Most sellers on LB within the UK use Royal Mail for deliveries, usually they also have a price for postage ($5) and are received within 1 - 3 days with first class. Not too sure about other countries though delivery to other countries though and bulk orders in assuming could still be quite good through Royal Mail, not too certain on the other deliver companies though.
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Artisan Extracts

joined jun 2019
Purity is perfection. Keep it Artisan!
2 topics on Artisan Extracts
Is Royal Mail the preferred shipping method in the UK?
Preferred packaging styles
6 posts by Artisan Extracts
If less than 10/10 feedback for our services, please contact us, Goodies for feedback suggestions!
I am wondering whether a scoring system that is split into several ratings might be a helpful tool for both buyers and sellers.
1-score for delive…
+ 5 more

how does visibility work?
I've been wondering about this. What settings do most people advise using?
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