There's a view it was Hearst family who demonised cannabis through his media outlets and his ownership of timber companies .Anslinger working hand in hand with hearst.
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joined feb 2021
share rhys0908 and generate bitcoin with reference codes.
1 topic on rhys0908
1 post
+1 votes

Quitting smoking

Quitting smoking
I was intending to stop smoking on Nye because of the recent arrival of my nephew, I ordered a half Oz last Wednesday with NDD with the intent of smoking it by new years day. It never arrived and I'm still waiting on the 3rd of January, now I'm chasing weed that's no use to me cause I've ALREADY given up. Not happy at all but certain vendors may wonder where I've gone, it was just a personal decision. I will still be buying the occasional THC vape cart but otherwise I'm out.

22 posts by rhys0908
1 post
+4 votes

Why was cannabis banned in the UK?
I think your right. Over the years I've heard different things but I think it was because hemp yards would've put timber yards out of business mainly,…

Why was cannabis banned in the UK?
1928: Recreational use of cannabis is banned in Britain as a result of pressure from Egypt and Turkey, who primarily wanted to ban the substance under interpretations of Islamic Law.

I think your right. Over the years I've heard different things but I think it was because hemp yards would've put timber yards out of business mainly, so it had everything to do with timber yard owners banding together to outlaw hemp/cannabis.

I always thought it was mainly pressure from the US courtesy of the ballbag that was Harry Anslinger

In 1924 Attaturk (republic of turkey, founder) amended the constitution which removed the religion of state is Islam.. so find it hard to believe that his government was pressuring uk to
Follow Islamic law whilst removing it in their own country 😂
Follow Islamic law whilst removing it in their own country 😂

It was international pressure, mostly from the USA, this was also at the time of USA prohibition of alchohol. (1928)

Without reading anything and being too stoned in school to listen…
I’d hazard a guess it all comes down to making money and keeping the rich richer 😂
I’d hazard a guess it all comes down to making money and keeping the rich richer 😂

Conquering and winning by the sword
Reform movements like deabandy make up 38% of mosque's in the UK, the deabany gave birth to the Taliban.
The salafists make up 8% of Mosque in the UK. The salifsts gave birth to ISIS
Maldody makes up 3% of mosques in the UK and is a scholar and reformer who inspired the Muslin brotherhood inspired Al-Qaeda.
Let that sink in 49% of the Mosque IN THE UK ARE CONNECTED TO EXTREMISTS AROUND THE WORLD, and right now 48% of Muslims in London want Sharia law right now.
Now, I am not saying that all Muslims are extremists. What I am saying is that they are all followers who will go back to the Koran as it is something that they believe in 100%.
When are people going to have a sensible discussion about this without being accused of a racist or Islamafob, as that is just a way to shut the debate down and serves no purpose whatsoever other than to further their path toward Sharia law?
Reform movements like deabandy make up 38% of mosque's in the UK, the deabany gave birth to the Taliban.
The salafists make up 8% of Mosque in the UK. The salifsts gave birth to ISIS
Maldody makes up 3% of mosques in the UK and is a scholar and reformer who inspired the Muslin brotherhood inspired Al-Qaeda.
Let that sink in 49% of the Mosque IN THE UK ARE CONNECTED TO EXTREMISTS AROUND THE WORLD, and right now 48% of Muslims in London want Sharia law right now.
Now, I am not saying that all Muslims are extremists. What I am saying is that they are all followers who will go back to the Koran as it is something that they believe in 100%.
When are people going to have a sensible discussion about this without being accused of a racist or Islamafob, as that is just a way to shut the debate down and serves no purpose whatsoever other than to further their path toward Sharia law?

We found the daily Mail reader 😂😂 48% of Muslim in London you say.. let’s see those facts and figures then..

It seems your man Tony has over simplified the details for a bit of sensationalism, mate. From what I can see, he’s referring to the 1925 Opium Convention, and he’s not quite got it right. Benefit of the doubt, it’s probably poor research rather than malice, but he’s inaccurate nonetheless. Now, from what I’ve read this Convention was used to underpin the cannabis legislation in the UK, but I bet that was more about fiscal convenience rather than “because the Muslims told us to”. Devil in the detail eh.

Cannabis in the 1925 Convention
Egypt, with support from Italy and South Africa, recommended that measures of control be extended beyond opium and cocaine derivatives, to hashish. A sub-committee was created, and proposed the following text:
The use of Indian hemp and the preparations derived therefrom may only be authorized for medical and scientific purposes. The raw resin (charas), however, which is extracted from the female tops of the cannabis sativa L, together with the various preparations (hashish, chira, esrar, diamba, etc.) of which it forms the basis, not being at present utilized for medical purposes and only being susceptible of utilisation for harmful purposes, in the same manner as other narcotics, may not be produced, sold, traded in, etc., under any circumstances whatsoever.
India and other countries objected to this language, citing social and religious customs and the prevalence of wild-growing cannabis plants that would make it difficult to enforce. A compromise[12] was made that banned exportation of Indian hemp to countries that have prohibited its use, and requiring importing countries to issue certificates approving the importation and stating that the shipment was required "exclusively for medical or scientific purposes." It also required Parties to "exercise an effective control of such a nature as to prevent the illicit international traffic in Indian hemp and especially in the resin." ****These restrictions still left considerable leeway for countries to allow production, internal trade, and use of cannabis for recreational purposes. ****
Egypt, with support from Italy and South Africa, recommended that measures of control be extended beyond opium and cocaine derivatives, to hashish. A sub-committee was created, and proposed the following text:
The use of Indian hemp and the preparations derived therefrom may only be authorized for medical and scientific purposes. The raw resin (charas), however, which is extracted from the female tops of the cannabis sativa L, together with the various preparations (hashish, chira, esrar, diamba, etc.) of which it forms the basis, not being at present utilized for medical purposes and only being susceptible of utilisation for harmful purposes, in the same manner as other narcotics, may not be produced, sold, traded in, etc., under any circumstances whatsoever.
India and other countries objected to this language, citing social and religious customs and the prevalence of wild-growing cannabis plants that would make it difficult to enforce. A compromise[12] was made that banned exportation of Indian hemp to countries that have prohibited its use, and requiring importing countries to issue certificates approving the importation and stating that the shipment was required "exclusively for medical or scientific purposes." It also required Parties to "exercise an effective control of such a nature as to prevent the illicit international traffic in Indian hemp and especially in the resin." ****These restrictions still left considerable leeway for countries to allow production, internal trade, and use of cannabis for recreational purposes. ****

Tbf, on reading further it also seems as though the British delegation at that convention only agreed with Egypt on cannabis because it was holding up the conversation about opium, they didn’t even know what cannabis was though. I suppose that’s pressure? Not quite the oppressive Islamic vibes Tony is going with though.

