Hi Budlife
I thought no one would start the topic about that and I was to shame to started on my own, but anyway thanks.
Every one is deferent I after 20 years of smoking nearly every day have break and never felt so shit like then, I feel like I was doing heroin not the weed, the pain on my stomach was unreal, can't eat can't sleep and the migrena was unreal, no pain killers help or any like that, completely felt restless, but after nearly 3weeks of suffering I start to be better. Big role playing self-hipnoses and meditation+ hot bottle on my stomach pain, I know that after such a long timeof using every one would feel probably the same but the struggle was really, after 5 months of break I found the littlebiggy and come back again to smoking nearly every day I smoking only Pure from pipe or vaporiser, don't really know way this green bich working on me so bad that when I started can't stopped I smoke from 0.5-2g per day.
And now I try to have break again probably to old for all this, I not try to accuse any of you biggaz, but I came to point in my life that I hate this green girl as much as I loved if that have sense.
Bless all'ya.