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joined apr 2020
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0 topics on Kokro
81 posts by Kokro
1 post
+6 votes

best french rapper?
As everything this is a matter of taste, I do not consider that my country is really a rap nation but we had some good ones in 90's / 2000's like IAM,…

My all time favourite has always been Akhenaton. He's got a real solid flow, a slight lisp and some kick ass lyrics.
Saw NTM live a few years ago and those old geezas still got it.
Saw NTM live a few years ago and those old geezas still got it.

As everything this is a matter of taste, I do not consider that my country is really a rap nation but we had some good ones in 90's / 2000's like IAM, Fonky Family La Rumeur, Alibi Montana....
Another example
Another example

And again - same era Hip Hop reaches the Gallic shores
B-Side is also on some of Afrika Bambataa's early stuff such as Time Zone's "Wild Style"
She came to Paris at the same time than him
B-Side is also on some of Afrika Bambataa's early stuff such as Time Zone's "Wild Style"
She came to Paris at the same time than him

I see the obvious MC Solaar mentioned a few times already. How about L'skadrille?
For crew, maybe 357 MP.
It's been a long time since I've delved into that scene, other than listening to Chilla in recent years.
For crew, maybe 357 MP.
It's been a long time since I've delved into that scene, other than listening to Chilla in recent years.

Old school: NTM, Assassin, triptick, peauple d'herb, IAM...
For their skills: sain supa krew, cut killer
New scholl... C2C
For their skills: sain supa krew, cut killer
New scholl... C2C

Rockin'squat (or RCKNSQT), former and leader of the the group "assassin". A legend!
Also, IAM, and Fabe (from the "scred connexion" group)
Also, IAM, and Fabe (from the "scred connexion" group)

Im always looking for new french rap. I love it...but i dont speak French, so i never know the song names haha

I know a lot of ones , all new school But imo best French rapper is Sofiane. His song Tout le monde...

3 posts
+5.8 votes
Forum ouvert (FR)
Nous ne sommes pas beaucoup de français / francophones ici de ce que j’ai vu depuis quelques années mais pourquoi pas ?
Pas quelqu’un qui veut s…
+ 3 more

Forum ouvert (FR)
Appel aux francos de LittleBiggy! Aidons-nous à créer une communauté accueillante. Qui a des questions?

Nous ne sommes pas beaucoup de français / francophones ici de ce que j’ai vu depuis quelques années mais pourquoi pas ?
Pas quelqu’un qui veut se lancer dans la vente en provenance de France ? :)
Nous ne sommes pas beaucoup de français / francophones ici de ce que j’ai vu depuis quelques années mais pourquoi pas ?
Pas quelqu’un qui veut se lancer dans la vente en provenance de France ? :)

Bon à savoir! Depuis combien d'années, environ? Je me demande si c'est une question de demande, ou plutôt une question d'accès... ça, c'est mon dada (traduire pour donner accès)

Salut Cancab
Je viens de voir ton autre post avec une liste de vendeurs EU quasi identique a celle que tu viens de poster ci-dessous.
Si certains d'entre vous les utilisent pour etre livres en France tenez nous au courant car j'ai des amis Francais qui sont tentes :-)
Je viens de voir ton autre post avec une liste de vendeurs EU quasi identique a celle que tu viens de poster ci-dessous.
Si certains d'entre vous les utilisent pour etre livres en France tenez nous au courant car j'ai des amis Francais qui sont tentes :-)

J’ai utilisé récemment nero et il y’a quelques temps Hootan et mrs Suisse
Ils sont ok même si je ne retrouve pas forcément la qualité du Uk. Le niveau de stealth varie aussi.
Je vais tenter la promo de chez Green hornet bientôt; et ne connais pas dankofeirope.
En espérant que cela aide
J’ai utilisé récemment nero et il y’a quelques temps Hootan et mrs Suisse
Ils sont ok même si je ne retrouve pas forcément la qualité du Uk. Le niveau de stealth varie aussi.
Je vais tenter la promo de chez Green hornet bientôt; et ne connais pas dankofeirope.
En espérant que cela aide

Le dernier vendeur qui était basé en France a disparu en 2021 je crois…
Je suis ici depuis 2020 et ça bouge ; je ne désespère pas.
Je pense qu’il y’a peu de demande de France; pas forcément une question linguistique.
Tout de bon
Je suis ici depuis 2020 et ça bouge ; je ne désespère pas.
Je pense qu’il y’a peu de demande de France; pas forcément une question linguistique.
Tout de bon

Salut les amis!
Je vis au UK depuis 1995 donc j'ai la chance d'avoir acces a beaucoup de vendeurs sur LB.
Je n'ai commande qu'une seule fois en dehors du UK et c'etait uniquement pour acheter le hash legendaire de Hashishin (il est hors Europe).
Depuis le Brexit le passage en frontiere est TRES serre, je vous passe les histoires de taxes douanieres sur achats et autres mais si vous regardez certains des posts il y a pas mal de biggas bases en Irlande qui ont eu des saisies.
Si je devais acheter depuis l'Union Europeene alors je m'en tiendrais a des vendeurs bases au EU big time.
Nero a une tres bonne reputation.
Greenhoney a l'air correct aussi.
J'ai compile une petite liste en debut d'annee a partir des posts LB:
Suisse MS
The dank of europe
Comme toujours respecter les regles de base:
1-checker le feedback et les scores des vendeurs avant de placer des commandes
2-ne JAMAIS devoiler les techniques de "stealth" des vendeurs
3-Si probleme COMMUNIQUER avec le vendeur
4-Avant de laisser un 1/10 a un vendeur parce que vous etes vener (il manque un gramme ou vous avez recu le mauvais produit) reflechir a deux fois plutot qu'une car un seul score minable entame dramatiquement le rating d'un vendeur solide (je vous renvoie a la regle 3)
Voili Voilou
Je vis au UK depuis 1995 donc j'ai la chance d'avoir acces a beaucoup de vendeurs sur LB.
Je n'ai commande qu'une seule fois en dehors du UK et c'etait uniquement pour acheter le hash legendaire de Hashishin (il est hors Europe).
Depuis le Brexit le passage en frontiere est TRES serre, je vous passe les histoires de taxes douanieres sur achats et autres mais si vous regardez certains des posts il y a pas mal de biggas bases en Irlande qui ont eu des saisies.
Si je devais acheter depuis l'Union Europeene alors je m'en tiendrais a des vendeurs bases au EU big time.
Nero a une tres bonne reputation.
Greenhoney a l'air correct aussi.
J'ai compile une petite liste en debut d'annee a partir des posts LB:
Suisse MS
The dank of europe
Comme toujours respecter les regles de base:
1-checker le feedback et les scores des vendeurs avant de placer des commandes
2-ne JAMAIS devoiler les techniques de "stealth" des vendeurs
3-Si probleme COMMUNIQUER avec le vendeur
4-Avant de laisser un 1/10 a un vendeur parce que vous etes vener (il manque un gramme ou vous avez recu le mauvais produit) reflechir a deux fois plutot qu'une car un seul score minable entame dramatiquement le rating d'un vendeur solide (je vous renvoie a la regle 3)
Voili Voilou

Je confirme..en Irlande soit c'est saisi par la douane soit le fils de péripatéticienne de postier le vole. Un peu marre se gaspiller 100e tous les mois au final donc à part pour du bon hash je commande plus ici. Il y a 1 vendeur basé en Irlande mais les prix sont juste outrageusement élevés.

Hi qwerty44
44? Loire-Atlantique? ;-)
Pour les hashs artisanaux old skool c'est hashishin bar none.
Je n'ai rien vu de tel depuis les annees 80 et meme a l'epoque on ne le recevait pas directement depuis le producteur avec l'emballage et tout ca.
Rectification de mon post precedent: the dank of europe est apparemment base en Allemagne.
Au niveau des hash ca vaut le coup de regarder du cote de Nero, l'Espagne est encore plus proche du Maroc que la France donc au niveau hash il y a de l'arrivage!
44? Loire-Atlantique? ;-)
Pour les hashs artisanaux old skool c'est hashishin bar none.
Je n'ai rien vu de tel depuis les annees 80 et meme a l'epoque on ne le recevait pas directement depuis le producteur avec l'emballage et tout ca.
Rectification de mon post precedent: the dank of europe est apparemment base en Allemagne.
Au niveau des hash ca vaut le coup de regarder du cote de Nero, l'Espagne est encore plus proche du Maroc que la France donc au niveau hash il y a de l'arrivage!

De Nada my friend :-)
Base sur le continent ou au UK?
Je n'ai jamais achete en Europe Continentale post-Brexit mais Nero a l'air 100% solide.
Une fois j'ai achete au Moyen Orient a une des legendes de LB. Top!
Stealth matters...a lot!
Base sur le continent ou au UK?
Je n'ai jamais achete en Europe Continentale post-Brexit mais Nero a l'air 100% solide.
Une fois j'ai achete au Moyen Orient a une des legendes de LB. Top!
Stealth matters...a lot!

Je vous propose un super vendeur pour la france --->
le carlito way est trés bon qualité prix
le carlito way est trés bon qualité prix

Dank of europe avais des oeuf formidable available pour la france aussi budwiser53 trés bonne weed

We do group listings of sellers based in the EU and shipping to France and other EU countries. We select only those with 100+ reviews with over 9/10 average review mark as it's not easy to filter them using the LB wall

1 post
+3 votes
Vendors within the EU
Hi Rebel
Great list; thanks for having made it.
I had experience with Hootan and was good hash and great cusomer care.
For the french one; I ordered 3…
![[cannabis online italia]](
Vendors within the EU
These are all the vendors currently shipping from within the EU. Not much of a selection but here they all are.
Member since: Jan 2020
LB rating: 9.6/10 on 100+ sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> HOOTAN
Member since: Aug 2018
LB rating: 7/10 on 50+ sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> AnAmericanInParis
Member since: Feb 2021
LB rating: 9.8/10 on 18 sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> BOB MARLEY 710
Member since: Apr 2020
LB rating: 9.5/10 on 4 sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> SWISS
Member since: Jan 2021
LB rating: 10/10 on 2 sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> SUISSE MS
So you've randomly stumbled across this great list of vendors, however do not want to bookmark the page for obvious reasons. Save a page on LittleBiggy: Just leave a comment underneath. Every time you log in to your account and scroll down, you will have access to this handy list with links to all your favourite vendors.
Comment anything at all, or if you can vouch for some vendors.
Member since: Jan 2020
LB rating: 9.6/10 on 100+ sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> HOOTAN
Member since: Aug 2018
LB rating: 7/10 on 50+ sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> AnAmericanInParis
Member since: Feb 2021
LB rating: 9.8/10 on 18 sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> BOB MARLEY 710
Member since: Apr 2020
LB rating: 9.5/10 on 4 sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> SWISS
Member since: Jan 2021
LB rating: 10/10 on 2 sales 0% disputed
Shop here------> SUISSE MS
So you've randomly stumbled across this great list of vendors, however do not want to bookmark the page for obvious reasons. Save a page on LittleBiggy: Just leave a comment underneath. Every time you log in to your account and scroll down, you will have access to this handy list with links to all your favourite vendors.
Comment anything at all, or if you can vouch for some vendors.

Hi Rebel
Great list; thanks for having made it.
I had experience with Hootan and was good hash and great cusomer care.
For the french one; I ordered 3 times in one year and never succeeded to ship....a shame.
I will go soon for the swiss one.
Hope this can help some biggaz
Great list; thanks for having made it.
I had experience with Hootan and was good hash and great cusomer care.
For the french one; I ordered 3 times in one year and never succeeded to ship....a shame.
I will go soon for the swiss one.
Hope this can help some biggaz

My friends and I have ordered from Hootan and nothing but good results. That's good to leave a review like that so people know what to expect. If you can vouch for, or against, that will help little biggas. I believe you mean AnAmericanInParis just to clarify.....sellers may get butt hurt however reputation is everything

We have the best vapes in EU, no cap. Check online for references on our award winning products.

I’m yet to find a better UK cart than this. If you’re willing to pay for the other carts, then at least try one of these. Strawberry cough is my fav. But before you do remember my name because you’ll be thanking me afterwards for A, the suggestion, B, the fact you’re tasting an amazing cart, C, you’re high dude. D,I just saved you money from buying shit carts. I’m MM24 and I approve this message .

Cheers RebelTactics
Btw. I just took a dive on some SuisseMS AK47. My first bud ord.too! Wish me luck mate
Btw. I just took a dive on some SuisseMS AK47. My first bud ord.too! Wish me luck mate

It went well. I got my order to south EU in 6 days total.
Ive even made a sort of a review:
check it for more info
Ive even made a sort of a review:
check it for more info

hey rebeltactics, suissems seems to be legit. Ive described their AK47 here:

Nero - Reliable vendor, fast delivery and great menu. EU based.

We can ship from within the EU or from the UK or USA.
EU and USA shipping has a minimum order as this is direct from our suppliers.
EU shipping sent via an express courier (1-4 days delivery)
USA 4-14 days delivery.
Any interest please get in touch.
USA minimum order - Quarter Pound pre packs or half pound loose flowers.
EU minimum order - 100g hash bar
EU and USA shipping has a minimum order as this is direct from our suppliers.
EU shipping sent via an express courier (1-4 days delivery)
USA 4-14 days delivery.
Any interest please get in touch.
USA minimum order - Quarter Pound pre packs or half pound loose flowers.
EU minimum order - 100g hash bar

suisse ms ships from (wait for it...) switzerland
and has good ratings so far
and has good ratings so far

10 posts
+25 votes
Ciao! Any recommended sellers based in EU?
And I forgot one I never tried with great reputation; Haschin; from middle east, it takes a while but seems to have high success rate.
Stay safe
+ 10 more
![[cannabis online italia]](
Ciao! Any recommended sellers based in EU?
I'm in Italy and unsure about ordering from the UK after Brexit due to customs - can anybody recommend good sellers shipping from the EU? I already have an order on the way from Hootan but want to see what else is about :)

greenhoney based in Portugal, gets to me just fine in Central Europe, just bit slow (compared to few days for the UK crews for UK delivery) as shipment comes across land. Nice stock as well.

Hey mate if you're still looking, try Bobmarley710, he ships from Spain. Can definitely recommend the hash eggs!

To be honest, I didn't have much contact other than him sending me the tracking code. Stealth is a bit dodge but good enough it seems! But then again, goods were sent and quality was excellent. Just ordered another 10g egg, worth the risk in my opinion!

Damn. I attempted a second order with him under the promise of a gift to make up for the order that never arrived. Although he took 5 days to send it, it was sent on 1 June. Just hoping it gets to me this time! Otherwise I shall go transaxe for this one... I can't see why he wouldn't send yours. He's probably getting so few orders on LB that he doesn't think to check his account regularly. Or so I hope!
edit: Just looked at the tracking and it says: "The shipment has left the international logistics centre of the destination for delivery", progress since last time!
edit: Just looked at the tracking and it says: "The shipment has left the international logistics centre of the destination for delivery", progress since last time!

Idk what is going on with him but I cant wait 5 days for my 255$ order to be sent with 0 communication after 7 messages. Id be ok with the lack of comms if he sent it immediately. And maybe Id wait a bit more and be patient if he replied and gave me a good reason...but this shit is un-acceptable, I want to get what I pay for in a reasonable time period!

fair enough, I guess I'm lucky to be UK based where suppliers are a plenty... But still, if only he pulled his finger he'd make a killing on LB. Shame!

idk, 0 communication even if in spanish? 255$ order not worth his time or reply over 6 days?
Meh, sry for the ranting...this stuff gets to me, still lolz
Meh, sry for the ranting...this stuff gets to me, still lolz

Update on Bob (this is the last post in this thread about him). He finally sent me a sensible reply/apology.. Said he messed up with his chores and just couldnt do it all and reply as well. He is new to LB so I will give him that. Maybe I decide to use his shop again in the future...we will see. If I do I will leave a description of my expereince for sure.
cheers bigorre
cheers bigorre

I must say that I received the order this morning and there has been a massive improvement on the stealth. The quality seems to have even improved since last time.
I know I said I'd stick with UK suppliers but having tried Bob's stuff I may bite my words...
I know I said I'd stick with UK suppliers but having tried Bob's stuff I may bite my words...

Hi lionelhaze I know this topic not recent..but you could try "An American in Paris" dont know how good he is??..but he obviously in Paris..PM him ask him if he ships to where you are!!! or yes as other people have said stick with Hootan..happy days ll

There's an Italian but I'm not sure how good he is...

I ordered from him a month ago, still waiting. I will write a review when (if) I receive the order. I'm giving it another week.

Aw man I hope you get your order or can get a refund! He seemed really promising but not sure!

Hi there
You have also another vendor based in France; no activity during months and I saw a review recently...
I will try hootan like you and fyi TGT succeeded to send to Europe and I wait an order from RB.
All the best
You have also another vendor based in France; no activity during months and I saw a review recently...
I will try hootan like you and fyi TGT succeeded to send to Europe and I wait an order from RB.
All the best

Hey Kokro - RB was my fave seller in the UK, be great to hear if it reaches you ok! Good to know about TGT, cheers :)

And I forgot one I never tried with great reputation; Haschin; from middle east, it takes a while but seems to have high success rate.
Stay safe
Stay safe

Let us know if RB is successful for you mate please, hashishin's stealth is sick,the product is really good quality but may got low THC content for us european stoners,and it may take a while but you have a tracking code to check and rest your mind, for me the flavor is much more important in terms of hash, got some orders from him and it was top, one order was even opened by customs to inspect but nothing was found, luckily. thanks in advance for some feedback of your order from RB.

Now we EU based customers were hit by Brexit I tried hootan, waiting for my 1st order but he was superb in comms, will update once received guys

Same for me; 1st time with him and com was great.
Wait for the parcel now...
By the way, forget the french based one; it doesn’t ship.
Wait for the parcel now...
By the way, forget the french based one; it doesn’t ship.

Also waiting on a parcel from Hootan, dispatched on the 3rd Jan -think all the post is very very slow at the moment. He seems very reliable so I am not too worried!

I am not worried at all neither, he kindly shared tracking but I do not wish to look except if too long...
We have to be patient
We have to be patient

Not yet :( Hoping it arrives this coming week. Some reviews for Hootan said it took 30 days, so there is hope! Did yours arrive?

Not yet it left last week, I was hoping it could go faster than from UK, but was a bad guess...
Keep you posted when I got it
Stay safe
Keep you posted when I got it
Stay safe

Mine arrived today, 8 days and the quality and smell looks quite good, finger crossed for you lionel, be patient, the stealth is quite good and he even fill in the customs declaration even if it is not needed for my country, good luck out there

Can you benchmark ? i mean are other posts from same origin coming?
He shared tracking ; can you ask him or check by yourself if you can make it in a secure manner?
He shared tracking ; can you ask him or check by yourself if you can make it in a secure manner?

Don't remember, but the link shows Page not found... So Probably the business didn't work out xD

does anyone know any seller shipping carts to italy, specifically 100% live resin? in uk i often use the great vape company (best LR around here btw), and they said they have been shipping to italy no problem, but would like to hear other opinions hopefully from locals.

We have added a list of available bud from EU based sellers: EU to EU - Weed Listing September 23
We will try to publish regularly and keep it up to date.
We will try to publish regularly and keep it up to date.

I can defo recommend Hashishin, his stealth is the best you will see on LB, creative to say the least and the two landrace hashis I have had were as described, lovely smoke - not always your head has to come of your shoulders as someone here was complaining about the strength. Also just ordered with Pistach, I can let you know how that went once I will receive my order. Fyi I'm based in Austria.

I also search for EU based sellers.
Ive got my first order from hootan yesterday. to the south of EU. Can recommend him!
Tried hashishin too and I wouldnt recommend.
Have you found anyone else?
Ive got my first order from hootan yesterday. to the south of EU. Can recommend him!
Tried hashishin too and I wouldnt recommend.
Have you found anyone else?

Can I ask what went wrong with Hashishin? I've used him twice and both orders were fine. Just curious really.

