Yes this is an important thing to understand. People are interested in their own lives and a crazy ruler is just a form of entertainment in most people's lives. If they are effective with delivering quick economic results then they are good entertainers and are delivering some positives then fine - so why think more about this? It's demeaning to even take a fascist seriously so why bother doing so? In Germany we know why.
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joined aug 2016
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0 topics on eggsta24
8 posts by eggsta24
1 post
+1 votes

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
Let’s not forget that they were national SOCIALISTS!

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
The author looks at ordinary people's lives as Hitler shocked the country into submission as he fought the "lügenpresse" - lying media.

It is worrying that the far right parties are gaining to much support in Europe, and we should never take our eye off the ball and learn from history what can happen when you do...

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is no left what we have are a bunch of globalists run by the rich (WEF) pretending to be left(the right aint much better) while sending lots of our tax payers cash and weapons to a bunch of nazi`s who took over Ukraine in a coup financed by the US who by the way also funded the 3rd Reich and only joined the fight in Europe when it looked like their little puppet the mad Austrian was going to get his butt kicked and Germany occupied by the Red Army.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.

You are very almost correct, Construct
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won

the nature of misinformation is to use real facts and riff bullshit forward. that's sad in this case because there are some valid points that can be drawn from the cupla truths you have here.

Sadly we going to be finding out very soon that the majority of Americans want a semi-Fascist state the same with the uk population too

ring really reminds me of the gestapo, they rolled almost exclusively through ordinary informants. people with fucked up biases are having their day.

why do they keep designing things to look like hal? doesnt anyone remember how the movie ends?

Why the dystopian views are always referred to Nazism and not to Communism? They are basically the same shit, and Communism looks much more dangerous to me, because it "succeeded" for many more years, in many more countries, and for some reason has that glamorous look to so many idiots...

Germany became increasingly polarized with people espousing Marxism on one side and Law and Order on the other. This is exactly how it feels in America now.


In times of economic and political strife extremists always rise, whether left or right doesn't matter, they are reactionary's. For example the liberal left intend destruction of things about history that upset them much in the same way Nazi's in Germany burned books. People need to learn from History and rarely do, the same mistakes are repeated and things somehow trundle on. 'Good times bring weak people', 'Weak people bring bad times', 'Bad times bring strong people' & 'Strong people bring good times'. The great circle of human history.

I thought it was the republicans (ie the right) in America banning certain aspects of history they don’t like.
Who are the liberal left?
I’m not trying to start an argument I’m trying to understand
Who are the liberal left?
I’m not trying to start an argument I’m trying to understand

lol it's different in different countries. A conservative in the US is different from a conservative in the UK.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.

Thanks for the response mate.
I still don’t get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues aren’t history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?
I still don’t get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues aren’t history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?

Well the statues are an example. They are subjects for posterity but they also memorialise history and certain points in history. As such they connect themselves to that history.
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?

Thanks for the response mate.
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally don’t put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally don’t put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory

Yeah np, I don't mind a bit of debate.
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD

Thanks man I do appreciate your time and input.
It’s good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?
It’s good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?

You sound very naïve & to support CRT is crazy, hope you don't spout the sort of nonsense politics we see above IRL.

I don’t know how supporting a data driven legal critical evaluation by experts as naive maybe I’m missing something in your post as it doesn’t really make sense and yes i do discuss this topic and others with real people

Watching the Plot Against America on Sky and it’s easy to see how Facism takes hold. Not dissimilar to Trump’s America.

1 post
+1 votes
Cheers GC!


Congrats skunky99 - this batch really reminds me of the lovely Blue Cheese they do in Family First. Enjoy!

Hey Cat
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!
I just received one of your oz last week...but I could sure do with another one!

Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.
Good luck everyone!!!
On a side note, awesome giveaway green cat, what a legend.

thanks green cat this would be amazing prize to win, funds are low, my best guess is $46930, best of luck everyone, thanks m8

1 post
+1 votes
Dosent look like I'm the only one !!!!!!!!!
I ordered on Saturday, 1st class post. I ordered from another vendor same time NDD and it arrived yesterday. Postal stamp showed it was posted by them…

Dosent look like I'm the only one !!!!!!!!!
I paid 170$ for 20g and ndd at the weekend it's now Thursday Eve and nothing youve been on messenger multiple times and haven't even bothered opening my messages.
I know you say you've been poorly but you don't need to be fighting fit to open a message. Looks like you managed to muster up the strength to get out your sick bed to write up new posts. To drum up more sales And guess you probably have managed to check your bank balance too. I've had many deliveries from many different vendors on here and never before have I had such poor overall service. This whole set up relies on trust and you seem to be going out of your way to ruin that.. I would like to be proved wrong and hope that i will be , but as things stand I feel I've been done. Feels like you did some cheep deals so you can make big steals.
Sort it out dank
I know you say you've been poorly but you don't need to be fighting fit to open a message. Looks like you managed to muster up the strength to get out your sick bed to write up new posts. To drum up more sales And guess you probably have managed to check your bank balance too. I've had many deliveries from many different vendors on here and never before have I had such poor overall service. This whole set up relies on trust and you seem to be going out of your way to ruin that.. I would like to be proved wrong and hope that i will be , but as things stand I feel I've been done. Feels like you did some cheep deals so you can make big steals.
Sort it out dank

"Well Said" Ras090 Couldn't have put it any better
Now more people are Commenting there in the Same Boat ⛵..just for the sake of not opening messages, Seems to be there main Down Fall..😞
Now more people are Commenting there in the Same Boat ⛵..just for the sake of not opening messages, Seems to be there main Down Fall..😞

I do agree. I have accepted that I have lost money already. Pity as I had mates keen to place big orders. But at this rate. It's a hard no. Seems no one's messages are even opened.

if you havent received the items you paid for then dispute. People shouldnt have to deal with these poor levels of service. Luckily Littlebiggy has numerous very capable, very responsive vendors, its a shame (as well as being stressing af) when stuff like this happens. But it wont stop me trying new vendors from time to time.

just had a bad week bro unexpected fever literally not scamming anyone here i assure u

I hope not dude. You can gain tons of customers by just updating them. I have not received my parcel as yet. I will keep you updated if I do. Thanks.

no u havnt bro sorting any issues out
had loads of orders shipped yday from a backlog
many should arrive today and following days
had loads of orders shipped yday from a backlog
many should arrive today and following days

if u are missing an order please kindly message here stating item and shipping option used

I ordered on Saturday, 1st class post. I ordered from another vendor same time NDD and it arrived yesterday. Postal stamp showed it was posted by them on Monday, so obviously postal issues going on. I wfh and I’ve only seen the postie twice this week!
Anyway I’m not really bothered as there’s always transaxe to dispute with. Concerning that they’ve tagged your page as ‘fraud suspected’ though. Hope you’re genuine and it’s just a bunch of nubes freaking out over something that happens from time to time on here, especially leading up to Christmas.
Anyway I’m not really bothered as there’s always transaxe to dispute with. Concerning that they’ve tagged your page as ‘fraud suspected’ though. Hope you’re genuine and it’s just a bunch of nubes freaking out over something that happens from time to time on here, especially leading up to Christmas.

Ok I will admit the postal service at best is very poor at times but even with that allowed for my order was marked sent ndd a few days before I put the message up.
I have been on here for a couple of years and never felt the need to put up anything before I may not be a veteran but I wouldn't say I'm a noob.either. several things were wrong which is why I posted.
Anyhow the update is
I got a message asking for info and apologies. So hopefully all will work out so will see.
I said I hoped to be proved wrong with any luck next week I will be.
I have been on here for a couple of years and never felt the need to put up anything before I may not be a veteran but I wouldn't say I'm a noob.either. several things were wrong which is why I posted.
Anyhow the update is
I got a message asking for info and apologies. So hopefully all will work out so will see.
I said I hoped to be proved wrong with any luck next week I will be.

Another day. And still no order. This is a let down. I have sent messages that have not been opened.

