to PM me, but the vast majority of people who have had the zero zero and rubio have enjoyed them, so dive in!

Ordered awhile back no issues , lovely smoke would definitely order from vendor again, I'm in West of ireland

Was this recently as I’ve only ordered on the weekend and I expect it to take 3-5 days to arrive

That’s a shame I’ve got one lost in transit at the moment but from a different vendor but I’ve got my fingers crossed it will drop I’m just hoping this one arrives to keep my faith in LittleBiggy

Keep the faith man really good community to point you in the right direction... I'm mainly a hash smoker iv used lots if not all the hash vendors iv found UK420 to be the most dependable but 15 for delivery!!! 10 plus orders off him all arrived I'm smoking urban leaf co premium hash now which is nice ,,, also JJ has a nice list of hash at a fair price.. hope this helps you out... happy smoking

I’m mainly a hash smoker too due to what I can get on the street hash is more prevelent than bud but since lock down I’ve been trying more and more bud just like to get back to some hash again I’ll be looking to keep with hashtag if all goes well because he has a massive selection of top stuff but i will defo check out uk420 and make an order to try there’s

1 post
+1 votes

First grow help - seeds auto y/n
I would say that depends on your tolerance. All the autos I have tried have been much weaker than their regular or heritage strains, and they cannot b…

First grow help - seeds auto y/n
Hi LB's,
I am in the process of setting up a indoor grow, 4x2 AC infinity, LED 1000w, looking into medium and now seeds............
Guys any experience in producers available in the UK and what about auto-grow vs other varieties of grow ? any help would be really appreciated .......
I am in the process of setting up a indoor grow, 4x2 AC infinity, LED 1000w, looking into medium and now seeds............
Guys any experience in producers available in the UK and what about auto-grow vs other varieties of grow ? any help would be really appreciated .......

You can pick up real nice genetics from the USA. I recommend Humbolt seed company. The benefits of autoflowerers in winter are light is on for significantly longer giving a bit more heat in the colder months. If you dont have environmental concerns, and arent in a rush - go for standard feminised seeds. Higher yields. I recommend an NFT 205 system for ease of use and end results. (A friend of mine in Holland has had fantastic results for many years)

Try to get hold of cuttings of good strains. If you're going for quality don't waste your time on autos or seeds for that matter. Find top strains and get their cuttings. The other way is to start germinating seeds and find the perfect pheno by picking out the most yielding/crystal covered plants and keep them until you find better - this can take up years of your time. About auotos - very easy and forgiving to grow and can yield high when done right but noo matter how many different strain they all enherit the same taste from their ruderalis parents and the dissapointment only occours when lighting up a joint so again wouldn't waste my time on them :)

With autos they can be finnicky, my autos all take 75% strength of the nutes of my photos, only thing is with my photos i can control everything, with autos you go with their timeline which can vary even with the same strain, for example i grew two auto blueberry indoors this year, one took 54 days and the other 72 days.
Photos seem to be the way to go for potency and yield, that being said autos are getting better, its personal preference. I started with autos to have a perpetual grow so i harvested every month until i got the hang of it and now i know what im doing i have moved to photos, good to learn but only if you can devote your time, autos are quick and need LST to get any decent yield.
I veg photos for 8 weeks then flip and i get way more than the same time spent on autos.
Looking to start moving clones to help people like yourself but i dont know if there is a market.
Photos seem to be the way to go for potency and yield, that being said autos are getting better, its personal preference. I started with autos to have a perpetual grow so i harvested every month until i got the hang of it and now i know what im doing i have moved to photos, good to learn but only if you can devote your time, autos are quick and need LST to get any decent yield.
I veg photos for 8 weeks then flip and i get way more than the same time spent on autos.
Looking to start moving clones to help people like yourself but i dont know if there is a market.

I would say that depends on your tolerance. All the autos I have tried have been much weaker than their regular or heritage strains, and they cannot be vegged out for sizing, as they will flower with age. So you can't fill a decent setup with them height wise anyway. Others have had success with them clearly, or they wouldn't be so prominent I think, but my advice would be to only grow them if you have a tiny setup and low tolerance.