Sure. I got 5g of his "premium" leb. When heated it goes to black. High from it was short and had no charachter, almost like cbd. And it tasted like henna, which is used to cut hash. When I compare it to this nice moroccan hash from hootan it is even more obvious that theres nothing premium about it except the high price and good stealth. And when I complained hashishin claimed that I dont know about landrace hash that is low in thc etc etc...which I dont buy for one minute. Cause hash is a concentrated cannabis plant. And it has to have high numbers if its clean and done as it should be. If the numbers are low, then it is made from low grade shake or cut with cutting agents.

Indeed illirum didn't like my "Premium (red) Lebanese" hash and messaged me about it (in a bit of a rude manner, but that's ok - each and their own style). he accused the hash of being adulterated because it doesn't bubble. I merely explained him that Lebanese hash doesn't usually bubble because the way it is produced (mesh/screen size and few other factors). and also that original, true land race hash types produced from older genetics pre breeding for thc era. and therefor some of which are higher and some lower in THC, nevertheless - they are all rich in different cannabinoids and terpenes. I've also explained that the term "premium" for that specific hash listing was due to the quality of production (smell, taste, effect) and not necessarily a high thc content. land race hash types are rich in different cannabinoids and terpinoids and so provide unique effects, sometimes a bit different than thc dominant genetics. I also pointed out to him that the "premium leb" has many positive feedbacks and is liked by myself and other members of the community and therefor I stand behind it purity and quality. illirum didn't like my answers obviously. I did offer to compensate for the fact he didn't enjoy the hash on his next order, but understandably he chose not to order again.

Im not sorry for calling it like it is chief, but I get that you have to reply to my critique. And as Ive already told you, Ive tried many a hash in my 25 years of smoking and travelling. And hash is not done to be less potent than weak cannabis, of that I am sure. Also those good reviews you mention could well be from people who have no experience with hash, so they dont mean much to me as much as the experience Ive actually had with your hash. And of course I didnt want to order again even with compensation, Id probably get another "tasty" but not-potent hash, which is not what my money is for. I want to get fckeng high when I roll my shit up! I test new weed or hash in a way where I roll a joint, low on tobacco, to see how it hits, and roll another after few minutes to see how high it will get me, and if I need a third to get really high I can already tell the potency is not there, never mind what type of high it is. And it wouldnt be my first time to try stuff that looks and tastes and smells cool, but when you light it up it is underwhelming. Im what you call a dr.greenthumb, and you dont have to believe it, but thats why I will come back only for stuff that is premium and clean and I will not be afraid to say when the quality is not there... at least for my ole ass.
And if youre really feeling bad about this you got the adress mate. Send me something I will get high with, like hootan and suissems have managed.. but I already offered you that solution and you naturally declined.
besides, Ive seen few other reviews now on your other stuff, that also claim weak product. not many but they were there.
And if youre really feeling bad about this you got the adress mate. Send me something I will get high with, like hootan and suissems have managed.. but I already offered you that solution and you naturally declined.
besides, Ive seen few other reviews now on your other stuff, that also claim weak product. not many but they were there.

You are lacking the undersating that hash can be over 30% cannabinoids and not have a load of thc in it. and you are untitled to your own opinion of course. and sure should only spend your money on items you like and enjoy. but actually believing that 36(37 including me) reviewers has no experience or that it's less than yours is just arrogant in my opinion. but as I said before, each and their style. I wish you only good experiences in the future. cheers!

Hey, dont feel so much about it, I see by your dislikes that you have an issue with me, have one yourself lolz.
I certainly wont be saying to anyone that I was pleased with your hash, are you bullying me? Good wishes for the future but a dislike and an arrogant stick... are you being sly and acting all nice? Seems like you are...
cheers mate
I certainly wont be saying to anyone that I was pleased with your hash, are you bullying me? Good wishes for the future but a dislike and an arrogant stick... are you being sly and acting all nice? Seems like you are...
cheers mate

You disliked the fact that I dared to say it tasted like henna. And as I said, hot knives method shows how much impurities are in any hash. Pure hash rolls off and wont even stick to a hot knife. But impure sticks much better, the more its impure, the more it sticks. And when you press it, what you are left afterwards are the impurities. Becuase resin evaporates. And all the cannabinoids and whats left of terpenes. A lot of black and charred material is something you want to avoid. Because thats not resin from cannabis plant. And what is hash supposed to be made from? Yep, from resin, the sift or rub, whatever the style of it is.
Be well yourself.
Be well yourself.

bob marley said "only a fool lean upon his own misunderstanding". also, I'm not sure you are familiar with the smell/taste of henna. but like we both said - you are entitled to have your own opinion. and you've stated yours alright. I have nothing to add to this discussion. best of luck

No other choice than scrolling items.
Some used to make synthesis but did not see for a while...
Some used to make synthesis but did not see for a while...

Because he's based in Italy and can ship to Italy. it will bring up all sellers who have listed that they can ship to the EU - I am looking in particular for sellers based IN the EU. Some sellers, like Hootan, have it listed as shipping from the UK but actually ship from Spain. Hence I was asking for any recommendations for sellers who ship from EU as there is no functional search. Hope that makes sense!

Solo le tempistiche della Royal Mail sono molto lunghe ci vogliono quelle due settimane per arrivare però qualità top su quasi tutti i venditori

There are many good vendors out here but the best ones are Nero, SuisseMS, Hootan. Aswell as our shop TheDankofEurope. we ship orders MO-SUN same day tracking included. Europe wide. (GB Italy, Greece, Spain, France...)

suisse ms is the way to go

There is a vendor in Italy on here. Just change the “shipping to”box (above on the item page) to Italy

2 posts
+9 votes
Trop tôt; The Story of Minitel
Hey biggaz
I used the minitel during years as a good french; but they never improved the technology and it remained fucking slow but wasfunny...
I sti…
+ 2 more

Trop tôt; The Story of Minitel
This was the coolest, like a chrome computer 30 years earlier.

Hey biggaz
I used the minitel during years as a good french; but they never improved the technology and it remained fucking slow but wasfunny...
I still have one somewhere...
I used the minitel during years as a good french; but they never improved the technology and it remained fucking slow but wasfunny...
I still have one somewhere...

Hi Kokro
I had one at my dad's house too.
There was also a guy who was maintining his own BBS during the night shifts when I was a mainframe sysop.
Those were the days. Typical of French society back then: great inventions but lacking the entrepreneurial culture commonly found in Anglo=Sxon countries.
Carte a puces?
I had one at my dad's house too.
There was also a guy who was maintining his own BBS during the night shifts when I was a mainframe sysop.
Those were the days. Typical of French society back then: great inventions but lacking the entrepreneurial culture commonly found in Anglo=Sxon countries.
Carte a puces?

Haha thanks for that. Reminds me of my first foray into the web dialing into BBS in the US to play doom 1 against people around my area.
LB gives of a similar vibe as those early BBSs.
LB gives of a similar vibe as those early BBSs.

1 post
+1 votes
Noob Here Just Signed Up Looking Bitcoin Advice
Hi Italysora
Not sure how old is this post and I faced difficulties at the beginning also...
You have good userguides under tgt vendor or lb help page…

Noob Here Just Signed Up Looking Bitcoin Advice
Hi I recent signed up and looking for any advice on setting up Bitcoin so I can make some purchases.
What exchange/site would you recommend?
Any help/advice would be appreciated
What exchange/site would you recommend?
Any help/advice would be appreciated

Hi Sphex
I signed up to Coinbase and used Electrum as my main wallet.
I transferred money from my bank account to my Coinbase, then exchanged from sterling into BC within Coinbase. I then transferred my BC across into my electrum wallet to use as the main adress for sending with littlebiggy providers.
If you plan to do this way don't miss out the last step, (don't send bitcoins from Coinbase itself, transfer to your personal wallet (Electrum) or else you can be banned from Coinbase), also, Coinbase takes 1.49% off the value transferred as well as a 0.10p mining fee. Its best to add £5/$5 extra to cover the charges.
Good luck, it's easier than what it sounds, you'll be up and running in no time =)
I signed up to Coinbase and used Electrum as my main wallet.
I transferred money from my bank account to my Coinbase, then exchanged from sterling into BC within Coinbase. I then transferred my BC across into my electrum wallet to use as the main adress for sending with littlebiggy providers.
If you plan to do this way don't miss out the last step, (don't send bitcoins from Coinbase itself, transfer to your personal wallet (Electrum) or else you can be banned from Coinbase), also, Coinbase takes 1.49% off the value transferred as well as a 0.10p mining fee. Its best to add £5/$5 extra to cover the charges.
Good luck, it's easier than what it sounds, you'll be up and running in no time =)

I have used Coinbase for LB for about two years now and have never had a problem. Also use to help generate some free BTC.

I heard that coinbase has a history of banning people who are buying and then immediately transferring BTC (probably as they suspect it's for purposes like this). Is this not the case?
I use bitpanda, and I'm fairly happy with it. Easy to use, slick, although the fees are a pain (though compared to other places, the fees seem very fair)
I use bitpanda, and I'm fairly happy with it. Easy to use, slick, although the fees are a pain (though compared to other places, the fees seem very fair)

My payments into Coinbase were limited to £50 a week, maybe due to how I using it! With C.Pay now. Have to jump through a few hoops to set up a fully featured account but pretty much unlimited coin purchasing now, so all good.

Ah, interesting to know. If C.Pay was a bit more hassle, I'd recommend BitPanda since it was as easy as coinbase to verify and was set up fully within about 20 minutes

Mmkay, good to know it works most of the time although Roy did have his account limited. Search littlebiggy coinbase in google and a couple people have been banned too

Must be more to it I’m thinking
from my experience it’s not the case so I’m unsure what is going on but here’s a screenshot
from my experience it’s not the case so I’m unsure what is going on but here’s a screenshot

Great advice for Shpex, i'd like to second that by mentioning not only to use your own personal wallet, but in addition to that, (imo) use a hardware wallet that is tangible (in order to process your transaction) it's very safe and untraceable at 100% as it processes a random BTC address every time you send; thereby allowing you to remain anonymous throughout. Electrum is a great middleman too, but that makes the whole process digital and unless done offline makes you vulnerable to hackers (sorry it's just a crypto fact). Invest in a hardware wallet (everyone).

Your post there has really helped me out so firstly thanks for that. I am trying to make my first purchase and I am new to this crypto stuff.
do you know any vendors that accept Monero? I am looking for a vendor that accepts monero so that it is completely anonymous.
Or is this desktop wallet way (I have the Exodus desktop wallet and I can trade coins in that) the best way to be anonymous? So my wallet address is different from my coinbase address?
For me to make purchases here I need to know its completely anonymous buying - please advise
do you know any vendors that accept Monero? I am looking for a vendor that accepts monero so that it is completely anonymous.
Or is this desktop wallet way (I have the Exodus desktop wallet and I can trade coins in that) the best way to be anonymous? So my wallet address is different from my coinbase address?
For me to make purchases here I need to know its completely anonymous buying - please advise

Coinbase is easy to get started with but not sure if they are still limiting transactions. It took me a good year to establish & ensure a smooth flow of bitcoin & I use 2 different sites-one to "buy from" where I store my coin (for purchases on LB) and one to purchase bitcoin. I transfer the bitcoin to my "buy from" site.
I try to keep several hundred dollars in bitcoin at my disposal because you never know when they are going to change the rules and try to block (online) purchases.
a lot if trial & error and I lost, at first, some coin. Now I make a little cash in addition to having the coin to make a purchase on LB. Best case scenario is make a buy and bitcoin makes a nice gain and you can make your purchase off your increase.
Hope this helps.
I try to keep several hundred dollars in bitcoin at my disposal because you never know when they are going to change the rules and try to block (online) purchases.
a lot if trial & error and I lost, at first, some coin. Now I make a little cash in addition to having the coin to make a purchase on LB. Best case scenario is make a buy and bitcoin makes a nice gain and you can make your purchase off your increase.
Hope this helps.

Hi thanks for info. Yeah I ended up using coinbase. Also followed some of the guides listed and it turned out to be pretty straight forward.

Sorry to hijack post but I'm a newbie with stage 4 cancer. I'm not the most savvy when it comes to buying Bitcoin etc. Never done it before.
So I'm looking for a simple as fuck way of payment..
Once I know who to get from.
So I'm looking for a simple as fuck way of payment..
Once I know who to get from.

Hi Italysora
Not sure how old is this post and I faced difficulties at the beginning also...
You have good userguides under tgt vendor or lb help page ; q&a that might be useful and if you struggle, pm me and I will help you.
Take care
Not sure how old is this post and I faced difficulties at the beginning also...
You have good userguides under tgt vendor or lb help page ; q&a that might be useful and if you struggle, pm me and I will help you.
Take care

the easyist way ive found is bitcoin atm's ( no trace) , set up coin acc on fone (pay & go), loads to look at; my fav is BRD. down load wallet and set up,goog search 'local bitcoin atm' most major towns have one; mines my local barber(new meaning to something for the weekend) :) feed in £'s (lots these days) THC tokens on ya fone. big smiles. keep up the fight.

By far the easiest is zengo, why does no one use them , like seriously , cheap to buy bitcoin and also cheap transaction fees and best of all its seriously simple to use compared to other apps.

use bitpanda to buy bitcoin (very low fees and very easy to use)
use tails OS on a USB key (keep it updated, this is good practice to secure your electrum wallet) and use tor browser to buy on LB (fly under the radar)
use the electrum appimage (keep it updated to guard your coin) to send your bitcoin (use replace by fee option and mempool and you can set your fees low) took me ages to learn this stuff but once you know you know ;)
use tails OS on a USB key (keep it updated, this is good practice to secure your electrum wallet) and use tor browser to buy on LB (fly under the radar)
use the electrum appimage (keep it updated to guard your coin) to send your bitcoin (use replace by fee option and mempool and you can set your fees low) took me ages to learn this stuff but once you know you know ;)
This will take you to a handy guide on acquiring bitcoin through sharing
Hope this proves useful, happy shopping
This will take you to a handy guide on acquiring bitcoin through sharing
Hope this proves useful, happy shopping

Hi, do you know any vendors that accept Monero? I am looking for a vendor that accepts monero so that it is completely anonymous.

I've had the easiest time using Paxful to buy bitcoin using Revolut as my "cash wallet" ; PayPal is a pile of shit imo

1 post
+2 votes

Pop Rap 2008
I remember the bin laden weed from them...:)
1 post
+2 votes

Trouble with customs uk to Europe?!
I did 3 times since the new rules and the maximum retention time was 2/3 weeks; then had to pay nice fees.
I would consider as lost; any chance …

Trouble with customs uk to Europe?!
Anyone had difficulty receiving stuff from the UK into Europe?
Having some issues after 5 weeks delays.....
Having some issues after 5 weeks delays.....

yes however not as long as 5 weeks; think its a hangover from the cyberattack earlier in the year. Also these new rules for the customs forms, if not done correctly can cause long delays

Yes or seizures.!
Really off putting tbh, you'd have to really trust a provider to come correct with stealth and paperwork.
Really off putting tbh, you'd have to really trust a provider to come correct with stealth and paperwork.

I did 3 times since the new rules and the maximum retention time was 2/3 weeks; then had to pay nice fees.
I would consider as lost; any chance to look at tracking?
Good luck
I did 3 times since the new rules and the maximum retention time was 2/3 weeks; then had to pay nice fees.
I would consider as lost; any chance to look at tracking?
Good luck

There's alot of declaration issues and customs are holding up arrival times, seizing packages, wondering if anyone had similar experiences

1 post
+1 votes
ma se non ci sei mai....ho fatto un ordine ed e' stato annullato non so perche', oggi ho riprovato, pensando che dalla Svizzera all' Italia la posta arrivi in tu non sei on line e non rispondi

Ti ho non ho trovato un venditore decente...pessima esperienza e comunicazione 👎

I want some of that Jack Herer you got, I'm new to Italy, but just checking to be extra sure but from switzerland to italy are no customs correct?

I'm tempted to try out some of your stuff but I'm wondering if it has to go through customs when shipping to Belgium?
Thanks for your answer
I'm tempted to try out some of your stuff but I'm wondering if it has to go through customs when shipping to Belgium?
Thanks for your answer

Switzerland is in the Schengen Zone, so there shouldn't be any customs between there and Belgium.

Damn, got an UK order seized last week, bit fearful now :(
I'll wait till moving to a new address before testing then
Thanks !
I'll wait till moving to a new address before testing then
Thanks !

How long do you consider a parcel lands in a neighbour country ? Do we have to sign?
Thanks for answer
How long do you consider a parcel lands in a neighbour country ? Do we have to sign?
Thanks for answer

1 post
+2 votes

What you people listening to?
Hi Nina
If you are in a french mood; I used to listen to Dub incorporation; Akhenaton, Fonky Family…
Hope you enjoy

What you people listening to?
I’m on a french rap mood lately.
Leave a recommendation, here please:
Leave a recommendation, here please:

Fat white family - Auto neutron
Gojira - The Chant
Dry cleaning - Her Hippo
Squid - Narrator
Deafheaven - You without end
Gojira - The Chant
Dry cleaning - Her Hippo
Squid - Narrator
Deafheaven - You without end

Hi Nina
If you are in a french mood; I used to listen to Dub incorporation; Akhenaton, Fonky Family…
Hope you enjoy
If you are in a french mood; I used to listen to Dub incorporation; Akhenaton, Fonky Family…
Hope you enjoy

If your on a french rap tip you should check out Sinik's old stuff. Sinik La main sur le coeur or Booba. bonne écoute peace
"Tv tells lies to your vision them programmes programme you, traumatik im on a mission my lyrics are so damn true" 👌 🔥
"Tv tells lies to your vision them programmes programme you, traumatik im on a mission my lyrics are so damn true" 👌 🔥

Napalm Death. Municipal Waste. Something a little easier on the ears would be Ragga Jungle sounds from Chopstick Dubplate, Tenor Fly, Benny Page, Rcola, Gella.

Death sound by country joe & the fish to sick of a song when your high most will prob never heard of it but it you like the guitar this is a good example slow rock hint of blues electric sound worth a listen if your chilling for sure 👍

Check out Juice Wrld freestyle with Westwood on YouTube he's rapping to eminem beats never heard of this kid until his death he was gonna be big, their documentary about him too pretty decent watch

Can't get enough of Micheal Hurley..

1 post
+4 votes
How to get Weed through U.K. airports
Hi there
I never did without a checked bag, thus I can not help...
An alternative could be to drive from Köln to the NL and enjoy a great coffee shop …

How to get Weed through U.K. airports
Hi everyone I’m flying to Germany Cologne soon and I want to have some smoke when I arrive. But I will not be hanging around in Cologne I’m renting a car and heading south close to bitburg. So I will not have time to mess around trying to find a local guy. Does anyone have any tips on how to pass security with hash or bud, I will not have a checked bag with me only hand luggage. Thanks everyone, I’m sure there will be people who say don’t risk it, but my addiction will always win! so there is no point trying to change my mind lol
Peace out everyone happy toking stay safe
Peace out everyone happy toking stay safe

Carts in your luggage, done it loads a times. Even had one in my pocket before and put it in the tray with my phone and money. If asked? It’s CBD, never been asked though.

Best answer for carry on ^^
Before vaping indoors was banned i've even had the audacity to hit a vape in the waiting lounge xD I saw someone else do it so thought heh. This was wayyy before people knew thc vapes were a thing I had a prototype sent from cali lol
Before vaping indoors was banned i've even had the audacity to hit a vape in the waiting lounge xD I saw someone else do it so thought heh. This was wayyy before people knew thc vapes were a thing I had a prototype sent from cali lol

I’m not a fan of carts I bought a few when I was in Vancouver and it didn’t touch me. It’s nothing like a bong haha

When I came back from Vancouver I did that with edibles lol I got a pick a mix bag and bought loads of different edibles and took them out the packaging. But on the plane on the way home I opened my bag and WOW the smell it stunk the whole plane out oops

I fly to Germany for work, I always get asked “why do you hire a car at the airport and not get a taxi to the hotel?” “For flexibility i reply” little do they know before I go to the hotel I’ll do a 2 hour drive into NL to get my stash ?

I've flown in and out of the UK with weed MANY times with no issues. Every time I've been to 'Dam I've had at least a few grams in my hold luggage upon return, never more than 5g though. I'd have it in a trouser pocket, folded up in my hold bag. Always arrived safe at the other end. Probably just luck, but also don't think they're as thorough as they like people to think. In saying that, there's really no point IMO as it's easy to find high quality bud and hash in most of Germany. I've been to Berlin, Cologne, and Frankfurt for work a few times and always got offered weed in the first bar we'd set up in. Webehigh is a good site for finding weed abroad. While some of it isn't accurate, it has worked for me more than once.

