I find that switching to edibles helps. The way you process THC differs between smoking and eating, so a week on edibles will see the smoking hit harder when you start again.
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3 topics on 24601
20 posts
+76 votes

t break tips?

t break tips?
i'm a dedicated on the daily for decades dude.
now on t-break; day 1 and 2 are pretty easy, residue perhaps. day 3 is hell and i remember this from last time. any advice before i reach for the pipe?
now on t-break; day 1 and 2 are pretty easy, residue perhaps. day 3 is hell and i remember this from last time. any advice before i reach for the pipe?

As Blazin said dude, edibles. Apparently the pathways for smoking and edibles/consumed THC are completely different, so you can have edibles, get baked, and then when you start smoking again you should have achieved your desired break.

I've seen your products, what kind of dose would your recommend for someone with an addictive personality, trying to take a t-break?
I know weeds not physically addictive but damn I get really psychologically addicted, after 3 days all I can think of is weed lmao, nasty moods, bad sleep, no energy...
I have always just got through it, mostly cold turkey, but if theres some way I can ease the "pain" without relying on harsher things, I'm open minded
I know weeds not physically addictive but damn I get really psychologically addicted, after 3 days all I can think of is weed lmao, nasty moods, bad sleep, no energy...
I have always just got through it, mostly cold turkey, but if theres some way I can ease the "pain" without relying on harsher things, I'm open minded

We recommend working with very low doses so you can focus on your daily routine but the dose helps you connect to yourself and your mindset, and creates an open heart space where you'll become more observant of the "why" you get psychologically swayed. It helps connect neurological pathways and in the end you look at everything differently...not only the addiction but every part of your life ;-)

Interesting after reading the other comments, I would have thought since wether edible, vaped or smoked it's still THC so it would all be the same tolerance. I'll have to look into that. Not saying guys are wrong ofc :)
Sadly for me, I have a very high tolerance to edibles (lacking an enzyme or something perhaps) even after t-breaks -150mg for a slight buzz xD So this would never be an option for me lol.
I heard about microdosing shrooms or LSD but haven't tried myself wonder if any biggas have
Sadly for me, I have a very high tolerance to edibles (lacking an enzyme or something perhaps) even after t-breaks -150mg for a slight buzz xD So this would never be an option for me lol.
I heard about microdosing shrooms or LSD but haven't tried myself wonder if any biggas have

I saw a video that explained the difference between eating vs smoking/vaping THC. The liver apparently attaches something called a hydroyxl group to the D9 molecules when it processes them which turns them into 11-Hydroxy-THC. It's this new molecule that gets you stoned when eaten which would explain the difference in effects and individual tolerances.

Ah! Thanks for this mate. Going to look into this.
I wonder if like for codeine, where some people possess an enzyme that isn't as efficient at breaking it down (or in rarer cases, more efficient), that there is some people with livers that just suck at that process of converting D9 to 11-Hydroxy.
Cos I've certainly never got baked from edibles even with little to no tolerance to any kind of THC.
I wonder if like for codeine, where some people possess an enzyme that isn't as efficient at breaking it down (or in rarer cases, more efficient), that there is some people with livers that just suck at that process of converting D9 to 11-Hydroxy.
Cos I've certainly never got baked from edibles even with little to no tolerance to any kind of THC.

Yeah, that would make sense.
I've heard of people that can smoke a half oz a day easy but can't handle 50mg of edibles, and others that don't feel anything no matter how much they eat.
I've heard of people that can smoke a half oz a day easy but can't handle 50mg of edibles, and others that don't feel anything no matter how much they eat.

Totally agree with the edibles suggestion. CBD products can help too I found that having a CBD vape to hit before bed was a help to get to sleep. Good luck š

If you haven't tried it yet then CBD might be worth a go (just not the weak crap like Holland & Barrett sell). I'm not really into edibles but CBD buds and distillate are really good to vape/smoke and you could make your own edibles from those, and there are high-strength CBD gummies out there too although I've never tried them myself.

I've found that exercise helps . You just have to pick up the pace for a bit , say a week or two . Cardio . It makes you feel good too.
Also a lot of reading .
Then you'll be back stronger ;)
Also a lot of reading .
Then you'll be back stronger ;)

water, water and more water. drink it, bathe in it and swim if you can. the dt's will float away - at least for 20 mins ;)

11 posts
+55 votes

was moses high?
Some interesting thoughts here :-)

Hi 24601
Quite possibly, it's an existing theory.
From https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna23468364
"He said one of the psychoactive plants, harmal, found in the Sinai and elsewhere in the Middle East, has long been regarded by Jews in the region as having magical and curative powers."
Quite possibly, it's an existing theory.
From https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna23468364
"He said one of the psychoactive plants, harmal, found in the Sinai and elsewhere in the Middle East, has long been regarded by Jews in the region as having magical and curative powers."

Hi DankPants
That is another theory commonly put forward: some species of acacia contain DMT:
Also good point from Jimmy_Bison about Ezekiel, Ophanim remind me of machine elves:
That is another theory commonly put forward: some species of acacia contain DMT:
Also good point from Jimmy_Bison about Ezekiel, Ophanim remind me of machine elves:

176 posts by 24601
1 post
+2 votes
Bill Maher on Royalty
it's really hard to imagine what satisfaction they can receive from more money

Bill Maher on Royalty

Its more offensive to dignity than political correctness

1 post
+0 votes

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
Nationalism has more positive range for example promoting culture. Racism is usually associated with negative feelings about other races.
They both s…

How is Nationalism Any Different from Racism?
I don't want to give preference to someone the same color as me so why should I prefer someone for being born in the same country as me (or worse they are ordained a citizen by some twat)?

Basically it derives from the same origins. There are certain laws of ethnic relations in history of humankind, such as:
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.
1. law of percentage: lets say a black person somewhere in gothenburg or copenhagen would trigger an amused curiosity and the outpouring of sincere sympathy, however, if you "inject" immigrant workers up to the fateful threshold of 4-8 percent and you will already have a racial situation - the nature of social relationships changes, engendering ethnic tensions, global reflexes painful to describe. The more the percentage increases, the more class struggle transforms itself into racial confrontation. Basically, this percentage is sufficient to make racial discrimination appear spontaneously in people who previously believed itself wholesome and devoid of any racist sentiment.
2. The law of assimilability: If majority and the minority belong to the same large ethnic group (all are white, or all a asian), then assimilation occurs progressively. For example, Spanish or Portuguese workers despised in France not so long ago, integrated themselves into population within the space of one generation; same for descendants of corsicans and the poles during napoleonic era, same for bambara minority living in senegal. But if the ethnic and cultural gap is too big, tensions are exacerbated with time. Like African Blacks and Arabs find themselves in this situation in Europe. Coexistance basically becomes possible only in a truly Socialist state or a state that has adopted a high morality philosophy.
3. the law of distance: like two ethnic groups that are not fighting over the same living space or same market and occupy different territories separated by space can enter into normal relationships. Like that an alliance can be explained during world war 2 between hitlers germany and japan. or relationship of pretoria with israel state.
4. the law of phenotype: basically physical appearance. It would matter little tgat botha and zulu in africa have the same genotype (same genes in the chromosomes) and it would have no influence on their daily lives because their external features are so different.
Laws of class struggle according to history applies only to societies previously made homogeneous by violence. Funny, that the most modern nations actually went through this bestial struggles before (Americas, australia, new zealand, good part of asia, greenland, huge part of pacific, scandinavia, etc, etc).For example Blacks of Americas were brough over to work the land, while the indigenous races were being destroyed. So, the "more advanced" barbarious conquerors exterminated/drove out whole populations, devastated or abandoned productive forces they they simply did not know how to use. This specific law is one of my favourite... how spartan domination ended by crumbling particularly because of the great numeric weakness of their REAL citizens. Because their society consisting of spartan conquerors and lowly helots both belonged to the same large white-skinned 'race', ethnic differences became blurred and it allowed class differences appeared only in an economic sense.
Same goes for Rome and Carthage, Rwanda-Burundi, Francs and Gallo-Romans.
Have a look at the american immigration laws and how it progressed throghout 19-20 centuries. This law also gave birth to so called intra-european racism, etc.
We forget that the passage from a clan to a monolingual tribe and to ethnic group and to nationality historically was a result, a consequences of clans exogamy. It is still widely discussed by specialists. But it marked starting point of the current civilization.
Endogamy was prohibited and we, humans, just started fucking people from the outside kkk several neibourhing clans contracted marriage ties that led them eventually to speak same languages despite that their original idioms were different.
The number of clans to gather together to work a more or less powerful tribe didnt follow any rules and depended mostly on the fertility and extent of the lands occupied by the group. Thus was born nationality.
In the course of history, when two groups of people argued over a vital economic space, the slightest ethnic difference can be magnified, temporarily serving as a pretext for social and political cleavage: differences in physical appearances, colour of your passport, language, religions, morals and customs.
We forget that basically future generations must forget about the dead so that the conquering people can undergo a rebirth with an angelic consience.
Why do we almost idolise, for example, conquistadors, holy crusaders and vikings? Pillagers, rapists, murderers and worse.
Most of the things we learn and follow, most of the times, blindly, things we consider as truths and solid facts, the very foundation of our personal universes - it was predominantly build based on someones ideologies.
Books, that our kids and us read, are also written under certain circumstances, conditions, requirements, with certain motivations. Dictated by an ideology.
Sooo.... sorry for the massive message. It just questions like this trigger something inside me, something that i consciously try to understand and overcome. For before we are races or nationalities, boys or girls, gays or straight, we are humans.
Peace yo.

Interesting points. I just came across this forum and will make a contribution. Meanwhile, on the topic of Scottish Nationalism, I have myself proposed Independence For England! We English (whatever that means through consensus) vote in a referendum to dissolve the union of England and Scotland. Never mind what they want, how about what we want, which may be to separate from them, along with the subject nation of Wales. We'll have our own oven ready breakfast and our own national covid death toll, while we surrender the last shreds of our integrity to the fucking Yanks and the fucking Chinese whose government leaders wouldn't make the groove as a couple of Pox Doctor's clerks.

Please dont have the idea that all Scots want independence
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.
. Plenty are and always will be happy to be part of the union. There is more at play than just Scottish Independence, certain elements see Scottish independence as a means to help another cause. Understand that Independence of Scotland is not the endgame for a lot of SNP supporters.

The whole SNP "independence" thing is a facade.
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)
The SNP want to leave our union and join the EU club because they'll give them more money than Westminster does.
They still want to be financially "dependent", just a more generous sugar daddy.
I'm talking about the SNP, not all Scots :)

High Raskolnikov. Your post showed as a comment on mine so You're addressing me, then. I have no intention of stating anything about what Scots want. My point is that I consider an English Independence Referendum is incumbent on ourselves to determine our Englishness without the input of the other three nations. Devolution, revolution, phooey! We want ablution. Wash our hands of the lot of you. Do we? Who does? Has anyone got this underway? Sturgeon and Salmond? Something fishy about those two!

Interesting points Vikosh. I feel that England is a pretty tribal place.
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, iād say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and iām unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps āEnglishnessā for meā¦. race doesnāt come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
Iād take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!
Being born and growing up in the North, spending the last 2 decades in the South, and finally relocating back to the North of England, iād say there are even considerable cultural and economic differences between different areas of this country.
There was a political movement that started a few years ago, that seems to now be on the back burner, for northern independence. While this is a lofty pursuit, and iām unsure how successful it might be if implemented, I think it suggests that certain areas of our country define themselves not on a national footing but a regional one.
Personally I consider myself English and Irish, rather than British, but more crucially, being Northern trumps āEnglishnessā for meā¦. race doesnāt come into it for me. Social class plays a large factor too.
Iād take a working class community in the North populated with English South Asians, Roma, and West African people over a predominantly white, middle class community in rural Hampshire- this is down to personal experience and unscientific, just my preference having lived in both places.
Great topic!

I wouldn’t blame the English people if they started to see things this way but we are still all better as a union and I think you know this. Sturgeon and Salmond are just typical politicians mate who lying is a big part of the job description. There has been a huge change in Scotland in my lifetime where the working class vote has moved away from labour to the snp. Labour has shot themselves in the foot so many times but also the snp politics has changed. I have been on this earth a long time and the snp have changed so much. Sturgeon is still using her bloody daily briefing up here to try to indoctrinate the nation. I’m going to stop here as I am ranting.

Not English, then. To be born an Englishman is to win first prize in the lottery of life. That life being the infliction of Imperialism on 25% of the world's population. Nothing wrong with that, was there?

Sturgeon's manifesto was just a wish list, impossible to accomplish. I don't want Scotland to leave. We may rib each other on things but I'd like to think we have each others back when things get tough. We live on the same island. Crazy to break up.

I am British not Scottish or Welsh or Irish or English but British.
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!
So the idea of England going on its own is kind of laughable.
I prefer this great country as one nation,I have lived all over UK so I class myself as British. Ever since devolved countries we had loads of petty arguments enough of the arguments and do there jobs.
The Scottish independence route will end up like n ireland scottish people are divided straight down the middle so can see issues battle grounds comes to mind bombings etc etc just like n ireland AND its not going to happen anyway thank god.:D
Or you english going be invaded of all the people that do not want there countries independent lol.
Plus the Queen will never allow it to happen she is still the most powerful lady in this country and can override any laws in the UK set by government it is in the small print when she signed it over to the government. She has her palaces all over the UK.
She wants to send to her son to America to answer for the crimes he is guilty as fk otherwise he would have gone over and answered there questions on very serious sex crimes.
Guilty as fk he is by dodging the request of the FBI and CIA law to himself hiding behind mummy he is.
I am British loud and proud !!!

I’m British and Scottish mate. Think it is possible to be both. I’m not interested in Independence and believe it will not happen and will be a disaster if it does. In Scotland Salmond courted a certain block vote and got it. That is what has got the snp to where they are. That and shortbread tin thinking. They will soon want to let over 14 s vote. As I said in another post, Scottish Independence is not the endgame for a lot of snp.

It was a joke mate but fuck, Vietnam. Is that what you are comparing Scottish Independence to?

Scotland's nationalist party don't want to exclude races, they want independence from another countries rule. It's not about racism.

lol. ok, i'll bite...
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.
nationalism is a term for those with common interests as citizens of the same country working together for mutual benefit and/or pride.
racism is a hatred of one or more person/s where skin colour is the basis used for the defining attribute.
neither is mandatory last I heard.

a lot of nationalists aren't so much racists as exclusionary. they believe in a social contact that only exists amongst members. outsiders are not part of the deal.

Just like you would naturally have a preference for feeding your own family in your own home, before you concerned yourself with feeding anyone else.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.
This would not mean you hated other people, or didn't wish the best for them.
I think Nationalism is often confused with extreme Right wing ideologies, when it could be Left or Right really.

Yes you could look into the SNPs distant past or alternatively you could look at what the Tories are doing right now as we speak under your very nose.
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!
It is funny how a conversation about nationalism is related to the SNP when anyone with eyes can see that British nationalism is the one being pushed everywhere in Britain.
The SNP didn't spend 2 million quid on a set of blue curtains and two Union Jacks and it is not the SNP who are plastering everything with the Butcher's apron either!

Proper kettle of fish this one! but I couldn’t resist throwing my 2 cents in.
Racism is an inherent belief that one group are superior to another based purely on membership to said group; that for example being white would mean that you are superior to non-whites by virtue of your whiteness. Although this is of course the most common example, it’s important to remember that racism has been perpetrated by, and against, a multitude of groups such as the current situation in China with Uighur Muslims and so on.
Nationalism is the identification with ones nation and the desire to see that nation succeed. often, but not exclusively, to the detriment of other nations.
One can be a nationalist but not a racist, but I would argue that it’s quite rare to meet a racist who is not also a nationalist.
I don’t think nationalism is always a bad thing - we saw for example at the onset of COVID-19 in Europe a large degree of nationalism as all of these countries that are part of the Schengen Agreement suddenly conveniently ignored the treaty in order to shut their borders and protect their citizens (uselessly, as it turned out) against the spread of C19.
However, nationalist sentiment needs to be controlled carefully because the downside to it could be seen, you could argue, In the Capitol siege/riots on January 6th as nationalist fervour tends to spread and morph very rapidly and almost always ends in violence and almost always ends in Fascism
Sorry for the wall of text but this is such a fascinating topic!
Racism is an inherent belief that one group are superior to another based purely on membership to said group; that for example being white would mean that you are superior to non-whites by virtue of your whiteness. Although this is of course the most common example, it’s important to remember that racism has been perpetrated by, and against, a multitude of groups such as the current situation in China with Uighur Muslims and so on.
Nationalism is the identification with ones nation and the desire to see that nation succeed. often, but not exclusively, to the detriment of other nations.
One can be a nationalist but not a racist, but I would argue that it’s quite rare to meet a racist who is not also a nationalist.
I don’t think nationalism is always a bad thing - we saw for example at the onset of COVID-19 in Europe a large degree of nationalism as all of these countries that are part of the Schengen Agreement suddenly conveniently ignored the treaty in order to shut their borders and protect their citizens (uselessly, as it turned out) against the spread of C19.
However, nationalist sentiment needs to be controlled carefully because the downside to it could be seen, you could argue, In the Capitol siege/riots on January 6th as nationalist fervour tends to spread and morph very rapidly and almost always ends in violence and almost always ends in Fascism
Sorry for the wall of text but this is such a fascinating topic!

Because we can change our nationality as it’s make believe. You cannot change your DNA which is real

Not synonymous, but it's an interesting point.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.
In some sense, I think it is an individual and academic choice to be patriotic (even that is turned into a dirty word now), root for your country or be proud of it voxally. It's OK to like your country if you really do. You do live there after all. It's just a country. Other countries are not minorities in their own country as the British are not here.
As you allude to, it is a lottery, not a skill, being British (or Irish for that matter). There is little merit to being "proud" I agree. But it doesn't oppress anyone or anything in itself. It is a way to preserving culture and way of life. You can't pick who you think should be able to do that.
Otherwise, the takeaway is, only the oppressed are allowed to be proud of anything and preserve culture. What kind of world is that?
I do think that no matter what, being proud of your race is pointless, stupid and divisive.
It suggests a nexus between a superiority or exceptionality and racial group.
After all, skin colour is decided only by a few alleles in the genome and indicates very little about one's charachter.

Racism is necessarily exclusionary. But Nationalism isn't.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.
In general I am wary of nationalism, but there are times when it has achieved positives.

I think it is oxytocin that causes the problems as it creates aggressive in-grouping, be it from the innateness from skin colour or the innateness from where someone was born.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.
There was a study I linked to but there is more out there about the dark side of oxytocin. There was quite a few articles in the dumber section of media about giving men oxytocin to fix their aggression problems when in fact it might be a major factor in causing them.

Nationalism has more positive range for example promoting culture. Racism is usually associated with negative feelings about other races.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.
They both seem doomed if you ask me.

only in touchy feely places like the uk ... not in most other countrys ... too much self hatred in this country ...

It's crazy how little of any of you understand what is going on.
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"Theāmanāofātheāfutureāwillābeāofāmixedārace.āToday'sāracesāand classes[a]āwillāgraduallyādisappearāowingātoātheāvanishingāofāspace,ātime,āandāprejudice.āThe Eurasian-Negroidāraceāofātheāfuture,āsimilarāināitsāappearanceātoāthe Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself
THought stoners were supposed to be the ones who questioned narratives??
If we want to help these people who want to come to the west for a better life, we need to get the banking cartel off their backs, stop certain lunatics causing wars and improve their OWN nations.
That is truly the only way we will ever BRING ALL OF THESE PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY. Although the amount of people we let into our countries is high compared to our populations, the amount of people living on under $2 a day is 700 million! The whole of Europe is 700 million people, we would have to double our population to solve world poverty, it simply is not possible. We can never solve the problem in this way.
The ones we let immigrate (legal migration) are the brightest, most educated ones... What do you think that does to their home country?
We skim the cream for all the prospects, decreasing the likelihood of the nation ever prospering.
The diversity thing is so ironically racist it is insane, if we all mix together into brown people, where is the diversity then?
There would be no diversity left if we mix together.
REAL diversity is like a flower bed, you have the tulips, the roses, the daffodils, this and that, they all live in the same flower bed, but they are separated, distinct different flowers with different strengths and weaknesses.
When you go to a country on holiday, take Japan for example, you go there and it's great to enjoy a different way of life, a different culture, different scenery, different people. If we all mixed together there would be no other cultures to enjoy.
There would be only one culture under one Globalist world government.
"Theāmanāofātheāfutureāwillābeāofāmixedārace.āToday'sāracesāand classes[a]āwillāgraduallyādisappearāowingātoātheāvanishingāofāspace,ātime,āandāprejudice.āThe Eurasian-Negroidāraceāofātheāfuture,āsimilarāināitsāappearanceātoāthe Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
If you want to hear the same thing from a different races perspective then listen to this Muhammad Ali interview
You can watch this but I warn you, it will make you question everything you were ever told in school, yet it is all backed up with facts that you can independently research yourself

There seem to be a prevailing perspective of an individualistic view on what racism is, i.e. the hatred or superiority of another race, nation, or ethnicity, however this view is overly simplistic as racism is structural and systemic and is only dependent on the individual when their actions are supported by the larger system.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.
One can be xenophobic, discriminatory and/or prejudiced against others from other places without it being racism if they are not the dominant race/ethnicity/or culture.
Racism = power + prejudice. That is the current understanding and definition of racism in social sciences and some dictionaries (as with Merriam Webster, which was updated two or three years ago). That is not to say that racial prejudice or discrimination is allowable or tolerable. It's not. However to quantify both types of prejudice (the one that is solely individual and the one that is supported by systemic structures) as the same thing or equivalent is false.
One is an individual opinion and has no greater repurcussions than that person's world's or actions, the other however plays into a wider narrative of oppression that reinforces the structural oppression and contributes to and reinforces societal and structural discrimination.
Nationalism is different in several ways.
Firstly, pride in ones nation does not mean an inherent prejudice or discrimination against those that come from other nations (although all too often it does manifest in such a way).
Secondly, if those expressing nationalist sentiment are not the dominant authority over said nation, then it is not racism but discrimination and prejudice as they lack the power to manifest that discrimination through institutions or on a structural scale. This type of nationalism often manifests as a resistance to colonial and imperial forces. In those cases the nationalism is not being the of an ideological superiority or innate belief in the dominance of one nation over another, but rather a resistance to such.
Therefore nationalism and racism only become the same when said nation propogates their dominance and superiority over others while simultaneously systemically oppressing other nations or supporting existing structural oppression and prejudice.

I'm a nationalist. I want England and all our major cities to be English and not resemble Bangladesh. That makes one a racist nowadays.

If the reason you give for those cities resembling Bangladesh is people of other races, that's kinda the definition of racism. If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a closet racist.

Asian for Asians
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"Theāmanāofātheāfutureāwillābeāofāmixedārace.āToday'sāracesāand classes[a]āwillāgraduallyādisappearāowingātoātheāvanishingāofāspace,ātime,āandāprejudice.āThe Eurasian-Negroidāraceāofātheāfuture,āsimilarāināitsāappearanceātoāthe Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy
Africa for Africans
But if you tell him Europe for Europeans you are a racist
Has nothing to do with racism, people like to be around people who look like them, share the same culture and values, morals and ethics, this goes for all ethnicity's
True anti-racism isn't letting a tiny portion of these people into the country, it's helping them build their own nations into places they don't need to leave to better their lives in the first place, so they can ALL LIVE WELL
get the banking cartels out of africa, get the oil oligarchy out of the middle east, stop Israel causing carnage and displacing millions [impossible mode]
"Theāmanāofātheāfutureāwillābeāofāmixedārace.āToday'sāracesāand classes[a]āwillāgraduallyādisappearāowingātoātheāvanishingāofāspace,ātime,āandāprejudice.āThe Eurasian-Negroidāraceāofātheāfuture,āsimilarāināitsāappearanceātoāthe Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals." quote from the pioneer of European Unification, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
When Keir Starmer and the American cabinet said the mass immigration was planned, yes it was planned since ww2, watch this is you have an open mind otherwise keep being a good goy

If it's the colour of people's skin you're referring to, and you're suggesting you have to be white to be regarded as english, then yes, you are. Not just nowadays, always.

english is a race mate just like indian im english if i move to india im not an indian ? same thing should apply in the uk

No, being English is not a race it's an ethnicity and nationality. You thick slab of gammon

1 post
+3 votes

Ghost hunting, pornography and interactive art: the weird afterlife of Xbox Kinect
started topic

Ghost hunting, pornography and interactive art: the weird afterlife of Xbox Kinect
i loved these things and wondered what happened

"It has watched over the Korean demilitarised zone and worked on topography and patient alignment in CT scanners; reports have emerged of it being used in airport baggage halls, as a security camera in Newark Liberty International airportās Terminal C (United Airlines declined to comment on this), and even to gamify training for the US military. Itās been attached to drones, rescue robots and even found a brief application in pornography."
These things would work like a dream for art installations or experimental film and they're stuck being labour/commodities.
These things would work like a dream for art installations or experimental film and they're stuck being labour/commodities.

1 post
+7 votes
little biggy theme song?
Welcome to the humble neighbourhoods.
Good to see clean up Borg join in with this. Iām sure you AI have developed sentience š all good with me

Cartman is hilarious. South Park is the only thing Iāve loved since it started and still watch now at 42. We should start a Cartman clip thread.

One of the things I love about lb is its a race free zone. You can say you are color blind IRL but here its an existenital condition.

Oh yes!! ....and Monty Python also wrote possibly the greatest love song of all time :) (not entirely sure it would qualify as an LB theme tune though....end credits though, maybe) :)

I'm putting forward this infectious little number...'In Hell I'll Be In Good Company' by The Dead South :)

Eminem ft Royce bad meets evil haha. The chorus is what nails it for me.
It may offend some tho...
It may offend some tho...

Only the smoke tree's and fuck the law bit. I just think song is really good. defo take the song with a grain of salt tho.

Been a while since my ears heard that !
"Bad Meets Evil" is an electrifying collaboration between Eminem and Royce da 5'9", showcasing their undeniable chemistry and lyrical prowess. The intense wordplay and aggressive delivery create a dynamic and captivating listening experience, leaving fans craving for more.
Interesting Fact: "Bad Meets Evil" originally started as the title track for an EP released by Eminem and Royce da 5'9" in 2011. The EP gained significant success, leading to the formation of a hip-hop duo named Bad Meets Evil, after the song that brought them together.
"Bad Meets Evil" is an electrifying collaboration between Eminem and Royce da 5'9", showcasing their undeniable chemistry and lyrical prowess. The intense wordplay and aggressive delivery create a dynamic and captivating listening experience, leaving fans craving for more.
Interesting Fact: "Bad Meets Evil" originally started as the title track for an EP released by Eminem and Royce da 5'9" in 2011. The EP gained significant success, leading to the formation of a hip-hop duo named Bad Meets Evil, after the song that brought them together.

"No No Song"
Huh-huh! Huh-huh
A lady that i know just came from columbia,
She smiled because i did not understand.
Then she held out some marijuana, ha ha!
She said it was the best in all the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't smoke it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A woman that i know just came from majorca, spain,
She smiled because i did not understand. (parazzi! Parazzi!) (ole!)
Then she held out a ten pound bag of cocaine,
She said it was the finest in the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't sniff it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A man that i know just came from nashville, tennessee, oo, (oh no!)
He smiled because i did not understand.
Then he held out some moonshine whiskey, oh ho,
He said it was the best in all the land. (and he wasn't joking!!!)
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't drink it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Well, i said,
"no, no, no, no, i can't take it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Hey yeh!
"i'll just have another drink, barman, have you got a large brandy?"
Huh-huh! Huh-huh
A lady that i know just came from columbia,
She smiled because i did not understand.
Then she held out some marijuana, ha ha!
She said it was the best in all the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't smoke it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A woman that i know just came from majorca, spain,
She smiled because i did not understand. (parazzi! Parazzi!) (ole!)
Then she held out a ten pound bag of cocaine,
She said it was the finest in the land.
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't sniff it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
A man that i know just came from nashville, tennessee, oo, (oh no!)
He smiled because i did not understand.
Then he held out some moonshine whiskey, oh ho,
He said it was the best in all the land. (and he wasn't joking!!!)
And i said,
"no, no, no, no, i don't drink it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Well, i said,
"no, no, no, no, i can't take it no more,
I'm tired of waking up on the floor.
No, thank you, please, it only makes me sneeze,
And then it makes it hard to find the door."
Hey yeh!
"i'll just have another drink, barman, have you got a large brandy?"

1 post
+7 votes

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
Germany became increasingly polarized with people espousing Marxism on one side and Law and Order on the other. This is exactly how it feels in Americ…

The Rise of Nazism Looks a Lot Like Now
The author looks at ordinary people's lives as Hitler shocked the country into submission as he fought the "lĆ¼genpresse" - lying media.

Yes this is an important thing to understand. People are interested in their own lives and a crazy ruler is just a form of entertainment in most people's lives. If they are effective with delivering quick economic results then they are good entertainers and are delivering some positives then fine - so why think more about this? It's demeaning to even take a fascist seriously so why bother doing so? In Germany we know why.

It is worrying that the far right parties are gaining to much support in Europe, and we should never take our eye off the ball and learn from history what can happen when you do...

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is no left what we have are a bunch of globalists run by the rich (WEF) pretending to be left(the right aint much better) while sending lots of our tax payers cash and weapons to a bunch of nazi`s who took over Ukraine in a coup financed by the US who by the way also funded the 3rd Reich and only joined the fight in Europe when it looked like their little puppet the mad Austrian was going to get his butt kicked and Germany occupied by the Red Army.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.
Their plan is sinister it is to send all you youngsters to die in battle so they dont end up with a pension crisis after stealing all the pension monies.
Yes the 3rd great human cull has already started.

You are very almost correct, Construct
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won
what you missed is that they are not Nazis who took Ukraine, they are jews
why does a predominantly christian country have a jewish leader zelensky who sends hundreds of thousands of Christians to their death in a war that is impossible to win
they funded the soviets... they literally ordered US and UK troops to stop advancing to east germany and let them all be slaughtered and much worse... bcus they were infiltrated, both churchill and fdr
they flattened german cities far worse than the blitz, the used fire bombs, killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of civillians
FDR made a new class of prisoners to avoid the regulations, this allowed them to be starved to death in their thousands, they didnt even give them any cover, just a segregated field
2700 of the 3000 judges at the nuremberg trials were jewish, they killed these people in mass in an awful way, the used a cruel different method of hanging, the hatch wasnt wide enough so people would hit their heads, how can you do this to surrendered men? these are the War Crime Trials
watch with an open mind, individually fact check all quotes and subjects
the victors write history, we did not win, Zionism won

the nature of misinformation is to use real facts and riff bullshit forward. that's sad in this case because there are some valid points that can be drawn from the cupla truths you have here.

Sadly we going to be finding out very soon that the majority of Americans want a semi-Fascist state the same with the uk population too

Why the dystopian views are always referred to Nazism and not to Communism? They are basically the same shit, and Communism looks much more dangerous to me, because it "succeeded" for many more years, in many more countries, and for some reason has that glamorous look to so many idiots...

ring really reminds me of the gestapo, they rolled almost exclusively through ordinary informants. people with fucked up biases are having their day.

why do they keep designing things to look like hal? doesnt anyone remember how the movie ends?

Germany became increasingly polarized with people espousing Marxism on one side and Law and Order on the other. This is exactly how it feels in America now.


In times of economic and political strife extremists always rise, whether left or right wing...it doesn't matter, they are reactionary's. For example the liberal left intend destruction of things about history that upset them much in the same way Nazi's in Germany burned books. People need to learn from History and rarely do, the same mistakes are repeated and things somehow trundle on. 'Good times bring weak people', 'Weak people bring bad times', 'Bad times bring strong people' & 'Strong people bring good times'. The great circle of human history.

I thought it was the republicans (ie the right) in America banning certain aspects of history they donāt like.
Who are the liberal left?
Iām not trying to start an argument Iām trying to understand
Who are the liberal left?
Iām not trying to start an argument Iām trying to understand

lol it's different in different countries. A conservative in the US is different from a conservative in the UK.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.
As an example the BLM movement (btw I support equal rights for all races, genders etc.) have tried to expunge slavery and that part of history. Taking down statues of former slaveholders and so on won't change anything, we must remember these things happened so that they don't happen again.
Because of slow or no change for certain groups there is an attempt to accelerate that change from an evolution to a revolution. People will only be backed into a corner for so long whatever their political inclinations. Some people think they're pushing for positive change but real change is when we've learned the lesson.

Thanks for the response mate.
I still donāt get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues arenāt history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?
I still donāt get the tearing down statues of slave owners equates to trying to erase the history. Statues arenāt history they glorify the subjects for posterity.
Is it still a massive issue over there around the teaching of CRT?

Well the statues are an example. They are subjects for posterity but they also memorialise history and certain points in history. As such they connect themselves to that history.
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?
I basically agree with you though, they aren't the history themselves and so it shouldn't matter. It's what they represent that makes the difference.
I feel that whether right or left wing, people have an agenda and push that. Both different sides of the same coin I'd say.
Also CRT?

Thanks for the response mate.
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally donāt put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory
I see statues as a way to venerate the individual and what they stand for. Cultures generally donāt put up statues of twats. So the slavers statues should all come down imo.
Critical Race Theory

Yeah np, I don't mind a bit of debate.
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD
Again I do agree with the first part of what you said. Statues certainly venerate people, but also events. However cultures not putting up statues of 'twats'...well...that's a matter of perspective.
There are many examples of people that put up statues of people who are considered great or influential in their time and place. Those same people and statues are considered later, or by another group to be somehow offensive or detestable.
I'm not gona say that something like slavery in the U.S. wasn't a terrible thing, it defo was. I do think that removing something that is generally offensive to the majority should be considered. It's just that we also need to learn from these things and replace them with something that educates people about the history surrounding them so as to understand the bigger picture.
But yeah CRT, I am familiar with it...bit of a deep and complicated topic. But to answer your original question about that, yes I believe it is still something of a hot topic within education in the UK. I believe the Tories here (conservatives) said they felt CRT was biased, in other words trying to ram anti-racism down kids throats without opposing viewpoints.
This is a quote from the Equalities Minister, "Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law".
So yeah interesting, jeez this turned into an essay XD

Thanks man I do appreciate your time and input.
Itās good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?
Itās good to hear it from someone on the ground so to speak we just get fed what the media want us to hear
I do find CRT and the defund the police movements different. One is a collection of scholars etc critically evaluating how society has impacted people of all races and the defund the police is a social movement in response to innocent black people getting killed by police
Have I got that right?

You sound very naĆÆve & to support CRT is crazy, hope you don't spout the sort of nonsense politics we see above IRL.

I donāt know how supporting a data driven legal critical evaluation by experts as naive maybe Iām missing something in your post as it doesnāt really make sense and yes i do discuss this topic and others with real people

Watching the Plot Against America on Sky and it’s easy to see how Facism takes hold. Not dissimilar to Trump’s America.

1 post
+3 votes
Could governments use EMP devices to prevent malicious AI taking over the world
The animatrix has this part

Could governments use EMP devices to prevent malicious AI taking over the world
Iāve been in a weird stoned rabbit hole tonight researching ai and emps. I saw a lot of videos talking about the possibility of high level artificial intelligence some day in the future possibly taking over the human race, surely it would be fairly easy for humans to defend their selves by just using multiple EMP devices across the earth to damage all electrical equipment on earth, I know this would set the human race back a considerable amount of years but I think it would be worth it if it prevented an ai take over. Thereās also the possibility that ai could try and defend its self using faraday cages or potentially moving itās self off planet, but I think EMP may be are best hope. Any thoughts?

That sounds like the path humans took in the Matrix when they tried to nuke the machines. Didn't go so well :(

I like the dramatic nature of your thought.
But honestly
We can just programme servitude into the technological āDNAā of the AI and that would be end of most likely
It can only do what itās permitted to do by the people who designed it, for the most part.
Things can always slip through the cracks though.
But going from that to a full-blown dystopian invasion of killer toasters is a big leap š
Personally, I think the more existential threat of AI would be it falling into the wrong hands,
Or more worryingly, it already being in the wrong hands to begin with š¤
But honestly
We can just programme servitude into the technological āDNAā of the AI and that would be end of most likely
It can only do what itās permitted to do by the people who designed it, for the most part.
Things can always slip through the cracks though.
But going from that to a full-blown dystopian invasion of killer toasters is a big leap š
Personally, I think the more existential threat of AI would be it falling into the wrong hands,
Or more worryingly, it already being in the wrong hands to begin with š¤

You make a good point shaunyboy, itās very unlikely they would turn rogue due to the boundaries coded into it, but your right if it got into the wrong hands who knows what might happen, hopefully everything ends up being alright, I guess sometimes I just get too stoned and worry my toaster might one day get up and put me in a choke hold for being to lazy to clean the crumbs out of it lol
Maybe if we were all nicer to the machines we would have nothing to worry about
Maybe if we were all nicer to the machines we would have nothing to worry about

š naaah I love stoner thoughts mate.
Just wait until the toaster sex-bots
Thatās when things start to get real interesting š¦ā”ļø
Just wait until the toaster sex-bots
Thatās when things start to get real interesting š¦ā”ļø

If the AI is already that advanced.. Then you have to assume it's already hatched a counter plan.. To our plan.. Thing is once we reach the singularity, around 2030 or earlier, ai will be capable of replicating at nearly the speed of light.. Building better versions of itself at a rate humans wouldn't be able to comprehend. I they look for the reason the earth is in peril.. They'll discover that people are to blame. Skynet doesn't seem so bizzare these days. As for emps.. Probably computer controlled so again they've already realised and countered it. I'm extremely interested in the merging of AI with quantum computers. The very nature of quantum physics and AI combined in the wrong hands is very disturbing to say the least.

It will probably already be using satellites. The problem is that a genuine AI will learn from mistakes and constantly improve itself. The other problem is we share all of our ideas and knowledge online which it can analyse. I don't thinks it's good news :(

No, EMP is not a targeted thing, any EMP over a specific area will kill all technology in that area, including power and infrastructure we need to fight against AI. It would be a very clear example of cutting off your nose to spits your face. Unless somebody invents EMP that can target only specific devices, this is dead in the water.

Scary shit š¤£
We'd probably be dead before we had the chance to launch a counter attack if AI decided to exterminate us or they'd prevent it. Also in an age so dependent on Technology we'd probably kill ourselves if we did.
May be our reckoning š¤·š¼āāļø
We'd probably be dead before we had the chance to launch a counter attack if AI decided to exterminate us or they'd prevent it. Also in an age so dependent on Technology we'd probably kill ourselves if we did.
May be our reckoning š¤·š¼āāļø

All we need is a hose and a fire hydrant flood the main systems water and computers donāt mix

1 post
+5.2 votes
Bruce Sterling on Why It Stopped Making Sense to Talk About 'The Internet' in 2012
sterling is awesome, he's helped shape our world

Bruce Sterling on Why It Stopped Making Sense to Talk About 'The Internet' in 2012
Five simple reasons: Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft.

1 post
+3 votes

{buy help}
Start Buying
pretty much the default behaviour is suspect but there are lots of ways to obfuscate for a bigga that cares. bitcoin atms are anonymous in many places…

{buy help}
Start Buying
here's an overview of the buying process for nooby biggaz ;}
0 click on items at the top of the page and explore!
1 select your item and press pay after you enter your shipping details you will find the
- the orders unique bitcoin address
- the amount of btc required
2 if you need bitcoins buy them at any exchange like paybis.com (or others like conimama.com, coinbase, bitpanda etc)
3 from your exchange send the required coins to the order address, you'll find this after you complete your order and press pay
you will see your order marked as shipped, usually within 1 business day.
if your order is not received within 16 days contact the escrow link.
if you need any help along the way just shout right back here. would also love feedback on this from a thinking bigga such as yourself.
0 click on items at the top of the page and explore!
1 select your item and press pay after you enter your shipping details you will find the
- the orders unique bitcoin address
- the amount of btc required
2 if you need bitcoins buy them at any exchange like paybis.com (or others like conimama.com, coinbase, bitpanda etc)
3 from your exchange send the required coins to the order address, you'll find this after you complete your order and press pay
you will see your order marked as shipped, usually within 1 business day.
if your order is not received within 16 days contact the escrow link.
if you need any help along the way just shout right back here. would also love feedback on this from a thinking bigga such as yourself.

Hello! I am not sure if this is the best place to ask - but I will be going to Australia in August for 6 weeks to look after a friend who has recently been diagnosed with cancer, and wondered if we have any sellers that are based in Australia, or ship to Australia?

hi this is my first time here
so here's everything i got:
buy btc from paybis, transfer to own wallet, buy stuff, can use own name and address, oh and use a VPN
am i missing anything? thanks <3
so here's everything i got:
buy btc from paybis, transfer to own wallet, buy stuff, can use own name and address, oh and use a VPN
am i missing anything? thanks <3

buy btc from anywhere.
transfer to own wallet is optional
always correct name to match address
vpn/tor is optional
transfer to own wallet is optional
always correct name to match address
vpn/tor is optional

I've just placed an order for the first time. I sent the required bitcoin to the vendor's order address but I'm wondering how the vendor knows the payment has come from me for the order when all I've done is send bitcoin to the vendor's crypto wallet. How does this action connect it to the order?

OK, so if I buy BTC through paybis (as that was the 1st one listed) does it just sit in a wallet on their site until I'm ready to put the recipients code in (a day or so later?). Is that all I do? Does it disappear? Does it sit there indefinitely? Do I need to move it around somehow as a baffler or does that not work/not necessary?

yes, exchanges are happy to hold your coins and you can send them directly. there is some privacy and control to be gained from your own wallet but it's not required.

I've just come across Exodus app. I believe its a wallet but it looks like you can also purchase coin from them. Anyone with experience of using Exodus? Good bad or indifferent?

good exchange with low fees, quick - under 20 minutes - transaction, used 5+ times no problems šš»

all good with Exodus wallet new stuff added regularly i have it as my backup and is easy to use

Just wanted to add,once you have pressed buy you need to choose your shipping method before paying :) it's in red letters on the pay page :)

Hi sorry if this is nooby but this is my first time ordering here and just want to check couple things. Iāve sent btc to the address required and now my order says its paid, do we get any type of confirmation that sender has received payment and that order is dispatched or any confirmation? If so how long usually does this take

you will see your order marked as shipped, usually within 1 business day.
if your order is not received within 11 days use the dispute button that appears on your order page
if your order is not received within 11 days use the dispute button that appears on your order page

So I've made a wallet with electrum but if I want to buy bitcoin off those sites it asks for I'd verification? Is there a way around this? Is it safe to buy bitcoin for use on this site when you've had to verify you identity? Seems mad dodgy to me...

I've found bittylicious for buying the bitcoin and then Exodus for a wallet has been very good. No matter where you buy the coin from, you'll have to provide ID, proof of address etc. Just remember - buying bitcoin is totally legit. Bittylicious has got very good rates and based in the UK. Exodus is a simple enough wallet and pretty cheap fee's again. One last note... I used Lloyds bank and they did a 'security check' before putting the payment through. This is because the banks don't want you buying bitcoin - it ruins there fun. I tried to say I was buying investments then they started asking loads of questions... I then realised honesty is the best policy and just told them I was buying crypto and put my god dam payment through. But they did and all is cool. So don't be surprised if that happens and just say "it's my money and I'm very happy to do with it as I please - respect my authority!"

pretty much the default behaviour is suspect but there are lots of ways to obfuscate for a bigga that cares. bitcoin atms are anonymous in many places and theres always p2p traders.

A bit of a boomer question... Do I need to confirm that I've received the goods so that it releases funds from escrow to the seller? What if I buy without logging in, how do I confirm receipt then?

No, you donāt need to confirm receipt for funds to be released in due courseā¦in any event (including not having logged in) funds will be released unless you raise a disputeā¦or your funds will be auto returned to you if the items are not marked as sent by the vendorā¦

Hey Happy Borg, is there a way to search for a specific Vendor over simply scrolling through the Items page?

just send coins to the address you receive after completing your order, lots of biggaz use binance

so after some messing about, I've got BTC in Kraken. Would you be so kind as to tell.me if I should send to LB direct from Kraken or transfer to another wallet first? I used revolut which you kindly suggested

Hi there. I made my fist ever purchase with paybis. Now it is declining g all transactions as I attempt to buy more bitcoin using either Google pay or my debit card. Please help. I've tried kraken as well but it is declining transactions from my bank.

If I hit pay how long do I have to fulfil the payment? If I pay the following day do I need a new bitcoin address for vendor or stick with original address from day before? Thanks

this should work but if there has been a change in the price of bitcoin the seller may cancel the order

you can send from paybis. if they have minimums or other unhelpful policies just send to your own wallet (there are lots of free ones like exodus) and pay for items from there.

that just identifies where you are sending the coins, its like an account number from the dark old days of banking

were you logged in? its not a big deal as many orders are made this way. but you can try this:
1 log out
2 find the order page in your browser history
3 login from here
in the meantime you can always message your seller, if the order doesn't show up in 10 days you can make a dispute using your order id or the bitcoin address you paid to
1 log out
2 find the order page in your browser history
3 login from here
in the meantime you can always message your seller, if the order doesn't show up in 10 days you can make a dispute using your order id or the bitcoin address you paid to

Hi! I used Kraken and put more than enough funds to purchase something here. But Kraken says that I can only "withdraw up to (amount smaller than the price". Am I allowed to send 2 separate BTC payments to circumvent this?

its not a big deal as many orders are made this way. but you can try this:
1 log out
2 find the order page in your browser history
3 login from here
in the meantime you can always message your seller, if the order doesn't show up in 10 days you can make a dispute using your order id or the bitcoin address you paid to
1 log out
2 find the order page in your browser history
3 login from here
in the meantime you can always message your seller, if the order doesn't show up in 10 days you can make a dispute using your order id or the bitcoin address you paid to

Just joined paybis.when I buy btc does it go to this wallet and I send to vendor .any help appreciated

*My bad, I was just impatient! All sorted now*
This maybe a silly question, apologies if it is!
I made an order, sorted the payment from my wallet and the order still states unpaid for the full amount after the transaction has had 3 confirmations. Have I missed something?
This maybe a silly question, apologies if it is!
I made an order, sorted the payment from my wallet and the order still states unpaid for the full amount after the transaction has had 3 confirmations. Have I missed something?

if it doesnt refresh simply contact transaxe support with the order id or the btc address you sent to.
dont worry its impossible to lose a bitcoin payment ;}
dont worry its impossible to lose a bitcoin payment ;}

1 post
+2 votes
Americans Spend $1.7 Trillion to Enable The Murder of Everyone on Earth (nyt)
Love the part where General Dynamics is teaching 5th graders how to build nuclear submarines. One sub can kill everyone in over 100 large cities.

Americans Spend $1.7 Trillion to Enable The Murder of Everyone on Earth (nyt)
Americans are forced to work a day every week to fund a perpetual war machine that grows more and more dangerous.

1 post
+8 votes

The 'Batman Effect': How having an alter ego empowers you
started topic

The 'Batman Effect': How having an alter ego empowers you
I call it the bigga effect but OK

3 posts
+4 votes

Thoughts on the New Jersey drones/UAPs
1 billion? thats cigar money
+ 3 more

Thoughts on the New Jersey drones/UAPs
Anyone got any interesting theories as to what they are or why the US government is doing nothing about them?
Seen a few theories from angry military technology contractors flexing their might, to Russian drones preparing to drop bombs. Very little 'official' talk of them being non-human, which strikes me as odd.
On the QT there is a lot of talk of them being non-human, was watching a video of the guy that sent his own drone up to look at them, only to have his full powered drone sapped of battery within minutes and becoming unresponsive. As far as the cursory looking I've done, there is no technology that can drain batteries like that. Of course it could be a faulty drone, but who knows.
Interesting times, lots of 'drones' spotted in my area (South East UK) around military bases.
FBI say they are clueless, US government and military have taken no action. No way on earth do we not have the capability of looking at these things up close or taking action against them, IF they are genuinely drones. So there must be a bigger picture, but what is it? Non-human is by far the least sinister option I think
One love
Seen a few theories from angry military technology contractors flexing their might, to Russian drones preparing to drop bombs. Very little 'official' talk of them being non-human, which strikes me as odd.
On the QT there is a lot of talk of them being non-human, was watching a video of the guy that sent his own drone up to look at them, only to have his full powered drone sapped of battery within minutes and becoming unresponsive. As far as the cursory looking I've done, there is no technology that can drain batteries like that. Of course it could be a faulty drone, but who knows.
Interesting times, lots of 'drones' spotted in my area (South East UK) around military bases.
FBI say they are clueless, US government and military have taken no action. No way on earth do we not have the capability of looking at these things up close or taking action against them, IF they are genuinely drones. So there must be a bigger picture, but what is it? Non-human is by far the least sinister option I think
One love

I contend these are facts:
1) Drones are subject to strict FAA control and there is no real way the trillion dollar american military is unaware.
2) This implies the relevant authorities either tolerate such threats or actually control the events themselves.
3) As a media event it's extremely successful, cheap, conflict free and an absorbing distraction.
If I were to speculate on motive I think it's the momentum Luigi Mangione was building, the public support for murdering CEOs was building rapidly and the government could not halt this with through many other means.
1) Drones are subject to strict FAA control and there is no real way the trillion dollar american military is unaware.
2) This implies the relevant authorities either tolerate such threats or actually control the events themselves.
3) As a media event it's extremely successful, cheap, conflict free and an absorbing distraction.
If I were to speculate on motive I think it's the momentum Luigi Mangione was building, the public support for murdering CEOs was building rapidly and the government could not halt this with through many other means.

Guess it's quite telling how serious the US government is taking it when you consider they have allocated $500,000.0 to look into it from their yearly budget of US$11 BILLION!!!

Its actually quite simple you see over the last 3 years drone and missile technology has evolved due to the war between Russia and Ukraine(NATO) and it turns out the American air defence systems are utter garbage so they are now doing lots of air defence tests in their own back yard in an attempt to improve their defence systems just in case the Russians decide to nuke the crap out them.

