What about the monument built on mars moon that buzz Aldrin goes on about u can clearly see its shadow and the human like face (looks like a monkey wearing a helmet) and pyramids all caught in pictures on mars surface in 1990 with is exactly the same alinement as the pyramids of giza on earth ? plus mars surface is full of a chemical that only after nuclear bombs leave.
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joined may 2020
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5 posts by Carsy10
Earth Had A Drive By
What about the monument built on mars moon that buzz Aldrin goes on about u can clearly see its shadow and the human like face (looks like a monkey we…

Value for money? Crazy prices on 1g 2g 3.5g and 7g
Am only here few months i was same as yous was about to order BCA before they split. Some venders here selling not enough weed for money started out o…
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