Where i live in the stix at the min its a tenner a G for whatever, some great some truly shocking. But in my home city where i try to drive back to as much as i can i get top shelf Dawgs, Cheese's, Gelato's etc for 50 on the Q, 90 HOZ, 170 Boz
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Laughing Grass
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joined aug 2017
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11 topics on Laughing Grass
1 post
+1 votes
Growers of LB..

Growers of LB..
Need some advice, what do we think of a kit like this with the 220w for 2 plants? Obviously need more things but just for giving it a go. Don't want to wast money on rubbish. Seems ok but what do I know haha

1 post
+1 votes
Back To Biggy

Back To Biggy
Been a good while since i bought / posted anything on biggy but still like to check in now and again. I see there is plenty new vendors and plenty new decent people that have found this site, brilliant! off course with lots off new traffic brings its own problems but that's to be expected. Really this post is just to get back to grips with what's going on, meet the new members and sellers, get a nice conversation going, find out all the gossip... that kind off thing haha. so cmon new,old,member,vendors shit even the trolls. tell me, how is every one?

1 post
+1 votes
Best value hash right now?

Best value hash right now?
Been away from LB for a wee bit, need some recommendations on some good hash for the best price.

1 post
+1 votes
Why not?

Why not?
So i have been away from this site for a bit and coming back im seeing a few negative things, be it against sellers or each other. this is one of the reasons i took time away from here, but i will say its a lot better than before. People have to understand we all are in this together, we all want the same thing. The world will keep spinning without people bringing each other down be happy man, be happy you are here and able to enjoy weed,psychedelics,powders whatever your drug of choice. its the internet just a screen its not that serious you live outside of the screen stop getting so worked up, go out and live man, do stupid shit, take drugs, get in trouble fuck it everything is only temporary. Enjoy life.
That been said i want to buy someone who really needs it something up to the value of 50 pound or there about, someone who really needs it though im relaying on honesty here so please dont be greedy if you dont need it. All the best guys :)
That been said i want to buy someone who really needs it something up to the value of 50 pound or there about, someone who really needs it though im relaying on honesty here so please dont be greedy if you dont need it. All the best guys :)

21 posts
+35 votes
How much do you pay?

How much do you pay?
If littlebiggy wasn't available to you how much do you usually pay for mid grade weed where you are?

I'm in Yorkshire. 10 a g if it's shit hot.
If it's standard 25=8th 50=Q ect. Alot of dealers will do an ounce for 160-180
If it's standard 25=8th 50=Q ect. Alot of dealers will do an ounce for 160-180

Last time I bought local, paid £120 for an ounce and a half of outdoor organic Frisian Dew.
Was growing indoors for 10 years b4 I lost my space, hoping to get somewhere this year, now ive found LB I'm aiming to sell on here hopefully b4 Xmas, priced at £25 per Henry including 1st class.
I charge £20 per 3.5 when I have stock, as I only charge what I'd be happy to pay
Was growing indoors for 10 years b4 I lost my space, hoping to get somewhere this year, now ive found LB I'm aiming to sell on here hopefully b4 Xmas, priced at £25 per Henry including 1st class.
I charge £20 per 3.5 when I have stock, as I only charge what I'd be happy to pay

Please fucking do....trajectory of the prices on the items wall is only going one way at the mo

As a northerner the prices in this topic are making my eyes bleed. You all need to head for Yorkshire lol

Usually 100 for a Q if it's off my usual guy. In the current situation the supply is scarce and it'a not uncommon for people to pay 50 cash for 2 / 2.5g of very average weed. More often than not it is sub par quality and defintely not worth the money. Thank god for LB!

Where I am it’s 200 on the wizard generally, 35 on the 8th usually and 50 a Q if you can find it but generally everyone here it’s 10 a gram no matter how many grams you want sadly.
I can get top top shelf hash at 100 on the Z, sadly I’m just not that much of a hash smoker anymore, the prices on here for hash in particular are a joke.
I can get top top shelf hash at 100 on the Z, sadly I’m just not that much of a hash smoker anymore, the prices on here for hash in particular are a joke.

I always thought hash was a lot cheaper than bud it seems to be nearly the same price on here

Northern Ireland if you're lucky enough to find a source you'd look at 10 on the gram. Unless you've got good links or going wholesale that's been standard for a while. Q's started hitting £80 hence I'm now on LB I wouldn't pay more than that anymore. I've found the relative cost no cheaper particularly on here, but less running around and more customer care as it should be for those prices

In the Republic of Ireland, times have gone so bad, I'd roughly get 2.6/2.8 for a 50 bag and a Q would be 100/110.

Tenner a gram
60 for a Q
120 a half Oz
220 Oz
Some pay more/less but pretty standard prices for south east of Scotland.
60 for a Q
120 a half Oz
220 Oz
Some pay more/less but pretty standard prices for south east of Scotland.

I would snatch the fucking hand off of a dealer at 200 an Oz lol! Just goes to show the fluxuation in price due to supply / demand. More supply means cheaper prices so makes sense I suppose.

Know a guy who had been scoring off same grower for 20 years n was getting me Qs for 40! Only lasted 3/4 month for me as the grower got busted :-(
Seen the prices you mention in your post below...very very steep! Where is this?
Seen the prices you mention in your post below...very very steep! Where is this?

Ireland mate, there was a time when I used to deal and could always sort something but I just got sick of the work and risk involved so went back to strictly smoking and not selling. All my old sources have resorted to dealing coke because there's more money in it so now weed is becoming more and more scarce but you can find an 8th of coke in a matter of minutes lol, place is shambles. With the current pandemic things have gotten even worse. Sad state of affairs for a "green" island.

If you have a green thumb (n even if you don't!) now is the time to get growing!
Wish I had the space to do it again myself.
Wish I had the space to do it again myself.

I'm definitely not a greenfinger but I would love to try grow my own at some stage just for the experience. Unfortunately I can't grow in my current living situation but maybe someday :)

well im lucky and my main dude has some good dawg all the time and something new every week. our neighborhood fucking loves dawg lol he sells that shit like crazy :D also has shatter right now im smoking fruity pebbles and it's dope. 40 for 1g shatter, and 60 for q dog or other stuff. but as anywhere I got some shitty deallers too that gunna ride to your place for 4 hours with half dried weed for 70q

5 posts
+12 votes
Rabbit Holes.

Rabbit Holes.
So i'v been going down some rabbit holes lately due to pure boredom, right now im reading about ‘Targeted Individuals’. Some crazy and kind of sad stories out there about these poor people. Question is what interesting Rabbit holes have people found out there?

Any trip down Wikipedia Lane ends up being a descent in to some dark and murky crevices, starting with Khazak’s and ending in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Never a nice one to dive in to.

Yeah unfortunately i'v found most of these random holes never end well... but i cant help but find them a fascinating read nonetheless.

Agreed mate, knowledge should be prized for knowledge’s sake, especially unpleasant knowledge, that’s how we refrain from making the same fucking mistakes our predecessors made.

9 posts
+48 votes
Is littlebiggy moving in the wrong direction?

Is littlebiggy moving in the wrong direction?
I've only been here since 2017 which is nothing to some og members but now every time i log on maybe twice a week just to keep up with whats going on all i see is drama, trolls, scammers, new vendors getting harassed and stuff that doesn't belong on littlebiggy being sold, i understand and fully agree that when all the new sellers started popping up was a good thing but along with new sellers came more trolls and scammers, littlebiggy used to be a community and right now its far from it with all the arguments and drama on every post. I just feel its moving away from what it once was, this is were i started my ordering weed online journey back in 2017 and its sad to see it going down this path. Sorry for the rant just feel it had to be said :)

I feel the same way man. I've only been on here about a year but I can absolutely feel a difference in tone on here over the last few months. Having said that, there are lots more vendors and choices these days so maybe we just have to take the rough with the smooth.

really healthy post by someone thinking of the community, whether or not you agree you have to appreciate care. i happen to agree with a lot of it.

I've only been here since lock down so very much a newbie but agreed even in that short time I've seen so many arguments, hopefully people chill out abit when they go back to work lol. Do love this little find though. Happy smoking mate

Its a brilliant feeling when you first come across littlebiggy alright! I just think people need to remember it's a community, no one is in charge even though in the past few month a few seem to be trying to control the site and mould it the way they think is right which wont work, but thats my opinion :)

Yeah completely agree mate we are all here for the same reason should be a completely level playing field

That's it man, this site relies on community say and always will, so as long as open minded good people keep signing up the site will keep been open minded and good, simple as that.

People equals drama and sooner or later anything that has to do with humans will go through certain phases.
And drama is not a bad thing. It's good it is happening. Means we gotta channel it the right way.
Therefore I am personally thankful that your express your feelings with your message. I can very much relate to it.
It is important to do that, because LB will not just be that safe haven or comfort zone all just by itself.
It takes that (expression like yours) to shape things the way we'd like them to be.
Peace Yo.
And drama is not a bad thing. It's good it is happening. Means we gotta channel it the right way.
Therefore I am personally thankful that your express your feelings with your message. I can very much relate to it.
It is important to do that, because LB will not just be that safe haven or comfort zone all just by itself.
It takes that (expression like yours) to shape things the way we'd like them to be.
Peace Yo.

15 posts
+33 votes

I know this is kind of a split decision on LB but if i was to put some tobacco and smokes up for sale how would people feel about it? i know some people are against it but just wanting to know peoples opinion before i do anything.

I'd be interested, last time it was up there was alot of shit about it tho but what I didnt get is probli 50% of people on here smoke ciggerettes or tobacco or even just in joints. Everybody knows the health risks. Its like 19 something for 30g pouch of amber leaf here. So if people can save money. I dont see why people have problems. Just my 2 cents haha

I don't think this should be a problem on LB.
Can you give more details please? (I may be interested to buy).
Can you give more details please? (I may be interested to buy).

Sure man what would you like to know? kind of just wanting to see the kind of response i would get with this post as the last time baccy was been sold on LB it was taken down so just pushing my luck a wee bit here... if people dont want it here thats fair enough but worth a try :P

For the tobacco it would be golden Virginia and amber leaf, with the smokes there would be a few different brands. Quantity wise anything would be fine with in reason and honestly for the price im not to sure maybe around a tenner for 50g baccy and 50 or 60 for 200 smokes. prices are just rough for now until i see if its worth putting up on LB.

You could always restrict you page then just give your Customers a password for getting on the page.

Ah i dunno man seems like a bit of a hassle, like i say was kind of just pushing my luck here but not trying to annoy anyone if people dont want it here its alright completely understand not trying to start another baccy debate. haha

Lol just do what you think best mate an if worst comes to it you could just take them down or just don't put a pic up that way it won't be on the wall.

I know some sellers used to occasionally sell tobacco and ciggys so i dont see why it would be an issue :)

3 posts
+12 votes
Dope Disaster

Dope Disaster
Really amazes me that people still think of cannabis as this big bad gateway drug, like one smoke of the evil devils lettuce and you will want to go out and try heroin or stab someone. I fully agree cannabis might not be the best thing for some people but either is alcohol and you can pop to the shops and get as much of that as you like. Think the uk has a long way to go.

That’s exactly how I feel about cannabis too man, way too many people are holed up on the old weed propaganda bullshit, I mean if the world today was flipped and cannabis was legal and alcohol was illegal and treated exactly how weed is now then I guarantee that everyone would start to say that alcohol is a gateway drug it just depends on what the government wants us as a society to believe.

its just stupid that people still think like that even with everything we know about weed today and all the uses it has there will always be people that think the worst of it unfortunately, like you say if it was legalised a long time ago i think people would think a lot differently about it and would have found another drug to blame for problems. just no winning with some people :L

38 posts
+106 votes
Gotta catch em all

Gotta catch em all
some crazy strains here think i just found a new goal in life, would be quite the achievement to have had every one there still a few to go yet..

I used to keep a list & ratings on all the strains I tried. It was awesome when I first started and tried so many different ones.

I kinda still do that, I just try and remember all the strains I’ve tried and the one’s that I haven’t I just hope I can try out in the future and thanks to LB, I’m getting closer and closer to that goal. But for now I wanna try and get some landrace strains but that seems almost impossible as of right now.

I've tried it already and i must agree definitely some banging bud, although on the cheaper/less quality side of things, but it's sess so what do you expect. I wanna try out strains like durban poision or Hindu Kush or some Lamb's Bread, but can't find a source for them :(

I can get hold of them strains from another vendor of LB for a good price Been very tempted to start selling what I can get hold of just to paranoid to start sending things out haha

Yeah i get that man, it's always risky sending your own stuff out otherwise i'd do it myself and start making some wax out of the strains i purchase, but if you can get a hold of them just send me a message and i'm sure we can come to some sort of conclusion, thanks.

Well right now the top strains I can get hold of is Colorado Bubba, OZK or Bacio Gelato that's just the top teir strains will se if I can get a hold of what you are after man :)

I'm very ocd about smoking lists will write up properly what I do one day but I will say I write down ever bit of smoke I buy for how much what it is how many joints I get out of it done this for almost 4 years now and for almost 2 years iv writen down in a dairy what time I smoke each joint an with who I smoke it with. I know bit crazy but I can't stop now lol so my advice don't start a list like I have if you have ocd

That's quite an achievement in its self, i dont think i would have any were close to enough patience to start writing down all that after every smoke either that or i would just flat out forget that i was keeping a list after a few strong smokes :L

It's hard to start with but in the end you have all this data on how much you smoke prices you pay ect

I do find it quite interesting been able to look in a book and know all this, kinda like a stoner diary i like it :)

In my life diary I write what it's like... been writing what time I have a joint an who with for just over 20 months an close to 4 years on how many how much and from who lol I'll have a count up of the pages later but I'm sure it's alot

something definitely needs done with all this information. If it is anything like your reviews i think we have the beginning of something brilliant here :)

Only the best stuff I get iv written the reviews down and if it's not good then I do the same aswell so I don't really write down stuff in the middle the normal stuff. Since Iv been using LB i haven't been writing them as much as its always good weed so i pick an choose what i put up. Im really not sure why i write all this down reviewing my weed an dealers coz I know it will never be able to be used but for my own records it's there lol

I really think a lot of buyers could use this information whether bought of LB or not. Buyers could use it as an honest opinion of a strain or at least close to it, i know a strain might affect every one different but you seem like quite the experienced stoner and i trust your reviews. id happily help you right it up to get this stuff on LB but not dealers names obviously haha

21 pages back to front with 16 lines on each one so a shitload
I don't always use the last line
I don't always use the last line

Yeah I saw this article a while back, would be great to actually smoke all of them strains, but I’m very far off of accomplishing that.

