Not much of a stretch if you have interests in occult and esoteric goings on. I have about 4 decades of research.
The occult symbolism is found through mythical creatures, magical super powers and spells, astrological projection,
MOTU was birthed from a world similar to Conan the Barbarian, see “Mastering the Universe: He-Man and the Rise and Fall of a Billion-Dollar Idea” book by Roger Sweet and David Wecker. Conan features a storyline of the hero fighting against an occult group that worships a snake god-Set. Set was an Egyptian god of darkness who bestowed great powers in his followers. The occult group features shape shifting reptilians, and in the spin-off cartoon series, Conan the Adventurer, Conan would fight them and send them back to their dimension (David Icke claims this to be the fourth dimension which is undetectable to humans due to the reptilian genetic engineering). Without digressing too far into Conan, I’ll just leave it at that, snake worship, reptilian shape shifters, so on and so on.
Getting back to the subject at hand; there are different variants of the MOTU story. There have been a few different reboots of the tale between its comics, tv shows, and movies. I will discuss the main idea that broadly covers most of the stories.
MOTU takes place on a planet called Eternia, where King Randor and Queen Marlena have a son named Prince Adam. Prince Adam has a sword that magically (*literally-”magic”) transforms him from a wuss to He-Man, the most powerful man in the universe. Prince Adam, a.k.a. He-Man, had a sister who was abducted and lived on another planet called Etheria, where she would later on in the series use a similar sword to transform into She-Ra. The characters and storyline revolve around He-Man and the good forces battling against Skeletor and evil forces. Castle Grayskull is the home base for the good, where as Snake Mountain is home base for the evil. Both good and evil forces use magic, spells, interdimensional travel, telepathy, and other mysterious forces to battle. The evil forces worship serpent gods and have many reptilian features.
The reptilian and snake worship fall into David Icke’s (and other theorists) theory that the reptilians genetically manipulated humanity and can interdimensionally travel to our world. These reptilians hold powerful positions in the Illuminati, which are bloodlines that have secret, occult knowledge. Occult knowledge uses magic, spells, interdimensional travel, telepathy, and other mysterious forces to control humanity (the same things found in MOTU). These Illuminati bloodlines possess the same esoteric knowledge that our ancient ancestors did. This is why you find so many statues, buildings, and religious symbols in the Western world in cities such as Washington D.C.
These cities were built by Freemasons who are arguably members of the Illuminati (when the initiate gets high enough into the group). You’ll notice that there is so much Egyptian god symbolism throughout our entire western culture, it’s hard to miss. The ancients worshiped “sky gods” because they didn’t understand that these gods were actually reptilian extra terrestrials. This idea is explained through ancient astronaut theory, as found on the show Ancient Aliens and elsewhere in literature from researchers such as Erich Von Daniken. I don’t want to get too far off of the subject, but take my word on it for now, research later.
Now I’ll discuss some of the characters in the MOTU universe who exhibit features found in occult and ancient religious beliefs.
Characters and Locations in MOTU:
Locations of MOTU:
Eternia: Located at the center of the universe. The concept of a “center of the universe” is a mythological belief referred to as the “axis mundi.” This is the belief that Heaven and Earth can meet in one place. History of the MOTU civilization includes an ancient culture called Osirians (derived from the Egyptian god- Osiris) with advanced technology. Within Eternia there are many ancient sites and megaliths that have mystical powers and meanings.
Castle Grayskull: The castle that holds the power harnessed by He-Man’s sword. There is a resident sorceress who goes by several different names and forms. She can use magical spells to transform into a falcon and also project telepathically to He-Man and other characters. She also wears snake like armor, yet another subtle detail of serpent worship found in this cartoon.
Snake Mountain: Residence of main villain-Skeletor and his minions. This mountain features a large stone snake winding up its side, reminiscent of Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza is a Mayan ruin in Mexico that features feathered serpent carvings and shadow forms in worship of the snake god Kukulcan. Snake Mountain’s stone serpent is actually the Snake Men’s god, Serpos (the Snake Men inhabited the fortress before Skeletor).
Eternian Weather Station-a location that was owned by He-Man’s father, King Randor. This place allowed King Randor to control the weather on the planet. There are similarities to Alaska’s HAARP antenna array that can arguably move clouds and control the weather here on Earth.
Good forces in MOTU:
He-Man: This is the form that Prince Adam takes when he harnesses the magic of the sword. It is his Superman alias that gives him the strength needed to defeat Skeletor and other evil villains. Prince Adam surely takes his name from the earthly name of “Adam.” Adam was known in the Bible as the first man, but was also known to the ancient Egyptians as “Atum” which was a sun god, similar to Ra. Atum was believed to have been the first god, creating himself and emerging from the waters that existed in the world.
She-Ra: Note the use of “Ra.” Ra was an ancient Egyptian sun god, also known as Horus. He ruled the sky, earth, and underworld. Symbols include a falcon, which is what the Sorceress of the Castle Grayskull transforms into whenever she has to leave the castle. All humans were believed to have been created from Ra
Orko- a magician from a parallel dimension that helps He-Man fight Skeletor and his minions. His powers are usually not accurate and his character is used mostly for humor.
Evil Forces of MOTU (you’ll note that there are vastly more evil forces represented by snakes and reptilians):
Skeletor: the main villain and antagonist of He-Man. He’s an evil inter dimensional being who was related to King Randor. He resides in Snake Mountain and seeks to take over Castle Grayskull so that he can harness all of its mystical powers for evil. He is a sorcerer who can use magic, teleport, and communicate telepathically. He also is a master of illusion and hypnotism.
Snake Men: humanoid snake beings that inhabited Eternia in ancient times. They created Snake Mountain and were directed by their leader, King Hiss. Their eventual defeat forced them into another dimension, such that they were only able to partially exist in the Eternian dimension. This is the exact theory behind the reptilians discussed by David Icke and other conspiracy theorists. They claim that reptilian shape shifters require a certain dark energy that is displaced by the human race through war, suffering, death, and depression in order to fully reach our three dimensional state. They can only exist/shape shift into our dimension as long as they have sufficient dark energy to do so. This is the ultimate reasoning for why the Illuminati are so obsessed with war, death, child abuse, etc. They need these forms of energy in order to pull themselves fully into our world in human form.
King Hiss- leader of the reptilians
Kobra Khan- ambassador between Skeletor and King Hiss
Rattlor- powers include a rattling tail, a deputy to King Hiss
Sssqueeze- anaconda with snake like arms that could obviously squeeze his opponents
Snake Face- snakes extending from this character freeze opponents. This is directly taken from the Greek Medusa figure.
Mer-Man: fish humanoid that controls the sea. This figure is taken directly from Greek and other mythology. Triton was the son of Poseidon in Greek mythology and Enki was the Sumerian god with similar characteristics. The Dogon believe in the Nommo who was also a fish god. The fish gods of ancient cultures had fish heads, which is similar to the mitre headdress worn by priests in the Roman Catholic church.
There are many more characters and locations in the MOTU universe, but I mentioned the most relevant. Many of the characters have different anthropomorphism and hybrid characteristics found in most ancient religious figures. There is much more to study if one is interested in the subject.
The series broke several boundaries for children’s entertainment. It was the first series to allow large, muscular characters to physically punch and bring about violence, and it also began the trend of focused advertising towards young children, which was more heavily regulated at the time. These depictions of violence and marketing are both Illuminati staples that are used to brainwash and implant these negative thoughts to reinforce greed, destroy empathy, meanwhile increasing the profits and lining the pockets of the Illuminati members.