This is more of a rant than anything else but Royal Mail has been the absolute bane of my existence as of recent. Not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 parcels have miraculously just disappeared within their system at this point. Amounting to something like £200 that I've had to spend to rectify the issues. It's absolutely ridiculous... I mean, do the posties know what's in the parcels and just steal them? Bc I know the process when things are seized and can very likely say that's not the case. With the most recent issue, it hasn't even been scanned in at the mail centre let alone moved anywhere. I'm really starting to lose my rag with them.. I'd be as well sending stuff out via carrier pigeon at this point... Has anyone been facing similar issues with them? I know everyone has differing opinions on RM, but to lose 4 out of the last 20 parcels that have been sent out is not a coincidence. I refuse to believe that it even could be any sort of mistake. I really just wanna hear people's experience with them in recent times and whether there's been any problems for any other biggas. I'm sorry for the angry tone of this message, times are trying enough at the moment without having to fork out money down to either awful service or thieving ratbags.