2 buys on Thursday morning (14 Dec 23) - first send fee was £23! Second one, 30 minutes later, was £16. Definitely stopped me shopping around like I wanted to, waiting for them to drop before buying again. Can anyone recommend a site that shows an average transaction fee in real time? The only ones I know show the day before's average fee.
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joined nov 2020
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6 topics on Bluntchisel
26 posts
+94 votes

Click on the little dial icon in the bottom left of the screen when you load the site and it gives you average sat/vB in real time, and you can examine what's in each block too.

Thank you, MR 👍. I've just had a quick look and it's still a little confusing to a noob like myself, but it looks like what I need. Thank you very much, greatly appreciated 👍

No problem mate. This was all new to me until April, and then I quickly realised that learning about it could save me money. Still barely scratching the surface in terms of my knowledge.

Yeah pretty high for me too! It’s a shame in 2023 we still have to put up with this crap!
EE x
EE x

Stopped ordering on here a week ago. The borgs said litecoin will be an alternative coin LAST YEAR, nothing ever happened. I would imagine LB is loosing out big time.
I see it as a good time for a tolerance break
I see it as a good time for a tolerance break

I've been off it for a week or so now, would have loved some for Christmas, I'm too stubborn to cancel my order so I'll wait it out and hit ten bag Tommy for a day pass

didnt know how to start own topic, but here is my stupid experience with Kraken for laughs. ok I needed to upolad id but lucky they take d license and had jpeg for wrk. i then bought btc when verified 30mns, but missed the info box telling me funds were held 72 hours. they charged me 3.50 for buying the btc to kraken. then tried to withdraw and found out they held it 72hrs. I tried to cancel at my bank but couldnt. I then waited 3 days. i then went to withdraw and saw that there is a further charge of 13.60. I need to buy more btc in order to cover it, another charge. then when i go to withdraw, I need to add a new address, every one I use needs verified by email. but by the time you've got to the email the amount on kraken has changed slightly. So after like 5 tries i finally did it quick enough to have the right receipt amount. so thank fuck thats over. Just got an email saying i must complete a survey by jan 2, or they will shut the account. provides link, go, but no survey. cant find it. so effectively they are going to take the remaining 61p in the account by default. hahaha fucking hell that was awful.

Yea I got stung on £140. £5 purchase fee and then £15.45 to send it. Roll on things settling back down.

Seems to be back up or isit just every weekend??, obviously it’s busy time of year in general but damn this seems to be the new norm

Will be the new norm, a friend was explaining to me how BRC-20 tokens are congesting the blockchain. Since they seem to be the new thing in the crypto world I don't see the congestion reducing for a while. We have the same problem in some way every few years here we need an alternative ASAP. I've had to pay 100s of dollars to move one transaction from here and its been pending for several days, blockchain explorer site reckons I'll need to pay $2111 to get it in the next few hours, not viable at all!

The fees certainly seem to go up the few times I've been 'lucky' enough to see my BTC increase decently in value! I'm all happy, thinking I've made enough for a 'free' eighth, and then lose it all in send fees!

Yes, it's crazy, tried to pay for an order and I have insufficient funds - wants over £30 fees on a £70 order!

Was same for me last week, I’d of fucked it off but it was a BB order and id already messed him about so didn’t want to take the piss any longer as he had sorted me out .

I paid 40 quid on a 200 quid order but had no choice as need carts before weekend but i dont even think the vendor has sent them,totally gutted 😔

It was for £88 something, wanted £121 I was like, naw mate. It's been like this for a while, getting steeper

I’m trying to work out the percentage , it seems people have paid anything from 15% to 37%, I think anywhere between 5-15% is pretty fair but above that is a pisstake

if they changed network to bsc the fees would be 40p for sending btc, need to get them to change it

This morning I went pay for a £100 order, fully expecting to pay a hefty whack but Xmas and all that so I was going to swallow it but the price jumped to £191. Jesus suffering fuck. Halfed the order, still paid a fortune.Really can't afford this, who can? Something needs to change. I wish I had an answer.

I dropped my fees to around the $2:50 mark, 24 hrs later and my order still isn't confirmed. What a pile of pish.

8 posts
+16 votes

Live resin tester

Live resin tester

Hey biggas, hope the you're all enjoying the weekend.
I was lucky or not so lucky enough to receive a $10 tester vape from you know where.
My question is Should it look like this?
Doesn't look or taste like any live resin I have purchased in the last few months. I accept this maybe a duff cart or the resin is compromised with the condensation it arrived with .
Did any other carts look like this. I've seen they have 18 banging reviews unfortunately I cannot share the same experience
I was lucky or not so lucky enough to receive a $10 tester vape from you know where.
My question is Should it look like this?
Doesn't look or taste like any live resin I have purchased in the last few months. I accept this maybe a duff cart or the resin is compromised with the condensation it arrived with .
Did any other carts look like this. I've seen they have 18 banging reviews unfortunately I cannot share the same experience

My understanding is that you can't put live resin or rosin straight into a cart as its too thick and will solidify-it always needs to be diluted. Perhaps some experts can chip in?...I know that when Serial Chiller Labs started with these particular CCells and Rosin they worked on their "secret recipe" for some time, hence I guess why CI are doing 'testers' so this is good feedback.
But all is not lost - you just need to get rubbing to warm the oil and get it moving!
But all is not lost - you just need to get rubbing to warm the oil and get it moving!

Serial chillers used unflavoured terps, they diluted them quite vigirously. I left a link a few months back to a process I think Weedstar have started to use for their live resin, I will see if I can find it.

It's on the window cill.👍
No all is not lost at all, I'll be decanting the resin into a silicone tub.
No all is not lost at all, I'll be decanting the resin into a silicone tub.

Mine looks the same it has just solidified. Unless you faff changing the natural state they will generally go like that once cooked down in the vape.

Gutted mines at the post office still, I’ve been stalking the postman as the other reviews were amazing will be gutted if it’s not great, on a plus note at least it’s only 10 bucks

Yes they were only testers! When you do get yours I would warm it first in your pocket for half hour otherwise you'll burn the coil as this resin is solid.good luck

15 posts
+48 votes

DIUK help to buy.

DIUK help to buy.
I would like to buy Drugs in the UK products but cannot.
Littlebiggy please unrestrict there account so they can makes sales and buyers can buy!
Littlebiggy please unrestrict there account so they can makes sales and buyers can buy!

DIUK shouldn't be banned, they gave us biggas plenty heads up they were taking a break and anyone ordering after they gave us the heads up it was at your own risk.
Now the site is packed with overpriced moneybags weed and the good people over at DIUK are banned.
DIUK are one of the most respected vendors here and we ban them, please let them back as we need vendors like them, vendors looking out for the little guy.
Now the site is packed with overpriced moneybags weed and the good people over at DIUK are banned.
DIUK are one of the most respected vendors here and we ban them, please let them back as we need vendors like them, vendors looking out for the little guy.

I agree - DIUK were one of my first purchases here, and they've looked after me ever since. It would be a *huge* loss to this place if they're not able to return. Please sort this out ASAP

They were my first purchase on site, always positive and friendly and always supportive.
I was planning on getting wrecked tomorrow and making a post about this mess then.
Such a mess, DIUK of all folks too.
I was planning on getting wrecked tomorrow and making a post about this mess then.
Such a mess, DIUK of all folks too.

Yes, come on LittleBiggy this is not fair.
They gave fair notice, closed for a good reason - compassion, and withdrew all items from sale.
I've had nothing but good interactions with them and they are one of this sites most trusted vendors.
We want them back!!
They gave fair notice, closed for a good reason - compassion, and withdrew all items from sale.
I've had nothing but good interactions with them and they are one of this sites most trusted vendors.
We want them back!!

Meanwhile you've vendors here with multiple accounts upvoting themselves, vendors upvoting any and every negative post about other vendors, and vendors taking the utter piss with pricing excuse my language.

Well there not all like that , nearly every other vendor has something decent to offer here, were still spoilt for choice if you ask me

This place ain't what it used to be, it's getting very premium around here. Premium in quotes.

Yeah I know what you mean , prices are still quite high but overall they are mostly cheaper for the quality than the local street plug. Also with the service we get , I can get weed quicker than most legal shops send out there products. I can also shop around and buy premium or buy mids or get fantastic shake or shitty shake depending on the budget. Street plugs only offer what they have and it's rarely worth the cash I love the fact we can order weed grown in England or in USA or Canada and some vendors still selling at reasonable prices I mean we haven't got anything better in the UK than littlebiggie, these vendors are killing it to be honest , high grade flower , concentrates and hashes to die for and brilliant review system with escrow and dispute options and endless choice , this site to me is still a relief compared to the street , but yeah maybe the prices aren't what they used to be and to be honest weed isn't what it used to be for me, weed has changed with the legalization abroad and the strains of the UK seem lost to new genetics that I don't really even like that much. So now everyone wants Cali or imports and the prices will go up with that unfortunately. But surely you still love this site even with all its flaws?

Remember a while back when the pound tanked against the dollar, many vendors came out, DIUK and TGDs among them and lowered prices, that wouldn't happen today.
Here is my issue, there are vendors here that are getting rich off us, make a nice profit sure, but don't get rich off a fellow toker, a fellow bigga, someone just wanting their medicine.
That is my issue here.
Here is my issue, there are vendors here that are getting rich off us, make a nice profit sure, but don't get rich off a fellow toker, a fellow bigga, someone just wanting their medicine.
That is my issue here.

Yeah I hear you , but it's all choice for us, we just have to weene out all the vendors charging way to much and stick to the good ones and keep them going, if we all do that the expensive rip off merchant ones will soon realise they ain't doing well.

Hey Incubus, i've kinda been off the medicine couple days now but i'll be back tomorrow no doubt but just wanted to say thanks for your responses they really helped.
You're very patient and much appreciated, you have a good one fellow Bigga.🙂❤️
You're very patient and much appreciated, you have a good one fellow Bigga.🙂❤️

1 post
+1 votes

What's your Christmas Stash?

What's your Christmas Stash?
Love to know what you fellow biggas have in for the festive period ; I have some pineapple express, Apple fritter vape cart, orange daiquiri vape cart, and some dry sift /bubble hash from Bb's Mac Shake and Buddies trim. Peace and good will

4 posts
+9 votes


Should there be a standard for stealth,? please share your experiences good and bad

I've a feeling the best story is gonna yours, but I'll say I stopped using new sellers as they almost always haven't bought a heat sealer yet. Add in underestimated postage or a parcel too big for the letterbox and I've got to go pick up a stinking package with my name on it. Never again.

Ouch! No nothing quite like that.
My latest worst is the postie trying to push a parcel of 2oz through the door which had been vac packed to the shape of a rock. Luckily I turned up and took the package from him. Oh hash chucked in a grey poly bag that was quite obvious
My latest worst is the postie trying to push a parcel of 2oz through the door which had been vac packed to the shape of a rock. Luckily I turned up and took the package from him. Oh hash chucked in a grey poly bag that was quite obvious

2 posts
+2 votes

Wonder if my XMAS Hashish will turn up for Xmas ?
48 posts by Bluntchisel
1 post
+3.2 votes
why do gut feelings come from the gut?
I think it's your limbic system, that connects your heart and stomach to your brain. Heart felt feelings, gut feelings.
I might be wrong!
![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)
why do gut feelings come from the gut?
sometimes it feels fully psychic down there

Gut health and brain health are linked in a bunch of ways, I've been reading a bit about it, there's millions of nerves connecting the gut and brain, the gut is producing most of our serotonin which directly affects our moods, they've linked poor gut health to Alzheimer's and possibly other mental health conditions recently too so there's more than a few direct connections.
I read about the vagus nerve and what it does, it's like a little caretaker for our whole nervous system, regulating everything, that can be damaged by stomach ulcers and when damaged can cause all sorts of problems, I guess i'm wondering with all these direct links between gut and brain whether we're actually feeling something that's sending very real signals but signals we don't understand properly?
...or I might've just smoked too much, its possible, the bong has been out!
I read about the vagus nerve and what it does, it's like a little caretaker for our whole nervous system, regulating everything, that can be damaged by stomach ulcers and when damaged can cause all sorts of problems, I guess i'm wondering with all these direct links between gut and brain whether we're actually feeling something that's sending very real signals but signals we don't understand properly?
...or I might've just smoked too much, its possible, the bong has been out!

Ah, my dear biggaz, let’s embark on a whimsical journey into the realms of the gut and the mysterious phenomenon of premonition, shall we? Now, picture this: your gut, that marvellous little organ, is not just a mere digestive powerhouse. No, no! It’s a veritable hub of intuition, a second brain, if you will.
You see, the gut is lined with what we call the enteric nervous system, which is a complex network of neurons that communicates with the brain. This connection, my friends, is more profound than we often realise. It’s as if your belly is whispering secrets to your mind, guiding you through the murky waters of existence. When we talk about premonition, we’re often delving into that uncanny ability to sense what’s coming — a sort of psychic foresight, if you like.
Now, imagine your gut reacting to stimuli before your conscious mind has had the chance to process it. Ever had that feeling in your stomach before a big event, like a wedding, or perhaps a precarious encounter with a person you’re not quite sure about? That’s your gut’s way of alerting you, a signal that something’s afoot! It’s a primal response, honed over millennia, an evolutionary gift that keeps us attuned to danger or opportunity.
So, in essence, when we talk about premonition, we’re tapping into that raw, instinctual knowledge that our bodies possess. The gut is like a finely tuned instrument, picking up vibrations from the universe, translating them into feelings, sensations, and sometimes — just sometimes — a flash of insight about what’s to come. Listen to it, my darlings! Your gut may just be your most trusted oracle, steering you through the unpredictable tides of life with a knowing nod and a cheeky wink.
In conclusion, the gut and premonition are intertwined in a dance of intuition and instinct. So, next time you feel a flutter in your belly, remember: it could be the universe whispering its secrets, urging you to pay attention. Embrace it, and let the gut guide you!
You see, the gut is lined with what we call the enteric nervous system, which is a complex network of neurons that communicates with the brain. This connection, my friends, is more profound than we often realise. It’s as if your belly is whispering secrets to your mind, guiding you through the murky waters of existence. When we talk about premonition, we’re often delving into that uncanny ability to sense what’s coming — a sort of psychic foresight, if you like.
Now, imagine your gut reacting to stimuli before your conscious mind has had the chance to process it. Ever had that feeling in your stomach before a big event, like a wedding, or perhaps a precarious encounter with a person you’re not quite sure about? That’s your gut’s way of alerting you, a signal that something’s afoot! It’s a primal response, honed over millennia, an evolutionary gift that keeps us attuned to danger or opportunity.
So, in essence, when we talk about premonition, we’re tapping into that raw, instinctual knowledge that our bodies possess. The gut is like a finely tuned instrument, picking up vibrations from the universe, translating them into feelings, sensations, and sometimes — just sometimes — a flash of insight about what’s to come. Listen to it, my darlings! Your gut may just be your most trusted oracle, steering you through the unpredictable tides of life with a knowing nod and a cheeky wink.
In conclusion, the gut and premonition are intertwined in a dance of intuition and instinct. So, next time you feel a flutter in your belly, remember: it could be the universe whispering its secrets, urging you to pay attention. Embrace it, and let the gut guide you!

