the fees go up and down at different times of the day. Last night i made an order, they wanted £50 in fees, but checked in this morning and the fees were down to £15
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joined may 2023
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10 topics on Sonofmonkey
6 posts
+13 votes

Transaction fees too high

Transaction fees too high
I’ve just had an order for 56£ and had to pay an extra 26£ in transaction fees just to order my bud, this is is no way sustainable for me. Is there anyway I can get around this?

Until littlebiggy supports something other than BTC, then we have to deal with it sadly. BTC fees are high due to high transaction volume, it doesn't scale well.

Sad times honestly, it’s hard want to support little biggy but can get it elsewhere cheaper because of the transaction fees

I always use LTC for other purposes, the fees are in the pennies. I'm sure LB has their reasons for not adding other coins.. would love to know, though!

1 post
+2 votes

No items available???

No items available???
I know there has been a DDOS attack but no items on this or society's site? Confusion

11 posts
+23 votes

Exotics with accompanying packs

Exotics with accompanying packs
Been looking for nice exotics with accompanying packs for my collection, any suggestions?

The Gentleman Dealers as others have said. Mine dropped today, yet to try them but they smell brilliant and verifiably authentic.
They've got so much on their page you might end up broke.
They've got so much on their page you might end up broke.

Sounds like something The Gentlemen Dealers could sort you out with mate.

TGD mate.
Best selection and the pack I got melted my face off!
However I got an “imported loose” one as well and preferred the terps. Was cheese skittles I think but not around anymore.
Personally, while TGDs buds were SUPREME. I for one can’t keep paying these prices for Henry’s.
Don’t get me wrong I could in theory BUT, if everyone keeps spending more and more on these buds then it continues to go up and people either get priced out of meds or it will be acceptable that shit bud is shit cos we’re not paying x amount.
The demand and promotion (YouTubers etc) of these, sometimes $1000 ounces is insane.
But hey the plant that grows in roughly the same predictable cycle is somehow becoming rare like it’s from mars.
Don’t get me wrong I get some mad artisans crossing their own seeds but it’s rarely the case.
I say this having smoked and grown (way back) many keys in my life.
Don’t read this as a bash at TGD as they be the ones I’ll always trust and point others towards for these packs ❤️
Best selection and the pack I got melted my face off!
However I got an “imported loose” one as well and preferred the terps. Was cheese skittles I think but not around anymore.
Personally, while TGDs buds were SUPREME. I for one can’t keep paying these prices for Henry’s.
Don’t get me wrong I could in theory BUT, if everyone keeps spending more and more on these buds then it continues to go up and people either get priced out of meds or it will be acceptable that shit bud is shit cos we’re not paying x amount.
The demand and promotion (YouTubers etc) of these, sometimes $1000 ounces is insane.
But hey the plant that grows in roughly the same predictable cycle is somehow becoming rare like it’s from mars.
Don’t get me wrong I get some mad artisans crossing their own seeds but it’s rarely the case.
I say this having smoked and grown (way back) many keys in my life.
Don’t read this as a bash at TGD as they be the ones I’ll always trust and point others towards for these packs ❤️

Not really sure. Haven't seen many others lately, but Dabs + Donuts have one near the top of the item wall and that seems to be selling well based on the reductions of multiples you can buy.

Thank you for the mention buddy!
We have some new flower also that are lower priced at the moment. The prices will rise soon, we have more Avant123 due mid-week.
What kind of brands do you look for? We’re always looking for new ones.
We have some new flower also that are lower priced at the moment. The prices will rise soon, we have more Avant123 due mid-week.
What kind of brands do you look for? We’re always looking for new ones.

No problem. Looks good, seems to be selling well, $20k camera for that photo too... 😉
To be honest mate, I'm up to my eyeballs at the moment but I think there was a bit of a misunderstanding between the both of us about what were genuine queries and banter from me lately, and I apologise if it came across to you in a way for it to be negatively interpreted.
Anyway, that out of the way, I like to get so unbelievably stoned to the point of barely being able to move as possible, trippy with that is a bonus, but incredibly rare. Nice little head high in with that strong stone too is nice. Sometimes I like the hybrid battle between stone and high (who will win this time?!), sometimes not. I'll often wake and bake with the most ridiculous thing I can find as when I'm off work I often need at least a day to reset back into a normal schedule and I find that it helps to start the day as fucked up as possible. I rarely feel the need for a clear Sativa head high with limited stone effects, but I can see why people could like that.
Got anything that fits that? As to brands, I'm not really sure to be honest.
To be honest mate, I'm up to my eyeballs at the moment but I think there was a bit of a misunderstanding between the both of us about what were genuine queries and banter from me lately, and I apologise if it came across to you in a way for it to be negatively interpreted.
Anyway, that out of the way, I like to get so unbelievably stoned to the point of barely being able to move as possible, trippy with that is a bonus, but incredibly rare. Nice little head high in with that strong stone too is nice. Sometimes I like the hybrid battle between stone and high (who will win this time?!), sometimes not. I'll often wake and bake with the most ridiculous thing I can find as when I'm off work I often need at least a day to reset back into a normal schedule and I find that it helps to start the day as fucked up as possible. I rarely feel the need for a clear Sativa head high with limited stone effects, but I can see why people could like that.
Got anything that fits that? As to brands, I'm not really sure to be honest.

It must be a dream job photographing all these crazy looking buds. We have someone called Terpshotz in Europe he’s recently done some King Kong finger donut shots recently that look a bit like dribbling seamoss wrapped in lavender the buds so purple.😩😂
We’ve never had much banger it’s rather been other vendors attacking or calling our products fake so we’re not used to it, we were suppose to send you a message but we had issues getting onto the site for a few days. We all love getting stoned and having a giggle, that’s all that matters.
At the moment we could definitely accommodate your weekend stash as the wowdatzfire is pretty strong, would be killer as a wake n bake… We’re looking at getting some extra packs in this week we can let you know😁
We’ve never had much banger it’s rather been other vendors attacking or calling our products fake so we’re not used to it, we were suppose to send you a message but we had issues getting onto the site for a few days. We all love getting stoned and having a giggle, that’s all that matters.
At the moment we could definitely accommodate your weekend stash as the wowdatzfire is pretty strong, would be killer as a wake n bake… We’re looking at getting some extra packs in this week we can let you know😁

It must be an awful job just lining up the shot wanting to smoke while other people messed up the light, or moved, or breathed. Then you'd want to smoke it and they'd take it away (probably)!
Okay, you sold me at dribbling sea moss wrapped in lavender. I'll give that a go, no matter what the flavour profile. Is there a specific type of sea moss? The one that you invariably don't want to step on on the rocks around rock pools as you think it'll be better grip but it isn't?
It's all cool mate, I appreciate that text is very subjective, and can be read differently depending on the person writing and the person reading. I'm 99.9% humourous sarcasm, if that helps, but interactions help knowing how to read things too. I try not to be mean, but I'd hope people knew when I was too. Unambiguously, anyway.
Okay, you sold me at dribbling sea moss wrapped in lavender. I'll give that a go, no matter what the flavour profile. Is there a specific type of sea moss? The one that you invariably don't want to step on on the rocks around rock pools as you think it'll be better grip but it isn't?
It's all cool mate, I appreciate that text is very subjective, and can be read differently depending on the person writing and the person reading. I'm 99.9% humourous sarcasm, if that helps, but interactions help knowing how to read things too. I try not to be mean, but I'd hope people knew when I was too. Unambiguously, anyway.

26 posts
+76.2 votes

Who broke your LB virginity

Who broke your LB virginity
Mine personally was TGT but I’ve been using other vendors since but will always go back to them for their loyalty bonuses 😌

Stumbled across LB by chance, thought it was a bit sketchy at first. Saw some nice looking bud at a decent price on the wall and thought feck it!
Ordered without making an account, got paranoid as anything about the whole thing. Then 4 days later some bud drops through my letterbox!
Made an account and not looked back :D
Stumbled across LB by chance, thought it was a bit sketchy at first. Saw some nice looking bud at a decent price on the wall and thought feck it!
Ordered without making an account, got paranoid as anything about the whole thing. Then 4 days later some bud drops through my letterbox!
Made an account and not looked back :D

Pistach for me haha. I like how you put it. But I have been experimenting with LB during my first year. Even some of the low budgets have surprised me on here and thereforr I've always used little biggy since. Bless mate

I’ve recently used pistach and drugs inc Uk and I’m super impressed by all. Completely cuts out the middle man and you get yourself some nice smoke on a budget, always a winner💪

Madame Deal and Captain Crunch. I bought a bar of chocolate, some toffees (like werthers) and a gram of shatter, it was a fair few years (7) ago now and I thought I was the DB's for getting weed off the the internet.... So did my pals, I was cool for a few mins.

