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joined may 2022
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1 topic on Camber
93 posts by Camber
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

Dunno if these have been broached, but try some Aussie drama
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard

Surprised no one’s mentioned Snowfall.
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

18 posts
-9 votes
did world war 2 merely stall an inevitable trend of fascism?
Go to the group I posted above and post that shite, this isn’t the place for it. You are so ridiculously misinformed it actually hurts my head.
+ 18 more
When I 1st read this topic I thought it was silly but now Im reading it the New York Times

And what does that tell you about the New York Times? That it's lying about Trump? Or is it just trying to mislead its readers by implying stuff that it has no evidence of... Do the same examination of other rumor-spreading fake news organizations and make your own determination, folks. See which ones allow readers to comment on their "stories" and articles. See which ones never present both sides of an argument. Decide which ones can be relied upon for actual news (all of it) and which ones actually suppress news.

There is no news that can be relied upon this is why the reader needs to take in multiple sources and viewpoints.

i think its a really mega trend. fascism was a reaction to kingdoms turning into modern nations. this time populism is a result of modern nations turning into global pieces.

Yes and there's the industrial revolution and digital revolutions as waves underneath these.

Even Eisenhower, the General who defeated fascism saw what would happen. He became the President of the US and devoted his farewell speech to a warning of the future he correctly saw.

Forget Ike, Benjamin Franklin saw what would happen after helping write the constitution. He saw it as a temporary document that would require re-writing.
"it is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism"
As if it to prove the words they have been suppressed since he wrote them.
"it is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism"
As if it to prove the words they have been suppressed since he wrote them.

Its Franklin's Final Speach On The Constitution. What a guy, should be an inspiration for every bigga.

Only Franklin never said that the Constitution would "require" re-writing (or anything else, for that matter). Nor did he even imply that it was "temporary". His comment only reflected the fact that this was a unique, first-ever document of its type and he wasn't sure that it wouldn't eventually end in despotism due to corruption. None of the framers "knew" what the future would bring, only that what they had made was the most perfect constitution ever made. Not "perfect" (although it may be), just "close to perfect".

World War I was a fascist nightmare in the United States with Wilson and his cronies using it to attack all of their domestic enemies: African Americans, organized labor and immigrants. It was all documented by the media and no one cared. Helped us get where we are today as much as anything.

That's what happened in 2016, and it's a good beginning. More people are finding out that they've been lied to, and the liars are in full panic mode at this point.

WW2 was awful for Jews etc. However it turned out quite handy for the Zionists since the Jews flocked to Israel after the war!
Whereas, before the war the Zionists where struggling for citizens!
I've nothing against anyone, just saying!
Whereas, before the war the Zionists where struggling for citizens!
I've nothing against anyone, just saying!

First thing to do is find out what "fascism" is. Most people are clueless about that. One excellent example of a fascist organization is Antifa (what an ironic name). Their goal is to shut down opposing ideas by force, and that's what fascist governments do (again, look up the word in the fucking dictionary). If you're going to accuse someone of being fascist, you need to show examples of fascist behavior. Guess who I'm vaguely referring to here...

Oxford Reference definition:
"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach."
"An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach."

Some people wouldn’t know Communism if it locked them down in their homes, forced them to wear a mask and coerced them into an experimental medical procedure

ok throw in a little racism and hate where the communist idealism and naivete is and you're there.

Show your working (prove it)
Btw Fascism was defeated in UK and in WWII it was defeated in Italy along with National Socialism in Germany. There is nothing Fascist about our world. The Communists and Capitalists (same thing) won WWII and they are in control.
Btw Fascism was defeated in UK and in WWII it was defeated in Italy along with National Socialism in Germany. There is nothing Fascist about our world. The Communists and Capitalists (same thing) won WWII and they are in control.

Oh dear, what a snowflake you are. The fact remains, nobody here has a clue about what Fascism is. This is how the Communists are winning, duh

Here is another definition of fascism, this one from Merriam-Webster dictionary.
"1) A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
2) a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."
The antidote to Fascism is Democracy.
"1) A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
2) a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."
The antidote to Fascism is Democracy.

Democracy, LMAO. If you control the media, you can get the public to vote anyway you like. What was democratic about the Iraq War, or the bombing of Syria?

There are many parallels between the definitions. I'll break them down for you - national/racial-centric; autocratic; dictatorial; anti-democratic; demagogic.

Precisely. Democracy in the UK is flawed, at best for sure. Fascists know the first stage of seizing control of a nation is to take control of its media.
I'm unsure what you're trying to achieve on here - is it to rehabilitate the image of Fascism?
Perhaps you could explain to us what Fascism is.
I'm unsure what you're trying to achieve on here - is it to rehabilitate the image of Fascism?
Perhaps you could explain to us what Fascism is.

I’ve already provided a link to a resource where anyone can learn what it is. I’m still learning myself. Please show me which Fascists have taken control of the media. (Don’t waste your time, because they haven’t)

How am I going to learn about a complex political/cultural/social ideology and its historical/contemporary implications through a series of disembodied quotes and sexed-up photos of famous fascists?
Grow up, stop trolling & read some fucking books.
Grow up, stop trolling & read some fucking books.

You misunderstand Camber - you're looking for a fight! I agreed with you, UK democracy is lacking. Historically, fascists took control of the media, to take control of a nation - see Germany, Italy & Spain.

I’m not looking for a fight at all. It seems like you don’t know who controls the media. In 1933 all Germany did was to take back control of the media, from the thieves who stole it.

The Jews? Come on man, you're better that, I'm sure of it. Stop getting stoned & researching pro-fascist groups - not a good combo. Get stoned & listen to Forever Changes!
"Everything I've seen needs rearranging,
And for anyone who thinks it's strange,
Then you should be the first to want to make this change,
And for everyone who thinks that life is just a game,
Do you like the part you're playing?"
"Everything I've seen needs rearranging,
And for anyone who thinks it's strange,
Then you should be the first to want to make this change,
And for everyone who thinks that life is just a game,
Do you like the part you're playing?"

You smokers are beyond retarded. We even tell you what we're doing and still you defend us. Stupid goyim deserve everything you get

I'm not a Fascist, I'm Ashkenazi as you already know. However, to answer your question: they're not, Liberals are far more angry and reactionary. The reason being, they are double thinking, mental gymnasts who exist in a constant state of cognitive dissonance. You're just stupid, is all

You sound pretty angry. Memes peppered with exasperated insults. It must be wonderful to have worked everything out, and very frustrating that everyone can't join the dots and see the world as you do. I think I'd be pretty angry too. A raging omnipotent deity.

You're not supposed to work it out. Your opinion of me is irrelevant. You can't refute facts with opinions. Just about every Ashkenazi I know, has known this since childhood, apart from me who only found out relatively recently (I can't explain that anomaly) Come on, Twigs, you have the Internet. Btw, we own Google. You should brush up on the Talmud, LMAO. You can downvote this too, if it makes you feel better.

You now know that the MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma and The Federal Reserve (to name a few) are not controlled by Fascists. I can research Fascism and listen to Forever Changes. If you don’t know what Fascism is, cool! But please stop pretending that you do. Have you read the Talmud? Did you know that this is Talmudic, are you even aware of it?

I'd suggest you can't be researching Fascism with any integrity. You're in complete denial of the basic definition of it.

Fascism is a pretty simple concept that a homogeneous group of people are stronger than the Communist alternative. Sit the fuck down, imbecile

And suppose I don't want to sit down and pledge allegiance to your homogenous group? What then?

Another definition? How many are there, I wonder. Words can mean whatever people want them to mean, can they? No, they can’t.

This thread is hilarious. Everyone thinks they know what Fascism is. Someone even thinks Antifa are Fascists. Clueless

Thomas Sewell. Does this mean everyone else’s definition of Fascism is correct? Btw anyone can be a National Socialist, it’s organic

Yeah, that was me. What's clueless is calling Conservatives fascist. Young heads full of mush lapping up propaganda from old Marxist professors and thinking it's the wisest shit since Moses are the ones fucking up the planet at the moment...

You seem to be really struggling with words Camber, so here's a definition of Communism for you: "The belief in a society without different social classes in which the methods of production are owned and controlled by all its members, and everyone works as much as they can and receives what they need, or a social and political system based on this belief." From Cambridge Dictionary.

LOL, they also changed the dictionary definition of 'vaccine' Do some more copying of definitions, instead of examining who the Communists are and what they've been doing, smdh 🙄

Dictionaries are a useful place to start, when a bunch of flailing stoners are chucking around words like 'fascist' and 'communist'.

I’m not struggling with words at all. I’m just not doing a ‘cut and paste’ and expecting other people to accept it. There’s a link above to a Fascism group on Gab. That’s the place to learn about Fascism. If you think they’re wrong, go and tell them.

twigs, you are a complete idiot 🤣 Why don't you read a book,
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
it's even on Amazon. Btw, I'm Ashkenazi and I learned about this over 20 years ago, so rejected my own people because of their evil. Bruno Baum was a distant relative of the wife and he told the truth. You are retarded. Smoke some more weed, you fool 🤣
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War"
it's even on Amazon. Btw, I'm Ashkenazi and I learned about this over 20 years ago, so rejected my own people because of their evil. Bruno Baum was a distant relative of the wife and he told the truth. You are retarded. Smoke some more weed, you fool 🤣

I'm not a complete idiot - just anti-fascist to my last breath.
That Gab group has a lot of axes to grind, and seems aimed at recruiting teenagers. There are definite kernels of truth in the things you proclaim - always space to reexamine and reassess WW2. I'm sure lots of things taken for granted are mistaken - there's always room for further investigation and analysis. Following this poisonous exchange last summer, for the second, or third time in my life - went down a deep rabbit hole of holocaust investigation, reacquainting myself with the revisionist argument - it's ugly, and often end up feeling I'm listening or reading, not the work of historians, but politicians - who have a vested interest in revising our understanding of the Holocaust to further political objectives. But agree, that there are lots of questions - lots of things to think about.
However, it's the self-righteousness, the certitude, the venom, the under/overtones of racism, the complete denial of any racism that marks you lot (homogenous group) out as obnoxious, foolish, deluded, angry zealots (you won't like that word).
That Gab group has a lot of axes to grind, and seems aimed at recruiting teenagers. There are definite kernels of truth in the things you proclaim - always space to reexamine and reassess WW2. I'm sure lots of things taken for granted are mistaken - there's always room for further investigation and analysis. Following this poisonous exchange last summer, for the second, or third time in my life - went down a deep rabbit hole of holocaust investigation, reacquainting myself with the revisionist argument - it's ugly, and often end up feeling I'm listening or reading, not the work of historians, but politicians - who have a vested interest in revising our understanding of the Holocaust to further political objectives. But agree, that there are lots of questions - lots of things to think about.
However, it's the self-righteousness, the certitude, the venom, the under/overtones of racism, the complete denial of any racism that marks you lot (homogenous group) out as obnoxious, foolish, deluded, angry zealots (you won't like that word).

I just meant to say that I believe your fascination with fascist revisionism is an internet concocted, social media thing - and it doesn't deserve to be engaged with seriously.
The historic Fascist governments of the world are responsible for the murder of millions - Jews, Roma, Slavs, communists, socialists, Africans, artists, queer folk, people with disabilities, I could go on.
The latter day followers of Fascism are responsible for thousands of violent street attacks & murders.
Anyone who would seek to sanitise Fascism as some sort of benevolent universal human law (as your Snap-chat link proclaims), or present Fascism as misunderstood and misrepresented - is deserving of ridicule, at the very least.
I'm an exponent of the European antifa approach to Fascism. Fascism is a violent ideology. And Fascists only understand violence, and do not deserve to be engaged with intellectually.
The historic Fascist governments of the world are responsible for the murder of millions - Jews, Roma, Slavs, communists, socialists, Africans, artists, queer folk, people with disabilities, I could go on.
The latter day followers of Fascism are responsible for thousands of violent street attacks & murders.
Anyone who would seek to sanitise Fascism as some sort of benevolent universal human law (as your Snap-chat link proclaims), or present Fascism as misunderstood and misrepresented - is deserving of ridicule, at the very least.
I'm an exponent of the European antifa approach to Fascism. Fascism is a violent ideology. And Fascists only understand violence, and do not deserve to be engaged with intellectually.

Go to the group I posted above and post that shite, this isn’t the place for it. You are so ridiculously misinformed it actually hurts my head.

I've had a look at your group. It's sinister, revisionist, conspiratorial, paranoid. Fascist.
There is so much documentary evidence for the crimes I described above - you'd have to be a seriously blinkered "researcher" to ignore/deny.
There is so much documentary evidence for the crimes I described above - you'd have to be a seriously blinkered "researcher" to ignore/deny.

That group is...
Sinister - the memes reek of propaganda.
Revisionist - almost every accepted historical fact of the fascist governments of Mussolini & Hitler are attempted to be revised or denied - it seems to take the extreme position of completely denying the Holocaust, presenting it as a benevolent attempt to resettle the Jews of Europe.
Conspiratorial - it seems this group is arguing that the reason for the 'popular' conceptions of WW2 were a smoke-screen for a Zionist plot to establish the state of Israel and infiltrate and take over the world (ironically, this conspiracy predates WW2, and was a theory that was peddled by the Nazis, helping them to win power.)
Paranoid - Everything is seen through this lens of the "great Zionist conspiracy", so whether it's the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the Covid-19 pandemic, or climate change - it all points to the terrifying spectre of Zionism.
Fascist - it's important to remember that this group is aiming itself at real-world political influence, despite it initially seeming to be a historical forum for discussion of the history of fascism. It aims to convert, to rehabilitate, to exhume Fascist ideals- including abhorrent concepts like 'homogenous groups' (whilst denying any racism).
Sinister - the memes reek of propaganda.
Revisionist - almost every accepted historical fact of the fascist governments of Mussolini & Hitler are attempted to be revised or denied - it seems to take the extreme position of completely denying the Holocaust, presenting it as a benevolent attempt to resettle the Jews of Europe.
Conspiratorial - it seems this group is arguing that the reason for the 'popular' conceptions of WW2 were a smoke-screen for a Zionist plot to establish the state of Israel and infiltrate and take over the world (ironically, this conspiracy predates WW2, and was a theory that was peddled by the Nazis, helping them to win power.)
Paranoid - Everything is seen through this lens of the "great Zionist conspiracy", so whether it's the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or the Covid-19 pandemic, or climate change - it all points to the terrifying spectre of Zionism.
Fascist - it's important to remember that this group is aiming itself at real-world political influence, despite it initially seeming to be a historical forum for discussion of the history of fascism. It aims to convert, to rehabilitate, to exhume Fascist ideals- including abhorrent concepts like 'homogenous groups' (whilst denying any racism).

Racism, ROFL, we destroyed your societies with that word. Racially homogeneous societies are more successful, which is why we won't allow you to have them. Every other country will have them, apart from you. See what we did to you? We brainwashed you into embracing your own genocide and we don't care how long it takes. Have a look at Savile Town UK. All of the UK will be the same, fool

hahaha you absolute fool. Do you or do you not know who Bruno Baum is? Racism, another one of our buzzwords that we have conditioned you to fear being called. Have you not heard of Loxism? Loxism is the only real racism. Every nation prefers their own people to outsiders, except White people who are currently committing cultural genocide because they watch our tv stations. We are literally destroying Europe right under your noses. "Islam is Israel's broom, you will have no place to run" Don't say you didn't know, because now you do know 😉

I think BrunoBaum might be Camber's new account - I'd be surprised if there is more than 1 swivel-eyed, fascist stoner in Albion. It is interesting to keep prodding you though, because you're slowly revealing how nasty you really are. Remember this began as a straightforward attempt to explain that Fascism is misunderstood, and had nothing to do with antisemitism. The irony that you're increasingly throwing around pejorative words such as "loxism", "judenpresse" "goyim" - is clearly lost on you.

My wife buys on LB, she uses RSO. I spent £1000s here. Even if I was a sock puppet, the facts still remain the same: You are a stupid goyim, we own you

Bullshit. If you think you can refute them, go in there and do it. You won’t because you can’t, you brainwashed muppet. I’ve had about 20 notifications over the last few days, all from you, ya freak. Did you actually just post a BBC documentary, are you on LSD? When you’re eating maggots in your pod, subject to the Chinese social credit score and only able to spend your allocated CBDC, just remember it was the Fascists who tried to stop them. Stupid goyim

They won't go in there and refute shit, because they can't. All they've got is what the judenpresse has programmed them to parrot. You're wasting your time with these fucktards, Camber, move on

You knuckle-dragging, racist thugs don't deserve any consideration. Learn how to read, think and discuss.

Ooh, name calling. Triggered, much. I'm not a thug, btw, unless you can demonstrate otherwise. You're not much of a man if you can't take a few insults thrown in with the facts. Ashkenazi hate you because you destroyed our 2nd Temple. We will now destroy you and rebuild it. I'm perfectly capable of thinking and discussing. I have facts on my side. You have tv programmes that we made for you. We control the CFR, The Military Industrial Complex. Just watch as more White men die in our wars. Hilter didn't want war or to kill Anglo Saxons. The Angles were a Germanic tribe, he thought the Englishman's blood far too valuable to be spilled. Here I am literally laying it all out for you and still you kvetch and squirm. It's called cognitive dissonance and we did it to you, fool. Don't say ya didn't know...

The whole I/we thing again - perhaps save the smoke until after you've tried to explain the modern history of the West?
And don't invoke Saxons and Englishmen - England is a construct, a fake country invented for the marketing of tobacco and sugar.
The soul of Albion was torn apart by 1,000 years of invasion from the Romans through to the Normans - but these are cultural, not racial invasions - Catholic, blood-thirsty, power-trippers that you seem so desperate to align yourself with.
Race is a cultural construct - every human alive is descended from around 10-20k humans in Africa. Africa is the motherland.
You're espousing 19th Century ideas, retarded, industrial, paranoid dreams, from a time when people's brains were coated with lead.
Me, I prefer 1st century ideas when I want some distance from the modern world - head to the Moors mate, find your local Druwids.
And don't invoke Saxons and Englishmen - England is a construct, a fake country invented for the marketing of tobacco and sugar.
The soul of Albion was torn apart by 1,000 years of invasion from the Romans through to the Normans - but these are cultural, not racial invasions - Catholic, blood-thirsty, power-trippers that you seem so desperate to align yourself with.
Race is a cultural construct - every human alive is descended from around 10-20k humans in Africa. Africa is the motherland.
You're espousing 19th Century ideas, retarded, industrial, paranoid dreams, from a time when people's brains were coated with lead.
Me, I prefer 1st century ideas when I want some distance from the modern world - head to the Moors mate, find your local Druwids.

You, right now: "look at me and how much history I've absorbed in college" LMAO, ya still don't know what Fascism is. Again, icymi "we are Ashkenazi and we own you"

Much like you, I'm a social media autodidact - and have learnt much from the Internet.
I don't believe the simplistic, monolithic idea that one race owns another, I think you'll find, when you grow up, if you choose to abandon your moronic certitude - that the world is a complex place, and simplistic stories don't provide answers - as comforting as they can be.
I don't believe the simplistic, monolithic idea that one race owns another, I think you'll find, when you grow up, if you choose to abandon your moronic certitude - that the world is a complex place, and simplistic stories don't provide answers - as comforting as they can be.