I think it's your limbic system, that connects your heart and stomach to your brain. Heart felt feelings, gut feelings.
I might be wrong!
I might be wrong!

1 post
+5 votes

Best growers on LB?
There is keep it green and green fingers also
Druids Magic
British Bulldog
Northern Organics
Bud Botanist
The Cheesemaster
Obviously these all come and go between their grows…..some may have just gone, but keep an eye out!
British Bulldog
Northern Organics
Bud Botanist
The Cheesemaster
Obviously these all come and go between their grows…..some may have just gone, but keep an eye out!

Agree with that lost wholeheartedly though suspect that we have lost both oilman and budbot
Oilman's hifi 🤗
Oilman's hifi 🤗

Chatted to BudB just before he went offline, he was moving house and from my experience that can often mean the end of growing. Even if you think you have the space, one arsey neighbour, or finding out after you've bought the place that there's a copper living over the road....etc etc can often mean you have to quit.
It's happened to a few people i know. The guy i learned to grow from quit when his other half got pregnant and they moved somewhere bigger, which is totally fair enough.
Shame as BudB was a good guy, and a good grower. Hopefully he'll be back one day.
Cheers. BB
It's happened to a few people i know. The guy i learned to grow from quit when his other half got pregnant and they moved somewhere bigger, which is totally fair enough.
Shame as BudB was a good guy, and a good grower. Hopefully he'll be back one day.
Cheers. BB

hey mate I saw you growing a decent flowers, do you like to grow from seeds or clones only?

Hiya buddy,
Just femmed seeds for now but I'm thinking about clones at some point.
Thanks for your kind words, I do my best. 😊
Cheers BB 👍🍻
Just femmed seeds for now but I'm thinking about clones at some point.
Thanks for your kind words, I do my best. 😊
Cheers BB 👍🍻

what was your favourite strain you ever grow? I used to grow from seeds but when I try clones they like game changers, with clones you saving lots of time. I grow zowahh from karma genetic from clones and those plants been growing like crazy.

I haven't tried every grower on here, nor have i chatted to all of them, but i can say that Druids Magic are very good people and having chatted to them numerous times since their arrival on here, i can guarantee they know what they are doing.
I've seen a few sellers who seem to masquerade as growers but really have no idea.... DM is not one of these.
They're genuine artisans.
They've got some bangers coming up for Christmas too, but i won't ruin the surprise. ;)
Cheers. BB
I've seen a few sellers who seem to masquerade as growers but really have no idea.... DM is not one of these.
They're genuine artisans.
They've got some bangers coming up for Christmas too, but i won't ruin the surprise. ;)
Cheers. BB

BB has dropped wedding cake this month (can’t wait for it to get here😃) AND druids dropping some December? Well, it’ll definitely be a good Christmas this year haha

put british bulldog in same catagory as top growers - people scramble for shake says it all💪

British bulldog has lovely wedding cake just now. Really enjoying it just now.
Druids but not had a listing since I’ve been using LB so hopefully one soon. I’ve not purchased anything from them but I have tried some 😋😋😋
I got really good Strawberry Ammi from keep it green.
Apexakunk2 had a topic Christmas No1 I’m sure that would help with your question.
Druids but not had a listing since I’ve been using LB so hopefully one soon. I’ve not purchased anything from them but I have tried some 😋😋😋
I got really good Strawberry Ammi from keep it green.
Apexakunk2 had a topic Christmas No1 I’m sure that would help with your question.

Definitely Druids and N.organics - but have also had a couple of decent flowers from Keep It Green - they're new here, but doing well so far

Polly has my list and some I’ve not tried but heard of.
Can tell from convos with bb and Druids they grow as know the shit you only find out from experience.
Way above my knowledge and I grew some half joint knock out chronic but then kid came
Can tell from convos with bb and Druids they grow as know the shit you only find out from experience.
Way above my knowledge and I grew some half joint knock out chronic but then kid came

Can't argue with any that have been mentioned, I have tried most of them and all excellent. One missing for me though would be sassy buds, they have grown some of the best flower i have had all year.

Thanks for the mention guys 👍..I shall be returning in the new year,personally I've had a terrible last 12 months,I thought all would be good a few months ago and I'd be back selling but that just wasn't possible..still being mentioned after being offline so long means alot to me so thank you and see you next year ✌

best grower...i'm gonna have to say me. not a vendor though
all things considered, it's 💯 me
personal purple grow not industrial scales
all things considered, it's 💯 me
personal purple grow not industrial scales

Lazydaze, Prime grows, KiG, Druids & Franz to name a few of the many good growers here on LB....

all but mercedes . love for all the ones ive purchased from all quality . but no love for the one let me down. personal choice i would have to say PISTACH. impressive with that first zheetos grow and looking forward to trying the new fire batch this week. bless all

1 post
+3 votes

Squeaky bum time.
It's great here isn't it 💚

Squeaky bum time.
Morning everyone. I've just placed orders with two separate vendors,
I take it the btc will get split and sent to each one separately as when I paid I only had one addy to send it to.
I should've asked here 1st but I'm at work and didn't want to miss cut off so just did it while I had the time.
I take it the btc will get split and sent to each one separately as when I paid I only had one addy to send it to.
I should've asked here 1st but I'm at work and didn't want to miss cut off so just did it while I had the time.

Yeah it will do it all for you automatically you can check the status in " orders " top left

1 post
+5 votes
My personal experience is not positive. I found GC to be disorganised and childish in communications. I can only speak for myself, but I was polite and patient, and GC was a time waster. His comms are terrible.

Comms aren’t great but products are amazing and he’s a one man band to be fair to him. Although I’m still waiting for a response

I ordered on Sunday knowing dispatch would be Monday so delivery via 24 hour tracked means delivery Tuesday but posted after 15:00 means ann extra day even still with that, yet I’m still waiting! The post is extremely miss leading and false! I have tried to contact the seller for tracking twice now and zero reply! I won’t be riding from them again, I can see transaxe having to get involved soon!

I would love to say it is but other 24 hour tracked items have been delivered this week! From different vendors, I’m extremely dissatisfied and disappointed.

Hi bud greencat is a top vendor usually marks as sent the night it's been ordered he is a one man band but never let me down always 10/10

Royal snail 24 tracked is a scam by RM. I really don't know why vendors use it. It is bad for business. But you might get it on a Sunday! As I did.

I agree with the other comment never been let down always good service maybe a day or so over expected but it will arrive

The service isn’t good if you’re not getting what’s being advertised! 24 hour postage means 24 hours and Royal Mail have to deliver or you can claim compensation for the late delivery! It’s clearly advertised as 24 hour Royal Mail tracking! False advertisement! Is not good service, zero communication every says scam with this seller! Other delivers ordered on the same day are here!!!

Green Cat is not a scam, it's ok to not be happy at waiting but why do people always have to go too far? You've been here long enough to know better than that mate. They are easily one of the very best sellers on this whole site, the fact you are already talking about transaxe is more alarming tbh...
Also I think almost everything you have said is wrong. 24hour can take a week if Royal Mail takes a week to deliver it, they always take 2 days for me and Green Cat does not advertise next day delivery they state typical delivery time is 1-3 days.
Not trying to have a go at you but GC is a top seller, it might not always work out exactly (and they seem to get more stick than most when it doesn't go perfectly) but they do send out their packages by 24hr post as quickly as possible, usually same day! I'm speaking from a lot of ordering experience! :)
I hope it lands for you soon! :)
Also I think almost everything you have said is wrong. 24hour can take a week if Royal Mail takes a week to deliver it, they always take 2 days for me and Green Cat does not advertise next day delivery they state typical delivery time is 1-3 days.
Not trying to have a go at you but GC is a top seller, it might not always work out exactly (and they seem to get more stick than most when it doesn't go perfectly) but they do send out their packages by 24hr post as quickly as possible, usually same day! I'm speaking from a lot of ordering experience! :)
I hope it lands for you soon! :)

No I can 100% appreciate your point bud! As you’ve said I’ve been here a while and in that time this is the first time I’m waiting and waiting. Even during the big postal strikes next day was next day! If it’s sent first class sign for it’s not tracked it only gives proof of delivery. It’s not a tracking service!
I hope it lands soon and I can come back on here and eat my words because it’s good stuff!
This a customer service based system here and no communication from a seller is extreamly worrying! And completely unacceptable especially when it say contact for tracking number! I have had zero communication when asking for this tracking information.
Other sellers update your order with tracking, why can’t they be done now?
I hope and prey it will drop soon so I can recant my own words!
I hope it lands soon and I can come back on here and eat my words because it’s good stuff!
This a customer service based system here and no communication from a seller is extreamly worrying! And completely unacceptable especially when it say contact for tracking number! I have had zero communication when asking for this tracking information.
Other sellers update your order with tracking, why can’t they be done now?
I hope and prey it will drop soon so I can recant my own words!

Mate he DOES send out 24hr tracked you will see the big sticker for it on the front of your pack when it lands. That doesn't mean he's offering next day delivery tho, it clearly says 1-3 days but it IS sent by 24hr tracked you will see mate. Maybe there has been an issue sending it or maybe its stuck at a depot obviously I wouldn't know about that and I get thats why you need some comms but they are not scammers mate that was my main thing. Like I say genuinely hope you get it soon :)

As I said I will eat all my words if it lands everyday I prey!
This isn’t something to just get high and relax of an evening, I’m disabled and use it for pain, anxiety and PTSD so waiting right now I’m extreamly unwell probably doesn’t help my responses.
2 and a half years on here and this is my first problem, see my problem now.
The fact a bunch have jumped on to stand their ground is impressive and makes it slightly easier to understand and accept but it’s still extremely aggravating and frustrating with a feeling like you have been robbed!
maybe someone on here should help the guy with communication? Free weed as payment. It would be a very simple system to set up and never have to know who each other are.
This isn’t something to just get high and relax of an evening, I’m disabled and use it for pain, anxiety and PTSD so waiting right now I’m extreamly unwell probably doesn’t help my responses.
2 and a half years on here and this is my first problem, see my problem now.
The fact a bunch have jumped on to stand their ground is impressive and makes it slightly easier to understand and accept but it’s still extremely aggravating and frustrating with a feeling like you have been robbed!
maybe someone on here should help the guy with communication? Free weed as payment. It would be a very simple system to set up and never have to know who each other are.

Royalmail do not have to deliver 24hrs tracked the next day. They even state on their website it's not guaranteed NDD. I had a 24hrs tracked take 5 working days and it arrived this week. I'm guessing we're already experiencing the delays of the up coming bank holiday

Can you share a link to this please bud?
Because they say 94% of mail is delivered within 48 hours on their website! Yes I just checked, so yes if I’m that 6% I fully understand, but where’s the communication and tracking number?
The 24 hour service is a high priority unless it’s sign for first class then that’s a whole different sent of rules, up to 5 days but again that’s not what’s advertised!
The fact zero communication and no tracking number provided the listing clearly isn’t as advertised! Look at the length of time people are waiting! This is a 100% trust based service and I don’t have any faith or trust in this seller anymore
Because they say 94% of mail is delivered within 48 hours on their website! Yes I just checked, so yes if I’m that 6% I fully understand, but where’s the communication and tracking number?
The 24 hour service is a high priority unless it’s sign for first class then that’s a whole different sent of rules, up to 5 days but again that’s not what’s advertised!
The fact zero communication and no tracking number provided the listing clearly isn’t as advertised! Look at the length of time people are waiting! This is a 100% trust based service and I don’t have any faith or trust in this seller anymore

Right no delivery yet BUt we have a tracking number and communication!
The benefit of the doubt is given, apparently it will be here Saturday! We are all human after all!
But what I will say is Green Cat is fucking lucky to have you guys!
The benefit of the doubt is given, apparently it will be here Saturday! We are all human after all!
But what I will say is Green Cat is fucking lucky to have you guys!

Yes completely understandable to be frustrated regarding 0 coms, I was just making you aware that 24hrs tracked is not guaranteed NDD like you mentioned, and you can't claim compensation on it either, as far as I'm aware.
It's in the terms and conditions at the bottom of the "Tracked 24hrs page" on royalmail, I can't link it as LB is blocking the link .
"Non Account Tracked 24 and Non Account Tracked 24 with Signature, we will aim but
do not guarantee to deliver your Item within 1 Working Day of the day on which you
Handover your Item, provided such Handover occurs prior to the Latest Acceptance
Time applicable to the Drop Off Point where you provide your Item to us (and if you
provide your Item to us after the relevant Latest Acceptance Time, then we aim but do
not guarantee to deliver your Item within 2 Working Days of that day"
It's in the terms and conditions at the bottom of the "Tracked 24hrs page" on royalmail, I can't link it as LB is blocking the link .
"Non Account Tracked 24 and Non Account Tracked 24 with Signature, we will aim but
do not guarantee to deliver your Item within 1 Working Day of the day on which you
Handover your Item, provided such Handover occurs prior to the Latest Acceptance
Time applicable to the Drop Off Point where you provide your Item to us (and if you
provide your Item to us after the relevant Latest Acceptance Time, then we aim but do
not guarantee to deliver your Item within 2 Working Days of that day"

DONT LET KAOS BUY HE IS A SCAMMER AND A NEGLECTFUL BUYER. We had an incident where he was sent some pretty disgusting Shake, we immediately got into a bit of a problem and we offered him compensation. He chose to have a refund instead of a 3.5 of smoke as that would ‘only last him a week anyway’. After everything was resolved and he told everyone we had sorted things out (on the nasty posts he left) we had told him for letting us sort it out, we would hook him up with a free 3.5g when our new weed lands. A week goes by and we haven’t had anything listed in little biggy. I go to list my new dispo’s and see I’m being threatened by this very buyer saying he is going to change what he said on the posts (about me refunding him) because he thinks I’m lying.

Made four orders with GC now and each one has come the next day when ordered on a Wednesday/Tuesday night. Lovely product too!

No problem. Thank you for the lovely flowers. I look forward to making my next purchase :D

1 post
+3 votes
Reviews of shake
Hi JW, I'll be taking note of the reviews 100% as I was not impressed with that last batch. Before I purchase again I need to see it's back to the sta…

Reviews of shake
From what we can see, the biggas arent enjoying the shake we have, so we threw away 30kg of this shake and grabbed a new batch, this batch is fire and hopefully we can satisfy everyone.
comms are poor as we are super busy but if you have a problem, please add the dispute in and we can resolve all issues. no hard feelings to anyone as we understand that you require a certain level of customer service and we hope to return back to the service we were providing previously.
thank you :)
comms are poor as we are super busy but if you have a problem, please add the dispute in and we can resolve all issues. no hard feelings to anyone as we understand that you require a certain level of customer service and we hope to return back to the service we were providing previously.
thank you :)

Hi JW, I'll be taking note of the reviews 100% as I was not impressed with that last batch. Before I purchase again I need to see it's back to the standard you had set previously.
It is good to see you reckonise an issue and try to fix it.👍
It is good to see you reckonise an issue and try to fix it.👍

Is there any way we can get dates added to these posts by LB?
I find it really odd that no one knows how new/old posts are.
I find it really odd that no one knows how new/old posts are.

