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joined sep 2020
5 topics on Meeder80
8 posts by Meeder80
why are btc transaction fees down now?
I've been trying to buy since before Xmas. Bittylicious fees not too bad but network fee to send to LB is currently between Β£16-Β£20. Which is ridiculo…

Partially Paid order
I have underpaid before, I fell short by about Β£5 and the vendor just asked me to add the extra to my next order. There is always a network fee, which…

Any other canna moms here on LB?
Hey, another mama here. Discovered LB at the beginning of the first lockdown. Been a Godsend. Still can't quite believe I can have quality gear delive…

Best places you've smoked?
Got to be by the coast for me...preferably on a warm evening, after a long day with a decent flask of hot coffee by my side :-)

Regular smoking and general anesthetic?
I'm a regular smoker and had 3 major ops over 10yrs with no adverse affects from any THC in my system (and there's probably quite a substantial amount…

To those looking for a new low fee wallet.
I'm definitely going to give it a go, Bittylicious killing me with fees, £55 required and they want £73???? Bloody outrageous ?
Not had this batch but never been disappointed by The Green Team's shake. They seem very professional.
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