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joined aug 2022
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11 topics on Shipitout
11 posts
+25 votes

What do you work as and would you recommend it to a job seeker?

What do you work as and would you recommend it to a job seeker?
So screw it I decided to make another post because if there's anyone I genuinely trust to give me solid real advice it's my pot smoking friends here.
I've been in my job for almost a decade and I thoroughly hate it, the wage is bad the stress is massive, the micromanaging is insane and there's absolutely zero job satisfaction.
How do people even pursue careers? I've got a wealth of experience in IT, phones, systems, customer service etc but it's all generic experience. I have friends who work for IT making more sustainable PC parts, dealing with wind turbines, engineering in car companies and I just don't know how they went from school to that.
I'm not naive, it takes time, patience and dedication for anything but I've been scouring options for months and I just can't seem to work out what I could do that pays me more than I earn now, would give me a better work life balance and would allow me to have a better quality of life.
Essentially the old trope of working for the man. I can't say what I do but it's in the public sector and it is a shit, shit job with almost no benefits and due to it not being private the pay is abymsal.
Rant over, what is it you do, do you earn a good liveable wage and would you recommend it to anyone looking?
I've been in my job for almost a decade and I thoroughly hate it, the wage is bad the stress is massive, the micromanaging is insane and there's absolutely zero job satisfaction.
How do people even pursue careers? I've got a wealth of experience in IT, phones, systems, customer service etc but it's all generic experience. I have friends who work for IT making more sustainable PC parts, dealing with wind turbines, engineering in car companies and I just don't know how they went from school to that.
I'm not naive, it takes time, patience and dedication for anything but I've been scouring options for months and I just can't seem to work out what I could do that pays me more than I earn now, would give me a better work life balance and would allow me to have a better quality of life.
Essentially the old trope of working for the man. I can't say what I do but it's in the public sector and it is a shit, shit job with almost no benefits and due to it not being private the pay is abymsal.
Rant over, what is it you do, do you earn a good liveable wage and would you recommend it to anyone looking?

I work in video games mate, lots of bad press and some shitty companies but also some that are magic and look after you.
My role don’t pay mad cash but I’m happy at work and can pay the bills (just).
Personally I’d list your skills and experience then think of an industry or trade that you want to get out of bed in morning for and see how your skills and experience is transferable to your new role 🤜
Don’t be put off mate, I’ve seen LOADS of people from all walks of life join us in games with 0 experience in games but skill’s and experience and passion can that can valuable.
Apply for roles you like, get denied. Get interviews and the. Denied but USE THEM to learn what they look for and never forget you are interviewing THEM as much as they are you!!!
You want to find out how they treat people, what their values are etc. make sure they align with your own and vibe of management is good as any bad vibes in interview usually translate to negative experience imo.
My role don’t pay mad cash but I’m happy at work and can pay the bills (just).
Personally I’d list your skills and experience then think of an industry or trade that you want to get out of bed in morning for and see how your skills and experience is transferable to your new role 🤜
Don’t be put off mate, I’ve seen LOADS of people from all walks of life join us in games with 0 experience in games but skill’s and experience and passion can that can valuable.
Apply for roles you like, get denied. Get interviews and the. Denied but USE THEM to learn what they look for and never forget you are interviewing THEM as much as they are you!!!
You want to find out how they treat people, what their values are etc. make sure they align with your own and vibe of management is good as any bad vibes in interview usually translate to negative experience imo.

Don't be jealous of people in I.t
Friend I know worked for Facebook made 6 figures a year until month ago a.i now does his job... become unreplacable,don't worry about "a career" it doesn't mean anything thought about self employment?
Friend I know worked for Facebook made 6 figures a year until month ago a.i now does his job... become unreplacable,don't worry about "a career" it doesn't mean anything thought about self employment?

Hi dude, sounds like your higherself is telling you to get out of that job, I've been their even lost jobs for not listening to myself.
What you should do is sit with yourself with no distractions and ask what would I do if you could do anything. Eventually you'll get an answer might take a few times but you'll know when you find it because you'll feel passion. Write it down in as much detail as possible like imagination your in your place of business having conversations with your employees, the more imagination you can bring the quicker it will happen.
Then go look up Neville Goddard books and trust the process for 1 month and watch what happens or try prove him wrong as he says in his books.. He teaches we're spiritual beings and we can create reality with our imagination.
You got this bro, self doubt is to try keep us small from primordial times! We're not surviving anymore we're thriving! We all just need to trust ourselves a lot more :)
What you should do is sit with yourself with no distractions and ask what would I do if you could do anything. Eventually you'll get an answer might take a few times but you'll know when you find it because you'll feel passion. Write it down in as much detail as possible like imagination your in your place of business having conversations with your employees, the more imagination you can bring the quicker it will happen.
Then go look up Neville Goddard books and trust the process for 1 month and watch what happens or try prove him wrong as he says in his books.. He teaches we're spiritual beings and we can create reality with our imagination.
You got this bro, self doubt is to try keep us small from primordial times! We're not surviving anymore we're thriving! We all just need to trust ourselves a lot more :)

on disability, volunteer when i can, getting out and socialised is good for me, theres lots of funding going for third sector work, why not use your iT skills to make a difference in the community

I was a chef for 15 years, nasty motorcycle accident couldn't handle the physicality any longer, did a degree with open university now work in data analysis. Strong recommend for anything IT, always in demand, usually some cool places to work

I work for T*SCO been at it for about a year and half now. Before that I was a chef for 10 years but have done a bit of everything tbf. I find myself in the same dilemma except I want something that will make me super rich. I used to make music as a hobby but just never have the time anymore, plus that with the fact I don't know how to put down in words the absolute shit show this past 3 nearly 4 years have been for me.
But yeah I work in t*sco 10/10 would not recommend long term
But yeah I work in t*sco 10/10 would not recommend long term

Hi there, as someone that didn't have many dreams and ambitions as a kid (apart from music) and someone who is quite shy i found it very difficult to pursue and stick with a job. I've mainly done kitchen work (washing up, doing desserts) and it gets really stale fast.
A really common job that I'm personally aiming for and one you need to be responsible with(especially with weed) is finding literally any driving/delivery job. dont gotta barely talk to noone, out and about and feel like you work for yourself
A really common job that I'm personally aiming for and one you need to be responsible with(especially with weed) is finding literally any driving/delivery job. dont gotta barely talk to noone, out and about and feel like you work for yourself

4 posts
+8 votes

Popping back in with my twice annual updates, also what's the most visually attractive strain you've ever seen?

Popping back in with my twice annual updates, also what's the most visually attractive strain you've ever seen?
Hi everybody,
Not been on for another 7 months or so so I do hope the scene and site and community are all thriving as they should be and you're all looking after each other and yourselves!
My health has gotten worse and worse of late and I'm a bad way at the mo but keeping positive at the minute since what else am I meant to do haha.
Had a few questions and updates if anyone cares and didn't want to make 3 topics so I've just put them in one post;
1: What's the most visually appealing strain you've ever seen? I've been 'trying' (online without much commitment) to get hold of a strain called Zoap by Wizard trees and have had zero luck.
I've either had the option to buy a lb from US vendors rather than the 3.5g I want or can't get it shipped or seen meh clones or random bud in mylar bags passed off as Zoap.
I might not even like it but the purples and oranges of that bud are ridiculous Eye candy and I'd love to get some cast in resin to just look at it looks like it's from space, how about yourselves?
2: Any idea where I'd actually get that strain ? It's expensive anyway so I'd be paying way over the odds regardless but I'd love to just try it. Do we have any legit vendors that import those packs? There are a few coffee shops in Amsterdam that stop it so if I ever get back over ill do that otherwise but it doesn't hurt to ask.
3: Updates!
My daughter was born 7 months ago and she is a gem, I am so happy to have her in my life and every day I've spent with her has for the most part been a blessing.
It has also been the hardest 7 months of my entire life, I haven't been rested and relaxed in over a year and my wife's the same. Even if she stays out just getting one 8 hour sleep can not reinvigorate you and it's a true testament to the phrase "Nothing can prepare you for being a parent".
The pros definitely outweigh the cons but God damn to have the opportunity to sleep, play the guitar, play some games, speak above any level and be able to just go "We have no plans this weekend" without having to be up at 6am is something you will never appreciate until it's gone 😄
I've posted a number of updates about my high tolerance, I was admitted to hospital a few months back with issues with my Diabetes and decided I needed to cut out drinking entirely. I ended up in because I was hungover and it ended up being 9 days of no food on drips. I was convinced it was ale (drank a lot more since baby was born to destress) and even now I don't really miss it, haven't had a bevvy in almost 3 months and don't think I will again if I'm honest.
I'm back in hospital for the same thing so I know it wasn't just due to ale, turns out I've got another condition that's causing my body to fuck itself at every point so I'm now 8 days in hospital and will be for a bit longer.
Jobs going terribly, cash is tight, stress is high and energy is low but I am positive and I'm sticking to being positive not just for the family but for my own self worth.
Finally, weed! I had a ridiculous addiction to it and that stems (badum-ch) from struggling to deal with my own situation. I ended up basically not having any unless it was to calm me down after coke which coupled with ale became a much bigger expensive issue that I have thankfully been forced to squash. I couldn't have a joint to chill with the baby needing attention and I was so tired and it turned out I could get it pretty easily which ended up ramping up to a problem I knew I had to fix and I did.
Anyway, went back to having a bit of weed now she's older and more predictable a couple of times a week. It's actually so funny I went from smoking more than an Oz a month to getting 1g of crumble a year ago from Eddie and still having a bit left now haha.
I'm at a point where I get vapes a bit cheaper off site and the vape is where it's at in terms of cleanliness, smell, speed etc but occasionally get a chance to have a doob and I enjoy it again.
Any groundbreaking changes here or on the market in general? How are you all doing?
Sorry for the bit wall of oversharing it's actually more to get it down in words for myself to people I know understand than a big woe is me spiel but I do hope you're all thriving, any weed advice or things I could look out for and treat myself to once moneys right again would help your man out massively.
All the best,
Not been on for another 7 months or so so I do hope the scene and site and community are all thriving as they should be and you're all looking after each other and yourselves!
My health has gotten worse and worse of late and I'm a bad way at the mo but keeping positive at the minute since what else am I meant to do haha.
Had a few questions and updates if anyone cares and didn't want to make 3 topics so I've just put them in one post;
1: What's the most visually appealing strain you've ever seen? I've been 'trying' (online without much commitment) to get hold of a strain called Zoap by Wizard trees and have had zero luck.
I've either had the option to buy a lb from US vendors rather than the 3.5g I want or can't get it shipped or seen meh clones or random bud in mylar bags passed off as Zoap.
I might not even like it but the purples and oranges of that bud are ridiculous Eye candy and I'd love to get some cast in resin to just look at it looks like it's from space, how about yourselves?
2: Any idea where I'd actually get that strain ? It's expensive anyway so I'd be paying way over the odds regardless but I'd love to just try it. Do we have any legit vendors that import those packs? There are a few coffee shops in Amsterdam that stop it so if I ever get back over ill do that otherwise but it doesn't hurt to ask.
3: Updates!
My daughter was born 7 months ago and she is a gem, I am so happy to have her in my life and every day I've spent with her has for the most part been a blessing.
It has also been the hardest 7 months of my entire life, I haven't been rested and relaxed in over a year and my wife's the same. Even if she stays out just getting one 8 hour sleep can not reinvigorate you and it's a true testament to the phrase "Nothing can prepare you for being a parent".
The pros definitely outweigh the cons but God damn to have the opportunity to sleep, play the guitar, play some games, speak above any level and be able to just go "We have no plans this weekend" without having to be up at 6am is something you will never appreciate until it's gone 😄
I've posted a number of updates about my high tolerance, I was admitted to hospital a few months back with issues with my Diabetes and decided I needed to cut out drinking entirely. I ended up in because I was hungover and it ended up being 9 days of no food on drips. I was convinced it was ale (drank a lot more since baby was born to destress) and even now I don't really miss it, haven't had a bevvy in almost 3 months and don't think I will again if I'm honest.
I'm back in hospital for the same thing so I know it wasn't just due to ale, turns out I've got another condition that's causing my body to fuck itself at every point so I'm now 8 days in hospital and will be for a bit longer.
Jobs going terribly, cash is tight, stress is high and energy is low but I am positive and I'm sticking to being positive not just for the family but for my own self worth.
Finally, weed! I had a ridiculous addiction to it and that stems (badum-ch) from struggling to deal with my own situation. I ended up basically not having any unless it was to calm me down after coke which coupled with ale became a much bigger expensive issue that I have thankfully been forced to squash. I couldn't have a joint to chill with the baby needing attention and I was so tired and it turned out I could get it pretty easily which ended up ramping up to a problem I knew I had to fix and I did.
Anyway, went back to having a bit of weed now she's older and more predictable a couple of times a week. It's actually so funny I went from smoking more than an Oz a month to getting 1g of crumble a year ago from Eddie and still having a bit left now haha.
I'm at a point where I get vapes a bit cheaper off site and the vape is where it's at in terms of cleanliness, smell, speed etc but occasionally get a chance to have a doob and I enjoy it again.
Any groundbreaking changes here or on the market in general? How are you all doing?
Sorry for the bit wall of oversharing it's actually more to get it down in words for myself to people I know understand than a big woe is me spiel but I do hope you're all thriving, any weed advice or things I could look out for and treat myself to once moneys right again would help your man out massively.
All the best,

🦨 can relate to this so much champ ❤️
Funny most people lie about a baby being the “best thing” blah fucking blah, apex will earn you all now it’s fucking hard and changes your life.
Games come back mate (all be it not as much) 😂 my dota hours are 8k + with a new born.
As Polly said, TGd is best bet I think for zoap currently.
It’s a very tasty strain but imo overpriced to fuck 😂
I would NEVER seal it in resin mate it’s too yummy, can get a nice purple / violet number with orange hairs for that 😍
If wanting some top tier tropical or zesty terps, hit up KIG I kid you not that shit is delicious.
Not sure where currently kiddo is at mate, but they soon get a bit more routine with the sleep so hang in there.
I’d recommend grabbing a switch or steam deck etc. If really missing gaming, as can allow you to play, pause put down deal with missus or kiddo and then resume your session wherever in the house 😀
Good luck with the battles mate, and lb always here when you need us 🤜❤️🦨
Funny most people lie about a baby being the “best thing” blah fucking blah, apex will earn you all now it’s fucking hard and changes your life.
Games come back mate (all be it not as much) 😂 my dota hours are 8k + with a new born.
As Polly said, TGd is best bet I think for zoap currently.
It’s a very tasty strain but imo overpriced to fuck 😂
I would NEVER seal it in resin mate it’s too yummy, can get a nice purple / violet number with orange hairs for that 😍
If wanting some top tier tropical or zesty terps, hit up KIG I kid you not that shit is delicious.
Not sure where currently kiddo is at mate, but they soon get a bit more routine with the sleep so hang in there.
I’d recommend grabbing a switch or steam deck etc. If really missing gaming, as can allow you to play, pause put down deal with missus or kiddo and then resume your session wherever in the house 😀
Good luck with the battles mate, and lb always here when you need us 🤜❤️🦨

Here you go buddy, the Gentleman Dealers have Zoap:
Thanks for sharing and good to see you back😍👍
Thanks for sharing and good to see you back😍👍

Cheers Polly good to see you're still about hope you're keeping well. Ah amazing, the colours seem a bit off on that one so I'm not sure whether it's 'a zoap' rather than 'the zoap' but so far that's what I've asked for I'll add it to the bag for pay day and if I don't find another ill take the plunge!
You're a star
You're a star

9 posts
+23 votes

I’m a Dad! Also, read here for the craziest weed story you might read this year

I’m a Dad! Also, read here for the craziest weed story you might read this year
Hello brethren,
It’s me, Ship. I’ve not been on for a while as life has just been absolutely crazy lately and I’m actually smoking less weed than ever.
My beautiful wife gave birth to our beautiful daughter yesterday and I’m currently ‘chilling’ in the hospital, she was ten days early which sounds about right.
Now I’m going to tell you about something that happened last month that will definitely make you laugh/make you cringe for me.
Anyone who’s read anything I’ve posted here knows my tolerance for weed is very high and all I’ve done since getting on LB is try to chase a high to get through the hustle and bustle of a complicated life.
Got in touch with a vendor not from here who sells Rice Krispy square edibles, 450mg each and £5 each, I thought damn that’s amazing value for money bare in mind I’ve eaten 500mg of sweets and edibles from here and only had a very small background high two hours later. They bake the edibles themselves and this lot were filled with distillate, he’d made them 560mg by accident but let me know.
So here’s how things went down, the night before I’d gone to my mates for a smoke we were 2 blunts and 2 joints in and my mate turned up with some rolled so I had some of them.
I don’t smoke tobacco, always smoked my weed as it comes because every time I smoke cigs I get bifter buzz and end up vomiting, cue 20 mins later and I’m upstairs heaving up the lovely carbonara we’d made at home.
Next day I’m angry, I’ve got work and once again a bug smoking session and not only did I not get high I ended up screwing myself up.
It’s Monday the cakes turned up I’m working from home I’ll eat a full one and see how I go. Cut forward 20 mins later, I’m on an empty stomach and having a joint and start feeling it so I stopped smoking and was like damn that was fast. This is where the story gets bad.
I go upstairs, look at my PC and my eyes just zoom in I was like oh snap these must be the real deal. I start getting high, uncomfortably high, and this starts escalating from the 20 minute mark and over the next hour and a half at no point does it slow down.
I’m like shit it’s 9am I’m meant to be working and my head is about to fall off, my wife texts me “Invite your sister the baby shower”. Every time I text my sister even when I say I’m working she calls me, I said don’t call me I’m working I get called and ignore it.
Then I get a text “it’s important, I need you to speak to a social worker”. I answer the call and speak to a social worker, there’s been an incident with my niece and they needed to give me as little info as possible but said I’m the person my sister has designated as someone she trusts (high as fuck on a Monday morning before work) and that I’ll have to come to a meeting, I can’t go into the specifics but they wanted to ask if I’d be able to ‘help the family’ if the child had to be taken away for a while.
I’m looking in the mirror high as a fucking kite absolutely shitting myself, got a baby due in a month and now I might have to foster my niece, at that point I hit white. I’m vomiting everywhere, while working, waiting for social workers calls with information.
I ring my wife and tell her, long story short I manage to sort it out ( went to a court hearing as her representative it all ended up sorted weeks later) and I’m like fuck me how did this happen.
I got ten of these edibles, a week later had half of one - hit white again. Two days later 1/3 or one -hit white again! I’ve had 8 edibles untouched in the shed for weeks because I’m terrified to try one, I found something inexpensive that truly gets me high and realised I’d been chasing something I straight up didn’t want.
I must have had about ten joints since then where normally I smoke 3 a day.
All sorted now but seriously that is terrible luck.
Hope you’re all doing well, inwards to fatherhood
It’s me, Ship. I’ve not been on for a while as life has just been absolutely crazy lately and I’m actually smoking less weed than ever.
My beautiful wife gave birth to our beautiful daughter yesterday and I’m currently ‘chilling’ in the hospital, she was ten days early which sounds about right.
Now I’m going to tell you about something that happened last month that will definitely make you laugh/make you cringe for me.
Anyone who’s read anything I’ve posted here knows my tolerance for weed is very high and all I’ve done since getting on LB is try to chase a high to get through the hustle and bustle of a complicated life.
Got in touch with a vendor not from here who sells Rice Krispy square edibles, 450mg each and £5 each, I thought damn that’s amazing value for money bare in mind I’ve eaten 500mg of sweets and edibles from here and only had a very small background high two hours later. They bake the edibles themselves and this lot were filled with distillate, he’d made them 560mg by accident but let me know.
So here’s how things went down, the night before I’d gone to my mates for a smoke we were 2 blunts and 2 joints in and my mate turned up with some rolled so I had some of them.
I don’t smoke tobacco, always smoked my weed as it comes because every time I smoke cigs I get bifter buzz and end up vomiting, cue 20 mins later and I’m upstairs heaving up the lovely carbonara we’d made at home.
Next day I’m angry, I’ve got work and once again a bug smoking session and not only did I not get high I ended up screwing myself up.
It’s Monday the cakes turned up I’m working from home I’ll eat a full one and see how I go. Cut forward 20 mins later, I’m on an empty stomach and having a joint and start feeling it so I stopped smoking and was like damn that was fast. This is where the story gets bad.
I go upstairs, look at my PC and my eyes just zoom in I was like oh snap these must be the real deal. I start getting high, uncomfortably high, and this starts escalating from the 20 minute mark and over the next hour and a half at no point does it slow down.
I’m like shit it’s 9am I’m meant to be working and my head is about to fall off, my wife texts me “Invite your sister the baby shower”. Every time I text my sister even when I say I’m working she calls me, I said don’t call me I’m working I get called and ignore it.
Then I get a text “it’s important, I need you to speak to a social worker”. I answer the call and speak to a social worker, there’s been an incident with my niece and they needed to give me as little info as possible but said I’m the person my sister has designated as someone she trusts (high as fuck on a Monday morning before work) and that I’ll have to come to a meeting, I can’t go into the specifics but they wanted to ask if I’d be able to ‘help the family’ if the child had to be taken away for a while.
I’m looking in the mirror high as a fucking kite absolutely shitting myself, got a baby due in a month and now I might have to foster my niece, at that point I hit white. I’m vomiting everywhere, while working, waiting for social workers calls with information.
I ring my wife and tell her, long story short I manage to sort it out ( went to a court hearing as her representative it all ended up sorted weeks later) and I’m like fuck me how did this happen.
I got ten of these edibles, a week later had half of one - hit white again. Two days later 1/3 or one -hit white again! I’ve had 8 edibles untouched in the shed for weeks because I’m terrified to try one, I found something inexpensive that truly gets me high and realised I’d been chasing something I straight up didn’t want.
I must have had about ten joints since then where normally I smoke 3 a day.
All sorted now but seriously that is terrible luck.
Hope you’re all doing well, inwards to fatherhood

That sounds like a fucking blessing man, if your life is all kinds of fucked up (I feel you) and you have a kid now, then maybe a path away from chasing a high is the best thing that can happen to you. Look at the money you'll save and be able to spend on people you love, look at the health benefits from not ingesting combustibles. Most people abuse drugs at some point to escape, but it shouldn't be like that, might take decades to realise or you might be one of the unlucky ones that never gets that chance to stand back and look at yourself and rearrange your head space. Regardless, maybe embrace this spell as a novelty until you're ready to accept getting high again as the novelty. You got a break man, as fucked up as it was you got to see yourself from a different perspective, don't fuck it up. Become

£5 for a 500mg edible?!?! It's a genuine miracle!
Oh and a baby? Yeah sure, cool... /s
Congratulations :)
Oh and a baby? Yeah sure, cool... /s
Congratulations :)

Thanks very much, I’m unlucky and everything went wrong with the birth it was brutal but we’re all fine now with a beautiful little daughter and a new respect for my hearing that seems to have been straight up ignored by the little sausage!
They are absolutely the business, not just that but it’s made me seriously doubt 90% the edibles I’ve had in the past and on here.
I grabbed an oz off them as well and I’ve probably smoked less than 1/5 of it since I got it (isn’t the greatest but that’s not why).
It’s given me a weird perspective on why I’ve been needing to chase a really strong high, and I wanted to be ‘wiped out listening to Snoop Lion and giggling’ rather than ‘wiped off the face of the earth’ and maybe I’m just past that point now.
They are absolutely the business, not just that but it’s made me seriously doubt 90% the edibles I’ve had in the past and on here.
I grabbed an oz off them as well and I’ve probably smoked less than 1/5 of it since I got it (isn’t the greatest but that’s not why).
It’s given me a weird perspective on why I’ve been needing to chase a really strong high, and I wanted to be ‘wiped out listening to Snoop Lion and giggling’ rather than ‘wiped off the face of the earth’ and maybe I’m just past that point now.

Glad to hear that it all worked out, a stressful time and good news that baby and mummy are all good now. It's amazing how much noise something so small can make, and the interesting times just keep coming!
Becoming a parent does change ones perspective. It sounds as though becoming a dad is opening an enlightening time in your life. Some of the most rewarding moments are the smallest things. You'll know what I mean already with little things like the way they smile when they catch you looking at them. Brings a tear to my eye reminiscing.
I enjoy face melting highs, but there is a time and a place. Sounds as though becoming a dad has moved your mindset onto another phase.
Enjoy brother, I'm sure you are.
Becoming a parent does change ones perspective. It sounds as though becoming a dad is opening an enlightening time in your life. Some of the most rewarding moments are the smallest things. You'll know what I mean already with little things like the way they smile when they catch you looking at them. Brings a tear to my eye reminiscing.
I enjoy face melting highs, but there is a time and a place. Sounds as though becoming a dad has moved your mindset onto another phase.
Enjoy brother, I'm sure you are.

Shit man, I was living and breathing that as I was reading it. The fear haha. Glad it’s all sorted. And congratulations on becoming a father, bro. Hope mum and baby are all good. Midwives are incredible aren’t they?

10 posts
+35 votes

DoctorExtracts is fantastic, and should be your default for carts!

DoctorExtracts is fantastic, and should be your default for carts!
Apologies if this isn’t allowed, but sometimes you get service with a product that goes above and beyond. I will preface this by saying I am in no way sponsored etc by doc this is purely my experience.
I know there are lots of people new to the range of weed products you can get there and with thousands of listings with different pricing etc you might end up going round in circles trying to get a good product.
Docs distillate carts are anywhere between 10-30% cheaper than competitors with the same product and it’s clear they use the right balance. I’ve tried a G6 cart which was twice the price and it was great but for that price it makes much more sense to get two of these, I honestly think they’re as good.
My tolerance is high, so for me I wasn’t getting my moneys worth on distillate carts, then they brought out 50/50 live resin carts, about 1/5 more expensive and the difference for me was incredible, more of a weed taste more of a ‘full’ high (longer lasting, physical feeling, even the effect on coughing haha).
THEN this mfer brings out 100% Live resin carts! I must say I prefer the 50/50 but the full one is stronger hits harder and longer and it’s essentially a few quid more than most other D9 distillate carts. I will say I’ve not had any other resin carts here and the only one I could really see being as good might be those Live resin + Diamonds vapes but I’ve never tried one, and they’re more expensive.
Bought a D9 and 3, 50/50s over a couple of months and the 50/50 cart I got was blocked, my man offered a replacement immediately. It could have been salvaged but they insisted, they sent me out a new 100% resin to try since the 50/50 were out of stock.
It was amazing, I ordered another 100% myself I was that impressed and gave some feedback on the taste, smell etc (brand new product you should have some feedback) and I had a tiny issue with it (which was probably on my end).
Without even mentioning it they sent me another 50/50 which was absolutely amazing, getting skint towards the end of the month and this was a lifesaver.
But it’s not just that (Also don’t take the piss about trying to get free carts, they gave me amazing advice on fixing the cart that I couldn’t find anywhere on the internet and did it in good faith) they are so sound to talk to, clearly give a shit about the product really friendly and down to earth, no question too small no little joke too stupid honestly a fully pleasant experience.
I find some vendors don’t specialise in a product (if you have everything more power to you) and because they offer a wide range, the quality and product take a bit since they aren’t well regulated (not everyone but at least 3 I could say off the top of my head) but from what I can tell Doc just wants you to get Distillate and get high, no drama ifs or buts, no messing up with packaging or delivery or stealth nothing.
Gone are the days of getting shite from a street dealer and acting like you’re happy like when a barber shaves your head when you asked for a mullet and you go “Perfect that mate”. I like LB because you can sell a high quality product and get feedback on it.
I think everyone should use Doc as an aspiration of what a good vendor does, if they keep it up I can’t see them ever NOT excelling.
Cheers Doc!
TL;DR: strongest vapes I’ve had here, best price per product, best quality of product and amazing communication, stealth and delivery. Absolute boss, would recommend to anyone after carts!
I know there are lots of people new to the range of weed products you can get there and with thousands of listings with different pricing etc you might end up going round in circles trying to get a good product.
Docs distillate carts are anywhere between 10-30% cheaper than competitors with the same product and it’s clear they use the right balance. I’ve tried a G6 cart which was twice the price and it was great but for that price it makes much more sense to get two of these, I honestly think they’re as good.
My tolerance is high, so for me I wasn’t getting my moneys worth on distillate carts, then they brought out 50/50 live resin carts, about 1/5 more expensive and the difference for me was incredible, more of a weed taste more of a ‘full’ high (longer lasting, physical feeling, even the effect on coughing haha).
THEN this mfer brings out 100% Live resin carts! I must say I prefer the 50/50 but the full one is stronger hits harder and longer and it’s essentially a few quid more than most other D9 distillate carts. I will say I’ve not had any other resin carts here and the only one I could really see being as good might be those Live resin + Diamonds vapes but I’ve never tried one, and they’re more expensive.
Bought a D9 and 3, 50/50s over a couple of months and the 50/50 cart I got was blocked, my man offered a replacement immediately. It could have been salvaged but they insisted, they sent me out a new 100% resin to try since the 50/50 were out of stock.
It was amazing, I ordered another 100% myself I was that impressed and gave some feedback on the taste, smell etc (brand new product you should have some feedback) and I had a tiny issue with it (which was probably on my end).
Without even mentioning it they sent me another 50/50 which was absolutely amazing, getting skint towards the end of the month and this was a lifesaver.
But it’s not just that (Also don’t take the piss about trying to get free carts, they gave me amazing advice on fixing the cart that I couldn’t find anywhere on the internet and did it in good faith) they are so sound to talk to, clearly give a shit about the product really friendly and down to earth, no question too small no little joke too stupid honestly a fully pleasant experience.
I find some vendors don’t specialise in a product (if you have everything more power to you) and because they offer a wide range, the quality and product take a bit since they aren’t well regulated (not everyone but at least 3 I could say off the top of my head) but from what I can tell Doc just wants you to get Distillate and get high, no drama ifs or buts, no messing up with packaging or delivery or stealth nothing.
Gone are the days of getting shite from a street dealer and acting like you’re happy like when a barber shaves your head when you asked for a mullet and you go “Perfect that mate”. I like LB because you can sell a high quality product and get feedback on it.
I think everyone should use Doc as an aspiration of what a good vendor does, if they keep it up I can’t see them ever NOT excelling.
Cheers Doc!
TL;DR: strongest vapes I’ve had here, best price per product, best quality of product and amazing communication, stealth and delivery. Absolute boss, would recommend to anyone after carts!

Thank you for the detailed review mate your a legend me and the team really appreciate it as it helps us out a lot, we always try our best to give a high quality of service, as you know if there is ever an issue we are always happy to help, our job is to serve you you guys and provide you with a range of high quality products at a reasonable price, so I'm glad our work hasn't gone unnoticed. Again thank you mate<3

Hey Shipitout- great review! 👍
The only comment I’d take issue with is:
“Docs distillate carts are anywhere between 10-30% cheaper than competitors with the same product”…
The Docs 1ml 50:50 carts are $73 delivered (although I notice he does have one at $54 delivered).
All Sensi Marts 50:50 carts (2x 0.5ml) are $56 delivered.
Personally I prefer 0.5ml carts as for me they suffer blockages less. The quality is exceptional too.
We are lucky to have so much choice on LB🤩👍
The only comment I’d take issue with is:
“Docs distillate carts are anywhere between 10-30% cheaper than competitors with the same product”…
The Docs 1ml 50:50 carts are $73 delivered (although I notice he does have one at $54 delivered).
All Sensi Marts 50:50 carts (2x 0.5ml) are $56 delivered.
Personally I prefer 0.5ml carts as for me they suffer blockages less. The quality is exceptional too.
We are lucky to have so much choice on LB🤩👍

The Biscotti and the Trainwreck are 100% live resin carts but listed with the others presumably for convenience, and they're the $73 delivered carts. I'm halfway through a Biscotti. Contemplating a Trainwreck next. First time using the cart in the wild on Thursday and I was absolutely shit faced wandering around delis. An enjoyable day. Used about half of it in a fortnight using it as daily highness top-ups and loving it so far. Needs to be used fully before a complete review.

I concurr. Canadian Imports tend to be my go to for carts...but decided to give the live resin Biscotti a go from DE. Just finishing now....can absolutely highly reccomend

Sensi Mart’s carts took me from a cynic to a devotee within a few puffs. I’ll keep going back for them.
Having said that I do like the look of the doc’s 100% live resin carts, I am a fan of trainwreck so might have to treat myself in the future.
Having said that I do like the look of the doc’s 100% live resin carts, I am a fan of trainwreck so might have to treat myself in the future.

Hiya Polly always appreciated!
They're listed as one listing at different prices and on the description it says what they are, the $73 ones are the 100% resin the ones that are $50 ish are 50:50's which is less than some other D9 vapes, and the cheapest are your standard D9 carts so I think overall they're on the less expensive side but there are definitely probably some outliers with cheaper ones!
We are blessed
They're listed as one listing at different prices and on the description it says what they are, the $73 ones are the 100% resin the ones that are $50 ish are 50:50's which is less than some other D9 vapes, and the cheapest are your standard D9 carts so I think overall they're on the less expensive side but there are definitely probably some outliers with cheaper ones!
We are blessed

Right bit of a dumbo question, I’ve let vapes pass me by! What’s a cart? And is that a vape for example if I brought a cart will that be enough or do I need another gadget? 😂 I seriously just have ignored these …

23 posts
+86 votes

What are the strongest concentrates on LB?

What are the strongest concentrates on LB?
Bonus if I can blast it in my little dab pen!

Haha that’s the one I’ve got, been reading about Resin > Rosin > Shatter > Crumble.
I’ve read jelly is the strongest but honestly google it there’s no definitive link saying what’s the most high THC bust your shit open concentrate
I’ve read jelly is the strongest but honestly google it there’s no definitive link saying what’s the most high THC bust your shit open concentrate

Without lab tests on each individual concentrate there isn't a way to determine the"strongest" THC one
The type of concentrate isn't particularly relevant to the THC , rosin won't definitely have THC than shatter as it depends more on the starting materials than the process
Delta 9 disty would be the highest THC content as they typically test without terps at 90% upwards THC
The type of concentrate isn't particularly relevant to the THC , rosin won't definitely have THC than shatter as it depends more on the starting materials than the process
Delta 9 disty would be the highest THC content as they typically test without terps at 90% upwards THC

Which is crazy to me because I’ve had more 90% distillate vapes than arguments with my wife this year and the live resin ones are indisputably stronger!

Yup see theweedologists comment around the minor cannaboids
I'm not a believer in terps, for me they are flavour and the magic is all in the minor cannaboids
Otherwise disty vapes with cdt's would hit more like weed
Just my thoughts
I'm not a believer in terps, for me they are flavour and the magic is all in the minor cannaboids
Otherwise disty vapes with cdt's would hit more like weed
Just my thoughts

Absolutely agree. Terpenes without the accompanying cannabinoid profile is just fragrance.. It will add a bit, but its not "proper".
Using concentrates to provide the full strain profile is the only way worth investing in.
Using concentrates to provide the full strain profile is the only way worth investing in.

Distillate vapes will likely have a higher THC level but live resin etc will give a fuller, "stronger" high due to the entourage effect of other cannabinoids. Personally I find disti strong initially but wears off quicker.
I am really enjoying rosin varieties so far this summer.
Not sure about strongest but C-I have some of the tastiest concentrates!
I am really enjoying rosin varieties so far this summer.
Not sure about strongest but C-I have some of the tastiest concentrates!

Cheers mate, I had 1g of the jelly bean resin the other month before I had the pen where I’d put it in a joint, and I’d had some of Eddys afterwards and another resin I believe which were lovely but honestly I’m always chasing a stronger concentrate for my tolerance which is high.
Let’s call a spade a spade, I just want a crack pipe that’ll blow my head off so I can do my mundane job! Only messing but who knows, if you see my reviews getting more lively and irritable you might know why.
Let’s call a spade a spade, I just want a crack pipe that’ll blow my head off so I can do my mundane job! Only messing but who knows, if you see my reviews getting more lively and irritable you might know why.

If CI ever lists the Gods Green Crack Budder again don’t hesitate amigo!…it honestly makes me run round the garden with no pants on. It doesn’t even have to be my garden..🫢
If CI ever lists the Gods Green Crack Budder again don’t hesitate amigo!…it honestly makes me run round the garden with no pants on. It doesn’t even have to be my garden..🫢

Just so happens Ive started testing for my own peace of mind and the customers, better safe than sorry😉

I cannot tell you how fucking impressed I am over that Eddy
Like hats off and high fives galore
I need to top up my BTC it seems
Like hats off and high fives galore
I need to top up my BTC it seems

Is the Ice Cream Float Badder really 98.5% THCa though, Eddy? That would leave it with 1.5% terps which we both know:
A: Is not possible.
B: Would render the concentrate almost flavourless.
I would reccomend rerunning the test for that product. No way is that accurate at all, sorry. No hate intended, but I've bought it up once and you've kept the same results up. The badder looks amazing but I can't sit here and go along with that claim of 98.5% THCa, which is preposterous.
The only fair means of testing is GCMS and should be conducted by a trusted 3rd party, such as the Extractor. Still a very good idea though Eddy, big up 👍
A: Is not possible.
B: Would render the concentrate almost flavourless.
I would reccomend rerunning the test for that product. No way is that accurate at all, sorry. No hate intended, but I've bought it up once and you've kept the same results up. The badder looks amazing but I can't sit here and go along with that claim of 98.5% THCa, which is preposterous.
The only fair means of testing is GCMS and should be conducted by a trusted 3rd party, such as the Extractor. Still a very good idea though Eddy, big up 👍

Fair point SOTL I haven’t had time to test it again tbh heavy weekend lol. Il take it down till I can run a few more test as we just ran them once presuming the machine was correct thanks for your input, Eddy 🍭🫶👍

I actually posted this after reading your list (They’re amazing by the way, such a helpful addition to the site since it’s hard to navigate) but the price for most of them are practically the same so I’m trying to find the strongest.
Cheers for your work though Caeba not all heroes wear capes
Cheers for your work though Caeba not all heroes wear capes

I gotta give props to shroom of the loom. Not tried other dabs on biggy but their Tommy shelby badder and purple diamond shatter both have beaut tastes & strong long lasting highs, & at their prices you can bet your left bollock I'm gonna be a return customer lol
Both deserve no less than a 10/10 ratings and sold by a brilliant vendor
Both deserve no less than a 10/10 ratings and sold by a brilliant vendor

11 posts
+34 votes

Payday, budget of £250 to spend any Friday deals? Also top-tier Stardawg?

Payday, budget of £250 to spend any Friday deals? Also top-tier Stardawg?
Already decided i'm almost definitely getting another Live Resin vape, some ISO hash and probably 1oz of Shake (Probably Zkittlez was mad impressed last time but will check others first) and then for whatever's left either;
Some high THC chocolate and then either 7g of nice bud, 14g or alright bud or possibly some 3x filtered.
Anyone had any 3x hash, or any top shelf hard hitting bud lately that you want to recommend? Got half an Oz from Nero, Pistach and some others in the cart that i'm just trying to find more for my buck.
Also, I like the ISO hash in shake, had it in a joint even nicer but i'd genuinely be willing to buy half an Oz of 'Very well grown' StarDawg instead of something exotic since it's clear why everyones grows it and i'd love to try the best possible strain of it to compare!
Happy Friday Biggas!
Some high THC chocolate and then either 7g of nice bud, 14g or alright bud or possibly some 3x filtered.
Anyone had any 3x hash, or any top shelf hard hitting bud lately that you want to recommend? Got half an Oz from Nero, Pistach and some others in the cart that i'm just trying to find more for my buck.
Also, I like the ISO hash in shake, had it in a joint even nicer but i'd genuinely be willing to buy half an Oz of 'Very well grown' StarDawg instead of something exotic since it's clear why everyones grows it and i'd love to try the best possible strain of it to compare!
Happy Friday Biggas!

Top tier reliability with Riley mate! Always been top tier for me.
Skittles from real d at 65 a Q isn’t to be sniffed at either.
Skittles from real d at 65 a Q isn’t to be sniffed at either.

