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Gods gas

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joined feb 2019
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0 topics on Gods gas
21 posts by Gods gas
1 post
+22 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
The future's arrived
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+8 votes

Anyone ever had a car accident stoned?
Can't remember.

Anyone ever had a car accident stoned?
I just had a close call last night, I was super focused on changing the song on my phone cause I fucking hate what it was playing and really pissed that Spotify was playing the shit again after I had already skipped it several times in the past, really it was an insult to begin with suggesting I would like Katie Perry - because who knows why? Maybe she had a track with somebody else that I liked but I can't figure out who AND WHOAH I am driving through a red light and SHIT there is an suv headed towards me and already slamming on the breaks. So then the good magic powers side of the weed kick in and I do this swerve to the left while I jam the accelerator I don't even know where the hell I got the idea still I gave up on the Fast and Furious like 5 movies ago but goddam it worked. Has this happened to anyone else?

You could just stop fucking with your stereo.
Its nothing to do with weed its to do with self incompetence.
Changing music while driving is as bad as using your phone.
Its nothing to do with weed its to do with self incompetence.
Changing music while driving is as bad as using your phone.

that's fine and dandy but someone in the thread mentioned the very real possibility of simply red coming on

Not the magic powers part, I took out my neighbors mailbox backing out of my driveway while otherwise feeling amazing thanks to the kind folks here.

I drive around the countryside for work and I'm high most of the day, never caused me a problem. Have crashed 3 times while sober though, but one of those was being side swiped by a lorry (driver fell asleep). Wish I was stoned, might not have hurt so much..

Why are you looking at your phone while driving? Let alone driving while high looking at these comments too some of y’all need a moral check imo

i took out a bird (of the avian variety) whilst driving (stoned). it was a being wanker and had it coming. however, that was a conscious choice...

Nope only once when I wasnt. I think when I'm stoned driving I'm much more aware of everything. Only bad thing is the police , worst thing you can hear when stoned is " Lads checkpoint " .

Nope, been doing it for almost 20 years. Funny thing was just talking to one of my best friends from back in the day. We used to get stoned and go for a drive. Used to do some, what I find scary now country lanes, with crazy bends, up hills and down hills.
Seen some funny shit too whilst stoned and driving.
Would panic when a police car would go past or pull up next to me at the lights but now I vape, so don't give a shit anymore.
Seen some funny shit too whilst stoned and driving.
Would panic when a police car would go past or pull up next to me at the lights but now I vape, so don't give a shit anymore.

Ricky, that you?
Jokes aside, I drive way better stoned than sober. Much smoother and less aggressive.
Jokes aside, I drive way better stoned than sober. Much smoother and less aggressive.

I have been driving stoned for many years and never had an accident.. but I have witnessed hundreds when out

As for driving round stoned, I live in my cur my cur is my home, I’m sure you get stoned at home probably, all types of weed.

I play call of duty better when stoned I can ice skate better when I’m baked and I drive better when I’m baked I can’t remember what I had for breakfast most days but I can quick snipe a brother from across the map easy hahah somethings activities weed enhances me slightly I’m sure of it never binned a car yet touch wood seen many a close call been in a few over the years but never actually wrecked a whip when stoned

Do a lot of driving stoned myself, never had any issues. The last time I had an issue was when me and a friend rented a hotel room at like... 18 I think. We had an ounce of some weird ass weed we needed to get rid of... smoked the whole ounce through the night, and then I tried to drive home and when I pulled out of the hotel I was driving on the wrong side of the road (was the middle of the night with no cars out).
Oops... but I quickly figured that out and got back in the right lane haha.
Oops... but I quickly figured that out and got back in the right lane haha.

1 post
+13.2 votes

How Can I Stay High All the Time?
Buy a helicopter.
Cleaner = more sustainable. Smoking hash has to be the worst option. I would say CO2 extraction is the closest you are going to get.
Smaller = more sustainable. Discipline yourself into lightweightness.
Abstinence = definition. You need to not be high to know what high is. Only other option is to be numb 24/7 but for some folks that's the sustainable high.
Smaller = more sustainable. Discipline yourself into lightweightness.
Abstinence = definition. You need to not be high to know what high is. Only other option is to be numb 24/7 but for some folks that's the sustainable high.

I smoke a bong after i wake up just before work then bring my weed pen to smoke on breaks..
Do 8 hr shifts but feels like 3 when you're baked, work in a busy restaurant n never get any complaints always get the work done
Do 8 hr shifts but feels like 3 when you're baked, work in a busy restaurant n never get any complaints always get the work done

I almost always do the same. Put my glasses on and no one suspects a thing - I get my work done way before schedule.
They know I’m a medicinal patient anyway so I don’t think they’d care because I get my work done and everyone else’s when they fall behind. I blame the miracle herb!
They know I’m a medicinal patient anyway so I don’t think they’d care because I get my work done and everyone else’s when they fall behind. I blame the miracle herb!

It's easy enough. Just never stop. But also work your way up in strength throughout the day. Make sure each session is slightly stronger that the previous, and for that you need variety. But yeah, it can be done, just be careful not to let the weeks and years slip by, because that can also be easily done. It's not really too advisable, but it is totally possible. Oh yeah, also a good diet can really improve a person's quality of high.

it's not possible eventually you will be smoking to feel normal i know ( i smoked everyday for around 24 years). It's best to have a T-break evey now and then. I usually smoke an ounce then i'll have a week or two off , logest t-break i had was 2 years )it sucked) but at least when i came back to smoking i had to build up my tolorance again so smoking was pretty cheep ... now i blaze an ounce in like 3-5 days n have a break . I'd just smoke in the evenings but if its there i can't help my self XD...

In life a high is like a cookie. You have it for a brief time. You need to be down so you can appreciate a good high. If you was high all the time you would medicate just to get well and not appreciate the high.

I would love to know the answer to this myself - trust me - but high is a relative state of mind.
You at 'my tits feel tingly high' will want to know how to stay 'my tits are one with venus herself high' all the time.
You at 'my tits feel tingly high' will want to know how to stay 'my tits are one with venus herself high' all the time.

1 post
+7.5 votes
FILMS to watch Stoned.
Pink Floyd the there anybody out there 😱😱😱 what a great film made me feel comfortabley numb.

FILMS to watch Stoned.

Watched last night after some 2 x Filtered Letcho, couldn't stop laughing.
"Tropical Thunder "
As simple jack say
"You ma-ma-ma-make me happy."
"Tropical Thunder "
As simple jack say
"You ma-ma-ma-make me happy."

Anyone who hasn’t seen it MUST watch the 2000 Christopher Nolan film ‘Memento’..I’m not giving anything away when I say the brilliant story unfolds backwards and watching it for the third time but stoned revealed all. It’s great!😻

Haven't seen Memento in years, one of those films you watch and think how did the film makers not get confused themselves! That is until I watched Tenet. Jeeez. Or maybe I haven't watched it but I'm about to. While watching myself about to not watch it, while watching it... All in reverse.😵 ?kcuf eht tahW
Inception, I like stoned too. (A Christopher Nolan theme here!)
Shutter Island.
Blazing Saddles.
Step Up 2. (Not really, get farked!)
Inception, I like stoned too. (A Christopher Nolan theme here!)
Shutter Island.
Blazing Saddles.
Step Up 2. (Not really, get farked!)

