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joined feb 2024
Weed. Big Fan.
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0 topics on BeerBellyBongBoy
22 posts by BeerBellyBongBoy
1 post
+2 votes
Just started watching 'Spaced' again.
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB
I'm 40 now so it is my generation, but it's really good!
(yup showing my age)
It's on all4. Along with Peep Show (which yeah i like too!)
Don't judge me!
Cheers BB

I'm in the middle of re-watching Spaced and felt like I had to scroll for hours to find somebody who finally mentioned it! xD

Thank you - you just reminded me I need to re-watch spaced again!
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..
I was too old for it even back then, but the clever references still tickle me all these years later..

Well I’ll judge you... if I could give 2 upvotes I would, agree with you totally, 2 of my fave ever shows, making me think of hitting Spaced up again...

I loved the shows of that generation. Nathan Barley. Day Today. Brass Eye also. Then The Mighty Boosh.
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊
Holy shit the Mighty Boosh. 😂. Literally only just remembered it.
That crack fox still gives me nightmares. 🦊

The Wire
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations
The Ozark
Altered Carbon
Arrested Developement
People Just Do Nothing
Peep Show
Trailer Park Boys
Big Mouth
Life On Mars
Dark Tourist
The Wolves Of Yellowstone
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia
The Killing
The End Of The Fucking World
This is what I can think of right now; definitely more to add. If anyone wants a little review/opinon or rundown on any of these shows let me know, more than happy. Also let me know what you're in the mood for, or usually like to watch and I can fire back with recommendations

Ah fuck it, nothing better to do, haha
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences
The Wire - best thing ever written. Slow burner due to complication of story, but it is relatable as the war on drugs does not have a start or end to it, and street dealing doesn't just start, therefore you are immediately immersed in the story without even realising. Only figured that out the second time watching it. Also some great visual metaphors throughout. Also note there is no cue music to instigate feelings. All music is from source, i.e. car radio, night club. Only cue music is when Avon enters the lowrisers for the first time
The Ozark - Although breaking bad is good, it's not worth the hype. This is the older cooler brother of breaking bad. Calculated and intense at times. Story is always moving forward with real character progression
Altered Carbon - Absolutely fantastic sci-fi with great visuals and a great story line. Really left me itching to read the book, and I'm not a sci-fi fan
Arrested Development - Intelligent comedy with so much layered jokes you can watch this five times and still find punch lines you never noticed before
People Just Do Nothing - Threw this on not expecting much which is perhaps why I found it to be so good. Off the wall characters made completely believable by the actors playing the parts. Excellent idea, excellent execution.
Peep Show - This is a classic, you need to watch this
Trailer Park Boys - Another classic everyone here should be able to relate to
Big Mouth - Great for a background watch, but really funny and does take you back to your teenage years at times, haha
Fargo - Beautiful cinematography, great story captured very close to the original film. Billy Bob absolutely shines in this role in season one
Life On Mars - Made in early naughties, but just as relevant as today
Dark Tourist - good short run of a different kind of travel show. The kind of travel I like too
The Wolves Of Yellowstone - Nature documentary that has a story line Walt Disney would be proud of. Really makes you realise the balance of nature
Utopia - Such an underrated British TV series
It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Great zany show about dysfunctional friends who live in their own world, and drink in their own pub causing all kinds of ridiculous antics
Homeland - Great series that will always have you wondering what, or who is next
The Killing - Only recommend the first seasons. It drags you along on the witch hunt convincing you you know the answer
Punisher - About time they stuck to the gritty comic. Refreshing that this i not aimed at kids and fattening wallets.
The End Of The Fucking World - Two out there teens who decide to adventure together with, maybe, disastrous consequences

Peep show one of my all time favs and can't to wrong with arrested development what a classic

Sad that they never manager to run the show normally... And probably we won't se another season ever :( love arrested development

Currently halfway through the first series of Altered Carbon after reading this thread and seeing your recommendation. I'm a PhilipKDick fan and I'm really enjoying it, cheers 👍

Dark on Netflix. German show about time travel set in a village where kids keep going missing every 33 years. Stunning production values, really intricately plotted, three series, all ties together. Loved it. Has an English dub but the German audio with subtitles is best.

End of the fucking world is really good. Strange and offbeat which I like. With some characters that don’t give a fuck. And it’s British and very relatable (even though it’s about a lad that thinks he’s a psychopath haha).

100% but do you think you could watch them the other way round and it’s all still as good? As I really do, integrated them amazingly well.

Yeah I agree, I liked BB a lot but I came to it a bit late and like UKgrower hearing the hype maybe expected too much. Better call Saul I didn’t expect much of at all, didn’t think it’d get past Series 1 but now I think it’s better than BB.

If you enjoyed Breaking Bad, then give Better Call Saul a go. I always thought he stole every scene he was in during Breaking Bad.

I'm watching Detectorists at the moment. Really good. Funny and with beautiful scenery. On BBC iPlayer and Netflix.

Shout for detectorists.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.
Great theme tune btw.
Excellent characters.
Great series about the sackler family’s and there murderous medical misbehaviour ( painkiller )
Starring ferris bueller.

If you want a Change and a Tons of one line bombs to drop at work or with your mates there is only one place to go
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???
"Letter Kenny" it will almost make you want to live there
10ply/Sally/Hard No and Bonny McMurryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And if you want some of the best swearing on telly "The Thick of IT" / In The Loop
You will never watch a MP without Laughing again The Thick of it is almost a Documatary
Malcom Tucker is a
Best name calling every "Fuckbob Shitpants"
Sorry about the spelling
I am just dislexick @is there a strain that will help with this???

yes, they will all help make it worse. on the bright side, since everybody started typing on their phones, dyslexia is hardly noticeable anymore and you really don't have to apologise.

Gomorrah if you dont mind subtitles, its an Italian crime show set in Naples. Simply brilliant.
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates
Murphys law
Stargate universe, SG1, Atlantis
The Expanse
Person of interest
The shield
Hetty Wainthropp investigates

Gomorrah is the shit man, one of my all time favs
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece
Oz is a downer but an awesome show
Better call Saul
The wire
Boardwalk empire
Just watched Gangs of London which was banging
Chernobyl was a masterpiece

Yean Gomorrah is probably my number 1 show, the setting, actors, story... superb. Cant wait to watch the Ciro Di Marzio movie too.

L'Immortale or the Immortal is the name, was out last year in Italy. Have tried to find out when its out in the UK but no joy yet

Its on sky atlantic now mate, its certainly worth a watch an sets up the next season of Gomorrah nicely

Literally just finished watching brassic 2 and Save me Too. Both class. Surely everyone on here has watched Brassic.....!!!?

I do, doesn't quite hit the levels that Shameless did back in the day but still a lot of fun. Plus it's good to hear actual accents on TV instead of just American lol

If you like weird? Get baked & watch.
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror
Channel 4
Garth marenghi's dark place ;-)
Robot chicken
Shivering truth
Father ted
The IT crowd
One foot in the grave
What we do in the shadows. Watch the film first.
Sandman - netflix
Red dwarf
Fast show
Inside no 9
The young offenders
The boys
15 stories high - sean lock's first tv series. on youtube but low quality.
Band of brothers
Curb your enthusiasm
Fawlty towers
Black adder
Black mirror

Respect for Garth Merenghi, everybody should see that.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.
On that note, throw Mighty Boosh into the mix as well.
Big Train to round off a trio of lesser-known, top quality British comedies.

Have you ever watched Travellers? (if you was a fan of stargate back in the day this will interest you) or if your a sci fi fan, Very good story telling and actors (Canadian)

i liked that a lot more than i thought i would. also, colony on netflix even though it was killed by covid and never finished.

Some of the things I've enjoyed are:
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis
The Boys
Only fools and horses
Into the Badlands
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones ( Except the last season which I found terrible )
Star Trek The next Generation - Deep Space Nine
Stargate Atlantis

*The Queen's Gambit- short series (one season only) but good storyline
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist
*Lie To Me
*The Mentalist

Ifyou seen BB, definitely watch Better Call Saul.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.
Comedy? The Office US and then Parks n Recreation. Or maybe Shameless US? Little Britain it's always great company.
If you seen Broadwalk E, you probably have seen the sopranos. If not its a MUST! Ive been watching House of Cards and it's quite nice too.
Maybe 6 feet under, Weeds, Dexter, Chuck, My name it's Earl??
Cience? COSMOS!!! A mind blowing and mind opening cience series. Everyone should watch it before they die. Either the original and first with Carl Sagan (it might not have the best visual representations but Carl its Carl) or the new Neil Tyson.
In to some stand ups? George Carlin is a must, the young Carlin to the old political Carlin.
I would also like to give a shout out to my Spanish Fellows on THE Money Heist.

Orphan black! one of my favourites.. the wire.. Russian doll..cynical,funny. end of the fucking world. Money heist.. prison break..cleverly written. Better call Saul if you enjoyed breaking bad.
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/
Rick and Morty and weed is my favourite combination. Snoop dog’s talk show on YouTube is hilarious to watch as-well.
I find American horror story hilarious, but only when I’m high, otherwise it’s pretty terrifying lol.
Films : seven psychopaths is a must watch, requiem for a dream and pulp fiction, all time faves. and I did write a detailed review and much more but it was deleted :/

Yo UK Grower. I have just discovered Channel Zero on StarZplay, prime add on. It’s a really good horror series, twisted stuff, defo a bit freaky.

To any one who likes comedies don't be put off What We Do in the Shadows, it's vampires but it's not really a "vampire" type show.... it's really funny when high and the second series has just come out on iplayer.

If you're into Sci-fi I'd highly recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Really cool story and visuals. I seen somebody recommended Ozark, excellent as well. If you like animation and feel like a laugh give Rick and Morty a watch, The Midnight Gospel is also new to Netflix but really trippy / funny in my opinion. Happy watching!

I almost pissed myself with laughter watching the first episode as I watched the trailer but wasn't really for how out there this really is. A must watch for any sci fi and gaming fan or if you have a sick sense of humour like me :)

Stranger Things Season 1 - 80's themed sci-fi thriller with endearing characters that had me on the edge of my seat throughout.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.
True Detective Season 1 - Basically an 8 hour movie that oozes quality. Pacing/cinematography/acting/dialogue are all A++ for me.
Trailer Park Boys - Get baked, watch this, laugh your arse off.
Peep Show - Clever and hilarious.

Band of Brothers is a masterpiece, great shout! Any recommendations of war films/series that are similar mate?

Give 'The Pacific' a go. Its HBOs follow up to 'Band Of Brothers' set during the allied assault on the Pacific region during WW2

Trailer Park Boys should be perfect for everyone on here, given the enormous amount of smoking and growing throughout!

The Wire
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.
The Shield
Wu Tang. An American Saga
Battlestar Galactica
There are gazillions more. But these are a few off the top of my head.

Since it hasn’t been mentioned here , it only proves how massively underrated Wilfred is . Had great laughs :) U.S. version of an Australian cult sitcom about a meek young man and a pot-smoking talking dog named Wilfred (actually actor Jason Gann in a dog suit, whom everyone else sees as just a dog). Won’t spoilt it anymore

Watching Yellowjackets at the moment, pretty good but if you watch the pilot episode don’t be put off as that’s a bit shit, it does get better!
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…
Watched “From” before that, that was pretty good too…

The Start Up, it's on Netflix. 2 series' that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Defo worth a watch!

Gotta be Trailer Park Boys
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps
(still on Netflix atm)
The American office is a good
watch too with many eps

The Christmas special of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing done in THE most beautiful part of the country North Yorkshire! Great watch when baked as fuck haha :)
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol
The Grand Tour is back as well for anyone in to that, done to death obviously but atleast it's something new to watch lol

New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.
New Alex Garland (Ex Machina) series on FX & Hulu in the states, not sure where in the UK. Totally brilliant, and the best cinematography I've seen on TV. Ran here in spring 2020 and I'm still thinking about it.

just call Saul was better than breaking bad in some ways (last series a bit disappointing tho). Always interested to see if people liked the Midnight Gospel (single series, animation, also Netflix).

If you liked Breaking Bad you might like Better Call Saul... it's slower but the writing and cinematography are actually better imo. Plus by S5 the pace is basically on BB levels.

The Boys or Doom patrol, quality shows right there & the wire If you didnt see it yet,too many to name mate but try them

Undone is good and trippy with the animation style it uses and pretty unique story to boot.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.
You (season 1). Solid watch but latest series was a waste of time.

Fringe is my favorite series of all time!
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns
12 monkeys
Already mentioned but some of my favorites -
Westworld, The Magicians, altered carbon & Vikings
With everyones suggestions should keep you going for a couple of lockdowns

Get the amazon Prime free trial and watch Picard, star trek spin off - it's really good, not what you expect.

also i love disco/history/natgeo... skin walker ranch program on at the mo is interesting. history but avail on catchup bro

The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)
The Expanse
Badlands (or enter the badlands)

Dunno if these have been broached, but try some Aussie drama
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard
Pine Gap
The Magician / Mr Inbetween
All great watches but Mr Inbetween tells the story of your everyday underworld enforcer. Ive watched it in full 3 times and regularly watch YouTube clips. Never has the word run hit so hard

Surprised no one’s mentioned Snowfall.
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer
One of the best series imo.
And it’s free to watch on bbc iplayer

The Sopranos, the Wire, The Americans (best ending), boss season 1, the Divide 2014 (hard to find but worth it), true detective 4, xfiles season 4.

I just rewatched 'The Lost Room'
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻
It's a miniseries with 3 90min episodes and it only ever had one proper airing so nobody I've ever mentioned it to has seen it.
Definitely worth a watch though💜💚👊🏻

Trying to go for some semi-obscure ones here....
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high
Burn notice
We own this city (from the same guy who did the wire)
Tokyo vice
Spartacus blood and sand (all 4 seasons)
Final space
Goblin slayer (not an anime fan but love this)
15 Storeys high

If no one has said it yet, Banshee. A pro thief / seriously tough guy played by Anthony Starr ( Homelander from the boys) rolls into town, assumes the identity of a recently deceased new Sheriff that no one has met yet. Boom, he's now the law in town and is actually very good at stopping crime. Insane realistic violence, Amish gangsters, bikers, native American mafia and lots more, best show I've ever seen

Hi Biggas TEAM
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.
New to here and to the community. Good to meet you all!
Shows to have a watch by me ->
- Suburra
- ZeroZeroZero
- Cocaine Coast
- Narcos
- El Chapo
- Gomorrah
- Ozark
- Top Boy
- McMafia
- Undercover
- Kin ( Really enjoyed that one )
- Quicksand
- Snabba Cash
- Mayor of Kingstown
- Ripley
- Unauthorized Living
- Ganglands
- The Gentlemen
- Mindhunter
- The Fall
- Bodies
- The Sinner
- Criminal: UK
- Hache
Who ever will be watching... just enjoy it.

