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2 topics on whatcanido234
3 posts
+11 votes
Alternative London

Alternative London
Yo. Being a literary type, I have amassed a library of publications over some fifty odd years. Perusing the mess, I came across a first edition of Alternative London, a guide to living the alternative lifestyle in The Smoke, published in 1970, by a fine chap called Nicholas Saunders. NS covers a range of topics, from tenant's rights to transport, from provision of children's facilities to communes, law aid and legal advice to Social Security and homosexuals. All very good stuff, a snapshot of the time in which us 'Heads' and other non-conformists were living. NS states that to identify copyright infringement, he has included some insignificant errors in the text. I'll take the rap: actually, some copyrights expire after fifty years, so maybe it's a moot point. Anyway, credit is due, and that's all I can give him, to NS and his excellent publications, of which I have a sixth edition from 1982 and once owned the telephone directory sized Alternative England and Wales.Thank you, Nicholas. A crutch when walking was difficult.
From the general to the particular, here my focus is on the Drugs chapter. Opiates, hallucinogens, alcohol, amphetamines, cannabis are all presented here, along with the topic of overdosing and some suggested reading.
It begins with a beautiful illustration of Alice and the hookah-smoking caterpillar along with their conversation, from Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland.
Citing The Dangerous Drugs Act 1965, the penalty for possession of opiates can attract fines of up £1000.00 along with ten year prison sentences. this penalty is also applied to allowing premises to be use to consume or deal in cannabis, along with cultivation.
For amphetamines, Drinamyl is a mixture of amphetamine and barbiturate, the old 'Purple Hearts' along with the legendary green and white slow-release capsules. Latterly known, from memory, as 'French Blues' or 'Blues' French being the Smith Kline and French pharma producers. NS quotes prices at 1/6 to 2s each (7-10p each) and that was a stable price into the mid-seventies. A sealed tub of 1000 sold for £65.00 with a £35.00 profit. In my experience, more hassle than it was worth with speed freaks at my door day and night, talking bollocks and pleading for credit. I also had some qualms about the NHS and chemists being ripped off, so got out for years, then sulphate appeared but that could easily be cut. I scored for a while from a villain who used baby milk formula, 50-50, described by NS as 'the kindest cut of all'. He went down for numerous offences and I stopped my occasional use.
Anyway, cannabis, marijuana, hash, grass, 'Bob Hope'.
To be continued.
NS defines cannabis in its flowering tops; tea, (only heard that myself from Jack Kerouac's On The Road) grass, weed etc. and the resin that is extracted from it; hash, pot, shit, (which was a rarely heard one for me, along with 'charge', if anyone knows that one). Paki, Nepalese, Afghani and their classical descriptions, Red and Yellow Leb as soft like halva and wrapped in canvas, which in my experience was more like a muslin or cotton fabric.
Dig the prices; 'surprisingly stable and vary very little with quality.' £400.00 for five pounds, £10.00 for an ounce, (28 g) with 'quid deals' which may be anything from a 1/10 to a 1/20 of an ounce.'
NS goes on to say that one or two doctors do prescribe cannabis in tincture, (dip a cigarette in, allow to dry and syrup to swallow. Tastes terrible, apparently. I knew a girl who had very painful condition that eventually killed her. She was supplied with tincture which she passed on to me, with morphine which she used herself and a variety of tablets that she didn't take and didn't want to pass them on to anyone due to their addictive qualities. For non smokers, NS recommends dried mint in place of tobacco.
Again, controlled under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1965 Max. ten years imprisonment and £1000.00 fine for possession.(FFS!) Dealing, smuggling, allowing premised to be used, etc. Misuse Of Drugs Act cites five years and/or any fine for possession, fourteen years and/or any fine for supply, etc.
The Wootton Report. Report from The Advisory committee On Drug Dependence (HMSO Publications) considers that cannabis is probably less dangerous than alcohol and is much less likely to produce violent conduct than alcohol. Long term consumption in moderate doses has no harmful effects. It goes on to debunk the myth that hash is a 'gateway drug' with the personality of the user being the most likely cause. I wonder if anything has changed?
Next: 1982 edition.
From the general to the particular, here my focus is on the Drugs chapter. Opiates, hallucinogens, alcohol, amphetamines, cannabis are all presented here, along with the topic of overdosing and some suggested reading.
It begins with a beautiful illustration of Alice and the hookah-smoking caterpillar along with their conversation, from Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland.
Citing The Dangerous Drugs Act 1965, the penalty for possession of opiates can attract fines of up £1000.00 along with ten year prison sentences. this penalty is also applied to allowing premises to be use to consume or deal in cannabis, along with cultivation.
For amphetamines, Drinamyl is a mixture of amphetamine and barbiturate, the old 'Purple Hearts' along with the legendary green and white slow-release capsules. Latterly known, from memory, as 'French Blues' or 'Blues' French being the Smith Kline and French pharma producers. NS quotes prices at 1/6 to 2s each (7-10p each) and that was a stable price into the mid-seventies. A sealed tub of 1000 sold for £65.00 with a £35.00 profit. In my experience, more hassle than it was worth with speed freaks at my door day and night, talking bollocks and pleading for credit. I also had some qualms about the NHS and chemists being ripped off, so got out for years, then sulphate appeared but that could easily be cut. I scored for a while from a villain who used baby milk formula, 50-50, described by NS as 'the kindest cut of all'. He went down for numerous offences and I stopped my occasional use.
Anyway, cannabis, marijuana, hash, grass, 'Bob Hope'.
To be continued.
NS defines cannabis in its flowering tops; tea, (only heard that myself from Jack Kerouac's On The Road) grass, weed etc. and the resin that is extracted from it; hash, pot, shit, (which was a rarely heard one for me, along with 'charge', if anyone knows that one). Paki, Nepalese, Afghani and their classical descriptions, Red and Yellow Leb as soft like halva and wrapped in canvas, which in my experience was more like a muslin or cotton fabric.
Dig the prices; 'surprisingly stable and vary very little with quality.' £400.00 for five pounds, £10.00 for an ounce, (28 g) with 'quid deals' which may be anything from a 1/10 to a 1/20 of an ounce.'
NS goes on to say that one or two doctors do prescribe cannabis in tincture, (dip a cigarette in, allow to dry and syrup to swallow. Tastes terrible, apparently. I knew a girl who had very painful condition that eventually killed her. She was supplied with tincture which she passed on to me, with morphine which she used herself and a variety of tablets that she didn't take and didn't want to pass them on to anyone due to their addictive qualities. For non smokers, NS recommends dried mint in place of tobacco.
Again, controlled under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1965 Max. ten years imprisonment and £1000.00 fine for possession.(FFS!) Dealing, smuggling, allowing premised to be used, etc. Misuse Of Drugs Act cites five years and/or any fine for possession, fourteen years and/or any fine for supply, etc.
The Wootton Report. Report from The Advisory committee On Drug Dependence (HMSO Publications) considers that cannabis is probably less dangerous than alcohol and is much less likely to produce violent conduct than alcohol. Long term consumption in moderate doses has no harmful effects. It goes on to debunk the myth that hash is a 'gateway drug' with the personality of the user being the most likely cause. I wonder if anything has changed?
Next: 1982 edition.

Thanks, Spanner. It's done me a lot of good to put this up. The Alternative subculture of the Seventies really opened things up for a lot of people and drug-taking, along with its many casualties, has contributed to the creation of an environment that celebrates spirituality and recreation among many other good things and spawned new ways of living. NS, talking about dropping acid, ridicules the fable of putting a baby in the oven thinking it's a chicken. Rather, the tripper may feel compassion for the poultry and become a vegetarian. More soon.

10 posts
+17 votes
The Last Poets*

The Last Poets*
I write what I call Bad Haikus and am always looking for platforms to share them and invite others to write them, Haiku = Japanese poetic form consists of three lines of 5-7-5 syllables. As a mature artist, I've stolen the form. I call it Bad Haiku to avoid confusion with the great cannon of the Masters. (as if)
Just My Luck Bad Haiku.
Thank goodness for bad
Luck. Without my bad luck, I'd
Have no luck at all.
Bad Nuts Haiku.
An adverse reaction. That's
It in a nutshell.
Bad Kindness Haiku.
Be kind to others
And you will find that kindness
Is everything.
*They can still be heard after some fifty years. Check them out online.
Just My Luck Bad Haiku.
Thank goodness for bad
Luck. Without my bad luck, I'd
Have no luck at all.
Bad Nuts Haiku.
An adverse reaction. That's
It in a nutshell.
Bad Kindness Haiku.
Be kind to others
And you will find that kindness
Is everything.
*They can still be heard after some fifty years. Check them out online.

Conversational now. Very adaptable poetic form, is the Haiku. The skill is saying something that may be humorous or profound within the structure. Monkeys on typewriters could knock a few out once they've written the complete works of Shakespeare. Good Haikus are transformative, as all good poetry is. All right?

Hee Hee. Nothing wrong with that. I was thinking, at last someone's responded to my post and making me argue my point. You khuunntt.
Good one.
Good one.

61 posts by whatcanido234
3 posts
+6 votes

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
Interesting points. I just came across this forum and will make a contribution. Meanwhile, on the topic of Scottish Nationalism, I have myself propo…
+ 3 more

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
I don't want to give preference to someone the same color as me so why should I prefer someone for being born in the same country as me (or worse they are ordained a citizen by some twat)?

Basically it derives from the same origins. There are certain laws of ethnic relations in history of humankind, such as:
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.

Interesting points. I just came across this forum and will make a contribution. Meanwhile, on the topic of Scottish Nationalism, I have myself proposed Independence For England! We English (whatever that means through consensus) vote in a referendum to dissolve the union of England and Scotland. Never mind what they want, how about what we want, which may be to separate from them, along with the subject nation of Wales. We'll have our own oven ready breakfast and our own national covid death toll, while we surrender the last shreds of our integrity to the fucking Yanks and the fucking Chinese whose government leaders wouldn't make the groove as a couple of Pox Doctor's clerks.

Please dont have the idea that all Scots want independence
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.

The whole SNP "independence" thing is a facade.
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)

High Raskolnikov. Your post showed as a comment on mine so You're addressing me, then. I have no intention of stating anything about what Scots want. My point is that I consider an English Independence Referendum is incumbent on ourselves to determine our Englishness without the input of the other three nations. Devolution, revolution, phooey! We want ablution. Wash our hands of the lot of you. Do we? Who does? Has anyone got this underway? Sturgeon and Salmond? Something fishy about those two!

Interesting points Vikosh. I feel that England is a pretty tribal place.
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, i’d say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and i’m unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps ‘Englishness’ for me…. race doesn’t come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
I’d take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!

I wouldn’t blame the English people if they started to see things this way but we are still all better as a union and I think you know this. Sturgeon and Salmond are just typical politicians mate who lying is a big part of the job description. There has been a huge change in Scotland in my lifetime where the working class vote has moved away from labour to the snp. Labour has shot themselves in the foot so many times but also the snp politics has changed. I have been on this earth a long time and the snp have changed so much. Sturgeon is still using her bloody daily briefing up here to try to indoctrinate the nation. I’m going to stop here as I am ranting.

Not English, then. To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life. That life being the infliction of Imperialism on 25% of the world's population. Nothing wrong with that, was there?

Sturgeon's manifesto was just a wish list, impossible to accomplish. I don't want Scotland to leave. We may rib each other on things but I'd like to think we have each others back when things get tough. We live on the same island. Crazy to break up.

I am British not Scottish or Welsh or Irish or English but British.
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!

I’m British and Scottish mate. Think it is possible to be both. I’m not interested in Independence and believe it will not happen and will be a disaster if it does. In Scotland Salmond courted a certain block vote and got it. That is what has got the snp to where they are. That and shortbread tin thinking. They will soon want to let over 14 s vote. As I said in another post, Scottish Independence is not the endgame for a lot of snp.

It was a joke mate but fuck, Vietnam. Is that what you are comparing Scottish Independence to?

Scotland's nationalist party don't want to exclude races, they want independence from another countries rule. It's not about racism.

lol. ok, i'll bite...
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.

a lot of nationalists aren't so much racists as exclusionary. they believe in a social contact that only exists amongst members. outsiders are not part of the deal.

Just like you would naturally have a preference for feeding your own family in your own home, before you concerned yourself with feeding anyone else.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.

Yes you could look into the SNPs distant past or alternatively you could look at what the Tories are doing right now as we speak under your very nose.
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!

Proper kettle of fish this one! but I couldn’t resist throwing my 2 cents in.
Racism is an inherent belief that one group are superior to another based purely on membership to said group; that for example being white would mean that you are superior to non-whites by virtue of your whiteness. Although this is of course the most common example, it’s important to remember that racism has been perpetrated by, and against, a multitude of groups such as the current situation in China with Uighur Muslims and so on.
Nationalism is the identification with ones nation and the desire to see that nation succeed. often, but not exclusively, to the detriment of other nations.
One can be a nationalist but not a racist, but I would argue that it’s quite rare to meet a racist who is not also a nationalist.
I don’t think nationalism is always a bad thing - we saw for example at the onset of COVID-19 in Europe a large degree of nationalism as all of these countries that are part of the Schengen Agreement suddenly conveniently ignored the treaty in order to shut their borders and protect their citizens (uselessly, as it turned out) against the spread of C19.
However, nationalist sentiment needs to be controlled carefully because the downside to it could be seen, you could argue, In the Capitol siege/riots on January 6th as nationalist fervour tends to spread and morph very rapidly and almost always ends in violence and almost always ends in Fascism
Sorry for the wall of text but this is such a fascinating topic!
Racism is an inherent belief that one group are superior to another based purely on membership to said group; that for example being white would mean that you are superior to non-whites by virtue of your whiteness. Although this is of course the most common example, it’s important to remember that racism has been perpetrated by, and against, a multitude of groups such as the current situation in China with Uighur Muslims and so on.
Nationalism is the identification with ones nation and the desire to see that nation succeed. often, but not exclusively, to the detriment of other nations.
One can be a nationalist but not a racist, but I would argue that it’s quite rare to meet a racist who is not also a nationalist.
I don’t think nationalism is always a bad thing - we saw for example at the onset of COVID-19 in Europe a large degree of nationalism as all of these countries that are part of the Schengen Agreement suddenly conveniently ignored the treaty in order to shut their borders and protect their citizens (uselessly, as it turned out) against the spread of C19.
However, nationalist sentiment needs to be controlled carefully because the downside to it could be seen, you could argue, In the Capitol siege/riots on January 6th as nationalist fervour tends to spread and morph very rapidly and almost always ends in violence and almost always ends in Fascism
Sorry for the wall of text but this is such a fascinating topic!

Because we can change our nationality as it’s make believe. You cannot change your DNA which is real

Not synonymous, but it's an interesting point.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.

Racism is necessarily exclusionary. But Nationalism isn't.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.

I think it is oxytocin that causes the problems as it creates aggressive in-grouping, be it from the innateness from skin colour or the innateness from where someone was born.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.

It's crazy how little of any of you understand what is going on.
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself

Nationalism has more positive range for example promoting culture. Racism is usually associated with negative feelings about other races.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.

only in touchy feely places like the uk ... not in most other countrys ... too much self hatred in this country ...

There seem to be a prevailing perspective of an individualistic view on what racism is, i.e. the hatred or superiority of another race, nation, or ethnicity, however this view is overly simplistic as racism is structural and systemic and is only dependent on the individual when their actions are supported by the larger system.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.

I'm a nationalist. I want England and all our major cities to be English and not resemble Bangladesh. That makes one a racist nowadays.

If the reason you give for those cities resembling Bangladesh is people of other races, that's kinda the definition of racism. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a closet racist.

Asian for Asians
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy

Asian people aren't claiming "Asia for asians"
Plenty of white people move to Asia and the Asians don't complain.
African people aren't claiming "Africa for Africans"
Plenty of white people move to Africa and Africans don't complain.
European people invaded and colonised both of those continents, killing local people and stealing their resources.
Oh but when those people want to come to Europe, its "Europe for Europeans"
What you mean is "white countries for white people"
You just don't want to say it.
Again, fucking racist.
Plenty of white people move to Asia and the Asians don't complain.
African people aren't claiming "Africa for Africans"
Plenty of white people move to Africa and Africans don't complain.
European people invaded and colonised both of those continents, killing local people and stealing their resources.
Oh but when those people want to come to Europe, its "Europe for Europeans"
What you mean is "white countries for white people"
You just don't want to say it.
Again, fucking racist.

tell me an Asian nation where whites make up more than 5%?
I think the Asians who got independence definitely do say Asia for Asians
Oh yes white people live so peacefully in Africa! look at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South Africa, all places where whites have recently been massacred for living in Africa, they dont complain though right? imbecile
you are a pathetic brainwashed cuck, you literally think calling someone a racist is the worst thing in the world hahahahahahah
am i racist for only wanting whites and east asians (the highest iq and the people responsible for 90% of modern inventions) to live in my country? absolutely not but through their NGO's George Soros and his cronies have managed to brainwash whites like you into thinking they are the only ones who cant be nationalist, proud of their nations and so fourth, they HAVE to mix with other races with inferior intelligence
in our society we dont believe in collective punishment so who gives a fuck who colonised who? none of us colonised fucking anyone, not one of us alive today played any part in that you moron, we were colonised and enslaved, are we going to ask the ottomans for reparations now?
fucking cuck, bet you work a deskjob, no girlfriend or if you do have one she's a fat blue haired liberal object, obviously you have no kids or you'd care more about the country you live in
we dont care if 1% of these people come to the country as seen in Asian countries, but when it's 20% and they grow every year due to their birth rates being 4 per capita vs our 1-2 per capita, there is literally no way out of the fact that we will be replaced, the british genetics will seize to exist if this goes on
there will be no whites, just mixed mongrols with sub 90 iq like yourself that are smart enough to work for their masters but not smart enough to stand up for themselves
Did you know 30% of the Muslim world is imbred and these are the people we are importing? furthermore 60% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. this what you want to import and mix with? fucking neanderthal
it's impossible to fix world poverty by importing everyone in poverty to Europe, we'd have to more than double our population so instead of acting like a liberal cuck how about you advocate for the big banks to get off these countries dicks and stop the big noses from causing havoc all across the middle east
you wont do that because you dont actually want to see these people do well, you just want to take in a small percentage of them to the country so you are deemed not racist hahahaha
"if the west continues down this deadly path, due to a lack of birthrates and mass immigration, europe will disappear, as Rome did." - Cardinal Robert Sarah (a black candidate for the next pope)
I think the Asians who got independence definitely do say Asia for Asians
Oh yes white people live so peacefully in Africa! look at Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South Africa, all places where whites have recently been massacred for living in Africa, they dont complain though right? imbecile
you are a pathetic brainwashed cuck, you literally think calling someone a racist is the worst thing in the world hahahahahahah
am i racist for only wanting whites and east asians (the highest iq and the people responsible for 90% of modern inventions) to live in my country? absolutely not but through their NGO's George Soros and his cronies have managed to brainwash whites like you into thinking they are the only ones who cant be nationalist, proud of their nations and so fourth, they HAVE to mix with other races with inferior intelligence
in our society we dont believe in collective punishment so who gives a fuck who colonised who? none of us colonised fucking anyone, not one of us alive today played any part in that you moron, we were colonised and enslaved, are we going to ask the ottomans for reparations now?
fucking cuck, bet you work a deskjob, no girlfriend or if you do have one she's a fat blue haired liberal object, obviously you have no kids or you'd care more about the country you live in
we dont care if 1% of these people come to the country as seen in Asian countries, but when it's 20% and they grow every year due to their birth rates being 4 per capita vs our 1-2 per capita, there is literally no way out of the fact that we will be replaced, the british genetics will seize to exist if this goes on
there will be no whites, just mixed mongrols with sub 90 iq like yourself that are smart enough to work for their masters but not smart enough to stand up for themselves
Did you know 30% of the Muslim world is imbred and these are the people we are importing? furthermore 60% of Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. this what you want to import and mix with? fucking neanderthal
it's impossible to fix world poverty by importing everyone in poverty to Europe, we'd have to more than double our population so instead of acting like a liberal cuck how about you advocate for the big banks to get off these countries dicks and stop the big noses from causing havoc all across the middle east
you wont do that because you dont actually want to see these people do well, you just want to take in a small percentage of them to the country so you are deemed not racist hahahaha
"if the west continues down this deadly path, due to a lack of birthrates and mass immigration, europe will disappear, as Rome did." - Cardinal Robert Sarah (a black candidate for the next pope)

If it's the colour of people's skin you're referring to, and you're suggesting you have to be white to be regarded as english, then yes, you are. Not just nowadays, always.

english is a race mate just like indian im english if i move to india im not an indian ? same thing should apply in the uk

No, being English is not a race it's an ethnicity and nationality. You thick slab of gammon

1 post
+3 votes
Possibly the Most Perfect Toking Album Ever Made?
Ticks all round.
Possibly the Most Perfect Toking Album Ever Made?

