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joined aug 2022
47 year old, life long (recreational)stoner from the South Uk. Also love photography (profile pic taken by me) and fishing:)
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1 topic on Lumpey1977
Drug driving- do you ever get worried?
11 posts by Lumpey1977
{lb help}
on  {lb help}
order paid?
Will get on it this afternoon. Cheers mateπŸ‘πŸ» + 2 more
on  Odin
Paybis is back in the UK
My orders now expired and the money is still in the block chain i think it's called. Do i have to contact paybis to get my money back or will i get it… + 3 more
Btc congestion
OK, cheers mate. Will have a look nowπŸ‘πŸ» + 2 more
on  JamieL06
Have just got some bitcoin to place an order and it's trying to charge me anything from $13- $25 in network fees for paying a vendor. Before it was le…
on  Jackdoyle
Shitty postage
started topic + 3 more
bigg topics