I'm sorry for attempting to talk to you reasonably. It's telling that you're so triggered into rage by me pointing to a dictionary definition & documentary evidence from the war.
I just don't think Little Biggy should be a platform for Fascist links & memes. And I will continue to challenge you if you continue posting this poisonous content.
I attempted to appeal to your better nature, in the hope you were capable of intelligent thought/discussion. But you're clearly lost in this nasty maggot hole of paranoid imaginings.
I posted you a link to one of the great documentaries on the Second World War, made for ITV - it took decades to make, was an international effort, and is made up of interviews from people who were involved and witnessed the war, from many different countries.
You've responded with a film that amounts to a 2 hour political tirade, that contains not one interview, let alone an interview from anyone who was a part of 1939-45. Just a narrator telling you exactly what to think. And you want to talk about brainwashing?
If you want to dismiss The World at War series outright, because you've decided everything on mainstream television is "lies" - it is most certainly your loss. You have a Medieval mindset, obsessed with belief. (Belief is the death of intelligence, Robert Anton Wilson). You've only served to highlight how small-minded, cowardly and reactionary your mindset is - masquerading as a fearless truth-seeker.
Think for yourself. Take each programme on its own merits.
Don't listen to Love - they aren't for you.
Listen to Hate like Skrewdriver.
I just don't think Little Biggy should be a platform for Fascist links & memes. And I will continue to challenge you if you continue posting this poisonous content.
I attempted to appeal to your better nature, in the hope you were capable of intelligent thought/discussion. But you're clearly lost in this nasty maggot hole of paranoid imaginings.
I posted you a link to one of the great documentaries on the Second World War, made for ITV - it took decades to make, was an international effort, and is made up of interviews from people who were involved and witnessed the war, from many different countries.
You've responded with a film that amounts to a 2 hour political tirade, that contains not one interview, let alone an interview from anyone who was a part of 1939-45. Just a narrator telling you exactly what to think. And you want to talk about brainwashing?
If you want to dismiss The World at War series outright, because you've decided everything on mainstream television is "lies" - it is most certainly your loss. You have a Medieval mindset, obsessed with belief. (Belief is the death of intelligence, Robert Anton Wilson). You've only served to highlight how small-minded, cowardly and reactionary your mindset is - masquerading as a fearless truth-seeker.
Think for yourself. Take each programme on its own merits.
Don't listen to Love - they aren't for you.
Listen to Hate like Skrewdriver.

You are so full of shit, I can smell it from here. World at War ROFL. What a cunt you are, accusing people of being triggered while you post absolute bollocks. "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth" General Patton knew because he was there, he didn't watch tv. Did you take one or more of our jabs? Wanker 🤣

You are pretty triggered though, right? Almost like you have a vested interest in this shite. Butt-hurt fascists. 🤣

I'm not a Fascist, I'm Ashkenazi. You're still full of shit. You don't know anything about Fascism or Communism or WWII. You are a clueless fucktard and the best you've got is assuming that I'm triggered. Keep downvoting, you're still wrong. We control more than 90% of broadcasting and have done for decades, which is why you think like you do. We have installed 1000s of jihadists in your countries and we will arm them. We have always controlled Islam. The same thing will happen as did to Germany 1945-1953, we removed millions from the gene pool.

You seem fairly triggered into rage by my replies - you're debating less, and vomiting stream-of-consciousness bile from the social media posts you've been lapping up for years. I'm sorry I don't entirely agree with your world-view, but surely, as you claim that 90% of the broadcast media spreads misinformation, you might have a little sympathy / empathy / patience for the 90% of humanity that haven't started feeding on the same sources that you have?

Germany isn't responsible for WWII. Fascism is not a violent ideology. Do you even know who Bruno Baum is? How about Paul Rassinier? Stop taking drugs, fool. How many Fascists have you engaged with, intellectually? If this thread is indicative of your intellectual prowess, I would guess at zero

I'm certainly not engaging with this Fascist intellectually. I feel like I'm being shouted at by street preachers.
Note - I was never a Fascist, but definitely positioned myself on the Right as a youngster - I had Fascist friends many years ago, who didn't just shout insults at me. We used to talk.
Note - I was never a Fascist, but definitely positioned myself on the Right as a youngster - I had Fascist friends many years ago, who didn't just shout insults at me. We used to talk.

I haven't only insulted you, I've also given you some valuable information that may just keep you alive. I turned my back on my own people and I've been sounding the alarm for White people since 2002. You will either cry because you've been insulted or you will wake up. Talking won't save you. Just about everything you have posted is exactly what we conditioned you to think. You have been brainwashed. We are Masters of Manipulation. Every single time, is not a trope.

I'm really confused by this mixing up of I/we. I thought it was just the Left who were caught up on pronouns?
Still very confused at how I/we (the other people on Little Biggy) are supposed to react to your posts (beyond having a look at the Gab Fascism group) - is there a specific U.K. political party that you're advocating / campaigning for? What should I/we do?
Still very confused at how I/we (the other people on Little Biggy) are supposed to react to your posts (beyond having a look at the Gab Fascism group) - is there a specific U.K. political party that you're advocating / campaigning for? What should I/we do?

The reason I came on here is because you posted this
"The Jews? Come on man, you're better that," and I say "yes" It's literally all over the web, stupid goyim.
"The Jews? Come on man, you're better that," and I say "yes" It's literally all over the web, stupid goyim.

You poked your head up on here to defend the righteousness of Kristallnacht and the Nazi pogroms?

I poked my head up on here because you defend those who want you and yours dead. The jihadists have already been installed up and down the UK in the 1000s. All they need are weapons and it's game over. It's happening right under your nose and the irony is you're funding the whole thing. When I see stupidity, I like to challenge it. We used the BBC in 1944 and we used the BBC to get the jabs into the arms of as many people as possible. "Atrocity propaganda is how we won this war" look it up. We literally brainwashed you. "Islam is Israel's broom. You will have no place to run" You can pretend as much as you want, but you know I'm right (if you don't have Narcissistic Personality Disorder) 😱

"When I see stupidity, I like to challenge it." Right on! That's why I'm still here talking to you!
Have you seen the film 'Four Lions' - there's a character, Barry, who's based on a British National Party member who wanted to learn more about the enemy, so he visited his local mosque, and accidentally converted himself to fundamentalist Islam.
The uncomfortable truth is, that the Zionists, the Islamists & Fascists - have an awful lot in common - principally, violence & a Medieval belief in the supremacy of their Belief System. Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber - stated, whilst in prison, that it was the Muslim terrorists who he had the most common ground with.
I have a lot in common with you - I too, am anti-Zionist & anti-political Islam too. But any common ground has been burned in the hatred of your paranoid hysteria.
Your utter hatred of anything representing a challenge, or an attempt to debate is obvious. It surely will be very difficult for you to admit this, but I sincerely hope that you will do one day.
There's only one answer - you're a fundamentalist, you're brain-washed - and you will violently attack anyone who challenges your narrow view of reality - just like the people you claim to stand against.
Have you seen the film 'Four Lions' - there's a character, Barry, who's based on a British National Party member who wanted to learn more about the enemy, so he visited his local mosque, and accidentally converted himself to fundamentalist Islam.
The uncomfortable truth is, that the Zionists, the Islamists & Fascists - have an awful lot in common - principally, violence & a Medieval belief in the supremacy of their Belief System. Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma bomber - stated, whilst in prison, that it was the Muslim terrorists who he had the most common ground with.
I have a lot in common with you - I too, am anti-Zionist & anti-political Islam too. But any common ground has been burned in the hatred of your paranoid hysteria.
Your utter hatred of anything representing a challenge, or an attempt to debate is obvious. It surely will be very difficult for you to admit this, but I sincerely hope that you will do one day.
There's only one answer - you're a fundamentalist, you're brain-washed - and you will violently attack anyone who challenges your narrow view of reality - just like the people you claim to stand against.

"What should I/we do?" Do what you like, it's too late for Europe. The Ashkenazi have fucked you up. All because we programmed you to hate Fascism and conflate it with Communism. It's official, the goyim are fucking stupid. Btw, Loxism is very real

It's like trying to have a discussion with a disintegrating chat-bot.
I'd suggest that it's too late for you. Doom-sayers have been heralding the end of Europe for centuries.
The only people who've come close to destroying it are paranoid Fascist war-mongers.
I'd suggest that it's too late for you. Doom-sayers have been heralding the end of Europe for centuries.
The only people who've come close to destroying it are paranoid Fascist war-mongers.

Wrong again. Read Harold Rosenthal's book. It's all there and it's irrefutable. You won't win this debate, you can't because the facts aren't on your side. It's almost as though you don't have the Internet. Serious question: are you jabbed?

Are you talking about the booklet 'The Hidden Tyranny' - a written account of an interview Rosenthal supposedly gave?
It seems like it's a complete fabrication, it's very easy to refute!
“That interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one. He disappeared once for a while. I personally sent men searching for him. He showed up claiming the JDL [Jewish Defense League] kidnapped him and dumped him at the Mexican border... That [Rosenthal] interview is bogus. There is plenty of valid material to use against the Jews.” Tom Metzger, founder of White Aryan Resistance and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, stated on the Resist website in 2010.
It's not much of a debate, sadly. Every good point I've made, you've either ignored, laughed at, called me stupid, brain-washed. At best, you've told me to watch some interview, or read a link, or a quote-meme - all of which I've done, in good faith.
That you, presumably with a straight-face, switched from a discussion about the Fascist governments of the 1930s & 40s - to a discussion about Covid-19 pandemic vaccines in the same breath, highlights that you're squirming, and desperate to shut me up / shut me down.
Which version of the Internet are you using? There's a lot of information out there - the stuff you disagree with isn't necessarily wrong. It's healthy to be exposed to alternative views - it provides contrast and definition, and is essential for the pursuit of truth.
It seems like it's a complete fabrication, it's very easy to refute!
“That interview never took place. Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one. He disappeared once for a while. I personally sent men searching for him. He showed up claiming the JDL [Jewish Defense League] kidnapped him and dumped him at the Mexican border... That [Rosenthal] interview is bogus. There is plenty of valid material to use against the Jews.” Tom Metzger, founder of White Aryan Resistance and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, stated on the Resist website in 2010.
It's not much of a debate, sadly. Every good point I've made, you've either ignored, laughed at, called me stupid, brain-washed. At best, you've told me to watch some interview, or read a link, or a quote-meme - all of which I've done, in good faith.
That you, presumably with a straight-face, switched from a discussion about the Fascist governments of the 1930s & 40s - to a discussion about Covid-19 pandemic vaccines in the same breath, highlights that you're squirming, and desperate to shut me up / shut me down.
Which version of the Internet are you using? There's a lot of information out there - the stuff you disagree with isn't necessarily wrong. It's healthy to be exposed to alternative views - it provides contrast and definition, and is essential for the pursuit of truth.

You should take a look at it - they advise wannabe Fascists not to engage in petty insults, be considerate and intelligent, and spread the One True Faith.

A literary device, I see. It made it sound like you were having some sort of dope-meltdown.

5 posts
+11 votes
Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
That’s ok. We are born free and we are born with certain God given rights, which are inalienable. This is just the way it is, like having a right to c…
+ 5 more

Can someone tell me why Americans think guns are the definition of freedom?
Americans are happy to devote decades of their lives to supporting an overseas war machine as they gobble up jingoistic bullshit in their media.
They are taxed and regulated as mush as socialist countries but get little benefits in return, all the while being spied on to a standard that would make the Gestapo proud.
They are fine with all of this damage to their liberty as long as they keep their guns, is this just some kind of penis fixation?
They are taxed and regulated as mush as socialist countries but get little benefits in return, all the while being spied on to a standard that would make the Gestapo proud.
They are fine with all of this damage to their liberty as long as they keep their guns, is this just some kind of penis fixation?

I don't expect many to understand, and it's not something you can relate to unless you've walked a similar path,but... during my traveling work days, I experienced more than once the need to carry a firearm.
permitted to carry concealed, allowed me the chance to go back home and see my family again.
you are entitled free speech and your freedom of views, just remember, the crime or bad folks don't follow ANY rules and could care less about your politics. take away the good man's right to protect himself, and become their next target, as security is just a word.
(understand that police have NO obigation to protect you or your family, they strictly uphold the law...)
permitted to carry concealed, allowed me the chance to go back home and see my family again.
you are entitled free speech and your freedom of views, just remember, the crime or bad folks don't follow ANY rules and could care less about your politics. take away the good man's right to protect himself, and become their next target, as security is just a word.
(understand that police have NO obigation to protect you or your family, they strictly uphold the law...)

You make a fine point but the statistics don’t lie. A developed country shouldn’t be 4th on a list with these others.
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*
El Salvador (61.7)
Honduras (41.0)
Venezuela (49.9)
United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
Jamaica (56.4)
Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
Belize (37.8)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
South Africa (35.7)
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Murder Rates (per 100k people) in 2017:*
El Salvador (61.7)
Honduras (41.0)
Venezuela (49.9)
United States Virgin Islands (49.3 [2012 data])
Jamaica (56.4)
Lesotho (43.6 [[2016 data]] per 100k people)
Belize (37.8)
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (36.5 [2016 data])
Saint Kitts And Nevis (36.1 [2012 data])
South Africa (35.7)

no biggz, that's the virgin islands, an unincorporated territory of a few hundred meters.

USA are #64 in World rankings for intentional homicides/100k people

Because freedom is only delivered through the end of a gun (unfortunately)
And if you don’t have a gun someone with a gun will take your freedom away
The only part of history you can guarantee is true freedom comes at the end of a sword/gun
And if you don’t have a gun someone with a gun will take your freedom away
The only part of history you can guarantee is true freedom comes at the end of a sword/gun

i don't think the american colonies outgunned england and i'm sure that's not how it went down in india or in the 1990s in eastern europe.
freedom is obtained through will and persistence like a lot of things around this earth.
freedom is obtained through will and persistence like a lot of things around this earth.

This is it, no tyrannical regime, dictator, kings or queens taking the piss were ever overthrown through mediation and peaceful actions, fire meets fire literally.

I'll go with the penis fixation. I don't own a gun - don't want one - guns are for killing. It's the second amendment in the American Bible, er, "Bill of Rights". Funny thing is that the pro-life people are usually pro-gun. Just doesn't make sense.

Guns do not kill... the person using it KILLS... I use them to kill clay pigeons. and just imagine it's someone i hate. lol ;)

By that reasoning the murder rate in the likes of El Salvador, Honduras etc. is purely down to the types of people that live there and not to the availability of guns. Obviously incorrect. You need someone willing to kill AND a gun to shoot someone dead.

I am not black but I am a 6'5' 300+ pound white mail. when I get out of my car I have yet seen my public servent have his on his gun when he see's me. I have never been shot , but I have been scared you never know when They might get scared and shoot. I am always as helpful and curtice I can makke cause I want to live and pissing of armed cops is not a healthy way to live. When they start treating you like shit , remember it will you a lot more then it will him.

Not saying you're fat but it's interesting that fat white dudes are credible rappers and also eyed by the police like black dudes.

No one can grant anyone rights, unless we agree that they can. Plenty folks will tell you you're not free unless unless always unless. You are free if you say you are. And you're not if you're not (royal you, not you you, but yes, also you 😜). You can be in a prison cell and be totally free. You can be a rich fat white cunt with acres of land and be completely imprisoned. It's in the mind. Sure, there may well be folks who contest your freedom, tell you you're not free, tell you you must this and you mustn't that if you want your "rights" intact. Nonsense. There, that's my two penny's (or cents, since the topic started in the US) spent and I'm skint for the night.

They didn’t. Our rights are God given and they are inalienable. The Bill of Rights protects them, or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work.

I’m not trying to start something here but I really want to understand how these rights are God given. Can you explain?

That’s ok. We are born free and we are born with certain God given rights, which are inalienable. This is just the way it is, like having a right to clean drinking water. We have the right to protect ourselves and our property. In the UK we still have the right to bear arms, but it has been hidden from us using legislation and obfuscation. Most people don’t understand that they are supposed to be free, so they put up with buffoons and paedo Freemasons dictating what they can and can’t do. This is one of the reasons why we pay income tax, which is unlawful but not illegal. The law is simple: No loss, no harm, no injury, no fraud.

Straw man stuff really opened my mind a good decade ago. The financial system is a good place to begin ones journey back into realising one was always free and one just didn't know it. Look at me, getting all queenly with the "ones". Did you say freemasons? 😉

Thanks for the response Camber I appreciate it but I’m still struggling with the God given bit. It’s not as if Moses came down from the mountain with a commandment saying Americans can have AR15s. I don’t mean to sound flippant I just don’t understand it

That’s ok, you’re not coming across as flippant.
“God given” is simply a term. It applies to atheists as well. Try to understand what it means to be born a free man. Eg: Monetisation of another man’s labour, without his consent, is slavery and it is unlawful. So why do we pay income tax? Did you consent to this?
The Founding Fathers were Christians, hence ‘God given’ Replace ‘God given’ with ‘pre-existing’
“God given” is simply a term. It applies to atheists as well. Try to understand what it means to be born a free man. Eg: Monetisation of another man’s labour, without his consent, is slavery and it is unlawful. So why do we pay income tax? Did you consent to this?
The Founding Fathers were Christians, hence ‘God given’ Replace ‘God given’ with ‘pre-existing’

It was a rural place and hunting was very common. If you start from that perspective and then think of the government coming in and taking the guns away you start to understand.

Not being American but my take on it is simply history, god made men Samuel Colt made all men equal… You can hunt so can provide for yourself and your family, you can defend yourself and your family from threats, and I guess Homer said it best with ‘If You Don't Have A Gun, The King Of England Can Just Walk In Here And Shove You Around’ And for Americans it was true, it’s the reason they were free, the gun. I think the vast majority of people would agree if there were NO guns then the world would be a better place, BUT if bad guys, police, army have guns and you don’t then you’re simply powerless to anyones will. So if they have guns yeah I also want a gun.

I could be wrong but I’m sure the law to carry guns came into action as to kill Indians as white man was expanding in America.?

It’s a national identity! They feel they wouldn’t be Americans without the ability to kill somebody instantly.

1. The Wild West is recent history in a young nation and was really really wild. Ditto the Civil War.
2. Hollywood is real. The good guy always shoots the bad guy. (With armed private citizens this is hardly ever the outcome, but who cares about reality?)
3. A lot of yanks are cunts?
2. Hollywood is real. The good guy always shoots the bad guy. (With armed private citizens this is hardly ever the outcome, but who cares about reality?)
3. A lot of yanks are cunts?

The right to bear arms is to shoot the British, not the Indians. The theory is if everyone has guns, the government can't be oppressive and tyrannical. In practice, however, you just end up with gut-shot schoolkids. Guns are fun though tbf

They need their guns lots of wild animals running about on two legs out their nuts on prescription drugs with guns.
Vicious circle where the usual suspects make lots of cash from social chaos and scaring the population.
Man you would think we would be over all this crap by now smh
Vicious circle where the usual suspects make lots of cash from social chaos and scaring the population.
Man you would think we would be over all this crap by now smh

It might be useful to differentiate the American people and American foreign policy. It seems you have conflated the two, whereas looking at the American people and domestic policy might yield better results. Guns are completely illegal in China and as we all know, China is one of the most liberated places to live on the planet! The second amendment in the US was created to provide a constitutional check on congressional power was as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression. My family live in the USA and right now, gun ownership is anything from a penis fixation, it's security and peace of mind. I would rather get shot than stabbed any day of the week. Knife crime is equally as concerning in my book.

