Psychologically dependent means you are addicted. Whether you experience psychological symptoms or physical symptoms or both. It all means you are addicted. Look at gambling, it’s very addictive for some even though no external substance is used. Also I know what withdrawals feel like from smack and Benzodiazepines, so cannabis withdrawals is no where near that lot. Anyway you admitted in your above post it’s addictive and I know you are just trying to upset me by belittling my experiences. Good luck in not being an ignorant person forever. That’s my last post to you on this subject as you are purposely trying bate me into some sort of angry rude expression. Peace;) plus some education for you to help support your recovery.
Key messages
` Cannabis is addictive, though not everyone who uses it will develop an addiction.1, 2
` If you use cannabis regularly (daily or almost daily) and over a long time (several months or years), you may find that you want to use it all the time (craving) and become unable to stop on your own.3, 4
` Stopping cannabis use after prolonged use can produce cannabis withdrawal symptoms.5
` Know that there are ways to change this and people who can help you. Further information is available at
Additional messages for youth
` When you are a teen or young adult and your brain is still developing, you are more likely to become addicted to cannabis.6, 7
` Cannabis addiction can have negative effects on how you study, work and hang out with your friends.3
` If you are concerned about your cannabis use, talk to a trusted adult and learn ways that can help you avoid becoming addicted.