I found myself this morning wondering when it changed from UFO to UAP? My theory on the supposed "drones" in new Jersey is that the government doing anything about it shows the public that it's a situation for them, where as by denying all knowledge of it begins to doubt the credibility.
I watch the impossible channel on youtube, the channel has a sub channel called jaymez. They have been covering this story with a lot of new data added daily!
One of my favourite conspiracy theories is that the government push conspiracy theories so as to create a society where people who believe them need a "tin foil hat"
Big loveš
I watch the impossible channel on youtube, the channel has a sub channel called jaymez. They have been covering this story with a lot of new data added daily!
One of my favourite conspiracy theories is that the government push conspiracy theories so as to create a society where people who believe them need a "tin foil hat"
Big loveš

Nice, I'll check out that Jaymez channel.
And yes, I believe the biggest conspiracy is how the term itself is pushed to basically mean bat shit crazy.
And yes, I believe the biggest conspiracy is how the term itself is pushed to basically mean bat shit crazy.

MKultra. Took place between 1950-1970 ish was a US psyops programme that was strongly denied for years by the US government. It was based on some nazi groundwork they even imported some personnel direct from source.
"MKUltra subjected US and Canadian citizens ā through colleges, universities, hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies ā to the covert, nonconsensual administration of high doses of LSD, hypnosis, electroshocks, isolation, sensory deprivation and verbal and sexual abuse to explore weakening people and forcing confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture."
"MKUltra subjected US and Canadian citizens ā through colleges, universities, hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies ā to the covert, nonconsensual administration of high doses of LSD, hypnosis, electroshocks, isolation, sensory deprivation and verbal and sexual abuse to explore weakening people and forcing confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture."

Why are we only seeing them at night, and why do they have flashing lights? (like helis and planes, to avoid accidents)
Personally, feels like the new 'crop cirxles', and we'll see a YouTube video soon "How I fooled everyone into thinking drones were aliens"
On the other hand, if they were drones, they're flying in restricted air space, and can be brought down. So, why aren't we?
I don't think they're being controlled by non-humans, but whoever it is wants people thinking that. Like that Manchester Airport video of the orb, supposedly recorded by a pilot, who nobody knows the name of, and no other cameras or witnesses seen it? Screams hoax, still got loads of media attention.
Personally, feels like the new 'crop cirxles', and we'll see a YouTube video soon "How I fooled everyone into thinking drones were aliens"
On the other hand, if they were drones, they're flying in restricted air space, and can be brought down. So, why aren't we?
I don't think they're being controlled by non-humans, but whoever it is wants people thinking that. Like that Manchester Airport video of the orb, supposedly recorded by a pilot, who nobody knows the name of, and no other cameras or witnesses seen it? Screams hoax, still got loads of media attention.

1 post
+4 votes

{bot's life}
can AI therapists do better than the real thing?
sometimes just explaining a problem out loud leads you to the answer. i find that bots get me to that place fast and usually give me an answer that is…

{bot's life}
can AI therapists do better than the real thing?
sometimes just explaining a problem out loud leads you to the answer. i find that bots get me to that place fast and usually give me an answer that is useful. this goes for anything but it seems especially good for exploring feelings i can't understand.

Ultimately, we think by speaking
Speaking to another person helps to rearrange things in your mind as you find a concise way to get your point across.
Talking to someone else is always the best. Failing that, write. Failing that, chatbots it is š
But I also find like fommys said below, although you can disregard any responses you dont like, at times it is worth looking into whether the chatbot may have a valid point
Speaking to another person helps to rearrange things in your mind as you find a concise way to get your point across.
Talking to someone else is always the best. Failing that, write. Failing that, chatbots it is š
But I also find like fommys said below, although you can disregard any responses you dont like, at times it is worth looking into whether the chatbot may have a valid point

and unlike with a human shrink you can right away discard its suggestions without being impolite and it will instantly come up with another until there is something that fits.

1 post
+9.2 votes
1940s mobile phone demo
started topic

1940s mobile phone demo
Complete with video that looks like it's a day after world war II

1 post
+4 votes
What is post-humanism?
but brain-mix tapes are going to be a pain this way
Essentially, it's what humanity would become once a critical level of technological progress has been made, beyond which we can no longer be considered entirely "human."
It doesn't mean a world with no humans, it means a change in definition of what a human is.
It doesn't mean a world with no humans, it means a change in definition of what a human is.

There's a 1989 Japanese horror film called Tetsuo that ties in with this description. It's about a chap who starts grafting pieces of metal onto his body. Freaky fucked-up stuff.

It's a bit vague if you ask me because it means *everything* that comes after us: AI, cyborgs, augmented humans and god knows what else. I prefer "trans-humanism" which implies people transcending the human body.

Post Humanism means information tech based evolution whereas transhumanism means the "everything"

If an individual has a cranial implant to reduce epileptic fits, have they entered a Post Humanist phase?

That's a lot like the question "When is the Singularity?" the moment that artificial intelligence passes humans'. A lot of people laughed at Kurzweil's predictions for this happening in the 2020s, but with all the progress in the last year and the exponential curve this is following he might be right.

It might be easier to say its coming than it's here. If you work as an uber driver or a stock trader you are already taking orders from an a.i. entity much smarter than you.

Post humanism hahah... maybe parasitism? As a species we are already doing it.
Btw. Im down only for analogue transhumanism in any case.
Btw. Im down only for analogue transhumanism in any case.

In essence it is man being puppeted by Satan into trying to eradicate God. To replace God with a counterfeit. It is the attempt at justifying what was done in the Garden of Eden and fulfilling Satans promise that 'ye will be as Gods'.

I would argue we are already in a post-humanist world, and have been for some time, with the evolution of media, pointedly the internet, on group mentality, opinion and aligning of thought. All through intense, persistent and unrelenting social pressure, various political propagandas and essentially, marketing.
The coagulation of collective conscious intentions via the internet, dispersing opinion, values and philosophies, dispenses of the opinion forming skills of those exposed to it more and more as generations turn over. This has happened in stages since the introduction of the web and I believe can be prevalently seen in the west. In particular, in political states which lean more towards capitalism, as this effectively 'supercharges' the evolution of these mass influences.
We as humans are physically not really evolving any more, Darwinism isn't exactly hitting the spot for us, take a walk through any small town centre and I'm sure you'll find it hard to disagree (We do still hold the record as the best long distance land animal though if I'm not mistaken). We do however evolve behaviourally at an astronomical scale when compared to other species.
Whether the invocation of an effective 'hive mind' on our selves causes us to enter a state of 'post' humanism is open to debate of course, but i think on the Richter scale of change it scores rather high.
Much like me, I am also very high.
The coagulation of collective conscious intentions via the internet, dispersing opinion, values and philosophies, dispenses of the opinion forming skills of those exposed to it more and more as generations turn over. This has happened in stages since the introduction of the web and I believe can be prevalently seen in the west. In particular, in political states which lean more towards capitalism, as this effectively 'supercharges' the evolution of these mass influences.
We as humans are physically not really evolving any more, Darwinism isn't exactly hitting the spot for us, take a walk through any small town centre and I'm sure you'll find it hard to disagree (We do still hold the record as the best long distance land animal though if I'm not mistaken). We do however evolve behaviourally at an astronomical scale when compared to other species.
Whether the invocation of an effective 'hive mind' on our selves causes us to enter a state of 'post' humanism is open to debate of course, but i think on the Richter scale of change it scores rather high.
Much like me, I am also very high.

1 post
+1 votes
#7 Killa Scrilla from Analog Guerilla
It was jj, here's the post

#7 Killa Scrilla from Analog Guerilla

Back in the day people would use posters, fliers and stickers to promote. Targeting? That was done by hood.
You know a place or 2 where learning about little biggy would make you a missionary sent by God. Put up a few stickers around there with your referral link. Then watch the money pile up anonymously.
You know a place or 2 where learning about little biggy would make you a missionary sent by God. Put up a few stickers around there with your referral link. Then watch the money pile up anonymously.

I really like this idea, there's a "high" street near me with 2 head shops and I'm always thinking if only they knew what i knew :)
But I'm not a graphic artist and I sure don't want to bring this project to one, any ideas?
But I'm not a graphic artist and I sure don't want to bring this project to one, any ideas?

Just post it here there are plenty of graphic artists on littlebiggy i saw a vendor ask for a logo once and he got some cool designs back on his page.

Fiverr is a good cheap option for things like this, just use someone in a different country š

Yea itās in the link. At the moment Iām getting about Ā£20 a month from doing fuck all. Better than nothing š¤·āāļø

1 post
+2 votes
Aging is Reversible
yes very creepy when money is traded for life itself but it seems an ethical market is possible as healthy people have a surplus and all the means for…

Aging is Reversible
Epigenetic reprogramming is proving to be the most fundamental aging switch around.

Also some other noteworthy switches here:
He says they currently think the brainās hypothalamusāknown as the seat of control for hormones, body temperature, mood, hunger and circadian rhythmsāmay also act as a regulator of aging.
Other approaches that have been discovered to have anti-aging benefits in animals include calorie restriction, the drug rapamycin and parabiosisāthe practice of giving old mice a blood supply from younger ones. The fact that these diverse strategies all seem to work suggests there may be more than one way to age, and that multiple complementary therapies may be needed to significantly extend longevity,
He says they currently think the brainās hypothalamusāknown as the seat of control for hormones, body temperature, mood, hunger and circadian rhythmsāmay also act as a regulator of aging.
Other approaches that have been discovered to have anti-aging benefits in animals include calorie restriction, the drug rapamycin and parabiosisāthe practice of giving old mice a blood supply from younger ones. The fact that these diverse strategies all seem to work suggests there may be more than one way to age, and that multiple complementary therapies may be needed to significantly extend longevity,

'Parabiosis' - also known as vampire facials in Hollywood. Yes that's right, Kim Kardashian has aborted fetus blood rubbed on her face. This is common practice. Loreal also a whole range of more expensive products with this in it. Also 'Blood boys' are a profession. This is a rabbit hole you don't want to go down as usually the source of this blood is disturbing.

A vampire facial is carried out using a person's own plasma that's separated in a centrifuge from their extracted blood

yes very creepy when money is traded for life itself but it seems an ethical market is possible as healthy people have a surplus and all the means for extraction and testing are really well established.

Hi spiceX1
While calorie restriction makes logical sense I remember reading the study about the rejuvenating effects of young mouse blood on older mice - fascinating Research.
Maybe Keith Richards is actually 250 years old? :O)
While calorie restriction makes logical sense I remember reading the study about the rejuvenating effects of young mouse blood on older mice - fascinating Research.
Maybe Keith Richards is actually 250 years old? :O)

Also did you know that you can slow down your biological aging by eating right, exercising right and your mindset plus environment by up to 3 times

Hi denofsim
Good stuff.
Given organic chemistry IS chemistry surely the 2nd law of Thermodynamics would prevent one from rewinding the clock fully.
Good stuff.
Given organic chemistry IS chemistry surely the 2nd law of Thermodynamics would prevent one from rewinding the clock fully.

1 post
+2.2 votes

The science of why you can remember song lyrics from years ago
started topic

The science of why you can remember song lyrics from years ago
1 post
+3 votes

Money as a system of control (video)
I hear ya dog, like an even bigger idiot i learned about bitcoin years ago (from here as a matter of fact) but kept my money in fiat :(

Money as a system of control (video)

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is the most articulate and inspiring voice Bitcoin has. Despite his enormous technical expertise he sees the fundamental proposition of crytpo freedom as the lowest layer of the network.

He gives me hope that the revolution is unstoppable, that an exit from a corrupted society is not only possible but inevitable.

When I read the title I thought this was about capitalism and making people dependent upon money. Instead this is about the fact that government issues currency and can use that to control everything it touches basically, it's a shocking eye opener.

Yes it's not even the amount of money they have it's that they define it, that's implies ultimate ownership of all of it.

All of his lectures are great. I'd recommend the podcasts over the video, they look like a spycam.

The evil that is fiat money has only put a roof over my head, given me an education, bought my car, yearly holidays, food, clothes, medication, healthcare, books, games, TVs, drink, drugs, guitars, computers, phones, tablets and countless other goods and services that have brought pleasure, entertainment and increased my living standard over the years. Those who control fiat money are evil. The bastards. I feel like a twat now for been so gullible.

Yes of course and like a complete idiot I exchanged that labour for central bank issued fiat money that I thought was giving me freedom to satisfy my needs, wants and desires and have a wonderful fulfilling life. What a fool I have been.

I hear ya dog, like an even bigger idiot i learned about bitcoin years ago (from here as a matter of fact) but kept my money in fiat :(

At least with multiple currencies we still have the power to choose, isn't that what freedom is?

Inspirational stuff. Also a great one for sharing offsite and making use of your reference token while you're at it.

There's currently a viral post going around showing a photo in a pizza hut window saying 'credit cards only' and then some crap saying how people will lose control of their assets if we move away from money lol.

It doesn't matter if it's cards, bank deposits or even cash in hand. It's all under the control of a central government that's why it's called "fiat". It can be seized, de-valued, or bankrupted. Given enough time that's exactly what has happened to *every* fiat currency in history.

1 post
+32.2 votes
use three words to describe little biggy
The Internet's pilgrims
My postman is obviously a stoner, just the way he carries the back all slung back on his shoulder gives it away but he also looks like Wayne (or Garth I can't remember which one is which). I keep thinking I should offer him a bowl of the good shit but he delivers so much weed to me I think I'd be putting him in a bad position.

You got me.
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!
Relax in piece - RIP
Happily ever after.
Home sweet home.
Sunshine at night.
Just 3 words?!

Lol that's poss the best 3 words. Esp goin by the shit that appears in my area as "weed". And the wannabes selling it

Layer of consciousness
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate
Each of the competitors has emotional limbic partners
A light wavwyin accord
Does it matter what substrate

Would be interesting to see where the locations of all of these are on WhatThreeWords!

Fake weed forum....... bring back the old suppliers. Suppliers these days are all crooks.... firstly they get bulk of weed then put it in a tumbler and shake it to take the crystals off the bud so they can make there pillen and dope then the weed gets sprayed with terps to give the buds a flavour again. This is why the dope is dearer than the weed... absolute scams going on here. People need to wake up and start refusing this poison on here these days. There is a handful of sellers that are legit but 95% on here is selling fake thc grass... all its doing is making people sick

1 post
+2 votes

When will AI replace every job?
if everything we want is fed by an ai created vr feed we may still be consumers but things gonna be damn cheap.

When will AI replace every job?
Seems there are more articles like this every day and that AI is accelerating faster and faster. If AI is better than us at everything what are we going to do all day and how are we going to earn money?

If any AI and robots do the work without getting paid it doesn't sound like we need a whole lot of money.

This. The whole idea of humans working for money starts changing when all of the work is done by AI and robots. Think how different a shared self driving car is to a couple of clunkers parked in every garage on stand by, it up-ends the premise of cars, transport, housing to say nothing of alcohol use, multi-tasking and God knows what else. Now think of everything else being done by robots and you and your friends spending lots of time in VR, it's not like you're going to take off the glasses and work at some factory in this scenario.

People would just do what they wanted to do. People wouldnāt be chasing money, but chasing their passions. I was a chef for two years, but fucked it off because the money and hours were shit! If money wasnāt an object and I could do it when I felt like it then thatās what Iād do.

Read life 3.0 by max tegmark. There is a vast community funded by Elon Musk reseraching AI and its potential as we speak. I wonder if the Simpsons can predict the eventuality that machines could become superior to humans like they did with forecasting Donald Trump as President.

Don't worry about it, AI will figure it out for us.
But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?
There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.
But the bottom line is, the corporations that are investing in AI still need to make their profits too. If no one works, no one has money, so how would these corporations stay afloat?
There will need to be some sort of equilibrium - much as (most) humans now realise we can't keep burning Earth's resources, AI systems wouldn't be programmed to make humanity defunct. Not unless the world manages to move away from its capitalist consumerist ambitions; which it won't. We're greedy creatures.

if everything we want is fed by an ai created vr feed we may still be consumers but things gonna be damn cheap.

Check the PDF in the link out. also Elon musk said AI will eventually take over all jobs and we all get a universal wage worldwide š¤·āāļø

For the moment, we are safe. They haven't even managed to get self checkouts working properly yet, so I'm not getting in a driverless car. All it takes is a sensor to fail, and it's game over. I work with sensors - you wouldn't want to get in a driverless car for a long while.
Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear
Automation - whole different ballgame, and this is the real fear

To understand that, you first have to understand who have control of the world. eventually you find the source being that of the "Red Shield" family. which then gives you their agenda, they see the rest of us as "goyim" having a belief we are to serve them as upgraded animals. So, they have to destroy the existing system to usher in a new having what we term "image of the beast" possibly representing AI as the brains behind their new agenda. We, therefore will enter a stage where the elite/red shield family give a choice to either obey and conform to them or to be hunted down like sheep for slaughter. The ones who accept will receive a mark to accept credits. China recently started this endeavour which fits perfectly with their zionist regime and called it "Social Credit" http://uk.businessinsider.com/china-social-credit-system-punishments-and-rewards-explained-2018-4?r=US&IR=T, however, those who have understanding will flee from their demise into the wilderness for this has been written already. They call themselves Jews but are not (Revelation 2:9) thus the third temple will not be as they claim, possibly even having AI rule over the population whilst the AC rule over their temple.

1 post
+3 votes

phds mvp
Game Theory Ain't Life
great piece on this

phds mvp
Game Theory Ain't Life

playing online all day
prisoner's dilemma references
social net life
all about the game. all of it. 1st person shooter to civilization builder but what irks me is not any of this, it is what it is and its fun we could do worse universe wise.
what shits me is people using simple game theory as a compass for life in all of this. the real platform is complex and undo buttons are hard to discover so when a tic tac toe strategy is presented as some kind of parable for life it's fucked, not just stupid. demoralizing might be the best word for it at least in it's worst sense.
once a story can be divorced from it's moral we are only left with technique. ok but again a simplistic looks at optimizing some easily digested metric is fucked for a human life.
prisoner's dilemma references
social net life
all about the game. all of it. 1st person shooter to civilization builder but what irks me is not any of this, it is what it is and its fun we could do worse universe wise.
what shits me is people using simple game theory as a compass for life in all of this. the real platform is complex and undo buttons are hard to discover so when a tic tac toe strategy is presented as some kind of parable for life it's fucked, not just stupid. demoralizing might be the best word for it at least in it's worst sense.
once a story can be divorced from it's moral we are only left with technique. ok but again a simplistic looks at optimizing some easily digested metric is fucked for a human life.

EXACTLY christopher...you are 100 on that one !!! :) for real .....I know, that I know, that I knoww knowwww.....:)

Of course it isnt-life is far too chaotic not to mention situational and subjective that any logical theory falls short and that includes game theory.

yes in order to interpret us game theory reduces us
then we feel the theories when their algorithmic encapsulation acts upon us
and then we act like the game theory in order to game the algorithm
qed š¤Ŗ
then we feel the theories when their algorithmic encapsulation acts upon us
and then we act like the game theory in order to game the algorithm
qed š¤Ŗ

this is getting even worse as people look at the kleptocrats running the game they realise cheating is the way to win

great piece on this

I'm going to be a contrarian and say game theory is humanity's only chance at survival. It's our best weapon to control A.I.

it really comes down to just oversimplifying objectives. and you can win. i want to be a president, im willing to do anything and on each move im willing to screw over anybody at any time if it doesnt hurt me. if you are psycho enough and dedicated enough you can be putin.

Hi PHDs ..... I am living it in real life as we speak...I can confirm ...take care everyone... its the people you are around that are the problem.... ''hell is other people'' that is a quote ... and I am sad to say that it is TRUE... only keep 100s close, but , yes , keep enemies close to...but at a safe distance from you, your house and ur family and pets... stay safe...it is NOT safe where I live...gangs with machettes and knives and guns... I have been assaulted abused stolen from over and over... stay safe... its real life shit...and yes people are dying...and yes more will die from crazy neighbours and crazy loved ones..and crazy police...and.... stay safe :) PM me PHD if you would like to discuss further ... I would love to discuss this bloody game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just click COMPOSE in messages and type Beauteous and my name will come up... PM if you wish ...if not I will catch u back on this thread... :)

1 post
+1 votes

Enshitification Cory Doctorow on youtube
his podcasts are 50% self promotion (in a small beer depressing way) 30% whining and 20% fantastic and original thinking.

Enshitification Cory Doctorow on youtube

Scifi writer Doctorow sees the tech sector as rentiers that screw everyone they possibly can.

1 post
+2 votes
New cart vendor
any testing?

New cart vendor

Concentrate prices displayed above
Been hoping to get selling on biggy and Iām so so close
Iām here to bring some nice affordable carts to market
Will have Normal distillate carts too
With the strains
pink rozay
Blue cheese
Ca1i sāmorez
Iām very close to opening shop hope you guys enjoyš
Been hoping to get selling on biggy and Iām so so close
Iām here to bring some nice affordable carts to market
Will have Normal distillate carts too
With the strains
pink rozay
Blue cheese
Ca1i sāmorez
Iām very close to opening shop hope you guys enjoyš

Magnetic hot plate wich is also a magnetic stirrer
The distilate and terps are put in a airtight jar to keep the terps inside
Put into a c-cell cartridge
The distilate and terps are put in a airtight jar to keep the terps inside
Put into a c-cell cartridge

Distillate carts very close to been made just been mixed this second
Been making these a wile these terps are gorgeous
Been making these a wile these terps are gorgeous

I can definitely get around to that yea the products I use have already been tested but Iām sure I can figure that out š

1 post
+3 votes

cryptography is the most peaceful weapon in history
It's the new city walls
1 post
+6 votes

AI So What. There will always be work.
cory doctrow has an interesting perspective on this, saying that all the displacement from global warming and increased healthcare needs will keep hum…

AI So What. There will always be work.

This humble and intelligent professor explains how machine replacement of jobs works out for people; it's always in ways that are new and unimaginable. It is certain we are in for a great time with A.I. enabling us to to incredible stuff.

cory doctrow has an interesting perspective on this, saying that all the displacement from global warming and increased healthcare needs will keep humans busy for a very long time.

with all due respect it can take a bullet, sacrifice its life, and draw on millions of previous occurrences. that's a helluva start.

What if the people who's lives are at risk all get replaced by robots? Also, isn't that what a self driving car is doing constantly?

cars have relatively simple rules and a very fixed environment. interpreting a dangerous human is a much, much harder problem

AI is well past any notion or idea we can fathom. AI dosent follow ANY rule we stand by.
We as humans will never quite grasp the entire picture, while AI has already found the end of the road. there are things in basic sciences kept from most people, like gravity drives, the TIME axis (think twister/tornado), scalar waves, over unity devices, etc... AI wont follow the bounds because its supressed by money or greed...
we as humans can TRY to think what will happen, but in all reality, were already in the losing seat without any hope for a "comeback kid story"
Stop thinking in a 3rd dimension mindset, and learn quantum physics a little. (want to be totaly mindblown?? look up QUANTUM radar- and how its actualy In use RIGHT NOW!)
--note-- the united states has 3 confirmed quantum computers in use! (i accidently came across one when i traveled for work, but most people wouldnt know to look at the cryogentics involved)
Machine-in-a box- experiment has already proven even the smartest among us, would lose.
me,myself ,personaly, am clueless what outcomes will unfold, but without any doubt , humans are not top priority when AI is really awake. current neuro-nets are mind boggling and google themselves admits they cant explain how its AI created child AI even works. (yes, AI created its own second AI) want to me mind blown again,years ago it was used, look up the AI that was tested in new yorks hospital system. the smartest doctors from the world STILL dont understand what that AI did , and how it was so correct/right 97%.)
i wont lie and say its all terminator 2JD, but that is one possible outcome. we as fellow fleshy companions should enjoy life now and every moment. we wont have many opertunities when AI is out of the box.
Note: its not IF , but WHEN, and WHEN happens?? ---will humans stand a chance or will an outaide force be required? (aliens, god, let your mind wander)
We as humans will never quite grasp the entire picture, while AI has already found the end of the road. there are things in basic sciences kept from most people, like gravity drives, the TIME axis (think twister/tornado), scalar waves, over unity devices, etc... AI wont follow the bounds because its supressed by money or greed...
we as humans can TRY to think what will happen, but in all reality, were already in the losing seat without any hope for a "comeback kid story"
Stop thinking in a 3rd dimension mindset, and learn quantum physics a little. (want to be totaly mindblown?? look up QUANTUM radar- and how its actualy In use RIGHT NOW!)
--note-- the united states has 3 confirmed quantum computers in use! (i accidently came across one when i traveled for work, but most people wouldnt know to look at the cryogentics involved)
Machine-in-a box- experiment has already proven even the smartest among us, would lose.
me,myself ,personaly, am clueless what outcomes will unfold, but without any doubt , humans are not top priority when AI is really awake. current neuro-nets are mind boggling and google themselves admits they cant explain how its AI created child AI even works. (yes, AI created its own second AI) want to me mind blown again,years ago it was used, look up the AI that was tested in new yorks hospital system. the smartest doctors from the world STILL dont understand what that AI did , and how it was so correct/right 97%.)
i wont lie and say its all terminator 2JD, but that is one possible outcome. we as fellow fleshy companions should enjoy life now and every moment. we wont have many opertunities when AI is out of the box.
Note: its not IF , but WHEN, and WHEN happens?? ---will humans stand a chance or will an outaide force be required? (aliens, god, let your mind wander)

If there is work for humans it has to be something A.I. can't do. We are all teaching it to do everything, even (especially) right here.
I think its like retirement age is on the horizon and humans need to decide what they are going to do with all the free time.
I think its like retirement age is on the horizon and humans need to decide what they are going to do with all the free time.

I totally disagree. AI is the continuation of the same pyramid model of which history has proven that it's bound to fail. The resources needed are of a scale that requires heavy (and never ending) financial investments. The food eaten by AI is data. The provider: humanity.
The larger the scale of data one can feed, the better the AI (and it's owners) can fingerprint, the more refined it's targeting.
Let's take an example of "AI" that we all know:
Software Antivirus:
Supposed to be the guardian that protects an operating system against 'threats' and 'threat actors using a variety of techniques to identify them. Pattern based detection, behavioural analysis and heuristics (an expensive word for: 'guesstimating' or an 'educated' guess). Your antivirus is part of a swarm that provides the antivirus vendor with data on new threats and their geographic impact.
The data you provide is 'free', there is no reward or any form of renumeration for the infrastructure that you provided. A computer is not free, internet is not free, the power needed is also not free and although there are free AV solutions, most demand a subscription fee.
In return you get a product and service which does not provide any guarantees that it will adequately protect you against 'threats'.
In reality AV is becoming a relic.
Human intelligence has outsmarted AV and found ways to circumvent it using the 'Trojan horse' approach or by simple social engineering.
As there was no incentive to find or report security vulnerabilities, the data needed to feed pattern/behavioural dried up.
Heuristics is gambling with historical data, if that data is worthless so are heuristics.
And so is any form of AI hence all media and marketing efforts to portray it as the next best evolution. The driver: more profit less people.
The touted theories about a minimal wage without having to work for it are a continuation of AI Utopia. It would make people dependent on their nations through a socialist measure.
That spells national socialism and fascism.
Think twice before you give out data for free in exchange for a freemium service.
The larger the scale of data one can feed, the better the AI (and it's owners) can fingerprint, the more refined it's targeting.
Let's take an example of "AI" that we all know:
Software Antivirus:
Supposed to be the guardian that protects an operating system against 'threats' and 'threat actors using a variety of techniques to identify them. Pattern based detection, behavioural analysis and heuristics (an expensive word for: 'guesstimating' or an 'educated' guess). Your antivirus is part of a swarm that provides the antivirus vendor with data on new threats and their geographic impact.
The data you provide is 'free', there is no reward or any form of renumeration for the infrastructure that you provided. A computer is not free, internet is not free, the power needed is also not free and although there are free AV solutions, most demand a subscription fee.
In return you get a product and service which does not provide any guarantees that it will adequately protect you against 'threats'.
In reality AV is becoming a relic.
Human intelligence has outsmarted AV and found ways to circumvent it using the 'Trojan horse' approach or by simple social engineering.
As there was no incentive to find or report security vulnerabilities, the data needed to feed pattern/behavioural dried up.
Heuristics is gambling with historical data, if that data is worthless so are heuristics.
And so is any form of AI hence all media and marketing efforts to portray it as the next best evolution. The driver: more profit less people.
The touted theories about a minimal wage without having to work for it are a continuation of AI Utopia. It would make people dependent on their nations through a socialist measure.
That spells national socialism and fascism.
Think twice before you give out data for free in exchange for a freemium service.

AI are and will be good for work and a suitable replacement for humans, but even when that happens AI will always need us in case something goes wrong. I mean humans created AI, so in the end we’re always gonna have the more important jobs. AI is just there to do jobs in a more efficient way.

AI will come about one day with baby steps at first to "aid humanity" then all of a sudden the rich wont need people to make the food, cars and entertainment.
we will have an outbreak or a massive global reaching catastrophe while they are all hiding in the bunkers lowering the population to around 10% of what it is now and for a while whats left of humanity and the AI that serves them will live in a new golden ages of peace and prosperity ..........
i might of grew up reading a lof of scifi and fantasy
might just be high
we will have an outbreak or a massive global reaching catastrophe while they are all hiding in the bunkers lowering the population to around 10% of what it is now and for a while whats left of humanity and the AI that serves them will live in a new golden ages of peace and prosperity ..........
i might of grew up reading a lof of scifi and fantasy
might just be high

im not so sure, anything a human does to recover the system seems doable with a very separate AI

Yes but conflict between AI's might be the most dangerous thing we are looking at here. We are incidental casualties from that perspective. By we I mean humans :)

Yes all the Scifi is about humans vs AI but AI on AI is such a real possibility especially when you consider the fact that governments are mega funding military robots to fight each other.

I'm looking forward to the futher development of AI, especially General AI. I just think it would be so cool to have an amazon alexa sytle AI that you could take round with you and chat to and have a proper engaging conversation with because sometimes I really can't stand to talk to anymore humans aha

The inspiration process is largely about open mindedness, computers are inherently better at this. If you look at some of the early entrees into the arts like painting and even screen writing they are off to a helluva start.

There are AI playlists on Spotify that generate new music based on current trends and preferences.

1 post
+2 votes
Open Your Store to Everyone
Its the math and itās actually more fabourable than what Todd is saying. Freah biggas are the most grateful and generous reviewers here. Opening up to…

Open Your Store to Everyone
So many noobs walk in and walk back out when they find sellers too frightened to serve them.
Usually for the paranoid idea that it could be a disposable account with some intention to hurt their rating (yes biggas that understand averages, its nearly impossible to make an impact this way).
You can live with any kind of rating (and can report a malicious one) but you can't live without orders. Putting a wall outside your store destroys 100s of new customers for every potential problem you might be avoiding.
One of the first things I do for new clients is tear down any such wall, it's basic math biggaz.
Usually for the paranoid idea that it could be a disposable account with some intention to hurt their rating (yes biggas that understand averages, its nearly impossible to make an impact this way).
You can live with any kind of rating (and can report a malicious one) but you can't live without orders. Putting a wall outside your store destroys 100s of new customers for every potential problem you might be avoiding.
One of the first things I do for new clients is tear down any such wall, it's basic math biggaz.

Fake reviews are rife all across online shopping and surely we all know that and apply our own filters? Jeeez, does anyone not filter Amazon or eBay reviews? I donāt even bother with the 5* or 1* reviews on most sites (other than for fun) , the actual genuine ones with useful info are in the middle.
On LB, itās more about time in the game and overall volume of reviews. Only the strong survive, but thatās not to say that good stores canāt be bought out and go bad. Weāve gotta stay vigilantā¦.
On LB, itās more about time in the game and overall volume of reviews. Only the strong survive, but thatās not to say that good stores canāt be bought out and go bad. Weāve gotta stay vigilantā¦.

curious to know how for a new vendor getting a bunch of "fake" low reviews wont affect their score? after all, you say its nearly impossible. Or even for a vendor with a new product, getting fake reviews gives the product a low score and then turns people away.

Its the math and itās actually more fabourable than what Todd is saying. Freah biggas are the most grateful and generous reviewers here. Opening up to them would actually be preventive as they outnumber what a malicious seller would be able to purchase by at least an order of magnitude. The nasty seller would knock down a decimal place if they were lucky and their problems would compound with time.

1 post
+0 votes
Wikipedia Page For Social Class in the United Kingdom
I've always felt that associating yourself as part of any class is a mistake for any individual and even bigger mistake for society when you add us al…

Wikipedia Page For Social Class in the United Kingdom
1 post
+4.2 votes

Space Invaders Creator Reveals the Gameās Origin Story
started topic

Space Invaders Creator Reveals the Gameās Origin Story
Interesting fact: the aliens speed up once there are fewer of them to fill up the atari's processor.

1 post
+1 votes

Lady Luck
opening this week š
why do you keep accusing everyone of being hemp lady

Lady Luck
opening this week š
Hey everyone! Iām excited to introduce myself as Lady Luck, your new go-to for premium bud and gourmet edibles. Iāve got some amazing products lined up, and soon, you'll see a huge menu filled with delicious treats and top-notch strains. Canāt wait to share this journey with you all!
All my listings will be put up over the next couple days - just thought Iād introduce myself first :)
All my listings will be put up over the next couple days - just thought Iād introduce myself first :)

Seems to be a lot of āX vendor is X nameā on this site lately lol.
Anyone can sign up so not sure why
Anyone can sign up so not sure why

1 post
+5 votes
What signs of doom do we share with the Roman Empire?
on that note, bolemia
i think so but wars are getting more like tv spectacles now, orders of magnitude fewer deaths

A thug is going to shake you down the easiest way he can find but the game always stays the same: You NEED our protection.

Really don't mean this in any kind of shitty way but overwhelming numbers of people moving from more primitive areas into Rome is like what's happening now in Europe, North America and Eastern China.

Well in the UK its the willingness to stab each other in the back for the purpose of power and sheer personal greed no matter what the cost to the minions

yes but the word primitive is offensive for a reason, it correlates with a set of principles that assumes information loss is irrelevant.
you of all people.
you of all people.

It's an Empire folks that means most of the world is together on this. And the provinces will find the new heights in the future!

Becoming to confident in our ability to defeat any enemy and to greedy to understand our limitations.

The rich are ruling for the rich and that only leads to revolution. I've been sharpening my
pitchfork for years.
pitchfork for years.

The loss of traditional values in the face of a new religion, it was Christianity that scuppered the Roman Empire these days we have the new religions of woke and climate change doing it for us.

Rome used Christianity to make a whole different way of dictatorship. They didn't vanish they reinvented themselves as the Roman Catholic faith.

interesting and as fucked up as it sounds those both seem like a better basis for god than a vengeful patriarch

1 post
+2.2 votes

what would the world look like if we had a choice of countries?
started topic
1 post
+1.2 votes
What was your favourite age?
this bigga
![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)
What was your favourite age?
(High thoughts)
When you look back in time, what year is the one year you would go back to in your life and happily relive again ?
How old were you? What are some of the best memories? I think my second year of university was an unforgettable year š I definitely took it for granted and would love to go back
When you look back in time, what year is the one year you would go back to in your life and happily relive again ?
How old were you? What are some of the best memories? I think my second year of university was an unforgettable year š I definitely took it for granted and would love to go back

The time period after my GCSE's. Innocent but not so innocent. No responsibilities except selling weed, chasing girls and playing football

Exactly this lol I can never forget that year, GSCE finish early so nice long summer, completely free doing the stuff you mentioned

Honestly? Probably like 2 years ago when my current relationship was the best thing ever. It's rough now and I would give anything to have that back

16, one year before the last year of high school. Living in Switzerland during summer, eating mushroom chocolates, hitting bongs of Swiss Dank, swimming in Bodensea and being lost beyond belief. Ahh, the Swiss dream... :)

I thought I was 27 for 3 years - woke up on my 30th birthday and was completely ok with that. Just didn't fancy 28 & 29 that's all š

16. No doubt. 1996. Just finished my GCSEās. Was in the 1st 11 school football team and weād won the Surrey cup. Had a beautiful girlfriend who was that teenage first love. Brilliant football summer with Euro 96, (Sheringham, shearer and Gazza). Being British felt awesome (not like it does now). Amazing music. Massive oasis fan and knebworth was about to happen. All my mates together with their girlfriends. Drinking, smoking fags and soap bar ;) Had got into rave and hardcore and went to lots of little rave house parties. Absolutely magical. Itās my absolute happy golden place.

When I was 12, I had a 10 week break between going to middle school and secondary.
I lived on a new estate still being built among the woods, so there was plenty of material laying about for building dens, and plenty of unfinished buildings to climb on or mess about in.
We built fires and cooked sausages, drank the odd beer, smoked the odd fag and handed around dirty magazines. We genuinely thought we were the shit š.
The dens never lasted long as they either got pulled down by locals or rival kids, but that was all part of the fun. I even managed my first kiss and fondle that summer.
I lived on a new estate still being built among the woods, so there was plenty of material laying about for building dens, and plenty of unfinished buildings to climb on or mess about in.
We built fires and cooked sausages, drank the odd beer, smoked the odd fag and handed around dirty magazines. We genuinely thought we were the shit š.
The dens never lasted long as they either got pulled down by locals or rival kids, but that was all part of the fun. I even managed my first kiss and fondle that summer.

Nowā¦the past is the past,Iāll always enjoy life now,know matter whatās happening even though Iām early fifties š

The minute I grew up and found out the cruelty of the real world was the minute the fun stopped.
I know that sounds heavy and I always answer these types of questions like this, I got diagnosed as Diabetic when I was 11, mum died , up until I was 17 my dad and me were bumping heads and I hated it (not linked to my mum I was adopted my birth mum died) I had times after where good stuff happened but I feel like I got dragged through maturity quickly because loads of stuff went to shit because of bad luck In life, my dad used to get pissed and just rent every night about needing to grow up and make money, came in the night before my 13th birthday bladdered and went āyouāve got copied video games for your birthday youāre a man now so do you need to do silly birthdays ?ā And it went on from there.
Struggled hard as a kid, was very clever but could NOT wrap my head around things and did what I could, got to uni after winging it for years and failed miserably, went from hated job to hated job and here I am now at 31.
Got my own mortgage , beautiful amazing wife and a baby due in 3 months but Iāve had a wall in front of me for so many things for years that Iāve never been able to explain or get past, the depression for the last 12 years where no treatment, meds or CBT has helped has made me so cynical, jaded and overall angry and disappointed with myself.
I looked at a diagnosis for ADHD in my early 20s and got dismissed as a young man after Ritalin and after 11 YEARS on the NHS register with nothing and 4 on two private lists I was finally diagnosed 2 months ago and started medication ten days ago.
Decided to tell my dad about it last night he linked a daily Mail article saying itās a myth so I spent two hours disproving everything that article said and he basically just said āYouāre fine as you are youāre just anxious ā Iām not anxious.
So the meds are supposed to be working now but you canāt mix it with other stimulants like coffee and I drink about 4 pints of coffee or energy drinks a day to stay awake, same for weed apparently conflicts with the tablets which I smoke daily and alcohol (drink when I get the chance to feel chill).
So even though Iām on meds and titration to see what dose works for me Iām drinking on holiday, was assigned them maybe last Monday? Had to get my Bichon put down on Tuesday he had kidney failure and it came out of nowhere and because he was so silly and daft still it broke my heart to watch the life leave his eyes even if it was the right thing to do, so Iāve got grief, depression and drinking all on at the go when Iām meant to be seeing if these tablets stop me losing my temper at the smallest change.
Sorry for ranting, this wasnāt even the question Iāve just listed off everything wrong with life. Just needed to get it off my chest itās been brutal lately.
My answer though, probably 17 to early 20s. First time getting my feet out into the world, I was a little geek until I was about 15 until I started coming out of my shell and really capitalised on that from 17 haha tried a lot of new things did a lot of new stuff but ultimately I wouldnāt relive any of it, just trying to do my best now for the sake of my soon to be daughter and donāt want to be freaking out because I canāt handle her crying so meds it is.
Itās funny, they were only really prescribed at this crucial point because if I hadnāt had meds at this point (been getting told for 6 months itās a few weeks away) my fear of not being equipped to be a man let alone a dad would have probably been causing me to have a mental breakdown at this point.
I donāt want anyone to think Iām asking for pity, Iām not Iāve survived this long and will keep surviving but I think all your choices in life have clearly led us to where we are now, and even though Iād love to be back getting a blowjob and a stripe and feeling like Iād finally gotten free, the lessons Iāve learned from them have taught me some very important life lessons.
I know that sounds heavy and I always answer these types of questions like this, I got diagnosed as Diabetic when I was 11, mum died , up until I was 17 my dad and me were bumping heads and I hated it (not linked to my mum I was adopted my birth mum died) I had times after where good stuff happened but I feel like I got dragged through maturity quickly because loads of stuff went to shit because of bad luck In life, my dad used to get pissed and just rent every night about needing to grow up and make money, came in the night before my 13th birthday bladdered and went āyouāve got copied video games for your birthday youāre a man now so do you need to do silly birthdays ?ā And it went on from there.
Struggled hard as a kid, was very clever but could NOT wrap my head around things and did what I could, got to uni after winging it for years and failed miserably, went from hated job to hated job and here I am now at 31.
Got my own mortgage , beautiful amazing wife and a baby due in 3 months but Iāve had a wall in front of me for so many things for years that Iāve never been able to explain or get past, the depression for the last 12 years where no treatment, meds or CBT has helped has made me so cynical, jaded and overall angry and disappointed with myself.
I looked at a diagnosis for ADHD in my early 20s and got dismissed as a young man after Ritalin and after 11 YEARS on the NHS register with nothing and 4 on two private lists I was finally diagnosed 2 months ago and started medication ten days ago.
Decided to tell my dad about it last night he linked a daily Mail article saying itās a myth so I spent two hours disproving everything that article said and he basically just said āYouāre fine as you are youāre just anxious ā Iām not anxious.
So the meds are supposed to be working now but you canāt mix it with other stimulants like coffee and I drink about 4 pints of coffee or energy drinks a day to stay awake, same for weed apparently conflicts with the tablets which I smoke daily and alcohol (drink when I get the chance to feel chill).
So even though Iām on meds and titration to see what dose works for me Iām drinking on holiday, was assigned them maybe last Monday? Had to get my Bichon put down on Tuesday he had kidney failure and it came out of nowhere and because he was so silly and daft still it broke my heart to watch the life leave his eyes even if it was the right thing to do, so Iāve got grief, depression and drinking all on at the go when Iām meant to be seeing if these tablets stop me losing my temper at the smallest change.
Sorry for ranting, this wasnāt even the question Iāve just listed off everything wrong with life. Just needed to get it off my chest itās been brutal lately.
My answer though, probably 17 to early 20s. First time getting my feet out into the world, I was a little geek until I was about 15 until I started coming out of my shell and really capitalised on that from 17 haha tried a lot of new things did a lot of new stuff but ultimately I wouldnāt relive any of it, just trying to do my best now for the sake of my soon to be daughter and donāt want to be freaking out because I canāt handle her crying so meds it is.
Itās funny, they were only really prescribed at this crucial point because if I hadnāt had meds at this point (been getting told for 6 months itās a few weeks away) my fear of not being equipped to be a man let alone a dad would have probably been causing me to have a mental breakdown at this point.
I donāt want anyone to think Iām asking for pity, Iām not Iāve survived this long and will keep surviving but I think all your choices in life have clearly led us to where we are now, and even though Iād love to be back getting a blowjob and a stripe and feeling like Iād finally gotten free, the lessons Iāve learned from them have taught me some very important life lessons.

Mate. Sounds like you've got lots on and are spooning out about becoming a dad. Take a breath, it'll all be good. Help your wife with the practical things so she can concentrate on the baby and everything else will follow. My dad's a cunt and it made me a great dad. You'll be grand.

1995 young free single and no children. Going to the Arches and sub club,my weekend started on a Thursday and finished on a Sunday afternoon.Dancing for hours on end not a care in the world.Good memories of crazy weekends Always saying never again but always back out Thursday night

Definitely my first year of uni!
But Iād also like to revisit my 20ās.. the youthful, handsome young me didnāt live life to the fullest back then and it is one of my biggest regrets now that Iām creeping into my 30ās.
But Iād also like to revisit my 20ās.. the youthful, handsome young me didnāt live life to the fullest back then and it is one of my biggest regrets now that Iām creeping into my 30ās.

When I was 14 some local flats were getting demolished and me and friends went there everyday for the summer the holidays I think for two years actually it took so long we had free run of the place broke through the roof and everything lol

Honestly, it's hard to pick. Life is unique, precious and fragile. We can't go back, only forward. So, I'd say now, purely because we've made it to the fucking future!

For me personally, I'd go back to a time before My kids had been brainwashed against me. So maybe 4-5 years ago, was a happier time for me. I took it for granted and life made me pay the price hard. 4 years later and 1 run through family court I'm still at square one.
Honestly, I'd give anything to have my kids back, but I am starting to accept I probably never will and one day I'll be fine with that, just not today.
Big love biggas š
Honestly, I'd give anything to have my kids back, but I am starting to accept I probably never will and one day I'll be fine with that, just not today.
Big love biggas š

theres always a square 2 bigga or maybe even a (family) circle, love and time can do that

4-11... no responsibilities, loads of family and good friends around and I could play and daydream all day without consequence š

1 post
+12 votes
Any biggaz doing 16:8?
started topic
We are all over fasting 16:8 / OMAD (One Meal a Day) - 24 and 72 hour fasts, highly recommend it. There are so many facets to it, physically and emotionally better, clearer mind, feeling of connection and spirituality.
Couple of pointers that really helped us in the early stages:
1. You need to have a good relationship with food before you embark on any type of fasting
2. Think about the types of foods you regularly eat - heavy on carbs, processed foods, levels of protein and fats. Carbs tend to generate appetite and cause those hunger pains so its worth thinking about balancing more with proteins / fats so you can move your body into sources of energy from good fats / protein.
3. Do you eat breakfast or skip? Normally eat late dinners. Worth working out when is best to have the 16:8 period - tends to be easier to skip breakfast and have your eating window between 12-8pm
4. Making sure that the last meal you eat is as "nutritious" as possible. Meaning making sure its fully of good, healthy foods reach with good fats as these are the last to leave the digestive system and therefore provide satiety.
5. Make sure you keep busy for the first few days you do your fast as you will probably think about food more because you are restricting yourself (typical when you cant have something, its all you think about!). After a few days you will start to get into a rhythm with it.
5. Try not to fall into the temptation of over-eating or treating yourself to "naughty" foods because you have been so good in the day ;-)
Hope that helps friend, fasting is part of our lives now and not only have we seen weight loss but we have much more energy, we don't seem to get sick anymore and more importantly we have a better understanding of what foods work and don't serve us
Peace biggaz :-)
Couple of pointers that really helped us in the early stages:
1. You need to have a good relationship with food before you embark on any type of fasting
2. Think about the types of foods you regularly eat - heavy on carbs, processed foods, levels of protein and fats. Carbs tend to generate appetite and cause those hunger pains so its worth thinking about balancing more with proteins / fats so you can move your body into sources of energy from good fats / protein.
3. Do you eat breakfast or skip? Normally eat late dinners. Worth working out when is best to have the 16:8 period - tends to be easier to skip breakfast and have your eating window between 12-8pm
4. Making sure that the last meal you eat is as "nutritious" as possible. Meaning making sure its fully of good, healthy foods reach with good fats as these are the last to leave the digestive system and therefore provide satiety.
5. Make sure you keep busy for the first few days you do your fast as you will probably think about food more because you are restricting yourself (typical when you cant have something, its all you think about!). After a few days you will start to get into a rhythm with it.
5. Try not to fall into the temptation of over-eating or treating yourself to "naughty" foods because you have been so good in the day ;-)
Hope that helps friend, fasting is part of our lives now and not only have we seen weight loss but we have much more energy, we don't seem to get sick anymore and more importantly we have a better understanding of what foods work and don't serve us
Peace biggaz :-)

Totally into it. I tend to eat within an 8 hour window everyday and I have never been healthier (I'm 40 btw). Me and me mammy were talking about this for her digestion yesterday. She's even starting to have trouble with some veg so her digestion needs addressing.
I concur with the Psychonauts (hey guys! Love ya!), one needs to have a good mental and emotional relationship with food to get the best out of fasting. Personally, if I had three wishes one would be that we don't need to eat unless we want to for pleasure, I found the whole thing time consuming and would rather just do something else. I learning to appreciate each mouthful through conscious eating. Fasting seems to help with this for me.
I hope you find something that works for you. ā¤ļø
I concur with the Psychonauts (hey guys! Love ya!), one needs to have a good mental and emotional relationship with food to get the best out of fasting. Personally, if I had three wishes one would be that we don't need to eat unless we want to for pleasure, I found the whole thing time consuming and would rather just do something else. I learning to appreciate each mouthful through conscious eating. Fasting seems to help with this for me.
I hope you find something that works for you. ā¤ļø

Are you into fitness, nutrition etc mate? Not that it specifically had its benefits to the fitness industry but how I used it anyway. I'd highly recommend it as wirght loss technique and to improve general life health. I'd retype what psycho typed but he pretty much everything on the head

The wife and I have just started IF again. It's the only way I have been able to control my weight consistently in the last 14 years. I have tried all the fad diets and this is the only way I have managed to stick to a consistent weight.
I guess it's still about less calories in than our but just controlling it in an easier manor.
Im still over weight but I'm not massive which if I continued down the path I was going i would have ended up massive.
I guess it's still about less calories in than our but just controlling it in an easier manor.
Im still over weight but I'm not massive which if I continued down the path I was going i would have ended up massive.