Perfect plot apart from 1 omission ?
Surely there would be a remember to check bogroll tattoo 🤔 😉 😄
Surely there would be a remember to check bogroll tattoo 🤔 😉 😄

Speaking as someone who is whacked out of his gourd this Saturday night, I think I'll watch the original '79 release of one of my all time faves, "Apocalypse Now". The ultimate stoner movie for my generation!

If you haven't worked your way through Kubrick's stuff stoned I'd recommend it, it's a rabbit hole worth going down; The shining, Clockwork orange, Full metal jacket. Intense as balls though.
Anything by Wes Anderson is great stoned too and a bit more light going, always loads of colour uplifting trippy films, Darjeeling limited is beaut to watch high.
Anything by Wes Anderson is great stoned too and a bit more light going, always loads of colour uplifting trippy films, Darjeeling limited is beaut to watch high.

Pink Floyd the there anybody out there 😱😱😱 what a great film made me feel comfortabley numb.

Great choice!- you’ve got to crank it right up though. Huge potential for pissing the neighbours off at 2am. Ooops! 😂😂

Some top responses on here. Can’t argue with the Kubrick, floyd or apocalypse now.
Showing my age now but the blues brothers always gets me :)
Showing my age now but the blues brothers always gets me :)

Aw i love this topic . I like a good harold and kumar when im stoned lol defo builds up a good munch out .and half baked so funny with the horse when he feeds it all that munch . Lol horse colapses and dies hahaha buttercup ! Buttercupp!

If you enjoyed that JJ then you'd likely enjoy The Campaign with Will Ferrell. Some classic comedy moments in there.
First and second Bladerunner movies are amazing stoned. Get lost in the atmosphere and amazing sounds.
First and second Bladerunner movies are amazing stoned. Get lost in the atmosphere and amazing sounds.

I go for silly 90’s and 2000’s comedies. Anything by the Farrelly Brothers from that era.
Also anything by Aronofsky. Pi or Mother are stand outs
Also anything by Aronofsky. Pi or Mother are stand outs

Event horizon
Space 2001
The Thing (Kurt Russell)
North by northwest
Apocalypse now
Space 2001
The Thing (Kurt Russell)
North by northwest
Apocalypse now

The animated "Up" for an epic, emotive experience. Studio Ghibli movies too - "Spirited Away", etc. are spellbinding.
If you want to save the tissues, Rémy Belvaux's docu-style "Man Bites Dog" is a riot; you know you should be shocked but can't stop laughing. It's the blackest of comedy and a salutory lesson to any dodgy postmen.
If you want to save the tissues, Rémy Belvaux's docu-style "Man Bites Dog" is a riot; you know you should be shocked but can't stop laughing. It's the blackest of comedy and a salutory lesson to any dodgy postmen.

My recommendations will be shite as for some reason I get drawn to the stinkers while stoned.
The recent Grincutty being particularly shite but I thought baked, it must be so shit it’s good right.
Wrong 😂🤣😂🤣
The recent Grincutty being particularly shite but I thought baked, it must be so shit it’s good right.
Wrong 😂🤣😂🤣

A lot of the Coen brothers films go down well stoned, lebowski is so much better when high, as do those by Paul Thomas Anderson, especially Boogie Nights

Don't know if this thread is still going, but interesting to see what direction everyone takes in films to watch when stoned. I tend to go for comedies; South Park movie, Wayne's World, Ace Ventura, Happy Gilmore. If I'm really mashed I usually end up on YouTube watching undersea vids of sea creatures - jellyfish & rays especially. Can get quite beautifully trippy :)

Some great stuff listed but these were missed I think.
Pineapple Express
The Doors
The Gentlemen
Pineapple Express
The Doors
The Gentlemen

1 post
+3 votes

how to break the reaching for a beer habit....suggestions please
Don't reach have it by your side.
Tea mate. I drink gallons of the stuff. It's not the alcohol that's the habit. It's just having something there. I find tea just as satisfying.

Same problem over here.
I just don't drink on a 'school night' now.
If you can go Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday without a drink (I just have edibles and drink water) but drink on the other nights it gives your body a break and you often feel the benefit in the morning. It's not a perfect solution but it works for me. Baby steps!
Best of luck.
I just don't drink on a 'school night' now.
If you can go Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday without a drink (I just have edibles and drink water) but drink on the other nights it gives your body a break and you often feel the benefit in the morning. It's not a perfect solution but it works for me. Baby steps!
Best of luck.

Coffee machine, fresh ground coffee, taylors of harrowgate is good (find it in supermarkets).
Use bottled water, nestle water is incredibly soft.
learn to make your perfect cup.👍💚
*mine is on the weak side but i drink all day all night.
Use bottled water, nestle water is incredibly soft.
learn to make your perfect cup.👍💚
*mine is on the weak side but i drink all day all night.

Tried one, thought “kill me now” and flushed the other five down the sink…no offence BD🥴👍

Same here.Tasted like rusty water. It's easier not to drink than to try and drink Heineken Zero!

Hehe…I honestly believe that beer needs to be a minimum of 5% abv before it’s really beer at all, but that’s just me!🤷♂️…my favourite beers are between 8.5-9.5% (Kwak, Tripel Karmeleit etc)🥰

Kwak is bang on! Supped it in Brussels they seve it in a mini yard of ale glass complete with a wooden frame to support the glass. Drinking in Belgium can get dangerous

When I’m one a edibles high I hit the beer and tequila like it’s my last day on earth 🙀🤩🥳

Been through it a few times, polly is right you need to really want to do it. I tend to lean towards exercise instead, it makes your body crave healthy food and drinks.

Step 1 - Go to a pub with mates
Step 2- Offer to buy a round
Step 3- Pay over 6 quid (!!!) for a pint
Step 4- ...and feel the butt-hurt ...
PS I'm still drinking beer but not that much
Step 2- Offer to buy a round
Step 3- Pay over 6 quid (!!!) for a pint
Step 4- ...and feel the butt-hurt ...
PS I'm still drinking beer but not that much

Think 1 day at a time. If you are not having a drink today its only for today. If a day is too long then break it down to an hour or even minutes.

I bought myself a coffee machine and made a hobby out of it although in this weather the temptation to reach in the fridge for an ice cold beer is too much

It’s all about a healthy relationship with alcohol, I use to drink a lot of cheap spirts/beers but I get nice flavoured Gins/tequilas still 37.5% like vodka) but taste good. I enjoy that a lot more getting tipsy drunk on good alcohol and crazy alex jones conspiracy videos 😂than getting bladdered on cheap beers/spirits

Just don't buy any beer. Put the kettle on when you get the craving. You'll be amazed how well having a cuppa instead works. Stopping myself buying it is a lot easier than having it in the fridge and trying not to crack one open.

Take naltrexone every day. This will stop the cravings;)
Kratom is also a good replacement for many.
Remember alcohol is a carcinogen in any amount . Good luck!
Kratom is also a good replacement for many.
Remember alcohol is a carcinogen in any amount . Good luck!

1 post
+4 votes
Hi looks like some top gear.l have done a few bubble bag runs just for myself and find the best grade comes from the 75micron bag every time. I also w…

Can anybody help me on what is the going price on some fresh, really clean multi strain bubble hash per gram??
Can't seem to find any listed to judge prices on.
Can't seem to find any listed to judge prices on.