That is true, I've tried the skittles and can agree now, was some fire flower for sure

Hey Family,
Checkout our Cali Imported Gelato, taste and smoke brilliant , clean nice high as well . $120 for 14G $220 for 28G. If there is a demand for stardawg and amnesia haze strains on here, we will be glad to source and put it on shelf, our goal is chasing terps and flavors . We will definitely be looking into UK standard strains in near future.
Peace and Respect
Checkout our Cali Imported Gelato, taste and smoke brilliant , clean nice high as well . $120 for 14G $220 for 28G. If there is a demand for stardawg and amnesia haze strains on here, we will be glad to source and put it on shelf, our goal is chasing terps and flavors . We will definitely be looking into UK standard strains in near future.
Peace and Respect

Always looking for more tenten stardawg if you ever do get any in stock I'd love to try it

Hey Family,
Sure thing we will look into that shortly!
Peace and Respect
Sure thing we will look into that shortly!
Peace and Respect

Right if you're quick you might be able to get some MAC from BB, 20g of budget buds for $99. But I know he is close to selling out :(
Shroom Of The Loom have some really nice Zowahh & Puffco Gelato at a very responsible price. Small buds option is also great to save a few quid. Their Junior H hash is also decent bang for buck hash 👌
If you're after some premo hash check out eddy's hash bar, don't think he has to many different iso hashs left but they're stunning
Live resin vape, where you planning on getting that? Hate to break to you but vast vast majority of branded ones are fake / black marketcarts. I'd recommend SensiMart for their 50/50 live resin carts
Shroom Of The Loom have some really nice Zowahh & Puffco Gelato at a very responsible price. Small buds option is also great to save a few quid. Their Junior H hash is also decent bang for buck hash 👌
If you're after some premo hash check out eddy's hash bar, don't think he has to many different iso hashs left but they're stunning
Live resin vape, where you planning on getting that? Hate to break to you but vast vast majority of branded ones are fake / black marketcarts. I'd recommend SensiMart for their 50/50 live resin carts

Pretty sure DoctorExtracts has some 100% live resin vapes and also 50/50s, not tried them but they look good and have really good reviews.
The trainwreck and Biscotti are the 100% ones, $68
The trainwreck and Biscotti are the 100% ones, $68

Hey Family,
Our RR vapes are 100% Live Resin + Liquid Diamond. 100% Original as its owned by a friend/brother of ours ! The price is going to be $65 for a very short while after which we will be increasing it to $90-$100 ( We sell them £120 offline to our daily customers in London - We only done it to promote and to become recognised on LB) due to ingredients being costy and we dont want to sell you cheap stuff. Its exclusive clean product that we smoke on a daily basis brother and sisters of LB :)
Our customer reviews speak for itself
Come and Check us when the stock is back.
Our RR vapes are 100% Live Resin + Liquid Diamond. 100% Original as its owned by a friend/brother of ours ! The price is going to be $65 for a very short while after which we will be increasing it to $90-$100 ( We sell them £120 offline to our daily customers in London - We only done it to promote and to become recognised on LB) due to ingredients being costy and we dont want to sell you cheap stuff. Its exclusive clean product that we smoke on a daily basis brother and sisters of LB :)
Our customer reviews speak for itself
Come and Check us when the stock is back.

The dawg I’ve been getting from Pistach has been 10/10, I posted a review over there if you want a more detailed look, it’s $105 on the half which is pretty cheap

6 posts
+19.2 votes

How to consume ISO hash? It won't melt in a dab pen

How to consume ISO hash? It won't melt in a dab pen
Hi all,
Got hold of some of Eddy's lovely ISO, ordered one of the AIO Dab pens and was hoping to use them together. I got some rosin which is lovely, melts fine and gives good hits but the hash just doesn't melt.
I don't know whether the pen's max heat is too low for ISO hash, whether it needs to be wet etc. but i've tried some in a joint and not had much of a result out of it, I did the same with the resin in a joint and when I dabbed it it was a completely different experience.
Got hold of some of Eddy's lovely ISO, ordered one of the AIO Dab pens and was hoping to use them together. I got some rosin which is lovely, melts fine and gives good hits but the hash just doesn't melt.
I don't know whether the pen's max heat is too low for ISO hash, whether it needs to be wet etc. but i've tried some in a joint and not had much of a result out of it, I did the same with the resin in a joint and when I dabbed it it was a completely different experience.

Sprinkling in a joint or topping off a bowl in a bong/pipe definitely works 👌
The AIO is a great little device just maybe not cut out for bubble hash, I've found it can be dabbed but works best using a proper banger / bowl rather than a coil. (Makes clean up much easier too).
I think the dazzler did attempt to dab some hash in the AIO so I'll try get him on here to share his wisdom
The AIO is a great little device just maybe not cut out for bubble hash, I've found it can be dabbed but works best using a proper banger / bowl rather than a coil. (Makes clean up much easier too).
I think the dazzler did attempt to dab some hash in the AIO so I'll try get him on here to share his wisdom

Me 🤷♂️ yes I can confirm that sadhomie is indeed correct 👍 I did use some in the AIO and it’s not great for that type of hash. I tried it with other vendors. Same type of hash same results.
I also dabbed some on Sunday though some set up. All top end equipment and again. I did not find it the best. Not bad. Better than the AIO.
I’ve found that dyna and glass is unbeatable with this type of hash. Nothing else in my opinion touches the sides on that.
I’m with polly surprised that the joint did not hit the spot.
You can increase the heat by cheating the 10sec cut off. The same way you do a burn out clean. This does help with the hash in the AIO.
Don’t know if this link might help. The video did for me.
I also dabbed some on Sunday though some set up. All top end equipment and again. I did not find it the best. Not bad. Better than the AIO.
I’ve found that dyna and glass is unbeatable with this type of hash. Nothing else in my opinion touches the sides on that.
I’m with polly surprised that the joint did not hit the spot.
You can increase the heat by cheating the 10sec cut off. The same way you do a burn out clean. This does help with the hash in the AIO.
Don’t know if this link might help. The video did for me.

It's not full melt hash. Traditional way is to use a Pipe like a maroc pipe or mixed joint.

I’m surprised sprinkling on a joint doesn’t work, but I don’t do joints so I don’t really know.
I use a dosing capsule in the Mighty and it’s a doozy🤩…Vapman and Dynavap are great too. I can see it not being sticky enough for the dab pen though…do you have any other kit?
I use a dosing capsule in the Mighty and it’s a doozy🤩…Vapman and Dynavap are great too. I can see it not being sticky enough for the dab pen though…do you have any other kit?

5 posts
+11 votes

Can anyone give me some info on the range of Hash that's out there?

Can anyone give me some info on the range of Hash that's out there?
Now to preface, i'm early 30s but I never smoked around the Exodus Cheese/Skunk/Soapbar Hash days so I don't really have that past experience of (Now) lower quality merch so I know what's what.
I have tried ISO and 3x filtered Hash and commercial. Never felt much off commercial, liked the smoke and effect of the 3x and really liked the ISO smoke.
What i'm asking is, there's SO MANY different strains of Hash, we're talking Sticky black, Blonde, Charra balls, Commercial, Sifts etc. and i'd love some info.
What do you look out for here when the 'Commerical' (Big brown block) of Hash listings get posted? Are certain strains (and ways they're made) 'better' than others? What would you straight up avoid and what do you like getting your hands on, and why?
I know loads about flower, I know the differences in buds, strains, growing, S/I/H, you name it but with Hash i'm just like "That's brown and squishy looking" and "That's less brown and more squishy looking".
I also know about isolator and some extraction processes to understand the quality and price increase of how the Hash is cultivated but what I don't understand is the difference between some of the Spongebob/RaceCar/Celebrity print bars of Hash, I didn't grow up smoking it back in the day so now when I want to try some I feel like i'm lost.
I have tried ISO and 3x filtered Hash and commercial. Never felt much off commercial, liked the smoke and effect of the 3x and really liked the ISO smoke.
What i'm asking is, there's SO MANY different strains of Hash, we're talking Sticky black, Blonde, Charra balls, Commercial, Sifts etc. and i'd love some info.
What do you look out for here when the 'Commerical' (Big brown block) of Hash listings get posted? Are certain strains (and ways they're made) 'better' than others? What would you straight up avoid and what do you like getting your hands on, and why?
I know loads about flower, I know the differences in buds, strains, growing, S/I/H, you name it but with Hash i'm just like "That's brown and squishy looking" and "That's less brown and more squishy looking".
I also know about isolator and some extraction processes to understand the quality and price increase of how the Hash is cultivated but what I don't understand is the difference between some of the Spongebob/RaceCar/Celebrity print bars of Hash, I didn't grow up smoking it back in the day so now when I want to try some I feel like i'm lost.

I have been into hash since the 90s and in my opinion the two eras you reference are not the same in terms of product and quality.
The strain type solids were not a thing back then, more landrace variety.
I assume its to do with the abundance of strains and, of course, the landrace is still here but maybe techniques have changed in terms of production.
The stamp labels hash has nowadays are marketing/batch reference and make no odds if its called this or that.
Keep an eye on reviews. These biggas are a knowledgeable bunch and hopefully some will chip in with recommendations.
The strain type solids were not a thing back then, more landrace variety.
I assume its to do with the abundance of strains and, of course, the landrace is still here but maybe techniques have changed in terms of production.
The stamp labels hash has nowadays are marketing/batch reference and make no odds if its called this or that.
Keep an eye on reviews. These biggas are a knowledgeable bunch and hopefully some will chip in with recommendations.

Cheers Dashing, that's what I was looking for someone with some experience from back in the day.
You're right about the 2 eras, but I missed them both! I actually don't think i've ever had Skunk or Cheese ever, when you were a kid going round the shops and someone had a joint and you'd smell it for about 3 miles, but i'm the same for Hash.
My mate sells Hash as well, came to mine one time and my dad hasn't smoked since he was probably about 30 and used to smoke 'Soapbar' and he was straight up not a fan of the newer cleaner hash. Might be preference or nostalgia, but it'd be nice to try and scope which strains or presses people prefer and why.
So in terms of commercial hash you're saying ultimately a difference in labelling is purely that?
I was never keen on Hash, was convinced on reviews and was impressed but I feel that most hash doesn't have nearly enough of an effect compared to flower for me personally, so my thinking is if someone's selling "The best lebanese yada yada you've ever had" it could be, in terms of quality but if i'm not really feeling the effect it's a bit moot.
Disclaimer: I am talking about me, not anyone else in terms of it not being worth it, millions of people smoke commercial Hash and get high and that's fantastic but if I don't feel the effects it's not worth me getting.
You're right about the 2 eras, but I missed them both! I actually don't think i've ever had Skunk or Cheese ever, when you were a kid going round the shops and someone had a joint and you'd smell it for about 3 miles, but i'm the same for Hash.
My mate sells Hash as well, came to mine one time and my dad hasn't smoked since he was probably about 30 and used to smoke 'Soapbar' and he was straight up not a fan of the newer cleaner hash. Might be preference or nostalgia, but it'd be nice to try and scope which strains or presses people prefer and why.
So in terms of commercial hash you're saying ultimately a difference in labelling is purely that?
I was never keen on Hash, was convinced on reviews and was impressed but I feel that most hash doesn't have nearly enough of an effect compared to flower for me personally, so my thinking is if someone's selling "The best lebanese yada yada you've ever had" it could be, in terms of quality but if i'm not really feeling the effect it's a bit moot.
Disclaimer: I am talking about me, not anyone else in terms of it not being worth it, millions of people smoke commercial Hash and get high and that's fantastic but if I don't feel the effects it's not worth me getting.

There is a difference in the different labels in terms of texture, taste, aroma and as Essemcee points out its a bit of a minefield.
Its nteresting that your dad didn't take to the newer hash but goes to show it's not the same I would agree.
I know I have years of tolerance but I am of the opinion that I used to get "stoned" from hash use, a much heavier buzz.
Now its more of a high in my opinion.
Gentleman dealers has some Pakistani in store and that could well be the blast from the past I am looking for.
However I have tried what was labelled as Nepalese temple and it was not.
I also tend to stick with commercial hash as a daytime option as it is more discreet. Most of those filter hashes are out of my price range so can't comment.
Its nteresting that your dad didn't take to the newer hash but goes to show it's not the same I would agree.
I know I have years of tolerance but I am of the opinion that I used to get "stoned" from hash use, a much heavier buzz.
Now its more of a high in my opinion.
Gentleman dealers has some Pakistani in store and that could well be the blast from the past I am looking for.
However I have tried what was labelled as Nepalese temple and it was not.
I also tend to stick with commercial hash as a daytime option as it is more discreet. Most of those filter hashes are out of my price range so can't comment.

If you are looking for an equivalent high to bud, rather than a daytime smoke, you should be looking at static, bubble or iso.
Triple filtered if genuine is also not to be sniffed at BUT...
There are alot of commercial that claim triple filter but clearl6 just...aren't decent enough to be.
Hash is a minefield, and I am like you in a romance period, but I see the appeal it has for when i do learn my footing in the field .
Triple filtered if genuine is also not to be sniffed at BUT...
There are alot of commercial that claim triple filter but clearl6 just...aren't decent enough to be.
Hash is a minefield, and I am like you in a romance period, but I see the appeal it has for when i do learn my footing in the field .

7 posts
+13 votes

What is the strongest Hash here, and can anyone speak to me about Spice in Vapes rumours flying about? Also, are there a…

What is the strongest Hash here, and can anyone speak to me about Spice in Vapes rumours flying about? Also, are there any, verifiable, legitimate sellers of BRANDED US Vapes?
Hi all, so if that's the title imagine the body of text you're about to devour.
Last post was about Hash and having a high tolerance, and vapes. I got hold of 3 vapes, and a 3x Filtered Pinky Panties hash from Nero and got to work.
The hash was awesome for smoking, not as strong as i'd like but 100% stronger than any bud i've smoked in the last 9 months, and now i've got rid of my preconceived notion that Hash if crap.
Now, that hash was good and i'd buy more but I really want to know what's 'Next'. Is there a stronger, more potent Hash than 3x filtered? Any experience with it, and if so any links to what you'd recommend. Otherwise i'll probably get more of this, but I hate waiting 10 days for delivery because I take the world for granted :|
Next, I bought 3 vapes. In one of my posts I mentioned them and someone asked if they were from a specific vendor. I said they were, they didn't respond no problem. Yesterday I came on and was reading one of these topics about vapes and the same user commented that the one he'd had from the vendor i'd just bought from had been sent off and came back as containing 'Spice' (Similar chemical composition allegedly not found in any vapes normally).
While i've smoked all 3 out because mama didn't raise no monk, I didn't find them amazing and i've come to the conclusion that with anyone able to make vapes and with there being so little regulation on LB other than reviews and topics, I felt a bit annoyed.
I saw another USA official vape pop up today for $60, there was also an argument the other week in regards to the 10/10 vapes going for $75 that were allegedly fake, the seller said they'd taken them down... it's the first thing I see when I click 'items'.
So with that, what i'm asking is, outside of Canadian Imports/SN2D are there any PROVEN sellers of LEGITIMATE branded carts here?
I've had plenty of homemade ones which are fine, had 3 'Branded' which were basically sweet tasting shite but i've never had an official 10/10, Garden, Packwoodz etc. vape and with how many blag ones are flying about (Even here) has anyone got any advice (Other than just don't smoke vapes, some of us have wives who won't let them blaze the Jazz Cabbage 24/7).
Last post was about Hash and having a high tolerance, and vapes. I got hold of 3 vapes, and a 3x Filtered Pinky Panties hash from Nero and got to work.
The hash was awesome for smoking, not as strong as i'd like but 100% stronger than any bud i've smoked in the last 9 months, and now i've got rid of my preconceived notion that Hash if crap.
Now, that hash was good and i'd buy more but I really want to know what's 'Next'. Is there a stronger, more potent Hash than 3x filtered? Any experience with it, and if so any links to what you'd recommend. Otherwise i'll probably get more of this, but I hate waiting 10 days for delivery because I take the world for granted :|
Next, I bought 3 vapes. In one of my posts I mentioned them and someone asked if they were from a specific vendor. I said they were, they didn't respond no problem. Yesterday I came on and was reading one of these topics about vapes and the same user commented that the one he'd had from the vendor i'd just bought from had been sent off and came back as containing 'Spice' (Similar chemical composition allegedly not found in any vapes normally).
While i've smoked all 3 out because mama didn't raise no monk, I didn't find them amazing and i've come to the conclusion that with anyone able to make vapes and with there being so little regulation on LB other than reviews and topics, I felt a bit annoyed.
I saw another USA official vape pop up today for $60, there was also an argument the other week in regards to the 10/10 vapes going for $75 that were allegedly fake, the seller said they'd taken them down... it's the first thing I see when I click 'items'.
So with that, what i'm asking is, outside of Canadian Imports/SN2D are there any PROVEN sellers of LEGITIMATE branded carts here?
I've had plenty of homemade ones which are fine, had 3 'Branded' which were basically sweet tasting shite but i've never had an official 10/10, Garden, Packwoodz etc. vape and with how many blag ones are flying about (Even here) has anyone got any advice (Other than just don't smoke vapes, some of us have wives who won't let them blaze the Jazz Cabbage 24/7).

Personally, I avoid any branded vapes. I think there's more chance of them being fake than genuine, and I'd rather not take that risk. There are a few genuine branded ones on here, but again I'm not willing to take that risk. The 10/10 vapes even if they are 100% proven legit, they are not D9. They are D8 and D10 so again, I'd avoid them completely.
Check out Dr.Extracts, I've tested his vapes and they are clean. Canadian Imports too 👍
Check out Dr.Extracts, I've tested his vapes and they are clean. Canadian Imports too 👍

Oh same mate I normally completely avoid them, i'm just at the point where I know my budget and what works for me through the month and i'm at the end of my tether going through vape after vape (Not just to have the stone but for it to be legit and trustworthy).
Thanks for the advice
Thanks for the advice

So stronger hash? Check out bubble / isolator hash. Eddy has loads of different strains at the mo but there's plenty of other bits about.
I would hope spice in products is incredibly uncommon (But that might just be my wishful thinking). Having said that the vast majority of branded items are fake / black market. Issue there is you have no idea what you're getting, and most likely neither does the vendor. Vendor might not even know theyre fake 🙄
Tried "homemade" carts from MJ, Eddy & a few more & would pick those any day over anything branded.
What about dry herb vaping as an alternative to carts?
I would hope spice in products is incredibly uncommon (But that might just be my wishful thinking). Having said that the vast majority of branded items are fake / black market. Issue there is you have no idea what you're getting, and most likely neither does the vendor. Vendor might not even know theyre fake 🙄
Tried "homemade" carts from MJ, Eddy & a few more & would pick those any day over anything branded.
What about dry herb vaping as an alternative to carts?

Hi mate, I recently got myself a Raspberry Cookie 50/50 d9 and live resin cart from the Great Vape Company on here, and I love it. A much more rounded stone than a pure d9 in my opinion, and lasts longer too. The service from tGVC was absolutely spot on, give them a shot, you won't regret it! ✌️

Yes they are good from the Great Vape Company, and I completely agree with the live resin VS distillate, the high from distillate feels very 'flat'? And not very long lasting. I'm not a fan, but they are good for the price

13 posts
+28 votes

Question on budgets, hash, concentrates etc. and more!

Question on budgets, hash, concentrates etc. and more!
Hey Biggas!
Had an absolutely mad time this last 6 months on here, it's opened my eyes to what's available in the world and what it does. I'm on a few other DN sites with reviews but this is the only one with full on interaction between people and I honestly love it.
Was sick of getting bumped for terrible Ammo or Dawg (Hit and miss, sometimes great mostly whack) and after a holiday in the USA/Canada I really opened my eyes to what was out there.
Honestly, this place is fantastic. Even when there's a lull in the old finances and you can just read some interesting topics when you're not ordering, the amount of Tel scams, Insta scams etc. i've come across looking for decent stuff has been astounding. Some of them are local, they talk regionally and the whole things just a scam.
I get a fool and his money are easily parted, but it seems harder and harder these days to get some consistency in your life.
Anyway, i've had some inconsistent purchases here but that's a minority, it's opened my eyes to the Clearnet (Use onion etc. but didn't think anything was out there on the CN), other parts of the DN that are reputable and a load of products I didn't know I needed in my life.
1) Hash: I've been looking at Hash lately, i've had Rocky and stuff never been a massive fan I normally end up rolling some into a normal weed joint and that's that. I've seen some recent comments talking about how they've had some of the best they've ever had here on LB and they'll buy like an oz of it.
2) How do you smoke an Oz of Hash? I'd genuinely love to know, don't smoke tobacco but i'm a big weed smoker and all I ever mix it with when the budget's low is Marshmallow herbal supplement (Shite but it works) but I just don't think i've ever really had a strong high from hash.
Tell me i'm an idiot and tell me why.
3) My tolerance is high, I was just diagnosed as ADD at 30, something i'd never considered about myself until I started reading up on it. It's been obvious to some people (look at how much i'm typing) but it's never stopped me living an ordinary productive life and the worst anyone's ever said is "Bloody hell lad don't you have an off switch?" :D
Sadly at this point of my life i've had to go private and it's taken 3 years just for a diagnosis, at this point i've got no medication and it'll be up to 16 weeks before that process starts. I chased this diagnosis as i've been dealing with depression since I was about 18 and unfortunately changes in lifestyle, eating, exercise, medication seemed to have no noticeable impact on me. Hopefully with this diagnosis I can have some medication that'll target what's causing my to get like that rather than how I feel.
I only mention this because I do tend to need a lot more of something to get the kick I need, and I do have a problem slowing down with it. I'll buy an Oz and expect it to last me a month and a week later i've smoked the whole thing working from home because i'm feeling so fed up or uninterested in anything else i'm meant to be doing.
I don't want any sympathy (Poor lad gets through an Oz in a week, we feel for you) I just wanted to explain the situation for my next question.
4) 3 wasn't even a question, I have the chest infection from hell that's giving me a probably needed but definitely not welcome T break. It's giving me a good time to have a think and a break while getting my ass kicked.
If I have a budget of say £250 a month for weed, and my tolerance is pretty high (Not just the 4 joints a day, the ADD. Reminds me of that joke "I feel terrible today someone must have spiked one of my 11 pints"). What do you think is the best bang for my buck?
I've bough Trim, Shake, good weed, meh weed, i've tried a 22k 1g of resin which was meh didn't have a dab or enough of it to make something crazy. I've bought countless vapes, I've tried so many strains over the years (Got some favourites that I hardly see these days like Sundae Driver, also worried i'll try them again and be disappointed).
If you could set yourself a target in that range outside of just buying bud what would you get? I'd love to make some Zombie Sticks for when I see the lads because they'll definitely give me a kick but not for the price they are and i'm wondering how much it'd cost to try and get stuff like that made from your own gear.
I started typing this 2h ago and had a wave of sickness so had to come back to it.
Always a long post, thanks for being so down to earth my brothers and sisters, to the site itself for accommodating a healthy, non toxic marketplace for us poor bastards in the UK who aren't going to see legal dispensaries for I reckon 10 years minimum.
Have a good Christmas/Time off whatever you're doing!
TL:DR; I don't blame you, tolerance is quite high feels like smoking weed no matter how decent has low returns, want to branch out into Hash, Concentrates, Edibles etc. and I spend about £250 a month on bud, any recommendations on what I can get to still get high and chill out after a long day without having to chain smoke like 3 joints.
Had an absolutely mad time this last 6 months on here, it's opened my eyes to what's available in the world and what it does. I'm on a few other DN sites with reviews but this is the only one with full on interaction between people and I honestly love it.
Was sick of getting bumped for terrible Ammo or Dawg (Hit and miss, sometimes great mostly whack) and after a holiday in the USA/Canada I really opened my eyes to what was out there.
Honestly, this place is fantastic. Even when there's a lull in the old finances and you can just read some interesting topics when you're not ordering, the amount of Tel scams, Insta scams etc. i've come across looking for decent stuff has been astounding. Some of them are local, they talk regionally and the whole things just a scam.
I get a fool and his money are easily parted, but it seems harder and harder these days to get some consistency in your life.
Anyway, i've had some inconsistent purchases here but that's a minority, it's opened my eyes to the Clearnet (Use onion etc. but didn't think anything was out there on the CN), other parts of the DN that are reputable and a load of products I didn't know I needed in my life.
1) Hash: I've been looking at Hash lately, i've had Rocky and stuff never been a massive fan I normally end up rolling some into a normal weed joint and that's that. I've seen some recent comments talking about how they've had some of the best they've ever had here on LB and they'll buy like an oz of it.
2) How do you smoke an Oz of Hash? I'd genuinely love to know, don't smoke tobacco but i'm a big weed smoker and all I ever mix it with when the budget's low is Marshmallow herbal supplement (Shite but it works) but I just don't think i've ever really had a strong high from hash.
Tell me i'm an idiot and tell me why.
3) My tolerance is high, I was just diagnosed as ADD at 30, something i'd never considered about myself until I started reading up on it. It's been obvious to some people (look at how much i'm typing) but it's never stopped me living an ordinary productive life and the worst anyone's ever said is "Bloody hell lad don't you have an off switch?" :D
Sadly at this point of my life i've had to go private and it's taken 3 years just for a diagnosis, at this point i've got no medication and it'll be up to 16 weeks before that process starts. I chased this diagnosis as i've been dealing with depression since I was about 18 and unfortunately changes in lifestyle, eating, exercise, medication seemed to have no noticeable impact on me. Hopefully with this diagnosis I can have some medication that'll target what's causing my to get like that rather than how I feel.
I only mention this because I do tend to need a lot more of something to get the kick I need, and I do have a problem slowing down with it. I'll buy an Oz and expect it to last me a month and a week later i've smoked the whole thing working from home because i'm feeling so fed up or uninterested in anything else i'm meant to be doing.
I don't want any sympathy (Poor lad gets through an Oz in a week, we feel for you) I just wanted to explain the situation for my next question.
4) 3 wasn't even a question, I have the chest infection from hell that's giving me a probably needed but definitely not welcome T break. It's giving me a good time to have a think and a break while getting my ass kicked.
If I have a budget of say £250 a month for weed, and my tolerance is pretty high (Not just the 4 joints a day, the ADD. Reminds me of that joke "I feel terrible today someone must have spiked one of my 11 pints"). What do you think is the best bang for my buck?
I've bough Trim, Shake, good weed, meh weed, i've tried a 22k 1g of resin which was meh didn't have a dab or enough of it to make something crazy. I've bought countless vapes, I've tried so many strains over the years (Got some favourites that I hardly see these days like Sundae Driver, also worried i'll try them again and be disappointed).
If you could set yourself a target in that range outside of just buying bud what would you get? I'd love to make some Zombie Sticks for when I see the lads because they'll definitely give me a kick but not for the price they are and i'm wondering how much it'd cost to try and get stuff like that made from your own gear.
I started typing this 2h ago and had a wave of sickness so had to come back to it.
Always a long post, thanks for being so down to earth my brothers and sisters, to the site itself for accommodating a healthy, non toxic marketplace for us poor bastards in the UK who aren't going to see legal dispensaries for I reckon 10 years minimum.
Have a good Christmas/Time off whatever you're doing!
TL:DR; I don't blame you, tolerance is quite high feels like smoking weed no matter how decent has low returns, want to branch out into Hash, Concentrates, Edibles etc. and I spend about £250 a month on bud, any recommendations on what I can get to still get high and chill out after a long day without having to chain smoke like 3 joints.

Hey Bigga👍….thanks for the read and great to hear how much you are loving it here…it’s truly a special place😻
You are caught in a classic Catch22 where by trying to cut through your tolerance with super strong gear you in turn increase your tolerance even more 😳
If I was you I would bank this tolerance break to try a few new things rather than just banging it back up again. Most joint smokers say that it’s an experience that can’t really be topped but in many ways combustion is the devil.👹
How much dry herb vaping have you tried?…have you used a Dynavap?This low cost option comes close to the set up of a joint and is very tactile…but it’s vaping. PLUS you can use it with hash. It’s a much loved device and has got a lot of Biggas off joints.
I use a Vapman exclusively for hash. It’s a little wonder that something so small and simple can deliver a massive flavourful high from tiny amounts of hash.
Both devices need a jet lighter and definitely have a learning curve, but they are both fun and highly effective.
Edibles are different for everybody. Honestly mate I am flying on 10mg of quality gear (I love the high- totally different to weed for me) but some claim to need 10 times that, some even more 😵💫. But it’s pretty cheap to experiment with different doses and it does give the lungs a rest!
RSO does my noodle in!
Dabs are fab and there are some amazing concentrates on here and dab pens are dirt cheap. BUT you are going to send your tolerance back to the moon.
My Xmas treat will be a Moonrock- bud covered in rosin rolled in keif…mmmmm…mmmmmm….😍😋…I fire it up in the Vapman👍
£250 a month is a good budget…they say that a variety of products helps keep tolerance down so it’s worth experimenting.
Good luck and have a great Xmas🎅
You are caught in a classic Catch22 where by trying to cut through your tolerance with super strong gear you in turn increase your tolerance even more 😳
If I was you I would bank this tolerance break to try a few new things rather than just banging it back up again. Most joint smokers say that it’s an experience that can’t really be topped but in many ways combustion is the devil.👹
How much dry herb vaping have you tried?…have you used a Dynavap?This low cost option comes close to the set up of a joint and is very tactile…but it’s vaping. PLUS you can use it with hash. It’s a much loved device and has got a lot of Biggas off joints.
I use a Vapman exclusively for hash. It’s a little wonder that something so small and simple can deliver a massive flavourful high from tiny amounts of hash.
Both devices need a jet lighter and definitely have a learning curve, but they are both fun and highly effective.
Edibles are different for everybody. Honestly mate I am flying on 10mg of quality gear (I love the high- totally different to weed for me) but some claim to need 10 times that, some even more 😵💫. But it’s pretty cheap to experiment with different doses and it does give the lungs a rest!
RSO does my noodle in!
Dabs are fab and there are some amazing concentrates on here and dab pens are dirt cheap. BUT you are going to send your tolerance back to the moon.
My Xmas treat will be a Moonrock- bud covered in rosin rolled in keif…mmmmm…mmmmmm….😍😋…I fire it up in the Vapman👍
£250 a month is a good budget…they say that a variety of products helps keep tolerance down so it’s worth experimenting.
Good luck and have a great Xmas🎅

Thanks for the reply Polly, I do have a broken Mighty that I still haven't sent for repair I never send anything back i'm so lazy! I was having a decent time with the Mighty but felt I hadn't figured out the right temp, rate of inhalation etc to feel the benefit people were raving about.
Good point about the Shatter and tolerance, I was happy to order some just now but I think my tolerance is just making bud a waste of money for me so there's no way i'm increasing it more! But you're absolutely right about wanting to try stronger stuff because the stuff i've got isn't doing it's job doesn't work in any situation haha.
I do love a moon rock! I haven't been able to try one since getting (And breaking) my Mighty but that's been through choice, if I get this repaired it might be worth me messing more with Hash and different things too.
Have a great Christmas too!
Good point about the Shatter and tolerance, I was happy to order some just now but I think my tolerance is just making bud a waste of money for me so there's no way i'm increasing it more! But you're absolutely right about wanting to try stronger stuff because the stuff i've got isn't doing it's job doesn't work in any situation haha.
I do love a moon rock! I haven't been able to try one since getting (And breaking) my Mighty but that's been through choice, if I get this repaired it might be worth me messing more with Hash and different things too.
Have a great Christmas too!

I ran a number of hashes through my Mighty just this weekend. I used a dosing capsule and a little cotton bacon and cranked it up full.(210c). I tried 2 types of bubble hash, some squidy black Afghan, some Bugatti stamp and a Moonrock.
It was a super smooth and enjoyable delivery and I liked them all. It didn’t quite get the 🔥💥of the Vapman but that’s going to be because the temperature doesn’t quite get there.
It was a super smooth and enjoyable delivery and I liked them all. It didn’t quite get the 🔥💥of the Vapman but that’s going to be because the temperature doesn’t quite get there.

I've tried edibles recently along with concentrates and my tolerance is sky high... probs go through more than 2z per week!! But the edibles hot you in a different direction and it's almost a reminder that just smoking weed is some what dated lol... but for shatter that shit is next level... you can buy a budget coil pen for 30 quid and you only need a little for a higher high... ✌️✌️

That's some good advice, i've been asking round recently about edibles, my very first experience with weed was buying Brownies off SR. Some of the nicest brownies i've ever had but did absolutely nothing.
There's a lad i'm speaking to selling Cannacaps and other edibles and almost every day i'm here I end up looking at Eddy's Edibles (I'm like Bart Simpson "Maybe if I just stand here long enough looking sad people will feel sorry for me and buy me it") because the range is so vast.
You're definitely smoking more than me so it's good to have some advice from you, i've had some great edibles before and had a little too much once and almost left my body.
I want to try and get it down so i'm like, I can buy 10 brownies this month and bud and a vape, a brownie will get me high etc etc.
I know it's trial and error and down to the individual but i'm just spitballing.
Also that coil pen might be something i'll look at. I've got a Mighty that I left on charge outside and it pissed down and broke it, it's been 3 months and I still haven't sent it back and I really need to.
There's a lad i'm speaking to selling Cannacaps and other edibles and almost every day i'm here I end up looking at Eddy's Edibles (I'm like Bart Simpson "Maybe if I just stand here long enough looking sad people will feel sorry for me and buy me it") because the range is so vast.
You're definitely smoking more than me so it's good to have some advice from you, i've had some great edibles before and had a little too much once and almost left my body.
I want to try and get it down so i'm like, I can buy 10 brownies this month and bud and a vape, a brownie will get me high etc etc.
I know it's trial and error and down to the individual but i'm just spitballing.
Also that coil pen might be something i'll look at. I've got a Mighty that I left on charge outside and it pissed down and broke it, it's been 3 months and I still haven't sent it back and I really need to.

I'm going to be a bit of a contrarian here and tell you to move on to concentrates.
If you do it right you can keep costs and tolerance at a reasonable level. I do one sesh a day, dab/vape the same amount and get a pretty consistent high each time.
The reason why trates fuck with people's tolerance is that they often haven't been properly high for ages, then they taste that forbidden fruit and decide to gorge on it. Been there, done that, got the idiot ticket.
Concentrates are useful because of the intensity and volume of the delivery, which can make them more, not less, efficient. I can easily spend an hour doing 10 bowls in a dyna to consume 1g (roughly 0.2g THC) and barely feel it. When I dab similar, I'll be instafucked.
The same goes for ball vapes like the B0/1/2. I'll end up using less flower because the convection power drains the weed nearly as fast as a standard bong hit.
Ultimately it comes down to self-control. You've been sitting around with a shitty high because you're hitting the herb all day. The same will happen with concentrates if you treat them the same way.
If you do it right you can keep costs and tolerance at a reasonable level. I do one sesh a day, dab/vape the same amount and get a pretty consistent high each time.
The reason why trates fuck with people's tolerance is that they often haven't been properly high for ages, then they taste that forbidden fruit and decide to gorge on it. Been there, done that, got the idiot ticket.
Concentrates are useful because of the intensity and volume of the delivery, which can make them more, not less, efficient. I can easily spend an hour doing 10 bowls in a dyna to consume 1g (roughly 0.2g THC) and barely feel it. When I dab similar, I'll be instafucked.
The same goes for ball vapes like the B0/1/2. I'll end up using less flower because the convection power drains the weed nearly as fast as a standard bong hit.
Ultimately it comes down to self-control. You've been sitting around with a shitty high because you're hitting the herb all day. The same will happen with concentrates if you treat them the same way.

Probably something packed with flavour, like diamonds and sauce, or a live resin.
For handling I like wax/budder best. The worst is the granular stuff because i have a little tremor and shit happens 😩
For handling I like wax/budder best. The worst is the granular stuff because i have a little tremor and shit happens 😩

7 posts
+8 votes

I'm looking for a specific vape from Vegas if anyone can help 'Polaris MMJ 0.5g Head Cheese'

I'm looking for a specific vape from Vegas if anyone can help 'Polaris MMJ 0.5g Head Cheese'
Hi all,
I've had quite a few vapes (Carts, disposables) from LB and private vendors and i've had maybe one that's even come close to one I had in Vegas.
Now i'll say this, when I went to Vegas it was my first time trying any bud outside of Hash and Weed and I hit white by the pool blasting it. That being said, I know they hit your tolerance fast and there's definitely a chance some carts i've had are decent i'm just attuned to it.
I did get a G6 cart on here which was very expensive for what it was but it was absolutely the closest thing to what I had there.
This cart must have been less than $30 from a dispensary called Reef.
I'd like to try it again because if i've just overhyped it i'm done with carts I don't get the same benefit from them for the price.
I've had quite a few vapes (Carts, disposables) from LB and private vendors and i've had maybe one that's even come close to one I had in Vegas.
Now i'll say this, when I went to Vegas it was my first time trying any bud outside of Hash and Weed and I hit white by the pool blasting it. That being said, I know they hit your tolerance fast and there's definitely a chance some carts i've had are decent i'm just attuned to it.
I did get a G6 cart on here which was very expensive for what it was but it was absolutely the closest thing to what I had there.
This cart must have been less than $30 from a dispensary called Reef.
I'd like to try it again because if i've just overhyped it i'm done with carts I don't get the same benefit from them for the price.

Blimey mate that is a ridiculously big ask…BUT…
SayNo2Drugs ships from Las Vegas. He’s not listing that cart but you are going to see the very best of the US carts on his store, plus why not ask him?…I think however you’ll come as close as you are going to get just from what he has in stock- the Kurvana for example are mind blowing 🔥🤯
SayNo2Drugs ships from Las Vegas. He’s not listing that cart but you are going to see the very best of the US carts on his store, plus why not ask him?…I think however you’ll come as close as you are going to get just from what he has in stock- the Kurvana for example are mind blowing 🔥🤯

Great advice thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I had actually tried a couple of SayNo's carts and had a negative experience but honestly if I found out I just needed the right cart to have a good time instead of I just have too high of a tolerance for it that would save me so much hassle!

Hehe…you know what they say mate, the first time is always the best!…and I think most things sampled by a pool in Vegas would stick in my mind as being just about the best 😎👍

Haha absolutely, but the thing was I hit white/Greened out (Had too much and was sick) for about 2 hours I was honestly completely wiped. That was after about 12 hits not pacing myself, I haven't had one single vape that I think I couldn't smoke the whole cart and not feel close to how I did off a few hits of the first one.
Just trying to see if it's the cart itself or just me with a high tolerance. As I say I did branch out and got a G6 but even that felt incredibly mellow it was just very well made and tasted beautiful.
Just trying to see if it's the cart itself or just me with a high tolerance. As I say I did branch out and got a G6 but even that felt incredibly mellow it was just very well made and tasted beautiful.

Mate, if you can suck up whole carts in a session then your tolerance is in some other reality 😵💫😂
The Kurvana carts that I got from SN2D are live resin at 97.2% THC, it really isn’t getting any stronger. A couple of puffs and I’m floored 🤯🫠
The Kurvana carts that I got from SN2D are live resin at 97.2% THC, it really isn’t getting any stronger. A couple of puffs and I’m floored 🤯🫠

I'm not saying I could I haven't tried it's hypothetical, but I have blasted a cart getting maybe 10 so hits in a session in 2-5 sec bursts, maybe my tolerance is really up.
But i'd definitely consider having a look at the carts you mentioned, as I say did get carts there that were terrible quality but that was just one listing 2 times.
But i'd definitely consider having a look at the carts you mentioned, as I say did get carts there that were terrible quality but that was just one listing 2 times.