Yea same here but a boy can dream :P some lovely sounding strain in there all right, if only that was a menu to pick and choose from.

that's a cool checklist. I count 25 for me although Acapulco Gold and Panama Red were both over 35 years ago.

well i have a bit to go before catching up to you guys im only on like 12, think i need to up my game and get to work.

Think a trip is going to be needed at some point in the near future, just have to remember to come home haha

1 post
+1 votes
What you smoking over Christmas?

What you smoking over Christmas?
Just curious what people are smoking over the festive period :)

50 posts by Laughing Grass
1 post
+10 votes

UK sellers with best stealth
Any decent seller on here will have good stealth mate, likes of thegreenteam, uk420, radar breeder, drugs inc and gods connect just to name a few, jus…

UK sellers with best stealth
I've noticed that about 1 in 10 deliveries get stolen by Royal Mail, and some sellers are only offering 50% replacements. So I'd like to find out the most reliable sellers with the best stealth to stop me wasting money. Suggestions needed, UKsellers only please.

Any decent seller on here will have good stealth mate, likes of thegreenteam, uk420, radar breeder, drugs inc and gods connect just to name a few, just have a look at the reviews and you will be ok. The odds of a pack getting stopped by royal mail in the uk is rare. Any good vendor will get your pack to you no problem.

British bulldog are the best for stealth and price, gentlemen dealers stealth is very good but not cheap. I donβt mind paying that wee bit extra for good stealth

Totally agree mate! Great stealth equals "peace of mind" in my book and is well worth the extra scheckles imho!

From my experience (Oct 21)β¦
British Bulldog has best stealth on LB π―
BudBoyzUk, ULC, Pistach, Bonneville, Canadian Imports, GreenTech, Super Hans are all π
British Bulldog has best stealth on LB π―
BudBoyzUk, ULC, Pistach, Bonneville, Canadian Imports, GreenTech, Super Hans are all π

Agree with this right here. Bulldogs stealth is something else altogether. A thing of beauty.

British Bulldog stealth is unreal I gave my package to my wife I thought it was something she had ordered lol
Daan and NugNinjas are bang on as well.
But nothing comes close to Bulldogs
Daan and NugNinjas are bang on as well.
But nothing comes close to Bulldogs

Iβm a vendor and I put a lot of time and effort into stealth. Ive only ever had 1 parcel get lost - and Iβve sent over 300 of them. 1 in 10 sounds incredibly high. Royal Mail get a lot of stick but I think theyβre fantastic.
As long as the parcel is packaged adequately there shouldnβt be a problem. Smell proof and discretion is absolutely key. In most vendor reviews there will be a mention about stealth and shipping more than likely, worth checking out ππ½
Best of luck
As long as the parcel is packaged adequately there shouldnβt be a problem. Smell proof and discretion is absolutely key. In most vendor reviews there will be a mention about stealth and shipping more than likely, worth checking out ππ½
Best of luck

Some sellers, once the parcel is opened, you're faced with the product looking at you through a see through bit of heat sealed plastic, sometimes even with the specific product pouch thrown in just to make sure you're not mistaken.
A couple sellers once parcel is opened you think you're looking at something very different indeed. And finally you have British Bulldog level when you receive the parcel you yourself have no clue what it is or even where it came from lol.
To vendors: don't put the product pack inside the parcel for all to see, i don't need an empty product pack.
And wipe down with IPA or the like, i read a review of a very beloved seller here that says product could be smelled through parcel.
Guess what i'm never gonna buy from them again, you think a review stating smell was coming through is cool?
They should have jumped all over that and explained, but no they left it and now see how business does.
A couple sellers once parcel is opened you think you're looking at something very different indeed. And finally you have British Bulldog level when you receive the parcel you yourself have no clue what it is or even where it came from lol.
To vendors: don't put the product pack inside the parcel for all to see, i don't need an empty product pack.
And wipe down with IPA or the like, i read a review of a very beloved seller here that says product could be smelled through parcel.
Guess what i'm never gonna buy from them again, you think a review stating smell was coming through is cool?
They should have jumped all over that and explained, but no they left it and now see how business does.

we have great stealth
weve had over 100 sales and 0 disputes
if you also pm us we can arrange delivery with decoy and stealth
weve had over 100 sales and 0 disputes
if you also pm us we can arrange delivery with decoy and stealth

I know we're new and all but I reckon we have good stealth.
We have a few reviews commending it.
We have a few reviews commending it.

Can confirm, π―% MadDabbers stealth is top notch. I didn't even know it was my order π
I think ULC is as good as it gets on here
I think ULC is as good as it gets on here

Radar breeder, ULC, dankuk, urban leafco and greentech are pretty much flawless and reliable, avoid pistach/canadian imports and jayspadez from experience an the reviews tell all

Dunno how old this is but both Pistach and Canadian Imports have excellent stealth, also from experience

Radar breeder & Daan. Both offer free NDD on orders over 14g and I never had a parcel fail π

JJ's comes double vaccuum packed, never smelt a thing until broken through the second bag, ordered 15+ times i think, no issues

I'm a new buyer on LB,but have used The Greenteam twice & just recently Northern Organics and can vouch that both have extremely good layered stealth that has been given much "thought"...Ive yet to try Bulldogs "legendary" packaging, which I hope to soon and judging from all your comments,surely is worth an order for the stealth value alone! lol!

Hi fredsdad
We do our very best to ensure deliveries gets to where there supposed too. Theres nothing worse than expecting something to arrive after you’ve paid for it and it doesn’t show up! Although we are new on here we have amazing weed and our stealth is also great. 1st class and fast delivery
We do our very best to ensure deliveries gets to where there supposed too. Theres nothing worse than expecting something to arrive after you’ve paid for it and it doesn’t show up! Although we are new on here we have amazing weed and our stealth is also great. 1st class and fast delivery

I've already used the sellers recommended on this thread and had some stolen from all of them, no better stealth than pretty much every other seller on here, probably just need to stop being tight and pay for tracked.

I'm pretty sure that a lot of the packets are sussed. Especially if you're getting regular deliveries. Certainly my postman seems to give a knowing look these days. Could be paranoia creeping up though...

If stealth is done in the right way, your postman/woman would have to be a cross between a bloodhound, and Albert Einstein to be suspicious.
If done right, stealth takes a lot of time and effort. And so it should.
Nothing is more important than everyone safely receiving their items. For both vendors, and customers alike.
Cheers BB πππ»
If done right, stealth takes a lot of time and effort. And so it should.
Nothing is more important than everyone safely receiving their items. For both vendors, and customers alike.
Cheers BB πππ»

In postie circles .... if a packet get sussed it will ‘go missing’ 100% they know there’s no grounds for a complaint or come back ! However.... special delivery someone is responsible for that packet at every stop, they absolutely fly through the system and they get serious investigation when they go missing ( post police IB - yes they have their own police).
I’ve been told ‘ they just don’t go missing’ . Apparently people send huge amounts of CASH via special and the posties are fully aware of what’s in it just nothing they can do to ‘pinch’ it or it go missing . So if the stealth is on point which it sounds like everyone is and it goes special then it’s got an overwhelming chance of arrival ;)
I’ve been told ‘ they just don’t go missing’ . Apparently people send huge amounts of CASH via special and the posties are fully aware of what’s in it just nothing they can do to ‘pinch’ it or it go missing . So if the stealth is on point which it sounds like everyone is and it goes special then it’s got an overwhelming chance of arrival ;)

Could be but i once caught my existing postie having a good feel of the buds in a jiffy bag so i only use vendors with boxes now.

I paid for TRACKED NDDβ¦ from JAYSPADEZβ¦ a week later i get this messageππ»HOW THE F can a vendor make such a basic error?? RIP OFF MERCHANT

ah top stealth, so many commends! But seriously no good vendor does without decent stealth. My stealth standards are no smell and after opening still can't immediately tell what it is.
Saw some in the thread that I'd pick like Gentleman Dealers; Ace stuff and some not bad deals, honestly couldn't tell at first cos it was so wrapped up and when I unwrapped the whole thing the items were still basically stink proof. Plus the longest it ever seems to take is 2 days.
GreenTech; Stuff was nice and reasonably priced. Their stealth was decent too and well wrapped. Again seemed to take no more than 2 days.
MadDabber; Good shit, tripped ma nuts off but took ages to arrive (nearly a month but not all the vendors fault), should probably use NDD or private courier. Stealth was good, couldn't tell at first and although mushies aint pungent they have like a musty, earthy smell that can sometimes give them away and I couldn't smell them until I opened the sealed bag so not bad.
Be interested to see what this British Bulldog stealth is about though. So what does it come in like a random toy box or something? Sounds mega cryptic which is what you want.
Anyway that turned into more of a vendor review but most vendors i've tried do at least stink proof stealth so i've never been too disappointed personally.
Saw some in the thread that I'd pick like Gentleman Dealers; Ace stuff and some not bad deals, honestly couldn't tell at first cos it was so wrapped up and when I unwrapped the whole thing the items were still basically stink proof. Plus the longest it ever seems to take is 2 days.
GreenTech; Stuff was nice and reasonably priced. Their stealth was decent too and well wrapped. Again seemed to take no more than 2 days.
MadDabber; Good shit, tripped ma nuts off but took ages to arrive (nearly a month but not all the vendors fault), should probably use NDD or private courier. Stealth was good, couldn't tell at first and although mushies aint pungent they have like a musty, earthy smell that can sometimes give them away and I couldn't smell them until I opened the sealed bag so not bad.
Be interested to see what this British Bulldog stealth is about though. So what does it come in like a random toy box or something? Sounds mega cryptic which is what you want.
Anyway that turned into more of a vendor review but most vendors i've tried do at least stink proof stealth so i've never been too disappointed personally.

Want to give a shout out to Marley's ghost.. reliable, good products and great stealth. Never lets me down

Bought from Radar Breeder several times, stealth is always top notch and great product. Highly recommended!

Agreed, my latest RB delivery was insane, best I’ve ever experienced, but Drugs inc, TGT have both also been top notch as well.

We take time with our stealth π₯·, very professional looking packaging. Feel free to look through our reviews buddy, drop us a message if you have any questions

1 post
+2 votes
Canna lean
hey man not sure if this is new but hollyweed has some in just now if you are still looking.
hey man not sure if this is new but hollyweed has some in just now if you are still looking.

Thanks mate I did see but it's abit out of my price range :( iv found a good recipe for making some so will give it a try an if its any good I'll put up how to make it.

Check out my page EddysEdibles UK vendor 10/10 and just dropped some π₯Thc Lean

THC Canna lean - https://littlebiggy.org/link/uGmcq9
1000 mg THC of rosin in 100 ml.
Pinkz - Pink Panties x Zkittles.
1000 mg THC of rosin in 100 ml.
Pinkz - Pink Panties x Zkittles.

1 post
+1 votes

Psychedelics Where?
I could be wrong but i don't think there are any vendors selling lsd on here right now, best bet would be to head to a marketplace and find a decent v…
I could be wrong but i don't think there are any vendors selling lsd on here right now, best bet would be to head to a marketplace and find a decent vendor on the dark side of the internet..

1 post
+2 votes
Did you say 5 or 500 people lol i feel loke I would only be considered in one of those two groups

Am i too late, neve had gummies before been wanting to tey some but sceptical about thr strength

Love to get my hands on some of them out here in deepspace. Happy to write a review for fellow littlebiggers!

Hope im not too late CBDave, would love to try some of these for my old man who has parkinsons

1 post
+6 votes

Anybody from Ireland use Parcel Motel
Not from ireland but like Bigbudder says stay away from things like this if you can, the more services you bring in the higher the risk in my opinion.

Anybody from Ireland use Parcel Motel
Just wondering if anyone has used Parcel Motel in Ireland. It would cut delivery tone down to 2 days I reckon

Not from ireland but like Bigbudder says stay away from things like this if you can, the more services you bring in the higher the risk in my opinion.

Do NOT use parcel motel. You're more likely to have your parcel taken. Better off getting it sent straight to your house.
From my experience parcel motel is just adding another opportunity to lose your package AND you're paying for it. I've had packages arrive to them fine (with tracking) and then disappear.
From my experience parcel motel is just adding another opportunity to lose your package AND you're paying for it. I've had packages arrive to them fine (with tracking) and then disappear.


An post have lockers now you can get an address pal address in UK so the vendors that don't ship outside the UK you can buy from them get it shipped to an post locker there rolling them out everywhere

Don't go near Parcel Motel mate.
They robbed me of 2 ounces in the Finglas, Dublin depot in the summer.
Check out Trustpilot.com for reviews, They are robbing packages all the time in that place.
I even got a text, email and pic of my order saying that it was "In Transit to locker ? Then it goes missing.
They were ok in the past for small bits etc, not anymore though.
Their Customer service told me it was seized by revenue, Yet no sign of an LL over 4 months later ??
Robbing scum. Avoid them if you want to see your order arrive mate.
Address Pal from An Post, and Parcel Wizard are up to the same tricks, if you check them out on trustpoilot.com etc.
I wouldn't trust any of them anymore tbh.
They robbed me of 2 ounces in the Finglas, Dublin depot in the summer.
Check out Trustpilot.com for reviews, They are robbing packages all the time in that place.
I even got a text, email and pic of my order saying that it was "In Transit to locker ? Then it goes missing.
They were ok in the past for small bits etc, not anymore though.
Their Customer service told me it was seized by revenue, Yet no sign of an LL over 4 months later ??
Robbing scum. Avoid them if you want to see your order arrive mate.
Address Pal from An Post, and Parcel Wizard are up to the same tricks, if you check them out on trustpoilot.com etc.
I wouldn't trust any of them anymore tbh.

2 posts
+6 votes
Stupid Prices Again! SOMEBODY SAVE LB
Nah i agree, i dont buy from here anymore unless it something i really like the look of but i think some of the prices on here are a bit extreme, i'v …
+ 2 more

Stupid Prices Again! SOMEBODY SAVE LB
WtF is going on man, prices on the streets are not up atall, 200 an oz 220 at worst, why are certain popular vedors selling halves of UK weed for £200? Other vendors too, your weed is by no means superior to the average weed I just happen upon on my day to day travels. It is fucking ridiculous!
This site is meant to give us a better range of products to choose from, not be a collection of overpriced weeds for the vendors to make a killing off of the poor people on here that dont know any street dealers.
Nor is it a place for vendors to get rid of your poorly flushed shit weed, that you can't sell to someone's face coz it's so shite! But posting it for coin is fine? SHAME ON YOU
This site is meant to give us a better range of products to choose from, not be a collection of overpriced weeds for the vendors to make a killing off of the poor people on here that dont know any street dealers.
Nor is it a place for vendors to get rid of your poorly flushed shit weed, that you can't sell to someone's face coz it's so shite! But posting it for coin is fine? SHAME ON YOU


Will be a pleasure, you can skool some of the vendors on here about what good business looks like.