Over 20 years old now but if you don't own a copy of this treat yourself - you won't regret it. Still sounds as fresh today as it did all those years ago.

Trip Hop
Portishead - Dummy
Massive Attack - Protection
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
DJ Cam - Underground Vibes
Richie Hawtin - DE9 Closer To The Edit
Pan-Pot - Confronted
Robert Hood - Internal Empire
Actress - Splazsh
Drum & Bass
Logical Progression Sessions 1 & 2
Loscil - Endless Falls
Portishead - Dummy
Massive Attack - Protection
Massive Attack - Mezzanine
DJ Cam - Underground Vibes
Richie Hawtin - DE9 Closer To The Edit
Pan-Pot - Confronted
Robert Hood - Internal Empire
Actress - Splazsh
Drum & Bass
Logical Progression Sessions 1 & 2
Loscil - Endless Falls

Logical Progression Sessions remind me of when I first started enjoying the high. 20 years later, I'm rediscovering it.

Kudos to the above and 'in no particular order':
Miles Davis - "Miles in the Sky"
Steve Hillage - "Rainbow Dome Musick"
Neil Young - "Ragged Glory", "Live Rust"
Ozrics - "Pungent Effulgent"
Led Zep "II"
Gong - "Angel's Egg", "You"
Phish - any live Summer Jams on YouTube
Dylan - "Blonde on Blonde"
Thievery Corp - "Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi"
Zappa - "Absolutely Free", "Hot Rats"
Mike Oldfield - "Hergest Ridge", "Ommadawn"
& most (live) Dead "Dark Star(s)" & "Eyes...."
+ checking out the recommendations here...
Miles Davis - "Miles in the Sky"
Steve Hillage - "Rainbow Dome Musick"
Neil Young - "Ragged Glory", "Live Rust"
Ozrics - "Pungent Effulgent"
Led Zep "II"
Gong - "Angel's Egg", "You"
Phish - any live Summer Jams on YouTube
Dylan - "Blonde on Blonde"
Thievery Corp - "Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi"
Zappa - "Absolutely Free", "Hot Rats"
Mike Oldfield - "Hergest Ridge", "Ommadawn"
& most (live) Dead "Dark Star(s)" & "Eyes...."
+ checking out the recommendations here...

First time I heard Miles Davis on sketches of Spain i could feel the sun and smell the olive trees, Rare a record truly transports you so effectively.

Very good call... got to add grand wazoo and Joe's garage to the list. The keyboard solo on cyborg is genius

Shit yeah! Moon Safari was great when it landed in the late 90's and still sounds every bit as fresh today. I'm also partial to a bit of Junip, a Swedish folk rock band.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
It’s a great Tolkien Album!
It’s a great Tolkien Album!

Takes me back to the early 90's......that and Moon Safari by Air stand out for me. I listened to Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld by the Orb a lot back then too. I still roll this one out - another great toking album.

My guitar teacher switched me on to these guys way back. Nowadays, I appreciate this much more than I did then!

Lucky enough to see Ozrics at several free festivals in late eighties and nineties, once so caned on micro dots I thought I was watching floyd from the meddle era.
Great band , nice guys.
In similar vein try the ;porcupine tree’
Great band , nice guys.
In similar vein try the ;porcupine tree’

My go to is Pink Floyd ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’, followed by Dave Matthews ‘Before These Crowded Streets’ or ‘Under the Table and Dreaming’ and First Aid Kit ‘Ruins’

Its a personal choice and each to their own taste however if there is a list of great albums to listen to when stoned then Fleetwood Mac - Rumours has to be on it.If you have never heard it then you are missing out on one of the greatest albums ever made.

Rumours takes on a totally new life when stoned. I wish I had the songwriting gene!

+1 for Rumours - there is a great documentary about the making of it...well, about the whole band, how they formed etc. They were basically hating each other when that album was made (which is obvious when you listen to the lyrics). Have a look for it on the iPlayer - well worth a look

can't beat a bit of BOC

Saw Phaeleh at Kendal Calling 10 years ago and he played this album in full. Been in love with it ever since. My go to.

This is a bad boy for chilling to, and the artist not very well known so give it a whirl.
K&D Sessions and DJ Kicks albums are legendary!
K&D Sessions and DJ Kicks albums are legendary!

Waiwan is my favourite ‘unknown’ artist - really low key releases that are mind blowing. Got a couple of his remixes on vinyl will try and find them and upload here!
You have great taste sir!
You have great taste sir!

Discovered Double Negative by Low last year and have listened to it whilst toking many times now. Went straight into my stoner music list... Sounds awesome on vinyl..

Thanks for that tip…I keep defaulting to ‘Things We Lost In The Fire’ but will play this today after a good toke on Smoggy’s Mimosa! 🤤🤗

From avenged sevenfold through to chopin and everything in between. This is really awesome to listen to. If you want a nice hour musical journey one of the best albums I could listen to from start to finish is Smashing Pumpkins, Siamese Dream, and it's not traditionally my fav music. Or anything Led Zep.

Great album alright,recently rediscovering how good the klf-chill out album is,well worth a listen,albeit a little less electronic but ye,cant go wrong with the k&d sessions either!

Haven't listened to the K&D sessions for ages! Well thats my morning soundtrack sorted.
Strange Cargo 3 by William Orbit is good toking album.
Strange Cargo 3 by William Orbit is good toking album.

Or as we used to call it....the ultimate album come down album! Not that this happens anymore, but...put this on as the last album of the night/morning after a night of raving and loads of mdma! Perfect!! Thanks for reminding me of this, been about 15 years since I listened to this beast!

You know it - that's how I first discovered it too. And yeah, It's been waaaayyyyy too long since I had one of those nights. As soon as the world gets back to normal I'm going to recreate 'the old days' :-)

Any, post Syd, Floyd for me- as long as it’s an album start to finish, for the full experience

Yeah, you need the full experience. Imagine a single from Dark side or animals. Even worse, wish you were here. Damn pesky kids don’t know what a single is. Bah humbug.

Nightmares on Wax, Smokers Delight.

"We're Only In It For The Money" the Mothers Of Invention, released 1968. Works well on acid too.

Speaking as an old hippy back in the day it had to be "We're Only in it For The Money" from Zappa and the Mothers. Really fucked with your head.

In the last few months I’ve discovered Ben Böhmer. I find his music and mixes to be superb listens while high. Mainly upbeat tempos contrasted with deep bass and uplifting beats. Give it a try ???

Unless I missed it, how has no one mentioned Dark Side of the Moon?!
It's possibly the only album that can get you high with no supply!
It's possibly the only album that can get you high with no supply!

K&D are (were) the Dons! Love those guys I'd put Cinematic Orchestra up there too. Worth checking out if you've not heard their stuff.
Not an album as such, but I absolutely love uplifting and mellow jazz beats such as this when high...
Not an album as such, but I absolutely love uplifting and mellow jazz beats such as this when high...

Just watched 10 minutes of that - awesome! I'm an amateur music producer and love tweaking the knobs and dials so I will be watching this in full over the weekend - thanks for sharing

I'll throw this in... A bit obscure... Gets the old red eyes pumping and gets a nice on the go, too.

lol use to flat out play this. tried to listen again recently though and I feel it hasn't aged well. the beats aren't great!

It's all relative I guess eh! I still love it personally and feel it holds up well after 22 years....but Jesus, reminds me how old I am!

1 post
+1 votes

Roach vs Filter. What you using?
Running a moist tongue along the edge over from the gummy allows the gummy strip to be torn off. The ragged edge can be bonded to the rolled J and on…

Roach vs Filter. What you using?
Hey LB
Just wondering what your using for Roach?
Love the adaptability of Roach to fit a cone etc. But, my lungs cant take the punishment so work with Rolls69 filters now. Also adaptable air flow by advancement and retraction to cool things.
What you fellow enthusiasts using?? Just a general community question....
Ez Bigaz
Just wondering what your using for Roach?
Love the adaptability of Roach to fit a cone etc. But, my lungs cant take the punishment so work with Rolls69 filters now. Also adaptable air flow by advancement and retraction to cool things.
What you fellow enthusiasts using?? Just a general community question....
Ez Bigaz

i cant resist gving some skins trivia lol, Did YoU KnOW..? RAW and elements and juicy jays are all the same guys company, theres a great video on the history of RAW papers by J the owner/founder, makes you appreciate a guy who has a total passion for the best rolling papers he could possibly make, using 70 yo artisans to do the watermark on RAW papers. getting them made at the oldest rolling paper factory in the world in alcoy i think.

Didn't know this but delighted because I started using Raw Connisseurs (I think thats how you spell it?) about 2 years ago and now I hate rolling with anything else.
The 32 leaf pack comes with 32 perfect sized roaches and they just so the job perfectly in my opinion. Thanks for the trivia mate!
The 32 leaf pack comes with 32 perfect sized roaches and they just so the job perfectly in my opinion. Thanks for the trivia mate!

I find the raw skins dont really roll to a cone, they kinda fold into a cone, end up with a strange 20 sided shape joint lol, but i like a loose pack and a fast burn! So probably not an ideal skin for my rolling style, Zig zag blues or OCB hemps all the way!
FYI when i smoke blues, i fold, lick and tear about 6mm strip off the bottom of the skin, then roll. Ends up basicaly 1 papers thick all around the cone but the roach end, a nicer, less paperier smoke!
Anyone ever find smoking silvers that the paper burns to fast for the cherry, and you end up sucking half air half smoke through the roach, feels like you loosing half your joint? Just me maybe lol
(I can roll joints honest! 20years experience lol, i just like em loosey goosey)
FYI when i smoke blues, i fold, lick and tear about 6mm strip off the bottom of the skin, then roll. Ends up basicaly 1 papers thick all around the cone but the roach end, a nicer, less paperier smoke!
Anyone ever find smoking silvers that the paper burns to fast for the cherry, and you end up sucking half air half smoke through the roach, feels like you loosing half your joint? Just me maybe lol
(I can roll joints honest! 20years experience lol, i just like em loosey goosey)

Running a moist tongue along the edge over from the gummy allows the gummy strip to be torn off. The ragged edge can be bonded to the rolled J and one may enjoy a gum free puff.

Roach and tightly pack the bottom which acts as a filter its self.
Cotton filters should be illegal as you are basically smoking cotton as the hot smoke oxidises it.
On a side not ive recently switched to a small glass water pipe and my lungs have never been better, fuck all this paper man.
Cotton filters should be illegal as you are basically smoking cotton as the hot smoke oxidises it.
On a side not ive recently switched to a small glass water pipe and my lungs have never been better, fuck all this paper man.

Interested in trying out a small glass pipe aint you recommend mate wouldn't mind fucking tobacco off finally and same goes for smoking papers

Charcoal actitube slim filters, so much lighter on lungs, much tastier and hits you the same as normal joint.

I’ve been using those and purize which are similar.
Even the slimmest are fairly thick but they do make the smoke cleaner and tastier and I don’t feel like my lungs are going to collapse the next day!
Even the slimmest are fairly thick but they do make the smoke cleaner and tastier and I don’t feel like my lungs are going to collapse the next day!

Raw roach, I find filters take something away from the smoke.
What papers are you using mate?
What papers are you using mate?

yes but when im done and look at what they took out i'm not thinking that's shit i can't miss out on. as i finally have weed abundance (thanks biggas) i'm not thinking fuck i better make this last like i used to.

Use a variety. Rizla Micron or unbleached(real nice).
Currently using Cannaseurs extra long/ extra slim which have the +/-.
Next to try I have Raw Black
Currently using Cannaseurs extra long/ extra slim which have the +/-.
Next to try I have Raw Black

The best papers you could use, when you burn a paper on its own theres nothing left. I buy a 50 box at a time :)

Hi there, I’m currently using raw roach, someone was nice enough to buy me a shop box last Christmas and I’m still getting through them. I’m also a big fan of Quintessential hemp coated tips, I really like the booklets they make.
I have tried filterd joints out of curiosity but didn’t really enjoy it.
Raw are my go to paper, I like that it now that they so easily available in most UK news agents, definitely a step up from the blue rizla.
I have tried filterd joints out of curiosity but didn’t really enjoy it.
Raw are my go to paper, I like that it now that they so easily available in most UK news agents, definitely a step up from the blue rizla.

Oh yeah, it’s the way forward. These elements papers look nice, will have to give those a try.

For me I suggest forget any joint everyone should have a roor bong it's the only way to smoke! and much better on your lungs ,I personally ain't smoked a j for years, I remember going in the ganja museum and had picture of the human body and it said most healthy way to smoke weed is in a water pipe i.e BONG! Plus a good cherp sorts out the men from the boys! If you wanna invest in a smoking equipment forget vapes spend 300 quid on a proper bong

Deffo a cardboard roach for me, size appropriate to the chunkyness of mix ur putting in, i personally don't like my buds ground up to dust like it still chunky as a find when u get a good blast of a little bud you don't half know abt it, each to there own though

not sure what people mean by filter (an actual filter on a joint? never heard of it)... what I got used to do and find it difficult to do NOT do now is to use the tip of the cigarette (1cm max) as filter itself. He smokes lighter than a roach (smoother on your throat), but it taste better (get oily and if you the last puff is as good as the first)...

Raw roach or splinter Z vape for me bro. Couldn't justify using a filter that would be filtering my THC. You'll lose around 5-10% using those.

usually vape bro, but for blunts I use same shit :D only downside is price lol 10 quid for a pack.

I prefer the raw extra wide tips. I see you gave up tobacco. I was never a cigarette smoker and don't particularly like tobacco. I use a Real leaf herbal mix. Some of my friends can't stand it but I find it's not harsh on the throat like tobacco if you're a non-smoker. Each to their own I guess. Vaporise as well but it's hard to beat tight joint and I enjoy the process of skinning one up

lol same stuff with real leaf :D it's smells nice form the pack or when you smoke it yourself, but when my gf smokes it smells like burning plastic

I've used menthol filters when smoking for a long while. Back in the days I used a roach but that's too harsh for me as I'm getting on a bit. (Oh dear poor little me ha ha). I quite enjoy a J with menthol filters. BUT I hear menthol filters are being outlawed in England?? To stop younger people. Is that true or have I been told a fib?

No mate, only banning flavoured tobacco. Papers and filters are ok but can't be sold with tobacco included. A bit strange mind using them in spliffs haha but each to their own :).

I just throw in a roach of whatever is at hand (usually the skin packet) or the pre-cut stuff you get with skins

5 posts
+19.8 votes

Hi friends! this time I brought only lebanese types of hashish for sale. Should I also bring some dark maroccan/black hash (according to what my sources can offer right now)? Is there a demand here for this type of sticky hashish? tell me what types of hash you like best and I will try to acquire it. I have lebanese available as you can see in my listings and dark maroccan is also pretty common here. I do get some hash from India, nepal, pakistan and that region in general from time to time. so tell me what types of hash you like best, cheers :)

No problem!! I use to get it about 38 years ago in my teens the black was amazing it use to have little white veins in it!! Sorry I’m not asking for much!! LOL

Hand rubbed charas is a bit harder to come by, I do have some far-east black hashish available to me sometimes. when it does, I don't always know the exact source country it came from but the general direction :) anyway I will look it up with my sources and upload a listing if I'll be able to get a hold of some of that black. thank you for your input!

To be honest anything from the east when it comes to proper hashish has always been top notch in my experience. It’s like once you’ve tried it nothing else will ever feel or taste so good!

Hi. I have an order which is now in the UK, so any day now! Hash I would like - Charas, Nepalese, Afghan, Kashmir. Bombay black once. I don't know if it had any actual connection to what is now Mumbai, but three of us shared a joint following a chance meeting with a Turk who I knew. As the other chap observed later, 'I couldn't get anything together for about three hours' . I know, these are rare birds outside of Asia. The Gold Leb is on my wish list and I hope to get an order in soon. Interesting point about the white flecks in the black. Back in the day that was sometimes seen, along with a musty smell. Blew your head off, of course! There was a modern myth about it being infused with opium. When I punted it, this would sometimes be mentioned. My reply was that it is mould. Opium is very dark and is not suitable to smoke in a joint. Some wouldn't have it, of course. Been a long, long time since I heard anything about it. Good one. Took me back.

It was called "Sputnik" round my area. People said it was opium or heroin but it was mould really.

Yo, LionofJudah. There was a book of hash going around back in the day, with colour pictures of Temple Balls piled up in a small mound, along with balls that had broken open and the mould could be seen on the exposed faces. I've heard of Sputnick; I thought is was good Roccy like 00. Of course, anyone can call any hash by a particular name. If you got a larger quantity then it may have the stamp on it. I've had a slab of black with NEPAL pressed into it once, which looked authentic and blew one's loaf of bread off! Another deal of black had DIPLOMATIQUE stamped in it, which presumably arrived in a diplomat's bag. I wonder we take into their countries?

Back then( I'm assuming we are at least 40 plus to be having this chat) there was a lot of "chinese whispers" so to speak but a lot of it was based on some sort of truth. Bit of plus for the seller if they can convince you mould was something more exotic I guess. Interesting to hear about your old school stamps - I'm saying it was smuggled in by the French Ambassador to Pakistan but thats how rumours start....

Yeah, I was forty once. :) good guess on French ambassador; makes sense. My Bread Knife has a way of stopping rumours ... she stops spreading them. Ha ha.

loved the diesel cream you were selling earlier. In particular i enjoy sativa dominent hash. Thanks for all the products i have tried of yours. They have all been 1st class. Best wishes. Nearly forgot...malana cream..

I had some amazing parvati cream in amsterdam. They needed to sell it on wax paper.
Also, proper 00. King Hassan.
I had this hash once that was soft, black on the outside and almost yellow inside before oxidisation that was incredible. Crumbled beatifully. Some of that!
Also, proper 00. King Hassan.
I had this hash once that was soft, black on the outside and almost yellow inside before oxidisation that was incredible. Crumbled beatifully. Some of that!

Primero, Ketama Gold, Super Polm, Charas, Nepalese temple balls. King hassan, Moonshine, Honey maroc........:))

Loved your Indian hand rubbed Hashishin - for me who grew up in the UK then travelled around India/Nepal in the 80s/90s that was what we smoked as a treat when we could get it (along with some real shite adulterated hash and seedy bushweed back in London). The smell and the feeling is way better for me than the modern medical weed which is like having a double tequila when all you wanted was a beer.

+1 for the Nepalese. If genuine I will crawl on my knees ( for a respectable distance becoming of a wrinkly) ...
I didn't manage to reach the source during my 1970s "Pot Trail" but I found plenty in London. Temple Balls are the best best best, hallucinations, giggly, utterly ripped. Hendrix became God etc etc 8-0
Kashmir was requested, nope haven't seen that in 50 years in the UK, plenty of "pretenders" ofc. Problem is they enjoy shooting at each other there, every so often full scale war breaks out, it wasn't an easy place to get to at the time, I would imagine the same is true now.
I didn't manage to reach the source during my 1970s "Pot Trail" but I found plenty in London. Temple Balls are the best best best, hallucinations, giggly, utterly ripped. Hendrix became God etc etc 8-0
Kashmir was requested, nope haven't seen that in 50 years in the UK, plenty of "pretenders" ofc. Problem is they enjoy shooting at each other there, every so often full scale war breaks out, it wasn't an easy place to get to at the time, I would imagine the same is true now.

Hi Dir! A very limited amount of some nice nepali hash will be up next week. I've menage to source just a little bit of this one at the moment. will not make you hallucinate but is a great full body indica stone. I've actually been to kashmir some years ago, not many. it seems pretty tranquil there these days, they also have beautiful different types of hashish, e.g black cream types, and 'corn leaves baked' blond which gets a most unique texture from it's pressing method (baked in corn leaves :) some really nice gear. unfortunately this stuff is pretty rare in my living area but if I'll ever come across I promise to source it for my shop. enjoy your weekend!