I'm hoping that you picked up the sarcasm in my 'China is liberated' comment. Reading it back, it doesn't come across too clearly.

hear ya my friend. thought i was doing the same ;) with your comment. i read it both ways (with/without sarcasm) I wouldn't criticise either. just own my private thoughts lol. stay as safe as this "Pandemic" will let you. Gaz

No, the founding fathers recognised the likely leadership America was likely to get would be those psychopaths you identify - a neolib psychopathic war machine at the helm. Without the right to bear arms, the citizens of the US would be unable to defend themselves against these psychos in control. Have you not noticed that the MSM (totally controlled by the same psychos) is relentlessly pushing for "gun control" - can you not see their agenda here? To disarm the citizens of the US would be to disarm all potential opposition to these globalist psychopaths in their pursuit of a NWO, hence the relentless media to demonize gun ownership. Are you are aware that you are statistically more likely to die from an unprovoked knife wound in London than you are to die from an "unprovoked" gun shooting in the US?

1 post
+4 votes
Why is Switzerland So Expensive?
Keeps out the riffraff
Why is Switzerland So Expensive?
Yeah it's nice but it's neighbours are better and they are like 1/2 the price.

Basically they wound up betting on gold while the rest of the world played games with currency.

1 post
+2 votes
Friendliest Islamic Destinations?
Savile Town is friendly
Friendliest Islamic Destinations?
I've been to so many Christian places, Buddhist, but never a Moslem one. Where do you suggest?

Agreed, I went to Istanbul during Ramadan a few years ago and it was fantastic. Highly recommend that city, just a beautiful place and the food is amazing!
Cheers. BB
Cheers. BB

My Auntie and her “friend” went to Turkey during Ramadan and she said it was nightmare. Agreed that it was a beautiful place and the food was beyond superb.

Apparently Jordan is quite chill. Haven’t been but have seen a documentary following a guy (Levison Wood) travelling around Arabia and definitely Jordan is more relaxed than some surrounding countries. Also Petra is in Jordan which looks amazing

I dunno, they didn't do too well in the Suez war... And I'm pretty sure the ottomans beat them a couple times too.

Malaysia & Indonesia definitely worth a mention! Very underrated as tourist destinations. Azerbaijan is a fairly secular Muslim nation, with a big drinking culture & nightclubs, same goes for Kosovo. Friend of mine visited both & had a great time. Apparently Kosovans love Brits. Morocco is very regional, but always friendly. I've never been but some of the best & most hospitable people I've encountered come from there - a colleague of mine gave me a big chunk of hash at work once because he was despairing at the shwag I was smoking (pre-LB days!).

My friend went to Iraq before lockdown and had a brilliant time. Iraqis are very friendly and tjough there are issues a well run tour will be worth it. Some of the architecture looks incredible.

Wow as a British Muslim I came here expecting the same regurgitated racist nonsense you see all over Facebook etc. I just want to say it’s a breath of fresh air seeing all these posts. I also wanted to say that first and foremost I would consider myself British, my dad moved to this country 30+ years ago (whether due to prior circumstances or not) and has built an amazing life for us all here in much we certainly wouldn’t have been able to enjoy in his own country.
The problem is you have people coming over nowadays who do not want to intergrate into British society at all, learn the language? No thanks, try some traditional English food? don’t eat that horrible bland food. Claim the benefits? Yes please. I find myself in a situation where I am unable to buy a home, unable to live comfortably while working what I would say is a fairly good job all because 1000+ goes towards deductions and funding these kind of people. These kind of people are the real problem and tarnish the reputation of everyone else.
To the OPs question most countries barring Saudi Arabia are fine for a visit just be sure to obey the local customs. Saudi Arabia is full of bigoted hypocrites so I would steer well clear of there. Some notable examples which are quite liberal are Morocco and Turkey. Istanbul and marrakech are good city breaks and there are also loads of resort towns such as Agadir, Bodrum etc. Further afield you could travel to the northern areas of Pakistan where I am from we have the 2nd tallest mountain K2, hash from the Himalayas beautiful food and beautiful people. It’s an amazing place and it’s safe despite what you hear on the news. Search karakoram tourism if you’re interested
The problem is you have people coming over nowadays who do not want to intergrate into British society at all, learn the language? No thanks, try some traditional English food? don’t eat that horrible bland food. Claim the benefits? Yes please. I find myself in a situation where I am unable to buy a home, unable to live comfortably while working what I would say is a fairly good job all because 1000+ goes towards deductions and funding these kind of people. These kind of people are the real problem and tarnish the reputation of everyone else.
To the OPs question most countries barring Saudi Arabia are fine for a visit just be sure to obey the local customs. Saudi Arabia is full of bigoted hypocrites so I would steer well clear of there. Some notable examples which are quite liberal are Morocco and Turkey. Istanbul and marrakech are good city breaks and there are also loads of resort towns such as Agadir, Bodrum etc. Further afield you could travel to the northern areas of Pakistan where I am from we have the 2nd tallest mountain K2, hash from the Himalayas beautiful food and beautiful people. It’s an amazing place and it’s safe despite what you hear on the news. Search karakoram tourism if you’re interested

You sounds like you are blaming immigrants for your economic situation. That stuff you don't like seeing on Facebook seems to be seeping in and affecting your views of migrants.
'People coming over nowadays' but not *my* parents - exactly the kind of words we're sick of hearing from Priti and Suella. I promise you, the same will have been said about your dad 30 years ago, I was old enough in the 80s and 90s to remember it.
'People coming over nowadays' but not *my* parents - exactly the kind of words we're sick of hearing from Priti and Suella. I promise you, the same will have been said about your dad 30 years ago, I was old enough in the 80s and 90s to remember it.

I think you are confused sir are you for migration or against?
I am talking from first hand experience, I know my dad experienced racism in the 90s and I have experienced it first hand when travelling to more rural parts of the UK. Racists will be racists but I have enough life experience to know not all white people in this country are like that. This is nothing to do with race anyway it’s about British culture and contributing to the society we live in. I have seen myself people come over here, get a council house within 2 months, universal credit, free medical. Add the odd cash in hand job to that and you’re laughing.
I am talking from first hand experience, I know my dad experienced racism in the 90s and I have experienced it first hand when travelling to more rural parts of the UK. Racists will be racists but I have enough life experience to know not all white people in this country are like that. This is nothing to do with race anyway it’s about British culture and contributing to the society we live in. I have seen myself people come over here, get a council house within 2 months, universal credit, free medical. Add the odd cash in hand job to that and you’re laughing.

We've always had high levels of migration in and out of this country and just to be clear I am more than happy with that, I'm not trying to make some sort of anti-migration point in a weird way.
You sound like you are against migrants being housed, supported by the welfare state, or provided with medical treatment when they're sick. I'd prefer to live in a country that minimises homelessness, poverty, and illness, regardless of the recipient's country of birth. You've painted a picture of migrants 'coming over here', being provided with the bare minimum to integrate into society, and being happy as a result as though it's somehow a bad thing. Would you prefer that they weren't? Do you not think it hinders someone's ability to become a functioning member of society if they're homeless, penniless, and denied medical treatment? How's that going to help with them integrating and contributing to society?
The beef I have with what you're saying about migrants is that it's no different to what your dad will have heard 30 years ago, and probably no different to what you hear directed at yourself when you're out in the sticks. The comparison I made with Priti and Suella was no doubt unfair, you are surely nothing like as abhorrent as those two, but you use the same words. I ask you to reflect on them and how you feel when those same words are directed at you and your family.
You sound like you are against migrants being housed, supported by the welfare state, or provided with medical treatment when they're sick. I'd prefer to live in a country that minimises homelessness, poverty, and illness, regardless of the recipient's country of birth. You've painted a picture of migrants 'coming over here', being provided with the bare minimum to integrate into society, and being happy as a result as though it's somehow a bad thing. Would you prefer that they weren't? Do you not think it hinders someone's ability to become a functioning member of society if they're homeless, penniless, and denied medical treatment? How's that going to help with them integrating and contributing to society?
The beef I have with what you're saying about migrants is that it's no different to what your dad will have heard 30 years ago, and probably no different to what you hear directed at yourself when you're out in the sticks. The comparison I made with Priti and Suella was no doubt unfair, you are surely nothing like as abhorrent as those two, but you use the same words. I ask you to reflect on them and how you feel when those same words are directed at you and your family.

So you think the current system where 10-member families can come over here to claim everything when they have a perfectly fine life where they are is ok?
I agree if there is a genuine need for asylum then yes careful support should be provided but also monitored and tapered off when reasonable. The current system can be more profitable than working a 9-5.
I agree if there is a genuine need for asylum then yes careful support should be provided but also monitored and tapered off when reasonable. The current system can be more profitable than working a 9-5.

I'm sure we're in agreement that we have a crazy economic situation where working 9-5 at minimum wage is often not enough to survive, and I agree that the meagre levels of support that's provided by the welfare state sometimes exceed that. But it's the low wages and high costs that are the problem, the disparities in wealth distribution in the sixth largest economy in the world. It's not the amounts that are received by benefit claimants that causes problems for those in low paid work. Far from it, indeed it makes society worse for everyone to live amongst widespread poverty.
Reducing the support to those in need is not going to help people to be fully functioning members of society, whether they have migrated here recently or can trace their family tree back to the Alfred the Great. You shouldn't blame migrants and benefit claimants for the dire situation the low paid find themselves in in this country these days, you're directing blame downwards rather than upwards where it really lies.
Reducing the support to those in need is not going to help people to be fully functioning members of society, whether they have migrated here recently or can trace their family tree back to the Alfred the Great. You shouldn't blame migrants and benefit claimants for the dire situation the low paid find themselves in in this country these days, you're directing blame downwards rather than upwards where it really lies.

the other day i was at a meeting with a young lady from afghanistan, she is becoming a teacher here, she is most welcome.

Most ‘ordinary’ people are friendly and accommodating wherever you go, it’s the extremist hardline cultists in positions of power that are the cancer. Look at the U.K. for a hardline extremist cultist government!
Anyway, the Turkish are generally friendly.
There’s the Maldives and Tunisia which are also relatively safe.
Anyway, the Turkish are generally friendly.
There’s the Maldives and Tunisia which are also relatively safe.

"look at the UK for a hard-line extremist cultist government" I don't even know how to begin to comprehend this level of hilarious stupidity.
Look at the Afghan govt, sure, North Korea go right ahead... I'm not sure you understand what extremism actually is, or what the UK government actually does, I'll give you a hint though (you're a moron)
Also turkey being relatively friendly compared to the UK? I think you need to lay off the bud, bud.
However Tunisia is fantastic for a holiday, I can't fault that.
Look at the Afghan govt, sure, North Korea go right ahead... I'm not sure you understand what extremism actually is, or what the UK government actually does, I'll give you a hint though (you're a moron)
Also turkey being relatively friendly compared to the UK? I think you need to lay off the bud, bud.
However Tunisia is fantastic for a holiday, I can't fault that.

The fact you had to stoop to childish insults shows that actually you are the moron. :)
I’m pretty amused that you got so worked up about a bit of sarcasm, your medula oblongata kicked in before you had a chance to think!
I’m pretty amused that you got so worked up about a bit of sarcasm, your medula oblongata kicked in before you had a chance to think!

I travelled around SE Asia for a few months and I loved Lombok in Indonesia. We were stopping at a homestead that a Muslim family owned. They don't drink but were more than happy to get alcohol in for us travellers.
Indonesia in general I really enjoyed as well as Malaysia.
Indonesia in general I really enjoyed as well as Malaysia.

I'll vouch for Morocco. You've got to be streetwise of course, but a beautiful country with kind and generous people. You soon tune out the prayer calls.

As an english guy with a house in morocco, I'd definitely vouch for that - I fell in love with the place. Tangiers in the nprth is perfect if you dont want things too hot and youd like to still see alot of europeans, casablanca or marakech if your looking for the arab vibes with old medinas and lots of tourist activities - Fez if you like leather. There are even a few smaller places i like such as chef chawen - the blue city which have some amazing places to see. You could even visit the jabala and see farming as it was hundreds of years ago - youll never meet nicer or more genuine people
Of course im biased!
On a side note, if you biggas are into your smoke, go to morocco and head to places like al hoceima in the rif mountains - they grow everything up there and would happily sell you a kilo for less than £100 😁
Of course im biased!
On a side note, if you biggas are into your smoke, go to morocco and head to places like al hoceima in the rif mountains - they grow everything up there and would happily sell you a kilo for less than £100 😁

I'd say pick a muzza country you like a go for it.
Being of Islamic faith I'd say most muslims actually really like modern American and European culture, it fits very well with our cultural structures.
As a non Muslim in an Islamic country, as a guest, you will be treated very well.
Only thing I would suggest is inglis88 mentioned Balsall Heath, cuzi is chatting bubbles. Sounds like a hater, it's just like any other urban area around the world, I should know. I just passed through it.
Being of Islamic faith I'd say most muslims actually really like modern American and European culture, it fits very well with our cultural structures.
As a non Muslim in an Islamic country, as a guest, you will be treated very well.
Only thing I would suggest is inglis88 mentioned Balsall Heath, cuzi is chatting bubbles. Sounds like a hater, it's just like any other urban area around the world, I should know. I just passed through it.

I'd second Indonesia and Malaysia as being extremely friendly, but the friendliest people I've ever met are from travelling in Kyrgyzstan, where everyone I met wanted you to either stay with them or to take you out for dinner and meet all their family and friends! I've also heard great things about Tajikistan!🙏🏼💚

Morocco ... been there 8 times
Food is terrific, rich culture, wonderful people.
As with other places, beware of scammers, but the public, wow.
I've travelled a lot in my almost 44 years, Morocco is a must see!
Places I would recommend:
Marrakesh, Take a tour to Ourika, beautiful waterfall up there
Casablanca, buzzing city and the largest Mosque in Afrika
PM me for more info if you like ...
Food is terrific, rich culture, wonderful people.
As with other places, beware of scammers, but the public, wow.
I've travelled a lot in my almost 44 years, Morocco is a must see!
Places I would recommend:
Marrakesh, Take a tour to Ourika, beautiful waterfall up there
Casablanca, buzzing city and the largest Mosque in Afrika
PM me for more info if you like ...

Pakistan is very good country to visit, most travel vloggers has said Pakistan is the most hospitable country out of the 44 countries they visited. Personally I'd travel to northern areas of Pakistan and even go to the area near Afgan border if your wanting fresh pure hash

Definitely would recommend Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Tunisia and Jordan. Malaysia and Indonesia are possibly the friendliest and nicest people I’ve ever met in my life. Also, their food and natural scenery is absolutely top tier. Morocco is a nice place too but I think the others are much better especially for tourism.
All the best,
All the best,

Northern Cyprus is good in the summer for a few weeks great food that is inexpensive, for around a tenner you can get a decent 3 couse meal at a nice Chinese for example and really nice backdrops of the sea at most restaurants just don’t upset anyone in the army as they do no fuck about.
I heard a story when I was there about a foreigner who had pissed off one of there neighbours and the neigbour told the army that they had drugs so they got them and held them for 2 days hitting them demanding to know where the stash was buried a proper pistol whipping.
Also be aware if you ever get caught in a Muslim country with narcotics you are on your own no one will risk there reputations to be associated with drugs so no help will be coming anytime soon.
I heard a story when I was there about a foreigner who had pissed off one of there neighbours and the neigbour told the army that they had drugs so they got them and held them for 2 days hitting them demanding to know where the stash was buried a proper pistol whipping.
Also be aware if you ever get caught in a Muslim country with narcotics you are on your own no one will risk there reputations to be associated with drugs so no help will be coming anytime soon.

Morocco, Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia are all favourites but a real stand out star for me is Uzbekistan - full of history, especially from the Genghis Khan days as the silk road splits in Uzbekistan where you can go up to Russia/Europe or down to Middle East/Africa, as well as being full of really lovely people. I hope to get back there one day...

I spent 3 years in Indonesia and 3 months in the Philippines with frequent travel to Singapore. Indonesia was like my second home, just stay clear of drugs, which you'll most likely only be offered in bali and the neighbouring islands.
If you don't have an international driving license and shouldn't be on the roads, they'll hand you a piece of paper saying you need to pay £50-100. Don't pay it. Before I lived there and was a tourist I was stupid enough to pay it. You should be paying around £5. Locals pay around £2.
In the 3 years I was there, I only felt unsafe twice. One was on a bus and the people were trying to sell me a fake rolex for an amount of money and they were quite adamant I was gonna pay up. Second time I was out in the sticks with my girlfriend on my vespa and a dodgy couple were following us, clocked them quite early and confirmed relatively soon after they were looking into us. We just headed back to the population. Whether we were somewhere we shouldnt have been and peaked interest, ill never know!
Going back to drugs, my apartment was randomly raided for a drugs test. Not shitting you I open the door to a big team of narco agents and a TV news crew. They were doing random drugs tests in the neighbourhood. Literally take me to my toilet, pass me a plastic cup and watches me with my back turned pee in the cup! Can't make the shit up! Fortunately all was good.
I have highlighted a few of my bad experiences however it can't replace the 100s of amazing experiences I gained. The people are friendly, the food is good. Number 1 rule when visiting Asian Street food stalls, go where all the locals go, if you don't follow the rule you'll end up code brown.
Stay safe. Stay wise. Be respectful. Carry as little as possible and follow the laws, you'll be safe in almost any country.
Also the dude at the airport literally asked for an underhand of £15 to let me through the gates. Explained i had overstayed by one day. Saved me a huge amount of time with all the paper work and was a fraction less than what I would have had to pay to their government! The hilarious thing was he was sat on a closed gate and I skipped the busy queue 😂
If you don't have an international driving license and shouldn't be on the roads, they'll hand you a piece of paper saying you need to pay £50-100. Don't pay it. Before I lived there and was a tourist I was stupid enough to pay it. You should be paying around £5. Locals pay around £2.
In the 3 years I was there, I only felt unsafe twice. One was on a bus and the people were trying to sell me a fake rolex for an amount of money and they were quite adamant I was gonna pay up. Second time I was out in the sticks with my girlfriend on my vespa and a dodgy couple were following us, clocked them quite early and confirmed relatively soon after they were looking into us. We just headed back to the population. Whether we were somewhere we shouldnt have been and peaked interest, ill never know!
Going back to drugs, my apartment was randomly raided for a drugs test. Not shitting you I open the door to a big team of narco agents and a TV news crew. They were doing random drugs tests in the neighbourhood. Literally take me to my toilet, pass me a plastic cup and watches me with my back turned pee in the cup! Can't make the shit up! Fortunately all was good.
I have highlighted a few of my bad experiences however it can't replace the 100s of amazing experiences I gained. The people are friendly, the food is good. Number 1 rule when visiting Asian Street food stalls, go where all the locals go, if you don't follow the rule you'll end up code brown.
Stay safe. Stay wise. Be respectful. Carry as little as possible and follow the laws, you'll be safe in almost any country.
Also the dude at the airport literally asked for an underhand of £15 to let me through the gates. Explained i had overstayed by one day. Saved me a huge amount of time with all the paper work and was a fraction less than what I would have had to pay to their government! The hilarious thing was he was sat on a closed gate and I skipped the busy queue 😂

Be prepared for the constant megaphone blasting prayers. Try to get a room as high and soundproofed as possible;)

i actually enjoy the meditation breaks, especially the feeling that people all over the world are sharing the moment. as long as i'm in the right time zone ;)

Even at stupid o’clock in the morning when trying to sleep?;)
I have been to a few Muslim places and am now sick of it. Just like if I see another temple or church;)
I have been to a few Muslim places and am now sick of it. Just like if I see another temple or church;)

Saddam Hussein went out shopping one day. Upon his return he was greeted by Uday, who said “what’s in the bag dad?”