So in my ignorance I was quite happy with my local plug and the odd brownie off a friend. It was only when my mate slipped me a vape which got me stoned that I set off searching.
Found LB and All4twenty, got a couple vapes and waited for them not to arrive (still have the photo when they did)
Never been back to that plug
Found LB and All4twenty, got a couple vapes and waited for them not to arrive (still have the photo when they did)
Never been back to that plug

mine was drugs inc uk. was blown away by the price of their shake compared to the dealers here, and then blown away again by the quality when it arrived. first vendor i recommend to anyone when i tell them about lb

I’m almost exactly the same as you. Ordered from Pistach first, then The Green Team and most recently DIUK.

A friend told me about this site around a year or two ago, I was surprised it was still running tbf 🤣💪

I came looking for micro dosing mushrooms for my Social Anxiety but picked up some edibles too as I am a fan of Trailer Park Boys Podcasts/Park After Dark. I used TheFunGuy for Microdose Caps of mushrooms and uWakeiBake, THEGREENTEAM and PISTACH for the different edibles to try. :) Surprised how quick and easy it was.

Dr green thumb for me,been busy trying others since but I find myself going back to TGT the most, best stealth and service I've found so far.

It was 7g of Thai stick and 3.5g of hash from TGT (also noticing their bonus scheme). Still got pics of those 2 items lol

7 posts
+13 votes


Anyone got any idea how to get tickets for brumsterdam? Been tryna go for years but always miss out

5 posts
+6 votes


Looking to get some good concentrates and unsure what exactly I’m looking for anyone got any help?

Hey Family,
Checkout our page for Shatter, Hash and edible mushroom chocolates.
Peace and Respect
Checkout our page for Shatter, Hash and edible mushroom chocolates.
Peace and Respect

Hi Son,
Just seen this post. We are a solid bet for concentrates and we specialize in bulk.
Our D9 Distillate is super clear and currently running around 12 per ml @ bulk prices.
Live Resin and Shatter also in stock atm.
We use the same distillate stock in all of our extensively reviewed range.
Just seen this post. We are a solid bet for concentrates and we specialize in bulk.
Our D9 Distillate is super clear and currently running around 12 per ml @ bulk prices.
Live Resin and Shatter also in stock atm.
We use the same distillate stock in all of our extensively reviewed range.

Just got some capsules off u, ngl pretty disappointed due to not really feeling them after 2 hours taking 2 but I shall give you another go some other time

5 posts
+12 votes


Thinking about growing and selling my own shroomies on here, I’ve had a few orders delivered and I understand double vacuum sealing orders but what more can I do to make packages more discreet

I've had items hidden inside other items, don't want to give anyone's methods away but yeah

I think using boxes can really help as it makes it harder for any light-fingered posties to work out what is in the package.

Is there anything else I can do as that’s all that seems to be done from what I see is double vacuum seal box and tape to box

Some people will use mylar pouches instead of vac sealing when sending bud as it means they don't arrived crushed. I wouldn't have thought it would be such an issue for shrooms though.

3 posts
+10 votes


Drugs inc? I was looking for you today and it says that access is restricted why is this:(

13 posts
+74.5 votes

3 vendors that I have used so far

3 vendors that I have used so far
Drugs inc uk-
Banging shake from all cannot complain, if you want cheap terpy buds that come within 24hr go to these vendors
Drugs inc uk-
Banging shake from all cannot complain, if you want cheap terpy buds that come within 24hr go to these vendors

I’ve been using LB for just over 2 months and it’s a complete game changer and a top community too.
Pistach is my go to atm good quality bud at decent prices and consistent.
Ordered from green team today so excited for that and haven’t tried drugs inc yet.
Gassed, shroom of the loom and buddies are fair shouts too.
Pistach is my go to atm good quality bud at decent prices and consistent.
Ordered from green team today so excited for that and haven’t tried drugs inc yet.
Gassed, shroom of the loom and buddies are fair shouts too.

I’m glad you’ve had a great experience with LB it’s honestly a game changer, tgt cali pop is the one of the best smokes out there for any budget and all the shakes on here are perfect for cooking, smoking, making tea ect

I found this place in January and The Green Team was the vendor that got me up and running with my orders on here and since then I have placed a lot of orders and opened a few family members eyes to how much better it is to buy on here.

They were my first order too.
Wish that malana cream was still around 😢😭
We should start a "which vendor broke your LB virginity" thread 😂
Wish that malana cream was still around 😢😭
We should start a "which vendor broke your LB virginity" thread 😂

For real, since I’ve been using this site for the past month or so I’ve been able to show a couple friends how easy life can become not having to go to Robbie the ten bag man down the road and actually getting what u want 🤷♂️

My first was Drugs Inc UK back in March 2022.
The stuff I got from those dudes was so good it lasted the entire year for me.
Came back in March 2023 and got something else from them, as well as a few edibles from some other dudes, like Eddy's Edibles and The Great Vape Company.
Got a current order with... The Gentleman Dealers... and then I got another one due to do with BaldEagle after seeing those dudes noted on one of Eddy's listings.
The stuff I got from those dudes was so good it lasted the entire year for me.
Came back in March 2023 and got something else from them, as well as a few edibles from some other dudes, like Eddy's Edibles and The Great Vape Company.
Got a current order with... The Gentleman Dealers... and then I got another one due to do with BaldEagle after seeing those dudes noted on one of Eddy's listings.

Thank you Sonofmonkey for the mention ..
You are most welcome my friend and we are so glad you are loving this community too ;)
Stay Blessed
You are most welcome my friend and we are so glad you are loving this community too ;)
Stay Blessed

Hey Family,
Give us a try when you get a chance, we have range from flower hash to shatter and other concentrates, edibles are coming soon too.
Peace and Respect
Give us a try when you get a chance, we have range from flower hash to shatter and other concentrates, edibles are coming soon too.
Peace and Respect

15 posts
+37 votes

Dab rigs? Suggestions

Dab rigs? Suggestions
Help me:) found one on Amazon let me know if it’s good

Hi Sonofmonkey
So I can add the following info if it helps.
I love my AIO coil king and not exactly been quite about it. For the price a great bit of kit.
The only down side that I have found is you have to watch what consistency the concentrate is. I find the AIO good because you can have a few hits put it down and go back to it.
Lighting pen is more of a one and done pen. You can’t put much in it or it overflows out the chamber. So it makes your concentrate last longer 👌
Both great devices in their own right but if I had to pick between the two. I would still use the AIO.
I’ve been lucky and picked up a 2nd hand core for a pure bargain. That’s coming this week so will compare and update the tread but from what I’ve heard. Really looking forward to it.
So I can add the following info if it helps.
I love my AIO coil king and not exactly been quite about it. For the price a great bit of kit.
The only down side that I have found is you have to watch what consistency the concentrate is. I find the AIO good because you can have a few hits put it down and go back to it.
Lighting pen is more of a one and done pen. You can’t put much in it or it overflows out the chamber. So it makes your concentrate last longer 👌
Both great devices in their own right but if I had to pick between the two. I would still use the AIO.
I’ve been lucky and picked up a 2nd hand core for a pure bargain. That’s coming this week so will compare and update the tread but from what I’ve heard. Really looking forward to it.

This video was decent
He’s Probably reviewed most of what has been mentioned in this thread.
He’s Probably reviewed most of what has been mentioned in this thread.

Hey, Sonofmonkey.
Had this exact same "e-rig" (glorified dab pen with an ineffective bubbler), personally I think it is pretty crap for the price. Lasted me about 2 weeks before bits needed replacing and if you want a coil they're either £12 a shot off Amazon or if you need any of the other bits they're US only which is $40 shipping alone.
I would say for the money you are going to spend on that, TVape has the Core 1.0 on sale right now, can snag one @ £99.99, usually £159.99. Linked it to the post. However if you are still set on the Xmax QOMO Mini e-rig they've got it for £65.28.
Unrelated, but I also tried the Yocan Evolve XL Plus Dab Pen, while its okay I think its pretty crap compared to a Coil King AIO or a Lightning Pen which seem to outperform them at same / similar price range. Ended up caving in and getting a Volcano Digit the other day and I must say it is amazing, great to finally own one. Top bit of kit for the price been putting shatter and budder in weed sandwiches all day today. 🤣🤣🤣
Had this exact same "e-rig" (glorified dab pen with an ineffective bubbler), personally I think it is pretty crap for the price. Lasted me about 2 weeks before bits needed replacing and if you want a coil they're either £12 a shot off Amazon or if you need any of the other bits they're US only which is $40 shipping alone.
I would say for the money you are going to spend on that, TVape has the Core 1.0 on sale right now, can snag one @ £99.99, usually £159.99. Linked it to the post. However if you are still set on the Xmax QOMO Mini e-rig they've got it for £65.28.
Unrelated, but I also tried the Yocan Evolve XL Plus Dab Pen, while its okay I think its pretty crap compared to a Coil King AIO or a Lightning Pen which seem to outperform them at same / similar price range. Ended up caving in and getting a Volcano Digit the other day and I must say it is amazing, great to finally own one. Top bit of kit for the price been putting shatter and budder in weed sandwiches all day today. 🤣🤣🤣

I guess the USP here is the “pocket portability “?…nah, not sure about that!…and if you want desktop there are way better options.
For info, it it’s about portability this is the highest rated device for on the move even after years and is a whole lot cheaper:
For info, it it’s about portability this is the highest rated device for on the move even after years and is a whole lot cheaper:

I like to keep it simple:
But if you want to tech it up a tad:
But if you want to tech it up a tad:

If you can afford one or save for one get a puffco peak pro there pricey but worth the money.

