So I've been smoking pretty much constantly for about 24 years (give or take a few dry spells) between an 8th to an ounce every couple of weeks. Recently I had a couple seizures/fits which has never happened before and ended up in hospital twice for around a week each time, these were some of the longest periods of time without weed since my early teens. The first time around April (just after a trip to Canada) I got out of hospital and felt fine, just started lightly and got back up to a reasonable tolerance.
But this second time my head was messed up, it felt like I'd been kicked in the noggin big time, thinking was hard, it was like being Joe Biden or something. Probably went about 3 weeks there without a smoke and just started again yesterday and for some reason I hate the feeling, it feels like when I woke up in hospital and I'm not sure why or if it's permanent, I actually might have to stop.
I've had CT scans, MRI, EEG, Lumbar punctures and loads of blood tests but they aren't finding anything, neurology said it wasn't epilepsy, my spinal fluid was fine & they even let me see it which was nice.
Has anything like this happened to anyone else and did it go away? Is there some vitamin or mineral that gets used up quicker if you get high?
Any input is appreciated.