On the The Block - Netflix - nice teen vibe and story
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious
Archive 81 - Netflix stranger things vibe , synthwave , 80s , VHs Vibe - captivating story , mysterious

The Comic Strip
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob
Mr Jolly Lives Next Door
Five go Mad in Dorset / On Mescalin
Bad News
The Yob
The Beat Generation
Eat The Rich
A Fistful of Travellers Cheques
Just anything with Ade Edmondson and Rik Mayall in, basically.
The Dangerous Brothers….. Dangerous….
Bottom. Especially the live shows.
I think they are all still on More 4. And YouToob

Loads of top shows already mentioned on this list so trying not to repeat(can't stand repeats). Didn't notice a mention for The Newsroom, absolutely brilliant with super slick dialogue, maybe stick to sativa for that one.
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder
Also the classic stoner sit coms Top Buzzer starring a young Steven Graham and Ideal with Jonny Vegas, they will do for the indica night.
Once the hash and concentrates come out just put Taskmaster on it is the best thing c4 have done for a long time and requires zero brain power to enjoy perfect couch lock fodder

Fargo is probably the best series ever after GOT. Better Call Saul was brilliant too after a slow start. Better than Breaking Bad for me.

All the seasons are good and different stories so don't need to watch in order. All true apparently. The movie's a bit dated now but a great watch too.

Brand New Cherry Flavour if you think you'd find the subject of psychedelic sorcery played out as a fictional horror story interesting

Murder Mountain on Netflix. An oldie but a goodie. All about the emerald triangle in California and how it moved from illegal weed growing into legalisation and the lawless nature of the industry.

Often overlooked, but Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead fame created this absolute gem....highly smart as it is funny...

You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀
You could try black mirror.
A selection of engrossing stories some weird and some mind blowing.. spanning 6 seasons between 4 n 6 eps each.
Can’t remember all but loch Henry and demon 79 were fck brilliant from the last season. 🌬️🍀

Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul
Slow Horses
Code 404
Line of Duty
Bosch Legacy
Prison Break
The Capture
White Lines
Better Call Saul

Person of Interest
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch
Jim cavisal and Micheal Emerson proper dark series about artificial intelligence a must watch

I'm surprised no one suggested Family Business (on Netflix). A great comedy series about a family in Paris who runs a Kosher butchers and end up producing vast amounts of Pastraweed!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!
Really funny, great actors and all around fun to watch.
A French Breaking Bad without all the stress in a way!

I never thought I'd see someone mention The Platform. Great film if you've got your stone on! Alice in Borderland is brilliant also it's like a mash-up of The Prisoner and Battle Royale.

I know this is a bit of old news but have you seen Schitts Creek? I just discovered it and it is so funny

The Man in the High Castle is loads of fun, especially if you’re a fan of PKD. Classic UK series that are great: Line of Duty, The Fall, Peep Show, Monty Python’s Flying Circus

New British comedy horror on prime with Simon Pegg and nick frost, only a short one but was enjoyable, there’s this once scene when nick frost thinks he is about to get shanked and it’s hilarious.
It’s called Truth Seekers
It’s called Truth Seekers

Succession is better than you'd think. Punisher is the best out of all the Marvel shows, Daredevil is also very watchable (and Jessica Jones if you're into angry women with PTSD). Umbrella Academy is fun to watch. The Magicians ditto. Also The Boys.

One of my all-time favourites will always be Daria.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.
I just love that sassy, sarcastic, little oddball in her socially satire highschool world. Sometimes it hits close to home.
Hoops on Netflix is also worth one or two laughs.
Tuca & Berti is also the right amount of strange.
Our Planet is a great background noise, a lot of beautiful scenery overviews.
Not in Netflix, but how about the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel. It's funny, educational, soothing commentary,cute Art style a great variety of topics etc.

Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things
Battlestar Galactica ( the remake )
Parks and Rec ( but you have to tough out the first two seasons)
West world
Stranger Things

Ahh man the OA was fucking amazing, completely different to what I thought it'd be. Can't believe they aren't renewing it!

Hey man some good series I watched recently was:
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)
The Originals
Battle star galactica (the remake series)
The man in the high castle
The Magicians
Got a load more but too stoned to list!!!
Hope that helps a little 8)

Blake's 7
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.
On the buses
3rd rock from the sun
It ain't half hot mum
Curry and chips
And my favourite Till death us do part
Them last 3 May not be very PC but still good stuff.

Black Monday , so off key guaranteed hard core laughing
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny
Legit , so not pc. Jim Jeffries stars
Black Jesus , stonehead Jesus extremely funny

Bobs burgers is a laugh when baked
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it
El chapo if you can be bothered reading subs
Gangs of London
Sons of anarchy
Mr Pickles - YouTube it

Lots of good suggestions & Sopranos is also great. If you have Netflix then Orange Is The New Black is available & also Weeds from the same writer; both a bit different... ;-)

Braindead (2016)
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh
A government employee learns that the cause for the disputes between two political parties is the insects which are eating their brains.
get ready to laugh

Truly terrible. Shows how much Pitt & Jolie were needed to make that story work. These two are deathly dull!

Dirk gentleys hollistic detective agency.
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻
Brand new cherry flavor.
All on Netflix 👌🏻

1 post
+4 votes
How you Discovered LB??
I had been buying from the clearnet for about 6 months. Seemed like new sites were popping up every other day. The prices were starting to get a bit m…

How you Discovered LB??
Cool stories and one liners on how you personally discovered LB ?

Ditto! Thought it was all a big scam for a while until one day took the plunge. Anybody not of like mind browsing this site - yes this is all one big joke and a scam now go back to your beer and fags and forget what you have seen. :)

Still quite odd buying online even though I've been doing it for some time. Told my brother about it and ordered a pack for him, when it actually turned up it blew his mind so much he's got brain damage now.

I’m in my 40s, cannabis user for 25 years.
Contacts dwindle as you get older, I felt like I was getting ripped off paying street prices for shitty weed and a good growing friend had to spend some time at HMP.
Anyway I googled 2 and a half years ago and I’m glad I found such a fantastic community!!
Never looked back
Contacts dwindle as you get older, I felt like I was getting ripped off paying street prices for shitty weed and a good growing friend had to spend some time at HMP.
Anyway I googled 2 and a half years ago and I’m glad I found such a fantastic community!!
Never looked back

So the local stuff got that bad i had to look elsewhere, and I'm glad I did,thanks Google. although watching the post man everyday is pure torture in itself but worth it lol

It feels like Christmas morning though sometimes when you hear the doorbell and know your oz has arrived lmao
Same here though I think I found this website from reddit, didn't even know a clear web site existed was very sceptical of the whole thing but so glad I took the chance.
Same here though I think I found this website from reddit, didn't even know a clear web site existed was very sceptical of the whole thing but so glad I took the chance.

High and polite bought me here. Had to sign up for newsletter for the link. I still read the newsletter too.

I googled 'how to buy weed in the UK' as the street source I had got nicked. I found a search result that was a small article about scam websites and gave a list of those that were found to be scam. At the bottom, it then mentioned 2 or 3 sites that were legit, LB being one of them.
I spent the next few months lurking and reading and plucking up the courage to order. i then spent a while sorting out a source of crypto, then bottled it again for about a month. I finally went for it with an order from TGT with some hash. It arrived the next day. That was Nov 2020. I'm now on 100+ orders.
I've since got a mate signed up and soon my sister will be on LB.
I spent the next few months lurking and reading and plucking up the courage to order. i then spent a while sorting out a source of crypto, then bottled it again for about a month. I finally went for it with an order from TGT with some hash. It arrived the next day. That was Nov 2020. I'm now on 100+ orders.
I've since got a mate signed up and soon my sister will be on LB.

Man this sounds so relatable.. I also thought scam as it was clear web and website even looked dodgy at first, didn't know what would happen but with the reviews from trustpilot and on here, using bitcoin for purchases and stuff it just tempted me now on like order 30 don't have to buy dry ass dog from my local anymore

Same. Except I jumped straight in and bought couldn't believe it came the next day. Life was changed forever. I was like a kid in sweet shop from that moment on.

Yeah I think that's about the same for me. Had been looking for a go between for a few months and found a place where I could get Delta 8 or HHC and thought I'd just settle for that as getting weed on the clear net would be unlikely.
Then when I investigated a lil further I saw the newsletter an English dude did where he had a list of reliable sites (probably the same one you're referring to). I'm pretty sceptical and researched it a lil and found it was likely legit and put in a guest order which never showed up btw. But I persevered and I eventually got some stuff which arrived next day.
Tbh I love this place and think this is the way forward. No more bs with shady dealers that you don't know from Adam. Not being made to feel like you're a scumbag just cos you want a lil smoke, most people seem to be like minded here which is a breath of fresh air.
That being said, I have been disappointed with the service from some of the vendors and it's typical that I find this place and our beloved RM has turned into an absolute shit show (although I support the principle of strike action).
Anyway I'm persevering and hopefully I'll find my go to vendors. Only been here a month or so, so fingers crossed I have better luck in the future.
Then when I investigated a lil further I saw the newsletter an English dude did where he had a list of reliable sites (probably the same one you're referring to). I'm pretty sceptical and researched it a lil and found it was likely legit and put in a guest order which never showed up btw. But I persevered and I eventually got some stuff which arrived next day.
Tbh I love this place and think this is the way forward. No more bs with shady dealers that you don't know from Adam. Not being made to feel like you're a scumbag just cos you want a lil smoke, most people seem to be like minded here which is a breath of fresh air.
That being said, I have been disappointed with the service from some of the vendors and it's typical that I find this place and our beloved RM has turned into an absolute shit show (although I support the principle of strike action).
Anyway I'm persevering and hopefully I'll find my go to vendors. Only been here a month or so, so fingers crossed I have better luck in the future.

Yeah since I wrote that post i've been much luckier and found some decent vendors, big shout out to; The Gentleman Dealers, Mad Dabber and Dr Greenthumb who all had decent service and stuff :D Also I tried Greencat and had a mixed experience, but now that you mention it The Spacemen were decent too ;)

Gave up buying non descript skunk of mates of mates as didn’t like the edgy buzz and the shifty pick ups. Wanted to return to the more relaxed hashes I used to smoke in the 90’s which had disappeared years ago so tentatively typed in ‘buying weed online’ into Google. Read an article name checking LB and the rest is history. Thought it could be bogus but kept everything crossed and hey presto. Still can’t quite believe it two years on. Enjoying my indica dominant hash and weed and am far more educated than was ever before. Got my next door neighbour onto it to and we swap bits all the time. Genius.

My man decided to retire from dealing after near 30 years,so after no hashish for six months i decided to see if i could buy on the dark net,imagine my surprise when google told me to go to LB,even bigger shock when i got my first delivery as like everybody i thought it was a scam lol
100 plus club now lmao
100 plus club now lmao

I’d been using cannazon, there was a great selection but it was buggy and painful to use that I did what everyone else seems to have done and hit Google up with “buy weed online UK”.

was trying to find where i could buy bud online and stumbled across a UK website embracing cannabis ans shroom use. the guy who writes it all said that he'd be including a site he uses to buy bud in the next email newsletter. so i signed up and sure enough LB was mentioned. the guy was also talking about how it can be used on clearnet and all youd need is bitcoin. i went straight on it and browsed for a bit before setting up a cryptowallet and making my first purchase

Customer who was ordering very regularly directly suggested I have a look. Was very skeptical at first but he assured me he bought hash off here just as regularly as he was buying weed off me. Made the leap of faith and never looked back

a friend of mine told me about it but what i remember is the feeling when i got here. 1st my stomach sank a little like it was a shock and as i scrolled i started seeing all the posts as well as the items and it just felt like i had found a colony of escapees from dystopia.

Was writing an article on different types of drug markets. Obviously checked out LB because it's a pretty unique market-it's the website version of the Gaudi building in Barcelona.

Glad to see someone else also didn't find it by a friend or a Google search! The sub can really help with visibility

Personally I came across a site called High and Polite, and a gentleman pointed me here about a year ago. As an older bloke, street dealing really isn't my thing and while I used it for years the darkweb still kinda scares me, so LB is perfect.
And while it exists I'll use it til the hammer down the last nail
And while it exists I'll use it til the hammer down the last nail

I had been buying from the clearnet for about 6 months. Seemed like new sites were popping up every other day. The prices were starting to get a bit much and heard someone on reddit mention LB. Flashback 2 or 3 years. And a really cool random guy I was gaming with one day, tells me how he buys his weed from a website that looks like it was made in the 90's. So the second I load up LB for the 1st time it was like BOOM I finally found it

Was using another site (a good one, single vendor type), was wanting some thai, told what i was looking for is book of wisdom thai, less than minute later i'm here, month later i had not only the thai under my belt but half ounce odd of SpaceWalker Badder and who knows what else, i'd love to see my first few orders here, i remember the badder, it was a stupid purchase cause it was sent 1st class, only option from vendor.
Didn't really use it correctly either, lovely tho.😁
Didn't really use it correctly either, lovely tho.😁

Was working with an old.hippy type fella during covid. Was finding it increasingly difficult to get weed through my normal channels. Hippy fella pointed me in this direction and here I am nearly 4 years later

Wow! So cool to see how this community came together! Nice post ;-) For us it was a destiny - a friend who knew we had to share what we had with the world ;-) and we are grateful to be here everyday :-) Gratidão

A work colleague told me about it so I gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised and have been using LB ever since.

