Smoking, I'm a bong man for 20 years and will never change. I burn using hemp wick, which does reduce carcinogenic intake. I have always wanted to get into vaporising, but the start up costs for a real nice vape always put me off, and my bong always leaves me satisfied so I see no reason to change. I never use tobacco as the temperature it burns at reduces thc intake, so bong bong bong, and maybe a blunt wrap for when I want a longer smoke over a hit.
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joined jan 2020
share LONTED and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
4 topics on LONTED
40 posts
+69.2 votes

What's your weapon of choice
Have to agree with this, nothing will beat a bong for me. Although I do enjoy a spliff in-between bong rips and before bed! Gotta kick that baccy but vapes like you say cost a lot for something decent and distillate just doesn't provide the right kind of high imo.

Pretty much the same myself, I mainly do vaping, eating, and tincture.
I thought dabbing was combustion, I thought you had to use a blow torch or something similar.
I thought dabbing was combustion, I thought you had to use a blow torch or something similar.

I personally prefer to smoke weed, hash and concentrates but I have really gotten into edibles since I joined lb. I do dry vape and use carts also tried RSO BUT I'm not good at dosing!

I used to love smoking, edibles are the boom and RSO is amazing (so long as you dose probably). I never tried RSO until I joined the biggy, this sight offers such a selection, it's every stoners dream.

Hi mate, what do you do with the RSO, is it worth trying? I keep seeing it and not knowing what to do haha.

Dabbing is vaping unless you’re hitting REALLY high temps, ones which would probably burn your lungs on the inhale! I like mid temps.
“When you heat up a banger or a regular dab nail you’re prepping the surface to heat the concentrate for you instead of depending on an isolated heat source as is the case with convection. When done right, this process leads to a vapor-filled dab and very little to no combustion.”
“When you heat up a banger or a regular dab nail you’re prepping the surface to heat the concentrate for you instead of depending on an isolated heat source as is the case with convection. When done right, this process leads to a vapor-filled dab and very little to no combustion.”

Cool, sounds pretty sweet and I bet it fucks you up, thanks for the info, another method for my non combustible arsenal.

Yeah I don’t dab very much, it’s fun and extremely effective (to put it politely) but I’m too old for that shit lol
I’d have been all over it in my 20’s though!
I’d have been all over it in my 20’s though!

I remember my first Dab. I was in Spain. First time I tripped out in years... I thought the bus I was riding to get home from the Cannabis club was flying. Awesome! Nowadays... It's the vape and edibles, although I'm thinking about investing in a nice bong.

I use a wee Pax 3. It's good for bud. The resin insert doesn''t work well with hash, so I stick to the pipe for that or mix it up with some shake for the vape
God, I miss spliffs, but I don't want to end up back on the baccy
God, I miss spliffs, but I don't want to end up back on the baccy


I used to be the same, but the flavour and efficiency of the mighty wins every time for me now;)

Yes I do. I’ve had a volcano , a plenty and mighties. The mighty is the best and simplest. Plus it’s portable!!!

Interesting, I've had a plenty, a crafty and a volcano, the volcano wins for me because you don't have to sit next to it or lift it up all the time. I loved the crafty but I had to send two back as the battery breaks. Does the mighty give a better hit than the volcano? And how is the battery on the mighty?
And the biggest win for the volcano is that you don't have to suck all the time, volcano does the sucking for you and you just inhale.
And the biggest win for the volcano is that you don't have to suck all the time, volcano does the sucking for you and you just inhale.

You still need to lift the bag and keep an eye on it as it fills;) also the mighty isn’t really heavy. The vapour is better IMO and you don’t lose any on the inside of the bag. The volcano vapour is very diluted I feel, plus for some reason it make me cough loads. The crafty and mighty are the same machine apart from the battery, which could be better. But batteries could be better in almost everything. I also bought an in car charger for the mighty, try taking your volcano for a ride it the car;)

Interesting view, hopefully one day vape batteries will become worthy of the vapes they are powering.

I like to do it all. Vape carts for when i'm out and about. A fat doobie to stop the nicotine cravings and edibles in the evening to help with my sleep.

Love my handheld vape! Ticks a lot of boxes for me. Joints/spliffs are great too. Something about the ritual, the hit, the social aspect.

I am a smoker anyway, so always in a fat joint sometimes a bucket bong.
I am a hashish smoker prefer my Hash to Bud.
Just a preference to me I love rolling them too all shapes and sizes its a art.
I have read on here there is a way to vape hash would love to know how.
I have 2 vapes for stopping smoking lol but didnt work for me.
I am a hashish smoker prefer my Hash to Bud.
Just a preference to me I love rolling them too all shapes and sizes its a art.
I have read on here there is a way to vape hash would love to know how.
I have 2 vapes for stopping smoking lol but didnt work for me.

I couldn't get into vaping at first, it just didn't compare to a joint until I began eating the weed after vaping it and BOOM. I now get more fucked than I did smoking and the buzz lasts way into the next day.

I got sent a vape cart for free by another vendor and another place but it blew up on me it cracked and huge piece missing flying around the room.
But was told by the vendor since he has tried vaping he will never go back to smoking. It is stronger apparently.
I just like my Joints thats why I smoke :)
Good topic this is !
But was told by the vendor since he has tried vaping he will never go back to smoking. It is stronger apparently.
I just like my Joints thats why I smoke :)
Good topic this is !

Cool, I only vape bud in my volcano, all those people getting sick in America from vaping cartridges put me right off tbh

What do you do with your weed once you have vaped it? Do you put it into something and how much would you eat? I always end up throwing it away but did think about doing this.

Eat about 0.1 to start, just sprinkle it in a yogurt and mix it up and eat it. It's best not to do it on an empty stomach, have something to eat and you will get the full effects.

You're welcome, I hope you enjoy?I know I do.
Let me know how you get on mate, it would be great to hear your experience :)
Let me know how you get on mate, it would be great to hear your experience :)

21 posts
+44 votes

decarboxylating hash

decarboxylating hash
Hi all,
Does anyone know the correct temperature for decarboxylating hash?
I have checked online loads and keep getting contradictory info.
Does anyone know the correct temperature for decarboxylating hash?
I have checked online loads and keep getting contradictory info.

Hi just vacume seal your weed place in a pan of simmering water for a hour and a half then take out let it cool down before opening also no smell.easy.

Also you don't have to worry about temps as you cannot burn your great very time.

Approx 115 - 125 degrees F for about 1.5 hrs.
Higher temps for shorter duration.
I have a machine that takes all of the guesswork out .
Higher temps for shorter duration.
I have a machine that takes all of the guesswork out .

This is correct
this is the same for bho, until all bubbles stop forming
people suggesting water bath method, it is okay will work but u will not reach 100% decarb because temp will not reach higher than 100degrees C
happy cooking, THB
this is the same for bho, until all bubbles stop forming
people suggesting water bath method, it is okay will work but u will not reach 100% decarb because temp will not reach higher than 100degrees C
happy cooking, THB

Thanks mate,
I'm gonna get one asap.
Are they reliable (I.e do they break down easy?)
Thanks for you help
I'm gonna get one asap.
Are they reliable (I.e do they break down easy?)
Thanks for you help

I've had min for 3 years. Only problem I've had is a bit of the plastic casing has broken off. Probably me being a bit rough handed, but I've taped it back together and all is good. Great bit of kit but pretty expensive if it will only get occasional use.

I don’t understand why cooking hash into edibles doesn’t work or does it?
And how much of a decent blonde hash would be good to eat person one dose 1g-2,3...?
And how much of a decent blonde hash would be good to eat person one dose 1g-2,3...?

Some hash you can eat raw and get a brilliant buzz whilst other hash you can eat raw and it's not so brilliant.
Some hash is already decarbed and some needs to be.
Cooking hash into edibles only works well depending on the hash, if you want consistent results decarboxylating is recommended.
Some hash is already decarbed and some needs to be.
Cooking hash into edibles only works well depending on the hash, if you want consistent results decarboxylating is recommended.

I tend to find hand rubbed soft hash gives a good buzz, there has been a lot of heat and friction as part of the process to make it

It is something ive wondered myself and have just done for a tincture with left over odds and ends. I did as per flower guidelines but it would depend on type of hash i think as hand rubbed hash is partially decarb’d by heat generated by hand during rubbing(friction).

3 posts
+7 votes

Nebula Boost Decarboxylator

Nebula Boost Decarboxylator

Hello everyone,
I have been on a quest for easy and accurate decarboxylating for quiet a while. I have tried the oven and wasn't impressed with the results.
I Have wanted an Ardent Nova or Ardent Lift for quiet a while but they are hard to get in the U.K.
Recently I have noticed the Nebula Boost Decarboxylator on Amazon which is a U.K model, available in the U.K and in stock, I bought one and WOW, shit just got real. This is the UK decarboxylating holy grail.
I have been using it the past weekend and I haven't been as fucked for ages, it's an amazing machine.
You don't have to alter any settings it's just press and go for the ultimate decarb.
The manual and many people online recommended a lower temperature which I tried at first and it was O.K but nothing like the default temperature. The default temperature is perfect.
Anyone finding it hard to get a Nova I recommend one of these bad boys, you won't regret it.
I have been on a quest for easy and accurate decarboxylating for quiet a while. I have tried the oven and wasn't impressed with the results.
I Have wanted an Ardent Nova or Ardent Lift for quiet a while but they are hard to get in the U.K.
Recently I have noticed the Nebula Boost Decarboxylator on Amazon which is a U.K model, available in the U.K and in stock, I bought one and WOW, shit just got real. This is the UK decarboxylating holy grail.
I have been using it the past weekend and I haven't been as fucked for ages, it's an amazing machine.
You don't have to alter any settings it's just press and go for the ultimate decarb.
The manual and many people online recommended a lower temperature which I tried at first and it was O.K but nothing like the default temperature. The default temperature is perfect.
Anyone finding it hard to get a Nova I recommend one of these bad boys, you won't regret it.

39 posts by LONTED
7 posts
+60.2 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
Break dumb rules
+ 7 more
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

8 posts
+37 votes

Favourite british Sitcoms when stoned?
Peep show
People just do nothing
The office UK
Falwty towers
The royal family
Rising damp
Still game
Ab fab
+ 8 more

Favourite british Sitcoms when stoned?
I for one. Love a british sitcom. From Dads Army, Steptoe and Son, to Porridge, Open All Hours, Fawlty Towers to Only Fools and Horses, Blackadder, Men Behaving Badly and of course so many more. Since i started smoking the beautiful erb, I find nothing more satisfying to watch in that 1 hour before you shut your eyes to sleep, than watching a classic british sitcom. I ask you guys.... which is your favourite british sitcom? Bless all and happy weekend. Kiwi!

My favourite is bottom, fucking hilarious. Rik Mayall and Adrian Edmondson never fail to impress.