Hi there
I never did without a checked bag, thus I can not help...
An alternative could be to drive from Köln to the NL and enjoy a great coffee shop as this is not so far...Then you come back with your weed
Enjoy Germany!
I never did without a checked bag, thus I can not help...
An alternative could be to drive from Köln to the NL and enjoy a great coffee shop as this is not so far...Then you come back with your weed
Enjoy Germany!

This is the best solution in my view. It simply isn't worth getting caught in an airport with weed to try and take it. Many people have and have been fine, but the risk is too great in my opinion. Source something when you are there, don't take it with you dude.

I’d love to but my rental company are anal about me going over 400kms and my journey is about 360

Was going to say the same I’ve don’t it plenty of times coming back from Amsterdam the scanners only look for weapons and bombs so internal won’t matter bud straight up the bum and your good to go if you can’t do that double wrap in Mylar bags and heat seal then you can put in suitcase bro

Never had any probs coming from dam a wee smelly bag chucked in luggage too easy! Plus always post some ?

My "mate" told me if you're gonna post goodies back take your own envelopes, smell proof bags etc and always go into the Post Office to post ( around 8 euro) that way when it gets to England it arrives in Essex and they're not so strict checking on things. If you drop it in the postbox in the street it arrives in England via Wolverhampton and they're strict cunts and it's highly likely to get found.

Really? I can’t tell if your taking the piss haha I have to say it has crossed my mind.

Dont stick stuff up your arse mate (unless thats your thing - we arent in prison). Behind the balls is fine or discretely stashed in luggage. Worked many times for a guy i know...

Don't try hiding it on your body at all, friend thought he was clever & tied loads of little bags to the string waistband on his shorts & got caught. Was hilarious to watch security pulling them out like a magicians scarves tho. A different friend has been successful a few times taking jelly bean sized balls of hash in a giant jar of jelly beans. It's also worth noting that even dogs can't smell through petroleum jelly, wrap it up then smear a generous amount of vaseline on cling film then wrap it round whatever you want to get through & your OK as long as you don't get searched, or maybe bury it in a big jar of vaseline or 2, you may appear to be a bit of a pervert but it's better than getting your smoke discovered

that's a great idea. throw in some whips and a pair of handcuffs and you just come across as a law abiding pervert. might have to try this the next time I go to the states.

I am not airport security bud, as i say worked in the past. Think they are looking for weapons and bombs more than little lumps of hash, but do be cautious. I wouldnt recommend breaking any laws dude, be careful all about personal choice. Id rather they found a lump in my shorts than have to put stuff up my bum!

Haha true just the thought of me in a room squatting and some border dude checking my anus is empty puts me of a bit hahahaha

Wouldn't even bother trying. It's not worth the BS that would come with getting caught. Let the 'officials' do the work and post it to yourself if you have an address you can access whilst abroad? EDIT just read your reply further down about the hotel and the boss. He won't know!! Get it posted there! He has no right to know what you've had posted. Could be something for your trip like medication that you forgot to take....
The only way I've got a fair bit of smoke aboad was by car. I hired a car in Calais and went over as a foot passenger on the ferry. It was a road trip around Europe with some mates on their bikes. That was easy!!
The only way I've got a fair bit of smoke aboad was by car. I hired a car in Calais and went over as a foot passenger on the ferry. It was a road trip around Europe with some mates on their bikes. That was easy!!

Never travelled anywhere without an 1/8th of hash in my pocket. Pop it in my mouth like a sweet just before I get to the scanner.
Only place I didn't risk it was USA but I was going to a legal state anyway.
Only place I didn't risk it was USA but I was going to a legal state anyway.

If you need a clean CRB for your job, don't risk it. If you don't need a clean CRB, then put it in your bum. It's really the worst worst rubbish getting busted at an airport.

I have been told many many times that carts are the way forward with travelling and crossing boarders.

I thoroughly wrap in many layers of clingfilm. Slightly heat it to close all gaps. Then I take one of those roll on deodorants, remove the plastic ball, put my parcel in the deodorant, put back ball and presto!

Last time I actually bought a secret stash Clip lighter (you unscrew the bottom) and filled that
Also another one is get a few pens and in one of them take the ink cartridge out and wrap ground up bud in cling film and stuff the barrel. Of course make sure the barrel is a solid colour and not a transparent Bic!
Also another one is get a few pens and in one of them take the ink cartridge out and wrap ground up bud in cling film and stuff the barrel. Of course make sure the barrel is a solid colour and not a transparent Bic!

However you smuggle it I advise grinding up the bud before hand. You can pack more and it’s also convenient for when you do use it

Whatever you decide to do chuck it in a mylar bag, heat seal it and then repeat. This will solve any scent issues- up to you where you want to "store" it then, but I'm not sure if I would want one of those bags up my arse!

I know a couple chaps who put it in a bottle of suncream wrapped in clingy. Worked every single time.

Wouldn't dare try it with carry on mate. Checking a bag is the best, and put some behind soap in a sealed soap dish ;) Although I've brought some hash back in my jacket pocket coming from Amsterdam - felt like William Hayes in Midnight Express - it was quite the buzz! I was all ready to feign ignorance, ha ha.

I always get a fresh pot of hair wax. Double bag and tape up a Q Scoop out some wax put the bud at the bottom smooth back over and chuck in your wash bag. Tried and tested worked for me many times with carry on luggage.

I've taken stuff on holiday to Spain numerous times, but always in checked luggage. Sorry, I know you said you weren't checking luggage, but there it is. Check a bag is my advice.

I did that when I flew to Portugal it worked perfectly I was absolutely buzzing. But unfortunately this time I will be staying with a friend at his parents hotel and apparently a few weeks ago it all kicked off because a staff member had there stuff delivered to the hotel and his dad found out and went mad. And I’m looking to get employed so I don’t want to piss him off before meeting him haha

I suggest that for travel, mct infused drops in a 10ml sealed bottle are the most inconspicuous option

If I have edibles I seem to need about 1000mg before it does anything I don’t know why? It’s super annoying and expensive so I don’t really bother anymore

Are they made by you or premade? I guy doing our path a few weeks back said he could eat bags of them and no effect. I gave him a few of my homemade ones to take night fishing for him and his mate. One pink kush around 25mg and one multiple strain around 20mg. He came back Monday and said they were both battered for the whole night!

A company called smugglers duds make some boxer shorts with a hidden compartment which i recommend. They would just chuck it away, but you might miss your flight so be safe mate. Peace and fine herb to you

I don’t see how they would work as the body scanner would spot I have something in my pants.

2 posts
+4 votes

Any vendors from Portugal?
Hi there.
Actually if I am not mistaken you do not have many EU vendors unfortunately; Hootan from Spain; one Italian with 2 sales, and an inactive ve…
+ 2 more
Swiss me - Sending from Switzeland - not tested since i’m in a non schengen country

Hello there
Here you go:
I am in Europe and waiting for an order from him...sofar great communication.
Here you go:
I am in Europe and waiting for an order from him...sofar great communication.

Hi there.
Actually if I am not mistaken you do not have many EU vendors unfortunately; Hootan from Spain; one Italian with 2 sales, and an inactive vendor in .France...
Actually if I am not mistaken you do not have many EU vendors unfortunately; Hootan from Spain; one Italian with 2 sales, and an inactive vendor in .France...

1 post
+1 votes
Disappointed Customer
Hope you are doing well.
Do I understand well that you stopped international (Europe) shipping?
You have many customers very happy with your ser…

Disappointed Customer
Order about a month ago for the second time... order never arrived and when checking tracking number informed “package returned to sender”. The package never even left the UK but the seller is refusing to do anything for me. Best part of $170 down the drain. I would understand if the package was confiscated however it didn’t even leave the country!!! Postal service says the address was wrong but it’s the same address I gave first time round, that a parcel from this vendor had already been received. I feel really let down and definitely won’t be using this seller again. His communication is very slow and customer service poor. My first order I was actually sent a Sativa strain when I ordered an Indica (that didn’t really matter too much... at least it actually arrived). I’ve gone to escrow Sussie but with me being a new member I’m sure I’m at a loss. International buyers be ware and use this vendor at your own risk! Very disappointing experience. I hope this comment comes across as fair and factual. Only me 3rd order on here and already at a huge loss... Sad Times :(

Having a similar issue at the minute with Radar, 2 orders missing. Hopefully we have a good resolution as I have had no complaints with service until now. I feel maybe Radar is too successful and is finding it tough to keep on top of things. Probably one of the most used vendors on site. Thinking I will move on tho once we resolve the current issues.

Fingers crossed for you too dude. I think that’s the last time for me also, communicating has always been tricky with RB too. I guess if it’s next day and domestic everything probably runs very smoothly and without hiccup.

No I paid next day tracked and I am in the same situation. No response to emails. Now being told maybe 5 days it could be delivered.
I have to be honest. It’s not the postage. It’s these guys. Read the posts. Most get some of what they ordered. Always missing stuff and takes weeks with these guys to get responses or anything.
I have to be honest. It’s not the postage. It’s these guys. Read the posts. Most get some of what they ordered. Always missing stuff and takes weeks with these guys to get responses or anything.

Me too. No response to messages. Reading all these posts and it seems a pattern with Radar. All this stuff goes missing.
I even paid recorded and still he has no idea.
Sorry. I have been very lucky. First time I got stuck with a seller like this.
He smokes to much stuff.
I even paid recorded and still he has no idea.
Sorry. I have been very lucky. First time I got stuck with a seller like this.
He smokes to much stuff.

Hi Jamal.
RB is one of the best, my first vendor of choice, and I buy international as well, never had any problem.
Just wait a little bit longer and you will have a reply from him, going public is the best choice when your rep is low!
Everything will be fine :)
RB is one of the best, my first vendor of choice, and I buy international as well, never had any problem.
Just wait a little bit longer and you will have a reply from him, going public is the best choice when your rep is low!
Everything will be fine :)

I asked what happens next and he has replied saying he doesn’t offer reship internationally, that’s my point. Has offered nothing and the parcel didn’t even leave the original country. So a complete loss to me. I wouldn’t be posting this information publicly if we had come to some amicable agreement. I appreciate you taking the time to reply and try to help though dude, thank you.

Maybe it’s just me but if I’m buying an illegal product, from an overseas seller, then I’m acutely aware that it comes with inherent risk. To then drop $170 on it the first time is pretty risky. I’d advise smaller orders till you find the sellers that work for you and/or order from the country you’re in.
The above is me speaking with no relation to the specific seller. However, I just woke up from one of the best sleeps of recent after a nice big spliff of Radar Breeder’s delightful Star Dawg. It was my first order from him and was received within 2 days of the order being placed. He does state all resends will be judged on an individual basis and I’ve only ever heard good things otherwise.
Try not to let the experience put you off LB, it’s a great site! Ultimately you’re the one to decide whether to go with RB again but I’d definitely recommend him within the UK.
The above is me speaking with no relation to the specific seller. However, I just woke up from one of the best sleeps of recent after a nice big spliff of Radar Breeder’s delightful Star Dawg. It was my first order from him and was received within 2 days of the order being placed. He does state all resends will be judged on an individual basis and I’ve only ever heard good things otherwise.
Try not to let the experience put you off LB, it’s a great site! Ultimately you’re the one to decide whether to go with RB again but I’d definitely recommend him within the UK.

It was my second order, same seller and same address.
As I’ve mentioned, I appreciate it comes with risk but the item never even made it out of the country. If it was signed in the country but never arrived to me, I wouldn’t be here claiming to be hard done by... I’d like to think I’m a realistic thinker here.
He does state it will be judged individually but apparently that means didly squat for me.
I’ve only tried one other seller ‘SayNo2Drugs’ who was excellent so far but look forward to trying more and hoping this was just a bad experience.
Certainly won’t be using RB again however I can see many people have received better service than I have.
Thanks for the message though.
As I’ve mentioned, I appreciate it comes with risk but the item never even made it out of the country. If it was signed in the country but never arrived to me, I wouldn’t be here claiming to be hard done by... I’d like to think I’m a realistic thinker here.
He does state it will be judged individually but apparently that means didly squat for me.
I’ve only tried one other seller ‘SayNo2Drugs’ who was excellent so far but look forward to trying more and hoping this was just a bad experience.
Certainly won’t be using RB again however I can see many people have received better service than I have.
Thanks for the message though.

Hi all
We offer no reship or guarantee on international orders this is made clear on any international orders.
Ok so as for too successful or busy no we are not sorry. Yes we are happy with our business but atm we are runnong at like 60% capacity with a lot if room to grow and our system keeps mistakes down to a minimum.
As for this case i can only say we input the address as we are given it. We have international tracked letter turn up in the wrong country before and the label was indeed correct as they have eventually landed.
We are always not happy to hear about any customers that are not happy and do what we can to make things right.
At tht moment we are considering stopping (or restricting to markets we have FE on) international and Scandinavian countries as it seems a lot of work and hassle and we risk getting bad feedback from customers that agree to our terms but then not happy when things don't go to plan.
We offer no reship or guarantee on international orders this is made clear on any international orders.
Ok so as for too successful or busy no we are not sorry. Yes we are happy with our business but atm we are runnong at like 60% capacity with a lot if room to grow and our system keeps mistakes down to a minimum.
As for this case i can only say we input the address as we are given it. We have international tracked letter turn up in the wrong country before and the label was indeed correct as they have eventually landed.
We are always not happy to hear about any customers that are not happy and do what we can to make things right.
At tht moment we are considering stopping (or restricting to markets we have FE on) international and Scandinavian countries as it seems a lot of work and hassle and we risk getting bad feedback from customers that agree to our terms but then not happy when things don't go to plan.

Hope still gonna send to me, recieved 5 orders to another country and 5 to uk without a problem and willing to take the risk :).

I think your service is disappointing dude and certainly won’t be using you again, just my opinion, as I said you’ve got plenty of happy domestic customers. I gave you the same address as last time but this item didn’t even leave the UK... that’s a real failed attempt! If it left the UK but never arrived I wouldn’t be bitching, we’re hardly ordering dog biscuits from amazon, we know how the game works right, there’s risk. It didn’t even leave the original country! I’m $170 short and you just lost a customer, but I doubt you really care dude. You say “you do what you can to make things right” but in this instance that would be you doing absolutely nothing. Peace out and good luck to your other customers.

RB is my goto vendor. Never been a loss or any problem after 8+ orders, including multiple special orders.
Why on earth you would order from the UK to Asia?
The UK is hardly the cheapest country to buy. Just handy for those of us that live here.
All in all a weak QQ
Why on earth you would order from the UK to Asia?
The UK is hardly the cheapest country to buy. Just handy for those of us that live here.
All in all a weak QQ

I get that it's frustrating to lose an order, it's happened to me in the past and i lost £250 and I learned my lesson about not ordering large amounts. But if the order was sent and you have proof of that then why is it RB's problem? It sounds to me like the postal service has fucked it up somewhere along the line, the same as what happened to me. Especially as you've received orders from RB before you can't blame his service when he clearly sent it and also stated the risks with international shipments? RB, for me, is the best vendor I've found for price, delivery and quality of product. Always my go to man for my weed.

He shared the tracking code with you?
And by using the shared tracking code you saw that the parcel was sent back to him?
And by using the shared tracking code you saw that the parcel was sent back to him?

Correct, see the thread, I’ve posted a picture above dude. Can still view the address I gave which is correct also on the order form page. (Obviously won’t share that much info haha).

how did the uk mail decide that there was an address problem outside their own country? what does that mean?

It’s in Asia, but it never made it out of the UK, so kind of irrelevant. (Remember first order, same seller, same address, made it just fine)

It’s really not irrelevant that it’s Asia. From the very first moment you were taking a huge risk with an address like that. Even ordering anything from a reputable site / business internationally you can face a whole range of problems. Your dealing with multiple postal services. Exports, air freight procedures and then customs. I wouldn’t be dropping any large amount of money on here tbh.

Asia is a very big place with all kinds of borders. If its a dodgy customs country they could steal it and send back this error, exactly the kind of shit that is pulled.
Note if your address is not in the native country your customs risk increases significantly.
Note if your address is not in the native country your customs risk increases significantly.

Good question, if you're going to go public with this then more facts and less emotions, I would like to see a screen shot of the mail error, obviously with the specific id removed.

Iv always found radar breeder to be very help in the event of non delivery, he had guidelines for a reason and he always follows them! Cheers TB

Hi Jamal.
That’s strange that it said return to send if it never left the UK (how would they know the address was wrong in foreign lands)? I’ve ordered many times from RB (shipping into Europe) and some have taken time to arrive but I’ve never had any issues with RB deliveries. I had an issue with a busted vape cart and he did replace this for me so from my experience his customer service is very good.
No consolation for your financial loss but I’d definitely order in smaller amounts going forward (I do just because of the legal risk of getting caught with more than 3.5g - it’s a pain to order more frequently but it negates the legal risk and the financial risk if it does get lost). RB is very clear on his no reship for lost international orders - it’s a risk we all take I guess.
You can only put this down to experience I hope it has not put you off the amazing vendors on this site.
That’s strange that it said return to send if it never left the UK (how would they know the address was wrong in foreign lands)? I’ve ordered many times from RB (shipping into Europe) and some have taken time to arrive but I’ve never had any issues with RB deliveries. I had an issue with a busted vape cart and he did replace this for me so from my experience his customer service is very good.
No consolation for your financial loss but I’d definitely order in smaller amounts going forward (I do just because of the legal risk of getting caught with more than 3.5g - it’s a pain to order more frequently but it negates the legal risk and the financial risk if it does get lost). RB is very clear on his no reship for lost international orders - it’s a risk we all take I guess.
You can only put this down to experience I hope it has not put you off the amazing vendors on this site.

International shipping at $19 means I need to try and get the best price for my flower too, I think 14g is a relatively small amount for personal use and sure I wouldn’t get too much more than a slap on the wrist where I am. Thanks for the message though.

I wish that were the same here...more than 3.5g and you’re ‘dealing’!!! I hope you have better luck next time, it’s a sting that takes a while to get over :(

Been ordering from RB since the start of the 1st lockdown never had only one issue. Wrong thing arrived contacted them takes a little longer than some to get back but took total responsibility for the mistake, sent out what was ordered + I had what had been mistakenly sent. Best vender by far also very good stealth. Maybe don’t order to Asia 🤣

sorry for your loss, we dont send international now as we don't want unhappy customers and also our terms were crystal clear at beginning, which you agreed to, international was entirely at your risk. in our eyes, we have taken extra risk sending international in the first place and provided reference as proof and that was all we agreed to.

2 posts
+4 votes
Brixit, EU orders
Any biggaz within Eu that received parcel since 01/01 and could witness?
First time my TGT order does not show up within one week, hope this is not i…
+ 2 more

Brixit, EU orders
Are TGT making any changes to packages sent to Ireland/EU? Customs document etc?
Are TGT making any changes to packages sent to Ireland/EU? Customs document etc?

Any biggaz within Eu that received parcel since 01/01 and could witness?
First time my TGT order does not show up within one week, hope this is not in the hand of custom.
First time my TGT order does not show up within one week, hope this is not in the hand of custom.

There is a massive back log of parcels and just before Christmas the Royal Mail in the UK stopped sending parcels to Europe, it’s now resumed. I sent a parcel to a family friend in south of France on 23/12 and they still haven’t got it (it was presents not LB product)

Just to post my experience. Ordered half oz and bit of hash on Wednesday 3rd. Posted out on Thursday and arrived Tuesday 9th. Sent to Ireland. Stealth top notch as per and all the stickers/labels were correct for customs.

