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joined apr 2022
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2 topics on dapperflapper
Urine test help!
Nice ounces for edibles
46 posts by dapperflapper
Good Youtube Channels
Fall of Civilizations - Not weed related but hypnotic to watch high. Really informative and really well presented, there's not a great deal of them bu…
What is post-humanism?
I would argue we are already in a post-humanist world, and have been for some time, with the evolution of media, pointedly the internet, on group ment…
on  [music]
Favourite 2 all time full album’s you listened to over and over again
This is tough but going on repeats alone I reckon these pip it, Riding with the king - Clapton and BB King We're new here - Jamie xx and Gil Scott-He…
on  [travel]
Most Underrated Destination?
Kampot in Cambodia, went for a week last year and stayed for 3 months. Beautiful scenery, can blaze pretty much anywhere in most western owned restau… + 2 more
on  Kiltman
Love running on edibles. If you’ve ever run sober and experienced a ‘runners high’ - kind of like being in flow state 100% in the present moment, it’… + 2 more
on  BEW
Pain relief advise pls Have a look up about RSO. Been using this stuff on and off for a couple years and it's been consistent …
RSO for Baking
I'm a fan of melting it straight into chocolate too. Really good for dosing. Silicon moulds off Amazon work good to reform it back into a bar or indiv…
I'm not an expert in Blockchain by any means but isn't this what the bitcoin lightning network was introduced to fix? Could LB not integrate lightni…
on  S12345
Working abroad with past convictions
Not yet! I think most places if you argue your case and enough time has passed you'll generally be OK. Some places are discretionary though so can dep… + 2 more
New Bigga here, calling all vendors!
Pistach is a solid option for nice oz's at good prices. Gilly1980's RSO is solid, not had any in a while as I took it a bit far 😅, but used to be a …
on  [music]
Man's best friend
I'm sure they were discussing starting a supergroup with Fleetwood Mac just before lockdown hit! Or they might have been planning a tour even, I can't…
on  Lonescot
best recipe for gummys
Chocolates are much easier if you're just after a easy way to dose mate. I just mix ground up decarbed bud straight in together with cooking chocola…
FILMS to watch Stoned.
If you haven't worked your way through Kubrick's stuff stoned I'd recommend it, it's a rabbit hole worth going down; The shining, Clockwork orange, Fu…
eagerly awaiting rso :)
I'm same, Gilly's is fantastic. Can't speak for the two alternatives mentioned but I've found others are sometimes a bit 'skewwif' with their effects,… + 2 more
on  chalinor
please wait before creating another order
Ive just found out that if you set your cart up in the clear net site, it fills your cart in the onion society site too. Try setting the order up on …
Cambodian Sativa's, market for it?
started topic + 4 more
how much weed do you smoke every day?
Ahh you might be able to help me with my current pickle. I agree, I don't too much mind the small chamber if I'm not in a rush, I just do 2/3 bowls in… + 2 more
on  ZoonLess
Dry herb vaporiser recommendation
I've got the XMax V3 pro. Been on it since Jan and it's been sound, no issues. Feel like I get good rips off it, bowls smaller than the mighty but I… + 2 more
Raffle tickets 115 and 86 where are you?
I don't know if I even entered, but I'll claim it? 😂
on  Willie
THC oil
Gilly1980 if youre after RSO mate, couldn't recommend it enough
better keep LB secret or disclose links to make the community known?
I don't know, I'm inclined to think there'll be a dip and then it'll be better in the long run. The legal medical strains that are available now are… + 3 more
I was looking at those decarbing machines for a while. Then realised they're essentially a small oven that self-regulates temp and seals in smell. The…
{buy help}
need advice
Aye one for transaxe this. You used bitcoin so your funds will be in the address of the wallet you sent them to. Either transaxe has it still or they …
on  {shade}
Panic Switch for Crypto Wallets?
Ledger wipes after 3 incorrect password attempts. You then have to restore your wallet using your seed phrase to get back at your coins. I can't see…
started topic + 2 more
See others doing this so it’s Competition time at Eddy’s Edibles Bears in the Bag!!!!
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Vaping Advice
Got to last long enough for repulsion from the smell of stale baccy to be greater than the compulsion to light up. That and if you fold and buy a 20… + 2 more
Stonys coming back?
I second this, could eat them on the daily
RSO Recommendations
started topic + 5 more
bigg topics