Could I not say the same to you? I thought that it was made illegal because of the Cotton and Automotive industry paying off politicians. I am not sure why Turkey would have any influence over the UK especially when the UK sided with Greece/Cyprus during the war over there.
Also check your source bro this is a consultant trying to shill some bs.
Also check your source bro this is a consultant trying to shill some bs.

Its not me saying it is is taken straight off of Google and is the top result but what I can see is that the UK was under pressure from 1920 to update there drug reforms by the League of Nations.
Below copied and pasted:
The two main reasons for the ban on cannabis in the UK are simple: fear and pressure. British policymakers feared counterculture movements that challenged traditional values, and there was also fear of being estranged politically from European allies. At the same time, Britain was facing building pressure to follow in the footsteps of other powerful countries and fulfil their obligation in drug reform, as a member of the League of Nations.
Below copied and pasted:
The two main reasons for the ban on cannabis in the UK are simple: fear and pressure. British policymakers feared counterculture movements that challenged traditional values, and there was also fear of being estranged politically from European allies. At the same time, Britain was facing building pressure to follow in the footsteps of other powerful countries and fulfil their obligation in drug reform, as a member of the League of Nations.

Top result on Google does not mean its factual. I could run an ad campaign etc. and get something fake to the top results.
I said the source you got it from is a consultant trying to shill some bs not you.
If you had looked further that is the ONLY source stating this hence why it is top of Google. The numerous other source state the reasons I posted.
Also it was not under the interpretation of Islamic law..... That guy has clearly twisted the original story too his own interpretation to fit another agenda(bashing muslims most likely). A suggestion from an Egyptian diplomat is not Islamic Law as far as I am aware?
I said the source you got it from is a consultant trying to shill some bs not you.
If you had looked further that is the ONLY source stating this hence why it is top of Google. The numerous other source state the reasons I posted.
Also it was not under the interpretation of Islamic law..... That guy has clearly twisted the original story too his own interpretation to fit another agenda(bashing muslims most likely). A suggestion from an Egyptian diplomat is not Islamic Law as far as I am aware?

Again when did a suggestion become Islamic Law?
I could Google a list of events or organisations established in 1928 and pick one at random that does not mean that it influenced the ban of cannabis.
There is one source whom is clearly not reputable. All other sources state some other reason. I am not religous and could care less for religon however spreading misinformation is dangerous and clearly show your prejudice.
Also it is not 1928 now Turkey and Egpyt most certainly do not have any influence over UK laws so that cannot be the reason for TODAYS government not passing any sort of regulations.
I could Google a list of events or organisations established in 1928 and pick one at random that does not mean that it influenced the ban of cannabis.
There is one source whom is clearly not reputable. All other sources state some other reason. I am not religous and could care less for religon however spreading misinformation is dangerous and clearly show your prejudice.
Also it is not 1928 now Turkey and Egpyt most certainly do not have any influence over UK laws so that cannot be the reason for TODAYS government not passing any sort of regulations.

Where are you getting this nonsense from 1 source? Also has there not been recent petitions and UK Government still has not passed. Secondly :
During 2021, Thailand had a large net trade with Egypt in the exports of Machines ($292M), Foodstuffs ($219M), and Transportation ($182M). During 2021, Egypt had a large net trade with Thailand in the exports of Mineral Products ($31M), Metals ($8.82M), and Chemical Products ($6.41M).
Has Thailand not recently legalised weed?
Oh and hasn't Turkey wanted to Join the EU for ages and got told to do one everytime? Pretty sure UK was against them joining the last time.
During 2021, Thailand had a large net trade with Egypt in the exports of Machines ($292M), Foodstuffs ($219M), and Transportation ($182M). During 2021, Egypt had a large net trade with Thailand in the exports of Mineral Products ($31M), Metals ($8.82M), and Chemical Products ($6.41M).
Has Thailand not recently legalised weed?
Oh and hasn't Turkey wanted to Join the EU for ages and got told to do one everytime? Pretty sure UK was against them joining the last time.

Once a law is passed it is very hard to change, it is much easier to create a new law than it is to remove it.
Check out Google it is all there in black and white and I am referring to events that took place nearly 100 years ago when things were different so no relevance to Thailand what so ever.
Check out Google it is all there in black and white and I am referring to events that took place nearly 100 years ago when things were different so no relevance to Thailand what so ever.

Check again. From Wiki:
"Turkey is officially a secular country with no official religion since the constitutional amendment in 1928. This was later strengthened and entrenched with the wider appliance of laicism by founder Atatürk during the mid-1930s, as part of the Republican reforms."
Since 2014 Egypt has laws based on Shariah.
During the time period you describe, Egypt had a secular government as far as I can tell.
"Turkey is officially a secular country with no official religion since the constitutional amendment in 1928. This was later strengthened and entrenched with the wider appliance of laicism by founder Atatürk during the mid-1930s, as part of the Republican reforms."
Since 2014 Egypt has laws based on Shariah.
During the time period you describe, Egypt had a secular government as far as I can tell.

2 posts
+4 votes
Congratulations to him. And well done guys, it was fun.
+ 2 more


You'll need a closing date and time for entries otherwise you could get a lot of entries at 9.59pm on the 27th lol....
Also, I know it increases your postage cost but I would do 1 pack for the 4 closest guesses and that way you will get 4 x the sampling and hopefully the reviews.
Also, I know it increases your postage cost but I would do 1 pack for the 4 closest guesses and that way you will get 4 x the sampling and hopefully the reviews.