I'd seen a website in the news supposed to be selling weed. I'd started looking through reviews, which were mixed, but ultimately it seemed like it was a scam. Certainly at best a roll of the dice. Eventually I read a comment on a forum that said something like, "ignore all these sites and go little biggy. You can thank me later." Except I can't thank them as I've no idea where I read the comment. Certainly I should thank them as I've ordered all sorts of bits n bobs in the short time I've been a member since. Maybe I should write up my own beginners experience at some point as my mind had been blown by LB and the community here. There's loads of things I'm looking forward to trying next.

Stopped smoking weed for like 20 odd years until a couple of years ago. I’m an old cunt. Used to source online years ago (Budmonkey!!) as it was always better quality online back then. - Bit of double-zero hash and some Jack Herer or AK47. Clearweb weed sites are nothing new!!
Figured not much will have changed so I did a bit of a search when I fancied buying. Have no street plug. Nor do I want one. After a bit of research Biggy kept popping up.
Then the real research began 😄
Been happy so far. :)
There is only about a 1/4 in my “shite” jar. Over 100 buys from this account and my old one.
Figured not much will have changed so I did a bit of a search when I fancied buying. Have no street plug. Nor do I want one. After a bit of research Biggy kept popping up.
Then the real research began 😄
Been happy so far. :)
There is only about a 1/4 in my “shite” jar. Over 100 buys from this account and my old one.

I used to use Budmonkey too, seems crazy but I reckon it was like 2002/2003?! Scored some AK47 and decent hash. Such a novelty back then, remember using NoChex as payment too.

Remember around the same era another clear web site called Pepe' Page (?) got busted and was front page news in UK Tabloids?! I remember bricking it same would happen with Budmonkey and it wasn't long after when it went offline. Trying to remember how I even discovered BM to begin with and think it may have been mentioned in a drum and bass forum I used to frequent.
Wasn't long after that when I first made an international order (from Canada) so looking back I reckon I've been receiving suspect mail for over 20 years now. Time flies when you're having fun right?!
Wasn't long after that when I first made an international order (from Canada) so looking back I reckon I've been receiving suspect mail for over 20 years now. Time flies when you're having fun right?!

Yeah I vaguely remember Pepe. Hermes the Hash Trader too.
I think the people behind BudMonkey ended up getting busted. It was great while it lasted. The novelty of getting ‘Dam quality weed made me very popular with my mates 😂
I think the people behind BudMonkey ended up getting busted. It was great while it lasted. The novelty of getting ‘Dam quality weed made me very popular with my mates 😂

2004..! Mail-order is not a recent thing!
Big up all Effervesing Elephants
Big up all Effervesing Elephants

Liberty Cap season has been a shit show in my area so had to dig through Reddit for a good Mush Plug 😅

It was a dark and stormy night, the captain said to his crew gather round men gather round. 😅😂

During lockdown, my buddies locked-down their stash!
A bit of googling, and a gamble on a bag of shake from RadarBreeder, few days later it dropped through the door.
Been here ever since.
And apart from when I find myself in Rotterdam, I haven't bought from anywhere other than biggy since.
A bit of googling, and a gamble on a bag of shake from RadarBreeder, few days later it dropped through the door.
Been here ever since.
And apart from when I find myself in Rotterdam, I haven't bought from anywhere other than biggy since.

Prices lower in Rotterdam. Not seen any drunk English people there, less touristy, still plenty to see and do.

A popular online blog links to lb in the newsletter. After rifling through various pages here, I figured it looked legit and made an order. Nearly a year later and I'm never going back to a plug, ahaha.

There was some forum I found that lists all the websites that have scammed ppl out of weed online, a few people on there pointed at this being the only legit place to buy so after a few searches I couldn't find anyone saying theyve had a bad experience on here so tried it out during pandemic/lockdown and haven't bought any off the street since :)

After moving from one area to another in the UK I went from having a really good plug who I had used for years with a consistent supply of good quality weed to working my way up through street level dealers trying to find nice weed, everything I was picking up was really bad quality compared to what I used to pick up back home, so I started doing a bit of research and searching online and found some websites that seemed and I had heard where legit. I tried 2 other clear net sites that at first was okay but then the quality was inconsistent and wasn’t worth the extra premium compared to the local dealers prices. Then I stumbled upon LB I had looked at it a while ago and could have sworn it was a scam it looked too good to be true! but though fuck it what’s the worse that can happen I seen green cat’s exodus cheese and as i had not seen any cheese for a long time and it was at a reasonable price I placed a order, 3-4 days passed and I was almost certain it was a scam but one Saturday morning it turned up! Never looked back since

I truly didn't think that web searching 'buy weed online' would lead me to a place like this but here we are 🙂. Not even sure I had the VPN activated when I did it!

My dealer for 5 straight years all of a sudden retired and I’d cut all my other contracts off so was left dry for 48 hours 😰 still never tried anything too amazing here yet but love that I can finally get vapes and never have to be accused of fucking my dealer 🤣

Who still remembers Bud Brothers?
Around 2020 I started vaping to try and quit fags and when I found out about thc vapes through social media I started to make vapes with rso, I pressed rosin from flowers etc but they always clogged up the coil and I had to admit it will never work right without clean distillate. So I bought a shortpath distilling set up and wasted a lot of money and materials. My mate eventually asked why don't I just buy distillate online? I didn't want to get involved with darknet sites so I was very surprised when he said there's a clearnet site to check out.
That's where it all started. At that time only 1 or 2 vendors had distillate on the site: MJ and Bud Brothers. MJ was always out of stock so I was buying from the brothers and then the new vendor all420 who always had stock. Since then the site is flooded with distillate.
Still nice to think back to those first days on the site :)
Around 2020 I started vaping to try and quit fags and when I found out about thc vapes through social media I started to make vapes with rso, I pressed rosin from flowers etc but they always clogged up the coil and I had to admit it will never work right without clean distillate. So I bought a shortpath distilling set up and wasted a lot of money and materials. My mate eventually asked why don't I just buy distillate online? I didn't want to get involved with darknet sites so I was very surprised when he said there's a clearnet site to check out.
That's where it all started. At that time only 1 or 2 vendors had distillate on the site: MJ and Bud Brothers. MJ was always out of stock so I was buying from the brothers and then the new vendor all420 who always had stock. Since then the site is flooded with distillate.
Still nice to think back to those first days on the site :)

I found out via a Reddit thread. Was a bit skeptical at first but after so many people confirming it’s legit I had no reason to believe otherwise :-)

Haha what a question. Love it. I discovered Lb through reviews . Reviews are always the champ for helping you discover more and more lol. Wich led me to check LB out and loved the wide seletion of choices and vendors to offer amazing products . Obviously not only maryjane. The hashish and other pyschadelics are superior . KING LB!

How I found LB was I was supplying ones of the highest reviewed account on LB, BUT he kept it a secret from me and did not want me to get on it, little fucking hater, oh well I'm here now and not going anywhere. He knows I'm here lol

1 post
+3 votes
Favourite movie?
In no particular order
Pulp Fiction
The Wolf Of Wall Street
Human Traffic
Pineapple Express
Old School
I'm also gonna add Nobody with Bob O…

Favourite movie?
Need some movie suggestions
Snakes on the plane has to be up there!!
Snakes on the plane has to be up there!!

This is Spinal Tap
Withnail and I
Ip Man
Shaolin Drunkard
Shaolin Soccer
The Hide
Taxi (the french original)
Interstella 5555
Some Kind of Monster
Withnail and I
Ip Man
Shaolin Drunkard
Shaolin Soccer
The Hide
Taxi (the french original)
Interstella 5555
Some Kind of Monster

If you liked ip man, something like chocolate might be up your street, it’s a kung fu flick about an autistic girl

I was working in a video shop. Had all sorts of mad characters, celebs etc come in.
So this older lady comes in, starts talking about Kung Fu movies which was unusual as she really didn't look the part, whatever that looks like. Starts talking about Ip Man which at the time was totally off my radar. Gives me a pirate disc. I never saw her again. Thanks older lady.
So this older lady comes in, starts talking about Kung Fu movies which was unusual as she really didn't look the part, whatever that looks like. Starts talking about Ip Man which at the time was totally off my radar. Gives me a pirate disc. I never saw her again. Thanks older lady.

That old lady was a legend.
A few off the top of my head:
Ip Man
Training Day
Shot Caller
Tropic Thunder
Fear and Loathing
Saving Private Ryan
Shawshank Redemption
Django Unchained
A few off the top of my head:
Ip Man
Training Day
Shot Caller
Tropic Thunder
Fear and Loathing
Saving Private Ryan
Shawshank Redemption
Django Unchained

Not favourite, but for some reason Run Lola Run came into my head as a suggestion. Do not watch it dubbed, watch it in German with subtitles. Completely different vibe.

Dead man’s shoes
Kung fu hustle
What we do in the shadows
Lego Batman
Inglorious bastards
Kill bill 1 & 2
Spirited away
Porco Rosso
Kung fu hustle
What we do in the shadows
Lego Batman
Inglorious bastards
Kill bill 1 & 2
Spirited away
Porco Rosso

Very niche at the minute but certainly growing. Superb film Paddy Constantine plays a fucking great psycho

Way too many good films for a favourite, the following aren't necessarily favourites, but films I enjoyed
Super (2010)
National Lampoon's (Chevy Chase)
Tropic Thunder
The Upside
Good fellas
Saving Mr Banks
Not movies, but
The Wire
Super (2010)
National Lampoon's (Chevy Chase)
Tropic Thunder
The Upside
Good fellas
Saving Mr Banks
Not movies, but
The Wire

Gonna actually watch all these trailers whilst my team work!!! Really wanna binge watch movies today!!!
Thank you
Thank you

I couldn’t name 1, I think my head would explode from trying to decide 🤯 You’re in luck though, I’ve got a big fat list of films i’ve been watching in my notes 😂 What kind of movies do you like?
If it’s stoner-esque films you’re after there’s loads like the big lebowski, dazed n confused, half baked, friday, fear n loathing in vegas, harold n kumar, how high, cheech n chong, there’s a few off the top of my fried head i can think of 😂
American beauty’s a great film as well but dunno if counts as a stoner film 🤔
Napoleon dynamites always got a special place in my heart as well, always loved that film
I watched beasts of no nation, and city of god again over the weekend and i’d forgotten how good they were, would highly recommend if you haven’t seen them already… Also watched saltburn a couple weeks ago but thought it was trying a bit too hard and didn’t love it or find it too shocking, but it’s got the whole world talking atm so might be worth a watch if you haven’t seen it yet
Here’s a lil list of some great films i’ve watched over the past few months though, interstellar, seven samurai, 12 angry men, shutter island, no country for old men, there will be blood, grand budapest hotel, train spotting 2, arrival, moonlight, new bladerunner, social network, spirited away, pulp fiction, hateful 8, back to the future
ofc there’s some absolute classics you have to watch at some point if you haven’t already, shawshank, godfather, alien, space odyssey, citizen kane, jurassic park, the matrix, fight club, inception, raiders of the lost ark, the shining, se7en, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, silence of the lambs, gladiator, good the bad n the ugly, do the right thing, forrest gump, taxi driver, saving private ryan, one flew over the cuckoos nest, american psycho… hopefully there’s enough there to find something you like, sorry for the obscenely long lists 😅
If it’s stoner-esque films you’re after there’s loads like the big lebowski, dazed n confused, half baked, friday, fear n loathing in vegas, harold n kumar, how high, cheech n chong, there’s a few off the top of my fried head i can think of 😂
American beauty’s a great film as well but dunno if counts as a stoner film 🤔
Napoleon dynamites always got a special place in my heart as well, always loved that film
I watched beasts of no nation, and city of god again over the weekend and i’d forgotten how good they were, would highly recommend if you haven’t seen them already… Also watched saltburn a couple weeks ago but thought it was trying a bit too hard and didn’t love it or find it too shocking, but it’s got the whole world talking atm so might be worth a watch if you haven’t seen it yet
Here’s a lil list of some great films i’ve watched over the past few months though, interstellar, seven samurai, 12 angry men, shutter island, no country for old men, there will be blood, grand budapest hotel, train spotting 2, arrival, moonlight, new bladerunner, social network, spirited away, pulp fiction, hateful 8, back to the future
ofc there’s some absolute classics you have to watch at some point if you haven’t already, shawshank, godfather, alien, space odyssey, citizen kane, jurassic park, the matrix, fight club, inception, raiders of the lost ark, the shining, se7en, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, silence of the lambs, gladiator, good the bad n the ugly, do the right thing, forrest gump, taxi driver, saving private ryan, one flew over the cuckoos nest, american psycho… hopefully there’s enough there to find something you like, sorry for the obscenely long lists 😅

Wow, you like your movies! I haven’t watched a new movie that’s impressed me for some time…
Watched Event Horizon for the third time instead though- blinder!👌
Watched Event Horizon for the third time instead though- blinder!👌

Exactly, I really don’t watch movies but I ended up watching the old school “snakes on the plane” and gave me a thrill to watch some movies to reminisce

I’ve got my amazing old housemates to thank for that, they both used to write film reviews so would watch a new film every day, and then over covid it was like 3 films a day 😂 so i got really into the films with them
And then it started to get really niche, I’d walk into the living room and end up getting really into some old artsy black n white swedish horror film or something! So i’ve got them to thank for getting me into the films 😊
And then it started to get really niche, I’d walk into the living room and end up getting really into some old artsy black n white swedish horror film or something! So i’ve got them to thank for getting me into the films 😊

Ok, you and I have incredibly similar taste in films it seems as I love almost all of them.
Have you seen Yojimbo? A classic, and The Good The Bad and The Ugly is practically identical (or, ripped off completely...) but with gunslingers instead of samurai.
Big immission from your stoner list for me would be Withnail & I. A true classic.
Have you seen Yojimbo? A classic, and The Good The Bad and The Ugly is practically identical (or, ripped off completely...) but with gunslingers instead of samurai.
Big immission from your stoner list for me would be Withnail & I. A true classic.

Looks like we’ll have to organise a lil LB movie marathon 🍿🎥
Yojimbo is an absolute classic! Reminds me a lot of fist full of dollars if you’ve seen that
Of course, how could I forget Withnail and I… truly british stoner film never goes amiss 😂
Yojimbo is an absolute classic! Reminds me a lot of fist full of dollars if you’ve seen that
Of course, how could I forget Withnail and I… truly british stoner film never goes amiss 😂

So easy to do with Leone, so many great films. I think my fav is the same as B0W13 in once upon a time in the west. Feel like it’s one of those faultless films that gets everything right

Easy to do they are all brilliant, i think Once Upon a Time in The West is my favourite of his maybe, Ennio Morricones score and that opening scene!