1 post
+2 votes

Drug driving tests
You can buy the swabs on ebay, I have a load to test myself if it's ever in question. It doesn't get you around a result, but it does help to know whe…

Drug driving tests
Hi I’ve been a smoker for over 30 years, never had a problem with the old bill and driving until last year, fall out with neighbours and I got stopped and tested, thought I’d be ok because I hadn’t smoked since the night before, well it came back positive (12 month ban) I’m a trucker so I had to give my job up, anyway license back this week I can’t lose it again any tricks or advice how to pass the test thanks for any help frank

Hi Mate, Your thread has got me doing some research and came across a product called Keltic Mist. It is supposed to remove all THC from your mouth for 30 mins. 10 sprays and a swig of water and you can pass the test. I am giving it a go and have purchased the most closest test to what the police use and will be testing with Listerine mouth wash and this Keltic mist. Will let you know how it goes :)

Interested to hear how your test goes! I have a mini Listerine in the car at all times! No idea if it works, just an idea of mine.
I always thought it might be tricky trying to unscrew the thing, have a swill all while getting pulled over! The Keltic mist could be a challenge
I always thought it might be tricky trying to unscrew the thing, have a swill all while getting pulled over! The Keltic mist could be a challenge

Be really interested in the outcome as I drive to and from work and cannabis helps my anxiety and insomnia. So any advice on mouthwash would be greatly appreciated :)

Hi mate, also interested in this topic. Just wondering what test you bought and where did u buy it from? Also where can i purchase keltic mist?? Thank you so much. Youngbuck

Hi mate just checking did you try the tests using that keltic mist spray how was the result

Still waiting on my order of Keltic mist and another x2 saliva tests as I thought I purchased 3. Hopefully update later next week.

Howdy Frank. I used to work in a medical lab- unfortunately there isnt anything you can do if it is a swab test. When it was urine tests, if you drank lots of water and took charcoal tablets this might reduce level in urine. This works better for water soluble drugs like coke and heroin (hence more people on these in prison). THC is a fat soluble drug. If you are a regular smoker this builds up in your body fat and is gradually released into your bloodstream, even if you havent smoked. It depends on your weight/ build as well. If you are overweight and a regular smoker, this means it can be detected up to 2-3 months after you !!!! last smoked, whereas cocaine is only about 2-3 days. If you are very fit/ low body fat and only smoke eg once/week, detection might be reduced to 2-3 weeks after you last smoked. If you had a scheduled test like for probation and you knew when you would be tested, it might be possible to dodge, otherwise its not worth the risk. If the test on a hair sample (though this is more expensive) its possible to test and get a picture of everything you have taken for months, as small amounts get deposited in your hair as it grows. Am sorry to say but you either cant smoke or need to find a different sort of job. Unfortunately these tests are so sensitive nowadays they can pick up tiny trace amounts that would never get you stoned.

Hi Frank
Sorry for your situation....
There is a topic somewhere explaining how to pass a test with all details...
If I remember well and sorry for my english but take the pee of somebody clean; put it in a kind of pocket close to your body as it needs to be at your body temperature....shall be hidden to make as it was your pee.
When you go for test; if you are well organised; you shall be fine...
Hope ghis is comprehensive and that you will find ghe mentionned topic.
Sorry for your situation....
There is a topic somewhere explaining how to pass a test with all details...
If I remember well and sorry for my english but take the pee of somebody clean; put it in a kind of pocket close to your body as it needs to be at your body temperature....shall be hidden to make as it was your pee.
When you go for test; if you are well organised; you shall be fine...
Hope ghis is comprehensive and that you will find ghe mentionned topic.

It’s not a urine test in uk it’s a mouth swab then they take blood at police station, I was not drug driving I hadn’t had any since the night before, I just wondered if anyone else this has happened to and any tips, someone has mentioned a certain type of mouthwash??? Thanks for your reply

You can buy the swabs on ebay, I have a load to test myself if it's ever in question. It doesn't get you around a result, but it does help to know when making a decision to drive or not.

Good thing to know!
Sorry to hear about that Frank420, those tests are a farce. Weed isn't like other drugs, you can trigger a test when you are in no way impaired.
Sorry to hear about that Frank420, those tests are a farce. Weed isn't like other drugs, you can trigger a test when you are in no way impaired.