And also be aware that some people will edit their answers after the cutoff time to have a better chance of winning and you won't know they've cheated unless you make a record of the answers at the cutoff time.
And the time and date don't mean anything either as people can put false times after the cutoff too.
And the time and date don't mean anything either as people can put false times after the cutoff too.

Thank you!! Im glad i read the top comments suggesting date and time before i put it down.

5 posts
+7 votes
started topic
+ 5 more

No idea why he offers a choice of refund or reship if he just going to ignore what you say and reship anyway after days of conversation arranging a refund. At this point I'm not sure they understand English.

They have wedding cake, stardawg and ammy on offer, probably safe to say they may have broken English 😆
Nothing wrong with a bit of Albanias finest dawg though, as long as it is the finest stuff.... 🫢
Nothing wrong with a bit of Albanias finest dawg though, as long as it is the finest stuff.... 🫢

LB welcome and have space for all kind apart from racist haters, btw their dawg is finer than ur girl hahaha

Yes, screw those racist haters preach brother!! My guy gets from Albanians and the dawg is 10/10. Dry/sticky, oil rings, tastes bang. They grow so much of it they're slowly perfecting it 😗

"probably safe to say they may have broken English" how is that any less racist than what i said?

Wait what? Who's been racist?? I'm British and could be considered to have broken English... am I being racist towards myself??

Idk, you said something very similar to what I said and then agreed with the other comment about me being a racist hater. Like, if my comment means I'm racist surely yours does too.

I thought that sky was just making a general statement so thought I'd agree. Neither mine nor your comments are racist in the slightest. 'I'm not sure they understand english' and 'probably safe to say they MAY have broken english'. I'm struggling to see any sign of racism. Probably safe to say Sky is sensitive to typed out pixel words...

Yes I agree. Personally I don't think you were being racist, the same as I didn't think I was.

Or maybe you never ordered from us, since you failed to provide postcode or order reference number
We sent you 4 messages all unread so far
We sent you 4 messages all unread so far

8 posts
+9 votes
Need Advice community
Actually doesn't sound like it, you flat out are.
+ 8 more

Need Advice community
If customer placed order on 28th-29th how they can expect it to be delivered before Christmas 🎅 can any one advice us on this pls
We got reviews saying order didn’t arrive before Christmas took 8days to arrive that mean you placed it on 28th-29th not before Christmas right?
We got reviews saying order didn’t arrive before Christmas took 8days to arrive that mean you placed it on 28th-29th not before Christmas right?

My order was for NYE not Christmas. I ordered on the 28th/29th with NDD.
Ignore him RD he is wrong.
Ignore him RD he is wrong.

We sent you msg yesterday about reshipping ur order
You didn’t replied us till today 15:37 claiming you quit smoking don’t want it anymore (fair enough)
we offered you can send the parcel back but you denied
Seems like you want free smoke even tho you quit 🤷♂️
You didn’t replied us till today 15:37 claiming you quit smoking don’t want it anymore (fair enough)
we offered you can send the parcel back but you denied
Seems like you want free smoke even tho you quit 🤷♂️

You offered me a refund, then realised you'd have to pay a £24 fee for returning my bitcoin, so after moaning about that you sent the weeds instead. Your a crook.

What exactly are you implying, that you messaged me and I didn't respond quick enough so you just reshipped it?

I just checked, the first message confirming that I would prefer a refund was the 2nd January,the message from you saying that you wouldn't refund the full amount was also the 2nd, the message I sent confirming that and providing my BTC address was the 3rd january. it is now the 4th, meaning it was done with yesterday.

Why log in yesterday when I've already agreed for a partial refund because your a tightwad even when you're claiming the full amount off royal mail. Sounds like your scamming people.

2 posts
+3 votes

{lb help}
Creating a dispute
started topic
+ 2 more

{lb help}
Creating a dispute
So I ordered a half Oz just after Christmas with NDD, the stuff never arrived, I waited longer incase of delay with post and still nothing after 4 days, so I contacted the vendor for an update and he got back to me saying the royal mail had lost the package and hadasked the vendor to fill out a compensation form, after arduous communication between me and the vendor we had agreed that the bud was no use as i had already given up, he told me that after LB had taken a few and the fee to send me BTC i wouldn't be getting the full amount refunded, not particularly happy cause god knows how much money they'll get off the royal mail for compensation but I agreed because the buds no use to me anymore and I've got no way to sell it on. I've just logged in to LB to see his response to see a message from the vendor saying that they've reshipped the stuff, completely wasting my time and ignoring everything I had said to them.

1 post
+1 votes

Time for another competition with DrShroom.
To enter just do the following
-Name your favourite film for getting high or tripping to
-Start your entry with TRUFFLE PIG so that we can identify them amongst the conversation
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday 02/12 lottery draw the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers 🙏
To enter just do the following
-Name your favourite film for getting high or tripping to
-Start your entry with TRUFFLE PIG so that we can identify them amongst the conversation
you can check out our Truffles here for the Truffles only listing and here for our All Mushrooms listing. Samples have already been sent out so there should be some reviews on them soon. But I had what should of been a microdose the other day and had to change my plans. These shy mushrooms are very potent
One entry per account. New accounts with purchase history unfortunately cannot be included.
Each entry will be assigned a number correlating to Saturday 02/12 lottery draw the winner will be chosen from the first number drawn that matches a valid entry.
Good luck fellow Biggers 🙏

That is indeed the film. Have you genuinely not seen it? Cult classic. Probably one of the most quotable films of all time. That, then Commando.

I just read this, and the reflex into my head was, "Shut up Withnail, of course he's the farmer!", then I laughed. You will too when you watch it. Other stoners may well do when they read this, as is the way of these things.

How To Get Ahead In Advertising is also a very decent flick by the same team who did Withnail. Often overlooked - a fun watch.

That's the one where the extra head grows from a boil on his neck? I concur. Richard E. Grant is a fantastic actor.