Young ones loved it when I was young and love it when Iβm stoned rick mayall love that

Peep show
People just do nothing
The office UK
Falwty towers
The royal family
Rising damp
Still game
Ab fab
People just do nothing
The office UK
Falwty towers
The royal family
Rising damp
Still game
Ab fab

Peep Show is right up the top for me. As well as blackadder. Great list my friend and a Great shout with office and extras, class!!

Excellent thank you!!!! Sounds perfect. What's British comedy without a bit of cringe haha

I will be looking at that one again :) Was hoping some may pop up on this thread to watch. What with all this time at home.bless georgie93

‘Watching’ from the late 80’s/early 90’s is another trip down old memory lane :)
Cheers Kiwi!
Cheers Kiwi!

Yes I’m the same bro I love them all
LONTED basically listed all my favourites already :)
It’s not a sitcom but does anyone listen to the old XFM shows with Karl Pilkington Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant I absolutely love them 3 and everything they’ve done
If you’ve not listened to XFM give it a try
a few of my favourites
Horse in the House
Karl talking about furniture (Mattress)
Monkey News
Karl’s Diary
Alien gives man a beard
LONTED basically listed all my favourites already :)
It’s not a sitcom but does anyone listen to the old XFM shows with Karl Pilkington Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant I absolutely love them 3 and everything they’ve done
If you’ve not listened to XFM give it a try
a few of my favourites
Horse in the House
Karl talking about furniture (Mattress)
Monkey News
Karl’s Diary
Alien gives man a beard

Peepshow and anything with Karl Pilkington. Listen to Karl most nights nodding off! The old xfm shows are gold. The animation in the Ricky Gervais show is brilliant. Peep Show for me is the greatest sitcom ever made.

Haha mate i must watch Lifes too short again. Just watching Warwick get out his car is hilarious

It’s not very PC - especially these days but Little Britain is jokes to watch when baked.
If not then I go to Vicar of Dibley!
If not then I go to Vicar of Dibley!

Man I find Little Britain hilarious I have to say. I recently watched on netflix and reminded me of how funny it was. Was 13 when it came out. I now read David Walliams' published books to my son! How time fly's

Defo try Garth Marenghis Dark Place. Maybe Stressed Eric. Of the classics defo fools n horses or Rik Mayall and Ade. Real good topic.

The Kiwi film it's based on is really funny.
Seen the 1st episode of the BBC version n it's pretty good.
But aye if it's on the BBC defo British lol
Seen the 1st episode of the BBC version n it's pretty good.
But aye if it's on the BBC defo British lol

Some good ones here. Here's mine in no particular order:
Yes, prime minister
Only fools
Peep show
Just good friends
Ideal (Johnny Vegas)
Rising damp
Midmorning matters
Red dwarf
Yes, prime minister
Only fools
Peep show
Just good friends
Ideal (Johnny Vegas)
Rising damp
Midmorning matters
Red dwarf

Peep Show (featuring LBs very own Super Hans), Fawlty Towers and Porridge for some proper vintage humour, Bottom, Black Adder and Phoenix Nights π

15 Stories High with the late, great Sean Locke is great when high. Funny and absurd. I think it's still on iPlayer, BBC put it on there after he died. It really flew under the radar when it was on BBC 3 originally, but give it a go if you've not seen it.

Honestly Google high times Scottish sit com based in high rise flats
Funny as man π bit random but worth it
Funny as man π bit random but worth it

See lots of little Britian , loved that too but My new favourite is "The Great", damn raunchy but love it , watching it again lol

Oh another has to be Ideal staring Johnny Vegas. You can only watch that stoned and be in fits.

Hands down peep show, maybe because its the best British show or just how uncomfortably relatable it is, still game is pretty good too but a lot slower

1 post
+2 votes
Date: 16/1/2025
Time: 08:11
Prediction: Β£82,300.07

Purchase using this link!
Weβve added a new listing, βEDIBLES DEALβ which includes:
5 x 100mg Cola bottles
5 x 100mg Gummy bears
5 x 100mg Peach rings
5 x 100mg Peach hearts
5 x 100mg Blue bottles
Weβre giving one away worth 2500mg to one lucky winner.
To enter, predict the bitcoin price in GBP on Friday 17th January 2025 at 1pm.
Current price:
Date: 10/1/25
Time: 12:41
Price Prediction: 75,757.51
Please include date and time on your entries.
Cut off for predictions will be 1pm the day before (16th Jan 2025 @ 1pm)
The closest prediction will be deemed the winner of the contest :)
Good luck!
Weβve added a new listing, βEDIBLES DEALβ which includes:
5 x 100mg Cola bottles
5 x 100mg Gummy bears
5 x 100mg Peach rings
5 x 100mg Peach hearts
5 x 100mg Blue bottles
Weβre giving one away worth 2500mg to one lucky winner.
To enter, predict the bitcoin price in GBP on Friday 17th January 2025 at 1pm.
Current price:
Date: 10/1/25
Time: 12:41
Price Prediction: 75,757.51
Please include date and time on your entries.
Cut off for predictions will be 1pm the day before (16th Jan 2025 @ 1pm)
The closest prediction will be deemed the winner of the contest :)
Good luck!

1 post
+2 votes

Hi guys, we wanted to say a big thank you for giving us such a warm welcome to the community and decided what better time than now with Christmas round the corner!
We've decided to keep it nice and simple for our first comp to avoid any issues with proof borg.
Whoever guesses the closest to the ETH price in $ on 15th December at 13:00 wins $400 worth of in store credit. Entry's close on December 13th at 13:00. Please note that of the $400, $200 is to be spent on our shroom product line and the other $200 on our green product line. Hope I haven't missed any details, GOOD LUCK!
The Space Men
We've decided to keep it nice and simple for our first comp to avoid any issues with proof borg.
Whoever guesses the closest to the ETH price in $ on 15th December at 13:00 wins $400 worth of in store credit. Entry's close on December 13th at 13:00. Please note that of the $400, $200 is to be spent on our shroom product line and the other $200 on our green product line. Hope I haven't missed any details, GOOD LUCK!
The Space Men

I wasn't sure if anyone would get it: a combination of age and good gear, makes all my cultural references seem like yesterday, but this was LAST CENTURY!
I wasn't sure if anyone would get it: a combination of age and good gear, makes all my cultural references seem like yesterday, but this was LAST CENTURY!

Well I haven't bought anything from you, so I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable taking $400.
But the giveaway is a nice thing to do, so I thought I'd bump the thread!
But the giveaway is a nice thing to do, so I thought I'd bump the thread!

Thatβs not a problem bro youβre more than welcome to enter! The more the merrier, but thanks for bumping as well

Awesome giveaway TSM, Iβm not the biggest fan of mushrooms so if I do happen to win any bigga that wants to claim them is most certainly welcome to do so!
ETH- 2099
Merry Christmas allπ
ETH- 2099
Merry Christmas allπ

Was there a winner? Just checking back on this and the price at 13:00 is saying 2,248, I must have been close!

Thanks for the giveaway! I've tried these guys trinity caps which are very potent! Also tried the cereal milk and oroez, both are fire. About to order another oz!
My guess is $2113, cheers.
My guess is $2113, cheers.

ETH might be $2104
TheSpaceMen are going to take over big time. I am currently vaping their Gelato 44 and it's so tasty.
TheSpaceMen are going to take over big time. I am currently vaping their Gelato 44 and it's so tasty.

Great guess mate, if you love the taste of the gelato wait until you try some of the others!

Huge giveaway buddy, enjoyed the peanut butter mac so hopefully I win and can get more! aha
I think the price will be $2411
I think the price will be $2411

Weβre all out of that atm but Iβm sure youβll be able to find some other fire on our store

Great giveaway! Havenβt had mushrooms for years!
Got half o of pink pantz to try later too!
Eth 2124
Got half o of pink pantz to try later too!
Eth 2124

What a great excuse to have some more then! Let me know what you think of the pink panties
Good luck
Good luck

Ima roll with $2151
If this goes in my favour il take it as a clear sign that I absolutely should start microdosing,
If not, I look forward to your concentrates menu :)
If this goes in my favour il take it as a clear sign that I absolutely should start microdosing,
If not, I look forward to your concentrates menu :)

Cheers, i left it as close to cut off as i could and obviously the minute i made my guess ETH took off like a rocket in the other direction π

$2199 thanks so much, happy xmas, its been 6 months since i was here looking forward to xmas smoke, your menu looks great

Thanks for comp spaceman, been looking at your Golden teachers and Trinity caps last week ππ»
Thanks for comp spaceman, been looking at your Golden teachers and Trinity caps last week ππ»

2,323.23$ also +rep for the Spacemen Had the Trufflez , Oreoz and PBM all 10 / 10 price-product rating for me : )

Been checking out your stuff, maybe i'll have a party if I win XD my guess is $2141

Respect for the comp mate πππI'd gladly take the credit for the bud but don't touch mushrooms,maybe if I do win you could pass it on to someone else,

Cheers mate! You never know, could have a big dip, luckily I don't have anything in ETH if I am right lol

Thanks TSM
Your peanut butter breath with Mac was so good
Great competition -Good luck all
Thanks TSM
Your peanut butter breath with Mac was so good
Great competition -Good luck all

MASSIVE GIVEAWAY!! My guess is $2210
Your stock looks great! fingers cross I win wanna try those shrooms so bad!
Your stock looks great! fingers cross I win wanna try those shrooms so bad!

Wow what a giveaway.
I will go $2,738
I will go $2,738

Good luck bro! Weβve got some new listings since your last order and Iβm sure youβd love them

Wow that is one generous giveaway Spaceman! Ooo ETH am sayin β¬2,150.00.
Have a good holiday!
Have a good holiday!

Wow-- amazing, I wanted to order more of the mushroom chocolate, this is a game changer..
ETH - in $4,201.
ETH - in $4,201.

A very generous comp,3294.25 on 15th dec.Thanks for the competition and have a very merry Christmas.

Awesome competition - loved the Penis Envy shrooms last time and this could be the best Xmas ever!
Going for 3679 USD for ETH on 15th December! Good luck everyone!
Going for 3679 USD for ETH on 15th December! Good luck everyone!

2420 ETH price
Mon 11th Nov 13.41pm
Thanks TSM ,God luck folks an merry Xmas comes π«‘πβοΈπ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ Ώ
Mon 11th Nov 13.41pm
Thanks TSM ,God luck folks an merry Xmas comes π«‘πβοΈπ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ Ώ

Hi mate, really sorry but this is last years comp, we will be launching a bigger competition in a few weeks

Hi mate, really sorry but this was actually for last Christmas, we will be doing an even bigger comp this year though

Hi mate, really sorry but this was actually for last Christmas, we will be doing an even bigger comp this year though

Awesome, my Fav Vendor for all my Green and Shroom needs.
My guess is ETH price will be $2,611.41 on 15th December.
My guess is ETH price will be $2,611.41 on 15th December.

Who won? I think I was pretty close but there's so many entries I can't tell!

what a fantastic and generous competition! Have been eyeing up a bunch of items over the past couple weeks π
13/12 11:21
good luck everyone!
13/12 11:21
good luck everyone!

