I would like to start by saying that I am in no way taking credit for this recommendation as this is a recommendation of a recommendation.
On quite a few threads I have recommended this to people and thought that I would just post this topic. So I can give my full opinion, that's all this is my opinion.
Dead Rabb1t recommended it and pollypuff20 kicked the fucking door wide open to the wonders of concentrates and for that I sultue you both!
I have posted a link to a you tube video that will explain the King far better than I could.
What I will add is my own experience with it.
I can see the purest among us eyes rolling right now lol. Of course there are probably better and more expensive dab devices but I can only comment on what I have used.
As a beginner to concentrates, this has been a game changer by far.
Coil King AIO (Awesome Indulgence Occasionally) Only because of the way I use it.
In all honesty if I had seen this on the site I probably would have scrolled past it due to the price. At present £26 from recommended vape supplies.
Link below (and no I'm not on commission lol)
So when I first started using LB I had no idea what most of the concentrate shit was never mind how to fucking use it, as am an old git and was stuck in my ways. With only eyes for the beloved flower!
Over the past year I have been looking at and using cannabis in ways that I would not have if I did not get introduced to the wonders of LB if it was not for my science weed mate.
Another salute to him.
I'm not sure if I'm alone on this but I prefer to use different devices for different gear.
Dyna for weed / hash but with a different tip for the hash
AIO for concentrates
I tried dabs a few times at my science weed mates, Did I enjoy it, fucking right I did, but like others I have spoken to. My problem is the rig and everything that is needed to dab. Bangers, terp pills, getting the right temp, the cleaning ect ect. I am too lazy for all that. Plus I have kids and as such can't have nice things kicking about but if I'm honest I did not have the confidence or funds to drop that amount of coin. On what I thought I needed. Product and glass.
So I started using this and was super surprised at how it compared to a full rig. Is a rig better? Of course but in my opinion this is not far from the mark.
Its fucking awesome
Easy to maintain
Easy to use
The gear I've tried has been excellent
Portable (I have a 21st this weekend and I don't drink. Family party's are brutal add in that I don't drink. So this is top of the pops for it and a cheeky cart of course)
I use it as a session device. When using a dab rig. You have to smash the full dab in a few go's or go if you have the lungs to do it. With this I can have a few hits. Put it down and go back to it. Probably not the best use of it but it's how I use it. As such a little go's a long way for me. I'm quite disciplined on how I use it and use about a gram a month if that. To some that will be minimal but I will go into that below.
So this little device has let me sample the following which I would have never done unless I was at my mates gaff previously. FYI I did not purchase all of the below but we all have stoner mates that we trade and swap gear but most importantly. Help a bigga out when times are tough or been let down.
As such no review on the products just what I have used in the AIO
Northern lights shatter
Super silver haze crumble
Honeycomb concentrate
All of the above worked well but some were easier than others to handle
The fucking drain on by bank balance. Just look at the wonder wall. This shit is far from cheap. One reason why I have minimal use (About once a week)
It will fuck with your tolerance (I have seen mates dab so much that they lose interest in flower completly because it's not hitting the highs dabbs bring) second reason.
All in all if you are on the fence or not confident with concentrates like I was then this bad bot is for you.
As always if anyone has any other recommendations or advice please comment.
Knowledge is power lol