Ok, I’m breaking my rule about reviewing something that’s out of stock.
I have to, not to frustrate but hoping this comes back or is a shining example of the Par we can expect from our new Vendor!!!
I selected this one next based on the votes. I’m so baked and dumb I have expected the vote ticker to climb as I ate……
Thanks to those 3 and the Borg that voted though, I felt like a content creator 😬
Anyway, cracking this one’s little baggy and I get an instant nose. After giving her time to breathe the smell is super enticing and very similar to that nines stuff I blew my bonus on the other week!!!!🤤🤤🤤🤤
Cali dense yet again not crispy at all and got some deep purples with tasty orange, think there’s some green in there?
Again, it grinds and fluffs phenomenally well. This time it all goes in, greedy bastard I know….
Missus moaned so what the hell 🤜
I sound like an annoying tick tok song on loop repeating myself, but it’s super smooth!
I’d say it edges the grape cream in smoothness but the grape has that vanilla cream!
I’m getting some back notes of purple tasting strains, slightly musty in a nice goat lick lipping manner.
Tiny bit of gassyness, but very slight and combines well now I’m stoned and analysing it in my mouth like some failed wine tester…😂
It’s a fucking good one for Apex!
Not so much missus Apex, she’s either gonna get ignored as I fail to move my lips coherently.
Or I’m straight going to the “office” to fail at Dota. Don’t worry, I’ll blame the team 😂
Burn is even, and now I realised I didn’t comment on this for the grape or the ash colour (I’ll update accordingly)!!!!
Ash is brilliant white to pastel grey- no crispy black bits!!!!!🥳
For 2 joints in, Gamechanger has damaged the 🦨
Mrs Apex will learn to hate you too I think 😂
2/2 for me,
I’ll combat roll past the missus while she’s on the couch watching love island or some mind numbing shite and write up the runtz in a bit.
Have a good one people