I am preparing foam pads for my knees ... I hope I can catch some of it next week.
I'm glad Kashmir is more peaceful, with all that lovely hash around for many centuries I've never understood how they can be warlike.
I got attached to the people & the hash in the Kush on my travels, a nice place to be stuck mind, spent far too much time there. It's my favourite strain still 8)
Thanks for the info kind sir.
I'm glad Kashmir is more peaceful, with all that lovely hash around for many centuries I've never understood how they can be warlike.
I got attached to the people & the hash in the Kush on my travels, a nice place to be stuck mind, spent far too much time there. It's my favourite strain still 8)
Thanks for the info kind sir.

Hash from Kashmir. Has anybody, other than the Pot Trail Adventurers, seen this in the UK in the last forty years? I got the idea that any of these legendary, almost mythical, products are made in small quantities and consumed locally, with the odd Joe bringing back a small concealed lump or two to share with their mates.

I love your Maroc which has a lovely mellow stone. Then the Indian hand rubbed is nice and fruity. Both have a lovely natural taste and high. Not like the super strong chemically processed and sifted hashes which can be rather harsh and rather paranoia inducing.
Yours have a completely different ‘happy’ but pure vibe to them if that makes sense.
Definitely nice and relaxing.
Proper hand rubbed hash like this is hard to find in the U.K.
Will definitely be trying more of your lovely products, thanks so much for a wonderful service and experience Hashashin!
Yours have a completely different ‘happy’ but pure vibe to them if that makes sense.
Definitely nice and relaxing.
Proper hand rubbed hash like this is hard to find in the U.K.
Will definitely be trying more of your lovely products, thanks so much for a wonderful service and experience Hashashin!

Couldnt' agree more bro - it's been a very pleasant surprise to find somebody on here selling proper old school landrace hash. The effects are completely different of these products and remind me of why I always liked to smoke ;-) As opposed to the chemically induced product that is generally on the market these days which often feel quite unhealthy to smoke! I worry about the mental health of our youngsters with what they have on offer tbh...Manipulation of the plant and process to the point where 'high' is emphasised over balance and the other natural healing qualities of the plant is a mistake IMHO. Bholenath!

100% agree
My favourite is Indian Charas, the best I ever tried was a Kasmiri Charas hash that I had brought while travelling in India in1991. I was gutted that I only brought 1 tola “around 10 grams”.
My favourite is Indian Charas, the best I ever tried was a Kasmiri Charas hash that I had brought while travelling in India in1991. I was gutted that I only brought 1 tola “around 10 grams”.

I like to see what you bring to the market ;-) Your offerings of old school landrace hash are very very welcome friend! And a precious service to all of us who appreciate the good vibes and balance of a proper product. So, bring what you will, we will enjoy! Thank you.

Sticky hash is good. Many punters commenting on the desire to score good blacks from Asia, which are also sticky, in my experience.
Had the Eagle Roccy, very nice, the Egyptian, which was one of the best curious smokes I've had in a long time. I knew they turned on but I've never heard of Egyptian for sale.
The Sultan. On a previous wishlist, I put down Turkish. The deal I got is a small firm slab that can be grated. So long ago, I had Turkish. So fine. I'm really into the variety here, I would say that we can have faith in your judgement and what with the stealth, the cool set up and the good deals, It couldn't be better.
Had the Eagle Roccy, very nice, the Egyptian, which was one of the best curious smokes I've had in a long time. I knew they turned on but I've never heard of Egyptian for sale.
The Sultan. On a previous wishlist, I put down Turkish. The deal I got is a small firm slab that can be grated. So long ago, I had Turkish. So fine. I'm really into the variety here, I would say that we can have faith in your judgement and what with the stealth, the cool set up and the good deals, It couldn't be better.

I like these topics and ofcourse your question. I would be insanely grateful to have some of the hash I tried decades ago when I had a lot of "connections" and knew a lot of people.
I remember black "live cream" hash (done from live plant resin)with a high some found too much! Some people were convinced that they have smoked opium or something haha. The one you can easily stretch out when its in your hand for a minute yet it doesnt break that easily and smells amazing. But I rarely had the luck to be able to source it. I found a lot of "malana cream" that was cut or old or just weak.
Also I like "soap hash", called like that cause it is pressed in such bars. Its one of those black/dark brown thats quite hard untill you heat it up. Ill never forget my trip to Barcelona and that hash. It made my ears burn and the high lasted forever.
I also remember one type that was brown and pressed in usual 150g blocks, you could cut it with a scalpel to make joints or when you put a lighter flame to it it puffed up a bit. Amazing high.
I guess all these hashes would fall into premium category, freshly made and potent in a way a cokehead wouldnt have to put a lot of it in a joint.
Oh yeah, I have had luck to have proper 100% "egg" hash that comes packed in 10 gram eggs that get smuggled in peoples butts :)
End of the hash sentimental-rant ... but the waiting for my package is killing me
I remember black "live cream" hash (done from live plant resin)with a high some found too much! Some people were convinced that they have smoked opium or something haha. The one you can easily stretch out when its in your hand for a minute yet it doesnt break that easily and smells amazing. But I rarely had the luck to be able to source it. I found a lot of "malana cream" that was cut or old or just weak.
Also I like "soap hash", called like that cause it is pressed in such bars. Its one of those black/dark brown thats quite hard untill you heat it up. Ill never forget my trip to Barcelona and that hash. It made my ears burn and the high lasted forever.
I also remember one type that was brown and pressed in usual 150g blocks, you could cut it with a scalpel to make joints or when you put a lighter flame to it it puffed up a bit. Amazing high.
I guess all these hashes would fall into premium category, freshly made and potent in a way a cokehead wouldnt have to put a lot of it in a joint.
Oh yeah, I have had luck to have proper 100% "egg" hash that comes packed in 10 gram eggs that get smuggled in peoples butts :)
End of the hash sentimental-rant ... but the waiting for my package is killing me

Them little eggs that hashlover 420 has are the best hash iv ever had,its morrocan eggs and 10grams per egg but the quality is amazing,iv tried other eggs on lb but nothing like hashlovers eggs :)

10g eggs! I remember these very well, because that was probably the purest hash/resin I have ever tasted. As soon as it gets heated it starts bubbling and turns to oil. Almost impossible to easily roll a j with this stuff... and the high is incredible. longlasting and strong af! I think it was some 15 years ago Im getting old ,.-)

Think uk420 has them atm im ordering tomoro its the gelato and bannana eggs im after so hopfully it will be the really oily ones :)

Ive seen em. It sucks for me to see all this niceness cause Im in EU and now all UK packages are getting raped by customs, what usually took 7 days (I get tea from UK) now takes a month and goes through customs. Im a newb here and did 3ord., waiting on all of em still. I did one small ord. w a UK vendor that has concentrates, I thought it had a better chance and they claimed they could stealthily send it. Seems I made a mistake but this vendor is also new and looking sketchy so it will possibly end up in a dispute, idk. So I think I wont order from UK anytime soon.

I've just ordered a hash egg off @nero, they ship from Spain so maybe that's a better choice of vendor? Other than @hashishin of course :D

It sounds like those little olives I could get in France pre lockdown, Sane thing, 10g eggs. They came straight from Morocco (I guess smuggled in someone's butt) and it's the best hash I've ever tried. From what I heard, it's hash made from Critical. I miss it!
I've ordered from Hashishin once (defo recommend) and was very happy with his black morrocan but it wasn't close to that butt hash!
I've ordered from Hashishin once (defo recommend) and was very happy with his black morrocan but it wasn't close to that butt hash!

Well you seem to be à specialist,so I have a question.
10years ago a military friend use to send me different hash from Middle East (Afghanistan Pakistan...) One of the afgany have a "pepper" Smell and taste, if you can tell me the name or better score some, it will be a dream
10years ago a military friend use to send me different hash from Middle East (Afghanistan Pakistan...) One of the afgany have a "pepper" Smell and taste, if you can tell me the name or better score some, it will be a dream

Hello my friend! Peppery smell and taste is a wide description. some of the afghani black hash we get around here do show stronger notes of peppery tastes and smells. I don't know it by any specific name or signature. next time I'll have one available I'll add some to my shop. cheers!

Ketama gold. First call every trip to the dam back in the day was always Rokerij for their Ketama gold.

Hi! I would be interested in buying some leb cream or parvati cream or temple ball. Let me know if you have something like this. Anyway, can't wait for that leb caramel from you - it's going to be lovely I'm sure!

I want the brick red leb, slightly sweaty but not full sweat if u know what I mean. Towards the cream but a few grades down, but still holding some creamy qualities. But I want RED or DEAD red. London Bus Red. You know what I mean!!!

Anything that bubbles ;) I personally like the quick gassy high off strong leb/morroccan blondes. I have been smoking some ridiculously good "beldia" hash from morrocco and it's strong and delicious.

Hi Hashishin, I’ve very much enjoyed several varieties from you; I think the Moroccan Moonlight stamp is my favourite, I look forward to getting more. I will echo other comments here in hoping you can supply some Temple Ball one day 😃

For me the best stuff must be from Morocco. I used to smoke some hash, oil loaded, that bubbled up when you put the lighter nearby, dark and soft, extremely rich and flavoursome.

more sativa strong hash... king hassan, stuff from India and pakistan... eggs, micro-filtered stuff. Stuff from Maroc is more than welcome too (e.g. 00, 000)... keep us posted!

Hey buddy I was wondering where can you find king Hassan stuff or filtered stuff at decent price?

Hashishin's site. Wow! Like some of the commentator's here, Paki Black, with its distinctive green interior, along with what will surely be some rather excellent Red Leb, takes me back to the old days of turning on at Stonedhenge and Polytechnic colleges, sitting on the ground (floor) and passing big numbers around, rocking up for hot knife sessions in front of the stage at 'henge. Share what you had and I had Paki Black. So good.
Ha! Just checked the post and PB isn't on it. All the other Blacks. Just an oversight. PB holds its own among such esteemed clay. I noticed that Bombay Black was on there too. Only shared a banger once, never heard of it since. Suffice to say it blows your head off. Anyone know anything of this almost mythical puff?
Ha! Just checked the post and PB isn't on it. All the other Blacks. Just an oversight. PB holds its own among such esteemed clay. I noticed that Bombay Black was on there too. Only shared a banger once, never heard of it since. Suffice to say it blows your head off. Anyone know anything of this almost mythical puff?

1 post
+1 votes
Afghan v Leb
Good call. Grab Old School Weed when you can get it. Grab one or both of these authentic clay's now, because you can get it now. This is an uncommo…

Afghan v Leb
Those who’ve tried both, which do you prefer? Can’t make up my mind which one to go for!

I've tried both ... and the libanese traditional too. I think they are medium/low quality and the price High.

Imho, similar effects, similar quality, ive had the leb 4 or 5 times now and it has a deeper hash flavour compared with the gold seal. You can just about see it trying to bubble when putting a flame to it.
Dont know why other comments say black? (Red seal)
The afghan is gold seal not squidgy black.
For me the high is quite functional yet relaxing without putting you on your arse.(unless you over do it).
A very nice effect overall.
Would love to order from hashishin but im para about shipping from overseas.
Shame he cant get a middle man set up here for domestic mail.
Dont know why other comments say black? (Red seal)
The afghan is gold seal not squidgy black.
For me the high is quite functional yet relaxing without putting you on your arse.(unless you over do it).
A very nice effect overall.
Would love to order from hashishin but im para about shipping from overseas.
Shame he cant get a middle man set up here for domestic mail.

I’m in uk and get heaps from Hashishin, fantastic stealth. Almost every purchase I unwrap I’m thinking wtf is this in here I can’t remember, was I high and messing on eBay and then yippee, it my hash

Got both over the last while.oh the memories!!I really liked them both but for me the red leb is bang on what I was hoping for.lovely bit of nostalgic hash.mid to deep stone with a nice smooth and flavoursome smoke.its pliable enough if you have the finger nails but also a little heat does the job fine.the black is really nice too but in my opinion a little milder then the red.To be honest its really down to personal preference.I highly recommend trying both like i did.a very nice treat for xmas for a very happy stoner : )

Hi Melody, personally I’ve always preferred black and if ever it was around I’d be mad keen to get it. I’ve got both the Leb and Black from TGT and neither would disappoint. For me, I think the Leb has the edge although I do like the Afghan Black. The stone from the Leb was a wee bit heavier after a joint or 2 so I don’t seem to smoke as much. If you were to smoke them joint for joint ones not likely to disappear any quicker than the other. Both go a long way if you know what I mean. It’s a hard call. Be nice to yourself and buy a wee bit of both of you can ;) R.

Wise words Rogan and thanks for the insight. I think I’m going to start with the black - and that’s purely because I’m preferring the softer more subtle highs these days for a weekday smoke, and because I like hash I don’t have to put a lighter to. Doubtless I’ll be back for the Red Leb after payday! Just great to have this choice after all these years. It’s the hashes and landraces that really excite me about LB.

Hi Melody happy new year!! If like any proper old School hash look no further than HASHISHIN he’s direct from the Middle East I’ve purchased numerous times and can truly vouch for him!! Proper old School

Also interested in this. Got the Afghan myself and its a lovely smoke so wondering whether to reorder more of this or try the leb.

In an ideal world I’d want both myself but I’ve had the chapo and the lemon amnesia from TGT and the Honey Moroccan from 420. Can’t justify two more - especially as I’m waiting for more old school weed to come back in stock!

Struggling here too. Haven’t got the budget for both. Edging towards the Gold, for sentimental reasons.

A picture says a thousand words. For some reason tgt's photos never do their products justice. Some weird colour and lighting issues. UK 420 his pictures tell you all you need to know.

Good call. Grab Old School Weed when you can get it. Grab one or both of these authentic clay's now, because you can get it now. This is an uncommon opportunity for new Adventurers to have a different buzz from a good weed buzz, and for Potheads to enjoy like, the fragrance of the smoke, thick and white, the olfactory nerve stimulating a momentary full sense experience of the time you last smelt this as familiar.
Right. And that's me just eating a piece of RL that I got this morning.
Right. And that's me just eating a piece of RL that I got this morning.

1 post
+2 votes
started topic

t doesn’t have to be so dramatic. I put some in my soup that first evening and had a go on the Volcano later. Toasted. The one thing I wanted to do the next morning was to spin one up first thing at 07.00. Course, I don’t smoke tobacco now but that was what I wanted. The old pattern was to then roll another one and burn through the lot, making and taking every half chance to blaze. I would feel naff and once it was all gone I would regret it. Then I would score again and repeat the mess.
Now I bite my tongue and have arranged for my bread knife to pass me a small package on Saturday evening. Lovely. When it’s gone it’s gone, with another package next weekend. The following morning I can indulge myself as much as I like, but there’s no gear left, and no tobacco, so I shrug it off and get on with other things.
Now I bite my tongue and have arranged for my bread knife to pass me a small package on Saturday evening. Lovely. When it’s gone it’s gone, with another package next weekend. The following morning I can indulge myself as much as I like, but there’s no gear left, and no tobacco, so I shrug it off and get on with other things.

1 post
+3 votes
Love is how I make it (Steve Hillage)
started topic

Love is how I make it (Steve Hillage)
Oh, yes,,, interesting comments in a review 7/10. Fair comment on delivery. But all the dust... to me it needs to be made into dust to consume it, so not an issue although being presented like this may not be what one may expect. Fair enough. Maybe rough handling by the PO. They had it long enough to pass it from hand to hand all the way through the system. Being amazed at the positive reviews re: the quality, I am also amazed at the notion of tolerance. I've turned on for fifty years and finally realised that taking a break of two-three weeks between good late afternoon - late night sessions works for me. The first hit is the highest. I've gone through a quarter day and night failing to get the effect from the first hit. Getting off on Nikol and
Mercedes is for this reviewer. Nothing wrong with that. My point is that artisan merchandise has it's own beautiful qualities. I sometimes drink Mild Ale 'coz I like it and being of a low alcohol content, I can enjoy a good drink without getting too pissed.
Mercedes is for this reviewer. Nothing wrong with that. My point is that artisan merchandise has it's own beautiful qualities. I sometimes drink Mild Ale 'coz I like it and being of a low alcohol content, I can enjoy a good drink without getting too pissed.

2 posts
+6 votes
Mortars and pestles all round
started topic
+ 2 more

Mortars and pestles all round
Get it between your fingers, pressing and rubbing to a golden khaki sandy granule and powder. Fine aroma. Fine dark green dust to be rubbed and rubbed. Best prepare a sessionsworth .
Easily stirred into soup or sprinkled into a number. aaaaathen soar!
Really, this is a good example of a traditional product with its own beautiful qualities an identity same as wine and cheese and ale. They more later
Easily stirred into soup or sprinkled into a number. aaaaathen soar!
Really, this is a good example of a traditional product with its own beautiful qualities an identity same as wine and cheese and ale. They more later

1 post
+4 votes
Red lebanese
More ace shots, china. The colour is not the ochre of TGTs images either. As Tintin says, the 70s Leb was certainly a red colour. As the gold was a…

Red lebanese

I recently had a bit of red leb off a different vendor on here, probably a couple of months ago. This is very similar. I don't personally see much of a red tint the the colour, but the hash itself is very nice. Quite hard and crumbly at the same time as being soft and squishy. Lol I know thats polar opposites but this kind of manages it. Nice stuff.

More ace shots, china. The colour is not the ochre of TGTs images either. As Tintin says, the 70s Leb was certainly a red colour. As the gold was a yellow.
Course, this is all academic. The proof is in the puff.
Curiously, I have had two funny Leb experiences, one with Red, One with Gold. I was in a consortium which took receipt of 2 Kilos of Red leb. It was a fuck up from start to finish. Two boneheads collected the gear without smoking it. Turns out to be crap. Good colour, nothing untoward about the appearance, no fragrance, even when burnt. I took a hit. One chap buried his deal and it may still be in the ground today for all I know. Another lad, who had bought a pipe with a bowl the size of a bucket, spent the day blazing it, to little avail.
I tried a few things then passed it on to a couple of mates to have a go. One of them crushed up 1/2 oz. of the mess and got it down his neck on route to The Venue in Victoria to see Lou Reed. Part way through the set, he was grumbling about tummy ache. On the way home he was clutching his gut and cussing us out for taking the piss.
some few years later, I was invited to score some Gold Leb from an aquaintance and turned up at his place. He was a nice guy, a closet gay who was jittery and skittish. What I got was a great big lump of this sandy yellow moonrock. All right! However, it had the density of the thin end of FA. It was like holding a pingpong ball. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable as it seems that he was genuinely trying to be a dealer, but this was, to the initiated, shite. I cut the dal with him and left. A while later, I heard that he had set off on The Pot Trail to India et al. He was back after a week having been left penniless by a couple of train ticket mushes who intimidated him into buying another ticket, having refused to accept the valid one that they had taken from him.
Anyway, (cor, that Afghani's good. I've been rabbiting on for hours on here.) Anyway. It showed that dark shiny streak when you cut it through. It crumbled under heat and did turn me on. What was different to anything else I've piped, the ash had a gritty sediment in it, like maybe fine sand.
Course, this is all academic. The proof is in the puff.
Curiously, I have had two funny Leb experiences, one with Red, One with Gold. I was in a consortium which took receipt of 2 Kilos of Red leb. It was a fuck up from start to finish. Two boneheads collected the gear without smoking it. Turns out to be crap. Good colour, nothing untoward about the appearance, no fragrance, even when burnt. I took a hit. One chap buried his deal and it may still be in the ground today for all I know. Another lad, who had bought a pipe with a bowl the size of a bucket, spent the day blazing it, to little avail.
I tried a few things then passed it on to a couple of mates to have a go. One of them crushed up 1/2 oz. of the mess and got it down his neck on route to The Venue in Victoria to see Lou Reed. Part way through the set, he was grumbling about tummy ache. On the way home he was clutching his gut and cussing us out for taking the piss.
some few years later, I was invited to score some Gold Leb from an aquaintance and turned up at his place. He was a nice guy, a closet gay who was jittery and skittish. What I got was a great big lump of this sandy yellow moonrock. All right! However, it had the density of the thin end of FA. It was like holding a pingpong ball. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable as it seems that he was genuinely trying to be a dealer, but this was, to the initiated, shite. I cut the dal with him and left. A while later, I heard that he had set off on The Pot Trail to India et al. He was back after a week having been left penniless by a couple of train ticket mushes who intimidated him into buying another ticket, having refused to accept the valid one that they had taken from him.
Anyway, (cor, that Afghani's good. I've been rabbiting on for hours on here.) Anyway. It showed that dark shiny streak when you cut it through. It crumbled under heat and did turn me on. What was different to anything else I've piped, the ash had a gritty sediment in it, like maybe fine sand.