Fully agree with you there, think that’s got to be my fav Leone film, just can’t pick any faults with it at all!

You’re an absolute legend!!! Looks like I’m gonna be snacking on popcorn for a long time with your suggestions!

Get a lil movie bucket list written down and you can start ticking them off 1 by 1, you’ll be entertained for lots of evenings to come 👍 can get some nice bud and snacks in and you’ve got a perfect chill evening sorted :)

Papito this is what I’m talking about, Friday night in with snacks and a fat bong, kick it back and movie binge!!!!

In no particular order
Pulp Fiction
The Wolf Of Wall Street
Human Traffic
Pineapple Express
Old School
I'm also gonna add Nobody with Bob Odenkirk. Expected nothing from that movie. And loved every minute. It shits all over the John Wick franchise imo
Pulp Fiction
The Wolf Of Wall Street
Human Traffic
Pineapple Express
Old School
I'm also gonna add Nobody with Bob Odenkirk. Expected nothing from that movie. And loved every minute. It shits all over the John Wick franchise imo

As effortlessly cool now as it was the first time I watched nearly 30 years ago.
Not bad for a first directorial effort :)
Not bad for a first directorial effort :)

Will give it a watch!! I’m trying to forget about this Ugly UK weather!!!
Deffo a shout
Deffo a shout

The Gentleman
Nolans Batman trilogy
Man on Fire ( Denzel Washington finest work)
Training Day,
Layer Cake.
Just a couple of the all time greats imo
Nolans Batman trilogy
Man on Fire ( Denzel Washington finest work)
Training Day,
Layer Cake.
Just a couple of the all time greats imo

The Boondock Saints
The Baytown outlaws
The Business
Dead mans Shoes
The Night Comes for us
No One Lives
The Warriors
The Thing
They Live
Could list forever but there are a few i am not seeing mentioned, bit of everything.
The Baytown outlaws
The Business
Dead mans Shoes
The Night Comes for us
No One Lives
The Warriors
The Thing
They Live
Could list forever but there are a few i am not seeing mentioned, bit of everything.

an interesting connection between time , decisions , effects they take in life , where can they lead you

you need to get on the Night comes for us, same crazy cast same crazy Indonesians, ultimate slipper kicking :)

Most underrated animated film ever and funny as fuck is
‘The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientist’s’. Made by Aardman studios. Just sublime. No idea why they never made a sequel!
For an intelligent thought provoking movie try ‘The Secret in Their Eyes’ Best foreign subtitled film I’ve ever seen. There’s a football stadium scene which blows me away! Both marvellous stoned. Enjoy
‘The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientist’s’. Made by Aardman studios. Just sublime. No idea why they never made a sequel!
For an intelligent thought provoking movie try ‘The Secret in Their Eyes’ Best foreign subtitled film I’ve ever seen. There’s a football stadium scene which blows me away! Both marvellous stoned. Enjoy

Watched Donnie Brasco last night on Netflix had forgotten how good a film it was, depp and pacino both kill it, great watch if anyone hasn’t seen it.


My 2pence worth
- kung fu hustle
- Big trouble in little china, absolute john carpenter classic
- kung fu hustle
- Big trouble in little china, absolute john carpenter classic

I watched rocky 1 , 2 and the best with mr t...3, with my 8 year old daughter and 11 year old son and they absolutely loved them especially rocky 3. I really enjoyed too, great simple story and characters. The music is so emotive and along with the epic final scenes, made me well up.
I might do rocky 4 with kids at the weekend but that is as far as I go. As the cheese ratio is too much for me after the series peaked at 3.
I might do rocky 4 with kids at the weekend but that is as far as I go. As the cheese ratio is too much for me after the series peaked at 3.

4 posts
+8 votes
Orange Evening
Bro im all over this! how is the rosin from KiG? I so wanna load a joint with mimosa flower, rosin and bubble hash all together
+ 4 more
Orange Evening

Having a orange themed evening tonight inspired by another Biggas regular Midweek Mimosa Madness 🦜
The orangeyness this evening has been provided by...
KiG with the Orangina and the terpy as hell rosin :
420Buds with their Orange Sherbet hash and the Mimosa Cake shatter :
Anyone else have themed smoke ups?
The orangeyness this evening has been provided by...
KiG with the Orangina and the terpy as hell rosin :
420Buds with their Orange Sherbet hash and the Mimosa Cake shatter :
Anyone else have themed smoke ups?

Cheers mate, its the lazy mans dabberer...
I know youre not a fan of combustion but the joint was so good😵💫
I know youre not a fan of combustion but the joint was so good😵💫

Bro im all over this! how is the rosin from KiG? I so wanna load a joint with mimosa flower, rosin and bubble hash all together

BeerBellyBongBoy, Firstly you win "best LB name" award😆
Secondly i'd say the rosin is amazing, so good but the main problem with that joint would be getting it involved, even out of the fridge its tricky to work with, I have mine squeezed flat between some parchment paper and in the freezer so I can chunk off little bits easier, still have to work quick though and still find myself wanting a hot drop tool for it, maybe rolling the rosin in some flower and then into worms would work for joints and bowls🤷🏻♂️
If you figure it out KiG is right, I'm pretty sure that's how you enter The Zest Dimension🍊🚀🌌
Secondly i'd say the rosin is amazing, so good but the main problem with that joint would be getting it involved, even out of the fridge its tricky to work with, I have mine squeezed flat between some parchment paper and in the freezer so I can chunk off little bits easier, still have to work quick though and still find myself wanting a hot drop tool for it, maybe rolling the rosin in some flower and then into worms would work for joints and bowls🤷🏻♂️
If you figure it out KiG is right, I'm pretty sure that's how you enter The Zest Dimension🍊🚀🌌

getting all that into a joint that actually smokes, might be a tad ambitious. ill see how brave/dumb im feeling on payday. the zest dimension tho? who doesnt wanna visit? 😂

im just imagining the taste now. which is hard, as im vaping a bit of the watermelon zkittles right now

2 posts
+10 votes

What’s the tastiest strain you’ve found on LB
I've only ordered 2 times from LB. So my opinion isn't as valid as others. But, the mimosa evo from KiG. Its easily the nicest smelling/tasting bud I'…
+ 2 more

What’s the tastiest strain you’ve found on LB
What’s the tastiest bud or hash you’ve found on LB.
The 3 I’m loving at the moment are exodus cheese from the Green Cat Blueberry muffin also from Green Cat and Sweets from THESPACEMAN all 3 have big flavours
The 3 I’m loving at the moment are exodus cheese from the Green Cat Blueberry muffin also from Green Cat and Sweets from THESPACEMAN all 3 have big flavours

I've only ordered 2 times from LB. So my opinion isn't as valid as others. But, the mimosa evo from KiG. Its easily the nicest smelling/tasting bud I've had the pleasure of smoking in years

Im smoking a fat Evo joint as i write this but i don't think any of these dudes have brought my buds BeerBelly.
I dont get any wall action
I dont get any wall action

100 Billion % it's Keep It Greens Mimosa EVO. It's like smoking a can of Fanta, the orange terps are phenomenal

Orangina or the mimosa from KIG are up there for me. I haven't been so excited for years over a bag I've bought. I'm a fan of orange strains which tend not to be so mainstream now so finding KIG was a treat for me. I'm a newbie at little biggy so still finding my way around.

There's been a few great ones but The Spacemen's Durban Poison is the one that springs to mind recently.

Had that years ago..
Can’t remember its profile though.
Should get some in for that reason really!!
Where’s that list gone-🤣🤣
Can’t remember its profile though.
Should get some in for that reason really!!
Where’s that list gone-🤣🤣

Mmm right now what I have on me some fine biscotti with purple hues with a sweet taste to go with. TGD. And some nice wizz Khalifa kush wich taste better than its mummy OG. Sweeter taste than the original from poundland. Gave it a shot and some nice smelling unique. Some dense nugs little bit of purple I see coming off the nuggz treat man!! Biscotti from TGD Real niceee

The Biscotti and Wizz Khalifa kush are now on my hit list. Thanks for the recommendation Mamadadah 👍🏻

Any bud grown under Samsung lm301’s or better should taste amazing.
It’s so cheap to grow now that it hurts way too much to pay the insane prices people ask for on here.
Carts and hash only.
It’s so cheap to grow now that it hurts way too much to pay the insane prices people ask for on here.
Carts and hash only.

Had some Lemon Cherry Nerdz from Pistach a good while back and haven't found anything similar since. That said, the vendors you mention both have some excellent stock. Green cats Blueberry Muffins probably the best tasting recently although I am currently blazing through Green Teams Rainbow Cake which is very pleasant in both taste and effect.

I will keep an eye out for that Lemon Cherry Nerdz and the Rainbow cake cheers. I see that Pistach has a good selection.
The Blueberry muffin is just delicious it definitely scores high with me 👌🏻
The Blueberry muffin is just delicious it definitely scores high with me 👌🏻

For me personally Mimosa EVO from keep it green, Rainbow Beltz 2.2 from THC and the future island from Druids magic

Recently getting back into bud after exclusively using carts for the best part of a year....but the Mimosa from Gentlemen Dealers definitely worth a mention

Mimosa is still the nicest thing I've smoked from Radar Breeder, if anyone knows something of a similar level but slightly cheaper that would be awesome

Try ZOAP !!!
There’s some on here with a gelato cross going on for £10 a g on half.
I’m getting some if it’s still available in few days.
There’s some on here with a gelato cross going on for £10 a g on half.
I’m getting some if it’s still available in few days.

1 post
+3 votes
FOR i made an order elsewhere using litecoin last night. it felt sooo good.

‘Neutral’ description of the initiative = an alternative cryptocurrency given the volatility of bitcoin. Alternative crypto currency’s to be debated and put to a vote.

Although I wouldn't hold your breath, it's been requested several times. Here's a post from over 18 months ago that suggests the admin had already agreed it would be integrated.
Although I wouldn't hold your breath, it's been requested several times. Here's a post from over 18 months ago that suggests the admin had already agreed it would be integrated.

I know init, it’s a shame really I originally thought it was a community based site but it’s just not the case given the fact vendors and customers are all shouting from the roof tops we need an alternative but the approach seems to be grim and bare bitcoins volatility

yeah been watching this a everyone has been asking for a new payment processor. this seems the farthest its got they are looking for devs

Although I've seen this all before. An old vendor Super Hans tried extremely hard to get Litecoin/Monero etc introduced a couple of years ago. Had the backing of all the vendors and biggas alike and it never happened.
It does seem like jackwright might be making some headway, but many of us that have been on here a while won't be holding our breath.
Good luck though buddy. It's probably the single most important improvement to the site, and is long overdue, so I really do hope this time it works out.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
Although I've seen this all before. An old vendor Super Hans tried extremely hard to get Litecoin/Monero etc introduced a couple of years ago. Had the backing of all the vendors and biggas alike and it never happened.
It does seem like jackwright might be making some headway, but many of us that have been on here a while won't be holding our breath.
Good luck though buddy. It's probably the single most important improvement to the site, and is long overdue, so I really do hope this time it works out.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Yeah I’ve got that the overall response is For but it’s literally not even worth it given as someone already pointed out initiative Borg ain’t been active in a while.
Yeah I think our only hope is someone picking up the project, I’ve had a quick look at what it entails and although am literally studying that issue at the minute I think it’s probably best someone with experience take on something like that.
Hopefully though someone sees the opportunity and takes it!
Yeah I think our only hope is someone picking up the project, I’ve had a quick look at what it entails and although am literally studying that issue at the minute I think it’s probably best someone with experience take on something like that.
Hopefully though someone sees the opportunity and takes it!

Chances are they’ll probably need to rewrite Transaxe. If it’s hardcoded to support Bitcoin it’s not going to be a small job to change the payment method.
Chances are they’ll probably need to rewrite Transaxe. If it’s hardcoded to support Bitcoin it’s not going to be a small job to change the payment method.

Although we have been through this loop many times before without any meaningful dialogue from the Borgs. Ho hum...lets all pretend we are robots, such fun!
(But don't worry, they are 100% on top of shutting down those bastard competitions and offers so we can all sleep safely at nights! lol)...
Although we have been through this loop many times before without any meaningful dialogue from the Borgs. Ho hum...lets all pretend we are robots, such fun!
(But don't worry, they are 100% on top of shutting down those bastard competitions and offers so we can all sleep safely at nights! lol)...

Literally all they can do since their, most-likely at this point, ex-devs have clearly abandoned them to 3 year old processes. Which nobody quite knows how to work on or fix.
One day Biggy will just fail. Mostly because of it’s clearly hideous technical debt.
One day Biggy will just fail. Mostly because of it’s clearly hideous technical debt.

Won’t buy anything with bitcoin at the mo due to fees…
Reality of this means I buy else where….
This is something I REALLY dont want to do as love this site and want to support my go to vendors… 💚 but have no other choice until something changes…🤷♂️😢
Won’t buy anything with bitcoin at the mo due to fees…
Reality of this means I buy else where….
This is something I REALLY dont want to do as love this site and want to support my go to vendors… 💚 but have no other choice until something changes…🤷♂️😢

Totally get that, I was gutted when I had to ask my old dealer when I seen the price of the bitcoin fees but I can’t justify paying upwards of €15 just for a fee.
It’s not as if it’s happened before the only difference now is people are going to find alternative sites which sucks as LB has been awesome.
It’s not as if it’s happened before the only difference now is people are going to find alternative sites which sucks as LB has been awesome.

Yes think alot of us are in the same situation. Looks like I'll be digging some old number up to ring then till this is sorted. Feel for the vendors on this site.

I for one love this site but it’s becoming harder and harder to utilise the brilliant products on here and community due to bitcoins instability and proven track history of being unreliable on this site.
It is also getting to the stage where it’s becoming too expensive for vendors and profits are being eaten up by transactions fees alone.
Instead of little biggy being that website everyone remembers as being “imagine how good that could have been” and continue to expand the community by allowing better accessibility for payments.
It is also getting to the stage where it’s becoming too expensive for vendors and profits are being eaten up by transactions fees alone.
Instead of little biggy being that website everyone remembers as being “imagine how good that could have been” and continue to expand the community by allowing better accessibility for payments.

