I have experienced this too. To the point that I would lose my vision completely and I’d lose my balance and fall over, honestly a terrifying experience for both myself and the Mrs. If you’re just smoking out of habit and not for a health condition then I’d take this as a blessing in disguise and quit. You’ll probably have heightened anxiety and poor sleep for a while but I promise it’s worth it in the long run. Your dreams will get really fucking intense too, felt like I was proper tripping.
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joined mar 2023
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3 topics on Bigeads
17 posts
+30 votes

Weed and anxiety

Weed and anxiety
Hi biggaz , just reaching out to see if anyone else has ever experience whatever I am . I have been a heavy smoker for 15+ years, I love the ganja . I've gone from smoking around 3 blunts a day to 1 if I can manage it . All of a sudden I am getting anxiety/panic attacks after a couple of puffs. I'm baffled as to why as it has always been a tool to relax and chill myself out . I'm now at the point where it's putting me off , and I don't want it too . What's people's thoughts ? Is it a sign to quit or take a break . I've cut down to like I said a few puffs here and there and it still hits me like a truck . I would of thought my tolerance levels would increase rather than decrease

Seems similar to my experience the other day , I've never felt so faint . My heart felt like it was going to explode . And the dizziness was unreal . I dont use it for health issue , it was mainly out of habit and to chill me out as I'm a little stressy . But I feel much more chilled now I'm not baked and tripping out lol

It's probably not the weed but you've got anxiety and the weed brings it out of you, try having a few drinks before having a smoke you probably find it helps.

Hi mate
This happens to me but only if I smoke Sativas now. Never used to bother me but as ive got older Sativas riddle me with anxiety. Has to be an indica or i suffer baaad!
This happens to me but only if I smoke Sativas now. Never used to bother me but as ive got older Sativas riddle me with anxiety. Has to be an indica or i suffer baaad!

Ok, I didn't realise it could have that much of an effect . Would you smoke a hybrid or just stick to indicas . I've ordered a vape to see if that makes any difference

If its a really good well balanced hybrid then it's not too bad. You know you've the indica effects to counteract it but I try to stick to more indica leaning strains. Haze strains were an absolute killer for me and where I connected the dots to sativas being my issue. It may be the case for you too. I know a few people who are the same. Any type of racey strain just kicks it off.

Thanks for your input mate , it's much appreciated. Been doing some research and it does seem common from what I've read . I will try an indica and stay away from satvia for now, hopefully I see a difference

No problem, anxiety is a bitch and sativas are not your friend at all if you suffer from it. Indicas should defo be your go to 👌✌️

They will be from now on mate , any strain recommendations? Majority seem to be some sort of hybrid from what I can see

I didn't jump on here to sell you our stuff but we have Gobstopper in. That's an indica and known to help with anxiety.
Puts you down and chills you out. I'm more than happy to send you a free sample before you sink any money into to for you to try.
Wouldn't want to sell you anything that would make you feel poorly as I know too well that anxiety is the pits.
Drop me an inbox with your address and I'll add it into tomorrow's post list mate.
Puts you down and chills you out. I'm more than happy to send you a free sample before you sink any money into to for you to try.
Wouldn't want to sell you anything that would make you feel poorly as I know too well that anxiety is the pits.
Drop me an inbox with your address and I'll add it into tomorrow's post list mate.

Because your have been smoking constantly and your body is expecting it to then going to slim to none on a joint of course your body will react. It’s not getting its dose it used to get therefore you will get high as a kite when sobering up or cutting down. It only makes sense.

The thing is, it started whilst I was smoking heavy , I would understand if I had slowed down, but at the time, I was 3 joints deep . Its like my tolerance level dropped half way through a joint . I want to get high as possible just not enjoying the anxiety from it

Sativa or indica you will still get high af with anxiety due to tolerance levels decreasing

Same thing happened to me by the time I got to my late 30s.
I ended up quitting.
It took me nearly 3 months before I could get a full nights sleep but within a couple of weeks my anxiety disappeared.
After a year I started to dabble only on a weekend and I was fine with so long as I didn’t partake more than 2 days in a row- they anxiety would come back.
Now I’ve quit smoking and have a little edible most evenings and I’m fine with it.
I also found alcohol gives me hangxiety which lasts all week so I quit drinking nearly 4 years ago.
Do you drink alcohol?
If you love the ganja but also drink even if it’s weekend I would be tempted to quit the booze first and see how I got on before taking a t break.
I think it’s age related. Many people I know have had similar experiences
I ended up quitting.
It took me nearly 3 months before I could get a full nights sleep but within a couple of weeks my anxiety disappeared.
After a year I started to dabble only on a weekend and I was fine with so long as I didn’t partake more than 2 days in a row- they anxiety would come back.
Now I’ve quit smoking and have a little edible most evenings and I’m fine with it.
I also found alcohol gives me hangxiety which lasts all week so I quit drinking nearly 4 years ago.
Do you drink alcohol?
If you love the ganja but also drink even if it’s weekend I would be tempted to quit the booze first and see how I got on before taking a t break.
I think it’s age related. Many people I know have had similar experiences