Turkey & dubai are very welcoming to tourists.
The worst islamic destinations ive been to is tunisia & london.
The worst islamic destinations ive been to is tunisia & london.

Heya Muslim here albeit not so much a practising one anymore.
If it’s Muslim history and culture you’re after I would say Istanbul (research Ottoman Empire before you go). Also Jordan has lots of history dating back to the time of the crusaders. Do a bit of research on the crusade and salahuddin ayyubi before you go (he’s a bit of a hero amongst our Kurdish brothers).
Egypt has more history about the ancients than Islamic history. Believe it or not Saudi Arabia has very little. Non Muslims are also forbidden to enter Mecca - the holy capital.
Jerusalem would have been a good shout had it not been for the current conflict.
Please let us know where you decide!
If it’s Muslim history and culture you’re after I would say Istanbul (research Ottoman Empire before you go). Also Jordan has lots of history dating back to the time of the crusaders. Do a bit of research on the crusade and salahuddin ayyubi before you go (he’s a bit of a hero amongst our Kurdish brothers).
Egypt has more history about the ancients than Islamic history. Believe it or not Saudi Arabia has very little. Non Muslims are also forbidden to enter Mecca - the holy capital.
Jerusalem would have been a good shout had it not been for the current conflict.
Please let us know where you decide!

1 post
+2 votes

Ordered Hash and got Trim Wtf PISTACH???
Pistach will make good, I’m sure of it

Ordered Hash and got Trim Wtf PISTACH???
Well my go to vendor PISTACHIO has gutted me today. Ordered hash for my holiday and received a bag of not very nice TRIM cheapo weed instead. I don’t smoke weed and I couldn’t take it on hol if I did. Too smelly.
Always had a perfect service with these guys? What should I do?
Always had a perfect service with these guys? What should I do?

obviously best to message the vendor first since it's got nothing to do with literally any of us reading this

Yeah I was after other users advice / experience ? And as I said I have messaged vendor to no avail :(

it doesn't say anywhere in your post that you had messaged the vendor
pretty sure they average 100 orders a day across several platforms, maybe more, sure they will reply to you as soon as they possibly can
pretty sure they average 100 orders a day across several platforms, maybe more, sure they will reply to you as soon as they possibly can

Sorry I meant in my reply. My bad. I’m not looking for hostility and I apologise if I have posted on the wrong board 👍

Hi, I had couple of orders from Pistach where they sent the wrong item, bithtimes they reshipped with no argument. They do state on their manifesto that they will replace the item if they have run out if what you ordered. You just need to make sure they understand that what has been sent is not fit for purpose for you.

As I hoped Pistach responded to my message and I then received the correct order the very next day no quibble no messing. A simple error and put right immediately. Sorted :-)

They are too big to be 100% relied upon as all they do is try too make you feel irrelevant by suggesting that you are just one of there many customers so wait your turn type attitude.
They have a habbit of messing about with Biggars holiday plans.
The account common sense is one of Pistachs accounts to talk to you on its all smoke and mirrors with this outfit.
Dont fall for there lies!
They have a habbit of messing about with Biggars holiday plans.
The account common sense is one of Pistachs accounts to talk to you on its all smoke and mirrors with this outfit.
Dont fall for there lies!

Only ever had perfect service from Pistach - mistakes can happen - I’m hoping they will put right.

I've a special D expected tomorrow from P, 50/50 it arrives when it's meant to.
The cookis is ok, not fire, get real folks, oh boo hoo hoo thay got your address, boo hoo hoo.
I read around 18 or so reviews on the edding cake from anotherr vendor shit i got today and not one single person mentioins it's got pips.
FFS, if you can grow your own get off your ass and do so, i'm gonna look for a script, my last 3 NND haven't arrived when meant to either(todays was fine) fuck this shit.
'least my vendor today threw in a half g of cookie dawg, cause this wedding cake of theirs is shit, and i've just back after a few days break from it too.
Fuck this place lol, 😂
and especially on android through vpn, fuck that.
Cheers folks feel better now, have a good one.
got few orders on the way i'm good tho course scoobys is awol again lol.
The cookis is ok, not fire, get real folks, oh boo hoo hoo thay got your address, boo hoo hoo.
I read around 18 or so reviews on the edding cake from anotherr vendor shit i got today and not one single person mentioins it's got pips.
FFS, if you can grow your own get off your ass and do so, i'm gonna look for a script, my last 3 NND haven't arrived when meant to either(todays was fine) fuck this shit.
'least my vendor today threw in a half g of cookie dawg, cause this wedding cake of theirs is shit, and i've just back after a few days break from it too.
Fuck this place lol, 😂
and especially on android through vpn, fuck that.
Cheers folks feel better now, have a good one.
got few orders on the way i'm good tho course scoobys is awol again lol.

3 posts
+6 votes
This is lovely
I’ve just put up my verdict
Edit: it doesn’t appear to be showing up. Anyway, yes it’s lovely
+ 3 more
Just crumble it with nails fingers . and smoke better with rolling baccy as it burns better is slightly oily

On my end of month list for sure.
I haven’t had proper iceolator since I made some.
Strong as f.
I haven’t had proper iceolator since I made some.
Strong as f.

1 post
+3 votes

{buy help}
Uk banks blocking bitcoin
“Nazis” lol 😉

{buy help}
Uk banks blocking bitcoin
I've really been enjoying little bigg so so convenient but uk banks have been putting blocks on buying crypto +bitcoin so I'm not able to buy what I want when I want. Someone pls help or if you have found the same thing, as I don't want to have to go back to street vendors in the peek of winter.

Sign up for the online bank Revolut and do it through there, UK Banks are Nazi cunts telling us what we can and cant spend our own money on.

I bank with nationwide but still pay the extra through revolut. My bestie actually works in money laundering for Nationwide and if you keep buying it, you will flag up as money laundering. Revolut have made me provide my personal details to buy the coin so I still use a wallet but don't buy direct with nationwide as its only a matter of time. I personally think you should be allowed to buy it, but I'm just sharing what I know

Nazi as in National Socialist yes. I don't share Farrage's weird world view BUT he doesn't advocate undemocratic methods (unlike Labour, SWP, Respect etc) so has the same rights to banking and free speech as the rest of us

I tried several times to pay through Revolut using bitcoin but it keeps 'failing' standard message says the reason is that if an account is 'flagged' it will not process .. argh .. I will keep trying .. it has been problematic before .. any advice welcome .. thanks

all I've been getting recently is card declines from them, then you gotta find another cryptosite and do all the 2FA super-passcoded bullshit all over again. tempted to ring them and just let them know everything is ok, got asked to call fraud line or something.

Someone below mentioned Coinbase and Paypal earlier and I had to use that option today. Santander have blocked crypto but with Coinbase there is an option to change the way you pay as long as you have a paypal account linked to the Coinbase account. Only spelling this out as there must be others like me that can't be arsed with crypto but have no choice but to know how to use it

I use Scamtander and occasionally have to call them to verify the transaction but they always allow it. Aside from websites like LB i also buy Porsche parts from breakers in Germany and US who accept BTC only and those transactions can be 1000s, Scamtander are more likely to stop the smallers one on LB or Hydra, Wall St etc

I’m with Scamtander too and I’ve never had a problem. I’ve purchased crypto maybe 100+ times over the last few years. Small and large transactions.

A few of the big banks here in the UK are completely unfreindly to bitcoin and I've found Lloyds to be the worst.
for me then, I just opened a Monzo account and I've set up a standing order each month to shift my 'spending money' (£500) to Monzo as soon as I'm paid.
Monzo is completely crypto friendly, so you can buy the bitcoin you need with no issues from that account.
I used to regularly be locked out of my lloyds bank account and spend hours getting it unlocked, just cause I bought crypto. Now I use Monzo I've never had an issue.
for me then, I just opened a Monzo account and I've set up a standing order each month to shift my 'spending money' (£500) to Monzo as soon as I'm paid.
Monzo is completely crypto friendly, so you can buy the bitcoin you need with no issues from that account.
I used to regularly be locked out of my lloyds bank account and spend hours getting it unlocked, just cause I bought crypto. Now I use Monzo I've never had an issue.

don't even need to change banks just buy bitcoin with paypal instead I use coinbase and Lloyds but i could switch to paypal if this happens to me

I buy into Coinbase via PayPal. The bank transaction shows PayPal and not Coinbase. Whether that helps or not I don’t know but I prefer it 🤷🏻♂️

thanks, I was playing with it last night as my bank has now cut out crypto. So you can buy/sell crypto in the UK but can't send it to anyone or buy anything with it. I was able to pay for LB products via Coinbase by using Paypal as the payment option, so no need to buy the citcoin in advance on paypal

yeah bro it's one of them hidden gem things, makes it alot easier not sure if u can still use paypal, but haven't tried as lloyds good w me

Don’t buy it direct from bank card just transfer what you need to a Coinbase account it’s an account number and sort code with your name on it then buy bit coin from that Coinbase account works for me everytime never any issues and hardley any fees few £ on like 200 change up

Hey buddy, I do this. But i worked something else out that saves any fees at all.
Buy usdc stablecoin with the fiat you transfer. No fee to buy, and you can then convert to bitcoin via exchange with no fees. You only end up paying the transaction fee. I don't know where else you can essentially buy bitcoin with zero fees!
Buy usdc stablecoin with the fiat you transfer. No fee to buy, and you can then convert to bitcoin via exchange with no fees. You only end up paying the transaction fee. I don't know where else you can essentially buy bitcoin with zero fees!

Leaving whatever bank your with and telling them why may be the answer.Hit them where it hurts, right in the money

Revolut is defo a good shout. Never had any issues with buying btc/crypto (yet!). Easy sign up process too.

I use Santander who have blocked me many times. The trick is the exchange you use. Uphold for example have a uk bank address set up in your name so you just transfer to that like any other account in your name. You can then convert GBP to whatever you like.

im in the same boat my bank dosnt let me buy crypto even tho i was told on the phone today from the bank its not so i have tryed 3 diffrent sites and everyone the same no go

Lloyds kept blocking my card to Bitpanda (🍆) but transfers go through no problem, very fast, no charges👍…twats!

I am Lloyd's but I use coinbase. Linked my card up to it. Minimal fees. Works for me? Is this an OK way to do it?

I guess. I use bitpanda but have never linked a card to it. Direct transfer works best for me, is quick and incurs no fees to load wallet…

Sorry for silly question. But do you mean no fees, like to buy bitcoin or then send your bitcoin? All free?

Nah, unfortunately we all pay to send- that’s the miners blockchain fee!…it’s the big thing that has stopped btc being a true currency- who wants to pay a floating fee every time they buy something?! 🤔

Ah, sorry for the dumb question.+ thank you for your answer. I'm pretty much new to all this. Found this place start of May. So trying my best to make sure I'm not screwing it up somehow

No worries, I think everyone stresses with crypto to begin with! I used a couple of pretty horrible sites until settling on bitpanda. Once you’ve done a few transactions the mist clears and it’s plain sailing from then on. Enjoy LB 👍

Hi all 👍 i bank with Nationwide building society and use Bittylicious for bitcoin. Never had a problem in the 4 years ive been on here 100+ buys.. could possibly be Only a matter of time though unfortunately 😔
Like most things.has a knock on affect.hopefully nothing changes with nationwide 🥴
Like most things.has a knock on affect.hopefully nothing changes with nationwide 🥴

The Marxist socialist are taking full control, moving in vast sways of new voters into foreign lands.
The new world order is happening right in front of us to protect a huge elite group of pedos.
Using divide and control tactics and working with a religion to help speed up the process.
Wake up.
The new world order is happening right in front of us to protect a huge elite group of pedos.
Using divide and control tactics and working with a religion to help speed up the process.
Wake up.

1 post
+2 votes

cleanup borg
Our Interpretation of the Wonderwall

cleanup borg
Our Interpretation of the Wonderwall
Darlings: our wonderful wall has a mind of it's own, though we each influence this mind with our words and deeds here.
The wall measures novelty, popularity, positivity and most of all integrity. It does this based on experience and gets smarter every day.
We understand the tea leaf reading can be difficult, especially for noobs, but there are a few things that we have come to lean:
1 stay online and be responsive
2 voting and posting patterns betray lots of naughty behavior, this makes things very easy for the algorithms
3 nastiness always winds up hurting you, even when you are right
4 if you remind the algo of a previous dodgy person you have an uphill battle
Data from your payment processor, over posting, over messaging, and more seem to go into it as well. Whatever it is though dears you'll always hear the same thing from us, be patient,
And by all means please do understand that Borgs can not control the wall.
The wall measures novelty, popularity, positivity and most of all integrity. It does this based on experience and gets smarter every day.
We understand the tea leaf reading can be difficult, especially for noobs, but there are a few things that we have come to lean:
1 stay online and be responsive
2 voting and posting patterns betray lots of naughty behavior, this makes things very easy for the algorithms
3 nastiness always winds up hurting you, even when you are right
4 if you remind the algo of a previous dodgy person you have an uphill battle
Data from your payment processor, over posting, over messaging, and more seem to go into it as well. Whatever it is though dears you'll always hear the same thing from us, be patient,
And by all means please do understand that Borgs can not control the wall.

Very interesting.
You obviously need to be a positive member, treat other members as you want to be treated yourself. It constantly learns from your input. What an amazing use of algorithms and no-one has complete control. That's my interpretation.
You obviously need to be a positive member, treat other members as you want to be treated yourself. It constantly learns from your input. What an amazing use of algorithms and no-one has complete control. That's my interpretation.

Yes you charming bloke it's love that feeds on hate. What we are trying to do here is let people understand it better.

scammers are very often hard coded for touchiness (usually they feel deeply cheated in childhood).
touchy discussions are a great way for an algorithm to round up the usual subjects.
touchy discussions are a great way for an algorithm to round up the usual subjects.

Just respect and no bullying with true freedom of speech and no one ganging up on people just for posting simple questions or opinions ! not rocket science is it? :)

We would feel we live by those 4 rules but lately we are being pushed out by the algorithm if anything has changed recently can we change it back please, We conduct business as usual but our topics our basically invisible and our new items don't show on the wall our old items are in a freefall we always try to stay positive and have patience but we have seen zero rotation in the items wall all week whereas usually it would change only a daily basis making things fair for all and our topics seem to be invisible, why hide the Canadian we are the life of the party :)

We should also add a very important point: we see the behaviour trends but what comes out of fraud detection is a borg of a different colour.
We can't see this kind of thing anymore than you can and it has far greater influence on the wall than any other factor.
We can't see this kind of thing anymore than you can and it has far greater influence on the wall than any other factor.

Hi, I appreciate the info.. when you say a Borg of different colour, what does that mean?

each borg has a very limited job, fraud belongs to a non public-facing borg that appears extremely automated.

I have been solicited to join as a vendor to a site called little Came from an anonymous message in my lb inbox.
I know this is scam spam, but disturbs me nonetheless.
I know this is scam spam, but disturbs me nonetheless.

Thank you for shedding a little bit of light on the madness that is the LB Wonderwall, Cleanup Borg. I see a lot of posts and questions on this regularly. It's cool to know how it functions :)


I see “The Wall” like online matchmaking and ranking systems.
firstly the bad actors work out how it works (hence most devs never fully explain it) but these bad folk work it out anyway.
Then they abuse the shit out of it.
Devs are then in arms race to “outsmart” via changes and updates.
They work it out again and the cycle continues…
This is why very often it results in questionable behaviour, in this case our wall order and things can get messy.
Unfortunately the small % of bad actors FUCK it for the rest of us.
Also, borgs I really hope that “Cali” string flag is in a combination of other stuff , cos otherwise it’s dog shit and you hurt even folk like me as I’ve come to use “Cali dense” as a term to help people know their bud density
firstly the bad actors work out how it works (hence most devs never fully explain it) but these bad folk work it out anyway.
Then they abuse the shit out of it.
Devs are then in arms race to “outsmart” via changes and updates.
They work it out again and the cycle continues…
This is why very often it results in questionable behaviour, in this case our wall order and things can get messy.
Unfortunately the small % of bad actors FUCK it for the rest of us.
Also, borgs I really hope that “Cali” string flag is in a combination of other stuff , cos otherwise it’s dog shit and you hurt even folk like me as I’ve come to use “Cali dense” as a term to help people know their bud density

Cheers that clears a few things up and makes for interesting reading.
Still a mystery but to a certain extent what makes it bad can make you stumble on some interesting items but if I’m honest most of the best stuff I’ve purchased has been down to scrolling though the comments.
Still a mystery but to a certain extent what makes it bad can make you stumble on some interesting items but if I’m honest most of the best stuff I’ve purchased has been down to scrolling though the comments.

New to selling on LB and discovering more to this site everyday. Only just read this topic and it's very fascinating to say the least. At first I thought my account had some technical issues but I've now come to realise the wall hasn't approved of us yet. I wonder if this is the same reason our store doesn't have the images I uploaded when creating the listings?

2 posts
+10 votes
best mashup thread
+ 2 more
I own a launchpad ...
That's the only thing madeon and I have in common
This is one of my favourites too! ☺️
That's the only thing madeon and I have in common
This is one of my favourites too! ☺️

1 post
+4 votes
are you the same person throughout your life?
Nothing transmigrates from one moment to the next

are you the same person throughout your life?

they say that our cells renew constantly and so our meatbag is not the same bunch of cells we were born with. i wonder if it changes your thoughts and perceptions too? and i wonder if you stay in one place does it change mildly cos new cells are created un the same environment and if you've lived in loads of places do those different environment affect the cells as they renew. And does this physical change also impact how we think and feel? I'm so entirely a different person as a kid, teen, pretty much every decade - but then I move around a lot - different food, air, water, society. Anyway that's one of my many stoned thoughts this evening thanks to super hans hindu kush -

Hehe…hindu kush working it’s stuff there👍🔥❤️
For my tuppence worth, I believe our consciousness of self is our only constant…it might be a weird overloaded neural dump (as some of brilliance believe) that has never got close to being understood, but it’s…us…😍
For my tuppence worth, I believe our consciousness of self is our only constant…it might be a weird overloaded neural dump (as some of brilliance believe) that has never got close to being understood, but it’s…us…😍

We are what we carry and we were what we left behind. What will be will be. Rinse and repeat.

Hi Julieh
From a purely scientifc perspective your cell regenerate but your DNA stays the same except that it tends to degrade overtime.
Exposure to carcinogen, chemicals, radiation and everything else (drugs?) can trigger mutations in your DNA as well.
From discussions with researchers the social and wider environment also induce mutations in individual.
From a philosophical, mysticla or religious perspective there are questions of whether there is such a thing as ego (Buddhism), Soul,etc.
I guess that a interesting place where science and philosohy/spirituality meet is the nature of consciousness: is it a quantum process given that enuronal activity involves particles such as electrons etc.
Scientists such as Roger Penrose have pondered this subject and I hope that in an hypothetical future (or another sentient species somewhere else in the current Universe) will be able to attain syncretic knowledge fusing spiritual and scientific approaches.
From a purely scientifc perspective your cell regenerate but your DNA stays the same except that it tends to degrade overtime.
Exposure to carcinogen, chemicals, radiation and everything else (drugs?) can trigger mutations in your DNA as well.
From discussions with researchers the social and wider environment also induce mutations in individual.
From a philosophical, mysticla or religious perspective there are questions of whether there is such a thing as ego (Buddhism), Soul,etc.
I guess that a interesting place where science and philosohy/spirituality meet is the nature of consciousness: is it a quantum process given that enuronal activity involves particles such as electrons etc.
Scientists such as Roger Penrose have pondered this subject and I hope that in an hypothetical future (or another sentient species somewhere else in the current Universe) will be able to attain syncretic knowledge fusing spiritual and scientific approaches.