I was shouting in a mirror. It’s like a tic.
Sorry to bring about any confusion kind sir. 😄
Sorry to bring about any confusion kind sir. 😄

Hey Dr Shroom
Another competition? Cool!
I have some BTCs on the way and will place an order soon but just in case I am lucky.
Metal Hurlant aka Heavy Metal in the UK
SciFi & Fantasy & Sex & Drugs & RockNRoll - What else could an 80s teenager ask for?
Another competition? Cool!
I have some BTCs on the way and will place an order soon but just in case I am lucky.
Metal Hurlant aka Heavy Metal in the UK
SciFi & Fantasy & Sex & Drugs & RockNRoll - What else could an 80s teenager ask for?

Thanks Doc
I've just placed an order for your Limitless capsules ;-)
Getting ready for Winter
I've just placed an order for your Limitless capsules ;-)
Getting ready for Winter

Easy Rider
Some great choices. And was tough to pick one. So I just went for the movie I think I’ve watched the most whilst stoned. Woodstock is the other.
The Bed Sitting Room. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in a balloon in a post-apocalyptic London. 60s madness.
London Kills Me. Underrated classic.
“All I need is shoes, man”
Speaking of shoes.
Dead Man’s Shoes
Fight Club, Kill List, A Field In England, Limitless, Jacob’s Ladder, Blade Runner, Friday, Boyz In The Hood, Colours, Ferris Beuller, Bill & Ted, Most Kevin Smith flicks, Dusk Till Dawn, Kalifornia, Natural Born Killers, Mad Max 2, Aliens, Armageddon, The Fountain, Pi, Delicatessen, Into The Void, Hellraiser, Paris Texas, The Talented Mr Ripley, Solaris, 2001, Eyes Wide Shut, Mean Streets, THX1138, Original Dune, The Keep, Wild at Heart, After Hours, Duel, Until The End of the World…
Man the list is truly endless.
The Endless, Synchronic.
Easy Rider
Some great choices. And was tough to pick one. So I just went for the movie I think I’ve watched the most whilst stoned. Woodstock is the other.
The Bed Sitting Room. Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in a balloon in a post-apocalyptic London. 60s madness.
London Kills Me. Underrated classic.
“All I need is shoes, man”
Speaking of shoes.
Dead Man’s Shoes
Fight Club, Kill List, A Field In England, Limitless, Jacob’s Ladder, Blade Runner, Friday, Boyz In The Hood, Colours, Ferris Beuller, Bill & Ted, Most Kevin Smith flicks, Dusk Till Dawn, Kalifornia, Natural Born Killers, Mad Max 2, Aliens, Armageddon, The Fountain, Pi, Delicatessen, Into The Void, Hellraiser, Paris Texas, The Talented Mr Ripley, Solaris, 2001, Eyes Wide Shut, Mean Streets, THX1138, Original Dune, The Keep, Wild at Heart, After Hours, Duel, Until The End of the World…
Man the list is truly endless.
The Endless, Synchronic.

Now that is a list. I know I need to see the films I haven't seen based on the films you've mentioned that I have seen 🤌🤌🤌
I'm surprised that nobody once mentioned apocalypse now or apocalyptic. Natural born killers is crazy too, when i was a pup I narrowly avoided arrest by swallowing a wrapped teenth of squidgy black. Unaware of what was to come, I watched natural born killers and was forever ruined.
Paprika, ready player one and ghost in the shell are high on my list too.
Whats your thoughts on the new Dune?
Entry 53
I'm surprised that nobody once mentioned apocalypse now or apocalyptic. Natural born killers is crazy too, when i was a pup I narrowly avoided arrest by swallowing a wrapped teenth of squidgy black. Unaware of what was to come, I watched natural born killers and was forever ruined.
Paprika, ready player one and ghost in the shell are high on my list too.
Whats your thoughts on the new Dune?
Entry 53

Love the new Dune. Love Denis Villeneuve - Arrival is a complete charm fest. A beautiful film. His Blade Runner. Oh. My. God. Almost betters the original. It’s beautiful. And often overlooked - I think (and this is just a stoner theory) because Ryan Gosling is fucking shit. In everything. So if he’s in it. He instantly makes the film utterly forgettable.
Try it. Name me a film Gosling is great in. Name me a film he’s even been in.
See? Exactly.
“Ooh no Syd. He’s great in Drive”
Fuck that film. It’s shit. I honestly loved the Pusher Trilogy. Nailed it.
Drive left me cold. Probably because of Ryan fucking Gosling. Who’s a plank of wood. It’s not just me? Surely.
Aaaanyway. Lynch’s Dune has far more charm.
Something way more slovenly about the Harkonnens in the Lynch version. Seedy. It’s like he spent his whole time concentrating on them.
Bit less so in the new one. Perhaps more accurate.
I’d have loved to have seen Jodorowsky/Moebius’ Dune. That’s the Dune Lynch made. But totally compromised from the start.
There’s a great doc about it.
I just love Jean Giraud. If you like any science fiction. He invented how what you like looks. From Star Wars to Alien. His hand is in it. To the new Star Wars where you have modern comic veterans doing the costumes talking about Giraud as a big influence.
The Incal is probably one of the best comics ever written. It’s part of a Rosetta Stone of science fiction ideas. That and Metal Hurlant and the whole European comic scene.
It’s a wonderful wormhole that will take at least a week to come out of.
Enki Bilal.
Not even going to start. I’ve nerded fuck out of this thread enough.
Try it. Name me a film Gosling is great in. Name me a film he’s even been in.
See? Exactly.
“Ooh no Syd. He’s great in Drive”
Fuck that film. It’s shit. I honestly loved the Pusher Trilogy. Nailed it.
Drive left me cold. Probably because of Ryan fucking Gosling. Who’s a plank of wood. It’s not just me? Surely.
Aaaanyway. Lynch’s Dune has far more charm.
Something way more slovenly about the Harkonnens in the Lynch version. Seedy. It’s like he spent his whole time concentrating on them.
Bit less so in the new one. Perhaps more accurate.
I’d have loved to have seen Jodorowsky/Moebius’ Dune. That’s the Dune Lynch made. But totally compromised from the start.
There’s a great doc about it.
I just love Jean Giraud. If you like any science fiction. He invented how what you like looks. From Star Wars to Alien. His hand is in it. To the new Star Wars where you have modern comic veterans doing the costumes talking about Giraud as a big influence.
The Incal is probably one of the best comics ever written. It’s part of a Rosetta Stone of science fiction ideas. That and Metal Hurlant and the whole European comic scene.
It’s a wonderful wormhole that will take at least a week to come out of.
Enki Bilal.
Not even going to start. I’ve nerded fuck out of this thread enough.