Merry Christmas to all and have a great 2024.
Got to appreciate these Xmas comps, what a community weβve got on LB.
ETH - $2193
Best of luck to all
Got to appreciate these Xmas comps, what a community weβve got on LB.
ETH - $2193
Best of luck to all

$2,225.81 Very generous comp Spacemen! Thanks. Been eyeing up your shop and you have some lovely looking offerings. Merry Xmas

1 post
+1 votes


Congrats skunky99 - this batch really reminds me of the lovely Blue Cheese they do in Family First. Enjoy!

Hey Cat
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!

Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.
Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.

thanks green cat this would be amazing prize to win, funds are low, my best guess is $46930, best of luck everyone, thanks m8


Iβve not bought anything from you so it doesnβt feel right to join the contest however I just wanted to wish everyone good luck!

Merry Christmas everyone! πππ
20/12/23 12:06
Good luck and thanks for the competition GC π
20/12/23 12:06
Good luck and thanks for the competition GC π

Β£34114.37 = $43325.25
Edited so that it is shown in USD. At the time of conversion (19:13 Tuesday 19th December 2023) the exchange rate was 1GBP=1.27USD
I hope this is OK. I just presumed it meant GBP as that's where I am. Sorry!!
Merry Christmas Guys!!
Edited so that it is shown in USD. At the time of conversion (19:13 Tuesday 19th December 2023) the exchange rate was 1GBP=1.27USD
I hope this is OK. I just presumed it meant GBP as that's where I am. Sorry!!
Merry Christmas Guys!!

$45484, thanks green cat and happy xmas to everyone, good luck all, have a fantastic new year

I only just made an official account so may not be at 5 orders, but if not counted have a free bump :)

1 post
+1 votes
Magic Christmas Giveaway
Ivor the Engine

Magic Christmas Giveaway

Giving away to three lucky winners 5g magic mushroom each.
Put Your name down if want to take part.
Put Your name down if want to take part.

Lucky number as follow
Congrats to winners.
Please send me message with Your address.
Kind Regards
Mr Zodiac
Lucky number as follow
Congrats to winners.
Please send me message with Your address.
Kind Regards
Mr Zodiac

Drawings need to be provably fair please post your generator source and a live stream url for the drawing in order to continue this contest.
This post will be removed from the wall now.
We are here to help if you need it.
This post will be removed from the wall now.
We are here to help if you need it.

3 posts
+12 votes

Time for another competition with DrShroom.
To enter just do the following
-Name your favourite film for getting high or tripping to
-Start your entry with TRUFFLE PIG so that we can identify them amongst the conversation
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday 02/12 lottery draw the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers π
To enter just do the following
-Name your favourite film for getting high or tripping to
-Start your entry with TRUFFLE PIG so that we can identify them amongst the conversation
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday 02/12 lottery draw the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers π

That is indeed the film. Have you genuinely not seen it? Cult classic. Probably one of the most quotable films of all time. That, then Commando.

I just read this, and the reflex into my head was, "Shut up Withnail, of course he's the farmer!", then I laughed. You will too when you watch it. Other stoners may well do when they read this, as is the way of these things.

How To Get Ahead In Advertising is also a very decent flick by the same team who did Withnail. Often overlooked - a fun watch.

That's the one where the extra head grows from a boil on his neck? I concur. Richard E. Grant is a fantastic actor.

I was shouting in a mirror. Itβs like a tic.
Sorry to bring about any confusion kind sir. π
Sorry to bring about any confusion kind sir. π

Hey Dr Shroom
Another competition? Cool!
I have some BTCs on the way and will place an order soon but just in case I am lucky.
Metal Hurlant aka Heavy Metal in the UK
SciFi & Fantasy & Sex & Drugs & RockNRoll - What else could an 80s teenager ask for?
Another competition? Cool!
I have some BTCs on the way and will place an order soon but just in case I am lucky.
Metal Hurlant aka Heavy Metal in the UK
SciFi & Fantasy & Sex & Drugs & RockNRoll - What else could an 80s teenager ask for?

Thanks Doc
I've just placed an order for your Limitless capsules ;-)
Getting ready for Winter
I've just placed an order for your Limitless capsules ;-)
Getting ready for Winter

Easy Rider
Some great choices. And was tough to pick one. So I just went for the movie I think Iβve watched the most whilst stoned. Woodstock is the other.
The Bed Sitting Room. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in a balloon in a post-apocalyptic London. 60s madness.
London Kills Me. Underrated classic.
βAll I need is shoes, manβ
Speaking of shoes.
Dead Manβs Shoes
Fight Club, Kill List, A Field In England, Limitless, Jacobβs Ladder, Blade Runner, Friday, Boyz In The Hood, Colours, Ferris Beuller, Bill & Ted, Most Kevin Smith flicks, Dusk Till Dawn, Kalifornia, Natural Born Killers, Mad Max 2, Aliens, Armageddon, The Fountain, Pi, Delicatessen, Into The Void, Hellraiser, Paris Texas, The Talented Mr Ripley, Solaris, 2001, Eyes Wide Shut, Mean Streets, THX1138, Original Dune, The Keep, Wild at Heart, After Hours, Duel, Until The End of the Worldβ¦
Man the list is truly endless.
The Endless, Synchronic.
Easy Rider
Some great choices. And was tough to pick one. So I just went for the movie I think Iβve watched the most whilst stoned. Woodstock is the other.
The Bed Sitting Room. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in a balloon in a post-apocalyptic London. 60s madness.
London Kills Me. Underrated classic.
βAll I need is shoes, manβ
Speaking of shoes.
Dead Manβs Shoes
Fight Club, Kill List, A Field In England, Limitless, Jacobβs Ladder, Blade Runner, Friday, Boyz In The Hood, Colours, Ferris Beuller, Bill & Ted, Most Kevin Smith flicks, Dusk Till Dawn, Kalifornia, Natural Born Killers, Mad Max 2, Aliens, Armageddon, The Fountain, Pi, Delicatessen, Into The Void, Hellraiser, Paris Texas, The Talented Mr Ripley, Solaris, 2001, Eyes Wide Shut, Mean Streets, THX1138, Original Dune, The Keep, Wild at Heart, After Hours, Duel, Until The End of the Worldβ¦
Man the list is truly endless.
The Endless, Synchronic.

Now that is a list. I know I need to see the films I haven't seen based on the films you've mentioned that I have seen π€π€π€
I'm surprised that nobody once mentioned apocalypse now or apocalyptic. Natural born killers is crazy too, when i was a pup I narrowly avoided arrest by swallowing a wrapped teenth of squidgy black. Unaware of what was to come, I watched natural born killers and was forever ruined.
Paprika, ready player one and ghost in the shell are high on my list too.
Whats your thoughts on the new Dune?
Entry 53
I'm surprised that nobody once mentioned apocalypse now or apocalyptic. Natural born killers is crazy too, when i was a pup I narrowly avoided arrest by swallowing a wrapped teenth of squidgy black. Unaware of what was to come, I watched natural born killers and was forever ruined.
Paprika, ready player one and ghost in the shell are high on my list too.
Whats your thoughts on the new Dune?
Entry 53

Love the new Dune. Love Denis Villeneuve - Arrival is a complete charm fest. A beautiful film. His Blade Runner. Oh. My. God. Almost betters the original. Itβs beautiful. And often overlooked - I think (and this is just a stoner theory) because Ryan Gosling is fucking shit. In everything. So if heβs in it. He instantly makes the film utterly forgettable.
Try it. Name me a film Gosling is great in. Name me a film heβs even been in.
See? Exactly.
βOoh no Syd. Heβs great in Driveβ
Fuck that film. Itβs shit. I honestly loved the Pusher Trilogy. Nailed it.
Drive left me cold. Probably because of Ryan fucking Gosling. Whoβs a plank of wood. Itβs not just me? Surely.
Aaaanyway. Lynchβs Dune has far more charm.
Something way more slovenly about the Harkonnens in the Lynch version. Seedy. Itβs like he spent his whole time concentrating on them.
Bit less so in the new one. Perhaps more accurate.
Iβd have loved to have seen Jodorowsky/Moebiusβ Dune. Thatβs the Dune Lynch made. But totally compromised from the start.
Thereβs a great doc about it.
I just love Jean Giraud. If you like any science fiction. He invented how what you like looks. From Star Wars to Alien. His hand is in it. To the new Star Wars where you have modern comic veterans doing the costumes talking about Giraud as a big influence.
The Incal is probably one of the best comics ever written. Itβs part of a Rosetta Stone of science fiction ideas. That and Metal Hurlant and the whole European comic scene.
Itβs a wonderful wormhole that will take at least a week to come out of.
Enki Bilal.
Not even going to start. Iβve nerded fuck out of this thread enough.
Try it. Name me a film Gosling is great in. Name me a film heβs even been in.
See? Exactly.
βOoh no Syd. Heβs great in Driveβ
Fuck that film. Itβs shit. I honestly loved the Pusher Trilogy. Nailed it.
Drive left me cold. Probably because of Ryan fucking Gosling. Whoβs a plank of wood. Itβs not just me? Surely.
Aaaanyway. Lynchβs Dune has far more charm.
Something way more slovenly about the Harkonnens in the Lynch version. Seedy. Itβs like he spent his whole time concentrating on them.
Bit less so in the new one. Perhaps more accurate.
Iβd have loved to have seen Jodorowsky/Moebiusβ Dune. Thatβs the Dune Lynch made. But totally compromised from the start.
Thereβs a great doc about it.
I just love Jean Giraud. If you like any science fiction. He invented how what you like looks. From Star Wars to Alien. His hand is in it. To the new Star Wars where you have modern comic veterans doing the costumes talking about Giraud as a big influence.
The Incal is probably one of the best comics ever written. Itβs part of a Rosetta Stone of science fiction ideas. That and Metal Hurlant and the whole European comic scene.
Itβs a wonderful wormhole that will take at least a week to come out of.
Enki Bilal.
Not even going to start. Iβve nerded fuck out of this thread enough.

I know what you mean. His role is often to be devoid of soul. It really is a beautiful film though. The new Mad Max is also a timeless watch.
Blue Eye samurai is amazing. Hugo is too, really had me invested in the plot. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it ever to anyone either but PAPRIKA should be watched by everyone. It inspired countless films in its wake. The creator, Con Nakamoto I believe was a genius. There's an 8 minute bio on him on YouTube
Blue Eye samurai is amazing. Hugo is too, really had me invested in the plot. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it ever to anyone either but PAPRIKA should be watched by everyone. It inspired countless films in its wake. The creator, Con Nakamoto I believe was a genius. There's an 8 minute bio on him on YouTube

I really love this list (huge Ferris fan in particular), and the new Dune is spectacular on a decent cinema or home cinema set-up. Saw Juliette Lewis' band play on a UK tour about 10ish years ago. Glad we went. Friends were so stoned they didn't want to get the train to see the gig.

Trains are far less scary than Juliette Lewis in full flow.
I had (and still have) the biggest crush on her. Itβs that PJ Harvey, Patty Smith thing. Itβs sexy as fuck.
I had (and still have) the biggest crush on her. Itβs that PJ Harvey, Patty Smith thing. Itβs sexy as fuck.

