Oh, yes,,, interesting comments in a review 7/10. Fair comment on delivery. But all the dust... to me it needs to be made into dust to consume it, so not an issue although being presented like this may not be what one may expect. Fair enough. Maybe rough handling by the PO. They had it long enough to pass it from hand to hand all the way through the system. Being amazed at the positive reviews re: the quality, I am also amazed at the notion of tolerance. I've turned on for fifty years and finally realised that taking a break of two-three weeks between good late afternoon - late night sessions works for me. The first hit is the highest. I've gone through a quarter day and night failing to get the effect from the first hit. Getting off on Nikol and
Mercedes is for this reviewer. Nothing wrong with that. My point is that artisan merchandise has it's own beautiful qualities. I sometimes drink Mild Ale 'coz I like it and being of a low alcohol content, I can enjoy a good drink without getting too pissed.