Hey Lee, it is annoying isn't it! Maybe add the date like above? Not ideal but it's an idea.
Hey Lee, it is annoying isn't it! Maybe add the date like above? Not ideal but it's an idea.

Thanks for the update and appreciate your hard work - Ordered another 14g yesterday and it came yet again just leaf and stwigs it tatses horrendous and gives you a bad cough - hoping the next batch is like those of the past chaps which where banging

I'm unable to create a dispute in the usual way because I purchased product without a account, I've been trying to get in touch with you for 3 weeks.

ordered 26th Oct, disputed 5th Nov, numerous messages sent & not 1 iota of a response. i appreciate that you're busy but you need to put a bit more effort into resolving disputes, especially from returning customers.
i have had a few orders now & you are normally 100% spot on, 10/10 every time. but when it goes wrong? not so good!
i have had a few orders now & you are normally 100% spot on, 10/10 every time. but when it goes wrong? not so good!

I would have happily run an extraction on this Justweed for some QWET 🌟 This is exactly why I opened my services. For unwanted shake. Please reach out in future to UndercoverAlien if interested 👽

4 posts
+9 votes
Benefits of micro dosing
I found 1 day on 1 day off suited me best. But I'm a joiner by trade and work with heavy machines. So have to be careful you know. I started on a bank…
+ 4 more

Benefits of micro dosing

Found this little picture that sums up the benefits of micro dosing magic mushrooms.
What is your experience?
What is your experience?

Well I'm a massive stoner and I've had great benefits from microdosing. I find I feel a lot more balanced and regulated, and I'm able to deal with very stressful situations much more easily. It's also made me more emotional, which is interesting. An occasional cry to music is very cathartic. I'm doing a Stamets' Stack regime specifically and have done for about 10 months now. Currently on the 2 week (2-4 week break is suggested) now before starting again, and the mental effects definitely carry through on days you're not doing it.

I'd say from about a couple of months in until I felt any beneficial significant changes at all, but I felt microdosing created this balanced mental feeling where overwhelming things were just whelming from the start when I was initially dosing. This was after I changed regime from 0.1g to 0.2g (which now seems more standard) as I didn't feel that the lower dose did much for me at all.

Did you start it to treat any condition or because you heard it's benefits and gave it a go?

The latter. Wanted to help my general mood as I've suffered from mild to moderate untreated (other than self medicated) depression for a long time and this seemed like something that could help. It definitely has. I'd have stopped long ago if there wasn't a benefit for me.

I believe it's always been Golden Teachers for the stuff that worked. Not sure about the 0.1g stuff that didn't really do much, but probably the same in a lower dose.
For the Stamets' Stack I'm adding 50mg of flushing Niacin and 1g of Lion's Mane too.
For the Stamets' Stack I'm adding 50mg of flushing Niacin and 1g of Lion's Mane too.

I recently took the plunge and experimented with microdosing.
I found it very beneficial for my mental health. Currently working through trauma from my younger self and so was beneficial for this too. I took a 8 week protocol. With a mix of day on day off. Three days on two off etc. I found the most benefits after finishing the course and taking a break.
Thats where my life really flourished.
I found it very beneficial for my mental health. Currently working through trauma from my younger self and so was beneficial for this too. I took a 8 week protocol. With a mix of day on day off. Three days on two off etc. I found the most benefits after finishing the course and taking a break.
Thats where my life really flourished.

What did you find most beneficial with regards to your dosing regime mate? I'm finding 4 days on and 3 off seems to work for me, along with the break every 4-6 weeks.

I found 1 day on 1 day off suited me best. But I'm a joiner by trade and work with heavy machines. So have to be careful you know. I started on a bank holiday in may which was the best decision.
I like your 4-6 week routine Will try that next. I found eight weeks too long.👍
I like your 4-6 week routine Will try that next. I found eight weeks too long.👍

It's an interesting point you're making that you found most benefits during taking a break. I wonder if it's certian things more elevated mood, focus etc or all round feeling better?
Either ways I'm glad to see it's working for you and others.
Either ways I'm glad to see it's working for you and others.

I have felt an all round sense of calmness that whilst taking a break the clarity comes through.
I can see how my mind is now able to take new directions on more positive pathways with focusing more at work to achieve better quality work ( I work with wood).
Bigger gains physically (I'm a trail runner).
And seeing a new direction with over coming childhood abuse,where before I had become stuck in the past, as any trauma victim will tell you.
I can see how my mind is now able to take new directions on more positive pathways with focusing more at work to achieve better quality work ( I work with wood).
Bigger gains physically (I'm a trail runner).
And seeing a new direction with over coming childhood abuse,where before I had become stuck in the past, as any trauma victim will tell you.

We love to micro dose every medicine even cannabis. Life is way more effective and manageable. Clarity of thought and consciousness before acting on thoughts. Emotional balance! Don't get me wrong macro has its time and place and doing it more when a ceremonial dose is needed is the key. These days we are experimenting with Micro-dosing Ayahuasca and all we can say is WOW!!!

I think a lot of it depends on your frame of mind, good mind good for it bad mind wait till you’re in a better place, that’s my personal experience only!

1 post
+4 votes

Best Music Documentaries
Spinal tap!

Best Music Documentaries
I’ll kick things off with the unhinged, Dig. All about the Brian Jonestown Massacre.
It’s really one for the ages. The Withnail & I of rock docs. It’s like Spinal Tap. But it’s all real.
“You broke my sitar, you cunt”
Other than that.
American Hardcore is a great roundup of American Punk. Not too much Ian McAye
Who Killed The KLF. Just because. If you don’t know who the KLF are.
Get out from under your rock. Because they are back. From their 23 year hiatus. Be afraid.
One More Time With Feeling. Nick Cave. Heartbreaking.
Made of Stone - Shane Meadows goodness.
Lil Peep - Everybody’s Everything
Searching For Sugarman
Until The Light Takes Us - Norweigen Black Metal lunacy. It’s great. And I don’t even much like Black Metal.
There are obviously so many others….
It’s really one for the ages. The Withnail & I of rock docs. It’s like Spinal Tap. But it’s all real.
“You broke my sitar, you cunt”
Other than that.
American Hardcore is a great roundup of American Punk. Not too much Ian McAye
Who Killed The KLF. Just because. If you don’t know who the KLF are.
Get out from under your rock. Because they are back. From their 23 year hiatus. Be afraid.
One More Time With Feeling. Nick Cave. Heartbreaking.
Made of Stone - Shane Meadows goodness.
Lil Peep - Everybody’s Everything
Searching For Sugarman
Until The Light Takes Us - Norweigen Black Metal lunacy. It’s great. And I don’t even much like Black Metal.
There are obviously so many others….

I came to post Dig! I love that documentary and I love the BJM.
Anvil! The Story of Anvil is great if you are a Spinal Tap fan. I also like Some Kind of Monster, the Metallica documentary. So many car crash scenes in one film...
Something from Nothing - The Art of Rap is a good one for any hip hop fans out there.
Anvil! The Story of Anvil is great if you are a Spinal Tap fan. I also like Some Kind of Monster, the Metallica documentary. So many car crash scenes in one film...
Something from Nothing - The Art of Rap is a good one for any hip hop fans out there.

Squaring the circle -hypnosis famous for designing the Floyd covers, on Netflix or Amazon now
Amazing journey -the who documentary
High tech soul - all about techno
Made of stone - Shane meadows on stone roses
A great BBC one about David Gilmour can’t remember the name
Story of altomont The Rolling Stones
Good one about Woodstock 2 in the 90s - again can’t remember name
Have you got it yet - syd Barrett
It might get loud
The list is endless … lol
Years ago a BBC program called Arena used to do some good music docs!
Amazing journey -the who documentary
High tech soul - all about techno
Made of stone - Shane meadows on stone roses
A great BBC one about David Gilmour can’t remember the name
Story of altomont The Rolling Stones
Good one about Woodstock 2 in the 90s - again can’t remember name
Have you got it yet - syd Barrett
It might get loud
The list is endless … lol
Years ago a BBC program called Arena used to do some good music docs!

Beware of Mr Baker. A close look at the worlds greatest ever drummer. Well known psychopathic heroin addicted Cream drummer and part time collaborator with Fela Kuti. Greatest ever opening to a documentary where Ginger lays into the interviewer with a stick because he pissed him off. Check it out.

Some Kind of Monster - Watch Metallica fall apart with hilarious consequences.
The Wrecking Crew - the ultimate session band
Teddy Pendergrass: If You Don't Know Me - Amazing and inspiring
Spike Lee - Bad 25 + the one about Thriller
Freestyle the art of Rhyme
The Wrecking Crew - the ultimate session band
Teddy Pendergrass: If You Don't Know Me - Amazing and inspiring
Spike Lee - Bad 25 + the one about Thriller
Freestyle the art of Rhyme

The Decline of Western Civilization Parts 1 and 2.Both are great, 1 is early US punk (Germs etc) but the 2nd Part is 80s metal and has the most high as fuck interview with a coked up Ozzy trying to make breakfast. The whole thing is a monument to excess and there's great footage throughout.

1 post
+2.8 votes

canon borg
domains and the little biggy federation
Thanks for the heads up

canon borg
domains and the little biggy federation
the little biggy federation creates resiliency for everyone's data and communications. like lb borgs the federation is an amalgam of humans and machines that is not tied to a specific protocol or network.
every federation member exercises limited control upon individual assets connected throughout the little biggy federation.
each domain specific infrastructure set is operated by a different federation member.
eg: .net, .onion, .zone
domain federates connect to the same web of (redundant or de-centralised) infrastructure and maintain the option of carrying data collected from data bases and blockchains or acting as independent sentinels.
.net, .onion - lb data
.onion - society data
.zone - sentinel data
every federation member exercises limited control upon individual assets connected throughout the little biggy federation.
each domain specific infrastructure set is operated by a different federation member.
eg: .net, .onion, .zone
domain federates connect to the same web of (redundant or de-centralised) infrastructure and maintain the option of carrying data collected from data bases and blockchains or acting as independent sentinels.
.net, .onion - lb data
.onion - society data
.zone - sentinel data

1 post
+1 votes
I had this issue a few weeks back near Christmas. No plastic container to protect the cart in transit!

Just received my order and wasn't great on stealth, literally loose in the bubble envelope. I'd happily pay extra for 2/3 extra layers, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one.

Was the item not heat sealed in a Mylar pouch? As it should have been. We’ve never ever had one stopped doing it this way, we tell the post office we use it’s an item which is is close to the shape of a cart so it doesn’t seem suspicious & we have a good relationship with the post office staff. Uk-uk shipping has no customs or check points to see what the package contains, they don’t go through x rays or past sniffer dogs & even if they did the Mylar pouch should hold the smell once sealed, so there’s no reason it should get stopped, it’s way more likely to get lost or stolen and there isn’t really much we can do to prevent either of those things happening. If you would still prefer greater stealth, we can accommodate for that, in the past we’ve put carts in small boxes for example medication boxes or small electrical goods boxes if that would help mate?

Hi Doc, My last 3 or 4 orders have been wrapped in the back of sticky/thermal labels. No mylar or heat seal.
Presumably this is what the above is refering too
Not the end of the world with carts but you never know, 100% LR can be whiffy sometimes.
Presumably this is what the above is refering too
Not the end of the world with carts but you never know, 100% LR can be whiffy sometimes.

Sorry about this mate, I’ve spoke to my packaging team about it and it shouldn’t happen again, my apologies

Hi Doc, the carts were cover with a thin plastic cover around, no heat sealed. The package didn't smell or anything suspicious but my point is that you can tell they're carts if you touch it properly. Another layer like a small cardboard box inside envelope would make a huge difference.

Right okay, I’ve just spoke to my packaging team and they said there was a few days they ran out of Mylar bags so they decided to do that, im really sorry about this guys, all order in future should be sent with a Mylar bag, aleysus if next time your order you message my admin and say I’ve told you to ask for a custom order with more desecrate packaging and for him to let me know about it, I will sort you some more stealthy packaging mate:)

I had this issue a few weeks back near Christmas. No plastic container to protect the cart in transit!

True BUT I’ve ordered 100s of these 30+ times never hand an issue, carts have no smell and it’s just not going to be found any other way. The Royal Mail propaganda is not real but maybe that’s a good idea for the sake of 5$

1 post
+3 votes

Cannot believe I found this community.
Welcome paddy420.
I couldn't work the site out to begin with.
It took me a few nights stoned to place my first order with SUPER HANS. He always wrot…
I'm still telling myself this is reality, I can't believe the amazing choice, ease and convenience.
Littlebiggy: the site that dreams are made of!!!
A stoners holy grail.
Littlebiggy: the site that dreams are made of!!!
A stoners holy grail.

I totally get where your coming from my guy. been on here from dec and so glad I found it. from obviously the good weed to the good vibes it's a pretty sweet community. long may it last :D enjoy mate!

I've only just found this place too! I haven't got a street guy anymore so this place is amazing! Really great choice and even better a friendly,warm community!

Yep I've ha d several orders all fast and gods connect got to me in 20hours with normal post, also Bazza is the man for quality hash and radar breeder, and the green team, all solid.
Paddy 420.
Paddy 420.

Welcome buddy! The site the LB community is truly a Universal / god / spirit send - long may it continue. A place for sharing and of course the amazing plant medicines and Psychedelics - love and peace to you!

Me too. Only been a member since November but I am so pleased I found it. Massive well done to everyone involved.

Yeah it's heaven for hash at times, from Bazza, and uk420, plus the green team, and radar breeder plus more but follow ratings as a guide but...

The ratings well I think that is a contentious subject on the reviews
10/10 not tried it lol 😂
10/10 not tried it lol 😂

If only id known abou t LB back in 06.
All the grit / glass bud and soapbar I was
buying back then.
I'd best make up for it now though.
If only id known abou t LB back in 06.
All the grit / glass bud and soapbar I was
buying back then.
I'd best make up for it now though.

I remember those terrible times. Contamination was so bad back then. Glad things have moved on. Welcome to LB!

The drought in 06 wow there was some messed up weed being sold in the UK at that time! LB would have saved the day back then

Super bad times for weed.
Plus soapbar, and there were some articles in a weed world
mag about cleaning soapbar lol and all that shite washed off leaves a bit of Pollen like 7 g from half a bar 125g.
And look what we have now, I love it.
Plus soapbar, and there were some articles in a weed world
mag about cleaning soapbar lol and all that shite washed off leaves a bit of Pollen like 7 g from half a bar 125g.
And look what we have now, I love it.