Surprised no one has suggested BCH instead yet. Seems like the likely one to move to if fees are the issue.

Or im off back to my old dealer up the road .
I dont think the admins of this site give a toss about anything except hiding topic posts that call out whats going on tbh .
Hope they can at least sort this out . Its not exactly dificult to do is it lets be honest here .
Or im off back to my old dealer up the road .
I dont think the admins of this site give a toss about anything except hiding topic posts that call out whats going on tbh .
Hope they can at least sort this out . Its not exactly dificult to do is it lets be honest here .

I get that feeling, it’s I’ve just noticed that this topic isn’t updating on the wall regardless of votes.

FOR, how long do we have to put up with paying ridiculous fees while there's alternatives. Obviously couldn't care less. How many times has this been talked about

The fees for customers obtaining a joke from the administration need to be addressed. Might need to another alternative cryptocurrency.

Initiative borg last online 417 days ago.....
no reply or anything from any borgs or admin on any single one of the dozens of topics on this subject this past couple weeks, yet posts exposing dogshit fraudulent dangerous vendors like gamechanger will get immediately removed from the wall
used to be so passionate about the idea of community and gradual improvements to the site via an alleged democratic process of initiatives but that's long gone for me now
we are all pissing into the wind but it's really fucking windy out and the piss is just going directly back into our faces, you can't stop pissing though because you've been holding it in for an age
yes i totally understand that perhaps in the backend they don't have the resources to implement currency changes but they should at least use the topic wall manipulation in a productive way and actually pin a topic about this to the top of the wall permanantly till a solution is achieved, even if that solution has to be bought, paid for and implemented by biggas and not the borgs
no reply or anything from any borgs or admin on any single one of the dozens of topics on this subject this past couple weeks, yet posts exposing dogshit fraudulent dangerous vendors like gamechanger will get immediately removed from the wall
used to be so passionate about the idea of community and gradual improvements to the site via an alleged democratic process of initiatives but that's long gone for me now
we are all pissing into the wind but it's really fucking windy out and the piss is just going directly back into our faces, you can't stop pissing though because you've been holding it in for an age
yes i totally understand that perhaps in the backend they don't have the resources to implement currency changes but they should at least use the topic wall manipulation in a productive way and actually pin a topic about this to the top of the wall permanantly till a solution is achieved, even if that solution has to be bought, paid for and implemented by biggas and not the borgs

Zero-Intiative Borg at this point.
That was when their last decent dev left them. 400 odd days ago. Nothing has been done since then really.
They need to open source the whole platform. All sensitive data aside.
But that alone is probably 6 months work. To go through everything. Upgrade all the dependencies. Fix all the broken ones. Clear the technical debt.
About a year on from starting that. We are looking at then maybe considering how to approach adding a new payment system into Transaxe. Which has obviously been only set up. From literally the ground up. To support Bitcoin.
It’s like working with the old MySpace. It’s just oldschool code on oldschool code.
Not many of us left who even understand those processes. Those approaches.
But this is where it is.
If they open-sourced the fucking code it’d be fixed in 2 weeks.
Plus all the other shit that pisses people off.
But no. It’s someones little earner. Doesn’t take a huge team to run a site like this.
Runs itself. And that’s the clever thing about the site.
Just needs modernizing. Christ. If it was worth building in the first place and it’s still nearly working. Then why not spend some of the considerable cash in improving the quality of life for your users?
I mean it’s SAAS 101. You keep users by reducing barriers to entry. The less barriers the customer has to get their outcome. Exponentially will your sales increase as convenience and novelty combine into one beautiful package. Where you can just buy some fucking nice weed without needing a PHD in nerd-dialectics to do it.
Removal of new-user barrier to entry = growth.
I wish I could do graphs. It would seem obvious.
Literally losing thousands a month, Biggy are. Potentially. 5X what everyone on here earns with a modern platform in place.
You’d double your money in 6 months with a couple of half-decent devs working on it.
Fuck. You could just have it as a full-on API. Then anyone could build a frontend for it. Just have the keys and you are away. Biggy as a service.
But without the source of the service itself. There is no easy way to add payment methods.
Not without middleware for the middleware. Which is where it then starts getting silly, and hacky, and people start losing money, or it’s all backdoored to fuck.
It’s a Transaxe core change. The only people who should be responsible for that stuff is the core Biggy team. They need to change it.
Meh. Whadda I know. I’m an idiot 😂
Sort your lives out.
Borgs… hahaha.
If only.
That was when their last decent dev left them. 400 odd days ago. Nothing has been done since then really.
They need to open source the whole platform. All sensitive data aside.
But that alone is probably 6 months work. To go through everything. Upgrade all the dependencies. Fix all the broken ones. Clear the technical debt.
About a year on from starting that. We are looking at then maybe considering how to approach adding a new payment system into Transaxe. Which has obviously been only set up. From literally the ground up. To support Bitcoin.
It’s like working with the old MySpace. It’s just oldschool code on oldschool code.
Not many of us left who even understand those processes. Those approaches.
But this is where it is.
If they open-sourced the fucking code it’d be fixed in 2 weeks.
Plus all the other shit that pisses people off.
But no. It’s someones little earner. Doesn’t take a huge team to run a site like this.
Runs itself. And that’s the clever thing about the site.
Just needs modernizing. Christ. If it was worth building in the first place and it’s still nearly working. Then why not spend some of the considerable cash in improving the quality of life for your users?
I mean it’s SAAS 101. You keep users by reducing barriers to entry. The less barriers the customer has to get their outcome. Exponentially will your sales increase as convenience and novelty combine into one beautiful package. Where you can just buy some fucking nice weed without needing a PHD in nerd-dialectics to do it.
Removal of new-user barrier to entry = growth.
I wish I could do graphs. It would seem obvious.
Literally losing thousands a month, Biggy are. Potentially. 5X what everyone on here earns with a modern platform in place.
You’d double your money in 6 months with a couple of half-decent devs working on it.
Fuck. You could just have it as a full-on API. Then anyone could build a frontend for it. Just have the keys and you are away. Biggy as a service.
But without the source of the service itself. There is no easy way to add payment methods.
Not without middleware for the middleware. Which is where it then starts getting silly, and hacky, and people start losing money, or it’s all backdoored to fuck.
It’s a Transaxe core change. The only people who should be responsible for that stuff is the core Biggy team. They need to change it.
Meh. Whadda I know. I’m an idiot 😂
Sort your lives out.
Borgs… hahaha.
If only.

Yeah I think I’m at that level where the hype was too good to be true kind of thing.
It is a back end issue by the looks of it, I suppose all I can do while I’ve got my hyper focus is keep the topic relevant and in hope that it gets picked up one day that or until my hyper focus runs out 😂😂
It is a back end issue by the looks of it, I suppose all I can do while I’ve got my hyper focus is keep the topic relevant and in hope that it gets picked up one day that or until my hyper focus runs out 😂😂

I gave a reply earlier mainly because inwas out and about and didn't want to to lose this topic again.
I really hope they switch up and offer using monero and eth bitcoins got its usesn but. It's a terrible coin for the job.
It baffles me that there's an escrow service presumably raking it in but something as simple as a password change on transaxe takes a week. I feel like it's one person working part time so that being said there is no chance of more currencies being added.
Its a shame because I can only see bitcoin getting worse for fees and like others have said leaves LB exposed to competition.
Transaxe have been good at times, such as taking the hit in the high fees back in May (not sure if they have during this November spike).
I just hope we get to use monero and eth soon.
I really hope they switch up and offer using monero and eth bitcoins got its usesn but. It's a terrible coin for the job.
It baffles me that there's an escrow service presumably raking it in but something as simple as a password change on transaxe takes a week. I feel like it's one person working part time so that being said there is no chance of more currencies being added.
Its a shame because I can only see bitcoin getting worse for fees and like others have said leaves LB exposed to competition.
Transaxe have been good at times, such as taking the hit in the high fees back in May (not sure if they have during this November spike).
I just hope we get to use monero and eth soon.

I’d recommend LTC litecoin. Sends are so much faster and fees are minimal. Can buy from all the usual places can’t see how that’s not a win win
I’d recommend LTC litecoin. Sends are so much faster and fees are minimal. Can buy from all the usual places can’t see how that’s not a win win

FOR I love this site but the BTC fees are making me (and probably everyone else) leave this site and go back to old school street dealerswhere there's no safety net or anything.
Need to find a different way to pay. I don't mind a couple $$ but atm u can't justify it. They are crippling people.
Need to find a different way to pay. I don't mind a couple $$ but atm u can't justify it. They are crippling people.

I have a post up looking for a dev in this matter. It's been up months with no replies. I spoke to admin, I have the requirements they say is needed before testing. The Admin are more than happy for alternatives if they can be proven. Anyone know how to write smart contracts in solidity with immutable logic?
I would try using wrapped trx stablecoin. It's shielded, so private, and most of all stable.
If you have the skills to do this I can help fund the project.
I would try using wrapped trx stablecoin. It's shielded, so private, and most of all stable.
If you have the skills to do this I can help fund the project.

Ah right that’s good to know, so basically we need someone with experience in this area to push it on the way.
I will find your post and see if we can get it some traction am sure there’s someone with that sort of experience.
I for one ain’t that person 😂😂 hopefully one day though!
I will find your post and see if we can get it some traction am sure there’s someone with that sort of experience.
I for one ain’t that person 😂😂 hopefully one day though!

I'm the same. I've even had a look at what's involved and it's way above my pay grade. If I can get a good dev, I can probably get the mods and run it. There's obviously a monetary incentive through the fees.
Whatever is used has to integrate with LB too. That could be another road block, even if you had the system.
Whatever is used has to integrate with LB too. That could be another road block, even if you had the system.
This is a link to devvy borg. There's a bounty on there to complete a contract that will allow vendors to specify a currency. It's under react/js post.
This is a link to devvy borg. There's a bounty on there to complete a contract that will allow vendors to specify a currency. It's under react/js post.

Thanks for that 👍.
I’m gonna try get me head around it over the next couple of weeks for my own development but will also try to keep that topic relevant somehow am sure someone here has the skills for such task.
Appreciate your input and what you’ve tried so far, so it’s not so much LB not wanting to allow it it’s more it needs someone to implement it.
Slowly but surely we will get their! 👊
I’m gonna try get me head around it over the next couple of weeks for my own development but will also try to keep that topic relevant somehow am sure someone here has the skills for such task.
Appreciate your input and what you’ve tried so far, so it’s not so much LB not wanting to allow it it’s more it needs someone to implement it.
Slowly but surely we will get their! 👊

Probably not enough to just have the frontend code though.
Transaxe service itself need modifying.
Transaxe service itself need modifying.

It’s probably not a complex job. But where is the Transaxe source?
Impossible to fork this and work on it. That’s the issue.
It’d have been done ages ago if Transaxe was open-source.
Trivial to use the existing platform to add new payment methods. If we had the source to work from.
Been a software dev for the last 20+ years. Couldn’t see the repo for the Transaxe service. So impossible to make core changes.
Impossible to fork this and work on it. That’s the issue.
It’d have been done ages ago if Transaxe was open-source.
Trivial to use the existing platform to add new payment methods. If we had the source to work from.
Been a software dev for the last 20+ years. Couldn’t see the repo for the Transaxe service. So impossible to make core changes.

22 pounds for a 200 pound transaction. That’s where I draw a line with this. Love this site and the vendors but there really should be an alternative token not just because of this. Had one crypto/bank account shut down due to bitcoin issues also.
I probably make at least two transactions per week here but I won’t be with these fees. Maybe once a month. Hopefully a resolution which suits both sellers and buyers can be found. This really should be a priority considering how it could adversely affect sales.
22 pounds for a 200 pound transaction. That’s where I draw a line with this. Love this site and the vendors but there really should be an alternative token not just because of this. Had one crypto/bank account shut down due to bitcoin issues also.
I probably make at least two transactions per week here but I won’t be with these fees. Maybe once a month. Hopefully a resolution which suits both sellers and buyers can be found. This really should be a priority considering how it could adversely affect sales.

USTD is the way forward, price never fluctuates and I don’t think the fees are mad, correct me if I’m wrong

Count me in - FOR
last spend for me cost £34 in fee's buying and sending for £196 purchase, fuck me its getting to expensive to buy. hope this changes and admin sort this out. Love & Light
last spend for me cost £34 in fee's buying and sending for £196 purchase, fuck me its getting to expensive to buy. hope this changes and admin sort this out. Love & Light

Init! Hopefully the fees comes down soon and gives enough time for devs to get an alternative tested and running to give people an alternative when the fees go high again.

Bitcoin is out of control. Many other platforms prefer LTC. It’s quicker and cheaper to send. No brainer in my opinion.
Bitcoin is out of control. Many other platforms prefer LTC. It’s quicker and cheaper to send. No brainer in my opinion.

I'm not an expert in Blockchain by any means but isn't this what the bitcoin lightning network was introduced to fix?
Could LB not integrate lightning network into its payment system? I'm sure last time I sent via lightning it was like 30p or less for the transaction and didn't involve anything complicated
Could LB not integrate lightning network into its payment system? I'm sure last time I sent via lightning it was like 30p or less for the transaction and didn't involve anything complicated

This is a good point, there's been a few upgrades to the blockchain which haven't been done on transaxe

Monero should be an option on here - one of the most anonymous cryptocurrencies. Seems like a no brainer
Monero should be an option on here - one of the most anonymous cryptocurrencies. Seems like a no brainer

Damn, I wasn’t aware of this. Not as plugged into crypto news as I used to be.
Thanks for the info!
Thanks for the info!

