If there's one thing I love it's the dawg strains, they always manage to properly fuck me over and this was no different, I ordered 7g of the alien dawg.
On opening the package that arrived in 2days (ndd) I was a little disappointed, I thought oh shit they've all squashed together in transit and then it was clear it was nearly all one super large bud, awesome looking flower coated in trichomes with a lovely smell and clocking in at a weight of 5.7g, this bud has been injected with alien probes to make it this big I'm sure :')
Our weapon for tackling this bud from the stars is the Arizer Extreme Q desktop vaporiser and for this bud we decided to use the bag attachment and I'm glad we did, I set the temps too around 220C and a Fan speed of 2 and we were blessed from above with the milkiest damn bag I've managed to get. Pure white clouds, the throat hit was intense and left you thinking fuck this is some strong shit, flavour was there and loud, you can easily taste both parent plants in the mix.
The high was powerful and long lasting for me, Infact I was actually pretty far gone after a few bags, TGT really do seem to get some good Dawgs in, and I hope they continue to get these strains for us as they are personally my favourite.
Many Thanks for looking after me as usual
I'd highly suggest people order with NDD at the moment , with people having a few issues and delays with 1st class.