Nice one, been looking forward to this since I saw the strain list you posted lol and the return date on your blue glue lines up nicely with my next payday! :)

Hi jamie I couldn't have wrote this comment any better myself..spot on..in every aspect..id give you a medal if I i could..dont need to say anymore .enough said..Respect..

Think some vendors are working together under different names to increase prices across the site. Until people call it out and stop buying this wont stop. Your right mate, sadly this is a very different LB to when i joined too :-(
Cant wait for DrugsInc to get back, great service, reasonable prices and good product. TGT, RB and GC are the guys to stick with i think all have occasional blips but feel they strongly fit the LB ethic that was...
Cant wait for DrugsInc to get back, great service, reasonable prices and good product. TGT, RB and GC are the guys to stick with i think all have occasional blips but feel they strongly fit the LB ethic that was...

Will prices come down if vendors are not seeing an impact on their profits? Can't believe the prices I am seeing but what's more unbelievable is people are actually purchasing?! Same as everyone else my street prices remain unchanged and recently got the best bud I have seen in ages.

Nah i agree, i dont buy from here anymore unless it something i really like the look of but i think some of the prices on here are a bit extreme, i'v seen things that i can find from other trusted vendors not on lb going for a lot less. Not calling any one out at all but some vendors are pricing high and thats just the way it is, all im saying i the same product can be found cheaper elsewhere most of the time.

With every thing going on there is bound to be an increase in prices but some people are taking it to far. there is absolutely no need for the cost of some of the bud on lb right now.

Vendors are charging 120 dollars for a q of uk bud what doesn't even look that special, you can get a half oz for that price its pure greed. I seen a vendor charging 130 dollars for 8 gram and it looks mediocre.

They've all had more time to tend to thier grows in my opinion, I know I have! Lol

I bet if vendors put $80 for a 3.5 of stardawg people would still buy it I mean people are already paying £45 for a 3.5 of standard

It's because of lockdowns but as it eases im sure it will go down.hopwfully. i understand imported the higher price or uk grown strains and genetics tgat are rare and not many people has. But some just sell overpriced on here the things u can get way cheaper and actually have a look in person. For example in my expierence. Amnesia and stardawg everyone has it so I don't see why someone here would be selling them for 240 or more. I come here for flavors but amni and stardawg. Lemon cheesecake grapefruit and etc i can get 160-180 flushed clean pretty nugs. People should look deeper into market prices reflecting on what they have and have common it is not just based on the grade and quality. Oh and forgot to mention atleast cali imported still same price on here so atleast that. Pretty sure noone would even get it if it was increase as there someone who will always supply for less

1 post
+2 votes

Put 50 hours in to it in 5 days, been a while since i was so in to one game. So far so good.

If you are a PC gamer... You HAVE to play Valheim. The most amazing gaming experience I've had for years! Anyone else played it yet?

Put 50 hours in to it in 5 days, been a while since i was so in to one game. So far so good.

Same as that. We've cleared the 3rd boss and have slowed right down to build a massive village. It's still not tiring 100 hours in.

2 posts
+7 votes

Ok VIRUS time folks
Living on a small Scottish island i think people need to slow down with travelling, all it will take is one person from the mainland to travel to the …
+ 2 more

Ok VIRUS time folks
Yep that's all get it off our chest cos if you are like me there could be a 2and wave but I need to get out and relax a bit more. But I'm hearted that we got through the total lockdown. Even though people protested against lockdown when really its the main way of saving other peoples lives !!!!!
There it is ive started the thread off. Let's all get it out Ladies and Gentlemen.....
There it is ive started the thread off. Let's all get it out Ladies and Gentlemen.....

Living on a small Scottish island i think people need to slow down with travelling, all it will take is one person from the mainland to travel to the islands and it could be devastating as most of the population is older. I don't think the tourists or any government realise that but starting to open up travel again could destroy small island like this but tourists never think like that as long as they get to come and see some nice views.. Rant over. Hope all is good with yourself? :)

Same boat here. Not in Scotland, but my area is only safe for as long as we can keep the english tourism away! My beaches are going to be rammed next week and i fear we are going to have our safety bubble popped.

I live somewhere on the south coast England , Thursday we had an estimated half a million people on our sandy beaches can’t Evan go fishing anymore

I feel for you guys,but hordes of tourists have never been much of a problem here in Doncaster for some reason.

Its just so deafening that areas can work as hard as they need to to keep people safe and then all off a sudden tourists start coming and we have no say in the matter. As long as the tourist industry makes money no one seems to care about the locals, same way it has always been unfortunately.

We should all go on a mass riot. Middle age and middle class too, ha ha. Or everyone just go out and sit outside, that suits my pace better.
That's me starting the movement off outside, - it's looking like I might be on my own. But it's a slimmer pre lockdown image of me really, but if course you guys guessed that already.
I need to sort the skin out on my feet yuch.
But hey I can touch my toes.....
That's me starting the movement off outside, - it's looking like I might be on my own. But it's a slimmer pre lockdown image of me really, but if course you guys guessed that already.
I need to sort the skin out on my feet yuch.
But hey I can touch my toes.....

Honestly, my axe is blunt from swinging it over this!! Its made the Celtic alliance stronger than ever!! I feel for you my cornish cousins!!!

Yeah but we can still relax more with our usual bit of help.
My predictive text was going to say with our usual support but that's not what stoners do it for.
And yes I think the mass tourists and tourism was not tooooooooo clever.
:) deep breath ):
But many thanks to the supply on here over the 6 months , cheers for keeping it going guys!!
I have to admit it spooked me when the reports of the pandemic started - just seeing those HAZMAT suits and things, my very old Dad sent us all an email to say that we should all just stay in lockdown and live with it ""People suffered and endured worse during the war..." and then there was another one about war time rationing comparing it to the mass panic buying of food and toilet rolls. He has a point but it was an embittered rant so I cast it from my mind asap. But we can't resist a drink, a smoke and a good gathering it seems.
Although why did some people drive 200 miles to look at something (I forget what the purpose was but there were several stories like this), when if course they would get caught cos they were the only cars on the road. The cops can see you with their eyes without needing ANPR.
Lockdown certainly made me even more lazy and unfit, I have anxiety about what legitimate excuses I can find to come up with now things are easing and both Uber eats and deliveroo can still deliver food and groceries , with still some special offers out there. (Yes shameful I know :) but I dont drive, lame yes but it's all I can summon up in the darkness of this night.
As for panic buying ( weeeee I'm flying now), yeah people have the right to ensure they had enough food to last, but I wonder how many panic buyers considered their fellow man (AND WOMAN - before I get shouted at lol.
Finally I wonder if they have had to scale down toilet roll production to until the toilet mountain is diminished.
Who knows ?
Who can tell?
My predictive text was going to say with our usual support but that's not what stoners do it for.
And yes I think the mass tourists and tourism was not tooooooooo clever.
:) deep breath ):
But many thanks to the supply on here over the 6 months , cheers for keeping it going guys!!
I have to admit it spooked me when the reports of the pandemic started - just seeing those HAZMAT suits and things, my very old Dad sent us all an email to say that we should all just stay in lockdown and live with it ""People suffered and endured worse during the war..." and then there was another one about war time rationing comparing it to the mass panic buying of food and toilet rolls. He has a point but it was an embittered rant so I cast it from my mind asap. But we can't resist a drink, a smoke and a good gathering it seems.
Although why did some people drive 200 miles to look at something (I forget what the purpose was but there were several stories like this), when if course they would get caught cos they were the only cars on the road. The cops can see you with their eyes without needing ANPR.
Lockdown certainly made me even more lazy and unfit, I have anxiety about what legitimate excuses I can find to come up with now things are easing and both Uber eats and deliveroo can still deliver food and groceries , with still some special offers out there. (Yes shameful I know :) but I dont drive, lame yes but it's all I can summon up in the darkness of this night.
As for panic buying ( weeeee I'm flying now), yeah people have the right to ensure they had enough food to last, but I wonder how many panic buyers considered their fellow man (AND WOMAN - before I get shouted at lol.
Finally I wonder if they have had to scale down toilet roll production to until the toilet mountain is diminished.
Who knows ?
Who can tell?

The shops, cafes pubs and barbers are now open, albeit with restrictions-- but what more does one need?

I wonder if they are taking lots of toilet roll with them ? They cant have used it already? The sewers or the beaches will skid to a halt.
Oh god sorry that sounded so much more funnier in my head. If enough people complain I will take it down :( :(
Oh god sorry that sounded so much more funnier in my head. If enough people complain I will take it down :( :(

Shelves in my supermarket are empty again due to the increase of tourists to my area. Before any change in welsh travel rule. So god help us next week! Durdle Door - Part 2 ...Welsh Edition!

Hiya matey nice to hear from you again. Hope your spirits are high, well as something else lol.

3 posts
+12 votes

Just take a screenshot of the pic if you are that paranoid gets rid of most data. if that is still to much there are plenty websites you can do it thr…
+ 3 more

I’ve just picked up a Q of lovely lemon haze for £50 locally. A big bag, over weight and really nice smoke. £50. I’ll say it again. £50!
What the fuck is going with prices on here? Seriously.
I jumped on the bandwagon a few months back. Bought a load of gear. Bought a load of landrace. Caught in the hype. But the best gear I’ve had all year is local.
Lovely (X) haze earlier this year. Lovely Lemon haze now.
£50 a Q!
When I came on here was looking for something different. Found it. Better gear and price on the street though as long as you stay clear of £10 baggers!
What the fuck is going with prices on here? Seriously.
I jumped on the bandwagon a few months back. Bought a load of gear. Bought a load of landrace. Caught in the hype. But the best gear I’ve had all year is local.
Lovely (X) haze earlier this year. Lovely Lemon haze now.
£50 a Q!
When I came on here was looking for something different. Found it. Better gear and price on the street though as long as you stay clear of £10 baggers!

Depends where you are really re street gear. Also, the convenience and choice on here is awesome! I'm happy to pay more so I don't have to score a 20 bag that is rammed into the tiniest zip lock I've ever seen on the street. I'm a lazy shit though so horses for courses and all that. Also, I'm new to here so have no idea what it used to be like. Hmmmm, not sure of the point I'm trying to make. I blame the Haze.......

I agree. Anyone here looking for street prices, is never going to enjoy LB as much as the ones who are here for the strains and variety. I can get good weed, locally. Usually ammo or lemon haze....and who wants that in 2020?? Not me. I'm sure some do...and they are better off buying offline.

Each to their own. I just figure the majority of LB customers are here for that something a bit *special* or *stronger* and it is here to be found...IF you are prepared to pay for your luxuries

Yeah me too ...?
By your logic, you turn down a 20+ year old mum UK cheese because its just skunk no1. On top of that.. direct from the grower with scintillating reviews. Sorry not understanding your pitch here, care to amplify?
By your logic, you turn down a 20+ year old mum UK cheese because its just skunk no1. On top of that.. direct from the grower with scintillating reviews. Sorry not understanding your pitch here, care to amplify?

Bad example. I wouldn't pay a dime for cheese haha. If/when i want decent local weed, i just grow my own. On the rare occasion, the local supply is as good as LB, but thats rare...and the chance of getting an Oz + of anything?? Pfft. Not going to happen where i am. Also, i am a strain chaser. The locals barely understand that ammo and amnesia are the same thing haha. I come to LB for a choice, which it provides me well. Im lucky enough for price not to really factor in for me. I realise that not everyone has this grace and understand other perspectives. To be honest....my comment about not wanting ammo or lemz was a bit of a joke. Some will....just not me ;) nothing wrong with finding a good local supply! Hats off to the fella!

Good example basic horticultural question that you dont seem to get the basics of. Fine.
lmao @ if i want local weed, ill grow my own.
Thanks, youve just made my day.
lmao @ if i want local weed, ill grow my own.
Thanks, youve just made my day.

I would love the stains and variety, but at these prices and what I can afford, it’s a question of do I want to get stoned for a few nights or a few weeks. And anyway I quite like Lemon Haze... I like most Hazes. They do the job. Very well. Don’t knock the Hazes dude! I guess this is classic Psychology 101. And also economics 101. The hazes I’m getting for £50 a Q, blow anything else on here for £50 in terms of quality and quantity clean out of the water. And a £50 Q Of lemon haze will last me a long time.

After 20 years of smoking....im just not into ammo or lemon haze lol. They are *okay* but lack most of what im looking for. My tolerance levels are high and they dont cut it for me. Id rather pay more and get better. Its cool that you can get better on the street though. Some vendors on here sell B grade weed as a standard, claiming its premium. I learned to avoid those vendors like the plague. I still get had every now and again when i try a different vendor out, but you cant go wrong with the OG vendors on here

I can't say I havent been tempted by it...But its top dollar...for ammo. Good or not, its ammo lol. Its just personal preference. I was only making jokes :P not bashing anyone's opinion of haze! I like a lot of hazes....just not amnesia so much :)

If someone really knows about cannabis, they will know that strains are a narrow minded view of product. Case in point, your own review of mimosa as a great indica smoke.

Did you know that indica/sativa is almost total BS these days? XD The way things are determined, initially, are hilarious. You can keep trying to belittle me, though haha. I couldn't care less :)

I guess that’s my point, avoid the street baggers and go the distance to find a proper dealer. That was initially why I came here, sock of 10 and 20 bags filled with below weight crap. Found a new dealer, travel a bit further, much happier

Everyone buys according to the situation they are in, plugs come and go though , had two plugs that actually grew, lost to a baby and a hernia operation lol
I rather pick Qs each time and that’s 50 for me too ( Zs 160 to 200) but right now local guys are stuck in this Dawg/Haze loop and that stuff becomes repetitive! I am talking once every couple of weeks there is another strain for a day or two.
I started using this site to buy edibles but now with bit of an effort I can still can find a good deal here and have a break from the usual stuff.
I rather pick Qs each time and that’s 50 for me too ( Zs 160 to 200) but right now local guys are stuck in this Dawg/Haze loop and that stuff becomes repetitive! I am talking once every couple of weeks there is another strain for a day or two.
I started using this site to buy edibles but now with bit of an effort I can still can find a good deal here and have a break from the usual stuff.