I think i know the mouthwash... kokro was close... you need to put the pee in a pocket close to your .... sorry frank... have a nice day!

Hi Mate
There's definitely a mouth wash you can buy from hydro shops .
I keep one all the time .. only thing you got to wash mouth with it when getting pulled. Placing it in a bottle may help , make out like you having a drink . Or the spray as mentioned .
There's definitely a mouth wash you can buy from hydro shops .
I keep one all the time .. only thing you got to wash mouth with it when getting pulled. Placing it in a bottle may help , make out like you having a drink . Or the spray as mentioned .

Thanks for all the advice we’ll now I’ve discovered little biggy looks like I’ve had it haha there’s just soooo much choice thanks everyone frank

A good listerine mouthwash before you drive! Should last around 35 mins. You will pass. Also make sure is not the same car your driving the registration will be on ANPR as drug users.

This was the car I was in hahaha never been pulled in it since I got it years ago police used to wave lol

A friend of mine was stopped after smoking around two hours before (stupid, but each to their own) he tested positive and was taken to station. They were required to also do a blood test but it took hours to get a doctor to the station to take the blood test. The blood test came back under the legal limit (there is or was a legal blood limit like alcohol). Did they blood test you? Was that also positive? Maybe that's no longer a requirement!
No idea how he passed the blood test! He reccomend if getting stopped try anything to delay blood test!
No idea how he passed the blood test! He reccomend if getting stopped try anything to delay blood test!

Yes if you fail roadside swab test they take you in for a blood test I failed that aswell the legal limit is 2 and I got a 4.4, the last time I smoked was the night before so I’d say roughly about 12/13 hours

Ah right ok, I think maybe my mate got lucky. His blood was under so they just let him go. I think there are also several factors involved as people have aslo commented, exercise, weight, metabolism. He would be heavy smoker though.
I'm heavy smoke and this worries me. Interested to see what Elliot's results are!
I'm heavy smoke and this worries me. Interested to see what Elliot's results are!

2 posts
+4 votes
Pink Cookies and Sour Poison review
I enjoyed the poison mainly because it is such a rare flavor to find in decent buds, but the pink cookies is proper turbo. I have a few lovely strains…
+ 2 more

