You have only tried hallucinogens once, and you think your ready for a full blown DMT experience with a DMT cartridge? You must have had bad advice. DMT is the most powerful 20 minute psychedelic experience of your life. You will need a trip sitter for the first haul, and may be so deeply disturbed that you may be finished with it again. I took 40 to 50mg freebase DMT, and was fully immersed in a true life alien (not illigal alien) encounter that had me hiding in the closet until the damn concoction wore off. A trip sitter was sorely needed, but I was an uninformed lad sold to me by a Berkeley chemical student. Offerall, a bad experience, but his molly and 2cb powder were super and dosed at regular club levels. No connection lasts forever, so had to find a boring ass bank auditor job. So my learning is to research your own DMT from as reliable a source as a Berkley Chemist (not Anymore lol), ask for mg dose, and keep your fingers crossed. First time may be charmed, or end up like me near ready for a trip to a looney bin stay! little biggas - just be cautious, and read the reviews.