Hey all! I'm new here to LB and stumbled upon it during lock down here in the UK. So firstly would like to wish everyone here a healthy and safe upcoming weeks or months until this mess is over. Finding a community like this is truly a godsend as I would never have thought a community like this exists.
Onto the main topic, why don't some vendors use tracked services? I have read several vendors saying it's to protect both the vendors and buyers, but I am yet to still see the reasons behind for a valid argument (I apologise for the naivety if it's a simple answer). Surely the appeal of having a NDD service where buyers can keep an eye out or know when to wait for the posty and get to the mail first, preventing other household members living in shared accommodation must attract a huge portion of buyers? Personally I live with 5 others and sometimes have nosey parents asking what's been purchased and then the fear of discretion of smell etc on top of that.
I think as a buyer I am fairly well protected. I never use a real name and if others in the house ask who's that, I just say a friend had to order a birthday gift to mine. If the boys in blue come around asking questions, I would say "who?". So as a buyer I'd say we're protected, so whats the reason for vendors?
Only reason I ask is as a new user of LB, I of course was extremely sceptical of such a service and didn't believe it. I ended up purchasing something from RB, who by the way actually amazed me. I was in disbelief when the product landed as it was so quick and was updated throughout!
Unfortunately for my second purchase, the vendor (I will not name in public until I know they definitely have stopped trying to help) hasn't been great in terms of service. Due to that reason, I will only purchase products from sellers that use a tracked service. This eliminates a massive selection of vendors who all had amazing products that I could not wait to try, however my choices are limited. I am not for a second saying people shouldn't use vendors without tracked services, I'm trying to simply encourage some vendors to seek other options in order to generate business and appeal to those who only want a tracked service.
My problem was the vendor (who has had plenty of feedback saying they are generally slow at sending stuff out) just isn't great at convincing me they care enough and has left me with more anxiety than ever. I paid on the 20th of May, wasn't posted until the 23rd of May, sent a message asking for tracking details (still never replied what service they used or wasn't clear), they typically reply every 2-3 days even though it shows they've been online for the day, and I just get messages saying basically wait.
The fear of it taking 2 weeks, thinking is this seller genuine, have they event sent it, are they taking advantage of new users etc makes your brain work overtime and makes it even worse when they don't reply or give assurances.
This morning (3rd of June), finally a packet arrived and I was over the moon - until only to find out it only contained half the amount of what I paid for. If the vendor now needs to send me another half as they sent me the wrong amount, I don't want to wait another 2 weeks wondering what's going on. Then of course there will be the possibility that the vendor will claim it's impossible they sent the wrong amount, I have no idea where I stand! Just would be down around £50 and will forever have a sour taste in my mouth. This then comes back to me arguing that more vendors should use tracked services which MUST attract more buyers who have been in similar situations. This one vendor unfortunately has ruined it for me and surely I can't be the only one to have experienced something like this.
Looking at trying to get a refund doesn't seem simple enough. It looks like it's all about how many positive orders you've made etc but doesn't seem to protect us newbies. I understand this isn't your average business, but there must be things in place to protect us from vendors who unfortunately to either con buyers or think they can get away with it.
Sorry for the long rant but if anyone could enlighten me, that would be great. Also any vendors out there who are undecided about using tracked services, PLEASE DO! You will have at least me who would consider buying from you instead of automatically eliminating you!