This community got me through the lock down. Prices here have seriously gone up, but, supply and demand I guess. I understand import hash being sky high prices now, but the buds...............

Just take a screenshot of the pic if you are that paranoid gets rid of most data. if that is still to much there are plenty websites you can do it through that will wipe it. Im very sure the cops are not gonna track you down for a 50 bag, chill out a little bro take a risk now and again, get that adrenaline pumping.

Yeah thanks @laughing grass and @carverr. But been in this game a long time and got nothing to prove to you guys and absolutely no desire to share photos... just sharing my experience. Big love x

always love man, good to be paranoid sometimes. everyone has there own comfort level and thats alright. all good :)

Yeah sorry guys I’m just an old dude and wanted to share. Found a new decent dealer locally after ages without anyone decent. You known that still sells in Oz not gram bags and gets nice smoke in at a good price. Yeah I totally appreciate that lemon haze is old hat these days, but to me Hazes are still a lovely smoke and do me just fine. Like I said, a £50 Q will last me a while and get me plenty blazed! All good

Hazes are lovely mate. No dispute there. But to have an ounce of lemon....nah not for me.. im real happy you found a good supply though! Nothing wrong with that :)

Decent dealers are becoming harder to find now adays, always good to have someone local that can keep you going for a good price. shit man if its good smoke it dosent matter where it came from ;)

As far as I’m concerned paying a premium on here is worth it just for my time alone. If I wanna get something local it usually ends up taking an hour or two out of my day. I ain’t got time for that. Whereas buying off here, bud comes through my door whenever I want it and it’s just there. That’s worth paying a decent amount extra for IMO. That’s before I even consider the fact that I hate pretty much any bud with the words ‘dawg’ or ‘cookie’ in them so that’s about 99.9% of most of my locals’ supplies.
Having said all that though, some of the pricing on here is pretty crazy at the mo.
Having said all that though, some of the pricing on here is pretty crazy at the mo.

1 post
+23.2 votes

"Thanks" lb from frankotherasta
I have nothing against you franko and i will more than likely get down voted for this but i really don't mind, the thing is it was you who chose to he…

"Thanks" lb from frankotherasta
After 2+yrs keeping people safe, helping users and helping vendors setup so lb could make money,g etting fake vendors banned and honest reviewing from and obviously genuine guy 3000+ upvotrs and over thousand buys you decide to wipe my frankotherasta account, thanks guys for that really nice of you

I have nothing against you franko and i will more than likely get down voted for this but i really don't mind, the thing is it was you who chose to help people/vendors and spend time on here writing reviews for people. Littlebiggy never once needed you to make them money, its a site you bought your weed from. Im sorry but this site has been doing fine before you were here and will do fine after. You are a community member the same as every one else on here no matter how many internet votes you have.

Yeah totally understand but I brought alot of people here and the site make money from each sale, as I said I'm not bothered just put alot of work into an account that got wiped for no reason

For the people who know only not asking anyone but the one who know the story its there for a good reason tip if you want ignore if you don't simple

If you know you know but can't explain again, was same on old account it's there for a good reason and only for people who know the story.

To the mods, thanks for reply and understand the reasoning now thanks for clearing it up cleanup Borg your always be my sweetie,lol

Waiting on answer from mods but not happy hippy anymore, if you know my recent story I obviously wasn't going to be buying again but was still here to help, no response as yet but yeah thanks lb

Yeah they had to, got an explanation from the mods so here to help only now no more purchasing, it's still the original happy hippy, if you know you know

1 post
+1 votes

Recommendations for CBD products to help my dad with very bad back pain
You could try give these guys a message, Im sure they will be happy to help you out.

Recommendations for CBD products to help my dad with very bad back pain
Hi guys
I'm looking to get my dad something CBD wise to help with his bad back as he's in a lot of pain. Preferable something edible as opposed to smoking.
All recommendations welcome.
Many thanks :)
I'm looking to get my dad something CBD wise to help with his bad back as he's in a lot of pain. Preferable something edible as opposed to smoking.
All recommendations welcome.
Many thanks :)

You could try give these guys a message, Im sure they will be happy to help you out.

1 post
+2 votes
Robbing bastard!!!
Well you seem very angry.. do you mind maybe explaining what has gone wrong so people can try and help you out?

Robbing bastard!!!
Never trust him!!!!! He’ll rob you blind!!!!! Absolutely a total Cunt

Any context or do you just have virtual tourettes? RB is one of the better vendors out there mate, can you explain what happened?

Some more info is need here perhaps. Assuming you have made an order on this and not yet received, I would hang fire for a few days as the postal service isn't the fastest at the moment. I had an NDD on this that took several days. RB, might not get back straight away, but if you send a polite reminder that might help.

Well you seem very angry.. do you mind maybe explaining what has gone wrong so people can try and help you out?

5 posts
+7 votes
Scam? Spice?
Yeah but first impressions and all that, if your gonna start something like this make sure you are prepared. It's not the best start to LB.
+ 5 more

Scam? Spice?
1000mg of distilate e-liquid imported from the usa for $40.
Be very careful with this one biggers.
Be very careful with this one biggers.

yup, I tried something in a similar bottle and label and it was spice, tried other reliable source thc vape liquid and it was nasty tasting and minimum high, and fake carts made using oil. so better stick with mj carts to b safe

If it's spice he won't get any orders lol has any one tried this don't want some thing that's bad for my health :(

Complete waste of time. Now he’s saying it’s up to me to chase my money back with transaxe. Wish I’d never bothered with this idiot.

Unfortunately I do not know who left the reply so we can not solve it, I would appricate if they would messages us first. I believe this comment has been left as we are currently struggling to get parcels out as a lot of our team has gone to attend a funeral which shouldn't of been too much of a problem but this just happened to coinside with when we got posted on the items wall this was very unlucky as it meant we got a lot of unexpected orders coming through at a time when we have limited staff making orders hard to process as quickly as they normally would, we as a team are currently deciding whether to try and push forward and get all the orders out at a delayed rate or whether we should just refund any orders that have not yet been sent out as we don't think it is fair to make people wait this long espically when there is a shipping cost to the item. This decision will be made by the end of today and all customers that will be entiled to refund will be messaged individually so they understand what is going on. Trust me we find this very embarrasing andit is not the professional service we try to deliver, hopefully people undertsand we are new to LB and we will have a few hicups at the start but we are really trying to build a big customer base on this platform as it is a platform all members of londonfrog enojoy being on, We apologise greatly for any inconvience this may have caused and all customers that do not recieve orders will be refunded this is a promise.

Youre a small time seller struggling with a couple of sales because of staff shortages hahahahahaha how about you stop making alt accounts to make excuses and sort the orders out OR hold your hands up admit youre trying to scam (which wont work)

try one mate, its honestly a good quality product, hopefully some people will leave reviews soon and prove it. We just like to price our products fairly. I understand your sceptical as we are new to LB and many people scam with "cali" products but we are not trying to do that and I hope the reviews will prove that over the coming weeks.

It doesn’t exist. Should be called London Pond Scum. Wouldn’t be surprised to get an email from him saying I’ve won the African lottery

I hope this message will clear things up for people I will be as honest as possible. No it is not spice, I have been sold the spice liquid before they call it "maj" where I am from, you can tell the difference between ours and that as ours has a yellow colour that is produced by the distillate being mixed with the clear PG so it can be vaped, Spice liquid has small cyrstals mixed with any normal e Liquid but the crystals are very noticable and this is the main visible distinguishing factor between the two liquids. Yes I have tried the spice liquid before ( did not know it was spice at the time) and it had no thc flavour what so ever, where as our liquid quite clearly has a THC after tatse in the back of the mouth. Now to talk about the USA, Yesthe products are shipped from the usa, I understand a lot of people lie about this and this is why people are sceptical especially when the price is so cheap. Pretty much all our products are made in america by the same guy, I do not believe our products are from a dispensary (maybe the stoney patch might be I have not been informed) everything else is made by the one trusted supplier all products that we get have from him have always been of the highest quality and non of our previous customers before LB have ever complained, He makes all his products using THC distillate, I'm unsure whether the strain on the bottles makes any difference to be honest I doubt it however they are definitely different flavours. The price can be so cheap as I am good friends with the supplier and he gets his distillate very cheap any way as he lives in a legal state and tends to buy bulk.This means he can give me a good price and in return I try and give my customers a good price as I personally would feel guilty charging people a lot more than I know I pay for the product as I fell they are not getting their moneys worth andI would personally prefer to have a good rep than make slightly more money selling my products for more, I mean I can put the prices up if its going to make people less sceptical? ( Also anyone else seeing this that has recently ordered dont worry packages are going out its just slow at the minute due to reduced staff, we apologise for any Inconvenience this may have casued and we are working super hard to catch up)

I think people are way to quick to shout scam when it comes to new vendors, im sorry but what right does any one have to shout scam before they have even bought/tried the things a vendor is selling. Aw to cheap to be true must be a scam.. cmon you ever just think a decent seller has come on to LB trying to make a name for them self. Get in contact LF id be happy to buy a sample of you, dont ruin a vendord reputation over a hunch.

Well i ordered friday nothing sent yet no refund in sight despite being told we would be refunded if product couldnt be delivered and london frog has gone convieniently silent about it now. Clearly if its not a scam its a seller thats way out of their depth.

Well... i will hold my hands up, i was wrong. Clearly if people haven't received there orders and have no reply from LF there is something not right. Shit went down hill fast and they dealt with it the complete wrong way. Don't start selling if you cant/don't want to take responsibility for you businesses.

More than 1 person . only question is the quality of the e liquid which they rated 10/10 9/10

I dunno man i can see 3 reviews for this product, 2 off witch says they never received anything. I never said the vendor was fake. I said things started to go to shit fast and the vendor never resolved the issues. You can have the best smoke in the world but when you leave people without answers or the product they ordered id say maybe not the sign of a trustworthy vendor.

Think it was v bad luck on his part but I don't know I guess time will tell if trustworthy or not

Yeah but first impressions and all that, if your gonna start something like this make sure you are prepared. It's not the best start to LB.

As soon as i recieve mine i will review. Feel i know what im consuming to the point it should be fairly easy to tell the difference. Got stung with the spice liquid shite once before and it made me panic a bit when consumed a little proper THC products have never had that affect on me :)

I have been told about this but I am unsure how it works, if you could tell me? I would honestly be more than happy to get few smaples tested:)

Cheers for that mate, I think we will be doing this in the next few weeks after we have got on top of our orders coming in, I am certain our product will come back as real thc and not spice

1 no offence mate, just free speach and my expirience
2 you can fully dissolve spice crystals
3 a few drops of terpenes in a bottle will give it a taste of weed and yellow colour, there always food colouring if you wanna go extra colour.
4. if it is distillate and pg/vg liquid, if it gunna stand for a bit of time not shaken, you gunna see layer of thc oil/distillate separating a bit leaving, a mark on a bottle
2 you can fully dissolve spice crystals
3 a few drops of terpenes in a bottle will give it a taste of weed and yellow colour, there always food colouring if you wanna go extra colour.
4. if it is distillate and pg/vg liquid, if it gunna stand for a bit of time not shaken, you gunna see layer of thc oil/distillate separating a bit leaving, a mark on a bottle

1 post
+4 votes

Royal Mail delays?
No need to worry man, i think royal mail is still a wee bit all over the place. Some people waiting a week + for mail, im sure it will show just give …

Royal Mail delays?
Hi all,
Still early days atm but vendor sent package 1st class on Friday. Royal Mail claim to deliver first class next working day (including Saturdays) but no sign of it yet (Monday). I’m probably worrying about nothing but am relatively new here. Anyone else finding RM taking longer to deliver right now (end of June)?
Still early days atm but vendor sent package 1st class on Friday. Royal Mail claim to deliver first class next working day (including Saturdays) but no sign of it yet (Monday). I’m probably worrying about nothing but am relatively new here. Anyone else finding RM taking longer to deliver right now (end of June)?

No need to worry man, i think royal mail is still a wee bit all over the place. Some people waiting a week + for mail, im sure it will show just give it a wee bit extra time right now.

You're well over the worst mate. Waited a lot longer for 1st class in covid and also no shows. Same scenario for me as you're in and didn't come today, seems to be improving I'd say tomorrow

Yeah thought it was starting to speed up a bit but getting used to expecting extra days so just try and top up while there's a little bit left

No sign today. Postman’s been and gone. Vendor has great reviews so it’s cool and I’m not an every day smoker anymore (a four and one-year-old take care of that) so am happy to wait. More concerned about losing cash (because of interception) but that’s the risk I took.

Still waiting myself mate. Its either vendor marked as shipped and didn't on that day or RM I'd say mate. I've got a bit handy anyway so sounds like neither of us are in too much of a rush I'm giving it till tomorrow and I'll double check with GC it wasn't missed, but wouldn't liok great 4 days without dropping as I sent a first class in that direction 2 days ago that's arrived..hang in there matey, tomorrow's a big day

Thought of you too mate. No show and now out of stock. Disappointed but not sure who with..can’t be a coincidence 2 different punters now 4 days waiting on first class...??

Yep, you mentioned GC too so am guessing you ordered from them, too. Your order’s also our of stock, so’s mine. Probably not a coincidence.

Hmm. Said it myself I’ll give it to the end of the week before picking up with the vendor but got something NDD off RB in the meantime as can’t count on this..

1 post
+1 votes

Order queries
Just get in contact with the vendor they should be able to help you out. dont think you are able to get it linked to your account though.

Order queries
Hi biggers,
So I made an order while logged out, is there any way to now get that order linked to my account?
So I made an order while logged out, is there any way to now get that order linked to my account?

Just get in contact with the vendor they should be able to help you out. dont think you are able to get it linked to your account though.

1 post
+3 votes

Guess who's back?
Good to see you back epix, things sure do change fast, glad to hear nothing came from the knock at the door.
Welcome Back :)

Guess who's back?
Hey lil biggars!
Long time no speak... wow has the world changed since I was here last =(
Anyway, as many might remember, I had cops knock on my door a few months back. I'm a father of 2 with a wife... and lets just say she wasn't happy.
Thankfully nothing has come from that situation, so it looks like I'm finally going to be staging a come back =) Really missed the community here.
How has everyone been?
Long time no speak... wow has the world changed since I was here last =(
Anyway, as many might remember, I had cops knock on my door a few months back. I'm a father of 2 with a wife... and lets just say she wasn't happy.
Thankfully nothing has come from that situation, so it looks like I'm finally going to be staging a come back =) Really missed the community here.
How has everyone been?

