But why is the US Federal Gov the plaintiff? They fought against slavery with everything they had, 100 years later they peacefully fought the South against segregation. I think something is owed but the feds are the good guys on this one.
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joined jun 2019
I'm only here for the gear
0 topics on Keyop
4 posts by Keyop

What if Reparations for Slavery were Paid Instead of Bank Bail Outs?
35-45 million people are still living as slaves today, can we sort them out as well please ?
Is Growing Outdoor Worth It?
I do a small outdoor grow most years, use autoflowers, average something like 3 or 4 dry oz per plant, at 53 degrees north and 130 metres above sea l…
The bizarre world of Frank Zappa
Just the weaseldust
Wee Thai Red string review
Uplifting but not manic stone and a beautiful citrus taste and smell, perfect daytime smoke for me, good bang for your buck as well.
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