I have the Xmax, if you buy the ceramic coil it performs much better. Runs out of charge in like 5 hits tho lol
Coil King is great too, not great for some consistencies of concentrate though
I just use a quartz banger and a small bubbler these days, chuck it in the ultrasonic cleaner with some iso and it comes out spotless, no coil or anything to replace.
Coil King is great too, not great for some consistencies of concentrate though
I just use a quartz banger and a small bubbler these days, chuck it in the ultrasonic cleaner with some iso and it comes out spotless, no coil or anything to replace.

My girlfriend is buying me the core 2.1 for our anniversary in august, will let you know once I’ve tried it:)

22 posts by Sonofmonkey
1 post
+3.2 votes

All Active Vendors 2.0 (A-Z & 123)
Where has pistach gone I wonder :((

All Active Vendors 2.0 (A-Z & 123)
1. 420buds -
2. All4twenty -
3. BaldEagleBakery -
5. Cali dreams -
6. Canadian Imports -
7. Canna Zone -
8. ChaseTheTerp -
9. DaffyDeals -
10. DeDoVerDe -
11. DoctorExtracts -
12. donloco -
13. DR.TERPY -
14. dr green thumb -
15. DrShroom -
16. Druids Magic -
17. Eddys Edibles -
18. Eddys Hashbar -
19. ElevatedEats -
20. Fungal-Cate -
21. g6extracts -
22. Gassed -
23. Green Avenger Weed -
24. Green Cat -
25. GreenFinger -
26. Hal UK -
27. Herb4Life -
28. HerbNation -
29. hootan -
30. InstantGrams -
31. Justweed -
32. Keep It Green -
33. Lazydaze -
35. MadDabber420 -
36. Medi-Mart -
37. MJconcentrates -
38. MKK2020 -
39. MrZodiacTrip -
40. Myconauts -
41. NectarOfTheGodz -
42. nero -
43. NFUSED -
44. northernorganics -
45. PabloEscrowbar -
46. PM2994 -
48. radar breeder -
49. Resin -
50. Riley_packs -
51. Rocketdogronnie -
53. Shroom Of The Loom -
54. SKUDA -
55. Smorez -
56. Stardawg line -
57. strainsburys -
58. Terpmasters -
59. tescrow -
60. thatguyforbud -
61. The Cheesemaster -
62. TheFunGuy -
63. The Gentlemen Dealers -
64. The Great Vape Company -
66. TheHashCollective23 -
67. The Pontiff of Piff -
69. Topdawg -
70. Uk dispensary -
71. Ukgrower2 -
73. uWakeiBake -
74. Vapeplug -
75. Yourmumshouse -
76. Your Natural Medicine -
2. All4twenty -
3. BaldEagleBakery -
5. Cali dreams -
6. Canadian Imports -
7. Canna Zone -
8. ChaseTheTerp -
9. DaffyDeals -
10. DeDoVerDe -
11. DoctorExtracts -
12. donloco -
13. DR.TERPY -
14. dr green thumb -
15. DrShroom -
16. Druids Magic -
17. Eddys Edibles -
18. Eddys Hashbar -
19. ElevatedEats -
20. Fungal-Cate -
21. g6extracts -
22. Gassed -
23. Green Avenger Weed -
24. Green Cat -
25. GreenFinger -
26. Hal UK -
27. Herb4Life -
28. HerbNation -
29. hootan -
30. InstantGrams -
31. Justweed -
32. Keep It Green -
33. Lazydaze -
35. MadDabber420 -
36. Medi-Mart -
37. MJconcentrates -
38. MKK2020 -
39. MrZodiacTrip -
40. Myconauts -
41. NectarOfTheGodz -
42. nero -
43. NFUSED -
44. northernorganics -
45. PabloEscrowbar -
46. PM2994 -
48. radar breeder -
49. Resin -
50. Riley_packs -
51. Rocketdogronnie -
53. Shroom Of The Loom -
54. SKUDA -
55. Smorez -
56. Stardawg line -
57. strainsburys -
58. Terpmasters -
59. tescrow -
60. thatguyforbud -
61. The Cheesemaster -
62. TheFunGuy -
63. The Gentlemen Dealers -
64. The Great Vape Company -
66. TheHashCollective23 -
67. The Pontiff of Piff -
69. Topdawg -
70. Uk dispensary -
71. Ukgrower2 -
73. uWakeiBake -
74. Vapeplug -
75. Yourmumshouse -
76. Your Natural Medicine -

Hi, I’m new here…
If I use these ‘link’ embedded addresses, what’s the difference with just using the items wall?
If I use these ‘link’ embedded addresses, what’s the difference with just using the items wall?

Hey BillyBalfont, welcome to LB 😊
The links won’t make any difference to your buying experience. They’re reference links that caeba has made, and anyone can make them, you just scroll down to where it says ‘share’ on any item or vendor page, and you can generate your own reference link to share, and then if anyone uses that link to make a purchase, you’ll earn some crypto for it, hope this helps 👍
The links won’t make any difference to your buying experience. They’re reference links that caeba has made, and anyone can make them, you just scroll down to where it says ‘share’ on any item or vendor page, and you can generate your own reference link to share, and then if anyone uses that link to make a purchase, you’ll earn some crypto for it, hope this helps 👍

Great work Caeba 😉👍. Respect. Just looking through the list. Theres about 6 or 7 that I didn't know existed 🥴. And probably more we dont know who sell. 👍

These are just addresses, not links. Some vendors don't appear on the wall for some reason so it's handy to have these addresses.

I think the Spacemen could be Superhans? .. maybe completely wrong.but the buds are very similar excellent quality just as the legendary superhans was.good while ago 😉

Hi imageNation87...yes just a random thought it could be superhans? Chances are slim really lol 🤣..just a gut feeling lol

Hello everyone
We are operating as normal
We have some new items added to menu from cali imports to uk grown strains
Check out our items
Radar breeder
We are operating as normal
We have some new items added to menu from cali imports to uk grown strains
Check out our items
Radar breeder

Hi Caeba - new vendor here and I'd love to be added to your list 🙏🏽
Still getting all our products listed, but will be running some competitions/giveaways once everything is ready to roll
Still getting all our products listed, but will be running some competitions/giveaways once everything is ready to roll

2 posts
+7 votes

{lb help}
Coinbase UK travel problem
Literally used ur real name as ur username and using the name of the site as the name for Coinbase? Might aswell call the police and give them ur addr…
+ 2 more

{lb help}
Coinbase UK travel problem
Can anyone help me my Coinbase app now requires confirmation of who is receiving the coin I can’t get past it hence can’t pay for my order UK travel something 🤬 does anyone have a solution for me

Tick the box that asks if you are sending to yourself. I did this and payments have been going through

Easiest way around it is setting up a cake wallet then send coins from CB (coinbase) to CW (cake wallet) then from cake wallet to vendor.
DO NOT put LB or littlebiggy as a name because it will eventually flag up.
DO NOT put LB or littlebiggy as a name because it will eventually flag up.

Yo everyone
you can put any name down ect Smith and ticket
or select sending to yourself
try using different wallet that doesnt have KYC
Coinomi exodus will be much easier
Hope this helps
you can put any name down ect Smith and ticket
or select sending to yourself
try using different wallet that doesnt have KYC
Coinomi exodus will be much easier
Hope this helps

I had the same yesterday, tried the myself option which failed.
Then just made up a name which worked fine!
Feels like it’s triggered when sending over £100 ish
Then just made up a name which worked fine!
Feels like it’s triggered when sending over £100 ish

I had the same issue, it worked by sending the coins in chunks rather than in one go. It must've been triggered if you went up a certain amount. But you're right, it's unresponsive and gives no error until you enter a lower amount to what your balance is

If thousands of transactions show up on coinbase with LB as a reference, surely it will eventually flag up and the site will get unnecessary heat?
I think it’s probably better to randomise the names for every purchase.
Not trying to tell you what to do mate, but it could become an issue further down the line- not only could it lead to the site being shut down, but it could lead to a knock on your door if you have repeated payments referenced with this website.
Stay safe!
I think it’s probably better to randomise the names for every purchase.
Not trying to tell you what to do mate, but it could become an issue further down the line- not only could it lead to the site being shut down, but it could lead to a knock on your door if you have repeated payments referenced with this website.
Stay safe!

Just had the same problem and totally agree. Using LB as the name is a recipe for trouble. Both for the site and your CB account. I just used a random name and it's gone through.