Feels a little like being held to ransom with BTC at the mo. This place is such an ace community - needs to move with the times…
Feels a little like being held to ransom with BTC at the mo. This place is such an ace community - needs to move with the times…

FOR. 21/11/23
These fees are ridiculous atm and i’ve taken the hit but i won’t be able to continue using LB until they calm down or an alternative payment method is implemented, which i’m very gutted about as I love LB and since i’ve been on here it’s genuinely changed my life and I’d love to keep using it, however, these fees are going to price me out
These fees are ridiculous atm and i’ve taken the hit but i won’t be able to continue using LB until they calm down or an alternative payment method is implemented, which i’m very gutted about as I love LB and since i’ve been on here it’s genuinely changed my life and I’d love to keep using it, however, these fees are going to price me out

Yeah feel that! Love LB not just for the herb but the community it’s one of the few communities we got here in the UK!

Crazy netwrok fee as vendor was charged $10 on $149 whats happening on blockchain? GAW

FOR i think the only way they will add new payments is if the Vendors went on strike, especially the big vendors on here, if that does not work nothing will, but i think thats what should be done for the greater good, if it means after all parties either save or make more money in the long run it surely is worth the sacrifice.

I dont know how LB hasn't got multiple crypto options by now? I'll order on here when BTC fees are low but when they are high i have to go eleswere.
Just hurting customers & vendors, it needs to be a priority.
Just hurting customers & vendors, it needs to be a priority.

About time lb sorted this one out I can’t even buy at the moment not with the fee’s so hi 😳 lb needs another payment method like lyte coin no fees 🙏 might have to look 👀 elsewhere if this carries on 😭😭
About time lb sorted this one out I can’t even buy at the moment not with the fee’s so hi 😳 lb needs another payment method like lyte coin no fees 🙏 might have to look 👀 elsewhere if this carries on 😭😭

unfortunately won’t happen and will be forgotten in a few weeks when btc fees calm down the previous threads and initiatives have always been ignored by any admin sorry to piss on the parade they obviously aren’t bothered
unfortunately won’t happen and will be forgotten in a few weeks when btc fees calm down the previous threads and initiatives have always been ignored by any admin sorry to piss on the parade they obviously aren’t bothered

Currently my $$$ is going to be going elsewhere until fees make lb viable for me again. I'm a wee bit sad about that as I've been liking the site. I expect both customers & vendors will give up in the interim & find / use other markets or locals. It's a shame as it's a great community here and would seem relatively straightforward for a dev to add an alternative payment option which would help solidify the future of lb and mean it'd not shed its users on a crypto hiccup.
Currently my $$$ is going to be going elsewhere until fees make lb viable for me again. I'm a wee bit sad about that as I've been liking the site. I expect both customers & vendors will give up in the interim & find / use other markets or locals. It's a shame as it's a great community here and would seem relatively straightforward for a dev to add an alternative payment option which would help solidify the future of lb and mean it'd not shed its users on a crypto hiccup.

Fees have always been an issue in the few years I've been using this site. They turn a good deal into a meh kind of deal depending on the day/time/ wind direction. Some alternatives would surely be beneficial for all
Fees have always been an issue in the few years I've been using this site. They turn a good deal into a meh kind of deal depending on the day/time/ wind direction. Some alternatives would surely be beneficial for all

It's 2024 man.
Surely you can implement a selection of payment methods, and we as buyers could use whichever is most convenient at the time
It'd be good for buyer, vendors and the Big Biggy.
I'm waiting to buy from my regular seller, but funds are tight at the mo, and I can't swallow a £10+ fee this time.
It's 2024 man.
Surely you can implement a selection of payment methods, and we as buyers could use whichever is most convenient at the time
It'd be good for buyer, vendors and the Big Biggy.
I'm waiting to buy from my regular seller, but funds are tight at the mo, and I can't swallow a £10+ fee this time.

I think you have failed to see what it is people want here, I’ve read down your comments, it’s not about the removal of BTC at all it’s about alternative.
Which turns out has been in the pipeline for a while just not picked up, I’ve seen blockhead is looking at running USDT alongside as an alternative.
I would prefer to pay in bit coin but at times like this I would also like to save what money I have and use a cheaper coin to allow for a more accessibility when it comes to payment and not just one.
For example, I normally buy your hashes which are banging and at a great price, so when I would finish ordering what i would normally order I would treat myself to one of your hashes. I haven’t been able to do that as the fee is replacing the price of the hash, neither of us gain anything apart from bitcoin.
Which turns out has been in the pipeline for a while just not picked up, I’ve seen blockhead is looking at running USDT alongside as an alternative.
I would prefer to pay in bit coin but at times like this I would also like to save what money I have and use a cheaper coin to allow for a more accessibility when it comes to payment and not just one.
For example, I normally buy your hashes which are banging and at a great price, so when I would finish ordering what i would normally order I would treat myself to one of your hashes. I haven’t been able to do that as the fee is replacing the price of the hash, neither of us gain anything apart from bitcoin.

The way he was being abrasive for no reason, making us all look like we have zero clue about anything and he’s the expert while dismissing everything we say while he doesn’t have the gall to even read the posts before shitposting like a child.
Aye I don’t know as much about BTC as you, but there’s a way to have discourse without coming across as a condescending prick. You’re no better than anyone here, just because you’re a reputable seller it doesn’t mean you can talk down to anyone.
Aye I don’t know as much about BTC as you, but there’s a way to have discourse without coming across as a condescending prick. You’re no better than anyone here, just because you’re a reputable seller it doesn’t mean you can talk down to anyone.

I mean if you disagree that’s fine but why post this? It adds nothing meaningful and you haven’t a real reason or arguement.
I’d love for you to elaborate, especially as a known seller on here whos business may be adversely effected by high BTC fees.
I’d love for you to elaborate, especially as a known seller on here whos business may be adversely effected by high BTC fees.

The issue is biggas fail to mention btc went up by 24.8% in the last 30 days .. and of course day traders are trading the shit out of btc hence the high fees/ delays and etc..
You inconsistent biggas only complain when btc fees are high but are all quite when fees are cheap and normal..
If you are FOR then Name one alternative coin that can match BTC…
Btc sorted us out for years and now cause the coin is pumping and fees are high everyone wants to jump ship 🤦♂️
You inconsistent biggas only complain when btc fees are high but are all quite when fees are cheap and normal..
If you are FOR then Name one alternative coin that can match BTC…
Btc sorted us out for years and now cause the coin is pumping and fees are high everyone wants to jump ship 🤦♂️

it's not about jumping ship at all it's about having other options so we can continue to use this market when BTC fees render this market useless which has been over a week now, i can list off about 10 vendors that want other options like LTC or monero, if we were using LTC i would have about £500 a year extra to spend on here that isn't lost in BTC fees!
and a simple solution to your problem would just be to put in your manifesto that you only accept BTC no other coins, all orders in other currencies will be cancelled
we can't expect BTC to get more stable in the future, i can only see more frequent pumping and pisstake fees at this point amongst a few weeks of "Stability" here and there where the fees are still an absolute pisstake tbh
you probably noticed my lack of orders as well, i'm back to street dealers now lol
and a simple solution to your problem would just be to put in your manifesto that you only accept BTC no other coins, all orders in other currencies will be cancelled
we can't expect BTC to get more stable in the future, i can only see more frequent pumping and pisstake fees at this point amongst a few weeks of "Stability" here and there where the fees are still an absolute pisstake tbh
you probably noticed my lack of orders as well, i'm back to street dealers now lol

The thing is you can receive your funds in an alternative coin with low fees and faster transactions for the buyer, then swap it into BTC if you wanted BTC.
Hypothetical. You get £150 worth of ETH for the order and the buyer has only paid £152 total to pay and transfer funds for the order. Once funds are released to you , you can swap the £150 worth of ETH into BTC if you don't want it in ETH
If they paid using BTC that £150 order would cost them £180 , but you will still only get the £150 worth of BTC in the end. It costs the buyer an extra £30 just for using BTC. Not only is this not sustainable for the buyer but it's also not good for your business as it puts people off buying when fees are this high.
Hypothetical. You get £150 worth of ETH for the order and the buyer has only paid £152 total to pay and transfer funds for the order. Once funds are released to you , you can swap the £150 worth of ETH into BTC if you don't want it in ETH
If they paid using BTC that £150 order would cost them £180 , but you will still only get the £150 worth of BTC in the end. It costs the buyer an extra £30 just for using BTC. Not only is this not sustainable for the buyer but it's also not good for your business as it puts people off buying when fees are this high.

Why is it not reliable?
You can swap your ETH into BTC if you didn't want the alternative coin the second you received it, I don't really see the issue if you can simply swap it?
You can swap your ETH into BTC if you didn't want the alternative coin the second you received it, I don't really see the issue if you can simply swap it?

So I have to already wait 16 days for escrow to release the Money then I have to do another transaction to change it to BTC?..
you’ll have to do your own research why it’s not reliable when the creator can literally turn back time and reverse transaction or freeze funds etc..
Check out Bitcoin University on YouTube for all your answers
you’ll have to do your own research why it’s not reliable when the creator can literally turn back time and reverse transaction or freeze funds etc..
Check out Bitcoin University on YouTube for all your answers

Almost all crypto apps have swapping features built in, it takes seconds to swap thousands of dollars , you literally input the amount and click swap. It would take less time than the message you just typed out, yet saves your customers huge amounts on fees.
The few seconds it takes you to do the swap would be far outweighed by the increase In orders you would receive , and money you would make, if an alternative coin was accepted on here.
The few seconds it takes you to do the swap would be far outweighed by the increase In orders you would receive , and money you would make, if an alternative coin was accepted on here.

Increased orders for how long?
What happens when Police start to pressure the creator of ETH to freeze funds or reverse funds or wallets etc?
Bitcoin has been sufficient from day 1 and still is.. yes it’s temporary high fees but that’s only Temporary.
I think everyone is getting too comfortable buying drugs of the internet.
What happens when Police start to pressure the creator of ETH to freeze funds or reverse funds or wallets etc?
Bitcoin has been sufficient from day 1 and still is.. yes it’s temporary high fees but that’s only Temporary.
I think everyone is getting too comfortable buying drugs of the internet.

An increase in orders for ever hopefully, fees are higher than other coins even when they are normal.
It's not like it's a one off, this happens every few months with bitcoin and roughly once per year to the current extent. When fees are normal they are still higher on BTC compared to others. If bitcoin continues to increase like people speculate it will, then worse is yet to come for fees.
You can simply swap your coin to BTC, but having alternatives with lower fees cant be a bad thing. Maybe even an option for the seller to choose what coins they accept. No one is saying get rid of btc, but having alternatives can't be a bad thing.
It's not like it's a one off, this happens every few months with bitcoin and roughly once per year to the current extent. When fees are normal they are still higher on BTC compared to others. If bitcoin continues to increase like people speculate it will, then worse is yet to come for fees.
You can simply swap your coin to BTC, but having alternatives with lower fees cant be a bad thing. Maybe even an option for the seller to choose what coins they accept. No one is saying get rid of btc, but having alternatives can't be a bad thing.

BCH would be a real choice for this website however to replace or sit next to BTC for payments. BCH fees are tiny in comparison!

BTC has a potential successor, it's called Ergo (ERG).
Not saying it would be right coin for this website at the current time, but just putting it out there for awareness in case anyone didn't know about it already.
Not saying it would be right coin for this website at the current time, but just putting it out there for awareness in case anyone didn't know about it already.

I don't know enough about it to comment, I did ask for more info but you mentioned I would have to do my own research.
If vendors can choose what coin they accept, they accept the risks that come with the coin they choose. You can stick to BTC and others can choose what every they are comfortable with accepting.
If vendors can choose what coin they accept, they accept the risks that come with the coin they choose. You can stick to BTC and others can choose what every they are comfortable with accepting.

It's not just about the fees I would much prefer to use a privacy focused coin like monero. There are chain analysis companies tracking every bitcoin payment

Thanks. “You” well that’s not true, check my short post history. And as I stated I have had other issues with bitcoin that have nothing to do with fees.
Nobody said jump ship, if you read the OP - we want an alternative option, which I don’t think isn’t reasonable for a variety of reasons? If we’re talking of dumping BTC completely then yes, then this should be a different discussion but that’s not what we’re talking about at least to my eyes.
Nobody said jump ship, if you read the OP - we want an alternative option, which I don’t think isn’t reasonable for a variety of reasons? If we’re talking of dumping BTC completely then yes, then this should be a different discussion but that’s not what we’re talking about at least to my eyes.

It’s not bitcoin fault that your sending btc directly to the site or for whatever reason your bnk wants to close your account..
I have trust in the admins.. they sorted us out when shit hits the fan and they have a reason to sticking to btc..
I hope they can see past the riffraff and continue stick to only BTC..
because for many reasons one being BTC creator is Satoshi.
Someone mention FTT.. I don’t know if they taking the piss but that’s a known Scam coin.
Another person said USDT.. the creators of USDT are the biggest crooks.. check out coffeezilla on YouTube and see what he thinks.. his probably the biggest crypto scam buster..
All coins have flaws the most reliable is BTC.
For all your questions just Watch the videos from Bitcoin University
I have trust in the admins.. they sorted us out when shit hits the fan and they have a reason to sticking to btc..
I hope they can see past the riffraff and continue stick to only BTC..
because for many reasons one being BTC creator is Satoshi.
Someone mention FTT.. I don’t know if they taking the piss but that’s a known Scam coin.
Another person said USDT.. the creators of USDT are the biggest crooks.. check out coffeezilla on YouTube and see what he thinks.. his probably the biggest crypto scam buster..
All coins have flaws the most reliable is BTC.
For all your questions just Watch the videos from Bitcoin University

Bruv it was a joke for $FTT lmao. And Bitcoin fees are not up just because of price increase and day traders lol

1 post
+7 votes
FOR i feel like BTC is gonna be the death of this site. You dont realize just how many other options there are out there, until you have to look. Peop…

Littlebiggy is in a bad state right now! Sales have dramatically dropped due to the high BTC fees people are going elsewhere come on borgs please add a Litecoin payment option it has very small fees and faster confirmation times than Bitcoin it’s a no brainer! I know this has been suggested for many years but nothing has been implemented and we are paying the price now! There are other markets that accept different crypto once people start finding out they will never come back here for the sake for the future of this place WE NEED LITECOIN TO BE ADDED NOW!!