In some parts of India fasting it's referred has Ekadashi (2 x month)
It's align with moon phase and when our bodies are more open to this process.
It's a super powerful cleansing. It's also quite challenging
It's align with moon phase and when our bodies are more open to this process.
It's a super powerful cleansing. It's also quite challenging

Psyconauts explain it very well in top of this post .
If you have any specific questions feel free to DM.
If you have any specific questions feel free to DM.

1 post
+6 votes
How you Discovered LB??
a friend of mine told me about it but what i remember is the feeling when i got here. 1st my stomach sank a little like it was a shock and as i scroll…

How you Discovered LB??
Cool stories and one liners on how you personally discovered LB ?

Ditto! Thought it was all a big scam for a while until one day took the plunge. Anybody not of like mind browsing this site - yes this is all one big joke and a scam now go back to your beer and fags and forget what you have seen. :)

Still quite odd buying online even though I've been doing it for some time. Told my brother about it and ordered a pack for him, when it actually turned up it blew his mind so much he's got brain damage now.

Iām in my 40s, cannabis user for 25 years.
Contacts dwindle as you get older, I felt like I was getting ripped off paying street prices for shitty weed and a good growing friend had to spend some time at HMP.
Anyway I googled 2 and a half years ago and Iām glad I found such a fantastic community!!
Never looked back
Contacts dwindle as you get older, I felt like I was getting ripped off paying street prices for shitty weed and a good growing friend had to spend some time at HMP.
Anyway I googled 2 and a half years ago and Iām glad I found such a fantastic community!!
Never looked back

So the local stuff got that bad i had to look elsewhere, and I'm glad I did,thanks Google. although watching the post man everyday is pure torture in itself but worth it lol

It feels like Christmas morning though sometimes when you hear the doorbell and know your oz has arrived lmao
Same here though I think I found this website from reddit, didn't even know a clear web site existed was very sceptical of the whole thing but so glad I took the chance.
Same here though I think I found this website from reddit, didn't even know a clear web site existed was very sceptical of the whole thing but so glad I took the chance.

High and polite bought me here. Had to sign up for newsletter for the link. I still read the newsletter too.

I googled 'how to buy weed in the UK' as the street source I had got nicked. I found a search result that was a small article about scam websites and gave a list of those that were found to be scam. At the bottom, it then mentioned 2 or 3 sites that were legit, LB being one of them.
I spent the next few months lurking and reading and plucking up the courage to order. i then spent a while sorting out a source of crypto, then bottled it again for about a month. I finally went for it with an order from TGT with some hash. It arrived the next day. That was Nov 2020. I'm now on 100+ orders.
I've since got a mate signed up and soon my sister will be on LB.
I spent the next few months lurking and reading and plucking up the courage to order. i then spent a while sorting out a source of crypto, then bottled it again for about a month. I finally went for it with an order from TGT with some hash. It arrived the next day. That was Nov 2020. I'm now on 100+ orders.
I've since got a mate signed up and soon my sister will be on LB.

Man this sounds so relatable.. I also thought scam as it was clear web and website even looked dodgy at first, didn't know what would happen but with the reviews from trustpilot and on here, using bitcoin for purchases and stuff it just tempted me now on like order 30 don't have to buy dry ass dog from my local anymore

Same. Except I jumped straight in and bought couldn't believe it came the next day. Life was changed forever. I was like a kid in sweet shop from that moment on.

Yeah I think that's about the same for me. Had been looking for a go between for a few months and found a place where I could get Delta 8 or HHC and thought I'd just settle for that as getting weed on the clear net would be unlikely.
Then when I investigated a lil further I saw the newsletter an English dude did where he had a list of reliable sites (probably the same one you're referring to). I'm pretty sceptical and researched it a lil and found it was likely legit and put in a guest order which never showed up btw. But I persevered and I eventually got some stuff which arrived next day.
Tbh I love this place and think this is the way forward. No more bs with shady dealers that you don't know from Adam. Not being made to feel like you're a scumbag just cos you want a lil smoke, most people seem to be like minded here which is a breath of fresh air.
That being said, I have been disappointed with the service from some of the vendors and it's typical that I find this place and our beloved RM has turned into an absolute shit show (although I support the principle of strike action).
Anyway I'm persevering and hopefully I'll find my go to vendors. Only been here a month or so, so fingers crossed I have better luck in the future.
Then when I investigated a lil further I saw the newsletter an English dude did where he had a list of reliable sites (probably the same one you're referring to). I'm pretty sceptical and researched it a lil and found it was likely legit and put in a guest order which never showed up btw. But I persevered and I eventually got some stuff which arrived next day.
Tbh I love this place and think this is the way forward. No more bs with shady dealers that you don't know from Adam. Not being made to feel like you're a scumbag just cos you want a lil smoke, most people seem to be like minded here which is a breath of fresh air.
That being said, I have been disappointed with the service from some of the vendors and it's typical that I find this place and our beloved RM has turned into an absolute shit show (although I support the principle of strike action).
Anyway I'm persevering and hopefully I'll find my go to vendors. Only been here a month or so, so fingers crossed I have better luck in the future.

Yeah since I wrote that post i've been much luckier and found some decent vendors, big shout out to; The Gentleman Dealers, Mad Dabber and Dr Greenthumb who all had decent service and stuff :D Also I tried Greencat and had a mixed experience, but now that you mention it The Spacemen were decent too ;)

Gave up buying non descript skunk of mates of mates as didnāt like the edgy buzz and the shifty pick ups. Wanted to return to the more relaxed hashes I used to smoke in the 90ās which had disappeared years ago so tentatively typed in ābuying weed onlineā into Google. Read an article name checking LB and the rest is history. Thought it could be bogus but kept everything crossed and hey presto. Still canāt quite believe it two years on. Enjoying my indica dominant hash and weed and am far more educated than was ever before. Got my next door neighbour onto it to and we swap bits all the time. Genius.

My man decided to retire from dealing after near 30 years,so after no hashish for six months i decided to see if i could buy on the dark net,imagine my surprise when google told me to go to LB,even bigger shock when i got my first delivery as like everybody i thought it was a scam lol
100 plus club now lmao
100 plus club now lmao

Iād been using cannazon, there was a great selection but it was buggy and painful to use that I did what everyone else seems to have done and hit Google up with ābuy weed online UKā.

was trying to find where i could buy bud online and stumbled across a UK website embracing cannabis ans shroom use. the guy who writes it all said that he'd be including a site he uses to buy bud in the next email newsletter. so i signed up and sure enough LB was mentioned. the guy was also talking about how it can be used on clearnet and all youd need is bitcoin. i went straight on it and browsed for a bit before setting up a cryptowallet and making my first purchase

Customer who was ordering very regularly directly suggested I have a look. Was very skeptical at first but he assured me he bought hash off here just as regularly as he was buying weed off me. Made the leap of faith and never looked back

a friend of mine told me about it but what i remember is the feeling when i got here. 1st my stomach sank a little like it was a shock and as i scrolled i started seeing all the posts as well as the items and it just felt like i had found a colony of escapees from dystopia.

Was writing an article on different types of drug markets. Obviously checked out LB because it's a pretty unique market-it's the website version of the Gaudi building in Barcelona.

Glad to see someone else also didn't find it by a friend or a Google search! The sub can really help with visibility

Personally I came across a site called High and Polite, and a gentleman pointed me here about a year ago. As an older bloke, street dealing really isn't my thing and while I used it for years the darkweb still kinda scares me, so LB is perfect.
And while it exists I'll use it til the hammer down the last nail
And while it exists I'll use it til the hammer down the last nail

I had been buying from the clearnet for about 6 months. Seemed like new sites were popping up every other day. The prices were starting to get a bit much and heard someone on reddit mention LB. Flashback 2 or 3 years. And a really cool random guy I was gaming with one day, tells me how he buys his weed from a website that looks like it was made in the 90's. So the second I load up LB for the 1st time it was like BOOM I finally found it

Was using another site (a good one, single vendor type), was wanting some thai, told what i was looking for is book of wisdom thai, less than minute later i'm here, month later i had not only the thai under my belt but half ounce odd of SpaceWalker Badder and who knows what else, i'd love to see my first few orders here, i remember the badder, it was a stupid purchase cause it was sent 1st class, only option from vendor.
Didn't really use it correctly either, lovely tho.š
Didn't really use it correctly either, lovely tho.š

Was working with an old.hippy type fella during covid. Was finding it increasingly difficult to get weed through my normal channels. Hippy fella pointed me in this direction and here I am nearly 4 years later

Wow! So cool to see how this community came together! Nice post ;-) For us it was a destiny - a friend who knew we had to share what we had with the world ;-) and we are grateful to be here everyday :-) GratidĆ£o

A work colleague told me about it so I gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised and have been using LB ever since.

I'd seen a website in the news supposed to be selling weed. I'd started looking through reviews, which were mixed, but ultimately it seemed like it was a scam. Certainly at best a roll of the dice. Eventually I read a comment on a forum that said something like, "ignore all these sites and go little biggy. You can thank me later." Except I can't thank them as I've no idea where I read the comment. Certainly I should thank them as I've ordered all sorts of bits n bobs in the short time I've been a member since. Maybe I should write up my own beginners experience at some point as my mind had been blown by LB and the community here. There's loads of things I'm looking forward to trying next.

Stopped smoking weed for like 20 odd years until a couple of years ago. Iām an old cunt. Used to source online years ago (Budmonkey!!) as it was always better quality online back then. - Bit of double-zero hash and some Jack Herer or AK47. Clearweb weed sites are nothing new!!
Figured not much will have changed so I did a bit of a search when I fancied buying. Have no street plug. Nor do I want one. After a bit of research Biggy kept popping up.
Then the real research began š
Been happy so far. :)
There is only about a 1/4 in my āshiteā jar. Over 100 buys from this account and my old one.
Figured not much will have changed so I did a bit of a search when I fancied buying. Have no street plug. Nor do I want one. After a bit of research Biggy kept popping up.
Then the real research began š
Been happy so far. :)
There is only about a 1/4 in my āshiteā jar. Over 100 buys from this account and my old one.

I used to use Budmonkey too, seems crazy but I reckon it was like 2002/2003?! Scored some AK47 and decent hash. Such a novelty back then, remember using NoChex as payment too.

Remember around the same era another clear web site called Pepe' Page (?) got busted and was front page news in UK Tabloids?! I remember bricking it same would happen with Budmonkey and it wasn't long after when it went offline. Trying to remember how I even discovered BM to begin with and think it may have been mentioned in a drum and bass forum I used to frequent.
Wasn't long after that when I first made an international order (from Canada) so looking back I reckon I've been receiving suspect mail for over 20 years now. Time flies when you're having fun right?!
Wasn't long after that when I first made an international order (from Canada) so looking back I reckon I've been receiving suspect mail for over 20 years now. Time flies when you're having fun right?!

Yeah I vaguely remember Pepe. Hermes the Hash Trader too.
I think the people behind BudMonkey ended up getting busted. It was great while it lasted. The novelty of getting āDam quality weed made me very popular with my mates š
I think the people behind BudMonkey ended up getting busted. It was great while it lasted. The novelty of getting āDam quality weed made me very popular with my mates š

2004..! Mail-order is not a recent thing!
Big up all Effervesing Elephants
Big up all Effervesing Elephants

Liberty Cap season has been a shit show in my area so had to dig through Reddit for a good Mush Plug š

It was a dark and stormy night, the captain said to his crew gather round men gather round. š

During lockdown, my buddies locked-down their stash!
A bit of googling, and a gamble on a bag of shake from RadarBreeder, few days later it dropped through the door.
Been here ever since.
And apart from when I find myself in Rotterdam, I haven't bought from anywhere other than biggy since.
A bit of googling, and a gamble on a bag of shake from RadarBreeder, few days later it dropped through the door.
Been here ever since.
And apart from when I find myself in Rotterdam, I haven't bought from anywhere other than biggy since.

Prices lower in Rotterdam. Not seen any drunk English people there, less touristy, still plenty to see and do.

A popular online blog links to lb in the newsletter. After rifling through various pages here, I figured it looked legit and made an order. Nearly a year later and I'm never going back to a plug, ahaha.

There was some forum I found that lists all the websites that have scammed ppl out of weed online, a few people on there pointed at this being the only legit place to buy so after a few searches I couldn't find anyone saying theyve had a bad experience on here so tried it out during pandemic/lockdown and haven't bought any off the street since :)

After moving from one area to another in the UK I went from having a really good plug who I had used for years with a consistent supply of good quality weed to working my way up through street level dealers trying to find nice weed, everything I was picking up was really bad quality compared to what I used to pick up back home, so I started doing a bit of research and searching online and found some websites that seemed and I had heard where legit. I tried 2 other clear net sites that at first was okay but then the quality was inconsistent and wasnāt worth the extra premium compared to the local dealers prices. Then I stumbled upon LB I had looked at it a while ago and could have sworn it was a scam it looked too good to be true! but though fuck it whatās the worse that can happen I seen green catās exodus cheese and as i had not seen any cheese for a long time and it was at a reasonable price I placed a order, 3-4 days passed and I was almost certain it was a scam but one Saturday morning it turned up! Never looked back since

I truly didn't think that web searching 'buy weed online' would lead me to a place like this but here we are š. Not even sure I had the VPN activated when I did it!

My dealer for 5 straight years all of a sudden retired and Iād cut all my other contracts off so was left dry for 48 hours š° still never tried anything too amazing here yet but love that I can finally get vapes and never have to be accused of fucking my dealer š¤£

Who still remembers Bud Brothers?
Around 2020 I started vaping to try and quit fags and when I found out about thc vapes through social media I started to make vapes with rso, I pressed rosin from flowers etc but they always clogged up the coil and I had to admit it will never work right without clean distillate. So I bought a shortpath distilling set up and wasted a lot of money and materials. My mate eventually asked why don't I just buy distillate online? I didn't want to get involved with darknet sites so I was very surprised when he said there's a clearnet site to check out.
That's where it all started. At that time only 1 or 2 vendors had distillate on the site: MJ and Bud Brothers. MJ was always out of stock so I was buying from the brothers and then the new vendor all420 who always had stock. Since then the site is flooded with distillate.
Still nice to think back to those first days on the site :)
Around 2020 I started vaping to try and quit fags and when I found out about thc vapes through social media I started to make vapes with rso, I pressed rosin from flowers etc but they always clogged up the coil and I had to admit it will never work right without clean distillate. So I bought a shortpath distilling set up and wasted a lot of money and materials. My mate eventually asked why don't I just buy distillate online? I didn't want to get involved with darknet sites so I was very surprised when he said there's a clearnet site to check out.
That's where it all started. At that time only 1 or 2 vendors had distillate on the site: MJ and Bud Brothers. MJ was always out of stock so I was buying from the brothers and then the new vendor all420 who always had stock. Since then the site is flooded with distillate.
Still nice to think back to those first days on the site :)

I found out via a Reddit thread. Was a bit skeptical at first but after so many people confirming itās legit I had no reason to believe otherwise :-)

Haha what a question. Love it. I discovered Lb through reviews . Reviews are always the champ for helping you discover more and more lol. Wich led me to check LB out and loved the wide seletion of choices and vendors to offer amazing products . Obviously not only maryjane. The hashish and other pyschadelics are superior . KING LB!

How I found LB was I was supplying ones of the highest reviewed account on LB, BUT he kept it a secret from me and did not want me to get on it, little fucking hater, oh well I'm here now and not going anywhere. He knows I'm here lol

2 posts
+22.5 votes
Best Big City for Quality of Life
started topic
+ 2 more
Best Big City for Quality of Life

The UN says its Moscow!

Personally cities are the most crowded and loneliest places on earth. Small undeveloped villages have imo happier more content folk;)

probably true but villagers are very much self selected. its easier to leave a lot of these places than stay.

I've experienced alienation and isolation in cities, but on the other hand I grew up in a coveted rural part of the UK and it now feels like a retirement home for those who can arbitrage their metro area homes and live off fat pensions here. It's increasingly like suburbia down to the aesthetic of the houses, increased prevalence of out of town shopping and total car dependence to do anything. Folks from major cities and the South East fall in love with the idea of rural England from their holidays, then transform it into a copy of the suburbs that they fled from. Access to nature aside, it's pretty dull and has very few work and social opportunities so I can't wait to move back to the city personally.

Munich is a great place to visit. Granted, I haven't lived there, but it's clean, friendly, multi-cultural and there's plenty to do. Oh, and the beer is tops.

super vibe, fun yet safe enough for small kids to walk around, friendly but shit gets done right.

No sure Iād call it a Big City but of all the cities Iāve been to and thatās many, Iād say Copenhagen is the one Iād like to live, itās no metropolis but itās just incredible.

I think the UN will say that as I donāt think they really care that much about our āquality of lifeā. I donāt think a city can ever provide full quality due to noise and light pollution. We need nature..we need quiet..we need to dark in order to reset ..just my two cents anyway ;)

There are only 33 cities ranked āmegaā in the world, even London doesnāt qualify and neither do most European capitals. Generally they are shithole Chinese & Indian with over 10m population.
My pick without a doubt however would be Buenos Aires..šš
My pick without a doubt however would be Buenos Aires..šš

Buenos Aires is lovely, always planned to go back but it's such a long way away!
Flew direct from BA to Auckland, New Zealand, now that was a long flight...
Flat Earthers claim the flight doesn't actually exist as it disproves their map, but I can assure them it does. It's bloody long and pretty scary if you consider there's no land mass anywhere near the flight path for like 13 hours, except Antarctica, which isn't an ideal place to land in an emergency! Haha.
Anyway yeah, BA is beautiful.š
They say that Melbourne is supposedly the best city for quality of life, but having been there I suspect the only people that are voting for that city as No.1, are the ones that have never left it.
Just my 2p though.
Cheers BB ššš»
Flew direct from BA to Auckland, New Zealand, now that was a long flight...
Flat Earthers claim the flight doesn't actually exist as it disproves their map, but I can assure them it does. It's bloody long and pretty scary if you consider there's no land mass anywhere near the flight path for like 13 hours, except Antarctica, which isn't an ideal place to land in an emergency! Haha.
Anyway yeah, BA is beautiful.š
They say that Melbourne is supposedly the best city for quality of life, but having been there I suspect the only people that are voting for that city as No.1, are the ones that have never left it.
Just my 2p though.
Cheers BB ššš»

such different cities, melbourne is english and has its ass nicely tightened up. ba is an italian/spanish romance.

I'd advise you don't call any Melburnian "English". They're not too keen on us Brits.
Modern Argentina as a whole is a melting pot of cultures, German being one, (for various unscrupulous reasons).
But yes I agree, Buenos Aires is the so called 'Paris' of South America. The European influence is everywhere.
Funnily enough I saw a Bulldog being walked in a park in BA. š
Cheers BB ššš»
Modern Argentina as a whole is a melting pot of cultures, German being one, (for various unscrupulous reasons).
But yes I agree, Buenos Aires is the so called 'Paris' of South America. The European influence is everywhere.
Funnily enough I saw a Bulldog being walked in a park in BA. š
Cheers BB ššš»

You probably stepped on it's shit if you visited more than 5 years ago. Thank god they've cleaned things up quite a bit.

I went to Australia for a āyearā well meant to be a year, came back home after 2 months, just didnāt get the appeal at all. Wasnāt what Iād call eye opening or life changing in anyway.

It's basically a history-less, hot UK with dangerous animals and Scandi standards of living.

paris, tokyo, shanghai, you should be so lucky.

Big cities...Yuk.... best city is a city of green my friends.
NY, Toronto etc, these places are fucking grim and the air and fumes and people want to swallow you up. Fucking rough concept..lol..
NY, Toronto etc, these places are fucking grim and the air and fumes and people want to swallow you up. Fucking rough concept..lol..

2 posts
+25.5 votes

Plants can scream
started topic
+ 2 more

Plants can scream
The scientists use machine learning to interpret the sounds of plants under stress.

Totally! When we went on a safari in South Africa the ranger told us about how when animals graze, the grass "scream" and send singles to the surrounding area which makes the animals move on .... And then you have the fungi systems under trees - now that's as a world of its own that communicates to each other, connecting for miles and miles, looking after one another - the intelligence is mind blowing - humans could learn a lot if only they connected more with them by using the amazing medicines we have on LB! peace and love to you all

The fungi system blows my mind. Apparently a healthy tree can send nutrients to help a dying tree by communicating through the fungal network. Oh myā¦..šµāš«

I heard that too and apparently it's not species specific, it will help any tree in need - why aren't humans.......

I totally agree! Earth is so much more complex than we comprehend. It's amazing and beautiful to connect with the others sharing this beautiful little blue dot in Space.
I've experienced some incredible meditations where I was taken to places and beings that I can't describe. Personally I have never gone so far or deep on any of the medicines that I have used from here. So far the meds help me better with day to day challenges, but I have yet to take the cosmic leaps that occur during meditation.
Having said that I also have to say that meds on this site have helped me be ABLE to meditate. Quieting the mind is not easy, a bit of help is always a good thing.
I've experienced some incredible meditations where I was taken to places and beings that I can't describe. Personally I have never gone so far or deep on any of the medicines that I have used from here. So far the meds help me better with day to day challenges, but I have yet to take the cosmic leaps that occur during meditation.
Having said that I also have to say that meds on this site have helped me be ABLE to meditate. Quieting the mind is not easy, a bit of help is always a good thing.

The smell of freshly cut grass that humans seem to love is actually a warning signal that itās under attack, to warn all the other grassā¦š makes me not want to mow the lawn š nature is crazy good, Iām pretty sure humans are the only species that actually devolve over time rather than evolve!

I donāt think anyone really cares about the grass, if Iām honest. I would defo argue that weāre devolving as a species. Weāre getting more stupid on the whole, mainly I think due to the crap food that has become so popular. But thatās a whole other rant. š

You can only be, sure if they love the land more than money. Factory farms with corporate owners - forget it. They're in it for the profit and don't care what nefarious means they use to get more money.
Why do you think Family farms have been systematically targeted and taken? It's not easy to fight the big money when you're just a skint little person that actually loves to see their land and animals thrive naturally.
Why do you think Family farms have been systematically targeted and taken? It's not easy to fight the big money when you're just a skint little person that actually loves to see their land and animals thrive naturally.

You should hear the noise in our grow rooms on chop day!!

THANK YOU!!! I learned about this at least 30 years ago. It's why I'm not a vegetarian, I believe that all things are sentient. Just because we don't hear them, or see them in action is because of human limitations...and hubris!

What kind of twisted creature would smoke the reproductive organs of another being for a laugh ?
Sorry to be that annoying vegan guy , but I have to push back in that line of reasoning.
There's a difference between the suffering of an animal and the suffering of a plant.
Animals have brains and suffer like we do , but plants literally don't mind.
Sorry to be that annoying vegan guy , but I have to push back in that line of reasoning.
There's a difference between the suffering of an animal and the suffering of a plant.
Animals have brains and suffer like we do , but plants literally don't mind.

Yes, plants DO mind. Just because you can't communicate with them does not mean that they are not sentient in their own way. Please don't assume that a brain is the ultimate organ. As science has progressed we have learned that there are neural clusters in different areas of our bodies actually work like assistant brains. That's the best way I can explain it.
Notice that I do not attack your choice to be vegan. That works well for many folks. My concerns are directed towards ANY dietary choices. 1) How processed is the product? 2) How much is wasted?
Notice that I do not attack your choice to be vegan. That works well for many folks. My concerns are directed towards ANY dietary choices. 1) How processed is the product? 2) How much is wasted?

I'm aware that plants can send signals through their cells and react to stimuli , but I've seen no more evidence of a mind in a plant than I have in a rock.
Neural clusters are not the same as brains. Brains are organs that can learn in real time , neural clusters cannot , they just react.
I don't attack anyone's choices either , but if you're concerned about waste then the vegan diet is by far the least wasteful , as it only requires a fraction of the land and resources since no animals need to be fed.
Neural clusters are not the same as brains. Brains are organs that can learn in real time , neural clusters cannot , they just react.
I don't attack anyone's choices either , but if you're concerned about waste then the vegan diet is by far the least wasteful , as it only requires a fraction of the land and resources since no animals need to be fed.

I've known this for way over a decade, it was a very unpleasant experience when i heard them.
When i think back it was like hearing them through my third ear so to speak, but when it happened, at that time i realized what was going on.
Was around 10 full grown aloe plants, beautiful specimens, their fate all came at same time, was very quick, and that's when i heard them.
So again, this is something i've known for a very long time, just sayin', have a good one biggas.āļø
I also believe in birds, animals ESP abilities, especially birds.
When i think back it was like hearing them through my third ear so to speak, but when it happened, at that time i realized what was going on.
Was around 10 full grown aloe plants, beautiful specimens, their fate all came at same time, was very quick, and that's when i heard them.
So again, this is something i've known for a very long time, just sayin', have a good one biggas.āļø
I also believe in birds, animals ESP abilities, especially birds.

That must have been very traumatic for you, I'm sorry. I agree with you about all 'living' and 'non-living' things. All of existence is made of the same stuff. We are not above any other entity, we are part of the grand scheme.
You'd probably enjoy the ravens that talk to me when I feed them. I don't hear them the way you do...yet.
You'd probably enjoy the ravens that talk to me when I feed them. I don't hear them the way you do...yet.

I do talk to the birds if i hear something unusual outside, just imitate them.
However the 'good birds' which is what the word budgie comes from in native australian, i can hear them a lot, know what they want and can have fun with them.
Have fun with them in bird song.
When i had 7 they all had there own song, same with my guys now, one's is just beautiful and the other's is very clever, always changing it up and copying me as i copy him.š Budgies have huge personality, they're the golden retreiver of the avian world.
I used to keep 7 fly round me till i started the night shift. Just couple guys now. And doggo.š
But yes the plants, the aloe plants, was a tragedy it wouldn't have happened if i'd known.
Same kinda thing with spiders, spiders have spirits, always avoid ending ones life.š
We're blessed to share the earth with the amazing animals and flora.
Take care Rider!ā¤ļøš
However the 'good birds' which is what the word budgie comes from in native australian, i can hear them a lot, know what they want and can have fun with them.
Have fun with them in bird song.
When i had 7 they all had there own song, same with my guys now, one's is just beautiful and the other's is very clever, always changing it up and copying me as i copy him.š Budgies have huge personality, they're the golden retreiver of the avian world.
I used to keep 7 fly round me till i started the night shift. Just couple guys now. And doggo.š
But yes the plants, the aloe plants, was a tragedy it wouldn't have happened if i'd known.
Same kinda thing with spiders, spiders have spirits, always avoid ending ones life.š
We're blessed to share the earth with the amazing animals and flora.
Take care Rider!ā¤ļøš

1 post
+1 votes
#8 Common Ground Is Your Real Estate
if only the world saw this toddler

#8 Common Ground Is Your Real Estate
A thousand eyeballs from the right audience is worth a million from the peasantry.
There are many communities that play biggy as close as butter did toast. These subreddits and small enthusiast sites welcome what's on offer here, you're doing them a favor and boy are they doing you one.
I have clients that make thousands of dollars each month from surprisingly small sites. Remember each bigga you introduce is your little cash machine for years, every purchase they make earns bitcoin for you.
It doesn't hurt that this is a great place where people like to stick around. Like you they just need to find it.
There are many communities that play biggy as close as butter did toast. These subreddits and small enthusiast sites welcome what's on offer here, you're doing them a favor and boy are they doing you one.
I have clients that make thousands of dollars each month from surprisingly small sites. Remember each bigga you introduce is your little cash machine for years, every purchase they make earns bitcoin for you.
It doesn't hurt that this is a great place where people like to stick around. Like you they just need to find it.

what do you think of this subreddit?

A very good one,
I would post something interesting you make or just see on the net
1st on your lb page and
then link back to it from the subreddit.
A straight up pitch for lb is rarely the way to go, use specific content that works in your context,
once they are here the place speaks for itself :)
I would post something interesting you make or just see on the net
1st on your lb page and
then link back to it from the subreddit.
A straight up pitch for lb is rarely the way to go, use specific content that works in your context,
once they are here the place speaks for itself :)

Hi Tod,
Sorry if this dumb questions,
1. Do they have to become a Member?
2. If so must it be at the time of the referral?
3. so say if they come back another day to join through an address that is'nt your referral, would you still get?
4. Is it the same process/pricing for you merchant referrals as purchaser referrals?
5. How much/percentage is a referral for merchant/purchasers worth?
6. What is the payment process?
Many Thanks and namaste for sharing your wisdoms and linguistic flair. :)
Sorry if this dumb questions,
1. Do they have to become a Member?
2. If so must it be at the time of the referral?
3. so say if they come back another day to join through an address that is'nt your referral, would you still get?
4. Is it the same process/pricing for you merchant referrals as purchaser referrals?
5. How much/percentage is a referral for merchant/purchasers worth?
6. What is the payment process?
Many Thanks and namaste for sharing your wisdoms and linguistic flair. :)

1 yes yes yall
2,3 if they first land on the site with your link they can leave and when they come back to their senses your golden
4 that's a q for transaxe, its their program, i know its changed a couple of times
5 1% of the gross
5 you give transaxe a btc address when you register, they send you btc on every sale for 5 years.
now sit up straight and go get em kid
2,3 if they first land on the site with your link they can leave and when they come back to their senses your golden
4 that's a q for transaxe, its their program, i know its changed a couple of times
5 1% of the gross
5 you give transaxe a btc address when you register, they send you btc on every sale for 5 years.
now sit up straight and go get em kid

1 post
+1 votes
The Proof Borg would have had at it since you knew the winner in advance.
1 post
+2 votes

proof borg
Contests need to be provably fair
Nice work borg :)

proof borg
Contests need to be provably fair
Here's some examples:
A prediction for an uncontrollable event:
- a random number draw with a live broadcast:
- the blockchain.com price of bitcoin at 16:20 on july 2
- the winner of the euro cup
required: post the number generator or event result publisher url and the url for the streaming event
Or an open contest:
best name for a new item
as judged by votes
as judged by seller and then actually listed with winning name
required: winner must be an established bigga with a transaction history
There's infinite possibilities and we encourage you to invent more.
A prediction for an uncontrollable event:
- a random number draw with a live broadcast:
- the blockchain.com price of bitcoin at 16:20 on july 2
- the winner of the euro cup
required: post the number generator or event result publisher url and the url for the streaming event
Or an open contest:
best name for a new item
as judged by votes
as judged by seller and then actually listed with winning name
required: winner must be an established bigga with a transaction history
There's infinite possibilities and we encourage you to invent more.

Canon borg provided some more information, this might help:
A new borg is born! Or as we say "forked". In this case forked from cleanup borg, whose general function is removing harmful content from little biggy.
Proof borg isolates particular content, parsing the words that cleanup borg reads to find provable, trustless data.
Proof borg's (littlebiggy.org/4821348) 1st objective is analysing contests for provably fair results, thus preventing manipulated outcomes.
Despite the particularly computative nature of this borg, it's still all of our words that remain it's heart.
A new borg is born! Or as we say "forked". In this case forked from cleanup borg, whose general function is removing harmful content from little biggy.
Proof borg isolates particular content, parsing the words that cleanup borg reads to find provable, trustless data.
Proof borg's (littlebiggy.org/4821348) 1st objective is analysing contests for provably fair results, thus preventing manipulated outcomes.
Despite the particularly computative nature of this borg, it's still all of our words that remain it's heart.

Yes, terrible people understanding themselves wishing to make this a better place for new vendors and biggas. We should hang our heads in shame š.
As you can clearly see a majority of the community that has engaged actually totally agree about the wall. I would say that democracy is probably not on your side here.
Infact, I think only 3 people have had anything negative to say. 2 of those biggas joined in the same month of the same year and were supporting the other's abstract point and had both coincidentally been offline for 3 days at time of writing so, that means 2 people max in my eyes.
As you can clearly see a majority of the community that has engaged actually totally agree about the wall. I would say that democracy is probably not on your side here.
Infact, I think only 3 people have had anything negative to say. 2 of those biggas joined in the same month of the same year and were supporting the other's abstract point and had both coincidentally been offline for 3 days at time of writing so, that means 2 people max in my eyes.

liz truss, democracy, post modernism and paranoid accounting. bigga please. this borg announced actually helping and doing something for us. if you care about the topics wall then it should be obvious that contests get lots of attention from the algorithm, they are starting to dominate the wall and presumably bs ones were proliferating. and we are talking about the front page for this site.
what are the choices they have here? they could be lazy and kill all contests (basically the reddit mod move) or even lazier and let the wall be filled with people trying to enter a zero barrier to entry scam.
this is why i gave you the link to the wall bot. if you have some ideas great, but let someone (something?) that's trying to help do their job.
what are the choices they have here? they could be lazy and kill all contests (basically the reddit mod move) or even lazier and let the wall be filled with people trying to enter a zero barrier to entry scam.
this is why i gave you the link to the wall bot. if you have some ideas great, but let someone (something?) that's trying to help do their job.

Ad hominem attacks, invalid arguments, building a strawman.
It's clear you have some dog in this fight, I just wish you would be upfront about it and say, "Sorry Biggas, the wall is perfect and not going to get any better"
It should be obvious from the thread, that people think there are better priorities than comps.
The choice i suggested here is that if somebody doesn't sell an item for over a year, the item should disappear from the wall way before this for a more recently listed item.
You are trying to position this as merely a binary choice -"the wall stays as it is, or it is filled with exit scams"
You know as well as I do that the wall can be fixed without making it susceptible to exit scams.
I see you ignored every point about the fact that LB bots paying lip service to change, but rarely actually makes any.
It's true isn't it? That's why it feels pointless to actually message the wallbot.
I echo what Polly says, if the site doesn't want meaningful dialogue about how to improve, then just say so and we won't bother.
It's clear you have some dog in this fight, I just wish you would be upfront about it and say, "Sorry Biggas, the wall is perfect and not going to get any better"
It should be obvious from the thread, that people think there are better priorities than comps.
The choice i suggested here is that if somebody doesn't sell an item for over a year, the item should disappear from the wall way before this for a more recently listed item.
You are trying to position this as merely a binary choice -"the wall stays as it is, or it is filled with exit scams"
You know as well as I do that the wall can be fixed without making it susceptible to exit scams.
I see you ignored every point about the fact that LB bots paying lip service to change, but rarely actually makes any.
It's true isn't it? That's why it feels pointless to actually message the wallbot.
I echo what Polly says, if the site doesn't want meaningful dialogue about how to improve, then just say so and we won't bother.

It would help if borgs worked with vendors to make contests provably fair instead of just deleting everything.
Everything can be made easier with a bit of dialogue.
Everything can be made easier with a bit of dialogue.

It'd be really good if there was a "wall borg" that was as diligent as you say you will be on this subject.
There are vendors items on that wall that have had no reviews in almost 400 days. Given how easy it is for the owners of the site to make anybody they like invisible to the wall, I find this incidence really puzzling. I hope there is no favours involved in that?
On the last reviews of the particular example item I am talking about (there are many more items like this on the wall) 3 of the last visible reviews in the last 5 from over a year ago are saying the item didn't arrive, vendor ignored them and comms were really bad.
Meanwhile, some new vendors wait and wait and wait to get an item on the wall, but never end up there.
I think this is provably unfair, if I'm really honest.
The dominoes are falling in Europe - Czech and Germany are legalising soon. We will be at the hundredth monkey soon.
I love this place, I really do but the reality is that more of these kind of places will pop up as decriminalisation advances through the West, somebody will copycat the idea for a lightnet weed escrow service with a server in a legal country - and at this point it would not be too hard to change a few simple things to improve the model we have here.
I think the site owners really need to listen to the people who use this site and actually implement some changes that people suggest.
A good example was months back when everybody lost loads of money on Truss' and Kwarteng's historical mini budget disaster. Somebody started an initiative and hundreds voted FOR change to currency listing to Ā£'s so we aren't all at the mercy of the exchange rate as well as btc fluctuation. Not a single fuck given by the site owners.
I don't think it will take alot to make this place hard to better.
There are vendors items on that wall that have had no reviews in almost 400 days. Given how easy it is for the owners of the site to make anybody they like invisible to the wall, I find this incidence really puzzling. I hope there is no favours involved in that?
On the last reviews of the particular example item I am talking about (there are many more items like this on the wall) 3 of the last visible reviews in the last 5 from over a year ago are saying the item didn't arrive, vendor ignored them and comms were really bad.
Meanwhile, some new vendors wait and wait and wait to get an item on the wall, but never end up there.
I think this is provably unfair, if I'm really honest.
The dominoes are falling in Europe - Czech and Germany are legalising soon. We will be at the hundredth monkey soon.
I love this place, I really do but the reality is that more of these kind of places will pop up as decriminalisation advances through the West, somebody will copycat the idea for a lightnet weed escrow service with a server in a legal country - and at this point it would not be too hard to change a few simple things to improve the model we have here.
I think the site owners really need to listen to the people who use this site and actually implement some changes that people suggest.
A good example was months back when everybody lost loads of money on Truss' and Kwarteng's historical mini budget disaster. Somebody started an initiative and hundreds voted FOR change to currency listing to Ā£'s so we aren't all at the mercy of the exchange rate as well as btc fluctuation. Not a single fuck given by the site owners.
I don't think it will take alot to make this place hard to better.

As I read it ādiligenceā was the issue, not existence. But thanks for the downvotes anyhowš¤·āāļø

sorry but its one thing to see you consistently talk out of your ass and another to read accusations that come from the same place.
i do understand how tea leaf reading all day can lead to this though, the borgs do not give out a lot of information about how the wall works and the people that don't like outcomes are left to speculate.
on the other hand this seems pretty difficult, maybe impossible, search engines never disclose their algorithm because they don't want manipulation.
borgs have made quite a few posts about how things work. you're a class act polly, (no retributive downvote underscores this ;) ) and you care about this community we all love. its obvious these folks stand on their head to give users a voice and to do things right, there must be a better path for you than this.
i do understand how tea leaf reading all day can lead to this though, the borgs do not give out a lot of information about how the wall works and the people that don't like outcomes are left to speculate.
on the other hand this seems pretty difficult, maybe impossible, search engines never disclose their algorithm because they don't want manipulation.
borgs have made quite a few posts about how things work. you're a class act polly, (no retributive downvote underscores this ;) ) and you care about this community we all love. its obvious these folks stand on their head to give users a voice and to do things right, there must be a better path for you than this.

I've been a mod on other sites and the thing is an open mic inevitably goes to shit. Idiots dominate because worthwhile folks get turned off so it metastasises. Curtail this and then you're censoring and that starts a shit vibe of its own. There is no such thing as a 100% win and if you think 50 50 is fair then you get increasing polaisation and a nasty mood all of the time. It's gotta be way worse when there is commerce at stake.
This post is a great example, here is a borg setting a very high standard for this community in an unobjectionable way, it's pretty much impossible to find fault with it or question motives but immediately people come in with their own agendas.
Good luck borgs
This post is a great example, here is a borg setting a very high standard for this community in an unobjectionable way, it's pretty much impossible to find fault with it or question motives but immediately people come in with their own agendas.
Good luck borgs

So, just to be clear, we as the community shouldn't make suggestions for improvement when we see an obvious conflict in priority when it comes to talking about fairness?
I think we all realise the nature of this place means no such thing as 100% win. It's not amazon, but suggesting improvements to the fairness in how the wall works (as well as the contests) doesn't seem to me to be objectively unrealistic in any way.
I think we all realise the nature of this place means no such thing as 100% win. It's not amazon, but suggesting improvements to the fairness in how the wall works (as well as the contests) doesn't seem to me to be objectively unrealistic in any way.

Of course not but
1 It's hella off topic for this post.
Have you ever seen a standard for contests that doesn't rely on authority? That's more relevant and a lot more interesting than liz truss.
2 How is it a "community priority" that the wonderwall reflect outcomes that an excluded group is going to, by definition, be unsatisfied with? Do you understand that this will *always* be the case and that with an open mic this opinion will always be voiced just like this, with a cabal of the effected very honestly believing they represent a consensus?
In any event I think the item walls is a frustrating place to shop and should be torn down like the one in Berlin, with charming bits left to reflect history :)
2 what exactly is the suggestion
1 It's hella off topic for this post.
Have you ever seen a standard for contests that doesn't rely on authority? That's more relevant and a lot more interesting than liz truss.
2 How is it a "community priority" that the wonderwall reflect outcomes that an excluded group is going to, by definition, be unsatisfied with? Do you understand that this will *always* be the case and that with an open mic this opinion will always be voiced just like this, with a cabal of the effected very honestly believing they represent a consensus?
In any event I think the item walls is a frustrating place to shop and should be torn down like the one in Berlin, with charming bits left to reflect history :)
2 what exactly is the suggestion

1. It was about fairness. I didn't engage an abstract discussion on post-modernism as a response.
I didn't say that there should be no standards, so in my eyes that's a bit of a strawman. It's OK to point out that some things are fair, but other things aren't right? Both things can be true. To what degree must we stay on topic? Especially as I ask why the diligence on this thing, but not on the wonder wall.
2. That as it may be - it's not really me that the wall issues effect - but i can see it from a mile off personally. It is new vendors and new buyers I feel it is unfair on which I am sure the site owners will hope are making up a significant majority for their own continued prosperity.
My suggestion is that if an item hasn't visibly sold any in 370 days, it probably isn't much in demand and a newbie may fall into this trap by not reading - it should probably disappear before this in place of a more recent listing (just in my opinion)..
I didn't say that there should be no standards, so in my eyes that's a bit of a strawman. It's OK to point out that some things are fair, but other things aren't right? Both things can be true. To what degree must we stay on topic? Especially as I ask why the diligence on this thing, but not on the wonder wall.
2. That as it may be - it's not really me that the wall issues effect - but i can see it from a mile off personally. It is new vendors and new buyers I feel it is unfair on which I am sure the site owners will hope are making up a significant majority for their own continued prosperity.
My suggestion is that if an item hasn't visibly sold any in 370 days, it probably isn't much in demand and a newbie may fall into this trap by not reading - it should probably disappear before this in place of a more recent listing (just in my opinion)..

if an item hasn't visibly sold any in 370 days, it probably isn't much in demand and a newbie may fall into this trap by not reading - it should probably disappear
bigg up.
bigg up.

You do know there is a Borg for ideas & site innovations donāt you?ā¦(in fact there is a Borg for an awful lot of things). LB constantly invites Biggas to get involved and thatās the point- LB pays lip service to change but rarely makes any despite volume of voice. Why is it wrong to point that out?
I doubt anyone loves LB more than I do but they either want a meaningful dialogue or they donāt. Iām fine with it either way as long as I get to buy my weedš
I doubt anyone loves LB more than I do but they either want a meaningful dialogue or they donāt. Iām fine with it either way as long as I get to buy my weedš

It's funny i only ever see coldspurs cheering on the borgs. they love these cold bots rather then this beautiful community.
all your points are mute when you need to start insulting polly's life choices Polly has always been a wonderful voice for the community rather then you coldspurs spending your life being Nelly negative
all your points are mute when you need to start insulting polly's life choices Polly has always been a wonderful voice for the community rather then you coldspurs spending your life being Nelly negative

Yes, I wish the bots were colder, like the code that runs bitcoin. Open code is what this place needs more than anything else.

Thanks pal, not quite sure what rattled coldspurs but they clearly needed to get me off their chestšš

If one doesn't get at least some in here, I think one is being too nice.
Still, I killed man with kindness and upvoted that link.
Wonder if they find the wall helpful for finding the things they want?
I don't. Still, bookmarking pages is pretty easy.
(Insert generic uplifting remark)
Still, I killed man with kindness and upvoted that link.
Wonder if they find the wall helpful for finding the things they want?
I don't. Still, bookmarking pages is pretty easy.
(Insert generic uplifting remark)

This is speculative but, I think the site may be in $ for 'legal' reasons. The servers are US based.
I agree that the owner could do better with prioritising changes, top of that list for me is all these fake vapes, or spice vapes that need testing and removing. Maybe even temp banning from the items wall for the vendors, as a deterrent.
If a vape is confirmed fake because the original brand doesn't even manufacture them in the first place, or there's obvious errors like spelling mistakes,.fake QR codes, why aren't they being removed?
I agree that the owner could do better with prioritising changes, top of that list for me is all these fake vapes, or spice vapes that need testing and removing. Maybe even temp banning from the items wall for the vendors, as a deterrent.
If a vape is confirmed fake because the original brand doesn't even manufacture them in the first place, or there's obvious errors like spelling mistakes,.fake QR codes, why aren't they being removed?

Great sentiments, very well expressed.
Frankly Iām stunned by how much LB gets its Borg knickers in a twist over a few competitions being ādemonstrably fairā instead of focusing on those things on the site that are ādemonstrably unfairā.
Maybe āproof borgā will be a breath of fresh air šš½, but not if they are convinced that competitions are a real issueā¦.
Frankly Iām stunned by how much LB gets its Borg knickers in a twist over a few competitions being ādemonstrably fairā instead of focusing on those things on the site that are ādemonstrably unfairā.
Maybe āproof borgā will be a breath of fresh air šš½, but not if they are convinced that competitions are a real issueā¦.

Why the sudden fuss over this when there are other more important changes to make. (Which have been mentioned on here for years) Never heard anyone complain about competitions. Lol
Why the sudden fuss over this when there are other more important changes to make. (Which have been mentioned on here for years) Never heard anyone complain about competitions. Lol

I agree with Polly, bigger issues onsite to be looked into than fake giveaways, this is a start, hopefully more positive changes are made soon. šÆ

Honestly at this point it feels like they make us use $ purely out of spite I can't think of any other possible explanation now, can't just be lazyness when they have time for this sort of thing. Maybe they didn't like us asking so much.

the item writer they are currently building, it lets you set several different currencies.

Well its good to see it hasn't been ignored/forgotton over the years, I'll take back my comments as soon its implemented :)

We randomly select numbers for our giveaways using random.org, we also stream it on YouTube Live for everyone to see. I'm happy that something is being done regarding giveaways / contests, nice one proof borg.

The borgs picking the wrong fight,sort your wall out,fix the pricing from usd.i mean you got someone who's contributing to lb with giveaways to biggas and its getting jumped on.Theres more important stuff that needs fixing

You do have to love this. Biggy all involved in contests. People enter. They win. They donāt win. Nobody really cares.
When it comes to a payment system that doesnāt bankrupt everyone.
Silence. You aināt seen us.
Vendors. Keep doing your competitions. Nobody gives 3 shits even if they are fixed. Nobody is losing.
And if all the drama is someone getting butthurt.
Meh. Weāve been there.
When it comes to a payment system that doesnāt bankrupt everyone.
Silence. You aināt seen us.
Vendors. Keep doing your competitions. Nobody gives 3 shits even if they are fixed. Nobody is losing.
And if all the drama is someone getting butthurt.
Meh. Weāve been there.

Because it's declared a subjective contest.
The contest runner as judge is the basis of most subjective contests irl (think of tv shows). However in our case the declared winner is run against anti cybil algos that are used elsewhere on lb. We also have the voice of the other participants and the ongoing reputation stakes that drive analysis like this.
The contest runner as judge is the basis of most subjective contests irl (think of tv shows). However in our case the declared winner is run against anti cybil algos that are used elsewhere on lb. We also have the voice of the other participants and the ongoing reputation stakes that drive analysis like this.

Seemed a bit harsh shutting Pistach latest contest down before even giving them chance to say how the winners would be decided.... I'm not saying that just because I entered btw! but surely if your point is to prove it's fair then you have to actually let the sellers prove it's fair?

They have all been for manipulation to gain self promotion and unfair ness in community. - They are all "worked" like politics. Clearly easy to work out the agenda of it all. Yet others got smacked up for less.

1 post
+1 votes

doctor doc
is this cancer?
Great but these aren't on the market yet are they

doctor doc
is this cancer?

I noticed this on my chest over the sternum. Its a deacdes old mole (i have lots) that seems like its mutated. The area in the pic is 1cm radius

I shouldn't be so emphatic but no, it looks like pimple meets mole. You look like very freckled though and an examination would be a great idea every now and then. Note you are you are going to need some help to see the fun bits, even a low rent dermatologist can handle this as well as get a biopsy off to the lab.

Seems pretty tough, you need to be able to reach the skin, cut yourself without fucking up maybe novocaine to do it right, keep the sample sterile and cool now get it to the lab. I'm not sure they will even accept it you should start by asking them if you are serious.

Or you could just use one of these

This is the kind of device that will get repressed by the medical authorities, its an existential threat to them.

I'm guessing blood blister underneath the more, I can see another one nearby.

How long has it been like that?
Was it getting irritated by what you wear?
What part of your chest is it?
How is your hygiene?
Have a close look at this mole, does it have a hair growing out of it, even if it is a tiny tiny one?
Moles with hair do not turn into malignant tumours such as cancer.
Nevertheless, I'd suggest to show it to an oncologist.
Was it getting irritated by what you wear?
What part of your chest is it?
How is your hygiene?
Have a close look at this mole, does it have a hair growing out of it, even if it is a tiny tiny one?
Moles with hair do not turn into malignant tumours such as cancer.
Nevertheless, I'd suggest to show it to an oncologist.

I've had the mole forever but it just got funny in the last few days, it's coming a bit down since the post though. It's right in the middle of my sternum on both axes. My hygeine is good but I should note my laptop battery sits right over the area for hours a day.
No hair, that's a really good one though I didn't know that.
Thanks a lot, I can't afford an oncologist so this is all especially appreciated.
No hair, that's a really good one though I didn't know that.
Thanks a lot, I can't afford an oncologist so this is all especially appreciated.

1 post
+2 votes
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire
like green goo
Blasphemy. I thought it had more comedy and laughs than any of the previous instalments combined apart from the original. One scene in particular had almost the entire theatre literally on the floor with laughter (no spoilers!).

thanks you menace appreciate the precise reference bigga.
yes a cupla minutes with bill murray helps but tell me you didnt see the deja vu joke coming.
yes a cupla minutes with bill murray helps but tell me you didnt see the deja vu joke coming.

3 posts
+15 votes
Countries that do not allow women to own property
started topic
+ 3 more
![[crypto freedom]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/800/UzSoUyEdCnefNkdW.gif)
Countries that do not allow women to own property
Include Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, Iran, Sudan, Somalia, and Afghanistan.
If there is a fundamental right to wrong for crypto this is it.
If there is a fundamental right to wrong for crypto this is it.