Sorry, realised my mistake and have never done it again, wad only trying to help, and everybody calling me stupid for using my name as my user id should know its not my name, its the name of an old teacher that lives in Australia, so steady on people. I won't be offering my help on these forums again

People piled on a bit harshly. I don’t think I did- was merely highlighting the potential risks as a courtesy to protect you and vendors.
Seems like an odd thing to sulk about…
Seems like an odd thing to sulk about…

Yes it does but when I check the box nothing happens hence can’t move on from there I find coinbase so frustrating to use can I ask who you use
Yes it does but when I check the box nothing happens hence can’t move on from there I find coinbase so frustrating to use can I ask who you use

Hey did you get sorted with coinbase if so what did you actually do looking to place an order myself

Did you get your order done? I didn't write little biggy i just made up a random name and sending to UK and it was fine

I put littlebiggy as the name and UK for country. All the vendors I sent it to have received it no problem

That's not my real name and I get things sent to multiple addresses, rotating them with every order. I'm sorry I made one mistake with one order under £100 and was trying to help, I won't be doing that again

Yeah, except that's not my name and I send things to 4 different addresses, fair enough I made a mistake first time putting lb but realised that was a mistake. You all need to get a fucking grip, last time I offer to help on this forum

Literally used ur real name as ur username and using the name of the site as the name for Coinbase? Might aswell call the police and give them ur address whilst ur at it

That's not my real name and I get things sent to multiple addresses, rotating them with every order. I'm sorry I made one mistake with one order under £100 and was trying to help, I won't be doing that again

That's not my real name and I get things sent to multiple addresses, rotating them with every order. I'm sorry I made one mistake with one order under £100 and was trying to help, I won't be doing that again

What I just did on an order just now was to send funds from the coinbase app to the coinbase wallet and pay from there. No issues whatsoever. Hope this helps

I've got the wallet but don't use it. I Might do that next time. I had to do 2 orders yesterday my Bro doesn't do crypto and I had to write a fake name on both transactions so it looks like you'll be asked everytime. I don't know about writing little biggy though, that seems a bit shady imo, glad your sorted 👌🏻

1 post
+1 votes

Who has the best shake at the moment
Pistach imo 🤯

Who has the best shake at the moment
Looking for the best shake I am willing to pay more for a higher ratio of popcorn buds to trim

Riley Packs
Just Weed
All have the best quality out of the retailers I’ve tried.
SKUDA has some great bud/shake bars that are fantastic quality for the price which I have at the minute.
British Bulldog has the best shake by far, but I believe BB doesn’t have any left from his last grow - but if you get the chance, snatch it up in future.
Just Weed
All have the best quality out of the retailers I’ve tried.
SKUDA has some great bud/shake bars that are fantastic quality for the price which I have at the minute.
British Bulldog has the best shake by far, but I believe BB doesn’t have any left from his last grow - but if you get the chance, snatch it up in future.

Yeah I got my delivery from Riley yesterday (brilliant 1 day service btw) and it does smell really good, and smokes well and tastes nice. It's clearly from lovely weed. But it is mostly leaf, as Kernnow420 was saying, with just a bit of popcorn (the little nugs that are there are great tho). Riley said it's a bit of potluck how many nugs you get in each bag, which is def true. But, based on what others have said here and in reviews, this seems to be a pretty leafy batch in general. For me, it's not worth the price. Makes me want to try the actual Divine Jelly bud though haha, it's clearly 🔥. I think Riley still has some in stock. Oh and the high from Riley's trim is nice, just not very long-lasting, and you have to smoke quite a lot.

I have to add though - now that I'm smoking Riley's stuff for a second night - I was tired last night and underestimated the stone from the shake :). Smoked a (fairly large) joint that was all leaf (to test the strength again) and it hit really nicely. And my tolerance is pretty high. Plus it tastes lovely, isn't too dry. So now I'm in two minds :D. And will def use part of it for edibles too, I'm sure it'll be great. Anyway, just wanted to give my fully rounded opinion - I usually like to smoke for a few days before I give an assessment, just felt a bit hard done by with the nug to leaf ratio haha.

Nice! Just ordered some of Riley's stuff last night after seeing your comment. Love me some great shake. How is the smoke and high? Can't find much info about the Divine Jelly strain.
Btw a very honourable mention for shake must go to Green Cat's Skywalker OG trim - 2 Oz for £90-95. It's not premium in the sense of being filled with smaller nugs, but has loads of tiny ones (nuglets;) in there - it's def shake rather than trim. And the strength overall is easily an 8/10 for me. So it's some of the best value weed I've ever bought. Lovely indica stone and nice flavour. Not too dry and still zesty when ground/cut up. I've linked it above.
Btw a very honourable mention for shake must go to Green Cat's Skywalker OG trim - 2 Oz for £90-95. It's not premium in the sense of being filled with smaller nugs, but has loads of tiny ones (nuglets;) in there - it's def shake rather than trim. And the strength overall is easily an 8/10 for me. So it's some of the best value weed I've ever bought. Lovely indica stone and nice flavour. Not too dry and still zesty when ground/cut up. I've linked it above.

Riley packs has premium shake in atm, waiting on some to arrive then I'll update on quality bro

Really nice! Very tempted to get some, especially given the price, that's a steal - was this the Zushi one or the Mac trim? I've heard great things about both current batches from Pistach.

MAC listing but believe it’s Jaffa Glue. I’ve had the sushi shake and it wasn’t as good as this although still good value for the price as always with Pistach.

Keep it green he has ran out of shake so it's all popcorn nugs leafy nugs and the bud is some of the best I've had on here tastes lovely

1 post
+3 votes
Competition time @Eddys 3 lucky Eddyble $50 selection boxes to be won.
Has to be brownies🤩🤩

Competition time @Eddys 3 lucky Eddyble $50 selection boxes to be won.
Hey Biggas it’s time for another competition @Eddys Edibles
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and comment your favourite type of edible like chocolate, lollys, gummies, cakes etc and we will see the uk biggas most taken edibles 😋🤤🫠.
There will be 3 delicious prizes to be won. An Eddys dealers choice edible selection box worth around $50.
So Simply upvote this post and tell us your favourite edibles to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on the last day of the month September 30th a week Saturday so only a week n a half to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶
I’m going to run a classic random number generator competition as they seem to never get taken down but as a added bit of fun to enter the competition and receive a random number simply upvote and comment your favourite type of edible like chocolate, lollys, gummies, cakes etc and we will see the uk biggas most taken edibles 😋🤤🫠.
There will be 3 delicious prizes to be won. An Eddys dealers choice edible selection box worth around $50.
So Simply upvote this post and tell us your favourite edibles to get your lucky number assigned it’s that easy. Draw will be held on the last day of the month September 30th a week Saturday so only a week n a half to enter. Minimum of 5 buys on LB to enter.
The draw will be uploaded to this channel.
Number will be generated here-
Good luck to everyone. Stay Lit Much love Eddy🍭🫶

Ill go first . Number 1 never comes up but ah well lol
Lollies and odds n ends . All ive tried to be fair .
But my favorite is custard made with cannabutter . Fast acting and proper strong .
Lollies and odds n ends . All ive tried to be fair .
But my favorite is custard made with cannabutter . Fast acting and proper strong .

Mine is cookies with regular custard dude lol, but I’m now thinking to make some of this to put on now 🤔🫠

I seem to have particularly high tolerance, so found chocolate bars the best QPR for me. I think I still have residual effects from the 250mg I took in that format before crossing the border yesterday morning. Have a thought about coming up off that amount just as you're handing over passports to border checks, and how you make your best definitely not starting to glaze over smile at the nice man. I wasn't driving, concerned readers.

Definitely chocolate I think it makes it taste a lot better, cheers for the giveaway dude! 👍

I’m quite partial to all of them but I think chocolate, soft gummies and thc lean are some of my favourite ways to consume edibles

Oh damn its gotta be some chocolates, i recently made edibles…. I also didn’t know about converting the strength anyway after realising I had over 750mg of thc and a bad green hang over I will save for those who are good at it! 😂😂

Gummies and brownies. Really must eat more edibles, had a great night out last weekend on some strong gummies a friend had brought back from the US! Thanks Eddy :)

Oh nice! My favourite edibles are gummies or thc lean - good luck everyone and thank you eddy!

Awesome giveaway! I’ve only ever made cookies and brownies at home with cannabutter but definitely be grabbing some thc lean soon! 😌
Good luck biggas!
Good luck biggas!

For me its got to be the THC Lean or some normal gummies like gummy bears or skulls.
Lollies and chocolates seem to have too much of a weed taste for me.
Lollies and chocolates seem to have too much of a weed taste for me.

Thanks for the 'sweet' giveaway, anything made with RSO seems to work pretty well for me and i like the chews.
Good luck to everyone!
Good luck to everyone!

Brownies, chocolate, lollipops, gummies… I don’t really mind as long as they get me blasted lol

Me and my wife have just got into these and have the sweets on a Friday and Saturday night. Completely different high from smoking it and often get the giggles for no reason. Think they are RSO?

Cookies made with zkittles. Fucking awesome and the best weed I know for keeping a bit of flavour through the decarb. Fizzy gummies for nights out and gigs. Lush

The only edibles I've had is a brownie and a red velvet cake. Both delicious, but the red velvet was the best in flavour and effects

always liked thc syrup as you can mix it with whatever you please, but them lollys do hit the spot

I suppose the answer anything with THC in is a bit too broad, so I’ll go with chocolate. Thanks for another generous giveaway Eddy.