Pink Cookies and Sour Poison review
Aaah super hans, super hans. An interesting new entrance to the lb seller fold. Some intriguing products listed, but as a relative newby, im not really a guinea pig kind of buyer. Ive watched with interest as the reviews have come in, to see how people viewed the quality and stealth. And those early days looked a bit rough, but it always seemed as though he tried to sort any problems, and any iffy products were soon delisted and replaced. . Ive always liked the underdog, so took the plunge this week and ordered a sample of the poison and the pink cookies. During the 24 hour wait, i’d been hoping that the product is good. Hans is an affable, likeable seller, great with comms, and the stealth and delivery time was bang on.
So when the products arrived, i was excited to see what we had. We went sour poison first. On opening up, weight was slightly over on both, and the smell of the durban, slightly acrid, citrussy, was lovely. Buds were slightly on the dry side but looked good, little stem and leaf weight wastage, and it ground up a treat. The taste was smooth and pretty unique. Im actually surprised at the consistently high ratings - not because the bud was bad - it absolutely wasnt - but because it really strikes me as a bit of a controversial, marmite, love it or hate it type bud. I loved it. Pretty unique, with a strong but functional sativa high. Definately a weekday smoke - a nice warm buzzy high, but not one that will mong you for days. Stinky though. Dont smoke this in a garden with neighbours close!!
So onto the pink cookies. Yeah, ok. Buds pretty sticky here, bit more persistence with the grinder required, but again a lovely sweet smell, which expands on the grind. Taste was lush. You can really taste the wedding cake parentage. I smoke a reasonable amount but the high was fast, and strong. I now know how Gandalf felt, plunging from the bridge of Kazad Dum with the balrog, plummeting to an inevitable demise, only to rise like a phoenix as gandalf the white a couple of hours later. Very, very heady, not locked into the couch, but pounded into it. Couldnt even be arsed to turn the tellybox over for an hour or so, even though i was stuck on some music channel playing rachel stevens and holly valance shite.
A big thumbs up. This guy is great, and i will absolutely be back, no question. I hear a little rumour of some Diablo on its way, and i will be all over that.
Tman’s lb strain rankings:
Note : my rankings are not about quality of the bud, theyre about how i ranked the strain in terms of personal enjoyment. We all have different tolerances, preferences in terms of high, taste, smell etc. Ive shown the top 5 for context so people have an indication as to what i like. These two products are the 12th and 13th i have tried in my 4 month LB tenure.
1) elphinstone (TGT)
2) papaya (TGT)
3) PINK COOKIES (superhans)
4) Ghost train haze ( RB)
5) SOUR POISON (superhans)
Ending a 4/5 lockout from tgt (displacing mimosa and banana haze), Superhans has come into the top 5 of the charts not once but twice. A ‘super’ effort - and make no mistake, on current form, this guy is legit. Buy with confidence guys.
So when the products arrived, i was excited to see what we had. We went sour poison first. On opening up, weight was slightly over on both, and the smell of the durban, slightly acrid, citrussy, was lovely. Buds were slightly on the dry side but looked good, little stem and leaf weight wastage, and it ground up a treat. The taste was smooth and pretty unique. Im actually surprised at the consistently high ratings - not because the bud was bad - it absolutely wasnt - but because it really strikes me as a bit of a controversial, marmite, love it or hate it type bud. I loved it. Pretty unique, with a strong but functional sativa high. Definately a weekday smoke - a nice warm buzzy high, but not one that will mong you for days. Stinky though. Dont smoke this in a garden with neighbours close!!
So onto the pink cookies. Yeah, ok. Buds pretty sticky here, bit more persistence with the grinder required, but again a lovely sweet smell, which expands on the grind. Taste was lush. You can really taste the wedding cake parentage. I smoke a reasonable amount but the high was fast, and strong. I now know how Gandalf felt, plunging from the bridge of Kazad Dum with the balrog, plummeting to an inevitable demise, only to rise like a phoenix as gandalf the white a couple of hours later. Very, very heady, not locked into the couch, but pounded into it. Couldnt even be arsed to turn the tellybox over for an hour or so, even though i was stuck on some music channel playing rachel stevens and holly valance shite.
A big thumbs up. This guy is great, and i will absolutely be back, no question. I hear a little rumour of some Diablo on its way, and i will be all over that.
Tman’s lb strain rankings:
Note : my rankings are not about quality of the bud, theyre about how i ranked the strain in terms of personal enjoyment. We all have different tolerances, preferences in terms of high, taste, smell etc. Ive shown the top 5 for context so people have an indication as to what i like. These two products are the 12th and 13th i have tried in my 4 month LB tenure.
1) elphinstone (TGT)
2) papaya (TGT)
3) PINK COOKIES (superhans)
4) Ghost train haze ( RB)
5) SOUR POISON (superhans)
Ending a 4/5 lockout from tgt (displacing mimosa and banana haze), Superhans has come into the top 5 of the charts not once but twice. A ‘super’ effort - and make no mistake, on current form, this guy is legit. Buy with confidence guys.

Not sure which is more epic - Pink Cookies or your Gandalf analogy. Probably the latter BUT I now need Super Hans to offer a 14g option because I doubt my 7g will last long.

Great review, Tman! :D
Really nice to hear it all worked out for you! The pink cookies sounds tremendous! And it's great to hear more good stuff about SuperHans! :) off to a rocky start, but the guys pulling through! Awesome!
Some corkers in your top 5 there buddy ;)
Really nice to hear it all worked out for you! The pink cookies sounds tremendous! And it's great to hear more good stuff about SuperHans! :) off to a rocky start, but the guys pulling through! Awesome!
Some corkers in your top 5 there buddy ;)

I enjoyed the poison mainly because it is such a rare flavor to find in decent buds, but the pink cookies is proper turbo. I have a few lovely strains here to smoke, but that is the best on my table. Really good weed, for sure.

Also dont know if you found it but the poison gave me savage munchies - i dont normally get them too much but i went on a right cupboard raid

Hard to tell to be honest, I'm stoned more than not, so all my meal times are munchies haha.