66 posts by Shipitout
1 post
+3.2 votes
What was your favourite age?
The minute I grew up and found out the cruelty of the real world was the minute the fun stopped.
I know that sounds heavy and I always answer these t…
![[ask any bigga]](
What was your favourite age?
(High thoughts)
When you look back in time, what year is the one year you would go back to in your life and happily relive again ?
How old were you? What are some of the best memories? I think my second year of university was an unforgettable year 😂 I definitely took it for granted and would love to go back
When you look back in time, what year is the one year you would go back to in your life and happily relive again ?
How old were you? What are some of the best memories? I think my second year of university was an unforgettable year 😂 I definitely took it for granted and would love to go back

The time period after my GCSE's. Innocent but not so innocent. No responsibilities except selling weed, chasing girls and playing football

Exactly this lol I can never forget that year, GSCE finish early so nice long summer, completely free doing the stuff you mentioned

Honestly? Probably like 2 years ago when my current relationship was the best thing ever. It's rough now and I would give anything to have that back

16, one year before the last year of high school. Living in Switzerland during summer, eating mushroom chocolates, hitting bongs of Swiss Dank, swimming in Bodensea and being lost beyond belief. Ahh, the Swiss dream... :)

I thought I was 27 for 3 years - woke up on my 30th birthday and was completely ok with that. Just didn't fancy 28 & 29 that's all 🙄

16. No doubt. 1996. Just finished my GCSE’s. Was in the 1st 11 school football team and we’d won the Surrey cup. Had a beautiful girlfriend who was that teenage first love. Brilliant football summer with Euro 96, (Sheringham, shearer and Gazza). Being British felt awesome (not like it does now). Amazing music. Massive oasis fan and knebworth was about to happen. All my mates together with their girlfriends. Drinking, smoking fags and soap bar ;) Had got into rave and hardcore and went to lots of little rave house parties. Absolutely magical. It’s my absolute happy golden place.

When I was 12, I had a 10 week break between going to middle school and secondary.
I lived on a new estate still being built among the woods, so there was plenty of material laying about for building dens, and plenty of unfinished buildings to climb on or mess about in.
We built fires and cooked sausages, drank the odd beer, smoked the odd fag and handed around dirty magazines. We genuinely thought we were the shit 😂.
The dens never lasted long as they either got pulled down by locals or rival kids, but that was all part of the fun. I even managed my first kiss and fondle that summer.
I lived on a new estate still being built among the woods, so there was plenty of material laying about for building dens, and plenty of unfinished buildings to climb on or mess about in.
We built fires and cooked sausages, drank the odd beer, smoked the odd fag and handed around dirty magazines. We genuinely thought we were the shit 😂.
The dens never lasted long as they either got pulled down by locals or rival kids, but that was all part of the fun. I even managed my first kiss and fondle that summer.

Now…the past is the past,I’ll always enjoy life now,know matter what’s happening even though I’m early fifties 😄

The minute I grew up and found out the cruelty of the real world was the minute the fun stopped.
I know that sounds heavy and I always answer these types of questions like this, I got diagnosed as Diabetic when I was 11, mum died , up until I was 17 my dad and me were bumping heads and I hated it (not linked to my mum I was adopted my birth mum died) I had times after where good stuff happened but I feel like I got dragged through maturity quickly because loads of stuff went to shit because of bad luck In life, my dad used to get pissed and just rent every night about needing to grow up and make money, came in the night before my 13th birthday bladdered and went “you’ve got copied video games for your birthday you’re a man now so do you need to do silly birthdays ?” And it went on from there.
Struggled hard as a kid, was very clever but could NOT wrap my head around things and did what I could, got to uni after winging it for years and failed miserably, went from hated job to hated job and here I am now at 31.
Got my own mortgage , beautiful amazing wife and a baby due in 3 months but I’ve had a wall in front of me for so many things for years that I’ve never been able to explain or get past, the depression for the last 12 years where no treatment, meds or CBT has helped has made me so cynical, jaded and overall angry and disappointed with myself.
I looked at a diagnosis for ADHD in my early 20s and got dismissed as a young man after Ritalin and after 11 YEARS on the NHS register with nothing and 4 on two private lists I was finally diagnosed 2 months ago and started medication ten days ago.
Decided to tell my dad about it last night he linked a daily Mail article saying it’s a myth so I spent two hours disproving everything that article said and he basically just said “You’re fine as you are you’re just anxious “ I’m not anxious.
So the meds are supposed to be working now but you can’t mix it with other stimulants like coffee and I drink about 4 pints of coffee or energy drinks a day to stay awake, same for weed apparently conflicts with the tablets which I smoke daily and alcohol (drink when I get the chance to feel chill).
So even though I’m on meds and titration to see what dose works for me I’m drinking on holiday, was assigned them maybe last Monday? Had to get my Bichon put down on Tuesday he had kidney failure and it came out of nowhere and because he was so silly and daft still it broke my heart to watch the life leave his eyes even if it was the right thing to do, so I’ve got grief, depression and drinking all on at the go when I’m meant to be seeing if these tablets stop me losing my temper at the smallest change.
Sorry for ranting, this wasn’t even the question I’ve just listed off everything wrong with life. Just needed to get it off my chest it’s been brutal lately.
My answer though, probably 17 to early 20s. First time getting my feet out into the world, I was a little geek until I was about 15 until I started coming out of my shell and really capitalised on that from 17 haha tried a lot of new things did a lot of new stuff but ultimately I wouldn’t relive any of it, just trying to do my best now for the sake of my soon to be daughter and don’t want to be freaking out because I can’t handle her crying so meds it is.
It’s funny, they were only really prescribed at this crucial point because if I hadn’t had meds at this point (been getting told for 6 months it’s a few weeks away) my fear of not being equipped to be a man let alone a dad would have probably been causing me to have a mental breakdown at this point.
I don’t want anyone to think I’m asking for pity, I’m not I’ve survived this long and will keep surviving but I think all your choices in life have clearly led us to where we are now, and even though I’d love to be back getting a blowjob and a stripe and feeling like I’d finally gotten free, the lessons I’ve learned from them have taught me some very important life lessons.
I know that sounds heavy and I always answer these types of questions like this, I got diagnosed as Diabetic when I was 11, mum died , up until I was 17 my dad and me were bumping heads and I hated it (not linked to my mum I was adopted my birth mum died) I had times after where good stuff happened but I feel like I got dragged through maturity quickly because loads of stuff went to shit because of bad luck In life, my dad used to get pissed and just rent every night about needing to grow up and make money, came in the night before my 13th birthday bladdered and went “you’ve got copied video games for your birthday you’re a man now so do you need to do silly birthdays ?” And it went on from there.
Struggled hard as a kid, was very clever but could NOT wrap my head around things and did what I could, got to uni after winging it for years and failed miserably, went from hated job to hated job and here I am now at 31.
Got my own mortgage , beautiful amazing wife and a baby due in 3 months but I’ve had a wall in front of me for so many things for years that I’ve never been able to explain or get past, the depression for the last 12 years where no treatment, meds or CBT has helped has made me so cynical, jaded and overall angry and disappointed with myself.
I looked at a diagnosis for ADHD in my early 20s and got dismissed as a young man after Ritalin and after 11 YEARS on the NHS register with nothing and 4 on two private lists I was finally diagnosed 2 months ago and started medication ten days ago.
Decided to tell my dad about it last night he linked a daily Mail article saying it’s a myth so I spent two hours disproving everything that article said and he basically just said “You’re fine as you are you’re just anxious “ I’m not anxious.
So the meds are supposed to be working now but you can’t mix it with other stimulants like coffee and I drink about 4 pints of coffee or energy drinks a day to stay awake, same for weed apparently conflicts with the tablets which I smoke daily and alcohol (drink when I get the chance to feel chill).
So even though I’m on meds and titration to see what dose works for me I’m drinking on holiday, was assigned them maybe last Monday? Had to get my Bichon put down on Tuesday he had kidney failure and it came out of nowhere and because he was so silly and daft still it broke my heart to watch the life leave his eyes even if it was the right thing to do, so I’ve got grief, depression and drinking all on at the go when I’m meant to be seeing if these tablets stop me losing my temper at the smallest change.
Sorry for ranting, this wasn’t even the question I’ve just listed off everything wrong with life. Just needed to get it off my chest it’s been brutal lately.
My answer though, probably 17 to early 20s. First time getting my feet out into the world, I was a little geek until I was about 15 until I started coming out of my shell and really capitalised on that from 17 haha tried a lot of new things did a lot of new stuff but ultimately I wouldn’t relive any of it, just trying to do my best now for the sake of my soon to be daughter and don’t want to be freaking out because I can’t handle her crying so meds it is.
It’s funny, they were only really prescribed at this crucial point because if I hadn’t had meds at this point (been getting told for 6 months it’s a few weeks away) my fear of not being equipped to be a man let alone a dad would have probably been causing me to have a mental breakdown at this point.
I don’t want anyone to think I’m asking for pity, I’m not I’ve survived this long and will keep surviving but I think all your choices in life have clearly led us to where we are now, and even though I’d love to be back getting a blowjob and a stripe and feeling like I’d finally gotten free, the lessons I’ve learned from them have taught me some very important life lessons.

Mate. Sounds like you've got lots on and are spooning out about becoming a dad. Take a breath, it'll all be good. Help your wife with the practical things so she can concentrate on the baby and everything else will follow. My dad's a cunt and it made me a great dad. You'll be grand.

1995 young free single and no children. Going to the Arches and sub club,my weekend started on a Thursday and finished on a Sunday afternoon.Dancing for hours on end not a care in the world.Good memories of crazy weekends Always saying never again but always back out Thursday night

Definitely my first year of uni!
But I’d also like to revisit my 20’s.. the youthful, handsome young me didn’t live life to the fullest back then and it is one of my biggest regrets now that I’m creeping into my 30’s.
But I’d also like to revisit my 20’s.. the youthful, handsome young me didn’t live life to the fullest back then and it is one of my biggest regrets now that I’m creeping into my 30’s.

When I was 14 some local flats were getting demolished and me and friends went there everyday for the summer the holidays I think for two years actually it took so long we had free run of the place broke through the roof and everything lol

Honestly, it's hard to pick. Life is unique, precious and fragile. We can't go back, only forward. So, I'd say now, purely because we've made it to the fucking future!

For me personally, I'd go back to a time before My kids had been brainwashed against me. So maybe 4-5 years ago, was a happier time for me. I took it for granted and life made me pay the price hard. 4 years later and 1 run through family court I'm still at square one.
Honestly, I'd give anything to have my kids back, but I am starting to accept I probably never will and one day I'll be fine with that, just not today.
Big love biggas 💚
Honestly, I'd give anything to have my kids back, but I am starting to accept I probably never will and one day I'll be fine with that, just not today.
Big love biggas 💚

theres always a square 2 bigga or maybe even a (family) circle, love and time can do that

4-11... no responsibilities, loads of family and good friends around and I could play and daydream all day without consequence 🙃

1 post
+6 votes
I had the 3x pink panties the other month and it completely changed my mind about hash, I was never impressed before so I can deffo recommend that one

The gelato bubble is a banger too.
It was the first one I tried and I’m back for more Monday. Truly amazing.
It was the first one I tried and I’m back for more Monday. Truly amazing.

That was the one I was looking at.. hash used to be all we could get so we liked it. Now it’s weed 24/7. Until you realise all that trimming stuff goes somewhere—into these amazing hash’s..
Even if you just put a few bogeys in some ok weed joint.. it then transforms it.. And the gorge taste must be awesome!!! Can’t wait. Decent hash is fire.
Even if you just put a few bogeys in some ok weed joint.. it then transforms it.. And the gorge taste must be awesome!!! Can’t wait. Decent hash is fire.

the best hash ? How can I know when you scammed me twice in a row ?
Fucking moron
Don't order if you live in Italy, this dude won't send you shit
Fucking moron
Don't order if you live in Italy, this dude won't send you shit

just coming to pitch in for nero, smoked on his filtered egg la confidential and moroccan blonde hash all summer. from the looks of it, these were lower/average grade, yet they were still beyond spectacular. I can't even begin to imagine how good his pricier/newer hashes must be. all love and peace to nero, a light in the darkness for us europeans.

i stick with eddys hashbar!!
tried to order from nero but went to shit twice lol, customs defo had it in for me on both them days lol
tried to order from nero but went to shit twice lol, customs defo had it in for me on both them days lol

Same but I can’t lie this guys prices are very tempting , does anyone know if the hash has terps? Like actual terps not some bs

refund me! Enough of this nonsense and your lies that I've been letting go since January! I just want my money! And if you want money, send what you promise, you liar! not to mention the weed that a person supposedly buys and an weed turns out to have nothing to do with what they buy! Be ashamed of what you're doing! return my money! Compulsive liar who says he sends the product the following week says he forgot! you place a new order and he forgets again! Go to work, you scoundrel! I want my money personally, I already told you all the difficulties I'm going through and you still do this shit to me, you're a liar! I want my money!!!!

Very grandiose of yourself Nero,
I think your getting ideas way above your station bro!!
Eddy's hashbar is by far the place to go for hash and trates, they defo arrive for 1 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think your getting ideas way above your station bro!!
Eddy's hashbar is by far the place to go for hash and trates, they defo arrive for 1 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hi Nero I've been mailing you for the last couple of months over those 2 ounces you didnt send me after paying. Texting and mailing you with no replies. Site was down after you asked me not to dispute. Silly me agreed and you havnt replied since. Lost over 500e and you still wont reply. You refused to send weed, promised tracking info you didnt send it either now your advertising great smoke you have and service you provide. Can you not reply to an honest customer. 99% odlf Sellers on here are legends. Your a fucking disgrace. Only ever issues with any seller, I done what you asked and you ripped me off of over 500 quid. Can you reply to any of those messages I sent you over the last 8 months?

Yeah same for me. First attempt was seized and he said he reshipped but can't give any proof of it. Haven't received my stuff or a customs notice and he won't reply now. I specifically told him if the reship is seized I won't dispute because fair enough is fair enough but he hasn't reshipped. I've had successful orders from him before but anyone can be a good vendor when all the puzzle pieces fall into place. This guy has no regard for keeping up his end of the deal. When I told him my order was seized he guessed that I was in Ireland which I am, so I'm assuming this is his normal business practice. Will never order from Nero again and will continue to post negative comments on his posts until the end of time so that others may be wise enough to avoid him and go for a proven vendor who knows how to handle customer service issues. LB is awesome and I'll never stop using it but any wise man will avoid this vendor

1 post
+2 votes

Last game you bought on release?
I got Pokémon Violet on release and downloaded Honkai star rail on release if that counts but there’s almost nothing single player I like any more tha…

Last game you bought on release?
I was just thinking I don't think I've bought a game on release since about Fifa 12 or something back when Tesco used to do deals on them lol... I've definitely never paid 60 odd quid like they cost today! BUT Final Fantasy 16 has me massively tempted and I don't know if I'm going to make it the weekend without buying it haha
Any bigga bought it? or did anyone go for Diablo 4? Street Fighter 6? there's been a few temptations this month! Do you think the prices are worth it? I've never been able to bring myself to pay full price but when you consider how many hours you get out of them it can still work out cheap overall as long as they're as good as they look that is...
anyone bought any recently? thoughts? :)
Any bigga bought it? or did anyone go for Diablo 4? Street Fighter 6? there's been a few temptations this month! Do you think the prices are worth it? I've never been able to bring myself to pay full price but when you consider how many hours you get out of them it can still work out cheap overall as long as they're as good as they look that is...
anyone bought any recently? thoughts? :)

Yep I'm literally the same mate hadn't brought a game since probably FIFA 14 but recently brought Hogwarts. Mainly brought it for the mrs but gta say I'm enjoying it more than she is!

Yeah that's even better when you really get into something you weren't expecting to :) I've got Hogwarts on my list for when there's a good offer on, the ones that hook you in really do work out great value compared to price of most things these days!

Well one night later and I've bought FF16 lol :) £65 lot of dosh but after playing the demo (which has the full game prologue btw biggas, well worth a try) I couldn't resist :P

Fifa 23 sadly. Because I'm absolute mug when it comes to this game :)
Bit wiser now the last few gens with regard to new releases and am more than happy to wait for the price to come down and get the actual full bug free game as intended a few months after release.
GTA 6 though would be an exception when that comes out :)
Bit wiser now the last few gens with regard to new releases and am more than happy to wait for the price to come down and get the actual full bug free game as intended a few months after release.
GTA 6 though would be an exception when that comes out :)

GTA 6 is apparently running on rockstars RAGE 9 Engine, which is said to be better than UNREAL Engine 5 so we should all be in for a treat, I just hope that after a year or 2 of playing it still remains fresh and exciting

There's genuine competition to the Unreal Engine now? I should start reading my copies of Edge more thoroughly!

Yeah they (critics/reviewers) are saying RAGE Engine 9 (Rockstars Advanced Game Engine) is the best by far, even better than UNREAL Engine 5 and that’s borderline beautiful already. So this game might be the best thing for 5-10 years, but then again rockstar may just go crazy with the games after the release of gta 6 and accidentally make a rival to it

It's fascinating to me that they've made their own engine. I wonder what it can specifically do that Unreal can't, considering the development time of this. You usually want something very well tailored, or very high end, if you're prepared to sink the development time and cost into it. It would make sense to package that up as a saleable product afterwards to recoup costs. Not sure if you're into hi-fi at all, but Chord do that with their DACs where the circuitry is FPGA and all done in house. Like the way Analogue make their consoles so it's all hardware and not software, so hopefully higher quality.

I was debating pulling the trigger on Diablo IV, and a friend told me he got it too, so I got it and we're having a great time playing together.
Also got the new Zelda game, thinking it was gonna make me pick up the switch again. Nope. Runs like hot garbage. I'm sure it's a great game, but I just can't bear the performance personally. Honestly I think I'll sell the console and the game while it's still worth something.
Other than these two, my last day 1 purchases were RE Village and Cyberpunk, both of which I loved.
Also got the new Zelda game, thinking it was gonna make me pick up the switch again. Nope. Runs like hot garbage. I'm sure it's a great game, but I just can't bear the performance personally. Honestly I think I'll sell the console and the game while it's still worth something.
Other than these two, my last day 1 purchases were RE Village and Cyberpunk, both of which I loved.

Those sound suspiciously like the Stadia purchases I made to get the 'free' controller. Completely unrelated, if anyone's looking for a Stadia controller...?

Zelda has never interested me I don't know why, it's got really popular now but I'm not sure what else Nintendo even has to offer atm?

Bought Forza Horizon 5 and GTA trilogy definitive edition around same time both on release. Usually get Fifa on release day but goy 23 on CD keys about a fortnight after release. Pre ordered the new Forza recently. It cost £90. Right now playing PES 17 which cost £2.50 on ebay and it probably the best football game I've ever played .Used to love PES when younger, so many memories playing my mates stoned on PES 6

I bought Elden Ring on release.... That ruined my playstaion experience, I quit after a few weeks of little to no progress. Haven't touched my PS5 in well over a year now.

oooft mate you will have to dust off that controller one day see if you can get a trial/deal on PS Plus there's some really good titles on there one of them will pull you back in :) thats always the gamble buying full price, I remember being tempted by Elden Ring but I was worried it'd leave me fed up so I didn't dare risk it

I don't mind saying, that game was too damn hard. I hadn't played any previous titles either, so didn't really know what i was buying. It just looked impressive and I pulled the trigger. I'll probably hold out for Starfield now.

Only one I went out of my way to buy on release was probably Red dead Redemption 2 And God of War Ragnarok

I thought exactly that about the difficulty level. When I had 0 responsibility I had the time to hone that skill level and to have fun with the grind, but not now. Anyone watch Cohh Carnage? If he and others of his calibre finds a game hard then I'll have no chance. Saved so much money though by facing that fact and getting baked and watching high quality streamers play the games for me. £50 for a game, or £55 for a live resin cart and watching the story in a haze?

I bought Street Fighter 6 on the day of release and Amazon delivered it next day. Something weird was happening that day as the price was in free fall, and it kept selling out, being back in, 10 left, more on the way, etc. It was under £45 when I ordered, which is ridiculous for a brand new release. Managed to nab a Victrix Pro FS at RRP too, but have to wait 4-6 weeks to get it.
The prices are definitely worth it. They charged £45 for a game in the early '90s, and you're getting significantly more for your money now. If you think of it as entertainment for a couple of weekends and you drink at home and have friends over instead of going out then it's a lot more cost effective than going out on the piss for those weekends, and the game will probably have a much longer lifespan than that anyway.
The prices are definitely worth it. They charged £45 for a game in the early '90s, and you're getting significantly more for your money now. If you think of it as entertainment for a couple of weekends and you drink at home and have friends over instead of going out then it's a lot more cost effective than going out on the piss for those weekends, and the game will probably have a much longer lifespan than that anyway.

Barely buy nowadays, rarely day 1 due to bugs, kid time and cost.
Most are in bargain bin a month later 😂
Also game pass is such great value I’ve got more than I have time to play.
Most are in bargain bin a month later 😂
Also game pass is such great value I’ve got more than I have time to play.

They do manage to obliterate most of the bugs with the 20Gb Day One Patch these days though, to be fair. If you think about it though that destroys these games for long term value, resale and playability as once the servers are switched off you just get the effectively unfinished game on the disc. Not like when there was no way to update so games had to ship completely optimised.
To be honest mate I rarely play games, despite often buying them, and the number of sealed games I have on my shelf has been a running joke between friends for years, some going back to PS3. I had to buy SF6 though as I've been into the franchise almost obsessively since SF2 in the arcade. Have a PS3 Mad Catz SF4 Tournament Edition Fightstick and that is a lovely thing, with all Sanwa Denshi buttons and stick. How could I not get the modern equivalent too?
Like you though I think generally I have enough with what I have as a backlog and the PS Plus stuff too has stuff on it released in the last year. I don't mind generally being that far behind if it results in me spending less (says the man who bought the aluminium fightstick that normal people would consider insane).
To be honest mate I rarely play games, despite often buying them, and the number of sealed games I have on my shelf has been a running joke between friends for years, some going back to PS3. I had to buy SF6 though as I've been into the franchise almost obsessively since SF2 in the arcade. Have a PS3 Mad Catz SF4 Tournament Edition Fightstick and that is a lovely thing, with all Sanwa Denshi buttons and stick. How could I not get the modern equivalent too?
Like you though I think generally I have enough with what I have as a backlog and the PS Plus stuff too has stuff on it released in the last year. I don't mind generally being that far behind if it results in me spending less (says the man who bought the aluminium fightstick that normal people would consider insane).

Lol to true Rux.
I had ps5 for a year and still not played it 😂
Loads still in wrapping.
So I bought myself a steam deck 🤷♂️
Tbh that gets a load of play as easy to pick up and pause around kiddo and has Xbox live.
Just need to quit my dota addiction (again)
I had ps5 for a year and still not played it 😂
Loads still in wrapping.
So I bought myself a steam deck 🤷♂️
Tbh that gets a load of play as easy to pick up and pause around kiddo and has Xbox live.
Just need to quit my dota addiction (again)

I have this awful sense of missing out that makes me buy things, whether it was the PS5 that a mate managed to get for me, or whatever on here. I was eyeing up the Steam Deck. Always loved handhelds and that's ideal as most of the target audience will have a library of games anyway. The PS Vita was a lovely, yet unloved, thing, and I saved a huge amount of monthly games for years into my PS Plus account before I bought one.

I’ve not bought a game on release for a while now. So many games go on sale within weeks of release that it just makes sense to wait. I will definitely get Diablo 4 at some point though.

Yeah I'll be grabbing Diablo4 on sale for definite, might wait for a few updates etc too I waited until the Eternal Collection came out for D3 picked up for under 20quid and got way more than my moneys worth out of it lol :)

I did the same. They tend to have rough launches so it's never a bad idea to wait for a patch or two to be released.

I got Pokémon Violet on release and downloaded Honkai star rail on release if that counts but there’s almost nothing single player I like any more that I’d pre order and it’s that hard to convince my mates to play a new mmo or game that I barely bother.
I’m a creature of habit still play OSRS etc and I’m fine with that
I’m a creature of habit still play OSRS etc and I’m fine with that

I played the leak of Pokemon Scarlet, about a week before the release date. It stuttered like hell and and the animations didn't seem to load properly. I rememeber thinking: Well, that serves me for spoiling myself by emulating before the devs have a chance to patch issues.
Then the game released... Oh. It was supposed to look like that...
(I do actually like Scarlet and Violet, but I also agree that OSRS really was the golden era)
Then the game released... Oh. It was supposed to look like that...
(I do actually like Scarlet and Violet, but I also agree that OSRS really was the golden era)

Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingom and Animal Crossing: New Horizons are the two. Although ACNH was because this thing called the "global pandemic" was about to kick off, which made £60 for an "outside simulator" seem very reasonable.
Nintendo is pretty much the only gaming company that is honestly reliable though. Everyone else goes in the "eh, I will wait until it is on sale" pile. Unless they are Baldurs Gate 3. Fuck me, I wish I bought that game at release, haha.
Nintendo is pretty much the only gaming company that is honestly reliable though. Everyone else goes in the "eh, I will wait until it is on sale" pile. Unless they are Baldurs Gate 3. Fuck me, I wish I bought that game at release, haha.

No Mans Sky 😳🤣
After the whole No Mans Sky debacle, it put me off buying games on release forever. Or preordering them.
Cyberpunk 🤣🤦
Both games are better now.
After the whole No Mans Sky debacle, it put me off buying games on release forever. Or preordering them.
Cyberpunk 🤣🤦
Both games are better now.

Last game I bought on release was Ghost of Tsushima but that was a gift for my lil bro, amazing looking game. all new PlayStation releases these days go for eye-watering prices back in the ps2 days games were more affordable.

I'm pretty sure I've never bought anything on release. I'm a cheap fuck and wait a year or 2 and buy the CD key for a couple of quid online.

1 post
+2 votes
New disposable vape pens with pre-heat button!
Oh nice, that’ll be a good improvement I genuinely rave about your carts I made a post about them last week but you are right, it’s thick so they just…

New disposable vape pens with pre-heat button!
We are now offering 1ml disposable vape pens. We decide to try find a device with a pre heat button as we have used auto fire disposables in the past and the issue is when they clog they become unusable as you can’t pull any air through meaning the coil won’t activate so you can fix the clog, where as with our new vapes is you ever get a clog all you have to do is pre heat your vape and it should unclog straight away:)
Trainwreck is the first strain we will be selling in the new disposable vapes, but all our flavours will be available in the form of disposables soon as well.
To use the vape click 5 times to turn it on or off, it has 3 power modes, click 3 times to change through them red is the highest green is the lowest, to pre heat just click twice.
I hope you all enjoy them:)
Trainwreck is the first strain we will be selling in the new disposable vapes, but all our flavours will be available in the form of disposables soon as well.
To use the vape click 5 times to turn it on or off, it has 3 power modes, click 3 times to change through them red is the highest green is the lowest, to pre heat just click twice.
I hope you all enjoy them:)

Oh nice, that’ll be a good improvement I genuinely rave about your carts I made a post about them last week but you are right, it’s thick so they just naturally clog.
Wasn’t a mega fan of the trainwreck strain but if you get a biscotti one I’ll grab one this week, if not I’ll probably just get a cart instead it’d just be interesting to see the difference in consistency if it’s pre heated.
Wasn’t a mega fan of the trainwreck strain but if you get a biscotti one I’ll grab one this week, if not I’ll probably just get a cart instead it’d just be interesting to see the difference in consistency if it’s pre heated.

Hi mate don’t worry we should have the biscotti in a vape too in the next couple of weeks, I made my self a banana runtz disposable and I’m really liking it

1 post
+6 votes

Thoughts on Cali weed
I’m with you about it wanting to pay out the ass for bud, it’s hard for me because I budget how much I’m going to spend but my tolerance is high so I …

Thoughts on Cali weed
I've been considering this topic for a while now but a recent experience prompted me to see what others think.
I think I'm pretty much done with buying Cali bud. I'd never tried any before joining LB last year but I've tried numerous strains from a variety of different but reputable vendors now and my overall conclusion is that I'm going to stick with well-grown UK bud.
All of the mids I've tried so far have suffered from the same issues: overly dry, barely any terps so smell & taste is crap, and a lot of the flower is clearly PGR to boot. I'm guessing the lack of terps could be partly due to long periods of being vac packed for shipping but I can't help the feeling there's a reason this stuff is being shipped over to us here in bulk instead of being consumed within the US.
Full disclosure, I've only gone up to Mids level and haven't ever tried 'top tier' Cali, so I can't say whether that would change my mind. Quite frankly, I'm not prepared to fork out $100 for an eighth when I can pay less than half of that for an equivalent amount of cracking UK produce from the likes of RealD, Druids, BB, Sassy, GC, Eddy's, etc. Every single one of them has sent me gear that's put the Cali that I have tried to shame and I see no reason to spend the extra for a potential disappointment. Granted, the top level stuff might be high enough in THC to put me on my arse after two tokes but that's not really what I'm after, especially if it looks, smells and tastes like last year's fire kindling and costs the same for 2g as a half oz of homegrown.
Do any other biggas agree or do I need to try that top drawer stuff and then eat my words?
I think I'm pretty much done with buying Cali bud. I'd never tried any before joining LB last year but I've tried numerous strains from a variety of different but reputable vendors now and my overall conclusion is that I'm going to stick with well-grown UK bud.
All of the mids I've tried so far have suffered from the same issues: overly dry, barely any terps so smell & taste is crap, and a lot of the flower is clearly PGR to boot. I'm guessing the lack of terps could be partly due to long periods of being vac packed for shipping but I can't help the feeling there's a reason this stuff is being shipped over to us here in bulk instead of being consumed within the US.
Full disclosure, I've only gone up to Mids level and haven't ever tried 'top tier' Cali, so I can't say whether that would change my mind. Quite frankly, I'm not prepared to fork out $100 for an eighth when I can pay less than half of that for an equivalent amount of cracking UK produce from the likes of RealD, Druids, BB, Sassy, GC, Eddy's, etc. Every single one of them has sent me gear that's put the Cali that I have tried to shame and I see no reason to spend the extra for a potential disappointment. Granted, the top level stuff might be high enough in THC to put me on my arse after two tokes but that's not really what I'm after, especially if it looks, smells and tastes like last year's fire kindling and costs the same for 2g as a half oz of homegrown.
Do any other biggas agree or do I need to try that top drawer stuff and then eat my words?

Im more of a uk fan to be honest ,i like the freshness that keeps the terps in.
Now for cali ive paid for£90 off tele groups and it was nice but never as good as a good homegrown if im honest ,some nice Doja,jungle boyz, BP boyz etc but nothing worth the money its just madness if im honest,other will say different .
Now for cali ive paid for£90 off tele groups and it was nice but never as good as a good homegrown if im honest ,some nice Doja,jungle boyz, BP boyz etc but nothing worth the money its just madness if im honest,other will say different .

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think that terps are probably the kicker for me. I want to be able to taste my weed and savour the difference in flavours between the various strains. Lose that side of it and I've already switched off.
I also reckon that the terps play a huge part in the overall effect of weed, perhaps more than we realise even now, so it's not just the taste that's affected when they're lost.
I also reckon that the terps play a huge part in the overall effect of weed, perhaps more than we realise even now, so it's not just the taste that's affected when they're lost.

Guys... waky waky, the real and only shit is in Cali and cost quite a lot of bucks
Fuck those midz you guys get in the UK, the real shit is in Cali and priced up for no less than 350 / 400 an ounce. Make the math
Now if ya'll happy with midz then whatever
Fuck those midz you guys get in the UK, the real shit is in Cali and priced up for no less than 350 / 400 an ounce. Make the math
Now if ya'll happy with midz then whatever a uk grower I'd like to throw in a few points.
PGR (plant growth regulators) are mostly how you get these rock hard leafless buds.use of pgrs normally reduces terpines by up to the legal us market bud is heavily regulated and tested for chemicals,any hint of heavy metals or chemicals will see the batch rejected...guess where those batches go lol
Prices-with the ever increasing legal grows the price in the US has dropped from $4000-6000 a pound to roughly $800!! Obviously time of year and quality dependant.
You can see how shipping around the globe is far more lucrative than their home market.
Genetics-mainly down to a numbers game..superb clones are much easier to find when your running thousands of plants compared to the average uk grower running 2msq or less.however,same as the bud,it doesn't take long for any clones to circulate the globe!
Market-the uk market seems to be falling for the the old cost=quality and weed that smashes you to sleep is best!.so the cali imports are mainly indica dominant and do just that.this is a shame as cannabis is so much more than getting red-eyed and eating crisps and sweets!!
UK-there are growers like me everywhere in every town,I am a member of many international forums and have been for 20yrs.
My bud is artisan shit,the finest genetics grown with love and skill. bud looks white with trichomes but isn't this false cali look so isn't regarded as top notch by an uneducated market...that is until they smoke it!!
I would encourage biggys to grow their own!! For the price of a q of cali you could be up and running and be 100% of what you are putting in your lungs,have several varieties and a great new hobby!!
Big up the uk growers
PGR (plant growth regulators) are mostly how you get these rock hard leafless buds.use of pgrs normally reduces terpines by up to the legal us market bud is heavily regulated and tested for chemicals,any hint of heavy metals or chemicals will see the batch rejected...guess where those batches go lol
Prices-with the ever increasing legal grows the price in the US has dropped from $4000-6000 a pound to roughly $800!! Obviously time of year and quality dependant.
You can see how shipping around the globe is far more lucrative than their home market.
Genetics-mainly down to a numbers game..superb clones are much easier to find when your running thousands of plants compared to the average uk grower running 2msq or less.however,same as the bud,it doesn't take long for any clones to circulate the globe!
Market-the uk market seems to be falling for the the old cost=quality and weed that smashes you to sleep is best!.so the cali imports are mainly indica dominant and do just that.this is a shame as cannabis is so much more than getting red-eyed and eating crisps and sweets!!
UK-there are growers like me everywhere in every town,I am a member of many international forums and have been for 20yrs.
My bud is artisan shit,the finest genetics grown with love and skill. bud looks white with trichomes but isn't this false cali look so isn't regarded as top notch by an uneducated market...that is until they smoke it!!
I would encourage biggys to grow their own!! For the price of a q of cali you could be up and running and be 100% of what you are putting in your lungs,have several varieties and a great new hobby!!
Big up the uk growers

Any tips on budget grow gear ? I’d only want space for 2 plants or something . Also does it not cost a bomb in energy if you aren’t selling

I fucking hate the term mate.
More so as we now have Cali (lows, mid, high, ultra, etc.)
I’ve tried some of the higher price stuff recently and it is EPIC.
I’m still yet to try one of those named 120quid and eighth packs from tgd.
For science and you lot, I need to, but my brain stops me every time I go to order cos I will Chong it almost as quick as lesser stuff.
Can I put a tips page up and we all chip in for the review?? 😂
Now, the stuff from just weed recently was legendary! The gushers a stand out for my terp preference.
However, the apple fritters which is same as Druid price 90$ for 7g iirc and is on point!
Like you I think uk grows can be just as special, occasionally more special as I expect our growers arent making as much as our US counterparts = Less love per plant!!!!
RealD skittles it top notch for price I don’t think it’s been beaten for me ever!
Rate everyone you mentioned, chase the terps is new and has EPIC “Cali” status uk drawer from the few I had.
It’s all subjective though to a degree, cos I tell you now if I won lottery I’d buy a lot of the higher price options 😂
But also the lower price as I usually enjoy them and like variety.
In summary I think the terms getting over used and diluted with tiers and what not making a buyers purchase even fucking harder!
Hence I love all your reviews and has helped Apex find some good stuff ❤️🤜
More so as we now have Cali (lows, mid, high, ultra, etc.)
I’ve tried some of the higher price stuff recently and it is EPIC.
I’m still yet to try one of those named 120quid and eighth packs from tgd.
For science and you lot, I need to, but my brain stops me every time I go to order cos I will Chong it almost as quick as lesser stuff.
Can I put a tips page up and we all chip in for the review?? 😂
Now, the stuff from just weed recently was legendary! The gushers a stand out for my terp preference.
However, the apple fritters which is same as Druid price 90$ for 7g iirc and is on point!
Like you I think uk grows can be just as special, occasionally more special as I expect our growers arent making as much as our US counterparts = Less love per plant!!!!
RealD skittles it top notch for price I don’t think it’s been beaten for me ever!
Rate everyone you mentioned, chase the terps is new and has EPIC “Cali” status uk drawer from the few I had.
It’s all subjective though to a degree, cos I tell you now if I won lottery I’d buy a lot of the higher price options 😂
But also the lower price as I usually enjoy them and like variety.
In summary I think the terms getting over used and diluted with tiers and what not making a buyers purchase even fucking harder!
Hence I love all your reviews and has helped Apex find some good stuff ❤️🤜

Surely cali mids lows whatever they are, is weed they don't want and send it over here assuming it is from cali 🤔

There are often intro offers where you can just try a g and make up your own mind about it. I've had some great top shelf 'Cali' off here that's been so strong I've had to rest through a joint, and equally I've had some that I'd never re-buy and was thankful I'd only committed to a small buy.
And yeah, surely if it was that good it would be snapped up by the home market. I've noticed in French supermarkets over the years that good recent vintages from a couple of years previously are readily available, and the poorer new vintages are all on our supermarket shelves.
And yeah, surely if it was that good it would be snapped up by the home market. I've noticed in French supermarkets over the years that good recent vintages from a couple of years previously are readily available, and the poorer new vintages are all on our supermarket shelves.

There is VAST over production of cannabis across N.America…honestly Google it- we are talking hundreds of tonnes of the stuff being destroyed (Canada destroyed 425 MILLION G’s last year!!😵)…so there is plenty of all qualities to find it’s way over here. Purchase price isn’t the issue, it’s all just shipping and risk….

Great point mate.
I’m loving sampler boxes and a great way to try a joint and keg of a few that are usually out my price range 🥳
I’m loving sampler boxes and a great way to try a joint and keg of a few that are usually out my price range 🥳

Yep, I've taken advantage of some sample offers which are great for trying things out.
Wish there were more of those for the top shelf expensive stuff but I know they leave vendors open to abuse from trolls so I get why they're not that common.
Wish there were more of those for the top shelf expensive stuff but I know they leave vendors open to abuse from trolls so I get why they're not that common.

Thanks dude, your reviews were part of what inspired me to take the plunge when I first joined LB so it's come full circle. 😊
I'm with you on those Zkittlez, the standard against which others are judged for me too!
I'll maybe take a punt at some point if I'm flush and I see some reliable recommendations so I'll keep my eye out for Apex reports on the premium offerings. 😉 💚
I'm with you on those Zkittlez, the standard against which others are judged for me too!
I'll maybe take a punt at some point if I'm flush and I see some reliable recommendations so I'll keep my eye out for Apex reports on the premium offerings. 😉 💚

Cheers mate, also to correct myself
Just weeds : apple fritters is actually $70 for the 7 which is a steal imo 🥳
Just weeds : apple fritters is actually $70 for the 7 which is a steal imo 🥳

I’m with you about it wanting to pay out the ass for bud, it’s hard for me because I budget how much I’m going to spend but my tolerance is high so I don’t really have the freedom to throw 90 quid on a Henry when, despite it probably looking smelling and tasting incredible I don’t feel the difference until I’ve smoked loads of it, so even for a treat for me it’s out the question.
I get live resin vapes for 60 quid and when I’m WFH I’m blasting it most of the day and get 3 days out of it and that gets me stoned, not as much as I’d like but more than weed but again the price point don’t know about you but I don’t have £500 + month for loads of options I just work a normal job.
The problem I have with loads of the UK grown good weed is even here people are asking for more than they’d ask for their cali mids we’re taking like 130 a half and even if it’s really good weed I wouldn’t pay that for anything from the UK unless it’s undisputedly top tier.
That being said, I’ve never had any ‘proper cali’ from here at those prices l, I’ve had Spanish weed that said it was cali and that was nice, everything I get from the USA gets stopped in transit or turns up crispy as sin.
I get live resin vapes for 60 quid and when I’m WFH I’m blasting it most of the day and get 3 days out of it and that gets me stoned, not as much as I’d like but more than weed but again the price point don’t know about you but I don’t have £500 + month for loads of options I just work a normal job.
The problem I have with loads of the UK grown good weed is even here people are asking for more than they’d ask for their cali mids we’re taking like 130 a half and even if it’s really good weed I wouldn’t pay that for anything from the UK unless it’s undisputedly top tier.
That being said, I’ve never had any ‘proper cali’ from here at those prices l, I’ve had Spanish weed that said it was cali and that was nice, everything I get from the USA gets stopped in transit or turns up crispy as sin.