Hope this helps.. price appropriately or your ratings will pay the price.
How Bubble Hash Is Rated
With the rapid expansion of cannabis offerings, hash producers and other businesses in the supply chain developed a system for rating products. The one to six-star rating system helps establish a precise pecking order and criteria for what it takes to reach the tops in dry sifting, kief, bubble hash / ice water extracts. However, joining the ranks of the best takes hard work and, most importantly, terrific starting material. Thank your grower if she or he is killing it!
1 And 2 Star
At the low end of the spectrum is where you’ll find dry sift or hash that is full of contaminants and which is far less than ideal for melting. 1 to 2 star is usually less than even half true trichome heads and stalks, with the rest typically being various organic detritus. However, these one and two-star hashes do work well for edibles - giving it the distinction "food grade hash." In addition to edibles, they are well known for being a potent addition to smoking any flower and is the most affordable kind on the market. These days you don't see much if any 1 or 2 star on any shelves, anywhere.
3 And 4 Star
Known to many as "half melt", 3 and 4 star hash or kief does just that, it half melts. The reason for the half melt is due to the presence of some debris and plant material in the final product, however it is considerably less than 1 or 2 star. These can include tiny bits of leaf material and anything that isn't a full trichome head or stalk. Half melt adds potency to smoked flower products as a bowl topper but is more often than not pressed into rosin. Half melt does works for dabbing as well, but it should usually be pressed into rosin for the best results.
5 And 6 Star
With virtually only the trichome heads and stalks remaining, 5 and 6 star bubble hash should be free of all contaminants and residue. This is the best of the best. Many claims of 5 and 6 star are actually 3 or 4 star, in our experience. True, top tier bubble hash should leave you with a copious amount of cannabinoids with a robust terpene profile to boot. It also comes with high potency test results and a trying process to perfect - which can often lead to high sales prices that are entirely deserved. With such an enjoyable product and the market demand, producers have entered the space at a rising rate in recent years. The key difference between 5 star and true 6 star is that 6 star should leave absolutely no residue on the dabber or nail when vaporized, hence the name "full melt". These grades of hash are typically only drawn from the 90 and 73 micron range, but can occur at 120 as well in certain cases.
Reaching a true 6-star caliber can be difficult, but with the right material and processes it becomes much more reliable. 5 star tends to be much easier to produce if you consistently have very high quality material but are still perfecting your wash and dry processes. Creating an elite full melt hash goes beyond the need for quality flower and know-how.
How Bubble Hash Is Rated
With the rapid expansion of cannabis offerings, hash producers and other businesses in the supply chain developed a system for rating products. The one to six-star rating system helps establish a precise pecking order and criteria for what it takes to reach the tops in dry sifting, kief, bubble hash / ice water extracts. However, joining the ranks of the best takes hard work and, most importantly, terrific starting material. Thank your grower if she or he is killing it!
1 And 2 Star
At the low end of the spectrum is where you’ll find dry sift or hash that is full of contaminants and which is far less than ideal for melting. 1 to 2 star is usually less than even half true trichome heads and stalks, with the rest typically being various organic detritus. However, these one and two-star hashes do work well for edibles - giving it the distinction "food grade hash." In addition to edibles, they are well known for being a potent addition to smoking any flower and is the most affordable kind on the market. These days you don't see much if any 1 or 2 star on any shelves, anywhere.
3 And 4 Star
Known to many as "half melt", 3 and 4 star hash or kief does just that, it half melts. The reason for the half melt is due to the presence of some debris and plant material in the final product, however it is considerably less than 1 or 2 star. These can include tiny bits of leaf material and anything that isn't a full trichome head or stalk. Half melt adds potency to smoked flower products as a bowl topper but is more often than not pressed into rosin. Half melt does works for dabbing as well, but it should usually be pressed into rosin for the best results.
5 And 6 Star
With virtually only the trichome heads and stalks remaining, 5 and 6 star bubble hash should be free of all contaminants and residue. This is the best of the best. Many claims of 5 and 6 star are actually 3 or 4 star, in our experience. True, top tier bubble hash should leave you with a copious amount of cannabinoids with a robust terpene profile to boot. It also comes with high potency test results and a trying process to perfect - which can often lead to high sales prices that are entirely deserved. With such an enjoyable product and the market demand, producers have entered the space at a rising rate in recent years. The key difference between 5 star and true 6 star is that 6 star should leave absolutely no residue on the dabber or nail when vaporized, hence the name "full melt". These grades of hash are typically only drawn from the 90 and 73 micron range, but can occur at 120 as well in certain cases.
Reaching a true 6-star caliber can be difficult, but with the right material and processes it becomes much more reliable. 5 star tends to be much easier to produce if you consistently have very high quality material but are still perfecting your wash and dry processes. Creating an elite full melt hash goes beyond the need for quality flower and know-how.

Ive got some top starting trim. Its all sugar leaf off the buds no fan leafs(pure sugar)
I only done one wash and have an 8 bag system
I only done one wash and have an 8 bag system

So if i keep the grades separate, they will have different values.
Done 1 run, half of what i had in the freezer.
Return was 26 grams
Done 1 run, half of what i had in the freezer.
Return was 26 grams

Nov.Sunday 13th,
Any orders today can have a healthy free sample of my Bubble hash as I need some feed back about it.
Any orders today can have a healthy free sample of my Bubble hash as I need some feed back about it.

Loved the bubble hash so much so I had to buy some more 😂 great taste and awesome high. Melts

Hi looks like some top gear.l have done a few bubble bag runs just for myself and find the best grade comes from the 75micron bag every time. I also wash the material 3 times yes it gets a bit weaker and Abit greener but every little helps.

So true my double G, every little does help.
I'm going to have to agree the 75 is the bag of 🔥
Should I mix it all together or keep it separate??
I've tried all 6 piles of hash(photo above) and they are all kick ass, straight to the head, behind the eyes stone thats f**king fantastic
It's 17:56 and I'm ready for bed
I'm going to have to agree the 75 is the bag of 🔥
Should I mix it all together or keep it separate??
I've tried all 6 piles of hash(photo above) and they are all kick ass, straight to the head, behind the eyes stone thats f**king fantastic
It's 17:56 and I'm ready for bed

😂😂…brilliant!…it’s 18:43 now, are you still there?!🫣
Can’t wait to try it… I would keep it separate…..I have 20 & 125 micron Bubble Hash from the Druids and they are totally different but in an all wonderful way 🔥🥰🔥
Can’t wait to try it… I would keep it separate…..I have 20 & 125 micron Bubble Hash from the Druids and they are totally different but in an all wonderful way 🔥🥰🔥

Was fortunate to get a sample of this with my weed order, very nice indeed, it was very solid but will warm up in your hand quick, when you pull it apart it turns a lighter colour and stretches out like candy, when you stretch it out it has a glassy kinda feel and you can roll it into nice light sausages , very different to maroc hashs which i love. the taste is incredibly clean , its not overwhelming but its quality and very moreish, didnt take me long to get an order in for some more of this after smoking a joint, highly recommend trying it out while its still available)
GreenHoneys is decent, at a decent price.
GreenHoneys is decent, at a decent price.

I certainly interested to try, not sure about the price, can you tell us anymore about it? form etc im guessing it might be sticky

It goes sticky when you roll it into little sausages for your joint.
Stuff blows me away
Stuff blows me away

It's from every strain ever mentioned on my page as its made from all my trim from 2 grows.
It's really tasty and is kicking my ass
It's really tasty and is kicking my ass

1 post
+2.2 votes
Growing tips please
Visit grow weed easy. com all the info you will ever need good luck.