1 post
+1 votes

Tips For Smell-Proofing Your Stash?
Thanks all for the recommendations as I learn to better store...I lost a significant quantity and never again !
Might be a dummy question but what abo…

Tips For Smell-Proofing Your Stash?
Hey biggas!
As the headline suggests, looking for recommendations / tips on how to smell-proof your stash. I normally put my bud in a jar with rubber seals, it worked great when I first bought it but now it doesn't really do anything other than dry out my green.
What I've started doing recently is double-bagging the green and then placing it in a plastic sealed box (I use the box as a rolling tray and it catches everything thats may fallout while I'm rolling) but this just doesn't cut it. The smell / aroma of dankness doesn't take long to fill the room and eventually the stairs too.
Because of this I am just getting an earful of shit constantly as the other people in the house don't smoke. Not anti-drugs or weed, they just hate the smell (weirdos xD). It doesn't help that all my last orders have been absolutely stinking lol.
Any and all suggestions welcomed. I really don't want to have to stash my shrubbery in a jar of coffee but desperate times and all that.
Peace Biggas!
As the headline suggests, looking for recommendations / tips on how to smell-proof your stash. I normally put my bud in a jar with rubber seals, it worked great when I first bought it but now it doesn't really do anything other than dry out my green.
What I've started doing recently is double-bagging the green and then placing it in a plastic sealed box (I use the box as a rolling tray and it catches everything thats may fallout while I'm rolling) but this just doesn't cut it. The smell / aroma of dankness doesn't take long to fill the room and eventually the stairs too.
Because of this I am just getting an earful of shit constantly as the other people in the house don't smoke. Not anti-drugs or weed, they just hate the smell (weirdos xD). It doesn't help that all my last orders have been absolutely stinking lol.
Any and all suggestions welcomed. I really don't want to have to stash my shrubbery in a jar of coffee but desperate times and all that.
Peace Biggas!

Look up smell proof cases on amazon.
I bought a big one with locks and so forth and never smell a thing. Admittedly I also bought a bunch of smell proof bags that dealers use to post, so I keep lots of different varieties of hash and bud in separate smell proof bags inside the case.
I've had some stinkers, but the smell doesn't get out...
oooh, here's a pic I took a while ago ... back when we had lots of hash so not much bud in there then! There's serveral buds in the case now, still 15 types of hash too as I'm a hoarder :)
I bought a big one with locks and so forth and never smell a thing. Admittedly I also bought a bunch of smell proof bags that dealers use to post, so I keep lots of different varieties of hash and bud in separate smell proof bags inside the case.
I've had some stinkers, but the smell doesn't get out...
oooh, here's a pic I took a while ago ... back when we had lots of hash so not much bud in there then! There's serveral buds in the case now, still 15 types of hash too as I'm a hoarder :)

What’s the Red Leb like ? Tried everything else but that , I see u used them robbing bastards gods connect , done me for an ounce of green crack , can’t find he fuckers on this any more , you got anything of them lately ??

Hi mate. The Red Leb was the premium Red Leb from Drugs UK and very very strong and resinous. I'd estimate about 30% thc. I doubt I'll find another one like this one - only a few grams left now :(
I'm sorry you had a failed order from Gods Connect. They had an excellent reputation on here and I have to say their drysift was really good.
They went on an extended holiday about 6 weeks back as they were re evaluating everything after covid - if you can find their page, they posted on there. I'm surprised your issue was not dealt with and fixed.
I'm sorry you had a failed order from Gods Connect. They had an excellent reputation on here and I have to say their drysift was really good.
They went on an extended holiday about 6 weeks back as they were re evaluating everything after covid - if you can find their page, they posted on there. I'm surprised your issue was not dealt with and fixed.

Have a look on ebay for tightvac vacuum jars. There about £6.50 but they work mate.

I think you need to buy some new jars mate. Airtight jars shouldn't give off any smell.
If your weed is getting dry in your jar get a humidifying stone to stick in there (or a smaller jar!) you can also use foil inside your containers to keep your weed fresh and to line any jars that might not be doing the job well enough.... (in your situation you should line your plastic with it, don't let your weed sit on/in plastic! also plastic baggies do nothing at all, air passes right through them).
You can get good jars online for a couple of quid off the online headshops though - just read the reviews first :)
Keep the jars away from light and heat too obviously, I have a nice little wooden box with my jars inside. Good luck mate!
If your weed is getting dry in your jar get a humidifying stone to stick in there (or a smaller jar!) you can also use foil inside your containers to keep your weed fresh and to line any jars that might not be doing the job well enough.... (in your situation you should line your plastic with it, don't let your weed sit on/in plastic! also plastic baggies do nothing at all, air passes right through them).
You can get good jars online for a couple of quid off the online headshops though - just read the reviews first :)
Keep the jars away from light and heat too obviously, I have a nice little wooden box with my jars inside. Good luck mate!

Hey Z, cheers for the reply. Haha yeah I know, the two jars I've got have given me years of service and down to my laziness I just never replaced them lol. I do prefer keeping my green in the masonry jars though as it usually keeps the green fresh, main problem is smell.
I have never used those stones that keep the moisture but have heard they are good so might give them a try. Time to make a trip to Homestore and buy some new jars I'd say lol. Thanks for the reply mate and hope you're well.
I have never used those stones that keep the moisture but have heard they are good so might give them a try. Time to make a trip to Homestore and buy some new jars I'd say lol. Thanks for the reply mate and hope you're well.

Yeah I made that mistake in my earlier days. Threw like 9gs into a litre sized jar and 3 days later my by bud basically turned to dust in my hands lol. Cheers though Rasta, appreciate the tip

Its been happening to me lately and it took a while to realize the more space in the jar means more air getting to it, I just hate dry tasteless bud lol.

Yeah all good thank you mate I'm properly feeling the boredom today though, dunno why I never do anything special on Fridays anyway but still somehow doesn't feel right. Weird times.
Anyway hope the new jars sort out your issue bud, they should do the trick. It is a smelly hobby we have to be fair to your housemates lol
Anyway hope the new jars sort out your issue bud, they should do the trick. It is a smelly hobby we have to be fair to your housemates lol

I know the feeling mate, ran out of green yesterday and blasted through one of MJs carts in a few hours because of over-use lol. I bought a motorbike a few months back and have been looking forward to the good weather and a fog in the wilderness but there's currently 90km/h winds down by me and no weed. Hoping the postman makes a drop on Monday though lol.
Ah you gotta go along to get along bud and it's easier to keep the peace. The jars shall be bought in the morrow! Enjoy your weekend mate.
Ah you gotta go along to get along bud and it's easier to keep the peace. The jars shall be bought in the morrow! Enjoy your weekend mate.

Thanks all for the recommendations as I learn to better store...I lost a significant quantity and never again !
Might be a dummy question but what about the freezer?
I had different experiences and for one it allowed to keep the hit, taste and smell diring around 4 years..:)
Any advice ?
Might be a dummy question but what about the freezer?
I had different experiences and for one it allowed to keep the hit, taste and smell diring around 4 years..:)
Any advice ?

hey man! maybe you just need to invest in a branded jar such as kilner, they keep well sealed for years. also I cant remember the name of them but you can get a RAW clay stone on amazon, you wet it and put it in your jar and it freshens up the buds if they're too dry. peace

Easiest is glass jam jars, otherwise check out a vacuum tub or similar. Google 'Amazon smellyproof'

I recommend RYOT brand stuff, they use activated charcoal if im right, cant remember lol but personally no smell. I store my weed in there also my vape when im going to work or out.

That's so weird, someone literally just bought me one as a birthday gift lol I have to say, I really like the look and feel to it. The compartments that seperate the supplies too are pretty cool :) Good shout PF :D

used marmalade jars work for me - no smell at all until the lids are removed when that funky goodness makes itself known...ahhhhhhhh.

Depends how much bud you've got there bro. I bought a "LITT" bag on amazon which is smell proof and also comes with a smell proof container. I really rate it and has the added bonus it comes with a padlock type lock where you can set a number combo to unlock it.

i store my bud in small containers then place that and all my smoking gear into smell proof bag

I just use a small Tupperware box inside a bigger Tupperware with my grinder and skins. Go on trains and have it at work too and never smell anything.

for a temporary solution I found keeping mine inside a steel thermos worked better than anything else, also made it safer to transport than glass jars when I had a bunch of flavours and needed to get across london & up to scotland on public transport for a mates stag

maybe put the weed in a bag like those heat-seal bags used by sellers or maybe small ziplocks and put the bag in mason jars with rubber/silicone seals. also try to open the jar and bag once in a while to avoid molds from growing.

I use small Mason jars (take about 7g each) kept inside a larger airtight tupperware container. I also have a few humidipaks in the larger container, works well for presevation and stealth.
Plus a use an air purifier (with active carbon filter) in my herbiest room. Can get away with vaping next to it and the smell's gone within about 20 minutes. It's a relatively expensive investment, but it'll save you on air fresheners and incense in the long run!
Plus a use an air purifier (with active carbon filter) in my herbiest room. Can get away with vaping next to it and the smell's gone within about 20 minutes. It's a relatively expensive investment, but it'll save you on air fresheners and incense in the long run!

1 high quality thick mylar bag normally sorts the smell for me, then I just light a candle to get rid of the smell in the room, it works really well

I have a thick ceramic jar which has an airtight lid. I tend to keep it in my bedroom alternating it between the little drawers next to my bed and my wardrobe depending whos around. I rarely smell anything, and i have noticed that the ceramic over time adds to the flavour of the bud if you can leave it to chill for a while.
Obviously you should dry it out to the point where it crumbles in your fingers (i guess that depends on the bud but i wouldnt keep lower quality bud or those that are dripping with spray anyway) or at least as close to it as is possible and if your looking for long term smoke storage (eg if you buy in bulk) then like others have said you may want to add something to it to keep everything fresh. Personally i smoke too much and have never got to the point Ive needed that xD
Going on a little tangent here but I also have a little foil bags which I use for traveling. They are just like sandwich bags but are made of foil, you can pick them up on amazon or ebay and arent too expensive. There are 2 variations - a one time use which essentially sticks closed with glue and is unusable after opening or standard sandwich bag push seals for multiple uses. The glue works better at smell prevention but then in a domestic situation transferring from bag to bag would get annoying. So if you went with this way, depending on the strength of what your carrying you may want to double or triple bag. I mention this even though you didnt ask about travelling because its a quick, easy and low cost if a little temporary solution to your problem while you find something that works better for you long term. I first used this method when I used to go and stay with my girlfriend (her parents are police) and I would put the foil bags in her jewelery box and never got caught, even when her mum used to come and use her vanity mirror lol
Obviously you should dry it out to the point where it crumbles in your fingers (i guess that depends on the bud but i wouldnt keep lower quality bud or those that are dripping with spray anyway) or at least as close to it as is possible and if your looking for long term smoke storage (eg if you buy in bulk) then like others have said you may want to add something to it to keep everything fresh. Personally i smoke too much and have never got to the point Ive needed that xD
Going on a little tangent here but I also have a little foil bags which I use for traveling. They are just like sandwich bags but are made of foil, you can pick them up on amazon or ebay and arent too expensive. There are 2 variations - a one time use which essentially sticks closed with glue and is unusable after opening or standard sandwich bag push seals for multiple uses. The glue works better at smell prevention but then in a domestic situation transferring from bag to bag would get annoying. So if you went with this way, depending on the strength of what your carrying you may want to double or triple bag. I mention this even though you didnt ask about travelling because its a quick, easy and low cost if a little temporary solution to your problem while you find something that works better for you long term. I first used this method when I used to go and stay with my girlfriend (her parents are police) and I would put the foil bags in her jewelery box and never got caught, even when her mum used to come and use her vanity mirror lol

In a jar with a couple slices of apple. Golden delicious provides
A lil smell and taste to the bud also : )
A lil smell and taste to the bud also : )

Yeah I can be blunt lol
...but it’s a fact rather than an opinion
any airtight container stored in a cool dark place will suffice but glass I think is best
It needs to be properly dry first, not bone 15%? moisture to prevent mould, that and temperature...don't quote that percentage
...but it’s a fact rather than an opinion
any airtight container stored in a cool dark place will suffice but glass I think is best
It needs to be properly dry first, not bone 15%? moisture to prevent mould, that and temperature...don't quote that percentage

Sometimes blunt is best my man! Yeah I've been using a masonry jar for the past 8 years and sleays found it to be the best way to store my bud but I judt got lazy and rarely replace anything. You should see my poor grinder haha. I will be purchasing a new box, grinder, jars and stocking up on papers so I'll probably be skint again by this time next week lol. Cheers for the reply Smee!

I’ve had my blitz n mix grinder for I don’t know how long...just clean it with alcohol or acetone brings it up like new
Do not do this on plastic grinders!
Do not do this on plastic grinders!

I use preserve jars from hobbycraft, work pretty well for me. You can also get specialist stash jars on amazon etc but these are pretty overpriced imo.

Yeah I was having a nose online and saw a few nice ones but they seemed a little overpriced. Think I found what I'm looking for on Amazon though for a decent price and size. Reviews seem legit and the vendor has a double deal with a bong / dab rig so I think I'll just bite the bullet and order lol. Cheers for the reply mate!

I wrap in cling film ... lots of it. The key is to wash your hands before you touch the cling film, if you have crystals on your hands they will transfer to the cling and make it smell.

I've used clingfilm in the past but felt like it was killing the taste of the weed? Could just be in my head but that's why I stopped lol. I'll probably have to start doing it again though for the time being. Cheers for the reply and handy tip about the crystals.

Kilner jars and boveda packs mate. If your seal goes you just buy a replacement. I’ve had the same jars for years. That’s a brand new one I just bought. They are very tough.

2 posts
+3 votes

Any other stoners love rugby?
I do not watch much but loves it; the mentality and is just great !
I am french and went to 6 nations in Scotland; one of my best memories...
Any …
+ 2 more

Any other stoners love rugby?
I’m Welsh so it’s obligatory here. Any other stoners enjoying the 6n?

I do not watch much but loves it; the mentality and is just great !
I am french and went to 6 nations in Scotland; one of my best memories...
Any prognostic for this year ?
I do not watch much but loves it; the mentality and is just great !
I am french and went to 6 nations in Scotland; one of my best memories...
Any prognostic for this year ?

You’ll be pleased to hear I predict a French grand slam. Your team have improved massively over the last two seasons and I think DuPont might just be the world’s best player at the moment.

I think you're right re it being France's year for the GS. From a 'nervous about the Wales match' England fan.....

Yes I am pleased :)
Just kidding but we are able of the best and worst in 80 mns...would like to see some more consistency....
Hope we could go back to stadium for this atmosphere.
Stay safe and stoned
Just kidding but we are able of the best and worst in 80 mns...would like to see some more consistency....
Hope we could go back to stadium for this atmosphere.
Stay safe and stoned

Played league and union. Watched for years,but have stopped watching union now-the breakdown was ruined when rucking went out.

1 post
+2 votes
I Care a Lot
Hi there
I saw it yesterday evening and I did not expect something like that ; a good surprise !

I Care a Lot
1 post
+2 votes

{buy help}
Please help - need a step by step on how to make first order :)
Hi Greengrass,
There are btc providers like coinmama or others that allow to buy brc and send directly to lb address. Just buy btc and buy here on par…

{buy help}
Please help - need a step by step on how to make first order :)
Hello all
I have been trying to figure this out now for about a week and I want to make an order.
I am new to the whole deep web/crypto space, but I have learnt the basics, I have an Exodus wallet on my desktop, I would like to buy monero, trade it into bitcoin and send to a vendor. I have realised that Exodus has a transaction history, so wouldnt all my buys be on there in plain view?
I am in the UK, I have the money on my current account card, how do I get it from there into monero, then to bitcoin and then to the vendor on here anonymously?
I also need to know about how to encrypt my messages etc if I need to do that?
Any help or a step by step would be great.
Thanks and have a great day!
I have been trying to figure this out now for about a week and I want to make an order.
I am new to the whole deep web/crypto space, but I have learnt the basics, I have an Exodus wallet on my desktop, I would like to buy monero, trade it into bitcoin and send to a vendor. I have realised that Exodus has a transaction history, so wouldnt all my buys be on there in plain view?
I am in the UK, I have the money on my current account card, how do I get it from there into monero, then to bitcoin and then to the vendor on here anonymously?
I also need to know about how to encrypt my messages etc if I need to do that?
Any help or a step by step would be great.
Thanks and have a great day!

You're over complicating it I think mate, unless you buying by the kilo or something lol
Just buy your BTC and send it. There is no such thing as being truly 100% anonymous on the internet especially not for sending money, but just because there is a transaction ID it doesn't mean people can easily see what you spent, where you spent it or what you bought. Think about it, if the sellers are safe to accept it then you are safe to send it, and you're sending it to the transaxe not directly to the seller too so... The potential security issue you have is while the bud is in transit, the better the stealth and the quicker the delivery the less chance of anything going wrong. Stealth of sending is where your main concern should be imo :)
Sorry if this didn't help!
Just buy your BTC and send it. There is no such thing as being truly 100% anonymous on the internet especially not for sending money, but just because there is a transaction ID it doesn't mean people can easily see what you spent, where you spent it or what you bought. Think about it, if the sellers are safe to accept it then you are safe to send it, and you're sending it to the transaxe not directly to the seller too so... The potential security issue you have is while the bud is in transit, the better the stealth and the quicker the delivery the less chance of anything going wrong. Stealth of sending is where your main concern should be imo :)
Sorry if this didn't help!

here's an overview of the buying process
1 select your item and press pay,
you will find the
- order bitcoin address
- amount of btc required
2 if you need bitcoins buy them at any exchange like (or others like, coinbase, bitpanda etc)
3 from your exchange send the required coins to the order address, you're done.
you will see your order marked as shipped, usually within 1 business day.
if your order is not received within 16 days contact the escrow link.
if you need any help along the way just shout right back here.
1 select your item and press pay,
you will find the
- order bitcoin address
- amount of btc required
2 if you need bitcoins buy them at any exchange like (or others like, coinbase, bitpanda etc)
3 from your exchange send the required coins to the order address, you're done.
you will see your order marked as shipped, usually within 1 business day.
if your order is not received within 16 days contact the escrow link.
if you need any help along the way just shout right back here.

Nice & easy ordering instructions for you here --->
☆ ☆
☆ ☆

Hi Greengrass,
There are btc providers like coinmama or others that allow to buy brc and send directly to lb address. Just buy btc and buy here on parallel and you will be guided.
Another option is to have a wallet to store some btc in between; I did that as my provider was not always fast enough to process in 30 mns as requested here when you buy.
Look at help section ; 100’s of post as we were all newbie at one point...
Btc payments are recorded and you can not delete to my knowledge...
Regarding encryption of address in lb, it depends of vendors ( god connect uses privnote; other pgp, others nothing).
There are plenty of posts regarding security in lb help; more experts people provide details but I wouls assume tor or vpn is safer than regular browser.
I had same concerns but navigate in lb and look track records of 1000’s of orders.
Hope it helps a bit
Happy Sunday with weed :)
There are btc providers like coinmama or others that allow to buy brc and send directly to lb address. Just buy btc and buy here on parallel and you will be guided.
Another option is to have a wallet to store some btc in between; I did that as my provider was not always fast enough to process in 30 mns as requested here when you buy.
Look at help section ; 100’s of post as we were all newbie at one point...
Btc payments are recorded and you can not delete to my knowledge...
Regarding encryption of address in lb, it depends of vendors ( god connect uses privnote; other pgp, others nothing).
There are plenty of posts regarding security in lb help; more experts people provide details but I wouls assume tor or vpn is safer than regular browser.
I had same concerns but navigate in lb and look track records of 1000’s of orders.
Hope it helps a bit
Happy Sunday with weed :)

Hey buddy thanks for the information that was great and much appreciated.
My only issue is that because bitcoin payments are always recorded in the blockchain they can be traced back even in the future - I want to avoid this by using monero, and then trading it into bitcoins in my Exodus wallet on my desktop and then sending the bitcoins to the vendor.
I need to know how to buy monero, its confusing at first, after the first one it will be easier i guess lol.
Do you use tails?
My only issue is that because bitcoin payments are always recorded in the blockchain they can be traced back even in the future - I want to avoid this by using monero, and then trading it into bitcoins in my Exodus wallet on my desktop and then sending the bitcoins to the vendor.
I need to know how to buy monero, its confusing at first, after the first one it will be easier i guess lol.
Do you use tails?