I’ve been trying to sort my issue too. First complained over a week ago and nothing has been sorted yet. Barely replied, Ordered over 2 weeks ago now, payed for NDD, and still nothing. Said I can have a 50% reship (nothing has been sent yet, hasn’t replied in days again) but I want what I payed for not 50% or a refund. So much hassle and little to no communication. Shouldn’t take over a week to sort a complaint if they want any customers let alone “happy customers”.

did you ever get this sorted Samhazel? I was promised an NDD on Monday and it still hasnt arrived...

1 post
+1 votes

{lb help}
Should you be using this site via a VPN ?
Opera search engine has an inbuilt VPN.
These days everything should be used with a VPN there are way too many foul creatures that see opportunity in your data.

Private Internet Access is a good bunch, they took out a big ad in the Times to shame the greedy US Senate.

thanks, started using opera which has a built in VPN as mentioned by the geezer above. Working a treat

Yeah they kind of creep me out, the images on their site seem subtly referential to kiddie porn, plus they are in the states which is a shit jurisdiction. I would say, a little harder to use but a good outfit.

last time I asked this everyone laughed at me.. made it seem like VPN's are useless and I was overracting, fuck it I still use one though. Funny how you get mixed opinions on one post compared to the other.

They are actually pretty useless especially western based vpns(as we are much more free the company’s don’t need to give the same level of protection compared to one being used in a Asian country, if you read the t&cs ur data is not as secure as you would first think also your data can be sold on which is then not protected almost all vpns do this.

Use a paid for VPN Nord or cyberghost , not sure if PGP has been cracked I m sure it has , best to check.

You can try. I have Private Internet Access and I can't visit the site unless my VPN is turned off.

I have PIA and I can access, I'm accessing LB on TOR browser and setting PIA to DE Berlin server

TOR is the answer to this for now. Even with Java partially enabled to get LB to work.
VPN is just another potential target for man in the middle attack.
VPN is just another potential target for man in the middle attack.

1 post
+4 votes

Royal Mail - sorry we missed you
I’ve picked up from the sorting office loads of times. If you get a new postie or one that’s anal about getting a signature then they’ll send it back …

Royal Mail - sorry we missed you
So, I was out and my parcel is back at local dept.
It’s only an eighth so would have expected it to fit through letterbox.
Think it’s all good to collect ?
If it makes a difference it’s from northern organics who I’ve been led to believe have good stealth.
It’s only an eighth so would have expected it to fit through letterbox.
Think it’s all good to collect ?
If it makes a difference it’s from northern organics who I’ve been led to believe have good stealth.

This happened to me last week. It turns out Royal Mail are back to requiring signatures for some parcels to be able to deliver them. I just ordered a redelivery via their website and it arrived without issues, signature required.

I’ve picked up from the sorting office loads of times. If you get a new postie or one that’s anal about getting a signature then they’ll send it back to the sorting office for collection. Just remember you can’t be held responsible for what someone else sends you in the post.

So, I collected from the depot and no problems.
Sure it would have fit through letterbox so guess RM are just after a signature now
Northern organics stealth is quality by the way
Thanks all … was all ok in the end but will try to make sure I’m in for next delivery
Sure it would have fit through letterbox so guess RM are just after a signature now
Northern organics stealth is quality by the way
Thanks all … was all ok in the end but will try to make sure I’m in for next delivery

Yeah, same as Anon1385 I had a signature requested last week after months of RM just dropping the parcels without them. I guess we're officially not doing Covid rules any more. Anyway, I ordered a reship and it arrived the next day, but as others have said, I doubt you've got anything to worry about if you would prefer to pick it up from the sorting office.

Unless it's a bit stinky?😋
That being said i've a new vendors order arriving tomorrow, better be ready for it.
That being said i've a new vendors order arriving tomorrow, better be ready for it.

Northern Organics stealth is great but they also use letterbox boxes so a bit weird you didn’t get it 🤔…

2 posts
+6 votes
Just the lads? Ok... Fine!
(17 months, don't know, not me... great question :) )
Eta: Fluffy bottom brought me here, I was going to offer you a razor.
(17 months, don't know, not me... great question :) )
Eta: Fluffy bottom brought me here, I was going to offer you a razor.

