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joined mar 2023
share Boooba and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
0 topics on Boooba
131 posts by Boooba
❁ Cali Giveaway! ❁
This should be a fun one! Let’s go with: 8,049,312,503 Thank you for the giveaway and good luck everyone!
Are the Druid's OK?
Probably just having a break over the holidays while the new crops finish up. 😀 I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
started topic + 2 more
Stealth vape 2.0 *GIVEAWAY*
I'm not really a football fan, but my favorite actor is Peter Capaldi. Many thanks for the giveaway. Good luck to all!
Shall we have another giveaway
7! please and thanks for the giveaway good luck to everybody participating. 10:21 9/5/24
Competition time
Let’s go with #30! Thanks and good luck alls - 11:05 9/04
It’s that time again
69 ;). 7:24(25/10/23) Good luck all! And thank you for the giveaway.
If you able to get pax pods I’ll be hooked!
My photo of the day
Was able to get 2 but it took like 6 hours and multiple crashes when trying to buy
I'll Be Back 💚
That doesn’t sound fun at all jeez 😅get better soon!
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
can’t upvote on IOS
Works fine for me on safari, only issue I’ve noticed is I can’t message some people as the text box doesn’t open.
They're back baby
Mmmm bum hash 😋🤤
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Coinbase account closed
Kraken was pretty good but they’ll eventually get you, got me after a couple years and I’m now with paybis
Now available Eddys Butt Hash 🍩🫘🤣
Not as bad then lol gotta love butt hash + 2 more
on  Lee5
Rso oil thc %
Can’t wait for winter 😂 anything above 17c and I’m a puddle.
Anyone recieve theirs after 4 weeks?
Ask for tracking if you can
Boofscotti is 🔥
Boofscotti wasn’t bad however I’ve never had a strain that make me nearly sick via coughing on 70% of the bong hits lol
Alternative antibiotics available
We’re running out of antibiotics that actually work giving them to people who don’t need it is dangerous and you can easily get this from your gp with… + 2 more
Spending too much $$$ on a grinder?
I’ve got a Santa Cruz and love it I don’t think it’s clogged once
📢 GiveAway Alert 📢
3.46 good luck all and thanks for the opportunity!
New vendor now live!
on  Shy98
Best/ strongest vapes on LB
Imo strongest has to be Canadian imports “unicorn piss” that strain is amazing and I’m sure anyone who has tried it would agree
420 + 2K REVIEWS THANK YOU GIVEAWAY! $420 store credit between 2 winners ($210 each)
Damn that’s a generous competition! Thank you and good luck to all 2:26 - 20/4/24
New Idea To Reduce BTC Fees
It took over 2 and a half years for Kraken to finally ban me after sending straight to addresses got past about 3–4 investigation emails in that time.…
any fasting biggaz out there?
My app tells me I have fasted 8277 hours! i tend to eat between 12-8pm and have lost a total of 4 stone, im not sure ive noticed many mental benefits …
Thai-Lands are 100% LEGIT
Was just wondering as it was sitting paid for 3 days but it’s marked as sent now + 2 more
Strongest RSO
I’ve not tried others but I really enjoyed Black.Golds never needed much
📢 GiveAway Alert 📢
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Best accounts to get legitimate american imports from
The gentleman dealers are pretty good :D
on  Magicman
Where to promote reference codes?
I’ve seen a few stickers promoting lb and other sites around clubs, Not sure how well they actually work though
Competition time.
Yup it’s so you don’t get little bits of skin in your dish never liked it. + 2 more
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
What is happening to LB
I would definitely dispute if you didn't get what you ordered or are unhappy. From what I recall, there is no downside no matter the outcome.
on  Mrwig27
F*#@cked Up Films To Watch High As Balls
Mad God is a fantasic film to watch it won't make sense though
What seems normal at 2pm but is scary at 2am?😂 Ill go first
Man foxes are terrifying in the night little gremlins 😂 + 2 more
Entity Explorer
if you are allowed, please send crystal photos! They are always so beautiful + 2 more
on  Esoyd8134
Got some quality vendors in the bag. Always looking for more. Any recommends pls Biggs's????🔥
Druids Magic and British Bulldog are my top 2 Bulldog will be dropping late march…
on  shamanski
THC drinks
These syrups look fab
Kraken app
I wish I could remember to help you out but I’ve been banned (don’t send straight to the address given :p)
Looking for shake/trim/dust
heres the G-13
What are your go to munchie snacks when relaxing and enjoying cannabis 😀🧁🍫???
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Refreshers :D
DMT extraction /How to make DMT carts
I suggest MintyLove if you want to learn one-hit breakthroughs or precise dosing. He has some nice, informative videos. + 8 more
on  danzhj
Pax era
if you ever find them please let me know!
Dbe 1737
on  Dbe 1737
Vendors be aware of this buyer
How are you complaining about a $130 oz? From the views that strain got, this is clearly a troll. Get a life and stop trying to ruin people's reputati…
{buy help}
Have Coinbase marked my card?
Surprised monzo didn’t let you in kraken will eventually kick you off though they’ve emailed me a bunch trying to find out what I’m buying
I would definitely try for this, but I'm not the best at reviewing, so good luck to whoever the two are! + 3 more
Hopefully curiosity doesn't kill the cat
If LSD is available in society, then surely DMT must be too. I'm not sure about the link, or I'd go check for myself.
The boy and the heron
it was such a fantastic movie although it made absolutely zero sense thought i think it definetly added to the atmosphere
on  BEW
Vape pen suggestions
i personally love the ccell palm pro it's tiny, light, some great colours, inhale activated and 10s preheat. If i remember right its about £20 or so o…
on  Mrwig27
I wasn't able to build a snowman last year due to global warming. Hopefully, there will be heavy snow down here so I can make up for lost time lol.
on  Rolo79
Buy bitcoins
no need! Budzinho's got your back and has a post with all the answers.