1 post
+9 votes
StickyFingersCo Nominated for termination.
Making fake accounts to argue in their favour - which almost certainly also means fake reviews - should be an instant ban. It's intent is to deceive …

StickyFingersCo Nominated for termination.
Multiple fake accounts, homophobia, fake reviews, unnecessary down voting, taking private buyers into public forums for shaming on mental health?
They’re products might be on point but ffs who put a 13 year boy in charge to represent them? Surely they’re not needed here, I don’t think so, I certainly wouldn’t give them my money but we vote on shit here. StickyFingersCo must think they’re invincible here to act in such a way and then give the middle finger boasting sales figures. Just a horrible vibe all round.
They’re products might be on point but ffs who put a 13 year boy in charge to represent them? Surely they’re not needed here, I don’t think so, I certainly wouldn’t give them my money but we vote on shit here. StickyFingersCo must think they’re invincible here to act in such a way and then give the middle finger boasting sales figures. Just a horrible vibe all round.

and anyone who buys it..
i vote against this ban.
Way too much of a witch hunt. False accusations etc.
Some people v happy. If not just dont use them. There is way worse shilling on here even if it was true, but seemingly it isnt. Storm in a teacup.
i vote against this ban.
Way too much of a witch hunt. False accusations etc.
Some people v happy. If not just dont use them. There is way worse shilling on here even if it was true, but seemingly it isnt. Storm in a teacup.

Storm in a tea cup until it's YOUR private shit with a vendor being plastered all over LB trying to make you look like a cock and asking all other vendors not to trust you though right?

no, not sure what gave you that idea. I'd have that resolved way earlier in a much more peaceful, reasonable way. A ban is harsh, its just kids falling out and getting emotional about it.
And i had you classier than a downvoter tbh carver. nvm.
And i had you classier than a downvoter tbh carver. nvm.

You don’t get to choose the outcome when it’s the vendor at fault unfortunately, you can try as much as you like to resolve like an adult but when the other party is acting like a 3 year old your efforts would be wasted. A ban isn’t harsh enough imo but suffice in this digital age, go and read the shit that happened dude I’m pretty sure you haven’t read the half of it.
Sorry to disappoint man, I down vote shit that doesn’t sit right with me and this isn’t a storm in a tea cup imo, it’s a cancer that will eventually blow up in someone’s face, hopefully not yours.
Sorry to disappoint man, I down vote shit that doesn’t sit right with me and this isn’t a storm in a tea cup imo, it’s a cancer that will eventually blow up in someone’s face, hopefully not yours.

i generally pass through forums liked, so ill dismiss your negative possibilities. We have had an apology from one side, at very least, panch123 deserves con an apology. Then i guess everyone lives happily ever after. Thats a resolution, im not sure pouring hate looks good long term in these situations.

That's the way I see it too buddy.
Read a bit of it and people calling out other accounts that were clearly not sticky for being sticky. UK420 even came and verified this particular account was not sticky, but still the hounding continued - so it looks like some kinda witch hunt to me.
Cant pretend I'm aware of everything that was going on, but the first thing I looked into was clearly made up BS to discredit the vendor, so there definitely false accusations happening here and I would not support removing the vendor unless there's conclusive proof of serious wrong doing. Not saying their isn't, just saying i'm not seeing it.
Read a bit of it and people calling out other accounts that were clearly not sticky for being sticky. UK420 even came and verified this particular account was not sticky, but still the hounding continued - so it looks like some kinda witch hunt to me.
Cant pretend I'm aware of everything that was going on, but the first thing I looked into was clearly made up BS to discredit the vendor, so there definitely false accusations happening here and I would not support removing the vendor unless there's conclusive proof of serious wrong doing. Not saying their isn't, just saying i'm not seeing it.

I've no dog in this fight but after reading the posts I can't see them being a trustworthy holder of anyone's address or details.

and that is the most worrying thing about dealing with lunatic vendors,but i have a hard mrs..let them come lol :)

I'm the same never even ordered off these guys but so glad I didnt after reading some the posts and seeing that there clearly using fake accounts to make themselves look better but anyway each to there own I stick to my trusted vendors

Making fake accounts to argue in their favour - which almost certainly also means fake reviews - should be an instant ban. It's intent is to deceive customers and that should never stand.

I'm voting yes purely based on the post I linked here. Awful.