Not sure how old this topic is but that’s really poor advice. I fully agree that for buying a few grams of weed, you don’t need to worry this much but a coin tumbler with BTC does F all....speak to any decent financial fraud analyst....
To the original poster whilst I think this is overkill what you could do is use a platform such as localmonero to buy monero with cash anonymously. The issue is that you then need to find an exchange that will swap your monero into BTC without a KYC process. If you can do that then in theory that would work.
What would be better would be that LB starts accepting monero as a currency....
To the original poster whilst I think this is overkill what you could do is use a platform such as localmonero to buy monero with cash anonymously. The issue is that you then need to find an exchange that will swap your monero into BTC without a KYC process. If you can do that then in theory that would work.
What would be better would be that LB starts accepting monero as a currency....

All of these measures incur costs as well so unless your buying shit loads at a time you are probably just wasting money

Also if you have to register or give even an email address to buy monero it can always be traced back?

Only buying weed not guns, but if you feel like you need to do all the above then go for it
I just use what’s handiest, smartphone web browser and coinbase...simple
I just use what’s handiest, smartphone web browser and coinbase...simple

2 posts
+2.5 votes
Any issues with delivery to EU
Sorry if I have not been clear ; I meant post Brexit...
And yes, always interest with european sellers.
Stay safe
+ 2 more

Any issues with delivery to EU
Is there anyone having issues with EU deliveries in 2021? Or is it going through normally? I used to buy this great product from MJ before but now I'm kinda reluctant to order because of customs and all that jazz.

I am in Europe and received several orders of flower/hasch from UK, thus I assume this is also fine for oil etc....
Let us know if you have flowers ready soon
I am in Europe and received several orders of flower/hasch from UK, thus I assume this is also fine for oil etc....
Let us know if you have flowers ready soon

1 post
+1 votes

International ship
radar Breeder; TGT; Hootan and more vendors....
Let me know in case of need
4 posts
+6 votes
started topic
+ 4 more

Hey biggaz
I was wondering if uk sellers will still be in position to send to Europe next Jan?
I am not fully clear but fears some impact.
Thanks for inputs
I was wondering if uk sellers will still be in position to send to Europe next Jan?
I am not fully clear but fears some impact.
Thanks for inputs

As long sending/selling is illegal I don't really think that will be impacted. Maybe only delays. But might also be a benefit, because customs will be to busy checking other sh!t.

Please correct me if i'm wrong, now there isn't any custom between UK and continental EU. After brexit there will be customs.
For a EU customer will be the same ordering from CAN or UK or India for example. I hope new EU vendors will pop up on Lb cause they will have a massive gap to fill, quite a lot of EU customers on here
For a EU customer will be the same ordering from CAN or UK or India for example. I hope new EU vendors will pop up on Lb cause they will have a massive gap to fill, quite a lot of EU customers on here

Well there are customs of course but there will be no free trade agreement anymore. So that mean tariffs and custom need to check if those are paid. My logic was that most vendors here LB will send their goods as personal post. It would be my guess that customs is to busy to check the commercial Packages/freight. But I could be wrong of course :-)

Fair point that custom will be busy.
My concern is that they might check more parcels for other reasons than drug...
My concern is that they might check more parcels for other reasons than drug...

I had ordered some carts from a legal shop in Canada (though obviously not legal to send them to the U.K. !) and they had to declare what they were sending and the cost (they labelled as food flavourings) - I guess the issue could be if there is no declaration it could be seized or opened to identify what has been sent. Until this shitsham of a government sort things out we don’t know what will be expected :(

thanks for answer...
Yes this is my fear that for VAT or other reason not accurate today that parcels might be more checked....
We will discover soon how it will be
Yes this is my fear that for VAT or other reason not accurate today that parcels might be more checked....
We will discover soon how it will be

Any U.K. seller to the EU will have to fill in a declaration slip and attach it to the package. They can declare it’s a gift but they have to put what it is (so the stealth needs to feel like what it is declaring!) and they have to put a sending address (fake is ok). If this is missing then it’s likely to be returned or opened so they can assess what it is which isn’t obviously isn’t ideal seeing as it’s got your address on the front.

Thanks for your comment and yes you have this cn22 sticker that needs to be filled in...
I received 3 orders since and it seems to be slower...
I received 3 orders since and it seems to be slower...

1 post
+3 votes

Anyone heard from The Green Team recently?
Hi there,
I understand your situation as I am in the same; no news for a 220usd parcel after 3 weeks.
they replied to me last week they are busy; but …

Anyone heard from The Green Team recently?
I've got an order with The Green Team which hasn't arrived after 2 weeks (usually only takes a couple of days from them for me) and I've messaged them more than once, to no reply... LB says they've been online every day but no response still.
In the past they've been a great seller but I've had problems with the last 2 orders from them and now this... Massively putting me off any future orders for sure. Anyone else has a message from them in the last 2 days?
In the past they've been a great seller but I've had problems with the last 2 orders from them and now this... Massively putting me off any future orders for sure. Anyone else has a message from them in the last 2 days?

Hi there,
I understand your situation as I am in the same; no news for a 220usd parcel after 3 weeks.
they replied to me last week they are busy; but no answer on tracking pr proposing reship for few days.
TGT had always been the best but here I am losing faith; hope they will resolve issues.
Stay safe
I understand your situation as I am in the same; no news for a 220usd parcel after 3 weeks.
they replied to me last week they are busy; but no answer on tracking pr proposing reship for few days.
TGT had always been the best but here I am losing faith; hope they will resolve issues.
Stay safe

That's worrying to hear... Hope you manage to get your situation sorted mate! All other sellers I've dealt with recently have great comms but no replies for days is pretty crap... No idea what's happening with them

my orders always arrive within a week from them seems unusual hope it all gets sorted for you

I'm in a similar situation. For me 2 orders that only 50% turned up, then no reply from tgt since the 23rd dec. I'm very dissappointed in what was an excellent vendor.

I've also had trouble with greenteam lately with items not arriving, I ordered 7g malana cream 7th December it's disappeared still not arrived and it won't by the looks of it,also ordered 7g banana kush and only received 3·5g,don't understand what's happening with greenteam lately bought from them on multiple times without any issues except last 2 orders

Same as you, order is two weeks late now. I know they said they were having issues with royal mail but its a bit sus if everyone's having similar problems. Other packages have arrived since so RM can't be the problem?

Agreed! Other vendors magically not having RM issues, also my area isn't one of the ones affected. Something is not right, wouldn't be so bothered if I could actually talk to the vendor but that's not what they do now apparently?

I've just put a new order on with them and haven't had a reply to my message which is unusual. Last four or five orders arrived quickly and had quick communication to my messages. Hope everything ok with them

I've had a response yesterday saying RM are having delays (despite me telling them I've had other orders, that I placed later, arrive since) and to wait until 14 days after postage to message them. But today is 14 days after postage... kind of annoying to say 'wait till tomorrow, it might turn up' at that point when it's clearly lost. Took me days to get that reply too. Have messaged today and no reply, which doesn't surprise me at this point. I think something is going on with them for sure, won't be using them again if this is how it has to be now. 5 days for a message reply is just shit. Literally takes 30 seconds to reply to a message.

1 post
+1 votes

Early 2000s UK Strains
Yes, also Jack Herer

Early 2000s UK Strains
What were the main strains in the UK in the late 90s to early 2000s? SuperSkunk?

1 post
+1 votes

Brexit and weed from the UK
I wonder the same; any info would be appreciated as for non uk biggaz this creates an additional risk layer.
Stay safe and best

Brexit and weed from the UK
Hey - general query to all and sundry.
Anyone have any ideas as to the effect of Brexit (occurring this evening - 31/12) and getting a parcel of weed in from the UK? It seems that additional VAT, declarations etc will be required for packages coming from the UK - just wondering has anyone any sense for how this is going to work out?
I ask this nervously - having just placed an order!
Anyone have any ideas as to the effect of Brexit (occurring this evening - 31/12) and getting a parcel of weed in from the UK? It seems that additional VAT, declarations etc will be required for packages coming from the UK - just wondering has anyone any sense for how this is going to work out?
I ask this nervously - having just placed an order!

seems likely customs will be even more stretched and less able to check every package. less a low value item. people sending will just have fill in a form or two.

2 posts
+4 votes

Which vendor do you trust for orders outside UK
I never order 3,5 but 14 as if it lands; I have few days :)
We all have different risk appetite but in my country 3,5 or 14 does not make big differen…
+ 2 more

Which vendor do you trust for orders outside UK
I made it to my home country (despite delays, cancellations, restrictions and what not.) All is good - I mean, as good as it gets this year - the only issue is that I have very little smoke left here. There are several vendors here on LB who mail orders abroad: I am looking for the best, with the best stealth and communication with customer. Can you advise any? When it comes to my home country I want to be extra careful. Thank you to who will share their 5 cents x

Hashisin for hash but careful with the time delivery, it mat take a while.
Radarbreeder for weed, best option , been ordering for a while and never had a problem. Stealth is excellent and he got 50% reship policy.
Vapes, edibles,concentrates from MJconcentrates , Amazon prime service here in Lb.
Cheers xx
Radarbreeder for weed, best option , been ordering for a while and never had a problem. Stealth is excellent and he got 50% reship policy.
Vapes, edibles,concentrates from MJconcentrates , Amazon prime service here in Lb.
Cheers xx

thank you all
please don't forget us we here to stay ;)
Wishing you all the best xmas and all the best for the new year from all of us here. THANK YOU
please don't forget us we here to stay ;)
Wishing you all the best xmas and all the best for the new year from all of us here. THANK YOU

Hi, congratulations on making it home. Hashishin (linked) has seriously impressive stealth and great comms. I’ve never received a bad package from anyone here but his stealth is next level. Might also be worth messaging any of the vendors you’re thinking of ordering from and asking what they can do for you.

As the others; tgt and rb but rb is sometimes delayed in com.
I read only good things about hashishin...
I read only good things about hashishin...

Top products,artisan stuff and great comms but keep un mind it may take away to arrive as he ships from middle East,I ordered for some Lebanese and still waiting after 20 days,not hashishin’s fault as he gives the tracks number after shipping,but annoying, good luck mate!

I am also a bit paranoid about ordering anything bigger than 3.5 grams, and hashishins only has from 5 upwards if I have read it well. Thanks mate for the info xx

I never order 3,5 but 14 as if it lands; I have few days :)
We all have different risk appetite but in my country 3,5 or 14 does not make big difference.
Stay safe and enjoy
We all have different risk appetite but in my country 3,5 or 14 does not make big difference.
Stay safe and enjoy

5 gr is walk in the park for this guy’s stealth, next level ,never seen anything like him here,no worries if you are in Europe you should be fine even in the worst scenario with 5 gr

1 post
+2 votes

Best app to use for lb
you have several topics under help section to get some ideas...
I would say it mainly depends of the amount spent by month.
Hope this helps

Best app to use for lb
Wats best app to use blockchain....coinbase or for making payments advice would b great

I've been using Bitpay since last year for payments on here. It has a custom fee bit too which is useful especially with the crazy fees. Actually just sent a payment and the fee started out at 13.45usd but changed it to 'super economy' at 4.88usd and it went through in less than 10 minutes. Sending coin from coinbase to the wallet seems to be super cheap too. That's just my experience tho

4 posts
+6 votes

tips on how to buy safely?
Only way is to observe experiences and try only with what you would consider trusted vendors.
There are posts about name/ mailbox etc..
Many bigaz are…
+ 4 more

tips on how to buy safely?
any tips on how to buy safely? i have read reports about parcels being intercepted (not recently).

use your real name on the address to not raise suspicion, don't use a noob vendor and your odds of trouble are 1000s to 1 at worst.
unless you're in ireland.
unless you're in ireland.

thanks. just worried as i am expecting a sizable parcel soon. i dont wanna get in trouble. though the previous one i had from the same vendor arrived with no problems

Only way is to observe experiences and try only with what you would consider trusted vendors.
There are posts about name/ mailbox etc..
Many bigaz are ordering for a while without any issue
In any case, 0 risk does not exist.
There are posts about name/ mailbox etc..
Many bigaz are ordering for a while without any issue
In any case, 0 risk does not exist.

Just my 2 cent exp; around 30 orders of this size in Europe in ca one year.
Hope yoûll get it soin
Hope yoûll get it soin

1 post
+1 votes

So much random stuff on here.... would any1 be interested in #botox
Hello there
I do not know if LB allows it and if some want it.
But classification of botulinum toxin is not at the same level than the other products …

So much random stuff on here.... would any1 be interested in #botox
Wanted to sell botox would any1 be interested in genuine bocuture brand botox in various ml??

I believe there is a rule about products causing harm are not allowed here. Wanna buy some botulism? probably violates that.

Hmmm really now erh sum1 invented a look young product and thats my fualt plus its Hidden secret there's women as young as 30 having botox n filler. I wouldn't say its harmful if done correctly paracetamol can kill you if u take to much...
Its very much safe in my opinion?? I've seen alot of over tablet drugs on here blatant harmacy ? every drug has a side effect can sum1 else confirm... botox n filler big no no ??
Its very much safe in my opinion?? I've seen alot of over tablet drugs on here blatant harmacy ? every drug has a side effect can sum1 else confirm... botox n filler big no no ??

I was joking friend. I personally would allow any pharmaceutical on here. We are all adults and have freedom of choice. I just know how it will be seen by many members here. I have seen people try to have mushrooms banned on here. That is the sort of mentality being dealt with on here. Best of luck friend. Take care and I hope you have a good festive season.

Makes sense pal i really understand you just mentioned my key point haha..
Thanks for info mushrooms banned they r plant based but they can sell weed. Its all money guess they have enuf vendors to pik n choose now i guess...
Fanks for info im not moody jus lik a good debate??
Enjoy ur Xmas...peace the lips pic is jokes hah
Thanks for info mushrooms banned they r plant based but they can sell weed. Its all money guess they have enuf vendors to pik n choose now i guess...
Fanks for info im not moody jus lik a good debate??
Enjoy ur Xmas...peace the lips pic is jokes hah

Hello there
I do not know if LB allows it and if some want it.
But classification of botulinum toxin is not at the same level than the other products sold here.
Having worked in companies selling competitor product, saw 1000 of pics of what can go wrong, but as you said, risk vs. benefit appetite is matter of personal opinion.
stay safe
I do not know if LB allows it and if some want it.
But classification of botulinum toxin is not at the same level than the other products sold here.
Having worked in companies selling competitor product, saw 1000 of pics of what can go wrong, but as you said, risk vs. benefit appetite is matter of personal opinion.
stay safe

1 post
+1 votes
Check the transaction TX, if is present on the blockchain, then will show up in your wallet, most probably they are still in the mempool or your wallet isn't yet fully synchronized with the blockchain

1 post
+2 votes

Can anybody help?
Hi there
I suggest to contact the seller; do you remember which one?

Can anybody help?
I don't no much about this site I've only discovered it but I placed an order and haven't a clue how to contact the seller to let him no i purchased or anything goes wrong I can't even remember the seller ffs

If it's not in your order section, you must have ordered whilst logged out. Or before you'd made an account.
You'll just have to wait and see if it turns up. If it was ordered from a long standing vendor, it should drop okay.
You'll just have to wait and see if it turns up. If it was ordered from a long standing vendor, it should drop okay.

I didn't have an account when I made the purchase I've only heard of this site that's why I'm confused

2 posts
+3 votes

Drug driving tests
Hi Frank
Sorry for your situation....
There is a topic somewhere explaining how to pass a test with all details...
If I remember well and sorry for my…
+ 2 more

Drug driving tests
Hi I’ve been a smoker for over 30 years, never had a problem with the old bill and driving until last year, fall out with neighbours and I got stopped and tested, thought I’d be ok because I hadn’t smoked since the night before, well it came back positive (12 month ban) I’m a trucker so I had to give my job up, anyway license back this week I can’t lose it again any tricks or advice how to pass the test thanks for any help frank

Hi Mate, Your thread has got me doing some research and came across a product called Keltic Mist. It is supposed to remove all THC from your mouth for 30 mins. 10 sprays and a swig of water and you can pass the test. I am giving it a go and have purchased the most closest test to what the police use and will be testing with Listerine mouth wash and this Keltic mist. Will let you know how it goes :)

Interested to hear how your test goes! I have a mini Listerine in the car at all times! No idea if it works, just an idea of mine.
I always thought it might be tricky trying to unscrew the thing, have a swill all while getting pulled over! The Keltic mist could be a challenge
I always thought it might be tricky trying to unscrew the thing, have a swill all while getting pulled over! The Keltic mist could be a challenge

Be really interested in the outcome as I drive to and from work and cannabis helps my anxiety and insomnia. So any advice on mouthwash would be greatly appreciated :)

Hi mate, also interested in this topic. Just wondering what test you bought and where did u buy it from? Also where can i purchase keltic mist?? Thank you so much. Youngbuck

Hi mate just checking did you try the tests using that keltic mist spray how was the result

Still waiting on my order of Keltic mist and another x2 saliva tests as I thought I purchased 3. Hopefully update later next week.

Howdy Frank. I used to work in a medical lab- unfortunately there isnt anything you can do if it is a swab test. When it was urine tests, if you drank lots of water and took charcoal tablets this might reduce level in urine. This works better for water soluble drugs like coke and heroin (hence more people on these in prison). THC is a fat soluble drug. If you are a regular smoker this builds up in your body fat and is gradually released into your bloodstream, even if you havent smoked. It depends on your weight/ build as well. If you are overweight and a regular smoker, this means it can be detected up to 2-3 months after you !!!! last smoked, whereas cocaine is only about 2-3 days. If you are very fit/ low body fat and only smoke eg once/week, detection might be reduced to 2-3 weeks after you last smoked. If you had a scheduled test like for probation and you knew when you would be tested, it might be possible to dodge, otherwise its not worth the risk. If the test on a hair sample (though this is more expensive) its possible to test and get a picture of everything you have taken for months, as small amounts get deposited in your hair as it grows. Am sorry to say but you either cant smoke or need to find a different sort of job. Unfortunately these tests are so sensitive nowadays they can pick up tiny trace amounts that would never get you stoned.

Hi Frank
Sorry for your situation....
There is a topic somewhere explaining how to pass a test with all details...
If I remember well and sorry for my english but take the pee of somebody clean; put it in a kind of pocket close to your body as it needs to be at your body temperature....shall be hidden to make as it was your pee.
When you go for test; if you are well organised; you shall be fine...
Hope ghis is comprehensive and that you will find ghe mentionned topic.
Sorry for your situation....
There is a topic somewhere explaining how to pass a test with all details...
If I remember well and sorry for my english but take the pee of somebody clean; put it in a kind of pocket close to your body as it needs to be at your body temperature....shall be hidden to make as it was your pee.
When you go for test; if you are well organised; you shall be fine...
Hope ghis is comprehensive and that you will find ghe mentionned topic.

It’s not a urine test in uk it’s a mouth swab then they take blood at police station, I was not drug driving I hadn’t had any since the night before, I just wondered if anyone else this has happened to and any tips, someone has mentioned a certain type of mouthwash??? Thanks for your reply

You can buy the swabs on ebay, I have a load to test myself if it's ever in question. It doesn't get you around a result, but it does help to know when making a decision to drive or not.

Good thing to know!
Sorry to hear about that Frank420, those tests are a farce. Weed isn't like other drugs, you can trigger a test when you are in no way impaired.
Sorry to hear about that Frank420, those tests are a farce. Weed isn't like other drugs, you can trigger a test when you are in no way impaired.

I think i know the mouthwash... kokro was close... you need to put the pee in a pocket close to your .... sorry frank... have a nice day!

Hi Mate
There's definitely a mouth wash you can buy from hydro shops .
I keep one all the time .. only thing you got to wash mouth with it when getting pulled. Placing it in a bottle may help , make out like you having a drink . Or the spray as mentioned .
There's definitely a mouth wash you can buy from hydro shops .
I keep one all the time .. only thing you got to wash mouth with it when getting pulled. Placing it in a bottle may help , make out like you having a drink . Or the spray as mentioned .

Thanks for all the advice we’ll now I’ve discovered little biggy looks like I’ve had it haha there’s just soooo much choice thanks everyone frank

A good listerine mouthwash before you drive! Should last around 35 mins. You will pass. Also make sure is not the same car your driving the registration will be on ANPR as drug users.

This was the car I was in hahaha never been pulled in it since I got it years ago police used to wave lol

A friend of mine was stopped after smoking around two hours before (stupid, but each to their own) he tested positive and was taken to station. They were required to also do a blood test but it took hours to get a doctor to the station to take the blood test. The blood test came back under the legal limit (there is or was a legal blood limit like alcohol). Did they blood test you? Was that also positive? Maybe that's no longer a requirement!
No idea how he passed the blood test! He reccomend if getting stopped try anything to delay blood test!
No idea how he passed the blood test! He reccomend if getting stopped try anything to delay blood test!