Has anybody been on this site since then ?? Most members I've came across have been recent in terms of how long it's been up. Just high and curious Haha

New here myself and brought here by a friend. Blown away by the community so far!
Placed my first TGT order Last night aswell
Placed my first TGT order Last night aswell

I’ve had a serious problem since I joined... “self control”
I’m here eyeing up stuff I have no money for just drooling over my phone
Literally like a kid in a candy shop one order lead to double figures quicker than I imagine but I’m an everyday smoker
The only tolerance break I get is sleep
I’m here eyeing up stuff I have no money for just drooling over my phone
Literally like a kid in a candy shop one order lead to double figures quicker than I imagine but I’m an everyday smoker
The only tolerance break I get is sleep

Hello paddy420 and welcome. I couldn't quite believe it either but here I am, 18 buys later. Enjoy!

Thanks Nova, I've accumulated quite a few buys but I'm so dumb when high I never used to log in so much lol

Me too! Randomly found this site while online n couldn't believe my luck.
After getting my head around bitcoin n VPN n now 12 orders in since joining last month I well n truly believe!
Thanks so much to the founders of this weed wonderland :-)
After getting my head around bitcoin n VPN n now 12 orders in since joining last month I well n truly believe!
Thanks so much to the founders of this weed wonderland :-)

Welcome paddy420.
I couldn't work the site out to begin with.
It took me a few nights stoned to place my first order with SUPER HANS. He always wrote in capitals .
Then the excitement of that small package dropping on the mat started .
I couldn't work the site out to begin with.
It took me a few nights stoned to place my first order with SUPER HANS. He always wrote in capitals .
Then the excitement of that small package dropping on the mat started .

Welcome to LB and same, only been here a few months but couldnt go back to substandard hazes and leafy cheeses that the locals served up for so long!

All joking aside I had some gelato dawg a few weeks ago and it fucking melted the face right off

This is a really old post mate, Paddy joined nearly 4 years ago!
Are you still there Paddy?🙋♂️
Are you still there Paddy?🙋♂️

Have fun ma man,
It’s a marathon not a sprint. Well that’s what I try to tell myself.
Carts to green back on to hash. Now using concentrate. I might have issues 🤷♂️
Then the VAS started.
Have as much fun as you can bankroll
It’s a marathon not a sprint. Well that’s what I try to tell myself.
Carts to green back on to hash. Now using concentrate. I might have issues 🤷♂️
Then the VAS started.
Have as much fun as you can bankroll

Bwahaha. Yes.
I came initially for the dank buds, but have stayed because it is an awesome community.
I came initially for the dank buds, but have stayed because it is an awesome community.

1 post
+2 votes
Smelliest, cheapest bud?
I'd be quick with mkk2020 they are down to selling 1/8ths . Might not have another crop for a while.

Smelliest, cheapest bud?
What and who has the most Smelly n cheapest bud on LB? TIA 😊

Got some of Lazydazes fruit on the way too, definitely seem to fit the bill from reviews.
MKK2020 has very cheap OG Kush too it’s gassy if you like that sort of thing, it has 1432 reviews too it’s definitely popular! Linked it above ☝️
MKK2020 has very cheap OG Kush too it’s gassy if you like that sort of thing, it has 1432 reviews too it’s definitely popular! Linked it above ☝️

I'd be quick with mkk2020 they are down to selling 1/8ths . Might not have another crop for a while.

If they send them. My last 2 orders in which I paid for NDD took over a week to arrive. The first order being in dispute. Their communication is sketchy at Best

1 post
+2 votes
how many hours do you sleep?
7 generally if less than that by Friday I'm knackered especially if I'm training apprentices, they're just tiring. I used to get away with 4-5 hours b…
7 generally if less than that by Friday I'm knackered especially if I'm training apprentices, they're just tiring. I used to get away with 4-5 hours before I hit my 40s.💚

I sleep between 3 to 5 hours a night if I'm not able to smoke due to insomnia. If I've smoked? A solid 8 plus hours lol

Usually between 6 and 7 hours, when I'm being good I have early nights and get 8 or more. If I sleep much more than that I feel worse and more tired!

For me it’s more about how many times I wake up. I’m a light sleeper, some nights I feel I wake up a dozen times. The only way I can gauge how many hours I actually slept is how knackered I feel the next day. If I feel fine then I’m guessing I got 6-7….

Usually try to get 10 hours but I tend to lay in and end up oversleeping and being tired all day

1 post
+2 votes

{buy help}
Problems with pistach
They should still get back to this fella. He's been waiting a week for what is owed, it is irratiing when vendors get too big for there boots!

{buy help}
Problems with pistach
Having to make another post about this bought 7g only got sent 3.5 on Friday never had a problem with pistach before no contact over the weekend and all I'm getting now is one word vague answers so frustrating won't give me any information at all really dk what to do

Just to let everyone know the order got sorted not great comms from vendor but it all got sorted in the end thanks for all your comments

I had a couple of mix ups with him too, only package didn’t come and one sent an oz of hash instead of flower. All was resolved though. Just drop him a message and explain he’s a good seller bro

Messaged him all weekend and start of week hasn't let me know if rest has been sent if I should expect it or not had about 3 words back from him very vague

They should still get back to this fella. He's been waiting a week for what is owed, it is irratiing when vendors get too big for there boots!

1 post
+9 votes

Does anyone actually feel any medical benefits from smoking?
Canna coconut oil helps me with pain relief and depression. For the depression it's helpful for side effects of coming off anti - depressants. And pai…

Does anyone actually feel any medical benefits from smoking?
I'm a fairly healthy young guy so I don't really have any health problems at the minute so I've never actually felt any of the health benefits of cannabis. Dose it actually have as much effect as some people say? I would love to hear from anyone that does use it for medical purposes

64 y/o cancer patient, finishing (June 1, 2021) a 30 month, 18 treatment, 100 hours of chemo regiment.
When I was near death, I could not administer cannabis in any form. After I took my first dose of chemo, I was able to eat some RSO which helped me sleep.
By dose#2, I was utilizing at night for sleep, RSO or distillate. As I progressed, I was also able to utilize during the day & that is when I really started to kick cancer’s ass.
From month #3 until I was declared “cancer free” I enhanced my chemo fog with a cannabis buzz.
Did it help? A 30 year oncology nurse told me I was worst than anyone they ever treated who lived.
When I tell people I enjoyed my cancer experience...
When I was near death, I could not administer cannabis in any form. After I took my first dose of chemo, I was able to eat some RSO which helped me sleep.
By dose#2, I was utilizing at night for sleep, RSO or distillate. As I progressed, I was also able to utilize during the day & that is when I really started to kick cancer’s ass.
From month #3 until I was declared “cancer free” I enhanced my chemo fog with a cannabis buzz.
Did it help? A 30 year oncology nurse told me I was worst than anyone they ever treated who lived.
When I tell people I enjoyed my cancer experience...

I’ve been on a few anti depressants and promethazine for being suicidal and severely depressed and anxiety weed is the only thing that has worked for me when I’m without weed I notice my symptoms come back so I have to always have some on me in my honest opinion weed helps anxiety and depression.

Hope your doing alright now man, I agree weed does help me calm down and forget about all my anxious thoughts. I hope in the uk it will become more easily accessible for medical users

glad to hear you are better
u have purchased from us before i recall your username
we plan on having some super silver haze on the menu if that interests you or anyone here
u have purchased from us before i recall your username
we plan on having some super silver haze on the menu if that interests you or anyone here

I have a severe spinal condition, used to need codeine, pregabalin and naproxen all day everyday. Now when i have edibles it gets rid of my neuropathy or makes it more manageable most dsys without needed all those bad chemicals.

I use cannabis when my head gets too much (Borderline Personality Disorder), I've been prescribed benzo's in the past but they don't really hit home like a good old smoke does, and they aren't too good for you in the long run as they can be quite addictive.
Having a smoke can set me free from my mind which can be a blessed relief sometimes.
I must say though that I don't think cannabis is a "cure all" as such but it should be more widely recognized as being a plant with some healing/helpful properties that truly makes a difference to peoples lives.
Having a smoke can set me free from my mind which can be a blessed relief sometimes.
I must say though that I don't think cannabis is a "cure all" as such but it should be more widely recognized as being a plant with some healing/helpful properties that truly makes a difference to peoples lives.

I've heard that from a few people, are you smoking pure indicas or hybrid indica dominant?

Yes pal.. without a good strain I am completly paralized withoutany exaggeration, the only prescribed things that work for me are diazepam and they knock you out badly and are addictive as fuck so no long term things work for me but cannabis.
Im nearly 30 and my lower back where the spinal disc isloacated is buggered from years and years of grueling graft for a pittance.
Im nearly 30 and my lower back where the spinal disc isloacated is buggered from years and years of grueling graft for a pittance.

Wait so can you not walk physically or is it too painful to walk? And cannabis “cures” it? No hate or judgement just curious

Canna coconut oil helps me with pain relief and depression. For the depression it's helpful for side effects of coming off anti - depressants. And pain relief for rehabilitation of a broken shoulder I'm get good benefit from vaping too

THC is a miracle drug for me. Use it for mental health treatment. My severe anxiety and depression slowly dissolves with every inhale.

What works well for you? I'm interested to know, if you don't mind expanding? I'm not anxious as such. Melancholy, yes... Horrendously overthinky, too.

I have been recently diagnosed with a life changing condition and the stress and anxiety that comes with that. Weed helps no question
It also helps with the side effects of the meds hat I am on and would not like to think what I would be like if I did not use it.
It also helps with the side effects of the meds hat I am on and would not like to think what I would be like if I did not use it.

Yes mate I mainly use it for its medical benefits, I have anxiety and it calms me right down, nothing works as well as cannabis for me, would be good to hear from someone that has physical pain tho

which strains are you using for reduced anxiety because I have found some strains can sometimes make me feel even more anxious?

Signed up to this place because one it means I am not relying on unreliable types at home and 2, most importantly my wife is a long suffering multiple sclerosis patient. I've made two orders on here and her mobility has increased and spasms/pain has reduced for her. I absolutely believe in the medical benefits and my wife is enough proof for me.

i've got a lot of complex mental illnesses (bpd, bipolar, ptsd and suicidal ideation) and when i'm feeling the intrusive thoughts creep in a joint can blow them all away. being high allows me to look at my circumstances with clarity and understanding rather than catastrophizing my life. i also have autism and adhd, and it helps with the need to fidget and gives me focus that i don't have sober. i can't watch films or tv half the time without having something else going on, like playing a game or reading a book or going on my phone, but after a joint i'm hyper focused on whatever's on screen. i actually only managed to finish inception for the first time after i started smoking weed.

Oh, you're dealing with an awful lot of things. Some of which I can really relate to as they are on my list too. It's good to know you can catch a breather by using cannabis.
Something else that worked for me is sound therapy. I've started to explore it more & I take part in sound baths or biofield tuning much more regularly and I'm actually starting a practitioner course tomorrow.
If you're a person who really responds to music (especially a deep, heart flipping bassline) then it's likely you'll benefit from something like a gong bath. Shamanic guided meditations are fab too. Each therapy offers something different. I felt very out of place when I first went but I just asked myself 'What would Louis Theroux do?' and imnersed every awkward, autistic part of me into the experience.
I'm definitely meeting more of the right people since I wandered down that path, a very unexpected and welcome bonus 🙏
Something else that worked for me is sound therapy. I've started to explore it more & I take part in sound baths or biofield tuning much more regularly and I'm actually starting a practitioner course tomorrow.
If you're a person who really responds to music (especially a deep, heart flipping bassline) then it's likely you'll benefit from something like a gong bath. Shamanic guided meditations are fab too. Each therapy offers something different. I felt very out of place when I first went but I just asked myself 'What would Louis Theroux do?' and imnersed every awkward, autistic part of me into the experience.
I'm definitely meeting more of the right people since I wandered down that path, a very unexpected and welcome bonus 🙏

i'll have to look into that! music and sound is a very core thing for me, i average about 2500-3500 minutes of spotify a week lol. i remember my uncle used to have those metal bowls that would produce sound if you traced the rim of them with an object, i can't remember what they're called though. thanks for sharing about sound therapy, i hadn't heard of it before! hope you have a great week bigga 🫡

Thank you & you're welcome. That's a singing bowl your uncle had ☺️ There's a lot of interest in them at the moment. Crystal ones as well as brass.
You can find quite a lot of sound bath/therapy stuff on Spotify but it's more amazing in person - that being said, I join a weekly group bio-tuning session over zoom (I can't believe I'm raving about all this Woo Woo stuff tbh) 😅
I'm big on recommending Alan Watts Lectures too, there's a chillstep remix playlist or some such. You might like it 🤞
It'd be good to hear your thoughts, if you do decide to explore the waves.
Stay groovy
You can find quite a lot of sound bath/therapy stuff on Spotify but it's more amazing in person - that being said, I join a weekly group bio-tuning session over zoom (I can't believe I'm raving about all this Woo Woo stuff tbh) 😅
I'm big on recommending Alan Watts Lectures too, there's a chillstep remix playlist or some such. You might like it 🤞
It'd be good to hear your thoughts, if you do decide to explore the waves.
Stay groovy

Thought I'd pitch in seen as the doctor is asking. Recommend vendor.
Suffering with chronic pain, and have ongoing history of anxiety and bouts of depression (when off the weed), suicidal and medicated at worst. Have had a variety of counsellors and cognitive therapies. I spent my early teens and entrie young adulthood battling physchologically due to always trying and never being able to quit ( because all other symtons increase always leaving me empty and eventually depressed and medicated), I have stints of over a year clean, but always feeling like I was behaving "wrong" and weed was an overall negative to life, I've hidden it professionally and socially and consumed everyday. I went vegan to prepare for a tea ceremony and life improved a lot after that, not in the first year but it led me to a new place mentally and over the course of a year in rumination (do not recommend to anyone) I unwrapped a lot of my past and saw a lot of the way I handled myself and I'm a lot kinder these days, to myself, I have a much better relationship with weed, I have surrendered to it and spend my life high now, still in secret.
A huge and major factor of the negative experiences I have lived through because of weed have been due to its legal status and stigma therefore attached.
My life is better now I have dissociated my views with the negative ones of others, I spend more time alone and work differently to nurture my addiction. I'm a lot happier for it overall.
To anyone who experiences stomach issues! Be aware of the CHS and don't get stuck in that loop.
Peace and love to all our time here is very short. If you consume cannabis I hope you enjoy it and if you don't I hope you can find your balance.
Suffering with chronic pain, and have ongoing history of anxiety and bouts of depression (when off the weed), suicidal and medicated at worst. Have had a variety of counsellors and cognitive therapies. I spent my early teens and entrie young adulthood battling physchologically due to always trying and never being able to quit ( because all other symtons increase always leaving me empty and eventually depressed and medicated), I have stints of over a year clean, but always feeling like I was behaving "wrong" and weed was an overall negative to life, I've hidden it professionally and socially and consumed everyday. I went vegan to prepare for a tea ceremony and life improved a lot after that, not in the first year but it led me to a new place mentally and over the course of a year in rumination (do not recommend to anyone) I unwrapped a lot of my past and saw a lot of the way I handled myself and I'm a lot kinder these days, to myself, I have a much better relationship with weed, I have surrendered to it and spend my life high now, still in secret.
A huge and major factor of the negative experiences I have lived through because of weed have been due to its legal status and stigma therefore attached.
My life is better now I have dissociated my views with the negative ones of others, I spend more time alone and work differently to nurture my addiction. I'm a lot happier for it overall.
To anyone who experiences stomach issues! Be aware of the CHS and don't get stuck in that loop.
Peace and love to all our time here is very short. If you consume cannabis I hope you enjoy it and if you don't I hope you can find your balance.