Agreed, I need to spend wisely and I can't justify the additional cost whether it's import or not, especially knowing what else is on offer here. I'm pretty sure I'd be disappointed.
I've had some great smoke from Spain and from Hashishin too so I'm open to imports and ordering from outside the UK, I just find Cali to be a buzzword used too often now to pass off substandard import weed as 'pure fire' when it's no better than your average Thai stick. 😂
Now if someone could just organise me a personal supply direct from a CA farm...
I've had some great smoke from Spain and from Hashishin too so I'm open to imports and ordering from outside the UK, I just find Cali to be a buzzword used too often now to pass off substandard import weed as 'pure fire' when it's no better than your average Thai stick. 😂
Now if someone could just organise me a personal supply direct from a CA farm...

I've been underwhelmed so far, most likely I need to try something a lot stronger but I can't justify the cost these days

If it's PGR it's not Cali, PGR is banned in the US.
Cali mids are no better than UK top shelf.
Genuine Cali top shelf beats top shelf UK any day but good luck getting that over here, I've been to Cali a few times and their weed is legit better than anything over here. Same is also true of Canada and Washington (state).
The only legit Cali I've had off here is from Instant Grams and it was 100% worth it as I'm a quality over quantity person.
That said, you have no idea whether what you have bought is Cali or not and to be very blunt, if it's not ridiculously expensive, it's not legit. Importing and distributing top shelf USA weed is not cheap and anyone selling Cali for slightly more than UK is having you on.
Cali mids are no better than UK top shelf.
Genuine Cali top shelf beats top shelf UK any day but good luck getting that over here, I've been to Cali a few times and their weed is legit better than anything over here. Same is also true of Canada and Washington (state).
The only legit Cali I've had off here is from Instant Grams and it was 100% worth it as I'm a quality over quantity person.
That said, you have no idea whether what you have bought is Cali or not and to be very blunt, if it's not ridiculously expensive, it's not legit. Importing and distributing top shelf USA weed is not cheap and anyone selling Cali for slightly more than UK is having you on.

IMO proper cali smokes are way better than most UK. Average cali is absolutely hit and miss.
I tend to consume 90% UK, 10% Cali. UK is good enough a smoke, it does the job, but I find top shelf calis an overall better smoking experience. The smoothness of the smokes, the slow, clean burns allows you to just relax and enjoy a joint.
People mention freshness, but if you have the right plugs you can get fresh cali too. I know of top shelf cali dropping in the US and being available in the UK the same week as they're backdoored before being sent for testing, etc. But most loose cali has probably been sitting in warehouses for months.
I tend to consume 90% UK, 10% Cali. UK is good enough a smoke, it does the job, but I find top shelf calis an overall better smoking experience. The smoothness of the smokes, the slow, clean burns allows you to just relax and enjoy a joint.
People mention freshness, but if you have the right plugs you can get fresh cali too. I know of top shelf cali dropping in the US and being available in the UK the same week as they're backdoored before being sent for testing, etc. But most loose cali has probably been sitting in warehouses for months.

I'll need to give that cake a go at some point but your Ice Cream Float badder has jumped to the top of my shopping list so the bud might need to wait. 🤤

The gents stuff is the real deal. Try his Gooniez packs. Not quite as spendy as some. Top quality stuff. Will it get you higher than good UK stuff. No. But the overall quality and terps are a lot better. £40 better? I think so. That’s up to you. It’s kinda like the difference between a Hamlet cigar and a Cuban. They are both cigars. 🫣

Might need to give that a go then. My opinion on imports has shifted a bit since ordering from The Spacemen over the last few months so I'll maybe grab one of these packs as a treat. 👍

$99 of Tropical Cali mid for under $100 link added dude

You could’ve at least pretended to engage in the discussion while dropping your adverts mate 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Maybe smoke some of your out of stock gear, chill out and reflect on what I was saying….
Had you added your comment about “hey hear what your saying about price, terps, dryness and what not, maybe I can help to change your mind *insert link*
This way you might connect with more people who in turn will click said link.
I’m just a buyer, offering you a comment of how it repulsed me away from your gear instantly.
Your comments sealed that for me and I wish you a good day 🤜
Had you added your comment about “hey hear what your saying about price, terps, dryness and what not, maybe I can help to change your mind *insert link*
This way you might connect with more people who in turn will click said link.
I’m just a buyer, offering you a comment of how it repulsed me away from your gear instantly.
Your comments sealed that for me and I wish you a good day 🤜

1 post
+3 votes
January give away.
Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough

January give away.

January is nearly done, we're almost there, but to help us cross that finish line I'm giving away the following items from my stock:
1x Cheeba Chews
1x Concentrate caps
1x Candied almonds
1x Strawberry milkshake
1x Chocolate milkshake
All you have to do is comment with your life motto. I'll assign a number, then the winner will be drawn on 31st Jan using a number generator.
I'll start ( I won't allocate myself a number tho):
If it doesn't fit, force it.
1x Cheeba Chews
1x Concentrate caps
1x Candied almonds
1x Strawberry milkshake
1x Chocolate milkshake
All you have to do is comment with your life motto. I'll assign a number, then the winner will be drawn on 31st Jan using a number generator.
I'll start ( I won't allocate myself a number tho):
If it doesn't fit, force it.

When you laugh the world laughs with you but when you cry you cry alone🥲 be happy 😃

Congratulations, your number came up. I'll send a private message, just reply to that with your address and I'll get your prize sent over.

It is the spark of impulse, insight and inspiration that is essential to creativity.

Quod est superius est sicut quode inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius.

I like to think I treat others like royalty.... They treat me like Prince Andrew ;)

From one of the greatest social commenters of all time and words to live by
I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.
I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.

Ok so i've not had any new entries for about 4 days now. What is the general consensus, shall I get the draw underway??

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain.

Obviously I had to remind myself, what a great tune..... The video had Nuns on the Run it, what a nice bonus.

When you smile the whole world smiles with you but when you shit yourself your on your own

Nothing worth having in life, comes without sacrifice, or nobody rides for free motherfucker, for short.

I don't understand.
Marys little Kola?
Management Lama kitchen?
My little cock (spelled wrong)?
Marys little Kola?
Management Lama kitchen?
My little cock (spelled wrong)?

I mean, he didn't say 'No one rides for free, Motherfucker' I was reaching a little bit :)

Life’s a bitch and then we die so fuck the world and let’s get high ✌️
But in seriousness it’s each days a gift not a given right
But in seriousness it’s each days a gift not a given right

2 posts
+8 votes

What game are you currently playing?
In 2013 Jagex who own Runescape found backups of the game before they screwed it up basically, and it was files from 2007.
A small team took over it …
+ 2 more

What game are you currently playing?
I've finally gotten around to playing High on Life. I'm enjoying having humanity in the palm of my hands a bit too much 😜

In 2013 Jagex who own Runescape found backups of the game before they screwed it up basically, and it was files from 2007.
A small team took over it as a side project and it’s amazing it’s constantly updated and is Oldschool RuneScape that runs alongside RuneScape 3 which is the updated game that has a lot fewer players.
Ever want nostalgia come play it again there’s thousands of us!
A small team took over it as a side project and it’s amazing it’s constantly updated and is Oldschool RuneScape that runs alongside RuneScape 3 which is the updated game that has a lot fewer players.
Ever want nostalgia come play it again there’s thousands of us!

Not usually my type of game, but I’m proper lost in Hogwarts legacy. Great game after a bowl or two :)

I have a friend who plays that shit now, he used to be real good at rocket leaguentoo, but ever since he found distillate he has fallen from a crystal player to a lowly platinum

Don’t be fibbing randomiser, it’s widespread knowledge you have no friends xD and anyways, I heard your always at least two games behind your Rocket League team captain, so down of that horse.

My wife wouldn’t let me get it (she would but wouldn’t get me it for my birthday) because JK Rowling is a c**t and I just got hyped up and never bothered, was it good after a few days of playing?

Dude, you sound like someone who needs to play DayZ. Watch therunningmanz or freshspawns on youtube and you will get a good idea of what the games about. Best game ive ever played. The last of us has an online for it too called factions multiplayer. Straight up war🤣

Ahh, I don’t play DayZ as I’m on console but it’s comfy af kicking back to a bit of the ole runningmanz

I love Doom Eternal so much. Personally I find you have to stay calm and treat it like some weird racing game where you just rip and tear as you have to keep moving around the course like a race track.
Definitely one of my favourite games ever.
Definitely one of my favourite games ever.

Ha, great thread. Cyberpunk 2077, especially when I am high, it feels like I live inside the game lol

After watching the GTA 6 trailer the other day I was craving a rockstar game so I'm replaying the red dead 2 story, such a great game! 10/10

I'm obsessed with outriders at the moment it's really good, just waiting for starfield to launch (no pun intended) next month and I'll be booking some annual leave haha!

Project Zomboid. Relaxing, frustrating, steep learning curve, hit zombies in the face with griddle pans. What more do you need?

just floating around elite dangerous & ARK: survival Elevolved
waiting on starfeild being released
waiting on starfeild being released

Elite I enjoyed but haven't bothered with horizons
I may have purchased my first vr headset (rift) pretty much purely for elite at the time...
Actually I need to go back to that
I may have purchased my first vr headset (rift) pretty much purely for elite at the time...
Actually I need to go back to that

I rarely play the horizons myself. I use Thrustmaster & quest I get lost for Hours in ED
Started homeworld remastered still space but a little different
Started homeworld remastered still space but a little different

Yeah sold the cv1 for a quest 2 and have a thrustmaster t16000 hotas setup
Haven't played for since before horizons mind
It's the endless updating of shit that kills it for me now
If I'm not constantly on it,.everytime I want to play I need to update everything from drivers to headset to game to...
Haven't played for since before horizons mind
It's the endless updating of shit that kills it for me now
If I'm not constantly on it,.everytime I want to play I need to update everything from drivers to headset to game to...

Retro…Call of duty 2…playing through the campaign….when cod had long campaigns. But it was cod2 online that grabbed my attention away back 2006…4v4 main gun and a side arm…grenade and a smoker…simple times pure dead brilliant

MK1 at the moment, though I haven’t played a fighting game since I was a kid!
Always been a pvp gamer.
Always been struggling to find good pvp action outside of shooters.
And fighting games have been here the whole damn time lol.
Been living a lie.
Always been a pvp gamer.
Always been struggling to find good pvp action outside of shooters.
And fighting games have been here the whole damn time lol.
Been living a lie.

You've reminded me: Street Fighter 6 has probably updated and downloaded everything so I can play now! But it's 00:32. Sleep is probably wisest...

Not playing it right now but a blast from the past anyone remember "Sinclair 64" with the tape player to load games and the tiny black keyboard? Oh PaperBoy was the game we loved! Been on ebay and seen you can still get them !

I'm currently playing super snail on android 🤣 super addictive. Join my clan (kimchikings). I'm 53 highest ranked in the world 💚

Amazing seeing all the osrs players on here. Brilliant game, been hooked to runescape since 2005.
Currently playing through a Total War: Warhammer 3 campaign myself.
Currently playing through a Total War: Warhammer 3 campaign myself.

I'm playing gta v online but started to look at redfall last night and I'm not sure what to think lol

Dude, come and join me on an apocalyptic journey like no other. Come and enter the one and only world that is. DayZ.

I keep seeing this creep back up on Steam. I played this waaaaaaay back when it was an ARMA 2 mod and it still stands out as one of the most interesting online experiences. Like 99% of it was utter shit, running around an enormous map, janky as fuck zombies, not seeing a single person, randomly breaking your legs and then getting killed by someone you never even saw. But fuccck when it was that 1% it was something really special.

Well…..funny question. Its never been fully fixed it has constantly been getting fixed and updated and patched and what not. Its looking better than it ever has. If you haven’t played for years you would be shocked as to what its become now. I only play on console but I am moving to pc soon so I can get all the maps that the main streamers play on. On console dayz we only have chernarus and livonia to explore.
On pc you have like a near enough unlimited number of some amazing maps now.
For example, deer isle,
takistan, esseker. Theyre just to name a few. Its quit insane. Never known a game like it 🤣
On pc you have like a near enough unlimited number of some amazing maps now.
For example, deer isle,
takistan, esseker. Theyre just to name a few. Its quit insane. Never known a game like it 🤣

Ohhh man the map! I forgot about the map. I remember I was working at a place that had a huge printer capable of printing on canvas for construction signs etc.
I printed like a 6ft by 6ft (way bigger than I realised) copy of the map onto canvas. It was absolutely beautiful......and no real help whatsoever aha!
What route you going with on the PC front Finbar? Building or buying? Is the whole graphics card shortage over yet? I'd seriously recomend taking a look at the STALKER mod - Anomaly when you do get one. It feels like the single player ancestor to a lot of these style of games IMO.
I printed like a 6ft by 6ft (way bigger than I realised) copy of the map onto canvas. It was absolutely beautiful......and no real help whatsoever aha!
What route you going with on the PC front Finbar? Building or buying? Is the whole graphics card shortage over yet? I'd seriously recomend taking a look at the STALKER mod - Anomaly when you do get one. It feels like the single player ancestor to a lot of these style of games IMO.

You haven’t played for a long time it seems. Check out youtube and youll see how much its blown. Watch “the running man z” and “fresh spawns” youll get the jist. Yes sir you have definitely played DayZ! 🤣🫶

Also, the last of us has an online called factions multiplayer. There is nothing like that either. Supply raid is basically a 4v4 each team starts on 20 then it goes down to sudden death potentially. All in all great games if you love the zombie apocalypse scenario. The last of us story mode is the best story I have ever watched. I was guttered when they deviated in some parts from the game compared to the series. It is what it is I suppose haha

If you want a good idea of how you play it so you learn quickly. Watch therunningmanz and fresh spawns. Trust me dude. This isnt just a game. Youll soon realise. Just remember to have fun along your painful journey! 🤣

1 post
+3 votes

0.5g test orders on my dawg!
Think this probably won't end up being a seller, StarDawg is the most common strain we get in the UK and I have, in the 8 trillion times i've tried it…

0.5g test orders on my dawg!
(Reupload): Buying from a new seller can be worrying, i have personally never had any trouble on here but i have read some things. Im offering a test order so you can see how i send my bud (stealth, packaging and product)
Hopefully this will bring in a few heads, i know my page isnt exactly abundant with product but i will soon get some more strains in and see how it goes.
Hopefully this will bring in a few heads, i know my page isnt exactly abundant with product but i will soon get some more strains in and see how it goes.

Think this probably won't end up being a seller, StarDawg is the most common strain we get in the UK and I have, in the 8 trillion times i've tried it, ever had one that I was like "Damn so that's why this came over from NY/Cali" it's decent weed at a decent price, like a Heineken!
But this dawg looks normal, even the 0.5g tester is too expensive, and what do you do with 0.5g? Not trying to be rude I do want to help you, but unless you're selling some StarDawg from the actual stars nobodies paying these prices.
Good luck mate!
But this dawg looks normal, even the 0.5g tester is too expensive, and what do you do with 0.5g? Not trying to be rude I do want to help you, but unless you're selling some StarDawg from the actual stars nobodies paying these prices.
Good luck mate!

gotta agree there, it seems as though dog has taken over the uk along side ammi, outta the both im a dog man however all the dog is the same no matter where you go in the uk, ive as above never had a strain of dawg where i was like fuck a duck this shit hits and is so tasty!
i think every vendor on LB started out selling at a loss to bring in the customers so starting at a high price already minimises your chances of success especially on a site that already has banging green at the same price as the dawg,
onto the 0.5 im 100% with shipitout on this, i don't actually believe a 0.5 would do anything too me!
best of luck my friend, ill keep an eye on yer page,
i think every vendor on LB started out selling at a loss to bring in the customers so starting at a high price already minimises your chances of success especially on a site that already has banging green at the same price as the dawg,
onto the 0.5 im 100% with shipitout on this, i don't actually believe a 0.5 would do anything too me!
best of luck my friend, ill keep an eye on yer page,

2 posts
+2 votes
If sword art online was a possibility would you do it?
Knowing how it turned out for them? Probably not, but if VR MMO's ever become a real, affordable thing i'd definitely give it a go. SOA was my favouri…
+ 2 more
Knowing how it turned out for them? Probably not, but if VR MMO's ever become a real, affordable thing i'd definitely give it a go. SOA was my favourite anime for ages, did not like it as much re-watching it sadly.
Also, I know nobody asked but isn't it all over the place? Going from an MMO to a Fairy MMO to a Shooter MMO all the while kind of glossing over all them feelings about being forced to survive in a game, or never REALLY getting to sort out what was going on outside the game.
I loved them don't get me wrong, but it kind of felt a bit all over the place after S1.
Also, I know nobody asked but isn't it all over the place? Going from an MMO to a Fairy MMO to a Shooter MMO all the while kind of glossing over all them feelings about being forced to survive in a game, or never REALLY getting to sort out what was going on outside the game.
I loved them don't get me wrong, but it kind of felt a bit all over the place after S1.

Yeah I agree that was like the whole premise for it, I don't know whether there was a Manga before when all the other worlds came out or whether they just finished S1 and some angry Japanese feller comes in with a ciggy hanging out his mouth "NEXT SEASON THINK OF SOMETHING GO!"
SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER: I wasn't fussy on any series after 1 but the kid with AIDS hit me harder than I thought it would. I'm getting soft in my old age.
SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER: I wasn't fussy on any series after 1 but the kid with AIDS hit me harder than I thought it would. I'm getting soft in my old age.

1 post
+10 votes

Sadly, Pistach is not the seller they used to be & I won't be using them again. I placed an order NDD but it wasn't sent. It arrived after I chased and I thought mistakes happen, I won't hold it against them. My next order was placed, again NDD and again it wasn't sent. Had to chase and it eventually arrived. Comms were patchy and unhelpful in both cases. Other comments on these threads suggest this isn't just me and not a one-off. It's a shame, they have a decent menu and used to be reliable - but that's nearly £20 wasted on NDD postage and really bad comms.

I had the same issue with WeedstarTHC, so it's not limited to one vendor. I'm taking it as a loss. There seems to be a thing on LB where no one wants to name and shame the people who fuck you over, even some of the comments on here are vague, but why hide? We're just assisting these guys offering a shitty service and basically stealing from other people. If there are vendors that are sending shit in place of quality then we should be telling the community, I don't get why anyone would be scared of being honest.
Never dealt with Pistach but heard many good things about them. My recent dealings (or non-dealings) with WeedstarTHC mean I am now down to using 1 or 2 vendors that I trust, I can't afford to write money off each month
Never dealt with Pistach but heard many good things about them. My recent dealings (or non-dealings) with WeedstarTHC mean I am now down to using 1 or 2 vendors that I trust, I can't afford to write money off each month

I had a shit experience with one of the biggest vendors here, I’ve just scoured my messages and posts to find the name but couldn’t so I won’t mention who I think it was.
Got a 3.5 deal of bud and hash I think last year? They had overwhelmingly good reviews, the bud turned up and it smelled like shite, irrigated, manure and it was crispy. I messaged the seller “Not sure why that happened let me chase it later” days went by, no message, messaged them again and got ignored.
At the time I was new here and didn’t want any bullshit sent to my house over 3.5g of bad product don’t even think I left a review, if it had have been now I’d have hit them with the worst review ever. I did mention it though and the worst part is people commenting after like “They’re a good vendor” and “Well I’ve never had any problems” and it’s like, so what? Why would your experience invalidate mine?
Also, I got some good dawg from Pistach the other month and it was here fast but I know for a fact there have been loads of people who’ve ordered who had a bad experience and have been ignored by them.
At this point everyone needs to be absolutely honest about the experience and product they get, it’s the same as everywhere else and LB charges sellers a percentage for the privilege of feedback etc so we need to use it so people don’t get shafted.
Got a 3.5 deal of bud and hash I think last year? They had overwhelmingly good reviews, the bud turned up and it smelled like shite, irrigated, manure and it was crispy. I messaged the seller “Not sure why that happened let me chase it later” days went by, no message, messaged them again and got ignored.
At the time I was new here and didn’t want any bullshit sent to my house over 3.5g of bad product don’t even think I left a review, if it had have been now I’d have hit them with the worst review ever. I did mention it though and the worst part is people commenting after like “They’re a good vendor” and “Well I’ve never had any problems” and it’s like, so what? Why would your experience invalidate mine?
Also, I got some good dawg from Pistach the other month and it was here fast but I know for a fact there have been loads of people who’ve ordered who had a bad experience and have been ignored by them.
At this point everyone needs to be absolutely honest about the experience and product they get, it’s the same as everywhere else and LB charges sellers a percentage for the privilege of feedback etc so we need to use it so people don’t get shafted.

Made hundreds of buys here & tend to just quietly walk away from bad experiences- but, like you say, I'm hopefully doing other people a favour by speaking out. I'll be taking your advice & helping the community from now on & saying something when I get bad service/poor quality gear.

I agree but you should also name drop those vendors you trust. It goes both ways, out the shitty vendors and big up the good ones. Sure it would help some people out here too

Also can be a kick in the head wen you purchase some pukka but recieve something lower Then you see a review from somebody who purchased the same timish with how quality that flower is. Wich leaves you thinking..... ''How is that.. Then it comes down to the word SELECTIVE. YOU GET ME? But therr is some pukka on LB bless to them ones

I let vendors know when I order not to sub me without my agreeing it first. I want what I order but I accept there are no stock counters on here and good gear goes quick. However I don't want them to choose some random replacement. Good comms solves it, I just want to agree my own second choice. If they sub me anyway despite my request and I hate the product I would dispute it...

I ordered dawg free delivery from pistach two weeks as i wasnt in a rush, good dawg for price and landed next day, ordered 7g of biscotti i think paid NDD and three days later it still aint here, i put another order in with another vendor at the same time for carts. They landed the very next day. Its weird. Unfortunately i was in a rush., Was heading away for a few days so ordered NDD, leaving an xtra day to allow for royal mail fuk ups. Sadly i left for my holiday smokeless but tahnkfully have my D9 to stave away the blues, nothing beats a bit of smoke though imho. Hope pistach comes good for me and i get my delivery, gutted ndd was paid for nothing, but i will be sick as a dog if it doesnt show at all. I will give pistach benefit of doubt and assume its royal mails issue. I will let yall know how it pans out

Well all is good. Pistach shall remain in the good vendor column, royal mail however..... must plan accordingly i guess is the motto.

I’m gutted, Pistach used to be my go to vendors 90% arrived the next day and over 20 orders, last order of 14g paid for NDD , marked as sent and has never turned up, that was 11 days ago. Can’t get a response to my message. Starting to feel like a shit show.

When was this mate? Currently have the same issue. 8 days now kw waiting on NDD and now getting ignored? 23/08/23

Not last week but the week before. Hope you get it sorted (worst case scenario, you time them out & dispute, but that's not ideal) - then avoid this seller. Good luck!

Cheers mate. Wasn't sure if we were in the same time period and there 'may' have been a genuine reason. Never had to go through a dispute before so hoping it does come tommorow, move on and never come back. Lessons well and truly learnt

Pistach not unreliable for me but I feel you there is lot of subs and replacements for less than what you paid going about from vendors wich can be also confusing when you buy a product expecting the best for the price you pay and that you recieve something less quality for what you paid. Is a real heart breaker but we move on and keep trying but I've lost count the amount I have been subbed lol and only been here a year. But it's nice when you get some pukka pukka nice feeling. People should know some vendor make mony from customer and sell you something diferent to go purchase some Pukka them self. Easy one but still bless all.

1 post
+4 votes
The Deftones
I’ve had multiple nights on both and ‘Passenger’ by Deftones is on both my playlists that song absolutely smashes depending on what you’re doing and I…

I see your Deftones, and I raise you Andrew W.K.
Not only a renowned party animal (that I once saw headbutt a 'water' bottle thrown from the crowd, and then he roared and carried on), but once a superb agony uncle too. Very insightful and very focussed, and so intense that sometimes you worry about the situation you're in, then you realise you're with friends, relax and let it wash over you and enjoy the moment.
Not only a renowned party animal (that I once saw headbutt a 'water' bottle thrown from the crowd, and then he roared and carried on), but once a superb agony uncle too. Very insightful and very focussed, and so intense that sometimes you worry about the situation you're in, then you realise you're with friends, relax and let it wash over you and enjoy the moment.

I’ve had multiple nights on both and ‘Passenger’ by Deftones is on both my playlists that song absolutely smashes depending on what you’re doing and I get anyone who loves their music to listen to it!

Never done cocaine so not sure on that although I've chilled out plenty to them,love the white pony album,only band I've heard to include a voice solo instead of a guitar on knife party if I'm not mistaken,that woman can sing

I get where your coming from, I’ve always been a big fan but recently listened to them during a mushroom trip and damn they tapped in to some high consciousness shit, the vocals and the guitar on the b sides album had my eyes rolling.

4 posts
+12 votes
FRYD 2G Liquid Diamonds Disposable + PROMO
I really love vapes, I think the fact that you can walk around have a little puff of a vape and the smell dissipates and you feel better is so much be…
+ 4 more

FRYD 2G Liquid Diamonds Disposable + PROMO

Hey biggas
Look what we got our hands on for you!
Bargain Promo prices to get some quick feedback and reviews.
FRYD 2G Liquid Diamonds Diposable
-Banana Nerdz - SNDD - $110 (5 available)
-Peach Ringz - SNDD - $110 (5 available)
First come first served.
Enjoy! 😉💚
Look what we got our hands on for you!
Bargain Promo prices to get some quick feedback and reviews.
FRYD 2G Liquid Diamonds Diposable
-Banana Nerdz - SNDD - $110 (5 available)
-Peach Ringz - SNDD - $110 (5 available)
First come first served.
Enjoy! 😉💚

Not being funny, I can buy these empty for $2.65 per pc. I've linked the site to buy them. 1 search on the fakecartridges subreddit has pulled up enough posts to let me know these are an unreputable BM brand. Loads of vendors are buying off vendors on other platforms, who ship these vapes in bulk from the US (where there are LOADS of fakes) and trick UK vendors into believing they have a legit product. They did it with the THC-O pens when they were made illegal, UK market was full of the stock they couldn't sell. Whatever they can't sell gets imported here or sold to people dumb enough to believe it. It might be the case that GC has been stung by a bad vendor for some fake vapes.
Just because it comes from USA doesn't make it legit, I know vendors who were shipping the fake Jeeter Juice straws from the US, plenty of idiots bought them. If you aren't making and filling vapes yourself with proper lab tested distillate and good terps, don't bother in my opinion.
Just because it comes from USA doesn't make it legit, I know vendors who were shipping the fake Jeeter Juice straws from the US, plenty of idiots bought them. If you aren't making and filling vapes yourself with proper lab tested distillate and good terps, don't bother in my opinion.

Same can be said for every brand.
Whatever brand you search for online will always bring back negative results due to there being so many fakes around.
However I’d rather be safe than sorry, I will pause this listing for now until I get further clarification on these.
Whatever brand you search for online will always bring back negative results due to there being so many fakes around.
However I’d rather be safe than sorry, I will pause this listing for now until I get further clarification on these.

People know how to spot the difference between legit dispensary vapes and fake branded vapes like these. The only trusted legit Cali vapes on here are from sayno2drugs which ship direct from LA

Absolutely dude, I don't buy branded vapes of any kind as I smoke concentrates and weed. If I was going to make vapes, I would use lab tested distillate and high quality terpenes, it seems the only way nowadays if you want to sell people an authentic product.
I respect that you've made the decision to remove them, if you go look on reddit they're absolutely ripping into these, they've apparently come back for nicotine and delta 8 before which is mental!
I respect that you've made the decision to remove them, if you go look on reddit they're absolutely ripping into these, they've apparently come back for nicotine and delta 8 before which is mental!

Vapes are also not really my thing.
I’m reading through plenty on Reddit now.
We know these are BM, but are we saying even the “genuine” FRYD vapes are trash?
If you search other BM brands too you will get similar results, a bunch of negative reviews heavily outweighing any positive ones due to there being so many fakes.
Can QR verification be faked?
Yes the listing will not go back up until I’m 110% certain on what the deal is with these.
(Nobody has ordered or been sent any of this yet)
I’m reading through plenty on Reddit now.
We know these are BM, but are we saying even the “genuine” FRYD vapes are trash?
If you search other BM brands too you will get similar results, a bunch of negative reviews heavily outweighing any positive ones due to there being so many fakes.
Can QR verification be faked?
Yes the listing will not go back up until I’m 110% certain on what the deal is with these.
(Nobody has ordered or been sent any of this yet)

Its best to avoid these brands in general, they aren't regulated and are EASILY faked. I would probably just take the hit on these, I wouldn't even push these on the street, I care about my customers health and wellbeing.
QR verification is easily faked and there countless fake vapes with fake QRs to match, I wouldn't worry though as you haven't sold any on here.
QR verification is easily faked and there countless fake vapes with fake QRs to match, I wouldn't worry though as you haven't sold any on here.

I hear you.
I would also never willingly sell something that has any risk of harm to customers.
Nobody will be touching these until I am 110% sure about them. May look into getting them tested.
I appreciate you stepping in and bringing all this to my attention - it could have gotten very messy if I already sent some out.
I would also never willingly sell something that has any risk of harm to customers.
Nobody will be touching these until I am 110% sure about them. May look into getting them tested.
I appreciate you stepping in and bringing all this to my attention - it could have gotten very messy if I already sent some out.

I really love vapes, I think the fact that you can walk around have a little puff of a vape and the smell dissipates and you feel better is so much better than smoking.
I have tried over 30 types of vapes, carts etc from all over and also from here and I will speak from experience - experiences differ and I can’t speak for every BM cart but here are my findings.
Do not buy ANY Packman, Cake, Fryd, Chief vape unless there is absolute guaranteed proof it’s from a reputable US vendor.
I have had 2 x Packmans from vendors on this site (one off site but is a vendor here) and I promise you that both of them were not even remotely legit.
I was sent a Berry Payton one from a vendor to give a review, it was not weed. It was botanical tasting had no weed taste or smell and I believe completely dangerous, they’d already sold some and for some reason had good reviews on them. They took them off after I gave them the honest review.
The second one (lemon something) I still have, I was sent a Ccell with it which worked absolutely fine but the Packman smashed my lungs, was CRAZY lemon tasting (unnatural) and despite them claiming these were fully legit I just can’t see that being the case. I smell weed after a few pulls but it wasn’t getting me high.
I will NEVER buy another branded vape cart unless I end up going to America to try it. Vendors here make their own and they are fantastic, you run far too many risks getting a BM pen especially since you can buy clearly legit home made carts from vendors who genuinely care.
I’m not here to shoot down this specific product, if it’s good (and legit and worth the big price tag) then go nuts, but me personally I’d never ever buy another branded cart.
I have tried over 30 types of vapes, carts etc from all over and also from here and I will speak from experience - experiences differ and I can’t speak for every BM cart but here are my findings.
Do not buy ANY Packman, Cake, Fryd, Chief vape unless there is absolute guaranteed proof it’s from a reputable US vendor.
I have had 2 x Packmans from vendors on this site (one off site but is a vendor here) and I promise you that both of them were not even remotely legit.
I was sent a Berry Payton one from a vendor to give a review, it was not weed. It was botanical tasting had no weed taste or smell and I believe completely dangerous, they’d already sold some and for some reason had good reviews on them. They took them off after I gave them the honest review.
The second one (lemon something) I still have, I was sent a Ccell with it which worked absolutely fine but the Packman smashed my lungs, was CRAZY lemon tasting (unnatural) and despite them claiming these were fully legit I just can’t see that being the case. I smell weed after a few pulls but it wasn’t getting me high.
I will NEVER buy another branded vape cart unless I end up going to America to try it. Vendors here make their own and they are fantastic, you run far too many risks getting a BM pen especially since you can buy clearly legit home made carts from vendors who genuinely care.
I’m not here to shoot down this specific product, if it’s good (and legit and worth the big price tag) then go nuts, but me personally I’d never ever buy another branded cart.

i also tested one of those berry payton ones and yeah, total garbage, with the quickest google search you can find all the parts needed to fake them from china including the packaging etc, thought it was smart of the vendor to send a few out for testing, they didnt stock them.

Thank you, looks like making them in-house with high quality product is the way to go for sure. 👍

If you ever do buy branded again, Sayno2drugs is 100% legit. Shipped from US, with the tracking, takes a while, but at least you know its the real deal.

I find this public reasoned and reasonable interactions from 2 vendors (full disclosure: both of whom I've ordered from and flawless service from both) and the assurances very reassuring.
From my first interaction with GameChanger on a topic in the early hours of the morning they've been publicly and privately completely above board in anything they've posted or stated, and this just reassures me more.
Regarding carts though, I came to the same conclusion that SOTL has asserted that you're probably best off buying from people who test and produce. I'm still loving my 1st Biscotti 100% live resin cart which fits that profile. I bought it as it also looks really innocuous. Not only can these branded vapes be faked in huge numbers, but who do they appeal to as garish items often emblazoned with THC statements? I couldn't smoke this in a beer garden, really, could I? May have a few odd looks at least. The cart and pen is completely unnoticed. These alternatives must have an audience other than me or they wouldn't be so popular, and presumably so lucrative for fakers.
From my first interaction with GameChanger on a topic in the early hours of the morning they've been publicly and privately completely above board in anything they've posted or stated, and this just reassures me more.
Regarding carts though, I came to the same conclusion that SOTL has asserted that you're probably best off buying from people who test and produce. I'm still loving my 1st Biscotti 100% live resin cart which fits that profile. I bought it as it also looks really innocuous. Not only can these branded vapes be faked in huge numbers, but who do they appeal to as garish items often emblazoned with THC statements? I couldn't smoke this in a beer garden, really, could I? May have a few odd looks at least. The cart and pen is completely unnoticed. These alternatives must have an audience other than me or they wouldn't be so popular, and presumably so lucrative for fakers.

Lucrative for vendors too. How many LB vendors have fallen for this now?…it’s looking a lot like greed to me…

Vendors who list vapes like these know exactly what they are doing, and then act innocent when called out on it. Even if they wanted to list these for purchase, you still need importation proof and a genuine certification from the brand, now proof borg is on the scene

I hope you’re not talking about me there.
There’s nothing to “act innocent”about…
I paid a very high price for these and had no doubts about it being genuine.
Now with the information everyone has provided I’ve removed the listing, nobody has bought or been sent any of this.
We still don’t know if they’re genuine or not, there’s no way of knowing unless I get them tested.
Regardless - I’m never going to list any disposable vapes from now on.
There’s nothing to “act innocent”about…
I paid a very high price for these and had no doubts about it being genuine.
Now with the information everyone has provided I’ve removed the listing, nobody has bought or been sent any of this.
We still don’t know if they’re genuine or not, there’s no way of knowing unless I get them tested.
Regardless - I’m never going to list any disposable vapes from now on.

There is no “genuine” Fryd. They are and always have been unlicensed, unregulated black market boof products filled with synthetic oils and other nasty ingredients

Oh yeah, I don't doubt that, but considering how quickly this was taken down this afternoon after SOTL's assertion I'd like to think that shows that wasn't the case here.

Vendors need to accept responsibility and do better due diligence before listing items on their stores…

As I said I had no reason to doubt the product, if I had picked them up for half the price that I paid, I would be more skeptical.
I can assure everyone this won’t happen again from us.
Hopefully never happens at all from any vendor 👍
As I said I had no reason to doubt the product, if I had picked them up for half the price that I paid, I would be more skeptical.
I can assure everyone this won’t happen again from us.
Hopefully never happens at all from any vendor 👍

I paid a genuinely high price for these, this product would be my lowest profit margin listing to date.

Then you got had, but you must have got a whiff of what’s been going on around here with fake vape listings surely?
Biggas need confidence that our vendors know enough about their products and suppliers to be 100% sure of what they are selling us. I know there is always an element of “buyer beware” (I wouldn’t touch a branded vape right now with a barge pole) but I don’t think it’s too much to ask that you have done all necessary due diligence including testing before listing….
Biggas need confidence that our vendors know enough about their products and suppliers to be 100% sure of what they are selling us. I know there is always an element of “buyer beware” (I wouldn’t touch a branded vape right now with a barge pole) but I don’t think it’s too much to ask that you have done all necessary due diligence including testing before listing….

I’m not too clued up on vapes, I was already aware of there being plenty of fakes around.
I was completely unaware of the bad reputation FRYD seem to have, at a minimum I should have researched this product more before I bought, and researched even more before I listed it. For this I can only apologise.
I was completely unaware of the bad reputation FRYD seem to have, at a minimum I should have researched this product more before I bought, and researched even more before I listed it. For this I can only apologise.

Appreciate you owning up on this, as others have said though this has happened multiple times this year with the exact same script.
At bare minimum I’d say, why didn’t you try it yourself? As I mentioned I’ve had 2 Packman vapes, tried them both and knew they weren’t weed. End of the day we all make mistakes but I do think absolutely all due diligence is meant to be taken by a vendor before they start advertising goods, even if you just buy a batch of ten and try one before ordering a load.
At bare minimum I’d say, why didn’t you try it yourself? As I mentioned I’ve had 2 Packman vapes, tried them both and knew they weren’t weed. End of the day we all make mistakes but I do think absolutely all due diligence is meant to be taken by a vendor before they start advertising goods, even if you just buy a batch of ten and try one before ordering a load.

I can see why people may have jumped to those type of conclusions then. That’s fair enough.
Even if I were to try it, I wouldn’t know much about it. I’ve never vaped anything.
Again it’s no excuse, I shouldn’t try to sell products that I have little knowledge about.
Even if I were to try it, I wouldn’t know much about it. I’ve never vaped anything.
Again it’s no excuse, I shouldn’t try to sell products that I have little knowledge about.

Fair enough, I respect your attitude and owning it. There have been similar disputes in the past and sellers have been straight up dismissive and scummy and it’s lost them my business and other people’s.
Hope everything works out for you going forward.
Hope everything works out for you going forward.

Fryd have the worst reputation of any black market brand in the US. They have been shown to contain nothing that’s stated on the labels. Synthetic oils that make people feel sick 🤢

did you know Cake stimulates a part of the brain called "Shatner's Bassoon" and one young kiddie on cake cried all the water out of his body.

Do a little research, you won’t find anything good said about these vapes. They are made with synthetic delta 8 and have failed numerous pesticide tests

“You won’t find anything good said about these vapes”
That’s not entirely true..
I’m also seeing people that say the “genuine” FRYD vapes are good, however there are a lot more people calling them out for being trash (again how do we verify who is talking about genuine and who is talking about fakes?)
Can QR verification be faked?
The entire subreddit is dedicated to calling out fake carts so it’s obvious most posts will be negative.
Look up other REAL brands and also BM brands - you’ll get the same results.
That’s not entirely true..
I’m also seeing people that say the “genuine” FRYD vapes are good, however there are a lot more people calling them out for being trash (again how do we verify who is talking about genuine and who is talking about fakes?)
Can QR verification be faked?
The entire subreddit is dedicated to calling out fake carts so it’s obvious most posts will be negative.
Look up other REAL brands and also BM brands - you’ll get the same results.

Problem with them, regardless of the fakes, is that unless it comes directly from them, would you trust something with such an awful name, that many of their vapes have failed lab tests because they had pesticides? Not worth the hassle. Pretty much, if it's a branded vape and it's on dhgate, generally avoid. Just make your own carts and trade in your name, like Dr Terpy, MJConcentrates, and others

I’ll have to look into that, as I said this is not really my thing.
I can source the things needed to make the carts and maybe just sell, or look into making them myself, or even both.
But I won’t be bothering with any branded or BM vapes anymore - seems like a lot of hassle.
I can source the things needed to make the carts and maybe just sell, or look into making them myself, or even both.
But I won’t be bothering with any branded or BM vapes anymore - seems like a lot of hassle.

Check those fake packaging websites. You’ll see they offer a QR option, and even scratch hologram security seals.

It’s mainly the QR thing that convinced me it was okay.
Feel very stupid now seeing how easily these can be faked.
I’ll stick to what I know 👍
Feel very stupid now seeing how easily these can be faked.
I’ll stick to what I know 👍

QR codes can be faked, the packman I tested had a QR link to a legit looking website that said it was real, no code or information about the specific product and when I googled the Packman verification and link there was nothing, must just be a site they’ve made which is even worse because the product was absolutely not weed.