Not sure if I've entered or if I'm too late haha don't think so tho so here goes,
I like to go all out and make dinner with the butter 😅 me and some friends made an active stir fry when we were wild camping in Ireland a few years back. We took some acid later on when the stars were out, i could see them through the tent 👀 Good times
I like to go all out and make dinner with the butter 😅 me and some friends made an active stir fry when we were wild camping in Ireland a few years back. We took some acid later on when the stars were out, i could see them through the tent 👀 Good times

Had a peng pasta n tomato sauce with infused olive oil, went down like a treat
Love gummies n sweets as well :-)
Love gummies n sweets as well :-)

Lollies are great and the honeycomb was favourite. Would like to try the Canna butter and cookies :)
Thanks for comp Eddy
Thanks for comp Eddy

Best I've had was cookies from Dam years ago.
Have bought some gummies (not from here) but gave them about them was underwhelming so haven't bought again.
Have just recently quit smoking though so need to find a good alternative!
Like the look of chocolate bars😄
Have bought some gummies (not from here) but gave them about them was underwhelming so haven't bought again.
Have just recently quit smoking though so need to find a good alternative!
Like the look of chocolate bars😄

Great comp Eddy, thank you!
I'm definitely a gummy/chewy sweetie kinda guy, when it comes to edibles. And for munchies, any time of day actually!
Have you tried those peach Haribos? So good! 🤣💚🫠
I'm definitely a gummy/chewy sweetie kinda guy, when it comes to edibles. And for munchies, any time of day actually!
Have you tried those peach Haribos? So good! 🤣💚🫠

Nostalgia says old school, hash yogurts.
(Cook up hash in a little butter and stir it through.)
Extraordinarily unpleasant taste but boy did they use to mash me up!
(Cook up hash in a little butter and stir it through.)
Extraordinarily unpleasant taste but boy did they use to mash me up!

Soor plooms would be my pick but maybe a bit specific 😂 can never go wrong with some brownies or chocolate though

Loved the fizzies and you have just reminded me that I have a few of your lollies upstairs. Now if you could make some rhubarb and custard 25mg. YUM!!!

I’m gonna go with fudge
Thanks for the giveaway Eddy and reminding me need to work back round to your store 😆✌️
Thanks for the giveaway Eddy and reminding me need to work back round to your store 😆✌️

10 posts
+5 votes

You’re actually a weirdo what are you on about get my freebie I don’t need any freebies you’re actually boring me now honestly just smoke a bowl and f…
+ 10 more
No it’s not unusual, but your attitude in this topic is unusually uhh… intense 😅 roll a J my friend 🧘♂️

I dont know who you are or if these are your little friends selling this poison to their own people of these lands. But you need to listen, do not smoke anything that does that, it is a MASSIVE health issue. I am not trying to be nice to you for any other reason than I do not want you to end up with issues like that. Maybe take the intensity as a very serious warning

? because it can cause serious health issues and I spent £400, not about the money bad weed is bad weed, I have smoked homegrown that had very low narcotic levels.......... but being given Utter health hazard in a bag.... is something to be intense about...... "no its not unusual on here" nobody in their right mind would do this to their own plants and sit down and smoke them

I’ve used TGD quite a bit and their goods and communication have always been top notch in my experience. I can’t see them selling gear that “burns into coal”.
I know that their reply might not have fully answered the question in the way you would have liked but maybe it would have been better to have a discussion with them seeking clarification rather than calling them out and insulting people responding to your post
You might be having a bad day but it’s not a great look for you. 🤣
I know that their reply might not have fully answered the question in the way you would have liked but maybe it would have been better to have a discussion with them seeking clarification rather than calling them out and insulting people responding to your post
You might be having a bad day but it’s not a great look for you. 🤣

Sorry what does YOUR BRAIN tell you doesnt answer my question there? what is is about my question do you think that alluded him............ into suggesting "well yea some burns clean............. some does not" . And you are liar if you are trying to tell me what I recieved from what your friends on here? isnt burning black. You are a liar. And I am sure MANY here will agree, many of YOUR friends on here, sell this cancer for profit dont they. and when asked A SIMPLE QUESTION SIMPLE BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT I AM SAYING and you reponse is...... what if you were clearer to him......... he would have said NO MATE IT ALL BURNS ALRIGHT IM NOT LIKE THAT. Jesus christ you people are evil, this profit your friends are making is through seeling poison, even the worst tobbacco tar is nothing compared to the health issues that shite can cause you horrid little entity. I do not care in the slighest "BOOHOO BAD DAY NOT A GREAT LOOK" hear my words anyone reading this who is looking to buy on here, what I am saying is a fact, and it would be a very bad day for you when the doctor says you have COPD

And some "packs" dont????????????? how is THAT an answer in your ever some benevolent opinion do you think. You are telling me "yea some bags wont burn right because of what you say.......... some will, roll the dice with your hundreds of pounds, this is a gamble. ???????????????


Jesus I was thinking you was confused and not having a rant lol my bad 😂
Yes he said most packs but all you had to do was ask if a specific pack is white ash or not ..
what do you want him to do ? Message you every strain to you and tell you if it’s white ash or not.
You belong to the streets 😂
Yes he said most packs but all you had to do was ask if a specific pack is white ash or not ..
what do you want him to do ? Message you every strain to you and tell you if it’s white ash or not.
You belong to the streets 😂

"yea bro we have X strain in that burns good, not like that other stuff" ......... not......... yea some bags will do that, some bags wont. You know EXACTLY what you are doing now dont you. Tell us all your IQ, because we can see something does not add up here cant we, anyone reading this
"yea bro we have X strain in that burns good, not like that other stuff" ......... not......... yea some bags will do that, some bags wont. You know EXACTLY what you are doing now dont you. Tell us all your IQ, because we can see something does not add up here cant we, anyone reading this

Wonder who you are swooping in to cover for your evil little friend who sells poison and tries to hide it when asked directly. With your little specifically targeted shop for vapes, with your little pack of wolves you call friends. Do you think you are fooling anyone with this low IQ damage control you jump up and down and saying "naw.......... he didnt understand........ and he meant only certain strains that remain a mystery because he never said anything at all.......... some do some dont" Just who exactly do you think you are fooling

No offence meant nixon, but perhaps you should continue with your medical prescription from your dispensery, if you have one. (oh they sell black ash bud as well but seeing as you'r not supposed to smoke it you won't know that)
Or perhaps your own grow, using the correct flush times etc to ensure no "copd black ash"
(growing is like raising children, 100% time effort and worry, and the little buggers don't appreciate it when things go wrong!) but you will know that as you are on here slagging the quality of others product without trying it.
Sadly, this medicine is not legal in the UK, I use the product sold here as medicine as do many others. That's because of the situation, and this is not Amazon. We understand that, and work around it appropriately.
As should you.
Might not work out for you and that's fine. Speak to your local plug, they'll tell you exactly what you want to hear, even if it's not true.
TGD are, imo, up front honest and do what they say (there are many others who don';t) They provide good gear, with no hassle and it's as described, and with minimal issues. Check their feedback, says it all.
As do many others on here. Some don't, but hey, speak to your MP re the reasons we are on here not down the high street sipping a latte and smoking a spliff next to GAP.
Many biggas are happy to help all sorts of alliments and just chat for the craic. Realise what you have discovered in lb.
In short, don't be a dick.
Good luck, and I'm typing this for others, not really for you, as you've been a dick.
Or perhaps your own grow, using the correct flush times etc to ensure no "copd black ash"
(growing is like raising children, 100% time effort and worry, and the little buggers don't appreciate it when things go wrong!) but you will know that as you are on here slagging the quality of others product without trying it.
Sadly, this medicine is not legal in the UK, I use the product sold here as medicine as do many others. That's because of the situation, and this is not Amazon. We understand that, and work around it appropriately.
As should you.
Might not work out for you and that's fine. Speak to your local plug, they'll tell you exactly what you want to hear, even if it's not true.
TGD are, imo, up front honest and do what they say (there are many others who don';t) They provide good gear, with no hassle and it's as described, and with minimal issues. Check their feedback, says it all.
As do many others on here. Some don't, but hey, speak to your MP re the reasons we are on here not down the high street sipping a latte and smoking a spliff next to GAP.
Many biggas are happy to help all sorts of alliments and just chat for the craic. Realise what you have discovered in lb.
In short, don't be a dick.
Good luck, and I'm typing this for others, not really for you, as you've been a dick.