Growing tips please
Haven’t done a grow before and was thinking of starting with an autoflower any tips please? my own experience the big learner for me was..tent size x number/size of plants..when i did my first grow, the greed was real, having put 6 x autos in 3gallon fabric a 4x4...unless you are a genius from the get go in training a'll end up with a forest...all this said...growing is a personal journey, and you never stop thing i can guarentee...its the most enjoyable experience (for me anyway) youll ever endevour...seeing your first borns go into bloom for the first time is something special...and in any grow for that me and id be happy to help if i can in any might dodge a few noob mistakes i made...

temp, water, oxygen, humidity!!
as first auto, just let it take its course and use for learning basics.
then I'd highly recommended LST low stress training AND get a net to keep plant profile wide and maximise buds.
in a few grows you'll have more weed than you can smoke... "he says, knowing I smoked too much" 😂 😂 😂
temp, water, oxygen, humidity!!
as first auto, just let it take its course and use for learning basics.
then I'd highly recommended LST low stress training AND get a net to keep plant profile wide and maximise buds.
in a few grows you'll have more weed than you can smoke... "he says, knowing I smoked too much" 😂 😂 😂

On top of all the proper advice you will have had I'm going to be the weirdo who tells you to remember to whisper sweet nothings to them because plants are insecure as fuck, you need to tell them how amazing they're going to be lol Let them know they're going to be the best buds you've ever smoked, they'll thank you for it when they're ready!
Have fun mate :)
Have fun mate :)

haha they're worth it though aren't they mate, gotta let them know they're loved if you want them to grow up to be special.

Did a colorado cookies run auto fem and highly recommended for a new person.
Dont faff about with sexing plants nor light schedules. Go soil, use a HID lamp,600 if you can, good extraction and filter. Give the pots a dry cycle by checking the weight of pots, then feed. If issues on leaves, flush with PHd water, dry cycle then back in with half feed. Get a Ph test kit of some sort. Most of all, enjoy the wonderful process of nature providing us with proper magic for the senses and soul. The best weed is your own grown. Dont worry if you name your plants martha, elizabeth, barbara. We all do it. oh.. and when you think its ready to harvest, give it another week with no nutrients just water and see how they swell with another week. get a loupe to inspect trichomes to decide when you want to harvest and inspect all areas of the plant.
Dont faff about with sexing plants nor light schedules. Go soil, use a HID lamp,600 if you can, good extraction and filter. Give the pots a dry cycle by checking the weight of pots, then feed. If issues on leaves, flush with PHd water, dry cycle then back in with half feed. Get a Ph test kit of some sort. Most of all, enjoy the wonderful process of nature providing us with proper magic for the senses and soul. The best weed is your own grown. Dont worry if you name your plants martha, elizabeth, barbara. We all do it. oh.. and when you think its ready to harvest, give it another week with no nutrients just water and see how they swell with another week. get a loupe to inspect trichomes to decide when you want to harvest and inspect all areas of the plant.

Don't overwater, err on the side of underwatering. Leave them alone. Until you are comfrortable don't bother with high stress training. Don't worry about huge pots at the start. Roots are SO important, as is environment. Fuck the strain, flavour and all that bollocks. Keep them warm and under plenty of light in the early stages. Little LED and home-made tin foil lined "Tent" or growspace will make a difference early on. Find suitable seeds, not fashionable ones. Learn the key symptoms of deficiency and toxicity. Expect runts and seeds that don't germ so buy more than you need and play survival of the fittest. All learning curves I've come across so far....loads more to come...
Enjoy it. x
Enjoy it. x

black and white mylar is way better that tin foil buddy go to your local hydro shop where you can get some good bits and advice and most of all play music to your buds you'll be surprised just how much thell like this touch and ventilation is a MUST in a small enclosed build go organic if you can and no need for auto flower i found that took some of the pleasure away from adhering too your own light cycle HPS is the best for flower mercury halide or and LED for vegitive stage. and keep a record of how much and when to add nutes or risk burning them and we dont want that. you wont find a more enjoyable hobby to have good luck

Put a carbon filter inside your grow space and connect via ducting to an inline extractor fan. This pulls fresh air into your space and prevents smell leakage by creating a vacuum inside. The filter then removes most if not all of the smell from your crop. Very important to do this if you have other people nearby.

2 posts
+9 votes
Is Growing Outdoor Worth It?
Preparation is key start seedlings indoors pick a site that gets sun at least 8 hours or more make sure risk of frost has gone may onwards to plant ou…
+ 2 more

Is Growing Outdoor Worth It?
I have a nice spot in my garden and was thinking I could pick up a little extra coin this way. Is outdoor quality going to cut it around here?

Preparation is key start seedlings indoors pick a site that gets sun at least 8 hours or more make sure risk of frost has gone may onwards to plant out is a good bet if in UK.check out northern lights seeds by seedstockers great hardy strain and good price.

Don't use molasses to feed plants outside it will attract all the wild life and they will destroy your plants.lve learned this the hard way.

I've never understood if cannabis is a tropical plant or not. Theres all this Jamaican and Thai lore but then you have Northern Cali and Canada.

It's not a tropical plant as such, it's a weed. Just like nettles and shit. It doesn't really "belong" anywhere because weeds spread fast and will grow (to a point) anywhere. It's usage goes back thousands of years so it's been around long before the Americas had been discovered - it's earliest origins is probably Central Asia.

Defo worth it mate....
I live in east sussex and has really good luck a few years ago with a outdoor crops,got about 3oz a plant and didn't use anything just sunlight. Went to check on them once every two weeks so didn't take up any time. Just remember to raise them up indoors an use a mold resistance strain that doesn't require alot of up keep..
Good luck and would love to see a pick after your first grow
I live in east sussex and has really good luck a few years ago with a outdoor crops,got about 3oz a plant and didn't use anything just sunlight. Went to check on them once every two weeks so didn't take up any time. Just remember to raise them up indoors an use a mold resistance strain that doesn't require alot of up keep..
Good luck and would love to see a pick after your first grow

Raise them up indoors? Like sprout them then replant outside? Or once they get to flower bring them inside?

I think they mean germinate the seeds, then plant them inside, let the seedlings grow a bit before taking them outside instantly.
If you have unknown seeds, once they're more mature, I'd keep an eye out if there's any males, you wouldn't want them to pollinate your females and take away all that goodness!
If you have unknown seeds, once they're more mature, I'd keep an eye out if there's any males, you wouldn't want them to pollinate your females and take away all that goodness!

Check on YouTube for a UK grower called Outdoor Warrior. That will answer your question mate :)
A couple of good strains perfect for guerilla growing in our climate are frisian duck and frisian dew, both by Dutch Passion seeds.
A couple of good strains perfect for guerilla growing in our climate are frisian duck and frisian dew, both by Dutch Passion seeds.

Get your seeds from real gorilla seeds and you will be fine. They're bullet proof plants developed by UK guerilla growers and tested in Northern latitudes.
About £6 for a feminised seed.
About £6 for a feminised seed.

amazing! thanks for this! I think I checked out there site before but didn't realise they were from uk.

RGS are legends in the U.K. check out YouTube videos PANIK GROWS, that’s the legend behind RGSeeds.
Outdoor grows in the U.K. that look like it’s in Cali lol. They been doing it for over 15 years
Outdoor grows in the U.K. that look like it’s in Cali lol. They been doing it for over 15 years

Aw mate. all over this! thanks for sharing bud!! Not sure if the weather would have been suitable this year with all the rain (where I am) but next year i'm thinking of it for sure! love a bit of outdoor bud.