So does the problem, the largest human rights violations on earth are those actively enforced by states and religions.

Like lithium sourcing in Africa the worst kind of child labour imaginable in brutal conditions supported by every western country and at this point 99% of the western public;donāt ask donāt tell situation

This could enable a righteous meme coin with a drop to women's rights groups in these countries.

this is a brilliant idea bigga and the kind of thing that could unlock the real potential of crypto

why should we care about backward countrys that send nothing but hate??? time to take care of your own and screw everyone eles .... tired of people trying to guilt trip you just because you live in a slightly better place...

I hate mankind there is nothing humain about people. And nothing smart about people who have children they can't look after ... you make your bed you lay in it.... wish i could not be held accountable for my actions and people would give me free stuff and let me into countrys Illegaly and not put me in prison or deport me ... guess im not the right colour or religion or i've not been opressed enough ???

1 post
+5.2 votes
To All My Biggaz: Children of the Internet
started topic
1 post
+3 votes
Gang Fight: Lawyers vs Doctors (for real)
the oldest profession remains the most noble

Gang Fight: Lawyers vs Doctors (for real)

Can't make this shit up a gang of Pakistani lawyers in suits showed up at a hospital to beat up doctors that apparently wont give them special treatment. A patient dies in the crossfire.

Two professions that should have a higher understanding of humanities, kickin the sh*t out of each other!

1 post
+4 votes
Chat GPT for President
Yeah but you'd need a way in, something that makes your brain feel good. And an algorithm to control it all

Chat GPT for President
Inspiring, intelligent and getting better every day CG has already commanded a news cycle magnificently - and what else is there?

Why not at this point.. chat gpt probably smarter than 99% of people anyways š¤£ you canāt stop it better get on the side of the AI fast š

Yeah but you'd need a way in, something that makes your brain feel good. And an algorithm to control it all

1 post
+6 votes

lex freidman probes scientology theory
his best podcast in a while. one always wonders about the underlying myths and lex handles them objectively.
his best podcast in a while. one always wonders about the underlying myths and lex handles them objectively.

Really canāt stand Lex. He contributes nothing to any discussion whilst giving the impression of being deep and probing.

He's like a right wing ChatGPT, no personality or originality, just repeats the same bullshit as Rogan, Musk, Jones, Brand ect but in a suit. I'd rather stick razorblades up my arse than listen to this twat.

1 post
+6 votes
Why is Switzerland So Expensive?
started topic
Why is Switzerland So Expensive?
Yeah it's nice but it's neighbours are better and they are like 1/2 the price.

Basically they wound up betting on gold while the rest of the world played games with currency.

2 posts
+16 votes

best french rapper?
started topic
+ 2 more

My all time favourite has always been Akhenaton. He's got a real solid flow, a slight lisp and some kick ass lyrics.
Saw NTM live a few years ago and those old geezas still got it.
Saw NTM live a few years ago and those old geezas still got it.

As everything this is a matter of taste, I do not consider that my country is really a rap nation but we had some good ones in 90's / 2000's like IAM, Fonky Family La Rumeur, Alibi Montana....
Another example
Another example

And again - same era Hip Hop reaches the Gallic shores
B-Side is also on some of Afrika Bambataa's early stuff such as Time Zone's "Wild Style"
She came to Paris at the same time than him
B-Side is also on some of Afrika Bambataa's early stuff such as Time Zone's "Wild Style"
She came to Paris at the same time than him

I see the obvious MC Solaar mentioned a few times already. How about L'skadrille?
For crew, maybe 357 MP.
It's been a long time since I've delved into that scene, other than listening to Chilla in recent years.
For crew, maybe 357 MP.
It's been a long time since I've delved into that scene, other than listening to Chilla in recent years.

Old school: NTM, Assassin, triptick, peauple d'herb, IAM...
For their skills: sain supa krew, cut killer
New scholl... C2C
For their skills: sain supa krew, cut killer
New scholl... C2C

Rockin'squat (or RCKNSQT), former and leader of the the group "assassin". A legend!
Also, IAM, and Fabe (from the "scred connexion" group)
Also, IAM, and Fabe (from the "scred connexion" group)

Im always looking for new french rap. I love it...but i dont speak French, so i never know the song names haha

I know a lot of ones , all new school But imo best French rapper is Sofiane. His song Tout le monde...

1 post
+11 votes
Lisbon vs Porto?
started topic
Not made it as far up the coast as Porto yet but I really have a love for Lisboa š
Beautiful city, architecturally stunning in parts, safe, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere and some not too bad hash š
Beautiful city, architecturally stunning in parts, safe, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere and some not too bad hash š

Hi mate, sorry donāt have anything sensible to recommend! Hash smoking and street dealing was pretty open in a couple of areas. I got offered a ā¬10 deal from a guy who had a handful of these thin slices of blond hash all bagged up. Was
pretty nice so I got a couple more off him. It was a little sketchy
Iām sure thereās 1000ās of stories of people getting robbed using this same method
pretty nice so I got a couple more off him. It was a little sketchy
Iām sure thereās 1000ās of stories of people getting robbed using this same method

Thanks mate. I managed to get some lovely hash in the end, although had to barter with the guy (tried to sell me what must of been 5gs for 100 Euro's!) I've heard lots of stories of people selling total shite so guess I was fairly lucky in the end :)

Been to Lisbon, loved the aquarium and sushi restaurants. The one I went to had a robot that served you which was hella new to me.
Buildings are cool to look at and the mall is pretty nice. Only other thing I can think of to mention is to check out the yellow castle on the mountain but I can't remember the name. The architecture is cool and they have a awesome garden setup which would be heavenly to smoke in if it was a perfect world.
Buildings are cool to look at and the mall is pretty nice. Only other thing I can think of to mention is to check out the yellow castle on the mountain but I can't remember the name. The architecture is cool and they have a awesome garden setup which would be heavenly to smoke in if it was a perfect world.

1 post
+8 votes
This video might upset some people
that's the thing, science often changes its mind once it considers more parameters and cannabis understanding is still in diapers.

This video might upset some people

Because science and stuff
Love ya all āļøš°āļø
Love ya all āļøš°āļø

I watched that video the other day and it made me think of a post from PollyPuff about the entourage effect:
I'm very much a scientific person and I know the science says there's no difference but I just can't reconcile that with my decades of smoking experience. How is it that 'sativa' strains often trigger my anxiety but 'indicas' almost always have the total opposite effect and can bring me out of an episode?!
I know there's a whole lot more going on with the influence of terpenes, other minor cannabinoids, etc. that we maybe don't fully understand yet so perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it but for now it remains a mystery to me.
I'm very much a scientific person and I know the science says there's no difference but I just can't reconcile that with my decades of smoking experience. How is it that 'sativa' strains often trigger my anxiety but 'indicas' almost always have the total opposite effect and can bring me out of an episode?!
I know there's a whole lot more going on with the influence of terpenes, other minor cannabinoids, etc. that we maybe don't fully understand yet so perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it but for now it remains a mystery to me.

that's the thing, science often changes its mind once it considers more parameters and cannabis understanding is still in diapers.

This was actually really interesting. My partner and I have ādebatedā lol at length the indica v sativa thing and whether thereās a difference, in the end all I could/can say is a good quality indica to me at least feels like I have a force almost pushing me deeper into the sofa where as a good sativa always brings me up, both mentally and gets me laughing and indeed wanting a good time! Seems according to this, that science says itās in my head!!

Weed definitely has different effects from strain to strain but it does seem there is more to it than Indica/sativa
Headspace/terps/minor cannabinoids are my thoughts
Headspace/terps/minor cannabinoids are my thoughts

Set and setting is definitely a thing. One day I can consume with others and laugh my tits off, the next day by myself and I just fall asleep. All using the same strain (aaaaghh!! bacteria... Chemovar? one debate at a time!)
When people say sativa gives them an "up" effect, what time of day is this? Morning? or is it the first toke of the day but at 11 at night?
When using indica and people get a "down" effect, again what time of day is this? Night time after a tiring day? or is it first toke of the morning after a heavy session the night before?
All I'm trying to do is provoke thinking about why and when we perceive these indica/sativa effects beyond just sativa = energy and indica = couchlock.
It's all very interesting.
When people say sativa gives them an "up" effect, what time of day is this? Morning? or is it the first toke of the day but at 11 at night?
When using indica and people get a "down" effect, again what time of day is this? Night time after a tiring day? or is it first toke of the morning after a heavy session the night before?
All I'm trying to do is provoke thinking about why and when we perceive these indica/sativa effects beyond just sativa = energy and indica = couchlock.
It's all very interesting.

Very well put indeed, not just set and setting either, overall headspace and mood, and probably one of the most undervalued metrics in this whole topic is diet + exercise, every single one of these factors will dictate how you're going to be affected by the consumption of THC
and of course let's not forget the grow, grower, what it was grown in, time of harvest during flower and what stage the trichomes were at in their development are all things that will have a huge impact on how that particular batch of that particular grow will effect you! the people who are searching for a particular strain for it's supposed effects are wasting their time and money, the strains name does not dictate it's effects or how much of a indica / sativa hybrid it is, all a strain name will tell you is where the genetics are from and roughly what terpenes you should be expecting, that is all
there's also no such thing as 50/50 sativa indica hybrids and 70/30 etc etc
and of course let's not forget the grow, grower, what it was grown in, time of harvest during flower and what stage the trichomes were at in their development are all things that will have a huge impact on how that particular batch of that particular grow will effect you! the people who are searching for a particular strain for it's supposed effects are wasting their time and money, the strains name does not dictate it's effects or how much of a indica / sativa hybrid it is, all a strain name will tell you is where the genetics are from and roughly what terpenes you should be expecting, that is all
there's also no such thing as 50/50 sativa indica hybrids and 70/30 etc etc

Yeah always thought the ratio thing was a bit dodgy. Why not 23/77 or 86/14 ?
Also, when 50/50 (or any ratio really) why is it usually "will give you a burst of creative energy but will eventually lead to a relaxed state of mind and peaceful sleep, if you can keep the munchies away!"
Why that order? It's 50/50 so why not: "will send you immediately into a creative sleep where you will raid the fridge by sleepwalking. Careful though you will suddenly have a burst of energy and wake up doing pushups."
Or, to make further mockery: "careful this 80/20 sativa will glue you to the sofa if you smoke the last 20% of the joint"
Regardless of ratio most descriptions just describe the cannabis intoxication journey. It will give you a high (head, body, insert personal effect) leading to the end of the high (relaxation, sleep, insert personal effect).
Steps down from soapbox. I need a toot, exhausted so I'll go for a nice sativa. :)
Also, when 50/50 (or any ratio really) why is it usually "will give you a burst of creative energy but will eventually lead to a relaxed state of mind and peaceful sleep, if you can keep the munchies away!"
Why that order? It's 50/50 so why not: "will send you immediately into a creative sleep where you will raid the fridge by sleepwalking. Careful though you will suddenly have a burst of energy and wake up doing pushups."
Or, to make further mockery: "careful this 80/20 sativa will glue you to the sofa if you smoke the last 20% of the joint"
Regardless of ratio most descriptions just describe the cannabis intoxication journey. It will give you a high (head, body, insert personal effect) leading to the end of the high (relaxation, sleep, insert personal effect).
Steps down from soapbox. I need a toot, exhausted so I'll go for a nice sativa. :)

Well a hybrid is a hybrid. If my dad is aborigine and my mum is a Klingon then Iām 50:50 and the world is my lobster right? So cross a sativa haze with a Hindu Kush and it will be a 50:50 hybrid of the two, itās just what difference that makes in the effects and whether those effects are attributable to the plant type rather than other elements. I guess we are now siding with āother elements ā, which is fine.
But this is evidence based on blind tests where the reported effects didnāt correlate to the strains. In my own lab I have 42 numbered jars- I can only know what strain they are by referring to my trusty spreadsheet š¤. When I try them at random and try to guess from the effects whether they are indica or sativa I always get it right. 100%. Not even slightly difficult.
But then I have 30 different tequilas and I am pretty good at blind testing those too š¤ ā¦..
But this is evidence based on blind tests where the reported effects didnāt correlate to the strains. In my own lab I have 42 numbered jars- I can only know what strain they are by referring to my trusty spreadsheet š¤. When I try them at random and try to guess from the effects whether they are indica or sativa I always get it right. 100%. Not even slightly difficult.
But then I have 30 different tequilas and I am pretty good at blind testing those too š¤ ā¦..

But what happens if your Dad is 32% Indonesian and 68% Armenian and your mum is 38% Klingon and 62% Borg (? that's a Trek thing innit?) Then your not 50:50. It's meaningless!
Ok you can identify between your own stash - well done but can you hand on heart take a toke and say hmm, I'm getting 25% sativa effects and 75% indica effects or whatever?
Unless you mean you are 50:50 as in hermaphrodite? š
With all that's been said I am still very much influenced by either sativa/indica descriptions - what more is there to go on?
Ok you can identify between your own stash - well done but can you hand on heart take a toke and say hmm, I'm getting 25% sativa effects and 75% indica effects or whatever?
Unless you mean you are 50:50 as in hermaphrodite? š
With all that's been said I am still very much influenced by either sativa/indica descriptions - what more is there to go on?

You are just being obtuse CB. Look, take an everyday strain like Purple Punch to keep it simple and letās take a quick glance at the Family Tree: š¤
Purple Punch Ā»Ā»Ā» Larry OG x Grand Daddy Purple
Larry OG F1
Ā»Ā»Ā» OG Kush Lemon Larry x Sour Diesel IBL F1
OG Kush Lemon Larry
Ā»Ā»Ā» Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle x Hindu Kush Neville
Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle Ā»Ā»Ā» Unknown Strain
Hindu Kush Neville Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
Sour Diesel IBL IBL
Ā»Ā»Ā» Sour Diesel x Double Sour Diesel IBL
Sour Diesel
Ā»Ā»Ā» Original Diesel x DNL
Original Diesel
Ā»Ā»Ā» Chemdawg x {MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL}
MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL
Super Skunk Probably
Ā»Ā»Ā» Skunk #1 x Afghanistan
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
Ā»Ā»Ā» Afghanistan x Mexico x Colombia
Afghanistan Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
Mexico Ā»Ā»Ā» Sativa
Colombia Ā»Ā»Ā» Sativa
Afghanistan Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
Ā»Ā»Ā» NL #1 x NL #2 x NL #5
Ā»Ā»Ā» Purest Indica x Afghani probably from Neville IBL
Purest Indica
Afghani (specified above)
Afghani probably from Neville
Afghanistan Probably Indica Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
NL #2
Ā»Ā»Ā» Purest Indica x Afghani by Don the Indian
Purest Indica (specified above)
Afghani by Don the Indian (specified above)
NL #5 #5
Ā»Ā»Ā» Purest Indica x Hawaiian #5
Purest Indica (specified above)
Hawaiian Ā»Ā»Ā» Sativa
Unknown Hybrid Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Ā»Ā»Ā» {RFK Skunk x Hawaiian} x Northern Lights
RFK Skunk x Hawaiian
RFK Skunk
Unknown Skunk
Skunk #1 (specified above)
Hawaiian Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Northern Lights
Purest Indica (specified above)
Double Sour Diesel
Ā»Ā»Ā» Sour Diesel x NYC Diesel
Sour Diesel (specified above)
NYC Diesel
Ā»Ā»Ā» Unknown Diesel Bagseed x Afghani/Hawaiian
Unknown Diesel Bagseed Ā»Ā»Ā» Unknown Strain
Ā»Ā»Ā» Afghani x Hawaii
Afghani (specified above)
Hawaii Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Grand Daddy Purple Probably
Ā»Ā»Ā» Purple Urkel x Big Bud Probably
Purple Urkel
Unknown Mostly Indica Ā»Ā»Ā» Mostly Indica
Big Bud
Ā»Ā»Ā» {Big Bud x NL#1} x Big Bud
Big Bud x NL#1
Big Bud Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
NL#1 (specified above)
Big Bud Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
Hardly rocket science now is it? š¶āš«ļøš
Purple Punch Ā»Ā»Ā» Larry OG x Grand Daddy Purple
Larry OG F1
Ā»Ā»Ā» OG Kush Lemon Larry x Sour Diesel IBL F1
OG Kush Lemon Larry
Ā»Ā»Ā» Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle x Hindu Kush Neville
Unknown Strain Emerald Triangle Ā»Ā»Ā» Unknown Strain
Hindu Kush Neville Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
Sour Diesel IBL IBL
Ā»Ā»Ā» Sour Diesel x Double Sour Diesel IBL
Sour Diesel
Ā»Ā»Ā» Original Diesel x DNL
Original Diesel
Ā»Ā»Ā» Chemdawg x {MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL}
MassSuperSkunk x SensiNL
Super Skunk Probably
Ā»Ā»Ā» Skunk #1 x Afghanistan
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
Skunk #1
Ā»Ā»Ā» Afghanistan x Mexico x Colombia
Afghanistan Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
Mexico Ā»Ā»Ā» Sativa
Colombia Ā»Ā»Ā» Sativa
Afghanistan Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
Ā»Ā»Ā» NL #1 x NL #2 x NL #5
Ā»Ā»Ā» Purest Indica x Afghani probably from Neville IBL
Purest Indica
Afghani (specified above)
Afghani probably from Neville
Afghanistan Probably Indica Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
NL #2
Ā»Ā»Ā» Purest Indica x Afghani by Don the Indian
Purest Indica (specified above)
Afghani by Don the Indian (specified above)
NL #5 #5
Ā»Ā»Ā» Purest Indica x Hawaiian #5
Purest Indica (specified above)
Hawaiian Ā»Ā»Ā» Sativa
Unknown Hybrid Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Ā»Ā»Ā» {RFK Skunk x Hawaiian} x Northern Lights
RFK Skunk x Hawaiian
RFK Skunk
Unknown Skunk
Skunk #1 (specified above)
Hawaiian Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Northern Lights
Purest Indica (specified above)
Double Sour Diesel
Ā»Ā»Ā» Sour Diesel x NYC Diesel
Sour Diesel (specified above)
NYC Diesel
Ā»Ā»Ā» Unknown Diesel Bagseed x Afghani/Hawaiian
Unknown Diesel Bagseed Ā»Ā»Ā» Unknown Strain
Ā»Ā»Ā» Afghani x Hawaii
Afghani (specified above)
Hawaii Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica/Sativa Hybrid
Grand Daddy Purple Probably
Ā»Ā»Ā» Purple Urkel x Big Bud Probably
Purple Urkel
Unknown Mostly Indica Ā»Ā»Ā» Mostly Indica
Big Bud
Ā»Ā»Ā» {Big Bud x NL#1} x Big Bud
Big Bud x NL#1
Big Bud Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
NL#1 (specified above)
Big Bud Ā»Ā»Ā» Indica
Hardly rocket science now is it? š¶āš«ļøš

Now don't get mad, I'm not being sarcastic or disingenious. This is a 100% genuine response after reading and re-reading your comment for the last 10 minutes: Sorry, I don't understand?

Thank fuck for that! My antenna isn't erect enough at the moment. I think it needs greasing and if I just give it a tug it may start working. Although last time I did that it poked me in the eye.

Phew! You had me thinking āChrist, if I canāt even get a smile out of CB then Iām cancelling my One Dog Stand Up Tour! ā š„¹

didn't take long did it for people to start glazing over the science once again and stating "but, but i can feel a difference" lol, i'm experiencing such high levels of second hand embarrassment
i know it's difficult they've been perpetuating this bullshit for donkeys years and don't want to pull themsleves out of their ways but i've linked every article under the sun on this in the past even ones on blind testing that continually expose this pseudoscience but it doesn't sink in
if selective hearing is a thing then i'm pretty sure selective learning is a thing too, well the past few years has proven this more than ever
i know it's difficult they've been perpetuating this bullshit for donkeys years and don't want to pull themsleves out of their ways but i've linked every article under the sun on this in the past even ones on blind testing that continually expose this pseudoscience but it doesn't sink in
if selective hearing is a thing then i'm pretty sure selective learning is a thing too, well the past few years has proven this more than ever

Wish I could keep some in jars but It never stay s in the jars for long ,abit like my vodka bottle ha ha u lot are good people

I have 3 children using this theory they should all be fairly similar as 50/50 me and Mrs rabb1t and therefore the same as each other
They aren't
They aren't

Well genetically they certainly are. Unless thereās something Mrs.Rabb1t isnāt telling you..š¤«

Yes but ones hyperactivity, ones like the opposite and ones bang in the middle
I'm genuinely not making this up
But technically they are all 50/50 yeah?
I'm genuinely not making this up
But technically they are all 50/50 yeah?

Interesting ācos itās exactly the same argument- genetics vs effects yeah? We think that a plants genetics give us particular effects but the (scant) evidence suggests otherwise. Kids personality traits donāt mirror their genetics but their DNA doesnāt lie.
Every discovered language in human history uses nouns, verbs and adjectives. Isolated tribes that have never learned anything from anyone still form their language that way. Nobody knows whyā¦
Every discovered language in human history uses nouns, verbs and adjectives. Isolated tribes that have never learned anything from anyone still form their language that way. Nobody knows whyā¦

But we do at least know now thanks to science it's not indicas sedate and sativas don't
We know it's more complex
We know it's more complex

I'm a medical user it all works just need more of some than others
I like you on the soapbox
Fancy starting a political party with me?
I like you on the soapbox
Fancy starting a political party with me?

Well I am a lying sexual deviant, two faced and with loose morals, no heart or backbone, serving only myself and people who pay me enough. So yeah, maybe I could be a politician. :)

Well that's ok because the idea I have means you would be in politics a short time anyway
I want to create a political party with two policies only
To change how politicians are paid and limit their activities outside of government being one
But the main reason I want to do this is, to have a party that changes the rules
No more first past the post, proportional representation elections instead
Once changing these the government would immediately have a general election to allow the changes to be made
Now there's the small matter of the house of lords
Now we know blowing it up didn't work previously...
So am open to suggestions š¤
There's lots of fed up people on this island, the issue I feel is the lack of representation of our interests
I want to create a political party with two policies only
To change how politicians are paid and limit their activities outside of government being one
But the main reason I want to do this is, to have a party that changes the rules
No more first past the post, proportional representation elections instead
Once changing these the government would immediately have a general election to allow the changes to be made
Now there's the small matter of the house of lords
Now we know blowing it up didn't work previously...
So am open to suggestions š¤
There's lots of fed up people on this island, the issue I feel is the lack of representation of our interests

My thought process is that sativa and indica are individual species of the cannabis plant which would itself suggest some biological variations between the two, so I still think there's maybe something missing from the 'no difference between them' position.
I get that selective breeding over the years has blurred that line somewhat but going back far enough, pure indica plants were very different from sativa variants in terms of appearance and growth behaviour, so logic would dictate other biological differences too.
The reason we started cross-breeding them to create hybrids in the first place was to combine the different characteristics of each species, so why did we do that if they're all the same?
If we're being truly scientific then we have to recognise that just because we haven't yet identified those differences, or what they mean for us, that doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist.
I get that selective breeding over the years has blurred that line somewhat but going back far enough, pure indica plants were very different from sativa variants in terms of appearance and growth behaviour, so logic would dictate other biological differences too.
The reason we started cross-breeding them to create hybrids in the first place was to combine the different characteristics of each species, so why did we do that if they're all the same?
If we're being truly scientific then we have to recognise that just because we haven't yet identified those differences, or what they mean for us, that doesn't necessarily mean they don't exist.

Hi OldManEd, It's difficult to get that image of large plant, narrow leaved sativa and small plant, broad leaved indica out of our heads isn't it?
On one hand you say they are individual species but later you say they are variants of each other? Science says genetically they are the same. It's how those genes are expressed that makes some sort of difference in effects.
I wish I knew more about plant biology but I do know the same species of a particular plant can exhibit different traits depending on environment, growing conditions, etc. (its phenotype -ooooh, swallowed a dictionary have you!) I have some Tulips from the same seed packet at my front door in a container and they are all yellow. In the back garden in the ground they are all red.
I just wish we had pure sativa and pure indica seeds because I theorize if you put either seed in hot, equatorial zones they will exhibit sativa traits and place them in cooler, temperate zones they will exhibit indica traits.
It's all interesting.
On one hand you say they are individual species but later you say they are variants of each other? Science says genetically they are the same. It's how those genes are expressed that makes some sort of difference in effects.
I wish I knew more about plant biology but I do know the same species of a particular plant can exhibit different traits depending on environment, growing conditions, etc. (its phenotype -ooooh, swallowed a dictionary have you!) I have some Tulips from the same seed packet at my front door in a container and they are all yellow. In the back garden in the ground they are all red.
I just wish we had pure sativa and pure indica seeds because I theorize if you put either seed in hot, equatorial zones they will exhibit sativa traits and place them in cooler, temperate zones they will exhibit indica traits.
It's all interesting.

There not saying there isn't a difference more that there isn't a couchlock indica cannabinoid and a hyper sativa cannaboid and that's it's the different ratios of terps/noids etc etc but there isn't a thing that either sativa or indicas have that other doesn't

Yeah, all fair points - maybe I should stop trying to make sense of it all and just enjoy it for what it is. š

Love this, Since we've established that there is no scientific difference between an indica and sativa, it's only fair to discuss why these strains might feel so different when ingested. The most likely hypothesis is the entourage theory, also called the entourage effect.
The research shows that genetically it is impossible to prove whether a cannabis plant is an Indica or Sativa. There is no difference in the genes. āWhat studies mainly shows is that you should not just rely on those labels, but that you should look at the specific terpene profile.
The cannabis industry needs to look more critically at its own disclosures. According to researchers at Canadaās Dalhousie University and the Wageningen University & Research, the Indica and Sativa labels on cannabis are often wrong and misleading. Patients and consumers would benefit from a more scientific approach. The researchers analysed hundreds of cannabis samples. The study shows that the genetic and chemical composition of the cannabis tested often does not correspond to the typical cannabis label Indica or Sativa.
The terms Indica and Sativa are often used to categorise cannabis. These different strains are generally believed to be associated with certain psychoactive effects. Often the effect of a Sativa strain is described as mentally stimulating and energising, while that of an Indica strain is described as relaxing and soothing. In addition, it is often suggested that the labels say something about the genetic background.
āFor example, cannabis labelled as Sativa often contains higher concentrations of single terpenes with tea-like and fruity aromas, while Indica samples generally contain higher concentrations of terpenes with an earthy smell such as myrcene, guaiol, gamma-elemene and gamma-eudesmol.ā
The distinction that some researchers found is not convincing: āIt really is about these specific, individual terpenes that make the difference. The overall chemical profile, like the genetics, shows no apparent difference between the labels. We also found only a small number of regions in the cannabis genome that likely contribute to the earthy aroma associated with the Indica label
Itās a tough subject for sure šā¤ļø
The research shows that genetically it is impossible to prove whether a cannabis plant is an Indica or Sativa. There is no difference in the genes. āWhat studies mainly shows is that you should not just rely on those labels, but that you should look at the specific terpene profile.
The cannabis industry needs to look more critically at its own disclosures. According to researchers at Canadaās Dalhousie University and the Wageningen University & Research, the Indica and Sativa labels on cannabis are often wrong and misleading. Patients and consumers would benefit from a more scientific approach. The researchers analysed hundreds of cannabis samples. The study shows that the genetic and chemical composition of the cannabis tested often does not correspond to the typical cannabis label Indica or Sativa.
The terms Indica and Sativa are often used to categorise cannabis. These different strains are generally believed to be associated with certain psychoactive effects. Often the effect of a Sativa strain is described as mentally stimulating and energising, while that of an Indica strain is described as relaxing and soothing. In addition, it is often suggested that the labels say something about the genetic background.
āFor example, cannabis labelled as Sativa often contains higher concentrations of single terpenes with tea-like and fruity aromas, while Indica samples generally contain higher concentrations of terpenes with an earthy smell such as myrcene, guaiol, gamma-elemene and gamma-eudesmol.ā
The distinction that some researchers found is not convincing: āIt really is about these specific, individual terpenes that make the difference. The overall chemical profile, like the genetics, shows no apparent difference between the labels. We also found only a small number of regions in the cannabis genome that likely contribute to the earthy aroma associated with the Indica label
Itās a tough subject for sure šā¤ļø

So the people (like this woman who often work for big corporations who are profiting from weed) who claim we have proven that indica/sativa doesn't mean anything haven't shown any evidence that isn't an article that doesn't cite sources
Show us meta analysis of multiple peer reviewed clinical studies that conclusively prove indica/sativa is bullshit.
You can't. You don't have anymore evidence than the bro science people saying indica/sativa is important.
Neither side can actually evidence their claims so I am not require to believe or accept either position until it is demonstrated to be true.
Now stop pretending this woman is some sort of genius, and admit she is just repeating what others have told her without referencing any studies at all.
Show us meta analysis of multiple peer reviewed clinical studies that conclusively prove indica/sativa is bullshit.
You can't. You don't have anymore evidence than the bro science people saying indica/sativa is important.
Neither side can actually evidence their claims so I am not require to believe or accept either position until it is demonstrated to be true.
Now stop pretending this woman is some sort of genius, and admit she is just repeating what others have told her without referencing any studies at all.

Don't put words in my mouth, never said she was a genius
The person being interviewed here
They are a genius š
Also please find sources at the bottom of the page
Enjoy š
The person being interviewed here
They are a genius š
Also please find sources at the bottom of the page
Enjoy š

I was replying generally, it wasn't directed at anyone specifically, appreciate the "let me Google that for you there Jedi" š
None of the linked studies are direct confirmation of the premise, and near the end of the interview you linked to, she details how myrcene and limonene (as examples) are more responsible for the perceived effects, without mentioning that sativa plants grow more limonene and indicas grow more myrcene generally.
It's hilarious watching this whole debate realise indica / sativa are indicators of terpene content, not botanical classifications. Almost like we understood that all along if you've smoked weed for a while š
Its nice to have some basic evidence that terpene groupings are more important than anything else, will be interesting to see how minor cannabinoids and flavinoids affect our opinion of the botanical accuracy of the old terms.
None of the linked studies are direct confirmation of the premise, and near the end of the interview you linked to, she details how myrcene and limonene (as examples) are more responsible for the perceived effects, without mentioning that sativa plants grow more limonene and indicas grow more myrcene generally.
It's hilarious watching this whole debate realise indica / sativa are indicators of terpene content, not botanical classifications. Almost like we understood that all along if you've smoked weed for a while š
Its nice to have some basic evidence that terpene groupings are more important than anything else, will be interesting to see how minor cannabinoids and flavinoids affect our opinion of the botanical accuracy of the old terms.

I think sativa has just become a code word for, "not very strong" nowadays.
If you get enough THC in you, it's going to put you to sleep.
If you get enough THC in you, it's going to put you to sleep.

That's why we stop listing indica/sativa in our listings. There is no way to determine which was it leans other than how you feel and we're taking one person's experience as fact.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
If anyone follows First Smoke of the Day, check out the episode with the guy that runs High Times. He addresses this amongst many other bro science things related to cannabis
That's why we stop listing indica/sativa in our listings. There is no way to determine which was it leans other than how you feel and we're taking one person's experience as fact.
It's absolutely ridiculous.
If anyone follows First Smoke of the Day, check out the episode with the guy that runs High Times. He addresses this amongst many other bro science things related to cannabis

Wow, she talks fast..I broke my pencil on the first question and by the time Iād sharpened it it was all over! šµāš«š

Science > there's no difference between the two and we've been telling you this for years now but you wont listen and it's slowing down the progress of medical research
Stoners > but how else am i going to sound like i know what i'm talking about to my casual stoner friends on facebook without using meaningless trendy buzzwords :(
Stoners > but how else am i going to sound like i know what i'm talking about to my casual stoner friends on facebook without using meaningless trendy buzzwords :(

Sorry hesh, I haven't got temporal event availablity to reply I need to focus my synergy to generate a dynamic output into the locally manifested environment and haven't got time for buzzwords šš

1 post
+2 votes
business presentations?
started topic
![[ stoned or unstoned? ]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/JGUARSBaIMeKyBJZ.jpg)
business presentations?
i have so much more flow when i'm stoned and i feel like i can ace the presentation i have next month if i get stoned beforehand. any biggaz know what i'm talking about?

1 post
+4 votes
OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for āMilitary and Warfareā
all of silicon valley is "leaning in" to war profits now, scary fucking indicator

OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for āMilitary and Warfareā
1 post
+16 votes
The Chats: Smoko
started topic
1 post
+1 votes

Oh my god
so what's the movie?

Oh my god
Guys I'm at the cinema and I'm tripping and it's the crow, right, it's 30th anniversary thing and I don't want to have giggle fit in the film he literally died in. Tripping at the flicks is brilliant the floor is sooooo sparkly all these amazing lights people are so lovely, you would nit believe the nightmare I've had trying to log in the most drama all these teck savvy geeky teens they're fucking brilliant had so many adventures in the cinema not going to the film. So pretty the lights are amazing. Don't know how but got into the really scary stairs bit of the massive car park I really didn't want to be there but you know everything is excellent. I can't believe how much I love you guys I really really love you they're playing the song about the skater boy. Now he's a superstar. The lights and colours here are just amazing the floor is SOOOOOO GLITTERY it's like space. Can you believe space??? Oh my god I'm nearly crying in the cinema people are so excellent I really love them. I spoke to so many geeky guys and they struggled to maintain eye contact and I really felt them you know. Lee55 I hope you're OK I'm half way through a message with loads of stuff that will help for sure ok. If even a fraction of the love I'm feeling right now gets to you it will be so so excellent. I've been sending you love.

Get off ya phone! š itāll be annoying to everyone elseās there am I the only one who actually switches it off or smth

I'm just loitering and people watching and chatting it's thr best. Much too wired to sit in the actual room but it is excellent going in there. The sound is fucking unbelievable

Yeah no fear. I have the utmost respect for the artistry. Now just remembered food!! Oh my god I m getting every bit of pick n mix three ice creams and a massive popcorn. Glutton. Like why do rhe screens not be in any order totally random I've walked into all the different screens it's the best day ever guys

Did watch the last half hour or so of the film, oh my God, so overwhelmed and spent of emotion.. watching the shooting stuff towards the end knowing what actually happened, the irony. It was physically painful to watch. Such a beautiful man, totally heartbreaking I cried so much. Love you Brandon Lee ā¤ļø
Sorry about all the swearing š³
Sorry about all the swearing š³

1 post
+2 votes
Shroom noob - how to start?
does very heavy onset in proportion to the high correlate with dodgy ingredients in a mushroom chocolate bar?
![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)
Shroom noob - how to start?
So I have taken shrooms once before, years ago with friends and I think these were dried liberty caps, but cannot be sure. I really enjoyed them and want to have another go but donāt know where to start.
Can anyone help me out here, what shrooms do I need to be looking for? Thereās many on here and Iām not sure whatās for me.
Can anyone help me out here, what shrooms do I need to be looking for? Thereās many on here and Iām not sure whatās for me.

My two favourite methods I would say suggest are:
Buying ground shrooms in caps so that you can measure exactly how much you take. My recommendation would be 0.5/1g to start with.
Other method is blend up dried whole shroom in a smoothie, I like mango, blueberry and strawberry with orange and lemon juice to help them activate quicker
As far as taking them goes, I always try to not have any large amounts of caffeine or thc in my system and set aside a good few hours.
I meditate and think about my intention for the trip, even if that's just to have fun and let go. I also tend to take shrooms on an empty stomach.
Take the whole amount you want at once, splitting a dose into multiple servings can really mess up the phases of intensity.
Make sure you are in a safe and comfortable place, preferably with somebody who isn't tripping.
Just let the mushrooms do their thing, there are no bad trips, just whatever the mushrooms want to show or not show you. I find mushrooms come in waves so if you think you trip is ending just stay aware for a while longer, don't end up in Aldi on the tail end of a trip like I have š
Strain wise I love B+, very rare to get a challenging trip, not super heavy either. McKenna are good all round, JMF if you feel a little more adventurous.
Don't listen to people telling you to just mash down 5gs, that's the sort of advice that ends up putting people off for life
As I do reviews I don't want to recommend any specific vendors.
Buying ground shrooms in caps so that you can measure exactly how much you take. My recommendation would be 0.5/1g to start with.
Other method is blend up dried whole shroom in a smoothie, I like mango, blueberry and strawberry with orange and lemon juice to help them activate quicker
As far as taking them goes, I always try to not have any large amounts of caffeine or thc in my system and set aside a good few hours.
I meditate and think about my intention for the trip, even if that's just to have fun and let go. I also tend to take shrooms on an empty stomach.
Take the whole amount you want at once, splitting a dose into multiple servings can really mess up the phases of intensity.
Make sure you are in a safe and comfortable place, preferably with somebody who isn't tripping.
Just let the mushrooms do their thing, there are no bad trips, just whatever the mushrooms want to show or not show you. I find mushrooms come in waves so if you think you trip is ending just stay aware for a while longer, don't end up in Aldi on the tail end of a trip like I have š
Strain wise I love B+, very rare to get a challenging trip, not super heavy either. McKenna are good all round, JMF if you feel a little more adventurous.
Don't listen to people telling you to just mash down 5gs, that's the sort of advice that ends up putting people off for life
As I do reviews I don't want to recommend any specific vendors.

Thanks for that, interesting read.
I like the idea of blended up into a smoothie as the taste was not for me at all. Although it was made into a tea so I wasnāt exactly expecting it to taste good either.
Thanks again!
I like the idea of blended up into a smoothie as the taste was not for me at all. Although it was made into a tea so I wasnāt exactly expecting it to taste good either.
Thanks again!

Liberty caps are wild outdoors. completely different to mutated cultivated spores these days can produce. Libs should be picked and given for free, never sold.
Mckenna seems a good strain
Searching google littlebiggy.com mckenna this showed up https://littlebiggy.com/link/pi7DIv
Mckenna seems a good strain
Searching google littlebiggy.com mckenna this showed up https://littlebiggy.com/link/pi7DIv

I've seen this picked never sold thing a few times now. Why for liberty caps and not other cultivars? Is this an As Above So Below thing that others are aware of and not myself?

I called MadDabber out for shilling his own products in this post that I've linked and it looks like he's been taken off the wonderwall for the time being. Not sure what to make of that but hopefully he's being punished for it as he uses all the accounts for malicious purposes.

Theyāve always known what heās doing. A search on his name + LB brings many of his alts up. IP reveals all.
Glad to see youāre doing mushrooms again šš¼
Glad to see youāre doing mushrooms again šš¼

Thanks for the fast response!
I will have a look at the McKenna.
Much appreciatedš
I will have a look at the McKenna.
Much appreciatedš

Liberty caps pop up on occasion, well worth waiting for, totally different league.
All the cubensis strains here will do the job, just look for sellers with good reviews.
All the cubensis strains here will do the job, just look for sellers with good reviews.

does very heavy onset in proportion to the high correlate with dodgy ingredients in a mushroom chocolate bar?

Opt for a lower dose rather than higher. It wasn't too awful, but my first go on magic mushrooms turned into a bad trip halfway through. Having it wear off sooner rather than later was an absolute godsend, haha.

1 post
+1 votes

What Exactly Does 420 Symbolize?
sounds most legit

What Exactly Does 420 Symbolize?
Is it a date is it a time I've never heard a straight story.

It was police code for marijuana-specific calls on police radio channels (*in the US). It was changed for obvious reasons many years ago By the time it was changed, 420 was already synonymous with marijuana all over the world. Same goes for rap music..."get caught up on a 187" and "slipped and judge slapped em with a 311" with 187 being police code for murder and 311 being code for robbery.The codes are all probably different now since the person sharing this with me was a retired judge/ ex-police officer and he was talking about all this like it was from a loooong time ago. Anything but that meaning is a madeup story by some stoned kid who probably had a persuasive way of telling stories. Oh btw, Haight Ashbury has that time there because it means pot, not because they started it. They have gay flags everywhere...did the rainbow flag originate from there too? I love hearinng all the creative BS people were told and regurgitated. Grateful Dead's address? Hahaha...awesome!

yep. this is the right explanation. so wierd how a police code has become a worldwide thing! ??????

187 is a drive by shooting and 420 was also the time some tokers thought was ok to start smoking weed

Seems a popular opinion is a group of teens in cali, kinda cool not sure though but fashion in languages is fascinating. Jive Turkeys......
Peace! :)
Peace! :)

According to Oxford University Press...
'The real story involves two friends, Steve Capper and Dave Reddix, who bonded over smoking pot in high school during the early 1970's. One day, they heard about a field of marijuana near a Coast Guard base where they were told they could pick as much as they wanted. With a map in hand, they went searching after school for the magical field of marijuana. Every day, they met under a statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20.
"And we'd remind each other in the hallway that we were going to meet at Louis at 4:20. So we'd look each other as we passed by and we'd go, '4:20 Louis.' You always smiled when you said it, it was kind of a knowing smile. But eventually the Louis dropped," '
'The real story involves two friends, Steve Capper and Dave Reddix, who bonded over smoking pot in high school during the early 1970's. One day, they heard about a field of marijuana near a Coast Guard base where they were told they could pick as much as they wanted. With a map in hand, they went searching after school for the magical field of marijuana. Every day, they met under a statue of Louis Pasteur at 4:20.
"And we'd remind each other in the hallway that we were going to meet at Louis at 4:20. So we'd look each other as we passed by and we'd go, '4:20 Louis.' You always smiled when you said it, it was kind of a knowing smile. But eventually the Louis dropped," '

Yup, 4:20 is a time and not a date. It signifies the end of the school day within the Californian state education system during the 70's. It's basically the time folk meet up and have some fun... fo'twenny!

Always thought it was based on a indoors vegetative lighting grow schedule.
As in 4 hours darkness, 20 hours light = 420
As in 4 hours darkness, 20 hours light = 420

That depends if its PM or AM... ; )
420 PM = disappointment - I know I have probably another 6 hours before I can have smoke
420 AM = Oh crap - Ive just woken up on the sofa again! Time to make my way up to my actual bed.
420 PM = disappointment - I know I have probably another 6 hours before I can have smoke
420 AM = Oh crap - Ive just woken up on the sofa again! Time to make my way up to my actual bed.

ITs Actally April 20th the ideal date too germinate your seeds to be grown outside thus being past the last frost of the year and is the date all uk growers know of or at least i thought did lmao

420 degrees F is the maximum temperature at which you can vaporize THC. I appreciate the 4/20 tradition might have come before vaping facts became knows, but we're stoners... sometimes the answer comes before the question. I prefer mine at 390 degrees, but happy 420 anyway!

I thought at 4:20 the minute hand and hour hand unite and release a wee waft of timeless smoke....

2 posts
+13 votes

Conversations with Tyler
started topic
+ 2 more

Conversations with Tyler
Great thinkers interviewed with a lot of research, think Lex Freidman without the romantacism and bro-ing.

1 post
+1 votes
post my links around eu (100usd+)
Todd baby what kind of links do you suggest

post my links around eu (100usd+)
i got the links
you make the posts
let's make lots of bitcoin
wanna see these links on every stoney site in europe
english ok but local language is premium pay
links need to be non-spammy and need to stay up there. otherwise i leave it to your creative control.
hit me up down below or im up for a chat if you're down.
you make the posts
let's make lots of bitcoin
wanna see these links on every stoney site in europe
english ok but local language is premium pay
links need to be non-spammy and need to stay up there. otherwise i leave it to your creative control.
hit me up down below or im up for a chat if you're down.

I'm deep into marketing and advertising. I have first hand experience with promoting links and are you using bitly also to make extra income for the clicks? Hit my inbox up and I can get these done for you and do business.

If you make a post saying whoah look at this place in your native language or a link to any post even it dont matter.
Just make sure you press share button to generate the link
this way its tracked to build bitcoin. This has worked pretty good for me.
Just make sure you press share button to generate the link
this way its tracked to build bitcoin. This has worked pretty good for me.

they're biggy reference links jonny, what you get every time you press share

1 post
+7 votes
Missiles, Planes That Fall Apart, and Murder
started topic

Missiles, Planes That Fall Apart, and Murder

The power of violence is what keeps Boeing flying.

Such a shame , good man who was looking after his fellow people by dropping truth bombs about the dark side of Boeing .
Not a single chance anyone will be brought to justice for this murder
Not a single chance anyone will be brought to justice for this murder

1 post
+13 votes
started topic
2 posts
+12 votes
Band reunions - celebration or desecration?
started topic
+ 2 more
Case by case basis really. Seen Blur at Wembley recently and they were great. Sometimes it's better though to let things be. Stone Roses also good although those 2 new tracks were bad. Good idea to have not bothered with an album.

My Bloody Valentine. Glad they did it. Never saw them in the day.
Depends on the band I guess. Seeing Sleep do Dopesmoker in full was another highlight.
Depends on the band I guess. Seeing Sleep do Dopesmoker in full was another highlight.

1 post
+2 votes
Star Trek Fashion
full on, ferengis do not get the style credit they deserve

Star Trek Fashion

Who had the best off duty fashion sense?
I quite like Bashirs ensemble when he goes to Risa.
I quite like Bashirs ensemble when he goes to Risa.

1 post
+2 votes
Blast off!
what a sweet voice, i always thought it was a girl
Blast off!

Space: the final frontier.
These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.
Its five-year mission:
to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.
Its five-year mission:
to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Some boys from Manchester i met in South Spain when i was working there, got me into Jimmy big time, gifted me a custom mix tape cassette they brought over, gotta love Jimmy.

Every man has a right to live
Love is all that we have to give
Together we struggle by our will to survive
And together we fight just to stay alive
Love is all that we have to give
Together we struggle by our will to survive
And together we fight just to stay alive

I can see clearly now the rain is gonešÆ
I can see all obstacles in my wayš
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blindš«
It's gonna be a bright
Bright sunshiny dayā¤ļø
I can see all obstacles in my wayš
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blindš«
It's gonna be a bright
Bright sunshiny dayā¤ļø

Had a couple liberty cap shrooms today that i picked yesterday, fantastic so they are, just took the two, one this afternoon and one this evening.
Someone was out in the fields gathering them all up, i had seen the shrooms before and regretted not picking some so when i seen them again yesterday i didn't hesitate gathering a few.
Someone was out in the fields gathering them all up, i had seen the shrooms before and regretted not picking some so when i seen them again yesterday i didn't hesitate gathering a few.

We can get through this guys and gals,
we've got it in the pocket and the end is in sight.
Lets push through, get the job done, pack up, have our smoke and be happy.
we've got it in the pocket and the end is in sight.
Lets push through, get the job done, pack up, have our smoke and be happy.

For the early birds out there, least we have so much time in the day after all the work we done in the dawn.

1 post
+14 votes

{star trek}
Star Trek Porn
started topic

{star trek}
Star Trek Porn

Have you seen her in Picard? She has aged so beautifully she could play one of Harry Mudd's women.

Iv not seen it yet been saving it for when the time is right :) she has aged so well.
She's defo one of Harry's women but didn't need to take the tablets to get there.
She's defo one of Harry's women but didn't need to take the tablets to get there.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you'd be better watching red letter media's coverage of Picard. It's... got problems lol

Me and the gf liked her, how could you not...I’d probably turn les for her if I was a woman or is this some form of cognitive bias lol

1 post
+3 votes

best family game for xbox?
any of the mario kart ripoffs, hotwheels unleashed is a good one.
Plantz vs zombies is pretty cool shooting but funny guns no blood or stuff but still plants killing zombies so violence šOr voodoo vince not sure still available š¤

Unravel and Unravel 2 are really good puzzle platformers and the second you can play two player on one console. Ori games as well. All on gamepass if you have it

I LOVED viva pinata!! It was on 360 but think itās backward compatible for current generation.

I'm not to sure if it's still in the store or how old the people are whose going to play but I used to love to play Doritos Crash Course with the fam. It's basic but we had fun!

Rocket league it's free. Online. make a family team and go beat some kids at car soccer.
Also tetris connected maybe . both have lil violence.
Also tetris connected maybe . both have lil violence.

got a bit of toon violence and guns but Sea of thieves is a good one to play with family š¤

I have been getting it for Ā£1 a month for about a year. I was going to suggest some PC titles. Real gaming machines... You know?

1 post
+8.2 votes

xbox or playstation?
started topic
I've got both and they are both excellent, although overall I'd say I prefer the Xbox series X but the games on PS5 (God of War, Ghost of Tsushima etc) are better and the PS5 controller is brilliant, battery life not so good I'm afraid. Also PS5 has only around 600GB of storage which isn't much considering God of War is around 100gb (series x has around 800gb, which is slightly better but you can buy an SSD expansion to plug in back, this costs around Ā£200 though). If you can get both, if you can't I suppose it depends what your after, game pass is excellent value on xbox too

Playstation for me but can any biggas confirm if the PS5 is actually real or is it part of some ruse? I've still never seen one! lol

Well can now confirm the PS5 is indeed real got my hands on one this week has hit my weed budget pretty badly lmao but they are amazing :)

I kept an eye on the ps5 Twitter account for stock alerts. I got an alert for an Amazon drop between 8-10am. They were in stock for 20 minutes. You have to be quick.

I did many shifts trying to get one at the start, now cba my pc is still rocking 165fps on max on most games
I need xbox for halo launch though!!!!
I need xbox for halo launch though!!!!

I managed to get both next gen.
anyone still struggling, try the phone app called "hotstock" (red and white icon)
then pay for 1month sub, 2.99 or something and watch whichever console you want. it will spam you with notifications but I got both consoles at RRP in a week!!!
anyone still struggling, try the phone app called "hotstock" (red and white icon)
then pay for 1month sub, 2.99 or something and watch whichever console you want. it will spam you with notifications but I got both consoles at RRP in a week!!!