I know what you mean. His role is often to be devoid of soul. It really is a beautiful film though. The new Mad Max is also a timeless watch.
Blue Eye samurai is amazing. Hugo is too, really had me invested in the plot. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it ever to anyone either but PAPRIKA should be watched by everyone. It inspired countless films in its wake. The creator, Con Nakamoto I believe was a genius. There's an 8 minute bio on him on YouTube
Blue Eye samurai is amazing. Hugo is too, really had me invested in the plot. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it ever to anyone either but PAPRIKA should be watched by everyone. It inspired countless films in its wake. The creator, Con Nakamoto I believe was a genius. There's an 8 minute bio on him on YouTube

I really love this list (huge Ferris fan in particular), and the new Dune is spectacular on a decent cinema or home cinema set-up. Saw Juliette Lewis' band play on a UK tour about 10ish years ago. Glad we went. Friends were so stoned they didn't want to get the train to see the gig.

Trains are far less scary than Juliette Lewis in full flow.
I had (and still have) the biggest crush on her. It’s that PJ Harvey, Patty Smith thing. It’s sexy as fuck.
I had (and still have) the biggest crush on her. It’s that PJ Harvey, Patty Smith thing. It’s sexy as fuck.

This is now the second time I’ve heard tell about that in a week. Firstly from Mark Bernardin who was explaining to Kev Smith how great it is.
I’ll give it a gander.
I’ll give it a gander.

I have 1 episode left as I've wanted to binge it, but I've been savouring it. It's the kind of thing that would make all the misogynistic incels explode due to all of the well written subject matter completely conflicting their world view. Almost every time where you think they're setting you up for a standard trope they throw a great twist. Love it. Hope they commission a lot more.

To whet your appetite, like the similar stone no doubt carried to sharpen something like to cut deeper.

Apocalypse Now weirdly seemed too obvious. But it’s in my top 5 all time fillums of all time ever. It never gets old, and I must have seen it 50 times at least.
He has a new one coming. An epic. His last hurrah.
I do love Coppola. Godfather. Apart from 3.
Better than Goodfellas. And that’s peerless.
He has a new one coming. An epic. His last hurrah.
I do love Coppola. Godfather. Apart from 3.
Better than Goodfellas. And that’s peerless.

I watched that recently and last saw it decades ago, but I clearly missed a shitload of what was going on in this when I saw it on VHS as a kid.

Appreciate another comp Dr Shroom ✌️
It’s gotta be the trailer park boys movie for me at the minute gets a stupid giggle every time.
Appreciate another comp Dr Shroom ✌️
It’s gotta be the trailer park boys movie for me at the minute gets a stupid giggle every time.


Everything everywhere all at once is definetly my favourite tripping movie absolute confusion
thanks for the giveaway gl everyone!
Everything everywhere all at once is definetly my favourite tripping movie absolute confusion
thanks for the giveaway gl everyone!

was going to pitch for Ken Russell’s Altered States with William Hurt then remembered ‘24 hour party people’ with Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson then remembered Kubrick’s ‘Artificial Intelligence’ so I’ll stick with that one!
Thanks for the entry boss. :)
was going to pitch for Ken Russell’s Altered States with William Hurt then remembered ‘24 hour party people’ with Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson then remembered Kubrick’s ‘Artificial Intelligence’ so I’ll stick with that one!
Thanks for the entry boss. :)

A Matter of Life and Death (aka Stairway to Heaven in the US)
A pilot escapes death by chance and has to argue his case in heaven: heaven wants to correct it's mistake, he believes he should be allowed to remain on earth (having fallen in love).
Partly filmed in black & white (while in heaven) and partly in colour (while on earth), the film is layered with meaning and nothing is quite as it first appears.
A mind-fuck from 1946, no less!
A Matter of Life and Death (aka Stairway to Heaven in the US)
A pilot escapes death by chance and has to argue his case in heaven: heaven wants to correct it's mistake, he believes he should be allowed to remain on earth (having fallen in love).
Partly filmed in black & white (while in heaven) and partly in colour (while on earth), the film is layered with meaning and nothing is quite as it first appears.
A mind-fuck from 1946, no less!

Has to be Space Jam for me, when using LSD or Shrooms there just something about looney toons that makes me die of laughter.
Has to be Space Jam for me, when using LSD or Shrooms there just something about looney toons that makes me die of laughter.

Prolly The Doors or maybe the Woodstock documentary, for a straight up film I like Exorcist or Black Christmas as my go to's
Prolly The Doors or maybe the Woodstock documentary, for a straight up film I like Exorcist or Black Christmas as my go to's

Truffle Pig
One movie brings back alot of laughs with my mates when smoking was: KUNG POW, followed by Cheech and Chong; up in smoke.
Tripping, I prefer animations: Cyberpunk Edge runners was a great watch
One movie brings back alot of laughs with my mates when smoking was: KUNG POW, followed by Cheech and Chong; up in smoke.
Tripping, I prefer animations: Cyberpunk Edge runners was a great watch

i’ve got a few on the list but it’s got to be either napoleon dynamite or american beauty for me, with a special mention to how high
i’ve got a few on the list but it’s got to be either napoleon dynamite or american beauty for me, with a special mention to how high

not really a movie, but I dig any type of nature documentaries ... from deep space over jungles to deserts into the deep sea ... pop that on the projektor, and lean back ... awesome
Also the old Nickolodeon stuff ... CatDog, Angry Beavers ... always good for a laugh.
These would be the weedflavor ...
As for tripping, I have to admit I am only one candyflip old in psychedelics, but I was tripping hard to this:
All the best
not really a movie, but I dig any type of nature documentaries ... from deep space over jungles to deserts into the deep sea ... pop that on the projektor, and lean back ... awesome
Also the old Nickolodeon stuff ... CatDog, Angry Beavers ... always good for a laugh.
These would be the weedflavor ...
As for tripping, I have to admit I am only one candyflip old in psychedelics, but I was tripping hard to this:
All the best

Pulp Fiction - I dare you not to make me the winner, I double dare you motherf*cker!
Pulp Fiction - I dare you not to make me the winner, I double dare you motherf*cker!