I don't know you mate but I remember seeing your avatar all over the place back when I was first sussing this place out so welcome back!
Always strange to hear about police knocks over a bit of weed. Last time I went to my local dealer there was a police woman in full uniform with the cop car parked outside just stood in queue waiting to get served with all us other wrong'uns lmao if I ever get a knock about this I hope it's from her :P
Always strange to hear about police knocks over a bit of weed. Last time I went to my local dealer there was a police woman in full uniform with the cop car parked outside just stood in queue waiting to get served with all us other wrong'uns lmao if I ever get a knock about this I hope it's from her :P

Same boat as ZZ here, remember thinking I was seeing KFC everywhere when I was first having a nose around the site until I realised it was Snoop and said THC lol. Funny situation with the police alright though, would make you think. Anyway, welcome back mate :)

Yeah Colonel Snoop and the "Weed Muthafucka" one always stood out for me lol
Feel like I should have found a stoned version of Geralt for my pic now, lucky for you Rick is always fucked up so he fits right in haha
Feel like I should have found a stoned version of Geralt for my pic now, lucky for you Rick is always fucked up so he fits right in haha

Thanks! I used to be very active and write a lot of reviews and such. Love this community, but was forced to retreat. Excited to come back and take part again =)

haha thank you.. yeah it was very strange, and from what I can understand it was actually just 1 gram of weed too, that's the only package that has every gone missing for me, and it was just a new vendor giving me a sample. Super strange.
Anyway, they knocked up while i wasn't in, and then never came back. Been months now, so seems like it's all good.
Anyway, they knocked up while i wasn't in, and then never came back. Been months now, so seems like it's all good.

Good to see you back epix, things sure do change fast, glad to hear nothing came from the knock at the door.
Welcome Back :)
Welcome Back :)

Hey! Good to see you too. Yeah, the world has gone insane since I was here last. Hope you're doing okay in this new world we find ourselves in.

2 posts
+7 votes
Micro Grows
started topic
+ 2 more
I really wish I could try it but I have a cursed brown thumb and can even kill cacti. Have you seen this? https://www.highandpolite.co.uk/cbdnews/budget-grow-box-how-to-grow-weed-in-a-bin-for-under-150 It does look cool but until I can learn to keep a pot plant alive I'm going to leave it to the experts.

I have a 50 x 50 x 100cm tent with mars hydro reflector LED 240w, dont get me wrong its a pretty budget setup but I managed to get 36g nice buds off of one plant (second ever grow). From what ive learned its all about training the plant when growing in small spaces to get the most from your crop

I have a 60cm by 60cm secret jardin tent with 250 bulb and a rvk. I got 4 10 litre pots in there. Started with feminzed but ended up doing autos for 2 years in my bedroom without my mum finding out. Skills! This was a while ago now. 10 11 weeks I’d get about 7/8 oz. I didn’t spend money on for years. Even sold it to my friends. Was well worth the 240 it cost to set up. Must have grown over 100 oz during my entire growing time. I regulated temp and watered. That’s it. So easy with the autos. It’s packed away in my mums attic now hope she don’t find it lol.

Im impressed, 2 years without your mum finding out is quite the achievement haha.
You ever have any problems with the smell? thats my biggest worry about having a go, just while opening the tent to water and things.
You ever have any problems with the smell? thats my biggest worry about having a go, just while opening the tent to water and things.

I had all the right elements in my room I was lucky. I had an air brick in my bedroom that I stuck the vent in got some cardboard cut whole out and shoved it in worked a charm the fan was strong enough that the smell shot straight through and if there was any backdraft the card board kept it from re entering the room. wasn’t too bad. I also smoked weed in my room so kinda always smelt anyway lol. I had a lock on my door and had a timer so the fan would only come on during mums work hours if she was home I would put it on for the odd 15 mins here 15 mins there timer and risk the humming sound. She never found it in my bedroom but ironically caught me growing when I left home in my own house lol. You need 100% quality gear if you have any chance of getting the smell out. You get budget you got no chance of it being secret, they tend to not seal the light properly so it pings out everywhere the smell even worse, iv seen some right laughable attempts. But buying small means you can spend abit more on the tent fan etc. I’ll see if I have any pics stored on my cloud and put some up if I find them.
It will always smell when you open the door for maintenance unfortunately, right now you could germinate seeds and plant them in a secluded field somewhere. It wouldn’t need to do a lot really
It will always smell when you open the door for maintenance unfortunately, right now you could germinate seeds and plant them in a secluded field somewhere. It wouldn’t need to do a lot really

What is the definition of a microgrow exactly, I remember seeing a youtuber pulling approx 14 dried ounces from one plant

Shit the bed. I'm doing something wrong then!
Wow, that's some yield from one plant..
Cheers. BB
Shit the bed. I'm doing something wrong then!
Wow, that's some yield from one plant..
Cheers. BB

I've just been looking at Google images myself for a bud that i saw online once which i swear to god was the size of a 2ltr bottle of coke, massive bastard. Had a guy holding it looking chuffed as feck. I think he called it Godzilla or something.
Can't find that either though! Might have been photoshopped but i like to think not....gives me something to aspire to!
Cheers. BB
I've just been looking at Google images myself for a bud that i saw online once which i swear to god was the size of a 2ltr bottle of coke, massive bastard. Had a guy holding it looking chuffed as feck. I think he called it Godzilla or something.
Can't find that either though! Might have been photoshopped but i like to think not....gives me something to aspire to!
Cheers. BB

No I believe you, ive seen some serious buds grown like you describe
Its like a bud made of buds
Well it is but you know what i mean lol
Its like a bud made of buds
Well it is but you know what i mean lol

Isnt it just, imagine that every time
Main lined pruning technique and he was using led too
I’ll try find it again but it was some time ago
Main lined pruning technique and he was using led too
I’ll try find it again but it was some time ago

Not gonna lie, my first grow i had 5 plants and didn't even manage 14oz, in fact i think it was less than 10.
If i could get 14oz per plant, "by this time next year Rodney...." ;)
Haha, that's bloody impressive.
Cheers. BB
If i could get 14oz per plant, "by this time next year Rodney...." ;)
Haha, that's bloody impressive.
Cheers. BB

I tried doing it without enough light, if you are going to try start with a light solution, everything depends on this. Good luck it's fun if youre into it and the payoff is sweet.

2 posts
+5 votes

Happy Holidays and Merry Spliffmas to LB community
Bloody hell im in Scotland aswell merry christmas to all. whens the meet up happening in Scotland now? hah
+ 2 more

Happy Holidays and Merry Spliffmas to LB community
Hi my little biggars.
Just wanted to send all my buds on here a holiday greeting. Whatever you are celebrating this time of the year, I hope you have a nice one with friends or family!
One thing I know all of us will be partaking in and that is Spliffmas. So an extra special spliffmas greetings from me here in Scotland and may your spliffs (or your preferred method) have something a little extra in them over the holidays =P
Peace and love,
Just wanted to send all my buds on here a holiday greeting. Whatever you are celebrating this time of the year, I hope you have a nice one with friends or family!
One thing I know all of us will be partaking in and that is Spliffmas. So an extra special spliffmas greetings from me here in Scotland and may your spliffs (or your preferred method) have something a little extra in them over the holidays =P
Peace and love,

Thx epix, and so Merry Christmas to you from Scotland as well :)
Moved here over 3 years ago and found about LB few months ago and must say was surprised community like this exist. Makes it easier :)
Moved here over 3 years ago and found about LB few months ago and must say was surprised community like this exist. Makes it easier :)

Thank you ficek! I moved to Scotland just over two and a half years ago myself =) Nice place, and LB is amazing as well! Good times all around.

Bloody hell im in Scotland aswell merry christmas to all. whens the meet up happening in Scotland now? hah

Scotland aswell here! The numbers are growing lol.
I'm a lil late on the post as its now May...
Anyway, take care and Thankyou LB
I'm a lil late on the post as its now May...
Anyway, take care and Thankyou LB

1 post
+4 votes

Postage prices taking the piss!!!
Yeah not sure why some vendors on lb are asking $10 for first class, on other markets its a few quid or free. I understand its up to the vendor but $1…

Postage prices taking the piss!!!
Iv noticed that some vendors are charging $10 an over just for 1st class post with one item. Unfortunately I find myself staying clear of them now which is a shame coz some sellers have good stuff but they take the piss with the postage. Anyone else feel the same or is it just Me?

I don't get mad because it's not like amazon for them they have to buy the postage anonymously, package the product, stealthify the package, label it and then get it in the post anonymously. With all the snooping in this world I don't know how they do it.
If they charge a premium for this it's ok with me IF it's a premium service, if the order is sitting around or if the stealth is shit that's different, they need to make that ship cheap or free because that's what I'm paying for.
If they charge a premium for this it's ok with me IF it's a premium service, if the order is sitting around or if the stealth is shit that's different, they need to make that ship cheap or free because that's what I'm paying for.

I agree with you the postage is around 10 dollars but from there 15 percent goes to LB from what I know and the vendors are left with around a total of 6£ to buy postage and the package...

This is a the price for stamps
A First Class stamp for a letter weighing up to and including 100g costs 67p, while for a large letter of the same weight, it is £1.01. First Class stamps for large letters of up to 250g are priced at £1.40. For a weight of 500g it costs £1.87 and £2.60 for large letters weighing up to 750g.
100 White Jiffy Airkraft Postal Bags Bubble-lined Peel and Seal - Size 1 (170mm x 245mm) Amazon £13
100 Pack 12 x 18cm (4.7 x 7.1 inch) Black Mylar Foil Open Top Bags Vacuum Heat Sealable £17
so let's just say you need a 750g stamp @ £2.60 an a bag for let's just say 20p with 2 bags @ 45p for the weed =£3.25 and that's an over estimate. If you buyed it all in bulk the cost go's down alot That's why most sellers do it for $5/$6 Coz the price to send stuff isn't that much.
Even stamps are cheaper in bulk.
A First Class stamp for a letter weighing up to and including 100g costs 67p, while for a large letter of the same weight, it is £1.01. First Class stamps for large letters of up to 250g are priced at £1.40. For a weight of 500g it costs £1.87 and £2.60 for large letters weighing up to 750g.
100 White Jiffy Airkraft Postal Bags Bubble-lined Peel and Seal - Size 1 (170mm x 245mm) Amazon £13
100 Pack 12 x 18cm (4.7 x 7.1 inch) Black Mylar Foil Open Top Bags Vacuum Heat Sealable £17
so let's just say you need a 750g stamp @ £2.60 an a bag for let's just say 20p with 2 bags @ 45p for the weed =£3.25 and that's an over estimate. If you buyed it all in bulk the cost go's down alot That's why most sellers do it for $5/$6 Coz the price to send stuff isn't that much.
Even stamps are cheaper in bulk.

Using stamps is risky for them as most people wants the tracking no if something is missing....

I don't think every vendor can realistically offer the same price. Some buy in bulk so can offer much cheaper shipping. Some newer vendors won't know how to keep shipping costs down, so that is reflected on to the buyer. I agree though $10 for first class is hard to justify, especially when you see other vendors offering free tracked postage, shout out JJ.

Ya I'd be happy paying 10$ for 1st class post. Usually 15 to 20 $ to ireland. Every time it bothers me I just think well atleast it's not costing me money for diesel to drive to meet some dickhead with shit weed.

Yeah not sure why some vendors on lb are asking $10 for first class, on other markets its a few quid or free. I understand its up to the vendor but $10 just seems a bit much tbh.

I also agree when the postage is like $10 for just standard post I don’t order, I feel it’s too much when a lot of the most popular and main sellers charge nothing! Each to their own but not for me. It is a shame because I like the product but won’t order due to postage cost.

1 post
+3 votes

yeah i agree here, if it gets legalised i think there would be to many restrictions put on it, it would turn out like tobacco or alcohol would be a to…

When do you guys think things will become legal in the UK.? I optimistically give it 5 years. Especially now that the tide is turning so very quickly.

You will have to explain the difference to me. It may be a daft question but I'm not sure what the difference between legalisation and decriminalisation is. Thanks for your help!

yeah i agree here, if it gets legalised i think there would be to many restrictions put on it, it would turn out like tobacco or alcohol would be a ton of taxes rules and high prices with only low thc weed allowed to be sold or some shit. Better of with the government not been in control imo. Unless they do it the right way of course but i doubt that.

Never, they have taken a resource that costs nothing to cultivate and made it worth a small fortune, thats why its illegal and why it will remain so.

I feel if it was going to happen it would be next 5 years but to be honest I feel like I have been saying that for the last 20 years so it's a hard one. Really it's up to the people in research to really publish something that the public can grasp and get behind and prove that this drug is really what we know it is and that is= A plant that can benefit all types of people in all aspects of their life. Decriminalisation is the way forward but changing minds and opinions will have to happen first as some people are really set against cannabis and I dont know why. Saying that who cares about them. Smoke up!!!! :)

2 posts
+6 votes

Menthol filters
If its just the filters you use you can get a pack of 6000 of ebay for Β£20 just stock up. Crazy that filters of all things are getting band, kids will…
+ 2 more

Menthol filters
Perhaps sadly I love to use menthol filters these days with everything. I hear that menthol filters are going to be outlawed soon to try and help young people. Is it true or is someone having a laugh?

Seems to be true, coming in to force in may all menthol and flavoured papers,filters and tobaccos to be banned. Waste of time if young people are going to smoke then they will no point in banning the whole thing for every one, to many rules in the world now adays haha

Yeah I agree wholeheartedly with you. If a person of whatever age wants to smoke then they will. Who says the flavours attract more or any youngsters anyhow? Hopefully I can buy from a vendor in a different country. Anyone out there on lb who can keep up a regular supply?

If its just the filters you use you can get a pack of 6000 of ebay for £20 just stock up. Crazy that filters of all things are getting band, kids will always try smoking smoking if they want to be it menthol or not Its just something that happens.

Thank you my good friend. I think I will use ebay and stock up. Kids will most likely use roaches I would think. But thanks for the tip.

Wow theres loads of menthol filters on sale from all over europe on ebay. I've stocked up (or hoarded) on the filters and will buy more regularly so that I will have plenty. Thanks for the tip Laughing Grass!!

Don't forget fellow minions -- to stock up on menthol tips if you like them. I think they will be outlawed soon , seriously. I think more can be bought I bulk on Ebay at a low price.
A very daft law that will be ineffective but hey ho just chill about it all.
A very daft law that will be ineffective but hey ho just chill about it all.