'humanity reaches adulthood' is the title of this site, they should have read it and so should their friends/alts in this topic... trying to act like bad men on the internet and they just sound like spoilt 12year olds screaming slurs they don't even understand at their xbox's lmao it's so cringey, they even say "left wing" as an insult when they get angry like they're some fucking American troll wannabe what is going on?... hope the whole lot of them at least get kicked off the wall so I don't ever have to see their childish nonsense again. This isn't reddit/facebook/twitter or whatever shit people use these days.
Big up carver! :)
Big up carver! :)

Vote yes to terminate after reading the linked thread...bad mojo!
Calling someone out for mental health issues while talking to themselves!!! Fucking classic that was lol
Calling someone out for mental health issues while talking to themselves!!! Fucking classic that was lol

Honestly, I gotta say I’ve had nothing but positive vibes from StickyFingers. Ordered off them about 4 times now and the smoke has always been banging including the Cali he’s got up now, that shit is fire (expensive I know). Also had quite a few convos with them and they’ve always been happy to help and accommodate any requests. Obviously looks like someone at StickyFingers has had a complete meltdown over the last 48 hours but honestly give them a chance to fix it at least. Just my thoughts.

iv had a few rows with vendors on here and i must admit my initial message would of been enough for the vendor to tell me to fuck right off..tbh thats what i was expecting but no they was calm which then made me calm and all problems have been sorted in a adult manner...these guys was my next port of call as some of their products look tip top but then i seen the topics on them and!!knowing how i am if im sold shit weed and i always give honest feedback but after seeing how these guys are with unhappy customers i simply carried on my search for that perfect vendor that suits just cant go around mocking the way they have.not really the sort of shit you want to see on here....keep your shit in house

Can you please just post links to what you're talking about, there should be solid evidence of harm to do this to someone.

I believe sidetracked has linked the post. Nice one mate. Appalling behaviour from a couple of individuals. Although I feel there should be 2 up for a vote tbh

It's easy to find. The vendor posted a topic about a buyer. Screenshots of comments that should be from different accounts but from the vendor are all on there.
It's really pathetic what went on and how long it went on for. It also got way out of hand for what it was all about as well.
It's really pathetic what went on and how long it went on for. It also got way out of hand for what it was all about as well.

I don't even think votes even matter mate I honestly don't see the point in terminator bot, first with the vendors union now this.

Typical stoner, didn’t read the first line “This bot is defunct. Please use terminator borg” lol Water under the bridge now anyway I reckon mate!

Fuuuuuuuuuck little biggys went all facebook on us. Terrible way to deal withg a customer but also nothing happens if your offended steve hughes puts this wonderfully. Roll smoke smile love

If half of this is true then it shouldn't be on here. Any sources to backup the above though?

never mind.. didn't take long to find what you were referring to. if this is allowed to happen then this site is screwed.

2 posts
+3 votes
They can take a while but they will get back to you. The only package I've ever lost here was from them, and they sorted me out in a manner that was fair. While they cannot account for everything on the journey, I do think they need to change their packaging. It is instantly identifiably as from them if you've ever seen what's inside one. A postie at a sorting office that has opened one before will ensure they regularly disappear, and TGT dropping in different locations each day doesn't ensure they end up at different sorting offices each time, so the outside needs to be plainer in my opinion.
I do think they are good people though. trying their best with a large volume of orders, so be patient for a response.
I do think they are good people though. trying their best with a large volume of orders, so be patient for a response.

Sorry if you posted this a while ago but i had the same thought with the distinctive packaging. Spoke to TGT with my concern and they changed the packaging on request.

2 posts
+7 votes
Why 8/10
I use from 6-10 to judge the quality of the product. The first 5 points are for everything else. I have awarded many 10/10, because those products mat…
+ 2 more

Why 8/10
The stealth is good, hash is good, communication is good. Price is good..
Why only 8 ???
Why only 8 ???

I never give 10 as a point of principal,BUT I regard Hashishin highly-a true pro and nice guy.