I do grow my own, and now I am here looking for none poisoned weed as any self respecting seller would have, or make clear which not "yea some do" and little demons like you swooping in to damage control. And I will tell you right now, you sell that poison round here where I live to decent people, you would go missing and your body would be found in the river, you fucking demonic gangster. Your house would be set on fire and your family would be forced to move, You think you fucking scum do poison people then try squirm around "should grow your own... and flush it right" you utter degenerate, tell me where you are

Wow. Mate seriously wtf?
you want a square go asking where I am?
Even if I was a paraplegic with a speech impediment using gestures to type I would still kick living fuck out of you for fun whilst drooling out of the space in my teeth and scratching my arse with my spare hand.
Ass hole.
Enjoy your weekend. Dick.
you want a square go asking where I am?
Even if I was a paraplegic with a speech impediment using gestures to type I would still kick living fuck out of you for fun whilst drooling out of the space in my teeth and scratching my arse with my spare hand.
Ass hole.
Enjoy your weekend. Dick.

You are utter scum evil preying on people blood for profit. Malevolent demon, everyone in a decent society knows to attack evil like you, poison peddlers, crack dealers, Pakistani rapist, all of you need wiping off the map. You dont get evil like you in good areas, people set fire to your home and take you, and people know not to say anything when someone like you goes missing, trying to poison people you utter degenerate you shame on your own grandfathers and grandmothers trying to poison your own people you sick idiot

ok mate, take a toke and sit down.
LB has an underlying principle of no harm.
Probably a reason this site still exists.
Sorry for calling you a dick, hmm, no I'm not you're a dick.
LB has an underlying principle of no harm.
Probably a reason this site still exists.
Sorry for calling you a dick, hmm, no I'm not you're a dick.

Absolute state of you. "Id do this even if I had speech impediment". People would set fire to your home and your entire life would be gone. Thats what happens to demons like you in good areas, you fucking scum, people would hear you sold poison to someone uncle or daughter and lads would be there in the night and petrol through your windows you fucking scum you think normal people stand for this in their area, maybe in your decayed shithole but in normal areas your family would be chased out for trying to push this shite on people, my irish cousins have done far far worse to people like you to defend your grandfathers neighbourhoods. You fucking degenerate

Nixon mate ur a wannabe keyboard warrior shut the fuck up u don’t know what ur talking about they gave u a simple answer and u replied with aggression, full on retard

no they did not give a simple answer did they you utter shill. what was that simple answer.......... "some does" in your wise opinion, how is that any kind of answer at all? shill, sorry "keyboard warrior" my post had a point about a real issue....... you however, are a little THRALL.
or back up your low IQ take and tell us all how "yea some burns okay"is a simple answer........ and by simple answer we mean a an actual answer to the obvious question.
not simple meaning BRAINDEAD........ like you..... as what is the next question from there........... the SAME QUESTION AGAIN "Okay............ WHICH BURN CLEAN"
not very bright? or just a shill? which are you?
or back up your low IQ take and tell us all how "yea some burns okay"is a simple answer........ and by simple answer we mean a an actual answer to the obvious question.
not simple meaning BRAINDEAD........ like you..... as what is the next question from there........... the SAME QUESTION AGAIN "Okay............ WHICH BURN CLEAN"
not very bright? or just a shill? which are you?

You’re genuinely not okay in the head are u mate he said most burns white, that should b enough for u if u don’t like it delete ur account and go back to ur street dealers so much negativity, plus you are a keyboard warrior sending threats to people when you are clearly just a hurt little boy who has severe mental problems

How should "some does" be enough for anyone.
brainlet. thats not a yes or a no. thats not saying which, thats a RISK. you retard, thats why there was a question......... and an answer that does not answer anything.
shill. literal shill
nobody could be as dumb as you, could they?
brainlet. thats not a yes or a no. thats not saying which, thats a RISK. you retard, thats why there was a question......... and an answer that does not answer anything.
shill. literal shill
nobody could be as dumb as you, could they?

You’re literally causing arguments because you’re salty you got a bad batch lol sort ur self out mate

HAHAHA now look at you "boohoo because he called me out and showed I was a devious little thrall..... i will downvote his comments"
okay........ but an answer to your original statement would be nice........ you got a simple answer........ how haha oh right "if you cant afford your habit"
......... but my habit it not throwing poison in the bin. is it haha
so what are you saying. dont carry on being a weird little idiot, stand up like a man, and back up your own statements.
jesus lol. Go get your free gram for shilling you fool. You are not tricking anyone
okay........ but an answer to your original statement would be nice........ you got a simple answer........ how haha oh right "if you cant afford your habit"
......... but my habit it not throwing poison in the bin. is it haha
so what are you saying. dont carry on being a weird little idiot, stand up like a man, and back up your own statements.
jesus lol. Go get your free gram for shilling you fool. You are not tricking anyone

Mate u went through my posts from months ago and downvoted them🤣 I said if you can’t afford the expensive weed go elsewhere it’s a simple answer I do exactly that cause I know I’m not willing to be scammed out of my money for a 3.5 but they gave u an answer do u understand how many messages these vendors get? Mate this is a multi million pound website you need to chill out a bit

Sorry "cant afford expensive weed"........ but I can afford weed.
are you retarded. black coal burning poison isnt "expensive weed" is it moron. no its not. moron
its a waste of money, moron. You may get a kick out of wasting money, moron. Many people do not want that risk........ because they want their actual habit, of smokable weed.
see how easy logic is when you try it, moron. Give it a go....
maybe you could try it out after you get your free gram for shilling evil?
why didnt give an answer moron. what answer did I get, th reduction would be a reply of "idk"......... idk is not an answer is it. moron
hahahahahahaha wow.
Oh right, this is a multi million website........ that I am sure does not need this fucking around be so called professional sellers, does it.
it needs OPEN and educated sellers that give actual responses and definately does not need the attention of peopl selling poison.
why am I even trying to talk reason to a shill.
stop crying over complete strangers posts, MANY PEOPLE found worthwhile to know, clearly.
yet here you are crying and crying as if your next free deal depended on it...... WONDER WHAT IS GOING ON THERE lmao
go get your freeby fool. You are not fooling anybody are you.
are you retarded. black coal burning poison isnt "expensive weed" is it moron. no its not. moron
its a waste of money, moron. You may get a kick out of wasting money, moron. Many people do not want that risk........ because they want their actual habit, of smokable weed.
see how easy logic is when you try it, moron. Give it a go....
maybe you could try it out after you get your free gram for shilling evil?
why didnt give an answer moron. what answer did I get, th reduction would be a reply of "idk"......... idk is not an answer is it. moron
hahahahahahaha wow.
Oh right, this is a multi million website........ that I am sure does not need this fucking around be so called professional sellers, does it.
it needs OPEN and educated sellers that give actual responses and definately does not need the attention of peopl selling poison.
why am I even trying to talk reason to a shill.
stop crying over complete strangers posts, MANY PEOPLE found worthwhile to know, clearly.
yet here you are crying and crying as if your next free deal depended on it...... WONDER WHAT IS GOING ON THERE lmao
go get your freeby fool. You are not fooling anybody are you.

You’re actually a weirdo what are you on about get my freebie I don’t need any freebies you’re actually boring me now honestly just smoke a bowl and fuck off have a nice day:)

boohoo your an actual weirdo expecting an real answer to if a seller has smokable weed.
not really, shill. we all see your game.
haha I am boring YOU? thats intersting, as I am not the one endlessly crying on your post, not making any fucking sense and when called out have to go ummm errrrrr you are a weirdo I guess for not wanting to piss away money
go get your freeby shill, Id say you deserve it, but I dont think you convinced anybody do you.
"you got an answer, risk your money, if you cant afford your new habit of risking money........ um......... dont say anything to anyone"
yeeeeeeeeeeeea Im not going to listen to a word you say haha. idiot. go get your free shill weed, maybe its not black burning poison, maybe it is.
its the risk of your habit of shilling for evil isnt it, lol
not really, shill. we all see your game.
haha I am boring YOU? thats intersting, as I am not the one endlessly crying on your post, not making any fucking sense and when called out have to go ummm errrrrr you are a weirdo I guess for not wanting to piss away money
go get your freeby shill, Id say you deserve it, but I dont think you convinced anybody do you.
"you got an answer, risk your money, if you cant afford your new habit of risking money........ um......... dont say anything to anyone"
yeeeeeeeeeeeea Im not going to listen to a word you say haha. idiot. go get your free shill weed, maybe its not black burning poison, maybe it is.
its the risk of your habit of shilling for evil isnt it, lol

No. I am making an issue aware that many would like to know.
I have now asked you a SIMPLE QUESTION about your statment you REFUSED to answer, because you know you are full of it. Dont you?
what kind of answer is the answer I got.
I did not want an interview, did I? I wantd an answer.
I asked a simple question, to be told... yea some does.
what do we do from there.......... ask that same question, yet again, because we never got any answer what so ever
"some does" is not an answer is it?
why are you crying about my comment, which is crystal clear, what is motivating you I wonder.
as MANY people see tha point and the clarity of what I said.
and you could not defend you gobbledegook bullshit of "you got a simple answer" if you tried.
could you.
try. go on. try
people should not need to ask the same simple question twice.
so tell us. what kind of answer it that. some does........ okay.......... so........... what then, ask that same question again......... or roll the dice with a large amount of money....
clear this up for us.. Its YOUR statement. Go on clear up the mess you made. I am waiting
I have now asked you a SIMPLE QUESTION about your statment you REFUSED to answer, because you know you are full of it. Dont you?
what kind of answer is the answer I got.
I did not want an interview, did I? I wantd an answer.
I asked a simple question, to be told... yea some does.
what do we do from there.......... ask that same question, yet again, because we never got any answer what so ever
"some does" is not an answer is it?
why are you crying about my comment, which is crystal clear, what is motivating you I wonder.
as MANY people see tha point and the clarity of what I said.
and you could not defend you gobbledegook bullshit of "you got a simple answer" if you tried.
could you.
try. go on. try
people should not need to ask the same simple question twice.
so tell us. what kind of answer it that. some does........ okay.......... so........... what then, ask that same question again......... or roll the dice with a large amount of money....
clear this up for us.. Its YOUR statement. Go on clear up the mess you made. I am waiting