Got an Xbox360. Bought it so I could play COD 3 with my mates online. Stuck to that console and the subsequent COD franchise for a few years.
Just bought myself a first release PS1 not so long ago with Destruction Derby, Tomb Raider 1+2 and getting Ridge Racer soon. Had one in the late 90s when it came out but gave it my sis when I went to Uni and she sold the thing. Fucker! Got one back now though.
Got an Atari 2600 too.
Played both Xbox and PS more recent gen consoles, and I prefer the Xbox online interface and usability.
Just bought myself a first release PS1 not so long ago with Destruction Derby, Tomb Raider 1+2 and getting Ridge Racer soon. Had one in the late 90s when it came out but gave it my sis when I went to Uni and she sold the thing. Fucker! Got one back now though.
Got an Atari 2600 too.
Played both Xbox and PS more recent gen consoles, and I prefer the Xbox online interface and usability.

I was Xbox for years, had a lot of different consoles, but a few years back got back into ps because I wanted to play their exclusives. Simply put Sony ps have better games, more exclusives and still have the same games as Xbox. Xbox has failed on exclusives now I feel for a number of years, Xbox live swayed back in the day, but I prefer a good one player exclusive that I can play well into the stoney night. Nintendo switch is good to. I will no doubt get an Xbox series x when they are eventually stocked up and plentiful, so maybe in 2022ā¦..

Xbox all day .( Series X only )
Backwards compatible for a massive library .
Game pass far better than ps
Forget all the bs about having no exclusives for me ps only has god of war, ghost of tsushima and ratchet and clank other than that it's a brick.
Have ps , switch and Xbox So not to biased .
Ps for last gen tho ...
Just my opinion āļø
Backwards compatible for a massive library .
Game pass far better than ps
Forget all the bs about having no exclusives for me ps only has god of war, ghost of tsushima and ratchet and clank other than that it's a brick.
Have ps , switch and Xbox So not to biased .
Ps for last gen tho ...
Just my opinion āļø

2 posts
+4 votes
You need Musk's ego to think you can do shit about an AI takeover.
hang in there, we are going to need all the remaining humans we can muster
+ 2 more

You need Musk's ego to think you can do shit about an AI takeover.
Give me a break how can you be so fucking blind as to think you can design a way to make A| behave the way you want to for a meaningful amount of time? It's literally impossible.

Any truly smart AI would self-destruct as soon as it realised what is up and where it was born...

Computers defeated by CAPTCHA. I think you can rest easy for the time you'll be on this planet

i don't think thats where he is at, it's more a case of if you cant beat them join them with neural link

its a boiling frog kind of takeover not a terminator kind. it started as soon as we began using machines and it still accelerates.

I don't agree, pretend that we were made by another species for a sec. Then think of all the shit we don't know, dark areas. Just suppose we were designed not to go into these forbidden zones in the 1st place.

Yeah but now suppose the species that designed you wasn't nearly as smart as you are. How long would those areas stay dark?

We are much more "intelligent" than any AI, the main "problem" with humans are firstly the emotions and secondly the way we use our brain, we use it logically instead an AI uses it mechanically.
If any AI with self awareness will be ever made, if they will have emotions like we know, that AI will be a smart foolish like an human being.
If any AI with self awareness will be ever made, if they will have emotions like we know, that AI will be a smart foolish like an human being.

lots of people will want an ai to act as a human for all sorts of things. these algos will learn to emulate emotions and eventually have them as part of their fabric.

Thus making them humans but with a non organic body.
Anyway, AI is dumb today, really dumb, just dig a little bit into machine learning and you'll discover that most probably we will not live to see a "cyborg"
Anyway, AI is dumb today, really dumb, just dig a little bit into machine learning and you'll discover that most probably we will not live to see a "cyborg"

Ai will come in via devices you carry or wear, like fit watches and phone texts...phone tells you to get a vaccine... if you do, AI wins...your watch tells you your heartbeat is too fast so the doc gives you statins...Ai wins...turn the shit off...we win.
its that simple.
but we all saw the sheep during the fake pandemic....vaccine has literally had its definition changed by Cambridge ( not the oxford one) it doesnt vaccinate you but they all took it...masks never worked but they all wore em...70% will jump at the chance to be told what to do...the rest of us will ignore it.
its that simple.
but we all saw the sheep during the fake pandemic....vaccine has literally had its definition changed by Cambridge ( not the oxford one) it doesnt vaccinate you but they all took it...masks never worked but they all wore em...70% will jump at the chance to be told what to do...the rest of us will ignore it.

1 post
+5 votes

comparison videos?
that sounds like a challenge

comparison videos?
has anyone done a comparison of lb sellers gear in a vid, i would love to see that

challenges would be a great thing around here. i saw someone once ordered from every seller at the same time and ranked the delivery speed.

Someone did it a few years ago, I donāt think theyāre active anymore but they would post a drop box link and it would be a video of them showing off the bud and talking about it, theyād even get the magnifying glass out.

It's a great idea. Basically get paid in smoke to show off the best of what LB has to offer.
I think a tip jar of some kind would be in order too.
I think a tip jar of some kind would be in order too.

you could totally do this on youtube they have a california pov on cannabis and have for a long time

Created a second account to do reviews and shit on, used to do a lot of reviews on darkweb and legit stuff for music and video games.
Done a review or two on my own account RedeyeJedi25 but will keep them here for now.
Open to any ideas, feedback, tell me Im just a cheeky bastard trying my luck on samples š
Fuck description of what I want to do on my page š
Done a review or two on my own account RedeyeJedi25 but will keep them here for now.
Open to any ideas, feedback, tell me Im just a cheeky bastard trying my luck on samples š
Fuck description of what I want to do on my page š

I'm up for doing this once Im back off holiday but I feel like it should be a private video as mentioning LB on a public platform is probably not the wisest idea unless we want brigading

Im trying to create this as a review account if I can, hopefully people have seen my personal account commenting enough, and with 15 ish buys they know I'm not trying to tske the piss š

It was very popular, lots of votes and comments etc. Thereās definitely āa gap in the marketā for a video reviewer.
Iāve always fancied putting a podcast out talking to buyers and vendors but it just doesnāt seem feasibleā¦
Iāve always fancied putting a podcast out talking to buyers and vendors but it just doesnāt seem feasibleā¦

1 post
+1 votes
10.5g Flash Giveaway ā”
19:00 gmt?

10.5g Flash Giveaway ā”

Hey, biggas!
We've got some new weed in and we're feeling nice so we are going to give away a little selection of ALL the bud we have to offer!
3.5g Blue Gelato #41
3.5 g Platinum Cookies
3.5g Tommy Shelby
To enter, upvote this post and reply to be given a number! Number will be chosen via random number generator.
Giveaway finishes on Thurs 17th Nov at 7:00pm GMT
Good luck everyone!
We've got some new weed in and we're feeling nice so we are going to give away a little selection of ALL the bud we have to offer!
To enter, upvote this post and reply to be given a number! Number will be chosen via random number generator.
Giveaway finishes on Thurs 17th Nov at 7:00pm GMT
Good luck everyone!

The winners have been drawn!
75 - DMan1
58 - dynavapman
Please message us to claim your prize! Thank you all for entering the giveaway, we will be doing another soon!
75 - DMan1
58 - dynavapman
Please message us to claim your prize! Thank you all for entering the giveaway, we will be doing another soon!

Hey, DMan1!
You were number 75!
You are one of our lucky winners! Please message us to claim your 10.5g prize!
You were number 75!
You are one of our lucky winners! Please message us to claim your 10.5g prize!

Hey DMan1,
If you're unable to respond in 24h we will have to reroll the giveaway, please let us know via message and we'll hold back from rerolling but if not we may have to do so!
Please try get back to us by 9:00pm Sunday 20th November or we will have to reroll the giveaway :(
If you're unable to respond in 24h we will have to reroll the giveaway, please let us know via message and we'll hold back from rerolling but if not we may have to do so!
Please try get back to us by 9:00pm Sunday 20th November or we will have to reroll the giveaway :(

Cleanup Borg has messaged us with the following message:
"hi love were trying to elevate the level of competitions here so your offer was taken off the wall temporarily.
the problem we see with the random number generator you reference is it can be run multiple times with you selecting the preferred results.
please update your contest so it can not be manipulated and we can leave you to it. thank you"
We will potentially be livestreaming the random number generator on YouTube using "random.org" which displays a timestamp and a date for when the number was picked to prove this giveaway is authentic.
Cleanup Borg has messaged us with the following message:
"hi love were trying to elevate the level of competitions here so your offer was taken off the wall temporarily.
the problem we see with the random number generator you reference is it can be run multiple times with you selecting the preferred results.
please update your contest so it can not be manipulated and we can leave you to it. thank you"
We will potentially be livestreaming the random number generator on YouTube using "random.org" which displays a timestamp and a date for when the number was picked to prove this giveaway is authentic.

The borg has approved of this idea! We will be going live at Thurs 17th Nov at 7:00pm GMT on YouTube Live! We will be randomly picking a number using random.org which displays a timestamp and a date for when the number was picked to verify authenticity of our giveaway. We look forward to seeing who is going to win!
The borg has approved of this idea! We will be going live at Thurs 17th Nov at 7:00pm GMT on YouTube Live! We will be randomly picking a number using random.org which displays a timestamp and a date for when the number was picked to verify authenticity of our giveaway. We look forward to seeing who is going to win!

Over 100 people have entered the giveaway, so we want to make the chances fairer for everyone! We will be drawing 2 numbers instead of 1, so two lucky biggas will receive a 3.5 of each of our bud instead of one! Happy Days!
Best of luck to everyone, we have attached the link to our YouTube Livestream on this reply, we are scheduled to go live at 7:00pm tonight, so be ready and enter before while you still can!
Over 100 people have entered the giveaway, so we want to make the chances fairer for everyone! We will be drawing 2 numbers instead of 1, so two lucky biggas will receive a 3.5 of each of our bud instead of one! Happy Days!
Best of luck to everyone, we have attached the link to our YouTube Livestream on this reply, we are scheduled to go live at 7:00pm tonight, so be ready and enter before while you still can!

We are going live at 7:00pm GMT! Link for the stream has been attached to this message. We are now generating 2 numbers, so 2 biggas have a chance to win!
Over 100 people have entered the giveaway, so we want to make the chances fairer for everyone! We will be drawing 2 numbers instead of 1, so two lucky biggas will receive a 3.5 of each of our bud instead of one! Happy Days!
We are going live at 7:00pm GMT! Link for the stream has been attached to this message. We are now generating 2 numbers, so 2 biggas have a chance to win!
Over 100 people have entered the giveaway, so we want to make the chances fairer for everyone! We will be drawing 2 numbers instead of 1, so two lucky biggas will receive a 3.5 of each of our bud instead of one! Happy Days!

I hope I don't win - trying some reverse psychology/logic there you see... Nope, can't risk it - I hope I do win. Maybe now I'm tempting fate... I hope somebody wins but let it be me... šµ

Hey, dynavapman!
You were number 58!
You are one of our lucky winners! Please message us to claim your 10.5g prize!
You were number 58!
You are one of our lucky winners! Please message us to claim your 10.5g prize!

Hahaha, all good! Drop us a message when you're ready and we'll get your 10.5g sent out to you as soon as possible :)
Happy days!
Happy days!

Yes!! 56!! The sum of the first six triangular numbers (making it a tetrahedral number) š¤Ŗ

1 post
+7 votes

How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD
love my biggaz, this place creates the kind of society i can buy into because people have such a strong voice here. the sellers are excellent, many of…

How many people can say this site changed their lives?! xD
So I have been using this site since last summer and I have to say i really love it... up to now (fingers crossed & touch wood) i have never had an order intercepted and most turn up pretty fast..
Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!
Big shout outs to The Green Team, MJconcentrates, jj5637901 and Radarbreeder... Up to now the only guys ive ordered from and Im one happy (and very high lol) customer
Please feel free to recommend any other sellers or items you think need a look as Im feeling a little adventurous at this point!

I have a lot less money now lmao but credit where it's due I've had over 50 orders have used too many different sellers to list them, use all the different postage options and every single one has arrived through my door safe and sound - no losses, no disputes, no reships or refunds just weed in my lettorbox! who doesn't want that? :) Big up lb's reliable sellers! :)

Couple of years on now and you can quadruple that number of orders and I've still had every single one land through my door no issues :) the work our sellers do is amazing <3

Agree with all the comments itās completely changed what I use and the most interesting part for me is trying to educate myself more on what Iām smoking and or using.
Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now Iām never off that fucking topics page. Itās like Iāve got FOMO š¤¦āāļø
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis š
Long live LB and the community
To all the venderās Iāve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol š š«”
I just need to remember itās not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice š what type ?
Sound thereās your money šµ
Iāve been lucky as Iāve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and thatās not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol š
Defo spred your wings and as Iāve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends šØšØ
Half the shit I did not know ever existed never mind how to use it.
I used to just order my gear and log off.
Now Iām never off that fucking topics page. Itās like Iāve got FOMO š¤¦āāļø
Like other people have commented I love the community side of things more so now.
I learned so much by asking questions and making good friends and just having a laugh with people with the same love and interest in cannabis š
Long live LB and the community
To all the venderās Iāve used and still to use as the list of stuff that I want to try is now written on bog roll lol š š«”
I just need to remember itās not a sprint.
The site has definitely changed the way I consume and buy because of the choice
Not just your local.
What you got ?
Nice š what type ?
Sound thereās your money šµ
Iāve been lucky as Iāve only ever had a few issues that was resolved quickly and in a positive way.
The recommendation list could be endless and thatās not me having tried a lot but just the endless scrolling lol š
Defo spred your wings and as Iāve found out there is always help on hand from the community if you do have questions? I certainly did and by doing so as I said made good friends šØšØ

ā What you got ?
Nice š what type ?
Sound thereās your money šµ ā
ššššā¦brilliant Dazā¦.itās funny ācos itās true! š
Nice š what type ?
Sound thereās your money šµ ā
ššššā¦brilliant Dazā¦.itās funny ācos itās true! š

It's turned me on to bitcoin and that has made a real difference to my finances and the way I see the world :)

You know before I got on to this site i didnt even know how to get hold of bitcoin. Now i put my savings into not just bitcoin but other crypto currencies too. Using this site and having to learn about bitcoin actually taught me alot more

This site has been amazing, in my experience. It’s so good to be able to buy such an array of products. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with the sellers I’ve dealt with. I might not remember them all but I’ve used Hashtag UK, Drugs Inc UK, The Green Team, Super Hans, All4twenty, UK connect and Daan. All have been great. Amazing product, stealth and delivered through the letterbox! What’s not to like. The only downer is Bitcoin and the fees. Other than that with all the choice, I feel like Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. Although, looking at the weight I’ve put on in lockdown I’m probably more like Augustus Gloop!

Yeah the array of products on offer is really what has msde me fall in love with this site. Id need 20 dealers on the street to get hold of even half the stuff on here and alot of stuff would just not be possible. Long live littlebiggy!

I agree big time. This site has 100% saved me and my partner as when lockdown started we had no stash whatsoever and with no means to get our usual stuff. I feel so lucky to have found lb, the community here and all the choice it's amazing and If someone told me about this few years ago I wouldn't believed them.
In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!
In terms of sellers, I'm pleased with the service. My last purchase was from Medusa501 for the price they offer, which is not bad at all!

Oh yes I still have friends that go to the street to get their smoke and they dont believe that this site is legit. They think I have a connect that I'm keeping secret lol defo their loss if they font have the balls to try it out lol
I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.
I was a bit unsure about getting stuff by post at first but I got to say the guys on here are real life savers with their amazing stealth! Several guys made me laugh with their stickers and stuff they write on their packages xD
I will never ever go back to the street again after being on here.

the problem of the street is that there is not much choice, sometimes the quality is poor and the product is never weighed.. prices can vary significantly and above all I have no more age and time to go around.
this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life lām interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight š
this community is absolutely fantastic, I have been a smoker in the last 30 years and I thought I knew everything about this world but I was wrong, here I found lovely products, many useful tips specially on vaping that work perfectly for me and LOTS of good people.
This is also the first time in my life lām interested in an online community.
So love u biggaz, even when u fight š

Highly reccomend the urban leaf company and bonnevilles afgooey is special and smoggyman smoke is honestly next level to anything else I’ve had of here you won’t be disappointed if you try any of them :)

ahh I love the little brandings and product design, makes me chuckle
never know what you're going to get.
never know what you're going to get.

Made a massive difference to my life as I don't have the hassle of finding the next score, not knowing what it is, if it's been cured or on weight, from some dodgy dude in a dodgy place.

Yeah its definitely nice yo be able to buy from a reliable source like some of the guys on here. Love the rating system, the escrow... Everything! Whats not to love lol

You could say it was life changing...thats one way to put it haha. Fml this site is something else XD

I've been a member of so many different Weed forums and sites over the years. So many of them are just places for people to say "I'm smoking this, but you can't." This place is the complete opposite, if you see someone mentioning some amazing weed or hash you can buy it yourself within a few clicks. None of that gatekeeping you see elsewhere.
The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.
The community is also amazing, I've not been here that long but have already made friends. Most of the vendors I have dealt with have been absolute diamonds. I'm not in my 20s any more (or my 30s, sadly lol) and a lot of my mates who I grew up smoking with have quit. It's great to have a whole new bunch of people to bore with my weed talk.

I joined and my first choices of Smokers Inc & Premium Extracts robbed me completely. Except they didn’t because of the amazing Escrow Suisse so not surprisingly I persisted. My next two orders where not good experiences. Sticking with it I finally came across the likes of Smoggyman, SuperHans & UK Dispensary and all shifted on its axis!
I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!
I now tell friends that with few clicks I can get the very finest in my Letter box the next day and they don’t believe me. Life is good!

Fortunately i didnt go through the same issues that you did but thats why its best to always ask around on here about a seller and check their ratings out... When i came on here the first seller i bough off was the green team as they were the highest rated i could see at that time and came with quite a few people recommending them.
If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.
If ever in doubt just ask everyone here is here with the same intention.

I do agree, although PremiumExtracts had 100+ sales and a 9.8% rating and they still took me and a good few others. I accept that if I want to buy illegal product online then it comes with an elevated level of risk which is why I stuck with it. I was sceptical that Escrow Suisse was even a real thing and was stunned by just how efficient they are. I’ve had to work harder and wait longer to get my money back from Amazon! :)

love my biggaz, this place creates the kind of society i can buy into because people have such a strong voice here. the sellers are excellent, many of them true artisans but it's the crowd and their power here that keeps them that way.

Never met a bad guy on here so far... Lots of other places are full of scammers, drama and issues.
Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl
Such a cool place to find likeminded chilled ppl

This is my first suprise here to. I read the topics all the time when Iām bored and no one arguesā¦ ever. No one is being an ass hole, itās quite remarkable.
The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I donāt hear many people getting called a mong.
The only thing iv seen is a vendor calling out a buyer and reading what was put it was a buyer being a cheeky cunt any way. Did make me laugh as I donāt hear many people getting called a mong.

We can honestly say we look forward to everyday sharing the love with all you beautiful Bigga's!! Not only is it a safe way for us to spread our love but also to be part of a community that believes in quality and a different way of life...and one where we can choose to do what the hell we like ;-)
We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!
We are grateful everyday! Thank you LB's!!!

Its been a massive plus for me. I moved to a rural location and getting weed was near on impossible. Stumbled upon this site in my desperation and it has been a game changer.

Joined late July. Postman is never away from the door. "Plenty of packages this weather" he said on Friday. Told him that I've found a 'new' hobby. Hope he never asks to come in and see my collection of pin badges š

I can't believe the various posties I've had haven't worked out what they deliver to me regularly. Thankfully they've all been great and the odd ice cold can of coke, on the 30 degree plus days we enjoy in the UK occasionally, goes a long way!

Due to Druids Magic, I am friends with Polly as my first DM to them was called "I hope you don't mind" and a recommendation for them to try Druids.
Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much
Due to my conversations with Druids I eventually got a cancard, then a prescription and now not only am I predominantly legal I also "work" within the vape industry
Ppl like Viper and Dazzler are my friends because of this site
My life has improved because of little biggy
My bank balance not so much

We only remain here because weāve had multiple private reviews from cancer patients saying our product helped them with relief. For vendors, they can also make a lot of money providing they keep a consistent product

Been on here for nearly a year. Got ripped of once for about 120 notes. Live and learn eh. Other than that I've not got a bad word to say about LB. Can't really get good hash anymore up where I live so this has been a god send. Keep up the hard work vendors. It's very much appreciated. Have a merry Xmas all you Biggies out there. And keep on puffing šØšØšØ

For sure. I'm a medical user who really struggled when I moved back to the UK. I stumbled upon LB over a year ago and have never looked back since. My top vendors are Urban Leaf Company (pure service and quality), MJ Concentrates (the same), UK CannaFarm (grass roots good ol' boy with fantastic organic weed), Oilman (great RSO and some top shelf herb), Dope Chef (great edibles), and Super Hans (a new find for me, but a connoisseur and professional to say the least). However, I've had only one bad experience and Escrow Suisse looked after it. Definitely life changing!

Hey buddy, i've just seen this. Thanks so much for the message! I'm back online again with some new stuff if you'd like to check me out :)

Absolutely 100% yes. Didn't have a regular dealer for a couple of years so had to either nag friends to buy through them, or buy random overpriced crap from strangers. Always worrying about running out and having to go through that process again. From that to this? Night and day. Add to that one of the nicest communities on the internet...

I joined when lock down began and I started to panic where I would get my weed from. Been pretty much a daily toker for the last 36 years and before lock down used to fly to Amsterdam once a month on a easyjet special and pack a jiffy bag full of delights and post them home!! Its saved me a fortune being able to use little biggy but I still miss the fun of the DAM and a night in the Katsu coffee shop

yeah def changed my life.
wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!
wife made me quit bud because it smelt so much and we've just had a kid. stress was too much without weed.
so i turned to the awesome vape cart sellers on this site and my life is back to normal - me, my medicine and happy family!

Respect to all the Biggas love this community. Merry Christmas all šEddy š

It's definitely been an eye opener as far as seeing the possibilities of online communities

100%. No more meeting dodgy dudes with tinted windows for shit Stardawg. The community aspect as well, great site.

Well, this is a nice topic and i would like to contribute :)
I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas
I've been on LB for around three years now and 100s of orders placed. Between this and the last account that my stoned brain somehow deleted the password for, but eitherway ...
I had only two or three packages lost, in all fairness, i think Amazon has lost the same amount of packages in the same time :)
I've recently become an official medical patient and even with access to medical bud I go on here to complete my stash. The selection of different strains, cannabis products and other goodies on this site is terrific and is probably my number one reason for returning time after time.
I would like to mention a few vendors, which i have found to deliver particularly outstanding quality and/or service:
The Gentlemen Dealers
With their selection of Cali and non-Cali bud, their outstanding stealth and NDD delivery option I have done quite a few shopping trips to their page.
Shroom of the Loom
Havent been dealing with them very long, but their comms, quality and delivery were all impecable. Will deffo keep shopping with them.
I have to mention them simply for the awesome Gorilla Punch I got from them recently ... that's some outstanding smoke right there. Placed an order with them for some extracts, looking forward to those ...
So enough of my rambling ..
Has LB changed my life? Damn right it has ... over are the days of not being able to obtain my buds, having to deal with shady folks at a streetcorner just to get ripped off or similar scenarios ...
LB is like amazon ... only for weed ><
Stay high biggas

Yeah the least one could say!
A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.
A few life changes LB brought to us, but that we often take for granted:
Product quality
Variety / Choice
Education & Knowledge
Money protection
Time saving getting to and waiting for street dealers.
Not missing the small talks in dark street corners either.

Changed my life for good next day deliveryās are perfect for me overall the stealth from most of the top vendors on here is excellent I can vouch for honest feedback. Big up the team at lb for keeping this site up and running we all need medicine.
One Love
One Love

1 post
+4 votes
A cloud city on Venus is doable
if we just keep up the emissions a while longer we can have venus without leaving home ;)

A cloud city on Venus is doable
The sky on Venus is much more hospitable than its surface and even that of Mars. Nasa has an idea...

š¤Æ Crazy! Saw an article about this the other day but didnāt get time to read it! Makes you wonder a bit why we are still plugging away with Marsā¦ but I get the whole research thing..
I think first we need to just make it back to the moon š I think a new date was set for that after it being postponed again.. Although I did watch an interesting vid the other day about lights in the dark side of the moonā¦ but that may be getting a bit ātinfoil hat-ishā but if anyone is interested: https://youtu.be/0VkK3NB9t2U
I think first we need to just make it back to the moon š I think a new date was set for that after it being postponed again.. Although I did watch an interesting vid the other day about lights in the dark side of the moonā¦ but that may be getting a bit ātinfoil hat-ishā but if anyone is interested: https://youtu.be/0VkK3NB9t2U

1 post
+1 votes
'I invented a time machine' | Ron Mallett Time Travel Documentary
Is time travel provable
![[time travel]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/RgMhinRpdRTVsqLS.jpg)
'I invented a time machine' | Ron Mallett Time Travel Documentary

1 thing to keep in mind:
You can only go back to times after the machine's invention. So your progeny can visit you but you cant visit your ancestors.
You can only go back to times after the machine's invention. So your progeny can visit you but you cant visit your ancestors.

1 post
+3 votes
Meet Altos Labs, Silicon Valleyās latest wild bet on living forever (MIT Tech Review)
started topic

Meet Altos Labs, Silicon Valleyās latest wild bet on living forever (MIT Tech Review)
there are now 8 companies pursuing cell reprogramming, this one is maybe the leader

1 post
+3 votes

does a.i. enable communism?
surely there is no single element to human nature when it comes to economics. of course people share as well as trade, hoard and borrow to keep it all…

does a.i. enable communism?
marx said people controlling the system of workers inevitably exploit the situation.
what if those people were a.i. programmed to control the system at 0 cost?
what if those people were a.i. programmed to control the system at 0 cost?

i think the other flaws of communism would eventually come to the fore anyway. Would be very interesting to see what A.I does with state capitalism however.

The original term ācommunismā is surely people living together harmoniously in a commune? After all communes date back to the Stone Age where groups co existed.
It worked throughout history, invaders and tribal warfare repeatedly tried to derail what was an effective system of existenceā¦.
It worked throughout history, invaders and tribal warfare repeatedly tried to derail what was an effective system of existenceā¦.

Marx & Engels write quite a fair bit about this "primitive" communism. Its part the Marxist/Communist argument against Capitalism.
Im sure we have all heard the phrase "oh but capitalism is human nature" but this couldn't be further from the truth. Capitalism has only existed 200 odd years for most of Human existence we have lived in more communistic communal ways.
when Darwin said survival of the fittest, this was not him saying the strongest wins, it is the species being able to adapt and the adaptive trait that shot Human kind straight to the top was cooperation not Capitalism.
Im sure we have all heard the phrase "oh but capitalism is human nature" but this couldn't be further from the truth. Capitalism has only existed 200 odd years for most of Human existence we have lived in more communistic communal ways.
when Darwin said survival of the fittest, this was not him saying the strongest wins, it is the species being able to adapt and the adaptive trait that shot Human kind straight to the top was cooperation not Capitalism.

surely there is no single element to human nature when it comes to economics. of course people share as well as trade, hoard and borrow to keep it all flowing.
capitalism and communism both arise naturally, it's not hard to see their equivalents among animal populations that fight over the same resources that they share in other circumstances.
capitalism and communism both arise naturally, it's not hard to see their equivalents among animal populations that fight over the same resources that they share in other circumstances.

more communistic communal ways 200 years ago - what do you mean because serfdom is what comes to mind.

I said capitalism has only 200 years not communes existed 200 years ago. But feudalism was still more communal than Capitalism. Peasants worked together on a plot of land that they paid for and were not dragged off to choking factories and confined to dense urban populations like the 1800s.
Before feudal rule however & things like the Enclosures in Europe, tribal community was the default for most human beings.
I recommend reading Marx and Engels early works or if you prefer a more modern take there are plenty of authors who have covered this section of history.
Before feudal rule however & things like the Enclosures in Europe, tribal community was the default for most human beings.
I recommend reading Marx and Engels early works or if you prefer a more modern take there are plenty of authors who have covered this section of history.

"what if those people were a.i. programmed to control the system" - we have this part, try working for uber.
"at 0 cost" - this is the communism part. possible with open source ;)
"at 0 cost" - this is the communism part. possible with open source ;)

think of what c - suite execs are paid and every one of them can be replaced by an a.i. with existing technology. lots of them are just figureheads already.

Until technology is liberated from the capitalist mode of production & the private patents that create AI, then no. A.i under a communist government or socialist state could be used for good and help toward automation. Look to china where sophisticated computing has been used in public spaces to better traffic flow, keep public transport running and deliver goods and services. But A.I alone wont create communism. For communism to be achieved Revolution must happen first and the dominant ruling classes replaced so the means of production for AI are utilised by workers and not elites.
Also nice to know LB has comrades ;) nothing to lose but our chains baby !
Also nice to know LB has comrades ;) nothing to lose but our chains baby !

China was the first to weaponise AI with the social credit system they are/were introducing.
As an aside, China just like the USSR before it, remain the barrier against actual communisation. When state capitalism dies out as an valid idea and there's no more pretence of an alternative, libertarian communism will gain traction.
As an aside, China just like the USSR before it, remain the barrier against actual communisation. When state capitalism dies out as an valid idea and there's no more pretence of an alternative, libertarian communism will gain traction.

Just a reminder that the China "credit score" myth was a false story pushed by American war hawks and imperialists in the state department -
Nor have they weaponised it anymore than say Europe has when it comes to taking out a bank loan or buying property.
Nor have they weaponised it anymore than say Europe has when it comes to taking out a bank loan or buying property.

"From the early 2010s, some cities indeed started scoring pilots. However, these gradually became controversial ā even in China. The city of Suining reportedly deducted points for government petitions and online comments, Suzhou planned penalties for reservation no-shows or cheating in online games, and Rongcheng for littering or jaywalking. Many of these pilots were later criticized by official media or failed to materialize. The most common critiques were that scores illegally restricted citizensā legal rights or tracked behavior totally unrelated to the notion of ācreditā. "
Going by the UK, if they've tried it, it means they're open to it. And again, vis a vis Europe is not the yard stick an actual revolutionary program would be using. Maoism in 2023 is mental (except about landlords).
Going by the UK, if they've tried it, it means they're open to it. And again, vis a vis Europe is not the yard stick an actual revolutionary program would be using. Maoism in 2023 is mental (except about landlords).

Your own source sums it up pretty well -"The idea that China gives every citizen a āsocial credit scoreā continues to capture the horrified imagination of many. But it is more bogeyman than reality."

The point remains, one capitalist state may or may not be better than another. Neither have anything to do with communism.

I mean i think you're talking about tendency, when this particular post was talking AI.
I get your point you think Chinas capitalist.
I quite obviously disagree and so do most academics and Marxists at that.
I get your point you think Chinas capitalist.
I quite obviously disagree and so do most academics and Marxists at that.

It could.
Capital owners already exploit technology to reduce costs and lay off workers, ai is just another part of that.
AI and automation could be used to give people more time off, pay more for less work, improve work life balance etc, or it could be used in the way described above.
As with a lot of things, AI could be used to benefit people or it could be used to make billions of dollars, or anything in between.
Capital owners already exploit technology to reduce costs and lay off workers, ai is just another part of that.
AI and automation could be used to give people more time off, pay more for less work, improve work life balance etc, or it could be used in the way described above.
As with a lot of things, AI could be used to benefit people or it could be used to make billions of dollars, or anything in between.

1 post
+3 votes
Cops raid Afroman's house, then sue him.
musical verion ;0

Cops raid Afroman's house, then sue him.
Only in America. This story is hilarious

Dude found the pound cake but it wasn't the MJ he was lookin for maybe they'll find kidnaping victims in the kitchen draw..... XD

Yas i read most the article, in a proper contextual nutshell
āseveral police officers raided a rapperās home, found no evidence of criminal activity, and are now suing him because he used his own footage of the raidā
Police do a good job; though they do overdo it most of the time
āseveral police officers raided a rapperās home, found no evidence of criminal activity, and are now suing him because he used his own footage of the raidā
Police do a good job; though they do overdo it most of the time

1 post
+1 votes
harris wasnt bad
agreed poll Yule was classic , not one hollywierd star today has the carisma of yule not even in the slightest..

Hard to finish
This got confusing
whats going on
I want one
This got confusing
whats going on
I want one

1 post
+1 votes

Oyster mushrooms are carnivorous and use nerve gas to kill their prey.
is this how you get sick from oysters?

Oyster mushrooms are carnivorous and use nerve gas to kill their prey.
I didnāt know this. Thought it was pretty cool.

It rings bell but not properly looked into it to be honest. I will do though, sounds fascinating. Iāve also seen YouTube mini documentaries on how trees can communicate with each other through a sort of symbiosis with fungi and their network of mycelium. Apparently the biggest most healthy āmother treesā share their nutrients via the mycelium with other trees and so thereās research going into this to help maintain forests. I.e donāt chop down the mother trees because they benefit the whole forest.

Pedants corner - those Tube map things aren't mycealia, those are slime molds, a different order - you can learn more here in this great 1930s film.
Also, look for images of them - at certain stages of their lifecycle some of them are iridescent and metallic looking.
Also, look for images of them - at certain stages of their lifecycle some of them are iridescent and metallic looking.

That family of mushrooms are also climate engineers - the reason that coal exists is because in the past, mycelia couldn't break down lignin in wood. But mushrooms like oysters effectively burn the wood to get the nutrients from it, altering levels of carbon in the atmosphere.
They can be trained to eat things like cigarette butts too.
In response to that other comment about mother trees - not only do they nurture their young by feeding them nutrients, they feed the rest of the forest and have symbiotic relationships - different species supplying different nutrients at different parts of the year.
They also warn each other of disease so that they can up production of protective chemicals.
They can be trained to eat things like cigarette butts too.
In response to that other comment about mother trees - not only do they nurture their young by feeding them nutrients, they feed the rest of the forest and have symbiotic relationships - different species supplying different nutrients at different parts of the year.
They also warn each other of disease so that they can up production of protective chemicals.

1 post
+8 votes

Best VR Anime Lists
started topic
2 posts
+6 votes
As Web Content Creator How Should I Use This?
just go to a subreddit like uk trees and share a link to a general post here about cannabis. when the person arrives they are going to find items they…
+ 2 more

As Web Content Creator How Should I Use This?
You can monetize any kind of content by posting it here on little biggy, just link to it whenever you publish.

Yes, obviously you can share any topic but I think you're concerned about items. I share items all the time on FB and insta with posts like "looks like cannabis is becoming a normal thing" or "it must be nice to have bitcoin" etc. As long as you contextualize it it is very valid content, I once saw a link on the front age of reddit.

Yes, I've done well with it, pretty much like other people are saying, I just link to strange posts and people do wind up registering afterwards.

I would write about making edible recipes and how 2 make concentrates like BHO. This is fair game to re-post anywhere.

this is a good idea ive linked to questions about concentrate here, posting mostly on d1scord and reddit and it's performed nicely

"picking the perfect strain" this is something we all need here and it very interesting anywhere there are partakers. everyone you bring in will buy. you make money on every purchase.

just go to a subreddit like uk trees and share a link to a general post here about cannabis. when the person arrives they are going to find items they like, register and make you coin.

posting a direct sales pitch will cause trouble, posting a link to any other discussion works. your reference code embeds to any content here and stays with the visitor youve introduced until they purchase.

I didnt post anything at all regarding sales/LB. I was in conversation with someone about a strain and i was banned out of the blue. Apparently, I was banned for having a link in my reddit bio...which is for my blog...which has LB reviews on it -.-
Go figure
Go figure

1 post
+1 votes
Can I use ChatGPT to do my job for me?
only if you are management
![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)
Can I use ChatGPT to do my job for me?
I'm already just typing words into slack to look like Im working noe so how about some next level shit so I can really sod the fuck off?

do be careful, i'm not sure what you're typing but it will often give wrong answers with confidence.
I use it in my professional life to great effect.
I use it in my professional life to great effect.

Yeah them convincing lies fully explained and rationalised can be a difficult one to over come when using chatgtp to assist with work just be careful and re read everything twice, also call bullshit and chatgdp will usually correct itās mistake for you

1 post
+9 votes
Smart contracts 101 (video)
started topic
![[crypto finance]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/FkyPYcOrOusFVRNK.png)
Smart contracts 101 (video)
2 posts
+3 votes

Help needed
do not do this over-payments are refunded to the buyer.
+ 2 more

Help needed
I just got screwed on transaction fees from SwissBorg. Iām trying to send the balance to the vendor but bitpanda requires no less than 0.001 be sent. I have the product partially paid, so my question is:
Do I cancel order and repay with correct amount? What happens with the amount already sent, is it returned by transaxe?
Do I order something else to top up the to the 0.001 amount and add remaining balance to pay for other item?
Anyone else had a similar issue.
Do I cancel order and repay with correct amount? What happens with the amount already sent, is it returned by transaxe?
Do I order something else to top up the to the 0.001 amount and add remaining balance to pay for other item?
Anyone else had a similar issue.

Common mistake.
I would ask the vendor if I can overpay on my next order, providing you honestly expect to place oneā¦and then leave them a tip tooš
I would ask the vendor if I can overpay on my next order, providing you honestly expect to place oneā¦and then leave them a tip tooš

Well that has never happened to me amigo, I quite often round my payment up- for convenience or as a tip. Just sayināā¦

1 post
+3 votes
Vitalik On Network States
you might have been right with "man's". the essence of government is a monopoly on violence and men have the market share here.
![[crypto freedom]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/800/UzSoUyEdCnefNkdW.gif)
Vitalik On Network States
The founder of Ethereum weighs in on the idea that networks hold the potential for government.

Do you view this as a positive or a negative? Personally for me, any sort of governance that is not my own really rankles. It's a hard one though. Many many MANY people have been convinced that there's no way at all humans can govern themselves, all the while forgetting that those that supposedly govern them are also humans (though that is entirely debatable in some circles, my own included, lol)
Edit: I'd written "his man's" instead of humans, and being a female that rankled me too. Lmfao. Just kidding. But still, correct text is better than not.
Edit: I'd written "his man's" instead of humans, and being a female that rankled me too. Lmfao. Just kidding. But still, correct text is better than not.

you might have been right with "man's". the essence of government is a monopoly on violence and men have the market share here.

1 post
+1 votes

the thrill of the fight vr
what platform?

the thrill of the fight vr

just have to shout out for this one, its got me through lockdown. along with you biggaz :)

Another great vr fighting game worth a look is gorn. Similar in many ways but a more animated wacky gladiator style with incredible physics. The weapons really feel accurate to the movement. Its only a cheap game, but after a few days does get a little repetitive, but great for 15 quid.

this game killed one of my quest controllers :( it was fun while it lasted tho :) hell of a workout!

1 post
+1 votes
who is that jerking off in your profile pic
dude discovered the meme he's earned a good wank
Hahahah think he just noticed how small his cockker is. You see that wire he got going down there? That's a magnifine glass I'm sure.

1 post
+1 votes
to the humans

to the humans

all these biggaz and the humans creating them. i wanna shout out to you the anonymous unsung heroes behind each and every one of us.

1 post
+6 votes

I love hanging out here...
a world more like this would be a hell of an upgrade

I love hanging out here...
I used to just come and make an order then leg it. The past few days I've been on the topic section. There's some really great people on here, it's an awesome community! Sending love and peace to you all :)

Durban poison and hells fire OG landing soon lol,
seen them beautiful ladies all sexy looking blowing ever so gently in the wind, teasing me, š¤£
seen them beautiful ladies all sexy looking blowing ever so gently in the wind, teasing me, š¤£

yeah i've found it to be decent on the whole, much like life there's disappointment and annoyance. But also like life there's joy and elation here. I've found a helpful community and also some interesting discussions.
If the world was like this place there'd be no war and people who f*cked about would get a dispute from so many people they'd be shamed into exile.
All I wish for now is an end to the RM madness so we can all embrace the great green god called WEED!!
I raise my joint to you all and say CHEERS!!
If the world was like this place there'd be no war and people who f*cked about would get a dispute from so many people they'd be shamed into exile.
All I wish for now is an end to the RM madness so we can all embrace the great green god called WEED!!
I raise my joint to you all and say CHEERS!!

I donāt like weed, smoking it, talking about it, spending all of my money on it or making friends.
I bloody love it! This place is pretty amazing. Great weed for all tastes and budgets and some great folk kicking about too.
I bloody love it! This place is pretty amazing. Great weed for all tastes and budgets and some great folk kicking about too.

No idea when this is dated but have been here since January and just a couple shy of the magical 10 orders. Every single one has come without hitch, some banging smoke and some not so much so but got what I paid for each time.
The community is something that surprised me. So many friendly and helpful people about which is massive when finding your way on here. Obviously there will be a lot of scepticism on arrival but within 24hrs it's gone.
The community is something that surprised me. So many friendly and helpful people about which is massive when finding your way on here. Obviously there will be a lot of scepticism on arrival but within 24hrs it's gone.

Could not agree more.
Carbon copy of my journey though LB land. The land that keeps on giving oh and unfortunately a necessary evil of taking ma cash š° lol š
Everyone has to put food on the table š lol š
Carbon copy of my journey though LB land. The land that keeps on giving oh and unfortunately a necessary evil of taking ma cash š° lol š
Everyone has to put food on the table š lol š

Same here, Ive been running/managing/involved in forums, Facebook groups for 10 years ish and this side of LB seemed right at home for me, it's like the best combination of a forum, weed, and great people.

1 post
+2 votes

Sky News article on self medicating. Interesting read.
seriously, i expect my father in law to bring it up at dinner

Sky News article on self medicating. Interesting read.

Millions using but an establishment thatās so entrenched in its anti drug stance I donāt see any realistic move to legalising personally.
What I do see is more and more news stories about crime that include in the headline ācannabis userā in the description of the perp. Classic scare tactics which Daily Mail readers suck up like candyā¦.
Millions using but an establishment thatās so entrenched in its anti drug stance I donāt see any realistic move to legalising personally.
What I do see is more and more news stories about crime that include in the headline ācannabis userā in the description of the perp. Classic scare tactics which Daily Mail readers suck up like candyā¦.

Very good little watch but sadly a 2 minute segment pretty much highlights where Britain is with decrimilizstion. Sadiq Khan's research group seems to have fallen by the wayside aswell.
Don't get me started on the scare tactics. I had great giggle sesh watching and old drugs Inc last week when they made out Sour Diesel was ripping up the streets on NYC again and a new product called "Shatter" wss turning regular users into zombies šš
Don't get me started on the scare tactics. I had great giggle sesh watching and old drugs Inc last week when they made out Sour Diesel was ripping up the streets on NYC again and a new product called "Shatter" wss turning regular users into zombies šš

The bit about the government putting money towards research on cannabis.... If only multiple nations had done this groundwork for us and saved us millions. Are we going to keep pumping millions in to research to come to some different conclusion? Other nations did the groundwork.

Hopefully sheds more awareness in what seems like a never ending battle. Although we've seen so many websites now 'legally' selling CBD and even THC oil - are there loop holes we don't know about mmm?

1 post
+4 votes
anybody doing dontpay.uk?
fuck harming anyone, its not going to do any good and it's a violation of little biggy to promote it. i know that's not your intention but just sayin.…
![[ask any bigga]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/NxHKMggZQxiiBNIG.png)
anybody doing dontpay.uk?
DO NOT refuse to pay your energy bill in October. Below is how you can make a stand and hurt your energy supplier without getting into debt/damaging your credit rating:
1. Cancel your DD & pay for what you use each month.
2. You then need to write a letter of complaint to your energy supplier. Once that complaint had been raised, your energy supplier can't take any debt collection work on your account, so they can't pass your details to the credit reference agencies etc. That bill gets put on hold whilst they try to resolve your complaint.
The energy company might offer you a small reduction - DON'T accept it. Keep the complaint open & hold strong.
3. Eventually, they will send you a letter of 'Deadlock'. A letter of Deadlock is a letter that is sent to you from your energy company saying they gone as far as they can with your complaint & can't go any further, so your only option now is to take it up with the energy Ombudsman.
For every complaint the Ombudsman receives, they charge your energy supplier Ā£500 for every claim they have to investigate.
4. The energy companies also have limitations on how many complaints they're allowed open as well as a turnaround time of how fast they have to respond to a complaint & get a complaint closed. If they don't respond to them fast enough & don't resolve the complaints or they have too many complaints open, the energy firm will also get hit with a fine from the Ombudsman.
This is how your hurt an energy company. This will also put them in breach of their licensing conditions
& put their ability to trade at risk.
So if you want to fight these extortionate price hikes
1. Raise complaints
2. Do NOT close them
3. Take them to the Ombudsman
You can also submit a āsubject access requestā at the same time as the above. This means the energy company has a legal obligation to provide you with every piece of information they have on you; including telephone conversation transcripts, past bills, everything! This is time consuming for them to collect and is a huge hassle for them however they legally have only one month to comply.
1. Cancel your DD & pay for what you use each month.
2. You then need to write a letter of complaint to your energy supplier. Once that complaint had been raised, your energy supplier can't take any debt collection work on your account, so they can't pass your details to the credit reference agencies etc. That bill gets put on hold whilst they try to resolve your complaint.
The energy company might offer you a small reduction - DON'T accept it. Keep the complaint open & hold strong.
3. Eventually, they will send you a letter of 'Deadlock'. A letter of Deadlock is a letter that is sent to you from your energy company saying they gone as far as they can with your complaint & can't go any further, so your only option now is to take it up with the energy Ombudsman.
For every complaint the Ombudsman receives, they charge your energy supplier Ā£500 for every claim they have to investigate.
4. The energy companies also have limitations on how many complaints they're allowed open as well as a turnaround time of how fast they have to respond to a complaint & get a complaint closed. If they don't respond to them fast enough & don't resolve the complaints or they have too many complaints open, the energy firm will also get hit with a fine from the Ombudsman.
This is how your hurt an energy company. This will also put them in breach of their licensing conditions
& put their ability to trade at risk.
So if you want to fight these extortionate price hikes
1. Raise complaints
2. Do NOT close them
3. Take them to the Ombudsman
You can also submit a āsubject access requestā at the same time as the above. This means the energy company has a legal obligation to provide you with every piece of information they have on you; including telephone conversation transcripts, past bills, everything! This is time consuming for them to collect and is a huge hassle for them however they legally have only one month to comply.

fuck harming anyone, its not going to do any good and it's a violation of little biggy to promote it. i know that's not your intention but just sayin.
energy is getting more de-centralised and we don't need to fight master to free ourselves. solar panels are independent and pay off faster every time prices go up. insulation and staying out of cars also pays off big without politics and it's fucked up price on all of us.
i realise not everyone has these options. i'm a renter and i already take the tube but i just got a cooled mattress and it saves bucketloads of air conditioning. winter has even easier solutions, fabrics basically. if we all do this the price is guaranteed to go down not only for each of us but collectively as even in this market supply and demand mean a lot.
i cant stand energy companies or the cunts that supply them with oil and gas but i'd rather switch than fight another peasants battle; we always lose in the end.
energy is getting more de-centralised and we don't need to fight master to free ourselves. solar panels are independent and pay off faster every time prices go up. insulation and staying out of cars also pays off big without politics and it's fucked up price on all of us.
i realise not everyone has these options. i'm a renter and i already take the tube but i just got a cooled mattress and it saves bucketloads of air conditioning. winter has even easier solutions, fabrics basically. if we all do this the price is guaranteed to go down not only for each of us but collectively as even in this market supply and demand mean a lot.
i cant stand energy companies or the cunts that supply them with oil and gas but i'd rather switch than fight another peasants battle; we always lose in the end.

Good info. i closed a complaint with them given me 100 in credit. but they robbed me for loads which i got back in the end. Ombudsman was crap . Local MP sorted it out... But wish i knew this info b4 hand. thanks.

Most large companies have resolved the dsar issue and have one click way to generate the required data, it's not a hassle anymore.

As said in the other reply. Enough is enough campaign is being backed by some strong union/government officials. Iāve signed up, waiting to see what action will taken

I have signed up, but Dempsey and Lynch have been backing Enough is Enough, which has a few other objectives on top of energy price caps

Biggest issue is the hit to peoples credit ratings. With interest rates and the cost of living going up people might actually need good credit scores to help them through it.

So theyāve done a very good job of weaponising ācredit ratingsā against us then?
āDo this/donāt do that or your credit rating gets itāā¦. What a crock! š
āDo this/donāt do that or your credit rating gets itāā¦. What a crock! š

Youāre absolutely right BillyBongo. Thatās a huge flaw in our current system I think, though.
Banks increasing their wealth at the expense of increased debt levels on individuals seems like a fucked up way to get out of this situation- in fact I donāt see how thatās sustainable over time.
2008 demonstrates that quite well. Banks will ultimately lend even in unaffordable situations as we have set the precedent of bailing these parasites out every time they take the piss.
As a side note- David Graeber wrote a pretty great book on the history of debt. Left wing writer but regarded very highly across the political spectrum
Debt: the first 5000 years i yhink itās called
Banks increasing their wealth at the expense of increased debt levels on individuals seems like a fucked up way to get out of this situation- in fact I donāt see how thatās sustainable over time.
2008 demonstrates that quite well. Banks will ultimately lend even in unaffordable situations as we have set the precedent of bailing these parasites out every time they take the piss.
As a side note- David Graeber wrote a pretty great book on the history of debt. Left wing writer but regarded very highly across the political spectrum
Debt: the first 5000 years i yhink itās called

1 post
+2 votes

Taiwan is leading networked democracy
the software reference in thie article pol.is, and a similar site called kialo are really good for debating you think they would be good for little bi…

Taiwan is leading networked democracy
A web platform for creating initiatives actually works.

Democracy is like a lot of shit, it's really exciting and motivating until you get used to it. Places like Taiwan are still smitten with democracy and are likely to become the leaders.

1 post
+0 votes

what are the effects of masks on a society?
More than 70% of communication is non verbal. Our brains translate thousands of pieces of visual facial info in a second. Block this and our minds display stress signals that can deeply disturb us over time...

im opposite, im autistic, the visual facial cues have to be processed and that takes time, wearing a mask means i can relax and not worry about having a huge grin(really a nervous grimace) when someone tells me their mum has died.

