If you’re new here, let me help you navigate though Lb, although I haven’t been here for too long compared to a lot of vendors and buyers. On LB, there is currently no search option in order to allow you to search for specific products that you want. To see all the products available, click on the ‘items’ section, however you must consider that some items are hidden due to vendors’ preferences. If you need help at any stage, the ‘help’ page is to the top right of the website. The ‘topics’ page holds all topics that have been discussed by everyone who are signed up to LB, when you log in you’ll notice that the most relevant topics or most recent topics pop up first and the most talked topics will be in separate section underneath the most recent ones. The ‘people’ page is everyone’s on the site that wants to appear on search engines and on the site, some aren’t visible didn’t to them not wanting to be seen which is their preference which can be found in the ‘settings’ section if you have an account, otherwise this feature is not visible. I hope this helps!
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joined jul 2017
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