Yes if you fail roadside swab test they take you in for a blood test I failed that aswell the legal limit is 2 and I got a 4.4, the last time I smoked was the night before so I’d say roughly about 12/13 hours

Ah right ok, I think maybe my mate got lucky. His blood was under so they just let him go. I think there are also several factors involved as people have aslo commented, exercise, weight, metabolism. He would be heavy smoker though.
I'm heavy smoke and this worries me. Interested to see what Elliot's results are!
I'm heavy smoke and this worries me. Interested to see what Elliot's results are!

1 post
+1 votes

Ooh that's a big one!!!!
I do not know how bees like to be stone (e.g. Sativa or Indica preference?) but I saw once a spider stone on tv, and the net it was making was not the…

Ooh that's a big one!!!!

Yeah it looks like a huge joint. It would keep me and the entire neighbourhood going 'till Christmas lol. If you ever watch Kevin Bridges he talk about eating food with tortillas (or is it tacosi can't remember). But he got caught out as he tried to roll one with 3 of them. Even his grandmother was at the table. He stuck them together with guacamole!!!
Anyway guys what's the best or biggest joint you have ever had?
To Stay safe and stay well.
Respect to you all.
Anyway guys what's the best or biggest joint you have ever had?
To Stay safe and stay well.
Respect to you all.

Hi - well where has everyone gone? Are people so bored of everything cos of lockdown and can't respond or write anything here on lb? Lol.
We need to keep our sense of humour going, in between getting stoned of course.
I like this picture Ive just found. I wonder what stoned bees sound like in thier hive after getting wasted haha.
We need to keep our sense of humour going, in between getting stoned of course.
I like this picture Ive just found. I wonder what stoned bees sound like in thier hive after getting wasted haha.

Hey guys am a long time smoker and thought I might aswell get some of my connects stuff on here since he’d rather me buy it by the bar. Originated from the Swiss but can’t say anymore without incriminating anyone. Can do samples (1g) for $15 1st class shipping discreet and fast as possible always. ?

Welcome :) Purple Dawg looks lovely! Can't wait to see what you bring to the wall. Good prices too :)

Ordered 1 gram for the craic . I haven’t switched vendors in over a year haha wish you well

I’ve had some CBD bud that was grown legally in Switzerland which was very well grown. Would what your selling be grown by similar organisations or independent growers?

Just put a sample 1g order in. Very good delivery price, and product looks great. Fingers crossed it makes it to ireland :) Always good to have more choice on here

Same as boys (and girls)... Although went for 2g for the weekend. I love a bit of Purple Dawg, so let's hope it's a banger :D

Good man yourself, always good seeing New vendor, flowers looking Bang on , can't wait to try it.

1 post
+1 votes
What is your smoking song?
Tubular bells from Mike Oldfield, puppetmastaz, Ghinzu, Dr Dre, Dvorjak new world symphony, Jacques Brel, Pharcyde, Air, Dub Incorporation and so many…

I'll put this one on here just to represent basically all of Sublime's songs and of course the original by Marley.
I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.
I'm also big into underground hip hop, and hip hop from the 90s/00. Saw you talking about bone thugs for example, my shit.

Oh man, have loved Sublime ever since I heard them, such a cool and unique band. Shame it ended so soon.

Awesome song this and the original.
Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys
Nas, BIG, Pac, Eazy, Cube, Rakim, Red & Meth, DMX (yikes now tough), Snoop, Wayne, Outkast - the list goes on man these dudes were all I heard growing up. Admittedly it has been a while since I've visited the decade, I'm about to take a trip back in time and get all nostalgic. Cheers. edit: can't forget Beasite Boys

I always find myself putting on one of three albums whenever I get some quality bud and have an hour or two to kill.
ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.
ATCQ - Low End Theory
Nas - Illmatic
Wu - 36 Chambers
For those times I'm not in a hip hop mood I tend to listen to some RHCP or The Doors or whatever I have on loop in my head for that day lol.

All three of those are solid gold.
'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...
'Imma pull your fucking tounge out ya fucking mouth and...'
lol lol...good music, good times...

Why thank you, kind sir. I may be wrong but I'm sure Nas wrote and preformed that album at 19/20 which is just bananas to say the least. Such lyricism and flow for such a young man. "Rappers I'm monley flippin with the funky rythm I be kickin,
Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol
Musician, inflictin' composition, of pain
I'm like Scarface sniffin' cocaine
Holdin' a M16, see with the pen I'm extreme" first lines are maaaaaad lol

It is crazy, to be thinking so critically at that age while delivering a strong message wrapped up in smart word play, bars and insane flow. Some people just have raw talent man.

Illmatic = Hip Hop
If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...
If aliens landed and asked me what Hip Hop was, I would play them this album.
Then they would know...

Don't have a go to song exactly, depends on the mood. Would say hip hop like Gu, J-Cole, Tribe, Pharcyde, few others. Also love some Thin Lizzy, Rory Gallagher, Black Sabboth, Led Zeplin. Also love some Vaya Con Dias.....these are just off the top of the head, so many more.
I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari
I really came here to comment as I can see hip hop, rock, blues, folk all down through the list and am planning on working my way through it but don't have the time right now.
I want to leave this album here because it is great to smoke to, and great to fuck to, lol.....
Air - Moon Safari

My man, I really like this :) Thanks for the contribution, I actually didn't know I knew of Air till I heard Sexy Boy playing. Also, this sounds like a great album to take you through a LSD trip, I think I'll find out.

Of course, love the spread of music, thanks for starting this topic. Already headbanging to a few artists found.
A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion
A lot of people actually know their songs pretty well, but don't know them. Haha, that's what I like to hear. I have never done tripping but would definitely contribute to the overall mood/vibes. One of my favourite underappreciated albums....of course just in my opinion

Yeah this topic has been a steady source of great tunes for me actually.
I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)
I've definitely heard a few of their songs. Now that is a positive attitude I appreciate seeing :)

I actually have to come back and give an honorary mention to Ebo Taylor, how could I forget, great sunshine listening

Solarstone - Seven Cities ( Armin Van Buuren Vocal Mix ) FULL VOCAL 2002
I can drift away with tunez like this
I can drift away with tunez like this

Or talking heads’ live album Stop Making Sense
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing
You can watch the whole thing on YouTube and it is mind blowing

I beg you to give that sabbath song a go, I think you’d be pleasantly surprised.
And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears
And don’t call sabbath shite! You’ll make me cry black tears

John Frusciante always gets me feeling in a great mood.

ALPS Cru - All Lyricists Proceed South...
Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....
Love this one...sitting in the dark...looking at the stars....mind wandering...sweet...
And when I'm, feeling a bit g lol...
Classic for me...used to roll around all night long chuffing away in the Escorts and Orions and shit...good times....

Thank you for this, exactly why I'm reading this thread. Alps Cru are perfect; I'm surprised I have not come across these before

This or my “waiting for my Ruca”
Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.
Such a shame Bradley was a smack head and O.D’d. 40’oz to freedom is such a powerful album.

Man I dig this so much. Stay High too, there is something unique about the way she delivers her vocals. Music to improve the mood right here.
Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.
Edit: ooooh she's done a NPR tiny desk concert. I love these.

Oh yeah man agree 100%. Hadn’t seen the tiny desk concert either, thanks I love those too.

Lil Wyte - Smoking Song
This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.
This is maybe a little bit more "aggressive" that most of the chill ones but this is what I'd light up to when I was in my teens =) oh how times have changed.

Top band mate, went to see them last year in Manchester unreal, probably best gig I saw all year, smoked a few joints just before they came on was a different experience

Oh man, blast from the past right there. Love this band! So chill and bass heavy. These guys did some awesome live shows with Iration Steppas back in the day. Nice shout, man.

Big tune. The little pockets of flows he jumps in and out of while delivering a potent message.. mad.

Any song from the hillside airstrip album by 10 ft ganja plant

This trey songz tune lit.. But depends on mood

not seen that film, looks up my street for sure. But yes it has the same 80's/Cyberpunk feel. I whack the ファニーデス (Love Letter to Japan) album on while smoking and just get lost in it completely.

Yeah this group is so important, continually pushing boundaries. The entire project is fascinating.

haha I actually remember all his old stuff... some stuff was pretty decent. mostly shite though lol

I agree, most of the stuff he did under Chipmunk is mega corny nowadays, probably back then too hahah. I rate his diss tracks though he brought some life back to the scene in those days.

Positive vibes from this one.
P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3
P.s when commenting you can select web link at the bottom of the text box (just above 'save') and enter the link, if it's a YT video it will embed it in the comment, quite handy for sharing music. <3

Tubular bells from Mike Oldfield, puppetmastaz, Ghinzu, Dr Dre, Dvorjak new world symphony, Jacques Brel, Pharcyde, Air, Dub Incorporation and so many others...
I discovered music thanks to weed :)
I discovered music thanks to weed :)

1 post
+1 votes

Looking for nice Indica
Hi Treboux
I have some orange creamcircle from God’s Connect and this is a great one.
Quite expensive but quality is another level and one of the few …

Looking for nice Indica
Hey guys fairly new member been around for few months love the site !!
Ok so clearly after smoking for 30 years I'm still a noob lol and with help from the site I'm clued up to my favourite strains I'm after a few recommendations im happy to smoke whatever bud hash or oil but preferred to smoke indica dominant strains I've found 70% to 30% sativa is my ideal, I love the relaxing feeling rather than anything else I recently ordered 2 strains which I really enjoyed must be strong and must be good shit I don't mind paying for the good shit !
The 2 I really like in particular I think it was og which lasted me ages the 2nd was purple urkle both from greenfinger
Any advice would be appreciated and any sellers with this stock let me know
Ok so clearly after smoking for 30 years I'm still a noob lol and with help from the site I'm clued up to my favourite strains I'm after a few recommendations im happy to smoke whatever bud hash or oil but preferred to smoke indica dominant strains I've found 70% to 30% sativa is my ideal, I love the relaxing feeling rather than anything else I recently ordered 2 strains which I really enjoyed must be strong and must be good shit I don't mind paying for the good shit !
The 2 I really like in particular I think it was og which lasted me ages the 2nd was purple urkle both from greenfinger
Any advice would be appreciated and any sellers with this stock let me know

Hi Treboux
I have some orange creamcircle from God’s Connect and this is a great one.
Quite expensive but quality is another level and one of the few 70/30 indica ratio.
Hope they might reload some.
I have some orange creamcircle from God’s Connect and this is a great one.
Quite expensive but quality is another level and one of the few 70/30 indica ratio.
Hope they might reload some.

Looks like it sold out I'll keep a eye out .... Fairly certain I've tried that 1 .... Thanks for the tip
Yes I had oc medical from green finger was top shelve infact I got a load it lasted me ages .... If it's the same weed that's one the best I've ever tried strength wise, for me
Yes I had oc medical from green finger was top shelve infact I got a load it lasted me ages .... If it's the same weed that's one the best I've ever tried strength wise, for me

1 post
+4 votes

T Break ?
Hi Abbz
I already experienced those heart issues and take it easy ; you might need less thc or something different for your need.
But experiencing suc…

T Break ?
Baked everyday from the 10/04 to around the 07/05
My sess on the 7th resulted in serious heart palpitations and paranoia ... Managed to calm myself down and have been on a break for around a week now
Has anyone else experienced this ? If so, how did you handle it ?
Also, any guidance on how long to t break and anything else done inbetween ?
My sess on the 7th resulted in serious heart palpitations and paranoia ... Managed to calm myself down and have been on a break for around a week now
Has anyone else experienced this ? If so, how did you handle it ?
Also, any guidance on how long to t break and anything else done inbetween ?

If you don't already, try smoking pure without tobacco. I started to get anxious, paranoid and felt like my heart was about to burst out of my chest when I was high from spliffs but that all went when I cut tobacco out completely. If you already do smoke pure, lay off the sativas and go for something more balanced or indicia dominant or something with less thc %.
Exercise helps scrub out residual THC from your body so is a great idea as you're already abstaining at the moment. If you want to smoke up again in the future, take the equivalent of 1 hit of whatever your blazing and wait for the effects to come, if they don't take another hit and wait again. Repeat if necessary, you'll be surprised at how little you'll need to smoke to feel nice and high. Using this method after 2/3 days of not smoking anything is a great way of lowering your tolerance.
Exercise helps scrub out residual THC from your body so is a great idea as you're already abstaining at the moment. If you want to smoke up again in the future, take the equivalent of 1 hit of whatever your blazing and wait for the effects to come, if they don't take another hit and wait again. Repeat if necessary, you'll be surprised at how little you'll need to smoke to feel nice and high. Using this method after 2/3 days of not smoking anything is a great way of lowering your tolerance.

Hi Abbz
I already experienced those heart issues and take it easy ; you might need less thc or something different for your need.
But experiencing such effect looks like a kind of warning, so pay attention to yourself.
Stay safe
I already experienced those heart issues and take it easy ; you might need less thc or something different for your need.
But experiencing such effect looks like a kind of warning, so pay attention to yourself.
Stay safe

Thanks for responding
I read somewhere else that the THC content is a factor
Will purchase a lower percentage next time
I read somewhere else that the THC content is a factor
Will purchase a lower percentage next time

Hey abbz, When you smoke enough you may often experience some unfavourable effects too like dry mouth, anxiety, heart palpitations, and heart palpitations can be made worse by anxiety.. what have you been smoking? My partner sometimes finds sativa a bit too much.
My advice, too much of anything is too much.
My advice, too much of anything is too much.

Been dabbling in a lil bit of both, sativa and indica
Will scale back a lil more and find lower THC strains
Thanks for getting back
Will scale back a lil more and find lower THC strains
Thanks for getting back

Using a vape ( I use the pax2) on a low temp will give you a nice chill without such pronounced psycological stuff. Ive had days where ive had the pax on low /med and not reallyfelt like i got high then when out doing my business i notice how im lifted, happy, positive. Its subtle but its really nice, and the weed lasts way longer as opposed to just blazing the same amount in a bowl.
You can manage your high by starting low and building on that as much as is required in any given moment. It doesnt matter what thc content it is as you can keep it low and only take a few hits without wasting a whole bowl if its really strong.
I use the vape on low as a kinda alternative to a break - I prefer that to a total break, 420 till i die hah! After vaping on low when you a have pipe or bong etc youll have a nice hard hit. Manage it all from there and interchange.
Also, check out some books on the mind and the ego if you havent already. Jiddu Krishnamurti, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, Bruce Lee. That helps put what is happening when you get paranoid into perspective.But be carefull, they will also tell you that you dont need drugs... haha
All the best my friend. Peace!
You can manage your high by starting low and building on that as much as is required in any given moment. It doesnt matter what thc content it is as you can keep it low and only take a few hits without wasting a whole bowl if its really strong.
I use the vape on low as a kinda alternative to a break - I prefer that to a total break, 420 till i die hah! After vaping on low when you a have pipe or bong etc youll have a nice hard hit. Manage it all from there and interchange.
Also, check out some books on the mind and the ego if you havent already. Jiddu Krishnamurti, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, Bruce Lee. That helps put what is happening when you get paranoid into perspective.But be carefull, they will also tell you that you dont need drugs... haha
All the best my friend. Peace!

I would like to add though, that if pronounced a full break is still a good idea! Nothing worse than paranoia, depression etc. The point on exercise is true too. I find getting stoned then exercising gives me a more productive high. I have a vape or smoke right before so i dont have time to get sluggish haha.
Take care Abbz :) Much love
Take care Abbz :) Much love

dabbing sucks IMHO, the high is ephemeral and that makes it addictive. throw in the impurities from production and you and you turn weed into something more toxic on every level.

don't agree with you bro, nobody forces you to dab a massive globs you can micro dab as well or use dabpen. what impurities are you talking about? are we talking about dabbing shatter, distilate, batter, diamonds etc? and we are comparing to smoking weed or vaping weed?

I find sativa can make me very paranoid, a nice hybrid seems not to have the same effect, but still gives me the sativa high that I enjoy.

I stick to indica now never had the heart palpitations but got them all the time with sativas

This happened to me when I had a bad batch of carts once too. Not sure if you’re smoking flower but just something to think about!

1 post
+2 votes

Can’t buy Bitcoin!
I face similar issue with coinmama; my bank blocks one of 10 tries with the card.
Less problems with wire transfer but still randomly .
Hope this h…

Can’t buy Bitcoin!
Would appreciate help here - I’ve tried buying Bitcoin from 3 places- Paxful, Coinbase and Binance - and transactions keep being cancelled. My bank (HSBC) says it’s nothing to do with them. I’m waiting on replies from the Bitcoin platforms but it’s incredibly frustrating and if anyone has any idea why this is happening I’d be v grateful as I really want to purchase items! :)

Your card has definitely been locked due to a cancellation or chargeback. It can take up to 7 days to unlock. Do a transfer instead mate.

Managed to sort issues with the bank and Coinbase and happily making purchases. Many thanks to everyone for tips and suggestions, much appreciated.

Local bitcoin always works well its Peer 2 peer and does not require ID which is nice;)

Using my debit card. I get a message saying that it’s been processed but then it fails or is cancelled. I suspect my bank doesn’t support purchasing Bitcoin, in which case I’d rather they just told me!

I used localbitcoins last time I bought, got more for my money than when I bought with bittylicious

I face similar issue with coinmama; my bank blocks one of 10 tries with the card.
Less problems with wire transfer but still randomly .
Hope this helps
I face similar issue with coinmama; my bank blocks one of 10 tries with the card.
Less problems with wire transfer but still randomly .
Hope this helps

Sounds like the issue is with your bank if they're not allowing the transaction to be processed. I use Coinbase myself and bar the fees being a bit steep I found it very straight forward and quick. If you just send them a valid I.D and bank account you get Level 2 verification within a few hours and anytime I've purchased BTC it's been instant.
Bittylicious are also fairly easy to use and can send the BTC directly to the address provided by the Vendor. I think Vikosh has a helpful step by step guide on LB Help or else in Noob Safe Space. I don't have the link handy unfortunately but I'll try find it if I can.
Bittylicious are also fairly easy to use and can send the BTC directly to the address provided by the Vendor. I think Vikosh has a helpful step by step guide on LB Help or else in Noob Safe Space. I don't have the link handy unfortunately but I'll try find it if I can.

Thanks - I think it must be my bank, despite them denying it, because it’s happening with 3 crypto currency platforms. Coinbase was quite easy to set up and is by far the most straightforward to use so I might have to set up an account with a different bank just for this. It’s crazy!

2 posts
+4 votes

Shipping success to France from UK
Hi Pieman
24 orders made and one loss...
Duration depends of vendors and postal method; faster with recommandé but need to be at home.
I would say it …
+ 2 more

Shipping success to France from UK
Corona virus permitting I’m going to visit family in France, is there many on here who order from France? I want to send some packages to my parents house in France ? What’s your experience been and how long does it normally take? Thanks Biggas

Hi Pieman
24 orders made and one loss...
Duration depends of vendors and postal method; faster with recommandé but need to be at home.
I would say it depends of location; around one the way hope you do not intend to send to Corsica; post has got significant delay; high failure rate and much more controls I assume.
Hope this helps; stay safe and high
24 orders made and one loss...
Duration depends of vendors and postal method; faster with recommandé but need to be at home.
I would say it depends of location; around one the way hope you do not intend to send to Corsica; post has got significant delay; high failure rate and much more controls I assume.
Hope this helps; stay safe and high

Who do you use ? I’ve used a fair few on here for UK shipments and I’m thinking TGT and Premium extracts have the best stealth

Cheers mate I’ll be sending to south west , no one at the house so can’t do recommeande, just hope to arrive with a post box full of packages ?

have you considered bringing something with you in plain sight? If you're not insistent on bud then there are a world of possibilities

I have thought about that , I have cartridges but I’m going by car with 3 kids and a wife and don’t want to get caught with them!