Hi mate , thanks for commenting. I'm in my early 30s, so I was thinking maybe I'm getting on a bit . I don't drink alcohol either, so I'm not mixing substances . I'm so used to smoking that it pulls me back in, but at the moment, I think I'm going to pass on it . It just seems strange to me, but I'm glad I'm not the only one that has experienced it

11 posts
+24 votes

Received wrong order

Received wrong order
Hello Biggaz , I would like people's opinions please. I've ordered 28 grams of a certain strain and received 14 grams of another that I obviously don't want as I didn't order it . The vendor is going to send me out 14 grams of the correct strain to make up for the loss. My issue is that after some thought , I kind of feel like I should get the full 28 grams of the correct weed as this isn't my fault, it's there mistake . What would you all expect from this ?

You should get what you order and imo vendors should only substitute an order if they’ve agreed it with you first. Some vendors show in their manifesto that they will substitute orders so personally if I see that I either ask them to let me know first (not always successful) or I just don’t use them. If you are sensitive to substitutions then make sure you cover that base.
In this instance I would put it down to experience….
In this instance I would put it down to experience….

Substitutions don't work for me either, even if the product sent is an equal value, some strains don't do what i need my bud to do so i really like to be asked if a sub is needed.
Playing bud roulette can get a vendor a bad rep 😂🥜
Hope it gets cleared up.
Playing bud roulette can get a vendor a bad rep 😂🥜
Hope it gets cleared up.

I was gutted when I opened it 😢, I don't believe it's even a substitute as it's the wrong weight . The orders have been mixed up and I have someone else's, which isn't my cup of tea personally

Ahh i had that comment half written for ages and hadnt seen the updates!
Glad it's been figured out 👊🏻
Glad it's been figured out 👊🏻

You need to remember you are buying cannabis, it’s not Amazon. Personally I would use the dispute button if 1. Goods did not arrive 2. They were completely different to what was advertised e.g ordered top shelf buds and sent low quality bud. If the vendors run out of a certain strain and they are nice enough to reship I think you should just suck it up. The only thing the vendor has probably done wrong here is not notify you before swapping but I don’t see this as grounds for dispute personally

I agree , the bud is definitely a standard bellow and les in value so even if I get the correct bud and the reaming 14g I'm out of pocket . The vendor has a greed to send the full order and correct bud so I will wait and see

If said vendor wants to keep your custom in the future then they will sort you out, if not then don't use them again and move on.
I would use the dispute button to protect your coin as you have only received 50% of your order at this point.
I would use the dispute button to protect your coin as you have only received 50% of your order at this point.

22 posts
+29 votes

Help / advice

Help / advice
Pretty lost on what to do here so any help would be much appreciated. I've been waiting a week for a parcel without any communication from the vendor up untill now . I have been given tracking to chase it up , but I feel the tracking is for a completely different parcel . The picture of me receiving the parcel is from a different day to the day I supposedly received it . I no this for a fact because I was hanging out my arse the Sunday it supposedly got delivered and I was in the clothes I was wearing the night before lol I feel like I'm going mad attempting to work out what's happened . All I no is the picture from royal mail does not match or add up to what I received . Starting to be more hassle than it's worth ordering of lb

Basically think the vendor sent you old tracking info by mistake of a previous order you made with them probably..
Check the date of the tracking info you received and when it was delivered and Also when you placed the order and what date it was marked as sent..
Worst case if you don’t get the product or reship just open up a dispute from your order page.
Dispute button should be available after 9-10days from when you ordered.
Check the date of the tracking info you received and when it was delivered and Also when you placed the order and what date it was marked as sent..
Worst case if you don’t get the product or reship just open up a dispute from your order page.
Dispute button should be available after 9-10days from when you ordered.