Over the years I have used weed successfully to quit nicotine, coke and most recently alcohol addictions... not all at once! All of which I have abused to self-medicate for ADHD and PTSD.
Once I made the decision to quit, I just stocked up with a big bag of weed, hid myself away for a week and smoked myself silly every time I had cravings.
It's an amazing drug for going cold turkey.
Be careful with quitting alcohol though, going cold turkey can cause life-threatening complications, much safer to taper off by a unit per day.
Now I just need to get off the weed 😂🤣😂
Now I just use weed to self-medicate for ADHD and PTSD. It's the only thing that calms my body, reduces my stress and stops my mind racing.
Once I made the decision to quit, I just stocked up with a big bag of weed, hid myself away for a week and smoked myself silly every time I had cravings.
It's an amazing drug for going cold turkey.
Be careful with quitting alcohol though, going cold turkey can cause life-threatening complications, much safer to taper off by a unit per day.
Now I just need to get off the weed 😂🤣😂
Now I just use weed to self-medicate for ADHD and PTSD. It's the only thing that calms my body, reduces my stress and stops my mind racing.

Spent years on numerous ssris, anti depressants, sleeping tabs, GAD tabs, PTSd tabs and more along with the compulsory CBT….
None truly “worked”
Weed does!!!
Better yet, clinically died a few times. Told my lung would never work at 100% again (it’s a long gory story)
Alongside years on morphine I was told to walk at the beginning.
2 weeks post ops and docs check in…
Wow “Apex” you’re keeping up with the walking, this is a miracle your lung is spread near 100%.
Well doc, I walk around the blocks for 5 mins smoking a joint and it’s just getting easier each day.
Doc had a face of pure shock but his comment was amazing.
“Well Apex, I won’t condone or advise against something natural that appears to have worked for you”!
More underrated than people will really know till you experience it imo
None truly “worked”
Weed does!!!
Better yet, clinically died a few times. Told my lung would never work at 100% again (it’s a long gory story)
Alongside years on morphine I was told to walk at the beginning.
2 weeks post ops and docs check in…
Wow “Apex” you’re keeping up with the walking, this is a miracle your lung is spread near 100%.
Well doc, I walk around the blocks for 5 mins smoking a joint and it’s just getting easier each day.
Doc had a face of pure shock but his comment was amazing.
“Well Apex, I won’t condone or advise against something natural that appears to have worked for you”!
More underrated than people will really know till you experience it imo

Hey Family,
Personally helps us with back pain, muscle relaxation and from mind being occupied with nonsense. It just puts us into good vibe , happy mode guess can be taken as medicinal benefit :)) it actually makes me personally wanna read and watch something to learn or curve a skill. Used to smoke 3.5G to 7G a day which has been reduced to 1-2 joints now and some of us still hitting the bongs on daily basis. Feel a lot happier and alot less lazier when reduced the smoke from 10-15 joints or hitting bongs to 1-2 Joints for nice 30-40 minute night walks, lost more weight and diet has improved too.
Personally helps us with back pain, muscle relaxation and from mind being occupied with nonsense. It just puts us into good vibe , happy mode guess can be taken as medicinal benefit :)) it actually makes me personally wanna read and watch something to learn or curve a skill. Used to smoke 3.5G to 7G a day which has been reduced to 1-2 joints now and some of us still hitting the bongs on daily basis. Feel a lot happier and alot less lazier when reduced the smoke from 10-15 joints or hitting bongs to 1-2 Joints for nice 30-40 minute night walks, lost more weight and diet has improved too.

Wow, reading some of these comments has truly moved me. Sending everyone that is dealing with life altering conditions and illness lots of Love and healing light.
I personally use weed for anxiety and depression but occasionally helps with bloating and also arms and legs restlessness and numbness.
What I have found is that sativa’s generally can trigger panic attacks or at least crazy paranoia, palpitations and fear for me. My ‘sweet spot’ is a nice RSO in the evening and maybe a small indica spliff or dry herb vape and that usually works wonders
Peace and Love x
I personally use weed for anxiety and depression but occasionally helps with bloating and also arms and legs restlessness and numbness.
What I have found is that sativa’s generally can trigger panic attacks or at least crazy paranoia, palpitations and fear for me. My ‘sweet spot’ is a nice RSO in the evening and maybe a small indica spliff or dry herb vape and that usually works wonders
Peace and Love x

Yes totally. 49 years old been smoking on a recreational basis since 15 and never thought of health benefits until 1999 when I broke my arm. I was given big black capsules filled with pain relief but made me sleepy af. I was travelling across Europe when this happened and struggled like fuck driving back through Spain and France.
Finally got to Holland after 2 days of travelling and my wife was driving so I got her to stop in a border town & hit a coffee shop.
My arm was tight inside the cast as it was so swollen , by the time I had got half way through the first joint I could now wobble the cast around as my arm as it was now pain free and not swollen.
I have now had another injury which has left a decent sized piece of shrapnel under my right knee . have been told it can stay there even though its fucking painful.
I have also managed to kick alcohol tobacco along with lots of dance drugs from the late 80s and 90s and 2000s. Lol wtf
It does help for these things and also great for stress relief.
Finally got to Holland after 2 days of travelling and my wife was driving so I got her to stop in a border town & hit a coffee shop.
My arm was tight inside the cast as it was so swollen , by the time I had got half way through the first joint I could now wobble the cast around as my arm as it was now pain free and not swollen.
I have now had another injury which has left a decent sized piece of shrapnel under my right knee . have been told it can stay there even though its fucking painful.
I have also managed to kick alcohol tobacco along with lots of dance drugs from the late 80s and 90s and 2000s. Lol wtf
It does help for these things and also great for stress relief.

Smoking doesn’t have the benefits as ingesting for me but I have ASD (meditation doesn’t tend to work the same for me.) chronic pain and osteoarthritis it’s the first time in 20+ years I’m basically pain free (I feel swelling and pressure) ASD stopped me leaving the house to attend appointments, shopping or a basic family day out. It’s all disappeared I’m calm, less frustrated, near prescription painkiller free (opioid addict 2 years ago) and sober 100% sober and all since starting regular cannabis from this site yes it’s been that much of a turn around! It’s changed my life, I’m sure my family will agree 😂

Yea so my main symptom of ms is a crushing feeling running across my chest. It’s like a belt that’s way too tight but when I use cannabis it’s like that belt is letting a few notches loose and the crushing feeling goes from 10/10 to 4/10

1 post
+3 votes
Try northern organics, there brownies are delicious. They get you baked too.
There maybe closed ATM as I think they were having a break or kitchen ref…

Having a look but without much success so thought I'd throw it out there and see if there was anyone who could scratch an itch for me.
In a nutshell: my mother in law has taken a liking to smoking my stuff and has offered to buy some brownies to compensate me for the amount of my smoke she has blazed through. She's a bit tight so I'll probably end up putting towards these too but I'd be grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of some nice brownies that'll do the job (as much as I'd love to get the other vast amount of edibles on here - she's very insistent that it be brownies).
In a nutshell: my mother in law has taken a liking to smoking my stuff and has offered to buy some brownies to compensate me for the amount of my smoke she has blazed through. She's a bit tight so I'll probably end up putting towards these too but I'd be grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of some nice brownies that'll do the job (as much as I'd love to get the other vast amount of edibles on here - she's very insistent that it be brownies).

Try northern organics, there brownies are delicious. They get you baked too.
There maybe closed ATM as I think they were having a break or kitchen refitted! Worth messaging them for sure. Or try u wake I bake.
All the best
There maybe closed ATM as I think they were having a break or kitchen refitted! Worth messaging them for sure. Or try u wake I bake.
All the best

Pretty sure Keep it Green sells brownies. Not listed currently but you could send him a DM and ask?
There is also Bald eagle bakery - https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4818234?gotoPost=dD4ehQv5J
Again cant see any brownies but lots of cake :D
There is also Bald eagle bakery - https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4818234?gotoPost=dD4ehQv5J
Again cant see any brownies but lots of cake :D

Bald Eagle Bakery has a whole range of cakes, this is just one-

50mg Brownie's weedstar has there quite tasty aswell

Had these drop through my door today funnily enough. They remind me of the little Thornton's brownie bites. Don't let the size fool you though they're surprisingly strong ha.

I havnt seen any brownies for a while. You could ask you mother in law to buy some shake or hash and make the brownies yourself is very easy to do. Or I think uk grower 2 sells ready made canna butter but much cheaper to make it yourself tbh

Hi Colt,
We have our 50mg RELAX brownies. These have been a big favorite and are made every week, chocolate topped.
We have our 50mg RELAX brownies. These have been a big favorite and are made every week, chocolate topped.

1 post
+2.2 votes

Bubble hash yields
What eddy said. I have once or twice achieved 15%

Bubble hash yields
Has anyone got a "rule of thumb" for ice extraction in filter bags?
What would be an average yield per oz of trim or shake?
What would be an average yield per oz of trim or shake?

I roughly get 10% on average dude depending on product , so every key returns 100g for me hope that helps

Depends on material 5-25%?
For fresh frozen cannabis, look for a 3-8% yield of bubble hash. What is bubble hash yield for dried cannabis material? For dried cannabis, 15-20% yield is a good target for bubble hash yield.
For fresh frozen cannabis, look for a 3-8% yield of bubble hash. What is bubble hash yield for dried cannabis material? For dried cannabis, 15-20% yield is a good target for bubble hash yield.

1 post
+4 votes
My own experience (17/5/23)
Same here 💚LB

My own experience (17/5/23)
Posting this for anyone who's debating using this place or for anyone who's experiencing any payment issues they need support with.
So last week amidst all the chaos I made a cockup with my Transaxe payment (which I am sure most of you will have noticed me flapping) and was asking for help. Despite all the network chaos that went on I can confirm I have had the money clear back 24 hours after having it confirmed as sorted and the process took a week in total.
I can understand frustrations from both sides but having had the experience of it now just goes to show how reliable this place is.
I just wanted to say thanks to Transaxe and everyone who has given me advice and support about this, I guess you don't learn if you don't have the experience but having done so it confirms this is the number 1 source to buy your product anywhere if you're just a consumer like myself
I'll be making a donation to the site as a show of appreciation.
So last week amidst all the chaos I made a cockup with my Transaxe payment (which I am sure most of you will have noticed me flapping) and was asking for help. Despite all the network chaos that went on I can confirm I have had the money clear back 24 hours after having it confirmed as sorted and the process took a week in total.
I can understand frustrations from both sides but having had the experience of it now just goes to show how reliable this place is.
I just wanted to say thanks to Transaxe and everyone who has given me advice and support about this, I guess you don't learn if you don't have the experience but having done so it confirms this is the number 1 source to buy your product anywhere if you're just a consumer like myself
I'll be making a donation to the site as a show of appreciation.

Transaxe consistently resolves any issues I encounter, demonstrating their dedication even when faced with challenging circumstances, particularly when LittleBiggy experiences downtime.

That's good to hear! I had a similar issue where the transaction expired but to my surprise this morning, the payment has now gone through to the seller, so order on the way soon! I'd assumed I'd just get it refunded eventually and have to reorder, so all is good!

Good to hear mate. I was hoping for the same but obviously it didn't go that way. I never did hear back from the vendor of that order though which was a shame.

No, it wasn't a dispute mate. I must've opened an old browser and sent my payment to the wrong Transaxe.
My surprise at the non response from the vendor was because I'd left a message (prior to knowing what had happened) to see if it had updated his end and that I'd sent payment. Absolutely no ill wishes towards them (hence why I haven't named) I'm just a bit surprised I never got a single response.
My surprise at the non response from the vendor was because I'd left a message (prior to knowing what had happened) to see if it had updated his end and that I'd sent payment. Absolutely no ill wishes towards them (hence why I haven't named) I'm just a bit surprised I never got a single response.

If every financial institution was like this we would live in a much better world.

1 post
+6.2 votes

Anybody shipping from Spain? 🇪🇸
Been smoking Nero's pink panties hash for over a week 5g it's super yummy and a little goes along way🔥

Just got my hands in some INCREDIBLE stuff from Nero and honestly, i couldn't recommend him more. Screw 5 stars, he deserves the whole galaxy 🌌
Thank you so so soooo much Nero✨
Thank you so so soooo much Nero✨

yeah i can vouch for nero... his deliveries have always arrived to date in the uk and very happy with product

1 post
+3 votes

Live resin carts
I've been pondering on making my own for a while now. I'm just not getting on with 50/50 distillate and live resin. And I'm not a dabber so I think I …

Live resin carts
Anyone on here selling 100% live resin carts?
Do they smell of weed when vaping?
Do they smell of weed when vaping?

Can't remember who had live resin carts but I know these guys have some in jars I've got blue dream and northern lights in my cart
Canadian Imports
MJ Concentrates
Canadian Imports
MJ Concentrates

No not cart unfortunately Apex just grams of live resin. If you knew what you were doing. You could make your own

I've been pondering on making my own for a while now. I'm just not getting on with 50/50 distillate and live resin. And I'm not a dabber so I think I must try. I was looking up terpene sauce earlier and still don't really now what it is but might thin the resin .I will report back my friend

Please do update the thread man
Appreciated 👌
From the carts that I have purchased by far the best has been the 50:50 mix carts
Smooth and a better lingering stone than just the D9 carts. I feel the 50:50 carts the stone lasts a lot longer. Not the shirt sharp up and down with D9
Just my opinion.
Appreciated 👌
From the carts that I have purchased by far the best has been the 50:50 mix carts
Smooth and a better lingering stone than just the D9 carts. I feel the 50:50 carts the stone lasts a lot longer. Not the shirt sharp up and down with D9
Just my opinion.