I used Tgt; gc; rb and once Madame Haze....
Rb request to take recommandé so forget them.
Tgt has currently some good weeds; would go with them as gc is on vacation....
Just as testimony ; by car with wife and kids is very safe; just think like police guy for dress code and who they would control etc; I crossed hundred times border in Europe ; very easy.. need to control your fear also...
Pm me if needed and enjoy your vacation :)
I used Tgt; gc; rb and once Madame Haze....
Rb request to take recommandé so forget them.
Tgt has currently some good weeds; would go with them as gc is on vacation....
Just as testimony ; by car with wife and kids is very safe; just think like police guy for dress code and who they would control etc; I crossed hundred times border in Europe ; very easy.. need to control your fear also...
Pm me if needed and enjoy your vacation :)

by car will be even easier! If you want to discuss variants of craftiness feel free to PM a brother

2 posts
+2 votes

I am in Europe and had one loss so far; I could not accept losing 112...
We all have different risk acceptance level.
Other user or vendor experience …
+ 2 more

Has anyone ordered the custom 112g of the vendors and is it handy enough getting it through or is it likely to get scooped ?

Hi so far I had max 40g....
For 112 I would make 3 parcels to split the risk but hope some vendors might share experiences ; I had same curiosity when I saw those orders ;)
For 112 I would make 3 parcels to split the risk but hope some vendors might share experiences ; I had same curiosity when I saw those orders ;)

1 post
+4 votes

Roman Roy
Anti-anxiety smoke
Please have a look at a us website called leafly. They describe expected effetcts and you also have user reviews from a medical prospective.
Hope t…

Roman Roy
Anti-anxiety smoke
Some advice please... topic discussed many times I’m sure but would appreciate any help.
Looking for a strain that helps mild anxiety. Really enjoying sativa dominant strains at the moment, as not in a place to be too sledgehammered, but aware that Sativa isn’t necessarily the best for this. Any mixed strains or lighter Indica dominants ideal for what I’m after?
Been sifting through a fair few strain effects but not really nailed any down.
Obviously, the more attainable the better :-)
Thanks all
Looking for a strain that helps mild anxiety. Really enjoying sativa dominant strains at the moment, as not in a place to be too sledgehammered, but aware that Sativa isn’t necessarily the best for this. Any mixed strains or lighter Indica dominants ideal for what I’m after?
Been sifting through a fair few strain effects but not really nailed any down.
Obviously, the more attainable the better :-)
Thanks all

Please have a look at a us website called leafly. They describe expected effetcts and you also have user reviews from a medical prospective.
Hope this helps
Please have a look at a us website called leafly. They describe expected effetcts and you also have user reviews from a medical prospective.
Hope this helps

I tried harlequin for the first time last night. It’s a CBD strain but I mixed it with some THC flower - unknown street strain - and some kief from my grinder to elevate. Total anxiety killer for me. Since the THC flower alone hasn’t done anything for my anxiety, the effect was quite definitely coming from the harlequin. Recommend.

Thanks for this! I hadn’t thought of mixing it. Would be useful to pack out a joint too :-).

Go for it - tbh I find CBD on its own to be pretty unsatisfying. But mixed with a little THC - or a lot - depending on your need at the time, and it works beautifully. The CBD strains available in the UK are getting better all the time IMO. Useful for packing out joints and mixing with hash instead of tobacco too.

A 60/40 indi dom hybrid, such as 24k Gold.
Motivated yet mellow without negative side effects.
Also, when dealing with anxiety, best to seek out strains that are lower THC.
Hope you find the right medicine!
Motivated yet mellow without negative side effects.
Also, when dealing with anxiety, best to seek out strains that are lower THC.
Hope you find the right medicine!

Thanks a mill for the advice. Appreciated!
Got some 60/40 orange tree in so that may do the trick. Perhaps thc too high though, let’s see....
Got some 60/40 orange tree in so that may do the trick. Perhaps thc too high though, let’s see....

Going to suggest Northern Lights isn’t the strain I was looking for. Wow! I forgot what a beast it is.
Guess I knew close to a 100% Indica wasn’t the way to go but wanted to find out for sure :-) .... next!
Guess I knew close to a 100% Indica wasn’t the way to go but wanted to find out for sure :-) .... next!

That's wot Iv been looking for as well, cos weed helps with the severe anxiety, I get as a symptom off another m/h illness, better than all the meds I've had. I've been told that the haze strains, like amnesia, Dutch or lemon haze strains are meant 2 help with that. So I'm gonna order a bit off those strains 2 c if that's true.

Thanks for your input. I hope you find something that works for you. Reading up a little more, strains little AC/DC, Purple Urkle, granddaddy purple, jack herer (believe it or not) & blackberry kush may help. None are too easy to get hold of though I reckon. Also read northern lights may help, I’ve got some on the way hopefully so will let you know! CBD flowers are a safer bet I guess but I also feel the need for a brain holiday at the moment!

Hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer before we can be like the US and get prescribed weed ( the dream)
It's pushes like in this article that us as a county need
It's pushes like in this article that us as a county need

1 post
+4 votes
Whats the verdict on the bears?
I love them; not an edible fan but those were cool.
Did not hit me too much but two friends of mine were high!
I would recommend them :)

Whats the verdict on the bears?
hey guys! Awfully tempted by the bears. What are you all making of them? Good?

good. seems to be the strength advertised, 1 is enough for me, half is a nice chill. flavour is ok, not something I’d crave but tasty enough to get down. well packaged & arrived in absolutely perfect shape. give them a go, definitely good for the price imo.

I love them; not an edible fan but those were cool.
Did not hit me too much but two friends of mine were high!
I would recommend them :)
Did not hit me too much but two friends of mine were high!
I would recommend them :)

I found them to be really nice and mellow. Taste was great too, wasn't too strong of a taste and genuinely tasted like normal gummy bears. Took 2 and left it settle for an hour and then went back and ate the other 3. 250mg provided me with a nice clean buzz for about 3 hours :)

1 post
+1.2 votes
Newbie needs help
Hi Hannabis,
On my side I can order with my iPhone ; not user friendly but I can make it.
Hope this helps

Newbie needs help
New to this. Heads fried getting this far with getting bitcoins and searching for a legit site to buy from. Been stung already by one site. When i try to buy from here it wont let me put my class of mailing choice. Is it cause im using a phone ? Do u need to use a computer ?

Hi Hannabis,
On my side I can order with my iPhone ; not user friendly but I can make it.
Hope this helps
On my side I can order with my iPhone ; not user friendly but I can make it.
Hope this helps

If you have any problems with your order let the community know by posting on here. Plenty of good people will help you out.
it's important that you give feedback if you have any issues.
Hopefully you got sorted out. It's tricky to start with but you'll get the hang of it. :)
Cheers BB
it's important that you give feedback if you have any issues.
Hopefully you got sorted out. It's tricky to start with but you'll get the hang of it. :)
Cheers BB

Cause I'm using my phone the wee circle to click on for delivery options is barely visible. If I press my thumb on the circle enough times it eventually highlights the option lol. Waiting on 1 order but every order I made has came through.

1 post
+2 votes
à small mistake make a lost package. How I fuck up
Hi Biouman
Glad it arrived to you and same here; my postie is a very good friend and it makes the difference.
Enjoy your GC parcels!

à small mistake make a lost package. How I fuck up
6 month I'm buy by lb, 12buy never a problems.
It was my First order whith God connect ,like I m a good boy I ve read the t&s ,send a privnote link whith my name and adress
.i receive it 15 days after a other order make the same day.
After 20 days there still hope ,vendor reputation is excellent but i realise the letter will never came
Today the letter arrive, it was open with the item inside.
i made a small mistake during order.
i will explain how i fuckd up.
God connect t&s:
But I m French , we put our family name first
what i have do
SNOW JOHNATHAN(I have a long surname)
Finally on the letter
Luckily I have a "detective postman" Who open the letter searching for a adress on a bill,by asking my neighbor, the letter ,guide by jah came to my hands.
i realy like the community ,my mistake seems trivial but i could have cost trust.
just dont want to happen to someone else.
Thanks to my postman,google trad if you can understand me and my personal luck
Jah bless you
It was my First order whith God connect ,like I m a good boy I ve read the t&s ,send a privnote link whith my name and adress
.i receive it 15 days after a other order make the same day.
After 20 days there still hope ,vendor reputation is excellent but i realise the letter will never came
Today the letter arrive, it was open with the item inside.
i made a small mistake during order.
i will explain how i fuckd up.
God connect t&s:
But I m French , we put our family name first
what i have do
SNOW JOHNATHAN(I have a long surname)
Finally on the letter
Luckily I have a "detective postman" Who open the letter searching for a adress on a bill,by asking my neighbor, the letter ,guide by jah came to my hands.
i realy like the community ,my mistake seems trivial but i could have cost trust.
just dont want to happen to someone else.
Thanks to my postman,google trad if you can understand me and my personal luck
Jah bless you

Good looking out bud and apologies for the mistake our end - Appreciate you sharing your experience for others to learn from, just happy it made it to you intact :)

1 post
+1 votes

Thanks for the check and having shared.
Happy weedy Sunday

Hi, welcome to LB. are these your own stock photos of this orange lemon? Also what service do you use inside of UK and do ypu offer signed for delivery?

Can you please reply on this thread rather than PM me... just to clarify for all the other fellow biggers this is what Fine_cuts reply was:
'hey mate yea all products belongs to me and we do first class discrete shipping shipping next day delivery'
'hey mate yea all products belongs to me and we do first class discrete shipping shipping next day delivery'


Well caught, Amin. Fair play for warning everybody before someone lost money to a scammer. Top man!

thankyou Gravity20, we should all look out for each other on here specially if a new vendor is looking dodgy. Just doing my bit for the community.

1 post
+3 votes

Nice easygoing smoke please
Have a look at the dust from RB and the one from mix from TGT, they shall be lighter....

Nice easygoing smoke please
Can anyone recommend a nice easygoing smoke please?
All I get locally is either super heavy shit that knocks me out and turns me into a dribbling mess, or really psychedelic shit that trips me out... both amazing in the right situation, but not ideal for the rest of the time when I have a wife, kids and work-from-home to do.
I'd like something that is an easy smoke, light and chatty, that I can actually function on.
There are a couple of Thais on here that sound like they might fit, but never smoked Thai.
Also lots of hash on here... but they all look a lot stronger than old soap.
I already have a nice Haze at home, which is a really nice balanced smoke, but still too strong for casual everyday use.
Any recommends?
All I get locally is either super heavy shit that knocks me out and turns me into a dribbling mess, or really psychedelic shit that trips me out... both amazing in the right situation, but not ideal for the rest of the time when I have a wife, kids and work-from-home to do.
I'd like something that is an easy smoke, light and chatty, that I can actually function on.
There are a couple of Thais on here that sound like they might fit, but never smoked Thai.
Also lots of hash on here... but they all look a lot stronger than old soap.
I already have a nice Haze at home, which is a really nice balanced smoke, but still too strong for casual everyday use.
Any recommends?

I have to say if there is one strain I've had on here which made me really 'get up and go', that was nice and tasty, RB's Super Silver Haze. To be fair you have said you have some haze. But i just had to big up that strain. I've never been so handy with housework haha.

Gods Connect have some Jamaican Sess, I had a small sample. Nice smoke, nice earthy smell. Looks a bit like Thai but I think its Indica strain.
Don't think it's listed now though as they are taking a break until Monday 22nd May
Don't think it's listed now though as they are taking a break until Monday 22nd May

I got an eighth of this to try it and it was much better than I expected. Obviously it's not the strongest but it tasted great and was nice and mellow. Definitely a good daytime smoke. Initially a bit shocked by how small it was but on weighing it was closer to 4 than 3.5.

I have some amnesia shake available, youre welcome to buy a sample, see If that does the job!

A nice Thai should do the trick. A lot of the bud on here is on the stronger side unless it’s stated as lower grade. Have you tried smoking a smaller amount of the stronger stuff. I smoke a skinny small skin if i want to be functional and not mashed!

This lemon was a nice mellow daytime smoke, made me pretty active mate

Sounds like a brick weed sativa is best for your purposes (thc levels are lowered by the compression) If its for daily use and functioning probably want to steer clear of indica dominant strains. Id reccomend the thai red string or swazi gold. I also saw some jamaican on here not so long ago.
Failing the brick weed options the skywalker strain from JJ on here could fit. Ordered some Wednesday evening and received NDD today. Great seller.
Failing the brick weed options the skywalker strain from JJ on here could fit. Ordered some Wednesday evening and received NDD today. Great seller.

1 post
+2 votes

My Experience with LB - Review of my 1st order as well
Welcome and great review, I wish I would make one such in depth as yours.
Enjoy your smoke and LB

My Experience with LB - Review of my 1st order as well
First time using LB to place an order for some of the good stuff. Spent about a couple of weeks simply browsing the website, getting used to the feel of it and checking out all the different vendors and listings.
When it came to choosing a vendor, my overriding aim was to source a strain that is not usually available on the streets. What better to set my heart on than some of the Cali strains that have been making waves across the pond.
This naturally attracted me to Gods Connect who seem to have a wide variety of different strains - a few of them imported from Cali but a lot more grown here in the UK. Their rating system seems to really emphasise the top level strains, or what they would refer to as Gods Private Reserve. As a vendor, they seem to have one of the better page layouts, making it clear what they have in stock and how these strains are graded. Their own reviews of the products show a certain class about them - it is enticing for a customer as it shows a high level of effort is put into the listings. The only downside (this is personal for me) is that they don’t offer Next Day Delivery like some of the other vendors. Now, I understand that this can be considered nit-picking but for someone who cannot openly order products of this nature, it is vital for me to be able to track and manage the delivery. Being able to expect a package guaranteed before 1pm offers a level of protection and comfort that turned out to be the deciding factor when I ultimately pulled the trigger on placing an order.
Sticking to the theme of trying to source a Cali strain (not necessarily grown in Cali but one whose genetics originates from there) my heart was set on the UK grown Gelato from The Gentleman Dealers. I ordered 3.5grams. Gelato has always been on my list of strains to try ever since I came across it a few years back.
TGD seemed a friendly vendor and we exchanged some messages prior to placing an order. Although their menu wasn’t as extensive as some other vendors, their page seemed professional and simple. The reviews from other buyers put my heart at ease and I was looking forward to finally placing an order. The clincher for me was that TGD offer next day delivery (this is their only delivery option) and I cannot fault the process whatsoever. I placed the order after the cut off time (this is different with each vendor) on Tuesday - the package was posted on Wednesday and a tracking number provided. I then received it on Thursday.
For communication/delivery, TGD get a 5/5 - no improvements can be made.
The order process was relatively simple (but I do have something of a cryptocurrency background). It is easy to have empathy for someone who has never bought anything using Bitcoin but there are tons of material out there to help with this. The main piece of advice I will give regarding this is to make sure you already have the correct amount of Bitcoin prior to placing an order. The link to send the Bitcoin to expires after 30mins so if you have issues with your exchange when purchasing Bitcoin this can exceed the 30 minute limit. Thankfully, I managed to transfer the Bitcoin with only 6mins to spare due to having a hiccup with the exchange I was using (this is a whole other topic) and the transfer was confirmed almost immediately.
So upon receiving the package, I was impressed with how normal it looks - it is the same as receiving something from eBay or Amazon and it fits through the letterbox. There was no way of knowing what is inside as there is no smell whatsoever. Once opened, you can see how much effort is put into making sure the package does not arose any suspicion. Included in the packaging was a little pocket size grinder as well as a CBD lolly imported from Amsterdam which was a really nice touch. The CBD lolly tasted unusual but really nice - I wouldn’t mind having a few lying around for when I feel like having some sweets.
For stealth/packaging, TGD get a 5/5. Again, no improvements can be made.
(I will be as harsh as I can with my ratings so any vendor that matches the level of stealth as TGD will get a 4.5/5. TGD get a 5/5 for going out of their way to include a grinder and a lolly, although these are not necessary at all it just adds a nice touch and sets them apart).
On to the main course which of course is the Gelato! Wow. What can I say. The fragrance emanating from the buds was something I have not experienced before. The aroma was smooth with a touch of softness upon hitting my nose. I kept going back for another whiff. It was earthy but definitely also sweet - with just a hint of Blueberry. The flowers looked absolutely exquisite. They were fully formed with trichomes glazed just about everywhere with fiery orange hairs sticking out. It was soft to the touch but dense and although I did not weigh it, there was no doubt that I had received at least 3.5grams if not slightly more. First impressions count and I could not wait to have a taste!
For looks/smell/touch, TGD get a 5/5 for their UK grown Gelato. This is the sort of bud you introduce to someone who has never smoked before.
Now onto the grand does she smoke? Well, having grinded out the bud, my only complaint would be that it did not grind as well as other buds that I have had in the past. Whether this was down to the small grinder (I have used these previously with no issues) or if it was down to the actual flower I cannot be certain. Nothing major however, I just needed a few extra minutes to make sure it was all ground up nicely to put into a spliff. As for the smoke - the best way to describe it would be Overwhelmingly Smooth. It is no secret where this strain gets its name from as it was as smooth as ice cream. No harshness whatsoever and the taste was sweet with a sort of woodiness to it. The effects were felt within 2 or 3 tokes. I got a slight anxious sensation which only lasted for a few minutes but I am putting this down to the fact that I had a 30 day break from smoking prior to this. I then experienced a high that I have never felt before. It was as if a part of my brain was activated that has never been used - it was euphoric! It is a head heavy high for certain but not one that leaves you drooling where you’re sat - it very much felt like I could have carried out some tasks had I wanted to. It is relaxing to the body and makes you feel happy and even slightly creative. Listening to music whilst high with this is a different experience! I had high hopes for this strain and it delivered or rather exceeded expectations. It has to go up there as one of the best strains I have smoked. No paranoia or other negative feelings (apart from a little anxiety which was minor) and it helps you sleep should you save this for night time.
For smoke/taste/high - UK grown Gelato from TGD gets a 4.5/5. (Only because it did not grind as well as I would have liked and I am being harsh).
Overall rating for The Gentleman Dealers - 4.8/5. Highly recommended - as this is my first order, TGD are now my benchmark for LB. Very impressed and cannot wait for them to get some other flavours like Wedding Cake! Even better would be to have a wide variety of Cali imports as well.
In conclusion - my first order with LB could not have been better. Absolutely no issues whatsoever - this was largely down to the vendor I used. Next on my list would definitely have to be Gods Connect. Although they don’t offer NDD, I will need to work something out as my appetite to try a Cali import has massively increased. Other vendors I have my eyes on are The Green Team and GreenFinger. Something about GreenFinger’s profile appeals to me in a different way. I can’t put my finger on it but it has something to do with him/her being a home grower. There is something special about growing something yourself and being absolutely happy with it to the point that you can put your name on the product and sell it. This is different to someone maybe just selling weed as a means of making money like most street dealers.
I know this is a long post but even if one person finds it helpful then it is worth it.
Peace and Love!
First time using LB to place an order for some of the good stuff. Spent about a couple of weeks simply browsing the website, getting used to the feel of it and checking out all the different vendors and listings.
When it came to choosing a vendor, my overriding aim was to source a strain that is not usually available on the streets. What better to set my heart on than some of the Cali strains that have been making waves across the pond.
This naturally attracted me to Gods Connect who seem to have a wide variety of different strains - a few of them imported from Cali but a lot more grown here in the UK. Their rating system seems to really emphasise the top level strains, or what they would refer to as Gods Private Reserve. As a vendor, they seem to have one of the better page layouts, making it clear what they have in stock and how these strains are graded. Their own reviews of the products show a certain class about them - it is enticing for a customer as it shows a high level of effort is put into the listings. The only downside (this is personal for me) is that they don’t offer Next Day Delivery like some of the other vendors. Now, I understand that this can be considered nit-picking but for someone who cannot openly order products of this nature, it is vital for me to be able to track and manage the delivery. Being able to expect a package guaranteed before 1pm offers a level of protection and comfort that turned out to be the deciding factor when I ultimately pulled the trigger on placing an order.
Sticking to the theme of trying to source a Cali strain (not necessarily grown in Cali but one whose genetics originates from there) my heart was set on the UK grown Gelato from The Gentleman Dealers. I ordered 3.5grams. Gelato has always been on my list of strains to try ever since I came across it a few years back.
TGD seemed a friendly vendor and we exchanged some messages prior to placing an order. Although their menu wasn’t as extensive as some other vendors, their page seemed professional and simple. The reviews from other buyers put my heart at ease and I was looking forward to finally placing an order. The clincher for me was that TGD offer next day delivery (this is their only delivery option) and I cannot fault the process whatsoever. I placed the order after the cut off time (this is different with each vendor) on Tuesday - the package was posted on Wednesday and a tracking number provided. I then received it on Thursday.
For communication/delivery, TGD get a 5/5 - no improvements can be made.
The order process was relatively simple (but I do have something of a cryptocurrency background). It is easy to have empathy for someone who has never bought anything using Bitcoin but there are tons of material out there to help with this. The main piece of advice I will give regarding this is to make sure you already have the correct amount of Bitcoin prior to placing an order. The link to send the Bitcoin to expires after 30mins so if you have issues with your exchange when purchasing Bitcoin this can exceed the 30 minute limit. Thankfully, I managed to transfer the Bitcoin with only 6mins to spare due to having a hiccup with the exchange I was using (this is a whole other topic) and the transfer was confirmed almost immediately.
So upon receiving the package, I was impressed with how normal it looks - it is the same as receiving something from eBay or Amazon and it fits through the letterbox. There was no way of knowing what is inside as there is no smell whatsoever. Once opened, you can see how much effort is put into making sure the package does not arose any suspicion. Included in the packaging was a little pocket size grinder as well as a CBD lolly imported from Amsterdam which was a really nice touch. The CBD lolly tasted unusual but really nice - I wouldn’t mind having a few lying around for when I feel like having some sweets.
For stealth/packaging, TGD get a 5/5. Again, no improvements can be made.
(I will be as harsh as I can with my ratings so any vendor that matches the level of stealth as TGD will get a 4.5/5. TGD get a 5/5 for going out of their way to include a grinder and a lolly, although these are not necessary at all it just adds a nice touch and sets them apart).
On to the main course which of course is the Gelato! Wow. What can I say. The fragrance emanating from the buds was something I have not experienced before. The aroma was smooth with a touch of softness upon hitting my nose. I kept going back for another whiff. It was earthy but definitely also sweet - with just a hint of Blueberry. The flowers looked absolutely exquisite. They were fully formed with trichomes glazed just about everywhere with fiery orange hairs sticking out. It was soft to the touch but dense and although I did not weigh it, there was no doubt that I had received at least 3.5grams if not slightly more. First impressions count and I could not wait to have a taste!
For looks/smell/touch, TGD get a 5/5 for their UK grown Gelato. This is the sort of bud you introduce to someone who has never smoked before.
Now onto the grand does she smoke? Well, having grinded out the bud, my only complaint would be that it did not grind as well as other buds that I have had in the past. Whether this was down to the small grinder (I have used these previously with no issues) or if it was down to the actual flower I cannot be certain. Nothing major however, I just needed a few extra minutes to make sure it was all ground up nicely to put into a spliff. As for the smoke - the best way to describe it would be Overwhelmingly Smooth. It is no secret where this strain gets its name from as it was as smooth as ice cream. No harshness whatsoever and the taste was sweet with a sort of woodiness to it. The effects were felt within 2 or 3 tokes. I got a slight anxious sensation which only lasted for a few minutes but I am putting this down to the fact that I had a 30 day break from smoking prior to this. I then experienced a high that I have never felt before. It was as if a part of my brain was activated that has never been used - it was euphoric! It is a head heavy high for certain but not one that leaves you drooling where you’re sat - it very much felt like I could have carried out some tasks had I wanted to. It is relaxing to the body and makes you feel happy and even slightly creative. Listening to music whilst high with this is a different experience! I had high hopes for this strain and it delivered or rather exceeded expectations. It has to go up there as one of the best strains I have smoked. No paranoia or other negative feelings (apart from a little anxiety which was minor) and it helps you sleep should you save this for night time.
For smoke/taste/high - UK grown Gelato from TGD gets a 4.5/5. (Only because it did not grind as well as I would have liked and I am being harsh).
Overall rating for The Gentleman Dealers - 4.8/5. Highly recommended - as this is my first order, TGD are now my benchmark for LB. Very impressed and cannot wait for them to get some other flavours like Wedding Cake! Even better would be to have a wide variety of Cali imports as well.
In conclusion - my first order with LB could not have been better. Absolutely no issues whatsoever - this was largely down to the vendor I used. Next on my list would definitely have to be Gods Connect. Although they don’t offer NDD, I will need to work something out as my appetite to try a Cali import has massively increased. Other vendors I have my eyes on are The Green Team and GreenFinger. Something about GreenFinger’s profile appeals to me in a different way. I can’t put my finger on it but it has something to do with him/her being a home grower. There is something special about growing something yourself and being absolutely happy with it to the point that you can put your name on the product and sell it. This is different to someone maybe just selling weed as a means of making money like most street dealers.
I know this is a long post but even if one person finds it helpful then it is worth it.
Peace and Love!