I do a small outdoor grow most years, use autoflowers, average something like 3 or 4 dry oz per plant, at 53 degrees north and 130 metres above sea level. Its easy till they start to flower, once the buds are there shake the dew of them every morning, sheet them down if its raining or misty. Never considered selling any though, just stay really baked until its all gone, save a fortune, definitely worth it, everything tastes better when you grow it yourself.

I hear you & totally agree, I have an amphetamine auto, white widow, gorilla glue and west coast og all thriving and frosting up nicely all outside growing naturally with basil,mint, coriander.peppermint and pepper as companion plants (all terps).
Couple of weeks left & I should get a nice Percy. Few photoperiods on the go as well, I hope to beat the weather. All natural all bless.
Is it best to harvest at night when all the terps are locked in? Just a thought
Couple of weeks left & I should get a nice Percy. Few photoperiods on the go as well, I hope to beat the weather. All natural all bless.
Is it best to harvest at night when all the terps are locked in? Just a thought

Do You use some nutrients for flowering, when growing outside?
I have 6 autos in my greenhouse, they are huge for autos. I think that's because they are in beds not pots.
They are 9 weeks in, I think 3-4 weeks left for flowering.
I started them in good soil mix already with nutes in it.
And I haven't added any nutes through out the grow.
Do You think it would be a good idea to add some nutes for flovering?
I have 6 autos in my greenhouse, they are huge for autos. I think that's because they are in beds not pots.
They are 9 weeks in, I think 3-4 weeks left for flowering.
I started them in good soil mix already with nutes in it.
And I haven't added any nutes through out the grow.
Do You think it would be a good idea to add some nutes for flovering?

Little project we have at the minute, the picture is like a stoners wheres wally haha. Done completely as a hobby, none of this will ever make our LB menu lol

The buds will be loose a fuck mate, not compact in the slightest, zero bag appeal lol. First time iv done this as well, way harder than growing indoors!! Shit load of thricomes on the autos though, the photos are due to start pistolling soon i reckon :)

Good luck with it all pal, looks can be deceiving it’s a shame outside isn’t appreciated like it should be. Real sunlight is underestimated and undervalued, I suppose it’s all about the bag appeal and crazy thc levels

Cheers mate, yeah could have the highest THC level going, but if it doesnt look the part its not gonna sell! Even though it all goes in the grinder, theres no reasoning with a lot of people lol :)

Thats a lot of green!! Looking at some outdoor options myself this year so any advise would be appreciated.

Its addictive as fuck mate, you've got to have the time though and it takes a shit load of time, especially getting started.
Choosing a good spot is vital. Theres a lot to factor in such as the logistics, chances of being rumbled, the quality of the soil if growing in the ground, the amount of direct sunlight they will be getting, wildlife, water sources etc.
Unless you find good nitrogen rich soil (nettles are a good indicator) id suggest growing in pots. Buy seeds that are suitable for our climate, we used Dutch Passions Frisian Dew/Duck, Sour Diesel, Durban Poison and a couple of others i cant remember now. Dutch passion is a good choice of seedbank though.
Start the seedlings off indoors around March and veg as much as you can indoors before taking them outside.
Canna Nutrients/Advanced Nutrients are always a good choice, or you can just grow organically, you will defo notice the difference though.
Like i say, once you start its really addictive. We started off with loads of enthusiasm but had to scale back halfway through due to other commitments. If you go on YouTube and watch the likes of UK Field Ninja and a few others you can get a feel of what is possible.
Dont listen to what people say, theres massive potential for outdoor growing if you put the graft in and do it right mate. Its a myth that outdoor stuff isnt potent as well, the Frisian Dew and Durban blew our heads off, and after a good cure it smelt just as good as indoor. Granted it well never have the same bag appeal as good indoor stuff, but if its for personal consumption it will definitely do the trick.
Theres a shit load of stuff iv not touched on cos i could be typing all night, but if you want to know anything just give us a shout and we will help if we can :)
Choosing a good spot is vital. Theres a lot to factor in such as the logistics, chances of being rumbled, the quality of the soil if growing in the ground, the amount of direct sunlight they will be getting, wildlife, water sources etc.
Unless you find good nitrogen rich soil (nettles are a good indicator) id suggest growing in pots. Buy seeds that are suitable for our climate, we used Dutch Passions Frisian Dew/Duck, Sour Diesel, Durban Poison and a couple of others i cant remember now. Dutch passion is a good choice of seedbank though.
Start the seedlings off indoors around March and veg as much as you can indoors before taking them outside.
Canna Nutrients/Advanced Nutrients are always a good choice, or you can just grow organically, you will defo notice the difference though.
Like i say, once you start its really addictive. We started off with loads of enthusiasm but had to scale back halfway through due to other commitments. If you go on YouTube and watch the likes of UK Field Ninja and a few others you can get a feel of what is possible.
Dont listen to what people say, theres massive potential for outdoor growing if you put the graft in and do it right mate. Its a myth that outdoor stuff isnt potent as well, the Frisian Dew and Durban blew our heads off, and after a good cure it smelt just as good as indoor. Granted it well never have the same bag appeal as good indoor stuff, but if its for personal consumption it will definitely do the trick.
Theres a shit load of stuff iv not touched on cos i could be typing all night, but if you want to know anything just give us a shout and we will help if we can :)

Seeing these and your post above is the final push I needed to do a bit of wild growing this year! :D
cheers for sharing mate
cheers for sharing mate

Get it done mate. YouTube videos help. It's all trial and error on your first but the next year is when you'll get everything spot on. Just pick your spot wisely!!

Germinate and veg indoors for a few weeks if you can, then transfer outside early/mid april. Different strains have different harvest times, late september is a good rough estimate though :)

Auto end of May, after the last frost, ready for end of Aug, would be easy for first timer. Now is ideal time of Year to explore, for a site.

Wow thats awesome!
Whats the odour like on the strains you grow outside doing the last few weeks?
Whats the odour like on the strains you grow outside doing the last few weeks?

Absolutely stinking mate. That's why the spot you pick has to be waaaaaaaa off anywhere anyone would pass. Only things about where I was were wildlife

Great information mate. The soil around my area is pretty bad so will definitely look at using pots. I’m sure I’ll be in touch if I start struggling mate.

I suspect that as long as the price is in line with the quality there would be no issues. You could also turn it into some edibles or vape juice if you were worried about the compition on indoor grown bud.

Should we get this thread up and running again in anticipation for spring?
Who's trying it this year? Been up the British mix on guerilla seeds for a while now. Anyone have experience with them?
Who's trying it this year? Been up the British mix on guerilla seeds for a while now. Anyone have experience with them?

One of my favourite sayings comes to mind.. "Better to be looking at them, than looking for them" ;) If I had the private space I would def give it a go. Ive had many successful yields, nothing to strong but sawl good....

Not on here mate unless selling dirt cheap. Pardon the pun. They call that bush weed for a reason. The light and feed / Ph is the main parts of growing to get max potency.
The natural way is too inferior in these climates sadly.
The natural way is too inferior in these climates sadly.