Stop talking dirty and trying to groom me lol 😂
Love blue dream. Not seen it kicking about in ages. Seen a cross recently but not straight up blue dream
Seen a strawberry Ammo listing Mr Apex
Love blue dream. Not seen it kicking about in ages. Seen a cross recently but not straight up blue dream
Seen a strawberry Ammo listing Mr Apex

Got stoned and can’t remember not a vender I was familiar with. What put me off is they only had it listed by the Oz. I’m not going bawz deep on that with someone I’ve not used before.
If I see it again I’ll link it but it did get my attention
If I see it again I’ll link it but it did get my attention

Canadian imports have it just not in cart .
Me being stupid now . Can you just add live resin to a cart or does it need a mix of some sort to flow right
Me being stupid now . Can you just add live resin to a cart or does it need a mix of some sort to flow right

Definitely mixed. Google that shit. That’s all too science weed for me. I’ll just concentrate on consumption lol 😂

Ah mate get a AIO pen from rec vapes. 30 bangers. It’s for old cunts like us that can’t be arsed with all the guff of dabbing. Best present I’ve had in a long time. Opened a whole new world 🌎 and dabbing that blue dream live resin in it is an absolute pleasure 😮💨

Is this the site ? They have a coil king aio for £30 doesn't look too bad

Long read but more detail and a hood video that explains it far better than I could
Shout to Pollypuff20 and DeadRabb1t
Shout to Pollypuff20 and DeadRabb1t

Aye man
One of the best things in my rotation. Having kids means I can’t have nice things so this is ideal for the occasional dab. Does everything I need it to do and it’s a fucking bargain.
I have tan all sorts on it and it’s all been good. The only negative if you could say that is you have to watch the consistency of the concentrate you get for it. For instance I have the live resin in the fridge so it’s slightly hard. I could badder is not the greatest. Lovely good dab from it but the gear doesn’t last long. Other than that. It does exactly what I need it to do on a budget. I always thought that you needed a full rig to dab then my eyes were opened as this was recommended and gifted to me. Hello world 🌎 of concentres lol 😂
One of the best things in my rotation. Having kids means I can’t have nice things so this is ideal for the occasional dab. Does everything I need it to do and it’s a fucking bargain.
I have tan all sorts on it and it’s all been good. The only negative if you could say that is you have to watch the consistency of the concentrate you get for it. For instance I have the live resin in the fridge so it’s slightly hard. I could badder is not the greatest. Lovely good dab from it but the gear doesn’t last long. Other than that. It does exactly what I need it to do on a budget. I always thought that you needed a full rig to dab then my eyes were opened as this was recommended and gifted to me. Hello world 🌎 of concentres lol 😂

Ill soon be the proud owner of a king 😁 both orders should arrive around the same time . that video had me pressing buy while watching it lol

Seen a few on here last few weeks will try have a gander and post links if i ever remember lol

Weedstar THC have live resin and loads of products $25 for 1ml cart 😁🙏
Weedstar THC have live resin and loads of products $25 for 1ml cart 😁🙏

1 post
+2 votes
New magic mushroom vegan capsules available
Are these for microdose protocols.Need advice for my depression please?

New magic mushroom vegan capsules available

New addition to the store - shroom capsules with 250mg/0.25g of powdered shrooms in each cap. We are using vegan capsules made from pinewood pulp.
Current batch is made from our lovely Aztec God shrooms.
Current batch is made from our lovely Aztec God shrooms.

Yeah they can be used for microdosing. I would start with 1 day on, 2 day off schedule (so take 1 every 3 days) to begin with and see how that goes. Another option you could also try is a 4 day on, 3 day off schedule.
Have a look at this link for more info: https://gwellamushrooms.com/blogs/magazine/the-best-microdosing-schedules
Have a look at this link for more info: https://gwellamushrooms.com/blogs/magazine/the-best-microdosing-schedules

1 post
+2 votes
1 post
+3 votes
joyful/giggly high strain
I had some awesome brownies off of northern organics. I'm trying there canna capsules ATM there equally good. All the best

joyful/giggly high strain
looking for a weed strain that gives a joyful/happy/giggly high, preferably in an edible form. could anyone recommend a reliable seller that has these? thank you!

Di lemon haze hash. Can be crumble into warm milk, for coffee or hot chocolate. Really good happy buzz. Anyone who could be arsed to read my history, will see I'm fucking obsessed with the stuff. Recommend it for everything 😂😂

I had some awesome brownies off of northern organics. I'm trying there canna capsules ATM there equally good. All the best

Thanks so much! I really appreciate you letting me know. Not sure why I got downvoted for asking a simple question, but c'est la vie :)

Gary Paton.
AllBud.com top reported effects:
Giggly, talkative, relaxed.
Also has tons of cbd inside.
AllBud.com top reported effects:
Giggly, talkative, relaxed.
Also has tons of cbd inside.

1 post
+3 votes
I'll second that, I had an order of Oreoz arrive also. Really happy with the bud, long lasting. Not big into imported weed but this is lovely. Much Ku…


First time buying from CI, def not the last! Bud came super insane quick and is proper nice and tasty. I was so happy when that parcel arrived yesterday as I was bone dry after xmas! It's really potent stuff too. Big dense buds that grind up really nicely. Happy customer. Cheers CI.

I'll second that, I had an order of Oreoz arrive also. Really happy with the bud, long lasting. Not big into imported weed but this is lovely. Much Kudos to CI

It's so tasty, I get a smooth chocolate taste on the exhale
I've been back 3 times for this, fantastic as always 💚🇬🇧🇨🇦
I've been back 3 times for this, fantastic as always 💚🇬🇧🇨🇦

1 post
+1 votes

PG's and VG's- what are they??
started topic

PG's and VG's- what are they??
Hey biggas,
Would really like to know what PG's and VG's are . I see these are present or not in some cannabis products and am very curious to know what they are for or why they maybe bad.
My take on them they might be some additive good or bad added to products to help deliver your high
Anyone with a higher knowledge please?
Would really like to know what PG's and VG's are . I see these are present or not in some cannabis products and am very curious to know what they are for or why they maybe bad.
My take on them they might be some additive good or bad added to products to help deliver your high
Anyone with a higher knowledge please?

1 post
+2 votes
Sherblato / Monkey Bread
I look forward to trying some of your products in the New year. I missed out on the wedding pie I think it was, sounded awesome!

Sherblato / Monkey Bread
Just arrived Biggaz, another two rare absolute beauties from across the pond 🇨🇦
Pictures incoming…
Pictures incoming…

I look forward to trying some of your products in the New year. I missed out on the wedding pie I think it was, sounded awesome!

2 posts
+7 votes
50/50 carts ndd
started topic
+ 2 more

50/50 carts ndd
Looking for 50/50 live resin distillate carts sent next day delivery , please 🙂

Dr extracts is the man. High quality vapes very tasty and potent, purchased numerous times of him. Every time it arrives. Highly recommended.

I have only seen 50/50 on Dr Extracts and they are excellent but he only does 1st class. I have not seen 50/50 anywhere else.
Weedstar has some 70/30 but never tried them and not sure about NND
Outwith that I have had my eye on The Gentleman Dealers live resin pens 🖊️ and the price is reflected 1ml $80 NDD
Hope that helps slightly.
Going to keep an eye on this tread as I would like to see if anyone else does 50/50 carts also but Dr Extracts are going to be hard to beat if I’m honest.
Weedstar has some 70/30 but never tried them and not sure about NND
Outwith that I have had my eye on The Gentleman Dealers live resin pens 🖊️ and the price is reflected 1ml $80 NDD
Hope that helps slightly.
Going to keep an eye on this tread as I would like to see if anyone else does 50/50 carts also but Dr Extracts are going to be hard to beat if I’m honest.

Yeah the Dr's the man. I've tried him before with GG4 and GSC. It's the piles of post on the news is putting me off, I'll only order ndd at the moment.
Shame we missed out on the jeeters from gentleman dealers.
All the best
Shame we missed out on the jeeters from gentleman dealers.
All the best

Cheers Doc
Hope you had a good Christmas and the new year is good also 👌
Right it’s decided my New Year’s resolution
“New year new cart” 🤷♂️
Hope you had a good Christmas and the new year is good also 👌
Right it’s decided my New Year’s resolution
“New year new cart” 🤷♂️

Good to know man. Was going to order today but decided to hold off till after the new year due to all this.
Thanks NICKPj123
Thanks NICKPj123

1 post
+1 votes

{buy help}
Order not showing after payment ?
Hi, I did this just lastnight! Did you still get your order? I feel soo stupid I've been buying on here over a year now and woke up this morning to se…

{buy help}
Order not showing after payment ?
Order nowhere to been found even though payment was successful ?

You were more than likely logged out when making your order. Your chosen vendor wil have received it though.
For peace of mind, contact them with your order details for confirmation :)
You were more than likely logged out when making your order. Your chosen vendor wil have received it though.
For peace of mind, contact them with your order details for confirmation :)

Yep I have done that a couple of times. Vendor will still get payment and order details, you just won’t have a record of it on your orders on your lb account, so you won’t be able to review or see order status. Which admittedly can be annoying.

Hi, I did this just lastnight! Did you still get your order? I feel soo stupid I've been buying on here over a year now and woke up this morning to see no evidence of my order except an empty bitcoin wallet 🤦♂️

Hi, I Yesterday sent payment to wrong person and have no means of contacting them. Is there anything I can do to get a refund?
Thanks in advance!!
Thanks in advance!!

1 post
+3 votes
I love to wake n bake, mainly sativa though.
The first week is the worst giving up tobacco, it's the cessation of inhaling, but this passes. I gave u…

Whats your method?? Do you bother at all?? Is it the best start to any day??
I'm now on day 3 with 0 tobacco. This morning the ✨️ for a decent wake and bake has gone.
Share your thoughts and opinions
I'm now on day 3 with 0 tobacco. This morning the ✨️ for a decent wake and bake has gone.
Share your thoughts and opinions

I don't wake and bake anymore as I have to drive during the day and can't risk losing my licence if I'm caught driving after a spliff.
Well done for staying off the tobacco, though. I smoked heavily for 24 years and tried several times to quit before I managed it. I finally did it with the aid of e-cigs and lots of pure weed joints. 😂 It certainly wasn't easy though, hardest thing I've ever done.
It's definitely worth it so keep persevering, you'll thank yourself when you're over the nicotine addiction.
About two months after I quit, I succumbed to taking a few puffs of a joint with tobacco in it which my mate had rolled. It tasted awful and instantly made me feel sick, haven't touched it since. That was six years ago so while it might not feel like it right now, you will get there!
Well done for staying off the tobacco, though. I smoked heavily for 24 years and tried several times to quit before I managed it. I finally did it with the aid of e-cigs and lots of pure weed joints. 😂 It certainly wasn't easy though, hardest thing I've ever done.
It's definitely worth it so keep persevering, you'll thank yourself when you're over the nicotine addiction.
About two months after I quit, I succumbed to taking a few puffs of a joint with tobacco in it which my mate had rolled. It tasted awful and instantly made me feel sick, haven't touched it since. That was six years ago so while it might not feel like it right now, you will get there!

6 years is a major Jail sentence!!
By the sounds of it, you smashed it out the park.
How can I fail with all this reassurance
By the sounds of it, you smashed it out the park.
How can I fail with all this reassurance

I like to start the day with some distillate and a touch of some cbd isolate mixed into nutella. Toast a brioche roll and BOOM!
Chronic pain sufferer, so I ride it out and get as much done as I can before I burn out.
Chronic pain sufferer, so I ride it out and get as much done as I can before I burn out.

You have too much style my friend.
Brioche roll, bit posh
With Nutella!! wowzers, stories will be written of this.
Note to self, Tesco on the way home!!
Brioche roll, bit posh
With Nutella!! wowzers, stories will be written of this.
Note to self, Tesco on the way home!!

😂 The rolls are usually yellow ticket and the Nutella sometimes walks it's way into the bag while I'm doing a self checkout...
Not exactly Mayfair posh, but definitely a step up from mighty white and value chocolate spread!
The nutella takes me back to the days of making firecrackers with my AVB.
Not exactly Mayfair posh, but definitely a step up from mighty white and value chocolate spread!
The nutella takes me back to the days of making firecrackers with my AVB.

I read an interesting thing about the Wake and Bake phenomenon recently, that it's an actual thing where you get more high when you ingest marijuana after you first wake up.
I LOVE getting high when I first wake up, like I will do tomorrow morning when I know I have nothing to do all day but get stoned, watch YouTube videos and walk my dog.
I actually waked and baked today with some KIG's rosin. Waked, baked and worked. Cannae beat it.
I LOVE getting high when I first wake up, like I will do tomorrow morning when I know I have nothing to do all day but get stoned, watch YouTube videos and walk my dog.
I actually waked and baked today with some KIG's rosin. Waked, baked and worked. Cannae beat it.

i agree but for the opposite reasons. if i have to be productive in the morning the bake is my ace in the hole.

Well done bro. Its the hardest drug to stop...(in my opinion) I love any wake and bake with a good sativa get ready for the day then go bk to bed 🤣🤣🤣

Morning bro
Keep it up 👏👏
I’ve cut right down but still got that last hurdle of the rolling habit. It’s compulsive. Been using the dyna a lot more and got my eye on a new dry vape.
If (by you I mean a retailer 😉) you can do it surrounded by all that green fuck bro 😎 I can do that shit surely 👊
Like you say health and kids. You can’t have it all and this is just a guess lol “enjoyed” our youth shall we say and come out unscaved. Shall we say 🙄
Enjoy your weekend man 🫡
Keep it up 👏👏
I’ve cut right down but still got that last hurdle of the rolling habit. It’s compulsive. Been using the dyna a lot more and got my eye on a new dry vape.
If (by you I mean a retailer 😉) you can do it surrounded by all that green fuck bro 😎 I can do that shit surely 👊
Like you say health and kids. You can’t have it all and this is just a guess lol “enjoyed” our youth shall we say and come out unscaved. Shall we say 🙄
Enjoy your weekend man 🫡

Unscaved is cutting it close bro but we made it though.
Just by that we have achieved something great.
We are only here for the kids so best try and stick around for as long as poss.
We got this bro............
Just by that we have achieved something great.
We are only here for the kids so best try and stick around for as long as poss.
We got this bro............

Spot on and aye that was the PG version ha
Actually going to sample some more of you rosin from a mutual friend today.
Dabbing take two 🤦♂️ Wish me luck 🍀
So I’m buzzing about that today
Actually going to sample some more of you rosin from a mutual friend today.
Dabbing take two 🤦♂️ Wish me luck 🍀
So I’m buzzing about that today

I love to wake n bake, mainly sativa though.
The first week is the worst giving up tobacco, it's the cessation of inhaling, but this passes. I gave up nearly 10 years ago. Keep it up be strong, cannabis will get you through it buddy.
The first week is the worst giving up tobacco, it's the cessation of inhaling, but this passes. I gave up nearly 10 years ago. Keep it up be strong, cannabis will get you through it buddy.