Man... that’s a question and a half?! Since I got here I have been wondering how long this has been here right under my nose...
There’s a weird thing though... I think...
I have seen quite a few members, rarely, who show as being here since 2015/16... but... anyone I seem to find that’s been here more than a few years seems to have no rep and no posts...
It made me a little paranoid at one point that I ought to shut the fuck up on here if I want to last???... the weirdness of Lb... fucking love it in here... be interesting to see what pops up on this thread? Maybe we will get silenced by the secret Lb Mafia???
There’s a weird thing though... I think...
I have seen quite a few members, rarely, who show as being here since 2015/16... but... anyone I seem to find that’s been here more than a few years seems to have no rep and no posts...
It made me a little paranoid at one point that I ought to shut the fuck up on here if I want to last???... the weirdness of Lb... fucking love it in here... be interesting to see what pops up on this thread? Maybe we will get silenced by the secret Lb Mafia???

Yeah...I weighed it up before posting and I decided to take the red goes nothing!!

Been on here since 2016. Very different beast back then with minimal and untrustworthy uk vendors. Virtually all decent vendors were in the US, Canada and Europe. I can tell you that when I see people complaining about a package not turning up after 3 days it kinda makes you laugh having experienced what it’s like to deal with real scam artists who were on here. Haven’t bought from him in ages but a big shout out to Mr Coffee. It might have taken ages to turn up, but you could always count on him to be good to his word.

1 post
+1 votes

How much does your weekly smoke cost?
I wouldn’t recommend making any logs whatsoever. As unlikely as it may be, you’re just asking for trouble if the old bill come knocking.

How much does your weekly smoke cost?
Whats up LB!
Since I found this wonderful place the cost of my little hobby has went through the roof! I put that down to wanting to try all these wonderful new things (concentrates, edibles, Cali flowers.. there's just so much to try).
For me I can manage to make 2-3g last me all day as long as I don't start smoking till after 5pm. So if I take it easy and buy a Oz I'm around £150/week in flower + probs £40 in other purchases (shatter, hash, etc).
So this got me thinking.. what is your weekly toke bill on average? And how do you keep costs low if possible?
Since I found this wonderful place the cost of my little hobby has went through the roof! I put that down to wanting to try all these wonderful new things (concentrates, edibles, Cali flowers.. there's just so much to try).
For me I can manage to make 2-3g last me all day as long as I don't start smoking till after 5pm. So if I take it easy and buy a Oz I'm around £150/week in flower + probs £40 in other purchases (shatter, hash, etc).
So this got me thinking.. what is your weekly toke bill on average? And how do you keep costs low if possible?

too much. I like distillates to ingest orally while puffing on a cart so about 1 cart/10 days + 1 syringe/week = $120/week, give or take
throw in a few edibles & Green Dragon (made myself) on Saturday night date night with the wife
throw in a few edibles & Green Dragon (made myself) on Saturday night date night with the wife

I'm a pretty heavy stoner, but keep my costs down by relying mostly on concentrates. I tend to get Canadian dispensary products which work out 30-40 quid per gram. At a push, using efficient kit (Puffco Peak/Dab rig) I can make 1 gram last a week. But typically, I'll get through 2g of concentrates a week, along with a henry or so of bud and a couple of grams of hash. I guess I'm spending about 100 a week, but I'm OK with that.

How many dabs do you get out a gram? If I made the full switch to concentrates I doubt I'd need very much at all. 100 is a decent amount of smoke for sure I would be happy with that too.

I don't think I've ever counted really... I've usually got 4 or 5 different waxes/shatters on the go at once, so it's hard to tell. Got to be at least 20 dabs from 1g (for me)... I just tried to weigh the piece of shatter I'm about to dab, the scales read 0.00! I once attempted a 0.25g dab (which is still small compared to some... possibly?) but pretty much coughed it all out straight away. I like to hold them down for a good 30 seconds...

I wouldn’t recommend making any logs whatsoever. As unlikely as it may be, you’re just asking for trouble if the old bill come knocking.

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