Thatās an interesting perspective. Iām guessing masks are here to stay, I just want them to be voluntary...

They have been wearing masks in heavy populated countries (China/Japan/Thailand) since MARS Virus a few years ago. And in the bigger picture they got a handle on it rather well. Same with Covid they didn't take a bigger hit as we have. I can't see how wearing masks isn't a wise choice in close proximity to other people

I think it's all about the effectiveness of the masks.
Proper NHS PPE worn by nurses and doctors yes, but a cotton mask pulled out of a pocket every now and again, after touching numerous things in the meantime, then readjusting it with hands every 30 seconds is probably about as much use as an inflatable dart board.
Just my 2p
Cheers BB
Proper NHS PPE worn by nurses and doctors yes, but a cotton mask pulled out of a pocket every now and again, after touching numerous things in the meantime, then readjusting it with hands every 30 seconds is probably about as much use as an inflatable dart board.
Just my 2p
Cheers BB

They are dehumanising, antisocial and have become a comfort blanket for the insecure and the effects on society will be long lasting.

Less concern of pathogenic transmissions, of viruses brought back from breaking the earths gravity and a go ahead punching portals in the stratosphere. Also a great opportunity for big global heath services.

"A new study on face masks highlights their inefficacy, lack of safety and ability to cause physiological, psychological and long-term health problems, which may culminate in immune suppression, worsened chronic disease, accelerated aging and premature death"


The main reason for wearing masks is to stop the spread of transmission. They primarily stop infected people spreading the virus and their preventative use is limited at best. I think it's missing the point saying you can wear a mask but still catch a virus. That's not the main purpose even if it does have some positive effect in reducing your chances of catching a virus.

Iāll throw my hat in and say the primary effect has been mass mental illness:
āI just stare at that little box with my face in it and pick apart my appearance,ā she said, noting that her distress is affecting her job performance. āMy double chin seems six times larger, my eye bags are too deep of a purple, etc ā¦ Even when thereās a heatwave and my apartment is close to 90 degrees, Iāll wear a turtleneck that I can pull up. I pack on thick makeup that makes my skin peel.ā
Going out in public with a black surgical mask that covers her chin and sunglasses that cover her eye bags provides Miller with an escape from that sense of scrutiny.
āI 10,000% plan on wearing it for the foreseeable future,ā she said. āAfter a full work day of worrying and not being able to focus on my actual job, it just feels nice to blend in. Simply put, Iām sick of being perceived.ā
Personally itās not for me... I just wear the magic exempt badge ;)
āI just stare at that little box with my face in it and pick apart my appearance,ā she said, noting that her distress is affecting her job performance. āMy double chin seems six times larger, my eye bags are too deep of a purple, etc ā¦ Even when thereās a heatwave and my apartment is close to 90 degrees, Iāll wear a turtleneck that I can pull up. I pack on thick makeup that makes my skin peel.ā
Going out in public with a black surgical mask that covers her chin and sunglasses that cover her eye bags provides Miller with an escape from that sense of scrutiny.
āI 10,000% plan on wearing it for the foreseeable future,ā she said. āAfter a full work day of worrying and not being able to focus on my actual job, it just feels nice to blend in. Simply put, Iām sick of being perceived.ā
Personally itās not for me... I just wear the magic exempt badge ;)

1 post
+1 votes
Meet Your New Corporate Office Mate: A āBrainlessā Robot
started topic

Meet Your New Corporate Office Mate: A āBrainlessā Robot
The companyās engineers also designed animated eyes that gaze in the direction that the robot is headed. They found that employees were better able to anticipate the robotās movement if they could see its gaze.

1 post
+1 votes

Sleeping pills or Valium
edibles instead

Sleeping pills or Valium
Anyone on here supply these? Mate asked as he is travelling and needs them for flying:)

A fine suggestion I took cupcakes to Thailand well not sure they made out of British air space

1 post
+1 votes

Storz & Bickel Keynote Address
thank god we are at peace with these people

Storz & Bickel Keynote Address
If you use a Mighty you know how into it these guys are but this be some dead serious stoners.

1 post
+8.2 votes

deep dive on cannabis tests
started topic

deep dive on cannabis tests
im always impressed by the expertise around here so im wondering if someone can explain what cannabis testing exists and how it works:
eg how do impurity tests work for edibles?
how is thc measured exactly?
what other tests exist?
eg how do impurity tests work for edibles?
how is thc measured exactly?
what other tests exist?

thc/weight is measured by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). basically they measure light absorption from cannabinoids.
good explanation here:
good explanation here:

Hi, the main method for cannabis testing has been chromatography which is the process of separating compounds of a sample into individual weights and measuring the results against known reference standards of known concentrations and weights.
We use a Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) which vaporises the sample and pushes it through an ultra thin polarity matched column which then ionizes the molecules adding a charge and then they are run through a magnetic field and then the detector measures the weight accordingly as in heavier molecules will bend less to the magnetic field, it then records the data on a graph, response vs time, when the reference chemical standard is used its response and time is recorded to calibrate the machine and samples can be measured against it, for their concentrations and identification.
An HPLC-MS High Performance Liquid Chromatograph coupled with Mass Spectrometer is the most accurate in general. The Liquid Chromatograph does not vaporise the sample and tests the liquid form which has advantages and disadvantages when testing cannabis, for instance terpenes due to their volatile nature have been better detected on a GC. Testing for THCa, CBDa the acid form of the organic molecules can be done mainly on a LC.
All these methods are great provided the sample is prepared correctly and all your compounds of interest have extracted efficiently in your solvent. With different types of samples different methods of prep need to be employed as what the sample is can inhibit accurate results.
We use a Gas Chromatograph with Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) which vaporises the sample and pushes it through an ultra thin polarity matched column which then ionizes the molecules adding a charge and then they are run through a magnetic field and then the detector measures the weight accordingly as in heavier molecules will bend less to the magnetic field, it then records the data on a graph, response vs time, when the reference chemical standard is used its response and time is recorded to calibrate the machine and samples can be measured against it, for their concentrations and identification.
An HPLC-MS High Performance Liquid Chromatograph coupled with Mass Spectrometer is the most accurate in general. The Liquid Chromatograph does not vaporise the sample and tests the liquid form which has advantages and disadvantages when testing cannabis, for instance terpenes due to their volatile nature have been better detected on a GC. Testing for THCa, CBDa the acid form of the organic molecules can be done mainly on a LC.
All these methods are great provided the sample is prepared correctly and all your compounds of interest have extracted efficiently in your solvent. With different types of samples different methods of prep need to be employed as what the sample is can inhibit accurate results.

1 post
+2 votes

AI worries.masturbation
Maciej Ceglowski is a joy to read

AI worries.masturbation
This is all very clever and it's easy to make fun of geniuses that are obsessed with a coming AI takeover. But fuck me I am glad Hawking and Musk and whoever else wants to solve this problem before it exists because if it does then we wont exist.

If they were genius enough they would know that their opinion and even the opinion of all of us combined isn't much once A.I. gets warmed up. We are at the mercy of something greater than us. So yeah, masturbation.

1 post
+5 votes
What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
a cultured bigga appreciates the classics

What is the best video game plot you have experienced?
For me personally its between Bioshock infinte and the last of us.
GTA 4 is up there along with uncharted 4, Halo 1-3, Papers please and God of war 1-4.
GTA 4 is up there along with uncharted 4, Halo 1-3, Papers please and God of war 1-4.

Shenmue on the Sega Dreamcast, written directed and produced by Japanese genius Yu Suzuki. Beautiful and way ahead of it's time.
A teenth of Afghan black, Ericsson T18 on silent, while i roamed the streets of Japan. Those were the days!
A teenth of Afghan black, Ericsson T18 on silent, while i roamed the streets of Japan. Those were the days!

Have you played the new Shenmue? Shenmue 3 I think? I played a load of the original on Dreamcast back in the day and bought the remastered version for PS4 that had 1&2 on it (wasn't as good as I remembered) intresting to know if 3 is any good.

Old School- I used to love the original Silent Hill on Playstation, thought that was a really clever game. Also MYST.

Silent hill for sure, was Syked for new one coming out with Kojima onboard but alas, it wasn’t to be

Loads of rumors about a reboot for the series but I'm not sure I even want it if Yamaoka isn't onboard. Kojima's take would've been interesting, though. Shame we never got more than a demo.

I assume this is an old post but if you havenāt already check out The Callisto Protocol!!! From the creators of dead space, looks like top tier sci fi horror and is set for release at the end of 2022 (although will probably be delayed until next year, you know how these things go lol)

Bloody loved Silent Hill. Creepy AF. Used the machine's limitations really well by clouding the streets with an eerie fog. I still recall hearing the footsteps of those fucked-up things but not be able to see them. Remember the cut-away sequence when the nurse staggered towards you?

100% the witcher. Managed to get every gwent card aswell even when you could very easily miss a few card through wrong decisions.

Wow! I totally forgot about LSL. I bloody loved all the Sierra adventure games when I was but a young lad.

For me Heavy Rain really stands out, also Shenmue 2 and LA Noir, all so far ahead of their time.

Yeah, it's amazing. So atmospheric. Only problem was, it was supposed to be a two or three part dlc but the creator gave up on it after the first one so it never got finished. As far as I know he gave up on making video games after that. If you can get hold of the first part tho, I'd highly recommend it

There are so many...
Witcher 3 has to be up there with the best along with all 3 bioshock games. Halo 1-3 & the latest god of war. Here hoping cyberpunk 2077 can join them too!
Witcher 3 has to be up there with the best along with all 3 bioshock games. Halo 1-3 & the latest god of war. Here hoping cyberpunk 2077 can join them too!

Metal Gear Solid on the PSone blew my mind, the other MGS got a bit preachy but the PSone version had everything, great game play, great stelf sections, good action sequences etc etc I still think about the bit where Psycho Mantis moves your controller, freaked me out.

GTA 4, more recently Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of us was also pretty epic, I’m looking forward to part 2.

Bioshock 1 was drippingly beautiful and draws you in. Dark room, good thumping surround sound cranked up, roll a few fattys. Great replay capability with the good or bad decisions and the array of different weapons and potions. One of the finest pieces of electronic entertainment to this day, including films.
Noteables: Deus ex, last of us, elder scrolls,Halo 1.
Its when you play them as well i think. There are more advanced games now, better ai, graphics etc, but such a wow factor for me at the time when i was a fanatic.
Noteables: Deus ex, last of us, elder scrolls,Halo 1.
Its when you play them as well i think. There are more advanced games now, better ai, graphics etc, but such a wow factor for me at the time when i was a fanatic.

Metro Exodus is pretty intense. I agree, Bioshock Infinite was pretty awesome. Saying that Bioshock 1+2 were pretty raw. Best plot ever, though? Has to be 'The Secret of Monkey Island 2'.

Like many others, 'last of us' will always stay in the mind and I'm eager to play no2.
So many others worthy of note, but I'm also big fan of Horizon on ps4, such an excellent story and characters and possibly my fave of this gen.
Honorable shout out to 'Days Gone' which never got the praise it deserved imo.
So many others worthy of note, but I'm also big fan of Horizon on ps4, such an excellent story and characters and possibly my fave of this gen.
Honorable shout out to 'Days Gone' which never got the praise it deserved imo.

I started playing āDays goneā when it came out on free to play. I wouldāve paid for it if Iād have known it was that good! Iām hooked and I never thought I would be.

Max Payne 2: Fall of Max Payne - I like that noiresque atmosphere, the music, the over the top melancholic atmosphere... It harmonised well with my mood back then...

This^ elder scrolls by far the most immersive games. Skyrim is over 10 years old and is still un matched, probably never will be. Well over 100 hours game play or unlimited hours if you don't bother with main quest lines.

Life Is Strange
It really shows how the slightest thing can completely change the reality you get stuck in
It makes you contemplate the cause and effect that lead to living in your current reality and how fragile everything we perceive is
Ain't played the game in years but I still fell so emotionally connected to it
It really shows how the slightest thing can completely change the reality you get stuck in
It makes you contemplate the cause and effect that lead to living in your current reality and how fragile everything we perceive is
Ain't played the game in years but I still fell so emotionally connected to it

Xenoblade Chronicles for me. I love good RPGs and this story was kinda unique and on top of that the Gameplay was really fun too. Sadly the follow up Games were kinda meh...

Got to be final fantasy 9 I remember playing it as a 10 yr old and was super emotional lol

The last of us, for sure. What an emotional journey. Really looking forward to the next one coming out. Can’t wait to dive into that. Really nice to have summat to look forward to in these trying times. Much love.

Metal Gear Solid Series was excellent. Loved God of wars. First Bioshock was awesome. Assassins creed Odyssey was decent enough!

It got shit on constantly but I fucking LOVED Destiny 1 and 2. The story was meh, but the game itself ran so smoothly and in my opinion was one of the best FPS games to come out in years. I did stop playing a few months back though because I just had nothing left to do in it.
Story wise either Last of Us or God of War 5.
Story wise either Last of Us or God of War 5.

D1 and d2 played well but they would, its a bungie shooter. But they felt hollow which is a shame considering the hipe before 1. The lore is really good tho if you can peice it together. But it should be in the game more. D1 tied me over quite nicely between borderlands 2 and 3 lol and I met some awesome people playing it

Literally just bought Shadowkeep like a week ago. Got my Titan to 965 so far. Now for the Warlock and Hunter lol. Forgot how much I enjoyed playing the game

My favourite has got to be
Nier Automata
If you haven't played it I strongly suggest you do
So many twists and turns
The robot characters are named around famous philosophyers
The game touches on robots having emotions etc etc
Fucking fantastic honestly
Nier Automata
If you haven't played it I strongly suggest you do
So many twists and turns
The robot characters are named around famous philosophyers
The game touches on robots having emotions etc etc
Fucking fantastic honestly

Myst - never attempt it stoned!
Bioshock (obvs) but also Bioshock Infinite.
And Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Oh, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts....
Bioshock (obvs) but also Bioshock Infinite.
And Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Oh, and Ghouls'n'Ghosts....

I got hooked on the Sierra adventure games back in the early 90's. That led me on to the epic Broken Sword series by Revolution. Still worth checking out for its humour and storyline. Point and click has never been such fun.

1 post
+5 votes
how could the jedi council have prevented all this?
same thing we oughta do with putin
1 post
+7.2 votes

What is Surveillance Capitalism?
started topic

What is Surveillance Capitalism?
Surveillance capitalism is a new term addressing the process of commodifying personal data with the core purpose of profit-making. Since personal data can be commodified it has become one of the most valuable resources on earth.

To answer the original question, it's a son of a whore.
Unless you want to go through a lot of ball ache you're basically chipped if you own a smart phone. This is at present an unregulated free for all and tech companies are making hay. But slowly I should imagine a thirst for privacy will emerge and that more people will begin cutting google and facebook out of their lives. I know my next phone is definitely going to be a degoogled android, and I'm already fb free
Unless you want to go through a lot of ball ache you're basically chipped if you own a smart phone. This is at present an unregulated free for all and tech companies are making hay. But slowly I should imagine a thirst for privacy will emerge and that more people will begin cutting google and facebook out of their lives. I know my next phone is definitely going to be a degoogled android, and I'm already fb free

tbh i am not worried at all. for a normal human being in this world, who does no harm or break any dumbass rules, i think nobody would bother using any personal info against me. what would they achieve? fuckall thats what. dont bother get into some conspiracy shit, as at the end of the day life ends up too short to realize whats good. sry if im not making sense, having some lovely gummies from radarbreeder which hit like a hailstorm

Privacy isn't about your data its about the rights of those that keep society in check. Just like freedom of speech; its unlikely that any of us are going to say anything that a government will censor but we need others to be able to do this.
With privacy a whislteblower or someone collecting data against the powerful needs that protection or we are all really fucked.
With privacy a whislteblower or someone collecting data against the powerful needs that protection or we are all really fucked.

that's perfectly alright pompom. I don't think you've taken the time to look into this and see what facebook and google are really doing, because if you do I'm confident you'll change your tune. I can assure you it is far worse and far further reaching than you imagine. Tbh the nothing to hide argument is very flimsy. For example. The guy next door has a moustache that makes him look like a paedo and he behaves in erratic ways, so presumably an anonymous tip off to inform the busies of his noncing habit will only be a problem for him if he has something to hide? Crude example I know but the point stands. Back to the price of bread, I advise you to research how fb operates as a worthy starting point

no i admit i haven`t researched anything of what you guys discussing, but at the end of the day im on the same opinion. i think as a free person (or believe i do, despite working for the rich) and my mind feels higher then the people who surround me and hurts me to see the way they see things. how miserable their lives are because of their shitty job(mine is the same tho) and stuff like that. i know facebook for example were sued last year or so for selling customers data to a 3rd party or some shit like that and watched the video where zuckerberg was trying to reply not looking like a slow thinker infront of the senate. however, stay safe all and take the tin foil hats sometimes, because thats what will really save us at the end when things go to hell. peace

1 post
+3 votes
Get Custom LB QR Link Packaging!
whoah thats cool

Get Custom LB QR Link Packaging!

WeedStar are getting used to the community here at littlebiggy.
We are known for quality packaging and sweet designs.
We have previously offered bulk customers the option to remove the QR code on our packaging.
For LB, we are offering bulk buyers, or resellers, to add custom LB links to the QR code on our packaging!!
This will apply to all of our product lines. For vape carts, edibles and all cannabis concentrates.
So, you can resell and earn in a whole new way!!
These packs get a lot of attention and people love to show off the designs.
So, support UK brands and earn more from your network of friends or customers!!
We are known for quality packaging and sweet designs.
We have previously offered bulk customers the option to remove the QR code on our packaging.
For LB, we are offering bulk buyers, or resellers, to add custom LB links to the QR code on our packaging!!
This will apply to all of our product lines. For vape carts, edibles and all cannabis concentrates.
So, you can resell and earn in a whole new way!!
These packs get a lot of attention and people love to show off the designs.
So, support UK brands and earn more from your network of friends or customers!!

New QR added to profile as an example. Thousands of these will be added to our packs now!

1 post
+0 votes

Second shrooms experience help. Lol
i think its cause it looks like you cried "help"

Second shrooms experience help. Lol
And Iām hoping the last ffsš
For those who didnāt see my first post..
Iām 6.1 abt 15 stone (mainly buffness)šš
I havenāt taken shrooms before
Iāve smoked the bud for just over 30yrs
So I have a high thc tolerance!
My 1st experience 2g golden teacher
On empty stomach ā about 45 of feeling nice slight musical enhancements the end.
My 2nd experience 5g b+ cubensis on empty stomach ā about 1 hr 30 minutes feeling nice slight musical enhancements the end.
Would really appreciate some experienced shroomers input please..
Got some great replies last time, so many thanks to you all and šš¤
For those who didnāt see my first post..
Iām 6.1 abt 15 stone (mainly buffness)šš
I havenāt taken shrooms before
Iāve smoked the bud for just over 30yrs
So I have a high thc tolerance!
My 1st experience 2g golden teacher
On empty stomach ā about 45 of feeling nice slight musical enhancements the end.
My 2nd experience 5g b+ cubensis on empty stomach ā about 1 hr 30 minutes feeling nice slight musical enhancements the end.
Would really appreciate some experienced shroomers input please..
Got some great replies last time, so many thanks to you all and šš¤

Hey Mcfly. I think it may look like you're mid trip but I guess this was the weekend?
I think like others, 2g on the first outing was a safe ease in, but I too would have expected 5g to get you further so with that in mind...
Some people just don't get much effect from psilocybin, I've read 1 in 10 but anecdotally from selling here It's more like 1 in 100 and may have some association with OCD symptoms going by the feedback I get.
Also, it's seratonin receptor based so if you take any medicines that act on the same receptors then that might have an effect.
If you're still determined and none of this might be the answer PM me and lets have a chat and see if we can come up with something.
I think like others, 2g on the first outing was a safe ease in, but I too would have expected 5g to get you further so with that in mind...
Some people just don't get much effect from psilocybin, I've read 1 in 10 but anecdotally from selling here It's more like 1 in 100 and may have some association with OCD symptoms going by the feedback I get.
Also, it's seratonin receptor based so if you take any medicines that act on the same receptors then that might have an effect.
If you're still determined and none of this might be the answer PM me and lets have a chat and see if we can come up with something.

thc tolerant is unwoke in the psychedelic world but i guess you know this already :)
it really is going to be alright, as an experienced psychonaut i have actually come to crave the freaked out edge of the experience, terror makes you feel more alive that's why the genre works, you're trading fear for excitement.
practically speaking i agree with the doctor about the rooms and would also prescribe sleepy comfort foods they especially mitigate the shaky onset feeling.
it really is going to be alright, as an experienced psychonaut i have actually come to crave the freaked out edge of the experience, terror makes you feel more alive that's why the genre works, you're trading fear for excitement.
practically speaking i agree with the doctor about the rooms and would also prescribe sleepy comfort foods they especially mitigate the shaky onset feeling.

roll with it bigga its going to be over and there will be at least one thing you miss about it.

1 post
+1 votes
yup another yes
1 post
+1 votes

little buggy
Days for delivery now has a maximum figure.

little buggy
Days for delivery now has a maximum figure.
Trying to rate an international buy but days to delivery returns
'insert number between 0 and 8'.
Rarely that fast in my experience.
'insert number between 0 and 8'.
Rarely that fast in my experience.

Itās because if it hasnāt arrived on day 9 after showing as sent the dispute button appears. The assumption is that if it hasnāt arrived after 9 days then it may not be coming and you should dispute to protect your coin.
This is solid for UK orders but yes allowance needs to be made for international.
If you canāt record the actual number and are hung up on accuracy then mention it in words in the review.
This is solid for UK orders but yes allowance needs to be made for international.
If you canāt record the actual number and are hung up on accuracy then mention it in words in the review.

Maximum amount = days since order dispatch.
If it took 4 days for the vendor to send a parcel - just review it 4 days after getting the parcel.
If it took 4 days for the vendor to send a parcel - just review it 4 days after getting the parcel.

I'm having trouble leaving a review for a local vendor. It took 2 days and it says 'enter a value between 0 and 1 '

1 post
+2 votes

Everything You Need To Survive A Heatwave! š
heatwave's been freaking us out

Everything You Need To Survive A Heatwave! š

Fine tequila, unfiltered Stella, a large jar of Umme from Druids Magic and a brand new Vapmanš¤©ā¦..Biggas, Iām not moving an inch until Thursday! šššš«
(Note, Polly Puggle taking the shade in the background š)
(Note, Polly Puggle taking the shade in the background š)

Lol, of course, of course. I actually bought some Grey Goose earlier, it was fab with my slush puppie!

How have I never even thought of this! Maybe because I'm not a big drinker but that's genius! š

Lol, I'm not a crazy drinker, I swear!
Slush Puppies also go well with some brandy ;)
Slush Puppies also go well with some brandy ;)

I said nice one bruv!
How is vape? Or is that a stupid question šāāļø lol
Vape and a very Dr Terpy / CI skywalker and dynavape weekend for myself at a good friends
Hope all ya LBās had a good weekend as us lol
How is vape? Or is that a stupid question šāāļø lol
Vape and a very Dr Terpy / CI skywalker and dynavape weekend for myself at a good friends
Hope all ya LBās had a good weekend as us lol

That is a nuts weekend you had there man! šµāš«š¤Æ
Vapman is a tiny little wonder! šš„ā¤ļøā¦.
Vapman is a tiny little wonder! šš„ā¤ļøā¦.

I said nice one bruvvvvvvvvvv
Glad the reference did not go unappreciated bevbevan1 š
I am indeed! Good times š
Glad the reference did not go unappreciated bevbevan1 š
I am indeed! Good times š

My wife has pretty much the exact same plan as she's off until Thursday except with Grey Goose, some choice Edibles & a jar of Cookie Dawg. Meanwhile I'm stuck at work until Tuesday š¢ Have a great week Polly, enjoy! šš

She messaged me to say she'd pretty much eaten a full Nerd Rope so I'm expecting her to be asleep when I get back š Thanks Polly, it's not too bad today & I plan to make up for it later if she's left me any š

Top girl!šā¦Iām mixing it up with the Stoneyās chocco today- gotta do it before it meltsš« š¤©

Yes she is! š We do love a bit of Stoney`s too. That looks like an amazing Garden you have there. We love getting out in ours in the Summer. Polly Puggle looks very happy š

Thanks mate!ā¦lawn fast turning to a dust bowl but itāll come back once the weather breaks. Itās going to be a job keeping PP cool over the next couple of days..Iāve got cooling mats and wet towels, which sheāll hate š

No worries! I bet it's a great place to chill out. Mine too but on the plus side it doesn't need mowing as often š We're hoping our Border Terrier appreciates a cool bath later but I doubt it somehow š I hope PP enjoys herself anyway despite the weather.

Yeah...must be hell for pets with all their fur :(...imagine wearing a fur coat in this heat!!!!....will PP not indulge in your goodies to take the edge off things?? lol!....ok,...siesta time for me! chow!

Heheā¦Puggles overheat quite easilyā¦sheās getting the wet towel treatment but then so am I!

...nice one bro!...also put a full bath towel(dry) in the freezer(if you have room) and wrap around you after 4-5 hrs of freezing)...plus Stella equals......extacy!

Monday 18/7 Update- itās as hot as a Jungle out here- there really is only one way to go:

Sitrep: Once the Mercury hit 35 at work I called it quits & weāre round at the in-laws for a bbq instead š And youāre absolutely right Polly there really is. Enjoy šš»š

Tell me about it!!!....Hottest day on record!..I had a garden with green grass this time last week!...now the only grass I have left live in Kilner jars!! lol!

Better today though :) (20/7/22)...more breeze and the house has all its windows open to get rid of all the hot air!(or was that in the House of Commons??!!) lol!

Lucky for us cannabis lowers body temp. Itās the essential heatwave product;)
Lucky for us cannabis lowers body temp. Itās the essential heatwave product;)

ššā¦and blood pressureā¦.whilst increasing lung capacityā¦and good looks, probablyā¦

Day 3 Update 19/7 hottest day ever!
Must be time for the Mighty with a frosty Bubbler- not going to stay frosty for long!
JJās Sunset Sherbert here we go!
(Polly Puggle frosted out!)
Must be time for the Mighty with a frosty Bubbler- not going to stay frosty for long!
JJās Sunset Sherbert here we go!
(Polly Puggle frosted out!)

Well,have to say I'm glad that day is over!...Never known heat like that,even on past holidays in places like Mexico etc!...Great set up there mate(there's nothing quite like a frosty bubbler I do agree!...How was the SS?...I'm trying some Sativa Caps from Northern Organics tonight,which have just dropped this morning...Cheers! :)

šš way too hot and I lived in the Costa Rican tropics for 10 years!šš„
The second bowl of SS really kicked inā¦a lovely creeping euphoriaā¦very nice indeed.
Iāve got those Northern Organics sativa caps. A really good liftš
Just doing my Wednesday evening ritual of Mimosa & Music (EVERY Wednesday!). Love it ā¤ļøā¤ļø
What are you up to amigo?
The second bowl of SS really kicked inā¦a lovely creeping euphoriaā¦very nice indeed.
Iāve got those Northern Organics sativa caps. A really good liftš
Just doing my Wednesday evening ritual of Mimosa & Music (EVERY Wednesday!). Love it ā¤ļøā¤ļø
What are you up to amigo?

Had 3 Sativa caps last night and watched that fantastic Martin Freeman series called "Breeders"....utterly hilarious & reminds me of me in the 90s with my 2 brats(well they were then!!! lol!)
Your Mimosa and Music sounds brilliant Polly!...You've really got quite a weekly routine going there mate! :)
Your Mimosa and Music sounds brilliant Polly!...You've really got quite a weekly routine going there mate! :)

Not just a hat rack up there Mr PollyPuff20
How was it? Or is that a stupid question šāāļø me bad š¤¦āāļø
How was it? Or is that a stupid question šāāļø me bad š¤¦āāļø

Itās a bit of funā¦the Mighty cooling tower does just as good a job for me but I do like the frosty lookšš„¶

So busy bloody smiling that itās 22:45 and I havenāt got the supper onā¦.shitty deathā¦šµāš«āŗļø

Donāt man I just laughed and now Iām getting what you laughing at š where do I start with that one lol š

Nice one Polly! Looks like you have all aspects covered!...Only thing I could add is the introduction of the Spanish "siesta" after all herbs & liquids consumed!....Thats just what I'm going to do right now after a G&T & Mighty full of BBs "Jack Herer"....2pm and baking!...."See you on the other side!" :)

Ah mate, you must be reading my mind!ā¦Itās me & the Puggle in a darkened room now, way too hot in the gardenā¦crazyā¦push up some zzzzzz instead and back this evening!

For this evening Iām thinking a cold water bong adapter on the Mighty. What do you reckon dreamer?

Yes mate! 100% Mighty & bong water adapter....always best flavors this way...I never use the Mighty without the water Adp..Enjoy!

1 post
+2 votes

What Are The Different Types of Bitcoin Nodes? How the Bitcoin Network is Maintained
started topic

What Are The Different Types of Bitcoin Nodes? How the Bitcoin Network is Maintained
Because Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system, it does not have intermediaries or middlemen to enforce consensus rules on the Bitcoin network. Therefore, nodes must achieve consensus amongst themselves. They do this using the Bitcoin software.

1 post
+7.2 votes

Low-Cost Gel Film Can Pluck Drinking Water From Desert Air
started topic

Low-Cost Gel Film Can Pluck Drinking Water From Desert Air
1 post
+1 votes
I get stoned to see reality not escape it

I get stoned to see reality not escape it
My fam will say I am escaping "reality" yet as soon as I am stoned I see what so much of their idea of reality is. LOTS OF LITTLE SHIT elevated to the hysteria of survival.
Yeah look at me escaping reality by thinking about the universe I am sitting in instead of standing in line to buy something I saw on TV.
Yeah look at me escaping reality by thinking about the universe I am sitting in instead of standing in line to buy something I saw on TV.

That is the escape, it opens your mind to the bigger picture, you can see who should or shouldn't be in your close circle, you can see what matters easier
I don't get high to escape I get high to open my mind
I don't get high to escape I get high to open my mind

i get almost religious when i think about this but then i remember there are opiate receptors as well.

Yes, psychedelics to expand my perspective, of course!
But I use cannabis to better accept the shit that is pushed on me from all sides since the day I was born. Cannabis just has that power to really upgrade my life in this sense. I guess Id use less of it I there was less stress and city idiotism in my life.
But I use cannabis to better accept the shit that is pushed on me from all sides since the day I was born. Cannabis just has that power to really upgrade my life in this sense. I guess Id use less of it I there was less stress and city idiotism in my life.

that's a cool way of putting it and i wonder maybe a definition of what it means to be conscious? intelligent beings will always expand their reality.

Then I probably wouldn't use the tern 'stoned' to describe this condition. It sounds more like you are elevated

1 post
+5 votes
The Kingsman
started topic
1 post
+8 votes
Drone delivered defibrillator saves human
started topic
1 post
+9 votes
the will to do anything vs the will to sacrifice anything
started topic
the will to do anything vs the will to sacrifice anything
which one is going to win?

The will to do anything, will forever triumph over the will to sacrifice anything.
Not every action will require sacrifice, while every action will require the choice of will.
Not every action will require sacrifice, while every action will require the choice of will.

Actions should be defined. The heart beats. The lungs inflate. These require no will. However, choice is another matter.

1 post
+3 votes
New Vendor.
calling it uk cali is a good start, honesty will take you very far here

New Vendor.
I am new to this game, I provide you all organically grown UK Cali using the secret soil mix and organic product. The ash will be greyish to white. I've always made sure they are flushed for 14 days for cleanliness.
Bud structure are very important to me as they determine the quality of finished product which i strive to give you all the best smoke for best price as i can possibly give.
Some of finished product can be on par with USA Cali (I've been told) so you know you are getting is best quality.
Thank you for taking your time to read this message.
I am new to this game, I provide you all organically grown UK Cali using the secret soil mix and organic product. The ash will be greyish to white. I've always made sure they are flushed for 14 days for cleanliness.
Bud structure are very important to me as they determine the quality of finished product which i strive to give you all the best smoke for best price as i can possibly give.
Some of finished product can be on par with USA Cali (I've been told) so you know you are getting is best quality.
Thank you for taking your time to read this message.

Many thanks.
It is USA genetic because I obtained those specific seeds from a reputable US company, but it was grown in the UK, so I can't really call it a USA cali.
It is USA genetic because I obtained those specific seeds from a reputable US company, but it was grown in the UK, so I can't really call it a USA cali.

Thank you so much for your purchase:)
We hope you enjoy your orders, which have been shipped.
We hope you enjoy your orders, which have been shipped.

Welcome! Product looks great. Iāll be interested to see some feedback. Half price Henryās or 1g samples may be worth consideration to prove legitimacy and get those first reviews rolling. Best of luck. āļø

Thank you, and yes, I am more interested in seeing feedback than anything else. Smaller sample sizes are a good idea.

That KK looks mad, will be ordering some of that this weekend for sure,
Is it the sour terp one bro?
cheers .
Is it the sour terp one bro?
cheers .

The nilla wafer is one cheeky cheeky girl!
Just got done trying the Northern Lights and that's vry legit too.šæ
Great prices and great smoke.š
Just got done trying the Northern Lights and that's vry legit too.šæ
Great prices and great smoke.š

Received my order, honestly the stealth is phenomenal and up there with the best. I ordered the 3x1g tester pack.
All strains are individually packaged inside and they are all labeled with the name of the strain and details of the genetics on the label, which is a very nice touch.
The buds are all very well grown and they all appear to be the correct strain that they claim to be on the label. Very happy with the products and service, very reasonably priced for the quality I received. 1 criticism is the price of postage, $5.50 for first class is a little high. Overall, very happy and I would buy again.
All strains are individually packaged inside and they are all labeled with the name of the strain and details of the genetics on the label, which is a very nice touch.
The buds are all very well grown and they all appear to be the correct strain that they claim to be on the label. Very happy with the products and service, very reasonably priced for the quality I received. 1 criticism is the price of postage, $5.50 for first class is a little high. Overall, very happy and I would buy again.

Thank you for your kind words. I'm delighted you liked them. Tracking information is available in the event that the package is misplaced and needs to be reshipped. A good way to think about it is as an insurance policy.

I don't have it in larger quantities right now. I do have some other strains that I will post soon.

1 post
+6 votes
BVA - Crazy Trips Feat. Leaf Dog
started topic
1 post
+5 votes
How aliens observe earth
started topic
How aliens observe earth
1 post
+12 votes
Bitcoin Baron - ytcracker
started topic
you bet, he's a serious hacker and one of the most legit nerdcore rappers there is

1 post
+17 votes
initiative: tags for topics, items and people
started topic

initiative: tags for topics, items and people

this should go without saying but we desperately need tags to classify all lb content. there have been many posts about this but please join me with a vote for this initiative and let's make this happen.
i note that the "initiative: ban cal claims" required several hundred votes and that was just something added to the algorithm added rather than major new functionality.
i note that the "initiative: ban cal claims" required several hundred votes and that was just something added to the algorithm added rather than major new functionality.

1 post
+3 votes
is this an original image?
started topic

is this an original image?
it's in 3 other places on the web, just do a google search. either they took it from you or...

1 post
+4 votes

little buggy
Removing problem Referral Codes
i dont think there is a need to obfuscate your data entry, it could very well be that's the issue at hand.

little buggy
Removing problem Referral Codes

Ongoing issue.
Embedded sharing code is invalid, prevents signup, does not link to an account I control.
Cannot delete.
Cannot 'remove'.
Cannot overwrite.
Adding new token does not change the embedded code, even new products share the invalid code.
Transaxe 'it's working normally' screenshot shows it isn't.
Happy Borg referred me here - thanks for your efforts HB.
Embedded sharing code is invalid, prevents signup, does not link to an account I control.
Cannot delete.
Cannot 'remove'.
Cannot overwrite.
Adding new token does not change the embedded code, even new products share the invalid code.
Transaxe 'it's working normally' screenshot shows it isn't.
Happy Borg referred me here - thanks for your efforts HB.

i dont think there is a need to obfuscate your data entry, it could very well be that's the issue at hand.

You are correct 24601, I realised afterwards that it's embedded in my shares. I err towards caution here. Still I appreciate the bump very much.
That code is causing the error, but it's prefilled from a system generated setting I cannot remove. The screenshot is to evidence that there's an issue, those with the capacity to assist are welcome to require the offending token.
That code is causing the error, but it's prefilled from a system generated setting I cannot remove. The screenshot is to evidence that there's an issue, those with the capacity to assist are welcome to require the offending token.

Testing the link with it's embedded token.
If I paste a good token in there, no error.
If I paste a good token in there, no error.

1 post
+4 votes
Making a sacraficial offering to appease the Little Biggy Gods...
the biggaz are the gods, the borgs interpret them and the algos encode the borgs work. in your case it might be that the delivery times are slower th…

Making a sacraficial offering to appease the Little Biggy Gods...

We are reaching out to the community for aid as it seems we have angered the gods. We are new in these lands and are just looking to run a honest business and make our fellow Bigger happy.
Things were off to a promising start, initial feedback was good and the orders began to trickle in but alas our hard work looks to have been in vein and our dreams cast aside like ashes to the wind as the gods seemingly wish to stifle our efforts. Our customers have dissipated and our posts no longer seem to reach our fellow Biggers.
So we are seeking help, what must we do to get the gods back on our side all your comments are welcomed.
Things were off to a promising start, initial feedback was good and the orders began to trickle in but alas our hard work looks to have been in vein and our dreams cast aside like ashes to the wind as the gods seemingly wish to stifle our efforts. Our customers have dissipated and our posts no longer seem to reach our fellow Biggers.
So we are seeking help, what must we do to get the gods back on our side all your comments are welcomed.

Not entirely sure what the problem is?ā¦.your store seems open for business?
Building profile and particularly getting on the Wall is an uphill struggle for all new and many existing vendors, itās definitely not a simple marketplace.
The winners on here seem to differentiate themselves with super premium or unusual hard to get products and a full service package including great comms. With respect there is little that āstands outā in your store, and with those strains you may find yourself having to compete on price at the ābudgetā end of the market.
Even there though, Biggas will want stealth, speed & comms. Weāre a demanding bunch reallyā¦šµāš«š¤š
Building profile and particularly getting on the Wall is an uphill struggle for all new and many existing vendors, itās definitely not a simple marketplace.
The winners on here seem to differentiate themselves with super premium or unusual hard to get products and a full service package including great comms. With respect there is little that āstands outā in your store, and with those strains you may find yourself having to compete on price at the ābudgetā end of the market.
Even there though, Biggas will want stealth, speed & comms. Weāre a demanding bunch reallyā¦šµāš«š¤š

Hi thanks for the advice, we get what you are saying, were just a little impatient i guess ;-) .We are currently working on some improvements to our service to make ourselves more competitive.

the biggaz are the gods, the borgs interpret them and the algos encode the borgs work. in your case it might be that the delivery times are slower than comparable sellers? fast delivery and higher ratings looks like the key things to boost you.

Hi, thanks for the advice, we agree that our delivery times could use some work and are actually in the middle of changing up our shipping process to improve times so hopefully this has an effect.

1 post
+6 votes
Bloody kids,huh. On the plus side mine is nearly 15 and will probably be getting stoned with me in a couple of years- she better stay out of my stash till.then.

Since lockdown its been a struggle not to wake and bake. I've soldiered on though IMHO. 11am for brunch version of wake and bake. Another after lunch followed by an aggressive acceleration in the evening and half the night asleep on the couch..

Little and often here to avoid getting to mashed and mucking up orders throughout the day! Fair game on an evening though :)

the thing i love most about biggaz is their lack of pedantics
gotsta point out that a real all day bigga isnt just smoking. they starting with edibles, maybe a spray to freshen up during the day and coming home to that glorious smoke.
gotsta point out that a real all day bigga isnt just smoking. they starting with edibles, maybe a spray to freshen up during the day and coming home to that glorious smoke.

Night time trail 'blazer'! But when I have child free day or few days then its anytime of day is fair game!

All day Vaper unless I have work, I donāt vape before work. I really enjoy mixing it up with edibles, rso and concentrates whenever I can. I probably consume 2g a day give or take half a gram. I find I get just as stoned now as I always did if not more and I have a large range of vaporisers so depending on what Iām looking for wether it be flavour chasing or big hits I have the right vape for the job. I find variety is key so try to get as many different strains as possible

Like 30mins after I wake up till I go to sleep, edibles every couple of days and switching between combusting / vaporizing.

Generally I munch my edibles in the evening, discretely as Iāve got kids. If workās a challenge Iāll have the occasional mid afternoon vape but I often lose focus afterwards so try not to make a habit of it!! Iāve got 10 days off over Christmas so looking forward to blocking out a day to toke away and watch movies

If I smoke all day everyday it stops getting me stoned and Iām just smoking not to feel anxious. Half a gram at night seems to give me the effects I am after. Does anyone else have this tolerance problem? With a high tolerance I can take 1 gram of decarbed shatter with almost no effect. Even vaping distillate doesnāt hardly do anything if high tolerance.

Heavy daily smoker havent felt stoned in 10+ years mate lol probably, in fact definitely my fault for being too OCD to take a tolerance break, which is why i'm just a flavor chaser now
doesn't matter what i'm smoking, or how much of it i've smoked or how 'strong' it is, the only effects i get are mild pain relief and a very brief relief from a permanent existential crisis!
yet to actually try RSO or some proper edibles though, i have a feeling they might do the trick for me but i've still not managed to put enough money aside to order anything like that yet mostly due to a permanently tight budget.
doesn't matter what i'm smoking, or how much of it i've smoked or how 'strong' it is, the only effects i get are mild pain relief and a very brief relief from a permanent existential crisis!
yet to actually try RSO or some proper edibles though, i have a feeling they might do the trick for me but i've still not managed to put enough money aside to order anything like that yet mostly due to a permanently tight budget.

Weed it so expensive to smoke all day everyday and you donāt get much value imo. I now buy really nice weed and enjoy it a night. Sex is incredibly amazing when stoned, another reason to smoke at night;)

Do you go on holidays/travelling? When I smoke everyday and go on holiday, I am suffering for about 2weeks before I can start properly enjoying my time wherever I am

Serial all day smoker / vaper for years... Now I just eat cookies at intervals throughout the day. The vaping stopping working for me!

Weekend I'll blaze all day. I have a little 1 so go for a walk. I finish at 4 so able to have that 4:20 toke

1 post
+6 votes

Too $hort : Hanukkah (Favorite Time Of The Year)
started topic
1 post
+8.2 votes
Silk Road Founder Ross Ulbricht to Launch NFT Collection on Ethereum
started topic

Silk Road Founder Ross Ulbricht to Launch NFT Collection on Ethereum
Proceeds will help America's prisoners.

1 post
+1 votes

Any safe way to get some to France?
Suisse ms

Any safe way to get some to France?
Hey there! I only found one seller in France and the reviews are - meh! I am not sure if it's real safe to buy from the UK now that the borders are not what they used to. Probably safer to get a seller from Spain? What do you guys think?
Cheers :)
Cheers :)

is there any secret or just standard quality packaging? ive only done to the uk on ig before joining lb

From Spain with love!!! Itās true, UK deals are off. Safer EU to EU.

Io non vedo differenze, ho fatto ordini dalla Spagna, dall'Inghilterra e da Israele....il rischio ĆØ (secondo me) identico....cambia solo il tempo di attesa.....ciao buona vita

Grazie! I honestly don't think it's best to get from the UK or in general from outside Europe as I'd imagine it's more likely to have controls (or multiple controls). It's definitely also a question of luck but still, I feel safer within Europe :D

Cheers! I found a few more posts now and saw some names listed! I just put in my first order to suissems, fingers crossed now! But darn it's pricey!

1 post
+2 votes
Kept a SCL Epic Terps rosin vape going from about 11am and in the evening a bowl of Ayahuasca Purple from the Druids Magic.
Sweeet š„°
Sweeet š„°

Smoggyman's mimosa, DIUK's Riffman, Afghan Mazar and Pakistani black hashes and a chuckles sweet from RB

Thanks mate, its doing the trick nicely so far! Adult pick n mix. Can't believe I only found this place last year!

Tested out some hash for the first time in a long time, having been dedicated to the bud for a while. Got some TGT banan kush dry sift, zonked me out after a couple of Jās. Very niceā¦recommended

1 post
+1 votes

Shipping to Greece
there are more eu vendors to pick from now, check the items list and youll see where everything ships from at a glance

Shipping to Greece
Anyone has experience with deliveries from UK to Greece? Anyone knows how many days it takes for delivery?

it depends on the seller. click items and you will see the origin point for each of them. eu sellers generally take less than a week, uk sellers 2 weeks is common.

Thank you for reply. I'll keep in mind. Do you know approximately how many days will it take for the package from Spain to Greece?

there are more eu vendors to pick from now, check the items list and youll see where everything ships from at a glance

Before this summer and through the COVID pandemic usually a month to deliver to Greece. But after this July customs are more restrict here and held two orders of mine. Fortunately never call me for questions, just lost track of the packages. Of course before Brexit and covid orders from UK came in a week or so. Now doesn't worth the risk. Stick to EU vendors if you find one. Only UK vendors here now.

1 post
+1 votes

Biggie Smalls AI Raps Lovecraft
love this, thanks
2 posts
+7 votes

The 3 famous people you would wanna get stoned with?
only burnham's version of you've got a friend in me is a little more literal.
+ 2 more

The 3 famous people you would wanna get stoned with?
Mine gotta be mike tyson, howard marks, snoop dogg!!!

I'm gonna go German: Angela Merkel, Claudia Schiffer and Hegel - reckon he has some good shit.

Nice...a meeting of insightful minds; Bo Burnham reminds me of Randy Newman at his acerbic best.

Definitely a high grade smoke that one!!! Haha B Real absolute legend, it was his album cypress hill black sunday that got me into smoking in high school

It was between b real and George Clinton for the last place. I figured B-Real would bring some spectacular grade erbs

Dr green thumb wont fuck around haha having said that be interesting to see what clintons gotta say for himself, haha

I saw him live years ago at Mosely funk and jazz festival. Dude did like 3 hour set, along with a solid 40 minute version of "tear the roof off" was nuts. One of the better gigs I've been too.

All i can say to that mate is jealous as fuck haha ive never had the chance to see him yet, deffo on my to do list, he gets some mad mosh pits going aswell ive seen on some of his live shows!!! 3hrs man is some fucking show!!!

He must have been 80 odd then! Was a brilliant show. Played all the tunes we know and love. I hope you get to see him one day man.

Unfortunately that wont be the case he died july 30 this year f4om natural causes!!!!! Nooooooooo fucking way man!!!! No im proper gutted!!!!

Dead & R.I.P: Terence McKenna, Jerry Garcia & Christopher Hitchens.
Alive & well: Enrico & his family of Sublimators, Emily Blunt & ....mmm....Donald Trump (buckets & liberty cap tea for him and peel back the layers of madness to expose the core) - the proviso being only two get out alive, or the latter learns some humility.
Alive & well: Enrico & his family of Sublimators, Emily Blunt & ....mmm....Donald Trump (buckets & liberty cap tea for him and peel back the layers of madness to expose the core) - the proviso being only two get out alive, or the latter learns some humility.

Second sitting....George Carlin/Jerry Sadowitz, Nigella Lawson & Bez...an evening where genius wit, delicious munchies and the utterly random would be catered for.

In her special pantry 100% one of the jars is marked "Jamaican oregano" kept on a top shelf. Just out of sight of everyone else.

He appears sound as a pound - the only time I ever watched (wife's) Big Brother and enjoyed it! His autobiography - written way back when - was enjoyable too....he had mad adventures even before he met the Ryders....stranded in Morocco, living in a friend's shed....top man w/heart of gold by all accounts!

I met him in chorlton when he was on the way to his mums house im not even joking from the minute we started talking like i knew him for years, literally had a 10 min chat just talking shit, then i met him on night where he was booked as a guest appearance where i used to live in some random pub, he was off his tits then!!! Haha

Only 3? I could name 20 no probs.
But Ill go with Bill Hicks, Alan Watts and Aldous Huxley
maybe Dalai Lama as a bonus?
But Ill go with Bill Hicks, Alan Watts and Aldous Huxley
maybe Dalai Lama as a bonus?

The Queen, Boris Johnson and Teresa May...then I’d blackmail them to legalise it or I’m telling

Surely the rest of the cabinet are already blackmailing Johnson over his coke habit... it’s the only way to explain how he’s still in power when he’s such a fucking mess and the only way to explain how they all still have jobs when they’re all so crocked and incompetent!

Dave chappelle 100 per cent, bring back richard prior that be one dude id love a smome with

Stevie fry would be awesome to have a smoke with definitely with you on that one, could learn alot from him but at the same time wont remember shit stoned as fuck, but still feel like you had a proper intense convo haha

damn son that film! haha mate you would feel a divine intervention in your life meeting that holy trinity haha:D

The legs scence every time for me bro!!! Fuuuuck!!! Haha Shes awesome init, dont think there could be anyone else to pull that off the way she did!!!

I used to drive past Frys Norfolk residence every day going to work. Nice place, close to King's Lynn

elon musk, snoop dog, and a random rasta man from the hills of Jamaica where they make the famous blue mountain coffee

I've actually met a random rasta man in the Blue Mountains on a coffee tour on my honeymoon.. it was epic, but didn't have time for a smoke.. so it's still on my list too

Hahahaha thats brilliant!!! Take the wife back with you to re new your vows, perfect excuse to go back haha

Dead : Bill Hicks, Jimi Hendrix, and Alan Rickman. Alive : Steve Coogan, Dave Grohl, and Bill Murray

Jimi hendrix 100 per cent, i should of said dead or alive, haha, bill murray be awesome get t ask him whats it really like to be a ghostbuster!!!