Pressing Question!!
It can certainly get quite hectic and noisy at times. All of my cats absolutely love to be cuddled and scratched, but I always feel bad stopping since… + 4 more
on  Minty
Alternative to kraken.
I’ve not used eToro though Paybis is great, You can just purchase the crypto and have it sent to an LB order address on the next page to avoid paying …
{buy help}
Paybis help
I've used Paybis since July. The average order is about £150. What I do is send directly after paying to avoid fees, and I've had no trouble doing it.… + 2 more
I Took DMT Over 100 Times - This Is What I Learned From It
I enjoyed listening to this. Thanks for sharing. I remember my experimenting days with Dimitri and being only able to get the courage to breakthrough … + 2 more
on  Chongzy
Noob question
I believe it’s the average amount of money spent over all your orders
Little Xmas Competition!
Oh god nightmares tonight + 2 more
on  Esoyd8134
Btc wallet recommends please
Since being banned from Kraken, I tend to just use Paybis. The fees are usually <£5, and you can send straight to lb.
Epic Buzz
Can’t wait the pictures looked fantastic
on  CaTT
Cheapest Rso?
I’ve had this before it was very tasty and pretty strong
on  bubba807
Pistach problems?
If it’s been 2 weeks, I believe you’ll be able to dispute now. Unfortunately, he's just been on Messenger, but as usual, the messages are still marked… + 2 more
on  jsa91827
Beginner vape recommendations?
Cell Palm pro can get it for about £15 has 10s pre heat, no buttons and very small.
Favourite film list. 30g Truffles competition with DrShroom
TRUFFLE PIG Everything everywhere all at once is definetly my favourite tripping movie absolute confusion thanks for the giveaway gl everyone!
on  JamieL06
Ah, I'm sorry it must have been different for me due to already having money in the account. + 2 more
Would you like to see?🇺🇸
I agree some Pax era pods would be fantastic. I’ve not seen them in so long.
Hi guys are you able to see the picture thats uploaded for this listing? please let me know, some people saying they can…
Can only see it via society unfortunately.
on  ShaunyBoy
Freeze on bank account has been lifted
Just a heads up Monzo can be a bit iffy with some exchanges and block the payment. Kraken and Paybis are a few I've found that work though
on  duchi99
Make your own edibles
R/treedibles on Reddit has many posts every day usually recipes included!
Premium Hash 28G GIVEAWAY
Thanks for the giveaway! Good luck everyone $27,420.69
Split or Steal
Good luck everyone and thank you $27,420,69
on  Gibby6969
Best rso
Not sure on the best but the cheapest is definitely this and seems to have great reviews.
2g/2000mg 1010 Boys Now in Stock!
Forgive me if I’m wrong but do 10/10 boys even do a 2g cart?
nice grinder... worth it?
I’ve got a Santa cruise grinder and it is absolutely fab! Although a bit steep at £70+
Is there much of a US market here?
It’s mainly a uk site just got .com to avoid legal issues I assume
how many hours do you sleep?
Usually try to get 10 hours but I tend to lay in and end up oversleeping and being tired all day
Warming syringes
I tend to leave it about 30s to a minute usually heats it enough to add into my carts + 2 more
Monzo just hates both Binance and Paybis so it's blocked by them id suggest either Coinbase or making a Revolut bank account to use Paybis :D
If you ever do please update us on the inanimate object you become ;)
Fruity weed
Pistach has some great budget blueberry headband
on  peanut007
What this site needs.....
If it’s not even getting dates I doubt we’ll ever have this D:
monzo we’re closing your account
I use mine for everything usually I hope they don’t delete it D;
You can only smoke 2 of these nugs, which are you choosing?
On the fence between 2 and 7 or 7 and 9
Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮‍💨
55g! Many thanks for the giveaway good luck everyone!
Flash Quiz
Good luck to whoever wins! my bets are on burgle again
on  Kiloking
510 cart issue
Rest in peace. Sadly, carts can be busted sometimes. You could try opening it up to reclaim the oil and transplanting it to another cart.
Noob cart question
You’ll want to go on the lowest wattage you can I wouldn’t try and hit it with anything over 5W max
Help needed, ive uploaded pics on all my listings but people are saying they cannot see them?
On iOS the pictures that are there for me are Gelato cake shake Kosher kush Gelato cake clean Skittles medical
So apparently we Re-stamp our Hash 🤣
This is a fantastic rebrand and post
Bank won't authorise
Don’t send it straight to lb they got me a few weeks ago because of that ;(
When btc drops
Just a tip: if you are sending coins from Coinbase straight to the transaxe address, you’ll eventually be banned. I’d suggest sending to a decentralis…
Another giveaway! To enter comment on this post
Good luck everyone! Thanks for another awesome giveaway
Hardcore Munchies?
Apparently BB's new Mac gives him "massive munchies" he's also praised for the quality
Bulldogs MAC. WARNING!!!
So it is true! I suppose my diet won't be going well this month, I better throw out all the snacks...
46, 11! + 2 more
Welcome :D
Flash Q 💥
Congrats again man!
Flash Quiz incoming…
i'm blessed to have another chance!
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
Crypto disappeared
Send Transaxe Support a message include the btc address you paid to and the order id they should be able to help.
420 Pick n Mix Giveaway :)
RS11, knocks me right out
Giveaway time! Comment on this post to enter
Good luck all o7
Flash Quiz…Boom 💥
good job o7 + 2 more
Might as well
on  chalinor
Lady salvia….
I know where you can get It but not sure if we’re allowed to link to other sites?
bigg topics