Outside all the way but not in uk , one of the best smokes I get every year is from Thailand it's all grown outside and if you know the right people and ask for whore you'll get proper bud not brickweed, my point is the right seeds ,climate and conditions will always win any battle , thai weed is strainless just the deep green and smell will make you realise why it should be grown outside

When i first read the topic, i was a bit puzzled.
Depends on where you live, climate, etc. But i think it is worth it anyways.
My 5 cents:
My opinion, and i am quite radical, is that the indoor growing should totally be cancelled.
I surely understand need and function of the indoor growing in the current mad world where nature is brutally 'illegalised', but plants that have never been kissed by the sun just don't cut it for me somehow.
Good luck with the grow brother.
Depends on where you live, climate, etc. But i think it is worth it anyways.
My 5 cents:
My opinion, and i am quite radical, is that the indoor growing should totally be cancelled.
I surely understand need and function of the indoor growing in the current mad world where nature is brutally 'illegalised', but plants that have never been kissed by the sun just don't cut it for me somehow.
Good luck with the grow brother.

1 post
+5 votes

Everything You Need To Survive A Heatwave! 😎
I put cans of Stella in freezer for 30 to 40 mins heaven

Everything You Need To Survive A Heatwave! 😎

Fine tequila, unfiltered Stella, a large jar of Umme from Druids Magic and a brand new Vapman🤩…..Biggas, I’m not moving an inch until Thursday! 😎🌞😎🫠
(Note, Polly Puggle taking the shade in the background 😍)
(Note, Polly Puggle taking the shade in the background 😍)

Lol, of course, of course. I actually bought some Grey Goose earlier, it was fab with my slush puppie!

How have I never even thought of this! Maybe because I'm not a big drinker but that's genius! 😎

Lol, I'm not a crazy drinker, I swear!
Slush Puppies also go well with some brandy ;)
Slush Puppies also go well with some brandy ;)

I said nice one bruv!
How is vape? Or is that a stupid question 🙋♂️ lol
Vape and a very Dr Terpy / CI skywalker and dynavape weekend for myself at a good friends
Hope all ya LB’s had a good weekend as us lol
How is vape? Or is that a stupid question 🙋♂️ lol
Vape and a very Dr Terpy / CI skywalker and dynavape weekend for myself at a good friends
Hope all ya LB’s had a good weekend as us lol

I said nice one bruvvvvvvvvvv
Glad the reference did not go unappreciated bevbevan1 👏
I am indeed! Good times 😉
Glad the reference did not go unappreciated bevbevan1 👏
I am indeed! Good times 😉

My wife has pretty much the exact same plan as she's off until Thursday except with Grey Goose, some choice Edibles & a jar of Cookie Dawg. Meanwhile I'm stuck at work until Tuesday 😢 Have a great week Polly, enjoy! 😁😎

She messaged me to say she'd pretty much eaten a full Nerd Rope so I'm expecting her to be asleep when I get back 😂 Thanks Polly, it's not too bad today & I plan to make up for it later if she's left me any 😝

Top girl!👍…I’m mixing it up with the Stoney’s chocco today- gotta do it before it melts🫠🤩

Yes she is! 😍 We do love a bit of Stoney`s too. That looks like an amazing Garden you have there. We love getting out in ours in the Summer. Polly Puggle looks very happy 😁

Thanks mate!…lawn fast turning to a dust bowl but it’ll come back once the weather breaks. It’s going to be a job keeping PP cool over the next couple of days..I’ve got cooling mats and wet towels, which she’ll hate 😂

No worries! I bet it's a great place to chill out. Mine too but on the plus side it doesn't need mowing as often 😁 We're hoping our Border Terrier appreciates a cool bath later but I doubt it somehow 😂 I hope PP enjoys herself anyway despite the weather.

Yeah...must be hell for pets with all their fur :(...imagine wearing a fur coat in this heat!!!!....will PP not indulge in your goodies to take the edge off things?? lol!....ok,...siesta time for me! chow!

Hehe…Puggles overheat quite easily…she’s getting the wet towel treatment but then so am I!

...nice one bro!...also put a full bath towel(dry) in the freezer(if you have room) and wrap around you after 4-5 hrs of freezing) Stella equals......extacy!

Monday 18/7 Update- it’s as hot as a Jungle out here- there really is only one way to go:

Sitrep: Once the Mercury hit 35 at work I called it quits & we’re round at the in-laws for a bbq instead 😂 And you’re absolutely right Polly there really is. Enjoy 👍🏻😁

Tell me about it!!!....Hottest day on record!..I had a garden with green grass this time last week! the only grass I have left live in Kilner jars!! lol!

Better today though :) (20/7/22)...more breeze and the house has all its windows open to get rid of all the hot air!(or was that in the House of Commons??!!) lol!
Lucky for us cannabis lowers body temp. It’s the essential heatwave product;)
Lucky for us cannabis lowers body temp. It’s the essential heatwave product;)

Day 3 Update 19/7 hottest day ever!
Must be time for the Mighty with a frosty Bubbler- not going to stay frosty for long!
JJ’s Sunset Sherbert here we go!
(Polly Puggle frosted out!)
Must be time for the Mighty with a frosty Bubbler- not going to stay frosty for long!
JJ’s Sunset Sherbert here we go!
(Polly Puggle frosted out!)

Well,have to say I'm glad that day is over!...Never known heat like that,even on past holidays in places like Mexico etc!...Great set up there mate(there's nothing quite like a frosty bubbler I do agree!...How was the SS?...I'm trying some Sativa Caps from Northern Organics tonight,which have just dropped this morning...Cheers! :)

👍👍 way too hot and I lived in the Costa Rican tropics for 10 years!🌞🔥
The second bowl of SS really kicked in…a lovely creeping euphoria…very nice indeed.
I’ve got those Northern Organics sativa caps. A really good lift👍
Just doing my Wednesday evening ritual of Mimosa & Music (EVERY Wednesday!). Love it ❤️❤️
What are you up to amigo?
The second bowl of SS really kicked in…a lovely creeping euphoria…very nice indeed.
I’ve got those Northern Organics sativa caps. A really good lift👍
Just doing my Wednesday evening ritual of Mimosa & Music (EVERY Wednesday!). Love it ❤️❤️
What are you up to amigo?

Had 3 Sativa caps last night and watched that fantastic Martin Freeman series called "Breeders"....utterly hilarious & reminds me of me in the 90s with my 2 brats(well they were then!!! lol!)
Your Mimosa and Music sounds brilliant Polly!...You've really got quite a weekly routine going there mate! :)
Your Mimosa and Music sounds brilliant Polly!...You've really got quite a weekly routine going there mate! :)

Not just a hat rack up there Mr PollyPuff20
How was it? Or is that a stupid question 🙋♂️ me bad 🤦♂️
How was it? Or is that a stupid question 🙋♂️ me bad 🤦♂️

It’s a bit of fun…the Mighty cooling tower does just as good a job for me but I do like the frosty look👍🥶

So busy bloody smiling that it’s 22:45 and I haven’t got the supper on….shitty death…😵💫☺️

Don’t man I just laughed and now I’m getting what you laughing at 🙄 where do I start with that one lol 😂

Nice one Polly! Looks like you have all aspects covered!...Only thing I could add is the introduction of the Spanish "siesta" after all herbs & liquids consumed!....Thats just what I'm going to do right now after a G&T & Mighty full of BBs "Jack Herer"....2pm and baking!...."See you on the other side!" :)

Ah mate, you must be reading my mind!…It’s me & the Puggle in a darkened room now, way too hot in the garden…crazy…push up some zzzzzz instead and back this evening!

For this evening I’m thinking a cold water bong adapter on the Mighty. What do you reckon dreamer?