Is this from TGT ? Just got mine and looks completely different. The one arrived today is not a good quality hashish.. Its hard and smells like old school contaminated hash.

Basically shit, I ordered the red and received something black and hard nothing to do with the pictures, bad smoke not clean ash I just throw it to the bin, I don’t understand this dealer selling shit which not even themselves smoke, not happy with them..

This one year old, FYI. Also I have to say it could be me that I'm not used to this old school hash.. not for me..

I find that old school smell good. I don't think it's a contaminated smell personally. The bit I got this last week looks a bit smoother, not quite as lumpy but still nice

just wanted to say this was some of the nicest hash ive had in years. very earthy and real tasting, like a nice bit from years ago, the taste brought me back atleast a decade or so. the gold seal was nice too.

Not sure how old this post is but i had a few bits of this an it really is a blast from the past an a pleasure to smell taste an smoke

i received some very average black hash, nothing like these pics. waited ages for it too. no reply to messages. normally a decent vendor, but things have gone downhill recently in my experience.

Thanks dude! It really helps for a fellow biggie to share their experience so its always appreciated.
Leb tends to come in either blonde or red, and this isn't blonde so..... :)
The stuff I was getting 30 years back was definitely more red than the modern ones I've seen though..
Leb tends to come in either blonde or red, and this isn't blonde so..... :)
The stuff I was getting 30 years back was definitely more red than the modern ones I've seen though..

That was black - red and gold seal black. I used to sell it over 30 years time flies!

It’s just I remember specifically remember two types of Lebanese red and gold... plus the Afghan gold...had a wee look to see there on google ;) check it out

I checked out google but only leb I could see referred to as 'gold' is the blonde leb.
It may well be just my childhood in London, but it was definitely red leb only back then for me, no choices. But black came in 'red seal' or 'gold seal' versions, the gold being slightly higher quality.
In the last few years though I've gotten a few blonde lebs, but I never saw them back in the day - though of course I'm sure they will have exsisted!
Hanging on some old forums and getting posts from similar aged people:
"i started in the late 80's and yeah the soapbar was good back then. there was some good black hash/red seal too with gold stamps on the 2 kilo slabs 'camel challenge' was one i remember. soap type hash pressed into slates the we called 'passport'.
i liked the red leb that came in the cloth sacks"
Seems like we had similar stuff on offer all over London :)
It may well be just my childhood in London, but it was definitely red leb only back then for me, no choices. But black came in 'red seal' or 'gold seal' versions, the gold being slightly higher quality.
In the last few years though I've gotten a few blonde lebs, but I never saw them back in the day - though of course I'm sure they will have exsisted!
Hanging on some old forums and getting posts from similar aged people:
"i started in the late 80's and yeah the soapbar was good back then. there was some good black hash/red seal too with gold stamps on the 2 kilo slabs 'camel challenge' was one i remember. soap type hash pressed into slates the we called 'passport'.
i liked the red leb that came in the cloth sacks"
Seems like we had similar stuff on offer all over London :)

You’re showing your age lol I only ever heard about it coming in wrapped in muslin
When I did a search there it mentions there’s red and gold leb, red being more ripe
Can’t post a link in case I get a ban warning lol
When I did a search there it mentions there’s red and gold leb, red being more ripe
Can’t post a link in case I get a ban warning lol

The ban thing sux :)
I know they still come in muslin bag (white) as a vendor called 'psychadeli' on emp (RIP) had his lebs wrapped in this traditional way still - took me back 35 years..
I'm going to have to try these old school flavours again, but I've got to try and stop spending every two minutes too :)
I know they still come in muslin bag (white) as a vendor called 'psychadeli' on emp (RIP) had his lebs wrapped in this traditional way still - took me back 35 years..
I'm going to have to try these old school flavours again, but I've got to try and stop spending every two minutes too :)

1 post
+2 votes
Keif - snuff it and see.
started topic

Keif - snuff it and see.
What I had in Rabat seems like a very fine powder, dispensed through the narrow neck of an ornate pepper pot style dispenser. I snuffed some and chomped on some of the Red Leb. I was soaring and attributed this to the keif. Since the comments about placebos (No!) I haven't taken it again like that. Stirred into some hot, spicy soup it is lovely. I haven't looked into the links but it is something I intend to look into. I may find validity so I'll say no more now. I don't know of anyone who's 'snorted weed' in the generic sense. Sounds crazy.
I heard from a couple in India who were into Earth, Mother...opium. Next it was heroin. The late male partner tried in desperation, to fix hashish. To inject it. Impossible? He tried it. And failed of course. Maybe he tried to dilute an oil
I heard from a couple in India who were into Earth, Mother...opium. Next it was heroin. The late male partner tried in desperation, to fix hashish. To inject it. Impossible? He tried it. And failed of course. Maybe he tried to dilute an oil

1 post
+2 votes
Let's just say the stealth is so good that the first time I received a package I thought it was empty! But it wasn't and good times were had (don't want to give away the game!) Plus you can track the order each step. 10/10 would recommend. And it only took 5 days to arrive (to UK) both time.

It works like a charm.
I ordered from Hashishin twice now. It takes a little longer (just imagine tge distance and troubled times we live in) , but good things are worth the wait.
The stealth Hashinhin is providing is something for the books, never seen anything like it. Top notch defined anew. Super friendly service.
Definitely will ordering again.
I ordered from Hashishin twice now. It takes a little longer (just imagine tge distance and troubled times we live in) , but good things are worth the wait.
The stealth Hashinhin is providing is something for the books, never seen anything like it. Top notch defined anew. Super friendly service.
Definitely will ordering again.

Magnificently, of course.
The time taken, 20 days to UK, was accurately projected and the tracking can ease any concerns. The ship may call at a lot of ports. I was advised the package was local at 06.30 and it was on the mat at 10.00.
The time taken, 20 days to UK, was accurately projected and the tracking can ease any concerns. The ship may call at a lot of ports. I was advised the package was local at 06.30 and it was on the mat at 10.00.

I think he’s asking how a order sent from let’s say Israel can arrive in let’s say Romania :) without getting through customs? Becose i’ve recently give up ordering from UK for that reason. BTW i’m a fan of your candyshop, i’m salivating hard when i look at your oferings but reluctant to order due to question above. Much respect Bro!

Having ordered from here in the UK, I can say that Hashashin’s delivery time’s are quicker than I’ve had from most U.K. vendors!
A staggering achievement when it’s coming from the Middle East.
And as others have said his stealth is out of this world. Not had any issue.
Wouldn’t hesitate to purchase from him again.
Just waiting for Hashashin to get some new stock in...... :)
A staggering achievement when it’s coming from the Middle East.
And as others have said his stealth is out of this world. Not had any issue.
Wouldn’t hesitate to purchase from him again.
Just waiting for Hashashin to get some new stock in...... :)

7 posts
+13 votes
Looking for a review!
In a word - score! In several words, this is authentic Afghani hash. I stuffed a date with a piece, about ten minutes after it arrived this morning …
+ 7 more

Looking for a review!
Hi biggies.
I've not had 'gold seal black' since the 80's, and its kinda fun to see it on the menu, together with another 80's stalwart for me, 'red leb'.
Now that we have such awesome drysifts, double filtered hashes and all the other goodies I covet, I'm wandering how these stack up 30 + years later?
If any of you who have purchased could share your experiences, I'd be very grateful!
Happy chuff chuff :)
I've not had 'gold seal black' since the 80's, and its kinda fun to see it on the menu, together with another 80's stalwart for me, 'red leb'.
Now that we have such awesome drysifts, double filtered hashes and all the other goodies I covet, I'm wandering how these stack up 30 + years later?
If any of you who have purchased could share your experiences, I'd be very grateful!
Happy chuff chuff :)

No worries a luv my hash so was nice to see both up on the listings old skool puff but a recon it's better than the stuff about back in the day,,,

I would have taken a punt immediately, but in the last week I've had:
14g gorilla Glue from RB
7g Kandy Kush Caramel from Drugs uk (whenever that turns up!)
4.5 g Double filtered hash egg - 24K gold from hashlover420
...and I have 7g G13 haze hash and 7g strawberry haze hash from gent called 'the postman' from a dark market.
If I buy any more I fear my wife will divorce me! But I so want these two as well.....
14g gorilla Glue from RB
7g Kandy Kush Caramel from Drugs uk (whenever that turns up!)
4.5 g Double filtered hash egg - 24K gold from hashlover420
...and I have 7g G13 haze hash and 7g strawberry haze hash from gent called 'the postman' from a dark market.
If I buy any more I fear my wife will divorce me! But I so want these two as well.....

Holy shit. I thought my weekly deliveries were getting out of hand. Great choices btw. Afghan turns up tomorrow (hopefully)

Mate I know what you mean about the divorce, I stupidly left my bank app open on my phone and my mrs was like “what the fuck have you been sending so much money to buy bitcoin”........ although when she added all the transactions up, it is actually pretty scary how it adds up..... she’s cool though.....

LOL Good to have you guys around..
Tintin, I got the haslover stuff, amazing.. but what about the others you got, any especial mention ?
Tintin, I got the haslover stuff, amazing.. but what about the others you got, any especial mention ?

Yo Jon - nice to be able to discuss your hobby with other like minded types eh? Love biggie for that....
Nothing gets close to those double filtered cali strain hash eggs - they are insane! I've had the gellato sorbet and now the 24 K gold one, and they are both extraordinary..
As for the ones I mentioned earlier, I've yet to receive three of em! RB's Gorilla Glue is fine and that's tonight's hash of choice, but I am a hoarder and I'm sitting on 18 varieties of hash and three buds right now, so there's a lot of competition! I'd rate the gorilla glue maybe mid level of the ones I have, but I have been collecting the best strains I can find from the Dark Net, so mid level is still a very nice smoke :)
Discounting the eggs, one of my faves was TGT's Royal Ketima Gold.
I got a bit of that and still have about 10g left - its not the strongest (The premium red leb from druksinc takes that crown), but its the one I enjoy most overall, but they all pretty good. I finished TGT's lemon amnesia hash yesterday and I really enjoyed that one, but reception on it was mixed, so that's not maybe everyone's choice.
I prefer indica buzz mainly, and I'm keen on traditional Macaroon strains, of which there's not many on biggie right now, but TGT had some wonderful marocs about two months back, so I expect we'll see more soon!
Nothing gets close to those double filtered cali strain hash eggs - they are insane! I've had the gellato sorbet and now the 24 K gold one, and they are both extraordinary..
As for the ones I mentioned earlier, I've yet to receive three of em! RB's Gorilla Glue is fine and that's tonight's hash of choice, but I am a hoarder and I'm sitting on 18 varieties of hash and three buds right now, so there's a lot of competition! I'd rate the gorilla glue maybe mid level of the ones I have, but I have been collecting the best strains I can find from the Dark Net, so mid level is still a very nice smoke :)
Discounting the eggs, one of my faves was TGT's Royal Ketima Gold.
I got a bit of that and still have about 10g left - its not the strongest (The premium red leb from druksinc takes that crown), but its the one I enjoy most overall, but they all pretty good. I finished TGT's lemon amnesia hash yesterday and I really enjoyed that one, but reception on it was mixed, so that's not maybe everyone's choice.
I prefer indica buzz mainly, and I'm keen on traditional Macaroon strains, of which there's not many on biggie right now, but TGT had some wonderful marocs about two months back, so I expect we'll see more soon!

Good call on the Ketima. Very good call. And I've had the eggs, which are elsewhere. Man knows his blow.

Good indeed ! Thank you for your reply man !!
I'm sitting on 8 diff hash types and looking fwd to add the Leb and Afg from TFG asap (payday today.. :) Also we have semi blonde leb and "black hash" from hashisin.. and there is a new Icesolator from RB I think.. finally we have some varieties here, looking fwd to hashlover new batch.. I missed last one..
I'm sitting on 8 diff hash types and looking fwd to add the Leb and Afg from TFG asap (payday today.. :) Also we have semi blonde leb and "black hash" from hashisin.. and there is a new Icesolator from RB I think.. finally we have some varieties here, looking fwd to hashlover new batch.. I missed last one..

Ah! A fellow hoarder :) Yeah its nice to see variety improving and price coming down again.
You may be aware that the largest DM, Emp, has gone down. One of their best UK hash vendors shifted onto another DM i'm on, and I've been persuading him to set up here on biggy too and he tells me he will - once he gets his head around it!
Look out for 'The Postman' - amazing hashes at just over £10/g.
Current hash strains:
G13 Haze
Strawberry Haze
Premium Zero Zero
Royal Afghani
OG kush
All critical 'A' grade, mostly 25%+ thc , and free postage.
Hopefully on biggy real soon. I wont stop badgering him till he's here :)
You may be aware that the largest DM, Emp, has gone down. One of their best UK hash vendors shifted onto another DM i'm on, and I've been persuading him to set up here on biggy too and he tells me he will - once he gets his head around it!
Look out for 'The Postman' - amazing hashes at just over £10/g.
Current hash strains:
G13 Haze
Strawberry Haze
Premium Zero Zero
Royal Afghani
OG kush
All critical 'A' grade, mostly 25%+ thc , and free postage.
Hopefully on biggy real soon. I wont stop badgering him till he's here :)

We need Mr Postman in LB asap pleeeease !! :)
Re bud, any recommends ? I think I will give the Mimosa from TGT a try...
Re bud, any recommends ? I think I will give the Mimosa from TGT a try...

I hear good things about that bud, and many have praised the buds TGT offer, so I doubt you'd go wrong with that.
I tend to buy hash, but I like a few buds in the bag too :)
I personally wont buy bud on biggy as imo its priced far too highly. I get my bud from a UK collective and pay £35 for the 3.5 and under £220 for an oz, and its just about the best bud I've bought (easily Amsterdam coffee shop quality).
You are spoilt for choice here on biggie though and TGT strains look real good, you are unlikely to go wrong with them.
However, there's tons of choice here and shout outs to Hootan and RB and druginc who all deliver banging bud, but some of the new vendors look real interesting too.
I'm taking a punt on a new vendor here shortly, blame canada, as I've heard amazing things about Canadian quality since legislation and its been suggested its cali quality at very affordable prices, so I want to see for myself. You can only buy oz or above though, and you have to wait for that to ship from Canada, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you are comfortable with the risk and wait.
I tend to buy hash, but I like a few buds in the bag too :)
I personally wont buy bud on biggy as imo its priced far too highly. I get my bud from a UK collective and pay £35 for the 3.5 and under £220 for an oz, and its just about the best bud I've bought (easily Amsterdam coffee shop quality).
You are spoilt for choice here on biggie though and TGT strains look real good, you are unlikely to go wrong with them.
However, there's tons of choice here and shout outs to Hootan and RB and druginc who all deliver banging bud, but some of the new vendors look real interesting too.
I'm taking a punt on a new vendor here shortly, blame canada, as I've heard amazing things about Canadian quality since legislation and its been suggested its cali quality at very affordable prices, so I want to see for myself. You can only buy oz or above though, and you have to wait for that to ship from Canada, so I wouldn't recommend it unless you are comfortable with the risk and wait.

I am now deff more into hash also..
But I always loved green, it would be nice to know how to get in touch with this UK collective..
I just couldn't resist and sent my order for TGT Nep.. lol
But I always loved green, it would be nice to know how to get in touch with this UK collective..
I just couldn't resist and sent my order for TGT Nep.. lol

I'm sorry dude I'd risk my account if I tried to share.
I considered trying to be clever and started writing you a chat message, but biggy is coded clever and knew what was happening and reminded me I'd lose my account.
I love biggy and wont risk it!
I considered trying to be clever and started writing you a chat message, but biggy is coded clever and knew what was happening and reminded me I'd lose my account.
I love biggy and wont risk it!

Yeah. I've got a lockable medicine (sic) cabinet with jars on the three shelves. I have had something in most of them once but now it's the other way round!

Can you let me know what these are like. Smoked a lot of both in the 90s but don’t know if they would do the trick now, don’t know if I would be better sticking to good flower.

In a word - score! In several words, this is authentic Afghani hash. I stuffed a date with a piece, about ten minutes after it arrived this morning and I've been at the back of the blue bus since then.
As you have Tintin, I've thoroughly enjoyed the D/F Lemon, the 00, etc. I'm so enjoying this right now.
In the interest of a good review, I'm gonna introduce some heat to this clay. So. Small piece on pin of badge, match, which was to hand and away we go. The flavour is good and it burns well once I get it going. Using a jar to catch the smoke, I was able to keep drawing on it as it glowed to nothing. The jar, now sans dates, has the odour of the used bowl.
The buzz, coming on through the puff this time, is very sweet, dreamy, risible. I have been motoring on this and now the turbo has kicked in. Hee hee! Anyway, I've got a rocket to go off in. Gone!
As you have Tintin, I've thoroughly enjoyed the D/F Lemon, the 00, etc. I'm so enjoying this right now.
In the interest of a good review, I'm gonna introduce some heat to this clay. So. Small piece on pin of badge, match, which was to hand and away we go. The flavour is good and it burns well once I get it going. Using a jar to catch the smoke, I was able to keep drawing on it as it glowed to nothing. The jar, now sans dates, has the odour of the used bowl.
The buzz, coming on through the puff this time, is very sweet, dreamy, risible. I have been motoring on this and now the turbo has kicked in. Hee hee! Anyway, I've got a rocket to go off in. Gone!

Old school hash puffed in an old school way. Yes whatcanido234, if you weren’t knocking the arse out an iron bru bottle for hot knifes it was a badge on an LP cover with an upside down pint tumbler. You’d watch the smoke rise and fall in the glass until it layered all the way to the top then slid the tumbler to the edge of the album cover, drawing the smoke from there. I also have the Afghan from TGT. Deffo a nice traditional hash with a clean smoke, sweet taste and mellow stone. It's soft and bendy but not so oily to touch. With a little heat and a light rub between your fingers it crumbles nicely without turning into an oily mess. Its up there with the Red Leb currently listed from TGT. Both very nice hashes, neither are to be missed if hash is your thing. Lovely stuff :) R.

I got the Red Leb on order. I have the Afghani which is authentic traditional black. Word is that the Leb is also stellar: it certainly looks it. This is such a good opportunity to enjoy the nostalgia this will bring to the 70s/80s Toker, along with the chance for new adventurers to turn on to these rare delights. This is the actualization of a traditional process, an artisan product. Sticky like this only comes round now and again. Like about thirty years for some of us on here! Comets may be seen more frequently. Given the recent disruption to supply and the unit price increase, this is a good value deal being offered. He who hesitates may miss out.

A Scotsman? The knocking the arse outa an irn bru bottle gave it away! Now a true Scotsman was doin this by the side of the local burn on school nights as well as weekends

Hi guys, this is my Afghan, I think it looks more like leb? Doesn’t smell like I expected!

A few words on black hashish - Black hash is produced in several methods, all including kneading the trichomes to the point that all the gland heads breaks apart and the resin inside them mix together to a solidity. this process is (usually) what gives the hash it's black color, it's oiliness and stickiness (and the lack of this process, or partially doing it leaves the hash brighter in color and sandier in texture). further more, the more you knead the resin together the sooner (still take months though) you'll get the plant terpenes to combie and create the lovely terp called "Hashishene" that we all love. "Hashishene" terp gives all the original, producing countries hash that "hashy" smell we all adore (differ a bit according to the terpene profile in the plant and the growing country). by the way - modern hashs who don't cure as long as a year or two like most producing countries hash are, totally absent this terpene, which is created by comabining all the other cannabis plant terpenes (kneading and breaking the trichomes heads) + time. this is the reason most bubble hash and modern dry sift do not smell like hashish but like the flower they were produced from. Black hash is produced all over east and middle asia, so a traditional black hash can come from several different countries and usually is not easy to tell which is which. there are certain characteristic that can imply a hash is of a certain region for an example: some of the great hashish produced in afghanistan get a golden seal stamped on it before distributed. golden seal stamp usually means that the hash is of afghani origin. taste and smell can change by location or even the year of harvest. Cheers to all!