1 post
+1 votes
Looking for new tunes
Going to list a few I think you’ll like;
Greta van fleet - Lover, Leaver
Polyphia - Playing God
Anything by Silk Sonic or Anderson…
Looking for new tunes
So big music head always looking for new tunes, my taste go from the classics the doors,floyd , zeppelin, the who. To drum n bass , ltj bukem, Kruder & dorfmeister , electro swing, funk … last album that blew me away was years ago I’d love to hear everyone’s recommendations

I have a playlist on spotify of tunes I like listening to while baked. Mostly dream pop type stuff if you're into that. Playlist name: dream pop & other goodly stuff

Dead south.
Electric guest.
No particular song or album.
Plenty of good tracks between em.
Just two picks from an ever growing list of great artists
Electric guest.
No particular song or album.
Plenty of good tracks between em.
Just two picks from an ever growing list of great artists

Dead South are awesome. Discovered them during lockdown....also, touring UK later this year :)

Agreed mate.
Nathaniel Hilts (Dead South) Mary Eliza Doyle ( she’s cool as) and Curtis glass did a backyard session called codeine..
yeah. End of October 🤘
Nathaniel Hilts (Dead South) Mary Eliza Doyle ( she’s cool as) and Curtis glass did a backyard session called codeine..
yeah. End of October 🤘

World of drum and bass music offers a wide range of styles and subgenres, each with its own unique appeal.
Here are a few notable tracks and artists across different subgenres that you might enjoy:
1."Inner City Life" by Goldie
2."Pulp Fiction" by Alex Reece
3."Midnight" by Un-Cut
4."Planet Dust" by Bad Company UK
5."Tarantula" by Pendulum
6."Subway" by Netsky
7."Valley of the Shadows" by Origin Unknown
8."Hold Your Colour" by Noisia
9."Machete" by DJ Hazard & D Minds
10."Blood Sugar" by Pendulum
Here are a few notable tracks and artists across different subgenres that you might enjoy:
1."Inner City Life" by Goldie
2."Pulp Fiction" by Alex Reece
3."Midnight" by Un-Cut
4."Planet Dust" by Bad Company UK
5."Tarantula" by Pendulum
6."Subway" by Netsky
7."Valley of the Shadows" by Origin Unknown
8."Hold Your Colour" by Noisia
9."Machete" by DJ Hazard & D Minds
10."Blood Sugar" by Pendulum

Love Goldie and anything metalheadz, in the early 90s I used to go to the blue note on a Sunday night which was metalheadz , the start of it all … amazing memories

My music taste is all over the shop so you might not like it, but I’ll give you some music I’ve been playing recently

Doubt many have heard this, but basically the story behind this song and others in the album is that someone somehow ended up in a parallel universe where either the beetles never broke up or ended up getting back together & never died. Which led to the creation of this so called album and a few others. Some guy stole this album which was on a cassette tape and some how managed to bring it to our universe, I can’t fully remember the story but it’s on the internet somewhere with a full web site explaining the story, I’ll link it for anyone whose interested

Yeah quite freaky to think about, have you done research on any of the conspiracy theories at all around Paul McCartney? If you haven’t it’s a great watch while stoned.

The link to his website explaining the story and with the music he brought back with him (can’t post in web link bar )

2 (recentish) d&b albums:
Dom & Roland - Last Refuge of a Scoundrel
Harmony - Resurgence
Dom & Roland - Last Refuge of a Scoundrel
Harmony - Resurgence

Here’s a few of my recommendations
Gasper Lawal - Ajomase (full album)
Steve Monite - Only you
Anything by Tim Maia
Shigeru Umebayashi - In the mood for love
Saib - São Paulo sunset
Mazouni - Ecoute moi camarade
Kokoroko - Abusey junction
Yusef Lateef - like it is
Chavela Vargas - La Llorona
Jorge Cafrune - no soy de aqui y no soy de alla
Death grips - spread eagle across the block
East Flatbush project - a madman’s dream / tried by 12
Gasper Lawal - Ajomase (full album)
Steve Monite - Only you
Anything by Tim Maia
Shigeru Umebayashi - In the mood for love
Saib - São Paulo sunset
Mazouni - Ecoute moi camarade
Kokoroko - Abusey junction
Yusef Lateef - like it is
Chavela Vargas - La Llorona
Jorge Cafrune - no soy de aqui y no soy de alla
Death grips - spread eagle across the block
East Flatbush project - a madman’s dream / tried by 12

Going to list a few I think you’ll like;
Greta van fleet - Lover, Leaver
Polyphia - Playing God
Anything by Silk Sonic or Anderson paak especially the songs - Come home, smokin out the window, Leave the door open
Silk sonic is Anderson .park and Bruno mars and while I don’t massively like Bruno mars their group is incredible.
The Skints - on a mission
PinkPantheress - Just for me
We are Scientists - Cash cow
Tame Impala - The less I know the better
Roots Manuva - Witness
Tensnake - Coma Cat
There’s a few to start you off got loads more enjoy all
Greta van fleet - Lover, Leaver
Polyphia - Playing God
Anything by Silk Sonic or Anderson paak especially the songs - Come home, smokin out the window, Leave the door open
Silk sonic is Anderson .park and Bruno mars and while I don’t massively like Bruno mars their group is incredible.
The Skints - on a mission
PinkPantheress - Just for me
We are Scientists - Cash cow
Tame Impala - The less I know the better
Roots Manuva - Witness
Tensnake - Coma Cat
There’s a few to start you off got loads more enjoy all

1 post
+1 votes
28295 gl all

That's right guys, this JULY we are celebrating 7 years of business. Its as been an extremely blessed journey and we are very grateful to all you biggas and this sacred medicine :)
To celebrate we are giving away 77Gs to you lucky biggas !
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 07/07/2023 at 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will then be giving 7 prizes to the 7 closest guesses.
77Gs, to 7 lucky people on 07/07 at 7PM on our 7 year anniversary, we couldn't be any happier.
Good luck to all and once again thank you for your continuous support.
Lots of Love
To celebrate we are giving away 77Gs to you lucky biggas !
To be provably fair we have decided to run the competition as below so please follow the instructions.
Like and Comment on this post what you think the BTC/USD price will be on 07/07/2023 at 7PM UK time.
1 guess per customer, price will be from the tradingview USD CHART.
We will then be giving 7 prizes to the 7 closest guesses.
77Gs, to 7 lucky people on 07/07 at 7PM on our 7 year anniversary, we couldn't be any happier.
Good luck to all and once again thank you for your continuous support.
Lots of Love

Right guys, price was $30,545.
We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 05.07.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 7 winners and difference between the price to be provably fair.
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
$30,549 - (4)
30 555 - (10)
$30,777 - (232)
$30,806 - (261)
$30261.11 - (283,99)
$30143 - (311)
$30864 - (319)
If we get enough likes on this comments, we will be running another one of these from Monday :)
We used the trading view 1M candle, at 18;00 UTC (19:00 UK) on 05.07.2023
We are attaching the screenshot of the chart, and the 7 winners and difference between the price to be provably fair.
Winners, please send us your shipping details .
$30,549 - (4)
30 555 - (10)
$30,777 - (232)
$30,806 - (261)
$30261.11 - (283,99)
$30143 - (311)
$30864 - (319)
If we get enough likes on this comments, we will be running another one of these from Monday :)

Package arrived rapidly. They even sent me a TGT lighter =) You should put a QR code on the back of the lighter with your reference token embedded! Biggas can get to your page rapid, or share it with friends ;)
Thanks for the giveaway, respect ✊
Thanks for the giveaway, respect ✊

Just wanted to drop a note and say thanks again to TGT for the comp. It took me a while to realise I came 5th so only got my prize recently. I won some Purple Punch and must say it's lovely stuff - well cured, good terps and a great high. Highly recommended!

Well done peeps close guesses. I was miles out haha but I am destined to win one of these lol 1 day soon I hope xx

Amazing competition and I was lucky enough to grab the 1st prize … received it a few days later ;) both the Hindu Kush and bored ape are a great smoke , the bored ape definitely has the best flavour when smoked but they both put my arse straight on the sofa 💨💨😊😊… both strains have good size and solid nugz … thanks

Guys last entry will be 05/07/2023 7PM UK Time :)
Best of luck to all :)
Guys last entry will be 05/07/2023 7PM UK Time :)
Best of luck to all :)

I have no idea, but I never win anything anyway so good luck to all and big up TGT, one of the best on here

Excellent giveaway and well done for aa sold 7 years!! You were one of a small number of vendors I used when I first started on LB. Here's to many more x

Congratulations on the success you guys have built, haven’t placed an order from this account from yourselfs but still got some of your hashes in the stash a friend ordered, gutted I missed your manala 😭 $24766

Great idea for a competition and very generous prizes, congrats on 7 years! What is the closing date?

1 post
+2 votes
Pianos and “privacy”
agreed poll Yule was classic , not one hollywierd star today has the carisma of yule not even in the slightest..

Hard to finish
This got confusing
whats going on
I want one
This got confusing
whats going on
I want one

1 post
+5 votes
Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨

Competition time @Eddys Exclusive Prizes to be Won😮💨

Hey Biggas it’s time for another competition @Eddys and this time with prizes you don’t want to miss out on 🤔
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and have a guess at the weight of the jungle boys boulder 🪨😁 .
There will be 2 exclusive prizes to be won (see comments for details). One for the correct winning number and the second prize will go to anyone who guesses the exact amount of the boulder . Now the prizes are brand new to market and exclusive so dont miss out on a chance to get lucky and bag one.
Simply upvote this post and make a guess to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on July 16th next Sunday so only a week to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

So biggas you’ve heard of hash Caviar ? Now introducing Eddys Beluga Caviar made with only the finest top grade ingredients🔥😵💫
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶
The 2 winners will receive 1 each of these deliciously decadent treats to try😮💨🤤good luck to everyone.
Also If this comment receives enough upvotes and the interest is there these top shelf delights will be made available on my page via exclusive custom order only. Thanks Eddy🍭🫶

Eddy's has become the Willy Wonka of weed! 🧁🍬🍭
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁
These all look ridiculously special! 😍
I'm terrible at guessing, so my missus says 62.2g please
Fingers crossed! Thanks Eddy! ✌️💚😁

Hey bud,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,
I'm not entering (if it wasn't for bad luck i wouldn't have any luck😂) lol just merely appreciating the pure THC porn lol,
Hope all is well with you and the fam,

Can be custom made to any size imagine a 5g piece 😵💫this one has Alien breath sugar, JB Zkittles cake badder and coated in Golden pineapple shatter 1.1g total and its delicious 😋

Eddy the mad scientist! 🤓 Did you happen to come up with this in the early hours after a few too many edibles? 😂
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔
Might have to get in on this, cheeky birthday present to myself 🤔

Nice one Eddy, I’m going to guess 32gs.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.
Good luck biggas and thanks for the giveaway Eddy.

1 post
+5 votes
If this was a strain...
POT of Gold
If your bud looked like that you could call it what you want people would be amazed by the colour, hiya I’ll take 3.5g of Johns …
POT of Gold
If your bud looked like that you could call it what you want people would be amazed by the colour, hiya I’ll take 3.5g of Johns turtlehead please
POT of Gold
If your bud looked like that you could call it what you want people would be amazed by the colour, hiya I’ll take 3.5g of Johns turtlehead please

1 post
+2 votes
Weed kills my sense of smell, anyone an idea why?
Hiya mate,
I’ve always had this problem or as far back as I can remember which is why when people mention the notes they ‘taste’ in their joints I’m …
![[ask any bigga]](
Weed kills my sense of smell, anyone an idea why?
Hey biggas
So a few years ago my sense of taste changed and now I can only taste sweet sour etc (not the actual flavour of things) now when I smoke, not only does my taste go completely but my sense of smell after just 1 toke of a joint, gone, completely. It slowly returns as my high lessens.
In a nutshell, I’ve had every blood test going, seen maxillofacial, a brain scan and ENT. No one seems to know why my taste changed and no one obviously wants to help with the fact that weed kills my sense of smell.
You guys are my last hope. I know chances are probably 0 but was hoping someone could maybe suggest something/someone else to help me get my taste back and be able to smell a joint when I smoke it. This was pre covid and I’ve always smoked flower
Peace biggas ✌️
So a few years ago my sense of taste changed and now I can only taste sweet sour etc (not the actual flavour of things) now when I smoke, not only does my taste go completely but my sense of smell after just 1 toke of a joint, gone, completely. It slowly returns as my high lessens.
In a nutshell, I’ve had every blood test going, seen maxillofacial, a brain scan and ENT. No one seems to know why my taste changed and no one obviously wants to help with the fact that weed kills my sense of smell.
You guys are my last hope. I know chances are probably 0 but was hoping someone could maybe suggest something/someone else to help me get my taste back and be able to smell a joint when I smoke it. This was pre covid and I’ve always smoked flower
Peace biggas ✌️

Did it coincide with a covid infection?
I got covid in October 2020 and it stopped my sense of smell in it's tracks.
Whilst my partners sense of smell returned - mine didn't and for about 3-4 months I just had no sense of smell. I was eating the spiciest food I could find(prior to which I wasn't fond of) to taste SOMETHING.
One day it returned, totally distorted. Nothing smelled or tasted right apart from chocolate.
From this point I perceived anything with alot of fat to smell rancid. Walking past a chippy is still excruciating.
Plant matter tasted like mouldy food smells. All plant matter apart from onions, garlic and coriander which tasted like sour milk, shit and sour apples respectively.
Nearly everything apart from sweet stuff tasted different and most smells were nauseating.
30 odd months later I would say my smell is at 70%. I have parosimia.
Extremely dulled alot of the time - but i believe there are some promising therapies for these smell and taste issues people have since covid.
Stellate ganglion block injections have seen some success
Smell training has seen success and has kicked up a notch since 2021. I believe there is now a machine that can just spray out different smells on it's own in order to programme your brain to recognise the smell correctly.
Vitamin D drops have seen some success too.
Repurchased epilepsy medications like sodium valproate have also seen good success in returning people's smell..
I only taste urb on the first toke too. I really need to concentrate on tasting the exhale to counter this which is not a conscious decision most of the time. I have to concentrate which means I can't relax which is paradoxical to smoking weed 🙂
I have tried non of the therapies - but intend to..
Follow 'Abscent'.
I got covid in October 2020 and it stopped my sense of smell in it's tracks.
Whilst my partners sense of smell returned - mine didn't and for about 3-4 months I just had no sense of smell. I was eating the spiciest food I could find(prior to which I wasn't fond of) to taste SOMETHING.
One day it returned, totally distorted. Nothing smelled or tasted right apart from chocolate.
From this point I perceived anything with alot of fat to smell rancid. Walking past a chippy is still excruciating.
Plant matter tasted like mouldy food smells. All plant matter apart from onions, garlic and coriander which tasted like sour milk, shit and sour apples respectively.
Nearly everything apart from sweet stuff tasted different and most smells were nauseating.
30 odd months later I would say my smell is at 70%. I have parosimia.
Extremely dulled alot of the time - but i believe there are some promising therapies for these smell and taste issues people have since covid.
Stellate ganglion block injections have seen some success
Smell training has seen success and has kicked up a notch since 2021. I believe there is now a machine that can just spray out different smells on it's own in order to programme your brain to recognise the smell correctly.
Vitamin D drops have seen some success too.
Repurchased epilepsy medications like sodium valproate have also seen good success in returning people's smell..
I only taste urb on the first toke too. I really need to concentrate on tasting the exhale to counter this which is not a conscious decision most of the time. I have to concentrate which means I can't relax which is paradoxical to smoking weed 🙂
I have tried non of the therapies - but intend to..
Follow 'Abscent'.

after a quick google search i can confirm this is an extremely common issue and one i have myself even when i’m not smoking but have smoked a day before, it dulls the senses and if you stop for maybe a week it comes back even stronger; i stopped for 2 weeks and couldn’t believe the shit i was smelling and tasting it was crazy it felt like a new sense and generally felt so strong

Tried that mate. I have something called ageusia according to the docs. Quit smoking entirely for 3 months, upped my water, nothing

Hiya mate,
I’ve always had this problem or as far back as I can remember which is why when people mention the notes they ‘taste’ in their joints I’m sort of like I get the taste sometimes but the smell is literally nothing.
Even if I’ve had some and my wife asks me to smell something she’s cooking etc I have to tell her I’ve had a joint I can’t smell a thing.
Best mate has the same problem, two other mates don’t.
I’ve always had this problem or as far back as I can remember which is why when people mention the notes they ‘taste’ in their joints I’m sort of like I get the taste sometimes but the smell is literally nothing.
Even if I’ve had some and my wife asks me to smell something she’s cooking etc I have to tell her I’ve had a joint I can’t smell a thing.
Best mate has the same problem, two other mates don’t.

Perhaps candida, i get that when i change my usual black coffee to white.
Candida is having too much yeast in your system, screws my tounge and taste up,
i've a low lactose tolerance and some food allergies. Without my inhaler i wouldn't be able to touch many foods and drinks i do now.
Some foods tho are off limit, less i get asthma with eggs, candida with too much milk, or a sore head with food additives.
I got covid and had that nasty metallic taste in my mouth but that was a while back, all good now.
Try searching for 'candida'. You get in your mouth and like i mentioned it screws your taste and makes your tongue kinda nippy, gives you a lingering kinda battery acid taste.
Tobacco is known to trigger candida but i'm fine with it pretty much, unless i smoke some nasty cigarettes over a while (strong Marlboro for ex.), my organic tobacco is realy good in that way, doesn't really trigger Candida at all.
Candida is having too much yeast in your system, screws my tounge and taste up,
i've a low lactose tolerance and some food allergies. Without my inhaler i wouldn't be able to touch many foods and drinks i do now.
Some foods tho are off limit, less i get asthma with eggs, candida with too much milk, or a sore head with food additives.
I got covid and had that nasty metallic taste in my mouth but that was a while back, all good now.
Try searching for 'candida'. You get in your mouth and like i mentioned it screws your taste and makes your tongue kinda nippy, gives you a lingering kinda battery acid taste.
Tobacco is known to trigger candida but i'm fine with it pretty much, unless i smoke some nasty cigarettes over a while (strong Marlboro for ex.), my organic tobacco is realy good in that way, doesn't really trigger Candida at all.

A few things.
1) Flavour and taste are different - taste is sweet, sour, salty, bitter and Umami. That's it. That's what your taste buds perceive on your tongue and in your palate.
Flavour is essentially smell - volatile particles from your food entering your olfactory system.
2) What happened to you could be a lot of things - might be post viral (eg Covid and others). Might be to do with some sort of imperceptible neurological change (like a mini stroke or a minor head injury) or could be something else.
3) Cannabis ruins your sense of smell,noticeable%20deterioration%20of%20olfactory%20function.
1) Flavour and taste are different - taste is sweet, sour, salty, bitter and Umami. That's it. That's what your taste buds perceive on your tongue and in your palate.
Flavour is essentially smell - volatile particles from your food entering your olfactory system.
2) What happened to you could be a lot of things - might be post viral (eg Covid and others). Might be to do with some sort of imperceptible neurological change (like a mini stroke or a minor head injury) or could be something else.
3) Cannabis ruins your sense of smell,noticeable%20deterioration%20of%20olfactory%20function.

1 post
+5 votes
Eddy's tasty baddar
Finally but the bullet last night and got some of the Z(zowah?) can’t remember off the top of my head.
When that turns up it is absolutely getting bl…

Eddy's tasty baddar
I got the Ice Cream Float. Its mega delicious. Did anyone else jump on the Baddar and did you enjoy it too?

Finally but the bullet last night and got some of the Z(zowah?) can’t remember off the top of my head.
When that turns up it is absolutely getting blasted, and hopefully by association so will I.
I desperately wanted the ICF but someone who’d had all 3 said the one I ordered was the best and strongest. I know the terms on the float are probably incredible and if anything got me whiffed I would have one million percent picked that. Sadly not the case, so I’ll let you know how mine does in that AIO vape when it turns up.
When that turns up it is absolutely getting blasted, and hopefully by association so will I.
I desperately wanted the ICF but someone who’d had all 3 said the one I ordered was the best and strongest. I know the terms on the float are probably incredible and if anything got me whiffed I would have one million percent picked that. Sadly not the case, so I’ll let you know how mine does in that AIO vape when it turns up.

I got the Ice Cream Float too as it looked the most unusual. Amazing smell and taste on it. Definitely vanilla/ice cream notes for me from it in a Yocan Evolve Plus XL with replacement XTAL coils (thanks to Eddy's top tip!), and fuck is it strong! 2 friends who smoke a lot thought the same when they had a try.
I have the ZKittlez Cake in my cart currently as the reviews on that sound intriguing. It better taste like Opal Fruits not Starburst though or I'll be a bit disappointed.
I have the ZKittlez Cake in my cart currently as the reviews on that sound intriguing. It better taste like Opal Fruits not Starburst though or I'll be a bit disappointed.

I'm just some reviewing bitch now, aren't I? God, you're all such a demanding audience... Yeah, alright then. I don't know if you've read many of my reviews but I'll have to figure out a narrative of putting the concentrate onto the Yocan and getting's much easier on a prolonged experience like smoking a few bifs and/or tripping.

Oh no, I didn't want that. Just if it tasted nice or smelled nice. I'm sorry. Dont bother. I didnt mean to offend.

Ha! Sorry mate. Assume when you read things I post that it's by a slightly jovial (thanks to the recent shrooms) curmudgeon, and it's not meant in a mean way. Hopefully. Usually, anyway. I will fucking bother, and you can like it or not. 😉

Ha! Was very high and couldn't read the room 🤣🤣 just the surrounding solar systems. Yeah let us all know how that damn thing tastes and smells. Also tempted by the pineapple shatter. But more of an Indica type of guy. Think it is Sativa but i bet it tastes mental.

Don't tell Eddy, but I'd be waiting for that shatter to drop to $80 from $95 on Wednesday. Not that I've been following his offers closely at all... I'm usually more of an Indica smoker, but I've just ordered some Sativa to have an option in the stash. What if the shatter tastes like those pineapple cubes that old ladies in sweet shops would sell you by the quarter from giant jars?

Good timing on that question amigo 'cos I tried it for the first time yesterday evening.
I had a cup from the AceCup, yup lovely taste but I'm not a real flavour chaser either way. I take the dog for a walk in the evening sunshine and feel a little lazy and stoned and its all OK nothing wild.
I come back and have another cup and some simple chores seem to be getting tricky so I sit down with a fine tequila. I am now feeling absolutely spiffing but the weird thing is I look at the clock after a minute and a whole hour has gone by. I have not closed my eyes, I have just gone to a really nice place that stole (I dunno, maybe borrowed?) my hour.
Right, the bubbler is coming out now and in the rest of the evening have a couple of those off the same little grain of rice sized serving. I am Polly very happy PollyPolly...
Thats a special treat right there but handle with caution Biggas...possibly not for noobs!!
Well done Eddy!
I had a cup from the AceCup, yup lovely taste but I'm not a real flavour chaser either way. I take the dog for a walk in the evening sunshine and feel a little lazy and stoned and its all OK nothing wild.
I come back and have another cup and some simple chores seem to be getting tricky so I sit down with a fine tequila. I am now feeling absolutely spiffing but the weird thing is I look at the clock after a minute and a whole hour has gone by. I have not closed my eyes, I have just gone to a really nice place that stole (I dunno, maybe borrowed?) my hour.
Right, the bubbler is coming out now and in the rest of the evening have a couple of those off the same little grain of rice sized serving. I am Polly very happy PollyPolly...
Thats a special treat right there but handle with caution Biggas...possibly not for noobs!!
Well done Eddy!

This is so nice to read other people's experiences. Yes it needs to be vaped in small amounts. I basically still have all of it left but have used it loads of times. Too much and times get a bit weird. The ICF tastes straight up like Coke with a dollop of ice cream. Its gonna last a while too.

It's fun, isn't it? Interacting with other people who sometimes have the most incredibly niche knowledge. That's why I kept writing reviews after the interactions with my first, as I'd started by interacting with others' reviews (Jedi and Apex) and buying things, and enjoying the buys.
I love this place, but my bank balance isn't as pleased with the discovery. I'm really sorry for making you think you offended me. Consider these interactions if you're thinking of buying anything I recommend though as it may then temper how you read what I write. Sometimes I'm incredibly dryly sarcastic, but I try to reserve that for interactions where I can look people in the eyes to guage reactions. Hypersonic (subsonic?) sarcasm? Way beyond what dogs would understand.
I love this place, but my bank balance isn't as pleased with the discovery. I'm really sorry for making you think you offended me. Consider these interactions if you're thinking of buying anything I recommend though as it may then temper how you read what I write. Sometimes I'm incredibly dryly sarcastic, but I try to reserve that for interactions where I can look people in the eyes to guage reactions. Hypersonic (subsonic?) sarcasm? Way beyond what dogs would understand.

I love this kind of interaction and I'm glad I asked. Great to see us first responders were rewarded with somethi ng special. You did good with this!

1 post
+3 votes
Incentivised reviews are rarely honest and never negative, as Jar’s Jars so eloquently stated.

Understandable but nobody ever writes negative reviews on here, generally speaking all products are good just a matter of how good. I’d say all products on LB are usually 7-10/10 so I just want to see where my products fit on that scale. Got new batches for all of my hash’s and thought let me pick 2/3 reviewers that would leave some accurate reviews, feel like I picked pretty unbiased people even told them be honest about it just in case

Fair enough, and I don’t disagree about the reviews. It’s just going to be obvious to whoever reads them now that they’re incentivised. Nobody is going to slate discounted or free samples. I’d have approached the reviewers via DM so that way nobody would have known aside from the reviewers themselves.
I’d say your 9.9 overall rating says a lot more about your quality than any individual review. Just my opinion though, all the best.
I’d say your 9.9 overall rating says a lot more about your quality than any individual review. Just my opinion though, all the best.

Many people post that they won’t write up a sample review if it’s shit.
If it’s me, I’d usually dm the seller first and warn, some chose not to list it. Other discount heavily.
So there’s unseen / unheard side that can help biggas imo.
I do agree the sales reviews are more valuable BUT lack detail needed for more educated purchases if being fussy when we got sooo much to pick from 🥳
You’ll aee many of my reviews include samples many of which I end up buying loads of. I’ve tried leave name in order reviews to help emphasise this 🤜
If it’s me, I’d usually dm the seller first and warn, some chose not to list it. Other discount heavily.
So there’s unseen / unheard side that can help biggas imo.
I do agree the sales reviews are more valuable BUT lack detail needed for more educated purchases if being fussy when we got sooo much to pick from 🥳
You’ll aee many of my reviews include samples many of which I end up buying loads of. I’ve tried leave name in order reviews to help emphasise this 🤜

…” even told them be honest about it just in case”….well, if you really needed to tell them that it doesn’t suggest you are convinced about the “unbiased” bit does it? 😏
I think Biggas are getting pretty sceptical about paid reviews and it’s a shame because that rubs off a little on all reviews…but whatever…
I think Biggas are getting pretty sceptical about paid reviews and it’s a shame because that rubs off a little on all reviews…but whatever…

I agree, it does automatically come with bias because they have been paid (in free items) to write the review and we just have to take their word on it being 100% honest.
Also, if the people you have sent items out to have already purchased the items in the past like you mentioned, but they never decided to post a public review when they previously purchased it, surely that means the only reason they are now posting a review is because you have sent them free stuff. If this wasn't the case then they would have wrote a public review the first time around when they paid for it. So your free items have influenced them to make the post.
Personally I think reviews only of paid items should be allowed
Also, if the people you have sent items out to have already purchased the items in the past like you mentioned, but they never decided to post a public review when they previously purchased it, surely that means the only reason they are now posting a review is because you have sent them free stuff. If this wasn't the case then they would have wrote a public review the first time around when they paid for it. So your free items have influenced them to make the post.
Personally I think reviews only of paid items should be allowed

Might as well add my thoughts in here too..
Sending me a product does not guarantee a review. Products go into my head stash whether I bought them or not, and any product I like or dislike gets a posted review. If the product is average or I don't review it for whatever reason I will let the vendor know.
I also have refused samples from vendors I have not personally bought from yet.
Every review I write is 100% honest about the product as I use the product literally while typing out my review, and often I have forgotten whether I bought it or not by the time I end up using it 😂
I'm not sure I agree with paid or sample reviews being heavily biased, the number of video games that getting shit reviews from reviewers but are loved by customers goes some way to showing paid reviews are not as biased as people like to make out.
Once you've done some reviews yourself it becomes much more obvious how hard it is to not leave a bad review, we humans love telling each other about bad experiences.
Sending me a product does not guarantee a review. Products go into my head stash whether I bought them or not, and any product I like or dislike gets a posted review. If the product is average or I don't review it for whatever reason I will let the vendor know.
I also have refused samples from vendors I have not personally bought from yet.
Every review I write is 100% honest about the product as I use the product literally while typing out my review, and often I have forgotten whether I bought it or not by the time I end up using it 😂
I'm not sure I agree with paid or sample reviews being heavily biased, the number of video games that getting shit reviews from reviewers but are loved by customers goes some way to showing paid reviews are not as biased as people like to make out.
Once you've done some reviews yourself it becomes much more obvious how hard it is to not leave a bad review, we humans love telling each other about bad experiences.

I appreciate anyone who takes the time to review products regardless of how they were obtained.
The entire point of the community is that people can review and post whatever they want. It’s then my decision to read the review or not. Simple.
I have had a lot of discussions regarding the topic of reviews with other users.
What I will say is that if people are taking the time to write a review I can be fairly certain that it will be more positive than negative. No one wants to bite the hand that feeds them. That’s a very sweeping comment implying that all reviews are based on free gear. Which is not the case of course.
I have always said that the best reviews are reviews based on spending your hard earned cash. Personally anyway.
I’m guilty of only posting positive reviews. If you have nothing good to say don’t say anything.
The other main point about reviews is context and what the reviewers assessment is based on.
Others probably have but I have only seen redeye say what his criteria is based on. I might not agree with all of the criteria but at least I know were the bar is.
Add on or sweeteners that you get with a paid offer I’d say is fair game also. Sellers are not obligated to put them in the order but like others comment on it ect but I would not write a review.
The entire point of the community is that people can review and post whatever they want. It’s then my decision to read the review or not. Simple.
I have had a lot of discussions regarding the topic of reviews with other users.
What I will say is that if people are taking the time to write a review I can be fairly certain that it will be more positive than negative. No one wants to bite the hand that feeds them. That’s a very sweeping comment implying that all reviews are based on free gear. Which is not the case of course.
I have always said that the best reviews are reviews based on spending your hard earned cash. Personally anyway.
I’m guilty of only posting positive reviews. If you have nothing good to say don’t say anything.
The other main point about reviews is context and what the reviewers assessment is based on.
Others probably have but I have only seen redeye say what his criteria is based on. I might not agree with all of the criteria but at least I know were the bar is.
Add on or sweeteners that you get with a paid offer I’d say is fair game also. Sellers are not obligated to put them in the order but like others comment on it ect but I would not write a review.

I write a good review, but like the free anonymity of it all. I'm admittedly better at writing reviews of fish and chips though

I think I'd prefer people to read things that I review knowing that I'd bought it. I enjoy the interaction and occasional discussions with other stoners. On one occasion I reviewed a freebie sent to me along with my repeat order (and made that clear at the start of the review) as it was excellent, and very odd hash. Couldn't get it off my fingers and thought people would be interested. Had feedback on that that I should flatten it and freeze it and I was skeptical, but it worked! Wouldn't have known that without that interaction. It was sent to me with no expectations of anything too, just thrown in with my repeat order, and it's surely good business for vendors to put in some small samples with larger orders as hopefully that will turn into sales? It certainly has with me. Bought $170 worth of one a couple of months ago just on the back of the quality of the freebie. Didn't review it though, and I'm not really sure why? If I reviewed everything I smoked the wall would be completely plastered with the only stupid cartoon character I could think of that kinda resembled the username.
I think reviews, reviewers, and how you receive what's written, depends on how you feel over time that those people's posted experiences and ratings (if given) best reflect your tastes and experiences. That way you should be fairly confident that if they like something you haven't tried then hopefully when you do try it it'll be more or less the same experience.
I've definitely done this with reviewers of games (I don't buy any games magazine other than Edge, and haven't for about 30 years as I almost always agree with the reviews and ratings), food (I'd go anywhere that Jay Rayner loves), movies (Leonard Maltin was always superb, and he gave Commando a good score as he rated it for what it was, not as some cinematic epic) or anything else.
I only started leaving reviews after reading some by both Jedi and Apex, liking the sound of the products, and placing a few orders. After smoking them and pretty much agreeing with all of their reviews I thought maybe if I randomly spewed my thoughts onto the screen then maybe others may find that helpful too. I haven't had many bad things off here, but if I'm getting something I feel is around a 7 I'll probably just move on and not buy any more when there are (subjectively) 8+ products for the same price. If something is amazing though I feel the need to say it, and maybe others will get to try something they otherwise wouldn't.
Anyway tl;dr if people are upfront about not paying for products they're reviewing and the way in which that free product was obtained then people can surely make up their own minds about whether to read, or to agree with the blanket statement of one of the world's most annoying film characters who is thankfully much more amusing on here in parody form?
I think reviews, reviewers, and how you receive what's written, depends on how you feel over time that those people's posted experiences and ratings (if given) best reflect your tastes and experiences. That way you should be fairly confident that if they like something you haven't tried then hopefully when you do try it it'll be more or less the same experience.
I've definitely done this with reviewers of games (I don't buy any games magazine other than Edge, and haven't for about 30 years as I almost always agree with the reviews and ratings), food (I'd go anywhere that Jay Rayner loves), movies (Leonard Maltin was always superb, and he gave Commando a good score as he rated it for what it was, not as some cinematic epic) or anything else.
I only started leaving reviews after reading some by both Jedi and Apex, liking the sound of the products, and placing a few orders. After smoking them and pretty much agreeing with all of their reviews I thought maybe if I randomly spewed my thoughts onto the screen then maybe others may find that helpful too. I haven't had many bad things off here, but if I'm getting something I feel is around a 7 I'll probably just move on and not buy any more when there are (subjectively) 8+ products for the same price. If something is amazing though I feel the need to say it, and maybe others will get to try something they otherwise wouldn't.
Anyway tl;dr if people are upfront about not paying for products they're reviewing and the way in which that free product was obtained then people can surely make up their own minds about whether to read, or to agree with the blanket statement of one of the world's most annoying film characters who is thankfully much more amusing on here in parody form?

I think the reviewers on here, yourself included, do a great job and I enjoy reading them. I've reviewed two items I received for free (via giveaways) myself and they were both positive reviews. The reviews here add detail that often isn't available on the product reviews.
I also have no problem with vendors sending out samples to be reviewed. This is a competitive marketplace and vendors need to do what they can to be noticed. I just think doing it publicly like this makes it too obvious and the reviews will be tainted, this wouldn't be the case had the offer been sent by DM.
Reviews on LB are funny. The product review pages are filled with wordless 10/10s, great for vendors not so great for prospective buyers. The longer write-ups are appreciated and entertaining, but I do wonder how a very critical review would leave a bigga with the vendor they bought from? Would you be blacklisted? Would other vendors see this and refuse to sell to you?
Anyway, to conclude I respect the vendors and reviewers of LB, this post and my others on the topic was more an observation than a judgement.
I also have no problem with vendors sending out samples to be reviewed. This is a competitive marketplace and vendors need to do what they can to be noticed. I just think doing it publicly like this makes it too obvious and the reviews will be tainted, this wouldn't be the case had the offer been sent by DM.
Reviews on LB are funny. The product review pages are filled with wordless 10/10s, great for vendors not so great for prospective buyers. The longer write-ups are appreciated and entertaining, but I do wonder how a very critical review would leave a bigga with the vendor they bought from? Would you be blacklisted? Would other vendors see this and refuse to sell to you?
Anyway, to conclude I respect the vendors and reviewers of LB, this post and my others on the topic was more an observation than a judgement.

Good points there Blazin'!
One of the issues for me with LB is that 10/10 reviews are a dime a dozen and so the opposite becomes true- poor reviews ruin products and even finish vendors. Its why the trolls come a feastin'...
Take a review I did recently with a new vendor for a (purchased!) product where the product was great but the stealth was exceptionally poor. Do I say nothing or do I position it as an improver?...well, I did the latter which was not good enough for the community who wanted them pitch-forked into the firey depths and sure enough they were gone (hopefully to return). So bad reviews carry weight and responsibility that good reviews don't- which is why we don't see many LOL.
I agree that adding little samples to an order is a win-win for everybody and comes with no committments. I've often placed an order based on a trial sample so who loses?
Offering free product purely for the purpose of a review is a bit naff and just lessens the value of the review imo. But its not like anyone's getting hurt- like Daz says, you can take it or leave it. I have noticed the traction (replies, votes etc) on those reviews seem to be slipping away which might be a sign that some Biggas are choosing to leave it?
Raising a topic to ask reviewers to come forward for reward is ...regrettable.
I always review my purchases in full on the item review column so if its bad its bad but I'll try and explain and be fair and clear that its just my opinion. I'll only raise a topic page if I think I've got something different to say that just might add value or if its a new product or vendor that biggas are maybe waiting to hear about.
Its (hopefully) all good fun.....
One of the issues for me with LB is that 10/10 reviews are a dime a dozen and so the opposite becomes true- poor reviews ruin products and even finish vendors. Its why the trolls come a feastin'...
Take a review I did recently with a new vendor for a (purchased!) product where the product was great but the stealth was exceptionally poor. Do I say nothing or do I position it as an improver?...well, I did the latter which was not good enough for the community who wanted them pitch-forked into the firey depths and sure enough they were gone (hopefully to return). So bad reviews carry weight and responsibility that good reviews don't- which is why we don't see many LOL.
I agree that adding little samples to an order is a win-win for everybody and comes with no committments. I've often placed an order based on a trial sample so who loses?
Offering free product purely for the purpose of a review is a bit naff and just lessens the value of the review imo. But its not like anyone's getting hurt- like Daz says, you can take it or leave it. I have noticed the traction (replies, votes etc) on those reviews seem to be slipping away which might be a sign that some Biggas are choosing to leave it?
Raising a topic to ask reviewers to come forward for reward is ...regrettable.
I always review my purchases in full on the item review column so if its bad its bad but I'll try and explain and be fair and clear that its just my opinion. I'll only raise a topic page if I think I've got something different to say that just might add value or if its a new product or vendor that biggas are maybe waiting to hear about.
Its (hopefully) all good fun.....

Bang on as ever PP.
I do feel for new vendors on LB, it can be hard to make an impact and then when they get noticed they're usually accused of being someone else! It can be tough and I've got respect for anyone willing to battle through it all and sell on here.
A more robust product review system would help. I don't expect every bigga to write an essay on every review, but if you are going to go to an extreme then it should be backed up. What is a vendor supposed to do if a product is reviewed 1/10 with no feedback? You can't improve if you're given no guidance or feedback.
I do feel for new vendors on LB, it can be hard to make an impact and then when they get noticed they're usually accused of being someone else! It can be tough and I've got respect for anyone willing to battle through it all and sell on here.
A more robust product review system would help. I don't expect every bigga to write an essay on every review, but if you are going to go to an extreme then it should be backed up. What is a vendor supposed to do if a product is reviewed 1/10 with no feedback? You can't improve if you're given no guidance or feedback.

