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joined aug 2022
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0 topics on BIZZLETREE5
6 posts by BIZZLETREE5
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+1 votes

Weed hangover tips please
Have a fag in the morning or a few, if you don't like fags, neither do I , but 100% they work before work, drink loads of water and drink a good 1or 2…

Weed hangover tips please
fucking kids birthday parties. you wind up insanely stoned to get through the shit and its work the next day.
get more stoned - i hear this coming and believe me i'm with you. beleive me.
But i want to learn anything else if it exists please.
get more stoned - i hear this coming and believe me i'm with you. beleive me.
But i want to learn anything else if it exists please.

Cold shower and a lot of McDonalds Coke dont aske me why its just McDonalds coke always does the trick lol

McD's coke is thought to be the best tasting you can get, they get it in syrup form in big wheeled barrels, all the other drinks come in containers, in syrup form too.
The McD's syrup coca cola doesn't have any of the preservatives or any other nasties found in fizzy drinks these days. just the cola flavouring.(unlike that bought in shops)
Sry, bit of an expert on things McDonalds.😁❤️
The McD's syrup coca cola doesn't have any of the preservatives or any other nasties found in fizzy drinks these days. just the cola flavouring.(unlike that bought in shops)
Sry, bit of an expert on things McDonalds.😁❤️

bollocks! when I worked mac d the syrup was the same post mix you'd find in any pub, including phospheric acid. McDonalds are not looking after your health, or your soda.

I love weed hangovers man, don’t really get them anymore unless I tank edibles. I love just floating around all morning, so never tried to get rid of it really. Although I recently tried these nootropic mushroom coffees and despite my skepticism they seem to be pretty effective, might help?

Cold shower and a pint of water, maybe a coffee. After an hour or two of activity I normally feel back to normal anyways.

Nice solid walk and load of cold water on the face, soon sobers me up then a nice joint after

i get square sausage from co-op lurpak and white roll, and i drown them bitches in melted butter. it always works for me.

I always wake up with a stoneover🥱 even more so after discovering static sift from THC23😮💨
A cup of tea & multiple cigs speeds up my recovery☕️🚬Good luck❤️
A cup of tea & multiple cigs speeds up my recovery☕️🚬Good luck❤️

Lions mane mushroom capsules are a game changer. Clears your head and makes you feel focussed again after 30-60mins after taking.

What the hell. I quit drinking because of hangover, if I vape more are you telling me weed will also make me feel like shit now?

Have a fag in the morning or a few, if you don't like fags, neither do I , but 100% they work before work, drink loads of water and drink a good 1or 2 coffees, then prepare to need a shit lol, Lucozade orange also is winner, but having a fag in the morning will really straightens your consciousness up!

I only smoke weed in js but always got a wee packet of rolling backy. Me personally can experience some mad head rushes in the morning when having my morning roll up. 🤣👍🏻

Red Lebanese from hashishin does the trick for me , gives me a clear head in the morning & it’s high in cbd
Wipes the slate clean brother
Wipes the slate clean brother

1 post
+1 votes
55,022 :0 Good luck everyone!


Congrats skunky99 - this batch really reminds me of the lovely Blue Cheese they do in Family First. Enjoy!

Hey Cat
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!

Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.
Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.

thanks green cat this would be amazing prize to win, funds are low, my best guess is $46930, best of luck everyone, thanks m8

4 posts
+6 votes
Passing uk drug test
I respect the dedication you made!!!
+ 4 more
![[ask any bigga]](
Passing uk drug test
Hey biggas
So I’ve been a smoker for around 5 years (daily for the past year). I’ve been for a job interview and they’ve told me I’ll be spot drug tested. I think it’s pretty certain (correct me if I’m wrong) that I’ll have to give it up but how can I quickly rid my system of it so it doesn’t show up. I have about a week before I start so no clue when I’ll be tested
So I’ve been a smoker for around 5 years (daily for the past year). I’ve been for a job interview and they’ve told me I’ll be spot drug tested. I think it’s pretty certain (correct me if I’m wrong) that I’ll have to give it up but how can I quickly rid my system of it so it doesn’t show up. I have about a week before I start so no clue when I’ll be tested

Do you have any conditions that warrant a UK medical cannabis prescription? If so take the plunge and make an appointment. It covers loads of issues.

There is fake piss and stuff you can take but you need some advance warning. Our unions dont allow random drug tests at my employers. They tried last year and it was shut down at once.

Fake urine in bag with heat pad to get correct temperature, it's called Quick Fix Belt Kit and you buy it from Urine Lick web site. I used to wear one everyday for work but never had to use it though. My work now do a finger print test which only detects use up to 16 hours before test. So I only smoke when off work now.