This is now the second time Iβve heard tell about that in a week. Firstly from Mark Bernardin who was explaining to Kev Smith how great it is.
Iβll give it a gander.
Iβll give it a gander.

I have 1 episode left as I've wanted to binge it, but I've been savouring it. It's the kind of thing that would make all the misogynistic incels explode due to all of the well written subject matter completely conflicting their world view. Almost every time where you think they're setting you up for a standard trope they throw a great twist. Love it. Hope they commission a lot more.

To whet your appetite, like the similar stone no doubt carried to sharpen something like to cut deeper.

Apocalypse Now weirdly seemed too obvious. But itβs in my top 5 all time fillums of all time ever. It never gets old, and I must have seen it 50 times at least.
He has a new one coming. An epic. His last hurrah.
I do love Coppola. Godfather. Apart from 3.
Better than Goodfellas. And thatβs peerless.
He has a new one coming. An epic. His last hurrah.
I do love Coppola. Godfather. Apart from 3.
Better than Goodfellas. And thatβs peerless.

I watched that recently and last saw it decades ago, but I clearly missed a shitload of what was going on in this when I saw it on VHS as a kid.

Appreciate another comp Dr Shroom βοΈ
Itβs gotta be the trailer park boys movie for me at the minute gets a stupid giggle every time.
Appreciate another comp Dr Shroom βοΈ
Itβs gotta be the trailer park boys movie for me at the minute gets a stupid giggle every time.


Everything everywhere all at once is definetly my favourite tripping movie absolute confusion
thanks for the giveaway gl everyone!
Everything everywhere all at once is definetly my favourite tripping movie absolute confusion
thanks for the giveaway gl everyone!

was going to pitch for Ken Russellβs Altered States with William Hurt then remembered β24 hour party peopleβ with Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson then remembered Kubrickβs βArtificial Intelligenceβ so Iβll stick with that one!
Thanks for the entry boss. :)
was going to pitch for Ken Russellβs Altered States with William Hurt then remembered β24 hour party peopleβ with Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson then remembered Kubrickβs βArtificial Intelligenceβ so Iβll stick with that one!
Thanks for the entry boss. :)

A Matter of Life and Death (aka Stairway to Heaven in the US)
A pilot escapes death by chance and has to argue his case in heaven: heaven wants to correct it's mistake, he believes he should be allowed to remain on earth (having fallen in love).
Partly filmed in black & white (while in heaven) and partly in colour (while on earth), the film is layered with meaning and nothing is quite as it first appears.
A mind-fuck from 1946, no less!
A Matter of Life and Death (aka Stairway to Heaven in the US)
A pilot escapes death by chance and has to argue his case in heaven: heaven wants to correct it's mistake, he believes he should be allowed to remain on earth (having fallen in love).
Partly filmed in black & white (while in heaven) and partly in colour (while on earth), the film is layered with meaning and nothing is quite as it first appears.
A mind-fuck from 1946, no less!

Has to be Space Jam for me, when using LSD or Shrooms there just something about looney toons that makes me die of laughter.
Has to be Space Jam for me, when using LSD or Shrooms there just something about looney toons that makes me die of laughter.

Prolly The Doors or maybe the Woodstock documentary, for a straight up film I like Exorcist or Black Christmas as my go to's
Prolly The Doors or maybe the Woodstock documentary, for a straight up film I like Exorcist or Black Christmas as my go to's

Truffle Pig
One movie brings back alot of laughs with my mates when smoking was: KUNG POW, followed by Cheech and Chong; up in smoke.
Tripping, I prefer animations: Cyberpunk Edge runners was a great watch
One movie brings back alot of laughs with my mates when smoking was: KUNG POW, followed by Cheech and Chong; up in smoke.
Tripping, I prefer animations: Cyberpunk Edge runners was a great watch

iβve got a few on the list but itβs got to be either napoleon dynamite or american beauty for me, with a special mention to how high
iβve got a few on the list but itβs got to be either napoleon dynamite or american beauty for me, with a special mention to how high

not really a movie, but I dig any type of nature documentaries ... from deep space over jungles to deserts into the deep sea ... pop that on the projektor, and lean back ... awesome
Also the old Nickolodeon stuff ... CatDog, Angry Beavers ... always good for a laugh.
These would be the weedflavor ...
As for tripping, I have to admit I am only one candyflip old in psychedelics, but I was tripping hard to this:
All the best
not really a movie, but I dig any type of nature documentaries ... from deep space over jungles to deserts into the deep sea ... pop that on the projektor, and lean back ... awesome
Also the old Nickolodeon stuff ... CatDog, Angry Beavers ... always good for a laugh.
These would be the weedflavor ...
As for tripping, I have to admit I am only one candyflip old in psychedelics, but I was tripping hard to this:
All the best

Pulp Fiction - I dare you not to make me the winner, I double dare you motherf*cker!
Pulp Fiction - I dare you not to make me the winner, I double dare you motherf*cker!

Has to be Empire Records. Wonderful soundtrack, an absolutely stunning Liv Tyler and a story that leaves me with the good feels everytime...baked or not baked :)
Has to be Empire Records. Wonderful soundtrack, an absolutely stunning Liv Tyler and a story that leaves me with the good feels everytime...baked or not baked :)

1 post
+3 votes

To share the love, this week we are giving away 30 grams of magic Truffles.
All you have to do to enter is share your favourite music for tripping, or getting high to so that the eclectic music lovers amongst us can expand their tastes even further.
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday nights lottery the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers π
All you have to do to enter is share your favourite music for tripping, or getting high to so that the eclectic music lovers amongst us can expand their tastes even further.
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday nights lottery the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers π

Man Iβm so desperate to try these. Iβll be putting in an order this week regardless but to throw my hat In the ringβ¦. My mind is generally all
over the place but Love, forever changes, always features in one way or another. Itβs an insanely beautiful album.
over the place but Love, forever changes, always features in one way or another. Itβs an insanely beautiful album.

Hi Rocketdogronnie
Excellent choice my friend!
I once spent an entire mushroom trip with 3 god friends listening to a single tape over and over for 6 hours: side A was Forever Changes and Side B Da Capo
Excellent choice my friend!
I once spent an entire mushroom trip with 3 god friends listening to a single tape over and over for 6 hours: side A was Forever Changes and Side B Da Capo

I think since Iβve started my psychonaut journey music genres have dissolved!. I spent my early 20βs playing drums in hardcore punk bands and metal and was bound to certain genresβ¦.
Now I can listen to pretty much anything along as I like itβ¦. Iβve only just come to terms with how good toxic was by Brittany spears ππ
But for when getting high I love the Lofi stuff you get on YouTube and dabbling in different genres!
Another awesome comp DrShroom π€βοΈ
Now I can listen to pretty much anything along as I like itβ¦. Iβve only just come to terms with how good toxic was by Brittany spears ππ
But for when getting high I love the Lofi stuff you get on YouTube and dabbling in different genres!
Another awesome comp DrShroom π€βοΈ

Classical music for me does wonders depends if I'm down or up. I like some dramatic orchestras like Mozart Lacrimosa for when I'm melting on the couch or something uplifting like
Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake
Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake

Hi meetoo22
This would be my choice too:
Keep your freak flag high!
This would be my choice too:
Keep your freak flag high!

Hi Dr Shroom
Ooops! I've just submitted a "correct" entry as opposed to giving thumbs up to those Biggas who submitted things I like.
So bear that in mind when you see my entry for Pink Floyd's Piper at the gates of dawn - my number has already been allocated and is is 26!
Ooops! I've just submitted a "correct" entry as opposed to giving thumbs up to those Biggas who submitted things I like.
So bear that in mind when you see my entry for Pink Floyd's Piper at the gates of dawn - my number has already been allocated and is is 26!

432hz is the Pythagorean scale. There is geometry represented in this scale.
Modern music is pitched at 440hz. No geometry to see here π€
The best way for me to understand it was to see the difference, feel the difference.
I invite all to do the same.
As Tesla quoted "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
Modern music is pitched at 440hz. No geometry to see here π€
The best way for me to understand it was to see the difference, feel the difference.
I invite all to do the same.
As Tesla quoted "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."

Defo Floyd, another brick video is epic,
The doors, the who, REM, the lost is endless,
I was going to post about micro dosing as I'm super keen, used to hard trip back In the day and feel that would be too much now lol, but really really wanna try micro!!!
The doors, the who, REM, the lost is endless,
I was going to post about micro dosing as I'm super keen, used to hard trip back In the day and feel that would be too much now lol, but really really wanna try micro!!!

LTJ Bukem - Atlantis
Always reminds me of my youth tripping on green micro dots and the whole room and everything in it including me were breathing along with the music and as the tune progresses and develops all the colours in the room became brighter and every time I hear it now my mind recreates a bit of that blissful state π₯°
Always reminds me of my youth tripping on green micro dots and the whole room and everything in it including me were breathing along with the music and as the tune progresses and develops all the colours in the room became brighter and every time I hear it now my mind recreates a bit of that blissful state π₯°

I have The Mushy Mix, a playlist of chilled, mostly instrumental stuff which includes stuff from Bonobo, Jon Hopkins, Quantic, Boards of Canada, The Cinematic Orchestra, Zero 7 and the like...
These truffles sound amazing, good luck everyone and nice comp Dr, love hearing what we're all listening to.
These truffles sound amazing, good luck everyone and nice comp Dr, love hearing what we're all listening to.

Hey Doc
I've been eyeing your microdose capsules.
I'll place an order this Winter once I'll have finished my current stash :-)
Now I've been giving thumbs up to some of the entries below but didn't submit one myself so here we go.
I could submit endless lists of 60s psychedelic bands but Pink Floyd's "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" album is my pick for this competition!
I've been eyeing your microdose capsules.
I'll place an order this Winter once I'll have finished my current stash :-)
Now I've been giving thumbs up to some of the entries below but didn't submit one myself so here we go.
I could submit endless lists of 60s psychedelic bands but Pink Floyd's "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" album is my pick for this competition!

Thanks B0W13
To be honest there are a gazillion psychedelic bands I could have gone for but I have been listening to Syd's output over Halloween.
The Piper which is the album which incited me to pick up guitar so it will always hold a special place in my heart.
To be honest there are a gazillion psychedelic bands I could have gone for but I have been listening to Syd's output over Halloween.
The Piper which is the album which incited me to pick up guitar so it will always hold a special place in my heart.

These truffles look amazing ngl, I have a strange music taste i love listening to old school garage and DnB i also listen to rock and every now and then i listen to abit of liquid DnB (amazing while tripping) (also T2heartbroken is the best song of all time) (let me win :)

You can't beat Floyd, there's always something else great but you can't beat FLOYD,ππβοΈ

Jazz definitely. Made a whole new playlist just for it with a mix of fast and slow songs. It just feels good to single each instrument being played

'Red Forest' by If These Trees Could Talk, and 'All Is Violent, All Is Bright' by God Is An Astronaut. Instrumental post-rock which is really good for zoning out to and getting lost in the tunes.
Nice comp, those truffles look awesome. Cheers Doc!
Nice comp, those truffles look awesome. Cheers Doc!