2 posts
+4 votes

like i say man i cant be sure i always just thought the process was money in to wallet then in to main wallet but im talking from a buyers point of vi…
+ 2 more

Could anybody help me understand the process of using bitpay and merging it with my littlebiggy account in order to sell items on here. Have to admit it has got me confused lol.

You have to create a TRANSAXE ACCOUNT first, then you put your receiving address, transaxe hold your coins then when the escrow is up it will release to the address you have given.
You can use any BTC wallet/address to receive.
You can use any BTC wallet/address to receive.

And Once I enter my btc address does it automatically change every time an item is bought from me ?

Thankyou very much mate, sorry to be such a noob but where do I make a transaxe account I can’t seem to find the page where I’d sign up?

Just got to settings, then payment proccessor then you should be able to click on account and create one. All you need it one BTC address when escrow is released it will be paid into your BTC account

I may be completely wrong and if so im sure a vendor or someone who knows will let me know but as far as im aware its just your public bitcoin wallet address so you can receive funds. This is me talking a guess at it i might be completely wrong haha

Unfortunately I believe you have to link an API and a changing address so that it’s not traceable but linked bro this is what I’ve gathered so far anyway. Though I could be over complicating things and you could be right lol

like i say man i cant be sure i always just thought the process was money in to wallet then in to main wallet but im talking from a buyers point of view not sure about a sellers view

1 post
+8 votes
Best Edibles on here uk?
Not had many edibles but i was a fan of MJconcentrates chocolate, good tasting strong edible at a fair price.

Best Edibles on here uk?
Hey guys, I've come across a couple of people selling edibles on here but yet to order. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Not had many edibles but i was a fan of MJconcentrates chocolate, good tasting strong edible at a fair price.

Thank you, I quite fancy giving his vape carts a go so I'll have to try the chocolate at the same time

MJ concentrates is the man for edibles! Gummies are spot on and the selection box chocolates are absolutely delicious and a nice heavy high

Evening. Have tried both and have to say top drawer. Even had a special order created for chocolate & vape cart.
VERY helpful, good package.
VERY helpful, good package.

Currently i would say gods connect Wonka bars as they are strain specific and so can work for all. As others have said MJc has nice chocolate, gummies and now marshmallows

I ordered a batch of Radar Breeders cake for my girlfriend, she smokes a lot of weed and that KO'd her clean. Think they stated it had 3 grams in which is a monster portion

Would anyone be interested in the Yorkshire version of the delicious "Doplafruit"?
Going by the brand name of "Suckemandsee" until I get a better suggestion.
I am experimenting on some DIY with 1grm of BHO across 30 "sweets".
This does what I need it to, aid movement, without sitting me down.
Only for me at the moment but if anyone has a hankering?
Sorry but noob on here so I have no idea on what to do if someone says yes BUT will cross that bridge if I get there.
Going by the brand name of "Suckemandsee" until I get a better suggestion.
I am experimenting on some DIY with 1grm of BHO across 30 "sweets".
This does what I need it to, aid movement, without sitting me down.
Only for me at the moment but if anyone has a hankering?
Sorry but noob on here so I have no idea on what to do if someone says yes BUT will cross that bridge if I get there.

Hi my edibles contain thc and cbd so are perfectly balanced and medical .give them a try !!

1 post
+2 votes
Which Wallet?
might be worth having a look at Exodus or Electrum both are desktop wallets that are nice and easy to set up and get the hang of.

Which Wallet?
Hi all,
After much reading i think i'm just about getting the hang of how things work on here, but one thing i haven't worked out is which wallet i should get in order to get a payment processor from Transaxe.
I won't be buying anything from the site myself, it'll be for keeping BTC in from sales. I'm a fairly small scale seller so unlikely to be any high volume sales, certainly not wholesale amounts. 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and maybe the occasional ounce.
Can anyone recommend a nice easy, but more importantly safe wallet to use given my circumstances?
Many thanks. BB
After much reading i think i'm just about getting the hang of how things work on here, but one thing i haven't worked out is which wallet i should get in order to get a payment processor from Transaxe.
I won't be buying anything from the site myself, it'll be for keeping BTC in from sales. I'm a fairly small scale seller so unlikely to be any high volume sales, certainly not wholesale amounts. 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and maybe the occasional ounce.
Can anyone recommend a nice easy, but more importantly safe wallet to use given my circumstances?
Many thanks. BB

might be worth having a look at Exodus or Electrum both are desktop wallets that are nice and easy to set up and get the hang of.

Thanks for that. I've downloaded Exodus, got a BTC address and have setup the Transaxe token. Do i also need a "bitpay api key" too or is that just an optional thing?
Cheers. BB
Cheers. BB

1 post
+1 votes

Let's talk about cheap Cali
I will always stick to my point of cali weed been over hyped apart from a select few names, and even then vendors are pricing them up a lot more than …

Let's talk about cheap Cali
Having learned so much about the Cali movement recently I've been wondering. Does genuine Cali weed justify the price? And do you trust cheap Cali weed? I've recently learned there is a big difference between the two.
Copy of my post from this topic: https://littlebiggy.org/link/JbKY7I
"Personally I'd avoid Cali. UK grown/EU imports like Purple Dawg, Slurricane, Purple Chemdawg, Mochi, Banana Strawberry, Sherbet Cookies, 24k Kush. All insanely high hitters than match Cali for half the price. They're all incredible flavours at >20% THC.
All you're paying for with Cali is the privilege of having weed sent from California. And most of the time it's sent over here because it doesn't pass USA dispensary regulations. Think about it. Why would they bother shipping it illegally if they could sell it legally at a premium? Because they can't. If you're spending less that £90-100 per 1/8th it ain't legit Cali. Support UK Bud."
What do you guys think? Should we stop supporting dispensary illegal Cali?
Copy of my post from this topic: https://littlebiggy.org/link/JbKY7I
"Personally I'd avoid Cali. UK grown/EU imports like Purple Dawg, Slurricane, Purple Chemdawg, Mochi, Banana Strawberry, Sherbet Cookies, 24k Kush. All insanely high hitters than match Cali for half the price. They're all incredible flavours at >20% THC.
All you're paying for with Cali is the privilege of having weed sent from California. And most of the time it's sent over here because it doesn't pass USA dispensary regulations. Think about it. Why would they bother shipping it illegally if they could sell it legally at a premium? Because they can't. If you're spending less that £90-100 per 1/8th it ain't legit Cali. Support UK Bud."
What do you guys think? Should we stop supporting dispensary illegal Cali?

Cheap Cali does exist and will be in the form of organic / sun grown or greenhouse. Cali is expensive because of how much time and energy is put into these small personally catered grows. That plus importing it is where the high prices come in. Besides really really top stuff sells at no joke $500 a Oz in the USA so when stuff of that quality comes here you bet your ass it's going to be expensive. Branded/unbranded can add to the prices but at the end of the day that age old saying of what you pay is what you get is especially relevant.

how do you add youtube video clips? like that?. when i paste a link its just the link with writing. but yours shows up as video staright away.

Personally I treat the UK/Dutch/Cali distinctions more like a grading system now compared to where it was actually sourced, and I'm sure most vendors do the same too. Seeing as anyone with enough know how and the proper set up can match actual Cali dispensary grade, the environment it's grown in is entirely simulated, unless it's sun grown the geographic location in which it was grown is pretty irrelevant IMHO

Ultimately, it's just a premium price for a brand name; just like with clothing, fashion etc. Before it went legal (rec) in Cali, I used to get imports from there a lot. Firstly, it worked out cheaper for high end and secondly, you could get outdoor/greenhouse of an excellent quality. That doesn't tally with the packaged/branded nonsense. If it decently priced outdoor/gh cali, I'll grab it (I'm convinced the full spectrum light from the actual sun brings out a fuller high, even if outdoor smokes can be harsher) but if I'm after top end indoor/hydro, I stick to UK. Like the craft beer scene, the best UK products can readily compete with the best US ones... and the journey to your rolling tray will involve less man-handling of the delicate goods!

That would be the mass importing of Cali weed in general. And the popularity of it in the UK. It being the fashionable weed to have at the moment. Very much in popular demand, has lots of buzz, etc.

interesting seems like ginormous potential for bullshit. there is no name control, does it require postal proof or something?

Something to bear in mind when you find cheap cali in the packs is whether it has the official silver seal. As a quick search on eBay for cali weed packs brings loads of them up delivered from China so you could be buying anything and they just put it in a pack to sell it as cali. Saying that most the stuff I have had around the £50 - £60 range has always been mid/top quality. The other thing I have heard on the grape vine is that all the official bud from cali gets brought through these vape shops we see everywhere, as a lot of them are American companies. That's just something I have heard being said by a couple people(so if you want cali just ask the guy behind the counter of your local vape shop lol)

Ebay link with the search "cali weed pack" shows bags, tin labels and tins. Some even coming with the all important silver hologram seal.

I will always stick to my point of cali weed been over hyped apart from a select few names, and even then vendors are pricing them up a lot more than what they are worth. UK are killing it right now with some amazing grows same with dutch sooner people recognise that the better tbh.

I find cali weed is expensive, but usually here you really do get what you pay for and the cali bud from the popeofdope is always top quality and always strong hitters and flavours.
Too expensive for an every day smoke, but for a weekend treat or if I really want to mong out its perfect
Too expensive for an every day smoke, but for a weekend treat or if I really want to mong out its perfect

I think the main reasons I might pay for it, is that it's grown in prohibition free farms. more time to flush the product, pick the product, trim the product, research the product, reach standards currently not implemented in prohibition states such as the united kingdom.
they are able to share grow techniques witout the fear of the law. thats not to say the uk isn't hitting it into the long grass atm, especially considering the circumstances. I just hope that Boris can see the idiocracy of it all, and simply legalise it in the UK asap, take the tax and allow us to engage in the now worldwide industry, meaning US weed could be imported as freely as the (superior) UK weed could be exported.
they are able to share grow techniques witout the fear of the law. thats not to say the uk isn't hitting it into the long grass atm, especially considering the circumstances. I just hope that Boris can see the idiocracy of it all, and simply legalise it in the UK asap, take the tax and allow us to engage in the now worldwide industry, meaning US weed could be imported as freely as the (superior) UK weed could be exported.

1 post
+2 votes

My first 4-AcO-DMT Experience
Sounds intense man, glad you and the dog made it through the experience! :P