Cool, informative post. Thanks.
You probably(!) know this. The word “assassin” first popped up in English around the 16th century via French and Italian from this Arabic word “hashishin”, meaning “hashish eaters”, which at that point was the commonly accepted name of the legendary 12th century Isma’ili group of assassins which by then may have been wiped out.
I first heard about this while watching a screening of the film 'Performance', released in 1970. Turner (Mick Jagger) reads from a book about 'The old man on the mountain.' A valley is sealed and fortified at both ends and the athletic, cultured young men, the Hashishin, are doped and carried to the remote site, believed that they were in Paradise. They spent their days developing martial skills, and their nights with '..maidens who dallied with them so that they had what young men want.'
They were sent to carry out their duties of killing prominent people. Their fearlessness came from the belief that if they perished while executing (sic) their tasks, The Old Man would '... send my angels who will bring you back to Paradise.' Some good chaps to have in your corner, then.
The book that is featured in the film is 'Fictions' by the Argentine author, Jorge Luis Borges, though the reading is not in this collection of short stories. Anyone know where this text comes from?
You probably(!) know this. The word “assassin” first popped up in English around the 16th century via French and Italian from this Arabic word “hashishin”, meaning “hashish eaters”, which at that point was the commonly accepted name of the legendary 12th century Isma’ili group of assassins which by then may have been wiped out.
I first heard about this while watching a screening of the film 'Performance', released in 1970. Turner (Mick Jagger) reads from a book about 'The old man on the mountain.' A valley is sealed and fortified at both ends and the athletic, cultured young men, the Hashishin, are doped and carried to the remote site, believed that they were in Paradise. They spent their days developing martial skills, and their nights with '..maidens who dallied with them so that they had what young men want.'
They were sent to carry out their duties of killing prominent people. Their fearlessness came from the belief that if they perished while executing (sic) their tasks, The Old Man would '... send my angels who will bring you back to Paradise.' Some good chaps to have in your corner, then.
The book that is featured in the film is 'Fictions' by the Argentine author, Jorge Luis Borges, though the reading is not in this collection of short stories. Anyone know where this text comes from?

Hi! what you referring to is the "Asāsiyyūn sect/order" of Hasan ibn al-Sabah who lived in the mountains of Persia and in Syria between 1090 and 1275. the tale which originated in the account given by Marco Polo in "The Adventures of Marco Polo" saying that "The Old Man kept at his court such boys of twelve years old as seemed to him destined to become courageous men. When the Old Man sent them into the garden in groups of four, ten or twenty, he gave them hashish to drink. They slept for three days, then they were carried sleeping into the garden where he had them awakened. When these young men woke, and found themselves in the garden with all these marvelous things, they truly believed themselves to be in paradise. And these damsels were always with them in songs and great entertainments; they; received everything they asked for, so that they would never have left that garden of their own will." and in this manner it's believed by some that they became so dedicated they would kill on commend for the chance to be back on this "garden".
This story is today believed to be a myth and might have been used to delegitimize nizari Isma'ilis sect(branch of Shia Islam)/hashish use in general, as there is no historic evidence that the 'asasiyun order' have actually used hashish.
The modern etymology of the word hashish is believed to be derived from the arabic word ḥašīš which means “hay" or "dried herb".
If you are interested on further reading about the 'asasiyun sect' there is a wikipedia article about it called "Order of Assassins".
Btw, today 'Hashishin' is a name for a master hash maker in some parts of the world and might have originated in afghanistan. cheers!
This story is today believed to be a myth and might have been used to delegitimize nizari Isma'ilis sect(branch of Shia Islam)/hashish use in general, as there is no historic evidence that the 'asasiyun order' have actually used hashish.
The modern etymology of the word hashish is believed to be derived from the arabic word ḥašīš which means “hay" or "dried herb".
If you are interested on further reading about the 'asasiyun sect' there is a wikipedia article about it called "Order of Assassins".
Btw, today 'Hashishin' is a name for a master hash maker in some parts of the world and might have originated in afghanistan. cheers!

Can't always tell from a photo of course, but if you showed me that picture I would bet it was black..
Leb is not as dark as this normally, and even when its dark its dark brown and its often lot more red (unless its a blonde leb).
I suspect you have the gold seal mate....
Leb is not as dark as this normally, and even when its dark its dark brown and its often lot more red (unless its a blonde leb).
I suspect you have the gold seal mate....

Memory fades over time! I just expected it to smell ‘different’ although the only way to tell
Is of course !!!!
Is of course !!!!

This stuff really is giving me flashbacks to ten years ago when the stuff was rife round my way. The red leb is very similar, I just put up some pics of that too on its page

Ace images, Golmagnum. Fine quality subject shown in all its loveliness. Got mine today. I've stuffed some dates and chomped them. Really good. So really good.

Gold seal from green team is class!! Love old school nineties stone, string and lasts long time 10/10

Before finding LB and this Afghan I hadn't seen excellent dark solid since I travelled in a white Merc with a trio of crazy Dutch. Started in Ireland and reached India, with smoke in our wake but not from the exhaust. So blazed I'm surprised we managed to steer the thing. Came back on the thumb & Magic Bus ( yes it was a thing back then, not just a song...) via everywhere, slowly.
That was in 1973 I think.. uhm ... We haven't lived in a city since, so couldn't find any
decent solid. This Afghan IS decent, not excellent but for the price ....a bargain, works well in DynaVap or Boundless, softens in the fingers, bubbles with a flame, smells good & I'm very wrecked.
Don't hesitate titntin, enjoy.
That was in 1973 I think.. uhm ... We haven't lived in a city since, so couldn't find any
decent solid. This Afghan IS decent, not excellent but for the price ....a bargain, works well in DynaVap or Boundless, softens in the fingers, bubbles with a flame, smells good & I'm very wrecked.
Don't hesitate titntin, enjoy.

3 posts
+5 votes
Sniff it and see.
started topic
+ 3 more

Sniff it and see.
The Kief. This is an expensive temptation. Unfortunately, temptation is the only thing that I cannot resist! (Good ol' Oscar Wilde!) It's good. It's VERY good!
Wow, only time I enjoyed Kief was in a cafe outside of Rabat some years ago. I got rabbiting to a couple of local chaps. They invited me to sniff some Kief with them.
It was delivered from a small silver bottle with a cap on a chain. Same as snuff taking. A small amount is tapped onto the back of the hand. The blood vessels in the nostrils cover a lot smaller area than those in the lungs, so it comes on after a little while. A chilled afternoon in a country I want to return to once things clear up. Can't wait.
Gotta say yes to the good deal we cut and the generous weights supplied. This is a very good value product. Well done H!
Wow, only time I enjoyed Kief was in a cafe outside of Rabat some years ago. I got rabbiting to a couple of local chaps. They invited me to sniff some Kief with them.
It was delivered from a small silver bottle with a cap on a chain. Same as snuff taking. A small amount is tapped onto the back of the hand. The blood vessels in the nostrils cover a lot smaller area than those in the lungs, so it comes on after a little while. A chilled afternoon in a country I want to return to once things clear up. Can't wait.
Gotta say yes to the good deal we cut and the generous weights supplied. This is a very good value product. Well done H!

I don't think this was keif I think there was tobacco in there too. P.S. I tried the same thing in Fez and thought it was a dream because apart from you, I know no one else who's tried this.

Kif in Morocco comes mixed up with tobacco 'like a pinch of salt' and smoked in long pipes with clay bowls.
Not sure what you folks were snorting but I'm intrigued!
Not sure what you folks were snorting but I'm intrigued!

Me too! I swear when I tell this tale people don't believe it,but it happened. Never met anyone else who's tried it either-till whatcanido234 posted above.

Sounds like a placebo effect as thc is oil soluble. The bioavailability of a snorted cannabinoid depends on the product’s design. For example, snorting a line of pure kief won’t get anyone high, but it will burn the sinuses.

Interesting point. I'm high as a kite right now having snuffed some an hour ago. I usually eat my hash and the process, as I understand it, is the absorption of the active components into the bloodstream. Placebo? Not in my experience.

I dont get it, the keif needs to be decarboxylated to activate the thc just like you would for edibles. I’m glad your enjoying yourself but I’m with bigbum

I want to be careful here as some of the comments may have something true in them. However, I can say that the issue of decarb doesn't stand up as eating hash in its raw state is what I've done for many years. I have never eaten grass unless it's been cooked. The THC gets into the bloodstream. Snuff or snorting will do the same thing, like coke or sulphate back in the day. I've never swallowed coke, but I would wrap sulphate in a vera and swallow it. Works fine.

1 post
+2 votes

Hello to all my friend! you've complimented about my stealth and I appreciate it a lot! the level of stealth is not going to change. I did add new different disguises. also, some of you complaint about too big of a carton box the item is shipped in and asked for smaller boxes for the items - well, you've got it! from now on only large orders will be sent in the medium boxes, all the rest will go in small as possible (for both item and disguise) boxes. if some of you wish for an envelope that fits a letterbox it's possible too, just message me and we'll make it work. new things coming on hashishin's shop, stay tuned. cheers!

Top guy, my stealth was amazing man. Was completely satisfied with my order. Very inventive and made me chuckle.
If you are improving this then great, not that it needed it. Hoping to place another order with you soon as I’m almost out of blonde leb.
If anyone reads this and Is thinking of ordering, go for it. The blonde leb and soft black I got were amazing bits of hash. Haven’t seen stuff like it since the 90s. Full tracking was provided and like I’ve already said the stealth was top notch.
All the best biggies. SSH
If you are improving this then great, not that it needed it. Hoping to place another order with you soon as I’m almost out of blonde leb.
If anyone reads this and Is thinking of ordering, go for it. The blonde leb and soft black I got were amazing bits of hash. Haven’t seen stuff like it since the 90s. Full tracking was provided and like I’ve already said the stealth was top notch.
All the best biggies. SSH

Thank you so much scottish! your words are greatly appreciated! the level of stealth will stay the same. btw the old stealth is still available for bigger order and for who ever will ask for it. if for your next order you'll want the same kind of stealth as before just message me about it when you place the order. cheers!

Man's transaction has been completed today. The stealth - further comment is superfluous. Order and be amazed and amused.
The Indian Hand Rubbed and the 'Roccy Black, which I've yet to experience. The Indian is beautiful. The soft, crumbly texture, the tiny flecks of herb like mint chips in a chocolate bar. I put it to a flame, the fragrance took me back to that Black of the 70's. As I don't smoke, I've eaten less than a gram and I am toasted.
Hashishin explains the geneology and for younger heads, this would be a quite stark contrast to most of the current clay. The rate of consumption must be so high (sic) today that industrial production can produce excellent, though perhaps homogenous hash. Artisan products are produced in smaller volume, and seen circulating less frequently. This my first score with H. The Sativa Leb is next for me.
The Indian Hand Rubbed and the 'Roccy Black, which I've yet to experience. The Indian is beautiful. The soft, crumbly texture, the tiny flecks of herb like mint chips in a chocolate bar. I put it to a flame, the fragrance took me back to that Black of the 70's. As I don't smoke, I've eaten less than a gram and I am toasted.
Hashishin explains the geneology and for younger heads, this would be a quite stark contrast to most of the current clay. The rate of consumption must be so high (sic) today that industrial production can produce excellent, though perhaps homogenous hash. Artisan products are produced in smaller volume, and seen circulating less frequently. This my first score with H. The Sativa Leb is next for me.

Just put in an order for the Indian commercial grade hand rubbed and the black maroc. Hashashin was very very patient and helpful with me and generous with his time when I cocked up the order, much more so than other vendors I’ve dealt with here.
Looking forward to experiencing his lovely artisanal wares, great service so far.
Looking forward to experiencing his lovely artisanal wares, great service so far.

1 post
+2 votes
Fine quality and authentic.
started topic

Fine quality and authentic.
This is some good Leb. As stated elsewhere, this and the excellent Red take me back too when such merchandise was almost abundant. Gotta say yes to the good deal we cut and the generous weights supplied. This is a very good value product. Well done H!

1 post
+2 votes
Fine quality and authentic.
started topic

Fine quality and authentic.
This is some good Leb. As stated elsewhere, this and the excellent Gold take me back too when such merchandise was almost abundant. Gotta say yes to the good deal we cut and the generous weights supplied. This is a very good value product. Well done H!

3 posts
+8 votes

Have been trying to find decent authentic hash for a fair price online for a while.
Just wanted to jump on here and share a few pics of my purchase as I'm really thrilled with it and would hate for others to miss out.
I was hesitant about ordering from over seas but the tracking was visible the whole way, and it came faster than some orders I've had from my own country!
Hash is semi-firm, crumbles with little pressure and fluffs into powder. Very sweet on the nose, almost spicey. Tastes a bit subdued but again sweet, almost floral.
Strength for me is spot on, it's definitely ticking the sativa boxes. Energetic, uplifting, calming and thoughtful. That rare smoke where you're looking forward to collapsing infront of a box set, but end up inspired and pull the hoover out!
Cant wait til I can afford to try the rest of the menu.
Just wanted to jump on here and share a few pics of my purchase as I'm really thrilled with it and would hate for others to miss out.
I was hesitant about ordering from over seas but the tracking was visible the whole way, and it came faster than some orders I've had from my own country!
Hash is semi-firm, crumbles with little pressure and fluffs into powder. Very sweet on the nose, almost spicey. Tastes a bit subdued but again sweet, almost floral.
Strength for me is spot on, it's definitely ticking the sativa boxes. Energetic, uplifting, calming and thoughtful. That rare smoke where you're looking forward to collapsing infront of a box set, but end up inspired and pull the hoover out!
Cant wait til I can afford to try the rest of the menu.

One way of managing the shipping arrangements here, is to enjoy the anticipation. We know the gear is going to be the bomb. We know the stealth is good as it is. Sometimes it's better to travel hopefully than to arrive. Not in this case, but the waiting is a good internal journey to make. Will you be tearing your hair out after a week? It's unlikely. Deferred gratification, as the British middle classes (who they?) may recognise it.
In other news, I write Bad Haikus. Haikas as they steal the Japanese form of 17 syllables in three
lines, 5-7-5. Bad relates to the quality. This is:
Bad Deferred Gratification Haiku.
There are more. They will keep. :)
In other news, I write Bad Haikus. Haikas as they steal the Japanese form of 17 syllables in three
lines, 5-7-5. Bad relates to the quality. This is:
Bad Deferred Gratification Haiku.
There are more. They will keep. :)

Mine just cleared through customs, so hopefully will get it by Friday.
Got myself and my mate this Leb., soft black and hand rubbed.
Can't wait !
Love Hashishin's wares, the smell and taste
always take me right there, to sunny, dry and hot Midleast.
Got myself and my mate this Leb., soft black and hand rubbed.
Can't wait !
Love Hashishin's wares, the smell and taste
always take me right there, to sunny, dry and hot Midleast.

You have defo got me intrested in this stuf now,got my black moroc from hashihin and its very nice but im liking the look of ur pic of that gold leb looks amazing so fink my next oder be that :)

Oh yeah. G Leb here is right up my street! Got Bl. Roccy and Indian rubbed. Both excellent, of course. My second order is the Gold and the Red, along with some Kief. Wow! I used to say: 'Pictures or it never happened!' mainly in response to the sexual conquest boasts of some Lothario (Ha! As if!) Pictures and it is happening. The pair in the bowl could be lifted with sugar tongs and posed over a cup of tea. Good one, windiest. This has confirmed my notion to score and raised my expectations to close to unmanageable. Lovely.

A new vendor, fine quality puff, good value with free dispatch. Curiously, the stealth for my purchase included a fold-over style phone wallet. For a minute I thought I'd been sent some tat to entice me to take out insanity insurance or some such rubbish.
Imagine my surprise when...
Imagine my surprise when...

Same here, I was like I'm sure I didn't order a phone case? Really made me smile. Also the Herer is the best hash I've had in a while. Also ordered the banana kush which I will try later

Good, good. Banana is lovely. Some minor fretting on the outcome of this issue with the 00. Mine's in the post over the weekend and there seems to be a difference of opinion, and colour, texture, etc. among several punters, as you may know.
The Banana K is easing any troubles my mind may have had and Monday is when it is, as usual. Banana, Manyana, Nirvana, (repeat) Any Gong freaks know this?
The Banana K is easing any troubles my mind may have had and Monday is when it is, as usual. Banana, Manyana, Nirvana, (repeat) Any Gong freaks know this?

Hee hee! A Mystic Brother or Magik Sister. Which was a bit before my time, tbh. My mate bought Camembert Electrique for 0.99p, which was a re-release on Virgin. Then Radio Gnome Invisible came out and away we went. Saw Daevid a few years before his death at the Phoenix in Exeter. Gilli Smythe was there, along with a beautiful sax player called Theo. Bloomdido Theo. On the Glastonbury Fayre album from 1971, John Peel observes : 'Curious band.' The family go on. There is a website that I go to sometimes, the 21st century version of 'Contact Telepot', the 21.00 global meditation, which I tune in to some evenings.

Nice! I'm quite a bit older I think and lived a long time in London, so I've seen Gong in most of its variations, including the classic line ups with Hillage and Malherbe etc. I'm not far from Exeter myself these days (Brixham), so I've spent a few happy nights at the Pheonix myself! I'll check out the website, it sounds interesting.
Stay safe Bro, don't go falling off that oily way!
Stay safe Bro, don't go falling off that oily way!