FOR (but not a chance!)
I think a major frustration for loyal biggas is the typical administrative silence. There is no sense that we are in this together, no recognition of the problem. A simple pinned update on progress for change and a tactful expression of regret for something thats been a problem now for years would be something.
Yes, OK, we might be just a bunch of hopeless stoners and troublesome weirdos but a lot of people need and use this site not for recreation but for medication and I think that deserves a little empathy....
I think a major frustration for loyal biggas is the typical administrative silence. There is no sense that we are in this together, no recognition of the problem. A simple pinned update on progress for change and a tactful expression of regret for something thats been a problem now for years would be something.
Yes, OK, we might be just a bunch of hopeless stoners and troublesome weirdos but a lot of people need and use this site not for recreation but for medication and I think that deserves a little empathy....

FOR i feel like BTC is gonna be the death of this site. You dont realize just how many other options there are out there, until you have to look. People are just gonna move on unfortunately

I wonder what the reason is for the admins being so quiet on this? I find it very curious that they don't tell us anything. The silence gives me the impression that they have no intention of implementing a new payment system but don't want to say this in case loads of people go elsewhere because they know a lot of us are holding out hope. I can't really think of any other reason. If it was a case of not being able to find developers to implement it then surely there's no reason they can't just say that. People will understand and hold onto the hope that someday, hopefully soon, they will find someone who can. But as it stands it looks like they don't give a fuck, they know the network fees will come down again, probably quite soon, and they'll be raking it in again.

LB don't address it because they are completely separate entities from the payment processors.
There are definitely teams with ambitions of bringing a new payment option as soon as possible although you can't rush this sort of thing.
One of those teams has given many updates but are still months away from launching.
As for the OP, Litecoin is not viable as far as I am concerned due to the requirements LB demand from processors.
There are definitely teams with ambitions of bringing a new payment option as soon as possible although you can't rush this sort of thing.
One of those teams has given many updates but are still months away from launching.
As for the OP, Litecoin is not viable as far as I am concerned due to the requirements LB demand from processors.

I still can't see why the admins don't communicate with us on this. Surely they are up to speed on the latest developments of these teams that are working on implementing a new payment option.

Like probably many people, I fall into both of those groups. Am both a stoner weirdo and have pain to deal with. The latter mostly self inflicted due to extreme sport hobbies for too many years but it doesn't make it hurt less. This hiccup though means it's not viable for me to order right now whereas I was a regular spender here. It also means long term I need a better plan-b in case this happens again. I hope the admins can get it sorted.

I know it’s been hot topic for years many vendors calling for change in the payment system unfortunately it seems like it’s fallen on deaf ears or maybe the admins haven’t found anyone to work on it. It’s a highly sensitive area to work in reality I’m sure it’s not easy to get developer on board for an illegal site.
I see my great freind cleanup borg has liked the post. If you can see this please tell your borg buddies to get this sorted the site is going to shit lol!
I actually don’t like calling out the admins like this they have built a great site amazing community we just need another payment system to help the longevity of this family!
I see my great freind cleanup borg has liked the post. If you can see this please tell your borg buddies to get this sorted the site is going to shit lol!
I actually don’t like calling out the admins like this they have built a great site amazing community we just need another payment system to help the longevity of this family!

FOR - realise this is not the first time this topic has cropped up but would be a good opportunity to address it or as Polly mentioned, any update would be welcomed. I suspect a big drop in usage would not be good for LB. But I am sure local plugs down the road won’t mind the extra bit of business. that is the boat a lot of customers will find themselves in I think esp. as times are hard enough financially for most.

For - I it’s been a running topic for a while now, Blockhead had a project going but there has been no update on that. It’s definitely an issue but somehow LB powers through, I’ve seen a couple of clear net sites pop up and go down in the last couple of months.
I’ve limited my buys to when the price is right but that seems far and few between.
I’ve limited my buys to when the price is right but that seems far and few between.

I need my medication please add lite coin lb I can’t afford it here and I’m running out 🙏🙏😭FOR


Who knows if this will ever be done but worth all the biggas gathering and going FOR a cheaper alternative of transaction!!!
Who knows if this will ever be done but worth all the biggas gathering and going FOR a cheaper alternative of transaction!!!

Definitely FOR! does anyone know what Web script LB runs on? I want to see if I can help do it

3 posts
+6 votes
that was next on my list! this is just heartbreaking news
+ 3 more

I reckon all vendors and buyers should strike till LB actually kick there ass into gear to sort out a new payment method, with how volatile the state of bitcoin is right now I do think they should add a payment method for XMR which is more anonymous also for security and opsec reasons for all buyers and vendors alike!

While fees are unreasonable and nobody is buying, the site is making no money.
I'm sure had the owners known the trend of ordinal minting would be so relentless, they would have gotten to work sooner on something else.
I think this is a bigger problem in that there is no reason that BTC should be so valuable given how volatile the fees are.
Given that the mining reward halving will send transaction fees much higher anyway, I think the future is looking bleak for BTC.
1mb blocks were such a terrible idea.
Holders have an exit strategy is all I'm saying.
I'm sure had the owners known the trend of ordinal minting would be so relentless, they would have gotten to work sooner on something else.
I think this is a bigger problem in that there is no reason that BTC should be so valuable given how volatile the fees are.
Given that the mining reward halving will send transaction fees much higher anyway, I think the future is looking bleak for BTC.
1mb blocks were such a terrible idea.
Holders have an exit strategy is all I'm saying.

Something has to happen but as long as LB pocket are being filled they won't do anything about it till they see a big decrease in the income.

people will eventually goes else where and if the vendors are not selling anything because of high fees, LB won’t make money, it may be just a phase where the fees are so high, last month it was only costing me 4 quid in fees, and this morning it was 35… but went down to 15 an hour later

I see a lot of people commenting saying its up now but will be down in a week or so and that LB aint making money? They take a 14% FEE on each sale made on here you think they aint loaded you are mistaken.
I think more vendors need to speak out about this.
They could easily switch to monero, setup a daemon and link it in with transaxe so you can have both xmr and btc but they won't and probably won't pay anyone to do such work.
I just find going on strike will force this action.
I maybe wrong the site could die before they do anything but is it not worth the shot to try?
We live in a crisis rn with everything else going on the fees here are pretty much crippling.
I'll stick to tlgr@m for a while till its sorted here. LB don't seem bothered at all on the subject.
This post will probably be blacklisted to people cant see it either just so they dont have to deal with it.
I think more vendors need to speak out about this.
They could easily switch to monero, setup a daemon and link it in with transaxe so you can have both xmr and btc but they won't and probably won't pay anyone to do such work.
I just find going on strike will force this action.
I maybe wrong the site could die before they do anything but is it not worth the shot to try?
We live in a crisis rn with everything else going on the fees here are pretty much crippling.
I'll stick to tlgr@m for a while till its sorted here. LB don't seem bothered at all on the subject.
This post will probably be blacklisted to people cant see it either just so they dont have to deal with it.

Completely agree. Bought £1k-ish just before halving when it dipped under $60k, and there's no way on Earth I'm spending that in the near future. I'd imagine that it'll drop in value before I can spend it, as that's about 90% consistent.

£72 on a £82 order. And I paid it. Was planning on cutting down anyways. Seems like the perfect time

Yeah I mean it’s back to my street plugs when this happens, I just can’t justify it, shame as I had some top quality gear in my cart 😩

Had to ditch 2 3.5gs of London new from donloco out of my cart. you don't know how much I was looking forward to them as well. Sad times. Worst payday ever lol

Bro I had the tinman from him in my cart for a trip away this Wednesday . Gutted man atleast we in it together

Yes it’s actually crazy hence why if it actually made a difference I’d go back to my street dealer for a month or go without as part of this ‘strike’ the BTC only ruins this site and nothing is done about it while plenty of other markets have moved on

If you don't want to spend stupid amounts on fees but really want to order right now check my new topic out :)

I think they would if they could but it seems they've not been able to find people that can do it for them. There was a push a few months ago to create an alternative payment system, which was led by Blockhead, but I don't think he could find developers that could do it. I might be completely wrong about that though, but that's how it came across to me. It doesn't help that the people who run LB have virtually nothing to say on the subject.

1 post
+1 votes

{buy help}
Budzinho’s Guide to Buying/Sending BTC Cheaply in 2024
moonpay no longer operate in the UK. As i found out on Friday.

{buy help}
Budzinho’s Guide to Buying/Sending BTC Cheaply in 2024
𝐁𝐮𝐝𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨’𝐬 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐮𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐓𝐂 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
With the BTC fee crisis looming I have decided to write this up-to-date guide on the cheapest ways to acquire and send BTC cheaply. Although I have done my best to research purchase fees and possible send fees alike, all the fees listed may not be 100% accurate due to constant evolution of fees and lack of information on the web regarding this topic. This guide however should generally help Biggaz to reduce the cost of buying on LB. Please bear in mind I have checked the fees on at least 12 commonly mentioned exchanges here and the ones listed are the cheapest I could find.
𝗧𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝘀;
1) On some exchanges depositing via bank tr@nsfer vs buying with a card will dramatically reduce purchase fees.
2) If possible choose an exchange that has no record of closing accounts for interacting with biggy address’, this will mean you don’t need to send to an external wallet before sending here, reducing your network fees.
3) BTC Network Fees tend to be lower during nighttime in the eastern US. 01:00 to 11:00 UK time.
4) When sending BTC from a wallet/exchange that supports adjustable fees, consider lowering your transaction priority, don’t lower the fees too much tho or else your transaction may take a long time to confirm.
5) Do not just settle for the first network fee that you are offered, keep checking back often. Fees can change drastically even in a matter of minutes.
𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝘂𝘆/𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗧𝗖;
BTC Purchase fee = 3.99% CC/DC, 1.49% bank tr@nsfer
BTC send fee = Network Fee Only
BTC Purchase fee = 1.5%
BTC send fee = Network Fee Only
BTC Purchase fee = 1.74%
BTC send fee = Network Fee Only
BTC Purchase fee = 3.75% CC/DC, 0.5% + 0.9% or 1.5% bank tr@nsfer
BTC send fee = Fixed 0.0004 BTC fee (recently increased)
M̲o̲o̲n̲P̲a̲y̲(̲n̲o̲n̲-̲k̲y̲c̲ ̲o̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲);
BTC Purchase fee = 4.5% CC/DC, 1% bank tr@nsfer
BTC send fee = Processing Fee + Network Fee
Although I go into detail here about purchase fees, network fees are the biggest issue nowadays. Cutting out the need to send to an external wallet is the most efficient way to reduce the cost of buying on LB. Overall Coinbase via bank t is the cheapest option if you are sending directly to LB, Coinbase do however have a history of closing accounts for interacting with LB address', which means you may need to send to an external wallet before buying here.Moonpay has great bank tr@nsfer purchase fees but they charge a processing fee to send BTC which cancels this out. In this case 𝗟𝘂𝗻𝗼 𝗼𝗿 𝗕𝗶𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘀 in my opinion as to my knowledge they have no record of closing accounts for sending here and both have small purchase fees.
With the BTC fee crisis looming I have decided to write this up-to-date guide on the cheapest ways to acquire and send BTC cheaply. Although I have done my best to research purchase fees and possible send fees alike, all the fees listed may not be 100% accurate due to constant evolution of fees and lack of information on the web regarding this topic. This guide however should generally help Biggaz to reduce the cost of buying on LB. Please bear in mind I have checked the fees on at least 12 commonly mentioned exchanges here and the ones listed are the cheapest I could find.
𝗧𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗸𝘀;
1) On some exchanges depositing via bank tr@nsfer vs buying with a card will dramatically reduce purchase fees.
2) If possible choose an exchange that has no record of closing accounts for interacting with biggy address’, this will mean you don’t need to send to an external wallet before sending here, reducing your network fees.
3) BTC Network Fees tend to be lower during nighttime in the eastern US. 01:00 to 11:00 UK time.
4) When sending BTC from a wallet/exchange that supports adjustable fees, consider lowering your transaction priority, don’t lower the fees too much tho or else your transaction may take a long time to confirm.
5) Do not just settle for the first network fee that you are offered, keep checking back often. Fees can change drastically even in a matter of minutes.
𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝘂𝘆/𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗧𝗖;
BTC Purchase fee = 3.99% CC/DC, 1.49% bank tr@nsfer
BTC send fee = Network Fee Only
BTC Purchase fee = 1.5%
BTC send fee = Network Fee Only
BTC Purchase fee = 1.74%
BTC send fee = Network Fee Only
BTC Purchase fee = 3.75% CC/DC, 0.5% + 0.9% or 1.5% bank tr@nsfer
BTC send fee = Fixed 0.0004 BTC fee (recently increased)
M̲o̲o̲n̲P̲a̲y̲(̲n̲o̲n̲-̲k̲y̲c̲ ̲o̲p̲t̲i̲o̲n̲);
BTC Purchase fee = 4.5% CC/DC, 1% bank tr@nsfer
BTC send fee = Processing Fee + Network Fee
Although I go into detail here about purchase fees, network fees are the biggest issue nowadays. Cutting out the need to send to an external wallet is the most efficient way to reduce the cost of buying on LB. Overall Coinbase via bank t is the cheapest option if you are sending directly to LB, Coinbase do however have a history of closing accounts for interacting with LB address', which means you may need to send to an external wallet before buying here.Moonpay has great bank tr@nsfer purchase fees but they charge a processing fee to send BTC which cancels this out. In this case 𝗟𝘂𝗻𝗼 𝗼𝗿 𝗕𝗶𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘀 in my opinion as to my knowledge they have no record of closing accounts for sending here and both have small purchase fees.

Thanks buddy👍
I’ve only had good experiences with Bitpanda, but it’s worth mentioning they are not currently taking new UK registrations….
I’ve only had good experiences with Bitpanda, but it’s worth mentioning they are not currently taking new UK registrations….

Another thing to remember is minimum transfer value. I gave up on because it was crazy high although that might have changed as its been years since. Bitpanda is 0.0015, which can be a pain in the arse depending on the value of btc...

Not sure how many people know this but if you "Buy" USDC on coinbase directly from bank account you can purchase it with no fee. Just a case of converting USDC to BTC which has a small fee IIRC but lower than the full process.

I've never thought to do this, I'll try this on my next buy. My last transaction fee to buy BTC on Coinbase was close to a tenner.

Brilliant thread my friend! Hopefully admin can implement litecoin as its much cheaper to send and available on every platform you listed above. Fees are killing both vendors and customers alike!