Yes mate! 100% Mighty & bong water adapter....always best flavors this way...I never use the Mighty without the water Adp..Enjoy!

1 post
+15.2 votes

{buy help}
Safety in receiving packages in the UK
Use carrier pigeon great stealth but not on a windy day or carrying no more than 3.5grm.

{buy help}
Safety in receiving packages in the UK
Hi. I live in Scotland and am planning to make a purchase here for the first time. It's for personal use only and i don't see myself buying more than 5-7 gms ever. I'd like to know about the risks involved in receiving the package in the mail from the experiences of others here. Cheers!

I'm up in Scotland too =) I've ordered hashish from 2 different sellers and both turned up without any issues. Sellers I used were "thc in the uk" and "The Daily Puff". Both good products. My largest order is 7g to date.
I've also had a friend down south mail me marijuana over a dozen times over the years and it's never gone missing.
I've also had a friend down south mail me marijuana over a dozen times over the years and it's never gone missing.

Order from a UK based seller and the risk of is very close to zero. Europe still less than 1%, North America and I'd say it's 1-3% chance you'll have it stuck in customs.

Replying to myself to help others out since I’ve been here for a while now (since my original post). Yes, receiving packages in Scotland works very well. My fav shop in the past was nextdayweeduk, now it’s GodsConnect

Im a new vendor (UK), please have a look at my item page for a good deal on high quality bud.

bought 3 items from urbanleaf and all 3 turned up the next day

Scotland is all good brudda! Most vendors on here operate incredibly stealthily. I would advise using NDD if possible due to the post at each end and the COVID.

NDWUK is a great, I'm in Ireland and it gets through...Cali world is the best I've seen for larger orders too

Don't know how old this is but in case you're still hanging from the ceiling for an answer, yeah they sold on here but haven't seen anything of them for some time. I was buying from their site years ago. Same products but were dearer here, I assume to account for the fees

10+buys, never had a problem, always mylar packed in bubble envelopes from all sellers on here.

I have made 10 orders, and with the stealth used by the vendors here, your package could be anything you bought on ebay or from a web site. Unless you normally have issues with your post, you have nothing to be concerned about i'm sure. FYI i'm in Devon, but scotland's not gonna be any different. Chill order and enjoy :)

As a seller I always vacuum pack my product before securing it in a layer of bubblewrap and a plain polythene shipping bag. The packaging looks like a million-and-one other items sent daily on eBay, Amazon and other retail sites. Discretion is assured. The only real hurdles are making sure the correct postage fee has been applied so as to ensure delivery, and that your postie isn't incompetent and/or untrustworthy.

It's probably safer than giving it to your mates to deliver....or me. Can't see there's much difference between Scotland and England when it comes to postal service. So far I've had 100% delivered. I keep to small amounts should anything happen. Peace

Hi rkc and welcome! It’s depends on the vendor I guess. But generally speaking there is a high level of stealth among most vendors here - best to check reviews of items. There is often mention of stealth etc. I’m a vendor and ship to Scotland and Northern Ireland regularly without issues 👍🏽 Touch wood, so far, they’ve all landed.

All serious vendors make packages pretty hard to be detected.
Most of the time it is vacuum sealed or even double vacuum sealed, so smell proof. And if done all precautions it cannot be detected even by the dogs. Vacuum yo.
Some use aluminium, so scanners won't reveal whats inside, i suppose.
I think it is pretty safe, unless it is a random check or package was damaged.
Communication with the vendor and patience are the keys i guess.
Have a look here - there are many reputable vendors who i am sure will get you your package quick and safe.
Most of the time it is vacuum sealed or even double vacuum sealed, so smell proof. And if done all precautions it cannot be detected even by the dogs. Vacuum yo.
Some use aluminium, so scanners won't reveal whats inside, i suppose.
I think it is pretty safe, unless it is a random check or package was damaged.
Communication with the vendor and patience are the keys i guess.
Have a look here - there are many reputable vendors who i am sure will get you your package quick and safe.

What would one do if they did get a knock from police, how serious is receiving weed in the mail?

You are not responsible for what people send you in the post. If the police come knocking you have no idea why someone posted weed to you. They can’t prove you ordered it!!

2 posts
+12 votes

decarboxylating hash
Hi just vacume seal your weed place in a pan of simmering water for a hour and a half then take out let it cool down before opening also no smell.easy…
+ 2 more

decarboxylating hash
Hi all,
Does anyone know the correct temperature for decarboxylating hash?
I have checked online loads and keep getting contradictory info.
Does anyone know the correct temperature for decarboxylating hash?
I have checked online loads and keep getting contradictory info.

Hi just vacume seal your weed place in a pan of simmering water for a hour and a half then take out let it cool down before opening also no smell.easy.

Also you don't have to worry about temps as you cannot burn your great very time.

Approx 115 - 125 degrees F for about 1.5 hrs.
Higher temps for shorter duration.
I have a machine that takes all of the guesswork out .
Higher temps for shorter duration.
I have a machine that takes all of the guesswork out .

This is correct
this is the same for bho, until all bubbles stop forming
people suggesting water bath method, it is okay will work but u will not reach 100% decarb because temp will not reach higher than 100degrees C
happy cooking, THB
this is the same for bho, until all bubbles stop forming
people suggesting water bath method, it is okay will work but u will not reach 100% decarb because temp will not reach higher than 100degrees C
happy cooking, THB

Thanks mate,
I'm gonna get one asap.
Are they reliable (I.e do they break down easy?)
Thanks for you help
I'm gonna get one asap.
Are they reliable (I.e do they break down easy?)
Thanks for you help

I've had min for 3 years. Only problem I've had is a bit of the plastic casing has broken off. Probably me being a bit rough handed, but I've taped it back together and all is good. Great bit of kit but pretty expensive if it will only get occasional use.

I don’t understand why cooking hash into edibles doesn’t work or does it?
And how much of a decent blonde hash would be good to eat person one dose 1g-2,3...?
And how much of a decent blonde hash would be good to eat person one dose 1g-2,3...?

Some hash you can eat raw and get a brilliant buzz whilst other hash you can eat raw and it's not so brilliant.
Some hash is already decarbed and some needs to be.
Cooking hash into edibles only works well depending on the hash, if you want consistent results decarboxylating is recommended.
Some hash is already decarbed and some needs to be.
Cooking hash into edibles only works well depending on the hash, if you want consistent results decarboxylating is recommended.

I tend to find hand rubbed soft hash gives a good buzz, there has been a lot of heat and friction as part of the process to make it

It is something ive wondered myself and have just done for a tincture with left over odds and ends. I did as per flower guidelines but it would depend on type of hash i think as hand rubbed hash is partially decarb’d by heat generated by hand during rubbing(friction).

1 post
+4.2 votes
Are we alone in the universe?
If only nasa would be truthful and tell people what they know. Instead of hiding their findings. Cutting short live images from the international spac…

Are we alone in the universe?
With all the new discoveries of exo planets being found within the habitable zone of stars.. we seriously can't be the only life in our own galaxy never mind the universe.. what's everyone's view on this..?