I had that a few years ago. A week isn't really long enough to clear your system. I had advance warning of the test but made an excuse and cancelled the first appointment to buy more time. I stopped smoking for about 28 days and went to the gym most days, did a lot of treadmill running and what ever I could to make me sweat. The day of the test I drank several litres of water, an occupational nurse followed me into the toilets and watched me from behind to make sure I pissed into a cup. Luckily the test came back clear. The job lasted 5 years before I eventually got sacked for being crap at it! 😁

I’m a big guy so was thinking of just doing a protein shake diet for a couple of week’s and hope the big drop in weight will mostly rid my system. Guess I’ve just gotta hope it’s a saliva test. Mad how that turned out for you though

From us peeps, gator aid and drink lots of water and iron tablets. Iron tablets for colour gator aid because they test for people over hydrated and it apperently replacess lost electrolights. But saying that I would presume a rehydration pack would work

Cannabis proteins bind themselves to blood cells, they can take anything up to three months to clear your system dependant on weight, age, metabolism, how long you’ve been smoking etc.
As a rule of thumb if you want to cleanse quickly try to drink your recommended amount of water daily, eat healthy foods and exercise.
Urine tests and be very thorough, they are sensitive enough to detect a drug from one drop of urine in a swimming pool allegedly!
I found cutting out entirely then gentle jogging three times a week and water will cleanse you fully after two months if you’re a daily toker.
A week might be a bit optimistic?
As a rule of thumb if you want to cleanse quickly try to drink your recommended amount of water daily, eat healthy foods and exercise.
Urine tests and be very thorough, they are sensitive enough to detect a drug from one drop of urine in a swimming pool allegedly!
I found cutting out entirely then gentle jogging three times a week and water will cleanse you fully after two months if you’re a daily toker.
A week might be a bit optimistic?

Nobody should be urinating in a swimming pool. Even one drop is too much in my opinion. It's just not my cup of tea and is a far worse offence than doing drugs! 😁🤣😆

Cleansing drink, if you are a heavy user with high toxins buy two bottles and you take one and a half 1 hour before your test. You have to follow the instructions and drink a lot of water two days before. I've tested it with drug kits bought off the Internet and got negative results on dry runs

Thank you for this, it really is helpful. My concern is though, with them specifically stating it’s a “spot test” I’m wondering if I’d have time to drink this. I wonder what my rights would be

The timeline for detecting marijuana is vast and can vary from 1 day up to 90 days. piss test can pick it up for up to 4 weeks .... But if you got a perscription for cbd or take cbd then that could give a false posative test result because all cbd has trace amounts of thc in it.

I do tree surgery in UK, and spot checks only happen if an accident happens, depends on your industry too.

For this product you do really need to know when it is most likely they will test you, with a new employment you would hope that that would be on the first day or in the first week or them actually telling you the specific date/time. Some employers insist on a pre work medical to be undertaken which is when they normally would carry it out. Not ideal but you could buy 7 bottles for every day of your first week to try and cover yourself but that is the only way I can see when not knowing the exact time.
Other tips are sauna/steamrooms, drinking pure water (over 3L per day) take b12 vitamins to make your urine yellow again. Eat healthy prior to the test, a few days before test refrain from exercise as you don't want to put more thc (from your fat) into your pee. Hoping for the best for you 👍
Other tips are sauna/steamrooms, drinking pure water (over 3L per day) take b12 vitamins to make your urine yellow again. Eat healthy prior to the test, a few days before test refrain from exercise as you don't want to put more thc (from your fat) into your pee. Hoping for the best for you 👍

have been piss tested a lot over the years so a few thoughts
it takes a max of 28 days to get weed out of your system but thats only if you are really fat
you can flush by drinking tons of water and diluting the sample but its not very effective
if you do give a sample dont give them the start or the end of the stream but take it mid stream
it takes most people about a week and a half of not smoking for your piss test to start showing as clean
good luck bud !
the shit you learn in rehab when they test you every time you come back after leaving the site
it takes a max of 28 days to get weed out of your system but thats only if you are really fat
you can flush by drinking tons of water and diluting the sample but its not very effective
if you do give a sample dont give them the start or the end of the stream but take it mid stream
it takes most people about a week and a half of not smoking for your piss test to start showing as clean
good luck bud !
the shit you learn in rehab when they test you every time you come back after leaving the site

This why I have to be self employed contractor, because I love a smoke, but lads who take coke pass drug test every time, If it's a '48 hour swob test', you can easily pass that, just stop smoking for a day or 2, have a shower before test, mouth wash etc, your 100% pass them, if it's a piss test you got no chance, you will need months off and need to do detox, If you can some how find out from someone who works there, I know you can't have that convo straight away with the lads at work, but 1 of them is bout to be on a level, the key is to find out the style of test, if it's a 48 hour one or a piss test.

The timeframe I always had in my head for clearance is 4 weeks? I have friends in the US who've used products that are supposed to aid clearance and/or mask any testing and they've passed tests using those. Not sure of the timeframe they stopped smoking beforehand though, or what they used, but I can ask if you like. They'll be US products though and unlikely to be shipped here within a week.

Depends on the drug test. AIUI urinalysis could detect metabolites for upto 4 weeks I believe.
Saliva test is less sensitive and a moderate to heavy user would likely be clear in something like 72 hours to a week.
Hair follicle and blood tests would be unusual for a spot drug test but can detect for upto 3 months.
Is the nature of the testing for health and safety reasons? That is normally the only justification permittable in UK law.
Saliva test is less sensitive and a moderate to heavy user would likely be clear in something like 72 hours to a week.
Hair follicle and blood tests would be unusual for a spot drug test but can detect for upto 3 months.
Is the nature of the testing for health and safety reasons? That is normally the only justification permittable in UK law.

Agh, I was afraid of that. Guess I’m down and out before I even start. It is for health and safety yeah.

Bare in mind though friend drinking too much water can be dangerous.
Do a little research from Google on how to flush safely for a drug test.
Do a little research from Google on how to flush safely for a drug test.

Bro too much water will only kill you if your on e's lol, drink loads of water, salt crystal baths too!

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