Real d if that is the case then why would my most recent order have been over looked ? Is there a high chance it wasn't sent ? Also I keep checking your page to see when you will have some skittlez again . Any time soon ? 🙏

I can’t speak for the vendor sorry but If his saying it’s sent then most likely it was sent..
You can contact your local sorting office to see if they got anything cause sometimes postman doesn’t leave “you missed your delivery” card..
Anyways all transactions are escrowed so your btc is safe..
just contact the vendor and if you get no where in 11 days just open a dispute..
Don’t be shy to open a Dispute cause it can be closed anytime..
You can contact your local sorting office to see if they got anything cause sometimes postman doesn’t leave “you missed your delivery” card..
Anyways all transactions are escrowed so your btc is safe..
just contact the vendor and if you get no where in 11 days just open a dispute..
Don’t be shy to open a Dispute cause it can be closed anytime..

Yeah the reason why your most recent order tracking information was not sent.. could be because sometimes the postoffice app messes up and tells you to
“goto the postoffice and check paper receipts IF you can’t find the tracking info”
That’s the only reason I can think of.. for example when you provided your postcode for tracking info..
the vendor most likely just searched for your tracking on his postoffice account using your postcode.. when you search for tracking it shows you ALL packages sent to that address.. Vendor probably then without checking the dates just copied and pasted the most recent tracking number.. (which in this case was for an old already delivered package)
Also skittles shake is definitely coming back just don’t know exactly when sorry..
“goto the postoffice and check paper receipts IF you can’t find the tracking info”
That’s the only reason I can think of.. for example when you provided your postcode for tracking info..
the vendor most likely just searched for your tracking on his postoffice account using your postcode.. when you search for tracking it shows you ALL packages sent to that address.. Vendor probably then without checking the dates just copied and pasted the most recent tracking number.. (which in this case was for an old already delivered package)
Also skittles shake is definitely coming back just don’t know exactly when sorry..

Yeah thats spot on mate , just a shame it took hours for me to realise as I felt I was going mad . I've dropped him a message so I'm sure he will click on soon . Thanks for clarifying 👍

Is the picture that's attached to the tracking from your address, can you tell it's you?
If you scroll to the bottom of the page when you're on the tracking, can you see the GPS location that it was delivered to?
If you scroll to the bottom of the page when you're on the tracking, can you see the GPS location that it was delivered to?

Yes it's my address and I can tell its me because of what I was wearing , but it's a totally different day as to what it's made out, i was not wearing those clothes on that day . GPS details match up which makes it more confusing . Seems very dodgy

Have you had more than one tracked order from this vendor? What did you get delivered on the day you’ve been pictured?

That does seem very strange. Seems like the vendor has sent it as they have given you the tracking number which matches up to your address. I don't really know tbh. Unless you got handed the wrong parcel by accident, but you would know that's the case because you would have a neighbours parcel
What was in the parcel that matches the delivery photo? Was it empty? Have you spoke to the vendor about all of this?
Hopefully someone else can chime in with other ideas, but I can't imagine the vendor being responsible if they have the tracking that has a picture of your address , and it shows it's delivered. Difficult one mate.
You can always dispute if you feel it's appropriate 👍
What was in the parcel that matches the delivery photo? Was it empty? Have you spoke to the vendor about all of this?
Hopefully someone else can chime in with other ideas, but I can't imagine the vendor being responsible if they have the tracking that has a picture of your address , and it shows it's delivered. Difficult one mate.
You can always dispute if you feel it's appropriate 👍

I have ordered from the vendor before and has good reveiws so I'm happy he's sent it and has confirmed he did . All I can assume is the parcel and tracking info doesn't match . The picture I've got with the tracking information isn't from lb . It was incent sticks off amazon to kill the smell of the weed I dont have 😔 . Vendor has said he will send again so I guess I will just sit tight for another week . Not really sure

Yes that is very strange. Sounds like your in good hands if they're offering a reship
Funny enough I had a very strange thing happen last week from DPD with an order from eBay. It got delivered, picture taken with my door open and parcel by my feet. Opened the box and it's my order I was expecting. 1hr later my neighbour came round saying she's received notification that DPD left her parcel with me. I told her I haven't taken any parcel in for her, sure enough she shown me here phone and she received a notification saying parcel delivered with the picture at my door from 1hr ago. It was my delivery, my parcel, but she got a text on her phone with the picture at my door?! I don't even know how she got a notification from my eBay order that has my name, my address, my phone number and my contents inside.
She said she'll check with DPD but I have a feeling she thinks I'm a thief now 😂😂
Funny enough I had a very strange thing happen last week from DPD with an order from eBay. It got delivered, picture taken with my door open and parcel by my feet. Opened the box and it's my order I was expecting. 1hr later my neighbour came round saying she's received notification that DPD left her parcel with me. I told her I haven't taken any parcel in for her, sure enough she shown me here phone and she received a notification saying parcel delivered with the picture at my door from 1hr ago. It was my delivery, my parcel, but she got a text on her phone with the picture at my door?! I don't even know how she got a notification from my eBay order that has my name, my address, my phone number and my contents inside.
She said she'll check with DPD but I have a feeling she thinks I'm a thief now 😂😂