Sure thing!
In the event that all 59 spots are filled then the first number out will determine the winner.
In the event that less than 59 people enter, then as the balls are released in chronological order, the first ball that matches with an assigned entrant number will determine the winner.
There is a very small possibility that a lotto ball won't correspond to any of the entry numbers. In this case we will roll over until the next UK lotto draw.
I find this method fair, impossible to rig, and easy enough to be set up and verified anonymously.
If there's anything, please let me know π
In the event that all 59 spots are filled then the first number out will determine the winner.
In the event that less than 59 people enter, then as the balls are released in chronological order, the first ball that matches with an assigned entrant number will determine the winner.
There is a very small possibility that a lotto ball won't correspond to any of the entry numbers. In this case we will roll over until the next UK lotto draw.
I find this method fair, impossible to rig, and easy enough to be set up and verified anonymously.
If there's anything, please let me know π

Any music instrumental , that way Iβm not falling for the words while I trip πΆ. Thanks and good luck everyone

Any Pink Floyd but comfortably numb hits all the marks for me πΌπΌ
Great comp DrShroom and good luck everyone π
Great comp DrShroom and good luck everyone π

Nice competition!
I love anything that can let you drift off. At the moment Iβm particularly enjoy vaguely wistful and euphoric ambient musicβ¦.stuff like stars of the lid and winged victory for the sullen.
I also like a bit of laid back jazzy noodly stuff like do make say think and their album & yet & yet.
For me theyβre great for the mind to wander off to another dimension.
I find some stuff that is specifically trippy enjoyable when Iβm not tripping but kind of does my head in a bit when I am.
I love anything that can let you drift off. At the moment Iβm particularly enjoy vaguely wistful and euphoric ambient musicβ¦.stuff like stars of the lid and winged victory for the sullen.
I also like a bit of laid back jazzy noodly stuff like do make say think and their album & yet & yet.
For me theyβre great for the mind to wander off to another dimension.
I find some stuff that is specifically trippy enjoyable when Iβm not tripping but kind of does my head in a bit when I am.

Don't know if this competition has finished but at the moment I'm getting into synthwave. I especially like Juno Dreams (Exhale is epically euphoric while high)

I definitely wish to experience these! I wanna put an entry in to have a good psychedelic experience with my friends! We love listening to DnB and Garage while tripping and to share love and spread positivity to all the psychedelic users!

Absolutely anything calming an relaxing when tripping. We spent an evening in the late 80' s listening to with or without you by U2, literally just that song. From memory we set the speakers up on the floor and took it in turns lying between them.

My favourite music for tripping would have to be anything pink Floyd and the Beatles but specifically the later stuff! Thank you

Props on the giveaway, this world needs more love
I don't know if this is still open but with regards to tripping I like early Pink Floyd, Gong, Doors. Maybe some theta baselines as well. For getting high in general it's anything goes, though my affinity for hip hop, late 80s to late 90s, usually Erin's
I don't know if this is still open but with regards to tripping I like early Pink Floyd, Gong, Doors. Maybe some theta baselines as well. For getting high in general it's anything goes, though my affinity for hip hop, late 80s to late 90s, usually Erin's

Thanks for the compo Dr. I would like to add some music recommendations:
Tipsy (band): Trip Tease (album)
Van Morrison: Astral Weeks
Air: Moon Safari
Mr Scruff
Adam F: Colors
Tipsy (band): Trip Tease (album)
Van Morrison: Astral Weeks
Air: Moon Safari
Mr Scruff
Adam F: Colors

for the come up i always put on stumpwork by dry cleaning. there's something about that album. the track gary ashby really makes me giddy. For deep dives with shrooms it has to be music for psychedelic therapy by jon hopkins everytime. it really forces the doors in my brain to open up for surgery. With Lucy it's always an album called "imagine this is a high dimentional space of all possibilities" by james holden. it really drives the intensity while i'm cycling on L. best feeling ever. i really wish i could do that forever and ever.

DrukQs and Selected Ambient Works II by Aphex Twin are my go-to for trips although any chaotic experimental drill n bass will do for me so Aphex Twin/AFX, Bogdan Raczynski, mu-ziq, Squarepusherβ¦

Pharoah Sanders β Love Is Everywhere - ABC Impulse! (1974)
If you're looking to travel, Mr. Sanders will take you anywhere you wanna go...
If you're looking to travel, Mr. Sanders will take you anywhere you wanna go...

Chill synthy electronic style with some nice melodies, the whole album is pretty nice.
EASY PREY and NEON RATS prob favs off the album.
Thanks and big ups.
Chill synthy electronic style with some nice melodies, the whole album is pretty nice.
EASY PREY and NEON RATS prob favs off the album.
Thanks and big ups.

It isn't really a song per day, but I love watching the trippy visuals videos on YouTube with some dubstep background haha!

Thanks for the giveaway!
For a deep dive with mushrooms, I love to listen to Pharoah Sanders (rip).
For a deep dive with mushrooms, I love to listen to Pharoah Sanders (rip).

A dont know if am too late to the party but if am not am here now these look tremendous πkeep up the good work

Sorry I'm not very good at this!! Probably aim, stars on 33 mix. Or a bit of early unkle.

Early tame impala is great for tripping for me, first 2 albums or just absolutely any shpongle. The "nothing lasts but nothing is lost" album in particular.
Love your stuff Dr Shroom x
Love your stuff Dr Shroom x

Awesome giveaway Dr Shroom - bless up π
I've been into the downtempo scene for a while now - Mose, Ape Chimba, Savej, j.pool, janax pacha to name a few
I've been into the downtempo scene for a while now - Mose, Ape Chimba, Savej, j.pool, janax pacha to name a few

Hey Dr Shroom
Didn't want to cheat the giveaway - you've given me another entry on the comment I left
(Original number given was 11)
Bless π
Didn't want to cheat the giveaway - you've given me another entry on the comment I left
(Original number given was 11)
Bless π

So, but of a random one but gave me a physical sensation when listening to it on mushrooms;
Beethoven's 9th symphony...
Beethoven's 9th symphony...

1 post
+17 votes

Cannot believe I found this community.
I'm still telling myself this is reality, I can't believe the amazing choice, ease and convenience.
Littlebiggy: the site that dreams are made of!!!
I'm still telling myself this is reality, I can't believe the amazing choice, ease and convenience.
Littlebiggy: the site that dreams are made of!!!
A stoners holy grail.
Littlebiggy: the site that dreams are made of!!!
A stoners holy grail.

I totally get where your coming from my guy. been on here from dec and so glad I found it. from obviously the good weed to the good vibes it's a pretty sweet community. long may it last :D enjoy mate!

I've only just found this place too! I haven't got a street guy anymore so this place is amazing! Really great choice and even better a friendly,warm community!

Yep I've ha d several orders all fast and gods connect got to me in 20hours with normal post, also Bazza is the man for quality hash and radar breeder, and the green team, all solid.
Paddy 420.
Paddy 420.

Welcome buddy! The site the LB community is truly a Universal / god / spirit send - long may it continue. A place for sharing and of course the amazing plant medicines and Psychedelics - love and peace to you!

Me too. Only been a member since November but I am so pleased I found it. Massive well done to everyone involved.

Yeah it's heaven for hash at times, from Bazza, and uk420, plus the green team, and radar breeder plus more but follow ratings as a guide but...

The ratings well I think that is a contentious subject on the reviews
10/10 not tried it lol π
10/10 not tried it lol π

If only id known abou t LB back in 06.
All the grit / glass bud and soapbar I was
buying back then.
I'd best make up for it now though.
If only id known abou t LB back in 06.
All the grit / glass bud and soapbar I was
buying back then.
I'd best make up for it now though.

I remember those terrible times. Contamination was so bad back then. Glad things have moved on. Welcome to LB!

The drought in 06 wow there was some messed up weed being sold in the UK at that time! LB would have saved the day back then

Super bad times for weed.
Plus soapbar, and there were some articles in a weed world
mag about cleaning soapbar lol and all that shite washed off leaves a bit of Pollen like 7 g from half a bar 125g.
And look what we have now, I love it.
Plus soapbar, and there were some articles in a weed world
mag about cleaning soapbar lol and all that shite washed off leaves a bit of Pollen like 7 g from half a bar 125g.
And look what we have now, I love it.

Has anybody been on this site since then ?? Most members I've came across have been recent in terms of how long it's been up. Just high and curious Haha

New here myself and brought here by a friend. Blown away by the community so far!
Placed my first TGT order Last night aswell
Placed my first TGT order Last night aswell

I’ve had a serious problem since I joined... “self control”
I’m here eyeing up stuff I have no money for just drooling over my phone
Literally like a kid in a candy shop one order lead to double figures quicker than I imagine but I’m an everyday smoker
The only tolerance break I get is sleep
I’m here eyeing up stuff I have no money for just drooling over my phone
Literally like a kid in a candy shop one order lead to double figures quicker than I imagine but I’m an everyday smoker
The only tolerance break I get is sleep

Hello paddy420 and welcome. I couldn't quite believe it either but here I am, 18 buys later. Enjoy!

Thanks Nova, I've accumulated quite a few buys but I'm so dumb when high I never used to log in so much lol

Me too! Randomly found this site while online n couldn't believe my luck.
After getting my head around bitcoin n VPN n now 12 orders in since joining last month I well n truly believe!
Thanks so much to the founders of this weed wonderland :-)
After getting my head around bitcoin n VPN n now 12 orders in since joining last month I well n truly believe!
Thanks so much to the founders of this weed wonderland :-)

Welcome paddy420.
I couldn't work the site out to begin with.
It took me a few nights stoned to place my first order with SUPER HANS. He always wrote in capitals .
Then the excitement of that small package dropping on the mat started .
I couldn't work the site out to begin with.
It took me a few nights stoned to place my first order with SUPER HANS. He always wrote in capitals .
Then the excitement of that small package dropping on the mat started .

Welcome to LB and same, only been here a few months but couldnt go back to substandard hazes and leafy cheeses that the locals served up for so long!

All joking aside I had some gelato dawg a few weeks ago and it fucking melted the face right off

This is a really old post mate, Paddy joined nearly 4 years ago!
Are you still there Paddy?πββοΈ
Are you still there Paddy?πββοΈ

Have fun ma man,
Itβs a marathon not a sprint. Well thatβs what I try to tell myself.
Carts to green back on to hash. Now using concentrate. I might have issues π€·ββοΈ
Then the VAS started.
Have as much fun as you can bankroll
Itβs a marathon not a sprint. Well thatβs what I try to tell myself.
Carts to green back on to hash. Now using concentrate. I might have issues π€·ββοΈ
Then the VAS started.
Have as much fun as you can bankroll

Bwahaha. Yes.
I came initially for the dank buds, but have stayed because it is an awesome community.
I came initially for the dank buds, but have stayed because it is an awesome community.