I too was in London and saw Gong in some wonderful venues, including The Roundhouse and The L.S.E. One time all us freaks got off the train at Reading station, wearing stripey pyjama trousers and green PHP hats, along with the usual denim and oil of patchouli, to be glared at by loads of squaddies who wanted to go into battle with us! Heavy!
The Submarine Captain, Hi T. Moonweed, Bloomdido Bad de Grasse, Shakti Yoni (which means fuck cunt in some language, apparently) and the master, Bert Camembert. I loved that band. Last gig I saw before the split was at Watchfield Free Festival in 1974.
I went to Paris in '77 to the reunion gig, an alldayer and allnighter as it turned out, in a circus marquee which was sited permanently as a theatre. I met a Bubble (Greek) there who had brought 1 000 tabs of acid and sold the lot. I'd brought mine.
Various members and their own bands played though the day, including a good mid-afternoon set from an unknown band called The Police. I've often wondered what happened to them. Ha ha.
When Gong took the stage, there was a massive inflated moon above the stage, lazer lights all over the place, smoke cannisters held in front of fans, the whole nine metres. Like Kesey's merry Pranksters, the gig was set up for everyone, band and audience, to melt into one mass, or mess, more properly. I was standing backstage, which was not secured, tripped out, with a guy on stilts and a big key in his back, moving around like a clockwork toy. Fire-eaters sent bolts of flame above the punters. One bloke was in a silver outfit with his face painted silver with a red nose. Not a clown's nose, but his own one from which which he had rubbed off the greasepaint in his amphetamine-fueled state of ecstacy. He was great! Steve Hillage hit on a sound and he went spinning off in a big arc and disappeared into the crowd.
It was all going so well, then a mate told me that the coach was leaving. I went outside and heard that one of us, another speed freak, was missing. We had his passport. I went back in to look for him, still spaced out and found him after a while, chatting to a lovely girl and scratching his beard. 'Stay here, man! Look at it all! Stay here!' I didn't. Major fail. I bottled it as with no money and him with no passport, it seemed to me that in the morning the shit would really hit the fan.
He turned up about a week later, with stories that were so fantastic they must of been true. The gig went on all night. The management shut down all the power, but the roadies passed out candles and they carried on acoustically. By dawn, the melting feast of freaks was happening, all singing repeatedly, 'You are me and I am you.'
I was 20, old enough to be out on my own. I could still kick myself.
That was in May, I think. A few months later, we went to 'An Evening With Daevid Allen' at The roundhouse. It wasn't billed like that , of course. During the evening, Bert explained that Castro Caracous (Cornflakes) had bankrolled the gig and was to put out a live album to recover the cash. However, the bearded virgin, Branson, had served an injunction at the gig, to wit a ban on recording his contracted artist, Steve Hillage. They told him to fuck off, of course.
It turned out that the album was being held up with this bit of business, so Daevid suggested we meet up in The Wellington? in Portabello Road, near to beardy's Vernon Yard HQ. We all marched in, about thirty of us, up the stairs to the offices, whereupon the shelves were stripped of tapes and the boxes of albums were ripped open and stuffed up the billowing granddad shirts that were popular at the time. Tim Blake was dressed a a skateboarder with helmet and lame gloves, along with a skateboard, which was just starting to be a thing; the trendsetter.
It came down to Branson and some staff on one side and us on the other, arguing the toss. They got cornflakes on the blower and thrashed out a deal. Byg would release the double live album Gong Est Mort? Vive Gong, virgin would put out a collection of poor recordings and outtakes and such. I bought both. The gig album had a picture of the band with Steve cut out of it. Conversely, the virgin one, contains on the sleeves loads of thumbnail pictures from the Paris gig.
My mate went off to stash his steal in his car and came back. They were still arguing. When Tim Blake spoke, Daevid doodled on a thick brown card envelope that records could be posted in. Seemed to me that he didn't care to listen when Tim talked. As the party broke up, I asked Daevid for a look and he handed it to me. Nice one.
As we left there were staff taking back what the heads were trying to walk out with. I showed that the envelope was empty and out we went, me chatting up a beautiful young french woman whose head had been blown off by a few puffs from my spliff.
A few weeks later, an NME journo submitted an article about the event. In the picture, I could be seen among the freaks, sitting on a desk, passing a joint to another freak near to me, smiles all round.
It was long ago and far away. Been good to trawl through all this. Whoopee!
The Submarine Captain, Hi T. Moonweed, Bloomdido Bad de Grasse, Shakti Yoni (which means fuck cunt in some language, apparently) and the master, Bert Camembert. I loved that band. Last gig I saw before the split was at Watchfield Free Festival in 1974.
I went to Paris in '77 to the reunion gig, an alldayer and allnighter as it turned out, in a circus marquee which was sited permanently as a theatre. I met a Bubble (Greek) there who had brought 1 000 tabs of acid and sold the lot. I'd brought mine.
Various members and their own bands played though the day, including a good mid-afternoon set from an unknown band called The Police. I've often wondered what happened to them. Ha ha.
When Gong took the stage, there was a massive inflated moon above the stage, lazer lights all over the place, smoke cannisters held in front of fans, the whole nine metres. Like Kesey's merry Pranksters, the gig was set up for everyone, band and audience, to melt into one mass, or mess, more properly. I was standing backstage, which was not secured, tripped out, with a guy on stilts and a big key in his back, moving around like a clockwork toy. Fire-eaters sent bolts of flame above the punters. One bloke was in a silver outfit with his face painted silver with a red nose. Not a clown's nose, but his own one from which which he had rubbed off the greasepaint in his amphetamine-fueled state of ecstacy. He was great! Steve Hillage hit on a sound and he went spinning off in a big arc and disappeared into the crowd.
It was all going so well, then a mate told me that the coach was leaving. I went outside and heard that one of us, another speed freak, was missing. We had his passport. I went back in to look for him, still spaced out and found him after a while, chatting to a lovely girl and scratching his beard. 'Stay here, man! Look at it all! Stay here!' I didn't. Major fail. I bottled it as with no money and him with no passport, it seemed to me that in the morning the shit would really hit the fan.
He turned up about a week later, with stories that were so fantastic they must of been true. The gig went on all night. The management shut down all the power, but the roadies passed out candles and they carried on acoustically. By dawn, the melting feast of freaks was happening, all singing repeatedly, 'You are me and I am you.'
I was 20, old enough to be out on my own. I could still kick myself.
That was in May, I think. A few months later, we went to 'An Evening With Daevid Allen' at The roundhouse. It wasn't billed like that , of course. During the evening, Bert explained that Castro Caracous (Cornflakes) had bankrolled the gig and was to put out a live album to recover the cash. However, the bearded virgin, Branson, had served an injunction at the gig, to wit a ban on recording his contracted artist, Steve Hillage. They told him to fuck off, of course.
It turned out that the album was being held up with this bit of business, so Daevid suggested we meet up in The Wellington? in Portabello Road, near to beardy's Vernon Yard HQ. We all marched in, about thirty of us, up the stairs to the offices, whereupon the shelves were stripped of tapes and the boxes of albums were ripped open and stuffed up the billowing granddad shirts that were popular at the time. Tim Blake was dressed a a skateboarder with helmet and lame gloves, along with a skateboard, which was just starting to be a thing; the trendsetter.
It came down to Branson and some staff on one side and us on the other, arguing the toss. They got cornflakes on the blower and thrashed out a deal. Byg would release the double live album Gong Est Mort? Vive Gong, virgin would put out a collection of poor recordings and outtakes and such. I bought both. The gig album had a picture of the band with Steve cut out of it. Conversely, the virgin one, contains on the sleeves loads of thumbnail pictures from the Paris gig.
My mate went off to stash his steal in his car and came back. They were still arguing. When Tim Blake spoke, Daevid doodled on a thick brown card envelope that records could be posted in. Seemed to me that he didn't care to listen when Tim talked. As the party broke up, I asked Daevid for a look and he handed it to me. Nice one.
As we left there were staff taking back what the heads were trying to walk out with. I showed that the envelope was empty and out we went, me chatting up a beautiful young french woman whose head had been blown off by a few puffs from my spliff.
A few weeks later, an NME journo submitted an article about the event. In the picture, I could be seen among the freaks, sitting on a desk, passing a joint to another freak near to me, smiles all round.
It was long ago and far away. Been good to trawl through all this. Whoopee!

Ha ha! An original freak!! Respect bro.
What a fantastic time and great memories they must be, fascinating for an old Gong fan like me to hear :)
Thanks for sharing the memories, much appreciated!
What a fantastic time and great memories they must be, fascinating for an old Gong fan like me to hear :)
Thanks for sharing the memories, much appreciated!

Im zero the hero and my head has floated up high into the sky...
Dock this space ship heading for me ...
Haha Brilliant :-)
Dock this space ship heading for me ...
Haha Brilliant :-)

4 posts
+14 votes
Black and Red Allsorts stack
started topic
+ 4 more

Black and Red Allsorts stack
I'm really buzzing with anticipation having ordered both the Afghani and the Leb. I have a notion to create petite fours by stacking four small square alternate layers and lightly pressing. Once I get hold of it, however, I know that I'll just stuff a lump into one of the rather excellent Medual dates sold in a blue box in Tesco and chomp it down my neck. If you love your dates, fill a small glass jar with a lid and leave a few days. They really plump up, like maybe they produce a gas like bananas. So good.
In other news, like Tintin, I am nostalgic about these beauties. In the early/mid 70's my trading staples were Roccy and Leb, sometimes Gold. The top Blacks, way before soap bars, demanded a higher price from the wholesalers and took longer to shift. I only made about the same money, but the pleasure of rolling a Paki or Nep or Afghani number, having punted gear through to late Friday night, made it all so worthwhile.
In other news, like Tintin, I am nostalgic about these beauties. In the early/mid 70's my trading staples were Roccy and Leb, sometimes Gold. The top Blacks, way before soap bars, demanded a higher price from the wholesalers and took longer to shift. I only made about the same money, but the pleasure of rolling a Paki or Nep or Afghani number, having punted gear through to late Friday night, made it all so worthwhile.

Jeeez.... and here’s me thinking i was the only one greedy enough to buy both of these hashes. Great to know there are more than a few old school smoker in here. Enjoy...

Hello Rogan. I've turned on for almost a bullseye now. Authentic fine quality hashish from traditional artisans is one to grab when it comes up. I got the Afghani and have reviewed it in Tintin's comments. So good.

Hello whatcanido234, yes its a fine hash to be smoking. Reminds me of the red and gold seal blacks of yesteryear. Where did all this stuff go eh. Paki Black, Sputnik, Zero Zero, Nepalese Temple Ball etc. Replaced by various types of light and dark rocky which i believe evolved into Soap Bar through late 80’s and the 90’s. Wind the clock back! the prices were better !!!

'The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.' (Mary Wollenston 1729-1797) Interesting point. Cheaper puff, lower incomes.
With the authentic Afghani and Red Leb, the Katima and the Zero Zero, along with modern classics like double-filtered Lemon Kush et al, we have, IMHO, never had it so good here.
For me, it's Bope Hope over Oliver Reed. (Bob's appellation is rhyming slang for dope, which he was reportedly furious about, as he was part of an anti-fun outfit including Hilary (big John) Wayne and Ron Reagan. He was from The Smoke himself. Perhaps he at least enjoyed the irony.
Good Ol' Ollie! He drove his green Rolls Royce into the end of a wall of a bridge on his plot, the road being less wide than the jamjar. He staggered out and yelled: 'I hated that fucking car!'
Renowned for his heavy drinking, he once remarked: 'I knew my way to the bar. Keith Moon showed me the way to the bizarre.'
Anyway, I don't smoke now and grass back in the day was usually Congolese of Jamacian, so the block was my puff of choice. Apropos herb, where are the Thai sticks now?
Somebody somewhere to be sure. Gear like that can often be moved and consumed among a small wealthy group with none left for the Proles.
I once had to beat off an idiot who thought it would be amusing to give me what what like the Heinenken (or whatever) Manoeuvre in the middle of a crowded pub. I was wearing a carefully put together waistband holding a bandolia of Thai Sticks under my jacket. I'm big, but I had to convey, with all the subtlety I could muster, to someone bright enough to get it, to get him the fuck off! PDQ! No harm done, in the event. I'll probably laugh about it one day. Ha ha!
No lunch today. Straight to the dessert of two cored Bramleys, studded with stoned dates, stoned being the operative word! Lovely!
With the authentic Afghani and Red Leb, the Katima and the Zero Zero, along with modern classics like double-filtered Lemon Kush et al, we have, IMHO, never had it so good here.
For me, it's Bope Hope over Oliver Reed. (Bob's appellation is rhyming slang for dope, which he was reportedly furious about, as he was part of an anti-fun outfit including Hilary (big John) Wayne and Ron Reagan. He was from The Smoke himself. Perhaps he at least enjoyed the irony.
Good Ol' Ollie! He drove his green Rolls Royce into the end of a wall of a bridge on his plot, the road being less wide than the jamjar. He staggered out and yelled: 'I hated that fucking car!'
Renowned for his heavy drinking, he once remarked: 'I knew my way to the bar. Keith Moon showed me the way to the bizarre.'
Anyway, I don't smoke now and grass back in the day was usually Congolese of Jamacian, so the block was my puff of choice. Apropos herb, where are the Thai sticks now?
Somebody somewhere to be sure. Gear like that can often be moved and consumed among a small wealthy group with none left for the Proles.
I once had to beat off an idiot who thought it would be amusing to give me what what like the Heinenken (or whatever) Manoeuvre in the middle of a crowded pub. I was wearing a carefully put together waistband holding a bandolia of Thai Sticks under my jacket. I'm big, but I had to convey, with all the subtlety I could muster, to someone bright enough to get it, to get him the fuck off! PDQ! No harm done, in the event. I'll probably laugh about it one day. Ha ha!
No lunch today. Straight to the dessert of two cored Bramleys, studded with stoned dates, stoned being the operative word! Lovely!

3 posts
+3 votes
The bizarre world of Frank Zappa
The Muffin Men. Wow! As the MC says at the end of the Edar Broughton Band's turnout on the Glastonbury Rock and Blues Festival
1971 album - 'Fuck m…
+ 3 more
I see a Zappa post, I upvote.
Not many artists have made me shed a tear when we lost em, but Zappa did!
We wont see his like again, so we should savour the richness he's left behind!
Thanks for sharing.
Not many artists have made me shed a tear when we lost em, but Zappa did!
We wont see his like again, so we should savour the richness he's left behind!
Thanks for sharing.

Me too. Frank Zappa was the most musically-curious artist in my life time. He once jammed with a South American group of Pan Pipe players and combined them with the Irish band The Chieftans along with his consummate guitar playing to create the most wonderfully-bizarre set I've ever enjoyed.
Don't know Frank Zappa? Check out the video 'City Of Tiny Lights', a plastacine masterpiece! Mind-expanding goodies all round? No. As I understand it, Frank didn't turn on anymore from a young age, if at all. A confirmed cigarette chain-smoker, there are records of strong tobacco being used to get high, but that's such a longshot. Frank's talents were his own, embellished by his creative genius; a real American Hero.
Frank once did a Pony ( a crap, defecation) on stage during a set. He then opened a case containing $25 000. He said that if anyone can do something more gross, they can take the money.
Some bright spark got up on stage and set about eating it. Did he win the money? What do you think?
Two of ours have gone recently. Spencer Davis and Gordon Haskell, along with the big Jamaican man, Toots Hibbard. The question: 'Does a bird know that it's singing a beautiful song? Or is it a manifestation of the bird's beautiful spirit?' can be asked of our heroes.
Who would you say has this quality? For me, Roy Orbison, Billie Holiday, George Harrison, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Dusty Springfield... for starters.
Don't know Frank Zappa? Check out the video 'City Of Tiny Lights', a plastacine masterpiece! Mind-expanding goodies all round? No. As I understand it, Frank didn't turn on anymore from a young age, if at all. A confirmed cigarette chain-smoker, there are records of strong tobacco being used to get high, but that's such a longshot. Frank's talents were his own, embellished by his creative genius; a real American Hero.
Frank once did a Pony ( a crap, defecation) on stage during a set. He then opened a case containing $25 000. He said that if anyone can do something more gross, they can take the money.
Some bright spark got up on stage and set about eating it. Did he win the money? What do you think?
Two of ours have gone recently. Spencer Davis and Gordon Haskell, along with the big Jamaican man, Toots Hibbard. The question: 'Does a bird know that it's singing a beautiful song? Or is it a manifestation of the bird's beautiful spirit?' can be asked of our heroes.
Who would you say has this quality? For me, Roy Orbison, Billie Holiday, George Harrison, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Dusty Springfield... for starters.

Zappa was afaik completely free of drugs other than alcohol and tobacco.
I like the question are certain people born with a finite number of god given tunes, or are they limited by talent.
Motzart wrote so many works in a relatively short period, he never corrected a manuscript. Some say he only had enuf time to write them out, so the works must have been inside his head waiting to come out. No conscious thought just a outpouring of genius.
Zappa was same, his body of work is huge, most musicians I know admire him with godlike love.
I like the question are certain people born with a finite number of god given tunes, or are they limited by talent.
Motzart wrote so many works in a relatively short period, he never corrected a manuscript. Some say he only had enuf time to write them out, so the works must have been inside his head waiting to come out. No conscious thought just a outpouring of genius.
Zappa was same, his body of work is huge, most musicians I know admire him with godlike love.

Apropos Zappa, a rather excellent 'Tribute Band' (I know, stay with me) Called The Muffin Men. I saw them at the Phoenix in Exeter a few years ago. This from Wiki will give a measure of the quality of the band
The Muffin Men are a British band, based in Liverpool, England, which primarily plays the music of Frank Zappa and his band, The Mothers of Invention. The group formed in 1990 for a concert in honor of Zappa's fiftieth birthday. They went on to perform his music as a tribute band, along with some of their own compositions, worldwide. Until his death in 2008, the band often featured guest vocals and percussion by Jimmy Carl Black, former drummer and vocalist from Zappa's Mothers of Invention, with whom they also performed songs by Captain Beefheart.
Since their debut, the Muffin Men have featured no less than seven original Zappa band members, along with original Mothers Of Invention drummer/vocalist Jimmy Carl Black, as well as performing with Don Preston and Bunk Gardner in 1993. In 1994 they played a nine-week European tour with guest vocalist Ike Willis, and again teamed up with Willis in 2003 for a special Zappanale festival show, which also featured Napoleon Murphy Brock. (Zappanale is a yearly tribute concert festival dedicated to Frank Zappa's compositions.) Mike Keneally has also appeared with the band, along with Ray White, and Robert Martin. Denny Walley has performed on several occasions since 2010.
Rather than play pieces note-for-note, the band plays Zappa's material working to the strengths of the current line-up, often giving the music a different slant to the original versions.
25th anniversary gigs (2015) feature a core line-up of 3 original members - Rhino, Jumpy and Roddie, with Phil Hearn on keys
The Muffin Men are a British band, based in Liverpool, England, which primarily plays the music of Frank Zappa and his band, The Mothers of Invention. The group formed in 1990 for a concert in honor of Zappa's fiftieth birthday. They went on to perform his music as a tribute band, along with some of their own compositions, worldwide. Until his death in 2008, the band often featured guest vocals and percussion by Jimmy Carl Black, former drummer and vocalist from Zappa's Mothers of Invention, with whom they also performed songs by Captain Beefheart.
Since their debut, the Muffin Men have featured no less than seven original Zappa band members, along with original Mothers Of Invention drummer/vocalist Jimmy Carl Black, as well as performing with Don Preston and Bunk Gardner in 1993. In 1994 they played a nine-week European tour with guest vocalist Ike Willis, and again teamed up with Willis in 2003 for a special Zappanale festival show, which also featured Napoleon Murphy Brock. (Zappanale is a yearly tribute concert festival dedicated to Frank Zappa's compositions.) Mike Keneally has also appeared with the band, along with Ray White, and Robert Martin. Denny Walley has performed on several occasions since 2010.
Rather than play pieces note-for-note, the band plays Zappa's material working to the strengths of the current line-up, often giving the music a different slant to the original versions.
25th anniversary gigs (2015) feature a core line-up of 3 original members - Rhino, Jumpy and Roddie, with Phil Hearn on keys

Loved to have seen them or the real deal, Zappa was reportedly a dictator when it came to the band, bit like James brown. One mistake you get a warning, two mistakes and start looking for a new band.
Often wish I understood musical theory better as people who do are astonished at his knowledge and inventive audacity.
Often wish I understood musical theory better as people who do are astonished at his knowledge and inventive audacity.

The Muffin Men. Wow! As the MC says at the end of the Edar Broughton Band's turnout on the Glastonbury Rock and Blues Festival
1971 album - 'Fuck me old boots! What a set!'
Interesting point about the Great Dictator. When you see the gig, thanks for putting it on, Frank don't care, having introduced the band, how long he takes tuning up. When he kicks off, he's gonna have it right. So the whole band are following him. Woe betide if you're not where he wants you, when he wants you. Tough stuff, but this is a rare quality Zappa has. His perfection is right where he wants it, at any moment. To mess up, or the impact messing up has on Frank, is difficult to comprehend because we don't have this quality.
I FEEL GOOD! That's the sticky, that is. Anyway. The Hardest Working Man In Showbusiness! James Brown has the same experience of performance. His guys are shitting themselves with a constant eye for his signal,which could be any time soon. They were on salary of $1500 or something a week and they would be fined for dirty shoes or wrinkled clothes at rehearsals. This same quality may be seen in other, more structured, boring artists like Sinatra and Streisand.
I love JB, Mark Lamarr visited JB as an elderly chap, who, when clearing his throat, made Mark think he was kicking off a song!
Understanding musical theory... Me too. I'm not very musical myself. We can only enjoy an experience alone. Musical types will experience more comprehension of the forms and things they're picking up on, which will enrich their experience. Lucky bleeders! Lucky Bleeders! @ Ian Dury.
1971 album - 'Fuck me old boots! What a set!'
Interesting point about the Great Dictator. When you see the gig, thanks for putting it on, Frank don't care, having introduced the band, how long he takes tuning up. When he kicks off, he's gonna have it right. So the whole band are following him. Woe betide if you're not where he wants you, when he wants you. Tough stuff, but this is a rare quality Zappa has. His perfection is right where he wants it, at any moment. To mess up, or the impact messing up has on Frank, is difficult to comprehend because we don't have this quality.
I FEEL GOOD! That's the sticky, that is. Anyway. The Hardest Working Man In Showbusiness! James Brown has the same experience of performance. His guys are shitting themselves with a constant eye for his signal,which could be any time soon. They were on salary of $1500 or something a week and they would be fined for dirty shoes or wrinkled clothes at rehearsals. This same quality may be seen in other, more structured, boring artists like Sinatra and Streisand.
I love JB, Mark Lamarr visited JB as an elderly chap, who, when clearing his throat, made Mark think he was kicking off a song!
Understanding musical theory... Me too. I'm not very musical myself. We can only enjoy an experience alone. Musical types will experience more comprehension of the forms and things they're picking up on, which will enrich their experience. Lucky bleeders! Lucky Bleeders! @ Ian Dury.