Thanks mate :)
I'm still buzzing that I have found this little gem of a website - what a community!
I'm still buzzing that I have found this little gem of a website - what a community!

Great post mate, glad everything went smoothly. Welcome to the little gem that is LittleBiggy!

Thank you for the welcome mate :)
I am so glad I have found LB, cannot wait to put some more orders in!
I am so glad I have found LB, cannot wait to put some more orders in!

Welcome and great review, I wish I would make one such in depth as yours.
Enjoy your smoke and LB
Enjoy your smoke and LB

Thank you mate:)
I just wanted to put some effort in to reflect how happy I was with my purchase and having found this gem of a website. Glad you enjoyed reading it.
I will be looking to do in-depth reviews similar to this whenever I buy something here
I just wanted to put some effort in to reflect how happy I was with my purchase and having found this gem of a website. Glad you enjoyed reading it.
I will be looking to do in-depth reviews similar to this whenever I buy something here

I am currently trying out another place called London Caviar if anyone has heard of them before?
Waiting on some Cali import Zkittlez (should have arrived last week as I requested NDD but this was overlooked by the seller)
Has anyone ordered from LC before? If so please let us know your thoughts.
Unless the smoke is an absolute 10/10 (which it has the potential to be) I won't stray from LB again!!
MODS - Not 100% certain if I can talk about other places that offer such amazing services of being able to order this beautiful medicine - in which case let me know and I will delete this post
Waiting on some Cali import Zkittlez (should have arrived last week as I requested NDD but this was overlooked by the seller)
Has anyone ordered from LC before? If so please let us know your thoughts.
Unless the smoke is an absolute 10/10 (which it has the potential to be) I won't stray from LB again!!
MODS - Not 100% certain if I can talk about other places that offer such amazing services of being able to order this beautiful medicine - in which case let me know and I will delete this post

2 posts
+2 votes

How long do you wait till accepting Oder ain’t coming!!!
Thanks for answer and advise but I would rather keep the mistery on this far as no cop comes @ home, I am fine.
Good day to you
+ 2 more

How long do you wait till accepting Oder ain’t coming!!!
Hi new to little biggy.Still no sign of an order that was sent 28th April when is it time to accept it ain’t coming and where do I go from there regards disputes etc? The vendor is telling me to just keep waiting it out but I have been getting other orders within days from other vendors no problem

during normal circumstances i allow upto 2 weeks, but during rona times, ive extended it to 4. ive had packages turn up in the 3rd and 4th week. as youre a new user, i wouldnt dispute it, id try and resolve it with the vendor first.. a transaxe dispute may not go in your favor as you havent built your rep up.

Still waiting on order from 29th turning up here.
Was just for a 1g sample so no great loss...still though :(
Ordered 2g sample the next day from same vendor which turned up very next day.
Messaged vendor n got no reply,says no refunds or reships on page so fair dos.
Considering circumstances I'll wait another couple of weeks in the hope it hasn't been pilfered by postman pot!
Was just for a 1g sample so no great loss...still though :(
Ordered 2g sample the next day from same vendor which turned up very next day.
Messaged vendor n got no reply,says no refunds or reships on page so fair dos.
Considering circumstances I'll wait another couple of weeks in the hope it hasn't been pilfered by postman pot!

A few years back I ordered from a Canadian website and had a package in limbo for 2 and a half months....I had given up on it and out of nowhere it arrived, I would give it a little more time but do find it odd so many of us have been waiting on missing orders from that date, I paid for signed delivery so would've thought it could be tracked to some extent, no custom letter yet so there is still hope...there are risks involved in this service but its still a kick in the arse when something like this happens....hope your order comes through pal

Waiting on one for the UK from 19th April, now 27th May. Waiting for another early May, have had around 8 successful deliveries since. Guess we’ve just gotta ride it out brothers

Exactly the same for me. Will be a month from tomorrow. I cant see it coming. Hate to go down to disputes, but what else can you do?

Not sure if anyone is in the EU but I was waiting since the 29th of april, kept on waiting and waiting and asked for an update on tracking. Said it was delivered the 7th of may. All this was lies as when I investigated further they told me that customs had seized the package on the 6th. Never sent me anything and I was just sitting there for weeks waiting like a fool. I am also waiting on another but I think it may be the same story.

Hi mate
I am in Europe and currently missing an oz sent 19th of April.
I just consider as lost and do not investigate except I was kindly offered a 50% reship after exchange with the vendor.
I wait for a letter from custom if it pops up but will not seek for the parcel as this might be risky or trigger issues.
Hope this helps and that you will not receive bad news
I am in Europe and currently missing an oz sent 19th of April.
I just consider as lost and do not investigate except I was kindly offered a 50% reship after exchange with the vendor.
I wait for a letter from custom if it pops up but will not seek for the parcel as this might be risky or trigger issues.
Hope this helps and that you will not receive bad news

My package is gone my friend it has been seized by customs I did not get a letter to tell me I would advise to check the tracking off vendor for your OZ if it said it was delivered then it is gone.

Thanks for answer and advise but I would rather keep the mistery on this far as no cop comes @ home, I am fine.
Good day to you
Good day to you

Sometimes packages get delayed... Especially given these times. Recently i had a package take 3 weeks 2nd class. Its not common but it can happen. It could also be likely that the stealth wasnt up to scratch and the package has been intercepted. Its never guaranteed to turn up but with the more experienced sellers such as green team they tend to have more experience in avoiding any of these types of issues.

2 posts
+2 votes

Venders in France
On 12 orders I am missing only one that I assume is stuck somewhere....I used RB, TGt and am looking at God’s Connect currently
I might try the new f…
+ 2 more

Venders in France
When out of lockdown I’d normally be visiting my family in France from the UK, always hidden some buds in my luggage and taken the ferry but wanted to know if there are French based vendors so I don’t need to worry about a package going through the postal customs service?

I am based in France and saw 2 only vendors...
I tried once one that did not succeed to ship the whie widow and the other one quite new I never tried...
I use UK sellers; but if you find a reliable france based, please share :)
Bon retour au pays
I am based in France and saw 2 only vendors...
I tried once one that did not succeed to ship the whie widow and the other one quite new I never tried...
I use UK sellers; but if you find a reliable france based, please share :)
Bon retour au pays

On 12 orders I am missing only one that I assume is stuck somewhere....I used RB, TGt and am looking at God’s Connect currently
I might try the new french but he has got only hasch and I am weed smoker....
You can pm if you need further info.
A +
I might try the new french but he has got only hasch and I am weed smoker....
You can pm if you need further info.
A +

Sure there will be.
Open up the items list. Hit ‘ships to France’ most of the vendors should state what country they ship from under their item.
- an American in Paris for example.
Open up the items list. Hit ‘ships to France’ most of the vendors should state what country they ship from under their item.
- an American in Paris for example.

1 post
+2 votes
Gorgeous menu...It deserves waiting!
Is it possible to order to France ; I can’t when processing order?
Thanks and best

All the divine gifts we have been blessed with are now fully available to order - Happy browsing and thank you for the wonderful response! We try hard to bring you all the best product possible so it is always great to see :)
Please contact us directly for custom or bulk orders as we are still working on a list of lockdown deals and variety packs.
Photos and reviews coming soon, feel free to message for any more information,
Stay bless and stay smoking
All the divine gifts we have been blessed with are now fully available to order - Happy browsing and thank you for the wonderful response! We try hard to bring you all the best product possible so it is always great to see :)
Please contact us directly for custom or bulk orders as we are still working on a list of lockdown deals and variety packs.
Photos and reviews coming soon, feel free to message for any more information,
Stay bless and stay smoking

Full menu list below - links to order pages can be found on our main menu:
Gods Private Reserve:
White Runtz
Hawaiian//Papaya Punch
Gaddafi OG
Orange Creamsicle
Divine Grade:
Rolex OG Hash
Strawberry Cough
Ghost Train
Gelato 33
Plat.Purple Candy
Green Crack
Holy Grade:
Mint Choc Chip
Diciple Grade:
Jamican Sess
(Orders from the new menu placed today/over the weekend will be fulfilled Monday 4th April)
We will be doing daily post runs next week (until Thursday) before returning to our usual Lockdown Schedule of Tuesdays and Thursday
Happy browsing biggers :)
Gods Private Reserve:
White Runtz
Hawaiian//Papaya Punch
Gaddafi OG
Orange Creamsicle
Divine Grade:
Rolex OG Hash
Strawberry Cough
Ghost Train
Gelato 33
Plat.Purple Candy
Green Crack
Holy Grade:
Mint Choc Chip
Diciple Grade:
Jamican Sess
(Orders from the new menu placed today/over the weekend will be fulfilled Monday 4th April)
We will be doing daily post runs next week (until Thursday) before returning to our usual Lockdown Schedule of Tuesdays and Thursday
Happy browsing biggers :)

Wow what a “divine” menu!
That’s a pretty damn good line up you got there considering the lockdown! Good job guys, I know a few items on there so think I will be dipping my toes in for some of the Cali & Canadian. I want to run a comparison between some UK bud that I have that imo is better Cali. Also I have some Canadian on route so thought it would be fun to run a little weed experiment!
Essentially, it’s going to be premium bud that is top draw from UK, Dutch, Cali & Canadian all pitted against each other to see which one is best that day.
Simple really, but Gods Connect which strain would you recommend for each nation? I like the look of the white runtz I live zkittles & gelato so this in theory should be right up my street. The zushi also peaks my interest, both look to stand up proud for Cali.
Now the Canadian, I have some enroute but I did like the sound of the three strains you have here. Which one of the 3 would you rate best - a little guidance on these 3 Canadian would be appreciated.
Many thanks :)
That’s a pretty damn good line up you got there considering the lockdown! Good job guys, I know a few items on there so think I will be dipping my toes in for some of the Cali & Canadian. I want to run a comparison between some UK bud that I have that imo is better Cali. Also I have some Canadian on route so thought it would be fun to run a little weed experiment!
Essentially, it’s going to be premium bud that is top draw from UK, Dutch, Cali & Canadian all pitted against each other to see which one is best that day.
Simple really, but Gods Connect which strain would you recommend for each nation? I like the look of the white runtz I live zkittles & gelato so this in theory should be right up my street. The zushi also peaks my interest, both look to stand up proud for Cali.
Now the Canadian, I have some enroute but I did like the sound of the three strains you have here. Which one of the 3 would you rate best - a little guidance on these 3 Canadian would be appreciated.
Many thanks :)

Gorgeous menu...It deserves waiting!
Is it possible to order to France ; I can’t when processing order?
Thanks and best
Is it possible to order to France ; I can’t when processing order?
Thanks and best

Gutted right now that corona made me poor, and i cant afford any of this menu, $430 for an oz is more than my rent lol..

1 post
+4 votes
Can’t wait your new menu; looking forward placing my first order with you.
Happy Easter

We would firstly like to thank everyone who has shown great support during this strange situation. Our fullest appreciations, we hope and aim to continue providing you with the finest products and service possible throughout Lockdown.
We will be making some fresh and exciting additions to the menu very soon - keep your eyes peeled for updates, posts and an increased selection of bulk and custom deals.
Back soon with even more variety, quality and value.
Stay bless,
We will be making some fresh and exciting additions to the menu very soon - keep your eyes peeled for updates, posts and an increased selection of bulk and custom deals.
Back soon with even more variety, quality and value.
Stay bless,

Keep your eyes peeled for this drop....
Gods Private Reserve:
White Runtz
Hawaiian//Papaya Punch
Gaddafi OG
Orange Creamsicle
Divine Grade:
Rolex OG Hash
Strawberry Cough
Ghost Train
Gelato 33
Plat.Purple Candy
Green Crack
Holy Grade:
Mint Choc Chip
Diciple Grade:
Jamican Sess
Gods Private Reserve:
White Runtz
Hawaiian//Papaya Punch
Gaddafi OG
Orange Creamsicle
Divine Grade:
Rolex OG Hash
Strawberry Cough
Ghost Train
Gelato 33
Plat.Purple Candy
Green Crack
Holy Grade:
Mint Choc Chip
Diciple Grade:
Jamican Sess

I have had Runtz before and it was amazing so excited about that. This is a glorious selection, thank you so much, can't wait to try some :)

I would also like to thank you for helping me and my wife through this strange time with your divine produce , I’m hoping you’ve got a replacement for your Nicole kush hash , much love Pin

All ranges of wonderful things coming soon - from bargain bucket to exceptional exclusives.
Check the limited 4:20 drop of cali packs currently available on our menu for an idea of the quality inbound.
Check the limited 4:20 drop of cali packs currently available on our menu for an idea of the quality inbound.

Bargain bucket sounds interesting! Cali packs look amazing just out of my price range at the moment.

Full menu on our home page will be online later tonight !
Happy Browsing Biggers :)
Happy Browsing Biggers :)

1 post
+1 votes
Delivery EU etc.
I am in France and it needed 11 days with the Easter break.
Just be patient; you will be rewarded ....
Stay safe guys

Delivery EU etc.
Has anyone received a package in the middle of EU from the UK recently?
If so, how long did it took?
If so, how long did it took?

I am in France and it needed 11 days with the Easter break.
Just be patient; you will be rewarded ....
Stay safe guys
I am in France and it needed 11 days with the Easter break.
Just be patient; you will be rewarded ....
Stay safe guys

Usually takes anywhere between 6 days and 2 weeks! That’s from the same vendor...U.K. Mail is not so great at the moment internally so this will affect any international deliveries :)

1 post
+2 votes

Hi there,
I am in France and waiting since 5th of April for a shipping from UK.
Let’s remain confident this will arrive at one point of time; the curr…

Hi everyone, would just like to check in with those waiting on, or having received shipments in EU lately. I'm waiting on some shipments to Spain from UK. What sort of delivery time can we expect by Euro Tracked method at the moment? Thanks!

Hi there,
I am in France and waiting since 5th of April for a shipping from UK.
Let’s remain confident this will arrive at one point of time; the current situation and Eastern break do not help...
I am in France and waiting since 5th of April for a shipping from UK.
Let’s remain confident this will arrive at one point of time; the current situation and Eastern break do not help...

Mine been sat at Madrid for two weeks with no change to tracking, spoke anther guy, he did not receive anything, but his left Madrid and got delivered according to tracking? Correos is a cunt at normal times, check out reviews online, at times like this think they give even less of a fuck.

Shit that doesn't sound too good. Maybe cos of the total lockdown the last two weeks, and things will get moving again this week. Fingers crossed.

Nice one mate. Have you received any other orders from LB? Agree Correos is useless at best of times. Funny thing is all that Amazon shit seemed to arrive no probs these days.

Had Amazon no probs, had fed ex from Amsterdam little late, had other couriers from in Spain day late, correos are bloody awful. Apparently royal mail are thinking of ditching them for a courier service in Spain. Hope so!!!!

1 post
+2 votes

ordering multiple items - help
Hi Skunk
I had the same question to a buyer and he told me to buy the items and only one shipping fee...
But I am not clear if they make several shipp…

ordering multiple items - help
hi guys, i was looking to get two different items in one order. how do you do that? just place two different orders and sellers puts them in the same package? thanks !

I have the same question. It seems like sellers like to handle it differently. Some prefer custom orders while others don’t like them. Following so that I can be a more informed buyer! :)

Hi Skunk
I had the same question to a buyer and he told me to buy the items and only one shipping fee...
But I am not clear if they make several shipping; maybe a matter of quantity....
Will follow this post....
I had the same question to a buyer and he told me to buy the items and only one shipping fee...
But I am not clear if they make several shipping; maybe a matter of quantity....
Will follow this post....

bigg topics