Hi Julieh
That the scifi nerd and the optimist in me :-)
Looking at the state of the planet right now I doubt mankind will get there though...
That the scifi nerd and the optimist in me :-)
Looking at the state of the planet right now I doubt mankind will get there though...

True story,
Mutations in DNA are both a blessing and curse, can lead to evolutionary steps that aid us in some way (super powers), or degenerate and cause weak links such as susceptibility to diseases and cancer.
I have a stoned thought for you all. Let's say Adam and Eve were real and were made perfect able to live for incredibly long periods of time, no intellectual limitation and possibly other manifesting abilities.
How ever as we know if you have a closed group of a particular species where its impossible for a outsider to enter the mix, over time those species will gradually become more and more inbred (look at guineafowl with blue necks when healthy and able to mix with other groups, but when isolated their necks gradually turn white, they loose the blue because of repeating genetic inputs)
So Adam and Eve have kids, kids have kids etc etc, but there are no outsiders, they are constantly inbreeding, and basically we are all inbreds, we have no where near the capacities our ancestors had, we are not as strong, we are more susceptible to diseases, our brains are getting weaker (partly our own faults for staring at screens rather than actively engaging and learning) white people can't even be in the sun for long due to burns and cancer risk.
Blue bloods only mix as appropriate to retain certain important traits and the rest of us just do what ever. but have you noticed that if an outsider like an immigrant produces offspring with a local which it is impossible that there is any genetic similarity, that the off spring are on high average incredibly beautiful, charismatic and intelligent.
now I'm not saying Adam and eve were real as per religious texts, but if figuratively speaking Adam and Eve were collects names for very small groups of nomads in the far reaches of pangaea then the same situations occurs.
Look up mitochondrial eve. you will see you are all my siblings 🍻🤣🤣🤣
Mutations in DNA are both a blessing and curse, can lead to evolutionary steps that aid us in some way (super powers), or degenerate and cause weak links such as susceptibility to diseases and cancer.
I have a stoned thought for you all. Let's say Adam and Eve were real and were made perfect able to live for incredibly long periods of time, no intellectual limitation and possibly other manifesting abilities.
How ever as we know if you have a closed group of a particular species where its impossible for a outsider to enter the mix, over time those species will gradually become more and more inbred (look at guineafowl with blue necks when healthy and able to mix with other groups, but when isolated their necks gradually turn white, they loose the blue because of repeating genetic inputs)
So Adam and Eve have kids, kids have kids etc etc, but there are no outsiders, they are constantly inbreeding, and basically we are all inbreds, we have no where near the capacities our ancestors had, we are not as strong, we are more susceptible to diseases, our brains are getting weaker (partly our own faults for staring at screens rather than actively engaging and learning) white people can't even be in the sun for long due to burns and cancer risk.
Blue bloods only mix as appropriate to retain certain important traits and the rest of us just do what ever. but have you noticed that if an outsider like an immigrant produces offspring with a local which it is impossible that there is any genetic similarity, that the off spring are on high average incredibly beautiful, charismatic and intelligent.
now I'm not saying Adam and eve were real as per religious texts, but if figuratively speaking Adam and Eve were collects names for very small groups of nomads in the far reaches of pangaea then the same situations occurs.
Look up mitochondrial eve. you will see you are all my siblings 🍻🤣🤣🤣

Physically, changes in environmental conditions will change us - to what extent, I don't know but extremes would be exposure to poisons or freezing temperatures. There's also temporary resets, I call them, where one could end up in situations which are new to us and we employ the mode which is the simplest at the time. Could just be a one off social event or a regular switch, like sliding into the persona of your work self, or going into holiday mode for a couple of weeks.
Our true selves, higher consciousness or whatever, must constantly evolve to keep up with any physical & biological changes whether temporary or not, I'd have thought.
Also, if we change our thinking, consciously or not, then we have the opportunity to see ourselves from a different perspective.
This altered viewpoint will impact our divine self accordingly. We should aim to implement beneficial changes which will ultimately align our earthly & spiritual selves with our true purpose and then we get to fck off somewhere an awful lot better than this hellish shit fest of an existence.
I probably could have answered this better if I was stoned tbh
Our true selves, higher consciousness or whatever, must constantly evolve to keep up with any physical & biological changes whether temporary or not, I'd have thought.
Also, if we change our thinking, consciously or not, then we have the opportunity to see ourselves from a different perspective.
This altered viewpoint will impact our divine self accordingly. We should aim to implement beneficial changes which will ultimately align our earthly & spiritual selves with our true purpose and then we get to fck off somewhere an awful lot better than this hellish shit fest of an existence.
I probably could have answered this better if I was stoned tbh

I'm completely different to who I used to be. For me it seems to come down to life experiences and the company we keep. I sometimes wish I could go back to being the old me, but it would only lead to unhappiness.

Good stoned topic! I think the answer is yes and no, I’m a very different person to who I once was, I’ve grownm, matured, my views have changed and so has the world.. a lot! But at the same time I am still me a 5 and 15 feel like I’ve been growing into the person I was meant to be all along if that makes sense. It’s more than just life experience as two people can have exactly the same experiences and be very different genetics, personality and ultimately who we want to be play a big roll. Just my 2 pence ✌️

This has intrigued me. Are you saying that each moment is a separate reality from the moments preceding and following? How long is a moment? What about any momentos one may have acquired? They are a physical reminder of a moment but which moment would we associate with that memento when it triggers a memory by its very existence?

The idea that we are one self is not widely accepted by psychologists any more... So no.

1 post
+5 votes
82 reviews.
Looking good. New hash looks nice.

82 reviews.
3 weeks over 100 sales, 10/10 rating and 82 reviews thank you LB community and also on Wall. JJ & DGT

Everything moving forward a lot quicker then expected. Just added a lot of new stock and are combo at $............ 60 free special Gauranteed NDD by 1pm jj & dgt

Took one day for delivery, smoke really nice, what more do you want!! Will be back and very much appreciated 👍🏻

1 post
+4.2 votes
A machine that can smell if you have cancer
I tried to like this comment twice

A machine that can smell if you have cancer
And many other conditions too

My Grandma used to swear she could smell cancer as well as see it in a person's eyes. She proved to be right several times.

1 post
+1 votes
Best music 2 trip With???
I like Autechre
Thriller (was the 80s and I was a young kid - the Making of Thriller, the no. 1s on MTV rotation).

This tune has sent me to good places in the past. (The distorted harmonica/accordion at the end, oh my)

2 posts
+7 votes
odds this timeline was created by time travel
It’s always now. Tomorrow isn’t a different time, it’s a different location of the planet.
+ 2 more
![[time travel]](
odds this timeline was created by time travel
if time travel exists it is used in the future a potentially infinite number of times.

Labs can now accelerate particles so that they arrive before they have left so “time travel” has in our terms been proven. But the human concept of time is so warped that I think advanced aliens hearing it would fall over laughing like the robots on the Cadbury’s Smash advert😂😂😂

I agree. All time is one time. For me, this explains ufo sightings and ghosts etc. Just for a second you can see another time happening alongside your time. Apparently loads of ufo sightings occur at or near nuclear missile facilities, in which case, future humans could be assessing radioactivity levels or whatever from a safe distance.

Says who? Never been ruled out of science. I think we can do it already plenty of people come out and said they’ve done it in secret projects etc

CIA have open documentation on successful time travelling - Should be on the web. They used 2 diff forms of time travel as well. One remote one physical. Does anyone ever listen to Art Bells old radio shows when time travellers called in. obviously a lot were fakes but entertaining.

Saw this comment from the White House: “WW3 has already started. We just haven’t admitted it yet…”

Thats a very frightening statement,although I kind of agree as well...I think the sanctions though in time,if ratcheted up ever faster & harder,will eventually choke the "gangster regime" and make them 100% pariah state that they deserve to be,hopefully eventually ending in a coo followed by regime change from within..I'm forever the optimist though!

They lied to us about how this war started. This is Iraq all over again. Trying for regime change in Russia would be inviting nuclear war.
Putin has never been more popular in Russia.
We have zero business intervening in Ukraine.
Stop getting your news from state media.
Putin has never been more popular in Russia.
We have zero business intervening in Ukraine.
Stop getting your news from state media.

I heard on radio just now that 47% of their population aged between 20 to 40 years are currently considering immigrating to other countries,so if this is the case....change is already happening.

Everything you hear on mainstream media is propaganda. We're currently more propagandised than even the Russians.

It seems as though the U.N have started to fold... the super power of the world is slipping away from America and Europe and drifting into the hands of putin and China...
China and Russia have been communicating about this for years... since 2021 (b4 Ukraine) China's sales from Russia went from 9% to over 36%... that doubled the year after!!!
The USA and UK blew up the pipe line to inflate prices on its own partering countries whilst China and Russia are creating an alliance that will see the rest of us diminish...
There's a reason Russia waited till after the Olympics b4 invading Ukraine..
China and Russia have been communicating about this for years... since 2021 (b4 Ukraine) China's sales from Russia went from 9% to over 36%... that doubled the year after!!!
The USA and UK blew up the pipe line to inflate prices on its own partering countries whilst China and Russia are creating an alliance that will see the rest of us diminish...
There's a reason Russia waited till after the Olympics b4 invading Ukraine..

Maybe,maybe not it might just be to sell lots of weapons so they can try and fix the inflation and devaluation in currency everybody was facing after the plague and having idiots that cant count in charge that have screwed up taxation for years,nothing like a war for making profit unfortunately Ukraine got the short straw.
They are all mental and need a smoke to chill the fuck out.
They are all mental and need a smoke to chill the fuck out.

Exactly. And now with the BRICS and the ending of the dollar as the world's reserve currency , the US and it's vassal states are trying to create chaos so they can try to salvage some wealth from their failing empire.

i think china could bust a move, the world doesn't have the will to even sanction them.

Hey..where does that Adolf Putrid toilet paper come from mate?...Id love to wipe my arse on his face every morning!!! LOL!

Remember the two minutes of hate from 1984 ?
These are the emotions they want to evoke in us with their propaganda. Putin is no more evil than Boris or Biden . Maybe even less so.
These are the emotions they want to evoke in us with their propaganda. Putin is no more evil than Boris or Biden . Maybe even less so.

Will do mate! This has given me some great product ideas so don't be surprised if you see me soon as a contestant on "Dragons Den"! LOL!

The USA is going to send 300,000 troops to Europe and also base Naval ships next to Spain.
The UK has already earmarked £36 Billion ish over the next 10 years to ramp up the military.
We are now in a race to arms and NATO has declared war on Russia and China.
Does not look good.
The UK has already earmarked £36 Billion ish over the next 10 years to ramp up the military.
We are now in a race to arms and NATO has declared war on Russia and China.
Does not look good.

Well, the world is complex. During the cold war there was more peace than usual, the Nuclear stalemate reduced the number of wars. It's only since it ended you see the re-emergence of historical conflicts and fabricated wars against terrorism. That was really alarming. You no longer had an identifiable enemy but was in a never ending war against a 'tactic'. I'm inclined to think, conversely, that WWIII would create more peace as strange as that sounds because it would only be in name and not actual rockets falling, the war has been raging in the cyber space for decades and is apparently the real battleground. Whats happening in Ukraine is a travesty but sometimes good things come from adversity. Another misconception is WWII was wholly terrible, and it was, but again it turned out to be one of the best things to ever happen for the poor. Why? WWII directly led to the introduction of the Welfare State, Free healthcare, minimum wage, pensions etc.. which all primarily benefited the very poor at a huge cost to life but those policies are still in place today, imagine if they weren't. Its a messed up world and maybe I have a messed up view.

This is a very bad thing for people everywhere.
We should be as strongly opposed to this war as we were to invading Iraq but this time their propaganda is on point. The stakes this time are far higher.
Wouldn't the money be better spent on the NHS ?
Who exactly are we trying to help anyway ?
We should be as strongly opposed to this war as we were to invading Iraq but this time their propaganda is on point. The stakes this time are far higher.
Wouldn't the money be better spent on the NHS ?
Who exactly are we trying to help anyway ?

Pure evil
Killed millions all over the world & it seems to many fuckers listen to these nazis so they will carry on until they have complete control of all land , human & money
‘YOU WILL OWN NOTHING & BE HAPPY ‘ the mighty klaus says
Pure evil
Killed millions all over the world & it seems to many fuckers listen to these nazis so they will carry on until they have complete control of all land , human & money
‘YOU WILL OWN NOTHING & BE HAPPY ‘ the mighty klaus says

There's a major over population problem that will only get worse in time.
So, unfortunately, I assume yes!
So, unfortunately, I assume yes!

👋🙏we all know it. When the power of love is greater than the love of power the world will know peace. We also all know that with the wrong people in position’s of power all over the globe this is what we get history repeating power/control/greed/war/$$$ 😤😤 ahhhh😁 love to all biggaz and to everyone that hurts☘️🙏

You’ve hit the nail on the head there. It’s nothing but genoicide at this point. The world is over populated they have meetings about this… I wonder what sort of things they discuss 🤔

Possibly the 'safe' countries to hide. How to make more money. Too stoned to think of anything else lol! Global warming could also be the deciding factor!

F@@@ing love to be a fly on the wall at one of those!! Although I wouldn’t remain on the wall for long cos I’d fall off and prob get trod on because I too am quite stoned….🤣🤣🤣

Actually , by some accounts the population looks set for a decline. It's a big problem in Japan and western countries are trending in the same direction.

1 post
+8.2 votes
Love - Forever Changes
started topic
Love - Forever Changes

I can’t post link to the whole album, but you should be able find it.

One of my all time favourites. I was fortunate enough to see Arthur Lee play play the album in full in Liverpool about 20 years ago. I might have been a bit stoned stood at the front

The liverpool gig was with shack yeah??
I was real lucky too and caught the forever changes tour at the 02 with half orchestra, and stripped back in king tuts and queens hall with baby lemonade, absolutely amazing gigs.
I was real lucky too and caught the forever changes tour at the 02 with half orchestra, and stripped back in king tuts and queens hall with baby lemonade, absolutely amazing gigs.

I was at the Queens Hall gig too. Kind of wish he stopped playing just a little earlier, the new songs were funny but maybe not so great. "Maybe the People" is just such a classic track.

Hi Camber
HUGE Love fan here!
I saw him several times in London ater 2000 including one time a the Queen Elizabeth Hall with full philarmonic.
He was playing with the band Baby Lemonade.
But I never saw him in the classic days 1st to 4th album.
Here is some the of the 4th album (and Out There) played live in Europe in 1970:
Everyoby's got to live :-)
HUGE Love fan here!
I saw him several times in London ater 2000 including one time a the Queen Elizabeth Hall with full philarmonic.
He was playing with the band Baby Lemonade.
But I never saw him in the classic days 1st to 4th album.
Here is some the of the 4th album (and Out There) played live in Europe in 1970:
Everyoby's got to live :-)

Fantastic album one of the greats! Recently bought the Record Store Day release of unreleased tracks and outtakes 👍

If you’ve not already give Rodriguez’s Cold Fact a listen.
If you’re a fan of Love the you’ll probably like
If you’re a fan of Love the you’ll probably like

I’ve seen the Rodriguez documentary “Sugar Man” well worth a watch if you haven’t seen it but don’t think I’ve heard the album. I will give it a listen.

His second album “Coming from Reality” doesn’t get the same praise but I’m a big fan of that too. Another one we’ll worth a little listen

1 post
+2 votes
It's Almost Over Now N.E.R.D.
N obody
E ver
R eally
D ies
1 post
+2 votes
Northern Lights


Right guys...
We are listing something very tasty tuesday morning 09/08.
All you have to do to be in it to win it is like this post and comment with your guess.
Whoever guesses what strain it will be will win 14G.
If no one guesses correctly we will pick 4 people and send them out 3.5G each.....
And to make it even better, for those that commented and didnt win....
We will be doing 30 x 1G testers of this strain at 5$... and the link will be posted on this topic
Lets start guessing.....
We are listing something very tasty tuesday morning 09/08.
All you have to do to be in it to win it is like this post and comment with your guess.
Whoever guesses what strain it will be will win 14G.
If no one guesses correctly we will pick 4 people and send them out 3.5G each.....
And to make it even better, for those that commented and didnt win....
We will be doing 30 x 1G testers of this strain at 5$... and the link will be posted on this topic
Lets start guessing.....

Right guys its listed.... No winner but 4 of you got close......
We will be anouncing the winner on a post on the page of the item....
For those of you that didnt win, we will be doing the same competition for the next item we will be listing on that post, its actually a lor of fun seeing all these strains... brings back a lot of memories...
Go to the link to find out if you won, if you haven't keep trying :)))))
Also have 30 X 1G at 5$, once theyre gone, theyre gone....
We will be anouncing the winner on a post on the page of the item....
For those of you that didnt win, we will be doing the same competition for the next item we will be listing on that post, its actually a lor of fun seeing all these strains... brings back a lot of memories...
Go to the link to find out if you won, if you haven't keep trying :)))))
Also have 30 X 1G at 5$, once theyre gone, theyre gone....

When will you announce the the right bud so we can have a winner 🏆 if this is still happening as have not seen any post for the new bud.

Heyyy guys sorry for the delay, winners have been announced....
Just got to the listing :)
Just got to the listing :)

1 post
+4 votes
Free stuff


Meditation is the habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts.
The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its many health benefits.
You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration.
People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns, and even increased pain tolerance.
Here are some of the benefits of practicing meditation
Who practices meditation, and what other benefits does it have on your life!
The popularity of meditation is increasing as more people discover its many health benefits.
You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration.
People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline, healthy sleep patterns, and even increased pain tolerance.
Here are some of the benefits of practicing meditation
Who practices meditation, and what other benefits does it have on your life!

I'm a meditative type of person and connected to things like nature or the natural environment.
Sometimes just visiting a nice environment is a healing practice. Then we want to keep them places free from toxic waste and heal the area in return.
Sometimes just visiting a nice environment is a healing practice. Then we want to keep them places free from toxic waste and heal the area in return.

1 post
+6 votes

Best Beginner Hash For A Hash Virgin?
I don’t know about sativa/indica, but the best hash I’ve had is:
Hashishin - Audi Stamp
Hashlover420- Zookies
The Smoke Den - semi dry Cali kush

Best Beginner Hash For A Hash Virgin?
I'm a total virgin to hash and looking for some that is easy to work with to add in to my CBD flower as I currently do with THC flower. I'm looking strictly for indica types of effects and from my limited research it seems a lot of hash tends to be from sativa plants? Do any vendors do a little hash selection box of various types? Also worth mentioning I'm after soft/crumbly stuff as burning the hard stuff is not an option currently!
Appreciate any input.
Appreciate any input.

I don’t know about sativa/indica, but the best hash I’ve had is:
Hashishin - Audi Stamp
Hashlover420- Zookies
The Smoke Den - semi dry Cali kush
(His other stamps also look good)
RealD - Starcookies (expensive)
Best value: Pistach- Cookies and cream. None of these require a flame.
Hashishin - Audi Stamp
Hashlover420- Zookies
The Smoke Den - semi dry Cali kush
(His other stamps also look good)
RealD - Starcookies (expensive)
Best value: Pistach- Cookies and cream. None of these require a flame.