Cheers dude.
Today was my 1st day with no wake and bake, I really hope the love for a smoke comes back stronger after my body is over tobacco.
Pure joints just don't taste as nice but sure that will pass.
Fingers crossed
Today was my 1st day with no wake and bake, I really hope the love for a smoke comes back stronger after my body is over tobacco.
Pure joints just don't taste as nice but sure that will pass.
Fingers crossed

Is it just joints or you vaping or anything else ?
You tried it with the hemp blunt rips ? I’m sure you have but just asking ?
You tried it with the hemp blunt rips ? I’m sure you have but just asking ?

Tobacco isn’t easy at all brother, you’re right. I’m one of the lucky ones who quit and tried one about a year after quitting and spewed up. Not touched tobacco since and that was 4 years ago.

Keep it up took me a while I haven't had any tobacco for 3 years now I can't stand the stuff now.

Quitting tobacco was the best thing I've ever done. It made literally everything in my life better, in ways I wasn't really expecting. My sleep, sense of taste/smell, skin and self-esteem all improved, along with my health and bank balance.
Weed got so much better too as I wasn't counteracting it with nicotine, so I was getting twice as high on half the amount. My home stopped smelling bad (tobacco just makes the smell heavier, travel further, and linger for longer) and it felt like real freedom not needing to smoke every hour or so.
11 years in now, and like OldmanEd says above, when I did have a joint (my all time fave, proper charas on a beach in Goa) it was disgusting! I felt sick, edgy and couldn't get to sleep that night - the total opposite of what I remembered!
Make sure you give yourself some well deserved rewards at significant stages too. I bought my 1st vape at the 6 month mark ;-)
Keep it up - its so worth the efforts.
Good luck!
Weed got so much better too as I wasn't counteracting it with nicotine, so I was getting twice as high on half the amount. My home stopped smelling bad (tobacco just makes the smell heavier, travel further, and linger for longer) and it felt like real freedom not needing to smoke every hour or so.
11 years in now, and like OldmanEd says above, when I did have a joint (my all time fave, proper charas on a beach in Goa) it was disgusting! I felt sick, edgy and couldn't get to sleep that night - the total opposite of what I remembered!
Make sure you give yourself some well deserved rewards at significant stages too. I bought my 1st vape at the 6 month mark ;-)
Keep it up - its so worth the efforts.
Good luck!

1 post
+2 votes

More Strike Dates
Yeah got paid today, now have to wait till Tues earliest for delivery, what a shitter. Must check out November strike action as it seems nearly every …

More Strike Dates
got caught myself again unaware of these fucking strikes.. 😭
Dates below to help anyone plan for the inevitable delays for months.
Friday 30th - Sat 1st - get rekt us waiting for this weekend.
Thursday 13th October
Thursday 20th October
Tuesday 25th October
Monday 28th November
More functional strike action called for weekly through November too.
Hope people ain't waiting too long like me every time it seems 😭
Dates below to help anyone plan for the inevitable delays for months.
Friday 30th - Sat 1st - get rekt us waiting for this weekend.
Thursday 13th October
Thursday 20th October
Tuesday 25th October
Monday 28th November
More functional strike action called for weekly through November too.
Hope people ain't waiting too long like me every time it seems 😭

Good luck to them though I hope they get what they want, 20 days of strikes is nothing compared to another hundred without strikes they even deliver on Sundays now, I want my postie to be able to eat! :)

I’m with them on contracted changes but inflationary changes, not realistic when even private sector ain’t getting one to match inflation.
Each to their own though, just wanted to raise awareness for anyone not plugged into the plethora of dates coming to disrupt
Each to their own though, just wanted to raise awareness for anyone not plugged into the plethora of dates coming to disrupt

Hopefully the action wont take place. The escalation is aimed at getting the company back around the negotiating table. This has happened before and always ends in a deal. Both sides will compromise. They were given a 2% rise, the strings attached to the 3.5% involved major change to their terms and conditions of employment. A very hostile move from the employer, imposed on the people who grafted hard and kept us all high over covid! Since privatisation the shareholders have enjoyed around 2billion in profits, and have sold off most of the valuable real estate assets. Plenty of money for a fair pay rise.

Yeah...I put an order in start of the week then found out about the strike going ahead so will be smoking nothing but fresh air the weekend now!

Yeah I failed too mate, only found out of strike when I checked due to no post.
Going to only dealer in cambs I know and it’s usually ropey as fuck 😭
Going to only dealer in cambs I know and it’s usually ropey as fuck 😭

Yeah got paid today, now have to wait till Tues earliest for delivery, what a shitter. Must check out November strike action as it seems nearly every day will be disruptive.
All the best
All the best

1 post
+5 votes

Best LB product for medicinal purposes
Hi, sounds like you're looking for something slow release maybe..
You could try canna coconut oil. This would be more consistent, effectivness. Look u…

Best LB product for medicinal purposes
Not looking for a course. The best edible product that can be taken at the beginning or throughout the day to dampen anxiety and essential tremors - doses. E.G. an amount of a bar or gummy that one of you users have figured out as helpful in your day to day. I found MJ's bars to be inconsistent in potency throughout, so it needs to be reliable. I'm light-mid weight in this game.
Appreciate any help little biggies!
Appreciate any help little biggies!

Hi, sounds like you're looking for something slow release maybe..
You could try canna coconut oil. This would be more consistent, effectivness. Look up UK grower - they sell oil in capsules too
You could try canna coconut oil. This would be more consistent, effectivness. Look up UK grower - they sell oil in capsules too

First, to aid anxiety you will need a full spectrum or ideally a CBD rich product.
Second, you need accurate dosing.
We are all about accurate dosing and micro-dosing products.
We make THC+CBD medical capsules, lots of reviews on them, and these are ideal for daily management and use,
I recommend a 25mg THC 25mg CBD capsule every 4 hours during the day for your needs.
Second, you need accurate dosing.
We are all about accurate dosing and micro-dosing products.
We make THC+CBD medical capsules, lots of reviews on them, and these are ideal for daily management and use,
I recommend a 25mg THC 25mg CBD capsule every 4 hours during the day for your needs.

RSO would be worth considering, multiple vendors offer it.
Mine is here : https://littlebiggy.org/item/t0RMyzrWfUrAgBi6MDfouTke/view/p
Mine is here : https://littlebiggy.org/item/t0RMyzrWfUrAgBi6MDfouTke/view/p

Have you looked at going down the legal route? Google “ am I eligible for medical cannabis in the uk” and fill out an eligibility form. The weed isn’t bad except the grow range which is fantastic. Good luck mate.

Dr Green Thumb has 1:1 THC / CBD oil that I use quite a bit.
Comes with dropper to control dosage.
I use x drops in the morning and feel that I get a real benefit from it.
Comes with dropper to control dosage.
I use x drops in the morning and feel that I get a real benefit from it.

1 post
+3 votes
Our strawberry has now been restocked. & new strain g13 amnesia now active..
Nice to hear UKC. I'm a big fan of the strawberry cough. Always top shelf with you ;)
1 post
+2 votes

YourMumsHouse are killin it.
Sure, your mums house is a top vendor. There orders take a little longer to arrive to my location so haven't used for a month or two. But there blue d…

YourMumsHouse are killin it.
This is a top quality vendor.
During the Christmas post fiasco they have, four times, made a delivery appear for me in under 24 hours.
Currently have the wedding cake and some peanut butter breath and both are proper top shelf.
Perfect manicures, tight nugs, lovely terps and neither cost silly money.
I have paid nearly double this to get cake this good, and the PBB is as good if not better..
This vendor has very good buds at fair prices and cares about his customers.
Highly Recommended, try him out.
During the Christmas post fiasco they have, four times, made a delivery appear for me in under 24 hours.
Currently have the wedding cake and some peanut butter breath and both are proper top shelf.
Perfect manicures, tight nugs, lovely terps and neither cost silly money.
I have paid nearly double this to get cake this good, and the PBB is as good if not better..
This vendor has very good buds at fair prices and cares about his customers.
Highly Recommended, try him out.

Waiting for my wedding cake to land, first order from this vendor but going by the reviews, i don't know how he makes any money at that price lol the quality looks very fucking good as well compared to what i'd usually pay on here for that quality!
don't want to recommend before my pack lands but from the prices and reviews alone i'd have to recommend also!
don't want to recommend before my pack lands but from the prices and reviews alone i'd have to recommend also!

Sure, your mums house is a top vendor. There orders take a little longer to arrive to my location so haven't used for a month or two. But there blue dream this summer was top drawer. Will use again in New year for sure. I'm sure you'll be pleased when your order arrives

1 post
+1 votes

{buy help}
Bought without signing in - worried!
I did exactly this on Sunday, my order arrived Tues, totally my fault. The vendor has your bitcoin so you have an order, but you cannot review etc. as…

{buy help}
Bought without signing in - worried!
Hi, I bought 3oz of king Hassan from The Green Team yesterday. After buying, I realised I hadn’t been signed in - it took me by surprise as I’ve never been to a website that allows you to buy stuff without being signed in.
Anyway I alerted The Green Team with details about the payment but haven’t had a reply yet. To be honest I’m really worried - that was a significant amount of money. They obviously have my address so hopefully they’ll send it anyway. From what I can gather, The Green Team are a respected & very active seller here so I’m hoping they’ll get back to me.
But having had no reply I’m starting to worry. Will I be OK in this situation?
Anyway I alerted The Green Team with details about the payment but haven’t had a reply yet. To be honest I’m really worried - that was a significant amount of money. They obviously have my address so hopefully they’ll send it anyway. From what I can gather, The Green Team are a respected & very active seller here so I’m hoping they’ll get back to me.
But having had no reply I’m starting to worry. Will I be OK in this situation?

Log in to your account then open the order from your internet history, will associate with your account

Thanks for this - I did as you said and got the order confirmation page up - phew! It's still not turning up in my order section but I've bookmarked & screenshotted the order page and transaxe confirmation so all should be fine. Also it seems like the green team are a reliable & honest outlet so all in all I think I can relax now. Cheers :)

I did exactly this on Sunday, my order arrived Tues, totally my fault. The vendor has your bitcoin so you have an order, but you cannot review etc. as you were logged out.
As its 3oz I'd be a bit worried too, saying that you'd hope TGT would make contact also.
As its 3oz I'd be a bit worried too, saying that you'd hope TGT would make contact also.

2 posts
+4 votes

Christmas postage is here Expect delays (24/11)
Cheers good to know I'm after a bit of his blue dream, but keep missing the cut off so end up ordering something else.
+ 2 more

Christmas postage is here Expect delays (24/11)
One from Merc, sent monday now wedensday still no-show, and one from Pistach sent tue still not here.
Yes it's only been few days however this ain't normal.
If you're looking for something quick right now we gotta use NDD.
Have a good one biggas!
Yes it's only been few days however this ain't normal.
If you're looking for something quick right now we gotta use NDD.
Have a good one biggas!

If you want it delivered on time use a vendor who offers tracked or special delivery as Royal Mail clear those daily this time of year while everything else is as and when.

Thinking exactly the same myself today. It's that time of the year when we have to think ahead or pay for premium postage.
Maybe vendors could reduce premium postage as a sales incentive this time of year. Just saying ;}
Maybe vendors could reduce premium postage as a sales incentive this time of year. Just saying ;}

Ordered with Super Hans, standard 1st class, his is still arriving after 1 day. Just a friendly heads up.
Have a good one out there!
Have a good one out there!

Cheers good to know I'm after a bit of his blue dream, but keep missing the cut off so end up ordering something else.

1 post
+2 votes

Where is jj5637901?
He has a friend H who helps him out. Bear with him he's a good guy X

Where is jj5637901?
Many blessings to Biggaz one and all!!!
Does anyone know or have had any contact from jj5637901 in the last few days? I’ve ordered Tuesday morning and received no communication from jj! It’s not like jj so was hoping for some help from my fellow Biggaz.
Stay safe.
Does anyone know or have had any contact from jj5637901 in the last few days? I’ve ordered Tuesday morning and received no communication from jj! It’s not like jj so was hoping for some help from my fellow Biggaz.
Stay safe.

There is a message on his page saying he went into ICU on the 13th April and that updates will follow...

1 post
+1 votes

cannabis and exercise
Yep, I like to go bike packing. I take a nice bag of weed with me. This summer I rode 120 miles and pitched up over night with my hammock. Then rode 9…

cannabis and exercise
anyone have experience doing physical training while high?
i have two friends who smoke loads of weed before a gym session
i wouldnt dare!
i find it very amusing tbh
i have two friends who smoke loads of weed before a gym session
i wouldnt dare!
i find it very amusing tbh

Yeah man, I enjoy a light smoke of a sativa before a work. Gets the heart racing and I find it more fun

I've just come back after a 15yr "tolerance break" haha. Since March I have lost 30kgs/ 4.7 stone / 66lbs, combination of reduced appetite, combined with zoning in to whatever yard work I wanted to tackle.
For 20yrs prior to my "tolerance break", I used to work out high. Whether free weights at home, sweeping the yard, digging a trench, whatever, physical labour and high go together like eggs and bacon.
For 20yrs prior to my "tolerance break", I used to work out high. Whether free weights at home, sweeping the yard, digging a trench, whatever, physical labour and high go together like eggs and bacon.

hey I got a good woman and fine mother of two beautiful kids out of it haha
I'm glad to be back to myself though - lost >30kgs (70lbs) through dropping booze and undertaking sat-stimmed-supercise (yard work)
I'm glad to be back to myself though - lost >30kgs (70lbs) through dropping booze and undertaking sat-stimmed-supercise (yard work)

Haha, i guess u did win at the end dude, for sure
and thats alot of weight to lose, booze is calorie filled devil juice lol
and thats alot of weight to lose, booze is calorie filled devil juice lol

Always use to for what ever exercise i use to do, people use to think im mad for smoking before a footie game, how do you manage it they use to say after ive scored a hatrick or played an absolute blinder and my answer was always the same, aint gotta a clue just enjoy being stoned playing footie haha, but when im weight training bizarrely it help me massively, just use to zone out and get proper stuck in, still do it to this day, never hindered me ever, on that note im off to smash a big doubie and a chest session!!! Happy days!!

man thats funny and infact i have done a weight session at the gym high, i used to feel my muscles getting to the plateau limit much quicker, but endurance was still there. just bigger time gaps between sets. but damn i want to make something for athletes just like dossist from canada
also would anyone be interested if we stock cbd:cbn capsules
cbn is a product that comes from degradation of thc. it adds to a more sedative high
best regards, THB
also would anyone be interested if we stock cbd:cbn capsules
cbn is a product that comes from degradation of thc. it adds to a more sedative high
best regards, THB

Apparently, when I was younger I was able to smoke and then embark on 1 hour run (I have a faint memory of those circumstances, in fact someone else reminded me of that, LOL.) 10 years later, I wouldn't do that even if someone paid me. The other way round - that is exercise and then a smoke on top of sweat and exhaustion, yes- that works very well :D

Yes, I do...
Used to have horrendous anxiety attacks, and one night before my cardio resistance class I didn't sleep at all. Started smoking at around 5 in the morning and hit the gym at half 8 off my head.
It was surprisingly fun actually.
I now often have a fat smoke before I do a 60, 70 mile bike ride and take a pipe with me.
Love it! :)
Used to have horrendous anxiety attacks, and one night before my cardio resistance class I didn't sleep at all. Started smoking at around 5 in the morning and hit the gym at half 8 off my head.
It was surprisingly fun actually.
I now often have a fat smoke before I do a 60, 70 mile bike ride and take a pipe with me.
Love it! :)

thats crazy man, u sound like the type of person id like to do a 60, 70mile ride on! with my specialized sectuer elite 10 gears
i really need an upgrade but cant afford to
i think i need a tip jar for all the hard work weve done here man lol
thanks for sharing, someone will see this one day and think damn.... i do that shit too
happy smoking bigazzz
i really need an upgrade but cant afford to
i think i need a tip jar for all the hard work weve done here man lol
thanks for sharing, someone will see this one day and think damn.... i do that shit too
happy smoking bigazzz

Yep, I like to go bike packing. I take a nice bag of weed with me. This summer I rode 120 miles and pitched up over night with my hammock. Then rode 90 miles home. ?