If u can’t afford ur habits then maybe choose a cheaper options 🤣mate honestly ur having a hard time grasping you got a bad batch, no one here agrees w u, no one here has got ur point you’re just throwing a hissy fit, as for your question, you need to learn that all weed grows differently and that maybe on occasion you will get black ash because the growers are human and can make mistakes, you like to talk a lot, the thing that fuelled me to reply to you was you sending threats, it just ent on

As matey said at the top, ur a bit intense and need to relax roll a spliff have a cone even do a dab I couldn’t give a shit just calm ya tig ol bitties and relax

Literally gave u an answer u just need to relax cause ur causing ur blood pressure to rise don’t want you having a heart attack:)

You havent given ANY answer
you claimed I got a simple answer.
no I didnt did I?
why are yoy crying so much about a strangers comment I wonder. SHILL
sorry but many peopl want a CLEAR answer and to not risk their money........... your response "durrrrrr if you cant afford to waste money"
you are NOT a serious person. You are a clinical moron. or a shill
you claimed I got a simple answer.
no I didnt did I?
why are yoy crying so much about a strangers comment I wonder. SHILL
sorry but many peopl want a CLEAR answer and to not risk their money........... your response "durrrrrr if you cant afford to waste money"
you are NOT a serious person. You are a clinical moron. or a shill

Ur a weirdo, calling me demonic and shit cause I disagree with what you say, you’re a sausage mate, if you think it’s stupid amounts as I said go for something cheaper u don’t have to pay that much for a gamble lol end of the day they gave u an answer u weren’t happy with and now you’re popping off at every other person that disagrees with u and I think that’s hilarious considering you’re calling else morons do you not have anything else to do with your life? I literally ignored you for three messages and you just kept going honestly mate go to therapy or go get a diagnosis for autism or something cause when someone or something doesn’t do something the way you like you have a melt down.

Every single one of ur posts is you complain g it seems like you never have anything good to say about anything maybe life just isn’t for u?

"boohoo every single one of your posts is complaining "
2 out of 3. hahahaha
what a silly idiot you are. arent you? even before you came to SHILL for evil. ther was a post quite literally praising three sellers.... how does that fit in to your gibberish?
it DOESNT does it haha
dirty little stupid shill. I hope they give you a free gram for all this work you tried to do covering for evil, your karma will come too. Believe you me, evil
2 out of 3. hahahaha
what a silly idiot you are. arent you? even before you came to SHILL for evil. ther was a post quite literally praising three sellers.... how does that fit in to your gibberish?
it DOESNT does it haha
dirty little stupid shill. I hope they give you a free gram for all this work you tried to do covering for evil, your karma will come too. Believe you me, evil

You quite literally are demonic. or a moron. which is it?
you quite literally stated "you got an answer, if you arent willing to risk a large amount of money.... I guess you cant afford to smoke"
if you are genuine we come from different world, idiot.
I have never risked money needlessly like that.
You, a moron, might do that all the time, other people expect a real anwer.
you are quite literally evil. or an idiot.
which is it? and why are you crying so much what is motivating you to shill to this ludicrous extent. Your friend who says poison then doesnt give a straight answer.
You smoke your poison all you want. I wont critque you for poisoning yourself or wasting your own money on a needless risk after you ALREADY asked a crystal clear question.
you get on your knees and suck the cock or demons who peddle poison. I dont mind, dont cry at people who do not what to poison themslves or that will call out seller who not just sell poison--- but try to hide that fact by not giving a stright answer to potntial buyers
hahahahaha this is like talking to an actual fool here hahahaha you are a fool hahahaha
you quite literally stated "you got an answer, if you arent willing to risk a large amount of money.... I guess you cant afford to smoke"
if you are genuine we come from different world, idiot.
I have never risked money needlessly like that.
You, a moron, might do that all the time, other people expect a real anwer.
you are quite literally evil. or an idiot.
which is it? and why are you crying so much what is motivating you to shill to this ludicrous extent. Your friend who says poison then doesnt give a straight answer.
You smoke your poison all you want. I wont critque you for poisoning yourself or wasting your own money on a needless risk after you ALREADY asked a crystal clear question.
you get on your knees and suck the cock or demons who peddle poison. I dont mind, dont cry at people who do not what to poison themslves or that will call out seller who not just sell poison--- but try to hide that fact by not giving a stright answer to potntial buyers
hahahahaha this is like talking to an actual fool here hahahaha you are a fool hahahaha

Absolutely NOTHING in my message was intense.
dont LIE get up off your belly there SNAKE
this is the what third time of asking you to back up your own word as you prattle on like a drone.
wasnt a simple answer was it. could of been VERY easily couldnt it.
look fuck off moron. if a seller is asked a simple question, they do not need your tricks and lies and duplicity or your fucking demonic friends
easiest thing in the world to say "no, some doesnt, but we have this in that does. Or no some doesnt we will make sure yours does since you asked "
I havent got forever to say COMMON SENSE to cancerous little demons like you. Soooooo why are you crying so much?
dont LIE get up off your belly there SNAKE
this is the what third time of asking you to back up your own word as you prattle on like a drone.
wasnt a simple answer was it. could of been VERY easily couldnt it.
look fuck off moron. if a seller is asked a simple question, they do not need your tricks and lies and duplicity or your fucking demonic friends
easiest thing in the world to say "no, some doesnt, but we have this in that does. Or no some doesnt we will make sure yours does since you asked "
I havent got forever to say COMMON SENSE to cancerous little demons like you. Soooooo why are you crying so much?

what are you babbling about?
"if you cant afford your habit"
what does that mean?
"if you cant afford to throw away large sums of money on a risk despite asking clear questions"
hahahahahahahaha what a moron you are. Arent you?
and STILL avoiding backing up your own statement. HOW CURIOUS lmaoooooooooooooooooo
what a silly little idiot you are haha
"if you cant afford your habit"
what does that mean?
"if you cant afford to throw away large sums of money on a risk despite asking clear questions"
hahahahahahahaha what a moron you are. Arent you?
and STILL avoiding backing up your own statement. HOW CURIOUS lmaoooooooooooooooooo
what a silly little idiot you are haha

what threats??? stating the reality of what happens to people like that.
Do you understand the definition of a "threat"? its not stating reality if the world. A threat is credible assertion of violence by that person.
Do you understand the definition of a "threat"? its not stating reality if the world. A threat is credible assertion of violence by that person.

2 posts
+4 votes
Anyone have any cheese?
Bereavements irl
+ 2 more
Hello, I do have a small amount of exodus cheese if you'd be interested. Only a couple of grams since I bought a pretty small amount but if you want to send over a message I can add a custom listing 🙂

Green Cat had some but seems to be sold out atm. Maybe ping him a message and ask if/when he's getting some more in. Linked above.
I've searched the items list (use the find in page option in your browser) for cheese and can't find anything else except Blue Cheesecake.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
I've searched the items list (use the find in page option in your browser) for cheese and can't find anything else except Blue Cheesecake.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

We have a loose cali zheetos in stock which comes pretty close. Though it is a premium option with it being import

I've never seen UK cheese on here, only exodus and big buddha. Somebody did have big buddha cheese a little while ago, but I cannot remember which vendor. That stuff was very nice.
Exodus is totally different genetics, and I feel like exodus is always kind of missing the berry flavour that was present in UK cheese/big buddha no matter how well it is grown.
I do personally know some people who get UK cheese still from time to time but it's always more expensive than it should be.
Exodus is totally different genetics, and I feel like exodus is always kind of missing the berry flavour that was present in UK cheese/big buddha no matter how well it is grown.
I do personally know some people who get UK cheese still from time to time but it's always more expensive than it should be.

