I don't think any acid I've ever taken (which is a lot tbh) has made me feel as insane, scared and physically fked up as having eaten too much cannabis! I'll never ever forget the first time I made a mistake with dosage. It was April 2002 (been smoking since 1994!), on a sunday night after having a few beers down my local. Went back to a mates and he'd cooked a whole ounce of hash into brownies, which got gobbled up. by about 8 of us, so yeh, presumably (and this is if it was all equal doses which it prob wasn't!) an 8th each...
Whoops. I stayed at my friends for a couple of hours and everything was fine, started giggling uncontrollably for a bit and then realised it was pretty late so i'd better get a taxi home to my parents house where I was staying as it was easter uni holidays. Taxi ride was fine, bit pissed and stoned, dropped other friends off, still fine. Got home and was really hungry so I made a sandwich and went up to bed. As soon as I took the first bite my mouth went dryer than the sahara and my throat closed up to the point where I had to spit it out cos I was gagging. Nothing made this feeling better, no amount of water or juice or anything. this situation had now made me feel super paranoid, and I started to feel what can only be described as a rocket taking off in my body. All my limbs were buzzing and shaking and twitching, my heart was going faster than I believed it ever had, my head was full of terrible thoughts. Naturally I believed I was having a heart attack. I sat on my parents toilet for about an hour trying to calm down but it was no good. After about 2-hours of this I decided I had to leave the house, maybe I could walk to the 24 hour garage and get something nice to drink. Only instead of going the way that the 24 was, in my madness I'd walked to a Ford dealership garage which obvs was shut and even if it wasn't they wouldn't have been able to sell me liquid! So i realised I'd done this and then freaked out more, which made my throat and mouth dry up to a whole new level of hell wretching and the only thing I could think to do to relieve this was pick leaves off a bush that had rainwater on and suck them. Then I called my then GF (who'd also had some of the brownies) and told her I thought I was dying and that I would be found by the side of the road in the morning and that i loved her! She just mumbled about just going home and I'd be OK but I was convinced by this point I was dying! Managed to get home somehow and just had to ride it out for hours (into the late monday morning!). I didn't eat weed again for years. Was so scary. I almost got to the same level of scariness again a couple of years ago when I misjudged the strength of some already vaped weed in some cookies I made, felt like my personality had split into two people...anyway, wasnt quite as bad as that awful fkin night in 2002!