I put it down to royal mail I think and not the vendor . I cant see this being his fault as its soo fucking bizarre

That’s very strange, did you copy the tracking number correctly?
Not sure how a Bigga could link to your Amazon tracking 😅 thinking about it I’ve never had tracking via Royal Mail for an Amazon order they use their own vans 🤔
Not sure how a Bigga could link to your Amazon tracking 😅 thinking about it I’ve never had tracking via Royal Mail for an Amazon order they use their own vans 🤔

If it's a third party seller on Amazon they deliver it however the seller sends it, which can be royal mail 👍

😂 Me too, love a good Amazon binge
I've sold on Amazon myself so familiar with the process. Majority of sellers allow Amazon to deal with everything from packing to shipping, but some choose to do it themselves, although not very common. Typically if it's sold on prime it will be delivered through Amazon and not a third party courier
I've sold on Amazon myself so familiar with the process. Majority of sellers allow Amazon to deal with everything from packing to shipping, but some choose to do it themselves, although not very common. Typically if it's sold on prime it will be delivered through Amazon and not a third party courier

Yes coppied tracking number correctly. My amazon parcel was delivered by royal mail . But i dont see how tracking details would get confused .The only problem I have now is when it's reshiped it will be put in the hands of those morons again . Be better of getting a pigeon to deliver it

Yeah I’d usually be inclined to say RM are great for me, but I’m now having an issue of a missing parcel of my own 🙄
Seems a few from my vendor went missing and considering the quality of the weed that postie must be laughing 😭 hope a dog gets the cunt 🙏
I’m surprised the vendor agreed to reship yours if it’s showing tracked GPS and a pic! That’s some next level trust and customer service.
Best of luck on your reship ✊
Seems a few from my vendor went missing and considering the quality of the weed that postie must be laughing 😭 hope a dog gets the cunt 🙏
I’m surprised the vendor agreed to reship yours if it’s showing tracked GPS and a pic! That’s some next level trust and customer service.
Best of luck on your reship ✊

Well it looks like we're all fucked then lol might have to start going back to the scatty Street dealers soon by the looks of it . Yes I'm surprised they offered to reship but at the same time I havent received nothing and royal mails info is false so its a bit of a tricky situation. All I no is if it gets reshiped and I receive then the vendor is a hero in my eyes . I am also a little sceptical but I think that's because of how strange the situation is and there is zero confirmation as to what has actually happened

5 posts by Bigeads
1 post
+4 votes

Order i.d
Item page link
Date paid 18/11/23
Today's date. 21/1/24
My reason is that I didn't receive my order I got customs letter in December have letter to prove that and I think its up to vendor to do good stealth or don't send to that country I was told I would get reship so waited till January because of Christmas i got onto vendor when no order or customs letter come and told me he wanted order id I got order id for vendor and than stopped replying and my account then was deleted or hacked for some reason so had to make new account and start all over again I have all messages from vendor confirming everything on removed account
Item page link
Date paid 18/11/23
Today's date. 21/1/24
My reason is that I didn't receive my order I got customs letter in December have letter to prove that and I think its up to vendor to do good stealth or don't send to that country I was told I would get reship so waited till January because of Christmas i got onto vendor when no order or customs letter come and told me he wanted order id I got order id for vendor and than stopped replying and my account then was deleted or hacked for some reason so had to make new account and start all over again I have all messages from vendor confirming everything on removed account

Glad I'm not the only one getting ignored . I ordered 28g of mac . I received 14g of some old dry bullshit (definitely not mac) was told he'd reship and now I just get blanked . Your probably betting of not receiving anything and getting your coin back , go else where . I will be , good luck 👍

this dispute is re-opened, seller must reach settlement with buyer to avoid financial penalty. once they send us a message the dispute will be closed.