2 posts
+10 votes
First Time Shroomer
I’ve had them twice camping with the lads, I ended up with the Golden teaches as well because they were allegedly the strongest set we had (mate bough…
+ 2 more
First Time Shroomer
Hi all, Wondering what people would recommend for a first go on shrooms. Never really done anything apart from weed but nearly 30 and want to have a trip. Would love a DMT breakthrough but apparently that's just diving into the deep end. What would we all recommend trying some shroom chocolate or straight up shrooms and brew it into a tea. Also what vendors would you recommend buying your shrooms from. Please help 😂

I’ve had them twice camping with the lads, I ended up with the Golden teaches as well because they were allegedly the strongest set we had (mate bought 4 diff types).
My mental health isn’t great so I was worried about how anything would manifest, but it was the Golden teaches or some weaker ones and my friends mental is a lot worse than mine so I bit the bullet and had them.
I think I was the only one of us that felt them and oh my god it was incredible. I want to preface this by saying my experience was my own, can’t guarantee everyone else’s would be good.
We were having a joint and a drink and about an hour later I just felt… wavy. “hey lads I think these are kicking in” turned round to look at them and all their faces were distorted like swirls and I just burst out laughing.
You’d think that would be scary but it wasn’t, I KNEW it was the mushrooms and I felt fine, coherent and like I was just a witness to it, not like it was out of my control.
I looked up at the trees and the colour of the green bled like ink into the sky like it was being slowly vacuumed, it was amazing.
Finally, I went for a piss in a bush and the leaves of the bush looked like Audrey Hepburn and a man embracing. It was cool.
Also, felt like everything was just bizarre and nothing could ruin my mood and I actively said “If we get attacked by a wolf (in Wales? Come on Ship) I couldn’t do anything I’d just be laughing like I was watching a film. That was strangely soothing.
Tried texting my wife saying we were having a good time and the screen was just like fuzz it was so hard to see.
I’ve always been doubtful of people who are like “Yeah man seeing dragons and shit” but honestly you probably can. What I was seeing was less like independent hallucinations and more like distorted things I could already see if that makes sense, so if you’ve got a pet Iguana or something I’d probably leave it upstairs.
When I tried to get asleep later and closed my eyes I saw so many mad things, Incan/Mayan/crash bandicoot type totem poles and paintings in weird styles, also lots of sex imagery and if I’m completely honest with you a fair amount of gay imagery as well. I’m completely heterosexual and I’m confident in my sexuality but it’s like I had no control over what I was seeing.
Just kept opening my eyes and going “Phew okay” closed my eyes and a completely different vision would come and I’d be like “Oh ffs hahah”.
Honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had, I didn’t break through any walls or anything but it did put into perspective why people take mushrooms and I could say hand on heart it was a good trip.
Hope that helped.
If you’re homophobic, hate colours, wolves, art and trees though I recommend maybe something else.
Also just ate them as they were.
My mental health isn’t great so I was worried about how anything would manifest, but it was the Golden teaches or some weaker ones and my friends mental is a lot worse than mine so I bit the bullet and had them.
I think I was the only one of us that felt them and oh my god it was incredible. I want to preface this by saying my experience was my own, can’t guarantee everyone else’s would be good.
We were having a joint and a drink and about an hour later I just felt… wavy. “hey lads I think these are kicking in” turned round to look at them and all their faces were distorted like swirls and I just burst out laughing.
You’d think that would be scary but it wasn’t, I KNEW it was the mushrooms and I felt fine, coherent and like I was just a witness to it, not like it was out of my control.
I looked up at the trees and the colour of the green bled like ink into the sky like it was being slowly vacuumed, it was amazing.
Finally, I went for a piss in a bush and the leaves of the bush looked like Audrey Hepburn and a man embracing. It was cool.
Also, felt like everything was just bizarre and nothing could ruin my mood and I actively said “If we get attacked by a wolf (in Wales? Come on Ship) I couldn’t do anything I’d just be laughing like I was watching a film. That was strangely soothing.
Tried texting my wife saying we were having a good time and the screen was just like fuzz it was so hard to see.
I’ve always been doubtful of people who are like “Yeah man seeing dragons and shit” but honestly you probably can. What I was seeing was less like independent hallucinations and more like distorted things I could already see if that makes sense, so if you’ve got a pet Iguana or something I’d probably leave it upstairs.
When I tried to get asleep later and closed my eyes I saw so many mad things, Incan/Mayan/crash bandicoot type totem poles and paintings in weird styles, also lots of sex imagery and if I’m completely honest with you a fair amount of gay imagery as well. I’m completely heterosexual and I’m confident in my sexuality but it’s like I had no control over what I was seeing.
Just kept opening my eyes and going “Phew okay” closed my eyes and a completely different vision would come and I’d be like “Oh ffs hahah”.
Honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had, I didn’t break through any walls or anything but it did put into perspective why people take mushrooms and I could say hand on heart it was a good trip.
Hope that helped.
If you’re homophobic, hate colours, wolves, art and trees though I recommend maybe something else.
Also just ate them as they were.

Wow what a read that was. Honestly thanks for the in-depth review. Really was funny just had me belly rolling. But thanks for the information fella and I'm good with colours, shapes and the gay community so I think I'll be good lol

Haha no problem glad you enjoyed it, I don’t think I’ve ever responded to anything in less than 50 words you’ll probably see my string of long winded rants all over the site! Have a great time let me know how it goes.

When it comes to shrooms, cubensis 'strains' isn't like with weed strains, and it's really just different looks and growth patterns. They're all pretty much of the same potency. If you like the taste of mushrooms then they're really not that bad to eat straight up, or you can do 'lemon tek' which may increase the potency slightly. Chocolate is nice for easy dosing and it tastes a bit better. The only time I'd bother with tea is if I have powdered mushrooms.

Probably go for Golden Teachers if you can find them, they are generally a little milder. I would use the tea method or just eat them with some lemon juice. Chocolate bars can be a bit hit and miss, some squares will be stronger than others. I would suggest 1.5-2g for a first go.

Good advice I tried shrooms for first time this year went with golden teacher and had about 2g. Real nice experience

My first time was 2g lemon tek golden teacher and was awesome. Aslong as you have a good set and setting and your intentions are good and your in a good state of mind then all good.
I’ve now been taking 3.5g via lemon tek bi weekly since January and honestly it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I use to enjoy going out drinking but now prefer tripping listening to my music in my environment and it’s awesome. I’ve got adhd and the meds never really worked but since I’ve been dosing bi weekly I’ve never had so much focus (managed to get better grades with uni assignments) and just managed my time better.
As for purchasing I would advocate for growing your own as it is a piece of piss, I buried my spent cakes in a flower bed and have random large flushes of golden teachers and Mazapatec. With growing your own you can also perfect your grow and the ability to clone impressive shrooms.
But this is just my experience and can’t speak for others as it may effect you differently.
I’ve now been taking 3.5g via lemon tek bi weekly since January and honestly it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I use to enjoy going out drinking but now prefer tripping listening to my music in my environment and it’s awesome. I’ve got adhd and the meds never really worked but since I’ve been dosing bi weekly I’ve never had so much focus (managed to get better grades with uni assignments) and just managed my time better.
As for purchasing I would advocate for growing your own as it is a piece of piss, I buried my spent cakes in a flower bed and have random large flushes of golden teachers and Mazapatec. With growing your own you can also perfect your grow and the ability to clone impressive shrooms.
But this is just my experience and can’t speak for others as it may effect you differently.

I had a great time with shroom chocolate yesterday. Wrote a review if you wanted to know what it was like (well, what it was like for me anyway) as that should still be visible on the Topics wall. I did a lot of mushrooms back in the day, and I feel that DMT for a first trip would be a really, really bad idea.

Thanks bud. I'll check out the review. And tbh I agree I would love to try dmt one day but maybe wait for it to come into my life rather than go out trying to get hold of it. But shrooms is something I've been wanting to try for several years now and have just never had the chance.... That's of course until I was introduced to LB

Well, this was a weirdly prescient comment. Met a guy this afternoon that I haven't seen for many, many years. We had a chat and he mentioned he'd bought jeweller's scales, that were accurate to 3 decimal places. I asked why he'd need something that accurate. He said, "Have you heard of DMT?" I said obviously I had, and apparently you can get it in carts now. He laughed. He said you don't need a cart, you need an accurate 0.015g dose. I didn't enquire further. Easy to make, he reckons.

There's a bit of a learning curve to smoking dmt, and it's easy to waste the fairly expensive substance. The carts make it super easy, but like with thc vape it can be a hit and miss getting a good one, and I find sub-ohm tanks to be much better. You could also mix the juice yourself very easily. As for the substance itself, I don't think it's as serious as many think. It's intense for sure, and it can be scary the first time, but it's really lovely, and nobody I know have ever regretted taking it, in fact they all wanted to do it again. Set and setting is key as with all psychedelics - you want to be with people you trust, and ideally people who are gonna take it as well. It can be a great bonding experience amongst friends. You don't want to be in a place where people are coming and going, and people should not be touching you or talking to you, or at all preferably. If it gets too intense, you will still be able to hear your thoughts, so just remind yourself that it will pass and try to relax, and then it will feel amazing.
I had a bad bike accident as a child, my arm broke and I was knocked unconscious and the first experience of my first trip was waking up where my past self went to sleep and I was in a ditch with ambulance personnel standing above me and I had a respirator on and the personnel kept telling me to stay down. It was proper freaky, but I remained calm and the trip progressed, and by the end I was ready to go again. It's truly a wonderful experience and I'd recommend it to anyone.
I had a bad bike accident as a child, my arm broke and I was knocked unconscious and the first experience of my first trip was waking up where my past self went to sleep and I was in a ditch with ambulance personnel standing above me and I had a respirator on and the personnel kept telling me to stay down. It was proper freaky, but I remained calm and the trip progressed, and by the end I was ready to go again. It's truly a wonderful experience and I'd recommend it to anyone.

I have Penis Envy shrooms for sale that my cousin and I grow....the dose for a newbie of PE is about 3g, experienced users like myself take 4g for highly visual experience...please always weigh your dose with decent scales...before consumption....if you have nausea at first, cannabis will take care of that....
Hope you find a good seller in UK...
Or I ship to UK too.
Hope you find a good seller in UK...
Or I ship to UK too.

3 posts
+10 votes

{buy help}
Coinbase and now Binance blocked by Santander UK
started topic
+ 3 more

{buy help}
Coinbase and now Binance blocked by Santander UK
One of the main banks I use to get my crypto has been Santader, just convenient for me. Tried to make a payment to Binance today after Coinbase closed my account without giving me a chance to ask or dispute why (Turns out I was buying drugs online what am I like ay?).
Literally spent all weekend with you cats getting a feel for what I should get, had 12 things in the cart got down to 10 went to buy some BTC, text from Santander "We don't allow this anymore".
So i've been having a dig at what's actually allowed, and Etoro are because they're allegedly regulated by the FDA, except when you're signing up they ask for every single detail about your life and i'm really not comfortable with some of the info they wanted.
Any advice on a straightforward alternative? I don't mind using Etoro if I have to but now i've got to wait up to 3 days before I can even put an order in, my wifes away for the night Wednesday and I had every intention of going scorched earth i'm so disappointed.
Literally spent all weekend with you cats getting a feel for what I should get, had 12 things in the cart got down to 10 went to buy some BTC, text from Santander "We don't allow this anymore".
So i've been having a dig at what's actually allowed, and Etoro are because they're allegedly regulated by the FDA, except when you're signing up they ask for every single detail about your life and i'm really not comfortable with some of the info they wanted.
Any advice on a straightforward alternative? I don't mind using Etoro if I have to but now i've got to wait up to 3 days before I can even put an order in, my wifes away for the night Wednesday and I had every intention of going scorched earth i'm so disappointed.

Definitely possible, it was actually from Coinbases side it was closed I googled it and it's happened to thousands of people, turns out they owe you no explanation and that's that so when I go to log on it says "In the middle of account closure" and only lets me transfer out my current balance.
Shame really, coinbase was straightforward enough but I can't get a second account on there since it's all ID, I have no problem using an alternative, I do have a problem with there being a 3 day hurdle every time I open my eyes.
Life player
Shame really, coinbase was straightforward enough but I can't get a second account on there since it's all ID, I have no problem using an alternative, I do have a problem with there being a 3 day hurdle every time I open my eyes.
Life player

When you find a place to buy btc, sent the funds firstly to your own wallet, then from your own personal wallet you can buy as many drugs as you wish.
Best not buying drugs through a legit companies website /wallet.
Best not buying drugs through a legit companies website /wallet.

same thing happened with me with Santander, then tried a couple of days later and all ok. No problems since. Halifax also allow me to buy bitcoin at coinbase.

Coinbase and binance are blacklisted and banks are cracking down on crypto, like Sam said monzo is a good option it takes half an hour to set up and they welcome crypto buys and you can link it to your main bank account to transfer funds across.

try Revolut. You can use it to buy on coinbase or Binance as far as I am aware. But you can also buy various crypto direct through the app. Useful for day to day purchases also. You will need your own wallet to send your coins to (and then use them as you want). Doubt it will help you out for Wednesday though unfortunately

I just tried Etoro and got scammed out of £80 of my deposit within 2h by the company who decided to block trading on my new account (including transfers of the Crypto they let me buy with no issue, and to their OWN WALLET) so now i'm hesitant about Revolut.
Is it basically, get the app get a virtual card, send money from other bank (Would Santander allow that?) and then buy BTC through Revolut and send to a wallet/buy here? If that's the case too do thy have any grimy restrictions that stop you transferring etc?
I mean screw me, this last few months has been a nightmare and day in day out at every point no matter where I turn I seem to be getting fucked at every avenue it's infuriating.
Is it basically, get the app get a virtual card, send money from other bank (Would Santander allow that?) and then buy BTC through Revolut and send to a wallet/buy here? If that's the case too do thy have any grimy restrictions that stop you transferring etc?
I mean screw me, this last few months has been a nightmare and day in day out at every point no matter where I turn I seem to be getting fucked at every avenue it's infuriating.

There's a few topics on here about buying btc without any id, you could try see if there's anything suggested that would be of use.
I know of one place that doesn't need id but the fees are eye watering, perhaps use one of these sites just the once to get your smoke for Wednesday.
I've had issues with most places i've bought from but i've always ended up getting my btc in the end.
I know of one place that doesn't need id but the fees are eye watering, perhaps use one of these sites just the once to get your smoke for Wednesday.
I've had issues with most places i've bought from but i've always ended up getting my btc in the end.

I have a problem with the whole ID thing, especially using btc since it's only pseudo anonymous. I had been looking to make my first buy and was going to use changelly, apparently you can buy under $150 without ID verification, anyone used them? what's your opinion?

As long as you have a personal wallet and don't sent to LB directly from where you're buying you're fine.
I buy from CB and always send to the same wallet address, as far as they know i'm a btc investor and nothing else.
Banks could care less about crypto purchases, least those that allow it, as the uk gov has zero issues with crypto.
I buy from CB and always send to the same wallet address, as far as they know i'm a btc investor and nothing else.
Banks could care less about crypto purchases, least those that allow it, as the uk gov has zero issues with crypto.

i second this i use coinbase, santander and exodus wallet and bought bitcoin 4 days ago (although my transaction to LB still hasnt gone through and transaxe hasnt replied to me lol)

1 post
+3 votes
@Eddys im leaving nothing to guess work anymore. New Jungle Boys Cured Badder drop with test results.🫨🔥🔥🔥
I’m glad about the feedback from SOTL and others it does pay to be accurate but honestly even if you didn’t have tests your products and feedback spea…

@Eddys im leaving nothing to guess work anymore. New Jungle Boys Cured Badder drop with test results.🫨🔥🔥🔥
Hey Biggas Bought the Tcheck2 for testing the products I sell so I’m going full transparency on my page. It is what this site and the biggas deserve. I started with these brand new in stock amazing cured Badders from jungle boys probably the best thing I’ve vaped Ever!. And the results are out of this world if you ask me, the wedding cake flower has been done and I’m really pleased but that’s where I gave up for today so more results to come . Much love biggas and hope you enjoy these they won’t be around for long . Thanks Eddy

Hi bud you ordered the Ice Cream Float right? If it was pot luck you got really lucky😂

Yeah I see it now, just confused by the mention of different strains in this listing. Looking forward to it 👍🏼

Incredibly strong stuff, one hit took me out completely. Keeping this for when the Mrs is away.

this badder looks peng
the Tcheck devices are known to be very innacurate. search on google - tcheck reddit - and look through posts. nice idea though
the Tcheck devices are known to be very innacurate. search on google - tcheck reddit - and look through posts. nice idea though

T check 2 is much better it’s been tested against a $50000 machine and there was only .3 difference went with my budget lol il take .3😂😂

wish the real world results was that accurate I had one and could test the same sample and it give different results haha

I’m in
Getting a new e rig so would be rude not to 🤷♂️
I pick Zkittles. Take my money ah fuck ya did 😁😁😁🤯🤯
Getting a new e rig so would be rude not to 🤷♂️
I pick Zkittles. Take my money ah fuck ya did 😁😁😁🤯🤯

Another very kind bigga was shifting his core 2.0 at a more than reasonable trade 💨 hopefully 🤞 be here around the same time. What a way to pop its maiden voyage helping the badder goodness enter my lungs 🫁

No hate intended Eddy,
But I do think that test is inaccurate. If there was 98.5% of THCa, would that leave the badder with only 1.5% of terpenes? That seems awfully low terpene content for an extract and in turn doesn't make much sense.
Under further inspection, it seems the device you are using is rated for the following infused products only:
Coconut oil & MCT
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
Alcohol tinctures
I think GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) would be a more accurate way of determining your products true cannabinoid content.
That badder does look very nice though! 👍
But I do think that test is inaccurate. If there was 98.5% of THCa, would that leave the badder with only 1.5% of terpenes? That seems awfully low terpene content for an extract and in turn doesn't make much sense.
Under further inspection, it seems the device you are using is rated for the following infused products only:
I think GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry) would be a more accurate way of determining your products true cannabinoid content.
That badder does look very nice though! 👍

Hey SOTL You were right thanks for the heads up bud. I retested a few times still high 92.6 , im going to have to run 3 tests a time to get a more accurate average now, what have i signed up for here😂

Hey Eddy, hope all is well!
It's probably just tinkering / trial and error with the device that'll get you a decent result. Your idea is actually really innovative and I look to do something similar myself. The Purpl Pro looks good, worth the money. However I heard its no good testing hash / concentrates, so I might look into some form of homemade GCMS setup if thats possible. While it might require some SERIOUS research it is a project I'm fully willing to take up. Nothing beats the good old Extractor though, I do hope they come back!
Thanks for following up on this Eddy, shows we have another trustworthy vendor on our hands. 💪💯
It's probably just tinkering / trial and error with the device that'll get you a decent result. Your idea is actually really innovative and I look to do something similar myself. The Purpl Pro looks good, worth the money. However I heard its no good testing hash / concentrates, so I might look into some form of homemade GCMS setup if thats possible. While it might require some SERIOUS research it is a project I'm fully willing to take up. Nothing beats the good old Extractor though, I do hope they come back!
Thanks for following up on this Eddy, shows we have another trustworthy vendor on our hands. 💪💯

It’s cool bud no offence taken, im only trying for better transparency. I used an alcohol tincture and have the Tcheck 2 plus flower testing add on kit. It allows for 20 test per sample

Claimed accuracy statistics and product support:
Decarbed flower based infusions
Accuracy: +/-4mg/ml
Decarbed THC flower: Alcohol, Butter, MCT coconut oil, Extra virgin olive oil
*Decarbed flower based infusions made with hemp are not supported at this time.
Dried raw flower (not decarbed)
Accuracy: +/- 3 percentage points
Sativa cannabis, Indica cannabis, Hybrid, Hemp (Unable to test for 0.3% THCa)
*CBG rich strain or CBN rich strain are not supported at this time.
Isolate based infusions
Accuracy: +/- 2mg/ml
Winterized THC isolates: Alcohol, Butter, MCT coconut oil, Extra virgin olive oil
Winterized CBD isolates: Alcohol, MCT coconut oil, Extra virgin olive oil
*Non-winterized isolates are not supported at this time.
Winterized concentrate
Accuracy: +/- 7 percentage points
THCa & CBD: Butane hash oil (BHO), Shatter, Budder, Crumble, Diamonds, Resin, Distillate, Crystalline
*THC and CBDa concentrates (not commonly available) or CBN and CBG concentrates are not supported at this time.
Decarbed flower based infusions
Accuracy: +/-4mg/ml
Decarbed THC flower: Alcohol, Butter, MCT coconut oil, Extra virgin olive oil
*Decarbed flower based infusions made with hemp are not supported at this time.
Dried raw flower (not decarbed)
Accuracy: +/- 3 percentage points
Sativa cannabis, Indica cannabis, Hybrid, Hemp (Unable to test for 0.3% THCa)
*CBG rich strain or CBN rich strain are not supported at this time.
Isolate based infusions
Accuracy: +/- 2mg/ml
Winterized THC isolates: Alcohol, Butter, MCT coconut oil, Extra virgin olive oil
Winterized CBD isolates: Alcohol, MCT coconut oil, Extra virgin olive oil
*Non-winterized isolates are not supported at this time.
Winterized concentrate
Accuracy: +/- 7 percentage points
THCa & CBD: Butane hash oil (BHO), Shatter, Budder, Crumble, Diamonds, Resin, Distillate, Crystalline
*THC and CBDa concentrates (not commonly available) or CBN and CBG concentrates are not supported at this time.

Hey Budzinho,
I seem to have confused the device with the original tCheck, I was unaware the tCheck 2 was capable of testing THCa concentrates, excuse my ignorance.
After further researching this, i've learnt that the device takes a 30-75mg sample of concentrate diluted in a solution of isopropyl alcohol. I've added a video to explain it better.
I feel as if this test is innacurate, having looked at the other listed badders they seem more accurate and there's maybe a good chance this test was done incorrectly. Maybe the ratio the product was diluted at was innacurate as opposed to the one reccomended? Who knows. Either way I would reccomend Eddy rerun this test for everyone's peace of mind as I do heavily doubt it is 98.5% THCa.
I seem to have confused the device with the original tCheck, I was unaware the tCheck 2 was capable of testing THCa concentrates, excuse my ignorance.
After further researching this, i've learnt that the device takes a 30-75mg sample of concentrate diluted in a solution of isopropyl alcohol. I've added a video to explain it better.
I feel as if this test is innacurate, having looked at the other listed badders they seem more accurate and there's maybe a good chance this test was done incorrectly. Maybe the ratio the product was diluted at was innacurate as opposed to the one reccomended? Who knows. Either way I would reccomend Eddy rerun this test for everyone's peace of mind as I do heavily doubt it is 98.5% THCa.

I get you SOTL, to have the ability to test bud, concentrate etc you need to buy the add on for this device.
I'd have to research about the accuracy of these type's of devices but I do think it's a step in the right direction. More transparency and disclosure can only benefit LB.
However I think it would be a good idea for vendors to include a disclaimer about the accuracy of these test's including the claimed dosage leeway's. Just my two cents tho.
I'd have to research about the accuracy of these type's of devices but I do think it's a step in the right direction. More transparency and disclosure can only benefit LB.
However I think it would be a good idea for vendors to include a disclaimer about the accuracy of these test's including the claimed dosage leeway's. Just my two cents tho.

the device is the issue so doesnt really matter how many test you do. there is a reason labs exist with $50,000 equipment. a $300 device aint gonna put them out if business.
like shroom said it very unlikely for it to be 98% THC. THC distillate which looks at getting just the THC out of the weed is lab tested at 95% . badder has terpenes and small amount of organic matter In which distillate doesnt have. most badders tests at 75%-80%
like shroom said it very unlikely for it to be 98% THC. THC distillate which looks at getting just the THC out of the weed is lab tested at 95% . badder has terpenes and small amount of organic matter In which distillate doesnt have. most badders tests at 75%-80%

Not sure it requires big lab test let’s be honest everyone here used to go to there mate Dave’s and he would say this stuff is the bollocks and you would empty your wallet lol so a little £400 check is better than that imo😂

I’m glad about the feedback from SOTL and others it does pay to be accurate but honestly even if you didn’t have tests your products and feedback speak for themselves.
Also I love you, please save me some I want to try this sadly got hit with financials the day you posted these (expecting a baby in 8 weeks, did you know a breast pump costs over £100 ? Cheeky gets).
So if you can save me 1g of any of them for the 1st I’ll get some
Also I love you, please save me some I want to try this sadly got hit with financials the day you posted these (expecting a baby in 8 weeks, did you know a breast pump costs over £100 ? Cheeky gets).
So if you can save me 1g of any of them for the 1st I’ll get some

Tell me about it little rascals cost a fortune 😂 yea hopefully have some in the private reserves lol so if it comes off the menu shoot me a little msg n can sort something out.✌🏻

Just wondering can it be smoked in a joint or is it dab or vape only never had before or used a vape or dab rig 🤔

It definitely can be bud but to appreciate the full flavour it’s much better dabbed. Just got myself the yocan torch and a 20quid glass bubbler and I’m super impressed smoothest vape I’ve tried so far😍, Hope this helps bud Eddy🍭🫶

Great idea Eddy, more transparency can only be a good thing!
Meant to be on a strict budget till next month but might have to try one or two of these 🤔
Meant to be on a strict budget till next month but might have to try one or two of these 🤔

1 post
+2 votes

Skunk Bars
Restock of our Stardawg pucks.
Hey Dopey, what’s the deal with pucks? Is it normal bud that’s hard compressed to be moved, or is it trim or shake that’s compressed?
Hey Dopey, what’s the deal with pucks? Is it normal bud that’s hard compressed to be moved, or is it trim or shake that’s compressed?

1 post
+8 votes
Best bud
I believe the Gentleman dealer and some other vendors are selling some heavy cali weed, if you search “Tenco” that’s a big brand, I believe I saw one …

Best bud
I'm looking for the best bud on this site. Cost not an issue, I want an Henry of something that will blow my mind. An old friend of mine I haven't seen in years is visiting so I want something pukka

I believe the Gentleman dealer and some other vendors are selling some heavy cali weed, if you search “Tenco” that’s a big brand, I believe I saw one called ‘wham’ one called ‘wagyu’ and there was one on an ice cream pack.
I can’t say these are the best, but they’re the most famous, most expensive and most highly reviewed. If moneys no thang go for one of them.
I can’t say these are the best, but they’re the most famous, most expensive and most highly reviewed. If moneys no thang go for one of them.

I was disappointed with Wham (from a different vendor) when I had it in a joint. When I had it in a dosing capsule in the Mighty+ I saw what all the fuss was about. I gave a friend some and he kept muttering "Too high" for a few hours in response to any questions.

I agree with Shipitout…if you want a special night Henry To Impress treat your seld to a TGD Jungle Boys Pack…🤩

Always go to the gents if I'm feeling flush and I've never been let down once in all fairness but I'm old skool so anything after white widow and AK47 and I'm clueless!

My current favourite is Grape Cream Cake (link above), and it's in my top line stash section. If that doesn't wipe you and your friend out, even if you both have high tolerance, then I'd be amazed.

Looks nice fair play and 130 on the Q seems reasonable. Definitely going on the possible list. Cheers buddy!

I’ll have a browse for you but what do you prefer Indica or sativa ? And what does your mate prefer ?

Thanks for that. Not really bothered, tbh I've never been able to tell the difference despite smoking for over 20 years!

That's right, just play some games and chill out with a pizza. I've honestly never been able to tell the difference, even after all these years

You seem to know your way around the vendors with all your lists. Have you tried much? Been looking for some nice sticky weed to vape.

Try a MOON ROCK, (linked above) that’s very sticky & some one has already vaped with it in the reviews. But the only other thing I can suggest that would be guaranteed is StarDawg. I don’t know if you want that or not but it’s a very safe bet for sticky weed

1 post
+3 votes

Honest Review of PISTACH
Ah that’s disappointing, although this is one review but there’s nothing worse than getting let down. I saw your review from Drugs Inc below and I had…

Honest Review of PISTACH
I have ordered several times from this guy and i can honestly say dont waist your money!! you can get much better quality weed from other vendors like GreenTeam. My last order i was assured i was getting Premium weed. I was send 2 ounces of STD weed which is definely not premium. I complained and was sent 10 grams as a replacement which does not make up as i dont want to smoke std weed. This has happened a few times so you cant believe what the listings say or what the vendors have to say.

Ah that’s disappointing, although this is one review but there’s nothing worse than getting let down. I saw your review from Drugs Inc below and I had a bad experience with them too and basically got ignored so I’ve pretty much written them off as a potential vendor.
I’ve read Pistachio takes time to reply and delivery isn’t as quick but I’ve never read that the product isn’t good, I was going to order an oz of Stardawg off them the other week to see what it’s like when it’s grown properly but something came up.
Hope you manage to get it sorted, can you put a picture in of what you got? It’ll definitely add validity, without proof it’s your word vs there’s most of the time which is a shame.
I also really like the pictures Pistach has of their bud, the backgrounds are clear so you can really see the quality of bud and I think that’s a big positive, but if you have a picture of the bud and it’s not close to quality then we can see it and agree.
Hope you get it sorted anyway.
I’ve read Pistachio takes time to reply and delivery isn’t as quick but I’ve never read that the product isn’t good, I was going to order an oz of Stardawg off them the other week to see what it’s like when it’s grown properly but something came up.
Hope you manage to get it sorted, can you put a picture in of what you got? It’ll definitely add validity, without proof it’s your word vs there’s most of the time which is a shame.
I also really like the pictures Pistach has of their bud, the backgrounds are clear so you can really see the quality of bud and I think that’s a big positive, but if you have a picture of the bud and it’s not close to quality then we can see it and agree.
Hope you get it sorted anyway.

Were you actually assured this was premium weed? Ive had the zushi and liked it. I consider premium weed as cali level which its not stated that it is. Pistach has always been good to me and has good options for budget and more premium weed.

I've been smoking weed for a very long time and also growing it so I know a lot about this I was assured it was good stuff this stuff is standard and it doesn't look like the picture I will add an image shortly

These pictures are bad, it’s hard to see anything. Not discounting your own experience but feel I must give my own. I’ve had both the Zushi and Biscotti from Pistach.
Biscotti was my first order on LB. Came in 24 hours on free postage, nugs were very small but they were so dense and had reasonable trich coating. Nice to smoke and great price. Nothing special but better than 1 other biscotti “cali mid” I’ve tried on LB.
Zushi was my second order along with Blue Headband. Zushi had some fibre contaminant perhaps from a scrog or something, I put it down to bad luck with batch. Quality of the weed itself was great once sorted through. No large nugs but all covered in huge amount of dusty kief, great value for money - I see they have Zushi Shake in stock, this could be a great buy assuming only my batch had the contam issue. The Blue Headband wasn’t to my liking but it was a cheap buy - it is what it is, nothing physically wrong with product.
Speaking of shake I got some of their Jaffa Glue. It vaped well, nice flavour and solid effects. Many small popcorn nugs, not the frostiest looking but had a strong effect. Gave it to a friend in need, he said it was smooth smoke and had him flying.
I messed up my address on an order with Pistach and they were quick to respond to messages and fix my dumb mistake before my order was sent to the abyss. This order included 2 stoneys chocolate bars, was worried it’d all be melted but arrived fine a few days later, albeit a little soft. Foil wrapping felt oily to the touch coating my fingers and could see oil in packaging, not sure if that’s normal it’s my first time with chocolate edibles!
I’ve only eaten 6 squares but was smoking throughout the day so can’t comment on potency but it tasted great and could taste the product. Gonna munch the rest of these with the Mrs on date night!
While I’m here, any bigga can recommend some reasonably priced flower that vapes well? Usually go for the strongest couch locking indica I can but not opposed to try some strong sativa. I’ve tried some of TGT pick n mix cali and some DIUK ice cream cake so far both were solid. Thanks!
Biscotti was my first order on LB. Came in 24 hours on free postage, nugs were very small but they were so dense and had reasonable trich coating. Nice to smoke and great price. Nothing special but better than 1 other biscotti “cali mid” I’ve tried on LB.
Zushi was my second order along with Blue Headband. Zushi had some fibre contaminant perhaps from a scrog or something, I put it down to bad luck with batch. Quality of the weed itself was great once sorted through. No large nugs but all covered in huge amount of dusty kief, great value for money - I see they have Zushi Shake in stock, this could be a great buy assuming only my batch had the contam issue. The Blue Headband wasn’t to my liking but it was a cheap buy - it is what it is, nothing physically wrong with product.
Speaking of shake I got some of their Jaffa Glue. It vaped well, nice flavour and solid effects. Many small popcorn nugs, not the frostiest looking but had a strong effect. Gave it to a friend in need, he said it was smooth smoke and had him flying.
I messed up my address on an order with Pistach and they were quick to respond to messages and fix my dumb mistake before my order was sent to the abyss. This order included 2 stoneys chocolate bars, was worried it’d all be melted but arrived fine a few days later, albeit a little soft. Foil wrapping felt oily to the touch coating my fingers and could see oil in packaging, not sure if that’s normal it’s my first time with chocolate edibles!
I’ve only eaten 6 squares but was smoking throughout the day so can’t comment on potency but it tasted great and could taste the product. Gonna munch the rest of these with the Mrs on date night!
While I’m here, any bigga can recommend some reasonably priced flower that vapes well? Usually go for the strongest couch locking indica I can but not opposed to try some strong sativa. I’ve tried some of TGT pick n mix cali and some DIUK ice cream cake so far both were solid. Thanks!

If you want proper premium weed then order from green team they also do a custom order and it only works out a little bit more expensive than what you're paying from pistach

This was all premium from green team I ordered earlier not much more expensive I will only use green team going forward!

2 posts
+9 votes

Hey biggas it’s hash Wednesday again look for the the (HW) on selected products for hash Wednesday savings! Lots on offer today.
Also drooping tonight brand new 🔥 Jungle Boyz Passion Guava Bubble Hash if you’ve already tried my bubble hashes then you know what’s coming🔥🔥😮💨🤤🫠. Much love Eddy🍭🫶
Also drooping tonight brand new 🔥 Jungle Boyz Passion Guava Bubble Hash if you’ve already tried my bubble hashes then you know what’s coming🔥🔥😮💨🤤🫠. Much love Eddy🍭🫶

Wasn’t the bubble hash we was expecting but this stuff takes the jungle boys 👑 , check out the page biggas for the new jungle boys drops 🔥🔥🔥

Looks incredible brother, like fudge! I don’t think I’d be used cured stuff in a dab pen could I?

Take a look at the Zkittles Cake listing, showing as 50g for $50 for me. I'm skint but I'll sell a kidney for that deal lol.

Dear God Almighty man.....
What are you trying to do to us???!!!
Looks like i might have to go out and turn a few tricks this weekend then 🤦♂️
What are you trying to do to us???!!!
Looks like i might have to go out and turn a few tricks this weekend then 🤦♂️

Ok, who's getting 4g of WiFi OG? My first Hash Wednesday indulgence was over a month ago and I was initially skeptical about spending what I thought at the time was so much on such a small amount ($100 for 4g of the Gelato 45 bubble hash), but it was reduced so I bought it to try.
Completely converted after the first joint of the weird greyish powder that arrived in big chunks. I have over 1g left as it's just wonderful stuff to add a little sprinkle to a joint to supercharge it, and a tiny chunk fluffs up so much between your fingers that a little goes a very long way. Can't wait to try more if it can get better than that strain.
Completely converted after the first joint of the weird greyish powder that arrived in big chunks. I have over 1g left as it's just wonderful stuff to add a little sprinkle to a joint to supercharge it, and a tiny chunk fluffs up so much between your fingers that a little goes a very long way. Can't wait to try more if it can get better than that strain.

It’s true, it is very versatile to use….😍
I tried the WI-FI at the weekend sitting on a bean bag. I must have dozed off fast because I had this vivid dream of lying on a white marshmallow drifting down a lazy river of thick pale yellow cream…
I guess I’d call that effect “relaxing” 🤭
I tried the WI-FI at the weekend sitting on a bean bag. I must have dozed off fast because I had this vivid dream of lying on a white marshmallow drifting down a lazy river of thick pale yellow cream…
I guess I’d call that effect “relaxing” 🤭

1 post
+3 votes
Apex smoke report p2
Great review, I’ve been really down to trying RS11 lately. I’ve always seen my most wanted weed strains as a cross is RS11 and something else (Zoap pl…

Apex smoke report p2

Ok, I’m breaking my rule about reviewing something that’s out of stock.
I have to, not to frustrate but hoping this comes back or is a shining example of the Par we can expect from our new Vendor!!!
I selected this one next based on the votes. I’m so baked and dumb I have expected the vote ticker to climb as I ate……
Thanks to those 3 and the Borg that voted though, I felt like a content creator 😬
Anyway, cracking this one’s little baggy and I get an instant nose. After giving her time to breathe the smell is super enticing and very similar to that nines stuff I blew my bonus on the other week!!!!🤤🤤🤤🤤
Cali dense yet again not crispy at all and got some deep purples with tasty orange, think there’s some green in there?
Again, it grinds and fluffs phenomenally well. This time it all goes in, greedy bastard I know….
Missus moaned so what the hell 🤜
I sound like an annoying tick tok song on loop repeating myself, but it’s super smooth!
I’d say it edges the grape cream in smoothness but the grape has that vanilla cream!
I’m getting some back notes of purple tasting strains, slightly musty in a nice goat lick lipping manner.
Tiny bit of gassyness, but very slight and combines well now I’m stoned and analysing it in my mouth like some failed wine tester…😂
It’s a fucking good one for Apex!
Not so much missus Apex, she’s either gonna get ignored as I fail to move my lips coherently.
Or I’m straight going to the “office” to fail at Dota. Don’t worry, I’ll blame the team 😂
Burn is even, and now I realised I didn’t comment on this for the grape or the ash colour (I’ll update accordingly)!!!!
Ash is brilliant white to pastel grey- no crispy black bits!!!!!🥳
For 2 joints in, Gamechanger has damaged the 🦨
Mrs Apex will learn to hate you too I think 😂
2/2 for me,
I’ll combat roll past the missus while she’s on the couch watching love island or some mind numbing shite and write up the runtz in a bit.
Have a good one people
I have to, not to frustrate but hoping this comes back or is a shining example of the Par we can expect from our new Vendor!!!
I selected this one next based on the votes. I’m so baked and dumb I have expected the vote ticker to climb as I ate……
Thanks to those 3 and the Borg that voted though, I felt like a content creator 😬
Anyway, cracking this one’s little baggy and I get an instant nose. After giving her time to breathe the smell is super enticing and very similar to that nines stuff I blew my bonus on the other week!!!!🤤🤤🤤🤤
Cali dense yet again not crispy at all and got some deep purples with tasty orange, think there’s some green in there?
Again, it grinds and fluffs phenomenally well. This time it all goes in, greedy bastard I know….
Missus moaned so what the hell 🤜
I sound like an annoying tick tok song on loop repeating myself, but it’s super smooth!
I’d say it edges the grape cream in smoothness but the grape has that vanilla cream!
I’m getting some back notes of purple tasting strains, slightly musty in a nice goat lick lipping manner.
Tiny bit of gassyness, but very slight and combines well now I’m stoned and analysing it in my mouth like some failed wine tester…😂
It’s a fucking good one for Apex!
Not so much missus Apex, she’s either gonna get ignored as I fail to move my lips coherently.
Or I’m straight going to the “office” to fail at Dota. Don’t worry, I’ll blame the team 😂
Burn is even, and now I realised I didn’t comment on this for the grape or the ash colour (I’ll update accordingly)!!!!
Ash is brilliant white to pastel grey- no crispy black bits!!!!!🥳
For 2 joints in, Gamechanger has damaged the 🦨
Mrs Apex will learn to hate you too I think 😂
2/2 for me,
I’ll combat roll past the missus while she’s on the couch watching love island or some mind numbing shite and write up the runtz in a bit.
Have a good one people

Great review, I’ve been really down to trying RS11 lately. I’ve always seen my most wanted weed strains as a cross is RS11 and something else (Zoap plz come home) and realised it seems to be the sweet strong bud that’s added to what it’s mixed with to give it that amazing taste.
Love the review next time I see some RS11 is I’ll grab some myself
Love the review next time I see some RS11 is I’ll grab some myself

Another great review mate! I do like RS11, might need to add this to the ever growing list.

I voted mate! And clicked like and subscribed! 😉🤣
I'll be tuning in for the next instalment too! 😁💚✌️
I'll be tuning in for the next instalment too! 😁💚✌️

Nice one Apex, you saved me from having to do a detailed review! Just vaping the RS11, its lovely!! Really enjoy reading your reviews mate, keep up the good work.