1 post
+2 votes

So, before joining LB, I was completely in the dark when it came to crypto ( still am to some extent), but now I’m obsessed and thought it would be good to get a list going with some predictions
Zcash - today @ 218$ - 26 April 2021 - $600 end of year
Dash - today @ 269$ - 26 April 2021 - $700 end of year
Monero - today @388 - 26 April 2021 - $900 end of year
All privacy coins, the fact that some of the big exchanges won’t list them may hold them back, but they are my picks
Also have lite coin as the new option of privacy payments may boost the price when it’s implemented.
**** This is just for fun, so please take my recommendations to a spade of salt*****
Zcash - today @ 218$ - 26 April 2021 - $600 end of year
Dash - today @ 269$ - 26 April 2021 - $700 end of year
Monero - today @388 - 26 April 2021 - $900 end of year
All privacy coins, the fact that some of the big exchanges won’t list them may hold them back, but they are my picks
Also have lite coin as the new option of privacy payments may boost the price when it’s implemented.
**** This is just for fun, so please take my recommendations to a spade of salt*****

Iβve been holding 5,000 Polygon / Matic tokens since they were 25p, this morning theyβre worth Β£1.43.
Iβve no idea how high the price can go but the last couple of weeks has been incredible!
Iβve no idea how high the price can go but the last couple of weeks has been incredible!

Wish Iβd seen this earlier. Only bought a % of that since Space Partridge tweeted (thought Iβd follow since the bellend is flexing btc so hard).
You deserve a prize in this thread rn. Hereβs my upvote.
You deserve a prize in this thread rn. Hereβs my upvote.

Thanks man, my profits took a hit yesterday in the big drop but Iβm still up 100βs of % up so not too bothered... if Iβd had bigger balls Iβd have loaded up some more but I stayed sensible!

It's very difficult to predict although Dogecoin is doing pretty well so far. My investment is currently 9x what I put in.

Really starting to see how big the problem of market manipulation is in the crypto space and that all the charts in the world wonβt help with predictions... it seems all be about trend, manipulation and not much else... BTC goes down, we all go down and vice versa.
Thatβs my amateurish take on it
Thatβs my amateurish take on it

Never sell ETH man... We are at the foothold of heavens gates. But fair shout on XTZ, check out H=N if you want to spend some of those Tezos on NFTs.
Good luck dude
Good luck dude

1 post
+2 votes
Funniest movie ever?π¬
Me myself and Irene
Anger management
Tropic thunder
The foot fist way

Funniest movie ever?π¬
Hard decisions with many great movies out there, for me it would be a mix between:
β’ White Chicks
β’ Hot Fuzz
β’ How High
β’ Monty Python
β’ 21 Jump Street
β’ White Chicks
β’ Hot Fuzz
β’ How High
β’ Monty Python
β’ 21 Jump Street

Anchorman. β€οΈ
War of the Roses.
Burn After Reading.
Bad Santa.
In Bruges.
Coming to America.
Trading Places.
Due Date
Trains Planes and Automobiles
+loads more that I can't remember the names of, probably because I'm baked!
Cheers BB ππ
War of the Roses.
Burn After Reading.
Bad Santa.
In Bruges.
Coming to America.
Trading Places.
Due Date
Trains Planes and Automobiles
+loads more that I can't remember the names of, probably because I'm baked!
Cheers BB ππ

β’ Thanks, that's a new one to me. I have added it to the watchlist tonight ππ β’

Not a bad list buddy add Shaun of the dead weβre the millers to that do love the first 3 scary movies to πΏπ

1 post
+1.2 votes
Choo choo all aboard the ghost train..

Choo choo all aboard the ghost train..

Few orders from TGT, different flavours all very good, but what I have noticed is they are particularly good at hazes. G13 was outstanding but this ghost train pips it on taste and aroma. I found packaging good as always additional layers presumably due to pungent aroma. Sticky juicy bud leaves that green residue on fingers post rolling. Taste is lovely lovely haze taste Neville comes pounding through on exhale. Lovely burn to given how juicy it is clean all the way down. Smashed two up before cooking dinner for my mum floated road kitchen productively to the back drop of Adam f the tune suggests Check check check..this out the ghost train is a ride you won’t want to get off :) pic says it all

1 post
+4 votes

Dry herb vapers! Recommendations please
The Battery on the crafty is shit, I've been through 3 of them because the battery keeps dying, gave up on crafty after that.
I've also got a plenty …

Dry herb vapers! Recommendations please
Been using a Black Mamba for a couple of years due to decent price, but it's recently started to behave a little erratically so I'm guessing it'll die a natural death some time soon. Someone recommend me a replacement that's not crazy expensive, please

from someone’s that’s recently made the change from joints for 15 years to vaping nearly exclusively i’d honestly say save up and jump right to a Mighty, change your life and it pays for itself in no time, I’ve got a NewVape Flowerpot and it hits like a bong, off barely any material, best thing I ever did, I’ve had a few Entry level vapes and they just don’t work the same imo, used my dynavap M about 3 times and gave up on it and went back to joints.

Yes you use a torch lighter, it hits super hard man, only has a 0.1g bowl but somehow it kicks the shit out of you everytime. Have a read of some reviews it's an incredible device!

I've got one and use an induction heater on it. See
Takes the hassle out of rolling it while torching
Takes the hassle out of rolling it while torching

Been using an Arizer solo 2 for 6 months and think it’s the nuts. Battery life lasts long. Fully adjustable temp settings and just easy to use.

I agree. My first dry vape and tbh at first I wasn't that impressed but after a small learning curve I got the hang of it. A little bit of bud goes a long way. The only problem is because it's so smooth I have trouble working out when to stop it just seems to keep giving a buzz on each draw!

I have a Pax3, Arizer extreme Q and a Dynavap. I didn't ever really get into the Dynavap, but it is cheap and if you figure it out how to use it: apparently can be a hard hitter ( a lot of youtube video's about this ). Pax 3: very portable and overall great. A lot of accessories available to make it more into a hard hitter ( but it won't blow your socks of ). Customer care of Pax is awesome, but be sure to buy a real one. A lot of fakes out there, that look like the real thing.
Arizer extreme Q is a desktop like to vulcano but a lot cheaper and a ton of options how to vape. To make it better get on of the Ddave mods.
Arizer extreme Q is a desktop like to vulcano but a lot cheaper and a ton of options how to vape. To make it better get on of the Ddave mods.

Update: I got the Xmax Starry 3.0 and so far loving it. Then again, anything is amazing compared to the Black Mamba.

The mighty is the best all rounder but pricey. The crafty performs just as good with less battery life for £180.

The Battery on the crafty is shit, I've been through 3 of them because the battery keeps dying, gave up on crafty after that.
I've also got a plenty which is good but in my opinion requires way to much sucking.
My everyday goto vape is the Volcano, does all the sucking for you and then you just chug that bag like a glue sniffer.
I've also got a plenty which is good but in my opinion requires way to much sucking.
My everyday goto vape is the Volcano, does all the sucking for you and then you just chug that bag like a glue sniffer.

Yeah the black mamba requires a lot of sucking too. Every time I get a new glass mouthpiece I wiggle the metal "filter" until it's got a 1-2mm gap to allow more air flow, which helps, but it's still hard work. Heard amazing things about the Pax 3 and the Firefly but they're a bit out of my budget.

If you can do without the concentrate insert and the app i’d look at the pax 2 then. It takes a little bit longer to heat up but It’s still a highly regarded vape and you definitely don’t need to bust a lung taking a toke.

You're probably right tbh. And I read somewhere that the pax 2 comes with like a 10-year warranty, is that true?

I’ve been using a pax 3 for a year now and have no complaints. It comes with a concentrate insert and you can connect to an app on your phone for ultra precision vapage... not sure if it falls into the realms of crazy expensive though.

I've haze v3 dual, which is now fucked, as only one chamber is working and had to gafo tape the battery compartment.
It's great for hash and concentrates, but very difficult to clean.
For dry herb I love my airizer air , it has a bit of draw resistance, but I grind herb more coarsely and don't use the screen which works better.
It's piss easy to clean though and that's paramount to me, as easy to reaload when out and about.
My next purchase will be either Airizer air 2 or ArGo as they've got improved draw resistance , yet still easy to clean.
It's great for hash and concentrates, but very difficult to clean.
For dry herb I love my airizer air , it has a bit of draw resistance, but I grind herb more coarsely and don't use the screen which works better.
It's piss easy to clean though and that's paramount to me, as easy to reaload when out and about.
My next purchase will be either Airizer air 2 or ArGo as they've got improved draw resistance , yet still easy to clean.

3 posts
+14 votes

Just for fun...Finish the sentence.
Ask my girlfriend what the movie we're watching is about
+ 3 more

Just for fun...Finish the sentence.
"When I get stoned I like to......."
for me xbox whilst eating Mac n Cheese.
for me xbox whilst eating Mac n Cheese.

sit down and turn into a cabbage on my sofa while filling my face with about 10 quid worth of chocolate and sweets and watch something that's way ahead of my intellectual pay grade before spiralling into a google search frenzie on said program :) or go to the gym and think I'm taking a heart attack/whitey after one set

Watch films, play on Xbox go for a walk, read a book, although when really baked I forget what I read, which is extremely helpful.

You and me both! I always have great plans and then I end up zoned out In another dimension or laughing at something I heard two weeks ago. Lol!

look at the hash I have received and compare it to the vendors photos and despair at the crap they have sent me.

Normally on here reading and posting topics, i mean no point having these great high epiphanies and not sharing them haha

... do anything that's not typically associated with getting stoned.
Everything just blows your mind and becomes amazing.
Everything just blows your mind and becomes amazing.

Play to games and listen to music,playing with my cats, binging Netflix etc.
I just appreciate the small things and try to see the beauty in every day life.
I just appreciate the small things and try to see the beauty in every day life.