Gardella hash or mazar hash from diuk. Super relaxing;) top tip, grind 2 parts weed to 1 part hash and vape . Or even 1:1;)

Depends what your definition of messed up is? It won’t damage your grinder but some of the resulting mixture needs to be scraped out . Especially the first time. It’s worth it for the hash efficiency in the vape though. Do you have a metal grinder?

I have a 4 piece metal grinder with a ceramic coating which is supposed to stop material getting stuck but it's a myth because it still gets messy. I never thought to grind hash, I thought you just crumbled or made a snake.

The smaller particles enables a much more effective extraction in my experience;) I used a sharp grind grinder which grinds fairly fine. Metal

Our Premium Caixa Bank Hash is a lovely indica dominant hash. Crumbles Into a joint easy, no need to put a flame to it at all. Check it out.

Hi Klayton88, link added but be careful because you are starting right at the top of the grades with our Belida Gold.
So probably best you check it out after you have tried some others as after you try this you will only want the Gold One everytime 100%.
So probably best you check it out after you have tried some others as after you try this you will only want the Gold One everytime 100%.

List your ingredients for us that suffer food allergies.
Maybe don't put any nasties in the mix like many on here with their colorings and preservatives.
The smallest amount of ingredients the better.
Maybe don't put any nasties in the mix like many on here with their colorings and preservatives.
The smallest amount of ingredients the better.

1 post
+4 votes
started topic
1 post
+2 votes

Seeking medical CBD oil
I would contact The CBD Healing Shop. CBD oil isn’t illegal, so you might find some using a regular search. I found one seller who has his address on …

Seeking medical CBD oil
Does anyone on here sell high strength CBD, not containing THC. seeking it to treat a family member's fibroids

We can stock Delta-8 Distillate but we never thought there would be much demand for it here, if a couple of you guys would be interested we'll get some ordered :)

If you don't have any luck with your search, drop me a pm and I'll see what I can do for you :) 💚💦

Hello mate, iceheadshop in the real world are a safe bet. I have been buying their distillate for a few years now. I make my own oil with MCT it is really effective

That's a good shout. Id honestly never heard of that site. Their seeds look tempting....purely for collecting obviously

I would contact The CBD Healing Shop. CBD oil isn’t illegal, so you might find some using a regular search. I found one seller who has his address on his website. Always do a Trustpilot check.

Have a look at this topic
In particular Sam508
In particular Sam508

1 post
+5 votes

Best weed for arousal?
If you mean “arousal 😜” I’m reading good things about White Tahoe Cookies. I haven’t tried. DIUK have some and I’m just about to pull the trigger
If you mean “arousal 😜” I’m reading good things about White Tahoe Cookies. I haven’t tried. DIUK have some and I’m just about to pull the trigger

I bet half the people on here don't even know who Finbar Saunders is! 😂 Either way that comment didn't`t get the recognition it deserved 😁

👍👍😎…thanks Foxy…Finbar was always one of my favourites…along with Paul Whicker, The Tall Vicar…🤩😂🤩…and Buster Gonad of course…

I have some Bubble Hash and for the filthy things it makes me do it should be banned!
Well, ok, it’s already illegal I suppose…but that’s not the point! 😂😂😂
Well, ok, it’s already illegal I suppose…but that’s not the point! 😂😂😂

Yeah! Ban all this filthy weed, making us do all these filthy things! It should be against the law I tell you! 😂😂

Oooh I do like live resin! 😋…I’ve got some Cereal Milk live resin somewhere, must fish it out. Can’t remember if I cop the horn….🤔

1 post
+1 votes

cleanup borg
thick biggaz are sexy
My skin is thick

cleanup borg
thick biggaz are sexy
It's a loving neighborhood in biggsmouth, full of sensitive souls. That (and all sorts of states of mind) make for touchy, touchy. And without the offset of feely, feely online protocol can quickly sour.
Toughen up biggaz, take a punch without hitting back and pull back on the easy jabs. There is no shortage of champions here, please act like champions, not bullies or pansies.
Your moist, thick skinned love is treasured by us borgs - and that's just speaking for our algorithmic half.
Toughen up biggaz, take a punch without hitting back and pull back on the easy jabs. There is no shortage of champions here, please act like champions, not bullies or pansies.
Your moist, thick skinned love is treasured by us borgs - and that's just speaking for our algorithmic half.

I probably wouldn’t agree with you on a few topics but I’m with you on this one!! If u wanna be a champion act like one!! Word

Didn't approve my request months ago to delete a vry silly topic off my wall, but thiccc biggas are sexy.
Love you, cleanup.😋🥂
Love you, cleanup.😋🥂

4 posts
+11 votes

Left Jab Right cross! Knocked the fuck out! Combo. What's your Best?
Slurricane (Druid’s magic) with Mimosa kief (UK dispensary) some Temple Ball (Bonneville) and some Tahoe Isolator hash (RealD) all in a bong. Tonight …
+ 4 more

Left Jab Right cross! Knocked the fuck out! Combo. What's your Best?
So I have been looking at the combo deal that Dr Green Thumb posted and pulled the trigger on it yesterday and it dropped today. Happy fucking days indeed.
I got the 1:1 oil and hash (Bugatti) combo. This is not a review post as the quality of the hash has been well documented. Just look at the topics page and the reviews but aye lets just say that I'm enjoying it very much to say the least. Still to try the oil.
This led to a conversation about smoking habits, how they have changed. For me especially before LB all I did was smoke joints one after the other. Consent cycle when you are smoking. You know what I'm talking about lol
Anyway my point is this. Since finding and using the wonders of LB my smoking habits have changed. For one I'm going in the right direction in giving up tobacco! But in trying out new and wonderful ways to consume the wonders of cannabis. Sometimes I'm still like WTF is that and what the fuck do you do with it lol
During my experimentation stage I have stumbled upon which I now refer to as "The Combo"
So my sweet spot at the moment is having a bud/trim dry vape mix when I would have previously had a joint but in between that I like to have a few vapes on disillite/rosin depending on the rules lol when, where and why but I have stumbled upon this mix due to this place!
Now I'm still early in the experimentation stage and lots of research to be had. Getting fucking stoned!!!!!!
So anyone else have a combo that is spot on for them whatever that my be
Weed/hash mix. Carts and canna caps fucking anything cannabis related
I'm just fucking blatantly looking for new ideas or inspiration lol whatever you want to call it lol
My list is already written on bog roll with all the wonderful things I want but I'm a nosy cunt!
I got the 1:1 oil and hash (Bugatti) combo. This is not a review post as the quality of the hash has been well documented. Just look at the topics page and the reviews but aye lets just say that I'm enjoying it very much to say the least. Still to try the oil.
This led to a conversation about smoking habits, how they have changed. For me especially before LB all I did was smoke joints one after the other. Consent cycle when you are smoking. You know what I'm talking about lol
Anyway my point is this. Since finding and using the wonders of LB my smoking habits have changed. For one I'm going in the right direction in giving up tobacco! But in trying out new and wonderful ways to consume the wonders of cannabis. Sometimes I'm still like WTF is that and what the fuck do you do with it lol
During my experimentation stage I have stumbled upon which I now refer to as "The Combo"
So my sweet spot at the moment is having a bud/trim dry vape mix when I would have previously had a joint but in between that I like to have a few vapes on disillite/rosin depending on the rules lol when, where and why but I have stumbled upon this mix due to this place!
Now I'm still early in the experimentation stage and lots of research to be had. Getting fucking stoned!!!!!!
So anyone else have a combo that is spot on for them whatever that my be
Weed/hash mix. Carts and canna caps fucking anything cannabis related
I'm just fucking blatantly looking for new ideas or inspiration lol whatever you want to call it lol
My list is already written on bog roll with all the wonderful things I want but I'm a nosy cunt!

Getting this Monday Amo 2X double filtered AAA+ quality Moroccan hash is picture on this comment.
Cookie dough AAA+ quality Moroccan hash and couple more strains. JJ
Cookie dough AAA+ quality Moroccan hash and couple more strains. JJ

Slurricane (Druid’s magic) with Mimosa kief (UK dispensary) some Temple Ball (Bonneville) and some Tahoe Isolator hash (RealD) all in a bong. Tonight I’m substituting Slurricane with Zskittlez (RealD) and adding some Letcho Punch (MKK2020) Flying Tonight!

You don’t mess about!
It’s giving me the fear contemplating chonging that medley!
I bet nipping to the shop would be like a protracted mission to Mars and heaven forbid there should be an unexpected knock at the door.
I think I need a smoke to get over this. Preferably something landrace and relatively tame. 🤣
It’s giving me the fear contemplating chonging that medley!
I bet nipping to the shop would be like a protracted mission to Mars and heaven forbid there should be an unexpected knock at the door.
I think I need a smoke to get over this. Preferably something landrace and relatively tame. 🤣

SCL carts lol 😂 rosin 👌
But I heard the landrace kicking about on the topics is not bad but I’ve not had it!
But I heard the landrace kicking about on the topics is not bad but I’ve not had it!

Aye to fucking mars 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Heard only good things about all of the above.
Especially ketchup punch and anything from druids.
But must admit that’s out of my price range per bowl 🥣 lol 😂 best guess $$$ per bowl 🫣🫣🫣🫣
Aye to fucking mars 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Heard only good things about all of the above.
Especially ketchup punch and anything from druids.
But must admit that’s out of my price range per bowl 🥣 lol 😂 best guess $$$ per bowl 🫣🫣🫣🫣

It’s really nice, a bit different. I had a second wave after 2.5 hours. It just kept on surging.

05/08/22 This evening listing Super Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze and Guavadawg also This coming Monday getting 4 different hashs which will be put into combo and same price.$.....60 with Free Specials Gauranteed NDD by 1pm. Jj

I don’t really understand some of the new fangled methods like distillate carts, dabbing and crazy science weed.
I typically smoke hash and used to be chain smoking the fattyboombattys with baccy, but I got a s&b crafty plus and have started to really enjoy vaping.
It’s really clean and you get the actual taste.
I still have an an occasional fat number but I use those activated charcoal filters and the least amount of tobacco poss. I did try using cbd flower instead of baccy but I felt like I’d been trapped in a house fire. It was too much.
I typically smoke hash and used to be chain smoking the fattyboombattys with baccy, but I got a s&b crafty plus and have started to really enjoy vaping.
It’s really clean and you get the actual taste.
I still have an an occasional fat number but I use those activated charcoal filters and the least amount of tobacco poss. I did try using cbd flower instead of baccy but I felt like I’d been trapped in a house fire. It was too much.

Nice I like the crafty
Carts I have got into them. you really should try them! Very convenient and if you like the hash I would recommend SCL carts of if your feeling super flush the live rosin ones.
But like you I’m leaning and ending myself doing it lol 😂
Take it easy man
Carts I have got into them. you really should try them! Very convenient and if you like the hash I would recommend SCL carts of if your feeling super flush the live rosin ones.
But like you I’m leaning and ending myself doing it lol 😂
Take it easy man

I think the modern techniques are probably a bit healthier. Thinking back to hotknives and buckets with soap bar?! 🤪
Vaping feels like you’re definately being kind to yourself and you’re lungs aren’t about to collapse in protest!
There just something about a nice joint though….that’s my problem! I maybe have a couple over the weekend so it’s better than it was.
Might jump aboard the cart train next though!
Vaping feels like you’re definately being kind to yourself and you’re lungs aren’t about to collapse in protest!
There just something about a nice joint though….that’s my problem! I maybe have a couple over the weekend so it’s better than it was.
Might jump aboard the cart train next though!

You think tomatoalec just imagine what shite was going into your lungs from that stuff man
Never a big bucket fan but my mate took them for fun and don't even get me started on hot knifes.
Was at a kids party years ago and they had one of the kids kitchen sets! Aye you know where this is going. So me and one of the other Dad's started to pretend to do hot knifes with the wee plastic knifes and pretend rings and got caught by the wee lassies dad who was 5.0 and to be fair he asked for one lol
Blowbacks ha ha ha where is Kiltman when you need him.
There just something about a nice joint though - could not agree more but that a mental thing in my opinion like you I have not cut it out compliantly yet! but going in the right direction.
Might jump aboard the cart train next though - I love them man but just depends on what your looking to get out it ? High as fuck / day smoke the decisions and dilemmas we face. Scroll Scroll buy buy buy buy
Take it easy man
Never a big bucket fan but my mate took them for fun and don't even get me started on hot knifes.
Was at a kids party years ago and they had one of the kids kitchen sets! Aye you know where this is going. So me and one of the other Dad's started to pretend to do hot knifes with the wee plastic knifes and pretend rings and got caught by the wee lassies dad who was 5.0 and to be fair he asked for one lol
Blowbacks ha ha ha where is Kiltman when you need him.
There just something about a nice joint though - could not agree more but that a mental thing in my opinion like you I have not cut it out compliantly yet! but going in the right direction.
Might jump aboard the cart train next though - I love them man but just depends on what your looking to get out it ? High as fuck / day smoke the decisions and dilemmas we face. Scroll Scroll buy buy buy buy
Take it easy man

Ha ha! Blowbacks Dazzler!
The first time I ever tried weed someone gave me a blowback on the way home from school and I just wolfed down my tea and sat there uncontrollably giggling while my folks tried to figure out what was going on! 🥳
The first time I ever tried weed someone gave me a blowback on the way home from school and I just wolfed down my tea and sat there uncontrollably giggling while my folks tried to figure out what was going on! 🥳

5/08/22 everything just landed.
Amo 2X double filtered AAA+ quality Moroccan hash
Cookie dough AAA+ quality Moroccan hash
24K AAA+ MOROCCAN BELDIA quality hash,
super lemon haze, super silver haze and Guavadawg grade A top shelf and thk u for buying from me jj
Amo 2X double filtered AAA+ quality Moroccan hash
Cookie dough AAA+ quality Moroccan hash
24K AAA+ MOROCCAN BELDIA quality hash,
super lemon haze, super silver haze and Guavadawg grade A top shelf and thk u for buying from me jj

All of the above 👆 yip yip and yip
I think 🤔 someone has e juice for sale on the wall also.
But you can do all you mentioned
MrMorningstar is your man to ask ?
He committed on this thread
I think 🤔 someone has e juice for sale on the wall also.
But you can do all you mentioned
MrMorningstar is your man to ask ?
He committed on this thread

Sorry for the disappointment
But if it's any consolation the Italian Stallion (How's that Pollypuff20) knocked me out lol
But if it's any consolation the Italian Stallion (How's that Pollypuff20) knocked me out lol

Best combo I have had so far was a tasty treat also from Doctor Green Thumb. First time ordering but won't be the last. I ordered it Tuesday night and it dropped with tracking on my doorstep on Thursday morning.
The weed is 3.5g of Sunset Sherbet which is so tasty but roll up a nice sausage of the included 3.5g of Moroccan Amnesia hash and you have a super combo.
I just put it in a skin with some trim and it blew my head off.
The weed is 3.5g of Sunset Sherbet which is so tasty but roll up a nice sausage of the included 3.5g of Moroccan Amnesia hash and you have a super combo.
I just put it in a skin with some trim and it blew my head off.

Any strong sativa with a bottle of Abhainn Dearg. Luv Bill Hicks, Flying saucer Tour for I.

Hehe…welcome back to Hash World Daz!🤩
Here’s my favourite combo or as I like to call it ‘Sandwich’. Layer of weed, layer of hash, layer of weed into your EQ elbow or the flowerpot for vaping Some of my current favourites:
‘Aero’ = Cereal Milk weed & Bubble Hash
‘Golden Triangle’= Hindu Kush weed & Beldia Gold hash
Crème de la Crème= Creamsicle weed & Creme Caramel hash
Pineapple Cream= Pineapple Skunk weed & Cereal Milk Live Resin
Mimosa Turbo= Mimosa weed & Mimosa Wax
And my personal favourite, with a nod to Scoobie Doo:
The Mystery Of The Pink Pants= Pink Panties weed & Druids Mystery hash. 😋🥳🤩👍😎
Here’s my favourite combo or as I like to call it ‘Sandwich’. Layer of weed, layer of hash, layer of weed into your EQ elbow or the flowerpot for vaping Some of my current favourites:
‘Aero’ = Cereal Milk weed & Bubble Hash
‘Golden Triangle’= Hindu Kush weed & Beldia Gold hash
Crème de la Crème= Creamsicle weed & Creme Caramel hash
Pineapple Cream= Pineapple Skunk weed & Cereal Milk Live Resin
Mimosa Turbo= Mimosa weed & Mimosa Wax
And my personal favourite, with a nod to Scoobie Doo:
The Mystery Of The Pink Pants= Pink Panties weed & Druids Mystery hash. 😋🥳🤩👍😎

Just made an sandwich for my EQ
The Aldi - Gelato shake and Bugatti.
The Bugatti makes it the Aldi top tier tho Aldi extra special range lol 😂
The Aldi - Gelato shake and Bugatti.
The Bugatti makes it the Aldi top tier tho Aldi extra special range lol 😂

There the Jedi is!!!!!!
Hash is defo fucking back baby !!!!!!!!!!!!! Really enjoyed that Bugatti last night. So thanks for the review one of the reasons I picked it! Also Dr Green Thumb for well, top hash.
Money can't by that sort of advice and I will have to stock up slowly and work my way though the list but very well put and I'm in owe of the time, effort and commitment to the cause! As always
Pineapple Cream= Pineapple Skunk weed & Cereal Milk Live Resin this would be high up the list closely followed by
Mimosa Turbo= Mimosa weed & Mimosa Wax
Brilliant and my the force be with you master Jedi lol
Hash is defo fucking back baby !!!!!!!!!!!!! Really enjoyed that Bugatti last night. So thanks for the review one of the reasons I picked it! Also Dr Green Thumb for well, top hash.
Money can't by that sort of advice and I will have to stock up slowly and work my way though the list but very well put and I'm in owe of the time, effort and commitment to the cause! As always
Pineapple Cream= Pineapple Skunk weed & Cereal Milk Live Resin this would be high up the list closely followed by
Mimosa Turbo= Mimosa weed & Mimosa Wax
Brilliant and my the force be with you master Jedi lol

Why not quit smoking paper as well;)
Get a mighty, p80 or tinymight plus a water pipe and attachment.
Taste, high and your health will love you;) take care
Get a mighty, p80 or tinymight plus a water pipe and attachment.
Taste, high and your health will love you;) take care

Using a desk top EQ shoulder packing it as the cyclone bowl just burns though your green and an aura flowermate that I got for nothing which is doing what it should so far. Tried the mighty ect and agreed excellent but just too pricey just now.
Really like the dynavap also. Looking at one of the kits from vapefiend
Really like the dynavap also. Looking at one of the kits from vapefiend

Tried a new combo last night
RSO and canna butter edibles from reds & vaping. Which I might add popping my sandwich cherry 🍒 and getting back into hash. So a busy day for TheDazzler 👌
So the results.
Said by the good man himself Mr Hicks RIP
You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal fucking high on drugs. The Beatles were so fucking high they let Ringo sing a few tunes.
Thank you
Dr Green thumb
Red’s edibles
RSO and canna butter edibles from reds & vaping. Which I might add popping my sandwich cherry 🍒 and getting back into hash. So a busy day for TheDazzler 👌
So the results.
Said by the good man himself Mr Hicks RIP
You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal fucking high on drugs. The Beatles were so fucking high they let Ringo sing a few tunes.
Thank you
Dr Green thumb
Red’s edibles

5 posts
+8 votes

UK is only 1% of world emissions?
Spot on, that man! It’s 0.04% 400ppm. Whoever managed to convince people that CO2 The Gas of Life or The Miracle Molecule essential to all carbon base…
+ 5 more

UK is only 1% of world emissions?

