im gonna sound a bit of a hypercrit as ive been smoking on and off for 35 yrs, ive done pretty much everything, there is a wonderful book called allen carr easy way to quit smoking, its for ciggerettes, but if you change that word everytime he mentions it to weed , its pretty much identical, i never smoke fags anymore even in joints, i also no only smoke weed every now and then rather than daily, more of a reward than an addiction, so i may smoke weed a few days then take 2 months off, perspnally the best thing that goes with it, is a gym membership or join a martial art, make sure you go 5 times a week.
that book is the one though, best of luck, its not hard at all, infact your already halfway there and dont realise it. the times i tend to smoke are when im injured, at mo ive got a shoulder injury that wont heal for 3 months, so i dont train, and justify having a few joints, but writing this i now realise im being a donut, thanks for wake up call :)