Thought I'd pitch in seen as the doctor is asking. Recommend vendor.
Suffering with chronic pain, and have ongoing history of anxiety and bouts of depression (when off the weed), suicidal and medicated at worst. Have had a variety of counsellors and cognitive therapies. I spent my early teens and entrie young adulthood battling physchologically due to always trying and never being able to quit ( because all other symtons increase always leaving me empty and eventually depressed and medicated), I have stints of over a year clean, but always feeling like I was behaving "wrong" and weed was an overall negative to life, I've hidden it professionally and socially and consumed everyday. I went vegan to prepare for a tea ceremony and life improved a lot after that, not in the first year but it led me to a new place mentally and over the course of a year in rumination (do not recommend to anyone) I unwrapped a lot of my past and saw a lot of the way I handled myself and I'm a lot kinder these days, to myself, I have a much better relationship with weed, I have surrendered to it and spend my life high now, still in secret.
A huge and major factor of the negative experiences I have lived through because of weed have been due to its legal status and stigma therefore attached.
My life is better now I have dissociated my views with the negative ones of others, I spend more time alone and work differently to nurture my addiction. I'm a lot happier for it overall.
To anyone who experiences stomach issues! Be aware of the CHS and don't get stuck in that loop.
Peace and love to all our time here is very short. If you consume cannabis I hope you enjoy it and if you don't I hope you can find your balance.