Look on LB and see what I want to Ofer from Sayno2drugs and know that I don’t have to pay any bitcoin fees using my cash app account.
Spread the word and share the link we both get 5 dollars
Spread the word and share the link we both get 5 dollars

1 post
+1 votes
Hits the spot
started topic

Hits the spot
Hi everyone
I gave up smoking almost six years ago and switched to vaping. At first vaping was missing something and the buzz wasn't comparable to smoking (smoking was much better).
Then I discovered that you can eat the weed left over from vaping and BANG, I was mashed, so I incorporated eating the leftovers into my vaping routine.
I now get a better (in my opinion) and longer lasting buzz than smoking and don't use as much weed.
I purchased a bottle of this wellness oil( indica) and the buzz is lovely, it more than compensates for eating the leftovers; it's a quality product.
I will use this product when my abv (already been vaped) is running low.
I usually eat between 0.6 and 1.2 of abv to get a nice buzz (depending on my tolerance at the time). I had ten drops of this product and I was more than content with the great buzz(I didn't have any abv that day, although I did have another five drops later on, which sorted me way into the next day).
I suppose the point I'm trying to make here is that this shit rocks and is great value for money ( my bottle is still pretty much full)
I didn't leave the drops under my tongue, I mix them with food and eat them, takes longer to kick in but lasts longer.
Well worth the money.
I gave up smoking almost six years ago and switched to vaping. At first vaping was missing something and the buzz wasn't comparable to smoking (smoking was much better).
Then I discovered that you can eat the weed left over from vaping and BANG, I was mashed, so I incorporated eating the leftovers into my vaping routine.
I now get a better (in my opinion) and longer lasting buzz than smoking and don't use as much weed.
I purchased a bottle of this wellness oil( indica) and the buzz is lovely, it more than compensates for eating the leftovers; it's a quality product.
I will use this product when my abv (already been vaped) is running low.
I usually eat between 0.6 and 1.2 of abv to get a nice buzz (depending on my tolerance at the time). I had ten drops of this product and I was more than content with the great buzz(I didn't have any abv that day, although I did have another five drops later on, which sorted me way into the next day).
I suppose the point I'm trying to make here is that this shit rocks and is great value for money ( my bottle is still pretty much full)
I didn't leave the drops under my tongue, I mix them with food and eat them, takes longer to kick in but lasts longer.
Well worth the money.

1 post
+1 votes

Vaping conundrum. About to blow cash on a mighty.
Volcano FTW!!
I've had quiet a few vapes over the years including the Crafty and the Plenty, but I always end up back on the Cano:)
In my opinion the …

Vaping conundrum. About to blow cash on a mighty.
Ok, so here's my problem. My Mrs hates me smoking spliffs (my preferred method) but is quite happy for me to vape. She even joins in more times than not. I'm currently vaping with a nectar V2. I'm getting through on average 3 bowls full a night. So probably an 8th in 3 days.
Granted, I'm furloughed and bored as right now but I'd normally get a week out of an 8th smoking.
Looks like vaping is my only realistic option of consumption (I think she just don't want the neighbors smelling me smoking) so thinking about investing in some better equipment if I'll get more bang for buck. I'm looking at the mighty, but at £250 it's quite an investment. Rather spend that on weed tbh lol.
Is it worth the money? Am I wasting my weed with my current vape? Advice please :)
Granted, I'm furloughed and bored as right now but I'd normally get a week out of an 8th smoking.
Looks like vaping is my only realistic option of consumption (I think she just don't want the neighbors smelling me smoking) so thinking about investing in some better equipment if I'll get more bang for buck. I'm looking at the mighty, but at £250 it's quite an investment. Rather spend that on weed tbh lol.
Is it worth the money? Am I wasting my weed with my current vape? Advice please :)

I was of the same opinion, the Mighty is rich pickings but better than buying cheap several times before realising you should have just made the investment to begin with.
Get it ordered mate, you won't regret it.
Get it ordered mate, you won't regret it.

Says you can use liquids in it as well using the little Brillo pad. What sort of liquid do we use? I'm way new to anything other than weed and hash. Not really got a clue. My mate gave me some stuff you mix with ejuice. He said just put a couple of drops in the tank with normal juice. Can I use that? What about wax? Never tried anything like that.

I’ve had about 8 different vapes including pax firefly flower mate ect but the mighty is the best IMO. Expensive and a slow heat up time but I use it exclusively now. I have the little dosing pods that make it even easier and keeps it clean. Can’t really say about efficiency as I haven’t smoked joints for years and can’t remember ? but I found it to be more efficient than other vapes I’ve tried. Hope that helps

Postman just turned up :)
Charging battery as we speak. I've used the grinder to grind some weed up. I've noticed it's nowhere near as fine as my other grinder. Maybe that's why I'm getting through so much weed with my old vape. It is almost powder out my old one.
Absolutely can't wait to have a go. Got to go and do a job for an old lady now though. So tempted to bin her off and get high, but I did that yesterday lol.
Charging battery as we speak. I've used the grinder to grind some weed up. I've noticed it's nowhere near as fine as my other grinder. Maybe that's why I'm getting through so much weed with my old vape. It is almost powder out my old one.
Absolutely can't wait to have a go. Got to go and do a job for an old lady now though. So tempted to bin her off and get high, but I did that yesterday lol.

i bought a cheap "nova" vape thing from amazon, did not like the taste at all Went back to joints. Let us know how u get on, been looking at the plenty for a while.

Just had my first go. Bowl takes about a quarter of what I put in my old one. I'm currently more mash up than I have been in ages. Can't believe I've got so high off so little.
Not sure if you are supposed to go straight to lung but I did as it's well easy to pull through it. Off my first go I'm well impressed.
Not sure if you are supposed to go straight to lung but I did as it's well easy to pull through it. Off my first go I'm well impressed.

Do you use the already vaped bud for edibles/infusing oil etc? You will really get more bang for your buck if you do.

MJ, do have any recipes for using vaped weed in edibles or is it just a case of fling it in whatever your baking?

I've started experimenting. I infused some coconut oil and added some to a cookie mix. They was a bit weak. I'm nervous about dosing for edibles cos I way over did it once. I've bought some capsules to fill with the oil so I'll try one of those and see how I get on. :)

Yeah had a few sessions on it now. Absolutely loving it so far. Can't wait to try something nice in it. Just had some damp street crap I got off some kid by the shops lol. I've just about run out now :(
Got some alien dawg and amnesia haze on order. Was hoping the postman would have bought them today but no good :(
Took a bit of getting used to straight to lung but got it nailed on now. :)
Got some alien dawg and amnesia haze on order. Was hoping the postman would have bought them today but no good :(
Took a bit of getting used to straight to lung but got it nailed on now. :)

Sounds great, glad it turned out good for you. I'm currently vaping with a splinter Z. Produces great clouds and gets me high.

Yeah, I find that smaller amounts do a lot further, and get me a lot higher with a decent vape, so long as temps are kept in the 175-200 range (depending on the vape in question, and how close the herb is to the heater)

If you're not keen on the huge investment but want to know it will last a long time then I'd recommend looking into the Dynavap series. They're virtually indestructible and they're much more like smoking a spliff. The taste is great at lower temps and I can get bigger hits with the Dynavap M than I can with the Mighty. You can also hook them up to a bong no problem.

Hey dude
I'm in the same situation mrs same with the smell I like a spliff but i dont use tobacco anymore i mix thc and cbd flowers in a raw cone to smoke now and again but i also use a dynavap M vapourizer seriously check it out you will not look back stealth just like the vendors packaging on hear!
I'm in the same situation mrs same with the smell I like a spliff but i dont use tobacco anymore i mix thc and cbd flowers in a raw cone to smoke now and again but i also use a dynavap M vapourizer seriously check it out you will not look back stealth just like the vendors packaging on hear!

Volcano FTW!!
I've had quiet a few vapes over the years including the Crafty and the Plenty, but I always end up back on the Cano:)
In my opinion the main plus with the Cano is that it does the sucking for you.
After using the Plenty or crafty for a while you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
I've had quiet a few vapes over the years including the Crafty and the Plenty, but I always end up back on the Cano:)
In my opinion the main plus with the Cano is that it does the sucking for you.
After using the Plenty or crafty for a while you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

3 posts
+4.2 votes

Vaping weed
I put over a gram but my tolerance is through the roof lol.
I would start on .1 or .2 of a gram and see how you go.
Either increase or decrease as nee…
+ 3 more

Vaping weed
Does anyone else find that when vaping, you get to a certain level of highness then it's impossible to get any higher? I'm getting through about double the amount vaping than I would if I was smoking and not feeling anywhere near as high. It's not the weed as I tried a j and was completely mashed.
Don't know if this is how vaping is or if I'm doing it wrong?
Don't know if this is how vaping is or if I'm doing it wrong?

I have the same problem,i got a volvano digital and havnt used it much as i get higher doing a waterfall bucket and joint,i have been trying diff methods ie heat and diff bud or even hash but the hash is really tricky in the volcano i still havnt got a proper vape from it

vape at EXACTLY 392 degrees Farenheit (200 Celsius) for the best effect. That is the temperature that combusts all the good stuff without wasting much (THC combusts at 315 D.F.). Higher will just waste more.
Also, try to get a true convection vape. It makes a difference in the draw and amount of draw.
Also, try to get a true convection vape. It makes a difference in the draw and amount of draw.

I used to have the same problem, vaping ain't like smoking. When smoking you get all available cannabinoids in the plant matter, when vaping you only really get THC because vape doesn't get hot enough to vaporise CBD.
CBD is needed for a full body buzz.
To feel the full effects of your weed you need to eat the already been vaped weed (ABV), it's decarboxylated after vaping and contains loads of CBD amongst other cannabinoids.
I put my AVB in a yogurt or Muller rice.
Try it, you won't regret it.
CBD is needed for a full body buzz.
To feel the full effects of your weed you need to eat the already been vaped weed (ABV), it's decarboxylated after vaping and contains loads of CBD amongst other cannabinoids.
I put my AVB in a yogurt or Muller rice.
Try it, you won't regret it.

I have been saving the AVB. Wasn't sure what to do with it. Was going to try the coconut oil capsules. How much do you put in a yoghurt? I did try a bit on some toast. I used about 1/4 teaspoon. Could feel it but wasn't baked. I get nervous about doses with eating as I put a quarter in a hash cake as a kid and completely over did it. Lol.

I put over a gram but my tolerance is through the roof lol.
I would start on .1 or .2 of a gram and see how you go.
Either increase or decrease as needed, take it with some food as well as the yogurt/rice so it works quicker.
Usually takes about an hour to hour and half to kick in.
I would start on .1 or .2 of a gram and see how you go.
Either increase or decrease as needed, take it with some food as well as the yogurt/rice so it works quicker.
Usually takes about an hour to hour and half to kick in.

Sorry but this is just all sorts of bollocks. Saying vaping doesn't get hot enough is highly dependable on what vaporiser you are using, most (decent) vapes will easily reach above 220C which is more than enough heat to extract nearly 80% of the cannabinoids in the weed CBD being one of them.
If you are after better effects you need to dial in your temps to the correct levels, for maximum effects anywhere between 205-230C will deliver quite the hit but it may taste not as good as a low temp flavour hit.
Vaping is very different and a few degrees can make all the difference to your experience, if you have a decent vaporiser and it's not doing shit for you chances are it's down to human error.
I would suggest starting at 200c and rising to find the sweet spot for your vape.
If you are after better effects you need to dial in your temps to the correct levels, for maximum effects anywhere between 205-230C will deliver quite the hit but it may taste not as good as a low temp flavour hit.
Vaping is very different and a few degrees can make all the difference to your experience, if you have a decent vaporiser and it's not doing shit for you chances are it's down to human error.
I would suggest starting at 200c and rising to find the sweet spot for your vape.

Do you mix the weed with tobacco or just smoke it neat? When I stopped smoking cigarettes and joints it took time to adjust not getting the tobacco buzz and appreciating the cleaner buzz from the vape. It did take a month or so to adjust but I wouldn’t go back now. What vaporiser are you using?