Thanks Budzinho. Not used biggy for months now, real shame they can't work another coin or payment method. Hate to think how much business is being lost to other sites!

Bitpanda was my go to for about 3/4 years then they blocked my account saying I needed to prove what I was buying who was the receiver safe to say that was the end of that service :D

Yeah I'm going to have to stop using this site if they don't come up with another coin to use. I just went to spend £150 on an order for my birthday and network fee on Coinbase is £54... Gonna wait till later to try place and order and hope it drops back down to a fiver. But 1/3rd of what I'm sending is a joke lol 21/04/24 20:32

I agree I just went to buy £65 worth of smoke and the network fee on Coinbase was £50+ guess I am not gonna be smoking a while damn.. needs a fix fast does anyone know if I can send BTC on Binance via lightning network ? or will I loose my money because the fees are low for that but I don't know if it works and if LB will receive via lightning network transfer.

Yeah trust me brother. There was me thinking I'll have some nice smoke for my birthday. I wanted to get some shrooms next week for a camping trip im going on too. But now it's just looking less and less likely. Got scammed the other week from a TG channel. So I won't be trying that again lol

Check out my new topic I have attached for a partial solution.

I'm in the UK. I used to purchase BTC on Kraken then transfer to Exodus but have just discovered Exodus is no longer operating in the UK. Can I purchase on LB directly from Kraken, and are there any issues with them closing accounts as per your mention of Coinbase?

I used exodus today to place an order on Lb and went through fine. But I buy my coin on coin base and transfer to exodus wallet...wondering if that's why it's still working for me

Just tried to sign up to the Luno wallet, but they are not accepting any new UK customer.

1 post
+2 votes
The grapefruit is back!
Smoking this right now. the description is bang on. Its sour, citrusy and creamy all at once. Really pleasant smoke. Big ups Rozzy for getting the bud…

The grapefruit is back!
Hello biggas, hope you're all having a great Monday so far. Just a quick post to let people know the grapefruit is back and ready for shipping from tomorrow (16/04/24). It's had to be paused for a while due to some personal stuff but things are back to normal now. Thank you all for the support in the past and have a great week!

Smoking this right now. the description is bang on. Its sour, citrusy and creamy all at once. Really pleasant smoke. Big ups Rozzy for getting the bud to me on a Sunday too. Service has been top notch

Nice grow pal, got to respect a fellow vendor when they're doing this. Out of interest, was this an auto or a female?

Thank you mate, big respect!
The seeds were autos, which I definitely recommend for any grower with enough vertical height. When flowering hit, they must've been a good 6 feet tall
The seeds were autos, which I definitely recommend for any grower with enough vertical height. When flowering hit, they must've been a good 6 feet tall

Fairs mate! I respect it, we have only started experimenting with some females now for our new drop but we have another grower on the team. Looks really nice though your customers should be excited for the future. Big respect!

Order in - but payment taking AGES to confirm (2+hr so far). Hopefully be with you soon. Grow looks great - I’m keen to try it

Awesome, thank you! I'll get it ready now and send things out a little later than normal. The postboxes don't collect until about 5pm anyway so it should be en route to you today :)

No worries! And yeah I would hope so but the btc network is unpredictable as hell. Everything's ready to go anyway, so as soon as the payment's cleared we're good to go :)

1 post
+4 votes
Budzinho's MAC Review
those iron brew bars were my go to munch back when i first started smoking. nothing better than sinking a few buckets in some dirty bush. then all pil…

Budzinho's MAC Review

𝔹𝕦𝕕𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕙𝕠’𝕤 𝕄𝔸ℂ ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨
So I heard BB had some MAC on the go and I was obviously tempted. Nabbed myself a quarter and thought I’d do a proper write-up. I have tried to be as honest and forthright as possible here despite this being one of my all time favourite strains…
Ordered on Saturday, arrived on Monday. Lightning quick as usual from BB. Stealth is insanely witty, only issue I have is that I can’t open the packaging fast enough . A couple sweets included, class act but stinger bars? Haven’t seen those bad boys for awhile, much appreciated. BB sweet shop coming soon?
Bag Appeal;
Light green hue, clarted in orange pistols with some dark leaves here and there. Natural looking buds, very appealing indeed. Came generously overweight.
Very sticky, made my keyboard sticky from the residue off my fingers, guess sticky keys are enabled… haha funny guy. Despite the humidity levels it fluffs up well upon grinding. The buds were a bit squished from packing.
Upon opening you get that fuel/sour/dank aroma but up close you can definitely smell the GSC genetics in there, minty sweetness. Also a bit of pepper in there. One of my favourite aromas of any strain, big fan.
Smokes clean and consistent, white ash. Burns relatively slow. A tad rough on the lungs but flavourful.
I presumed by the sticky consistency and bold aroma that this was going to be a heavy hitter and I wasn’t disappointed. Provided me with a very intense mellow/relaxed high. A before bed smoke for sure.
Packaging/delivery - 10/10
Bag appeal/consistency - 7/10
Effects/smoke - 9/10
Aroma - 10/10
Overall Rating;
Thanks for reading
𝔹𝕦𝕕𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕙𝕠’𝕤 𝕄𝔸ℂ ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨
So I heard BB had some MAC on the go and I was obviously tempted. Nabbed myself a quarter and thought I’d do a proper write-up. I have tried to be as honest and forthright as possible here despite this being one of my all time favourite strains…
Ordered on Saturday, arrived on Monday. Lightning quick as usual from BB. Stealth is insanely witty, only issue I have is that I can’t open the packaging fast enough . A couple sweets included, class act but stinger bars? Haven’t seen those bad boys for awhile, much appreciated. BB sweet shop coming soon?
Bag Appeal;
Light green hue, clarted in orange pistols with some dark leaves here and there. Natural looking buds, very appealing indeed. Came generously overweight.
Very sticky, made my keyboard sticky from the residue off my fingers, guess sticky keys are enabled… haha funny guy. Despite the humidity levels it fluffs up well upon grinding. The buds were a bit squished from packing.
Upon opening you get that fuel/sour/dank aroma but up close you can definitely smell the GSC genetics in there, minty sweetness. Also a bit of pepper in there. One of my favourite aromas of any strain, big fan.
Smokes clean and consistent, white ash. Burns relatively slow. A tad rough on the lungs but flavourful.
I presumed by the sticky consistency and bold aroma that this was going to be a heavy hitter and I wasn’t disappointed. Provided me with a very intense mellow/relaxed high. A before bed smoke for sure.
Packaging/delivery - 10/10
Bag appeal/consistency - 7/10
Effects/smoke - 9/10
Aroma - 10/10
Overall Rating;
Thanks for reading

Thanks for taking the time to post this buddy, it's much appreciated.
I must admit the biggest complaint I've had over the years is that the buds are a little squashed upon arrival. It's the unfortunate downside of getting the gear into a large letter that goes through letterboxes.
I've considered doing stealth another way, but I feel the sacrifice is worth it for the ability to go through your letterbox. I agree its a shame for the Premium Buds to get a bit squished, but not such a big deal for the Budget Buds or the Trim.
Anyway like I said, thanks so much for taking the time to write this Budzhino. You're a star! 🌟 I'm really glad you're enjoying it.🙏
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
I must admit the biggest complaint I've had over the years is that the buds are a little squashed upon arrival. It's the unfortunate downside of getting the gear into a large letter that goes through letterboxes.
I've considered doing stealth another way, but I feel the sacrifice is worth it for the ability to go through your letterbox. I agree its a shame for the Premium Buds to get a bit squished, but not such a big deal for the Budget Buds or the Trim.
Anyway like I said, thanks so much for taking the time to write this Budzhino. You're a star! 🌟 I'm really glad you're enjoying it.🙏
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

Great review mate. This is beautiful stuff. I'm just a little put out that apparently there are alternatives to Refreshers! Don't think I've had a Stinger before and now I'm intrigued. Amazing how handy those included sweets are after the first joint or 2!

Did they do an apple Wham variation, or am I imagining it? Maybe it was apple Refreshers? They were most choice.

those iron brew bars were my go to munch back when i first started smoking. nothing better than sinking a few buckets in some dirty bush. then all piling into the local corner shop.good times

2 bottles of Bucky on top of weed and whatever, and then an Irn-Bru and a Mars Bar ready in the fridge for when he emerged the next day was a regular routine of an old flatmate of mine.

He had a Fucktfast T-shirt in the orangey-yellow and design of the original. Used to take Special Brew to student parties. Had some special song that was related to being messed up on it. May or may not have had goblins involved in the lyrics? It's been a long time. Haven't had any deep fried chocolate for years. Sad times. If people actually saw it for the delicious treat it was it would be on Middle Class dinner party menus up and down the country with a good Madagascan vanilla ice cream to go with it.

Nice one budzinho.
I didn’t even have to read it to know what the result would be lol
Always top gear from them and sets the bar on LB stealth
Excellent job done once again BB 👏👏👏👏
I didn’t even have to read it to know what the result would be lol
Always top gear from them and sets the bar on LB stealth
Excellent job done once again BB 👏👏👏👏

Gave this one a miss this time as I'm not the biggest fan of MAC but I'm second guessing my decision now

Picked up a q after bb reached out to me. It's very nice, even better than last year's MAC

2 posts
+3 votes
New flavours added
Payday is fast approaching. And I'm long overdue a treat. Got my eye on some of these.
+ 2 more

New flavours added
Added watermelon skittlez and grape gas to the menu.
Both lovely smokes full of fruity terps.
Both lovely smokes full of fruity terps.

Ya man they unreal for nabbing stuff, the pontiff vendor uses a decoy charges extra for postage I'm nearly sure he gets most through, hopefully someday you get the chance to send to us seriously good looking bud you've got

Payday is fast approaching. And I'm long overdue a treat. Got my eye on some of these.

1 post
+4 votes
I have my suspicions...
I got my 1st order from BB today. To say im impressed would be an understatement.

I have my suspicions...

...that British Bulldog is too good to be true!
From their always cheery DMs, professional service & spooky-fast delivery, next-level packaging & stealth, generous scales & wallet aaaaaand... just beautiful weed, I can't believe this is real.
But like they say: "Don't look a gift-Bulldog in the mouth.", right?
From their always cheery DMs, professional service & spooky-fast delivery, next-level packaging & stealth, generous scales & wallet aaaaaand... just beautiful weed, I can't believe this is real.
But like they say: "Don't look a gift-Bulldog in the mouth.", right?

Could not agree more man.
Never had a bad experience dealing with BB.
Then the gear does the talking. Yea and scary value for money 💴
Never had a bad experience dealing with BB.
Then the gear does the talking. Yea and scary value for money 💴

1 post
+2 votes
Bubble hash
*adds to basket*

Bubble hash
Over past couple days I have done 3 runs of bubble hash. So I have a few grams knocking about.
I have added a 3.5 option.
Grab yourself some of the nicest and cheapest home made bubble hash.
It's very zesty, almost like smoking flower
I have added a 3.5 option.
Grab yourself some of the nicest and cheapest home made bubble hash.
It's very zesty, almost like smoking flower

1 post
+3 votes

Where's the best orange bud?
you got me. just ordered both those. love me some zesty orange

Where's the best orange bud?
I can remember from years ago in Dam, the nice orange bud, a Californian Orange Bud I believe, that had a potent after kick a while after consuming. Was a great one for spacing out for a while. What'd be a close match these days? What's got the heftiest after kick?

KiG is seemingly obsessed with orange bud and has Mimosa Evo and Orangina which i have here, so orangey, ill add a link 🍊❤️🔥

Just as BOW13 says and has. KIG. ( Keep it Green)The way to go with anything that has Orange 🍊 terps. . Look no Further. Top Vendor. Top Guy. 1 of the best on Here 👍😉

A little obsessed yes.
I went on an Orange hunt in Dam the other year, nothing come close this Orangina and the more Grapefruit(to me) Mimosa Evo. Both sweet and delicious and the way the Evo grinds is special
I went on an Orange hunt in Dam the other year, nothing come close this Orangina and the more Grapefruit(to me) Mimosa Evo. Both sweet and delicious and the way the Evo grinds is special

Thanks man. A few people suggested the same person now so that's definitely on my list as the first place to try.

That was such a fav of mine as well back in the days. One of the very first “skunk” from holland .. early 90’s bliss.
IMO the new fancy mimosa & Co don’t carry as much typical flavor as the original orange breed…
IMO the new fancy mimosa & Co don’t carry as much typical flavor as the original orange breed…

True its a different type of orange. But now it's a way more distinctive orange smell and taste. I do a cure with fan leaf,in massive tubs and the orange is so strong
I grew lots of Dutch passion Cali orange decades ago and Orange hill special last year. That's why I took a Punt on the Mimosa Evo
I grew lots of Dutch passion Cali orange decades ago and Orange hill special last year. That's why I took a Punt on the Mimosa Evo

Thanks man. This is now on my list. I'd had a few samples through from elsewhere so that was going to be next but I think this leapfrogs it. I'd go for oringina I guess from the name. But which has the best orange zest plus following sedation in your opinion?

For me it's too tight to call
Orangina is a sweet orange and Evo more citrus dank orange but thats all my opinion.
Get one of each and compare, bit rude not too lol
Orangina is a sweet orange and Evo more citrus dank orange but thats all my opinion.
Get one of each and compare, bit rude not too lol

I went for the Orangina. A lot of nostalgia riding on this man. I'm hoping to taste both the past & the future simultaneously. No small task there. I'll be back to try the Evo & I think I'll have a bash at the orange extract too as that looked pretty appealing. If I didn't already have bits on way I'd probably of had one of everything like a kid left alone in a sweet shop unsupervised. All-in-all a fine discovery to find your profile. Nice to meet you man. Looking forward to trying the orangina. I didn't know this thread would get so many comments to be honest but felt I should update an outcome.

I've seen a couple of people have done some of the older ones on here. I'm guessing the demand is always the new thing crossed with another new thing. I'd order a bag of the orange if it popped up though for nostalgia. Maybe it'd not seem so good now. Still, be curious to know.

Look for a strain called Orange Creamsicle was popular a few years ago with the Cali vendors. Very nice.

Hey friend,
Check out our tangerine dream it may just be the closest to what you're looking for ;)
Check out our tangerine dream it may just be the closest to what you're looking for ;)

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