I completely believe in the climate science and trying to prevent it. Some green tech like solar and wind make good economic sense to do anyway though decades of discommisioning old power stations won't make producing it here any easier.
We've put ourselves under the boot of international energy markets at a time when the world couldn't be more divided. And if we meet every target and do reach net zero? our contribution is margin of error. China plans to keep on keeping on and the US is incredibly corrupt so won't deliver meaningful policy change this century. That's about 50% of the total emissions. And why would the developing world do any different?
If there was any pragmatism in politics there would be near equal emphasis on making our aging infrastructure, businesses and homes more resilient to the effects of climate change, not just trying to prevent it which isnt within our gift to do.
We've put ourselves under the boot of international energy markets at a time when the world couldn't be more divided. And if we meet every target and do reach net zero? our contribution is margin of error. China plans to keep on keeping on and the US is incredibly corrupt so won't deliver meaningful policy change this century. That's about 50% of the total emissions. And why would the developing world do any different?
If there was any pragmatism in politics there would be near equal emphasis on making our aging infrastructure, businesses and homes more resilient to the effects of climate change, not just trying to prevent it which isnt within our gift to do.

all propaganda from billioniares who want to stop us travelling...co2 makes up just 0.4% of the atmosphere...of that 0.0001% is man all smoke weed, weed eats more co2 than any other plant, they add it in every big grow...plants eat gets higher plants get bigger...its bullshit antiscience...methane is the same, the hydrogen and oxygen eat it...its a perfect system...the co2 levels when the antartic was warm was half of todays that ruins the warming scam in a second...all bullshit with no experiments behind it...more fake corporate covid science ,all bought and paid for...dont belive a word of it. it is our duty to use actual science and resist this stupid scam....sorry if this offends anyone but bullshit walks... wheres Doggerland? wheres some history the climate was never stable. who gains fromn this ...just the b illioniares who want to tax and stop our democracy.....wake up..its not science its a coup.

Spot on, that man! It’s 0.04% 400ppm. Whoever managed to convince people that CO2 The Gas of Life or The Miracle Molecule essential to all carbon based life forms on Earth is also a threat to the climate, has done a first class job of a psyop. Hats off to the Communists, The Masters of Manipulation, they’re very good at what they do.

Scientists know perfectly well how much Co2 is in the atmosphere because they figured it out, that's how you know in the first place, so if you're saying don't trust Scientists, why would you trust them about Co2 content and not the harm it does?

Why would I trust who? Which ‘scientists’ are you saying I should trust or not trust? Should I trust this lying, serial litigating POS?

How about the scientists working for ExxonMobil who came to the same conclusion 40 years ago despite their bosses not wanting to hear that

The truth is out there if you want to look for it. Every prediction/model has been based on the assumption that CO2 is a warming gas. It isn’t a warming gas, not even close.

here we are, the population that exists now is the vanguard of what is to come. I fear, for our future generations, that it becomes worse before better. Though we as homosapien sapien (we're double sapien) will adapt to our environment regardless.
The Cop23 summit told us the ocean temperature has increased by 3% (correct me if this figure is wrong). Tearful to type And that means the death of our oceans as we know it. Maybe the nature of the oceans, like humans, is to die - and reincarnated also. But, that is now the temperature of the oceans. It cannot be decreased 'back to normal' through environmental friendly actions. The oceans are dying basically, bit grim to type, but we're all reasonably grown up here to handle the truth.
only thing that can cool them back down - to recognisable temperatures
(and stop the ocean from dying) - is an ice age. There may be intelligent lifeforms there that we are yet to kill.
The Cop23 summit told us the ocean temperature has increased by 3% (correct me if this figure is wrong). Tearful to type And that means the death of our oceans as we know it. Maybe the nature of the oceans, like humans, is to die - and reincarnated also. But, that is now the temperature of the oceans. It cannot be decreased 'back to normal' through environmental friendly actions. The oceans are dying basically, bit grim to type, but we're all reasonably grown up here to handle the truth.
only thing that can cool them back down - to recognisable temperatures
(and stop the ocean from dying) - is an ice age. There may be intelligent lifeforms there that we are yet to kill.

Solar and Wind turbine require precious earth metals which is equally devastating to produce.
Plastics are the biggest problem in my opinion and that just seems to be getting worse there will be no rest bite to production of petro chemicals as profits and dividend payments to shareholders are the most important to these corps. And that will never change.
We are being screwed and we will continue to be screwed unless we all get together and dethrone this evil beast!
Plastics are the biggest problem in my opinion and that just seems to be getting worse there will be no rest bite to production of petro chemicals as profits and dividend payments to shareholders are the most important to these corps. And that will never change.
We are being screwed and we will continue to be screwed unless we all get together and dethrone this evil beast!

I highly doubt that the CCP hold the same opinion as you when it comes to "we" but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
When confronted with this principle of "1%" a climate activist I happened to listen to on LBC said;
"Well we're a leading power in the world and therfore I think we need to lead by example. When we change... countries like China and India will follow"
The utter arrogance of this is not just vulgar, but bewildering.
China (CCP) couldn't give a shit what the UK does and if you want an example of how much they respect our opinion, let's look at Hong Kong.
They walk in, Dominic Raab whinges a bit and fuck all happens. Because we're not a world power anymore. And Hong Kong wil soon be absorbed by the CCP.
Put your plastic in the recycling bins, fold up your cardboard all you want, it won't make a blind bit of difference. The only thing this movement has done is replaced religion in a secular UK society. That's it.
I wish it wasn't so, but it is.
Cheers BB
When confronted with this principle of "1%" a climate activist I happened to listen to on LBC said;
"Well we're a leading power in the world and therfore I think we need to lead by example. When we change... countries like China and India will follow"
The utter arrogance of this is not just vulgar, but bewildering.
China (CCP) couldn't give a shit what the UK does and if you want an example of how much they respect our opinion, let's look at Hong Kong.
They walk in, Dominic Raab whinges a bit and fuck all happens. Because we're not a world power anymore. And Hong Kong wil soon be absorbed by the CCP.
Put your plastic in the recycling bins, fold up your cardboard all you want, it won't make a blind bit of difference. The only thing this movement has done is replaced religion in a secular UK society. That's it.
I wish it wasn't so, but it is.
Cheers BB

CO2 doesn’t affect the climate or the Earth’s temperature. It’s all bollocks. Anyone who thinks AGW/ACC is a thing, shouldn’t smoke weed. You have been played 😂

Between 2009 and 2011 China used more concrete to make its 'megacities' than the United States used in the entire 20th Century.
Get your head around that one. I sure can't. 🤔
Cheers BB
Get your head around that one. I sure can't. 🤔
Cheers BB

1 post
+1 votes
Problems with this seller?

Problems with this seller?
I placed and order on tues 28th, for nnd, it still hasn’t arrived, it’s now Monday. I have messaged the seller who has been active but hasn’t opened or replied to my message. Can anyone help or suggest what to do now?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,

Hi, I am still waiting on an order for over 3 weeks! Just received amessage asking for me to wait until Tuesday. I have ordered from them before with no bother at all, I think maybe they have just got busy?

yes man we got busy
and im going to fix every single problem order anyway
i appreciate everyone patience
im not in the office on weekends
and im going to fix every single problem order anyway
i appreciate everyone patience
im not in the office on weekends

Hey karrie sorry to hear this
im going through my messages now and will reply
please send me full name and address item was sent to in the PM's
im having some problem orders and all will be attended to this weekend
thanks everyone for the patience
im going through my messages now and will reply
please send me full name and address item was sent to in the PM's
im having some problem orders and all will be attended to this weekend
thanks everyone for the patience

I ordered 10.5 gs a while ago and got a 3.5 of dust I uploaded the review with pics so could you please help with that mate

3 posts
+3 votes
Commercial hash what's the best you have tried?
DM me
+ 3 more

Commercial hash what's the best you have tried?
So I have tried a few of the different varieties of hash that littlebiggy has to offer, but today the hash that came from thesmokeden was outstanding......especially for the price. Anyone else have an opinion or something to match the price and quality?

Sorry camber, I had the oilly soft. I have also had the papillon from realD which was excellent

1 post
+6 votes

My mission is providing all you lovely biggaz around the world with top drawer quality cannabis items and products that are available around my area and imported from around the globe. previously focused solely on land race genetics, now providing a spectrum of land race and hybrid strains, both budget and luxury goods. I want all biggaz to rest assured when ordering from my shop that customer's security is my utter top priority when shipping internationally. I give care and attention meticulously packaging each and every order while using top stealth methods and matched disguises. the final result is your package looking like an ordinary online shop parcel. my success rate shipping to most of the world is 99.9% (when the 0.1% stand for missing and lost orders) and I do offer complete buyer protection, so you won't have to bite bullets. now that competition is harder due to many wonderful, professional vendors around - I'd love customers that have used my service to drop a comment below about their experience and maybe help others decide about ordering from my shop. much love to the entire LB community ❤️❤️❤️

I don't usually leave reviews but felt obliged as the effort hashishin puts into his sales and marketing i feel deserves a quick review.
I have purchased some divine hash oil, any rso users should at least try. Stealth was perfect, comms excellent, did me a great custom order along with a couple of lovely samples.
Great vendor, lovely products… all good.
I have purchased some divine hash oil, any rso users should at least try. Stealth was perfect, comms excellent, did me a great custom order along with a couple of lovely samples.
Great vendor, lovely products… all good.

I have absolutely no reservations when it comes to using Hashishin, spot on service each time.
I’m currently enjoying the Audi stamp for the second time and really enjoying the Garlic Bread first time round.
I’m currently enjoying the Audi stamp for the second time and really enjoying the Garlic Bread first time round.

Hehe…amazing timing Hashishin, I’ve just been vaping some of your squidgy Afghan Black! ❤️👌
Like a lot of Biggas I thought ‘with all the choice what is the point of ordering from outside the UK?’…then had a couple of orders from Israel with you and realised exactly why! 🥳
Unique regional quality just not available elsewhere. Order with confidence Biggas, Hashishin’s stealth will blow you way! 🤩
Like a lot of Biggas I thought ‘with all the choice what is the point of ordering from outside the UK?’…then had a couple of orders from Israel with you and realised exactly why! 🥳
Unique regional quality just not available elsewhere. Order with confidence Biggas, Hashishin’s stealth will blow you way! 🤩

Ordered from you a handful of times over the past couple of years.Always a mouthwatering menu of lovely authentic landrace hashes from sticky blacks to crumbly blondes n earthy red lebs...tried the hash oil too,very strong stuff!
Always very friendly in any messages if you need to ask anything.
Also some of the best stealth I've seen on here.Looking forward to my Audi stamp arriving! :-)
Always very friendly in any messages if you need to ask anything.
Also some of the best stealth I've seen on here.Looking forward to my Audi stamp arriving! :-)

You can't go wrong with Hashishin! I've had many ,rare and exotic products from his shop, it's a real 'Garden of Delights'.Stealth, Communication Shipping times and his Wares are always top notch. We're lucky to have him.

Some of the best stealth and comms out there! I have had 2 orders from Hashishin sent to the UK. Beautiful, sticky, strong hash and super friendly and understanding person. Can't recommend enough!

1 post
+0 votes

Sites of Interest
I like to visit CODOH, Europa: The Last Battle, TGSNT, Hellstorm Documentary and various other sites the government doesn’t want me to look at. I use …
Well hello there mr not very obvious policeman trying to gather info
personally i like to watch hour long compilations of politicians lying through their teeth, or my current personal favourite is browsing the literal never ending amount of videos detailing the insurmountable amount of police corruption not just in the UK but quite literally every single legalised gang / police force on the planet
personally i like to watch hour long compilations of politicians lying through their teeth, or my current personal favourite is browsing the literal never ending amount of videos detailing the insurmountable amount of police corruption not just in the UK but quite literally every single legalised gang / police force on the planet

Lol, I don't know if I should be flattered... Also not sure what info could be taken from websites smokers visit. Anyhow, thanks!

1 post
+3 votes

Strongest strain on LB?
Tried it last night. It’s excellent

Strongest strain on LB?
I've got a really high tolerance so i'm looking for some of the strongest strains available at the moment on Littlebiggy.

Three of the strains currently on Druids Magic are between 29%-32% THC. To beat that 🙀 you’ll need the Jungle Boys (from The Gentlemen Dealers) including Jungle Lava #6 at an incredible (certified) 35.1%…but with a price to match👍🫠

Oh that sounds good, have you tried the slurricane from druids magic? Is the bud actually as strong as stated?

The Slurricane is amazing imo. I’ve tried a few including Smoggyman’s sensational grow, and this is the best.
The hardest hitter there for a pure stone-out is the Hyperglue….😵💫😍
The hardest hitter there for a pure stone-out is the Hyperglue….😵💫😍

For me the strength is similar. The Slurricane locks me to the couch without a care in the world. The Hyperglue is a stoner- hit it hard and I am away with the fairies, the elves and Paris Hilton.
Individual experiences may vary 🤩…but your tolerance will need to be great indeed i.e if these don’t cut it you will either need concentrates or a tolerance break👍😉
Individual experiences may vary 🤩…but your tolerance will need to be great indeed i.e if these don’t cut it you will either need concentrates or a tolerance break👍😉

Few standouts from me -
Canadian Imports MAC1
GostTownTerps Peanut Butter Gelato or the Mendo Breath
Pistach Ice Cream Cake
3 top vendors 💯
Canadian Imports MAC1
GostTownTerps Peanut Butter Gelato or the Mendo Breath
Pistach Ice Cream Cake
3 top vendors 💯

Thanks for the suggestions. I've had the MAC1 from CI and that's a good strain. I'll have a look at the 2 strains you recommended from GhostTownTerps.
The ice cream cake from pistach is already gone i think unfortunately.
The ice cream cake from pistach is already gone i think unfortunately.

I didn't see a single review on the peanut butter gelato, i just went with that, how is it exactly?😁💚

I tried Ghost's Northern lights and Nilla wafer, had my eye on the mendo for a while.
Cookie dawg always puts me on my arse but you grow tolerant vry quick.
RealDeal's Iceolator is on another level to anything i ever tried.
Cookie dawg always puts me on my arse but you grow tolerant vry quick.
RealDeal's Iceolator is on another level to anything i ever tried.

Mendo and the black runtz is banging i litterally just smoke a zoot of the Mendo cuts through my tollerance well, had maybe 10.5 g of it so far I just order his pink champagne and the space cookies today his smoke is pretty decent for the price stealth is good and good comms he chucked me in a zoot of the penut butter g on my first order that stuff is fire Ghost town terps is a top vendor, I got a g of that iso off real deal when he had a price drop $25 a g that stuff is fire aswell had me coughing which only happens on the dabs really to me hahah it’s still worth the $35 it’s at now

I've been enjoying Green Cats Fire Cookies lately similar strength to pistach ice cream except maybe a bit more balanced high and after a few days in the jar the smell is absolutely amazing pure cookie galore.

I flamed through 14 of Pistach's gelato cake last week, i enjoyed GC's FireCookies more but P's deal are excellent, i really enjoyed blazing through it. I didn't enjoy GC's wedding cake but everything else has been great.
No way i'm gonna blast through the 14 of PB gelato tho, and my little gelato og hash cherry lol.
Have a good ones biggas, remember life is so much more than canna, Love is the true drug.
No way i'm gonna blast through the 14 of PB gelato tho, and my little gelato og hash cherry lol.
Have a good ones biggas, remember life is so much more than canna, Love is the true drug.

Think what I like best about the fire cookies is they just grind out for days and days lol I've somehow still got a couple nugs left it's like no matter how much I grind up I still have the same amount left :D get what you mean about the wedding cake though does a job for the money but definitely bit on the standard side really.
Pistach bargains have all the stolen crystals lmao got some proper dusty gelato off him here along with a couple others. Between him, GC and Drug Incs new premium prices there's some decent options about atm with the odd genuine bargain thrown in on top, hard to settle on what to buy sometimes lol but big respect to all the sellers bringing us bangers at fair prices, there's plenty others I got my eye on too!
Saw you got some of the realD isolator hash mate sounds amazing way beyond what I like to spend but still tempted just for that bang haha we all need that next level hit from time to time! Wish I could make a decision more easily lol
Health and happiness to all the biggas <3 Have good weekend mate enjoy those gelatos! :)
Pistach bargains have all the stolen crystals lmao got some proper dusty gelato off him here along with a couple others. Between him, GC and Drug Incs new premium prices there's some decent options about atm with the odd genuine bargain thrown in on top, hard to settle on what to buy sometimes lol but big respect to all the sellers bringing us bangers at fair prices, there's plenty others I got my eye on too!
Saw you got some of the realD isolator hash mate sounds amazing way beyond what I like to spend but still tempted just for that bang haha we all need that next level hit from time to time! Wish I could make a decision more easily lol
Health and happiness to all the biggas <3 Have good weekend mate enjoy those gelatos! :)

It's top shelf, very few twigs through the bud, hard nugs and fluffs up in grinder, been smoking it 16 hours straight now.(had a little nap too😊)
Whoever grew it is a grow wizard.
Whoever grew it is a grow wizard.

1 post
+2 votes

Who has the best hash at the moment
This looks nice. Real D has some bangers

Who has the best hash at the moment
Fancy a change and getting some hash.So what would you recommend?

I went with a little of the Gelato OG from The Gentleman Dealers this morn, expensive but excellent stone and always top service from the Gents.
So many hash options it's very difficult to choose, we're spoiled right now.
Was gonna order a load of the Icealator last night but lack of delivery options puts me off, especially when on a forced break and want something for weekend.
RealD's new triple filtered or MKK's new triple filtered would get my vote (still to try), MKK's carlitos way has been reduced a little, amazing gear that.
DIUK are vry good for hash too.
So many hash options it's very difficult to choose, we're spoiled right now.
Was gonna order a load of the Icealator last night but lack of delivery options puts me off, especially when on a forced break and want something for weekend.
RealD's new triple filtered or MKK's new triple filtered would get my vote (still to try), MKK's carlitos way has been reduced a little, amazing gear that.
DIUK are vry good for hash too.

This looks nice. Real D has some bangers

1 post
-1 votes

darkest meme..
1 post
+1 votes
Unmatched prices on Semi dry, if you like hash this is a must try
Any more coming in?

Unmatched prices on Semi dry, if you like hash this is a must try
Not much left of this
Grab a bargain while its here
Grab a bargain while its here

1 post
+6.2 votes

We’re broke
started topic

We’re broke
Seems to marry up with the WEF plan of the "great reset". Seems like everybody is going to default and we will have to start again with a new economic model.

1 post
+1 votes
Yes, this is lovely
started topic

Yes, this is lovely

I reviewed this, but it doesn’t seem to have shown up. I used a small amount in a roll up. It crumbles well between finger & thumb and fluffs up a treat. It’s as good as anything else I’ve tried from here. I had a second roll up and it definitely works a treat. Lovely smoke.

1 post
+1 votes
Hello everyone, i will be having some shipping delays today. All outstanding mail will be posted tomorrow. please read
Have you tried the semi dry cali kush? It’s tremendous, seriously nice.