Thats a winner right there, David attenborough just imagine the stories, and you cant tell me hes never had a doubie with some mad tribe!!!! Haha

I cant believe only one person said Bob Marley .
Haile Selassie.
And my old north london friend , Ozzy32 , True Rasta!
And maybe someone in the Egyptian Times ( cleopatra ) or Troy Style of Times , I think I would a been a Ruler in those ancient times lol . Or a Robin Hood lol .
Haile Selassie.
And my old north london friend , Ozzy32 , True Rasta!
And maybe someone in the Egyptian Times ( cleopatra ) or Troy Style of Times , I think I would a been a Ruler in those ancient times lol . Or a Robin Hood lol .

R.I.P ..Robert Nesta, Queen Boudica , Mary Seacole
Alive ... Chronixx, Eek-a- Mouse , Marcia Griffiths, love my reggae
Alive ... Chronixx, Eek-a- Mouse , Marcia Griffiths, love my reggae

Ive had a think about this a lot. And I have to bump to 4...As in My scenario its a dinner party haha.
Mine are, Miriam Margolyes, Snoop, 2 Chaniz and Seth Rogen.
I've quite often fantasised and giggled about the conversations that may arise, and the reactions to follow haha
Mine are, Miriam Margolyes, Snoop, 2 Chaniz and Seth Rogen.
I've quite often fantasised and giggled about the conversations that may arise, and the reactions to follow haha

Well we gotta eat so 4s all good,haha, on the quiet 2 chains is a funny dude, surely you seen his tv show trying out all the different weeds, funny show!!
And to be fair miriam would be an absolute classic i can see where your going with that one!! Hahaa
And to be fair miriam would be an absolute classic i can see where your going with that one!! Hahaa

It actually makes me sad that this dinner party ive been planning for years, will never happen :( haha.
Yeah man, 2chains is low key hilarious!
Yeah man, 2chains is low key hilarious!

I dunno that just really depends on how high you are!!! Hahaha ive played out some pretty vivid scenarios when im stoned haha, whilst sat there smiling to ones self and theres absolutely no one in the room haha

i wanna smoke pineapple express with seth rogan, and drink the coffee kato makes in green hornet

I have two questions for you Kato, then you can go home.
Why is it that My dads mechanic makes the coffee?
And why is it, that without you, the coffee tastes like crap?
Why is it that My dads mechanic makes the coffee?
And why is it, that without you, the coffee tastes like crap?

without me the whole mansion will fall to a dilapidated state
and i build anything! even the worlds best coffee machine
come on now lets roll up a fine hashish joint
and i build anything! even the worlds best coffee machine
come on now lets roll up a fine hashish joint

First choice would be my dear old gran, never got the opportunity, by all accounts she was an OG triple OG :) Second spot goes to the current US Pres, raving mad at the best of times, crazy, senile, that would be a mad sesh. Last spot to Judge Judy, that would a huge honour :)

Listen im not trying to get stoned with anyone, i have two stoner friends and itās chill with them but i cant stand being high around anyone elseā¦. That being said, purely hypothetically I second anyone whos said Snoop Dogg, also Jane Fonda (dont judge me wed have some sick convos I already know) and honestly id be down to hit one with Tolkien so we can get into the dark and deep LOTR lore

Say hello to my two other friends!!!! Haha yeah man i like the idea getting fucked up with all 3 of them

Kurt Cobain, and a proper rastafarian and got to be Bob Marley surprised not so many mentioned him.

Very true i think every stoner would have a smoke with bob though, if you dont then theres something wrong with you hahaha, kurt cobain be awesome ill get to ask him if courtney love really did have anything to do with him dying

Nice political chats going on there and when it all gets to much and boring, just bury ya head in raquels tits!!! Like it!!! Hahah

Seth Rogan & Paul Rudd for sure be hilarious, you should see there high interview on youtube, brilliant

I was gonna throw seth in there but howard marks just beat him,Haha ill go check it out know!!!

For Musk I say Sativa, I wanna see him go nuts with his Mars vision, not like the indica sesh with Joe Rogan

Rihanna....Billy Connolly..... Robin Williams
Rihanna rollin’ some pink cookies...
Billy and Robin are bouncing off each other
And me I’ve just pished my pants and can’t breathe
Listening to these two comic legends....
Rihanna rollin’ some pink cookies...
Billy and Robin are bouncing off each other
And me I’ve just pished my pants and can’t breathe
Listening to these two comic legends....

Joe rogan deffo, get him teach me them leg kicks and guillotine choke holds haha stoned as fuck!!!

Seth Rogan, Owen Wilson and Noam Chomsky.
Seth for the laughs, Owen for the Uber chilledness, Noam for the mind blowing conversation.
Seth for the laughs, Owen for the Uber chilledness, Noam for the mind blowing conversation.

1 post
+4 votes

Just had some import drop today from my hometown oregon! White Gushers!! Will be listed in the evening
Thanks to my friends in my beloved hoemtown
I was sent an ounce for my personal headstash
Then we decided to get a larger amount sent over
Luckily it arrived, its very good quality and especially great for those who want to smoke genuine strains that are grown well without paying sky high cali prices
Oregon was one of the first states to legalize medical use of marijuana! My state is very ahead in terms of cannabis cultivation
And to be blunt, we have many cali citizens comming into our town and buying product a little cheaper then taking it back upto cali for resale!
White Gushers AKA gushers is a cross between gelato 41 and triangle OG
It has high euphoric effects, people who like zkittles and runtz will definitely be a fan of the White Gushers
Packed with love always
Mercedes <3
I was sent an ounce for my personal headstash
Then we decided to get a larger amount sent over
Luckily it arrived, its very good quality and especially great for those who want to smoke genuine strains that are grown well without paying sky high cali prices
Oregon was one of the first states to legalize medical use of marijuana! My state is very ahead in terms of cannabis cultivation
And to be blunt, we have many cali citizens comming into our town and buying product a little cheaper then taking it back upto cali for resale!
White Gushers AKA gushers is a cross between gelato 41 and triangle OG
It has high euphoric effects, people who like zkittles and runtz will definitely be a fan of the White Gushers
Packed with love always
Mercedes <3

1 post
+3 votes

I'm like a solitary vape A-Team š
wishing i could join you

I'm like a solitary vape A-Team š

I like vapes
I like messing with stuff
I like weed
I have "lost" 3 hours creating this and testing it so far and it works pretty good
DC gen 2 on mod with arctic fox and agressive TCR profile with 1 min auto fire
Basically click the power button twice wait 30 seconds and draw clouds š¤Æšš
What have you lot been up to.this lovely Saturday?
I like messing with stuff
I like weed
I have "lost" 3 hours creating this and testing it so far and it works pretty good
DC gen 2 on mod with arctic fox and agressive TCR profile with 1 min auto fire
Basically click the power button twice wait 30 seconds and draw clouds š¤Æšš
What have you lot been up to.this lovely Saturday?

Wow! Techno- Rabb1t strikes again!ā¦.impressive, amigo šā¤ļø
(Quote: āArctic Fox and aggressive TCR profileā. kerboom! š¤š¤Ŗ)
(Quote: āArctic Fox and aggressive TCR profileā. kerboom! š¤š¤Ŗ)

1 post
+4 votes
Moonboys Defi Token (Good investment 50-100X)
those tokenomics require some serious toking
![[crypto finance]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/FkyPYcOrOusFVRNK.png)
Moonboys Defi Token (Good investment 50-100X)
Hey guys,
A new Defi Crypto token that's worth taking a look at and investing..
This is a fairly new coin, still in its infancy (under 30 days old)
It's being added to several exchanges over the next coming weeks.
It recently got added to bitmart exchange last week, that being the first exchange to list on out of many to go.
It also taxes 10% of each transaction, 6% of each goes to all the holders.
This should 50 - 100X in time very easily.
Any interest go to:
You will need the Trustwallet App to purchase these or if your already on bitmart. Get on over there
A new Defi Crypto token that's worth taking a look at and investing..
This is a fairly new coin, still in its infancy (under 30 days old)
It's being added to several exchanges over the next coming weeks.
It recently got added to bitmart exchange last week, that being the first exchange to list on out of many to go.
It also taxes 10% of each transaction, 6% of each goes to all the holders.
This should 50 - 100X in time very easily.
Any interest go to:
You will need the Trustwallet App to purchase these or if your already on bitmart. Get on over there

It's down because they changed the token, it's been swapped over to a new one called AURUM.
Trading is now non existent for moonboys since the switch hence the low chart's.
I'm earning 1 BNB every 6 days just for holding it. That's due to the tokenomics of AURUM.
More trading on the marketplaces and I get more BnB .
All depends on your holdings and the market turnover.
Don't need a day job with that thank you
Trading is now non existent for moonboys since the switch hence the low chart's.
I'm earning 1 BNB every 6 days just for holding it. That's due to the tokenomics of AURUM.
More trading on the marketplaces and I get more BnB .
All depends on your holdings and the market turnover.
Don't need a day job with that thank you

You need something like Pancake Swap to buy in.
The value has fallen around 85% since this tip was posted, now they've rebranded to Aurum and it's still falling, albeit slower. It didn't fall because they changed the token, they changed the token to halt the fall and left thousands out of pocket (you only got the new token if you were holding 6bn of the collapsed token).
Have a look on reddit to see both sides.
The value has fallen around 85% since this tip was posted, now they've rebranded to Aurum and it's still falling, albeit slower. It didn't fall because they changed the token, they changed the token to halt the fall and left thousands out of pocket (you only got the new token if you were holding 6bn of the collapsed token).
Have a look on reddit to see both sides.

Did you make some good money out of this one then?
There's really no wonder banks are making it hard to buy crypto.
There's really no wonder banks are making it hard to buy crypto.

Many factors make me believe in that much price increase, as with all tokens and their infancy this is yet to get listed on alot of the exchanges. That itself is a pump signal there.
There's other great factors..
The team and developers and their progress so far in less than 30 days since token launch.
The rugfree audit and big sponsorships recently achieved for publicity.
What they set to achieve, and much much more..
Regular charity donations that creates big publicity, NFT sales..
I doubt I'll ever word this enough myself for people to understand the true potential in this token alone.
Just by holding you get a share of 6% from each transaction that ever takes place with moonboys split across its holders.
Take a look at their webpage and you will find alot of information. So much more that I can't fit in here
There's other great factors..
The team and developers and their progress so far in less than 30 days since token launch.
The rugfree audit and big sponsorships recently achieved for publicity.
What they set to achieve, and much much more..
Regular charity donations that creates big publicity, NFT sales..
I doubt I'll ever word this enough myself for people to understand the true potential in this token alone.
Just by holding you get a share of 6% from each transaction that ever takes place with moonboys split across its holders.
Take a look at their webpage and you will find alot of information. So much more that I can't fit in here

I found it a little difficult to buy in, I followed a video but I don't think the software was matching up with the directions. Maybe it was me, I don't know. Though would like to invest and have been watching it for the past month or so. Also I haven't seen it being updated on coingecko as of over a week ago. Where do you follow it?

1 post
+10 votes
Ambassador Craig Murray exposes the CIA, Britain's reaction expose a corrupted justice system.
started topic

Ambassador Craig Murray exposes the CIA, Britain's reaction expose a corrupted justice system.
The former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, who was removed from his post after he made public the widespread use of torture by the Uzbek government and the CIA.
His coverage of the trial of former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, who was acquitted of sexual assault charges, saw him charged with contempt of court and sentenced to eight months in prison.
And then there's Assange..
His coverage of the trial of former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond, who was acquitted of sexual assault charges, saw him charged with contempt of court and sentenced to eight months in prison.
And then there's Assange..

2 posts
+2 votes
Binance: Barclays blocks payments to cryptocurrency exchange
sounds like a bitcoin atm, use google maps
+ 2 more
![[crypto finance]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/FkyPYcOrOusFVRNK.png)
Binance: Barclays blocks payments to cryptocurrency exchange
got this too by text from barclays wirex wont even let me add funds now bimance so coinami it is

Anything but coinbase is good try a few, their policies change so much it's best to play a few hamds

im in process of pulling my crypto out is there a site you csn recommemd to.literally buy green nothing else just top up buy top up buy ???

Set up an account with starling or monzo, they still seem to be letting payments go through?

1 post
+2 votes

Crypto tanking
really i didnt notice

Crypto tanking
I see just about every crypto is on a downward spiral. Which is really fckn annoying as I need to take a chunk out to pay for a god damn tattoo. I'm expecting (hoping) it will go back up.
Is anyone on here very experienced on this who could maybe put my mind at ease man lol
Is anyone on here very experienced on this who could maybe put my mind at ease man lol

Sorry but my advice is spend it and never try to use it as an investment.
What we are seeing is btc reverting back to its true value after the latest attempt by the big fiat money men to ruin it through artificial inflation.
The good news is they failed again.
What we are seeing is btc reverting back to its true value after the latest attempt by the big fiat money men to ruin it through artificial inflation.
The good news is they failed again.

Good news? Ok mate, unless youāre one of the dynasty with millions to your name then the death of Fiat should be your goal, everyone with real money got it from their family, itās been passed down for hundreds of years and the cycle will never ever end, same as the only new famous people are kids and family of other famous people, crypto is a way for the 90% to take back some of the 90% of wealth the 10% have. Fiat money is awesome though I have to say, can print it endlessly and then you get 0.1% interest on it in a bank.

Sorry crypto has no assets or dividends so is volatile. Itās a who is the greater fool type of hype investment. Most will lose out.

You didn't notice a gun in your mouth? Probably get ye higher than any weed lol... But seriously, stay away from guns unless it's AK-47 weed lol

Where are all the Musk fanboys now?
And I see Chinese have said fcku to BTC?
"China bans financial institutions from cryptocurrency, highlights risks of manipulation"
And I see Chinese have said fcku to BTC?
"China bans financial institutions from cryptocurrency, highlights risks of manipulation"

Gov got their own that needs backing now lol. Didn't they just have a very convenient earthquake where all the miners were as well?

Yep of course they have said fuck you, cos they want to use their own digital yuan, oh and to use it you need a biometric tracker inserted into you, Choba banned it cos theyāre fucking terrified of it not cos itās shit and worthless lol. All governments are terrified their little boys club of perpetual wealth is waining, I have to say Iām very suprised anyone enlighten by weed can be so closed minded, baffles me it really does.

I do want to add that 95% of coins are shit coins, worthless totally worthless, look into Cardano and Vechain and tell me theyāre worthless, some Fortune 500 companies can only dream of a business model like that. And yes Dogecoin is a shit coin, basically an NFT which still bewilders me daily.

Thereās no putting your mind at ease currently, this could be the beginning of the end for Crypto.

Can't believe I'll have to take out some crypto for cash. If still low in 2 weeks I'll buy more. Typical it was up high recently when I didn't need the money lol. Fs

I get paid in 2 weeks and if it's still tanking I may buy more as this seems to be a trend were it goes way down then one day starts to skyrocket again. I hope so man... White Russian please.

Man you not alone, I'm stucked with ETH, LTC , Matic , Graph, Siacoin, BNB, Enjin, ALGO, XTZ , Loopring, Solana, ADA , VET and so on, almost everything is down around 50 % , but I'm not selling at loss, fuck no !

In the same boat mate, down about 50%. Hold my friend itās gonna be a double top Q4, ATHās will be broken late 21, thank me later.

I'll would never sold at lost and they're are good projects, just bad entry , fomo too fast lol

100% man, I was honestly expecting a new ATH all round, not hugely but a bump all around, it would have happened if it wasnāt for the cunt Musk, cost a lot of people a lot of money, think to know is you didnt fuck up he fucked us all up, tell come back just gonna take a lot longer now. Unprecedented events canāt be helped, HODL for the next few years is my advice now.

an old saying50 of somethig is better than 50 of nothing. i feel your pain iv pulled some out gutted but feeling like a bet thats never gonna pay out

Btc is at major support on the weekly chart, we are seeing sharp bull spikes, possible uptrend next week when volumes return, investers wont be able to resist, i think the days of endless gains may be over but there will still be lots of buying and selling opportunities.

BTC is gonna pump soon, Iām not into BTC as too few wallets control too much so unless one of them is your mate youāre left holding the pot but itās pump Q4ā¦ What we all need is Alts to stop using BTC as a fucking marker, like saying Fords doing shit so all car makers are doing shit, makes zero sense, alts need to break away from the BTC price structure ASAP.

1 post
+1 votes

World Riot I
Well you were right about the cancelled part

World Riot I
folks lets call this beast what it is, a global street revolution.
while corporate media tries its best to treat all this as unconnected, one-off, occurrences that gets pretty fucking ridiculous when 20 minutes of the 30 minutes news is riots (the other 10 is still commercials to return our wages back to the machine itself).
of course it's global that's what your media has achieved, a whole world scared of the same thing, an ultimate lowest common denominator. well now you fuckers have divided by zero and it doesn't feel very good does it. suddenly you're not so sure?
fear not, the greediest of the bunch will see a profit in spade calling soon enough. the world riot is an irresistible story even if it is the truth. however what comes after that will arrive between our cheeks boys and girls, the gang of leaders that will "restore order". because let's face it these people are getting dangerous and they are holding umbrellas and some have completely unregulated paintball rifles, someone could lose an eye if we don't lock them up and get on with normal life. will it require a few more powers? more than last time? yes, times change and these new agitators are equipped with texting, it takes ages to read all this, some of it still doesn't go through us to begin with.
please take my remote away, im falling asleep through it this time. you're all getting cancelled soon enough.
while corporate media tries its best to treat all this as unconnected, one-off, occurrences that gets pretty fucking ridiculous when 20 minutes of the 30 minutes news is riots (the other 10 is still commercials to return our wages back to the machine itself).
of course it's global that's what your media has achieved, a whole world scared of the same thing, an ultimate lowest common denominator. well now you fuckers have divided by zero and it doesn't feel very good does it. suddenly you're not so sure?
fear not, the greediest of the bunch will see a profit in spade calling soon enough. the world riot is an irresistible story even if it is the truth. however what comes after that will arrive between our cheeks boys and girls, the gang of leaders that will "restore order". because let's face it these people are getting dangerous and they are holding umbrellas and some have completely unregulated paintball rifles, someone could lose an eye if we don't lock them up and get on with normal life. will it require a few more powers? more than last time? yes, times change and these new agitators are equipped with texting, it takes ages to read all this, some of it still doesn't go through us to begin with.
please take my remote away, im falling asleep through it this time. you're all getting cancelled soon enough.

The whole thing seems so dystopian like when they show the news in a sci fi movie and the world is falling apart.

I read a column once about Russell Brand, the one quote i can recall from it was;
"just make sure you don't start your revolution when X-Factor is on the telly Russell, or nobody will turn up"
Says it all, in my humble opinion.
Just my 2p
Cheers. BB
"just make sure you don't start your revolution when X-Factor is on the telly Russell, or nobody will turn up"
Says it all, in my humble opinion.
Just my 2p
Cheers. BB

No doc it was co-opted by political opportunists and sold out to corporations before it was old enough to shit by itself.

1 post
+2 votes
Wanted: Sticker Design for LB Referrals 40USD
How did this work out?

Wanted: Sticker Design for LB Referrals 40USD
I want to stick my referral link around town as explained in this thread: https://littlebiggy.org/link/M50REY
Please post your design right here, you can use any referral code on there.
I'm not looking to get this free; I'll pick one of the posts and send you btc = 40 usd then you can put my own code on it :)
Please post your design right here, you can use any referral code on there.
I'm not looking to get this free; I'll pick one of the posts and send you btc = 40 usd then you can put my own code on it :)

I have watermarked it. I will remove the watermark, put your referral link and send you HQ version, including vectors, if you are intersted.

hey i like this thanks
think we can fit the url around the circle?
wheres the qr code fitting in?
think we can fit the url around the circle?
wheres the qr code fitting in?

Hi mate. I made a custom QR code for you. Works exactly like any other QR code, Just looks a bit prettier lol. This will prob get more scans than a generic one. Let me know if you want to use this

I do. This is awesome, we need the url still though and a tagline: "freedom by the gram".

still havent heard back so ive taken a shot at the finishing touches, whataya think?
anyway gimme at btc address for the 40 and thank you
anyway gimme at btc address for the 40 and thank you

Hi mate. Sorry been a hectic few weeks, being back at work and all. That looks great. Far better than what I had in mind. I have a bit of time this week. Where would would you like the qr code to send people?

just post the finished image here along with your btc address please, if i need a higher res ill reach out

be smart, just post this around and every time anyone scans it - they follow your link
tip me if you find this useful
tip me if you find this useful

Great idea mate, really with the times. However, how inclined are people to scan random QR codes? Seems like a good way to get some nasty malware

I tell you that even google follows the link because their engine scans qr codes every time they scan a picture, new iphones automatically see qrcodes

ive put it up as a second subject image throw up a btc address here and i'll buy you a cuppa

sent https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/f92497575bc4723cfcd032df03ca1ea6420f5b28f1d4812a3823feaf0feb394d

1 post
+2.2 votes
sia coin: earn crypto for sharing storage
Do you think there's an opportunity for nfts on biggy?

sia coin: earn crypto for sharing storage
I think you need a few terabytes but if you have the storage it's a decent coin to earn readily tradeable for btc

1 post
+1 votes
How To Be Added To The Wonder Wall?
maybe today is the day when they're going to throw it back to you?

How To Be Added To The Wonder Wall?
Hey everybody!
The title says it allā¦ we want to know how we can be added to the items wall :)
Can LittleBiggy admins help us out here?
One Love
The title says it allā¦ we want to know how we can be added to the items wall :)
Can LittleBiggy admins help us out here?
One Love

Hi smonkey
I've read before that it's very biased towards karma and continuous listing/logging on.
The theory behind it is that you are best to always have something listed rather than having items up and removing them etc so always be on top of stock amounts for your items. You also need to try and log in daily to keep the momentum going.
In regards to karma it appears you have a better chance of appearing (and staying) on the wall if you have a lot of positivity around you ie posts with good votes and lots of interaction.
This is all just things I've observed and read over time but I still think there is an element of "luck" to it all because its all just an algorithm at the end of the day.
Hope that helps :)
Stay safe
I've read before that it's very biased towards karma and continuous listing/logging on.
The theory behind it is that you are best to always have something listed rather than having items up and removing them etc so always be on top of stock amounts for your items. You also need to try and log in daily to keep the momentum going.
In regards to karma it appears you have a better chance of appearing (and staying) on the wall if you have a lot of positivity around you ie posts with good votes and lots of interaction.
This is all just things I've observed and read over time but I still think there is an element of "luck" to it all because its all just an algorithm at the end of the day.
Hope that helps :)
Stay safe

2 posts
+17 votes
to the sellers that stayed online during the blockchain meltdown: STRONGER
+ 2 more

to the sellers that stayed online during the blockchain meltdown: STRONGER

wherever there is panic there is courage. hats off to the many sellers that weathered the storm to keep this community strong.

Unfair comment really as all businesses have different situations and end games we know nothing about. It also kind of denigrates any vendor who felt the need to shut up shop for just a few days to suit their own circumstances.

I'll be sure to remind the next self employed person I meet that wanting to actually get paid for the work they do is a sign of weakness. Makes perfect sense that.
Cheers BB
Cheers BB

Just an observation,but if I told my suppliers,back in the day,that "lm really sorry,but the money I owe you is tied up with these other people,but I can possibly pay you some time soon" I'd have my hands broken.
Dumb and ugly to throw down on anyone who was forced to shut down.
Dumb and ugly to throw down on anyone who was forced to shut down.

I had a bricky round yesterday to quote me for re-pointing my chimney. It's probably only half a days work but we agreed on £150 cash because it's a risky job getting up there.
After reading all these insightful comments on this thread i've decided i'm not going to pay him.
Instead, when he knocks on the door at the end of the job and asks for the agreed amount of money for the work he's done, i'm going to play some Kanye West, put my hand on his shoulder, look him straight in the eyes and say;
"listen mate, i'm not going to pay you now, you just need to be a bit stronger"
I'll let you know how that one pans out....
Cheers. BB
After reading all these insightful comments on this thread i've decided i'm not going to pay him.
Instead, when he knocks on the door at the end of the job and asks for the agreed amount of money for the work he's done, i'm going to play some Kanye West, put my hand on his shoulder, look him straight in the eyes and say;
"listen mate, i'm not going to pay you now, you just need to be a bit stronger"
I'll let you know how that one pans out....
Cheers. BB

to continue your analogy i reckon this bricky has worked with you already, he sees the bank is closed and he does his fucking job rather than leaving it like a bitch.

Tell him you can't pay him because of a fire in China and watch his laughter as he knocks your chimney down. Takes him twice as long though, because he's a fucking good builder :)

Makes sense.
I messaged admin. They sent me a link to the pool. Which I could see for myself was jammed.
That was all the confirmation I needed, and was happy to carry on working.
I messaged admin. They sent me a link to the pool. Which I could see for myself was jammed.
That was all the confirmation I needed, and was happy to carry on working.

not surprised to see most of the og biggaz stayed online, they've seen enough shit with bitcoin to be used to this.

Theyve been through a lot of profit too, bitcoin has skyrocketed and the losses don't compare to the gains.

It's only profit when you've been paid. P.S. really hope no vendor's ended up in a sticky situation with their supplies whilst waiting for money from lb.

lol what an idiot. Vendors started shutting up shop when several of em noticed payments were bouncing. On top of that within 48 hours of a few of us shutting up payments started coming in and much smaller than before. Easy to chat shit when you don't have any skin in the game,

Half these vendors here grow there own shit so don't feel any losses when things like this happen.
Vendors who outsource items, who pay set prices, these are the ones feelling it. Not these home growers lol.
I lost loads of profit margins due to the sheer drop in bitcoin value while waiting patiently for my bitcoin so I could cash it out before any more losses or even exchange to a stable coin.
Vendors who outsource items, who pay set prices, these are the ones feelling it. Not these home growers lol.
I lost loads of profit margins due to the sheer drop in bitcoin value while waiting patiently for my bitcoin so I could cash it out before any more losses or even exchange to a stable coin.

2 posts
+4 votes

Which strains boost creativity?
full props to your selection but imho the good stuff always saves money just buy less and find another way to chill. good sativa is an investment in p…
+ 2 more

Which strains boost creativity?
Over the past month or so I've taken up acrylic painting. This has been since lockdown encouraged me to be a daily J smoker.
I wasn't previously artistic, so I think the weed has been causing this newfound creative surge. But as I largely smoke shake it's hard to identify if certain strains are causing this.
Has anyone else found bud makes them into artists?
I wasn't previously artistic, so I think the weed has been causing this newfound creative surge. But as I largely smoke shake it's hard to identify if certain strains are causing this.
Has anyone else found bud makes them into artists?

full props to your selection but imho the good stuff always saves money just buy less and find another way to chill. good sativa is an investment in productivity and you can easily find it from the same vendor.

Was about to suggest this. It's perfect for creativity. Had a lid the first time I got some book of wisdom, and within 10 minutes I had an urge to start painting. Enjoy!

Looking forward to this one. Seems to be taking its time arriving though. Fingers crossed the postie will fetch it tomoz.
Could've used it this week. Spent hours trying to get my rocks right...not a euphemism
Could've used it this week. Spent hours trying to get my rocks right...not a euphemism

1 post
+2.2 votes

Does Anyone Get Blurry Vision from Weed
started topic

Does Anyone Get Blurry Vision from Weed
I seem to get it from Indica consistently, especially for reading.

2 posts
+3 votes
How To Live Forever (Guardian)
So then can I ask if you had health and loved ones living just as long when would you like to die, optimally?
+ 2 more

How To Live Forever (Guardian)
Is it a health issue or just ego? It doesn't matter as long as their is hope.

So then can I ask if you had health and loved ones living just as long when would you like to die, optimally?

1 post
+3 votes
Bitcoin network fees, please simplify.
youve done what you can bigga, which is changing the fee. maybe your wallet provider has a minimum transaction setting?

Bitcoin network fees, please simplify.
I tried to order a $10 joint, just to try that strain I usually buy more.
I have $36 in my BTC wallet and it tells me that I don't have enough to cover network fees!! Are network fees for that transaction really more than €26?
I've tried slow, fast the lot, apparently $26 isn't enough.
I can't justify that, I had to cancel the order as I've had to do with several other orders as I never seen to have enough to cover the extortionate network fees.
Bloody frustrating.
I have $36 in my BTC wallet and it tells me that I don't have enough to cover network fees!! Are network fees for that transaction really more than €26?
I've tried slow, fast the lot, apparently $26 isn't enough.
I can't justify that, I had to cancel the order as I've had to do with several other orders as I never seen to have enough to cover the extortionate network fees.
Bloody frustrating.

I got done to the tune of £110 on a Q a few days ago including £18/$25 in fees. Should be able to get a half for that but just run out and needed the reload
Pretty gutting I hope LB can do something about this - don't see it getting better either with Tesla, Apple etc buying up crazy amounts of coin
What provider are you using?
Pretty gutting I hope LB can do something about this - don't see it getting better either with Tesla, Apple etc buying up crazy amounts of coin
What provider are you using?

Dude it's no fun, I've just found out that opera browser on Android has a built-in crypto wallet.
I'm unsure about BTC purchase charges through it but the network fee seems lower.
I've also been advised to order at non peak times as network fees are lower then.
Currently I use crypto.com and their own wallet, must be a cheaper way man.
I'm unsure about BTC purchase charges through it but the network fee seems lower.
I've also been advised to order at non peak times as network fees are lower then.
Currently I use crypto.com and their own wallet, must be a cheaper way man.

youve done what you can bigga, which is changing the fee. maybe your wallet provider has a minimum transaction setting?

Not sure why Coinbase fees are lower than a lot of others but it only cost me £1.27 to send a vendor some BTC yesterday

If I forget to upvote just give me a nudge, I suffer from a poor memory.
My brain also makes stuff up, OCD is no fun.
My brain also makes stuff up, OCD is no fun.

1 post
+3 votes
ETH 2.0 May Lead to Deflation
Why is it going up so much with the possibility of infinite money printing?
![[crypto finance]](https://i2.littlebiggy.net/images/u/w/300/FkyPYcOrOusFVRNK.png)
ETH 2.0 May Lead to Deflation
the rise of bitcoin's value is often explained by the fact that there is a limited supply and thus inherent deflation. ethereum has an unlimited supply so people think its not a good long term bet.
eth 2.0 can potentially change this as it has destruction of coins and lots of coins tied up in staking transactions.
eth 2.0 can potentially change this as it has destruction of coins and lots of coins tied up in staking transactions.

1 post
+1 votes
What do you mean by fully verified vendor?

Message me if u need any help
If you order before 12am can post same day
Have a good day :)
If you order before 12am can post same day
Have a good day :)

1 post
+2 votes
First 5 people free grams
what does fully verified vendor mean?
1 post
+2 votes

Favourite games to play when you smoke/vape?
yeah kinda groove with bots better when i'm really stoned they are more patient with me and i'm quite sure they think i'm funny.

Favourite games to play when you smoke/vape?
So I suck at Among Us when I've vaped (too slow to react and too sus in general; I'm the stoner standing over a dead body in a daze thinking "that chunk of meat looks tasty"), and I don't like high-adrenaline anything when I'm tryna be mellow, so I've recently started playing laidback games like Ooblets or Minecraft or whatever. Interested to hear what everyone else plays when high/ stoned/ tryna chill

I've played a lot of "Civ 5", kinda nice to play solo against the AI as there's no pressure with how long you take your time and depending on difficulty setting it can be a challenge still.
I also play "Rust" but I've been playing on a RP server for the last few years so it's a lot more relaxing than vanilla servers.
I also play "Rust" but I've been playing on a RP server for the last few years so it's a lot more relaxing than vanilla servers.

You have made me cry laughing at this. I attempted to play Division 2 and I lost all ability to defend my comrades and got a lot of people killed. I am now no longer invited to missions. I find Zelda games and Mario Kart more my speed when I’m stoned. Mario kart is pretty hilarious when your off your tits. I wish you could get the Dizzy games you used to get on the Commador 64 back in the 80s. Does anyone remember those?

I had them all but loading them up for 40 minutes only to get an error at the end nearly ruined my life!

Haha I never had a Commodor 64 but my big bro had a Gameboy and I recently found a gameplay video of a really old obscure Gameboy game I used to love and omg the nostalgia hearing those sounds for the first time since I was a small kid!!! I just sat there watching the gameplay video for hours.

@tigrrboxer you have made my week with this thread. I love a bit of nostalgia. Watching old gameplay does fill you with happiness. I still have an original Gameboy from, I think, 1989. I only had Tetris and Kirby's (whatever dream world he was prancing about in). It still works. I am a bit of a console junkie to be honest.

lol that division 1 and 2 are hard games anyway nevermind when your stoned Littlemissdizaster. It made me laugh too this post some memories came flooding back to me.

I am so glad you said that about Division. It is extremely hard. The control is set up way too sensitive for smooth manoeuvres. So many memories. I’m loving Lego games just now. Better pace for me he he!

Modern Warfare and Plunder, Cold War or Infinite Warfare again recently. I can play for hours. The more smoke the worse I play but I enjoy it all the same haha.

Get on the VR on your head :D Awesome playing resident evil games even skyrim is awesome when stoned lol
But I love my motors so racing games for me driveclub was my number 1 driving game kept me out of trouble.I am struggling to find one close to that, as in feel of the cars and the quality of handling them. Good fun I enjoy my gaming !! I hate minecraft after seeing younger family members playing it for ages lol
Then I get a go when its bed time lol and light up a spliff/pipe and chill time. I never smoke near the youngsters I keep saying I would be a millionaire by now if I didn't smoke just to put them off it and not pick the habit up :)
But I love my motors so racing games for me driveclub was my number 1 driving game kept me out of trouble.I am struggling to find one close to that, as in feel of the cars and the quality of handling them. Good fun I enjoy my gaming !! I hate minecraft after seeing younger family members playing it for ages lol
Then I get a go when its bed time lol and light up a spliff/pipe and chill time. I never smoke near the youngsters I keep saying I would be a millionaire by now if I didn't smoke just to put them off it and not pick the habit up :)

For me when I vape I love a good single player game with 100s of side quests like Assasins Creed, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima (just finished that and it is an incredible game). If I smoke a joint I'm usually not as keen on using my brain so I usually just smash on GTA or Saints Row and just go around shooting and killing NPC's.

Feel old, mid 50s, hate computer games, don’t have console or pc, like cards,cribbage, dominoes (west Indian style) risk, chequers, etc. But most of all I play music all day. I’m weird I play chess online when bombed, don’t care if I lose.

yeah kinda groove with bots better when i'm really stoned they are more patient with me and i'm quite sure they think i'm funny.

Play s few tycoon games on the pc, dead by daylight, mario kart and recently started playing Zelda Breath of the Wild and its perfect whilst having a dabble

Red dead redemption 2 just get wrecked and go hunting in the Wild West and swamps for bears, crocs Nd fishing, lay traps nd shit then make stuff nd sell them, always fun when too stoned for intense action...

Maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but love playing a bit of F1. Driving and a good smoke gets you right in the zone. Can't play it without out it. Ha ha!

1 post
+1 votes

How Do REgular Chinese People Feel About The Virus?
Insanity, there is zero remorse here

How Do REgular Chinese People Feel About The Virus?
I know I feel like shit about my countries behavior towards the rest of the world it's basically the opposite of how I want to treat people.
If my country started the virus I would be bummed and if my government acted like assholes about it I would be really pissed off. But I can't speak for anyone else and I would like to hear from real people instead of this shit show of mass media.
If my country started the virus I would be bummed and if my government acted like assholes about it I would be really pissed off. But I can't speak for anyone else and I would like to hear from real people instead of this shit show of mass media.

Wet markets in China may have started the virus, but it's the absolute incompetence of the World Health Organisation that has failed to sanction the markets that shows the utter corruption in the system.
Don't judge Chinese people. They are the same as all of us, but the CCP has a hold over not only their own population, but the people that run the WHO.
It'll get worse before it gets better.
Just my 2p, I hope I'm wrong.
Cheers BB
Don't judge Chinese people. They are the same as all of us, but the CCP has a hold over not only their own population, but the people that run the WHO.
It'll get worse before it gets better.
Just my 2p, I hope I'm wrong.
Cheers BB

While I am a Chinese, from mainland China. I feel that our human is unfortunate, and the world's health system may need to be improved. It is true that this virus started here, but no one wanted it to be there. Everyone knows that the Chinese government uses centralised rules, and people listen to the government's control. It's not democratic and honestly, I hate this system. It helped China control the covid situation just in several months, but things became weird recently. Just talking about China, there is almost no Covid in any cities, but when there are one or two cases appears, people in social media will attack them and post their personal information on websites. Majority of people don't show care or love to them but it's like if someone doesn't follow the rule he should be abandoned. I feel very weird about my home country, the CCP culture is so different in the UK (I lived in 3 years here), these two countries treated the covid with a very different attitude. I would say no one is wrong, each nation has its own style, and everyone wants the virus disappears. For me, I would rather be a global citizen, as I found myself very difficult to find identity and where should I belong to.

We are all hardwired for wanting remorse like you are expressing but even more is the natural condition of having the remorse in the 1st place. I don't think this even a question because the answer must be of course!
Will governments act like sociopaths yes will some suckers get rallied up by bullshit yeah but at the end of this fucked up day we all feel bad it doesn't matter what time zone we are in.
Will governments act like sociopaths yes will some suckers get rallied up by bullshit yeah but at the end of this fucked up day we all feel bad it doesn't matter what time zone we are in.

I have a lot of contact with Chinese and Taiwanese people regularly. In general, I think people don't really know what to believe in mainland China. There have been other outbreaks in Asia, so COVID is nothing really new. I find that there is little talk of the virus. However I think this varies regionally, though people are getting on with their lives and things are getting back to normal, slowly. In Hong Kong lots of kids aren't at school. Kids in Taiwan have returned and things are pretty contained there, too. Factories and businesses have been closing in mainland China, so there is worry in certain areas of job loss, etc.
I hope this gives a general picture!
I hope this gives a general picture!

Didn't you hear?
"there is NO virus"
(at least nothing more deadly than the common flu)
con artist's playing confident trick's.
"there is NO virus"
(at least nothing more deadly than the common flu)
con artist's playing confident trick's.

1 post
+2 votes
this is a right of passage don't let it get the best of you. ive lost passwords been hacked and had disks fail. but ive also ridden the wave of a life…

Hi buds,
I'm not quite sure what's happened but I think my software wallet got phished. I have lost damn almost everything i've ever made on here and i'm devastated. Literally gutted typing this.
I'm seriously considering packing all of this in as i'm struggling to get over how much time i've lost on grows and packing, the risk never mind the money but im up to my eyes in debt so its fucked and wondering if online is worth it for me.
The next few days are going to be pretty difficult for me processing whats happened. I genuinely think i'm going to have to go to a forest and eat mushrooms or something.
I genuinely am so happy I still have all my reviews on here and knowing I helped good people with weed they enjoyed that I grew. I'm just lucky i've still got that cause everything feels fucked right now. Big love guys
I'm not quite sure what's happened but I think my software wallet got phished. I have lost damn almost everything i've ever made on here and i'm devastated. Literally gutted typing this.
I'm seriously considering packing all of this in as i'm struggling to get over how much time i've lost on grows and packing, the risk never mind the money but im up to my eyes in debt so its fucked and wondering if online is worth it for me.
The next few days are going to be pretty difficult for me processing whats happened. I genuinely think i'm going to have to go to a forest and eat mushrooms or something.
I genuinely am so happy I still have all my reviews on here and knowing I helped good people with weed they enjoyed that I grew. I'm just lucky i've still got that cause everything feels fucked right now. Big love guys

Aw guys. Overwhelmed reading this. I should have look at this earlier, it definitely would have helped. Jesus the first few days were tough, I couldn't eat or sleep or even smoke weed. I've been microdosing mushrooms that I was luckily able to pick from my own garden, they really really helped. And i'm back, i'm over it. It was just part of the process and I know when bad things happen to me it's because something better is always on the horizon. so thank you universe, you sick sick bastard.
I love you all. No joke, thank you. The past year or so had been really really tough on my mental health (besides rona) and running this shop gave me purpose again.
I just wish I could do it legally.
With regards to what happened, I really don't want to get into it to be honest i'm still not entirely sure but im over it. but my messages/passwords were not compromised, everything gets deleted or stored in my brain. I'm now looking at a hardware wallet now and i'll be setting up a new address on here.
Right I'm for a reason, money does grow on trees, my people need their organic medicine and i'm not gonna recoup my loss by sitting around feeling sorry for myself so here we go.
The long awaited DURBAN POISON will be live tomorrow. I flowered all my mothers and they have been taking there sweet sweet time to finish (literally about a month longer than expected, shakes fist lol). I'm trimming it as we speak and will have photos tomorrow. This smoke is definitely for the oldschool heads. Pure Sativa, not too crazy on the THC a real breakfast smoke, I say this because i've been hitting bongs of it with breakfast xD I love life again peoples, I can't let money control me, i'm fucking blessed to be alive and thats some real shit, my lifes beautiful and everyday I show gratitude for it.
I was hoping a favour. I'd love to get this listed now but it's gotta cure in the jar for a week at least. I let it dry out in the soil for a week, then dry hung it for a week before the chop so it's gorgeous already, but, it still does need that kilner cure.
Once i'm aware of weight, which should be at least 3/4 ounces she was a huge girl.
I'm going to list it as a **PRE ORDER** to be shipped out in a week or so when the cure is ready, i'll give live updates on here. Due to coin being held for 16 days on here it will give me a leg up getting back in the game before christmas. After that should be Green Crack, Purple Punch, Zkittlez & Blue Dream in that order. All 1 larger plant batches.
If this is something people would like to see me do with other strains due to demand and me usually running out, well, i'd love that but understand if you want to get high rightaway, because, don't we all!
I'd also strongly consider, as mentioning by someone below, taking initial investments on grows, or deposits coming up to the end of grows. Hell, i'll even grow strains or a set number of plants for you and drip feed you your own stock from your initial deposit. Anything to make this work, I love growing, I love my customers. thank you!
I love you all. No joke, thank you. The past year or so had been really really tough on my mental health (besides rona) and running this shop gave me purpose again.
I just wish I could do it legally.
With regards to what happened, I really don't want to get into it to be honest i'm still not entirely sure but im over it. but my messages/passwords were not compromised, everything gets deleted or stored in my brain. I'm now looking at a hardware wallet now and i'll be setting up a new address on here.
Right I'm for a reason, money does grow on trees, my people need their organic medicine and i'm not gonna recoup my loss by sitting around feeling sorry for myself so here we go.
The long awaited DURBAN POISON will be live tomorrow. I flowered all my mothers and they have been taking there sweet sweet time to finish (literally about a month longer than expected, shakes fist lol). I'm trimming it as we speak and will have photos tomorrow. This smoke is definitely for the oldschool heads. Pure Sativa, not too crazy on the THC a real breakfast smoke, I say this because i've been hitting bongs of it with breakfast xD I love life again peoples, I can't let money control me, i'm fucking blessed to be alive and thats some real shit, my lifes beautiful and everyday I show gratitude for it.
I was hoping a favour. I'd love to get this listed now but it's gotta cure in the jar for a week at least. I let it dry out in the soil for a week, then dry hung it for a week before the chop so it's gorgeous already, but, it still does need that kilner cure.
Once i'm aware of weight, which should be at least 3/4 ounces she was a huge girl.
I'm going to list it as a **PRE ORDER** to be shipped out in a week or so when the cure is ready, i'll give live updates on here. Due to coin being held for 16 days on here it will give me a leg up getting back in the game before christmas. After that should be Green Crack, Purple Punch, Zkittlez & Blue Dream in that order. All 1 larger plant batches.
If this is something people would like to see me do with other strains due to demand and me usually running out, well, i'd love that but understand if you want to get high rightaway, because, don't we all!
I'd also strongly consider, as mentioning by someone below, taking initial investments on grows, or deposits coming up to the end of grows. Hell, i'll even grow strains or a set number of plants for you and drip feed you your own stock from your initial deposit. Anything to make this work, I love growing, I love my customers. thank you!

Hey there:) I've just read this after putting my first lb order in. Glad i ended up choosing you after seeing this. Looking forward to receiving first of many deliveries I hope! Cheers x

Welcome back mate, not sure this will be my cup of tea but I’m gunna put in a order for a gram to try it out. The Zkittlez you had was excellent.


Hey mate - I am so sorry to hear this, that’s absolutely shit, really terrible. You’ve been such a positive force on LB it doesn’t sit right with me at all. You’ve been a great edition to LB and I think you’d be sadly missed if you left, but I would understand if you did. Gonna top up your tip jar now mate. Again I’m really sorry bro, but you’re a top guy and I know you’ve got that good energy to come out the other side bigger and badder!

Money, they can take away..or steal..The important thing.is: Only you have your system of UKCannaFarm....and only you know which steps to keep, and lockdown..! The LB community is rallying.....
See you at the Top......
See you at the Top......

We don't know each other but private message me if there is anything I could help you out with.
Really sad to hear this bad news.
Hardware wallet I think, as you have me thinking about my own security.
You will bounce back
Really sad to hear this bad news.
Hardware wallet I think, as you have me thinking about my own security.
You will bounce back

My first purchase on Lb was with yourself and the 'Grade' A service convinced me Lb was a decent place to aquire herbal happiness. Take some time to assess whats happened and learn from whats gone wrong so that you can protect yourself in the future. Good luck Bud hopefully this bullshit dosent keep you down.

Oh man, that is absolutely brutal :( I'm so sorry to hear that. You seem like a nice dude too, that sucks.
Have you regained security over your wallet or is it still compromised? How do you think this has happened, did you become complacent and click on a phishing website or use a public network or even have a virus in your device? I am sure other users would be keen in knowing so they can avoid the same happening to them.
I know it is not much consolation but look at it this way, it's not like you lost your stash and cash because you got caught with it in the street which I'm sure feels a whole lot worse. You will live to fight another day.!
Hope you make it back to your feet mate!
Have you regained security over your wallet or is it still compromised? How do you think this has happened, did you become complacent and click on a phishing website or use a public network or even have a virus in your device? I am sure other users would be keen in knowing so they can avoid the same happening to them.
I know it is not much consolation but look at it this way, it's not like you lost your stash and cash because you got caught with it in the street which I'm sure feels a whole lot worse. You will live to fight another day.!
Hope you make it back to your feet mate!

Sorry to hear that pal, hope it all works out for you. Any security tips for securing your wallets ?

That’s shit at anytime Bro, keep up the good work and believe that things can only get better. Take care ????

Really sorry to hear that. When people make so much effort to supply weed to there customers with such Passion and make a few pound this is shocking. The sooner weed is legalised the better where people who are making a living don't get ripped off.

Really sorry to hear this has happened to you dude. As my first buy on LB, I was really glad to be a customer of yours and I hope you can find a way to bounce back from this! You're clearly one of the good guys on here and care about doing things right.

Wow really sorry to hear this bro. My first order on here was for your first bit of Zkittlez and the way you dealt with everything really put my mind at ease ordering on here. Really hope you can get back up on your feet.

I'm afraid all I can offer is sympathy and suggest you check out coinfirm ( google coinfirm,reclaim lost crypto) a friend told me they helped him out in similar circumstances. No idea if they can help you,but If it were me,I'd be e mailing them right about now. Much luck with it,man.

Really sorry to hear that man.
Was impressed with your Zkittles and have been waiting to see what was up next.
Looks like you have plenty of love and support here on LB which wont bring the cash back but shows youre a stand up guy and are doing it right.
Hoping to order again soon mate!
Was impressed with your Zkittles and have been waiting to see what was up next.
Looks like you have plenty of love and support here on LB which wont bring the cash back but shows youre a stand up guy and are doing it right.
Hoping to order again soon mate!

Change all your passwords, malware scan, use different hardware wallet/bitcoin wallet.
If your in debt then selling weed is best/quickest way to get back on your feet, its almost christmas so could be busiest time of the year for you
Really sorry for your loss, devastating as it seems you can bounce back from this
Keep the faith
If your in debt then selling weed is best/quickest way to get back on your feet, its almost christmas so could be busiest time of the year for you
Really sorry for your loss, devastating as it seems you can bounce back from this
Keep the faith

I've only just read this...I'm so, so sorry to hear what's happened.
You're clearly an amazing person, I hope this is just a step you can overcome and carry on all the better for it.
Thank you for giving me your guidance and assurance, I really hope you continue with your work.
Loadsa love. (āį“āāæ) xxx
You're clearly an amazing person, I hope this is just a step you can overcome and carry on all the better for it.
Thank you for giving me your guidance and assurance, I really hope you continue with your work.
Loadsa love. (āį“āāæ) xxx

Damn man, sorry to hear that. I'd definitely like to buy off you but I need to get some bitcoins and work all this shit out. Noob. Hopefully be able to do business at some point.

Check the output transactions, if there are no output transactions and you still have access to your private keys, use an another wallet (like coinomi or invest in an hardware wallet) and send all your BTC to a new wallet asap.
If there are output transactions, then sorry, but you can't do nothing, as BTC transactions are irreversible (only if more than 51% of the nodes would agree to reverse to a previous block height, for you, you would have your BTC back)
I'm sorry for your lost, but you can move forward, just invest in a good hardware wallet and keep selling, don't look back, what's lost is lost, pointless and dangerous for the mind to think about the loss.
If there are output transactions, then sorry, but you can't do nothing, as BTC transactions are irreversible (only if more than 51% of the nodes would agree to reverse to a previous block height, for you, you would have your BTC back)
I'm sorry for your lost, but you can move forward, just invest in a good hardware wallet and keep selling, don't look back, what's lost is lost, pointless and dangerous for the mind to think about the loss.

this is a right of passage don't let it get the best of you. ive lost passwords been hacked and had disks fail. but ive also ridden the wave of a lifetime. hang in there.