I've gave him 10/10 even so any of them three hashs weren't the strongest I've ever had for the price given.
Quality was 8/10 , but delivery and communication was 12/10
So that makes 10/10 in my books. ;)
Quality was 8/10 , but delivery and communication was 12/10
So that makes 10/10 in my books. ;)

I tried the red leb was very nice and clean and a good hit, but not a Long lasting high though.
I’m waiting on leb sample pack, I expect it won’t be very potent
But I expect to enjoy it very much so,
Yes prices are a bit high but still he is one of the cheapest on LB
I’m waiting on leb sample pack, I expect it won’t be very potent
But I expect to enjoy it very much so,
Yes prices are a bit high but still he is one of the cheapest on LB

Yeah red leb was the most potent , but quite dreamy for my liking. Had better hash in Holland and Spain for ten euro per .
Nevertheless the Hashisin is very nice vendor with excellent comms and that counts a lot as this is shady business
Prices on LB are inflated still, seems like vendors here forgot there's a plenty of street dealers and deep web with much cheaper prices !!!
E.g. my street dealer sells Nerdz for a score or 3 for 50 lmfao!
I personally only getting stuff from here I can't get elsewhere.
Nevertheless the Hashisin is very nice vendor with excellent comms and that counts a lot as this is shady business
Prices on LB are inflated still, seems like vendors here forgot there's a plenty of street dealers and deep web with much cheaper prices !!!
E.g. my street dealer sells Nerdz for a score or 3 for 50 lmfao!
I personally only getting stuff from here I can't get elsewhere.

Because it could almost always be better.
On this one in particular, I wouldn't order again unfortunately. 10 out of 10 on the order I got but my postie will 100% notice a second. Too distinctive and unexplainable. Sorry.
On this one in particular, I wouldn't order again unfortunately. 10 out of 10 on the order I got but my postie will 100% notice a second. Too distinctive and unexplainable. Sorry.

Thank you for elaborating!
I aggree about packaging!
Now hashishin knows he has something to work on!
I aggree about packaging!
Now hashishin knows he has something to work on!

I can't speak for the reviewer, but there are different schools of thought on rating numbers, in any field. Some people are of the opinion that a 10/10 score should never be given, because it states absolute perfection, which is essentially not attainable. What is a 'perfect' weed? Perhaps the reviewer thinks a 'good smoke' is only an 8/10 when everything else is in order, and to be higher needs a 'great smoke' or better?
We all use language differently to describe the same thing, and we all have different ways of assigning a score to something. An 8/10 is a great score, it just isn't perfect.
We all use language differently to describe the same thing, and we all have different ways of assigning a score to something. An 8/10 is a great score, it just isn't perfect.

I guess ur right!!
But hashishin never said it was perfect,
Personally I would only deduct from ratings if I have a bad experience in any way. Maybe that’s just me being a happy Go lucky type person,. I start at 10 and work down! ?
But hashishin never said it was perfect,
Personally I would only deduct from ratings if I have a bad experience in any way. Maybe that’s just me being a happy Go lucky type person,. I start at 10 and work down! ?

I use from 6-10 to judge the quality of the product. The first 5 points are for everything else. I have awarded many 10/10, because those products matched my expectations in every way, not because they could not have been better.
I've actually seen a thread here that was basically people complaining about 10/10 reviews being so prominent, because they feel it lacks honesty and makes it hard to really judge a vendor based on reviews. For my part, I think lots of 10/10 reviews means lots of people had their expectations met, which is what I want too.
I've actually seen a thread here that was basically people complaining about 10/10 reviews being so prominent, because they feel it lacks honesty and makes it hard to really judge a vendor based on reviews. For my part, I think lots of 10/10 reviews means lots of people had their expectations met, which is what I want too.

1 post
+3 votes

First impressions of sellers.
I'd put JJ top for comms as well as delivery. Actually gives the tracking number and always follows up after delivery to make sure you happy. TGT have…