Has to be Empire Records. Wonderful soundtrack, an absolutely stunning Liv Tyler and a story that leaves me with the good feels everytime...baked or not baked :)
Has to be Empire Records. Wonderful soundtrack, an absolutely stunning Liv Tyler and a story that leaves me with the good feels everytime...baked or not baked :)

1 post
+3 votes
long term effects you've experienced from cannabis?
After ~15 years of heavy use daily I've got short/long term memory loss but I used to take other drugs so I'm not sure. I've got a neuralogical disabi…
![[ask any bigga]](
long term effects you've experienced from cannabis?
have you been been re-wired? i know i think much more openly than as a padawon and my control group of friends/haters is the opposite.

I have a few side affects
Intolerance to people's BS
An overwhelming desire to do fuck all
A lack of dreams (mine were crushed years ago anyway)
An unexplainable hatred of Ed Sheeran
And I have also found I still have the purile humour of a school boy
Otherwise I'm fine
Intolerance to people's BS
An overwhelming desire to do fuck all
A lack of dreams (mine were crushed years ago anyway)
An unexplainable hatred of Ed Sheeran
And I have also found I still have the purile humour of a school boy
Otherwise I'm fine

True but my hatred goes beyond rational, to the point that half of my life is dedicated to plotting various methods of his demise. My favourite would be to not actually kill him but plant some kiddy porn on his PC, ruin him proper, Glitter styley

Long term use has a deleterious effect on my short term memory and cognitive function (although it seems to stabilise a few months in). I can mitigate some of those losses by taking CBD before bed, but it sucks because it also kills your buzz.
Also, not sure this is a side effect or a benefit, but I often have moments of insight and clarity while high. Things I'll bury away, procrastinate over, or stuff that simply exists in my subconscious will come to the fore. In some people that triggers paranoia and anxiety, but for me it's a catalyst to grab a pen and record my inner monologue.
That said, I'm due a huge break (starting March), as I have some writing jobs to do and I need to learn to drive because my mum is chronically ill.
Time to sharpen the old pencil for a few months and then blunt it in the summer.🤩
Also, not sure this is a side effect or a benefit, but I often have moments of insight and clarity while high. Things I'll bury away, procrastinate over, or stuff that simply exists in my subconscious will come to the fore. In some people that triggers paranoia and anxiety, but for me it's a catalyst to grab a pen and record my inner monologue.
That said, I'm due a huge break (starting March), as I have some writing jobs to do and I need to learn to drive because my mum is chronically ill.
Time to sharpen the old pencil for a few months and then blunt it in the summer.🤩

Sweet I write at least 3x stoned with 10x moments. Yes there are - 3x times as well but they have disappeared with experience. Like my memory :)

Paragraph 2! Spot on. During a paragraph 2 moment, i decided to report my manager to the Regulatory Authority for our industry. Which I then did.

Weight gain. All strains manage to give me the munchies, and my self-control flies out the window. I can plow through a block of Soreen in under five minutes - I shit you not!

Yep I've deffo got the weight gain going on. Currently "trying" to diet 🙃 now wheres them choccy bickies 🤣

I feel you. Think the only buds that never made me ravenous were Durban Poison and Blue Dream

It's the tastiest, lowest-fat snack I've found so far. Four green and one orange on the health traffic lights. I wish I could trade it for Dairy Milk, but that's when the serious poundage appears.

Haha why would anyone lie about that? The 'Honestly' was superfluous.
I know exactly what you mean though 😅
I know exactly what you mean though 😅

The only real negative effect for me is short term memory loss, which the pros massively outweight the cons.
I have Asperger's but smoking weed helps massively, my thoughts tend to race but with weed it slows everything down, I can focus on one thing.
This is huge for me because the racing thoughts leas to anxiety as I'm trying to think of too much too quickly and a lot small, simple problems combine and it feels overwhelming. Not with weed though.
For some reason it seems to "fix" that part of my brain. And it actually allows me to be content with existence.
I have Asperger's but smoking weed helps massively, my thoughts tend to race but with weed it slows everything down, I can focus on one thing.
This is huge for me because the racing thoughts leas to anxiety as I'm trying to think of too much too quickly and a lot small, simple problems combine and it feels overwhelming. Not with weed though.
For some reason it seems to "fix" that part of my brain. And it actually allows me to be content with existence.

One long term effect is a better sex life, makes you harder, last longer ,feel more and is definitely an aphrodisiac;)