Great review, thanks Apex! 👊
For me personally, this one was some of the best smoke I’ve had in a long time.
For me personally, this one was some of the best smoke I’ve had in a long time.

1 post
+4 votes

{buy help}
I can vouch for RealD’s shake 100%, there’s also a nice one from Strainsburys that a new vendor is also selling for $55 instead of $60 but can’t remem…
I can vouch for RealD’s shake 100%, there’s also a nice one from Strainsburys that a new vendor is also selling for $55 instead of $60 but can’t remember the name.
How big are you on shake? What are you using it for? A cheap smoke, tobacco replacement or edibles?
Real’s shake had very few buds in it but very few sticks it’s mostly Terp covered frosty blueish sugar leaves, now normally you’d go “That’s crap, almost no buds and loads of leaf why bother ?”
Well I bought 7g on a whim because there was an offer at the time, my tolerance is very high and I can say the smell, taste and effect of it is beyond any other shake or trim I’ve had on LB or anywhere else, I got genuinely more high than some weed I’d had prior and the smell and taste of it is absolutely lovely.
So there you go
How big are you on shake? What are you using it for? A cheap smoke, tobacco replacement or edibles?
Real’s shake had very few buds in it but very few sticks it’s mostly Terp covered frosty blueish sugar leaves, now normally you’d go “That’s crap, almost no buds and loads of leaf why bother ?”
Well I bought 7g on a whim because there was an offer at the time, my tolerance is very high and I can say the smell, taste and effect of it is beyond any other shake or trim I’ve had on LB or anywhere else, I got genuinely more high than some weed I’d had prior and the smell and taste of it is absolutely lovely.
So there you go

High Bigga
I am after real close sugar leaf trim that's been really close to bud and small caked in crystals. rather them most the scrap that's being sold. Could anyone please provide this on this marketplace. It has to burn white ash in a pure joint and no harshness.
I am after real close sugar leaf trim that's been really close to bud and small caked in crystals. rather them most the scrap that's being sold. Could anyone please provide this on this marketplace. It has to burn white ash in a pure joint and no harshness.

British bulldog all day. I’ve been using it for ages and the price is on point as the gear.
I would probably hold off until he’s done with his Mac listing but I was getting 20g for $40 give or take.
I would probably hold off until he’s done with his Mac listing but I was getting 20g for $40 give or take.

Looks good . would need a decrease in price for me to grab those around 80 quid. but that's just me. that price he has is just not me

This looks like import bottoms dust should smoke alright and have that typical import smell. with almost hash traits to it. Thanks for sharing links it helps. When i find best ones i'll re share ref links to.

Oh Good find thank you CB, AWWW good strain but quality does not look like what i am questing for.

I've tried just about every shake on this site and Pistach can vary in quality but is usually the best.
Just weed and Real D sent me overpriced trim with zero nugs. I remember looking forward to the white tahoe cookies and it was total shite. Never again.
Strainsburys might get a try soon. They look pretty good.
This is all my opinion and not facts.
Just weed and Real D sent me overpriced trim with zero nugs. I remember looking forward to the white tahoe cookies and it was total shite. Never again.
Strainsburys might get a try soon. They look pretty good.
This is all my opinion and not facts.

1 post
+4 votes
New Top Shelf Strain :)
This looks beautiful, so long as you’re not really a T-Rex with gloves on so you have tiny hands and this is tiny.
Right, that’s my last silly commen…

New Top Shelf Strain :)

Our Oreoz Strain is officially sold out!
We have released a new beautiful Top Shelf Cali Strain - Blue Dream
We have released a new beautiful Top Shelf Cali Strain - Blue Dream

Every vendor listing bangers when I need bonus to come through or use od to get this.
Wtf is going on 😂
Wtf is going on 😂

I’m just shocked by all this bud porn mate!
Some proper evil looking buds 😍
Have you tried any of these yourself?
Blue Dream was one of the best terps back when I grew it.
Partners mum smoked one joint when supposedly making our roast, found her on the bed, arms above her head in a daze 😂
Some proper evil looking buds 😍
Have you tried any of these yourself?
Blue Dream was one of the best terps back when I grew it.
Partners mum smoked one joint when supposedly making our roast, found her on the bed, arms above her head in a daze 😂

This looks beautiful, so long as you’re not really a T-Rex with gloves on so you have tiny hands and this is tiny.
Right, that’s my last silly comment about it now appreciate you sorted your issue the other day.
Not sure if it’s a Society site issue but I tried UK and 2 other countries and it said not available.
Right, that’s my last silly comment about it now appreciate you sorted your issue the other day.
Not sure if it’s a Society site issue but I tried UK and 2 other countries and it said not available.

Blue dream = wet dream for the Dazzler with that 👊👊💦
No chance that’s in my budget bracket but I am trying to DIY that shit for an experiment 🧪
No chance that’s in my budget bracket but I am trying to DIY that shit for an experiment 🧪

I've had the blue dream, the oreoz and the mac x sugar cane. Might have to leave the rest for other biggas as sad as that makes me lol

1 post
+2 votes
11 and 42 please brethren


To celebrate all the great reviews on my new Putin stamp indica hash I will be doing a giveaway!
So I had to redo the competition due to the new Borg that has imposed rules on competitions. This is how the competition will now work. On Saturday there will be a UK national lottery draw (lotto - the red one). 6 numbers are drawn, each number being between 1-99. I will choose the two numbers on the left of the lotto. Those with the closest guess will win 3.5g of our new Putin stamp! There will be two winners! I advise everyone to choose a number that hasn’t been chosen as whoever guessed the number first will win if two people chose the same number. Now that the rules have been established… BEST OF LUCK EVERYONE! Winners will be announced on Saturday Evening!
To celebrate all the great reviews on my new Putin stamp indica hash I will be doing a giveaway!
So I had to redo the competition due to the new Borg that has imposed rules on competitions. This is how the competition will now work. On Saturday there will be a UK national lottery draw (lotto - the red one). 6 numbers are drawn, each number being between 1-99. I will choose the two numbers on the left of the lotto. Those with the closest guess will win 3.5g of our new Putin stamp! There will be two winners! I advise everyone to choose a number that hasn’t been chosen as whoever guessed the number first will win if two people chose the same number. Now that the rules have been established… BEST OF LUCK EVERYONE! Winners will be announced on Saturday Evening!

06 & 28, not a big hash toker now I only dry herb, but couldn't resist after seeing the soft hash porn video

Hope this one keeps the borgs happy! 🤞🤣
Can I take numbers 5 and 9 please Tescrow?
Good luck everyone! 🍀
Can I take numbers 5 and 9 please Tescrow?
Good luck everyone! 🍀

Well hello Saffysda, I hope you’re having a great weekend because… YOU ARE THE WINNER of our lotto draw with the first number being 5! I’m glad someone as supportive as you won, thanks for the constant support now I can show my appreciation to you with our 3.5g of squidgy putin stamp indica hash! Drop me a PM to arrange your delivery :) All the best, Tescrow ❤️

33 and 38 and can't belive you never played the lottery tescrow aha you to get a ticket for Saturday now

Hi Cloudeater77, YOU ARE THE WINNER FOR OUR SECOND DRAW! Congrats, you guessed the number 14 correctly. Please contact me from account with over 10 buys to claim your prize! DM me from this account with the username of your alt account that has 10+ buys. Once confirmed I will begin to process your delivery! This draw is for those with 10+ buys only, so unfortunately if you do not meet this criteria the prize will go to the next applicable person. All the best, Tescrow.

Okay, I'll hold that celebration for a second....
10+ buys with you or just LB in general?. Cos this is my only account and it has 25+ buys.🤔
10+ buys with you or just LB in general?. Cos this is my only account and it has 25+ buys.🤔

Yeah, something weird is happening with my profile. I changed my profile pic yesterday, now it's gone and I can't reselect the old pic.
I'll screenshot and DM you!
I'll screenshot and DM you!

i thought it was funny, im a good girl.. honest.. i just picked them numbers at random, i have no idea what you are getting at ;p

16 and 35 i commented already below, but going on my luck today, im screwed haha nothings going right at all

tanku!!! imma order a sample anyways, ive been wanting to try vaping hash so.. perfect opportunity to give it a go!!
tanku for the comp
tanku for the comp

since my guesses were both wrong ... funny but wrong ... can i pls have 16 and 35 i dont think ether have been picked yet

1 post
+4 votes
Lmfao that is insane, I love playing devil's advocate and assuming there was a genuine mistake instead of malicious intent but Jesus Christ.
I though…


So after seeing the big buds there advertising with gifs,I'll give them a try.And then your sent this. Blatant pisstake. If that's your cali outdoor I'm giving cali a miss

I know mate,I've had shake that's looked and smoked better than the shit these are charging $130 for 14g. Definitely taking the piss these

Lmfao that is insane, I love playing devil's advocate and assuming there was a genuine mistake instead of malicious intent but Jesus Christ.
I thought it was a 10p at first, and I was still shocked at how tiny and meh (and also stick filled? Half of them look like they're from the base of the stalk not just that they've fallen off a bud) they looked.
Straight up, if this is actually the Cali outdoor and not some weird mix up i'd straight up ask for a refund and put in a complaint, that's not fake advertising it's fraud.
It reminds me of those Ebay reviews where someone thinks they've bought a car but it's a tiny toy car and it says in the small print.
Worst thing is, I was telling my wife in the car before (Does not give a shit about weed) about how much I love the site, and how some of the pictures etc. are showing some serious quality, and I mentioned seeing these Gifs yesterday of some of the best looking buds i've ever seen.
Peckham Springs Weed.
Edit: What strain was this and how much did you order?
I thought it was a 10p at first, and I was still shocked at how tiny and meh (and also stick filled? Half of them look like they're from the base of the stalk not just that they've fallen off a bud) they looked.
Straight up, if this is actually the Cali outdoor and not some weird mix up i'd straight up ask for a refund and put in a complaint, that's not fake advertising it's fraud.
It reminds me of those Ebay reviews where someone thinks they've bought a car but it's a tiny toy car and it says in the small print.
Worst thing is, I was telling my wife in the car before (Does not give a shit about weed) about how much I love the site, and how some of the pictures etc. are showing some serious quality, and I mentioned seeing these Gifs yesterday of some of the best looking buds i've ever seen.
Peckham Springs Weed.
Edit: What strain was this and how much did you order?

Spot on mate,oh it's no mistake they claimed that's what outdoor cali is ,that's why it's cheaper 🙄seriously proper pisstake. 14g of white gushers and popscotti. They offered a sample of there premium. Not heard back. As a vendor not a good look . You'd think if these were new vendors they'd be on the ball and comment

I rated it a 9 cause does taste nice and probably cause I’m just to chilled out on rso 🙃 but I got 7gs of the gushers and my guess is it’s lower shelf Cali or not fantastically grown uk hydro, I would also of thought the nice Cali sunshine would of done more

I think the vendor should at least comment- come on guys you must have something to say?…surely you want to put this right?

Hey man, I’m really sorry you didn’t like the buds :( in the picture of the popscotti you can see the size of the buds (size of my finger tips) I’ve tried the buds and I genuinely like them, the smell, taste and high is really good IMO, the looks aren’t the best and neither is the size which is why it’s our cheapest option
another customer bought some and really liked them as well 😭 this is not me making excuses in any way at all as I’ve apologised to you and offered you a pack of our other buds which you can still have, when I say that I mean I will send you top shelf Cali for free as an apology.
If you’re not happy with that I’m happy to send you a full refund. Also on top of that, I genuinely want your opinion in regards selling the bud, I didn’t know it was that bad, I’ve never been called a fraud and therefore if you genuinely think it’s that bad I will happily remove it from the listings completely.
Do you think I should keep it there and label it as something else and give it a price cut or should I completely remove it? Genuine question.
Again I’m really sorry about your experience, we really do have some nice bud which I’m happy to send you as long as you tell me you’re happy with that.
If you have another solution please let me know how I can make it up to you , and tell me how you would like me to deal with this listing, I may remove the outdoor listing as a whole…
I’ll be waiting for your response, I hope you accept my sincere apology, the review and topic has really effected us as new vendors and this was never our intention, we want nothing but happy and satisfied customers 😞
another customer bought some and really liked them as well 😭 this is not me making excuses in any way at all as I’ve apologised to you and offered you a pack of our other buds which you can still have, when I say that I mean I will send you top shelf Cali for free as an apology.
If you’re not happy with that I’m happy to send you a full refund. Also on top of that, I genuinely want your opinion in regards selling the bud, I didn’t know it was that bad, I’ve never been called a fraud and therefore if you genuinely think it’s that bad I will happily remove it from the listings completely.
Do you think I should keep it there and label it as something else and give it a price cut or should I completely remove it? Genuine question.
Again I’m really sorry about your experience, we really do have some nice bud which I’m happy to send you as long as you tell me you’re happy with that.
If you have another solution please let me know how I can make it up to you , and tell me how you would like me to deal with this listing, I may remove the outdoor listing as a whole…
I’ll be waiting for your response, I hope you accept my sincere apology, the review and topic has really effected us as new vendors and this was never our intention, we want nothing but happy and satisfied customers 😞

Hi Instant grams. Don’t worry to much it happens you are compensating the customer. It’s a lot to do with personal taste and expectations, i did think Cali outdoor would be a little nicer but was overall happy. I suggest you advertise it as lowers or B grade and bud that quality goes for as litttle as $80 a 14g on here. Hope this helps and good luck getting business of the ground ✌️

I was thinking like some vendors sell smalls,or b grade.we all know who's selling what and the price, sotl rader breeder etc sell for. And its described as smalls. If I seen them buds at 130 no way I'd even buy them.ive tried messaging the guy .

Ye I’d of said it was a b grade or smalls tho I was abit luckier than you with the size of my buds 😅

Mate,seriously I'm not here to argue, I'm definitely not here to mess with your have pictures up of perfect buds pictures are great looking. But it's not what your selling. Your selling cheap bottom of the barrel shite that's not cured.14g of for $130 usd. Totally your decision on where you go from here .I told you privately mate ,look at what your advertising to what your selling mate. This isn't just my opinion you can see what others are saying.

That's terrible. Unless you was sent the wrong product by mistake, if you wasn't then this is completely false advertising. I'd raise a dispute if the vendor doesn't resolve it in full.
This is why I tend to stick to my very short list of vendors, can't be dealing with dishonesty like this. Which is a shame as it ruins it for other new vendors
This is why I tend to stick to my very short list of vendors, can't be dealing with dishonesty like this. Which is a shame as it ruins it for other new vendors

Vendor knows what he sent, supposedly that's what lower cali looks like, but he will send some premium I'll be happy with. The gifs he's putting up are blatantly not what he's sending out. If your a new vendor surely you'd wanna be online see how your new business is doing. Any orders any problems. Obviously not.Shady as

Yes that's not good, hopefully they can resolve it and also update the picture to accurately represent the product you're going to receive.

Vendor has been in touch ,sent a mixed bag of 4 different strains of bud all beautiful looking buds glistening also some earthy hash and a pre roll. Credit where it's due fixed the issue and some .

If they just put Cali smalls it would have save all the hasle for both sides but it's getting more commen photos of beefed up buds and fancy gaffs then you end up with smalls ye it's not as bad if the smalls are pungent and lovely to smoke but i have had some bad weed at top prices very hard to trust reviews this is just my opinion it's not a dig at anyone here on this topic 🙏

1 post
+1 votes
Look great mate, nice to see some (Hopefully) legit imports for a reasonable mark up. Normal vapes do nothing to me, i've been blasting one this last …


Hey Family,
Here are the RR Cart flavors that are coming to UK Depo soon. We sent another batch of carts and it comes in variety of fresh flavours. Indica , Sativa and Hybrid pure Live Resin + THC Liquid Diamonds. Price will be low for a very limited time then expect it to go up as the product is different quality to THC Distillate Throwaways we have. Its literally connoisseurs choice.
Peace and Respect!!!
Here are the RR Cart flavors that are coming to UK Depo soon. We sent another batch of carts and it comes in variety of fresh flavours. Indica , Sativa and Hybrid pure Live Resin + THC Liquid Diamonds. Price will be low for a very limited time then expect it to go up as the product is different quality to THC Distillate Throwaways we have. Its literally connoisseurs choice.
Peace and Respect!!!

Look great mate, nice to see some (Hopefully) legit imports for a reasonable mark up. Normal vapes do nothing to me, i've been blasting one this last few days and after about honestly 30 pulls i'm a bit slower and my eyes are a bit redder but I get none of the benefits.
I'll be keeping my eye on these and will probably get one off you next month, if they don't work for me i'll rule off carts altogether but at least I tried them all haha
I'll be keeping my eye on these and will probably get one off you next month, if they don't work for me i'll rule off carts altogether but at least I tried them all haha

Hey Family,
These are definitely worthy of trying, we smoke this personally and it does get you high without having to pull 30times. Good 3-4 pulls are enough to leave you feeling good. You probably need to try Sativa, Indica and Hybrid to understand what your body and mind likes the most .
Give us a shout when you ready, will be happy to help.
Peace & Repsect
These are definitely worthy of trying, we smoke this personally and it does get you high without having to pull 30times. Good 3-4 pulls are enough to leave you feeling good. You probably need to try Sativa, Indica and Hybrid to understand what your body and mind likes the most .
Give us a shout when you ready, will be happy to help.
Peace & Repsect

1 post
+4.2 votes
Vendor Review
Good review about the bud, can you show us any pictures of it?
Let’s be real, I saw the gif of the outdoor bud then I saw the picture the vendor had.…

Vendor Review
After seeing the 1/10 review I felt like I should put my opinion. I got 7G of the White Gushers, outdoor cali bud. For the price I have to give it 10/10. I ordered late on friday, around 1PM. And the package arrived before 10am on saturday. Bang on weight with a free pre roll. The bud smoked clean, white - grey ash, with an extremely nice high, it was also incredibly smooth in the vape. 10/10 vendor and will be back, great prices, good comms and good weed.

Good review about the bud, can you show us any pictures of it?
Let’s be real, I saw the gif of the outdoor bud then I saw the picture the vendor had.
Not only were they not the same, they were completely different and the bud sizes actually made me laugh out loud and I haven’t laughed for a week.
Outdoor, indoor all have differences but if you have a gif or 3 inch frosty, beautiful buds and then when it turns up we get pictures of the actual product which is a load of little shitty popcorn buds less than 1/2 inch in size ( the buyer showed a 5p coin which is tiny as a comparison and they were so small) I’d be furious.
I’ve been fucked about by amazing vendors before, I’ve had weed from vendors here with amazing ratings that has smelled like ammonia and smoked like shite, I’ve had vapes from a US exporter that was absolute shite and leaked out the top, they sent a replacement (if I made another order of anything, got some resin) that was exactly as bad.
So now they don’t get used, if anyone asks about the vendor I mention the experience I had and how quick they were to fob me off.
I said it before, I am always happy to say a mistake has been made rather than assume something malicious has happened the first time, and I see below InstantGrams saying they’ll remedy that which is expected .
But how? How can someone be leaving a review here saying it’s amazing and turned up fast but didn’t explain the physical quality when the previous post clearly showed how tiny and unacceptable they were?
I’m not here to start shit, but weed is illegal in the UK still, it’s a battle at street level to get anything other than stardawg at a decent price unless someone’s got something they’re saying is special and it’s sold at a premium.
People come to LB because everyone knows weed should be legal, well moderated and have its quality and price match.
You almost never get a vendor who shows one product and a completely different, worse one turns up.
It’s not good for business, and if you’re a new vendor you need to make sure you’re on top of your game or you’ll fail. You don’t want to be a new vendor with 3 sales and a 1/10 review with proof but that’s the good thing about LB.
They charge big fees for selling and let the buyer review and that’s how scammers and piss takers get… weeded out.
Let’s be real, I saw the gif of the outdoor bud then I saw the picture the vendor had.
Not only were they not the same, they were completely different and the bud sizes actually made me laugh out loud and I haven’t laughed for a week.
Outdoor, indoor all have differences but if you have a gif or 3 inch frosty, beautiful buds and then when it turns up we get pictures of the actual product which is a load of little shitty popcorn buds less than 1/2 inch in size ( the buyer showed a 5p coin which is tiny as a comparison and they were so small) I’d be furious.
I’ve been fucked about by amazing vendors before, I’ve had weed from vendors here with amazing ratings that has smelled like ammonia and smoked like shite, I’ve had vapes from a US exporter that was absolute shite and leaked out the top, they sent a replacement (if I made another order of anything, got some resin) that was exactly as bad.
So now they don’t get used, if anyone asks about the vendor I mention the experience I had and how quick they were to fob me off.
I said it before, I am always happy to say a mistake has been made rather than assume something malicious has happened the first time, and I see below InstantGrams saying they’ll remedy that which is expected .
But how? How can someone be leaving a review here saying it’s amazing and turned up fast but didn’t explain the physical quality when the previous post clearly showed how tiny and unacceptable they were?
I’m not here to start shit, but weed is illegal in the UK still, it’s a battle at street level to get anything other than stardawg at a decent price unless someone’s got something they’re saying is special and it’s sold at a premium.
People come to LB because everyone knows weed should be legal, well moderated and have its quality and price match.
You almost never get a vendor who shows one product and a completely different, worse one turns up.
It’s not good for business, and if you’re a new vendor you need to make sure you’re on top of your game or you’ll fail. You don’t want to be a new vendor with 3 sales and a 1/10 review with proof but that’s the good thing about LB.
They charge big fees for selling and let the buyer review and that’s how scammers and piss takers get… weeded out.

I have pictures of the bud but LB says file is too big, not too sure how to downscale on my phone either, but the buds I got “White Gushers” is a different strain to what the other buyer got. I appreciate the nugs were absolutely tiny, not defending that at all. Just giving my thoughts about my experience, buds I revived looked just like the picture, smoked and tasted great for a good price. I’m actually gutted he’s removed the listing as I can’t get more.

Heres a picture of the popscotti which I had up on the listing, as you can see the buds are around the size of my fingertips which are comparable to a small coin, again I am not trying to defend myself and I take full accountability, I spoke to the customer and we came up with a resolution that we are both happy with, as for the outdoor buds, I will remove popscotti as a listing and will keep the other two since they both did get good reviews :) Thank you again for the positive messages I really appreciate it <3

Thank you man ❤️ I hope the other fellow bigga accepts my apology and is happy with the Reship of different buds, just to not risk bad reviews I think I’ll be taking off the outdoor listing for now ❤️ I’m glad you liked it though! It really is nice in my opinion 😭

1 post
+1 votes
Doesn't Justweed have the exact same trim in stock? 🤔

That trim is all i've got at the mo' and it's really not bad at all even just to smoke on it's own.
I like that it's the same as what JustWeed has, a little bit cheaper, the picture is better (And more reliable in terms of sticks) and you're honest about the description of about 20% stem. I've found there are very few buds in it and almost none big enough to sell but that there's a lot more leaf than advertised.
I say this as someone who likes it and isn't complaining, but I wish you good luck here and no doubt i'll probably grab some off you next month when I run out.
I like that it's the same as what JustWeed has, a little bit cheaper, the picture is better (And more reliable in terms of sticks) and you're honest about the description of about 20% stem. I've found there are very few buds in it and almost none big enough to sell but that there's a lot more leaf than advertised.
I say this as someone who likes it and isn't complaining, but I wish you good luck here and no doubt i'll probably grab some off you next month when I run out.

Hi Budweiser! Best of luck with the new store!
If you ever come across any Cashmere strain, I'll be all over it! 😁😛
If you ever come across any Cashmere strain, I'll be all over it! 😁😛

1 post
+3 votes
Item requests 🙂
Hahah I love that request "Hiya mate, I see you've got some absolutely banging high quality californian grown weed there for a fairly high price,…

Item requests 🙂

Here’s a picture of some Top Shelf Cali flower we’re going to add to our menu!
Our name represents the speed of our service ⚡️ We want to provide a very late cut off time for same day dispatch and special delivery and Saturday delivery ☄️
Before we list our items up on the menu, we want to make sure we have at least 10 items including Cali flower, Hash, shake and UK flower !
What other kinds of items would you guys like ! Please let us know 😎
Our name represents the speed of our service ⚡️ We want to provide a very late cut off time for same day dispatch and special delivery and Saturday delivery ☄️
Before we list our items up on the menu, we want to make sure we have at least 10 items including Cali flower, Hash, shake and UK flower !
What other kinds of items would you guys like ! Please let us know 😎

Not telling you how to run your business, but the ‘Need for Speed’ on here causes more disputes than just about anything else. The more promises you make (about something the fulfilment of is largely out of your control) the more likely you might not meet expectations. And Biggas can be very unforgiving when it comes to their expectations.
Just sayin’…..
Just sayin’…..

It seems Cheese is very highly requested, I'll be on the lookout to try and source some for sure!

Them gifs do look appealing, so order 14g .That's what I was sent. 14 g of tiny popcorn buds.

White gushers and popscotti. Couldn't believe when I seen them. Apparently that's what the lower cheaper looks like $130 usd .Bit of false advertising I'm thinking. What do you think polly

I think it’s rubbish mate and the fact that a new vendor isn’t even trying to resolve it speaks volumes.
(Unless under this ‘Item Requests’ topic you requested “the crappy little demi-nugs rattling around in the bottom of the bag that no other sucker wants and at full price please”? ….I kinda doubt it, but hey you got it anyway!😂)
If they won’t make good then I would dispute it. You probably won’t get all your coin back but you will be compensated.
Good luck👍
(Unless under this ‘Item Requests’ topic you requested “the crappy little demi-nugs rattling around in the bottom of the bag that no other sucker wants and at full price please”? ….I kinda doubt it, but hey you got it anyway!😂)
If they won’t make good then I would dispute it. You probably won’t get all your coin back but you will be compensated.
Good luck👍

Hahah I love that request "Hiya mate, I see you've got some absolutely banging high quality californian grown weed there for a fairly high price, and that's fine by me, but what i'm after is a few of those little tiny nugs you find in the bottom of your mixing pot where you stash your papers and lighters when you're scavenging around for weed at the end of the month. Oh no, don't worry about it being the same price i'm easy. Once again I must be clear, that top shelf weed looks incredible but I am once again asking for the type of weed where, if the police found you with an Oz of it they'd laugh and let you go, nice one!"

Definitely will dispute ,told them if you would have put pics up of that bud I wouldn't have went near it.Putting gifs up and sending that shite is shady as fuck.Bad backstreet dealer's shit. Nice pollypuff appreciate your input

Can I request you respond to messages. I've asked you twice now about custom orders and been ignored. Has anyone had any contact from via messenger with these guys?

I'm always looking out for Cashmere bud. Any nice indica heavy strains really.
Welcome to lb!
Welcome to lb!

1 post
+1 votes
New Promo Stock
Hiya Chase,
Not a big Indica fan myself and i'm pretty loaded up on bud at the minute but just wanted to say that that Purple Runtz picture is absolu…

New Promo Stock
Hey biggas,
The grand opening is here!
Three fantastic strains to chose from to suit your budget. Happy to do custom orders and mixed bags just message me!
Everything is currently 30/40% cheaper than it will be in future whilst I gather feedback. dDon't sleep on the Runtz, that's a steal!
The grand opening is here!
Three fantastic strains to chose from to suit your budget. Happy to do custom orders and mixed bags just message me!
Everything is currently 30/40% cheaper than it will be in future whilst I gather feedback. dDon't sleep on the Runtz, that's a steal!

Hiya Chase,
Not a big Indica fan myself and i'm pretty loaded up on bud at the minute but just wanted to say that that Purple Runtz picture is absolutely gorgeous! The clarity showing all the colour and structure is amazing so I have no doubt you'll have no problem shifting some.
Good luck
Not a big Indica fan myself and i'm pretty loaded up on bud at the minute but just wanted to say that that Purple Runtz picture is absolutely gorgeous! The clarity showing all the colour and structure is amazing so I have no doubt you'll have no problem shifting some.
Good luck

Looking good folks! I love indica leaning hybrids, so I'll be keeping a keen eye on this page! 👀🤣👍

1 post
+1 votes
Spiderman no way home
Pointing Spider-Man meme
1 post
+1 votes
New Zkittlez Live Resin In!
Hiya Smorez,
I put an order in for some of this the other day, got your message and with the bank holiday I probably won’t see it till Thursday or Fr…

New Zkittlez Live Resin In!
Hello everybody, we hope you are all having a lovely weekend so far!
We have just received our second batch of the brand new live resin sugar that we are importing.
The terp profile on this Zkittlez resin is absolutely to die for!
We have just received our second batch of the brand new live resin sugar that we are importing.
The terp profile on this Zkittlez resin is absolutely to die for!

Hiya Smorez,
I put an order in for some of this the other day, got your message and with the bank holiday I probably won’t see it till Thursday or Friday but I appreciate you getting in touch, always nice to have an update.
Haven’t tried it yet (hopefully Royal Mail haven’t either) but I’ve just ordered one of these dab pens so I’ll give it a blast when it turns up and let you know how it is.
Cheers mate, lovely looking product hope you manage to sell a lot more!
I put an order in for some of this the other day, got your message and with the bank holiday I probably won’t see it till Thursday or Friday but I appreciate you getting in touch, always nice to have an update.
Haven’t tried it yet (hopefully Royal Mail haven’t either) but I’ve just ordered one of these dab pens so I’ll give it a blast when it turns up and let you know how it is.
Cheers mate, lovely looking product hope you manage to sell a lot more!

1 post
+3 votes

favourite strain and why?
Sundae Driver for me, one of the first foreign buds that I could really smell, see, feel and taste the quality difference. I used to do ratings on str…

favourite strain and why?
would have to be GG4 for me (Gorilla Glue 4) can't find any on here would love to see it

Still love the old UK genetics - a nice cheese always does the trick! Big Bhudda cheese is still one of the nicest tasting smokes!

A couple that always stick with me.
The original greenhouse lemon skunk, before super lemon haze was a thing,I was in dam when it first came, it was the first time I remember thinking what and how the hell am I smoking a lemon.
And the chocolate mint og that was going around 5-6 years ago I miss that.
The original greenhouse lemon skunk, before super lemon haze was a thing,I was in dam when it first came, it was the first time I remember thinking what and how the hell am I smoking a lemon.
And the chocolate mint og that was going around 5-6 years ago I miss that.

Jungle Cake because it is very strong and doesn't matter what I am doing the stone fits. If i want to do some active i'll be high as heaven but still able to do it. If I want to sleep then I'll pass right out after a joint.

Cannatonic, first successful high CBD strain100% bred for medicinal, post legalization. cool project strain and a nice one to use.

This reminds me of outdoor weed, whispy buds with that lemon hazey taste to it. Nice strain!

I used to get a strain called SoGouda from Soma (I think) in Amsterdam, must be over 10 years since I've seen it on any menus there. If I remember correctly it was BlueberryXCheeseXG13. Wasn't the strongest hitting, but perhaps the nicest tasting weed I have smoked. I'm also a big Sour Diesel fan for similar reasons.

Simple question 🙋♂️ but a hard one to answer in full. As I’m a firm believer is the
Where, when, why and how
That being said
Blue dream has to be right up there for me. Probably more so Coming into the sunshine ☀️ months. You can’t go wrong with a bit of Blue dream
Taste wise right in my wheelhouse and the stone is fantastic.
Not seen it listed is quite a bit.
So if that’s your bag. You really need to try the Blue Dream live resin from CI 😮💨🤯
Where, when, why and how
That being said
Blue dream has to be right up there for me. Probably more so Coming into the sunshine ☀️ months. You can’t go wrong with a bit of Blue dream
Taste wise right in my wheelhouse and the stone is fantastic.
Not seen it listed is quite a bit.
So if that’s your bag. You really need to try the Blue Dream live resin from CI 😮💨🤯

Blues. Only time I’ve felt uplifted, energised, euphoric even, from green.
Never seen it here though ☹️
Never seen it here though ☹️

Probably a good ice cream cake for that sweet taste and relaxed stone but it is very hard to choose 🫠

Sundae Driver for me, one of the first foreign buds that I could really smell, see, feel and taste the quality difference. I used to do ratings on strains I’d had to see what I’d get next time but so often the quality of one is completely different so there’s no consistency.
As soon as I had that Sundae Driver I thought “This is my favourite weed good lord” must have had half a zip about 4 years ago and every time I smoked it it was consistent and amazing.
Sadly went out of stock, it’s back in now and again on one site and I’ve never ever seen it here or on another site with over 1k listings of just bud.
Also worried of getting it and being disappointed since my tolerance is a lot higher these days, trying to keep the nostalgia intact.
As soon as I had that Sundae Driver I thought “This is my favourite weed good lord” must have had half a zip about 4 years ago and every time I smoked it it was consistent and amazing.
Sadly went out of stock, it’s back in now and again on one site and I’ve never ever seen it here or on another site with over 1k listings of just bud.
Also worried of getting it and being disappointed since my tolerance is a lot higher these days, trying to keep the nostalgia intact.

Sour Diesel, OG Kush, Blue Dream, and Girl Scout Cookies. These strains are known for their unique flavor profiles, distinct effects, and popularity among cannabis enthusiasts.

6 posts
+14.2 votes
High THC content for a battered mind
started topic
+ 6 more

High THC content for a battered mind
Hi Biggas,
Made a post a while back mentioning my unintended high tolerance and the things I wanted to try to get high. I took advice about Zombie sticks and decided to make a few of my own with proper bud not shake, hash, Kief I’d bought here and THC oil.
Aside from the 3.5g mix of hash and bud being absolutely awful I tried with more weed and honestly I felt nothing.
Fast forward a few months and mentally I’m at the worst point I’ve been at in years, allegedly in a few weeks I will finally have access to medication that might help me after 10 full years of applying but until that point I’m cold turkeying off prescription meds to get back to baseline.
Long story short, I had 2 packs of 250mg sweets from the DNM over 2 days and felt absolutely nothing, after a full weed joint you’d never know I’d had any and after 2 or 3 it’s still barely noticeable.
I wanted to take a T break but unfortunately with how shite things have been at the minute, having a joint is a decent enough reason to want to get up and work from home but some days I’m just sleeping through and ignoring bud altogether.
There’s not much advice anyone can give me this is probably medical knowledge outside everyone’s jurisdiction. Im sick of smoking weed, I’m in it purely for the effect now and the coughing, smell and time it takes to ingest in a joint bothers me more now I’m not able to get any type of calming effect until 2 to 3, I can’t even remember the last time I was ‘stoned’.
So my options are, try stuff now while off meds and wait to see if Drs actually make good on seeing me in the next 3 weeks, or take a T break once I’m on the meds but as it stands I see no benefit with the way I feel in stopping weed before that point .
1. I have had loads of products here and online and honestly not having much luck. I’m going to get a 500mg edible from the Bald Eagle Bakery if they still have them can anyone recommend the strongest vape you’ve had? I’ve had a few from G6 to Canadianimports (bad product that’s still being sold) to MJs and no matter what I just don’t feel the calm or high, I can get through a full pen in a few hours and feel nothing. The first one I had in America got me whiffed I believe ten times before I’d finished it, not once since then have any impacted me.
2. Strong hash. Never been a big fan tried a few over the years but no matter what I feel a joint or a hash joint have a similar meh effect. I’ve been reading about how a strong hash can blow your head off compared to a top shelf weed joint. I want this, I’m told it’s triple filtered iso etc that’ll have that effect I really just want some very strong hash to see the hype, if anyone can link any I’d appreciate it.
I feel pretty fed up with the whole situation, there’s not much that relieves my day to day stress and stupid brain expect for bud these days and it’s getting harder and harder to just catch a break.
3. I’m after a few cheap THC vapes, I went for a pint with my mate last night who struggles with his mental health and his partner does too, he said they’d love to try a vape. My problem is I’m at a point where I can’t tell if my tolerance is too high or what I’m vaping is straight up bollocks.
I saw the messing about today with those top cart fakes, packwoodz etc I see them everywhere. Had someone on tele selling the exact same one for £60 and my mate text me saying someone local was flogging them £40 then when I came on here saw the kick off. If these Packwoodz, 10/10 boys vapes are legit and work I’d spend the money but with how cheap the packaging is surely I’m better off getting 2 1ml reliable carts for 30 quid each. If these “proper” carts had an effect on me I’d buy them no questions asked at a big premium but I’m sick of having to piss away 100 quid every time I want to take a risk and end up regretting it.
So any recommendations biggas id really appreciate it, I’m struggling at the minute and all I’m after is a bit of a mental break
Made a post a while back mentioning my unintended high tolerance and the things I wanted to try to get high. I took advice about Zombie sticks and decided to make a few of my own with proper bud not shake, hash, Kief I’d bought here and THC oil.
Aside from the 3.5g mix of hash and bud being absolutely awful I tried with more weed and honestly I felt nothing.
Fast forward a few months and mentally I’m at the worst point I’ve been at in years, allegedly in a few weeks I will finally have access to medication that might help me after 10 full years of applying but until that point I’m cold turkeying off prescription meds to get back to baseline.
Long story short, I had 2 packs of 250mg sweets from the DNM over 2 days and felt absolutely nothing, after a full weed joint you’d never know I’d had any and after 2 or 3 it’s still barely noticeable.
I wanted to take a T break but unfortunately with how shite things have been at the minute, having a joint is a decent enough reason to want to get up and work from home but some days I’m just sleeping through and ignoring bud altogether.
There’s not much advice anyone can give me this is probably medical knowledge outside everyone’s jurisdiction. Im sick of smoking weed, I’m in it purely for the effect now and the coughing, smell and time it takes to ingest in a joint bothers me more now I’m not able to get any type of calming effect until 2 to 3, I can’t even remember the last time I was ‘stoned’.
So my options are, try stuff now while off meds and wait to see if Drs actually make good on seeing me in the next 3 weeks, or take a T break once I’m on the meds but as it stands I see no benefit with the way I feel in stopping weed before that point .
1. I have had loads of products here and online and honestly not having much luck. I’m going to get a 500mg edible from the Bald Eagle Bakery if they still have them can anyone recommend the strongest vape you’ve had? I’ve had a few from G6 to Canadianimports (bad product that’s still being sold) to MJs and no matter what I just don’t feel the calm or high, I can get through a full pen in a few hours and feel nothing. The first one I had in America got me whiffed I believe ten times before I’d finished it, not once since then have any impacted me.
2. Strong hash. Never been a big fan tried a few over the years but no matter what I feel a joint or a hash joint have a similar meh effect. I’ve been reading about how a strong hash can blow your head off compared to a top shelf weed joint. I want this, I’m told it’s triple filtered iso etc that’ll have that effect I really just want some very strong hash to see the hype, if anyone can link any I’d appreciate it.
I feel pretty fed up with the whole situation, there’s not much that relieves my day to day stress and stupid brain expect for bud these days and it’s getting harder and harder to just catch a break.
3. I’m after a few cheap THC vapes, I went for a pint with my mate last night who struggles with his mental health and his partner does too, he said they’d love to try a vape. My problem is I’m at a point where I can’t tell if my tolerance is too high or what I’m vaping is straight up bollocks.
I saw the messing about today with those top cart fakes, packwoodz etc I see them everywhere. Had someone on tele selling the exact same one for £60 and my mate text me saying someone local was flogging them £40 then when I came on here saw the kick off. If these Packwoodz, 10/10 boys vapes are legit and work I’d spend the money but with how cheap the packaging is surely I’m better off getting 2 1ml reliable carts for 30 quid each. If these “proper” carts had an effect on me I’d buy them no questions asked at a big premium but I’m sick of having to piss away 100 quid every time I want to take a risk and end up regretting it.
So any recommendations biggas id really appreciate it, I’m struggling at the minute and all I’m after is a bit of a mental break

Do you think tolerance is definitely the issue?
If you're trying to fill a bucket that has a hole in the bottom, asking for wetter water isn't going to do the trick.
Everyone has these spells and I think the very worst thing you can do is chase it and just smoke more and more, it wont work. I've never met anyone its worked for, chasing it like that genuinely ruins people. People say things like "weed opens up the mind" but if your mind is full of pent up anger and frustration then that is likely what are you going to get.
If anything this could be an excuse to slow down and think about exactly what you want out of weed, do you actually want to get mashed or do you just feel that way coz of the unresolved issues you're dealing with? maybe in reality you just want something to make you smile during the day and help you sleep at night, or just something that brings a sense of feeling well.... I don't know what you need, only you do and now could be the time to properly suss it out and find exactly what works best for you. Might mean grin and bearing it for a while though.
Really sorry if any of this is patronising btw and I genuinely mean that. I'm sure you've already gone through all this in your head I just don't want to see you or any bigga throwing money at a lost cause when there might other underlying issues that need resolving first.
Also mate be careful about mentioning products on other markets (seen it in a couple of your comments), cleanup borg bans people for that kinda thing just so you know.
Best of luck bigga!
If you're trying to fill a bucket that has a hole in the bottom, asking for wetter water isn't going to do the trick.
Everyone has these spells and I think the very worst thing you can do is chase it and just smoke more and more, it wont work. I've never met anyone its worked for, chasing it like that genuinely ruins people. People say things like "weed opens up the mind" but if your mind is full of pent up anger and frustration then that is likely what are you going to get.
If anything this could be an excuse to slow down and think about exactly what you want out of weed, do you actually want to get mashed or do you just feel that way coz of the unresolved issues you're dealing with? maybe in reality you just want something to make you smile during the day and help you sleep at night, or just something that brings a sense of feeling well.... I don't know what you need, only you do and now could be the time to properly suss it out and find exactly what works best for you. Might mean grin and bearing it for a while though.
Really sorry if any of this is patronising btw and I genuinely mean that. I'm sure you've already gone through all this in your head I just don't want to see you or any bigga throwing money at a lost cause when there might other underlying issues that need resolving first.
Also mate be careful about mentioning products on other markets (seen it in a couple of your comments), cleanup borg bans people for that kinda thing just so you know.
Best of luck bigga!