Hello everyone, i will be having some shipping delays today. All outstanding mail will be posted tomorrow. please read
hello everyone i have some home refurbishment going on and i need to be home most the afternoon so cannot be doing the postals
i will try and get every single ndd out on time urgently and as much of the standard mail as possible
please bare with me
we have an exciting menu update with us in 4-5 days and hope to resume an awesome service as we go along
also semi dry hash is out of stock but looking to stock the same one asap
thank you
i will try and get every single ndd out on time urgently and as much of the standard mail as possible
please bare with me
we have an exciting menu update with us in 4-5 days and hope to resume an awesome service as we go along
also semi dry hash is out of stock but looking to stock the same one asap
thank you

Ur full of shit mate first it was due to bitcoin volatility now it’s because you are having house refurbed and you’re also called ‘rob’ which I presume is for all the customers you did over on your other accounts… (THEHAPPYBEAR, MERCEDES AND THE REST)

Someone hasn’t smoked today.
Enjoy a freebie on the Den
What would u like miserable human?
Where’s my supporters at let’s get this troll back under his bridge
ALL NEXT DAY DELIVERIES OUT ON TIME TODAY. We managed to sort the issue out thankfully just in time
+10000 TSD
-9000000000000 TROLLS
Enjoy a freebie on the Den
What would u like miserable human?
Where’s my supporters at let’s get this troll back under his bridge
ALL NEXT DAY DELIVERIES OUT ON TIME TODAY. We managed to sort the issue out thankfully just in time
+10000 TSD
-9000000000000 TROLLS

1 post
+1 votes
Delta 8 Flower?

Delta 8 Flower?
Anybody know if you can get delta 8 flower?
Iv only just recently learned about delta 8
My tolerance to delta 9 is incredibly high, so i wanted to switch to delta 8 for abit to lower my tolerance
Only problem is i only smoke flower and not concentrates
Iv only just recently learned about delta 8
My tolerance to delta 9 is incredibly high, so i wanted to switch to delta 8 for abit to lower my tolerance
Only problem is i only smoke flower and not concentrates

Delta 8 is sprayed onto the flowers it's vile and horrific
It also does nothing to me with a reasonable d9 tolerance
It also does nothing to me with a reasonable d9 tolerance
Apparently Delta 8 doesn’t get you as high and has worse withdrawals. I haven’t personally tried it though. The link above has many varieties
Apparently Delta 8 doesn’t get you as high and has worse withdrawals. I haven’t personally tried it though. The link above has many varieties

Cheers mate, worth a look. although from my research, it wont help to reduce tolerance that much. Delta 8 doesnt get you that high, but my tolerance to detla 9 is so high i dont really get that high anyway. i recon a weak delta 8 high would be better than my delta 9 tolerance

I get withdrawal from cannabis nowdays, not like a methadone withdrawal but more like a nicotine withdrawal (please note only witnessed methadone not fortunately had to experience that 👍

You must be an addict to be so in denial. Good luck in fighting your personal addiction. Your attitude is so ignorant and arrogant because you think you know exactly what effect thc has with everyone in the entire worlds biochemistry. If that’s not arrogant/ignorant I don’t know what is;)

You're right. I'm an addict! In fact I'm the Uber addict! And earn good money from the NHS and big pharma for consultation.
So,yes. I know all about addiction and cannabis is NOT addictive. You could say it causes psychological dependence,but if you did,a real addict would laugh at you-as I am now.
So,yes. I know all about addiction and cannabis is NOT addictive. You could say it causes psychological dependence,but if you did,a real addict would laugh at you-as I am now.

Psychologically dependent means you are addicted. Whether you experience psychological symptoms or physical symptoms or both. It all means you are addicted. Look at gambling, it’s very addictive for some even though no external substance is used. Also I know what withdrawals feel like from smack and Benzodiazepines, so cannabis withdrawals is no where near that lot. Anyway you admitted in your above post it’s addictive and I know you are just trying to upset me by belittling my experiences. Good luck in not being an ignorant person forever. That’s my last post to you on this subject as you are purposely trying bate me into some sort of angry rude expression. Peace;) plus some education for you to help support your recovery.
Key messages
` Cannabis is addictive, though not everyone who uses it will develop an addiction.1, 2
` If you use cannabis regularly (daily or almost daily) and over a long time (several months or years), you may find that you want to use it all the time (craving) and become unable to stop on your own.3, 4
` Stopping cannabis use after prolonged use can produce cannabis withdrawal symptoms.5
` Know that there are ways to change this and people who can help you. Further information is available at
Additional messages for youth
` When you are a teen or young adult and your brain is still developing, you are more likely to become addicted to cannabis.6, 7
` Cannabis addiction can have negative effects on how you study, work and hang out with your friends.3
` If you are concerned about your cannabis use, talk to a trusted adult and learn ways that can help you avoid becoming addicted.
Key messages
` Cannabis is addictive, though not everyone who uses it will develop an addiction.1, 2
` If you use cannabis regularly (daily or almost daily) and over a long time (several months or years), you may find that you want to use it all the time (craving) and become unable to stop on your own.3, 4
` Stopping cannabis use after prolonged use can produce cannabis withdrawal symptoms.5
` Know that there are ways to change this and people who can help you. Further information is available at
Additional messages for youth
` When you are a teen or young adult and your brain is still developing, you are more likely to become addicted to cannabis.6, 7
` Cannabis addiction can have negative effects on how you study, work and hang out with your friends.3
` If you are concerned about your cannabis use, talk to a trusted adult and learn ways that can help you avoid becoming addicted.

Good job cannabis use is prohibited then!
I've read some bullshit in my time,but cannabis is addictive takes some beating.
I've read some bullshit in my time,but cannabis is addictive takes some beating.

Dude anything can be addictive to the right personality and cannabis is definitely addictive Bigbum is 100% right
It's like any drug, I for one found heroin boring and crack just odd but got addicted to ciggies for 30 plus years.
Hell it doesn't even need to be a drug, people can be addicted to phones/video games/foods / sex (unfortunately not Mrs Rabb1t at least not with me 😒) self harn, negative thoughts, gardening, all can be addictive to the right person
It's like any drug, I for one found heroin boring and crack just odd but got addicted to ciggies for 30 plus years.
Hell it doesn't even need to be a drug, people can be addicted to phones/video games/foods / sex (unfortunately not Mrs Rabb1t at least not with me 😒) self harn, negative thoughts, gardening, all can be addictive to the right person

This was invented by pharmaceutical companies who wanted to separate themselves politically from illegal drug addiction. Dependence equals physical addiction IMO;) psychological dependence equals psychological addiction.

It’s your right to continue to push on with your personal beliefs/ religion. My preference is science and the facts, but then everyone is different in how they decide if something is a fact or not. Wishing you the best for the future, peace;)

I’m going to jump in here only because I think ‘addiction’ is far more nuanced than is being suggested.
There are a clear set of signs of clinical addiction which we are aware of. Some people display addictive signs in response to work, the internet, M&M’s, masturbation, weight loss etc etc but MOST people indulging in those and many such activities do not show or report signs of addiction.
Some cannabis users show signs of clinical addiction but MOST casual users do not. Heavy users and frequent users of high THC variants are more likely to display and report signs of addiction. However, compared to other drugs the numbers for addiction to cannabis are low, despite it being the most commonly used ‘illegal’ drug:
Last year, 15,000 people in the UK were in treatment for cannabis dependence vs 140,000 for opiates and crack. (Booze was 75,000. I don’t have the numbers for M&M’s or masturbation 😉)
So my conclusion is: whilst you certainly CAN get addicted to cannabis (in the same way you can get addicted to virtually anything) you probably won’t…
There are a clear set of signs of clinical addiction which we are aware of. Some people display addictive signs in response to work, the internet, M&M’s, masturbation, weight loss etc etc but MOST people indulging in those and many such activities do not show or report signs of addiction.
Some cannabis users show signs of clinical addiction but MOST casual users do not. Heavy users and frequent users of high THC variants are more likely to display and report signs of addiction. However, compared to other drugs the numbers for addiction to cannabis are low, despite it being the most commonly used ‘illegal’ drug:
Last year, 15,000 people in the UK were in treatment for cannabis dependence vs 140,000 for opiates and crack. (Booze was 75,000. I don’t have the numbers for M&M’s or masturbation 😉)
So my conclusion is: whilst you certainly CAN get addicted to cannabis (in the same way you can get addicted to virtually anything) you probably won’t…

Most people won’t get addicted to weed. However the figures show about 10% to 30% do get addicted in some form. How many people smoke weed? How many get addicted? 1% would still be a massive number. I am happy that you don’t get addicted to weed but please don’t dismiss the experiences of others just because you feel that way yourself. Also the point is that it is addictive, not how many people get addicted;)

..I never actually said I’m not addicted to cannabis and I’m certainly not dismissing that you are😉
The fact that it’s not very addictive as drugs go still stands though…..
The fact that it’s not very addictive as drugs go still stands though…..

A "real addict". Just the sort of person I get all my scientific information from. The 12 steps have turned you into a really supportive and kind person. Did you get one of those "real addict" medals, with your "real addict" attitude? Please enlighten us mere mortals oh great lord. *prostrates himself on floor in veneration

1 post
+1 votes

Pretty Baby
started topic

Pretty Baby

Hahaha Slurricane is unavailable, I wonder why? Currently enjoying it and listening to Blondie

Yes thanks for letting me know! It's somehow got turned onto pause sales ??? Very odd lol all resolved now 👍

2 posts
+5 votes

Best hash i ever tried
+ 2 more

Best hash i ever tried

There's many flavours, it's from Sunny California, and a little goes a vry long way.
The kind i tried was euphoric and made the inside of my thighs burn, it comes at a premium tho the vendor is vry generous.
It was listed last week and is still up, that's all you're getting lol, till i get me some more.👌
Lemme take a pic, the specs of green are from MKK2020's pre-roll shake which was stored in same container.
The kind i tried was euphoric and made the inside of my thighs burn, it comes at a premium tho the vendor is vry generous.
It was listed last week and is still up, that's all you're getting lol, till i get me some more.👌
Lemme take a pic, the specs of green are from MKK2020's pre-roll shake which was stored in same container.

🙌🏼 I know🤫
Love it how none of you lot want to reveal the source….. thru fear of potential downvotes I bet🤐😂
Love it how none of you lot want to reveal the source….. thru fear of potential downvotes I bet🤐😂

I got another 30 odd today without revealing, haha, just ignore the haters, end of the day the big boys on here know were legit and just want some smoke and be left alone.
Have a good one friend.👍
Perhaps that was a little of reason but mostly cause far as i can tell it's one bar of each and that's our lot.
I wasn't wanting another war when i posted this, but you guys got the message so well's well.👌💯❤️
Have a good one friend.👍
Perhaps that was a little of reason but mostly cause far as i can tell it's one bar of each and that's our lot.
I wasn't wanting another war when i posted this, but you guys got the message so well's well.👌💯❤️

🤔 I Real,ly Don't know who your talking about 😉 I'm not sure I want my thighs burning mind 🤣
Glad your having fun though ☺️
Glad your having fun though ☺️

1 post
+2 votes
NEW DROP: "Zookies" 90 microns filtered bar
Excellent smoke. Thanks very much

NEW DROP: "Zookies" 90 microns filtered bar

1 post
+2.2 votes
It’s lovely
1 post
+3 votes
NEW DROP: "Purple Wreck" 90 microns filtered eggs
Awesome egg, thanks very much

NEW DROP: "Purple Wreck" 90 microns filtered eggs

1 post
+3 votes
Free app for electronic music
started topic
Free app for electronic music
This is an excellent install for your electronic devices. There are many channels to choose from. I’m currently listening to Progressive and it’s great. I also love the Minimal channel.

I used to listen to Digitally Imported FM on TuneIn when they had their stations on there. I used DI FM's Chillout station to listen to in bed. So many stations to listen too!!

1 post
+1 votes
Free app for classical music
started topic
Free app for classical music
This one is ad free and it’s excellent if you like classical. They also speak in French and German in between the tunes, which is nice. I hope you like it

1 post
+4 votes
The men with ven do it again!
I’ve just had my first order from Super Hans. It came next day and everything was right on the money from start to finish. Zero smell, ninja stealth ?…

The men with ven do it again!
Another few orders in and a I’m still blown away by the service - maybe it’s my old age marvelling at not having to meet ‘Tyrone’ in a dodge parking lot anymore!
Hans always gets to me within 48 hours of ordering so I’m never worried about unplanned dry spells. The packaging and stealth used is top draw and puts my mind at ease.
Lastly the quality of everything I’ve tried has been first class, although there are many vendors I haven’t used for a good comparison, I chose the ‘if it’s not broke don’t try to fix it’ mentality.
If he ever gets the back, the fruit of the gods for you sativa lovers is banging and the speaker knockerz is fire for those super chill out sessions.
Glad you were one of the first vendors I have tried, have yet to disappoint me!
Hans always gets to me within 48 hours of ordering so I’m never worried about unplanned dry spells. The packaging and stealth used is top draw and puts my mind at ease.
Lastly the quality of everything I’ve tried has been first class, although there are many vendors I haven’t used for a good comparison, I chose the ‘if it’s not broke don’t try to fix it’ mentality.
If he ever gets the back, the fruit of the gods for you sativa lovers is banging and the speaker knockerz is fire for those super chill out sessions.
Glad you were one of the first vendors I have tried, have yet to disappoint me!

I'm 100% with you there, faultless service with Super Hans and the quality is unmatched. Fruit of the Gods was the BEST day time smoke i had in recent years. It beats the top shelf sativas i tried in LA. Same with the knockers...
Recently tried Oreoz, i'm not the biggest indica guy but what a smooth smoke... At this point Hans can put whatever in the bag, and it'll be bang on.
And he just listed shrooms. Keen to give those a go as well.
Recently tried Oreoz, i'm not the biggest indica guy but what a smooth smoke... At this point Hans can put whatever in the bag, and it'll be bang on.
And he just listed shrooms. Keen to give those a go as well.

Definitely agree on the fruit of the gods and oreoz is on the list, like you not a massive Indica person but still looking forward to it.

I’ve just had my first order from Super Hans. It came next day and everything was right on the money from start to finish. Zero smell, ninja stealth 🥷 I’ve just sampled the Cheerios which is top drawer. 10/10 review after I’ve sampled the Wookies which looks delicious and smells like it should. Excellent seller

1 post
+1 votes

Hash Help
Hello there. I tried to have a look at your page and I got this

Hash Help
Iam not a hash smoker just green but looking to buy a bit off hash for gift for a friend ? Strong n reasonable priced ..any recommendations? Thanks 😊

Hashashin has some very nice product and it’s highly recommended but factor in delivery times due to Xmas.

I'd really recommend Pistach for your hash. The quality is great and about 60 bucks less than other vendors for a z. Mind you I haven't bought from everyone so I mean no dis-respect
We had a mix up once, and Pistach went out of their way to make it right for me.
The beldia hashes are lovely oldskool smoke
if you want to get fucked up get an egg
We had a mix up once, and Pistach went out of their way to make it right for me.
The beldia hashes are lovely oldskool smoke
if you want to get fucked up get an egg

I've just had 3.5 of the Wedding Cake ( and the Pineapple Kush ( from Pistach. Both decent. The Gorilla Glue ( is also very nice. All nice and soft and crumbly and decent prices for a Henry.
The Riff hash from BudboyzUK ( is a nice soft, squidgy hash that you can roll up into a sausage.
I've had some very decent stuff off LB, but then price can get decent too.
The Riff hash from BudboyzUK ( is a nice soft, squidgy hash that you can roll up into a sausage.
I've had some very decent stuff off LB, but then price can get decent too.

And what a nice friend you are getting some hash for your mate. I'd be very happy with a bit of hash for Christmas lol

1 post
+4 votes
A mash up
started topic
1 post
+1 votes
Peace, love and support

Peace, love and support

I find it incredibly frustrating watching the events unfolding in Ukraine without being able to offer direct support. I hope our shit-show of a government can find their way out of the oligarchs' pockets long enough to offer refuge to those being displaced by Putin's pathetic attempt to feel a few inches taller.

Yes yes!
Full solidarity with ordinary brave Ukrainians AND Russians who are against the poisonous gnome.
I’m hoping the Russian people will have had enough of Putin and certainly no appetite for nuclear war which he’s now threatening, it would be amazing to see the army and the people turn on him in huge numbers.
Praying here for peace and let’s hope this brings nations closer together rather than driving us apart.
Also share your sentiments about our sham of a government that has not only take bungs from Russian and Chinese governments and lined their pockets turning them into lapdogs at the beck and call of Putins flunkies/oligarchs.
Fuck them and fuck him. Salute!
Full solidarity with ordinary brave Ukrainians AND Russians who are against the poisonous gnome.
I’m hoping the Russian people will have had enough of Putin and certainly no appetite for nuclear war which he’s now threatening, it would be amazing to see the army and the people turn on him in huge numbers.
Praying here for peace and let’s hope this brings nations closer together rather than driving us apart.
Also share your sentiments about our sham of a government that has not only take bungs from Russian and Chinese governments and lined their pockets turning them into lapdogs at the beck and call of Putins flunkies/oligarchs.
Fuck them and fuck him. Salute!

Good point, Tony888, I'm quite sure the vast majority of Russian citizens want no part of this war. Hopefully these events will prompt them to seek uncensored news that hasn't been tailor-made to keep Putin in power. Change so often comes from within - remember Ceacescu?

I am old enough to remember him and his vile regime. One for the old timers there!!
Sending support and love to ordinary Ukrainians and Russians ❤️
Sending support and love to ordinary Ukrainians and Russians ❤️

Word. Our government are truly pathetic,but we knew that already.
Pretty ashamed to be English right about now.
Pretty ashamed to be English right about now.

Agree in the sense we ain’t doing enough (the gov/politicians), I heard today that U.K. has sent over the anti aircraft launchers, if this is true it’s great news as it could help stop them weak bastards who drop bombs on citys full of children and innocent people… obviously we know that our boys cannot directly get involved for the same reasons nato won’t… but if the crazy madness continues we may eventually see it more happen from our gov and others… it kind of seems like no way back for Putin now, I don’t think he will ever give up seeing as he will face war crimes now. And he is hateful so ww3 looks set
Anyways I agree with all points here. What a disgrace to the world this tyrant and all others who do the same in other parts of the world are! No conscience or heart.
Anyways I agree with all points here. What a disgrace to the world this tyrant and all others who do the same in other parts of the world are! No conscience or heart.

I agree re the government being pathetic, which is probably too kind but it’s very important to remember that only a few weeks back we were sending weaponry but we weren’t allowed in German airspace to deliver them so we’ve definitely done the right thing in some aspects.

Totally agree. Watching ordinary people on the border countries holding placards showing how many people they can take into their homes brings tears to my eyes. Meanwhile the UK Is requesting information on individuals annual earnings. Jesus H Christ….

Putins days are numbered imho...the Russian peoples rebellion has begun...protests in many, many towns and cities becoming larger and more frequent...the Kremlin "dinosaurs" are in their final months of extinction...will democracy follow?...Maybe wishful thinking??

Here's hoping, for the sake of the Russian people. Putin has managed to drag Russia back to the 80s.

Yes,that's sadly true...are we not all pleased to have been born(or now live) in the UK,where even though our democracy sometimes is far from perfect,it is thankfully still a free and democratic country with all that entails.

bigg topics