2 posts
+3.2 votes

Tips on growing
started topic
+ 2 more

Tips on growing
I’ve just posted about smellprppf and I’ve got my cart, can anyone let me know if I’ve missed anything out for the essentials;
Led grow light
Rhino carbon filter kit
Grow tent
Ph tester
Conductivity tester
Auto flower kit by royal queen seeds
Grow kit by royal queen seeds
Led grow light
Rhino carbon filter kit
Grow tent
Ph tester
Conductivity tester
Auto flower kit by royal queen seeds
Grow kit by royal queen seeds

Not kit but the best thing a new grower can do is JOIN UK420!! And if your gonna grow autos follow blackpool bouncers(quoted above) auto grow threads.
Throw up a grow thread in the beginners section and soak up the knowledge of experienced growers from around the uk and beyond.
Secondly...coco is much easier than soil,netter speed of growth,quicker to solve any issues that may arise!..literally buy 50l canna coco pro+ and one litre of each of ionic coco grow and ionic coco bloom.
Read Read and read some more
Throw up a grow thread in the beginners section and soak up the knowledge of experienced growers from around the uk and beyond.
Secondly...coco is much easier than soil,netter speed of growth,quicker to solve any issues that may arise!..literally buy 50l canna coco pro+ and one litre of each of ionic coco grow and ionic coco bloom.
Read Read and read some more

Also, consider buying feminised seeds with a view to growing them out and selecting "mothers". From there, take cuttings and root them. From there, you will have a constant supply of identical, decent buds.
You can tell from early on which plants are the most vigourous.
You can tell from early on which plants are the most vigourous.

One thing I would recommend is just forget about the autos and just grow a photoperiod under a scrog net and just lollipop all the bottom of the plant that didn’t make it to the net.
Autos are always disappointing, plus if it’s your first ever grow, 2 different seeds will both most likely want different feeds throughout. Might do your head in and end up neglecting one.
1 photo plant will be much easier, plus the quality and final weight will be far better than autos.
More of a gimmick, good for uk outdoor but a waste of time in a tent.
Autos are always disappointing, plus if it’s your first ever grow, 2 different seeds will both most likely want different feeds throughout. Might do your head in and end up neglecting one.
1 photo plant will be much easier, plus the quality and final weight will be far better than autos.
More of a gimmick, good for uk outdoor but a waste of time in a tent.

Also grab a humidity meter as want to ensure this is monitored and controlled to ensure stable environment.
IIRC there were sweet spots for the various growth stages 👍
My biggest tip is buy half decent stuff to save buying twice
IIRC there were sweet spots for the various growth stages 👍
My biggest tip is buy half decent stuff to save buying twice

I've started a first grow recently after thinking about it for years,I bought an ac infinity complete kit and humidifier,Which comes with everything you need apart from growing medium.Its a pretty nifty bit of kit.You can pretty much automate everything via the app and it seems to be working well,I had to calibrate the temp/humidity sensor at first but now i have everything switching on and off by itself keeping to the vpd settings absolutely spot on.I can monitor it from downstairs or down the road.I've got a couple of Jack Herer autos growing,so far absolutely fine going into week 6,I'm doing the organic thing using Dr Organics living soil and plain old tap water as to be honest the sodding about with chemicals is what was putting me off for ages the only additive i have is organic bloom enhancer which i'll add next week and see how it goes.

Some interesting stuff there,Cheers,So far i see no signs of any deficiencies they are looking very healthy and green,The buds are developing nicely.I'm watering using the wet/dry method which seems to be going well (same way i treat houseplants).If they come out half as good as what i've had off you i'll be more than happy!

Good luck with it all, I cant offer much help as I grow hydro but a few things are similar, ph, ph, ph lol you should be good for one run or so in your soil mix before salt/nute issues start showing, enjoy the process its a wonder and learn experience that I certainly don't get tried of 😉

A small fan for the ground and a bigger one for the canopy will help prevent mold and many other things as well as having multiple benefits (£10-£60), you can get a low powered hps bulb for additional light spectrum and increased oil production (aroma, flavour, thricomes) and density, but you will need to buy a ballast and a reflector (£25-£80 on eBay) it’s not needed though, you could also get a heat mat to control root zone temp consistently (£40-£150), and get something that dechlorinates your water, makes it a lot easier for your plants to absorb the water and nutrients (£6-£20), great white mycorrhiza (£7-£60) and some clonex gel (£10-£100) it will give your plant a solid root foundation
Prices are just an estimate and will most likely be cheaper than expensive
Prices are just an estimate and will most likely be cheaper than expensive

Sorry buddy, but oscillating fans (which I assume you're talking about here at £10-60) don't help prevent mould, in fact they increase the likelihood of it spreading.
RVK fans (as in intake and extract) will reduce relitive humidity to an extent if used with an appropriate fan speed controller, (as long as they are bringing in fresh air and exhausting it outside), thereby reducing the chance of bud rot forming and spreading, but claiming a ten quid fan aimed at your canopy will reduce mould... is simply not true.
Oscillating fans will not reduce relative humidity, and they won't reduce temperature either. Only decent RVK fan speed controllers (Ecotecnics for example) alongside dehumidifiers and AC units can do that.
Standard fans move the air around the grow space, hence if one plant gets mould, they all get it. They're really only good for keeping the plants moving, which strengthens the stems.
Also not entirely sure why anyone would ever want heat in the root zone, I struggle to keep my roots as cold as possible, especially in summer to avoid pythium.
If heat mats are a thing then I'm sure someone's making some money out of them.... but I sure a hell won't be buying any.
Dechlorinating tap water? As far as I know chlorine makes up 4-5 parts per million of UK water. I think you'd be better off setting fire to the cash (see UK420 image above).
Just my 2p as always though.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
RVK fans (as in intake and extract) will reduce relitive humidity to an extent if used with an appropriate fan speed controller, (as long as they are bringing in fresh air and exhausting it outside), thereby reducing the chance of bud rot forming and spreading, but claiming a ten quid fan aimed at your canopy will reduce mould... is simply not true.
Oscillating fans will not reduce relative humidity, and they won't reduce temperature either. Only decent RVK fan speed controllers (Ecotecnics for example) alongside dehumidifiers and AC units can do that.
Standard fans move the air around the grow space, hence if one plant gets mould, they all get it. They're really only good for keeping the plants moving, which strengthens the stems.
Also not entirely sure why anyone would ever want heat in the root zone, I struggle to keep my roots as cold as possible, especially in summer to avoid pythium.
If heat mats are a thing then I'm sure someone's making some money out of them.... but I sure a hell won't be buying any.
Dechlorinating tap water? As far as I know chlorine makes up 4-5 parts per million of UK water. I think you'd be better off setting fire to the cash (see UK420 image above).
Just my 2p as always though.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

If you really wanna get “clean”water, then it’s RODI filter system for about 70-100 quid 😂
I found it made 0 difference to straight from the tap tbh
I found it made 0 difference to straight from the tap tbh

Just to add to previous comments, I would advise not growing straight, vertical plants. Bend them over as soon as you can, speading the branches out like a clock Someone mentioned Scrog, you can also tie them down to the edges of your pots. Far more bud sites, more overall time needed.

My advice would be: Pop 2 x 6 inch diameter holes if you have an exterior wall, in the grow room, ducting to adjustable-speed fans.
One should pull in fresh air from outside, one for the extraction of hot air and smells through your carbon filter.
With this method of cold air intake, especially from November onwards, allows the lamps to perform in a "cool" enviroment and much closer than normal (12 - 18 inches away).
Depending on your light wattage, it will be a constant battle with heat. Too much and you'll produce a sub-standard product, especially in late -flowering. Consider lamps-on during the night, also for more cool temps.
One should pull in fresh air from outside, one for the extraction of hot air and smells through your carbon filter.
With this method of cold air intake, especially from November onwards, allows the lamps to perform in a "cool" enviroment and much closer than normal (12 - 18 inches away).
Depending on your light wattage, it will be a constant battle with heat. Too much and you'll produce a sub-standard product, especially in late -flowering. Consider lamps-on during the night, also for more cool temps.

I’m starting with 2 I’m starting with the grow starting kit by royal queen seeds and the auto flower germination kit

1 post
+2.2 votes

Please sign this petition
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2 posts
+2 votes

Smell proofing a plant
started topic
+ 2 more

Smell proofing a plant
Starting to debate growing myself 2 plants auto in my flat, best kinda kit to remove smell?

Mountain Air or Rhino Pro carbon filters are allegedly the best in the business but they all seem to let a bit of smell through late in flower in my experience.
ONA gel works at masking smell late in flower but whatever scent you choose it ends up smelling like a Vietnamese laundrette, which is also a bit suspicious so use it sparingly.
Get yourself a fan speed controller so you're only extracting the amount of air you actually need to. Linked above.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻
ONA gel works at masking smell late in flower but whatever scent you choose it ends up smelling like a Vietnamese laundrette, which is also a bit suspicious so use it sparingly.
Get yourself a fan speed controller so you're only extracting the amount of air you actually need to. Linked above.
Cheers BB 😊👍🍻

You should look to buy a good quality Carbon Filter & extraction kit. Not pricey, maybe 4 or 5 inch one. Bigger the better
Two plants won’t smell much and the above should eliminate all the smell from the grow tent… more than that you could buy ONA gel or ONA spray, they are very powerful fruity smelling oder control.
Good luck with your first grow
Two plants won’t smell much and the above should eliminate all the smell from the grow tent… more than that you could buy ONA gel or ONA spray, they are very powerful fruity smelling oder control.
Good luck with your first grow

What ever you do, do not put the ONA in the grow tent on the filter otherwise your flower will taste like it

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