My first 4-AcO-DMT Experience
This was a weird experience that made me feel a whole range of emotions and explore fears I wasn't aware I had, or perhaps conveniently ignored. Strap in folks, it gets a little weird.
I don't have a crazy amount of experience with psychedelics, so perhaps I was a little naive to think this trip would be easy to do while doing the whole live trip thing, that was my first mistake. After 30 minutes or so I thought I seen shadows starting to warp, so I reported that, but for the life of me couldn't replicate what I had just seen. I was staring at lights, shadows, objects hoping something would move. Nothing. Had I just imagined it, because I wanted so badly for the drug to kick in? Another 30 minutes go by and I'm more concerned now, still nothing.
It was another 15 minutes before I could be 100% certain I was starting to come up, the room was swaying and the normally while walls shifted hue; green, blue, yellow, it was very subtle and seemed to come and go. Now this is where the anxiety started, I became so aware of all the virtual eyes waiting for my updates, hoping for a good experience for me, and I had nothing great to say. At this point I'm trying to keep it together while replying to comments and the screen starts buzzing, as if I could feel the electricity coming out the screen and attacking my eyes. Words became hard to read and everything vibrated. This was when I read Frankos comments about the screen grounding me and it made a lot of sense, so I shut off the monitor and lay down on my bed.
I wish I turned the lights off at this point and laid down, but something stopped me, maybe it was my body being locked but I'm not sure, I think it was more of a mental block. Perhaps I was too scared to fully let go. I closed my eyes and really only saw darkness, there was a short moment where I could see the inside of my skull, but it was a dozen malformed jaws and teeth all fused together and it really freaked me out so I didn't wanna do that anymore.
For the next 30 minutes or so I'm switching between eyes open and closed, not really seeing much when closed and when open everything is fuzzy, moving, and trippy as hell. Tracers, floaters, everything sounding weird, all that. The buzz of electricity and whirling of fans from my computer seemed to pitch and whine at random, that was quite eerie.
We're maybe 2 hours in and this point and I still can't see and vivid or crazy visions, eyes open or closed, this is where it all started to feel like a bad acid trip. I look down at the floor and my dog is eating her food, but something is wrong. Her jaw is quivering and making weird cracking noises, food is falling from her mouth. I'm staring at her with a look of shock and concern, at this point I had forgotten that I was tripping and fully believed something catastrophic was happening. Her face is morphing and warping, her body drooping and sagging, my poor dog is falling apart in front of me, I have to help her. I start to gently hold her face in a attempt to piece her back together, I'm scared and have to get my brother, walking behind my dog making sure pieces of her aren't falling off. I beg him to please look at her she needs to help, he is trying hard not to laugh his balls off, of course. He entertains it briefly by sort of patting her down, assuring me she is fine, this is when I have a brief moment of clarity "you're tripping balls man" I thought. I look at my dog again, she is a pudgy mess. My brothers face is just a pixel-y blur, I retreat to my room in a fit of nervous laughter. This was definitely the most intense part of the trip. Poor dog must have been so confused as to why I kept patting her face and head.
The next two hours are a mix of hilarity, fear, and anxiety. Something landed on my bed, I have no idea what it was but as I touched it, it seemed to move. This made me jump back and try to investigate this little spec of weirdness. I still have no idea what it was but after 5 minutes (relative, could have been 30 seconds) I concluded it wasn't alive or a threat.
I went down the stairs during this time and attempted to take a bong, mistake number 3. My legs were a big bendy mess of malfunctioning muscles that had the not so easy task of walking down 12 stairs. My perspective was weird, as if my eyes were on top of my forehead and no in my eye sockets. I tried to spread a little green in the bong but my hands are so sweaty it just sticks to my fingers, I can't get it off and it starts to multiply, just replicating itself all over my fingers.. I wipe my hands on my shirt and retreat back to the safety of my room.
My mind is racing, is my dog okay? Am I going to fail scool? What is everyone on LB saying? God I hope they know I'm okay, I should update them. I can't, the screen gives me anxiety, oh god I turned it on there are 26 new messages, it's all too much I'm out, back to the bed. I'm just lying there trying not to let it all overcome me, not fully tripping at this point, slight tracers and stuff but nothing crazy.
I'm aware of how incredibly hungry I am so I try to eat a packet of crisps I had near by, this was my final mistake. I was crunching on the crisp and suddenly my teeth shattered, the next crunch I crashed down on my own teeth and destroyed them. I immediately spat out the contents on my mouth in to my hands.. just crisps. There was no pain and I'm feeling my teeth, all still there. Fuck that sucked. After laying there for a bit I eventually put on some Joe Rogan, still slightly tripping, this is where it becomes more pleasurable, I'm able to watch JRE, laughing and start feeling like I'm coming round. I mostly relax now and still have hard time walking around the house, slight tracers etc still.
This was where I started to reflect on my experience and concluded despite everything it ultimately wasn't a "bad trip". I was able to conclude that I am not fully in control of my life, I have lots of fears I could now plan to conquer. I have a lot of relationships in my life I need to improve. I do wish it was a more vivid visual experience with enlightenment and triumph but hey, maybe I just wasn't ready to go there quite yet.
This was a bit of a long one, thanks for reading through it. Thanks to everyone that took part, send me good vibes and kind words, this community is beautiful. <3
I don't have a crazy amount of experience with psychedelics, so perhaps I was a little naive to think this trip would be easy to do while doing the whole live trip thing, that was my first mistake. After 30 minutes or so I thought I seen shadows starting to warp, so I reported that, but for the life of me couldn't replicate what I had just seen. I was staring at lights, shadows, objects hoping something would move. Nothing. Had I just imagined it, because I wanted so badly for the drug to kick in? Another 30 minutes go by and I'm more concerned now, still nothing.
It was another 15 minutes before I could be 100% certain I was starting to come up, the room was swaying and the normally while walls shifted hue; green, blue, yellow, it was very subtle and seemed to come and go. Now this is where the anxiety started, I became so aware of all the virtual eyes waiting for my updates, hoping for a good experience for me, and I had nothing great to say. At this point I'm trying to keep it together while replying to comments and the screen starts buzzing, as if I could feel the electricity coming out the screen and attacking my eyes. Words became hard to read and everything vibrated. This was when I read Frankos comments about the screen grounding me and it made a lot of sense, so I shut off the monitor and lay down on my bed.
I wish I turned the lights off at this point and laid down, but something stopped me, maybe it was my body being locked but I'm not sure, I think it was more of a mental block. Perhaps I was too scared to fully let go. I closed my eyes and really only saw darkness, there was a short moment where I could see the inside of my skull, but it was a dozen malformed jaws and teeth all fused together and it really freaked me out so I didn't wanna do that anymore.
For the next 30 minutes or so I'm switching between eyes open and closed, not really seeing much when closed and when open everything is fuzzy, moving, and trippy as hell. Tracers, floaters, everything sounding weird, all that. The buzz of electricity and whirling of fans from my computer seemed to pitch and whine at random, that was quite eerie.
We're maybe 2 hours in and this point and I still can't see and vivid or crazy visions, eyes open or closed, this is where it all started to feel like a bad acid trip. I look down at the floor and my dog is eating her food, but something is wrong. Her jaw is quivering and making weird cracking noises, food is falling from her mouth. I'm staring at her with a look of shock and concern, at this point I had forgotten that I was tripping and fully believed something catastrophic was happening. Her face is morphing and warping, her body drooping and sagging, my poor dog is falling apart in front of me, I have to help her. I start to gently hold her face in a attempt to piece her back together, I'm scared and have to get my brother, walking behind my dog making sure pieces of her aren't falling off. I beg him to please look at her she needs to help, he is trying hard not to laugh his balls off, of course. He entertains it briefly by sort of patting her down, assuring me she is fine, this is when I have a brief moment of clarity "you're tripping balls man" I thought. I look at my dog again, she is a pudgy mess. My brothers face is just a pixel-y blur, I retreat to my room in a fit of nervous laughter. This was definitely the most intense part of the trip. Poor dog must have been so confused as to why I kept patting her face and head.
The next two hours are a mix of hilarity, fear, and anxiety. Something landed on my bed, I have no idea what it was but as I touched it, it seemed to move. This made me jump back and try to investigate this little spec of weirdness. I still have no idea what it was but after 5 minutes (relative, could have been 30 seconds) I concluded it wasn't alive or a threat.
I went down the stairs during this time and attempted to take a bong, mistake number 3. My legs were a big bendy mess of malfunctioning muscles that had the not so easy task of walking down 12 stairs. My perspective was weird, as if my eyes were on top of my forehead and no in my eye sockets. I tried to spread a little green in the bong but my hands are so sweaty it just sticks to my fingers, I can't get it off and it starts to multiply, just replicating itself all over my fingers.. I wipe my hands on my shirt and retreat back to the safety of my room.
My mind is racing, is my dog okay? Am I going to fail scool? What is everyone on LB saying? God I hope they know I'm okay, I should update them. I can't, the screen gives me anxiety, oh god I turned it on there are 26 new messages, it's all too much I'm out, back to the bed. I'm just lying there trying not to let it all overcome me, not fully tripping at this point, slight tracers and stuff but nothing crazy.
I'm aware of how incredibly hungry I am so I try to eat a packet of crisps I had near by, this was my final mistake. I was crunching on the crisp and suddenly my teeth shattered, the next crunch I crashed down on my own teeth and destroyed them. I immediately spat out the contents on my mouth in to my hands.. just crisps. There was no pain and I'm feeling my teeth, all still there. Fuck that sucked. After laying there for a bit I eventually put on some Joe Rogan, still slightly tripping, this is where it becomes more pleasurable, I'm able to watch JRE, laughing and start feeling like I'm coming round. I mostly relax now and still have hard time walking around the house, slight tracers etc still.
This was where I started to reflect on my experience and concluded despite everything it ultimately wasn't a "bad trip". I was able to conclude that I am not fully in control of my life, I have lots of fears I could now plan to conquer. I have a lot of relationships in my life I need to improve. I do wish it was a more vivid visual experience with enlightenment and triumph but hey, maybe I just wasn't ready to go there quite yet.
This was a bit of a long one, thanks for reading through it. Thanks to everyone that took part, send me good vibes and kind words, this community is beautiful. <3

Enjoyed your review mate. Took me back 25 years to when i was smashing trips like smarties. lol
I know i will never take another hallucinogen in my lifetime, this just reaffirmed my position on this.
I know i will never take another hallucinogen in my lifetime, this just reaffirmed my position on this.

Thanks mate. Haha damn you must have had some wild ones over the years then?
Were the bad trips the reason you stopped?
Were the bad trips the reason you stopped?

Shame u didnt get the experience you where looking for but you do know what to expect now,so maybe next time it will much better ? without any kind of pressure, also this will be a valuble read for someone wanting to try this for first time.

Yeah mate I took a lot of positive thoughts from it so that's always a good thing. Next time I will be partaking solo (away from the internet) and in the right setting, lights and bed all ready etc. Last time inexperience got the better of me. Aw thanks man, I hope someone finds it useful.

Sounds like a bad trip to me, but you did kinda bring that on yourself by having too many external factors, like I said before just lie in pitch black. Destroy your mind and bring out your spirit. This is what happens on N,N-DMT but it is just forced on you lol ego death isn't a bad thing, feels like you are dying yh but you just go with it and accept it. You have to look death in the face while you are alive to be reborn.

Bad in the sense that at the time I didn't enjoy it some of it sure, but bad overall, I don't think so. I'm not feeling any after effects from the bad things that happened and only seek to improve the things I did not like. Definitely not a bad trip, just a crazy one. I agree I should have a done a lot more differently but you live, you learn.
I drowned when I was 15 on holiday in Spain. I was fully out cold, under the water, and before I passed out I had fully thought I was dying, and accepted that as it went dark. I was maybe only under for 30-45 seconds before my step-bro grabbed me, but my lungs filled with water and stuff, it was nasty. I don't remember any life changing realizations coming from that, or anything at all, other than I stopped swimming.
Death isn't life changing to everyone I guess.Unless I didn't die enough. T_T
I drowned when I was 15 on holiday in Spain. I was fully out cold, under the water, and before I passed out I had fully thought I was dying, and accepted that as it went dark. I was maybe only under for 30-45 seconds before my step-bro grabbed me, but my lungs filled with water and stuff, it was nasty. I don't remember any life changing realizations coming from that, or anything at all, other than I stopped swimming.
Death isn't life changing to everyone I guess.Unless I didn't die enough. T_T

Man. That’s too bad. But yeah, it can be an overwhelming experience, i did a live trip too, and the only thing that got me through was Warren G and Regulators haha... i was able to ignore the live trip thing and get lost in the music.
Next time don’t put that pressure on yourself.
Next time don’t put that pressure on yourself.

Who are you to give reviews you have like maybe 10 orders and mention tips do some more drugs than give reviews not the other way around.

I mention tips to state that I don't accept them. I don't have like maybe 10 orders.
I'm not sure why you are upset, but if you message me we can talk about it.
I'm not sure why you are upset, but if you message me we can talk about it.

3 posts
+7 votes

Cbd for muscle disorder
started topic
+ 3 more

Cbd for muscle disorder
So a friend of mine has a muscle disorder that tightens up the muscles so bad sometimes they cant even walk, was just wondering if you guys knew any cbd uk legal creams or anything else that would help with this? thanks

I’m not too sure what creams and CBD products would work specifically for your friend as everyone has different experiences but before I found LB, I used to use a website called hempelf.com who sells CBD cream, which could be quite useful and they’re well known for CBD products in the UK or uncleherb.co.uk, good quality CBD products, might be helpful for your friend, keep me updated if you need any other info or CBD sites to help your friend out.

hey man cheers for the info was looking at hemp elf was not sure they have stuff strong enough, and if they do its so expensive, if it were up to me i would give them a joint haha but they are not in to that so i recommended cbd would you recommend a certain product of hempelf?

I only smoke or vape myself. But I’d recommend getting one of the lower sides of the creams in a smaller mg and have your friend try one of those first to see if it has any reaction, if not then I’d proceed to purchase a higher mg product, maybe a CBD oil may help, as they usually have higher amounts of CBD. I find that their products are quite expensive too, but it seems as if they’re lower than they were a few months back when everyone was finding out more information about CBD products. Hope this helps!

Have you thought about using a CBD vape cart? I would assume the effects would be instant (there or there abouts) in comparison with oil or something edible.
Have you thought about using a CBD vape cart? I would assume the effects would be instant (there or there abouts) in comparison with oil or something edible.

Hey man haven't tried them with a vape just because the creams never really seemed to do anything short or long term, you think a vape might be worth a try even though the creams never worked? il get the name of the disorder tonight might shed a wee bit more light on what they need.

I think anything that you ingest, either with the lungs or mouth would be better than a cream. This is my opinion, from trying a few of the options. Send me a message with your address, I don't have any vapes at the moment but I can send out a sample of CBD gummies, give them a go.

1 post
+4 votes

Cali weed
most import weed is overpriced and over rated in my opinion, don't get me wrong there are some amazing growers out there thats worth paying for but li…

Cali weed
Starting to get fed up with the stuff for the price we pay and the tiny little buds you get for your money think more vendors should import from Amsterdam even some uk grown is up there with the best now

most import weed is overpriced and over rated in my opinion, don't get me wrong there are some amazing growers out there thats worth paying for but like you say uk growers and doing amazing things right now with out the hefty price. just doesn't seem like they are getting the recognition the deserve.

Completely agree with this dude. If somebody says Cali weed or any other expensive import gets you that much more stoned than any well grown UK weed, then they havent had any. The best weed ive had has been grown in the UK and was half the price off all these imports i see. The UK is at the exact same level.

If you want strength I’d suggest the MAC mate, I’ve smoked high end weeds for a long time now and the nugs and quality this Xmas were outstanding, I find once you buy it in 7gs+ you find larger buds, hope you find what your looking for!

1 post
+1 votes

Classic strains(none new world cali) you may like to see.
+1 for the blueberry, had some a while back but from limited stock unfortunately, really enjoyable strain.

Classic strains(none new world cali) you may like to see.
Hey LB
Put this up here as thought it most appropriate.
Thought it would be good to list strains the community may want to see on LB. I've seen these lists on the Cali sellers pages that come with the price tag to match there beauty. But some well grown, cured and priced classic strains would be great to see also.
A few for me to get started:
Green Crack, Purple Haze, Chemdog, Durban, Congo, NYCD, Sour D, Kali Mist, Chocolope, Cannelope haze, panama haze, columbian gold, Acapulco Gold, Chernobyl, Strawberry Cough, Maui Wowie, C99, Trainwreck, , Casey Jones, willy nelson, destroyer, White Widow, Skunk#1, Nevilles haze, Lemon skunk, Mango Haze, Pineapple express, Tangie, vortex, ATF, Strawberry Diesels, Chiesal, OG Kush, Sour OG, power plant, jack the ripper, swazi, black jack....
So many but when vendors are shopping for their new stock it just may sway them to stock them i thought.
Put this up here as thought it most appropriate.
Thought it would be good to list strains the community may want to see on LB. I've seen these lists on the Cali sellers pages that come with the price tag to match there beauty. But some well grown, cured and priced classic strains would be great to see also.
A few for me to get started:
Green Crack, Purple Haze, Chemdog, Durban, Congo, NYCD, Sour D, Kali Mist, Chocolope, Cannelope haze, panama haze, columbian gold, Acapulco Gold, Chernobyl, Strawberry Cough, Maui Wowie, C99, Trainwreck, , Casey Jones, willy nelson, destroyer, White Widow, Skunk#1, Nevilles haze, Lemon skunk, Mango Haze, Pineapple express, Tangie, vortex, ATF, Strawberry Diesels, Chiesal, OG Kush, Sour OG, power plant, jack the ripper, swazi, black jack....
So many but when vendors are shopping for their new stock it just may sway them to stock them i thought.

YES classic strains we need here. Skunk, Ak-47, Satori, white widow , lemon haze, Kush, Blueberry..

+1 for the blueberry, had some a while back but from limited stock unfortunately, really enjoyable strain.

Ye, cant forget AK. Love the Lemon too but have to be selective with the genetics. There’s just so many out there now

Northern Lights, G13, Silver Bubble, Batman, Armageddon, Skywalker OG, The White, Green Crack, Dr Grinspoon.