TLDR: short term memory loss, apathy yet decisiveness, psychological expansion, hope.
Introduced back in the 90s in college, along with other recs 💊 as part of the London clubbing scene.
Lots of commercial hash about at the time which was demotivating in hindsight.
The weed mostly skunk and I remember fondly the laughs had, and epiphanies too.
I was a late teenager and combined with hallucinogens and later spiritual practices had some kind of brain rewiring that was terrifying and awe inspiring.
I’d quit for nearly 20 years before trying again about 4 year ago but that grew and I’ve been consuming and experimenting daily since lockdown. I even grew my own - 3 solo cups of StarDawg, Black Hulk and Easy Bud. Well proud!
I’ve always been sensitive and having a more psychedelic experience wasn’t uncommon. Even on tiny one hitters and I had a year of not only having a tiny tolerance but intense highs that were mostly bringing my subconscious to the surface and tbh all hell broke loose in all areas of my life. Like psychedelics, if you are of the persuasion to be interested in the big questions or have a past that’s traumatic, then it’s going to make you face it and give you the stark reality of the human experience.
I’ve been able to work through it but I fear for the masses who are embarking on their inner journeys unprepared. Not my circus but I have a heart and an understanding that the truths revealed can be devastating to the mind as well as freeing, perhaps providing the liminal space for humans to evolve that’s drowned out by this materialistic and oppressive world.
I love being high. It’s addicting for me. The escape. The creativity and ability to think and pose multi-angled concepts is simply exhilarating and I believe can help solve some of our most challenging problems globally, and locally in our families - my wife hates it but prefers me on it for example. Her hate is ignorance mind.
I’ve realised that for me, daily is more about tolerance, habit and escape. It’s our choice but you have to live with the costs and as someone said, the weeks and years go by and one can be happy with just taking life in… philosophically, I do have issues with this so I’m looking to be more ritualistic and purposeful with it as well as have moments when just to enjoy and experiment.
I’ve been shocked by the tolerance build up which really became noticeable after I found LB 🤣 seems a waste as I found in the last 2 months that the high doesn’t hit as hard or as long and that sucks ‘cause you feel like you’re chasing the buzz but it’s not, it’s the escape for me, but I’m aware of it, and I’m in control.
Introduced back in the 90s in college, along with other recs 💊 as part of the London clubbing scene.
Lots of commercial hash about at the time which was demotivating in hindsight.
The weed mostly skunk and I remember fondly the laughs had, and epiphanies too.
I was a late teenager and combined with hallucinogens and later spiritual practices had some kind of brain rewiring that was terrifying and awe inspiring.
I’d quit for nearly 20 years before trying again about 4 year ago but that grew and I’ve been consuming and experimenting daily since lockdown. I even grew my own - 3 solo cups of StarDawg, Black Hulk and Easy Bud. Well proud!
I’ve always been sensitive and having a more psychedelic experience wasn’t uncommon. Even on tiny one hitters and I had a year of not only having a tiny tolerance but intense highs that were mostly bringing my subconscious to the surface and tbh all hell broke loose in all areas of my life. Like psychedelics, if you are of the persuasion to be interested in the big questions or have a past that’s traumatic, then it’s going to make you face it and give you the stark reality of the human experience.
I’ve been able to work through it but I fear for the masses who are embarking on their inner journeys unprepared. Not my circus but I have a heart and an understanding that the truths revealed can be devastating to the mind as well as freeing, perhaps providing the liminal space for humans to evolve that’s drowned out by this materialistic and oppressive world.
I love being high. It’s addicting for me. The escape. The creativity and ability to think and pose multi-angled concepts is simply exhilarating and I believe can help solve some of our most challenging problems globally, and locally in our families - my wife hates it but prefers me on it for example. Her hate is ignorance mind.
I’ve realised that for me, daily is more about tolerance, habit and escape. It’s our choice but you have to live with the costs and as someone said, the weeks and years go by and one can be happy with just taking life in… philosophically, I do have issues with this so I’m looking to be more ritualistic and purposeful with it as well as have moments when just to enjoy and experiment.
I’ve been shocked by the tolerance build up which really became noticeable after I found LB 🤣 seems a waste as I found in the last 2 months that the high doesn’t hit as hard or as long and that sucks ‘cause you feel like you’re chasing the buzz but it’s not, it’s the escape for me, but I’m aware of it, and I’m in control.

also started using cannabis again in lockdown after about 20 years.... looking out the windows high AF thinking fuck this shit was true enlightenment lol

Yeah, weed makes me super withdrawn if I let myself smoke all the time, it's ended relationships and has brought my current one to the brink, Im trying therapy and smoking less indica during the day.
Used to get globus sensation from high thc bud but thats gone these days.
Used to get globus sensation from high thc bud but thats gone these days.

“Globus sensation” thanks 🙏🏾
I also get this reaction from time to time and it coincides when I feel the weed is strong.
Also have other strange sensations which my anxiety labels as dangerous so my fight or flight kicks in.
I’ve learned that this is more about past sh*t being brought into the now and these effects of the body are just responses.
The challenge is to ride it out and then I find the experience is smoother ✌🏽
I also get this reaction from time to time and it coincides when I feel the weed is strong.
Also have other strange sensations which my anxiety labels as dangerous so my fight or flight kicks in.
I’ve learned that this is more about past sh*t being brought into the now and these effects of the body are just responses.
The challenge is to ride it out and then I find the experience is smoother ✌🏽

Once you know what’s really in your head it becomes easy. Bud makes you really understand, helps you get deep into your thoughts. It’s like a light bulb moment when you wake. Takes alot of work but we keep on tokin 😁

I have ADHD, without it my brain is like bag of snakes, every direction at once.
Even with it i struggle sometimes but its more like that glowy ball thing Will 'The Slap' Smith releases in Men in Black that caused the 1977 New York blackout.
Theres a squirrel on the balcony gotta go...
Even with it i struggle sometimes but its more like that glowy ball thing Will 'The Slap' Smith releases in Men in Black that caused the 1977 New York blackout.
Theres a squirrel on the balcony gotta go...

Peace. Freedom from 90% of my physical pain. Inflamation reduction & much more. Those are long term, 50 years, it builds up.

Great question.
I'm over 50, in gainful employment, reasonably fit and slim but an unhealthy diet for balance. Vape daily up to 0.4g but usually 0.2g max. Anyhoo, about 2g max a week but I'm using less strong flower just now, with better gear, I'd be using a lot less. Don't drink alcohol at all.
I too find incredible moments of clarity, especially after a hard day.
Vaping means i dehydrate a lot quicker and need to drink more water. I'd say my balance is less than 100% probably due to residual effects if anything. Overall I'm doing ok. The knowledge i have gained over the years and still need is not yet affected by daily use. Possibly a good barometer for things.
I'm over 50, in gainful employment, reasonably fit and slim but an unhealthy diet for balance. Vape daily up to 0.4g but usually 0.2g max. Anyhoo, about 2g max a week but I'm using less strong flower just now, with better gear, I'd be using a lot less. Don't drink alcohol at all.
I too find incredible moments of clarity, especially after a hard day.
Vaping means i dehydrate a lot quicker and need to drink more water. I'd say my balance is less than 100% probably due to residual effects if anything. Overall I'm doing ok. The knowledge i have gained over the years and still need is not yet affected by daily use. Possibly a good barometer for things.