Imho, this is the soundest advice on this thread. My thoughts exactly, I’m not as articulate as zz87 tho to put them on screen!
All the best Shipitout, genuinely hope you get to where you need to be. Look after yourself. ♥️
All the best Shipitout, genuinely hope you get to where you need to be. Look after yourself. ♥️

Look out for dr extracts 50/50 carts, i'd recommend the GSC.
The site is drowned in overpriced hash these days so finding a decent bit will be tough imo.
I'd probably go for a bit of Pistach's cookies and cream.
Made an order last night for some stardawg, not got anything right now so can't wait, would have gone for something different but it's from an ol' vendor friend, one that pretty soon will have the best hashes at the best prices on lb.
U wake i bake has the best edibles i tried here, the worms.
The site is drowned in overpriced hash these days so finding a decent bit will be tough imo.
I'd probably go for a bit of Pistach's cookies and cream.
Made an order last night for some stardawg, not got anything right now so can't wait, would have gone for something different but it's from an ol' vendor friend, one that pretty soon will have the best hashes at the best prices on lb.
U wake i bake has the best edibles i tried here, the worms.

Pretty soon, not yet tho, fingers crossed.👍
I was wanting to say to OP, you need to start smoking some weaker stuff for a short time, 3 - 4 days minimum, or else you're only gonna get 'stoned' with your first smoke of the day pretty much, sure you can smoke and chill but that knock you on the floor stone you seek will only be possible if you lower you tolerance.
I was wanting to say to OP, you need to start smoking some weaker stuff for a short time, 3 - 4 days minimum, or else you're only gonna get 'stoned' with your first smoke of the day pretty much, sure you can smoke and chill but that knock you on the floor stone you seek will only be possible if you lower you tolerance.

That's come decent advice Doom mate I have never considered getting lower quality weed to set a baseline for my expectations rather than blasting through 10 different strains and not getting a buzz.
That being said i'm at the point now where no matter what I smoke i'm getting a similar effect, funnily enough i've just had a 48h T break due to how things turned out so about ten minutes ago i've just had half a doob in the rain and I honestly feel decently whiffed.
Now there's my problem again, is it because i've not had it for 48h? Is it because i'm actively thinking about that as i'm smoking it? Is it because I had a good day yesterday and today's not been bad? Is it because i'm probably on day 10 of not having any prescribed medication for the first time in 10 years? Is it a culmination of everything?
The brain's a mad thing, or mine is. Hey what was the question? Oh yeah I might get worse bud hahaha
That being said i'm at the point now where no matter what I smoke i'm getting a similar effect, funnily enough i've just had a 48h T break due to how things turned out so about ten minutes ago i've just had half a doob in the rain and I honestly feel decently whiffed.
Now there's my problem again, is it because i've not had it for 48h? Is it because i'm actively thinking about that as i'm smoking it? Is it because I had a good day yesterday and today's not been bad? Is it because i'm probably on day 10 of not having any prescribed medication for the first time in 10 years? Is it a culmination of everything?
The brain's a mad thing, or mine is. Hey what was the question? Oh yeah I might get worse bud hahaha

It's a waste blasting through only top shelve all the time, i'm sure you're nicely buzzed now cause of your break, it really is that simple.
I'd try mixing the strengths of your smoke, and save the heavy stuff till the weekends or whenever in the week you do something special.
I used to work 4 on 3 off and would save my best smoke for my days off, when working i would only micro-dose till i got home.
That's another thing you could try, you don't need very much at all for your first smoke of morning, just a little dose, try keep it small until you need to start adding a little more to get same buzz.
There's, nothing to fear coming off it for a short while, or micro-dosing it, at these times it's best to forget about yourself and concentrate on others.
Take care my friend!✌️❤️
I'd try mixing the strengths of your smoke, and save the heavy stuff till the weekends or whenever in the week you do something special.
I used to work 4 on 3 off and would save my best smoke for my days off, when working i would only micro-dose till i got home.
That's another thing you could try, you don't need very much at all for your first smoke of morning, just a little dose, try keep it small until you need to start adding a little more to get same buzz.
There's, nothing to fear coming off it for a short while, or micro-dosing it, at these times it's best to forget about yourself and concentrate on others.
Take care my friend!✌️❤️

Chasing those US genuine vapes is not a bad idea:
SayNo2Drugs ships from Las Vegas and has a superb reputation. The Kurvana ones I’ve had hit like a truck.
Otherwise you need to get dabbing. Of course nothing shoots your tolerance to the moon more than concentrates🤷♂️, but I can tell you I was tucking into some Gods Green Crack badder from Canadian Imports at the weekend and it was a journey to a very happy place🔥🔥
I wish you luck with your own journey buddy. Ultimately I agree with the conclusion that you need to get off this stuff in order to get back in again…🤞
SayNo2Drugs ships from Las Vegas and has a superb reputation. The Kurvana ones I’ve had hit like a truck.
Otherwise you need to get dabbing. Of course nothing shoots your tolerance to the moon more than concentrates🤷♂️, but I can tell you I was tucking into some Gods Green Crack badder from Canadian Imports at the weekend and it was a journey to a very happy place🔥🔥
I wish you luck with your own journey buddy. Ultimately I agree with the conclusion that you need to get off this stuff in order to get back in again…🤞

Hiya Pol,
SN2D was the vendor who sold me a terrible vape, said it was their worst with the defects and it'd be off the menu soon and I checked this morning it's still there (This was on the thread about vapes not being legit yesterday) i'm sure they do have some great products especially since they import from the States but that transaction left a very bad taste in my mouth.
I asked them a few months ago about whether they could get the vape I got which was actually a Vegas cart so probably round the corner from them and they were... less than keen to do that.
Also doesn't help with the diagnosis that i'm impatient and the thought of having to wait 2 weeks to get a product that's possibly comparable to what we have in the UK annoys me. Plus the last 3 orders i've had from the states have been seized which really puts a downer on my day having to chase it for months to find out you're never getting it.
Did grab an oz of Green Crack (bud) last month on B***mia last month for it's effects on ADHD and I really wasn't impressed, I grabbed an Oz of Wedding Crasher this month which was fine but they'd advertised it as AAA+++ Cali and it was £180, i'd pay that for an Oz but if you're going to sell normal weed just call a spade a spade and be done with it.
I think the Drug world is one of the only markets you can have so much variance in quality, price and service and that in my eyes is a lot more of a con than a pro sadly.
In an ideal world it would be here's your great weed for a higher price, here's your normal weed for a normal price and so on and forth, you get what you put it and that's that but it's exhausting sometimes.
This 4 day weekends been great but it's showing me more than ever I need to send my Mighty off to get fixed and nothings been open to do it! Sods law.
I've taken your advice on wool etc on dosing capsules so even though i've not sorted it that info's been stored, so currently i've got half the idea and no gear, next it'll be all the idea and no gear.
I'll eventually be at all the gear and no idea haha
SN2D was the vendor who sold me a terrible vape, said it was their worst with the defects and it'd be off the menu soon and I checked this morning it's still there (This was on the thread about vapes not being legit yesterday) i'm sure they do have some great products especially since they import from the States but that transaction left a very bad taste in my mouth.
I asked them a few months ago about whether they could get the vape I got which was actually a Vegas cart so probably round the corner from them and they were... less than keen to do that.
Also doesn't help with the diagnosis that i'm impatient and the thought of having to wait 2 weeks to get a product that's possibly comparable to what we have in the UK annoys me. Plus the last 3 orders i've had from the states have been seized which really puts a downer on my day having to chase it for months to find out you're never getting it.
Did grab an oz of Green Crack (bud) last month on B***mia last month for it's effects on ADHD and I really wasn't impressed, I grabbed an Oz of Wedding Crasher this month which was fine but they'd advertised it as AAA+++ Cali and it was £180, i'd pay that for an Oz but if you're going to sell normal weed just call a spade a spade and be done with it.
I think the Drug world is one of the only markets you can have so much variance in quality, price and service and that in my eyes is a lot more of a con than a pro sadly.
In an ideal world it would be here's your great weed for a higher price, here's your normal weed for a normal price and so on and forth, you get what you put it and that's that but it's exhausting sometimes.
This 4 day weekends been great but it's showing me more than ever I need to send my Mighty off to get fixed and nothings been open to do it! Sods law.
I've taken your advice on wool etc on dosing capsules so even though i've not sorted it that info's been stored, so currently i've got half the idea and no gear, next it'll be all the idea and no gear.
I'll eventually be at all the gear and no idea haha

Aw man, I remember now!….hey, they don’t call you Ol’ Lucky for nothing huh?🥹…glad you can still put humour on it👍
In fairness to you, you really have worked the options, and I’m really racking my noodle to think of anything original. Sure, Bald Eagle Bakery have Death Stars (500mg) and Death Juice (1000mg) which would floor a herd of rhinos but if you are rich with those liver enzymes that flush THC they may still not do much🙈
Have you tried (I bet you have!) mixing hash with your weed? Eddys Hashbar have a range of great bubble hashes that you can sprinkle straight on your herb (it’s powdery). A mate tucked in to mine in this way over the weekend and described it as “historic”.
Ultimately that damn iron clad bastard of a tolerance is just going to have to get a chance to come down. Good luck👍
In fairness to you, you really have worked the options, and I’m really racking my noodle to think of anything original. Sure, Bald Eagle Bakery have Death Stars (500mg) and Death Juice (1000mg) which would floor a herd of rhinos but if you are rich with those liver enzymes that flush THC they may still not do much🙈
Have you tried (I bet you have!) mixing hash with your weed? Eddys Hashbar have a range of great bubble hashes that you can sprinkle straight on your herb (it’s powdery). A mate tucked in to mine in this way over the weekend and described it as “historic”.
Ultimately that damn iron clad bastard of a tolerance is just going to have to get a chance to come down. Good luck👍

Hi Ship,
We can certainly hit the spot with reliably dosed THC products, both carts and an array of edibles and THC capsules
Concentrates are the way for the heavier user and our concentrates are reliable and regularly dose calibrated
We can certainly hit the spot with reliably dosed THC products, both carts and an array of edibles and THC capsules
Concentrates are the way for the heavier user and our concentrates are reliable and regularly dose calibrated

Hiya WeedStar, cheers for the comment i've been through your menu in the last few weeks just having a look.
My tolerance is a big hatred of mine but you've got some great looking products. I might put an order in with you this week, I need to send my Mighty off to be fixed before I can try Concentrates but they do seem to be the next step for me.
Thanks for getting back to me, i'm really glad to see you thriving here.
My tolerance is a big hatred of mine but you've got some great looking products. I might put an order in with you this week, I need to send my Mighty off to be fixed before I can try Concentrates but they do seem to be the next step for me.
Thanks for getting back to me, i'm really glad to see you thriving here.

Last time I got a 70/30 cart I smeared the dregs of the zkittlez live resin onto the papers as a treat and I attest that they got a bigga absolutely high as a motherfucker with some otherwise 8/10 dawg. I recommend it. I have been meaning to buy a 1g pot since.
Otherwise expect you may feel consistently better after a decent t-break. Don't put it off when the time comes.
Otherwise expect you may feel consistently better after a decent t-break. Don't put it off when the time comes.

Haha that's good to hear, well my thing was i'd bought one of these $36 Zombie sticks here and didn't really see much of a difference so did a bit of reading on how to make your own and what to put in and I did the same.
Had the weed, a snake of hash, weed covering it with Kief sprinkled in at every point (Cool novelty having kief on the outside but it ends up bubbling and you lose a lot of it, and honestly I felt like it did nothing anyway but smelled lovely) then i'd heat up the 1ml syringe of distillate and then put a bit on the bud, used it to seal it then on the outside after i'd sealed it i'd do a few little rings around it on the outside.
And you'd think with all that it'd blow your head off but I made about 6 in the end and was proper disappointed. Again can't blame the goods (except the hash) it might just be everything else.
I know carts aren't the be all and end all but honestly the convenience of them is just immeasurable to me. We went to Vegas and I went to see Planet 13 the worlds biggest dispensary and it was incredible, but before I got there I saw a sign for another one like 500 metres away got myself my first little weed vape, got it back the hotel was nervous and smoked some of it and within 5 minutes I was like "Oh my God this is incredible" and by the end of our holiday I was like if I can get these back home I am NEVER smoking again, since then i'm probably a grand down with carts that have just completely not lived up to the hype.
Then everyone says allegedly carts kill your tolerance, so then it's a double edged sword! Going through 20 bad carts and ending up with a tolerance like Willie Nelson so by the time you find a good one it does nothing.
Had the weed, a snake of hash, weed covering it with Kief sprinkled in at every point (Cool novelty having kief on the outside but it ends up bubbling and you lose a lot of it, and honestly I felt like it did nothing anyway but smelled lovely) then i'd heat up the 1ml syringe of distillate and then put a bit on the bud, used it to seal it then on the outside after i'd sealed it i'd do a few little rings around it on the outside.
And you'd think with all that it'd blow your head off but I made about 6 in the end and was proper disappointed. Again can't blame the goods (except the hash) it might just be everything else.
I know carts aren't the be all and end all but honestly the convenience of them is just immeasurable to me. We went to Vegas and I went to see Planet 13 the worlds biggest dispensary and it was incredible, but before I got there I saw a sign for another one like 500 metres away got myself my first little weed vape, got it back the hotel was nervous and smoked some of it and within 5 minutes I was like "Oh my God this is incredible" and by the end of our holiday I was like if I can get these back home I am NEVER smoking again, since then i'm probably a grand down with carts that have just completely not lived up to the hype.
Then everyone says allegedly carts kill your tolerance, so then it's a double edged sword! Going through 20 bad carts and ending up with a tolerance like Willie Nelson so by the time you find a good one it does nothing.

I feel like users have a honeymoon period with carts. They get you so high at first and I am onboard with the convenience side of them, but I think there is a low tolerance ceiling. Something about others not realising you are high from a vape pen gives me a kick lol.
I think users need longer off them to return to the effect they had the first time you had them. And I mean months. 2-3.
I have given pens to friends who loved them, continued to buy but were also sad to see the ever diminishing returns gradually, and went back on to the urb.
Carts don't particularly effect me anymore, I think due to lack of entourage effect in distillate. This is why I have moved towards hash for daytime smoke.
In the midst of these tolerance issues distillate had caused, the live resin on the paper trick really did work when getting high seemed otherwise hopeless. Good luck.
I think users need longer off them to return to the effect they had the first time you had them. And I mean months. 2-3.
I have given pens to friends who loved them, continued to buy but were also sad to see the ever diminishing returns gradually, and went back on to the urb.
Carts don't particularly effect me anymore, I think due to lack of entourage effect in distillate. This is why I have moved towards hash for daytime smoke.
In the midst of these tolerance issues distillate had caused, the live resin on the paper trick really did work when getting high seemed otherwise hopeless. Good luck.

Hiya mate I didn’t ignore your post I did take it on board and took some of your advice as well. I ended up getting 1g Fruity Pebbles resin for 50 quid, it smelled lovely and since it was 4/20 decided to make a joint with about 1/3 of it in, I seemed to cough a bit more but no extra feelings. I probably need to try it in a bong or mighty to get the full effect.

2 posts
+4 votes

What gives some vapes the Sweets taste?
started topic
+ 2 more

What gives some vapes the Sweets taste?
I’ve got hold off 3 from LB before and had dozens in the past, my AK47 cart has almost no taste, my 70/30 has a decent weed taste but the zKittlez one I’ve just got tasted like Palma violets or sherbet, but in a synthetic sort of way. Not unpleasant at all but I’ve got some zkittlez shake that smells lovely but definitely not like sweets.
I had a neighbourhood one from a local plug that was bad but tasted almost the same, I’m happy to be wrong but I’m assuming it’s just a flavouring additive rather than some terpenes since the weed taste on this vape I feel I can sort of taste behind the sweets.
Also if the answer is “If it gets you stoned it’s fine” it’s only been the 70/30 one I’ve had some medicinal effects out of, the others I have no doubt are legit product it just surprises me with the taste of sweets.
I had a neighbourhood one from a local plug that was bad but tasted almost the same, I’m happy to be wrong but I’m assuming it’s just a flavouring additive rather than some terpenes since the weed taste on this vape I feel I can sort of taste behind the sweets.
Also if the answer is “If it gets you stoned it’s fine” it’s only been the 70/30 one I’ve had some medicinal effects out of, the others I have no doubt are legit product it just surprises me with the taste of sweets.

In the extraction process D9 distillate has the terpenes stripped out, not much of the identity of the flower survives. Terpenes can then be added back in but these vary by quality and price and in fact some are entirely artificial (think of artificial flavourings added to food).
Even if the terpenes are genuinely derived cannabinoids, there is still a Chef's choice in the mix and- as with nicotine vapes- some people prefer sweeter flavours. Its generally not a great sign if a vape cloyingly sweet in taste and/or smell but it doesn't always mean its full of shit...
Even if the terpenes are genuinely derived cannabinoids, there is still a Chef's choice in the mix and- as with nicotine vapes- some people prefer sweeter flavours. Its generally not a great sign if a vape cloyingly sweet in taste and/or smell but it doesn't always mean its full of shit...

Yes mate, the 70/30 tastes a bit like hash as well which is nice and the ak doesn’t taste massively of anything not as good as the 70/30 but not bad.
The zkittlez one that tastes like sweets is from VapeCity.
And cheers Polly I didn’t know about removing terps on D9 just want to make sure what I’m getting isn’t whack
The zkittlez one that tastes like sweets is from VapeCity.
And cheers Polly I didn’t know about removing terps on D9 just want to make sure what I’m getting isn’t whack

1 post
+1 votes
I feel your pain. Nothing worse than seeing these offers when the bitcoin wallet is empty 😂

The wallet is stocked for me but I am literally running out of storage for hash and concentrates, Ive got a tub with over 10g of Neros sugar and crumble in 🙈

Will do, made an order on the 17th with you and other vendors, everythings shipped or arrived but yours just says Paid, do you know if it's been sent? cheers

2 posts
+6 votes
Walks like a duck?
The bottom line for me as a consumer and not a seller is that if it's fake, it's being charged at a premium (70 quid for 1ml compared to 30 quid for h…
+ 2 more

Walks like a duck?
Why did Eddys topic about Strainsbury’s fake vapes get removed?🤨

They are trying to hide the fact they are ripping people off selling fake vapes atleast 145 people have been tricked if I was one of those I would be asking for my money back, scammers!! Make it right strainsbury or you going to keep burying your head in the sand?

This is hilarious 😂😂 as soon as I found out they were fake I removed the listing completely so no one buys anything. It’s funny how you say I “keep on removing topics” I simply removed the listing and nothing else. Can’t say the same for you though for someone who sold so many and then continued to keep selling them even after mentioning in the comments that the QR code wasn’t working but you wiped that off and continued to pretend they were real
Just because you’re someone openly selling fakes and you’re upset that I’m doing ok I’m not sure what makes you think you can just come call me a scammer after I removed the listing straight away to ensure no one buys any, it’s ok to point something out but the amount of shit you’re talking like what I just woke up to are you in love with me ?
Just because you’re someone openly selling fakes and you’re upset that I’m doing ok I’m not sure what makes you think you can just come call me a scammer after I removed the listing straight away to ensure no one buys any, it’s ok to point something out but the amount of shit you’re talking like what I just woke up to are you in love with me ?

They were listed no longer than 14 days when I found out and were delisted and customers who contacted me were refunded I couldn’t of been any fairer . You however are also aware the 10/10 boys are fake yet still continue to sell them at premium imported prices and are now trying to list more!. I’m not upset your doing well you have it twisted I hope you do great and you have up to now but it’s your integrity im questioning as you still have them listed. Just do the right thing easy fix im sure you’ve already done very well on them, it’s enough now biggas need to be respected and not sold bs. 🫶Eddy🍭

They literally look nothing like the vapes I’m selling. I don’t even have the same flavours they do. I will happily send you a free vape and you can openly get it tested with a testing kit of your choice. You found a link online for some fakes and are now presuming that mine are fake when they don’t even look alike. I haven’t had a single complaint with hundreds of reviews and now you want to come and accuse me of this it’s simply rude and shows your true colours. Next time have some solid evidence before attacking someone and making yourself look like a fool

Come off it I’ve seen these myself on the street and you can choose the flavours you want , a test kit proves nothing as im sure they are just fine as your reviews suggest but there is no way you are importing these from a US dispensary direct from Cali 🤣🤣if you have proof of this il drop it

What proof would you like? Do you want to see the shipping label and USPS packaging? Once I show proof I want a formal apology

No problem I will hold my hands up , but I’ve seen these on the street along with all the other fakes and know personally any item bought from a US dispensary has to be compliant with 2018 farm bill and these facts are printed all over the packaging along with lab results n security code checks so if I’m wrong and you have these fair enough

Oi! You two!
Stop bickering, leave the trolling to the trolls!
It's off-putting for customers with vendors squabbling amongst themselves.
Take the high road folks!
Stop bickering, leave the trolling to the trolls!
It's off-putting for customers with vendors squabbling amongst themselves.
Take the high road folks!

same thing happened on my jeeter juice thread on radar breeder - he deleted the item and relisted it with fresh topics. I ended up opening a dispute and got almost all refunded. The discussion I went through with him was like talking to a 15 year old... which to be fair, he might well be

I've called his out as fakes and if he relists them I will do it every time he posts them.
Any 1000mg Jetter Juice are fake, they only make 0.5 ones
Any 1000mg Jetter Juice are fake, they only make 0.5 ones

There's a couple of spelling mistakes on the back of the fake packages too. I also read something online about how the hole punch at the top should be through the silver circle and not higher up

They need calling out on the 10/10 boys fake af just check the link

I think this is where we have to be careful. Just because a certain vape has fakes, doesn't mean every vape you see is fake. Although because 10/10 boys are a BM brand, it's almost impossible to verify.
Myself, I would be very hesitant about calling out any product as fake unless I have personally inspected it
Myself, I would be very hesitant about calling out any product as fake unless I have personally inspected it

It's good to be calling out fakes, but as already mentioned by Redeye, I think we need evidence of this actual vape being fake before calling them out. Makes no difference to me because I stay clear of all these 'branded' vapes and I assume they're all fake anyway.
You can buy counterfeits of pretty much anything these days, it doesn't automatically mean every product is then fake. For example, you can buy Nike air force ones in JD, you can also get them on AliExpress, does this mean the ones in JD are fake? You can get elf bars on Ali express, are the ones in stores automatically fake?
It's good to see items being scrutinized though, hopefully it deters other vendors from even trying to pull a fast one, and ruining their own rep
You can buy counterfeits of pretty much anything these days, it doesn't automatically mean every product is then fake. For example, you can buy Nike air force ones in JD, you can also get them on AliExpress, does this mean the ones in JD are fake? You can get elf bars on Ali express, are the ones in stores automatically fake?
It's good to see items being scrutinized though, hopefully it deters other vendors from even trying to pull a fast one, and ruining their own rep

I’m simple asking them to explain and give there side as they just keep deleting post regarding fakes and staying silent which in my opinion is already suspect

What you need to do is apologise for lying and throwing dirt on my name. “Keep deleting posts” I didn’t delete a single post. As soon as I found out the litty x runtz vapes were fake i deleted the listing straight away.
Explain yourself on how you sold numerous fake vapes and are acting like a saint. You should refund everyone you sold fakes to. Why were you still promoting in the comments after you knew it was a fake too ?
Explain yourself on how you sold numerous fake vapes and are acting like a saint. You should refund everyone you sold fakes to. Why were you still promoting in the comments after you knew it was a fake too ?

PLEASE PLEASE stop asking people to apologise when you done me a month ago and still havnt had the courtesy to reply to any of my messages. It's really infuriating seeing you asking folk to apologise to you again when I know first hand that you obvs care very little after an item is sent. Although not a reg I had 9 orders with you accumulating to over $1100, I backed you when you had issues with RM. You've done zero to give me any reason to return. This entire topic says alot more than your vapes mate

Lol I had 9 reviews before I took them off not exactly numerous 🤣 and the customers we’re refunded

I’ve imported real tre house vapes direct from the US so I know that all products from the US come certified and can only be sold in compliance with the 2018 farm bill and have to be printed on the product and have access to lab results . I haven’t thrown dirt all the time you have sold these for weeks! that’s not me , but enoughs enough now listing more is out of order

You’re literally contradicting yourself 😂😂😂 you still sold fakes knowingly whereas I removed them straight away and I’m the bad guy ? 😂😂😂

In fairness eddy, the link you’ve posted is obviously a fake cart but this isn’t what strainsburys are selling, different mouthpiece and packaging. Not saying they’re real at all but Did a bit of due diligence on these before buying one with a few friends and at the time couldn’t find any fakes on the market yet. (About 2 months ago) Also when looking at 10/10 directly their packaging is exactly the same as strainsburys are selling. Just my 2p!

There are multiple website to buy them if you dig deeper it just gets more scary

Again, they don’t even Look like the ones I’m selling. It’s not looking good for you. You’re trying so hard to prove a point which you can’t prove. You’ve shown two websites now with completely different Vapes saying I’m selling fake vapes. You need to apologise

I don’t need to prove anything to you who do you think you are 😂 you’re a little hater that sold fakes and is trying to prove a point but keeps failing. You showed two sites selling completely different vapes and tried to say it’s what I’m selling and now you’re bringing up US Law as if almost all US dispensary exports to the UK aren’t illegal 😂 you're honestly embarrassing you’re clinging on to your point it’s like talking to a child

You can try to belittle me all you like kid im to old for that . I wasn’t the one who started the original post and have known for a long time so I’m no hater , but the alien cookie one you have listed is in the picture no ? N Yes its illegal to import them to the uk as is cocaine lol but doesn’t change the fact they should have US certification on them nothing is sold there without that unless they are fake anyway also 1000mg is impossible as would make them 100%thc 🤣 your embarrassing yourself imo by not being honest so I rest my case if people want to buys these good luck to you 🫶✌🏻

And although I did sell fake vapes unknowingly and not for long as soon as a realised I did the right thing and made it right with the biggas one point your missing

Yea they deleted the whole item so the topic deletes to save there other fake listings 🤣come on you can’t hide now just own up n remove your dodgy vapes you’ve made enough now scamming !

The bottom line for me as a consumer and not a seller is that if it's fake, it's being charged at a premium (70 quid for 1ml compared to 30 quid for homemade 1ml carts), and it's straight up known they're blag then that's terrible service and throws shade on your image.
That being said, let's not call the kettle black Eddy, you've flogged them (But removed the option to buy which I respect) which means you knew they were blag too, or were tricked which is again part of the trade.
My issue is how, not why you're doing it. Going to make 2 comments because I tend to ramble. It's kind of like the Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme. It's great on LB that we can call out fakes etc. but it really is like if you've sold them too, not necessarily made a post saying "Found out the Litty and 10/10 carts are fake, discontinued" then Strainsbury's wouldn't have needed to get so defensive;
That being said, let's not call the kettle black Eddy, you've flogged them (But removed the option to buy which I respect) which means you knew they were blag too, or were tricked which is again part of the trade.
My issue is how, not why you're doing it. Going to make 2 comments because I tend to ramble. It's kind of like the Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme. It's great on LB that we can call out fakes etc. but it really is like if you've sold them too, not necessarily made a post saying "Found out the Litty and 10/10 carts are fake, discontinued" then Strainsbury's wouldn't have needed to get so defensive;

Not sure what the consensus for talking about other markets is but i'll be discreet. Just wanted to say as well, both of you are two of my favourite vendors on LB.
I was showing my wife the 'Wham' strain on Strains and saying how mad it looked and the other hard to find strains that look gorgeous, my tolerance is really high so sadly for me neither would do much for the price but I was still going to get something this weekend.
Eddy's same for you mate, was showing her your pick and mix giveaway (She loves sweets and has zero interest in weed so it's hard to get her to even acknowledge it) but you have so many good, high THC edibles was also looking into your stuff this weekend for an order.
At the end of the day, these carts/cali packs etc. are clearly blag, everyone sells them sadly and it's only me/the consumer getting screwed over.
I think you both need to acknowledge that liberties have been taken, we're all human and from your side as well as getting good products out you want to make a profit. Unless you BOTH decide to make a joint post where you both CONDEMN BM potential fake overinflated carts and agree doing better in future I honestly think nothing will come of this, nobody will care and you'll both come away looking slightly less favourable.
You both sell amazing products, you've both sold these pens (Which i've PRAYED were legit because I just want to get high and not get bumped) and not everything everyone sells can be good, human nature accept and move on.
In terms of vendors and Markets; I've had a 3.5g hash and weed deal the other month that smelled and smoked like ammonia and cat piss (Don't ask how I know the taste, it's been a boring few months) and they straight up fobbed me off despite great ratings.
I've had a vape from Canadianimports almost as expenny as these and it leaked out the top didn't melt and did nothing for my high, I got told "These are some of our worst they'll probably get removed soon" but a year later? They're still there and still being sold.
Other markets, B***mia, i'm getting 10 Caps of 100mg capsules for 35 quid and looking at 1ml of RSO for another 30. On the vendors listing it says they were in touch with their supplier because they don't sell 1000mg caps on their site, and they've said it's sold through a 3rd party and tested they can't guarantee it's the brand but can guarantee the cleanliness and strength.
That speaks volumes to me.
Their site doesn't have a discussion part either so that's great.
Rambling now, basically sort your beef it's silly. If these carts are fake take them down, or put on the listing (Carts not legit 10/10 but 90% THC selling 30 quid instead of 75) and we'd all go "Yeah fair enough".
I was showing my wife the 'Wham' strain on Strains and saying how mad it looked and the other hard to find strains that look gorgeous, my tolerance is really high so sadly for me neither would do much for the price but I was still going to get something this weekend.
Eddy's same for you mate, was showing her your pick and mix giveaway (She loves sweets and has zero interest in weed so it's hard to get her to even acknowledge it) but you have so many good, high THC edibles was also looking into your stuff this weekend for an order.
At the end of the day, these carts/cali packs etc. are clearly blag, everyone sells them sadly and it's only me/the consumer getting screwed over.
I think you both need to acknowledge that liberties have been taken, we're all human and from your side as well as getting good products out you want to make a profit. Unless you BOTH decide to make a joint post where you both CONDEMN BM potential fake overinflated carts and agree doing better in future I honestly think nothing will come of this, nobody will care and you'll both come away looking slightly less favourable.
You both sell amazing products, you've both sold these pens (Which i've PRAYED were legit because I just want to get high and not get bumped) and not everything everyone sells can be good, human nature accept and move on.
In terms of vendors and Markets; I've had a 3.5g hash and weed deal the other month that smelled and smoked like ammonia and cat piss (Don't ask how I know the taste, it's been a boring few months) and they straight up fobbed me off despite great ratings.
I've had a vape from Canadianimports almost as expenny as these and it leaked out the top didn't melt and did nothing for my high, I got told "These are some of our worst they'll probably get removed soon" but a year later? They're still there and still being sold.
Other markets, B***mia, i'm getting 10 Caps of 100mg capsules for 35 quid and looking at 1ml of RSO for another 30. On the vendors listing it says they were in touch with their supplier because they don't sell 1000mg caps on their site, and they've said it's sold through a 3rd party and tested they can't guarantee it's the brand but can guarantee the cleanliness and strength.
That speaks volumes to me.
Their site doesn't have a discussion part either so that's great.
Rambling now, basically sort your beef it's silly. If these carts are fake take them down, or put on the listing (Carts not legit 10/10 but 90% THC selling 30 quid instead of 75) and we'd all go "Yeah fair enough".

Completely agree and at the time I did the right thing imo after being ripped off myself I took the hit still have 3 boxes full lol. if they address this like you said then it’s all good ,r

I agree I should of brought more light to it but I was sold them believing they were real and after trying them thought yea these are great but after doing some real research realised I’ve been had over paying 45£ each myself delisted them immediately and refunded the ones sold which wasn’t many luckily

3 posts
+7 votes
Proper Wizard Trees Zoap
started topic
+ 3 more

Proper Wizard Trees Zoap
Hi all,
I saw a strain on Tele a few months ago from a big US shipper, bought some and it got seized :| It was in my eyes the most beautiful looking weed I have ever seen in my life, i've seen local plugs with pictures of almost similar stuff claiming it's Zoap, and while I know every grow is different the colours on this stand out to me they're so vivid and the buds look incredible.
Either way it's a US export, go and google it and have a look at it next to their pink Zoap packs and you'll see what I mean.
Any chance anyone here has access to that?
I saw a strain on Tele a few months ago from a big US shipper, bought some and it got seized :| It was in my eyes the most beautiful looking weed I have ever seen in my life, i've seen local plugs with pictures of almost similar stuff claiming it's Zoap, and while I know every grow is different the colours on this stand out to me they're so vivid and the buds look incredible.
Either way it's a US export, go and google it and have a look at it next to their pink Zoap packs and you'll see what I mean.
Any chance anyone here has access to that?

Might not be what your looking for but GreenAvenger has some really nice zoap for a decent price, it's got a lovely flavour to it.

Smoked loads of zoap and rs11, they are my all time favourite strains.
I’m afraid you’re looking in the wrong place. You won’t find the legit wizard trees batches on here.
Most vendors on LB won’t even know what you’re talking about 😂
Only page to check for the legit packs are:-
They may have some if you’re lucky! If not message them and see if they can source it.
Best of luck
Smoked loads of zoap and rs11, they are my all time favourite strains.
I’m afraid you’re looking in the wrong place. You won’t find the legit wizard trees batches on here.
Most vendors on LB won’t even know what you’re talking about 😂
Only page to check for the legit packs are:-
They may have some if you’re lucky! If not message them and see if they can source it.
Best of luck

Cheers mate appreciate that, yeah I thought as much but considering we have got some sellers here from the States and who can source stuff I thought it'd be worth a try.
I've seen a few with Tenco strains and they look legit, but sadly it's the Zoap i'm after. Saw a UK one an, A+ (Shite) one and one that looks a bit worse for wear.
Such is life
I've seen a few with Tenco strains and they look legit, but sadly it's the Zoap i'm after. Saw a UK one an, A+ (Shite) one and one that looks a bit worse for wear.
Such is life

I don't know about that one but strainsburys have WHAM! it's pink inside 👍
I don't know about that one but strainsburys have WHAM! it's pink inside 👍

1 post
+2 votes
bobba fett
Grogu or riot
I’ve really enjoyed the book of boba fett although this series is very much laying the groundwork for how boba will fit into disneys Star Wars universe in my opinion. Plus I love bobas accent where he really pronounces his consonants, “I want to rule with resPECKT” lol.

It’s very good imo if you watch Mandalorian s1-2 first then this 👌 This is the way

1 post
+3 votes
Brassic season 3
Absolutely loved it, we took a break half way through S1 because other things were on and when we picked it up again I loved it I was so annoyed it en…

Brassic season 3
Thoughts ?
I think the are running a bit thin on new material, I loved the first and second series... 3rd while being ok, wasn’t as good.
I think the are running a bit thin on new material, I loved the first and second series... 3rd while being ok, wasn’t as good.

Absolutely loved it, we took a break half way through S1 because other things were on and when we picked it up again I loved it I was so annoyed it ended hardly anyone I know has watched it.
Davey and his brother are cunts
Davey and his brother are cunts

1 post
+1 votes
14G Modified Grapes Giveaway :)
Schadenfreude !

14G Modified Grapes Giveaway :)

Right guys, lets start 2023 having some fun.
This competetion is really simple...
Type one word in a foreign language, and you will be allocated a number.
We will then use a random number generator with a time stamp to pick a winner.
Winner will be revealed on 31/01.
This competetion is really simple...
Type one word in a foreign language, and you will be allocated a number.
We will then use a random number generator with a time stamp to pick a winner.
Winner will be revealed on 31/01.

I had some of the grapes delivered this morning and I can tell you now it does not disappoint. Whoever wins is in for a treat. Good luck everyone.

Right guys sorry for the delay, we are no closing the competition with 214 entreis 02/02/2023.
We will be picking the winner 04/02 as we will be doing it via livestream to be provable fair.
We will be posting the link to the livestream on here
We will be picking the winner 04/02 as we will be doing it via livestream to be provable fair.
We will be posting the link to the livestream on here

We are still working on it, had a 24hr delay with resgistration we will be testing today and the draw will be done tomorrow 06/02/2023.
Sorry for the delay guys but we want to do it right this time so we can do it again :)
Sorry for the delay guys but we want to do it right this time so we can do it again :)

hope you're keeping security in mind, don't want to see a streaming site lead the feds to your door!

Security is always first mate. That's why it has taken us a while to get this sorted.
We will be drawing 5 numbers now to make up for the delay.
The 1st number will wi 14G
The other 4 numbers will win 3.5G each.
Live stream will be done 07/02 at 21;00 GMT.
Link for livestream below
We will be drawing 5 numbers now to make up for the delay.
The 1st number will wi 14G
The other 4 numbers will win 3.5G each.
Live stream will be done 07/02 at 21;00 GMT.
Link for livestream below

I didn't no. Missed it. Couldn't get out of work. Searching for winning numbers now lol

Live draw has been done guys, we have our winning numbers;
42 - 14G
105 - 3.5G
70- 3.5G
28 - 3.5G
66 - 3.5G
Thanks to all for participating, was a lot of fun and really good that we managed to live stream it so it was provably fair ;)
Keep your eyes peeled for our next comp.
Lots Of Love
42 - 14G
105 - 3.5G
70- 3.5G
28 - 3.5G
66 - 3.5G
Thanks to all for participating, was a lot of fun and really good that we managed to live stream it so it was provably fair ;)
Keep your eyes peeled for our next comp.
Lots Of Love

Is there any chance you can take some pictures of your weed that actually shows the quality. Instead of the fuzzy green blobs on the screen;)

So every word gets a number, we are on 102 atm.
Once we get to 31/10, we will stop giving out numbers and put the total into a random number generator which will give us a random number and a winner.
We will then post a print with the date and timestamp of the number that has been chosen.
We done this on our last comp, all went smoothly :) Hope we are doing it right.
Once we get to 31/10, we will stop giving out numbers and put the total into a random number generator which will give us a random number and a winner.
We will then post a print with the date and timestamp of the number that has been chosen.
We done this on our last comp, all went smoothly :) Hope we are doing it right.

dattebayo I don't know why buy they closet my old profile... I think u give me n186 sorry bored u

this is good, thank you for the effort love. but to be provably fair please stream the drawing.

bigg topics