Back in 2003 I tried a strain that was known as Stone Henge/Stone Hedge. Only got it the once and have remembered it ever since.
Has anyone else out there ever heard of or tried this strain?
My tolerance was sky high back then, yet this one slapped my ancestors and the flavour was so distinctive. So earthy and savoury. Really exceptional.
While I recognise that the growers work is more important than the strain, I would be so happy to see this available.
It's been 16 years since I met her, but I'll never forget her. ;-)
Has anyone else out there ever heard of or tried this strain?
My tolerance was sky high back then, yet this one slapped my ancestors and the flavour was so distinctive. So earthy and savoury. Really exceptional.
While I recognise that the growers work is more important than the strain, I would be so happy to see this available.
It's been 16 years since I met her, but I'll never forget her. ;-)

That's a nice list, and I agree, would like to see more of the oldies here. I saw Jack Herer here a bit back, wasn't able to grab it... always love that northern lights and white widow.
Btw, just saw some dank looking Sour D on here: https://littlebiggy.org/link/bURZBp
Btw, just saw some dank looking Sour D on here: https://littlebiggy.org/link/bURZBp

I love Diesel man. But, Aren’t they a US seller? Would never risk import, an so i skipped past. But weirdly it says from UK as i take another look. Must be an error

Oh... I did think they were a UK seller, but yeah i agree, would never import flower myself. Worth a message to check I suppose

Hey Epix/LB
I received a reply and they confirmed a UK base now and they also sent a list of items theyre gonna be posting up very soon of top end Cali flower and Concentrates. Just to let other Biggaz know
I received a reply and they confirmed a UK base now and they also sent a list of items theyre gonna be posting up very soon of top end Cali flower and Concentrates. Just to let other Biggaz know

I would love to see Purple haze on here at some point, also Durban poison ans Skunk#1 would be awesome :)

I remember i had some amazing purple haze (true purple visually; big long, light but long stranded grain to it down the bud, almost airy. Its still the richest Purple i have ever seen in bud) in the late 90’s. Absolutely amazing, always searched for examples in the Dam and have been underwhelmed. Most dont even get the colour. From what I've read its exposure to cold towards the end of flowering which assists colouring. I dont know to this day whether it was home grown (early) or Import.

That sounds dreamy! Seen so many examples of old school Purple but never had the privilege of trying it which really bothers me lol. Your right man ive seen some examples of 'purple haze' in coffee shops but it never looked authentic to me either, maybe one day :( Thats interesting about the exposure to cold part, wonder why. Thanks! :)

I rate that man. Some classic strains there. Great selection too. I’d definitely have to agree with Sour Diesel, Chemdawg, NYC Diesel, fucking amazing strains, as well as those landrace strains!

Some nice looking Sour D just popped up here. I had just ordered when I saw it!

Nice. Cheers Blackdragon. Not a lot of activity on this post! Id hoped a few vendors might step in...
Problem with those beautiful land race Sativas is they take so long to flower and take so much space even with aggressive training so aren’t really commercially viable i suppose.
Step in any specialist Sativa gardeners who grow for Percy that may want a little extra income. LB would be a great place advertise some ;-)
Problem with those beautiful land race Sativas is they take so long to flower and take so much space even with aggressive training so aren’t really commercially viable i suppose.
Step in any specialist Sativa gardeners who grow for Percy that may want a little extra income. LB would be a great place advertise some ;-)

1 post
+4 votes

Horror movie recommendations!
Would have to have a good think about my top 3 but i'd say these are still decent movies.
The Witch.
The Visit.

Horror movie recommendations!

Hi friends!
Since its coming into spookier seasons I thought it might be fun to have a thread to recommend some horror movies.
I'll give 3 of my favs to start;
'In the Mouth of Madness'
John Carpenter's best horror film in my opinion. A must see for fans of lovecraftian horror.
'Train to Busan'
Korean zombie movie. Highly recommend.
'Jacobs Ladder'
A film that was a large inspiration for the Silent Hill videogame series. An uncomfortable psychological horror.
I look forward to seeing what y'all post!
Since its coming into spookier seasons I thought it might be fun to have a thread to recommend some horror movies.
I'll give 3 of my favs to start;
'In the Mouth of Madness'
John Carpenter's best horror film in my opinion. A must see for fans of lovecraftian horror.
'Train to Busan'
Korean zombie movie. Highly recommend.
'Jacobs Ladder'
A film that was a large inspiration for the Silent Hill videogame series. An uncomfortable psychological horror.
I look forward to seeing what y'all post!

Huge fan of Train to Busan and In the Mouth of Madness and really horror movies in general.
Another classic with Sam Neil is Event Horizon, probably one of my favorite all time horror movies tbh.
Some other good ones: Get Out, The Cabin in the Woods, It Follows, The Descent, A Quiet Place, Insidious... the list goes on =)
Another classic with Sam Neil is Event Horizon, probably one of my favorite all time horror movies tbh.
Some other good ones: Get Out, The Cabin in the Woods, It Follows, The Descent, A Quiet Place, Insidious... the list goes on =)

Such a solid list of films! Event Horizon is awesome. Such a great cast.
I've watched Cabin in the Woods so much. I want an extendable bong like the one in the film so bad lol
I've watched Cabin in the Woods so much. I want an extendable bong like the one in the film so bad lol

that was a nice ass bong.
Event Horizon ended up being a movie that me and my first gf ended up making out to a lot, because it was being shown on constant repeat on HBO in those days haha. I think I've seen that movie like 30+ times at this point.
Event Horizon ended up being a movie that me and my first gf ended up making out to a lot, because it was being shown on constant repeat on HBO in those days haha. I think I've seen that movie like 30+ times at this point.

Last shift is a gooden. It’s set in a police station that’s being decommissioned so there’s one police woman there for the ‘last shift’. Weird supernatural antics ensue only it’s extra scary because it’s brightly lit everywhere rather than a typical dark horror movie.

Would have to have a good think about my top 3 but i'd say these are still decent movies.
The Witch.
The Visit.
The Witch.
The Visit.

Quite a bit of hype around Hereditary last year (2018) so I avoided it. Finally sat down with some Jungle Cake and watched it last weekend. Loved it.

Can’t beat the classics. The thing, the shining, the fly are my personal choice.
Newer ones I’d say the ring, the conjuring, a quiet place, insidious 1, it follows, the hills have eyes etc
My favourite horror of all time is 28 days later. I love the whole ambience of that movie. So well done
Newer ones I’d say the ring, the conjuring, a quiet place, insidious 1, it follows, the hills have eyes etc
My favourite horror of all time is 28 days later. I love the whole ambience of that movie. So well done

Watched the ring again recently and it holds up so well. I actually prefer it to the Japanese version.
Haven't seen 28 days later in a while, was zombie obsessed as a teen so I kinda over watched it lol
Haven't seen 28 days later in a while, was zombie obsessed as a teen so I kinda over watched it lol

If you can recommend any that'd be great! I remember film 4 was doing a French horror season a few years back and they did a double bill of 'Ils' (2006) and 'Martyrs' (2008) both tremendous films!!
Just a heads up though, martyrs is very disturbing, in case anyone gives it a go
Just a heads up though, martyrs is very disturbing, in case anyone gives it a go

Yes I’ve seen martyrs, it is disturbing, at the end your left with nothing but a head fuck. I am trying to think of one in film in particular but I can’t remember the name. So I will get back to you on that.

Mother is an excellent choice of film, it’s very clever. Very. Not so sure on Horror side of things, but it’s a brilliant film.

An American Werewolf in London best horror film ever worth watching just for the scene in the porno cinema.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a great sequel that doesn't get enough love. Very different to the original and much more fun. In my view the perfect movie for the Halloween season.

One of my favourite horror comedies! I actually found that movie through listening to buckethead. He made a couple concept albums with the actor, Bill Mosley (who reprised his role from tcm2 for the album)
Love the romance subplot with leathercace too!
Love the romance subplot with leathercace too!

That's a fun fact, I did not know that - will have to check those out.
Always surprised me that TCM2 wasn't that well received when it was released. Dennis Hopper thought it was the worst thing he was ever involved in.
People have warmed to it over the years and I consider it among the 80s classics and a better made film than the original. The sets and locations are some of the best I've seen in any film I can think of.
Always surprised me that TCM2 wasn't that well received when it was released. Dennis Hopper thought it was the worst thing he was ever involved in.
People have warmed to it over the years and I consider it among the 80s classics and a better made film than the original. The sets and locations are some of the best I've seen in any film I can think of.

Yes frontiers is a french horror movie, is very fucked up and I hope I never get lost in any kind of rural setting ever, as in all horror movies, these aren’t the sort of people to sit down with, have a cup of tea and slice of cake.

1 post
+1 votes
Plenty of good seed banks around man just do a quick search and be sure to check some reviews, here's two with solid reviews and a good selection of s…

Friend of mine wants to grow just for his own use. Is anyone selling seeds?

Plenty of good seed banks around man just do a quick search and be sure to check some reviews, here's two with solid reviews and a good selection of seeds.

1 post
+3 votes

Buying bitcoin
always used localbitcoin never had any problems with them

Buying bitcoin
Hey guys. I've always used coinbase but now it's a 5 day wait for the Bitcoin can anyone tell me if there is a similar way as coinbase but without the wait. Really made it much more difficult for me to buy. Thanks

Bittylicious is also another great site where to buy BTC fast and easy (UK/EU)
Check this topic:
Check this topic:

1 post
+1 votes

IS THIS LEGIT? (Money drops) UK
yeah agree with xenia complete scam, very easy to pull a picture of a bank account with £67,000 in it of the internet and call it your own.

IS THIS LEGIT? (Money drops) UK
I see a lot of people offering money transfers uk.
For example: They say “ £100 for £1000 and so on. They have Accounts with £67,000 and even more..
This isn’t like no Thailand or Nigerian scam like.
They’re showing lots of proof..
Surely someone tell me what’s going on? It’s london based mostly.
For example: They say “ £100 for £1000 and so on. They have Accounts with £67,000 and even more..
This isn’t like no Thailand or Nigerian scam like.
They’re showing lots of proof..
Surely someone tell me what’s going on? It’s london based mostly.

Where are you reading that? Frankly it seems like you are trying to generate interest from idiots.

yeah agree with xenia complete scam, very easy to pull a picture of a bank account with £67,000 in it of the internet and call it your own.

1 post
+3 votes

50th buy
Deffinetly interested in seeing more of that smoking diary when you put it up :)

50th buy
Tiramisu (Wedding Cake x Gelato 45) (CALI IMPORT) 3.5 g
From the pope will be writing a review up for this one.
Thank you to everyone on LB who have made me feel welcome with help an advice it's you people that make this site what it is so a big round of applause to you.
I feel proud of everyone of my reviews apart from 1 or 2 where I was really out of it :) I especially like it when people say it's helped them make there mind. I must point out iv never pimped out any vendor for any gaine but if they're a good bunch of lads an have what I call my type of weed then yes I have pimped them as that's what you do with a product and people you like. Look out for my review on my 50th buy and at some point I will put up more of my smoking diary pages up an I know one or two of you have been asking.
Lots of peace and love mrspock89
From the pope will be writing a review up for this one.
Thank you to everyone on LB who have made me feel welcome with help an advice it's you people that make this site what it is so a big round of applause to you.
I feel proud of everyone of my reviews apart from 1 or 2 where I was really out of it :) I especially like it when people say it's helped them make there mind. I must point out iv never pimped out any vendor for any gaine but if they're a good bunch of lads an have what I call my type of weed then yes I have pimped them as that's what you do with a product and people you like. Look out for my review on my 50th buy and at some point I will put up more of my smoking diary pages up an I know one or two of you have been asking.
Lots of peace and love mrspock89

Can't wait for the next review Mr. Spock. Really enjoy your reviews, so please keep them coming. In my view, you're not shillin' or pimpin', at all. Looking to make some purchases after the weekend, so will be definitely keeping my eyes open for what you've got to say. And congrats. :)

Thank you for your kind words it gives me a real boost to start putting up more review's. I'm going to see the best worst movie of all time the room and a QA with the man tommy wiseau in October so will have to review that + a brucie bonus of my first visit to a btc atm today on 6th September :)

Oh hai Mr Spock. How's your sex life? (NOT a serious question... "The Room" reference.)
I saw Tommy and Greg Sestero at a showing of "The Room" here in the UK. He was an absolute sweetheart. A little odd, of course, but a good dude. Greg was cool too. Have fun.
I saw Tommy and Greg Sestero at a showing of "The Room" here in the UK. He was an absolute sweetheart. A little odd, of course, but a good dude. Greg was cool too. Have fun.

That Tiramisu is 12/10 stuff put me to sleep litrally Haha midway through a film. Haven't had smoke do that to me for a while just gutted I didnt get more off it. Hope all is well and grats on 50th buy :)

I did ask what he recommend to knock me out so his recommendation was spot on an thanks mate. How many buys you up to?

Indeed it is spot on, I just orderd LPC and MAC too so waiting on them to land. Erm 8 maybe 9 ? I dont just use this site all the time though.

1 post
+7 votes
best vape for cartridges?
started topic

best vape for cartridges?
Wanting to give cartridges a go will any vape do the job?

He's beat me to it. A standard 510 thread battery is pretty much universal and will work on nearly all carts.
You can use a mod vape but I've found its too powerful even when you adjust the voltage. The optimum level to combust the liquid/oil is 3.7v and the battery shown below is preset at that voltage.
Mj concentrates has had some really good strains, the blue dream and strawberry cough. 1st national is also very good.
Just a word of warning though, just be careful as the carts tend to be very strong and the convenience of tokin anywhere means you can toke wherever, it's very discreet.
You can use a mod vape but I've found its too powerful even when you adjust the voltage. The optimum level to combust the liquid/oil is 3.7v and the battery shown below is preset at that voltage.
Mj concentrates has had some really good strains, the blue dream and strawberry cough. 1st national is also very good.
Just a word of warning though, just be careful as the carts tend to be very strong and the convenience of tokin anywhere means you can toke wherever, it's very discreet.

Id like to order but im new to this can you help me i i bought a cartridge about 2 weeks ago and ran out. Can not get hold of it anywhere.

Only tried NDWUK's vape cartridges before, great Zkittles cartridge available from them, not too sure if it's still available, but they sell great cartridges and soon i'm going to venture out buying cartridges from other seller's, but much like bigbudder said thc in the uk is most likely a good option too as i'm going to be purchasing from them at some point in the future and i'm definitely looking forward to it as they have products on here that other vendors don't offer. In terms of a vape you could get i'd just say get a standard 510 thread vape, NDWUK have also just put up their newest product which is a Brass Knuckles pen which i'm guessing is just as good if not better!

1 post
+4 votes
Best thing to order for stealth?
started topic

Best thing to order for stealth?
Just wanting to know what the best thing would be UK to UK I know the odds of anything getting caught are slim but any way what do you think is best? kinda between carts or some thc caps

UK to UK it's a non decision but if you had your ass in a dangerous place then caps if they are concentrate based.

bigg topics