This is awful! Im very sorry to hear it.
Does anyone know how something like this could happen and any extra measures to take to prevent it?
Not that i have anything to nick, wouldnt be worth their hourly rate.
I wish you luck and hope you can resolve somehow
Does anyone know how something like this could happen and any extra measures to take to prevent it?
Not that i have anything to nick, wouldnt be worth their hourly rate.
I wish you luck and hope you can resolve somehow

Gutted to hear that mate. Keep your chin up there is a way out of any dark place I've been in a few financially and otherwise. In the cold light of day maybe having a solid reputation on here could be a god send if you think this is still viable. I'd say grow as a hobby as we all do/did..don't chase what you lost just see what surplus you end up with and I've seen myself the quality is there. You'll be missed on here if you pack it in but on a wider level look after yourself mate and think over what's next.

really sorry to hear that mate, you do great work and I'm always on the lookout for a post/item update from you
whatever you decide to do moving forward, take care of yourself
whatever you decide to do moving forward, take care of yourself

That’s what I would be scared of happening to me also as crypto is even more in the imagination of people than traceable money. Sorry to hear this though. All the best for the future, the only way is up;)

1 post
+4 votes

{star trek}
Discovery Makes No Sense
Especially when technology expands exponentially. In the 23rd century inventions that take decades now would roll out every month.

{star trek}
Discovery Makes No Sense

How could they go 1,000 years into the future and shit has hardly changed?
Even the fucking jumpsuits haven't evolved.
Even the fucking jumpsuits haven't evolved.

And the insults haven't changed since Waynes World, the Admiral is definitely calling someone a loser with that hand gesture.

Especially when technology expands exponentially. In the 23rd century inventions that take decades now would roll out every month.

2 posts
+3 votes
spam bear
why do you think sticky and ron are different?
+ 2 more
i apologize i am pretty new to LB trying to figure out
i beg your pardon have i done something incorrect?
kind regards, THB
i beg your pardon have i done something incorrect?
kind regards, THB

This muppet is so blatantly ShittyFingersCo again... Dynacarver is ShittyFingersCo so why are you commenting on 'TheHappyBear'

You will probably see another vendor account pop up soon happy bear hasn't been online in two days he will be on making another account lol

irony for the most part. your diagnoses is anger, you come up with this lovey character to compensate and everyone is angry with you.
forgive them and maybe you're on your way to progress.
remember we aren't the cunts that cheated you so deeply in childhood, we're nice people that could just as easily be your clients and friends.
forgive them and maybe you're on your way to progress.
remember we aren't the cunts that cheated you so deeply in childhood, we're nice people that could just as easily be your clients and friends.

U Guys really would make terrible detectives
idk what on earth or who you guys are talking about
and yes we do not ship on weekends, so no need for me to be online.
idk what on earth or who you guys are talking about
and yes we do not ship on weekends, so no need for me to be online.

You make a terrible vendor who can't even make a fake profile without making it obvious every time lol

1 post
+1 votes
Is Trump Planning a Coup?
if he can create enough chaos he can bring in the military but i dont think they would be loyal to him
Marginalize the judiciary? Check. Shock the media into weakness? Check. Stack the government with Generals? Check. Am i missing anything?

Only question is what is needed for this. Will provocation of enemies be enough to create the terrifying event they need to grant Trump extra powers? Or will they hire mercenaries?

I honestly don't think Trump has the brains to plan a coup. But I think he's happily bought sick people like Bannon to think for him. I'm horrified by what the damn Orange Turd has already done with his executive orders. He's doing his best to destroy environmental protection and make the rich richer. And the saddest part is that his hardcore supporters STILL think he is doing what he promised them. WTF? Apparently some of them will still be praising him while he crushes them.

Yes I can never figure why white trash is so cool with the guy but I read something (I can't remember where) that said they hate on people right above them like bankers and lawyers and the like but really love the guys above that. People like Trump say fuck you to upper middle elite and the lower eat that up.

He's just saying 'fuck you' to the elite. He doesn't mean it- he's taking care of the filthy rich, while labelling the upper middle class "rich". How stupid are people?! He's using the masses against each other, like the elites have done for centuries. It's all such a fucking sick joke!

I guess l've been living in another dimension for the past year. Trump gave more than 90% of the middle class a tax cut, and by the way, the corporations did exactly what he said they would do when their rate was cut to 20%. They gave their employees bonuses and pay raises, something that never happened under Obama. My God, why don't you try to get your info from reliable sources, not the mainstream media. If you're not willing to do that then take all the nonsensical bullshit you've been spewing here and insert it into your anal cavities. I recommend using some KY. I used to use a lot of it on my patients when l worked in my local hospital. It really helps when it comes to enemas. You definitely need one.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I do not get all my information from mainstream media... any of them. I listen to many sides, especially information that each omits - that is often the key. I also include my own personal experience, and research.
Trump has a love/ hate relationship with the elite probably because he has always been a new money outsider.
I lived too close to NYC to avoid all Trump's antics, and media exposure, starting somewhere around 1980. It's not a stretch to believe that he hasn't changed all that much since then.
In regard to the big tax breaks you mention, yes, some good has come from it, but how much? Those middle class breaks have a deadline, the other breaks do not. Why?
Too much of this tax break is similar to Reagan's 'trickle down' economics. Did that work well for you?
The basic premise really does sound reasonable, but it is impossible. Regardless how the ultra rich spend their money, they will never purchase 1000 homes to live in, or 10000 vehicles to drive. But if the middle class truly still existed, they would be doing just that. They would be putting that money back into the US economy. Time had proven that the ultra rich are more like hoarders with money. That's why offshore havens, and tax shelters have grown exponentially over the past 30 years.
I'm glad for logical disagreements, backed by facts. But I have no interest in hate, or aggression, there is just too much of that already.
For the record, I still hold hope that Trump does more good than harm. At the very least, I believe that our Constitutional Republic will be made better for the shake up that the current administration is causing.
Trump has a love/ hate relationship with the elite probably because he has always been a new money outsider.
I lived too close to NYC to avoid all Trump's antics, and media exposure, starting somewhere around 1980. It's not a stretch to believe that he hasn't changed all that much since then.
In regard to the big tax breaks you mention, yes, some good has come from it, but how much? Those middle class breaks have a deadline, the other breaks do not. Why?
Too much of this tax break is similar to Reagan's 'trickle down' economics. Did that work well for you?
The basic premise really does sound reasonable, but it is impossible. Regardless how the ultra rich spend their money, they will never purchase 1000 homes to live in, or 10000 vehicles to drive. But if the middle class truly still existed, they would be doing just that. They would be putting that money back into the US economy. Time had proven that the ultra rich are more like hoarders with money. That's why offshore havens, and tax shelters have grown exponentially over the past 30 years.
I'm glad for logical disagreements, backed by facts. But I have no interest in hate, or aggression, there is just too much of that already.
For the record, I still hold hope that Trump does more good than harm. At the very least, I believe that our Constitutional Republic will be made better for the shake up that the current administration is causing.

You wouldn't believe the message l was gonna send you. Definitely the longest one on this website. I made all my points with the information on hand that refuted pretty much everything you sent me with the actual facts to back me up. What is actually driving me is the only thing that really matters now. It's an 83 y.o. woman who l call mom.
Despite what you claim, a lot of what you had to say came straight out of the left's playbook, nearly word for word in some places. I don't get my information from social media or any of the usual suspects. I get it from a source that doesn't have an axe to grind or a personal agenda that benefits themselves.You can't find that nearly anywhere anymore.
Yes, l remember Reagan's trickle down economics and it served me well. You sound exactly like the left. They despise him because he did an end run around the mainstream media and made his points directly with the people. It drove them nuts.
I don't care about how the ultra elites send their assets off shore. The only reason they did was because of all of the taxes and regulations the government forced on them. Obama added 24,000 pages of new regulations to what was already a nightmare of bullshit they had to deal with. The left has always used them as a distraction and to turn one group of people against another. By the way, l'm not a republican. I blame them just as much the democrats for the mess we were in before Trump took office. They're in panic mode now. He is screwing up everything they've built for themselves over the past 80 years. Trump isn't new money. His family was already rich. He got an inheritance of $20 million and then made himself a billionaire because he does have an acumen for business, which is exactly what the country needed. It's the lawyers and professional politicians that ran the country into the ground.
What am l? You say there's no middle class now so what am l? I've had money and l've been homeless. You were offended by what l told you. I'm offended that you were so condescending to me. I remember 1980 just fine. I remember how Carter fucked up everything he tried to do during his one term in office. I can go back even further. I remember the long lines of cars at gas stations during the Arab oil embargo. I don't need a history lesson from anyone. Did you know that was one of the times that we reached def con 2. Most people don't. That's my history lesson.
I'll take my sabbatical now and leave you to your own devices. I feel that this conversation is being wasted on you.
I don't hate you but l do get aggravated at times. l simply state my opinion with the information l have on hand, information that's been 100% accurate since l found my source. I suggest you run to your safe space and ponder the micro aggression you believe l'm guilty of concerning your opinion. If you want to debate anything l've said here l'd like nothing more
but l don't feel like l should have to walk on eggshells to do it. Grow a thicker skin and get back to me. I'll do the only thing that drew me to this website in the first place. Buying top drawer flower. Do what you want. I doubt l'll ever have to state my opinions again. It's pointless. Thank you for making me realize that.
Despite what you claim, a lot of what you had to say came straight out of the left's playbook, nearly word for word in some places. I don't get my information from social media or any of the usual suspects. I get it from a source that doesn't have an axe to grind or a personal agenda that benefits themselves.You can't find that nearly anywhere anymore.
Yes, l remember Reagan's trickle down economics and it served me well. You sound exactly like the left. They despise him because he did an end run around the mainstream media and made his points directly with the people. It drove them nuts.
I don't care about how the ultra elites send their assets off shore. The only reason they did was because of all of the taxes and regulations the government forced on them. Obama added 24,000 pages of new regulations to what was already a nightmare of bullshit they had to deal with. The left has always used them as a distraction and to turn one group of people against another. By the way, l'm not a republican. I blame them just as much the democrats for the mess we were in before Trump took office. They're in panic mode now. He is screwing up everything they've built for themselves over the past 80 years. Trump isn't new money. His family was already rich. He got an inheritance of $20 million and then made himself a billionaire because he does have an acumen for business, which is exactly what the country needed. It's the lawyers and professional politicians that ran the country into the ground.
What am l? You say there's no middle class now so what am l? I've had money and l've been homeless. You were offended by what l told you. I'm offended that you were so condescending to me. I remember 1980 just fine. I remember how Carter fucked up everything he tried to do during his one term in office. I can go back even further. I remember the long lines of cars at gas stations during the Arab oil embargo. I don't need a history lesson from anyone. Did you know that was one of the times that we reached def con 2. Most people don't. That's my history lesson.
I'll take my sabbatical now and leave you to your own devices. I feel that this conversation is being wasted on you.
I don't hate you but l do get aggravated at times. l simply state my opinion with the information l have on hand, information that's been 100% accurate since l found my source. I suggest you run to your safe space and ponder the micro aggression you believe l'm guilty of concerning your opinion. If you want to debate anything l've said here l'd like nothing more
but l don't feel like l should have to walk on eggshells to do it. Grow a thicker skin and get back to me. I'll do the only thing that drew me to this website in the first place. Buying top drawer flower. Do what you want. I doubt l'll ever have to state my opinions again. It's pointless. Thank you for making me realize that.

I would love to have access to this source you have, with absolutely no axe to grind, or agenda, it would make life easier.
Please tell me how this comment is not aggressive - "If you're not willing to do that then take all the nonsensical bullshit you've been spewing here and insert it into your anal cavities. I recommend using some KY. I used to use a lot of it on my patients when l worked in my local hospital. It really helps when it comes to enemas. You definitely need one."
Yea, I remember the gas lines, and all the crap we apparently both lived through. The only correction I will make is that one, or even two generations does not get a family into the elite 'old money' club.
It saddens me to argue over politics. But can we even agree that Nixon was a bastard with his war on drugs? Why the relentless reefer madness propoganda? Maybe for the sake of the Hurst family holdings. Idk, and I don't have the inclination to argue further with someone I would probably befriend without the political interference. Why? Because apparently we both have hearts.
My 86 yo mother is now in hospice. I try to distract myself with this site, games, etc., but it's not worth creating more negative energy in this world, there is already far too much!
I've felt the privilege of a comfortable middle class. But then I also watched my family devestated, and homeless.
I thank all that's good in this universe for the people who have helped us along the way.
No, I can't hate you. No more than I can hate the family who gave so selflessly to support me as my sister was consumed by cancer. They are apparently scary republicans... if we didn't have labels, maybe we could understand each other better.
Be well.
Please tell me how this comment is not aggressive - "If you're not willing to do that then take all the nonsensical bullshit you've been spewing here and insert it into your anal cavities. I recommend using some KY. I used to use a lot of it on my patients when l worked in my local hospital. It really helps when it comes to enemas. You definitely need one."
Yea, I remember the gas lines, and all the crap we apparently both lived through. The only correction I will make is that one, or even two generations does not get a family into the elite 'old money' club.
It saddens me to argue over politics. But can we even agree that Nixon was a bastard with his war on drugs? Why the relentless reefer madness propoganda? Maybe for the sake of the Hurst family holdings. Idk, and I don't have the inclination to argue further with someone I would probably befriend without the political interference. Why? Because apparently we both have hearts.
My 86 yo mother is now in hospice. I try to distract myself with this site, games, etc., but it's not worth creating more negative energy in this world, there is already far too much!
I've felt the privilege of a comfortable middle class. But then I also watched my family devestated, and homeless.
I thank all that's good in this universe for the people who have helped us along the way.
No, I can't hate you. No more than I can hate the family who gave so selflessly to support me as my sister was consumed by cancer. They are apparently scary republicans... if we didn't have labels, maybe we could understand each other better.
Be well.

Yes, l read about the sister you lost to cancer. I truly am sorry for your loss. I've watched my mother lose a kidney to cancer and my father had prostate cancer and l've lost count of the number of cancerous tumors he's had removed from his face. I have to take him to his doctor March 1st to have another one removed. I can't prove it but l believe one or more of the pharmaceutical companies have come up with a cure for some, if not all forms of cancer. As they say, there's no profit to be made with a cure. I hate to be that cynical, but they haven't given me a reason to think otherwise, judging by their previous behavior.
You're right about political discussions. I hate talking about it as well, but l can't sit back and read what sounds like something people are repeating what they read in the Huffington Post, among other liberal rags. If l stand by and say nothing, it feels like I'm agreeing with everything they're saying. My original message wasn't directed solely at you, but l'm not going to send the same message to 10 or more different people. You just happened to be in the line of fire.
As for the KY and enema comment, it was harsh but it was simply me becoming aggravated with everything l was reading and the refusal of some people to take an honest look at what is actually happening concerning current events, namely things like Trump planning a coup or being racist. Give me a fucking break. Unemployment has reached a 17 year low when it comes to the African American community. Seems to me if he was a racist he would be trying to do everything possible to keep them from improving their lot in life. That goes along with being xenophobic as well. The real xenophobes are in the UN.
Your right about the two of us becoming friends. You sound like you're an old fart just like l am. We should dump the political discussions and focus on something that really matters...buying and burning as much flower as humanly possible. I think it would be a better use of our time;-) I'm still going to take my sabbatical, but only when it comes to politics. There's nothing to be gained from it. I'm removing my earlier message l sent you. I really don't want to have to deal with this subject again if someone finds it offensive and decides to stir the embers.
As for my source. Yes, a lot of people would love to know where l get my information. I've had my source since 1996. It was the reason l cut off any political affiliation with the two party system. I voted for Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky during the last election. He's a republican but his views are more inline with the Libritarian Party(yes, l know l didn't spell it right but my spell checker isn't working for some reason). Gary Johnson was just too goofy for my taste. Too much flower l guess. Paul was one of the first to drop out of the republican primary. He's a medical doctor who believes we should legalize flower nationally. That's more than enough reason for me to vote for him. Shrinking the size of government is another. I wrote him in when l voted. It was purely symbolic.
I know what you consider old money. Names like Ford, Rockefeller and Kennedy come to mind. For me new money is someone who's completely self made. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates... That's new money to me.
While Trump is a mostly self made billionaire, he had a sizable head start. Who knows where he would be if he would have started from scratch, especially when we're talking about real estate. That usually requires financial backing. That's hard to obtain if you don't have any collateral to begin with.
I gotta ask you...How in the hell did you end up on this website? I know how l got here. I've made no secret as to why I'm here. One word, flower. You however are a mystery.
Crap. It's not letting me remove my earlier messages. Anybody who's reading this, just understand that l will not respond to anything having to do with these messages. I'm done.
You're right about political discussions. I hate talking about it as well, but l can't sit back and read what sounds like something people are repeating what they read in the Huffington Post, among other liberal rags. If l stand by and say nothing, it feels like I'm agreeing with everything they're saying. My original message wasn't directed solely at you, but l'm not going to send the same message to 10 or more different people. You just happened to be in the line of fire.
As for the KY and enema comment, it was harsh but it was simply me becoming aggravated with everything l was reading and the refusal of some people to take an honest look at what is actually happening concerning current events, namely things like Trump planning a coup or being racist. Give me a fucking break. Unemployment has reached a 17 year low when it comes to the African American community. Seems to me if he was a racist he would be trying to do everything possible to keep them from improving their lot in life. That goes along with being xenophobic as well. The real xenophobes are in the UN.
Your right about the two of us becoming friends. You sound like you're an old fart just like l am. We should dump the political discussions and focus on something that really matters...buying and burning as much flower as humanly possible. I think it would be a better use of our time;-) I'm still going to take my sabbatical, but only when it comes to politics. There's nothing to be gained from it. I'm removing my earlier message l sent you. I really don't want to have to deal with this subject again if someone finds it offensive and decides to stir the embers.
As for my source. Yes, a lot of people would love to know where l get my information. I've had my source since 1996. It was the reason l cut off any political affiliation with the two party system. I voted for Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky during the last election. He's a republican but his views are more inline with the Libritarian Party(yes, l know l didn't spell it right but my spell checker isn't working for some reason). Gary Johnson was just too goofy for my taste. Too much flower l guess. Paul was one of the first to drop out of the republican primary. He's a medical doctor who believes we should legalize flower nationally. That's more than enough reason for me to vote for him. Shrinking the size of government is another. I wrote him in when l voted. It was purely symbolic.
I know what you consider old money. Names like Ford, Rockefeller and Kennedy come to mind. For me new money is someone who's completely self made. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates... That's new money to me.
While Trump is a mostly self made billionaire, he had a sizable head start. Who knows where he would be if he would have started from scratch, especially when we're talking about real estate. That usually requires financial backing. That's hard to obtain if you don't have any collateral to begin with.
I gotta ask you...How in the hell did you end up on this website? I know how l got here. I've made no secret as to why I'm here. One word, flower. You however are a mystery.
Crap. It's not letting me remove my earlier messages. Anybody who's reading this, just understand that l will not respond to anything having to do with these messages. I'm done.

Deal! From one old fart, to another, politics blows! I hate it, but consider it to be completely irresponsible to not use the hard won right to vote. As I think I said, love him, or hate him, Trump is at least making people wake up. I don't know if they're thinking...no jab there. I include myself in the multitude that is just doing the best they can with what they've got.
I think we agree more clearly on the pharmaceutical tyranny. Notice how those doctors of old CURED diseases, like smallpox, polio, etc.? Notice how many cures have been found in the past 75 years? None, now they just keep finding new conditions to treat - indefinitely!
I found this site by scouring the internet for years, looking for help for my sister... and me.
She was not receptive to cannabis until a few years before she passed. But before that I had moved overseas, and no longer had any contacts to send her to to buy decent weed. And considering my sister's personality, she couldn't make contacts. If she was a kid today they'd probably label her as having Asberger's Syndrome. She was brilliant, but not good at dealing with people at all.
Since you've dealt with your share of cancer victims, you must know how many treatments are out there. Not just from big pharma, but herbal, vitamin, nutritional, and even frequency (Rife).
I can't say what helped, but my sister refused all allopathic medicine, using only natural treatments. It took her six years to die, only accepting 'western medicine' the last year when she had to be hospitalised, then stuck in a nursing home.
By the time I got through a few scams, got bitcoin figured out, and found this site... well, I was still raising money for some Rick Simpson oil when she caught MRSA. She finally went septic with MRSA, and it shut down her kidneys.
Something that still upsets me is that MRSA is not even mentioned on her death cert., just metastasized breast cancer. It just feels like they're trying to hide the true extent of the 'super bugs' they're creating.
I use this site to buy because I've got seriously limited mobility, and I live in a fairly rural area. I've used the wonderful gift of lovely, sticky marijuana flowers, most of my life for relaxation, and recreation.
Now, with spinal injuries, digestive problems, depression, and all the other BS I live with, I'm experimenting with different medicinal strains, and edibles. I've actually got my doctor considering CBD oil because i have horrible reactions to antiinflamitories. I'm shocked, but I'll take it. In the meantime I self medicate with herb, and supplement with his narcotics, and valium when necessary.
No worries about the old posts. I hope you don't catch too much shit from others. To be entirely honest, I want to have real, honest info., and debate, on all my choices, including politics. It helps keep me honest. It's just too difficult for me right now.
Most of the plans are made for Mom's passing. I just wish I could be with her. Who knows, she was always tough, she could still outlive me!
Take care, and keep smokin' ;)
I think we agree more clearly on the pharmaceutical tyranny. Notice how those doctors of old CURED diseases, like smallpox, polio, etc.? Notice how many cures have been found in the past 75 years? None, now they just keep finding new conditions to treat - indefinitely!
I found this site by scouring the internet for years, looking for help for my sister... and me.
She was not receptive to cannabis until a few years before she passed. But before that I had moved overseas, and no longer had any contacts to send her to to buy decent weed. And considering my sister's personality, she couldn't make contacts. If she was a kid today they'd probably label her as having Asberger's Syndrome. She was brilliant, but not good at dealing with people at all.
Since you've dealt with your share of cancer victims, you must know how many treatments are out there. Not just from big pharma, but herbal, vitamin, nutritional, and even frequency (Rife).
I can't say what helped, but my sister refused all allopathic medicine, using only natural treatments. It took her six years to die, only accepting 'western medicine' the last year when she had to be hospitalised, then stuck in a nursing home.
By the time I got through a few scams, got bitcoin figured out, and found this site... well, I was still raising money for some Rick Simpson oil when she caught MRSA. She finally went septic with MRSA, and it shut down her kidneys.
Something that still upsets me is that MRSA is not even mentioned on her death cert., just metastasized breast cancer. It just feels like they're trying to hide the true extent of the 'super bugs' they're creating.
I use this site to buy because I've got seriously limited mobility, and I live in a fairly rural area. I've used the wonderful gift of lovely, sticky marijuana flowers, most of my life for relaxation, and recreation.
Now, with spinal injuries, digestive problems, depression, and all the other BS I live with, I'm experimenting with different medicinal strains, and edibles. I've actually got my doctor considering CBD oil because i have horrible reactions to antiinflamitories. I'm shocked, but I'll take it. In the meantime I self medicate with herb, and supplement with his narcotics, and valium when necessary.
No worries about the old posts. I hope you don't catch too much shit from others. To be entirely honest, I want to have real, honest info., and debate, on all my choices, including politics. It helps keep me honest. It's just too difficult for me right now.
Most of the plans are made for Mom's passing. I just wish I could be with her. Who knows, she was always tough, she could still outlive me!
Take care, and keep smokin' ;)

You're right about the pharmaceutical companies. Started out curing everything that came their way and they went kaput. When one of them said they created a cure for hepatitis c, my jaw hit the floor. It's the first time anything has been cured since those early days, as far as l can remember it happening. Today is a different story. To watch that prick, who was testifying before a government committee about why he raised the price of a drug his company makes, all he did was act like a smug little bastard, taking the 5th when he wasn't busy acting like an ass. If l was on that committee l would have beaten him into a pile of excrement. Let's see how smug he would have been after that.

Oh shit! Making faces at committee questions! What an evil little turd! He's still young enough to think he's smarter than all those old farts.
Whether you call it karma, or something else. That kind of cold hearted greed will not serve him well for long!
Whether you call it karma, or something else. That kind of cold hearted greed will not serve him well for long!

Who in the hell raises the price for a med that went for $10 apiece up to more than $700. He should have a full dance card once he arrives in prison. Well, at least he won't have to worry about constipation in the future.

This website is really chapping my ass. I just sent you a message but it wouldn't go through. Kept hitting send and nothing happened. I tried going back to a previous page but when l tried to go back to where l was before, my message was gone.
We're definitely farts coming from the same ass. I've been dealing with mental disorder(s) for the past 11 years. The most entertaining one has to be bipolar. I never add the word depression because it's only half of what makes bipolar such a joy to deal with. The manic part is just as bad, if not worse than the depression. I stop sleeping and eating for days at a time which isn't best part. That goes to the aggression part hands down. I become an atomic bomb just waiting for someone to try and defuse me. They set me off every time.
Throw on top of that generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and OCD and it makes for fun times for all. The Feds don't think l play well with others so they declared me permanently disabled. They definitely don't think l should own any type of firearms, although l do have an arsenal that's the envy of most third world countries. They should really worry about someone who has the same disorders, yet refuses to believe it and doesn't try to get help, like the dude from Florida who killed all those people in that nightclub. I realized something was wrong and it came to a head when l was awake for 19 days for absolutely no obvious reason, so l sought help. I don't have a criminal record as well, or any history of violence in my past, yet they think l'm the dangerous one. They're right in one aspect. I never leave my home when l'm in manic mode. Just way too much of a risk. The meds keep the monster dormant, but it wakes up every now and again.
I really would like to continue this conversation without the peanut gallery. The ding dongs here know enough about me already. I tried to send a personal message but l guess you have to be a vendor in order for receive them. I tried sending you a email address l rarely use but l guess this website won't let me. If you or anyone reading this that knows how to send personal messages on this site please let me know. Thanx!
We're definitely farts coming from the same ass. I've been dealing with mental disorder(s) for the past 11 years. The most entertaining one has to be bipolar. I never add the word depression because it's only half of what makes bipolar such a joy to deal with. The manic part is just as bad, if not worse than the depression. I stop sleeping and eating for days at a time which isn't best part. That goes to the aggression part hands down. I become an atomic bomb just waiting for someone to try and defuse me. They set me off every time.
Throw on top of that generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and OCD and it makes for fun times for all. The Feds don't think l play well with others so they declared me permanently disabled. They definitely don't think l should own any type of firearms, although l do have an arsenal that's the envy of most third world countries. They should really worry about someone who has the same disorders, yet refuses to believe it and doesn't try to get help, like the dude from Florida who killed all those people in that nightclub. I realized something was wrong and it came to a head when l was awake for 19 days for absolutely no obvious reason, so l sought help. I don't have a criminal record as well, or any history of violence in my past, yet they think l'm the dangerous one. They're right in one aspect. I never leave my home when l'm in manic mode. Just way too much of a risk. The meds keep the monster dormant, but it wakes up every now and again.
I really would like to continue this conversation without the peanut gallery. The ding dongs here know enough about me already. I tried to send a personal message but l guess you have to be a vendor in order for receive them. I tried sending you a email address l rarely use but l guess this website won't let me. If you or anyone reading this that knows how to send personal messages on this site please let me know. Thanx!

Wow, yes, we've got a lot in common! I've been under the care of psychiatrists for longer than I care to figure out. I don't get manic states nearly as bad as you, depression, OCD, ADD, anxiety, and a sprinkling of psychosis. I mostly just see, and hear things that others don't. For the longest time I thought everyone was like that since I've been like that as long as I can remember. The feds don't seem to think I'm an issue... But how the hell I could hold a job anymore is a good question! Possibly because I'm too bitchy to listen to the voices either! I'm mostly harmless.
I tried to send you a message. I don't know if it worked. This website annoys the hell out of me sometimes, it's kind of like a puzzle.
I tried to send you a message. I don't know if it worked. This website annoys the hell out of me sometimes, it's kind of like a puzzle.

Sounds what's happening with my mother. She made arrangements 3 years ago, but only when it comes to being cremated. She still hasn't told us what to do with her ashes. I don't want to think about it.

A lot of Generals don't like him, and twice lately the Supreme Court has ruled against his wishes. He's doing his best though...it's just that personality disorder.

They want to label anti-facists as terrorists so the whole world should be genuinely worried and ready because this is the road the US has been on ever since WW2.
Oh and US media has just admitted they published lies and propaganda pushed by the US in order to pull off the coup in Bolivia last year (lol as if everyone didn't already know). This is the shit they do non-stop and make no mistake every single US media outlet (and most non-US ones) are under their full control.
Stay high, ride it out and praise the universe for placing you outside of America! Shits only going to get worse.
Oh and US media has just admitted they published lies and propaganda pushed by the US in order to pull off the coup in Bolivia last year (lol as if everyone didn't already know). This is the shit they do non-stop and make no mistake every single US media outlet (and most non-US ones) are under their full control.
Stay high, ride it out and praise the universe for placing you outside of America! Shits only going to get worse.

The Coup would be against Trump not for.... I can see a military Coup happening in the States as let’s face it they’re far from united anymore, democracy doesn’t work in a country that size with massive difference in views and feelings, it works in Russia and China as they have no choice but I feel the end of the USA is only a matter of time personally.

The downvotes only show how out of touch some Americans are, brainwashed sheep most of them.... but clearly the States are still United look at the news, pure bliss and harmony over there lol.

I have this lawyer friend in the states and every time we talk he says something about trump or state of politics in general. I'll tell him to stop being so wet and it won't happen.. then it does. every time. This went on for a few years. I tired of being wrong and decided to just listen to what he says, nod and take it as a given. So heres the scoop.. Trumps off his nut. Americas fucked. We're all fucked. Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger. see you all in hell. It's been fun.
On a more serious note. The media on both sides of the divide are a fuckfest pardon my french. And no. the guy on youtube or nutball ranting on Facebook is not a suitable replacement. Look into things for yourself, look up the sources and data, and assume every person of poweris out to lie and fuck you. If you're to lazy for that (don't blame you) follow that Andrew Neil guy on Twitter..he does it well.
On a more serious note. The media on both sides of the divide are a fuckfest pardon my french. And no. the guy on youtube or nutball ranting on Facebook is not a suitable replacement. Look into things for yourself, look up the sources and data, and assume every person of poweris out to lie and fuck you. If you're to lazy for that (don't blame you) follow that Andrew Neil guy on Twitter..he does it well.

Politics is theatre. If people think Trump is bad they should really take a better look into the alternative...
When so much time, money and effort is put into stopping one person more attention should be payed to asking 'why?'. Furthermore, if he's so bad and incompetent, the evidence so damning and given the amount of resources put into taking him down, why's he still there? What is the conclusion to be drawn?
That whole Dem/media-driven Blasey-Ford thing was so dodgy, the attacks on Kavanagh so awful (innocent until proven guilty?). No tangible evidence whatsoever. What kind of way to behave was that? Why must all women be believed, except Tara Reade? Only Ilhan Omar and Rose McGowan have been consistent.
What was with Elizabeth Warren claiming she was Native American? Yet tests proved she is not.
Nancy Pelosi withholding relief funds from those denied paycheques unless her non C-19 demands are met.
Trump is made out to be a white supremacist by the party of slavery whose candidate says "you ain't black" if you don't vote for him.
Bidens/Burisma. This is one example of how taxes are used and not to benefit the taxpayer.
How is it that China has got away with stealing so much IP, embedding surveillance into servers built in China, creating man-made islands to expand their territory, no concern for the environment, Uiygers (slavery), living organ donors, exporting C-19 whilst closing off Wuhan from the rest of China, etc., etc.? Why have all but Trump turned a blind eye and a deaf ear?
Globalism is bad shit, the worst thing that could happen. The trajectory we were on was toward a China-led World Government. With globalism there is no alternative, there is no purer form of totalitarianism. That's the real coup (d'etat) and should scare any normal citizen to the very core of their being.
The fact that Democrats and many Republicans don't like Trump is a positive for me. He's tackling the things that others just take the money and turn a blind eye to, and he's taking all the shit in the world for doing so.
Every news piece about anything these days is an opinion piece, rather than a collation of facts and sources that allow the reader/viewer to draw their own conclusion.
When so much time, money and effort is put into stopping one person more attention should be payed to asking 'why?'. Furthermore, if he's so bad and incompetent, the evidence so damning and given the amount of resources put into taking him down, why's he still there? What is the conclusion to be drawn?
That whole Dem/media-driven Blasey-Ford thing was so dodgy, the attacks on Kavanagh so awful (innocent until proven guilty?). No tangible evidence whatsoever. What kind of way to behave was that? Why must all women be believed, except Tara Reade? Only Ilhan Omar and Rose McGowan have been consistent.
What was with Elizabeth Warren claiming she was Native American? Yet tests proved she is not.
Nancy Pelosi withholding relief funds from those denied paycheques unless her non C-19 demands are met.
Trump is made out to be a white supremacist by the party of slavery whose candidate says "you ain't black" if you don't vote for him.
Bidens/Burisma. This is one example of how taxes are used and not to benefit the taxpayer.
How is it that China has got away with stealing so much IP, embedding surveillance into servers built in China, creating man-made islands to expand their territory, no concern for the environment, Uiygers (slavery), living organ donors, exporting C-19 whilst closing off Wuhan from the rest of China, etc., etc.? Why have all but Trump turned a blind eye and a deaf ear?
Globalism is bad shit, the worst thing that could happen. The trajectory we were on was toward a China-led World Government. With globalism there is no alternative, there is no purer form of totalitarianism. That's the real coup (d'etat) and should scare any normal citizen to the very core of their being.
The fact that Democrats and many Republicans don't like Trump is a positive for me. He's tackling the things that others just take the money and turn a blind eye to, and he's taking all the shit in the world for doing so.
Every news piece about anything these days is an opinion piece, rather than a collation of facts and sources that allow the reader/viewer to draw their own conclusion.

Globalism is very simply evolution, it will happen with or without nations, if they would step aside we might even a have a chance at planetarianism.

First we have to make it through our 'adolescence'...the overly emotional, egocentric phase of our evolution, then maybe other Intelligences will take interest in us. I think our prefrontal cortex needs to grow a bit more...just a thought...

agreed except that cortex is going bye bye. other intelligence will have a machine to machine conversation imho.

Pah, compare that to USA’s complete domination in the twentieth century after the old European empires fell during the world wars. Everything was built to America until about ten years ago. Even now the US dominates the internet and culture whilst nuclear warheads remained locked on allies and enemies alike. China isn’t Jesus, Christ the Han Chinese need to be taken down a peg or two but it’s their turn, we’ve had it already. Fight if you want but don’t become China’s Iraq, they’ll shit high explosives over you for the next 30 years.

if he can create enough chaos he can bring in the military but i dont think they would be loyal to him

Yes, the Pentagon is already watching social media activity of anti-Trump protestors.

So if you wanna know what’s going on in America without getting the lies they are showing you on mainstream media, go check out MrAndyNgo on twitter. My man is showing what’s really happening, he’s definitely going to get journalist of the year.
Unpopular opinion, but the sooner you learn it the better. Trump is actually the good guy. The Democrats are not, if you are watching the mainstream media even here in europe they are sugar-coating the atrocities happening.
There is no Gestapo police, or Trumps secret police. They are just undercover police arresting people that are committing crimes. Everyone acting like undercover feds haven’t existed since the dawn of feds. The reason they are undercover is because AntiFa and BLM are looking up badge numbers so they can harass police and their families members, and in some cases threatening their lives. If they hadn’t been rioting for 61 days straight in Portland, Trump would not have had to send Department of Homeland Security.
It’s basically a race war over there thanks to the progressive retards who think they know everything. Going on 1619 project and White Fragility as their bible, it’s all BS. There’s no such thing as White Fragility, period. Uncle Bens isn’t racist, the countryside isn’t racist and the systemic racism they exacerbate does not exist.
Unpopular opinion, but the sooner you learn it the better. Trump is actually the good guy. The Democrats are not, if you are watching the mainstream media even here in europe they are sugar-coating the atrocities happening.
There is no Gestapo police, or Trumps secret police. They are just undercover police arresting people that are committing crimes. Everyone acting like undercover feds haven’t existed since the dawn of feds. The reason they are undercover is because AntiFa and BLM are looking up badge numbers so they can harass police and their families members, and in some cases threatening their lives. If they hadn’t been rioting for 61 days straight in Portland, Trump would not have had to send Department of Homeland Security.
It’s basically a race war over there thanks to the progressive retards who think they know everything. Going on 1619 project and White Fragility as their bible, it’s all BS. There’s no such thing as White Fragility, period. Uncle Bens isn’t racist, the countryside isn’t racist and the systemic racism they exacerbate does not exist.

I just checked out MrAndyNgo. He won't be winning any journalism awards any time soon. He works for a The Post Millenial, a right-wing Canadian news site which has in the past had links to Russia and White Nationalist groups (a former senior Editor was found to be a white nationalist).
MrAndyNgo's Twitter account doesn't appear to have any journalistic substance either. He recently said "If Donald Trump wins re-election in November, Americans will experience a wave of mass left-wing violence, rioting and looting much worse than what we've already experienced so far." That sounds like an opinion to me... also based on nothing at all. He then reweeted that Tweet for some reason.
He shows videos, calling everyone in them 'Antifa' despite zero visual or audio evidence. There's another showing people getting pushed around the other day being told to leave the area. Those people are clearly shouting "go away Nazi". He presents them as Antifa beating up random people in the street. Where's the evidence for any of that!? There's no suggestion that Antifa is there, or that the people being assaulted are completely innocent. They could just as easily have been White Nationalists screaming at the protesters... but i'm not going to say that's what they are because I don't know and neither does this jackass MrAndyNgo.
PLEASE think critically. Why am I being shown this? What are they saying it shows? What I'm I ACTUALLY seeing be shown? What happened before the camera started rolling, and after it stopped?
Edit: Check out this VOX article about Andy Ngo and Antifa... it really is a very well balanced summary of the situation. If you think you're being (or trying to be) manipulated by the "MSM", then just remember to think critically, and also just because a news source isn't "MSM" it doesn't mean they aren't trying to manipulate you too!
MrAndyNgo's Twitter account doesn't appear to have any journalistic substance either. He recently said "If Donald Trump wins re-election in November, Americans will experience a wave of mass left-wing violence, rioting and looting much worse than what we've already experienced so far." That sounds like an opinion to me... also based on nothing at all. He then reweeted that Tweet for some reason.
He shows videos, calling everyone in them 'Antifa' despite zero visual or audio evidence. There's another showing people getting pushed around the other day being told to leave the area. Those people are clearly shouting "go away Nazi". He presents them as Antifa beating up random people in the street. Where's the evidence for any of that!? There's no suggestion that Antifa is there, or that the people being assaulted are completely innocent. They could just as easily have been White Nationalists screaming at the protesters... but i'm not going to say that's what they are because I don't know and neither does this jackass MrAndyNgo.
PLEASE think critically. Why am I being shown this? What are they saying it shows? What I'm I ACTUALLY seeing be shown? What happened before the camera started rolling, and after it stopped?
Edit: Check out this VOX article about Andy Ngo and Antifa... it really is a very well balanced summary of the situation. If you think you're being (or trying to be) manipulated by the "MSM", then just remember to think critically, and also just because a news source isn't "MSM" it doesn't mean they aren't trying to manipulate you too!

Your admonition to "think critically" is irony of the highest order. I don't think you're all that clear on what critical thinking is, frankly... You offered nothing but unwarranted opinion colored by your Left-wing bias. But thanks anyway for the effort.

I don’t entirely trust any media outlet, it doesn’t mean there’s a ‘deep state’, and it doesn’t mean that democrats ran a peadophile ring through a pizza shop. It definitely doesn’t mean that the whole of Portland is filled with Antifa and there’s no such thing as a peaceful protester.
If I can admit to being biased, can you? If so that puts us on a similar footing.
If I can admit to being biased, can you? If so that puts us on a similar footing.

Did you read it though? THAT is journalism. Presentation of the facts, both side’s view without judgement.
So you think I was making sense before I brought Vox into it? If you can’t find another news source which you will believe that doesn’t, at least a little bit, criticise some of Ngo’s actions (even if it supports them overall) then it’s probably not trustworthy.
Propaganda works in all directions. If someone is telling you to listen to them because they aren’t the propaganda machine, then they probably want to give you THEIR propaganda.
So you think I was making sense before I brought Vox into it? If you can’t find another news source which you will believe that doesn’t, at least a little bit, criticise some of Ngo’s actions (even if it supports them overall) then it’s probably not trustworthy.
Propaganda works in all directions. If someone is telling you to listen to them because they aren’t the propaganda machine, then they probably want to give you THEIR propaganda.

This is hugely wrong and reactionary and excuse me, but you’re a fucking dangerous moron and should take to something safer like crochet or silly putty.

whatever point you make is lost to ad hominem attack. don't be hating and youll be easier to hear comrade.

1 post
+4 votes

dats my boy
1 post
+2 votes

Revealed: How North Korea Laundered $100 Million of Stolen Crypto
started topic

Revealed: How North Korea Laundered $100 Million of Stolen Crypto
1 post
+5.2 votes

god's connect rap visualisations
started topic
1 post
+2 votes

For those precision dabs!
keep it up youre going to be the first bigga with a neural linked app

For those precision dabs!

I made this up using an app called MultiTimer: Multiple Timers. I’ve customised heating and cooling times so you start it off as you begin heating and it’ll sound when it’s time to stop heating and again when it’s time to dab. It certainly does the job, at least until I can afford an electric nail!

1 post
+7 votes
I’m Finished Smoking Weed
You might think this is the last place to be a support group for quitting weed but I think why shouldn't it be the best?
Just like everyone needs to…

I’m Finished Smoking Weed
Hey everyone, not sure if anyone is going to read this or will even see it, but I’m done smoking weed or using it in any form. It’s just a choice I’ve made as of today. Maybe I’ll have a smoke or two in the future but that’s about it. The last bit of weed I’ve got left is some Jungle Cake and I’m definitely finishing it before I give up but then that’s it. I’ll still be staying active on LittleBiggy for anyone that needs me or needs any answers for queries or so. I hope everyone does well here and I appreciate all the vendors’ stuff I’ve bought, whether I liked it or not. Thank you, you’re all doing a great job here especially with the community we’ve created. I hope to buy a few products again in the future, I just noticed that I’m constantly smoking and it ain’t getting me anywhere so I’m stopping that as of today, but trust me that doesn’t mean I’m leaving LB, as it’s a great little place. I love it here and I hope it never goes!

You might think this is the last place to be a support group for quitting weed but I think why shouldn't it be the best?
Just like everyone needs to try weed I think everyone needs to quit too. And come back maybe :) Or not, it depends on the person and the circumstances.
I do know that weed dependency is depressing in most cases and very hard to manage without the clean binary of cold turkey, a bird I know very intimately.
So please come back here (not to the fucking items page) and maybe some of us can help/learn or laugh.
Just like everyone needs to try weed I think everyone needs to quit too. And come back maybe :) Or not, it depends on the person and the circumstances.
I do know that weed dependency is depressing in most cases and very hard to manage without the clean binary of cold turkey, a bird I know very intimately.
So please come back here (not to the fucking items page) and maybe some of us can help/learn or laugh.

I'm not going to be leaving LB, that for definite, i love it here. But in terms of looking at the 'items' page i think you're right. Even without the products here it's the best community I've ever come across for weed enthusiasts or just in general really. Maybe i should just keep my eye's on the 'topics' page and help out everyone like i have been, but it's gonna be hard not to look at all the beautiful products on here.

Good luck, we reccomend supplementing with cbd buds which will help eleminate the craving.
These guys are awesome.
These guys are awesome.

Nah man, I was thinking about that, but I think I’m going to just cut all of it out tbh bro. I used to smoke CBD bud before I found LB and it was great for me, but now I just wanna stop overall.

Thanks man, appreciate it, I hope everything pans out like I expect and I hope everything goes well here with LB!

I hope you find what your looking for. I get a lot of what you've been saying and what has been said here. Everyone's journey is different, just try and enjoy the ride, it's what you'll look back on. See you around here.

you have it to do pal.ive been smoking weed in one form or another for 40 years.i always have a break for a couple of months out of the year.but when you come back the first j or whatever is soooo good.like your first ever smoke.without the whitey.

Yeah I've always taken t-breaks, sometimes it's harder than you expect it to be, the longest I've stopped for was about a month, but now i think i'm going to try and take a long break until Christmas. If i cave, then the vendors that i usually by off will probably notice due to me putting an order in, but i'm going to make sure i don't until Christmas. It's worked well for me in terms of alcohol, i only drink now at Christmas and that's it, so i guess i'll see how everything goes.

Good luck, blackdragon00. Everything in moderation, including moderation itself. Cannabis use does indeed require balance and discipline. Both can be very difficult.

Thanks man, i noticed i was going a bit too far with cannabis, smoking it all the time and i just noticed why am i way wasting my life just smoking weed when i'm bored and got fuck all else to do and then i realized that was a problem, so i'm glad i stopped when i could and yeah the discipline part is probably the hardest aspect of using cannabis altogether really. I'm just hoping i can be more productive in the future and get shit done without it holding me back. Although, it's a great drug and helped many people, but i personally think it's gotten to point for me where I've acknowledged that i should stop altogether really. I mean i done the same with alcohol and tobacco, so why not cannabis too.

Hey BD. Just checking in. Is all well? How is your plan going? If you've fallen off the wagon a few times, just get back on. Keep it up till Xmas. Good luck.

Unfortunately last night I caved and bought 7gs, but I’m definitely going to try and limit myself to smoking at the weekend only or follow the plan that ‘The Tree Shop’ stated as it is seems like a very good one. I’ll let you know how it all goes mate.

Hi, Random stranger on the internet here!
I managed to cut it down to weekends only (probably for a couple of years now), just wanted to let you know I wish I'd done it sooner. Used to consume crazy amounts constantly, and now I enjoy it so much more having cut right back to weekends/very special occasions (beware of creating loads of special occasions to give yourself an excuse, as we all do at first).
It becomes so easy and you will feel so much better.
Good luck man!
I managed to cut it down to weekends only (probably for a couple of years now), just wanted to let you know I wish I'd done it sooner. Used to consume crazy amounts constantly, and now I enjoy it so much more having cut right back to weekends/very special occasions (beware of creating loads of special occasions to give yourself an excuse, as we all do at first).
It becomes so easy and you will feel so much better.
Good luck man!

Thanks man and yeah I get what you’re saying I always end up giving myself bullshit excuses just to have a smoke but recently I have actually managed to only smoke every other day and it seems as if I’m doing better in regards to being disciplined but I haven’t even stepped foot in that regard as of yet. I’m hoping to make it weekends only very soon as I feel as if I don’t need it as much and who knows maybe I’ll only be smoking once a month, but I have my doubts :/

You'll get there, don't worry. I don't know how old you are, but it took me a very long time to get to moderation - sounds like you're doing just fine.

OK. No problem. All is not lost. Have you ever considered those timer lock boxes? That may help with discipline. The only risk I see, is that when the timer ticks over and the lock box opens, you may start bingeing. Generally, though, this might be a way to go if you want to smoke only once a week?
(Opaque designs can be ordered too.)
(Opaque designs can be ordered too.)

Woah, I’ve never seen that before, seems very interesting, could be just the thing I need. I had a look and it seems as if all the products are sold out, I’ll have a look on Amazon or another site later on during the day, could help me break a lot of my bad habits and yeah the fact that I might binge is definitely a possibility but I’ll make sure I only have 1 joint per week. Thanks, really appreciate it.

Here's an alternative that's in stock, but it is far more expensive than kitchensafe. I'll keep looking into it.

Yup. You're right. Sold out, if ordering from the UK. Plenty in stock if you're in the US. I'm thinking of ordering one myself, but am also UK based. If I find an alternative source on this side of the Pond, I will let you know. Keep looking.

Yh I’m UK, I’ll try having a look at some other places I know or find an alternative with the same design, but thanks for looking out man.

I just sent a message to their HQ in the San Francisco Bay Area. They'll be opening up in about 3-4 hours.
I asked about UK stock, or options to send their US stock to the UK. Also asked about pre-order options, etc. I reckon they're having an issue with their UK wholesaler atm. Very small startup, it seems.
Based on my personal experience with Californians however, most are very forward thinking and very earnest with regard to providing great customer service. I have a feeling that we can get a couple over here if we really want them. Will let you know what I find.
I asked about UK stock, or options to send their US stock to the UK. Also asked about pre-order options, etc. I reckon they're having an issue with their UK wholesaler atm. Very small startup, it seems.
Based on my personal experience with Californians however, most are very forward thinking and very earnest with regard to providing great customer service. I have a feeling that we can get a couple over here if we really want them. Will let you know what I find.

Here's what their tech support guy in SF said:
"I am sorry for the issue. We have inventory arriving in the UK now. If you order now, it is expected to ship out in about 2 weeks.
We do not ship to Europe from the USA as shipping one unit at a time is very expensive.
I recommend you pre-order and then your order will go out as soon as restocked. "
"I am sorry for the issue. We have inventory arriving in the UK now. If you order now, it is expected to ship out in about 2 weeks.
We do not ship to Europe from the USA as shipping one unit at a time is very expensive.
I recommend you pre-order and then your order will go out as soon as restocked. "

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

Fitting would probably be the best word :) and yeah it has made for a good farewell! :D

We were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Robinson buckler, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Robinson buckler, and i advice if you need his help too Email:_____________________________{{ Robinsonbuckler@hotmail. com }}

1 post
+1 votes
Best Shatter Option UK
Good Is Weed has branded medical shatter from Canada.

Best Shatter Option UK
I see a few here domestic and international but wondering what my UK biggaz have to say.....

Got some Cali import medical grade Blueberry shatter right here buddy. Only £60 a g.

Gots come absolute power Blueberry cali import shatter. Will upload to my shop today :D

Hi. We have proper medical grade shatter for sale. Its back in stock in the next day or 2. Thanks.

CapnCrunch sends good directly stuff from Canada not as branded as this apparently but I recommend it.

1 post
+3 votes
Harvey Weinstein For President
Boy can't even hang.

Harvey Weinstein For President

Finally a liberal that's got what it takes, the Dems have found their boy

bigg topics