First impressions of sellers.
Joined just this year but with lockdown been smoking a lot.
I’ve used a few sellers and read a lot of reviews. How much would others agree with these takes?
JJ has the best delivery.
Hootan has the best comms.
Radar Breeder has the most impressive bud.
Gentlemen Dealers have the best customer service.
The Green Team appear to me to be the best all rounders. They have a good selection of cheap to expensive. Their packaging is nicely done. Really I’ve just enjoyed all three strains. Elphinstone, Banana Haze and Red Dawg. Red Dawg was the cheapest and least mind blowing, but would be happy to have it as my daily smoke. The Banana Haze was beautiful and have ordered another Haze from them.
Any thoughts or recommendations?
I’ve used a few sellers and read a lot of reviews. How much would others agree with these takes?
JJ has the best delivery.
Hootan has the best comms.
Radar Breeder has the most impressive bud.
Gentlemen Dealers have the best customer service.
The Green Team appear to me to be the best all rounders. They have a good selection of cheap to expensive. Their packaging is nicely done. Really I’ve just enjoyed all three strains. Elphinstone, Banana Haze and Red Dawg. Red Dawg was the cheapest and least mind blowing, but would be happy to have it as my daily smoke. The Banana Haze was beautiful and have ordered another Haze from them.
Any thoughts or recommendations?

I agree with your statement about TGT! They certainly are the top dogs around here...simply due to their consistency! Good comms and even better stealth delivery!
Another vendor worth a punt, is Urban Leaf Co. They have nice weed. Bit pricey if you ask me...but its top of the line - commercial weed. Cant really go wrong there. Their delivery is fast too, I usually get mine the next day.
I have just received my 1st order with LUDs. Impressed with the quality, price and stealth!
There is better bud out there than RB...but for the price, he wins that race!
TGD are soooo polite it hurts my eyes haha. I love good customer service!
DIUK also have great weed 99% of the time and they have kept their prices the same over covid. Well done to them! They also fix issues really fast.
To be honest, there is a vendor out there for everyones needs. They all have strengths and weaknesses. You are definitely right to read up on reviews and pay attention to them. But it's always worth remembering, people get pissed off reallllyyyy fast when things go wrong with their bud not all bad comments/reviews are the best reflection of the vendors. But hey! You can only piss with the cock you've got! So we make do hahahaha
Another vendor worth a punt, is Urban Leaf Co. They have nice weed. Bit pricey if you ask me...but its top of the line - commercial weed. Cant really go wrong there. Their delivery is fast too, I usually get mine the next day.
I have just received my 1st order with LUDs. Impressed with the quality, price and stealth!
There is better bud out there than RB...but for the price, he wins that race!
TGD are soooo polite it hurts my eyes haha. I love good customer service!
DIUK also have great weed 99% of the time and they have kept their prices the same over covid. Well done to them! They also fix issues really fast.
To be honest, there is a vendor out there for everyones needs. They all have strengths and weaknesses. You are definitely right to read up on reviews and pay attention to them. But it's always worth remembering, people get pissed off reallllyyyy fast when things go wrong with their bud not all bad comments/reviews are the best reflection of the vendors. But hey! You can only piss with the cock you've got! So we make do hahahaha

Have also tried Urban Leaf Co. Everything was fine but did feel I paid a little too much. DIUK were also good but I ordered two strains at the same time. One i liked a lot, one I didn’t and I had no way of knowing which was which. Would use then again though.

Agree with you completely, for both points! ULC is too expensive. Delivery is inclusive, I realise this...but $100 for 6g ? Hmm. Sad face. DIUK definitely need to start labelling their bags again! I 100% agree! I am also someone who tends to order in multiples, and it can be frustrating...especially when most of their strains ive tried are not too far from identical....another hmmmmm. Haha. It would also help to have them labelled, so that any issues, like a wrong item sent, or bad quality, can be dealt with. I honestly couldn't agree more with that.

I would add Oilman to the list for best specialist item,excellent quality,price and delivery.
If you have never tried a full extract rso oil before then dont miss out 1ml is a lot of oil.
Lots of ways to use it,for the smoker you can paint it on a skin or bong it,though be sitting down when you do lol
If you have never tried a full extract rso oil before then dont miss out 1ml is a lot of oil.
Lots of ways to use it,for the smoker you can paint it on a skin or bong it,though be sitting down when you do lol

I'd put JJ top for comms as well as delivery. Actually gives the tracking number and always follows up after delivery to make sure you happy. TGT have had the best strain selection but sometimes the weed can be a bit damp and is often squashed. Big love for their hazes and packaging though.
I'd also throw a shout to MJConcentrates for their great products and speedy dispatch times. The other vendors I have only used once or twice so not really fair to rate them here.
I'd also throw a shout to MJConcentrates for their great products and speedy dispatch times. The other vendors I have only used once or twice so not really fair to rate them here.

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