Bass – Tom Fowler
Drums – Chester Thompson, Ralph Humphrey
Keyboards, Synthesizer, Vocals – George Duke
Lead Guitar, Vocals, Producer – Frank Zappa
Percussion – Ruth Underwood
Rhythm Guitar, Vocals – Jeff Simmons
Synthesizer – Don Preston
Tenor Saxophone, Flute, Lead Vocals – Napoleon Murphy Brock
Trombone - Bruce Fowler
Trumpet – Walt Fowler
Drums – Chester Thompson, Ralph Humphrey
Keyboards, Synthesizer, Vocals – George Duke
Lead Guitar, Vocals, Producer – Frank Zappa
Percussion – Ruth Underwood
Rhythm Guitar, Vocals – Jeff Simmons
Synthesizer – Don Preston
Tenor Saxophone, Flute, Lead Vocals – Napoleon Murphy Brock
Trombone - Bruce Fowler
Trumpet – Walt Fowler

Zappa the main man on the pan!
Funny to think he wasn't into any drugs at all,think he tried a joint once! I was pretty shocked when I found that out!
Funny to think he wasn't into any drugs at all,think he tried a joint once! I was pretty shocked when I found that out!

Don't even need to press play to see that's drug kingpin Miami Vice era Zappa!
Gonna press play now hoping I'm right lol
Gonna press play now hoping I'm right lol

3 posts
+6 votes
Kids, eh? Back in the day, it was watching for a chance to half inch an oily rag from an uncle's packet.
+ 3 more

Why did my Post get Deleted? A true customer experience
Any post that maybe convey reality, TheGreenTeam will take your money but don't hold your breath for delivery as you will die from asphyxiation.
Their Terms and Condition
Your order, should you choose to accept it … will not be sent and you bitcoin will be for nothing, this message will me removed from the mediator as soon as they have seen it.
Any post that maybe convey reality, TheGreenTeam will take your money but don't hold your breath for delivery as you will die from asphyxiation.
Their Terms and Condition
Your order, should you choose to accept it … will not be sent and you bitcoin will be for nothing, this message will me removed from the mediator as soon as they have seen it.

I just found out, my son and his friends stole my 2 orders I made from Tgt, so I want apologise here to the green team, I fell embarrassed, I doubt of your honest so I'm so sorry for my bad behaviour, bad judgement.
TGT always been good to me, my apologies TGT
TGT always been good to me, my apologies TGT

Kids, eh? Back in the day, it was watching for a chance to half inch an oily rag from an uncle's packet.

Good for you, Hugo.
This is now addressed to the general, not the particular.
There is a reward in making a mistake and that is that one can learn from it. To not do so leaves one free to make the same mistake again.
I've written some Haikus (5-7-5 syllables on three lines) recently and I intend to post them everywhere. This one puts a question.
Better to trust and
Be deceived, than to suspect
And be mistaken?
This is now addressed to the general, not the particular.
There is a reward in making a mistake and that is that one can learn from it. To not do so leaves one free to make the same mistake again.
I've written some Haikus (5-7-5 syllables on three lines) recently and I intend to post them everywhere. This one puts a question.
Better to trust and
Be deceived, than to suspect
And be mistaken?

Respect for your honesty bro, TGT and Drugs inc are the only vendors i mess with, gets me a bit worried when I see a bad review so thanks for clearing it up.
Hope you've got your son and his friends doing non stop house work to pay that off!! Should get em to sweep the chimney;-)
Hope you've got your son and his friends doing non stop house work to pay that off!! Should get em to sweep the chimney;-)

The same happened to me mate, I order 7 g of malana cream from tgt and after 9 days still not delivered, I try to message them a couple times,and 3 days later still not reply from them, Anyways I have a bad feeling, they never sent my order, all together I lost 180 pounds, I also order zero zero

After 5 days I got a reply from tgt ,and guess What they told me, 1 they sayd ,we can’t do nothing about It or basically they don’t care,you should spend 17 pounds n posting ,so the delivery would be faster ,anyways after nearly 13 days my order still not delivered ,I overpaid them and they never sent my 2 orders ,I got robbed by tgt ,please don’t trust tgt ,they are only after the bitcoins,tgt give me my money back thieves

It’s a conspiracy! Sounding a little paranoid there, which is a side effect of strong stash;)

I do like your response and the cheky wink, It put a smile on my face, if I had received any hash from thegreenteam then the stash would not be empty, but thanks for making my giggle.

There are a lot of comments on here expressing concern about late deliveries, not all resolved to punter's satisfaction, it seems, for whatever reasons. Using the mail the package becomes their property until delivery, so you pays your money...TGT have offered a deal for another order and proposed phasing in a part refund. However, I suggest that you check out the comments on the 00 with regards TGT.
My position is that the label 00 is misleading. Others have concerns with the quality. On Malana Cream, a reviewer showed it seems to contain an adulterate which when ignited, produces a sooty (carbon) smoke. I intend to use several hash samples as control and test this for my own satisfaction. I'm not familiar with the technique but if there is a contaminant it will be apparent.
I could go on to speculate that this is actually some low grade hash that has had an additive. The cost in Amsterdam, say, is $250.00 for 1 Tola, about 11.66 g. TGT's price is about $166.00. Good deal for the punter, or some gear on the market that's a wrong 'un. It's certainly in wolf's clothing, but is it like a Donna Kebab, mashed up with stuff you don't want to know about.
Good vendors for me: UK240. Gear such as the modern classic twice filtered Lemon and the Chaps @ #hashtaguk whose Banana is such good puff at such a good price that has challenged the high prices the puff was commanding. Whatever happens in the sodding world, it hits us in the pocket. Ha. Some one wrote: Dope can get you though times of no money better than...etc.
Good business success needs trust and kindness. But, that's enough about life in general.
My position is that the label 00 is misleading. Others have concerns with the quality. On Malana Cream, a reviewer showed it seems to contain an adulterate which when ignited, produces a sooty (carbon) smoke. I intend to use several hash samples as control and test this for my own satisfaction. I'm not familiar with the technique but if there is a contaminant it will be apparent.
I could go on to speculate that this is actually some low grade hash that has had an additive. The cost in Amsterdam, say, is $250.00 for 1 Tola, about 11.66 g. TGT's price is about $166.00. Good deal for the punter, or some gear on the market that's a wrong 'un. It's certainly in wolf's clothing, but is it like a Donna Kebab, mashed up with stuff you don't want to know about.
Good vendors for me: UK240. Gear such as the modern classic twice filtered Lemon and the Chaps @ #hashtaguk whose Banana is such good puff at such a good price that has challenged the high prices the puff was commanding. Whatever happens in the sodding world, it hits us in the pocket. Ha. Some one wrote: Dope can get you though times of no money better than...etc.
Good business success needs trust and kindness. But, that's enough about life in general.

Yeah but thats literally not the experience of dozens of other people - the vast majority.
It sucks when someone gets a bad experience, but all it takes is a quick 5 minute scan of the reviews to show that the vast majority of tgt’s customers are happy with the service
It sucks when someone gets a bad experience, but all it takes is a quick 5 minute scan of the reviews to show that the vast majority of tgt’s customers are happy with the service

Let me thank you for your comments, I did read the reviews prior to order and they seemed to be trusted, but as a first user on this site I hope you can understand how disapointed I am, £60 might be nothing to you or the vender, so as a good will gesture they could come to some kind of resolution, if they are willing to make some kind compinsation or just sent me what I had paid for, then I will give them 10 of 10, but as thong stand at this point of time, I beleave for the reputation of this site the customer experience of this spacific vendor should be known.

Nothing wrong with honest reviews. And as ive said, it absolutely sucks if something doesnt turn up - but you have to take a step back and understand that, there is an uncontrollable element to this - which is the post. 99% of the time things arrive, but sometimes they are delayed or dont arrive.
Couple of things - what postage did you go for? If standard then it does introduce an element of unknown. I had a friend on here have a standard post take 14 working days to arrive, so it may yet turn up.
Also, have you messaged them? They generally get back on most queries.
Honestly mate - ive had 7 purchases off tgt alone in the last couple of months, and 6 have arrived within two days, and the 7th took 4 days. Every time the product was great. They are a good vendor, and i hope it turns up or they sort something out for you.
Bottom line though is, you’re buying something probibited online. No matter how reputable the vendor (and tgt are certainly that), there is always a risk it might not reach you. If that is the case, ita really bad luck though. Their stealth is excellent.
Good luck
Couple of things - what postage did you go for? If standard then it does introduce an element of unknown. I had a friend on here have a standard post take 14 working days to arrive, so it may yet turn up.
Also, have you messaged them? They generally get back on most queries.
Honestly mate - ive had 7 purchases off tgt alone in the last couple of months, and 6 have arrived within two days, and the 7th took 4 days. Every time the product was great. They are a good vendor, and i hope it turns up or they sort something out for you.
Bottom line though is, you’re buying something probibited online. No matter how reputable the vendor (and tgt are certainly that), there is always a risk it might not reach you. If that is the case, ita really bad luck though. Their stealth is excellent.
Good luck

from THEGREENTEAM 17 Sep 20 08:35 Order not recived
This was posted as normal, unfortunatley as you only have 1 buy on the site we cannot do any refund or reship.
We can offer you free NDD on your next order, when your stats go up we can honour a 50% refund or reship.
This was posted as normal, unfortunatley as you only have 1 buy on the site we cannot do any refund or reship.
We can offer you free NDD on your next order, when your stats go up we can honour a 50% refund or reship.

Thanks but what would you do, go to another vendor or try again with them?
to THEGREENTEAM 21 Aug 20 07:09 Order not recived
Hi, as of yet I unfortunately have not received the order I made 9 days ago, can you confirm it has been processed and in the post?
to THEGREENTEAM 21 Aug 20 07:09 Order not recived
Hi, as of yet I unfortunately have not received the order I made 9 days ago, can you confirm it has been processed and in the post?

Personally it would depend. If i’d placed one order (espeically if id gone for standard post), then i’d probably give them one more go, especially as it appears youd get free ndd on it (fwiw i always go ndd, but then i always buy a minimum of 7g a time).
I wouldnt completely give up hope though mate. 9 days (so presumably including a weekend) isnt out of the question, as i say, ive had a mate have a parcel take 14 days before.
The other thing which seems really obvious, is just triple check any address details before you submit. I left the house number off mine on one order, the one that was 4 days - it arrived, but if it hadnt, it would totally have been my fault
In short, if they have a product you really want to try, id give them one more go and take the offer of the ndd (if you order before 9am, this will ALWAYS take two working days, so bear that in mind - ie, order monday before 9am, you should get it wednesday). If you’re not comfortable doing that, other vendors friends use that they reckon are sound are
Radar breeder
The gentlemen dealers
Urban leaf co
I cant speak for any of them, as i generally stick with tgt as theyve always been great for me - but they all come recommended from real world friends who i smoke with, and trust.
Good luck again buddy
I wouldnt completely give up hope though mate. 9 days (so presumably including a weekend) isnt out of the question, as i say, ive had a mate have a parcel take 14 days before.
The other thing which seems really obvious, is just triple check any address details before you submit. I left the house number off mine on one order, the one that was 4 days - it arrived, but if it hadnt, it would totally have been my fault
In short, if they have a product you really want to try, id give them one more go and take the offer of the ndd (if you order before 9am, this will ALWAYS take two working days, so bear that in mind - ie, order monday before 9am, you should get it wednesday). If you’re not comfortable doing that, other vendors friends use that they reckon are sound are
Radar breeder
The gentlemen dealers
Urban leaf co
I cant speak for any of them, as i generally stick with tgt as theyve always been great for me - but they all come recommended from real world friends who i smoke with, and trust.
Good luck again buddy

1 post
+2 votes
Hurry hurry, before there's Zero left! Zero Zero Review
There's nothing left to say - Tintin has said it all! I had a 500 word review drafted here, but there's nothing in it that has not been said already …

Hurry hurry, before there's Zero left! Zero Zero Review

Yum yum – you are in for a treat!
If you have bought from this vendor before, you’ll know what to expect, fast efficient service with friendly speedy coms and very speedy delivery included in the price, normally arrives next day.
Bang on the weight.
I’m a big fan of Zero Zero. This a Moroccan Style hash that’s very pure. The name refers to the size of sieve they use to dry sift the plant matter, with sieves ranging from 00, 0, 1, 2, 3. 00 is the smallest and so its mainly trichome material that gets through to create a very strong variation of the hash.
Initial inspection is promising, this looks and smells like good Zero Zero I’ve had before. Taste and strength will not disappoint, if you like Marocs and the taste of the hashish of this region you will find plenty to appreciate here. This is a potent and strong high and me and my wife are very rekked this evening on this. Huzzah!
Like most Marocs, this is an indica hit, easily recognised by old smokers like myself who never had access to all the varieties we see today. It will leave you pleasantly bemused and couch locked – just the way I like it!
Of course, I can’t tell you if this is genuine Zero Zero, but I can tell you it’s very high grade, and every bit as potent as other zero zero’s I’ve had, including Drugs inc UK’s Zero Zero on here a few months back. I'll definitely be back for more.
I’ve been asked to compare with this vendors Banana X variety, which I’ve bought twice myself and rate as a very decent smoke (do try it). Every strain is different and I do like the Bannana X very much, which is a potent hash with high THC levels, but if anything, this is a bit stronger and, as I’ve mentioned, its one of my favourite strains.
I can only recommend this to my fellow biggies. Bang per buck, its right up there with the best I’ve gotten on here, and further cements Hashlover 420 as one to watch for tasty strains that won’t kill your bank balance!
Hope you all enjoy!
If you have bought from this vendor before, you’ll know what to expect, fast efficient service with friendly speedy coms and very speedy delivery included in the price, normally arrives next day.
Bang on the weight.
I’m a big fan of Zero Zero. This a Moroccan Style hash that’s very pure. The name refers to the size of sieve they use to dry sift the plant matter, with sieves ranging from 00, 0, 1, 2, 3. 00 is the smallest and so its mainly trichome material that gets through to create a very strong variation of the hash.
Initial inspection is promising, this looks and smells like good Zero Zero I’ve had before. Taste and strength will not disappoint, if you like Marocs and the taste of the hashish of this region you will find plenty to appreciate here. This is a potent and strong high and me and my wife are very rekked this evening on this. Huzzah!
Like most Marocs, this is an indica hit, easily recognised by old smokers like myself who never had access to all the varieties we see today. It will leave you pleasantly bemused and couch locked – just the way I like it!
Of course, I can’t tell you if this is genuine Zero Zero, but I can tell you it’s very high grade, and every bit as potent as other zero zero’s I’ve had, including Drugs inc UK’s Zero Zero on here a few months back. I'll definitely be back for more.
I’ve been asked to compare with this vendors Banana X variety, which I’ve bought twice myself and rate as a very decent smoke (do try it). Every strain is different and I do like the Bannana X very much, which is a potent hash with high THC levels, but if anything, this is a bit stronger and, as I’ve mentioned, its one of my favourite strains.
I can only recommend this to my fellow biggies. Bang per buck, its right up there with the best I’ve gotten on here, and further cements Hashlover 420 as one to watch for tasty strains that won’t kill your bank balance!
Hope you all enjoy!

good stuff, great review. always good to hear your opinions on the good stuff. If i wasnt crosseyed on an oz of g13 hash that has plenty left, id plump for this. Hopefully some left over by the time i finish.

After having a half ounce of both the Double 0 and the Bannana Kush and smoking them both over the last 3 days, i can say i like both hashes, but it is the Bananna Kush i find myself reaching for more often when i am going to make the next joint. I am now glad i got both because i was set to get an ounce of Double 0 but it would have been a big mistake not to have some of the Bananna Kush, it is a great hash.

Nice to hear you are liking the banana, I rate it too and have come back for more.
The zero zero is a stronger hash though, myself and the misses get by with 0.8g of that in an evening, but we use 1g of banana X.
I'm glad to have both though , and glad you tried both too!
I've just received his Rubio Marroc , looking forward to trying that tonight :)
The zero zero is a stronger hash though, myself and the misses get by with 0.8g of that in an evening, but we use 1g of banana X.
I'm glad to have both though , and glad you tried both too!
I've just received his Rubio Marroc , looking forward to trying that tonight :)

There's nothing left to say - Tintin has said it all! I had a 500 word review drafted here, but there's nothing in it that has not been said already about this fine Roccy by Tintin The Pothead Pixie and others. So I'll scrap that.
Wow! I scored 14g ('alf oz. in the old money). Good price,Generous weight, good stealth, free delivery. And now it's 0.0021 bt less than what I paid last week! And there's a +5% deal currently. If you like your hash, then Hashtaguk, with the 00 along with the Banana, have sourced some fine authentic blow, the like of which I have rarely seen since leaving London and living in the West Country for thirty years.
In other news, I learned a new hash trick. Stop me if this is passe, but the idea is to heat a glass surface to about 150 degrees centigrade. A Pyrex dish lid, say. Hold the hash like a crayon and draw lines across the hot surface, let cool then razor off what has been called rosin. If your sister's giving you grief for using her hair straighteners ...
Wow! I scored 14g ('alf oz. in the old money). Good price,Generous weight, good stealth, free delivery. And now it's 0.0021 bt less than what I paid last week! And there's a +5% deal currently. If you like your hash, then Hashtaguk, with the 00 along with the Banana, have sourced some fine authentic blow, the like of which I have rarely seen since leaving London and living in the West Country for thirty years.
In other news, I learned a new hash trick. Stop me if this is passe, but the idea is to heat a glass surface to about 150 degrees centigrade. A Pyrex dish lid, say. Hold the hash like a crayon and draw lines across the hot surface, let cool then razor off what has been called rosin. If your sister's giving you grief for using her hair straighteners ...

Great review. You buy alot of different types of hashes and its good to read your feedback. I was going to order an ounce of Double Zero but reading your review has made me want to try the Bananna Kush as well so i got a half of both. I like the way that Double Zero looks, the crumbly texture of it, and i get a feeling it is a genuine representation of the hash. I am looking for that specific crumble again which i got from Drug's Inc's version because i know that was a proper example of the hash. The hashes that have a fudgey or oily feel to them never seem genuine to me, even though i enjoy them most of the time, it is a specific crumble you feel that you know it has been produced the authentic way. This example of the Double Zero looks to be just that.

Hey Tintin love your reviews.just making sure-you did mean hashtaguk on this review and not hashlover 420?

2 posts
+3 votes
Too good to miss
Good one. Conversely, I've got the Afghan and the Red Leb and I have the 00 coming soon. Like you, it was a long time ago that I scored regularly. …
+ 2 more

Too good to miss
I had no intention of buying any hash for a while but this hash is an absolute gem. I have had this hash (or a variant) of it a few times before and it was the best hash i have smoked, mind you i only started smoking hash again in February so my experience does not go back far, the last time i bought hash before February was before the creation of Bitcoin, a long time ago.
Anyone who read a review of mine about another hash from another seller it did not sit well with some people, and maybe i was a bit generous with my words, but what i say about this hash here you can take it to the bank.
I will write a followup when i receive it.
Anyone who read a review of mine about another hash from another seller it did not sit well with some people, and maybe i was a bit generous with my words, but what i say about this hash here you can take it to the bank.
I will write a followup when i receive it.

Received it yesterday and as soon as i smelled it i knew it was like the same stuff i had a few months ago. Top quality stuff.
This is a great bit of hash, smells great and it is strong. You do not need to burn it, i have made several joints without a flame to it, it is slightly oily and sticky but not so much were you have to roll it into sausages. This is one you pick bits off and crumble with your fingers.
I have been vaping alot recently and a joint of this is the strongest stone i have felt for over a month, as much as i like vaping i can never agree they are stronger than a good bit of hash or a good bit of weed, i have had over 12 vape carts so far and i cannot arrive at that conclusion, honesty is the best policy whether it suits the narrative or not. Many words can describe the advantages of vape carts over hash or weed, but 'stronger' is not one of them.
If you want a strong bit of hash then this is the one, i have not tried the Afghan or the Red Leb and i do not intend to (with all due respect). This is the one to go for and i will be back for 2nds and 3rds until it is sold out. Nothing will be up for consideration when this is still on the scene.
This is a great bit of hash, smells great and it is strong. You do not need to burn it, i have made several joints without a flame to it, it is slightly oily and sticky but not so much were you have to roll it into sausages. This is one you pick bits off and crumble with your fingers.
I have been vaping alot recently and a joint of this is the strongest stone i have felt for over a month, as much as i like vaping i can never agree they are stronger than a good bit of hash or a good bit of weed, i have had over 12 vape carts so far and i cannot arrive at that conclusion, honesty is the best policy whether it suits the narrative or not. Many words can describe the advantages of vape carts over hash or weed, but 'stronger' is not one of them.
If you want a strong bit of hash then this is the one, i have not tried the Afghan or the Red Leb and i do not intend to (with all due respect). This is the one to go for and i will be back for 2nds and 3rds until it is sold out. Nothing will be up for consideration when this is still on the scene.