1 post
+2 votes
Highly rated Blue dream back in stock
Hi there, Is this blue widow?

Highly rated Blue dream back in stock
Hi all, this strain seems to be a personal favourite amongst many smokers, so why not give it a try?
Have a look here :
Happy bigging
Have a look here :
Happy bigging

No, though they likely share some characteristics, they'll be different strains.

Hey Bluntchisel,
We have never came across Hindu Kush before... after reading up on the strain, it sounds beautiful.
White Widow... Now that’s a blast from the past.
You have us all excited now, we will do our best to get our hands on both strains.
Thank you for your suggestions.
One Love
We have never came across Hindu Kush before... after reading up on the strain, it sounds beautiful.
White Widow... Now that’s a blast from the past.
You have us all excited now, we will do our best to get our hands on both strains.
Thank you for your suggestions.
One Love

2 posts
+6 votes

Who are the best home grow vendors?
Love this thread. Uk canna farm have lovely clean weed, plus bonnevilles budget and craft lines were on fire. The meringue was sublime and there dosix…
+ 2 more

Who are the best home grow vendors?
Who are the best home grow vendors, that grow with love and care and really care about their product, that sell on here?

Thanks everyone. So far I have:
British Bulldog https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/v/4776925
Uk Canna Farm https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4791333
Bonneville https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4799720
Green Finger https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4779547
Chronos Buds https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4775835
Buddies https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4800990
Any others I’m missing?
(P.S. I've only used BB out of this list so far)
British Bulldog https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/v/4776925
Uk Canna Farm https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4791333
Bonneville https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4799720
Green Finger https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4779547
Chronos Buds https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4775835
Buddies https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4800990
Any others I’m missing?
(P.S. I've only used BB out of this list so far)

New additions:
FastBuds https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4794001
Mr 'X' (MK2020) https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4791752
UK Dank Direct https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4795123
FastBuds https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4794001
Mr 'X' (MK2020) https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4791752
UK Dank Direct https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4795123

UPDATE 16.4.21
All the vendors on the list above have been super helpful and friendly comms.
In the end I've put in orders with FastBuds, MK2020 and UK Dank Direct, as I was specifically looking for some well grown and cured Haze this time.
I'll definitely keep an eye all of these pages though for new offers.
Thanks everyone!
HO :)
All the vendors on the list above have been super helpful and friendly comms.
In the end I've put in orders with FastBuds, MK2020 and UK Dank Direct, as I was specifically looking for some well grown and cured Haze this time.
I'll definitely keep an eye all of these pages though for new offers.
Thanks everyone!
HO :)

UKPacks https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4794930 should be on the list too. Great comms and good prices. I only didn't use because they don't do RM 1st Class.

Straight up. Me. My items just don't show on the main page anymore so we operate as a legend on the winds of littlebiggy.... xD

Thanks, I have less than 10 buys though - I don’t smoke quickly enough! It’s taken me a year to get to 7 buys! (Plus 2 more when I wasn’t logged in!) Can I still buy from you?

+1 for ChronusBuds. UK organic, outdoor. No nasty artificial nutrients or the even more nasty PGRs, is also very knowledgable and generous hearted, very fast too.
Some of the others in the lists below have good looking homegrown, not too puffed up, hand trimmed herb.
Some of the others in the lists below have good looking homegrown, not too puffed up, hand trimmed herb.

Love this thread. Uk canna farm have lovely clean weed, plus bonnevilles budget and craft lines were on fire. The meringue was sublime and there dosixgelato also outstanding. I sure will be checking all these others mentioned too. X

The reason I put this post up is because I've bought a few times over the past year, trying to pick the right strain etc, but I haven't always been that pleased with what I've got.
I still have a 1/4 of Alien Dawg and another indica I bought that will just sit in a jar for emergencies and probably never get smoked, just because they aren't that great and I didn't enjoy smoking them, mainly poor curing in my opinion. Same with a batch of Mimosa I bought late last year.
I used to think I just picked the wrong strain, but what I'm starting to realise is that it's the grow and cure that's more important.
Case in point: I bought some Cookies Kush from BB this week. I probably wouldn't choose that strain normally, but I know BB grows and cures really well... and it's great, such a stable lovely relaxing high.
At the moment I've just finished off BB's last batch of OG Ammo (which was one of my favourite smokes ever, with I'd bought more) and so I'm looking for a really well grown and cured Haze / Lemon / Ammo... but I haven't found one yet.
I still have a 1/4 of Alien Dawg and another indica I bought that will just sit in a jar for emergencies and probably never get smoked, just because they aren't that great and I didn't enjoy smoking them, mainly poor curing in my opinion. Same with a batch of Mimosa I bought late last year.
I used to think I just picked the wrong strain, but what I'm starting to realise is that it's the grow and cure that's more important.
Case in point: I bought some Cookies Kush from BB this week. I probably wouldn't choose that strain normally, but I know BB grows and cures really well... and it's great, such a stable lovely relaxing high.
At the moment I've just finished off BB's last batch of OG Ammo (which was one of my favourite smokes ever, with I'd bought more) and so I'm looking for a really well grown and cured Haze / Lemon / Ammo... but I haven't found one yet.

Thanks for your kind words buddy, really glad you're happy. :)
Have a great day.
Cheers BB
Have a great day.
Cheers BB

Check out ChronusBuds ,products are excellent & lovely to deal with too , as is British bulldog :))
I’m nae sure how to copy a link tho
I’m nae sure how to copy a link tho

Is organic the new "cali" weed lol
but smoggyman has always delivered me clean burning absolutely pinnacle grade
but smoggyman has always delivered me clean burning absolutely pinnacle grade

Thanks. Is his stuff sent from the US though? No doesn’t have to be organic, just well grown and well cured, preferably by the vendor, and no nasties like PGRs.

Believe the current and sublime Mimosa is import from US.
Disco Biscuits which is just as tasty is UK
he should be on list mate, trust me!! lovely cured tasty STRONG buds lol
Disco Biscuits which is just as tasty is UK
he should be on list mate, trust me!! lovely cured tasty STRONG buds lol

BudBotanics - https://littlebiggy.org/viewSubject/p/4802006
Just received an 1/8th of Blue Kush from BudBotanics, really lovely chilled smoke, pretty strong and really good prices - $40 3.5g / $80 7g etc. Got one massive cola! Would recommend!
Just received an 1/8th of Blue Kush from BudBotanics, really lovely chilled smoke, pretty strong and really good prices - $40 3.5g / $80 7g etc. Got one massive cola! Would recommend!

April 21
Received some lovely Ammo from Fastbudsuk (see link). Really well grown, cut and cured. Strong long lasting Ammo high. Would definitely recommend.
Received some lovely Ammo from Fastbudsuk (see link). Really well grown, cut and cured. Strong long lasting Ammo high. Would definitely recommend.

New vendor only sells his own grow check out Buddies his stuff is excellent ppsst Gelato rocks?

i'd bookmark Bonneville's page if i were you, tried their Runtz and the Dosi and it's that PROPER good shit, i know those strains are modern genetics but the way it's been grown and cured just takes me right down memory lane, back when most weed was super stinky and sticky, this stuff is so stinky i can smell it upstairs even though it's in airtight containers in a draw downstairs :)
absolutely no doubt it's the best UK weed i've had off LB since i've been here, unfortunately i think everyone else also figured this out thats why he maybe sold out so quickly lol
absolutely no doubt it's the best UK weed i've had off LB since i've been here, unfortunately i think everyone else also figured this out thats why he maybe sold out so quickly lol

Hey ther,
We're new here.
All our flowers grown with the highest of care :)
Try our lovely flavours :)
We're new here.
All our flowers grown with the highest of care :)
Try our lovely flavours :)

1 post
+2 votes

Tracking & vendors
Yes this is very true. I have had this very experience this week. the vendor has 100%reshipped with signed for. Tbf they accepted there cock up and a…

Tracking & vendors
Some vendors offer an option to purchase items with tracking especially out of the country of origin.
This is common sense, but there’s other’s that only offer a 1st class option, at the buyer’s own risk and no refunds or re-ships.
It’s a bigger risk for not providing the buyer for tracking option if parcels are pinched by the posting staff, which creates easy pickings for known routes by thieving posties, and exposure, in general.
Leaving the risk to the buyer will eventually deter returning customers, if the contents is stolen and sent out empty by the post staff. This has happened in the past, anyone else had same experience?
That said, customers have the option not to buy from vendors not offering this service, but when it’s a good product available and you want to buy it, there should be some responsibility due from the vendor to deliver to loyal customers.
This is common sense, but there’s other’s that only offer a 1st class option, at the buyer’s own risk and no refunds or re-ships.
It’s a bigger risk for not providing the buyer for tracking option if parcels are pinched by the posting staff, which creates easy pickings for known routes by thieving posties, and exposure, in general.
Leaving the risk to the buyer will eventually deter returning customers, if the contents is stolen and sent out empty by the post staff. This has happened in the past, anyone else had same experience?
That said, customers have the option not to buy from vendors not offering this service, but when it’s a good product available and you want to buy it, there should be some responsibility due from the vendor to deliver to loyal customers.

It's often because the post office has a higher level of scrutiny for this service rather than just licking a stamp and throwing in the box. Sucks because tracking adds integrity to transactions.

Yes this is very true. I have had this very experience this week. the vendor has 100%reshipped with signed for. Tbf they accepted there cock up and add 1g.though I'm not 100% they've sent the strain they claim as it's just not the usual quality (bottom of bucket)

I don’t think tracking is worth it personally. Only package on LB that went missing for me was special delivery. Also looks more incriminating to have special delivery. Plus depending on the quantity ordered the special delivery could make a significant percentage of your weed expenditure. If buying 8ths or qs. I mean do one in ten of your packages go missing if untracked and all of them make it if tracked. And it depends on the vendor because plenty would re send if lost in the post , even if untracked

Really appreciate the input from you guys on this.
Can you suggest which vendors that re send a lost package?
It makes it tougher ordering outside uk, more at risk to the robber postie.
A vendor confirmed that brexit is also delaying drops significantly for Europe.
Can you suggest which vendors that re send a lost package?
It makes it tougher ordering outside uk, more at risk to the robber postie.
A vendor confirmed that brexit is also delaying drops significantly for Europe.

Just follow my golden rule. Only order if rating is 9.6 or above. But I think most vendors only would resend if domestically ordered.

escrow will back you up but look for established sellers that are confident with european delivery

1 post
+2 votes
Super Hans is no scammer
Well done brother. There's a lesson there in patients, it's a valuable virtue. It's two weeks today and I'm waiting on the last of the blue widow. Pro…

Super Hans is no scammer
This is hard to write and is not intended as an excuse. I often ‘lose’ myself in fits of rage. These are particularly severe when I feel I’ve been cheated or have lost out in some way. I then clam down and regret what I’ve said. I admit that I am not well mentally. I haven’t been for some time.
I have relied on underhandedness to address a perceived injustice. This is, ultimately, juvenile. I have made my case on here previously (in topics/posts that I want to, but cannot, delete), so I won’t discuss that here. Instead, I want to apologise to Hans. I was enjoyed, but there’s no proof you’re scamming anyone. I also apologise to the other users that I subjected to cruel and hurtful comments.
I felt cheated. I reacted terribly. I have been, and regularly am, an arsehole. I’m sorry. I accept what comes next whether it be my expulsion from this site, abuse, etc.
I have relied on underhandedness to address a perceived injustice. This is, ultimately, juvenile. I have made my case on here previously (in topics/posts that I want to, but cannot, delete), so I won’t discuss that here. Instead, I want to apologise to Hans. I was enjoyed, but there’s no proof you’re scamming anyone. I also apologise to the other users that I subjected to cruel and hurtful comments.
I felt cheated. I reacted terribly. I have been, and regularly am, an arsehole. I’m sorry. I accept what comes next whether it be my expulsion from this site, abuse, etc.

i noticed your comment the other day and saw the different ones, it genuinely makes me happy you came back and explained yourself. You did the right thing mate :) forgive yourself, learn, move on.
Hopefully you can work things out with hans
Hopefully you can work things out with hans

We all get days like that mate. Just try and take this as a lesson learnt and move on :)
Good man for coming back and saying sorry cos thats never an easy thing to do.
Stay safe
Good man for coming back and saying sorry cos thats never an easy thing to do.
Stay safe

It’s been a strange day. Let’s take a breath and stick with the big beat manifesto. Hang loose amigo.....

Well done brother. There's a lesson there in patients, it's a valuable virtue. It's two weeks today and I'm waiting on the last of the blue widow. Probably won't receive it as after 3 weeks RM send undelivered parcels to be incinerated if they cannot be returned to senders. Just waiting to here from HANS

Good for you mate, takes courage to admit when you're wrong. Hope you're able to overcome whatever issues you're dealing with. Good luck

Fair play for apologising, respect. Wishing death and cancer in people for the sake of £25 was unreal. I'm hoping you get a karma lesson by the same day you apologise the mailman turns up with your Superhans pack. Someone else was saying yesterday they ordered same day as you and only got theirs a couple days back.

1 post
+1 votes
Look no further !!
With out doubt on top. Got some great strains. Frittlez was soo fruity. Loving the ging ale, banging stuff. Looking forward to poison og coming my way…

Look no further !!
Look no further Super Hans is the one ! bud 10/10 delivery 10/10 any probs sorted no mucking aboot 10/10 best on littlebiggy 100%

With out doubt on top. Got some great strains. Frittlez was soo fruity. Loving the ging ale, banging stuff. Looking forward to poison og coming my way.

I've got some of that banging looking pink kush on order for my first superhans experience, can't wait! :D

He's really rocking it with his service. He is a "purveyor of rare herbs and proscribed chemicals" of the "highest" order!!

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