Mmm the silver bubble is exactly as it should be, arguably better than it should be for the price, have had multi orders of it, dozens of orders from the Green king or Green CAT, one small mail issue that was resolved very quickly, the weed is always exactly as described and has been of savage quality for the price. I rarely roam far from the Cat. There is alot of fuckery between the vendors it seems, quite obvious when you read through some of the posts, many of them have dummy accounts to post spurious info about other vendors and bigging up there own wares. I have a hunch on some of the Vendors doing this. Quite pathetic, its a gauge to me, lets me know if they arent confident in there products or service, i would never knowingly order of a vendor who i suspected was making dummy accounts etc. you can understand why some vendors only want people with 10/15+ buys to sort the goons who setup accounts to order a few cheap priducts and then dish out 1 and 2 ratings. They should disregard the top and bottom 5% of reviews to get a better true ratings figure. The rating system is fairly medieval anyway , needs a bit of an overhaul.