After ~15 years of heavy use daily I've got short/long term memory loss but I used to take other drugs so I'm not sure. I've got a neuralogical disability and weed helps keep me out of a wheelchair ect. The desire to be alone is because of choosy beggars not weed. Also I'm a huge man baby, also unrelated (maybe).

As with everything, moderation is key, as a habitual smoker, smoking daily for many years through pipe or bong, minimal use of tobacco, I am unsure whether its caused or calmed my temper.
The mental addiction is apparent whenever I try to detox or take a break i.e, low mood, depressive thoughts, lack of appetite (physical?)
It's all perspective and a lack of dopamine production so I am aware of my low mood when I feel it but can be hard to pull away from without distraction, it comes to pass after a few days, though the mood swings and negativity have already done their damage.
I think I have developed a bit of a dependency on it, the only solution is a long break.
I have a total love/hate relationship with the plant but right now it keeps me calm, very calm.
The mental addiction is apparent whenever I try to detox or take a break i.e, low mood, depressive thoughts, lack of appetite (physical?)
It's all perspective and a lack of dopamine production so I am aware of my low mood when I feel it but can be hard to pull away from without distraction, it comes to pass after a few days, though the mood swings and negativity have already done their damage.
I think I have developed a bit of a dependency on it, the only solution is a long break.
I have a total love/hate relationship with the plant but right now it keeps me calm, very calm.

Long term for me personally it's had negative effects on a huge scale. I am day 4 off weed and feel so happier. I have seen lots same similar. I am dreaming again. Gym and Swimming. Weed really kept and held me back all my life.

Similar to psychedelics, it brings anything I’m avoiding or ignoring to bare. Which can lead to both productive and counterproductive action. Overall I think it helps expand consciousness if you’re willing, appreciate nature and the fact you are part of it. Not something that’s alien and just here by fluke. Sometimes I think it activates something that throws subliminal tests at you. For instance with the munchies, I know not to eat veggie oils, colourants, refined sugar and anything processed/ not organic. But when stoned to the bone that bag of haribo or sitting doing nothing sure does appeal. if I cave and do the above, the next day I’m almost ashamed I let the gremlin win. But if I push through eat some fruit and go climb that mountain, I feel instantly fulfilled. I know this may be abit nonsensical but I’ve been sober this week😂

My short term memory isn’t what is used to be, and my short term memory isn’t that good either.

This is probably an old thread, but it’s been an interesting read. I relate to most of the comments.
I have to say I’m pretty sure my memory has been adversely affected, but it’s almost impossible to say for sure right? There’s loads of factors.
But, the benefits are pretty substantial like. The shift in perspective was huge for me, I think it’s why conspiracy guys are often stoners - there is a sense of enlightenment at times, as wanky as that sounds.
There’s something communal about smoking as well I think, and I think it tends to make people generally more community minded, nature friendly and left leaning. Could just be a correlation or whatever but it’s pretty cool imo.
Support your local lollipop man and save the whales.
I have to say I’m pretty sure my memory has been adversely affected, but it’s almost impossible to say for sure right? There’s loads of factors.
But, the benefits are pretty substantial like. The shift in perspective was huge for me, I think it’s why conspiracy guys are often stoners - there is a sense of enlightenment at times, as wanky as that sounds.
There’s something communal about smoking as well I think, and I think it tends to make people generally more community minded, nature friendly and left leaning. Could just be a correlation or whatever but it’s pretty cool imo.
Support your local lollipop man and save the whales.

Smoking weed helps me stay slim 🤣 I don’t get the munchies, I eat less, when I quit my snacking increases and I gain weight!

1 post
+1 votes

{lb help}
Canna pharma SCAM
Having the same problem with a £400 order from cannapharm. Payed extra for tracked 24 delivery, 2 weeks later and I'm still waiting. The guy said he'd…

{lb help}
Canna pharma SCAM
Made an order with a scammer by mistake my account has been deleted for no reason so I can't even click dispute button how can I get that account back so I can dispute surly theres a way absolute bullshit he's had 250 USD off me and I can't do anything about Christmas looking worse and worse for me

Ordered from the same vendor as well. Tracked 24. Not arrived yet. Not heard a single thing or got a reply from the seller when asking for a tracking update. Fucking sucks. Looking at a £110 loss myself…

I ordered as well, I thought it was weird that they said they couldn’t provide the tracking number for security reasons but I told them that wasn’t a valid excuse.
They then stated that they would re-post and due to the strikes I thought it may of just been held up until items I ordered afterwards started turning up and then noticed all the other people having the same issue so it’s clear with over 100 disputes that this seller had conned everyone yet LB is making us dispute it and have to wait until next year before anything can be looked at which makes no sense as it clearly was a scam.
Don’t think it’s fair that we have to have a dispute on our profile and LB just do nothing.
I did see that someone went via a Borg link and got a refund but haven’t received a reply yet with the link but we shouldn’t be doing this and it should be LB taking action on our behalf seeing as it’s a clear scam.
They then stated that they would re-post and due to the strikes I thought it may of just been held up until items I ordered afterwards started turning up and then noticed all the other people having the same issue so it’s clear with over 100 disputes that this seller had conned everyone yet LB is making us dispute it and have to wait until next year before anything can be looked at which makes no sense as it clearly was a scam.
Don’t think it’s fair that we have to have a dispute on our profile and LB just do nothing.
I did see that someone went via a Borg link and got a refund but haven’t received a reply yet with the link but we shouldn’t be doing this and it should be LB taking action on our behalf seeing as it’s a clear scam.

Having the same problem with a £400 order from cannapharm. Payed extra for tracked 24 delivery, 2 weeks later and I'm still waiting. The guy said he'd reship after the first weekend but he lied and started ignoring me so yeah, Christmas isn't happening this year.

1 post
+1 votes
No product
started topic

No product
I purchased a 1g ammo shake mix a few days ago and paid like usual, after a few days of it not turning up I came on here to check the order status but it is still showing as ordered but not paid.

bigg topics