I mix with tobacco in a joint. I'm using a nectar V2. I usually set it to about 190 - 200 degrees depending on how it tastes. How many drags should I be getting out of a chamber full? I usually half fill it for myself and add more if the Mrs is having a bit. Probably taking 10 hits before it tastes bad.

I can relate to this statement. I'd still say vaping is more economical, but it creeps up on you slowly and it doesn't offer the same sedation as a joint.
Unfortunately (and it is unfortunate 'cos it's bad for your health) baccy and herb seem to work well together - and the effect seems near instant.
The Americans have adapted to vapes easier because they don't have the tobacco culture we do.
I'm going to try Dynavap, because you can hold it like a joint and use your lighter, maybe that will be the one.
Unfortunately (and it is unfortunate 'cos it's bad for your health) baccy and herb seem to work well together - and the effect seems near instant.
The Americans have adapted to vapes easier because they don't have the tobacco culture we do.
I'm going to try Dynavap, because you can hold it like a joint and use your lighter, maybe that will be the one.

Just to put in my 2 pence a Dynavap is literally the only thing to help me quit spliffs and cigs back in November.
I will say it's obviously still not the same as a spliff but you get a great throat hit, awesome taste and and even if I have a bowl every 30 mins or so I'm still going through way less.
I recommend getting one of the larger size models with a titanium tip! In my opinion the value 'M' model while a bit cheaper is inferior with a stainless steel tip.
I will say it's obviously still not the same as a spliff but you get a great throat hit, awesome taste and and even if I have a bowl every 30 mins or so I'm still going through way less.
I recommend getting one of the larger size models with a titanium tip! In my opinion the value 'M' model while a bit cheaper is inferior with a stainless steel tip.

I hope I have the same experience. Is it essential to use a torch lighter or will a clipper be okay in your opinion?

It's quicker and easier with a torch lighter, I have to fill it up once a day but a can of gas still lasts 3 weeks at 99p a pop so not to bad!
It's possible to use a clipper but will take longer and harder to heat up all the bud evenly.
All the best with whatever you decide to do!
It's possible to use a clipper but will take longer and harder to heat up all the bud evenly.
All the best with whatever you decide to do!

your first paragraph is spot on. There is a difference between a bong hit & a vape hit.
For Me-I like to hit both along with an edible (Green Dragon, preferably) and a cart hit for 4 similar, but different effects.
For Me-I like to hit both along with an edible (Green Dragon, preferably) and a cart hit for 4 similar, but different effects.

I think it's carbon monoxide you're missing. Which I found was responsible for a lot of the lethargy when smoking. Try reaching the higher temperatures with your vape. Might deliver more of that couch locked feeling. For me about 180 is my day time. Uplifting and happy. Before bed I raise it up to about 190-200 and that makes me sit and shush.

I'll give that a go. Think it goes up to 225 max so got a bit to play with. Just tastes a burnt quicker when it's higher. Should I keep taking hits when it tastes burnt or is it done at that point? Usually get about 10 hits before I chuck it in the collection jar.

I use a dry herb vape and found the same- wasnt getting the couchlock feeling I was after. I was mostly vaping at lower temperatures eg 140-150C. However, later read up on it and found out I was vaping at temperatures that were too low.
I found that by increasing it to max 200-220C you get way more bang for your buck. Even at these temperatures, all of the thc is still not evaporating. You can still smoke remaining herb for an effect, even though it smells horrible. Terpenes are gone but some of the THC remains.
I found that by increasing it to max 200-220C you get way more bang for your buck. Even at these temperatures, all of the thc is still not evaporating. You can still smoke remaining herb for an effect, even though it smells horrible. Terpenes are gone but some of the THC remains.

1 post
+1 votes

Review of THEGREENTEAM's Banana Kush Drysift Hash
Which temperature do you vape hash mate?
Do you eat the hash afterwards also?
Is it decarbed enough after vaping to feel a buzz?
Sorry to bombard you…

Review of THEGREENTEAM's Banana Kush Drysift Hash

Boys and girls... boys and girls. We got something special here.
I totally understand that I'm starting to look like someone on TGT's crew. I have nothing but good things to say about them... but man, they once again are bringing some of the best stuff being found on LB at the moment. I don't think anyone can deny that. I'm just a picky weed enthusiast that really likes smoking and writing about good cannabis.
ANYWAY. This Banana Kush Hash is something I've never seen before. I've told you before that I'm not a big hash guy. But I have started to get more and more into it after getting my dynavap and smoking it in there... the taste is just next level, and I feel like it gives me a much nicer high.
I opened up the bag to find one big HARD chunk of light brown hash in there. Looking at it at first, I was a little confused because I was used to good hash being super soft, but this was rock hard. It was also not a light as I was expecting from the photo on the page... so at first I was wondering if I had the wrong stuff tbh.
However, when I took a bit of it, ground it up in my grinder... and oh lord does it grind up well being hard like that, it's beautiful. It comes out almost like dust, feels like you could do lines of this stuff lol. But the point is, I said earlier about smoking hash in the dynavap, the drier the better... and this is the PERFECT hash to smoke in there. It hits well, tastes great... now it's not the best hash taste I've had, but it taste really nice and different. But when the high hits, that's where this stuff pulls apart from the rest.
If you read up on Banana Kush strain, it's a very balanced Indica Sativa, and that really shows well in this hash. I only took a couple of large puffs off of this on my dynavap, and I was sitting back in my chair just contemplating life. It had me sit there really comfy and content with life just thinking about the big things. Sat there and just really enjoyed that for a few minutes. Then I toked some more, and I could feel the sativa part kicking in, so I went out to the store, did some stuff, and I could feel it help race me around with that sativa.
Now I'm back home, and able to write away like a maniac, but all with this nice calm vibe. Really really enjoy this high, and again... another amazing drop by the TGT team.
Appreciate the good weed!
Stay tuned for me rosin pressing of this stuff... first few presses were giving nice yields and powerful effects from smoking.. holy shit.
I totally understand that I'm starting to look like someone on TGT's crew. I have nothing but good things to say about them... but man, they once again are bringing some of the best stuff being found on LB at the moment. I don't think anyone can deny that. I'm just a picky weed enthusiast that really likes smoking and writing about good cannabis.
ANYWAY. This Banana Kush Hash is something I've never seen before. I've told you before that I'm not a big hash guy. But I have started to get more and more into it after getting my dynavap and smoking it in there... the taste is just next level, and I feel like it gives me a much nicer high.
I opened up the bag to find one big HARD chunk of light brown hash in there. Looking at it at first, I was a little confused because I was used to good hash being super soft, but this was rock hard. It was also not a light as I was expecting from the photo on the page... so at first I was wondering if I had the wrong stuff tbh.
However, when I took a bit of it, ground it up in my grinder... and oh lord does it grind up well being hard like that, it's beautiful. It comes out almost like dust, feels like you could do lines of this stuff lol. But the point is, I said earlier about smoking hash in the dynavap, the drier the better... and this is the PERFECT hash to smoke in there. It hits well, tastes great... now it's not the best hash taste I've had, but it taste really nice and different. But when the high hits, that's where this stuff pulls apart from the rest.
If you read up on Banana Kush strain, it's a very balanced Indica Sativa, and that really shows well in this hash. I only took a couple of large puffs off of this on my dynavap, and I was sitting back in my chair just contemplating life. It had me sit there really comfy and content with life just thinking about the big things. Sat there and just really enjoyed that for a few minutes. Then I toked some more, and I could feel the sativa part kicking in, so I went out to the store, did some stuff, and I could feel it help race me around with that sativa.
Now I'm back home, and able to write away like a maniac, but all with this nice calm vibe. Really really enjoy this high, and again... another amazing drop by the TGT team.
Appreciate the good weed!
Stay tuned for me rosin pressing of this stuff... first few presses were giving nice yields and powerful effects from smoking.. holy shit.

Mate I'm reluctant to review their latest lineup for that exact reason. My last 6 reviews have been TGT products! What can I say they are on top of the game right now.
It's impressive right? One bong and I'm riding that lovely high for well over an hour. I never thought about grinding it up actually, that''s a great idea. Btw do you think any hashes taste nice? I'm not sure I've ever found a hash I would consider tasty, some better than other for sure but I can't say I've ever liked the taste.
Anyway great review as always my man.
It's impressive right? One bong and I'm riding that lovely high for well over an hour. I never thought about grinding it up actually, that''s a great idea. Btw do you think any hashes taste nice? I'm not sure I've ever found a hash I would consider tasty, some better than other for sure but I can't say I've ever liked the taste.
Anyway great review as always my man.

Just recently started smoking hash in my dynavap and that’s when i started tasting some amazing flavors. Give it a try.

As usual, I can not be fucked to link to the product. Here it is:

How can anyone in their right mind say, and this is a quote from a buyer: "I've had better for less money" I laughed just a bit when I saw that, sorry in advance but whoever said that are full of shit and fucking liars, one can only wonder why lol . P.S I am not in any way associated with TGT but people that leave such rubbish reviews because they clearly just want to harm TGT`s ratings are just wankers and should get back to their street corner where they belong.

I got recommended this awesome stuff on here called Cotton Bacon... check it out on Amazon. I just put a bit of that at the bottom of my vape, then the hash on top and off I go.
I also use it to wrap my concentrates in before I put them in the dynavap... works SUPER well. Even better than the concentrate insert for the dynavap. Heavily recommended. Also much better than hemp fiber imo.
I also use it to wrap my concentrates in before I put them in the dynavap... works SUPER well. Even better than the concentrate insert for the dynavap. Heavily recommended. Also much better than hemp fiber imo.

Got some cotton bacon now, boy does that work well with the dust, keeps the dynavap nice and clean aswell.
Epix advice!!!
See the pun!
Epix advice!!!
See the pun!

Haha! Love that you're happy with it. It was really a game changer for me, so I'm an advocate of some cotton bacon. That name even lol

What I would end up doing with oily hash was press it with a hair straighter at 140c for like 15 seconds. It gives you super nice hash rosin that goes very well into your dynavap with that cotton bacon.
Recommend actually standing on the hair straightner while doing it to put all your weight on it. It helps to have micron filter bags around it, I have 90u sized ones... but it still works without them.
I've got some writeups on rosin pressing if you scroll through some of my post history if you're interested. Some examples of hash presses etc.
Recommend actually standing on the hair straightner while doing it to put all your weight on it. It helps to have micron filter bags around it, I have 90u sized ones... but it still works without them.
I've got some writeups on rosin pressing if you scroll through some of my post history if you're interested. Some examples of hash presses etc.

1 post
+3 votes

Quality over quantity? Quantity over quality
Quality all day long, I want good shit not just shit.
Easily quality for me. I mean if you're a vendor who sells dank looking weed and it smells amazing and tastes amazing, i'm all for it. Fuck the quantity, i always look for good smelling and tasting strains, otherwise nah i'm good. But there are a few exceptions like GC's Jamaican Sess, personally i fucking love that stuff, it might look bad, but it smells and tastes great, nice high too.

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