I hope this message will clear things up for people I will be as honest as possible. No it is not spice, I have been sold the spice liquid before they call it "maj" where I am from, you can tell the difference between ours and that as ours has a yellow colour that is produced by the distillate being mixed with the clear PG so it can be vaped, Spice liquid has small cyrstals mixed with any normal e Liquid but the crystals are very noticable and this is the main visible distinguishing factor between the two liquids. Yes I have tried the spice liquid before ( did not know it was spice at the time) and it had no thc flavour what so ever, where as our liquid quite clearly has a THC after tatse in the back of the mouth. Now to talk about the USA, Yesthe products are shipped from the usa, I understand a lot of people lie about this and this is why people are sceptical especially when the price is so cheap. Pretty much all our products are made in america by the same guy, I do not believe our products are from a dispensary (maybe the stoney patch might be I have not been informed) everything else is made by the one trusted supplier all products that we get have from him have always been of the highest quality and non of our previous customers before LB have ever complained, He makes all his products using THC distillate, I'm unsure whether the strain on the bottles makes any difference to be honest I doubt it however they are definitely different flavours. The price can be so cheap as I am good friends with the supplier and he gets his distillate very cheap any way as he lives in a legal state and tends to buy bulk.This means he can give me a good price and in return I try and give my customers a good price as I personally would feel guilty charging people a lot more than I know I pay for the product as I fell they are not getting their moneys worth andI would personally prefer to have a good rep than make slightly more money selling my products for more, I mean I can put the prices up if its going to make people less sceptical? ( Also anyone else seeing this that has recently ordered dont worry packages are going out its just slow at the minute due to reduced staff, we apologise for any Inconvenience this may have casued and we are working super hard to catch up)