Looking good - but completely different to what someone else received in their review for the same product? Their picture looked awful and matched the thoughts of those who aren't impressed with it...
I'm a bit confused, but this is not the first time I've seen some receive a nice smoke from TGT, and others receive something that looks completely different. If I thought I'd get what you got scooby I'd buy some for sure, but I'm too broke to take too many chances and I fear I'd get the rubbish picture in today's review, you can see that's cheap...
I'm gonna have to pass, but it hurts. I can get zero zero that wont be guess work on another DM from a trusted vendor, so I'm gonna take a punt there instead - but I do envy you your lump Scoob, it looks lovely!
I'm a bit confused, but this is not the first time I've seen some receive a nice smoke from TGT, and others receive something that looks completely different. If I thought I'd get what you got scooby I'd buy some for sure, but I'm too broke to take too many chances and I fear I'd get the rubbish picture in today's review, you can see that's cheap...
I'm gonna have to pass, but it hurts. I can get zero zero that wont be guess work on another DM from a trusted vendor, so I'm gonna take a punt there instead - but I do envy you your lump Scoob, it looks lovely!

Word! That's pretty much how I feel about it. As it is I'd rather save my pennies whilst awaiting hash God hashlover420's return.

Noticed my comments on this thread have been deleted now.
So much shilling and fake reviews on LB these days, almost puts you off using the site.
This was utter garbage hash that looked nothing like the vendor photos.
So much shilling and fake reviews on LB these days, almost puts you off using the site.
This was utter garbage hash that looked nothing like the vendor photos.

I would wait for a few more pictures to make your mind up but mine is a golden colour as you can see and the other buyer has a grey/black looking hash, which looks like it could be afghan gold.
This hash is not a carbon copy of the Super Zero you had before, i had it 2 and a half ounces of it and know the difference. This is a great bit of hash whatever name is bestowed upon it nonetheless and the reviews and feedback will decide were it stands.
I dont give praise to any old bit of hash, the last hash i had from TGT, the Lemon Stuff i gave it a 7/10 but i thought that was too generous, probably a 6/10 it should have been. This one i give a 10/10 but if compared to the other Zero Zero i say 8/10.
This hash is not a carbon copy of the Super Zero you had before, i had it 2 and a half ounces of it and know the difference. This is a great bit of hash whatever name is bestowed upon it nonetheless and the reviews and feedback will decide were it stands.
I dont give praise to any old bit of hash, the last hash i had from TGT, the Lemon Stuff i gave it a 7/10 but i thought that was too generous, probably a 6/10 it should have been. This one i give a 10/10 but if compared to the other Zero Zero i say 8/10.

Good one. Conversely, I've got the Afghan and the Red Leb and I have the 00 coming soon. Like you, it was a long time ago that I scored regularly. However, I had some 00 a few months ago, on LB.
I see your nightclub analogy as three Top Totty. My hedonistic Menage a Trois with the Black and the Red is be to enhanced with the addition of the Gold. What an Awesome Foursome. Well, all right, three out four ain't bad. I'll probably sleep through the buzz!
I have said how good the hash is on here right now, these three being a case in point. I have also tried the Banana from UKhashtag. Good gear with good prices makes for a good vendor.
I see your nightclub analogy as three Top Totty. My hedonistic Menage a Trois with the Black and the Red is be to enhanced with the addition of the Gold. What an Awesome Foursome. Well, all right, three out four ain't bad. I'll probably sleep through the buzz!
I have said how good the hash is on here right now, these three being a case in point. I have also tried the Banana from UKhashtag. Good gear with good prices makes for a good vendor.

The Leb, the Afghani and the 00 are all good products. It's nothing like the 00 on here earlier and why would it be? Anyone can name a product, there's no trademark. The Leb and the Afghani are traditional hash products, for many of us, seen for the first time in years. The Roccy is a new one on me. New production methods, technology, skilled horticulture may produce new hash. It's not Zero Zero as I knew it back in the day and the authentic 00 I got here back in March 20 or whenever.
What's hard to understand is the clearly polarized experiences of the corresponding punters. You're on your knees to the fucking stuff; many are the opponents to your position, saying that it's not this or that and doesn't this and that and doesn't look like this and that, ... ad nauseum. Along with the doomsayer of gear, calling it shite and a ripoff. Nothing wrong with that. Does it stand up?
No. I got the good stuff. It is what it is. Wise words: Look at it. Squeeze it. Burn it. All the rest of it and it don't mean shit if you don't turn on with it. The only box to tick is the one that asks: Does it blow your head off?
Not available online, unless vendors offer sample deals. Anyway, the Kings of Hash? Vive the revolution. This was misleading labelling, aside from the different quality issues that others have raised, to which i can give my take on the puff in question.
I like it. It's good-quality Roccy (or Roccy-style) and is not good comparative value for money. I've paid this price for much better hash, like the Banana from #hashtag uk and the Afghani and Leb. This may be a modern product, nothing like the Roccy you sraped with a knife into a pipe. The UK640 Lemon filtered is a modern classic. This gear is good. It's subtle, joyeous and magically makes a day off day so much better, with energy and enthusaism.
Last word on the price: I got Malana Cream today and paid less for it. Same vendor. What's that all about?
What's hard to understand is the clearly polarized experiences of the corresponding punters. You're on your knees to the fucking stuff; many are the opponents to your position, saying that it's not this or that and doesn't this and that and doesn't look like this and that, ... ad nauseum. Along with the doomsayer of gear, calling it shite and a ripoff. Nothing wrong with that. Does it stand up?
No. I got the good stuff. It is what it is. Wise words: Look at it. Squeeze it. Burn it. All the rest of it and it don't mean shit if you don't turn on with it. The only box to tick is the one that asks: Does it blow your head off?
Not available online, unless vendors offer sample deals. Anyway, the Kings of Hash? Vive the revolution. This was misleading labelling, aside from the different quality issues that others have raised, to which i can give my take on the puff in question.
I like it. It's good-quality Roccy (or Roccy-style) and is not good comparative value for money. I've paid this price for much better hash, like the Banana from #hashtag uk and the Afghani and Leb. This may be a modern product, nothing like the Roccy you sraped with a knife into a pipe. The UK640 Lemon filtered is a modern classic. This gear is good. It's subtle, joyeous and magically makes a day off day so much better, with energy and enthusaism.
Last word on the price: I got Malana Cream today and paid less for it. Same vendor. What's that all about?

Received mine today, waiting on my Leb to land then I’ll be ordering some more of this for sure it’s a lovely smoke. You won’t be disappointed.

Any chance you could do a little mini review for the zero zero mate? Already had the afghan which was lovely and was going to order the leb next then this stuff popped up and now not sure what to go for?

Leb is really nice.well happy with it.very clean and smooth smoke.high is medium to strong.9/10 for me

Think about going on the pull in a nightclub and you got 3 girls to talk to, 2 of them are haggard (red leb and afghan) and the other is beautiful (zero zero).

4 posts
+6 votes
Going down?
I too miss the good old days. Retail prices: good Roccy @ £7.00 1/4oz. Afghan, Nepalese, @ £10 1/4 oz. Grass from Africa, usually seedy Congolese, …
+ 4 more
The only way we'd get them down is to NOT buy anything over a certain threshold.
We can get 1/2 Z's from RB for the same price as a 1/4 from some others and going on my last purchase from RB the quality difference is negligible!
Lets not be mugged off ladies & gentlemen, we work hard for our pennies ;)
We can get 1/2 Z's from RB for the same price as a 1/4 from some others and going on my last purchase from RB the quality difference is negligible!
Lets not be mugged off ladies & gentlemen, we work hard for our pennies ;)

Yep best thing to do is boycott them new sellers trying to rip LB' s off. People who have been here just this year have no idea what this place use to be like.

Hope so. Right now all a bit daft. Basic supply and demand i think. But with lockdown easing, think people will go back to their local supplies now that travel restrictions are easing in UK anyway. I will use for hash again, but tbh, local green i get is as good as anything ive had on here. RB critical was sensational, TGT hassan and DIUK red leb also v nice. all three were reasonably priced i thought.
Think sellers will look at increased prices on here and look at overall profit. I suspect it will be less, seems way quieter now than it was just a couple of weeks ago on here. We shall see. But there is a principle here, which is $65+ a henry is just a bit too much.
Think sellers will look at increased prices on here and look at overall profit. I suspect it will be less, seems way quieter now than it was just a couple of weeks ago on here. We shall see. But there is a principle here, which is $65+ a henry is just a bit too much.

Hmm. Yeah ive been wondering this. I'm seeing prices creeping up to $60 for 3.5g as a standard across the board too. Was $45 not too long ago. Thats quite the jump!!

I raise an eyebrow at the $110+ 8ths too. "Flown here not grown here" okay buddy haha.

Yeah I understand all prices went up for all stuff certainly all over the UK, due to getting supplies through or the increased difficulty of getting supplies through . Plus the demand increased due to lockdown so inevitably prices shot up. I wonder if the "people effectively running the supply" will allow a decrease in the price of stuff to smoke at least. I guess we will have to wait and see.

No im a fat hairy 59 year old man who gets off on wearing stockings and false nails on the weekends ;)

I knew I recognised the name! Greg is that you!? I'd know those rings anywhere! :P only joking

Hahahhaaha me too! Now my secret is out and I dont have to live this lie anymore!! XD

I find that the fishnets don't look their best with the flats, but I just can't do the heels anymore. How do you manage?

Sort of knew the minute the streets went to £80 a q it would become the norm the same way 3.2 henry's, then £10 a g did. Seen a lot on here now and I'd say the average 8th price is about 40 odd quid. Does mirror the streets and the service is obviously on a different level but think every price rise is inevitable when the chance comes..happy with the way I buy my green at the moment a price drop would be welcome but I won't expect it

Your street is expensive. We have gone back to 8ths for £30 here. And the bud rivals some of the top vendors on here these days too!

Wow, where do you live? I was lucky to get £40 1/8 before lockdown, more like £10 for 0.75g in Ldn for decent smoke. I miss the good ol' days of £20 1/8's : )

I too miss the good old days. Retail prices: good Roccy @ £7.00 1/4oz. Afghan, Nepalese, @ £10 1/4 oz. Grass from Africa, usually seedy Congolese, @ £4.00 1/4. Scoring on the street in Brixton. £5.00 got you a 1/2oz pack of Jamaican herb, straight from the seller's mouth! We'd have a word, then his mate would pass him another one, ready to go again.
Course, it's all relative. When I completed my apprenticeship, I went on to net about 75.00 pw. The rent on my one bed flat in south London was £11.00 pw.
I knew a bloke who said in his good old days he could go out on a Saturday night with 0.75p, score and smoke 1/2 oz of good shit, down 10 pints, 6 double whiskies, a fish and chip supper with saveloy, then a bus home. And he still had change! Yeah, right.
When I heard this I wanted to say 'bollocks!' but a colleague gave me a sign to say nothing. Later, the chaps told me that he's a fantasist and that he won't tell you anything if you've challenged him. So we all kept quiet and heard the most outrageous tales of derring-do, the hero always Ken.
Anyway, the maxim here for scoring gear is: 'You can pay a lot for crap charge, but the good gear is never cheap.'
Course, it's all relative. When I completed my apprenticeship, I went on to net about 75.00 pw. The rent on my one bed flat in south London was £11.00 pw.
I knew a bloke who said in his good old days he could go out on a Saturday night with 0.75p, score and smoke 1/2 oz of good shit, down 10 pints, 6 double whiskies, a fish and chip supper with saveloy, then a bus home. And he still had change! Yeah, right.
When I heard this I wanted to say 'bollocks!' but a colleague gave me a sign to say nothing. Later, the chaps told me that he's a fantasist and that he won't tell you anything if you've challenged him. So we all kept quiet and heard the most outrageous tales of derring-do, the hero always Ken.
Anyway, the maxim here for scoring gear is: 'You can pay a lot for crap charge, but the good gear is never cheap.'

Yes absolutely fabulous as the saying goes. Prices may be higher on here but we always get top notch stuff and top rate good stealth delivery. And as has often been said on here - we don't have to put up with dodgy local dealers and the like. So we have got it good by comparison.

its a straight up fuckjng joke tbh! The cali cowboys have always taken the piss but its the bog standard strains like amnesia..stardawg...lemon haze..bubblegum the list is endless. These strains cost like 160 an ounce max all over the UK. I'm trying to get my pals on here with some of the strains they have would absolutely clean up. But yeah it really is a joke

Problem is they have no shame spock...
I saw your challenge and the response to it! Those guys aren’t the worst for it either though. Problem is people wont stop using them and keep fuelling the cycle with supportive posts
I saw your challenge and the response to it! Those guys aren’t the worst for it either though. Problem is people wont stop using them and keep fuelling the cycle with supportive posts

Thanks mate. There real scum I can't believe people are being such mugs and buy weed for that price.

Yep very expensive on here. Laughable. Local dealers are dry round where I am, but my mate just bought a couple of Henrys for £25 a go in Bristol last week.

They’ll go down when buyers stop purchasing at those prices, while they’re still buying the prices will carry on creeping up!
Pushing $70 a Henry now.
Pushing $70 a Henry now.

Got to say, while I'm loving lb, the prices are much higher than I'm used to paying. Having said that, the quality and choice is top notch. There has been a drought in my area since around Feb, but before then, prices were down to 25-30 a q. Standard hash, nowt special but does the job.
The great thing I've found on here, is the quality. Ordered swazi to keep price down and was pleasantly suprised. Now just got 24k kush and that is some of the best hash I've smoked in a long time.
So even when things return to normal with supply around here, theres no doubt I'll still be a regular purchaser on lb.
The menu is too good to resist
The great thing I've found on here, is the quality. Ordered swazi to keep price down and was pleasantly suprised. Now just got 24k kush and that is some of the best hash I've smoked in a long time.
So even when things return to normal with supply around here, theres no doubt I'll still be a regular purchaser on lb.
The menu is too good to resist

Agreed, there is a lot to love. The menu type approach is good and gives nice variety. Customer service is better than other options around and good to see feedback and conversation around product. But ultimately like it or not there are options everywhere and with the norm now seemingly 100 odd quid a q , with the lottery of only 1st class post..people will just have to vote with their wallets.

2 posts
+4 votes
Idiot said it was .1 under what a joke.
Yeah, I know. When I read about the mush whinging, it put me in mind of my bust (sic) experience.
Weed drought? The suggestion is a good reason to s…
+ 2 more

Idiot said it was .1 under what a joke.
Iv just seen a pic with someone saying it's .1 under. If you look at the pic its weight was 3.49 this person is an idiot so don't pay a tension to him. Will be getting some of this myself soon.

And the missing 0.01 will probably be sitting as a tiny little crumb in the bottom of the bag... never once had an underweight order from The Green Team (had a couple slightly over!).
Actually I'm still kinda new here but I've never had underweight from anyone on lb so far.
Actually I'm still kinda new here but I've never had underweight from anyone on lb so far.

There was probably 0.02 in crumbs mate so it was over lmao you couldn't even write something like that. Will be using that in one of my comedy shorts :)
There was probably 0.02 in crumbs mate so it was over lmao you couldn't even write something like that. Will be using that in one of my comedy shorts :)

Yeah some people. He needs to roll one and chill out!! If he gets picky about that I wonder how stressful his life must be. Lol.

Well, Rastaman. My home got raided in 1979. I took the tenancy from a mate who was 'The Man' at the time. Very disappointing for the Old Bill as the bird had flown. They took away a rather excellent crafted pipe for examination. I argued that I was not in possession of anything. Somebody may have smoked hash in the pipe once.
The pipe returned cannabis traces amounting to the equivilent to 0.004g. Good slate 'Roccy was £28.00 an oz retail. This pot, if there was actually anything in it, would be about 4p.
I said that I would plead not guilty so the charge was changed to allowing the property to be used for the consumption of...etc. (Is this still an offence (sic)?). I stated I had never used the pipe and that the residue must have come from a previous owner as I am a non-smoker. I eat the hash, I don't often smoke grass.
Result? Cunt disregarded all that I said and fined me £40.00. My name went on file somewhere as a dope fiend, so something good came out of it then. :)
So, Rastaman, that's what some fuckers can do with a little (h)ash.
The pipe returned cannabis traces amounting to the equivilent to 0.004g. Good slate 'Roccy was £28.00 an oz retail. This pot, if there was actually anything in it, would be about 4p.
I said that I would plead not guilty so the charge was changed to allowing the property to be used for the consumption of...etc. (Is this still an offence (sic)?). I stated I had never used the pipe and that the residue must have come from a previous owner as I am a non-smoker. I eat the hash, I don't often smoke grass.
Result? Cunt disregarded all that I said and fined me £40.00. My name went on file somewhere as a dope fiend, so something good came out of it then. :)
So, Rastaman, that's what some fuckers can do with a little (h)ash.

My mate got a grinder took from the police and ended up getting it back with the kief still in it, And i meant that 0.1 isnt going to do much at all if anything

Yeah, I know. When I read about the mush whinging, it put me in mind of my bust (sic) experience.
Weed drought? The suggestion is a good reason to stockpile. That puts me in mind of...
Well, when I 'got around', I pushed maybe 2 oz a week. I got mine from it and would also give myself a good deal to stash in the shoebox under the bed if I had some over.
As much as 1/2 oz in there sometimes. Red Leb, Nep, Afghan, Roccy, a nice Turkish for a while. I scored an oz. and it looked more. My mate said the deal he got was well over, so he was sharing the bonus. Beautiful hash. I've never knowingly had Turkish since.
Nice treat for the chaps whose tongues were hanging out for want of a puff, to have me turn up and turn them on with a 'one-off score down to a chance meeting while on a train.' Happy days.
Weed drought? The suggestion is a good reason to stockpile. That puts me in mind of...
Well, when I 'got around', I pushed maybe 2 oz a week. I got mine from it and would also give myself a good deal to stash in the shoebox under the bed if I had some over.
As much as 1/2 oz in there sometimes. Red Leb, Nep, Afghan, Roccy, a nice Turkish for a while. I scored an oz. and it looked more. My mate said the deal he got was well over, so he was sharing the bonus. Beautiful hash. I've never knowingly had Turkish since.
Nice treat for the chaps whose tongues were hanging out for want of a puff, to have me turn up and turn them on with a 'one-off score down to a chance meeting while on a train.' Happy days.

1 post
+1 votes
Believe the sales blurb!
I could handle the wait in an environment where mail took up to a month to arrive, Not so many of them left now. Good for you. It is worth the wait…

Believe the sales blurb!
If you want a clean and heavy MAROC hash then look no further, this is the real deal.
I've had the pleasure now of sampling nearly all the hashes TGT are currently offering and there's no bad ones amongst them yet, but in terms of 'stone per buck' this has to be right up there with the best and I slept very well last night:)
This is my new go to maroc - for a slightly lighter but wonderfully uplifting stone I'd recommend the Royal Ketima Gold which is my other goto hash from this vendor.
Not dissing the drysifts - these are also excellent, but the stone is more towards what you would have from smoking the bud, not the classic maroc hash buzz you get with these, and I smoke dry sifts in the day and maroc at night.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that anyone wandering if they should invest in some of this should do so, you won't be disappointed with this one! Happy smoking biggies.
I've had the pleasure now of sampling nearly all the hashes TGT are currently offering and there's no bad ones amongst them yet, but in terms of 'stone per buck' this has to be right up there with the best and I slept very well last night:)
This is my new go to maroc - for a slightly lighter but wonderfully uplifting stone I'd recommend the Royal Ketima Gold which is my other goto hash from this vendor.
Not dissing the drysifts - these are also excellent, but the stone is more towards what you would have from smoking the bud, not the classic maroc hash buzz you get with these, and I smoke dry sifts in the day and maroc at night.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that anyone wandering if they should invest in some of this should do so, you won't be disappointed with this one! Happy smoking biggies.

Great review! Been ages since I've had a decent Maroc so glad the reviews are living up to the hype Have 28g on the way, yet deliveries take upto a month to where I am. I'm super jealous of all you guys having next day shipping availalable haha

I could handle the wait in an environment where mail took up to a month to arrive, Not so many of them left now. Good for you. It is worth the wait.

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