2 posts
+3 votes
Giveaway time! Comment on this post to enter
+ 2 more

Giveaway time! Comment on this post to enter
As a thank you to everyone for the warm welcome here and helping us get started we are doing a giveaway!
There will be 2 lucky winners who will each receive 2 of our 1000mg carts (one of each flavour).
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post! We will put usernames into a random name picker (https://www.gigacalculator.com/randomizers/random-name-picker.php) to pick 2 winners.
Thank you and good luck!
dr.distillate :)
There will be 2 lucky winners who will each receive 2 of our 1000mg carts (one of each flavour).
To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post! We will put usernames into a random name picker (https://www.gigacalculator.com/randomizers/random-name-picker.php) to pick 2 winners.
Thank you and good luck!
dr.distillate :)

Draw will be live-streamed in about 10 minutes!
Stream link:
Stream link:

Winners are twifg420 and 2nani! I will send you both a message now to sort out delivery :)

Thank you dr distillate!!! I was the winner of your comp ….. within 2 days of sending my details the carts were through the door…. It’s my first time using these so have nothing to compare to, but from my first experience I know these 1000mg taste amazing when smoked.. the flavours are both great and the high is very clean, clear and long lasting!! I would highly recommend these to anyone thinking about giving them a go…. Thanks

We have its just below in response to clean up borg asking the same :)
Here it is again though: https://www.youtube.com/live/hWGGbXqbw2E?feature=share
Here it is again though: https://www.youtube.com/live/hWGGbXqbw2E?feature=share

this drawing needs to be broadcast in a live stream to be provably fair. if not it gets deleted love.

Live stream will go live at midday 30th April! Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/live/hWGGbXqbw2E?feature=share

1 post
+2 votes

(please note the image is after a good session by 2 people the cart arrived full without the bubbles visible)
These carts are with 50% traditional distillate and 50% live resin extracted for a full more complete "effects".
For those that toke for medical reasons THIS IS FOR YOU.
This cart delivers a more "entourage" effect that people talk about as it contains cbg cbn and cbd
It tastes like a normal d9 cart at start but then more smooth on the troat, on exhale you taste the full terp profile
I used a uni pro @ 2.4v and found it best. (2.2 was too low and 2.8 tooo high)
Take short tokes of up to 5 seconds max,.
A must have in your cart collection!
These carts are with 50% traditional distillate and 50% live resin extracted for a full more complete "effects".
For those that toke for medical reasons THIS IS FOR YOU.
This cart delivers a more "entourage" effect that people talk about as it contains cbg cbn and cbd
It tastes like a normal d9 cart at start but then more smooth on the troat, on exhale you taste the full terp profile
I used a uni pro @ 2.4v and found it best. (2.2 was too low and 2.8 tooo high)
Take short tokes of up to 5 seconds max,.
A must have in your cart collection!

Great addition to the Dr’s menu
Love 50:50 carts and would alway recommend them over just D9
Totally agree with your view on them.
Love 50:50 carts and would alway recommend them over just D9
Totally agree with your view on them.

I cannot see these 50:50 carts listed on your page. Have these already sold out? Big fan of 50:50 carts, good to see another reputable vendor selling them. They are a different animal compared to just distillate alone.

The doc has not enlightened us as to when he will list these magnificent carts yet.
But i hope before 20 april 😁
But i hope before 20 april 😁

1 post
+1 votes
Go on then 👏


Nah you good, think Pistach has just been busy, we all got #'s today, good luck fella.

I wish littlebiggy would stop hiding you from the wall!
Amazing giveaway yet again from Pistach, I won this last year and loved every bit of it! good luck to all the biggas and thank you to Pistach <3
Amazing giveaway yet again from Pistach, I won this last year and loved every bit of it! good luck to all the biggas and thank you to Pistach <3

Yet to try your product with me being new but this looks exactly like my sort of thing. I'll try and win but if not I'll probably be speaking to you soon. GL everyone.

THE KING IS BACK The last bit of zushi I had was a top smoke and lovely bit of bud big up yourself and whoever wins much love !

Nice to hear from you mate been messaging u and didn't have chance to tell you about comp.Good luck for this and vape comp being drawn tonight. 🤞

Are you sure you can handle another potential unannounced parcel Drippy? Wouldnt want you to get upset again coz your made up time frame isn't adhered to.
Make sure Pistach knows your T&C's for his giveaway
Make sure Pistach knows your T&C's for his giveaway

Got my prize a few days after your complaints best hash I’ve had for ages well worth the wait for my FREE prize all day long 👍

Thanks for letting me know, I'm still hurting as much as your sad arse is still crying on about it 🤣🤣

bigg topics