There's got to be some other things out there. It would be arrogant of us humans to think that we are the only civilised life in the entire universe. I just hope when they make an appearance they've got some kick ass weed. Lol

Great question; one that all of us probably think about often. However, I sometimes wonder if it's the wrong question. The question of life outside of Earth -- is it a red herring? If a miracle like life can arise in the Universe, what else might be going on out there in the Vast Wilderness? Is life the ultimate miracle, or could there be other fantastic things out there which are just as profound as life? Do we have a tendency to exhibit bias in our curiosity about ET life because we are life forms ourselves?
What other flavors of miracle might be out there? Is life just one of the many rare, yet possible, phenomena that can happen? Or is it the "be all end all" of fantastical things?
What else might there be besides life that is equally profound? I don't know. I'm just a glorified monkey with no access to warp speed. And I'm still waiting for the JWST to launch.
What other flavors of miracle might be out there? Is life just one of the many rare, yet possible, phenomena that can happen? Or is it the "be all end all" of fantastical things?
What else might there be besides life that is equally profound? I don't know. I'm just a glorified monkey with no access to warp speed. And I'm still waiting for the JWST to launch.

It's too much man. I can't help but think when i'm reading loads about 'extraterrestrial life' that we should also considering 'extra dimensional life'. Also exploring inner space as much as outer.

Of course there are other beings in the universe. Since we now know earth-like planets are quite common, and that 1 in every 10 stars have at least 1 habitable planet candidate, it would imply there are millions, if not billions of planets with life. Whether that is intelligent life or not depends on evolution and a number of other factors.

After all the shit that's being going on in the world up to now, no i really don't think we are alone in this universe, i hope one day that proof of other other life forms can actually be established, as i know that there are other planet's with a similar structure to earth that are indeed habitable, but getting to one of them is near on impossible, especially with regards to the type of technology we have as of right now.

I do not believe in conspiracy theories that aliens have visited Earth, but I definitely believe there is life out there somewhere. It's possible that life exists on Saturn's largest moon, Titan. There are some missions to Titan being planned to find out if life exists there.
I am a believer of the Multiverse theory, that there are other universes outside of our visible universe.
I highly recommend getting stoned and laying out at night looking at the sky. If you have binoculars bring them along! Telescopes are better but not everyone has access to one.
You can also download the free open source planetarium,
I use it almost daily to see when the moon will rise and set, as well as planning out stargazing sessions.
We are all made of stardust. We are all connected.
I am a believer of the Multiverse theory, that there are other universes outside of our visible universe.
I highly recommend getting stoned and laying out at night looking at the sky. If you have binoculars bring them along! Telescopes are better but not everyone has access to one.
You can also download the free open source planetarium,
I use it almost daily to see when the moon will rise and set, as well as planning out stargazing sessions.
We are all made of stardust. We are all connected.

If only nasa would be truthful and tell people what they know. Instead of hiding their findings. Cutting short live images from the international space station as soon as something strange fly's by.cum on NASA spill.

Space is getting smaller with the tech they have, it just keeps getting better the tech. Soon I think they will find some sort of life. I'm really confused at how they know how many light years away something is,cant get my head around that . Interesting article the other day on nasa site posted if your into your space news UK 420 10/10

No, we are quite clearly not alone.... I’d say it’s actually statistically impossible we are alone, our understanding of ‘life’ and where life can be sustained is based on organisms we know, all these uninhabitable planets are uninhabitable to us and to life we understand, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Statistically, we could be the only living souls in this Universe.
However, this Universe is not the end of the world, as we know it.
However, this Universe is not the end of the world, as we know it.

'This Universe' is right. Or ares exists simultaneously across the multiverse. At the same time, it would also be the end of the universe 'as we know it' because we're dumb fuckin' apes :) hits blunt

1 post
+6 votes
Panic buying !!
Cant get any toilet roll.but lve got shit loads of rizlas mmmm spliff or to wipe that is the question.

Panic buying !!
Everyone is panic buying but I don't see the rizla and tobacco supplies dwindling yet ..personally I have enough hash \weed \rizla \ tobacco to last me months .stop buying toilet roll and stock up on the real essentials !!ffs people if you have to stay in ..use it as a smoke break as much as possible and try to relax !!

Cant get any toilet roll.but lve got shit loads of rizlas mmmm spliff or to wipe that is the question.

I think there will be a weed drought in uk at some point when this corona hits the peak in the uk

1 post
+2 votes

Will swap Toilet Roll for Weed :-)
Yes shit skids new pants please.
For a Oz of Cali the loo roll you'd get would feel like angels gently kissing your peachy :-)

and what is it with Pasta.....the shelves empty
yet you can still get pasta sauce!
who wants to eat plain pasta post pandemic apocalypse
yet you can still get pasta sauce!
who wants to eat plain pasta post pandemic apocalypse

See it could be worse imagine being stuck a fortnight with 36 bog rolls and 5kg of pasta because of poor emergency planning.

errr ...guess what I traded for bog roll today? ...the embarasment was REAL folks :/ )...(blushes)

First time iv been on in a while with all of whats going on, anxiety at the max...then this comment...made me laugh alot!

TRU.... and guess what that virus will be called ? hmmm? ...that's right.... the SHIT can think of a better word ? :) How about ... just plain ole SHIT. S. H. I . T ......thankyou A x

OMG...things are getting WORSE by the daily over here...humans...tut ...what can I say FOLKS the media panic is real ? but good luck to us all ... I am NOW fully stocked up on my supplies in order to Hibernate for the rest of my life...ahhhh BLISS...thanks for the bog roll world in my hour of need...:) I can now die happy knowing I have a clean tushy....ahhhhhhh ... Andrex I THANK YOU....there I SAID Or PRAISE....Andrex WE LUV YOUUUUUUUUUUUU :) from The Colony 36 and counting

1 post
+1 votes

Hi guys.. just curious what's everyone's favourite strain is..
I'll start it off..
Mine has to be Spanish Toxic.
The stone and aroma from this was unreal!
I'll start it off..
Mine has to be Spanish Toxic.
The stone and aroma from this was unreal!

I really like some good blue cheese or some gsc, I know everyone likes to hate on cheese but I really like they way it tastes dood

Jack herer is my all time favourite for the high it gives you. But for sheer flavour it's got to be ak47 or white widow. What can I say I'm old school.

Northern lights the best indica strain, and it is easy to grow.the original go to for most of the hybrids out there.

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+2 votes

started topic
Are you looking for a home unit, something you can carry around?
Because herb and shatter are different ball games, you may want 2 different units.
For herbs the Silver Surfer is pretty good as a large tabletop unit, but you will tear through a lot of herb. Personally recommend the Arizer Solo 2 'cos it's economical, simple to use and relatively small to carry around.
For stealth the Pax 3 is pretty good and can be used with both concentrates and herbs.
I'm not the best person to ask about Shatter, but you may end up buying two vapes (and choosing your weapon according to what you want to put in it) as many of the 'Jack-of-all-trades' ones aren't that well reviewed.
Because herb and shatter are different ball games, you may want 2 different units.
For herbs the Silver Surfer is pretty good as a large tabletop unit, but you will tear through a lot of herb. Personally recommend the Arizer Solo 2 'cos it's economical, simple to use and relatively small to carry around.
For stealth the Pax 3 is pretty good and can be used with both concentrates and herbs.
I'm not the best person to ask about Shatter, but you may end up buying two vapes (and choosing your weapon according to what you want to put in it) as many of the 'Jack-of-all-trades' ones aren't that well reviewed.

1 post
+1 votes

Is there anybody out there?
Looks like Mr snail survived the train wreck
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+2 votes
#10 No Fuckin Muppets
Yoda is Muppet # Muppet
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+2 votes

{R.I.P. MVP}
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